r65993 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r65992‎ | r65993 | r65994 >
Date:19:36, 6 May 2010
'SD_Utils.inc' renamed to 'SD_Utils.php'
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_GlobalFunctions.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_Utils.inc (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_Utils.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_Utils.inc
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * A class for static helper functions for Semantic Drilldown
5 - *
6 - * @author Yaron Koren
7 - */
8 -
9 -if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
10 -
11 -class SDUtils {
12 -
13 - /**
14 - * Gets a list of the names of all categories in the wiki that aren't
15 - * children of some other category - this list additionally includes,
16 - * and excludes, categories that are manually set with
18 - */
19 - static function getTopLevelCategories() {
20 - $categories = array();
21 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
22 - extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'page', 'categorylinks', 'page_props' ) );
23 - $cat_ns = NS_CATEGORY;
24 - $sql = "SELECT page_title FROM $page p LEFT OUTER JOIN $categorylinks cl ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from WHERE p.page_namespace = $cat_ns AND cl.cl_to IS NULL";
25 - $res = $dbr->query( $sql );
26 - if ( $dbr->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) {
27 - while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
28 - $categories[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
29 - }
30 - }
31 - $dbr->freeResult( $res );
32 -
33 - // get 'hide' and 'show' categories
34 - $hidden_cats = $shown_cats = array();
35 - $sql2 = "SELECT p.page_title, pp.pp_propname FROM $page p JOIN $page_props pp ON p.page_id = pp.pp_page WHERE p.page_namespace = $cat_ns AND (pp.pp_propname = 'hidefromdrilldown' OR pp.pp_propname = 'showindrilldown') AND pp.pp_value = 'y'";
36 - $res2 = $dbr->query( $sql2 );
37 - if ( $dbr->numRows( $res2 ) > 0 ) {
38 - while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res2 ) ) {
39 - if ( $row[1] == 'hidefromdrilldown' )
40 - $hidden_cats[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
41 - else
42 - $shown_cats[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
43 - }
44 - }
45 - $dbr->freeResult( $res2 );
46 - $categories = array_merge( $categories, $shown_cats );
47 - foreach ( $hidden_cats as $hidden_cat ) {
48 - foreach ( $categories as $i => $cat ) {
49 - if ( $cat == $hidden_cat ) {
50 - unset( $categories[$i] );
51 - }
52 - }
53 - }
54 - sort( $categories );
55 - return $categories;
56 - }
57 -
58 - /**
59 - * Gets a list of the names of all properties in the wiki
60 - */
61 - static function getSemanticProperties() {
62 - global $smwgContLang;
63 - $smw_namespace_labels = $smwgContLang->getNamespaces();
64 - $all_properties = array();
65 -
66 - // $options = new SMWRequestOptions();
67 - // $options->limit = 10000;
68 - // $used_properties = smwfGetStore()->getPropertiesSpecial($options);
69 - $used_properties = smwfGetStore()->getPropertiesSpecial();
70 - foreach ( $used_properties as $property ) {
71 - $all_properties[] = $property[0]->getWikiValue();
72 - }
73 - $unused_properties = smwfGetStore()->getUnusedPropertiesSpecial( $options );
74 - foreach ( $unused_properties as $property ) {
75 - $all_properties[] = $property->getWikiValue();
76 - }
77 - // remove the special properties of Semantic Drilldown from this list...
