r67096 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r67095‎ | r67096 | r67097 >
Date:18:09, 30 May 2010
=Moving RPEDIRCBot.php into the tools directory
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/tools/wikibot/RPEDIRCBot.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/tools/wikibot/RPEDIRCBot.php
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
 3+# RPEDIRC.php by Tisane, http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Tisane
 5+# This script is free software that is available under the terms of the Creative Commons
 6+# Attribution 3.0 license and the current version of the GNU General Public License.
 8+# The purpose of this script is to get the titles of all new, moved, deleted and restored
 9+# pages from #en.wikipedia and add/delete them from the rped_table.
 11+error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 13+include 'wikibot.classes.php'; /* The wikipedia classes. */
 15+$bot = $argv[1];
 16+$wiki = $argv[2];
 17+if ( !isset( $argv[3] ) || $argv[3] != "nodaemon" ){
 18+ $daemonize = true;
 21+$wpapi = new wikipediaapi ( '', '', '', $bot, $wiki, true );
 22+$wpq = new wikipediaquery ( '', '', '', $bot, $wiki, true );
 23+$wpi = new wikipediaindex ( '', '', '', $bot, $wiki, true );
 24+$user = getWikibotSetting( 'user', $bot, $wiki );
 25+$pass = getWikibotSetting( 'pass', $bot, $wiki );
 26+$host = getWikibotSetting( 'host', $bot, $wiki );
 27+$port = getWikibotSetting( 'port', $bot, $wiki );
 28+$nick = getWikibotSetting( 'nick', $bot, $wiki );
 29+$ident = getWikibotSetting( 'ident', $bot, $wiki );
 30+$realname = getWikibotSetting( 'realname', $bot, $wiki );
 31+$chan = getWikibotSetting( 'chan', $bot, $wiki );
 32+$deleteLine = getWikibotSetting( 'deleteline', $bot, $wiki );
 33+$moveLine = getWikibotSetting( 'moveline', $bot, $wiki );
 34+$deletedWord = getWikibotSetting( 'deletedword', $bot, $wiki );
 35+$newCharacter = getWikibotSetting( 'thenewcharacter', $bot, $wiki );
 37+if ( $wpapi->login( $user, $pass ) != 'true' ) {
 38+ echo "Login failure\n";
 39+ die();
 42+$readbuffer = "";
 43+$startSep = "[[";
 44+$endSep = "]]";
 46+// open a socket connection to the IRC server
 47+$fp = fsockopen( $host, $port, $erno, $errstr, 30 );
 49+// print the error if there is no connection
 50+if ( !$fp ) {
 51+ echo $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")<br />\n";
 52+ die();
 55+// write data through the socket to join the channel
 56+fwrite( $fp, "NICK " . $nick . "\r\n" );
 57+fwrite( $fp, "USER " . $ident . " " . $host . " bla :" . $realname . "\r\n" );
 58+fwrite( $fp, "JOIN :" . $chan . "\r\n" );
 60+# Launch daemon!
 61+if ( isset( $daemonize ) ) {
 63+ $pid = pcntl_fork(); // fork
 64+ if ( $pid < 0 ) {
 65+ exit;
 66+ }
 67+ else if ( $pid ){ // parent
 68+ exit;
 69+ }
 70+ // child
 71+ $sid = posix_setsid();
 72+ if ( $sid < 0 ) {
 73+ exit;
 74+ }
 77+while ( !feof( $fp ) ) {
 78+ $line = fgets( $fp, 512 );
 79+ $pingLine = explode( ' ', $line );
 80+ if ( strtolower( $pingLine[0] ) == 'ping' ) {
 81+ $response = "PONG " . $pingLine[1] . "\n";
 82+ fwrite( $fp, "PONG " . $response );
 83+ }
 84+ usleep( 10 );
 85+ $startPos = strpos( $line, $startSep );
 86+ $endPos = strpos( $line, $endSep );
 87+ $subLine = substr( $line, $startPos + 5, $endPos -$startPos -8 );
 88+ if ( $subLine == $deleteLine ) {
 89+ $delstartPos = strpos( $line, $startSep, $endPos );
 90+ $delendPos = strpos( $line, $endSep, $endPos + 1 );
 91+ $delLine = substr( $line, $delstartPos + 5, $delendPos -$delstartPos -8 );
 92+ $action = substr( $line, $delstartPos -9, 7 );
 93+ if ( $action == $deletedWord ) {
 94+ $wpapi->rpedDelete( $delLine );
 95+ } else {
 96+ $wpapi->rpedInsert( $delLine );
 97+ }
 98+ }
 99+ if ( $subLine == $moveLine ) {
 100+ $delstartPos = strpos( $line, $startSep, $endPos );
 101+ $delendPos = strpos( $line, $endSep, $endPos + 1 );
 102+ $delstartPos = strpos( $line, $startSep, $delstartPos + 1 );
 103+ $delendPos = strpos( $line, $endSep, $delendPos + 1 );
 104+ $delLine = substr( $line, $delstartPos + 2, $delendPos -$delstartPos -2 );
 105+ $wpapi->rpedInsert( $delLine );
 106+ }
 107+ if ( substr( $line, $endPos + 5, 1 ) == $newCharacter || substr( $line, $endPos + 6, 1 ) == $newCharacter ) {
 108+ $wpapi->rpedInsert( $subLine );
 109+ }
 112+fclose( $fp );
\ No newline at end of file

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