r75576 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r75575‎ | r75576 | r75577 >
Date:20:24, 27 October 2010
added missing client / server iframe api javascript
Modified paths:
  • /branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiClient.js (added) (history)
  • /branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiServer.js (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiClient.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
 3+* iFrame api mapping support
 5+* Client side ( binds a given iFrames to expose the player api )
 8+// Add the jQuery binding
 9+( function( $ ) {
 10+ $.fn.iFramePlayer = function( options ){
 12+ var iframe = $(this.selector).get(0);
 13+ var cat = new mw.IFramePlayerApiClient( iframe, options );
 14+ };
 16+} )( jQuery );
 18+mw.IFramePlayerApiClient = function( iframe, options ){
 19+ return this.init( iframe , options);
 21+mw.IFramePlayerApiClient.prototype = {
 22+ exportedMethods: [
 23+ 'play',
 24+ 'pause'
 25+ ],
 26+ exportedBindings: [
 27+ 'ended'
 28+ ],
 29+ init: function( iframe , options ){
 30+ this.iframe = iframe;
 31+ if( !options.targetOrigin ){
 32+ mw.log("Error: IFramePlayerApiClient please supply a target origin");
 33+ return ;
 34+ } else {
 35+ this.targetOrigin = options.targetOrigin;
 36+ }
 37+ this.addPlayerApi();
 38+ },
 39+ addPlayerApi: function(){
 40+ var _this = this;
 41+ $j.each( this.exportedMethods, function(na, method){
 42+ _this.iframe[ method ] = function(){
 43+ _this.postMethod( method, arguments );
 44+ };
 45+ });
 46+ },
 47+ postMethod: function( method , args){
 48+ mw.log("IFramePlayer:: Post method: '" + method + "' with " + args.length + " arguments");
 49+ var methodMsg = {
 50+ 'method' : method
 51+ };
 52+ this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify( methodMsg ), this.targetOrigin );
 53+ }
Property changes on: branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiClient.js
Added: svn:mime-type
155 + text/plain
Index: branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiServer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
 3+* iFrame api mapping support
 5+* enables player api to be accesses cross domain as
 6+* if the video element was in page dom
 8+* native support in:
 9+* * Internet Explorer 8.0+
 10+* * Firefox 3.0+
 11+* * Safari 4.0+
 12+* * Google Chrome 1.0+
 13+* * Opera 9.5+
 15+* fallback iframe cross domain hack will target IE6/7
 17+// Bind ourself to newEmbedPlayers:
 18+$j( mw ).bind( 'newEmbedPlayerEvent', function( event, embedPlayer ) {
 19+ embedPlayer['iFrameServer'] = new mw.IFramePlayerApiServer( embedPlayer )
 23+mw.IFramePlayerApiServer = function( embedPlayer ){
 24+ this.init( embedPlayer );
 27+mw.IFramePlayerApiServer.prototype = {
 29+ init: function( embedPlayer ){
 30+ this.embedPlayer = embedPlayer;
 31+ this.addIframeListener();
 32+ },
 34+ addIframeListener: function(){
 35+ var _this = this;
 36+ if (window.addEventListener) {
 37+ // For standards-compliant web browsers
 38+ window.addEventListener("message", function(event){
 39+ _this.hanldeMsg( event )
 40+ }, false);
 41+ } else {
 42+ window.attachEvent("onmessage", function(event){
 43+ _this.hanldeMsg( event )
 44+ });
 45+ }
 46+ },
 47+ hanldeMsg: function( event ){
 48+ // Check if the server should even be enabled
 49+ if( !mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnalbeIFramePlayerServer' )){
 50+ return false;
 51+ }
 53+ if( !this.eventDomainCheck( event.origin ) ){
 54+ mw.log( 'Error: ' + event.origin + ' domain origin not allowed to send player events');
 55+ return false;
 56+ }
 58+ // Decode the message
 59+ msgObject = JSON.parse( event.data );
 60+ if( msgObject.method ){
 61+ // Deal with variadic argument set:
 62+ var argString = '';
 63+ for( var i=0;i < msgObject.args; i++){
 64+ argString += ', msgObject.args[i]';
 65+ }
 66+ eval( 'this.embedPlayer.' + msgObject.method + '(' + argString + ')' );
 67+ }
 68+ },
 69+ eventDomainCheck: function( origin ){
 70+ if( mw.getConfig( 'EmbedPLayer.IFramePlayer.DomainWhiteList' ) ){
 71+ // NOTE this is very similar to the apiProxy function:
 72+ var domainWhiteList = mw.getConfig('EmbedPLayer.IFramePlayer.DomainWhiteList');
 73+ if( domainWhiteList == '*' ){
 74+ // The default very permissive state
 75+ return true;
 76+ }
 77+ // @@FIXME we should also check protocol to avoid
 78+ // http to https escalation
 79+ var originDomain = mw.parseUri( origin ).host;
 81+ // Check the domains:
 82+ for ( var i =0; i < domainWhiteList.length; i++ ) {
 83+ whiteDomain = domainWhiteList[i];
 84+ // Check if domain check is a RegEx:
 85+ if( typeof whiteDomain == 'object' ){
 86+ if( originDomain.match( whiteDomain ) ) {
 87+ return true;
 88+ }
 89+ } else {
 90+ if( originDomain == whiteDomain ){
 91+ return true;
 92+ }
 93+ }
 94+ }
 95+ }
 96+ // If no passing domain was found return false
 97+ return false;
 98+ }
Property changes on: branches/MwEmbedStandAlone/modules/EmbedPlayer/mw.IFramePlayerApiServer.js
Added: svn:mime-type
1101 + text/plain

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