78 - global $sdgContLang;
79 - $sd_props = $sdgContLang->getPropertyLabels();
80 - $sd_prop_aliases = $sdgContLang->getPropertyAliases();
81 - foreach ( $all_properties as $i => $prop_name ) {
82 - foreach ( $sd_props as $prop => $label ) {
83 - if ( $prop_name == $label ) {
84 - unset( $all_properties[$i] );
85 - }
86 - }
87 - foreach ( $sd_prop_aliases as $alias => $cur_prop ) {
88 - if ( $prop_name == $alias ) {
89 - unset( $all_properties[$i] );
90 - }
91 - }
92 - }
93 - sort( $all_properties );
94 - return $all_properties;
95 - }
96 -
97 - /**
98 - * Gets the names of all the filter pages, i.e. pages in the Filter
99 - * namespace
100 - */
101 - static function getFilters() {
102 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
103 - $res = $dbr->select( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => SD_NS_FILTER ) );
104 - $filters = array();
105 - while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
106 - $filters[] = $row[0];
107 - }
108 - $dbr->freeResult( $res );
109 - return $filters;
110 - }
111 -
112 - /**
113 - * Generic static function - gets all the values that a specific page
114 - * points to with a specific property
115 - * ($special_prop and $prop represent the same value, depending on
116 - * whether we're using SMW 1.4 or an earlier version)
117 - */
118 - static function getValuesForProperty( $subject, $subject_namespace, $special_prop ) {
119 - $store = smwfGetStore();
120 - $subject_title = Title::newFromText( $subject, $subject_namespace );
121 - $property = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty( $special_prop );
122 - $res = $store->getPropertyValues( $subject_title, $property );
123 - $values = array();
124 - foreach ( $res as $prop_val ) {
125 - // depends on version of SMW
126 - if ( method_exists( $prop_val, 'getValueKey' ) ) {
127 - $actual_val = $prop_val->getValueKey();
128 - } else {
129 - $actual_val = $prop_val->getXSDValue();
130 - }
131 - $values[] = html_entity_decode( str_replace( '_', ' ', $actual_val ) );
132 - }
133 - return $values;
134 - }
135 -
136 - /**
137 - * Gets all the filters specified for a category.
138 - */
139 - static function loadFiltersForCategory( $category ) {
140 - $filters = array();
141 - $filter_names = SDUtils::getValuesForProperty( str_replace( ' ', '_', $category ), NS_CATEGORY, '_SD_F' );
142 - foreach ( $filter_names as $filter_name ) {
143 - $filters[] = SDFilter::load( $filter_name );
144 - }
145 - return $filters;
146 - }
147 -
148 - /**
149 - * Gets all the display parameters defined for a category
150 - */
151 - static function getDisplayParamsForCategory( $category ) {
152 - $all_display_params = SDUtils::getValuesForProperty( str_replace( ' ', '_', $category ), NS_CATEGORY, '_SD_DP' );
153 -
154 - $return_display_params = array();
155 - foreach ( $all_display_params as $display_params ) {
156 - $return_display_params[] = explode( ';', $display_params );
157 - }
158 - return $return_display_params;
159 - }
160 -
161 - static function getCategoryChildren( $category_name, $get_categories, $levels ) {
162 - if ( $levels == 0 ) {
163 - return array();
164 - }
165 - $pages = array();
166 - $subcategories = array();
167 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
168 - extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'page', 'categorylinks' ) );
169 - $cat_ns = NS_CATEGORY;
170 - $query_category = str_replace( ' ', '_', $category_name );
171 - $query_category = str_replace( "'", "\'", $query_category );
172 - $sql = "SELECT p.page_title, p.page_namespace FROM $categorylinks cl
173 - JOIN $page p on cl.cl_from = p.page_id
174 - WHERE cl.cl_to = '$query_category'\n";
175 - if ( $get_categories )
176 - $sql .= "AND p.page_namespace = $cat_ns\n";
177 - $sql .= "ORDER BY cl.cl_sortkey";
178 - $res = $dbr->query( $sql );
179 - while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
180 - if ( $get_categories ) {
181 - $subcategories[] = $row[0];
182 - $pages[] = $row[0];
183 - } else {
184 - if ( $row[1] == $cat_ns )
185 - $subcategories[] = $row[0];
186 - else
187 - $pages[] = $row[0];
188 - }
189 - }
190 - $dbr->freeResult( $res );
191 - foreach ( $subcategories as $subcategory ) {
