r65238 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r65237‎ | r65238 | r65239 >
Date:16:12, 18 April 2010
Rename to name files as parent folder. Update Configure and Translate accordingly.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Configure/settings/Settings-ext.txt (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/mediawiki-defines.txt (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.alias.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.i18n.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats_body.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.alias.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics_body.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Configure/settings/Settings-ext.txt
@@ -925,7 +925,6 @@
926926 url = http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UploadBlacklist
928928 UsageStatistics
929 -file = SpecialUserStats.php
930929 settings[] = wgUserStatsGoogleCharts: int
931930 url = http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Usage_Statistics
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats_body.php
@@ -1,1919 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -class SpecialUserStats extends SpecialPage {
5 -
6 - function __construct() {
7 - parent::__construct( 'SpecialUserStats' );
8 -
9 - wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'UserStats' );
10 - }
11 -
12 - function execute( $par ) {
13 - global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
14 -
15 - $this->setHeaders();
16 - $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( 'usagestatistics' ) );
17 -
18 - $user = $wgUser->getName();
19 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsfor', $user );
20 -
21 - $interval = $wgRequest->getVal( 'interval', '' );
22 - $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace', '' );
23 - $noredirects = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'noredirects' );
24 - $type = $wgRequest->getVal( 'type', '' );
25 - $start = $wgRequest->getVal( 'start', '' );
26 - $end = $wgRequest->getVal( 'end', '' );
27 -
28 - self::AddCalendarJavascript();
29 -
30 - if ( $start == '' || $end == '' ) {
31 - if ( $start == '' ) {
32 - // FIXME: ideally this would use a class for markup.
33 - $wgOut->addWikiText( '* <font color=red>' . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnostart' ) . '</font>' );
34 - }
35 - if ( $end == '' ) {
36 - // FIXME: ideally this would use a class for markup.
37 - $wgOut->addWikiText( '* <font color=red>' . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnoend' ) . '</font>' );
38 - }
39 - $this->displayForm( $start, $end, $namespace, $noredirects );
40 - } else {
41 - $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
42 - $this->getUserUsage( $db, $user, $start, $end, $interval, $namespace, $noredirects, $type );
43 - }
44 - }
45 -
46 - function generate_google_chart( $dates, $edits, $pages ) {
47 - $x_labels = 3;
48 - $max_url = 2080; // this is a typical minimum limitation of many browsers
49 -
50 - $max_edits = max( $edits );
51 - $min_edits = min( $edits );
52 - $max_pages = max( $pages );
53 - $min_pages = min( $pages );
54 -
55 - if ( !$max_edits ) $max_edits = 1;
56 - if ( !$max_pages ) $max_pages = 1;
57 -
58 - $qry = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . // base URL
59 - 'chs=400x275' . // size of the graph
60 - '&cht=lc' . // line chart type
61 - '&chxt=x,y,r' . // labels for x-axis and both y-axes
62 - '&chco=ff0000,0000ff' . // specify the line colors
63 - '&chxs=1,ff0000|2,0000ff' . // specify the axis colors
64 - '&chdl=Edits|Pages' . // specify the label
65 - '&chxr=' . // start to specify the labels for the y-axes
66 - "1,$min_edits,$max_edits|" . // the edits axis
67 - "2,$min_pages,$max_pages" . // the pages axis
68 - '&chxl=0:'; // start specifying the x-axis labels
69 - foreach ( self::thin( $dates, $x_labels ) as $d ) {
70 - $qry .= "|$d"; // the dates
71 - }
72 - $qry .= '&chd=t:'; // start specifying the first data set
73 - $max_datapoints = ( $max_url - strlen( $qry ) ) / 2; // figure out how much space we have left for each set of data
74 - foreach ( self::thin( $edits, $max_datapoints / 5 ) as $e ) { // on avg, there are 5 chars per datapoint
75 - $qry .= sprintf( '%.1f,',
76 - 100 * $e / $max_edits ); // the edits
77 - }
78 - $qry = substr_replace( $qry, '', - 1 ); // get rid of the unwanted comma
79 - $qry .= '|'; // start specifying the second data set
80 - foreach ( self::thin( $pages, $max_datapoints / 5 ) as $p ) { // on avg, there are 5 chars per datapoint
81 - $qry .= sprintf( '%.1f,',
82 - 100 * $p / $max_pages ); // the pages
83 - }
84 - $qry = substr_replace( $qry, '', - 1 ); // get rid of the unwanted comma
85 -
86 - return $qry;
87 - }
88 -
89 - function thin( $input, $max_size ) {
90 - $ary_size = sizeof( $input );
91 - if ( $ary_size <= $max_size ) return $input;
92 -
93 - # we will always keep the first and the last point
94 - $prev_index = 0;
95 - $new_ary[] = $input[0];
96 - $index_increment = ( $ary_size - $prev_index - 2 ) / ( $max_size - 1 );
97 -
98 - while ( ( $ary_size - $prev_index - 2 ) >= ( 2 * $index_increment ) ) {
99 - $new_index = $prev_index + $index_increment;
100 - $new_ary[] = $input[(int)$new_index];
101 - $prev_index = $new_index;
102 - }
103 -
104 - $new_ary[] = $input[$ary_size - 1];
105 -
106 - // print_r($input);
107 - // print_r($new_ary);
108 - // print "size was " . sizeof($input) . " and became " . sizeof($new_ary) . "\n";
109 -
110 - return $new_ary;
111 - }
112 -
113 - function getUserUsage( $db, $user, $start, $end, $interval, $namespace, $noredirects, $type ) {
114 - global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgUserStatsGlobalRight, $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts, $wgContLang;
115 -
116 - list( $start_m, $start_d, $start_y ) = explode( '/', $start );
117 - $start_t = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $start_m, $start_d, $start_y );
118 - list( $end_m, $end_d, $end_y ) = explode( '/', $end );
119 - $end_t = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $end_m, $end_d, $end_y );
120 -
121 - if ( $start_t >= $end_t ) {
122 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' );
123 - return;
124 - }
125 - if ( $namespace != 'all' ) {
126 - $nstext = $wgContLang->getNSText( $namespace );
127 - $displayns = $nstext;
128 - if ( $displayns == '' )
129 - $displayns = wfMsg( 'blanknamespace' );
130 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatistics-namespace', $nstext, $displayns );
131 - }
132 - if ( $noredirects ) {
133 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatistics-noredirects' );
134 - }
135 - $dates = array();
136 - $csv = 'Username,';
137 - $cur_t = $start_t;
138 - while ( $cur_t <= $end_t ) {
139 - $a_date = date( "Ymd", $cur_t ) . '000000';
140 - $dates[$a_date] = array();
141 - $cur_t += $interval;
142 - }
143 - # Let's process the edits that are recorded in the database
144 - $u = array();
145 - $conds = array( 'rev_page=page_id' );
146 - if ( $namespace == 'all' ) {
147 - $conds['page_namespace'] = $namespace;
148 - }
149 - if ( $noredirects ) {
150 - $conds['page_is_redirect'] = 0;
151 - }
152 - $res = $db->select(
153 - array( 'page', 'revision' ),
154 - array( 'rev_user_text', 'rev_timestamp', 'page_id' ),
155 - $conds,
156 - __METHOD__
157 - );
158 -
159 - for ( $j = 0; $j < $db->numRows( $res ); $j++ ) {
160 - $row = $db->fetchRow( $res );
161 - if ( !isset( $u[$row[0]] ) )
162 - $u[$row[0]] = $dates;
163 - foreach ( $u[$row[0]] as $d => $v )
164 - if ( $d > $row[1] ) {
165 - if ( !isset( $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]] ) )
166 - $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]] = 0;
167 - $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]]++;
168 - break;
169 - }
170 - }
171 - $db->freeResult( $res );
172 -
173 - # in case the current user is not already in the database
174 - if ( !isset( $u[$user] ) ) {
175 - $u[$user] = $dates;
176 - }
177 -
178 - # plot the user statistics
179 - $gnuplot = "<gnuplot>
180 -set xdata time
181 -set xtics rotate by 90
182 -set timefmt \"%m/%d/%Y\"
183 -set format x \"%D\"
184 -set grid x y2
185 -set title '$type usage statistics'
186 -set ylabel 'edits'
187 -set y2label 'pages'
188 -set y2tics
189 -set key left top
190 -plot '-' using 1:2 t 'edits' with linesp lt 1 lw 3, '-' using 1:2 t 'pages' with linesp lt 2 lw 3 axis x1y2
191 -";
192 - $gnuplot_pdata = '';
193 - $first = true;
194 - $e = 0;
195 - $p = 0;
196 - $ary_dates = array();
197 - $ary_edits = array();
198 - $ary_pages = array();
199 - foreach ( $u[$user] as $d => $v ) {
200 - $date = '';
201 - if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $d, $matches ) )
202 - $date = "$matches[2]/$matches[3]/$matches[1]";
203 - $csv .= "$date,";
204 - if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
205 - # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
206 - if ( $first ) {
207 - $first = false;
208 - continue;
209 - }
210 - $e = 0;
211 - $p = 0;
212 - }
213 - foreach ( $v as $pageid => $edits ) {
214 - $p++;
215 - $e += $edits;
216 - }
217 - $gnuplot .= "$date $e\n";
218 - $gnuplot_pdata .= "$date $p\n";
219 - $ary_dates[] = $date;
220 - $ary_edits[] = $e;
221 - $ary_pages[] = $p;
222 - }
223 - $gnuplot .= "e\n$gnuplot_pdata\ne</gnuplot>";
224 -
225 - if ( $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts ) {
226 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<img src="' .
