r74130 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r74129‎ | r74130 | r74131 >
Date:07:39, 2 October 2010
Uncommented some used options; added the possibility to define $wgScriptPath
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/includes/installer/CliInstaller.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/maintenance/install.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/maintenance/install.php
@@ -30,20 +30,23 @@
3232 $this->addArg( 'name', 'The name of the wiki', true);
34 - $this->addArg( 'admin', 'The username of the wiki administrator (WikiSysop)', true);
35 - $this->addOption( 'pass', 'The password for the wiki administrator. You will be prompted for this if it isn\'t provided', false, true);
36 - $this->addOption( 'email', 'The email for the wiki administrator', false, true);
 34+ $this->addArg( 'admin', 'The username of the wiki administrator (WikiSysop)', true );
 35+ $this->addOption( 'pass', 'The password for the wiki administrator. You will be prompted for this if it isn\'t provided', false, true );
 36+ $this->addOption( 'email', 'The email for the wiki administrator', false, true );
 37+ $this->addOption( 'scriptpath', 'The relative path of the wiki in the web server (/wiki)', false, true );
3839 $this->addOption( 'lang', 'The language to use (en)', false, true );
3940 /* $this->addOption( 'cont-lang', 'The content language (en)', false, true ); */
4142 $this->addOption( 'dbtype', 'The type of database (mysql)', false, true );
42 - /* $this->addOption( 'dbhost', 'The database host (localhost)', false, true ); */
43 - /* $this->addOption( 'dbport', 'The database port (3306 for mysql, 5432 for pg)', false, true ); */
 43+ $this->addOption( 'dbserver', 'The database host (localhost)', false, true );
 44+ $this->addOption( 'dbport', 'The database port; only for PostgreSQL (5432)', false, true );
4445 $this->addOption( 'dbname', 'The database name (my_wiki)', false, true );
4546 $this->addOption( 'dbpath', 'The path for the SQLite DB (/var/data)', false, true );
4647 $this->addOption( 'installdbuser', 'The user to use for installing (root)', false, true );
4748 $this->addOption( 'installdbpass', 'The pasword for the DB user to install as.', false, true );
 49+ $this->addOption( 'dbuser', 'The user to use for normal operations (wikiuser)', false, true );
 50+ $this->addOption( 'dbpass', 'The pasword for the DB user for normal operations', false, true );
4851 /* $this->addOption( 'dbschema', 'The schema for the MediaWiki DB in pg (mediawiki)', false, true ); */
4952 /* $this->addOption( 'dbtsearch2schema', 'The schema for the tsearch2 DB in pg (public)', false, true ); */
5053 /* $this->addOption( 'namespace', 'The project namespace (same as the name)', false, true ); */
Index: trunk/phase3/includes/installer/CliInstaller.php
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
3232 'dbschema' => 'wgDBmwschema',
3333 'dbts2schema' => 'wgDBts2schema',
3434 'dbpath' => 'wgSQLiteDataDir',
 35+ 'scriptpath' => 'wgScriptPath',
3536 );
3738 /**

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