192 - $pages = array_merge( $pages, SDUtils::getCategoryChildren( $subcategory, $get_categories, $levels - 1 ) );
193 - }
194 - return $pages;
195 - }
196 -
197 - static function monthToString( $month ) {
198 - if ( $month == 1 ) {
199 - return wfMsg( 'january' );
200 - } elseif ( $month == 2 ) {
201 - return wfMsg( 'february' );
202 - } elseif ( $month == 3 ) {
203 - return wfMsg( 'march' );
204 - } elseif ( $month == 4 ) {
205 - return wfMsg( 'april' );
206 - } elseif ( $month == 5 ) {
207 - return wfMsg( 'may' );
208 - } elseif ( $month == 6 ) {
209 - return wfMsg( 'june' );
210 - } elseif ( $month == 7 ) {
211 - return wfMsg( 'july' );
212 - } elseif ( $month == 8 ) {
213 - return wfMsg( 'august' );
214 - } elseif ( $month == 9 ) {
215 - return wfMsg( 'september' );
216 - } elseif ( $month == 10 ) {
217 - return wfMsg( 'october' );
218 - } elseif ( $month == 11 ) {
219 - return wfMsg( 'november' );
220 - } else { // if ($month == 12) {
221 - return wfMsg( 'december' );
222 - }
223 - }
224 -
225 - static function stringToMonth( $str ) {
226 - if ( $str == wfMsg( 'january' ) ) {
227 - return 1;
228 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'february' ) ) {
229 - return 2;
230 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'march' ) ) {
231 - return 3;
232 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'april' ) ) {
233 - return 4;
234 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'may' ) ) {
235 - return 5;
236 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'june' ) ) {
237 - return 6;
238 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'july' ) ) {
239 - return 7;
240 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'august' ) ) {
241 - return 8;
242 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'september' ) ) {
243 - return 9;
244 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'october' ) ) {
245 - return 10;
246 - } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'november' ) ) {
247 - return 11;
248 - } else { // if ($strmonth == wfMsg('december')) {
249 - return 12;
250 - }
251 - }
252 -
253 - static function booleanToString( $bool_value ) {
254 - wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'SemanticMediaWiki' );
255 - $words_field_name = ( $bool_value == true ) ? 'smw_true_words' : 'smw_false_words';
256 - $words_array = explode( ',', wfMsgForContent( $words_field_name ) );
257 - // go with the value in the array that tends to be "yes" or
258 - // "no", which is the 3rd
259 - $index_of_word = 2;
260 - // capitalize first letter of word
261 - if ( count( $words_array ) > $index_of_word ) {
262 - $string_value = ucwords( $words_array[$index_of_word] );
263 - } elseif ( count( $words_array ) == 0 ) {
264 - $string_value = $bool_value; // a safe value if no words are found
265 - } else {
266 - $string_value = ucwords( $words_array[0] );
267 - }
268 - return $string_value;
269 - }
270 -
271 - /**
272 - * Prints the mini-form contained at the bottom of various pages, that
273 - * allows pages to spoof a normal edit page, that can preview, save,
274 - * etc.
275 - */
276 - static function printRedirectForm( $title, $page_contents, $edit_summary, $is_save, $is_preview, $is_diff, $is_minor_edit, $watch_this ) {
277 - $article = new Article( $title );
278 - $new_url = $title->getLocalURL( 'action=submit' );
279 - $starttime = wfTimestampNow();
280 - $edittime = $article->getTimestamp();
281 - global $wgUser;
282 - if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() )
283 - $token = htmlspecialchars( $wgUser->editToken() );
284 - else
285 - $token = EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
286 -
287 - if ( $is_save )
288 - $action = "wpSave";
289 - elseif ( $is_preview )
290 - $action = "wpPreview";
291 - else // $is_diff
292 - $action = "wpDiff";
293 -
294 - $text = <<<END
295 - <form id="editform" name="editform" method="post" action="$new_url">
296 - <input type="hidden" name="wpTextbox1" id="wpTextbox1" value="$page_contents" />
297 - <input type="hidden" name="wpSummary" value="$edit_summary" />
298 - <input type="hidden" name="wpStarttime" value="$starttime" />