227 - self::generate_google_chart( $ary_dates, $ary_edits, $ary_pages ) .
228 - '"/>' );
229 - } else {
230 - // print "@@@@@@@\n$gnuplot\n@@@@@@@\n";
231 - $wgOut->addWikiText( "<center>$gnuplot</center>" );
232 - }
233 -
234 - if ( !in_array( $wgUserStatsGlobalRight, $wgUser->getRights() ) )
235 - return;
236 -
237 - # plot overall usage statistics
238 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsforallusers' );
239 - $gnuplot = "<gnuplot>
240 -set xdata time
241 -set xtics rotate by 90
242 -set timefmt \"%m/%d/%Y\"
243 -set format x \"%D\"
244 -set grid x y2
245 -set title '$type usage statistics'
246 -set ylabel 'edits'
247 -set y2label 'pages'
248 -set y2tics
249 -set key left top
250 -plot '-' using 1:2 t 'edits' with linesp lt 1 lw 3, '-' using 1:2 t 'pages' with linesp lt 2 lw 3 axis x1y2
251 -";
252 - $gnuplot_pdata = '';
253 - $first = true;
254 - $pages = 0;
255 - $edits = 0;
256 - $totals = array();
257 - $ary_dates = array();
258 - $ary_edits = array();
259 - $ary_pages = array();
260 - foreach ( $dates as $d => $v ) {
261 - if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
262 - # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
263 - if ( $first ) {
264 - $first = false;
265 - continue;
266 - }
267 - $totals = array();
268 - }
269 - $date = '';
270 - if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $d, $matches ) )
271 - $date = "$matches[2]/$matches[3]/$matches[1]";
272 - foreach ( $u as $usr => $q )
273 - foreach ( $u[$usr][$d] as $pageid => $numedits ) {
274 - if ( !isset( $totals[$pageid] ) )
275 - $totals[$pageid] = 0;
276 - $totals[$pageid] += $numedits;
277 - }
278 - $pages = 0;
279 - $edits = 0;
280 - foreach ( $totals as $pageid => $e ) {
281 - $pages++;
282 - $edits += $e;
283 - }
284 - $gnuplot .= "$date $edits\n";
285 - $gnuplot_pdata .= "$date $pages\n";
286 - $ary_dates[] = $date;
287 - $ary_edits[] = $edits;
288 - $ary_pages[] = $pages;
289 - }
290 - $gnuplot .= "e\n$gnuplot_pdata\ne</gnuplot>";
291 -
292 - if ( $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts )
293 - {
294 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<img src="' .
295 - self::generate_google_chart( $ary_dates, $ary_edits, $ary_pages ) .
296 - '"/>' );
297 - } else {
298 - // $wgOut->addHTML($gnuplot);
299 - $wgOut->addWikiText( "<center>$gnuplot</center>" );
300 - }
301 -
302 - # output detailed usage statistics
303 - ksort( $u );
304 - $csv_edits = '';
305 - $csv_pages = '';
306 - foreach ( $u as $usr => $q ) {
307 - $first = true;
308 - $totals = array();
309 - $prev_totals = array();
310 - $csv_edits .= "\n$usr,";
311 - $csv_pages .= "\n$usr,";
312 - foreach ( $u[$usr] as $d => $v ) {
313 - if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
314 - # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
315 - if ( $first ) {
316 - $first = false;
317 - $csv_edits .= ',';
318 - $csv_pages .= ',';
319 - continue;
320 - }
321 - $totals = array();
322 - }
323 - foreach ( $u[$usr][$d] as $pageid => $numedits ) {
324 - if ( !isset( $totals[$pageid] ) )
325 - $totals[$pageid] = 0;
326 - $totals[$pageid] += $numedits;
327 - }
328 - $pages = 0;
329 - $edits = 0;
330 - foreach ( $totals as $pageid => $e ) {
331 - $pages++;
332 - $edits += $e;
333 - }
334 - $csv_edits .= "$edits,";
335 - $csv_pages .= "$pages,";
336 - }
337 - }
338 - if ( $type == 'cumulative' ) {
339 - $nature = wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' );
340 - } else {
341 - $nature = wfMsg ( 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' );
342 - }
343 -
344 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0px;border-style:none;">' );
345 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavHead" style="background: #ffffff; text-align: left; font-size:100%;">' );
346 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg ( 'usagestatistics-editindividual', $nature );
347 - $wgOut->addHTML( '</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none; font-size:normal; text-align:left">' );
348 - $wgOut->addHTML( "<pre>$csv$csv_edits</pre></div></div><br />" );
349 -
350 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0px;border-style:none;">' );
351 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavHead" style="background: #ffffff; text-align: left; font-size:100%;">' );
352 - $wgOut->addWikiMsg ( 'usagestatistics-editpages', $nature );
353 - $wgOut->addHTML( '</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none; font-size:normal; text-align:left">' );
354 - $wgOut->addHTML( "<pre>$csv$csv_pages</pre></div></div>" );
355 -
356 - return;
357 - }
358 -
359 - function displayForm( $start, $end, $namespace, $noredirects ) {
360 - global $wgOut;
361 -
362 - $wgOut->addHTML( "
363 -<script type='text/javascript'>document.write(getCalendarStyles());</script>
364 -<form id=\"userstats\" method=\"post\">");
365 -
366 - $wgOut->addHTML(
367 - Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'border' => '0' ) ) .
368 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
369 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . Xml::label( wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnamespace' ), 'namespace' ) .
370 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
371 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
372 - Xml::namespaceSelector( $namespace, 'all' ) .
373 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
374 - Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
375 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
376 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsinterval' ) .
377 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
378 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
379 - Xml::openElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'interval' ) ) .
380 - Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '86400' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalday' ) .
381 - Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '604800' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' ) .
382 - Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '2629744', 'selected' => 'selected' )) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' ) .
383 - Xml::closeElement( 'select' ) .
384 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
385 - Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
386 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
387 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticstype' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
388 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
389 - Xml::openElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'type' ) ) .
390 - Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => 'incremental' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsincremental' ) .
391 - Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => 'cumulative', 'selected' => 'selected' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscumulative' ) .
392 - Xml::closeElement( 'select' ) .
393 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
394 - Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
395 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
396 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . Xml::label( wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' ), '' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
397 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
398 - Xml::check( 'noredirects', $noredirects ) .
399 - Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
400 - Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
401 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
402 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsstart' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
403 -"
404 - <td class='mw-input'>
405 - <input type='text' size='20' name='start' value='$start'/>
406 - <script type='text/javascript'>
407 - var cal1 = new CalendarPopup('testdiv1');
408 - cal1.showNavigationDropdowns();
409 - </script>
410 - <a href='#' onClick=\"cal1.select(document.forms[0].start,'anchor1','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;\" name='anchor1' id='anchor1'>" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscalselect' ) .
411 - Xml::closeElement( 'a' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
412 - Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
413 - Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsend' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
414 -"
415 - <td class='mw-input'>
416 - <input type='text' size='20' name='end' value='$end'/>
417 - <script type='text/javascript'>
418 - var cal2 = new CalendarPopup('testdiv1');
419 - cal2.showNavigationDropdowns();
420 - </script>
421 - <a href='#' onClick=\"cal2.select(document.forms[0].end,'anchor2','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;\" name='anchor2' id='anchor2'>" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscalselect' ) .
422 - Xml::closeElement( 'a' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
423 - Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) . "
424 -<input type='submit' name=\"wpSend\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticssubmit' ) . "\" /> ".
425 - Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) ."
426 -
427 -<div id=\"testdiv1\" style=\"position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;\"></div>
428 - " );
429 - }
430 -
431 - function AddCalendarJavascript() {
432 - global $wgOut, $wgContLang;
433 -
434 - $monthnames = '';
435 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++ )
436 - $monthnames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getMonthName( $i ) . "',";
437 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++ )
438 - $monthnames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation( $i ) . "',";
439 - $monthnames = substr( $monthnames, 0, - 1 );
440 -
441 - $daynames = '';
442 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++ )
443 - $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( $i ) . "',";
444 - for ( $i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++ )
445 - {
446 - if ( method_exists( $wgContLang, 'getWeekdayAbbreviation' ) )
447 - $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayAbbreviation( $i ) . "',";
448 - else
449 - $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( $i ) . "',";
450 - }
451 - $daynames = substr( $daynames, 0, - 1 );
452 -
453 - $wgOut->addScript( <<<END
454 -<script type="text/javascript">
455 -// ===================================================================
456 -// Author: Matt Kruse <matt@mattkruse.com>
457 -// WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/
458 -//
459 -// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
460 -// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
461 -// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
462 -// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
463 -//
464 -// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
465 -// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
466 -// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
467 -// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
468 -// include it in your javascript libraries for download.
