r72933 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r72932‎ | r72933 | r72934 >
Date:21:15, 13 September 2010
Removed comment that's no longer relevant
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/includes/ResourceLoader.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/includes/ResourceLoader.php
@@ -22,44 +22,6 @@
2424 /**
2525 * Dynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system
26 - *
27 - * @example
28 - * // Registers a module with the resource loading system
29 - * ResourceLoader::register( 'foo', array(
30 - * // Script or list of scripts to include when implementating the module (required)
31 - * 'script' => 'resources/foo/foo.js',
32 - * // List of scripts or lists of scripts to include based on the current language
33 - * 'locales' => array(
34 - * 'en-gb' => 'resources/foo/locales/en-gb.js',
35 - * ),
36 - * // Script or list of scripts to include only when in debug mode
37 - * 'debug' => 'resources/foo/debug.js',
38 - * // If this module is going to be loaded before the mediawiki module is ready such as jquery or the mediawiki
39 - * // module itself, it can be included without special loader wrapping - this will also limit the module to not be
40 - * // able to specify needs, custom loaders, styles, themes or messages (any of the options below) - raw scripts
41 - * // get registered as 'ready' after the mediawiki module is ready, so they can be named as dependencies
42 - * 'raw' => false,
43 - * // Modules or list of modules which are needed and should be used when generating loader code
44 - * 'needs' => 'resources/foo/foo.js',
45 - * // Script or list of scripts which will cause loader code to not be generated - if you are doing something fancy
46 - * // with your dependencies this gives you a way to use custom registration code
47 - * 'loader' => 'resources/foo/loader.js',
48 - * // Style-sheets or list of style-sheets to include
49 - * 'style' => 'resources/foo/foo.css',
50 - * // List of style-sheets or lists of style-sheets to include based on the skin - if no match is found for current
51 - * // skin, 'default' is used - if default doesn't exist nothing is added
52 - * 'themes' => array(
53 - * 'default' => 'resources/foo/themes/default/foo.css',
54 - * 'vector' => 'resources/foo/themes/vector.foo.css',
55 - * ),
56 - * // List of keys of messages to include
57 - * 'messages' => array( 'foo-hello', 'foo-goodbye' ),
58 - * // Subclass of ResourceLoaderModule to use for custom modules
59 - * 'class' => 'ResourceLoaderSiteJSModule',
60 - * ) );
61 - * @example
62 - * // Responds to a resource loading request
63 - * ResourceLoader::respond( $wgRequest, $wgServer . wfScript( 'load' ) );
6426 */
6527 class ResourceLoader {
6628 /* Protected Static Members */

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