299 - <input type="hidden" name="wpEdittime" value="$edittime" />
300 - <input type="hidden" name="wpEditToken" value="$token" />
301 - <input type="hidden" name="$action" />
302 -
303 -END;
304 - if ( $is_minor_edit )
305 - $text .= ' <input type="hidden" name="wpMinoredit">' . "\n";
306 - if ( $watch_this )
307 - $text .= ' <input type="hidden" name="wpWatchthis">' . "\n";
308 - $text .= <<<END
309 - </form>
310 - <script type="text/javascript">
311 - document.editform.submit();
312 - </script>
313 -
314 -END;
315 - return $text;
316 - }
317 -
318 - /**
319 - * Register magic-word variable IDs
320 - */
321 - static function addMagicWordVariableIDs( &$magicWordVariableIDs ) {
322 - $magicWordVariableIDs[] = 'MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN';
323 - $magicWordVariableIDs[] = 'MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN';
324 - return true;
325 - }
326 -
327 - /**
328 - * Set the actual value of the magic words
329 - */
330 - static function addMagicWordLanguage( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
331 - switch( $langCode ) {
332 - default:
333 - $magicWords['MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN'] = array( 0, '__HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN__' );
334 - $magicWords['MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN'] = array( 0, '__SHOWINDRILLDOWN__' );
335 - }
336 - return true;
337 - }
338 -
339 - /**
340 - * Set values in the page_props table based on the presence of the
341 - * 'HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN' and 'SHOWINDRILLDOWN' magic words in a page
342 - */
343 - static function handleShowAndHide( &$parser, &$text ) {
344 - global $wgOut, $wgAction;
345 - $mw_hide = MagicWord::get( 'MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN' );
346 - if ( $mw_hide->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
347 - $parser->mOutput->setProperty( 'hidefromdrilldown', 'y' );
348 - }
349 - $mw_show = MagicWord::get( 'MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN' );
350 - if ( $mw_show->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
351 - $parser->mOutput->setProperty( 'showindrilldown', 'y' );
352 - }
353 - return true;
354 - }
355 -
356 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_GlobalFunctions.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
99 if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
11 -define( 'SD_VERSION', '0.7.1' );
 11+define( 'SD_VERSION', '0.7.2' );
1313 // constants for special properties
1414 define( 'SD_SP_HAS_FILTER', 1 );
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
4747 $wgAutoloadClasses['SDBrowseData'] = $sdgIP . '/specials/SD_BrowseData.php';
4848 $wgSpecialPageGroups['BrowseData'] = 'sd_group';
50 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SDUtils'] = $sdgIP . '/includes/SD_Utils.inc';
 50+$wgAutoloadClasses['SDUtils'] = $sdgIP . '/includes/SD_Utils.php';
5151 $wgAutoloadClasses['SDFilter'] = $sdgIP . '/includes/SD_Filter.php';
5252 $wgAutoloadClasses['SDFilterValue'] = $sdgIP . '/includes/SD_FilterValue.php';
5353 $wgAutoloadClasses['SDAppliedFilter'] = $sdgIP . '/includes/SD_AppliedFilter.php';
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_Utils.php
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
 4+ * A class for static helper functions for Semantic Drilldown
 5+ *
 6+ * @author Yaron Koren
 7+ */
 9+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
 11+class SDUtils {
 13+ /**
 14+ * Gets a list of the names of all categories in the wiki that aren't
 15+ * children of some other category - this list additionally includes,
 16+ * and excludes, categories that are manually set with
 18+ */
 19+ static function getTopLevelCategories() {
 20+ $categories = array();
 21+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 22+ extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'page', 'categorylinks', 'page_props' ) );
 23+ $cat_ns = NS_CATEGORY;
 24+ $sql = "SELECT page_title FROM $page p LEFT OUTER JOIN $categorylinks cl ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from WHERE p.page_namespace = $cat_ns AND cl.cl_to IS NULL";
 25+ $res = $dbr->query( $sql );