469 -// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
470 -// to the URL instead.
471 -// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
472 -// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
473 -// ===================================================================
474 -
475 -/* SOURCE FILE: AnchorPosition.js */
476 -
477 -/*
478 -AnchorPosition.js
479 -Author: Matt Kruse
480 -Last modified: 10/11/02
481 -
482 -DESCRIPTION: These functions find the position of an <A> tag in a document,
483 -so other elements can be positioned relative to it.
484 -
485 -COMPATABILITY: Netscape 4.x,6.x,Mozilla, IE 5.x,6.x on Windows. Some small
486 -positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
487 -Macintosh platform.
488 -
490 -getAnchorPosition(anchorname)
491 - Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
492 - of the upper-left corner of the anchor. Position is relative to the PAGE.
493 -
494 -getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname)
495 - Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
496 - of the upper-left corner of the anchor, relative to the WHOLE SCREEN.
497 -
498 -NOTES:
499 -
500 -1) For popping up separate browser windows, use getAnchorWindowPosition.
501 - Otherwise, use getAnchorPosition
502 -
503 -2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
504 - same. For example:
505 - <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
506 -
507 -3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
508 - anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
509 -*/
510 -
511 -// getAnchorPosition(anchorname)
512 -// This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
513 -// of the named anchor, relative to the page.
514 -function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) {
515 - // This function will return an Object with x and y properties
516 - var useWindow=false;
517 - var coordinates=new Object();
518 - var x=0,y=0;
519 - // Browser capability sniffing
520 - var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false;
521 - if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; }
522 - else if (document.all) { use_css=true; }
523 - else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; }
524 - // Logic to find position
525 - if (use_gebi && document.all) {
526 - x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
527 - y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
528 - }
529 - else if (use_gebi) {
530 - var o=document.getElementById(anchorname);
531 - x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o);
532 - y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o);
533 - }
534 - else if (use_css) {
535 - x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
536 - y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
537 - }
538 - else if (use_layers) {
539 - var found=0;
540 - for (var i=0; i<document.anchors.length; i++) {
541 - if (document.anchors[i].name==anchorname) { found=1; break; }
542 - }
543 - if (found==0) {
544 - coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
545 - }
546 - x=document.anchors[i].x;
547 - y=document.anchors[i].y;
548 - }
549 - else {
550 - coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
551 - }
552 - coordinates.x=x;
553 - coordinates.y=y;
554 - return coordinates;
555 - }
556 -
557 -// getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname)
558 -// This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
559 -// of the named anchor, relative to the window
560 -function getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) {
561 - var coordinates=getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
562 - var x=0;
563 - var y=0;
564 - if (document.getElementById) {
565 - if (isNaN(window.screenX)) {
566 - x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
567 - y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
568 - }
569 - else {
570 - x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
571 - y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
572 - }
573 - }
574 - else if (document.all) {
575 - x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
576 - y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
577 - }
578 - else if (document.layers) {
579 - x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
580 - y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
581 - }
582 - coordinates.x=x;
583 - coordinates.y=y;
584 - return coordinates;
585 - }
586 -
587 -// Functions for IE to get position of an object
588 -function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft (el) {
589 - var ol=el.offsetLeft;
590 - while ((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ol += el.offsetLeft; }
591 - return ol;
592 - }
593 -function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetLeft (el) {
594 - return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(el)-document.body.scrollLeft;
595 - }
596 -function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop (el) {
597 - var ot=el.offsetTop;
598 - while((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ot += el.offsetTop; }
599 - return ot;
600 - }
601 -function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetTop (el) {
602 - return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(el)-document.body.scrollTop;
603 - }
604 -
605 -/* SOURCE FILE: date.js */
606 -
607 -// HISTORY
608 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
609 -// May 17, 2003: Fixed bug in parseDate() for dates <1970
610 -// March 11, 2003: Added parseDate() function
611 -// March 11, 2003: Added "NNN" formatting option. Doesn't match up
612 -// perfectly with SimpleDateFormat formats, but
613 -// backwards-compatability was required.
614 -
615 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
616 -// These functions use the same 'format' strings as the
617 -// java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, with minor exceptions.
618 -// The format string consists of the following abbreviations:
619 -//
620 -// Field | Full Form | Short Form
621 -// -------------+--------------------+-----------------------
622 -// Year | yyyy (4 digits) | yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits)
623 -// Month | MMM (name or abbr.)| MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
624 -// | NNN (abbr.) |
625 -// Day of Month | dd (2 digits) | d (1 or 2 digits)
626 -// Day of Week | EE (name) | E (abbr)
627 -// Hour (1-12) | hh (2 digits) | h (1 or 2 digits)
628 -// Hour (0-23) | HH (2 digits) | H (1 or 2 digits)
629 -// Hour (0-11) | KK (2 digits) | K (1 or 2 digits)
630 -// Hour (1-24) | kk (2 digits) | k (1 or 2 digits)
631 -// Minute | mm (2 digits) | m (1 or 2 digits)
632 -// Second | ss (2 digits) | s (1 or 2 digits)
633 -// AM/PM | a |
634 -//
635 -// NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MM and mm! Month=MM, not mm!
636 -// Examples:
637 -// "MMM d, y" matches: January 01, 2000
638 -// Dec 1, 1900
639 -// Nov 20, 00
640 -// "M/d/yy" matches: 01/20/00
641 -// 9/2/00
642 -// "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa" matches: "January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM"
643 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
644 -
645 -var MONTH_NAMES=new Array($monthnames);
646 -var DAY_NAMES=new Array($daynames);
647 -function LZ(x) {return(x<0||x>9?"":"0")+x}
648 -
649 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
650 -// isDate ( date_string, format_string )
651 -// Returns true if date string matches format of format string and
652 -// is a valid date. Else returns false.
653 -// It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before
654 -// passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored!
655 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
656 -function isDate(val,format) {
657 - var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format);
658 - if (date==0) { return false; }
659 - return true;
660 - }
661 -
662 -// -------------------------------------------------------------------
663 -// compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format)
664 -// Compare two date strings to see which is greater.
665 -// Returns:
666 -// 1 if date1 is greater than date2
667 -// 0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same
668 -// -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format
669 -// -------------------------------------------------------------------
670 -function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) {
671 - var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1);
672 - var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2);
673 - if (d1==0 || d2==0) {
674 - return -1;
675 - }
676 - else if (d1 > d2) {
677 - return 1;
678 - }
679 - return 0;
680 - }
681 -
682 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
683 -// formatDate (date_object, format)
684 -// Returns a date in the output format specified.
685 -// The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat()
686 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
687 -function formatDate(date,format) {
688 - format=format+"";
689 - var result="";
690 - var i_format=0;
691 - var c="";
692 - var token="";
693 - var y=date.getYear()+"";
694 - var M=date.getMonth()+1;
695 - var d=date.getDate();
696 - var E=date.getDay();
697 - var H=date.getHours();
698 - var m=date.getMinutes();
699 - var s=date.getSeconds();
700 - var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k;
701 - // Convert real date parts into formatted versions
702 - var value=new Object();
703 - if (y.length < 4) {y=""+(y-0+1900);}
704 - value["y"]=""+y;
705 - value["yyyy"]=y;
706 - value["yy"]=y.substring(2,4);
707 - value["M"]=M;
708 - value["MM"]=LZ(M);
709 - value["MMM"]=MONTH_NAMES[M-1];
710 - value["NNN"]=MONTH_NAMES[M+11];
711 - value["d"]=d;
712 - value["dd"]=LZ(d);
713 - value["E"]=DAY_NAMES[E+7];
714 - value["EE"]=DAY_NAMES[E];
715 - value["H"]=H;
716 - value["HH"]=LZ(H);
717 - if (H==0){value["h"]=12;}
718 - else if (H>12){value["h"]=H-12;}
719 - else {value["h"]=H;}
720 - value["hh"]=LZ(value["h"]);
721 - if (H>11){value["K"]=H-12;} else {value["K"]=H;}
722 - value["k"]=H+1;
723 - value["KK"]=LZ(value["K"]);
724 - value["kk"]=LZ(value["k"]);
725 - if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; }
726 - else { value["a"]="AM"; }
727 - value["m"]=m;
728 - value["mm"]=LZ(m);
729 - value["s"]=s;
730 - value["ss"]=LZ(s);
731 - while (i_format < format.length) {
732 - c=format.charAt(i_format);
733 - token="";
734 - while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
735 - token += format.charAt(i_format++);
736 - }
737 - if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; }
738 - else { result=result + token; }
739 - }
740 - return result;
741 - }
742 -
743 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
744 -// Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat()
745 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
746 -function _isInteger(val) {
747 - var digits="1234567890";
748 - for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) {
749 - if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; }
750 - }
751 - return true;
752 - }
753 -function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) {
754 - for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) {
755 - var token=str.substring(i,i+x);
756 - if (token.length < minlength) { return null; }
757 - if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; }
758 - }
759 - return null;
760 - }
761 -
762 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
763 -// getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string )
764 -//
765 -// This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches
766 -// If the date string matches the format string, it returns the
767 -// getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0.