 26+ if ( $dbr->numRows( $res ) > 0 ) {
 27+ while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
 28+ $categories[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
 29+ }
 30+ }
 31+ $dbr->freeResult( $res );
 33+ // get 'hide' and 'show' categories
 34+ $hidden_cats = $shown_cats = array();
 35+ $sql2 = "SELECT p.page_title, pp.pp_propname FROM $page p JOIN $page_props pp ON p.page_id = pp.pp_page WHERE p.page_namespace = $cat_ns AND (pp.pp_propname = 'hidefromdrilldown' OR pp.pp_propname = 'showindrilldown') AND pp.pp_value = 'y'";
 36+ $res2 = $dbr->query( $sql2 );
 37+ if ( $dbr->numRows( $res2 ) > 0 ) {
 38+ while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res2 ) ) {
 39+ if ( $row[1] == 'hidefromdrilldown' )
 40+ $hidden_cats[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
 41+ else
 42+ $shown_cats[] = str_replace( '_', ' ', $row[0] );
 43+ }
 44+ }
 45+ $dbr->freeResult( $res2 );
 46+ $categories = array_merge( $categories, $shown_cats );
 47+ foreach ( $hidden_cats as $hidden_cat ) {
 48+ foreach ( $categories as $i => $cat ) {
 49+ if ( $cat == $hidden_cat ) {
 50+ unset( $categories[$i] );
 51+ }
 52+ }
 53+ }
 54+ sort( $categories );
 55+ return $categories;
 56+ }
 58+ /**
 59+ * Gets a list of the names of all properties in the wiki
 60+ */
 61+ static function getSemanticProperties() {
 62+ global $smwgContLang;
 63+ $smw_namespace_labels = $smwgContLang->getNamespaces();
 64+ $all_properties = array();
 66+ // $options = new SMWRequestOptions();
 67+ // $options->limit = 10000;
 68+ // $used_properties = smwfGetStore()->getPropertiesSpecial($options);
 69+ $used_properties = smwfGetStore()->getPropertiesSpecial();
 70+ foreach ( $used_properties as $property ) {
 71+ $all_properties[] = $property[0]->getWikiValue();
 72+ }
 73+ $unused_properties = smwfGetStore()->getUnusedPropertiesSpecial( $options );
 74+ foreach ( $unused_properties as $property ) {
 75+ $all_properties[] = $property->getWikiValue();
 76+ }
 77+ // remove the special properties of Semantic Drilldown from this list...
 78+ global $sdgContLang;
 79+ $sd_props = $sdgContLang->getPropertyLabels();
 80+ $sd_prop_aliases = $sdgContLang->getPropertyAliases();
 81+ foreach ( $all_properties as $i => $prop_name ) {
 82+ foreach ( $sd_props as $prop => $label ) {
 83+ if ( $prop_name == $label ) {
 84+ unset( $all_properties[$i] );
 85+ }
 86+ }
 87+ foreach ( $sd_prop_aliases as $alias => $cur_prop ) {
 88+ if ( $prop_name == $alias ) {
 89+ unset( $all_properties[$i] );
 90+ }
 91+ }
 92+ }
 93+ sort( $all_properties );
 94+ return $all_properties;
 95+ }
 97+ /**
 98+ * Gets the names of all the filter pages, i.e. pages in the Filter
 99+ * namespace
 100+ */
 101+ static function getFilters() {
 102+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 103+ $res = $dbr->select( 'page', 'page_title', array( 'page_namespace' => SD_NS_FILTER ) );
 104+ $filters = array();
 105+ while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
 106+ $filters[] = $row[0];
 107+ }
 108+ $dbr->freeResult( $res );
 109+ return $filters;
 110+ }
 112+ /**
 113+ * Generic static function - gets all the values that a specific page
 114+ * points to with a specific property
 115+ * ($special_prop and $prop represent the same value, depending on
 116+ * whether we're using SMW 1.4 or an earlier version)
 117+ */
 118+ static function getValuesForProperty( $subject, $subject_namespace, $special_prop ) {
 119+ $store = smwfGetStore();
 120+ $subject_title = Title::newFromText( $subject, $subject_namespace );
 121+ $property = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty( $special_prop );
 122+ $res = $store->getPropertyValues( $subject_title, $property );
 123+ $values = array();
 124+ foreach ( $res as $prop_val ) {
 125+ // depends on version of SMW
 126+ if ( method_exists( $prop_val, 'getValueKey' ) ) {
 127+ $actual_val = $prop_val->getValueKey();
 128+ } else {
 129+ $actual_val = $prop_val->getXSDValue();
 130+ }
 131+ $values[] = html_entity_decode( str_replace( '_', ' ', $actual_val ) );
 132+ }
 133+ return $values;
 134+ }
 136+ /**
 137+ * Gets all the filters specified for a category.