768 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
769 -function getDateFromFormat(val,format) {
770 - val=val+"";
771 - format=format+"";
772 - var i_val=0;
773 - var i_format=0;
774 - var c="";
775 - var token="";
776 - var token2="";
777 - var x,y;
778 - var now=new Date();
779 - var year=now.getYear();
780 - var month=now.getMonth()+1;
781 - var date=1;
782 - var hh=now.getHours();
783 - var mm=now.getMinutes();
784 - var ss=now.getSeconds();
785 - var ampm="";
786 -
787 - while (i_format < format.length) {
788 - // Get next token from format string
789 - c=format.charAt(i_format);
790 - token="";
791 - while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
792 - token += format.charAt(i_format++);
793 - }
794 - // Extract contents of value based on format token
795 - if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") {
796 - if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; }
797 - if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; }
798 - if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; }
799 - year=_getInt(val,i_val,x,y);
800 - if (year==null) { return 0; }
801 - i_val += year.length;
802 - if (year.length==2) {
803 - if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); }
804 - else { year=2000+(year-0); }
805 - }
806 - }
807 - else if (token=="MMM"||token=="NNN"){
808 - month=0;
809 - for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) {
810 - var month_name=MONTH_NAMES[i];
811 - if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase()==month_name.toLowerCase()) {
812 - if (token=="MMM"||(token=="NNN"&&i>11)) {
813 - month=i+1;
814 - if (month>12) { month -= 12; }
815 - i_val += month_name.length;
816 - break;
817 - }
818 - }
819 - }
820 - if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
821 - }
822 - else if (token=="EE"||token=="E"){
823 - for (var i=0; i<DAY_NAMES.length; i++) {
824 - var day_name=DAY_NAMES[i];
825 - if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+day_name.length).toLowerCase()==day_name.toLowerCase()) {
826 - i_val += day_name.length;
827 - break;
828 - }
829 - }
830 - }
831 - else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") {
832 - month=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
833 - if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
834 - i_val+=month.length;}
835 - else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") {
836 - date=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
837 - if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return 0;}
838 - i_val+=date.length;}
839 - else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") {
840 - hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
841 - if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){return 0;}
842 - i_val+=hh.length;}
843 - else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") {
844 - hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
845 - if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){return 0;}
846 - i_val+=hh.length;}
847 - else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") {
848 - hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
849 - if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){return 0;}
850 - i_val+=hh.length;}
851 - else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") {
852 - hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
853 - if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){return 0;}
854 - i_val+=hh.length;hh--;}
855 - else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") {
856 - mm=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
857 - if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){return 0;}
858 - i_val+=mm.length;}
859 - else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") {
860 - ss=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
861 - if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){return 0;}
862 - i_val+=ss.length;}
863 - else if (token=="a") {
864 - if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") {ampm="AM";}
865 - else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") {ampm="PM";}
866 - else {return 0;}
867 - i_val+=2;}
868 - else {
869 - if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return 0;}
870 - else {i_val+=token.length;}
871 - }
872 - }
873 - // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match
874 - if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; }
875 - // Is date valid for month?
876 - if (month==2) {
877 - // Check for leap year
878 - if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year
879 - if (date > 29){ return 0; }
880 - }
881 - else { if (date > 28) { return 0; } }
882 - }
883 - if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) {
884 - if (date > 30) { return 0; }
885 - }
886 - // Correct hours value
887 - if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh=hh-0+12; }
888 - else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; }
889 - var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss);
890 - return newdate.getTime();
891 - }
892 -
893 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
894 -// parseDate( date_string [, prefer_euro_format] )
895 -//
896 -// This function takes a date string and tries to match it to a
897 -// number of possible date formats to get the value. It will try to
898 -// match against the following international formats, in this order:
899 -// y-M-d MMM d, y MMM d,y y-MMM-d d-MMM-y MMM d
900 -// M/d/y M-d-y M.d.y MMM-d M/d M-d
901 -// d/M/y d-M-y d.M.y d-MMM d/M d-M
902 -// A second argument may be passed to instruct the method to search
903 -// for formats like d/M/y (european format) before M/d/y (American).
904 -// Returns a Date object or null if no patterns match.
905 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
906 -function parseDate(val) {
907 - var preferEuro=(arguments.length==2)?arguments[1]:false;
908 - generalFormats=new Array('y-M-d','MMM d, y','MMM d,y','y-MMM-d','d-MMM-y','MMM d');
909 - monthFirst=new Array('M/d/y','M-d-y','M.d.y','MMM-d','M/d','M-d');
910 - dateFirst =new Array('d/M/y','d-M-y','d.M.y','d-MMM','d/M','d-M');
911 - var checkList=new Array('generalFormats',preferEuro?'dateFirst':'monthFirst',preferEuro?'monthFirst':'dateFirst');
912 - var d=null;
913 - for (var i=0; i<checkList.length; i++) {
914 - var l=window[checkList[i]];
915 - for (var j=0; j<l.length; j++) {
916 - d=getDateFromFormat(val,l[j]);
917 - if (d!=0) { return new Date(d); }
918 - }
919 - }
920 - return null;
921 - }
922 -
923 -/* SOURCE FILE: PopupWindow.js */
924 -
925 -/*
926 -PopupWindow.js
927 -Author: Matt Kruse
928 -Last modified: 02/16/04
929 -
930 -DESCRIPTION: This object allows you to easily and quickly popup a window
931 -in a certain place. The window can either be a DIV or a separate browser
932 -window.
933 -
934 -COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
935 -positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
936 -Macintosh platform. Due to bugs in Netscape 4.x, populating the popup
937 -window with <STYLE> tags may cause errors.
938 -
939 -USAGE:
940 -// Create an object for a WINDOW popup
941 -var win = new PopupWindow();
942 -
943 -// Create an object for a DIV window using the DIV named 'mydiv'
944 -var win = new PopupWindow('mydiv');
945 -
946 -// Set the window to automatically hide itself when the user clicks
947 -// anywhere else on the page except the popup
948 -win.autoHide();
949 -
950 -// Show the window relative to the anchor name passed in
951 -win.showPopup(anchorname);
952 -
953 -// Hide the popup
954 -win.hidePopup();
955 -
956 -// Set the size of the popup window (only applies to WINDOW popups
957 -win.setSize(width,height);
958 -
959 -// Populate the contents of the popup window that will be shown. If you
960 -// change the contents while it is displayed, you will need to refresh()
961 -win.populate(string);
962 -
963 -// set the URL of the window, rather than populating its contents
964 -// manually
965 -win.setUrl("http://www.site.com/");
966 -
967 -// Refresh the contents of the popup
968 -win.refresh();
969 -
970 -// Specify how many pixels to the right of the anchor the popup will appear
971 -win.offsetX = 50;
972 -
973 -// Specify how many pixels below the anchor the popup will appear
974 -win.offsetY = 100;
975 -
976 -NOTES:
977 -1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js
978 -
979 -2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
980 - same. For example:
981 - <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
982 -
983 -3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
984 - anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
985 -
986 -4) When a PopupWindow object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
987 - attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
988 - an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a PopupWindow object or
989 - the autoHide() will not work correctly.
990 -*/
991 -
992 -// Set the position of the popup window based on the anchor
993 -function PopupWindow_getXYPosition(anchorname) {
994 - var coordinates;
995 - if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
996 - coordinates = getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname);
997 - }
998 - else {
999 - coordinates = getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
1000 - }
1001 - this.x = coordinates.x;
1002 - this.y = coordinates.y;
1003 - }
1004 -// Set width/height of DIV/popup window
1005 -function PopupWindow_setSize(width,height) {
1006 - this.width = width;
1007 - this.height = height;
1008 - }
1009 -// Fill the window with contents
1010 -function PopupWindow_populate(contents) {
1011 - this.contents = contents;
1012 - this.populated = false;
1013 - }
1014 -// Set the URL to go to
1015 -function PopupWindow_setUrl(url) {
1016 - this.url = url;
1017 - }
1018 -// Set the window popup properties
1019 -function PopupWindow_setWindowProperties(props) {
1020 - this.windowProperties = props;
1021 - }
1022 -// Refresh the displayed contents of the popup
1023 -function PopupWindow_refresh() {
1024 - if (this.divName != null) {
1025 - // refresh the DIV object
1026 - if (this.use_gebi) {
1027 - document.getElementById(this.divName).innerHTML = this.contents;
1028 - }
1029 - else if (this.use_css) {
1030 - document.all[this.divName].innerHTML = this.contents;
1031 - }
1032 - else if (this.use_layers) {
1033 - var d = document.layers[this.divName];
1034 - d.document.open();
1035 - d.document.writeln(this.contents);
1036 - d.document.close();
1037 - }
1038 - }
1039 - else {
1040 - if (this.popupWindow != null && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
1041 - if (this.url!="") {
1042 - this.popupWindow.location.href=this.url;
1043 - }
1044 - else {
1045 - this.popupWindow.document.open();
1046 - this.popupWindow.document.writeln(this.contents);
1047 - this.popupWindow.document.close();
1048 - }
1049 - this.popupWindow.focus();
1050 - }
1051 - }
1052 - }
1053 -// Position and show the popup, relative to an anchor object
1054 -function PopupWindow_showPopup(anchorname) {
1055 - this.getXYPosition(anchorname);
1056 - this.x += this.offsetX;
1057 - this.y += this.offsetY;
1058 - if (!this.populated && (this.contents != "")) {
1059 - this.populated = true;
1060 - this.refresh();
1061 - }
1062 - if (this.divName != null) {
1063 - // Show the DIV object
1064 - if (this.use_gebi) {
1065 - document.getElementById(this.divName).style.left = this.x + "px";
1066 - document.getElementById(this.divName).style.top = this.y + "px";
1067 - document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "visible";
1068 - }
1069 - else if (this.use_css) {
1070 - document.all[this.divName].style.left = this.x;
1071 - document.all[this.divName].style.top = this.y;
1072 - document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "visible";
1073 - }
1074 - else if (this.use_layers) {
1075 - document.layers[this.divName].left = this.x;
1076 - document.layers[this.divName].top = this.y;
1077 - document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "visible";
1078 - }
1079 - }
1080 - else {
1081 - if (this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed) {
1082 - // If the popup window will go off-screen, move it so it doesn't
1083 - if (this.x<0) { this.x=0; }
1084 - if (this.y<0) { this.y=0; }
1085 - if (screen && screen.availHeight) {
1086 - if ((this.y + this.height) > screen.availHeight) {
1087 - this.y = screen.availHeight - this.height;
1088 - }
1089 - }
1090 - if (screen && screen.availWidth) {
1091 - if ((this.x + this.width) > screen.availWidth) {
1092 - this.x = screen.availWidth - this.width;
1093 - }
1094 - }
1095 - var avoidAboutBlank = window.opera || ( document.layers && !navigator.mimeTypes['*'] ) || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled );
1096 - this.popupWindow = window.open(avoidAboutBlank?"":"about:blank","window_"+anchorname,this.windowProperties+",width="+this.width+",height="+this.height+",screenX="+this.x+",left="+this.x+",screenY="+this.y+",top="+this.y+"");
1097 - }
1098 - this.refresh();
1099 - }
1100 - }
1101 -// Hide the popup
1102 -function PopupWindow_hidePopup() {
1103 - if (this.divName != null) {
1104 - if (this.use_gebi) {
1105 - document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "hidden";
1106 - }
1107 - else if (this.use_css) {
1108 - document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "hidden";
1109 - }
1110 - else if (this.use_layers) {
1111 - document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "hidden";
1112 - }
1113 - }
1114 - else {
1115 - if (this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
1116 - this.popupWindow.close();
1117 - this.popupWindow = null;
1118 - }
1119 - }
1120 - }
1121 -// Pass an event and return whether or not it was the popup DIV that was clicked
1122 -function PopupWindow_isClicked(e) {
1123 - if (this.divName != null) {
1124 - if (this.use_layers) {
1125 - var clickX = e.pageX;
1126 - var clickY = e.pageY;
1127 - var t = document.layers[this.divName];
1128 - if ((clickX > t.left) && (clickX < t.left+t.clip.width) && (clickY > t.top) && (clickY < t.top+t.clip.height)) {
1129 - return true;
1130 - }
1131 - else { return false; }
1132 - }
1133 - else if (document.all) { // Need to hard-code this to trap IE for error-handling
1134 - var t = window.event.srcElement;
1135 - while (t.parentElement != null) {
1136 - if (t.id==this.divName) {
1137 - return true;
1138 - }
1139 - t = t.parentElement;
1140 - }
1141 - return false;
1142 - }
1143 - else if (this.use_gebi && e) {
1144 - var t = e.originalTarget;
1145 - while (t.parentNode != null) {
1146 - if (t.id==this.divName) {
1147 - return true;
1148 - }
1149 - t = t.parentNode;
1150 - }
1151 - return false;
1152 - }
1153 - return false;
1154 - }
1155 - return false;
1156 - }
1157 -
1158 -// Check an onMouseDown event to see if we should hide
1159 -function PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked(e) {
1160 - if (this.autoHideEnabled && !this.isClicked(e)) {
1161 - this.hidePopup();
1162 - }
1163 - }
1164 -// Call this to make the DIV disable automatically when mouse is clicked outside it
1165 -function PopupWindow_autoHide() {
1166 - this.autoHideEnabled = true;
1167 - }
1168 -// This global function checks all PopupWindow objects onmouseup to see if they should be hidden
1169 -function PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows(e) {
1170 - for (var i=0; i<popupWindowObjects.length; i++) {
1171 - if (popupWindowObjects[i] != null) {
1172 - var p = popupWindowObjects[i];
1173 - p.hideIfNotClicked(e);
1174 - }
1175 - }
1176 - }
1177 -// Run this immediately to attach the event listener
1178 -function PopupWindow_attachListener() {
1179 - if (document.layers) {
1180 - document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
1181 - }
1182 - window.popupWindowOldEventListener = document.onmouseup;
1183 - if (window.popupWindowOldEventListener != null) {
1184 - document.onmouseup = new Function("window.popupWindowOldEventListener(); PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows();");
1185 - }
1186 - else {
1187 - document.onmouseup = PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows;
1188 - }
1189 - }
1190 -// CONSTRUCTOR for the PopupWindow object
1191 -// Pass it a DIV name to use a DHTML popup, otherwise will default to window popup
1192 -function PopupWindow() {
1193 - if (!window.popupWindowIndex) { window.popupWindowIndex = 0; }
1194 - if (!window.popupWindowObjects) { window.popupWindowObjects = new Array(); }
1195 - if (!window.listenerAttached) {
1196 - window.listenerAttached = true;
1197 - PopupWindow_attachListener();
1198 - }
1199 - this.index = popupWindowIndex++;
1200 - popupWindowObjects[this.index] = this;
1201 - this.divName = null;
1202 - this.popupWindow = null;
1203 - this.width=0;
1204 - this.height=0;
1205 - this.populated = false;
1206 - this.visible = false;
1207 - this.autoHideEnabled = false;
1208 -
1209 - this.contents = "";
1210 - this.url="";
1211 - this.windowProperties="toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizable,alwaysRaised,dependent,titlebar=no";
1212 - if (arguments.length>0) {
1213 - this.type="DIV";
1214 - this.divName = arguments[0];
1215 - }
1216 - else {
1217 - this.type="WINDOW";
1218 - }
1219 - this.use_gebi = false;
1220 - this.use_css = false;
1221 - this.use_layers = false;
1222 - if (document.getElementById) { this.use_gebi = true; }
1223 - else if (document.all) { this.use_css = true; }
1224 - else if (document.layers) { this.use_layers = true; }
1225 - else { this.type = "WINDOW"; }
1226 - this.offsetX = 0;
1227 - this.offsetY = 0;
1228 - // Method mappings
1229 - this.getXYPosition = PopupWindow_getXYPosition;
1230 - this.populate = PopupWindow_populate;
1231 - this.setUrl = PopupWindow_setUrl;
1232 - this.setWindowProperties = PopupWindow_setWindowProperties;
1233 - this.refresh = PopupWindow_refresh;
1234 - this.showPopup = PopupWindow_showPopup;
1235 - this.hidePopup = PopupWindow_hidePopup;
1236 - this.setSize = PopupWindow_setSize;
1237 - this.isClicked = PopupWindow_isClicked;
1238 - this.autoHide = PopupWindow_autoHide;
1239 - this.hideIfNotClicked = PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked;
1240 - }
1241 -
1242 -/* SOURCE FILE: CalendarPopup.js */
1243 -
1244 -// HISTORY
1245 -// ------------------------------------------------------------------
1246 -// Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit
1247 -// March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field
1248 -// being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything.
1249 -// March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were
1250 -// changed, date format still used original values.
1251 -// January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year
1252 -// navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea)
1253 -// September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with
1254 -// CSS prefix.
1255 -// August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it
1256 -// work correctly without an object reference
1257 -// August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and
1258 -// showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of
1259 -// true or false
1260 -// July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation.
1261 -// Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use
1262 -// different styles for different calendars.
1263 -// July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable
1264 -// even though today falls in a disabled date range.
1265 -// Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control
1266 -// over look-and-feel options.
1267 -// June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable
1268 -// under certain cases when some days of week are disabled
1269 -// March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date
1270 -// ranges, display as light gray and strike-through
1271 -// March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead
1272 -/// use table border coloring
1273 -// March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional
1274 -// start-date parameter
1275 -// March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional
1276 -// start-date parameter
1277 -/*
1278 -DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to
1279 -select a date, month, quarter, or year.