 138+ */
 139+ static function loadFiltersForCategory( $category ) {
 140+ $filters = array();
 141+ $filter_names = SDUtils::getValuesForProperty( str_replace( ' ', '_', $category ), NS_CATEGORY, '_SD_F' );
 142+ foreach ( $filter_names as $filter_name ) {
 143+ $filters[] = SDFilter::load( $filter_name );
 144+ }
 145+ return $filters;
 146+ }
 148+ /**
 149+ * Gets all the display parameters defined for a category
 150+ */
 151+ static function getDisplayParamsForCategory( $category ) {
 152+ $all_display_params = SDUtils::getValuesForProperty( str_replace( ' ', '_', $category ), NS_CATEGORY, '_SD_DP' );
 154+ $return_display_params = array();
 155+ foreach ( $all_display_params as $display_params ) {
 156+ $return_display_params[] = explode( ';', $display_params );
 157+ }
 158+ return $return_display_params;
 159+ }
 161+ static function getCategoryChildren( $category_name, $get_categories, $levels ) {
 162+ if ( $levels == 0 ) {
 163+ return array();
 164+ }
 165+ $pages = array();
 166+ $subcategories = array();
 167+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 168+ extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'page', 'categorylinks' ) );
 169+ $cat_ns = NS_CATEGORY;
 170+ $query_category = str_replace( ' ', '_', $category_name );
 171+ $query_category = str_replace( "'", "\'", $query_category );
 172+ $sql = "SELECT p.page_title, p.page_namespace FROM $categorylinks cl
 173+ JOIN $page p on cl.cl_from = p.page_id
 174+ WHERE cl.cl_to = '$query_category'\n";
 175+ if ( $get_categories )
 176+ $sql .= "AND p.page_namespace = $cat_ns\n";
 177+ $sql .= "ORDER BY cl.cl_sortkey";
 178+ $res = $dbr->query( $sql );
 179+ while ( $row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res ) ) {
 180+ if ( $get_categories ) {
 181+ $subcategories[] = $row[0];
 182+ $pages[] = $row[0];
 183+ } else {
 184+ if ( $row[1] == $cat_ns )
 185+ $subcategories[] = $row[0];
 186+ else
 187+ $pages[] = $row[0];
 188+ }
 189+ }
 190+ $dbr->freeResult( $res );
 191+ foreach ( $subcategories as $subcategory ) {
 192+ $pages = array_merge( $pages, SDUtils::getCategoryChildren( $subcategory, $get_categories, $levels - 1 ) );
 193+ }
 194+ return $pages;
 195+ }
 197+ static function monthToString( $month ) {
 198+ if ( $month == 1 ) {
 199+ return wfMsg( 'january' );
 200+ } elseif ( $month == 2 ) {
 201+ return wfMsg( 'february' );
 202+ } elseif ( $month == 3 ) {
 203+ return wfMsg( 'march' );
 204+ } elseif ( $month == 4 ) {
 205+ return wfMsg( 'april' );
 206+ } elseif ( $month == 5 ) {
 207+ return wfMsg( 'may' );
 208+ } elseif ( $month == 6 ) {
 209+ return wfMsg( 'june' );
 210+ } elseif ( $month == 7 ) {
 211+ return wfMsg( 'july' );
 212+ } elseif ( $month == 8 ) {
 213+ return wfMsg( 'august' );
 214+ } elseif ( $month == 9 ) {
 215+ return wfMsg( 'september' );
 216+ } elseif ( $month == 10 ) {
 217+ return wfMsg( 'october' );
 218+ } elseif ( $month == 11 ) {
 219+ return wfMsg( 'november' );
 220+ } else { // if ($month == 12) {
 221+ return wfMsg( 'december' );
 222+ }
 223+ }
 225+ static function stringToMonth( $str ) {
 226+ if ( $str == wfMsg( 'january' ) ) {
 227+ return 1;
 228+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'february' ) ) {
 229+ return 2;
 230+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'march' ) ) {
 231+ return 3;
 232+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'april' ) ) {
 233+ return 4;
 234+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'may' ) ) {
 235+ return 5;
 236+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'june' ) ) {
 237+ return 6;
 238+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'july' ) ) {
 239+ return 7;
 240+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'august' ) ) {
 241+ return 8;
 242+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'september' ) ) {
 243+ return 9;
 244+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'october' ) ) {
 245+ return 10;
 246+ } elseif ( $str == wfMsg( 'november' ) ) {
 247+ return 11;
 248+ } else { // if ($strmonth == wfMsg('december')) {
 249+ return 12;
 250+ }
 251+ }
 253+ static function booleanToString( $bool_value ) {
 254+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'SemanticMediaWiki' );
 255+ $words_field_name = ( $bool_value == true ) ? 'smw_true_words' : 'smw_false_words';
 256+ $words_array = explode( ',', wfMsgForContent( $words_field_name ) );
 257+ // go with the value in the array that tends to be "yes" or
 258+ // "no", which is the 3rd
 259+ $index_of_word = 2;
 260+ // capitalize first letter of word
 261+ if ( count( $words_array ) > $index_of_word ) {
 262+ $string_value = ucwords( $words_array[$index_of_word] );
 263+ } elseif ( count( $words_array ) == 0 ) {
 264+ $string_value = $bool_value; // a safe value if no words are found
 265+ } else {
 266+ $string_value = ucwords( $words_array[0] );
 267+ }
 268+ return $string_value;
 269+ }
 271+ /**
 272+ * Prints the mini-form contained at the bottom of various pages, that
 273+ * allows pages to spoof a normal edit page, that can preview, save,
 274+ * etc.