1280 -
1281 -COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
1282 -positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
1283 -Macintosh platform.
1284 -The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by
1285 -changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month
1286 -names, and changing the column headers for each day.
1287 -
1288 -USAGE:
1289 -// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW
1290 -var cal = new CalendarPopup();
1291 -
1292 -// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv'
1293 -var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv');
1294 -
1295 -// Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box.
1296 -cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat);
1297 -// Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value
1298 -cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000');
1299 -// This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an
1300 -// input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!!
1301 -<A HREF="#" onClick="cal.select(document.forms[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A>
1302 -
1303 -// Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'.
1304 -cal.setDisplayType(type);
1305 -
1306 -// When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and
1307 -// passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar
1308 -// popup what the function name is.
1309 -// Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d
1310 -cal.setReturnFunction(functionname);
1311 -// Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m
1312 -cal.setReturnMonthFunction(functionname);
1313 -// Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q
1314 -cal.setReturnQuarterFunction(functionname);
1315 -// Function to be called for 'year' select receives y
1316 -cal.setReturnYearFunction(functionname);
1317 -
1318 -// Show the calendar relative to a given anchor
1319 -cal.showCalendar(anchorname);
1320 -
1321 -// Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically
1322 -cal.hideCalendar();
1323 -
1324 -// Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names
1325 -cal.setMonthNames("January","February","March",...);
1326 -
1327 -// Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations
1328 -cal.setMonthAbbreviations("Jan","Feb","Mar",...);
1329 -
1330 -// Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time
1331 -cal.showYearNavigation();
1332 -
1333 -// Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates
1334 -cal.showNavigationDropdowns();
1335 -
1336 -// Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with
1337 -// sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay
1338 -cal.setDayHeaders("S","M","T",...);
1339 -
1340 -// Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this
1341 -// is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other
1342 -// countries.
1343 -cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday
1344 -
1345 -// Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can
1346 -// then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example
1347 -cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week
1348 -
1349 -// Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not
1350 -// be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers.
1351 -// Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js
1352 -// Pass a single date to disable:
1353 -cal.addDisabledDates("2003-01-01");
1354 -// Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the
1355 -// passed date:
1356 -cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03");
1357 -// Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and
1358 -// anything after it:
1359 -cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null);
1360 -// Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two
1361 -cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003");
1362 -
1363 -// When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the
1364 -// current year to start listing years. Default is 2.
1365 -// This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display
1366 -cal.setYearSelectStartOffset(2);
1367 -
1368 -// Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar
1369 -cal.setTodayText("Today");
1370 -
1371 -// The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to
1372 -// have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the
1373 -// classes in the output.
1374 -// For example, normal output may have this:
1375 -// <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
1376 -// But if you set the prefix like this:
1377 -cal.setCssPrefix("Test");
1378 -// The output will then look like:
1379 -// <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
1380 -// And you can define that style somewhere in your page.
1381 -
1382 -// When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so
1383 -// the user can manually change it and jump to any year
1384 -cal.showYearNavigationInput();
1385 -
1386 -// Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it
1387 -// will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have
1388 -// a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the
1389 -// text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box.
1390 -cal.offsetX = 20;
1391 -cal.offsetY = 20;
1392 -
1393 -NOTES:
1394 -1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js
1395 -
1396 -2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
1397 - same. For example:
1398 - <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
1399 -
1400 -3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
1401 - anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
1402 -
1403 -4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
1404 - attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
1405 - an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object
1406 - or the autoHide() will not work correctly.
1407 -
1408 -5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice.
1409 -
1410 -*/
1411 -
1412 -// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object
1413 -function CalendarPopup() {
1414 - var c;
1415 - if (arguments.length>0) {
1416 - c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]);
1417 - }
1418 - else {
1419 - c = new PopupWindow();
1420 - c.setSize(150,175);
1421 - }
1422 - c.offsetX = -152;
1423 - c.offsetY = 25;
1424 - c.autoHide();
1425 - // Calendar-specific properties
1426 - c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
1427 - c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
1428 - c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S");
1429 - c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction";
1430 - c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction";
1431 - c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction";
1432 - c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction";
1433 - c.weekStartDay = 0;
1434 - c.isShowYearNavigation = false;
1435 - c.displayType = "date";
1436 - c.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
1437 - c.disabledDatesExpression = "";
1438 - c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2;
1439 - c.currentDate = null;
1440 - c.todayText="Today";
1441 - c.cssPrefix="";
1442 - c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false;
1443 - c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false;
1444 - window.CP_calendarObject = null;
1445 - window.CP_targetInput = null;
1446 - window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
1447 - // Method mappings
1448 - c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow;
1449 - c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction;
1450 - c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction;
1451 - c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction;
1452 - c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction;
1453 - c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames;
1454 - c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations;
1455 - c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders;
1456 - c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay;
1457 - c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType;
1458 - c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays;
1459 - c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates;
1460 - c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset;
1461 - c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText;
1462 - c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation;
1463 - c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar;
1464 - c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar;
1465 - c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles;
1466 - c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar;
1467 - c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar;
1468 - c.select = CP_select;
1469 - c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix;
1470 - c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns;
1471 - c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput;
1472 - c.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
1473 - // Return the object
1474 - return c;
1475 - }
1476 -function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() {
1477 - // Copy these values over to the date.js
1478 - if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) {
1479 - window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array();
1480 - for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) {
1481 - window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i];
1482 - }
1483 - for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) {
1484 - window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i];
1485 - }
1486 - }
1487 -}
1488 -// Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown
1489 -function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) {
1490 - if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) {
1491 - var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0);
1492 - if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); }
1493 - window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat);
1494 - }
1495 - else {
1496 - alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!');
1497 - }
1498 - }
1499 -function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) {
1500 - alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m);
1501 - }
1502 -function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) {
1503 - alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q);
1504 - }
1505 -function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) {
1506 - alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y);
1507 - }
1508 -
1509 -// Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item
1510 -function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; }
1511 -function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; }
1512 -function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; }
1513 -function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; }
1514 -
1515 -// Over-ride the built-in month names
1516 -function CP_setMonthNames() {
1517 - for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; }
1518 - this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
1519 - }
1520 -
1521 -// Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations
1522 -function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() {
1523 - for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; }
1524 - this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
1525 - }
1526 -
1527 -// Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day
1528 -function CP_setDayHeaders() {
1529 - for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; }
1530 - }
1531 -
1532 -// Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on
1533 -// This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example
1534 -function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; }
1535 -
1536 -// Show next/last year navigation links
1537 -function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
1538 -
1539 -// Which type of calendar to display
1540 -function CP_setDisplayType(type) {
1541 - if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; }
1542 - this.displayType=type;
1543 - }
1544 -
1545 -// How many years back to start by default for year display
1546 -function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; }
1547 -
1548 -// Set which weekdays should not be clickable
1549 -function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() {
1550 - this.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
1551 - for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; }
1552 - }
1553 -
1554 -// Disable individual dates or ranges
1555 -// Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency
1556 -function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) {
1557 - if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; }
1558 - if (start==null && end==null) { return; }
1559 - if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; }
1560 - if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate());}
1561 - if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate());}
1562 - if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; }
1563 - else if (end ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; }
1564 - else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; }
1565 - }
1566 -
1567 -// Set the text to use for the "Today" link
1568 -function CP_setTodayText(text) {
1569 - this.todayText = text;
1570 - }
1571 -
1572 -// Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output
1573 -function CP_setCssPrefix(val) {
1574 - this.cssPrefix = val;
1575 - }
1576 -
1577 -// Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed
1578 -function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
1579 -
1580 -// Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed
1581 -function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
1582 -
1583 -// Hide a calendar object
1584 -function CP_hideCalendar() {
1585 - if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); }
1586 - else { this.hidePopup(); }
1587 - }
1588 -
1589 -// Refresh the contents of the calendar display
1590 -function CP_refreshCalendar(index) {
1591 - var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index];
1592 - if (arguments.length>1) {
1593 - calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5]));
1594 - }
1595 - else {
1596 - calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar());
1597 - }
1598 - calObject.refresh();
1599 - }
1600 -
1601 -// Populate the calendar and display it
1602 -function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) {
1603 - if (arguments.length>1) {
1604 - if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") {
1605 - this.currentDate=new Date();
1606 - }
1607 - else {
1608 - this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1]));
1609 - }
1610 - }
1611 - this.populate(this.getCalendar());
1612 - this.showPopup(anchorname);
1613 - }
1614 -
1615 -// Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box
1616 -function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) {
1617 - var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null;
1618 - if (!window.getDateFromFormat) {
1619 - alert("calendar.select: To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting");
1620 - return;
1621 - }
1622 - if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") {
1623 - alert("calendar.select: This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'");
1624 - return;
1625 - }
1626 - if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") {
1627 - alert("calendar.select: Input object passed is not a valid form input object");
1628 - window.CP_targetInput=null;
1629 - return;
1630 - }
1631 - if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input!
1632 - window.CP_targetInput = inputobj;
1633 - window.CP_calendarObject = this;
1634 - this.currentDate=null;
1635 - var time=0;
1636 - if (selectedDate!=null) {
1637 - time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format)
1638 - }
1639 - else if (inputobj.value!="") {
1640 - time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format);
1641 - }
1642 - if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") {
1643 - if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; }
1644 - else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); }
1645 - }
1646 - window.CP_dateFormat = format;
1647 - this.showCalendar(linkname);
1648 - }
1649 -
1650 -// Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly
1651 -function getCalendarStyles() {
1652 - var result = "";
1653 - var p = "";
1654 - if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; }
1655 - result += "<STYLE>";
1656 - result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }";
1657 - result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; }";
1658 - result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }";
1659 - result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }";
1660 - result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }";
1661 - result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }";
1662 - result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }";
1663 - result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }";
1664 - result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }";
1665 - result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}";
1666 - result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }";
1667 - result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }";
1668 - result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }";
1669 - result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }";
1670 - result += "</STYLE>";
1671 - return result;
1672 - }
1673 -
1674 -// Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed
1675 -function CP_getCalendar() {
1676 - var now = new Date();
1677 - // Reference to window
1678 - if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; }
1679 - else { var windowref = ""; }
1680 - var result = "";
1681 - // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
1682 - if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
1685 - }
1686 - else {
1687 - result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>';
1688 - result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>';
1689 - result += '<CENTER>';
1690 - }
1691 - // Code for DATE display (default)
1692 - // -------------------------------
1693 - if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") {
1694 - if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; }
1695 - if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; }
1696 - else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; }
1697 - if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; }
1698 - else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); }
1699 - var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
1700 - if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) {
1701 - daysinmonth[2] = 29;
1702 - }
1703 - var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1);
1704 - var display_year = year;
1705 - var display_month = month;
1706 - var display_date = 1;
1707 - var weekday= current_month.getDay();
1708 - var offset = 0;
1709 -
1710 - offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ;
1711 - if (offset > 0) {
1712 - display_month--;
1713 - if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; }
1714 - display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1;
1715 - }
1716 - var next_month = month+1;
1717 - var next_month_year = year;
1718 - if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; }
1719 - var last_month = month-1;
1720 - var last_month_year = year;
1721 - if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; }
1722 - var date_class;
1723 - if (this.type!="WINDOW") {
1725 - }
1726 - result += '<TR>';
1727 - var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar';
1728 - var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh;
1729 - if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) {
1730 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">';
1731 - for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) {
1732 - var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
1733 - result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>';
1734 - }
1735 - result += '</select></TD>';
1736 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
1737 -
1738 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">';
1739 - for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) {
1740 - var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
1741 - result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>';
1742 - }
1743 - result += '</select></TD>';
1744 - }
1745 - else {
1746 - if (this.isShowYearNavigation) {
1747 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
1748 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>';
1749 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
1750 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
1751 -
1752 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
1753 - if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) {
1754 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>';
1755 - }
1756 - else {
1757 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
1758 - }
1759 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
1760 - }
1761 - else {
1762 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
1763 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
1764 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
1765 - }
1766 - }
1767 - result += '</TR></TABLE>';
1769 - result += '<TR>';
1770 - for (var j=0; j<7; j++) {
1771 -
1772 - result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>';
1773 - }
1774 - result += '</TR>';
1775 - for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) {
1776 - result += '<TR>';
1777 - for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) {
1778 - var disabled=false;
1779 - if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
1780 - var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date);
1781 - eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
1782 - }
1783 - var dateClass = "";
1784 - if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) {
1785 - dateClass = "cpCurrentDate";
1786 - }
1787 - else if (display_month == month) {
1788 - dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate";
1789 - }
1790 - else {
1791 - dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate";
1792 - }
1793 - if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) {
1794 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>';
1795 - }
1796 - else {
1797 - var selected_date = display_date;
1798 - var selected_month = display_month;
1799 - var selected_year = display_year;
1800 - if (this.displayType=="week-end") {
1801 - var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0);
1802 - d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col));
1803 - selected_year = d.getYear();
1804 - if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; }
1805 - selected_month = d.getMonth()+1;
1806 - selected_date = d.getDate();
1807 - }
1808 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>';
1809 - }
1810 - display_date++;
1811 - if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) {
1812 - display_date=1;
1813 - display_month++;
1814 - }
1815 - if (display_month > 12) {
1816 - display_month=1;
1817 - display_year++;
1818 - }
1819 - }
1820 - result += '</TR>';
1821 - }
1822 - var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay;
1823 - if (current_weekday < 0) {
1824 - current_weekday += 7;
1825 - }
1826 - result += '<TR>';
1827 - result += ' <TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">';
1828 - if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
1829 - var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate());
1830 - eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
1831 - }
1832 - if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) {
1833 - result += ' <SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>';
1834 - }
1835 - else {
1836 - result += ' <A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>';
1837 - }
1838 - result += ' <br />';
1839 - result += ' </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
1840 - }
1841 -
1842 - // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR
1843 - // ------------------------------------
1844 - if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") {
1845 - if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; }
1846 - else {
1847 - if (this.displayType=="year") { var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; }
1848 - else { var year = now.getFullYear(); }
1849 - }
1850 - if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) {
1852 - result += '<TR>';
1853 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
1854 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="100">'+year+'</TD>';
1855 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
1856 - result += '</TR></TABLE>';
1857 - }
1858 - }
1859 -
1860 - // Code for MONTH display
1861 - // ----------------------
1862 - if (this.displayType=="month") {
1863 - // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
1865 - for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
1866 - result += '<TR>';
1867 - for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
1868 - var monthindex = ((i*3)+j);
1869 - result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>';
1870 - }
1871 - result += '</TR>';
1872 - }
1873 - result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
1874 - }
1875 -
1876 - // Code for QUARTER display
1877 - // ------------------------
1878 - if (this.displayType=="quarter") {
1880 - for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
1881 - result += '<TR>';
1882 - for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
1883 - var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1);
1884 - result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><br /><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><br /><br /></TD>';
1885 - }
1886 - result += '</TR>';
1887 - }
1888 - result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
1889 - }
1890 -
1891 - // Code for YEAR display
1892 - // ---------------------
1893 - if (this.displayType=="year") {
1894 - var yearColumnSize = 4;
1896 - result += '<TR>';
1897 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
1898 - result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
1899 - result += '</TR></TABLE>';
1901 - for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) {
1902 - for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
1903 - var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i;
1904 - result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>';
1905 - }
1906 - result += '</TR>';
1907 - }
1908 - result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
1909 - }
1910 - // Common
1911 - if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
1912 - result += "</BODY></HTML>";
1913 - }
1914 - return result;
1915 - }
1916 -</script>
1917 -END
1918 - );
1919 - }
1920 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.i18n.php
@@ -1,2498 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Internationalisation file for extension UsageStatistics.
5 - *
6 - * @addtogroup Extensions
7 -*/
8 -
9 -$messages = array();
10 -
11 -$messages['en'] = array(
12 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Usage statistics',
13 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Usage statistics',
14 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Show individual user and overall wiki usage statistics',
15 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Usage statistics for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
16 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Usage statistics for all users</h2>',
17 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
18 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
19 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclude redirects',
20 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'These are statistics on the [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] namespace.',
21 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] are not taken into account.',
22 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type:',
23 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start date:',
24 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'End date:',
25 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generate statistics',
26 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Please specify a start date',
27 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Please specify an end date',
28 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Bad <i>start</i> and/or <i>end</i> date!</b>',
29 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Day',
30 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
31 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Month',
32 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
33 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
34 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
35 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
36 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Select',
37 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individual user $1 edits statistics',
38 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individual user $1 pages statistics',
39 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'View [[Special:UserStats|wiki usage statistics]]',
40 -);
41 -
42 -/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
43 - * @author Darth Kule
44 - * @author Fryed-peach
45 - * @author Jon Harald Søby
46 - * @author Lejonel
47 - * @author Purodha
48 - * @author Siebrand
49 - */
50 -$messages['qqq'] = array(
51 - 'specialuserstats' => '{{Identical|Usage statistics}}',
52 - 'usagestatistics' => '{{Identical|Usage statistics}}',
53 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => '{{desc}}',
54 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => '{{Identical|Namespace}}',
55 - 'usagestatisticstype' => '{{Identical|Type}}',
56 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => '{{Identical|Start date}}',
57 - 'usagestatisticsend' => '{{Identical|End date}}',
58 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '{{Identical|Month}}',
59 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'This message is used on [[Special:SpecialUserStats]] in a dropdown menu to choose to generate incremental statistics.
60 -
61 -Incremental statistics means that for each interval the number of edits in that interval is counted, as opposed to cumulative statistics were the number of edits in the interval an all earlier intervals are counted.
62 -
63 -{{Identical|Incremental}}',
64 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 both in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editindividual}} and in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editpages}} ($1 can also be {{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}).