 275+ */
 276+ static function printRedirectForm( $title, $page_contents, $edit_summary, $is_save, $is_preview, $is_diff, $is_minor_edit, $watch_this ) {
 277+ $article = new Article( $title );
 278+ $new_url = $title->getLocalURL( 'action=submit' );
 279+ $starttime = wfTimestampNow();
 280+ $edittime = $article->getTimestamp();
 281+ global $wgUser;
 282+ if ( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() )
 283+ $token = htmlspecialchars( $wgUser->editToken() );
 284+ else
 285+ $token = EDIT_TOKEN_SUFFIX;
 287+ if ( $is_save )
 288+ $action = "wpSave";
 289+ elseif ( $is_preview )
 290+ $action = "wpPreview";
 291+ else // $is_diff
 292+ $action = "wpDiff";
 294+ $text = <<<END
 295+ <form id="editform" name="editform" method="post" action="$new_url">
 296+ <input type="hidden" name="wpTextbox1" id="wpTextbox1" value="$page_contents" />
 297+ <input type="hidden" name="wpSummary" value="$edit_summary" />
 298+ <input type="hidden" name="wpStarttime" value="$starttime" />
 299+ <input type="hidden" name="wpEdittime" value="$edittime" />
 300+ <input type="hidden" name="wpEditToken" value="$token" />
 301+ <input type="hidden" name="$action" />
 304+ if ( $is_minor_edit )
 305+ $text .= ' <input type="hidden" name="wpMinoredit">' . "\n";
 306+ if ( $watch_this )
 307+ $text .= ' <input type="hidden" name="wpWatchthis">' . "\n";
 308+ $text .= <<<END
 309+ </form>
 310+ <script type="text/javascript">
 311+ document.editform.submit();
 312+ </script>
 315+ return $text;
 316+ }
 318+ /**
 319+ * Register magic-word variable IDs
 320+ */
 321+ static function addMagicWordVariableIDs( &$magicWordVariableIDs ) {
 322+ $magicWordVariableIDs[] = 'MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN';
 323+ $magicWordVariableIDs[] = 'MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN';
 324+ return true;
 325+ }
 327+ /**
 328+ * Set the actual value of the magic words
 329+ */
 330+ static function addMagicWordLanguage( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
 331+ switch( $langCode ) {
 332+ default:
 333+ $magicWords['MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN'] = array( 0, '__HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN__' );
 334+ $magicWords['MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN'] = array( 0, '__SHOWINDRILLDOWN__' );
 335+ }
 336+ return true;
 337+ }
 339+ /**
 340+ * Set values in the page_props table based on the presence of the
 341+ * 'HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN' and 'SHOWINDRILLDOWN' magic words in a page
 342+ */
 343+ static function handleShowAndHide( &$parser, &$text ) {
 344+ global $wgOut, $wgAction;
 345+ $mw_hide = MagicWord::get( 'MAG_HIDEFROMDRILLDOWN' );
 346+ if ( $mw_hide->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
 347+ $parser->mOutput->setProperty( 'hidefromdrilldown', 'y' );
 348+ }
 349+ $mw_show = MagicWord::get( 'MAG_SHOWINDRILLDOWN' );
 350+ if ( $mw_show->matchAndRemove( $text ) ) {
 351+ $parser->mOutput->setProperty( 'showindrilldown', 'y' );
 352+ }
 353+ return true;
 354+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticDrilldown/includes/SD_Utils.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1357 + native

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