65 -
66 -{{Identical|Incremental}}',
67 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'This message is used on [[Special:SpecialUserStats]] in a dropdown menu to choose to generate cumulative statistics.
68 -
69 -Cumulative statistics means that for each interval the number of edits in that interval and all earlier intervals are counted, as opposed to incremental statistics were only the edits in the interval are counted.
70 -
71 -{{Identical|Cumulative}}',
72 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 both in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editindividual}} and in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editpages}} ($1 can also be {{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}}).
73 -
74 -{{Identical|Cumulative}}',
75 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '{{Identical|Select}}',
76 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Text in usage statistics graph. Parameter $1 can be either 'cumulative' ({{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}) or 'incremental' ({{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}})",
77 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Text in usage statistics graph. Parameter $1 can be either 'cumulative' ({{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}) or 'incremental' ({{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}})",
78 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '{{doc-right|viewsystemstats}}',
79 -);
80 -
81 -/** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
82 - * @author Arnobarnard
83 - * @author Naudefj
84 - */
85 -$messages['af'] = array(
86 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebruiksstatistieke',
87 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebruiksstatistieke',
88 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
89 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Naamruimte:',
90 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
91 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Begindatum:',
92 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Einddatum:',
93 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Genereer statistieke',
94 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Gee asseblief 'n begindatum",
95 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Spesifiseer 'n einddatum",
96 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Slegte <i>begindatum</i> en/of <i>einddatum</i>!</b>',
97 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
98 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
99 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
100 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementeel',
101 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementeel',
102 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatief',
103 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatief',
104 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Kies',
105 -);
106 -
107 -/** Amharic (አማርኛ)
108 - * @author Codex Sinaiticus
109 - */
110 -$messages['am'] = array(
111 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ቀን',
112 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ሳምንት',
113 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ወር',
114 -);
115 -
116 -/** Aragonese (Aragonés)
117 - * @author Juanpabl
118 - */
119 -$messages['an'] = array(
120 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Calendata de prenzipio',
121 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Calendata final',
122 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por fabor, escriba una calendata final',
123 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>As calendatas de <i>enzete</i> y/u <i>fin</i> no son conformes!</b>',
124 -);
125 -
126 -/** Arabic (العربية)
127 - * @author Meno25
128 - * @author OsamaK
129 - */
130 -$messages['ar'] = array(
131 - 'specialuserstats' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
132 - 'usagestatistics' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
133 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'يعرض إحصاءات الاستخدام لمستخدم منفرد وللويكي ككل',
134 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام ل[[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
135 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام لكل المستخدمين</h2>',
136 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'المدة:',
137 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'النطاق:',
138 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'استثن التحويلات',
139 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'هذه إحصاءات على نطاق [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
140 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|التحويلات]] لا تحسب.',
141 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'نوع',
142 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاريخ البداية:',
143 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'تاريخ النهاية:',
144 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'توليد الإحصاءات',
145 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للبدء',
146 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للانتهاء',
147 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>تاريخ <i>بدء</i> و/أو <i>انتهاء</i> سيء!</b>',
148 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'يوم',
149 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'أسبوع',
150 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'شهر',
151 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'تزايدي',
152 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'تزايدي',
153 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'تراكمي',
154 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'تراكمي',
155 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'اختيار',
156 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'إحصاءات تعديلات المستخدم المنفرد $1',
157 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'إحصاءات صفحات المستخدم المنفرد $1',
158 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'رؤية [[Special:UserStats|إحصاءات استخدام الويكي]]',
159 -);
160 -
161 -/** Aramaic (ܐܪܡܝܐ)
162 - * @author Basharh
163 - */
164 -$messages['arc'] = array(
165 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'ܚܩܠܐ:',
166 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ܐܕܫܐ',
167 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ܝܘܡܐ',
168 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ܫܒܘܥܐ',
169 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ܝܪܚܐ',
170 -);
171 -
172 -/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
173 - * @author Ghaly
174 - * @author Meno25
175 - */
176 -$messages['arz'] = array(
177 - 'specialuserstats' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
178 - 'usagestatistics' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
179 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'يعرض إحصاءات الاستخدام ليوزر منفرد وللويكى ككل',
180 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام ل[[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
181 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام لكل اليوزرز</h2>',
182 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'مدة:',
183 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'النطاق:',
184 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ماتحسبش التحويلات',
185 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'نوع',
186 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاريخ البدء:',
187 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'تاريخ الانتهاء:',
188 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'توليد الإحصاءات',
189 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للبدء',
190 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للانتهاء',
191 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>تاريخ <i>بدء</i> و/أو <i>انتهاء</i> سيء!</b>',
192 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'يوم',
193 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'أسبوع',
194 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'شهر',
195 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'تزايدي',
196 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'تزايدي',
197 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'تراكمي',
198 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'تراكمي',
199 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'اختيار',
200 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'إحصاءات تعديلات اليوزر المنفرد $1',
201 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'إحصاءات صفحات اليوزر المنفرد $1',
202 -);
203 -
204 -/** Asturian (Asturianu)
205 - * @author Esbardu
206 - */
207 -$messages['ast'] = array(
208 - 'specialuserstats' => "Estadístiques d'usu",
209 - 'usagestatistics' => "Estadístiques d'usu",
210 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'usu de [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
211 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalu',
212 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Triba',
213 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Fecha inicial',
214 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Fecha final',
215 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Xenerar estadístiques',
216 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor especifica una fecha inicial',
217 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor especifica una fecha final',
218 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>¡Fecha <i>Inicial</i> y/o <i>Final</i> non válides!</b>',
219 -);
220 -
221 -/** Kotava (Kotava)
222 - * @author Wikimistusik
223 - */
224 -$messages['avk'] = array(
225 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Faverenkopaceem',
226 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Faverenkopaceem',
227 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Faverenkopaceem ke [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
228 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Waluk',
229 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Ord',
230 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tozevla',
231 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tenevla',
232 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Nasbara va faverenkopaca',
233 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Va tozevla vay bazel !',
234 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Va tenevla vay bazel !',
235 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>Tozevlaja</i> ik <i>Tenevlaja</i> !</b>',
236 -);
237 -
238 -/** Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography) (Беларуская (тарашкевіца))
239 - * @author EugeneZelenko
240 - * @author Jim-by
241 - * @author Red Winged Duck
242 - * @author Zedlik
243 - */
244 -$messages['be-tarask'] = array(
245 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Статыстыка выкарыстаньня',
246 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Статыстыка выкарыстаньня',
247 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Паказвае статыстыку для індывідуальных удзельнікаў і статыстыку для ўсёй вікі',
248 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статыстыка выкарыстаньня для ўдзельніка [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
249 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статыстыка выкарыстаньня для ўсіх удзельнікаў</h2>',
250 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Пэрыяд:',
251 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Прастора назваў:',
252 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Не ўлічваць перанакіраваньні',
253 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Гэта статыстыка для прасторы назваў [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
254 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перанакіраваньні]] не ўлічваюцца.',
255 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тып',
256 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Дата пачатку:',
257 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Дата канца:',
258 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Згенэраваць статыстыку',
259 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Калі ласка, пазначце дату пачатку',
260 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Калі ласка, пазначце дату канца',
261 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Няслушная дата <i>пачатку</i> і/ці <i>канца</i>!</b>',
262 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Дзень',
263 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тыдзень',
264 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месяц',
265 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Павялічваючыся',
266 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'павялічваючыся',
267 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Агульны',
268 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'агульны',
269 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Выбраць',
270 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Індывідуальная статыстыка рэдагаваньняў удзельніка $1',
271 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Індывідуальная статыстыка старонак удзельніка $1',
272 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'прагляд [[Special:UserStats|статыстыкі выкарыстаньня {{GRAMMAR:родны|{{SITENAME}}}}]]',
273 -);
274 -
275 -/** Bulgarian (Български)
276 - * @author DCLXVI
277 - * @author Spiritia
278 - */
279 -$messages['bg'] = array(
280 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показване на статистика за отделни потребители или за цялото уики',
281 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
282 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Именно пространство:',
283 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Вид',
284 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Начална дата:',
285 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Крайна дата:',
286 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Генериране на статистиката',
287 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Необходимо е да се посочи начална дата',
288 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Необходимо е да се посочи крайна дата',
289 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Невалидна <i>Начална</i> и/или <i>Крайна</i> дата!</b>',
290 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ден',
291 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Седмица',
292 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
293 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Избиране',
294 -);
295 -
296 -/** Bengali (বাংলা)
297 - * @author Zaheen
298 - */
299 -$messages['bn'] = array(
300 - 'specialuserstats' => 'ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান',
301 - 'usagestatistics' => 'ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান',
302 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'একজন নির্দিষ্ট ব্যবহারকারী এবং সামগ্রিক উইকি ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান দেখানো হোক',
303 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>ব্যবহারকারী [[User:$1|$1]]-এর জন্য ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান</h2>',
304 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ব্যবধান',
305 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ধরন',
306 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'শুরুর তারিখ',
307 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'শেষের তারিখ',
308 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'পরিসংখ্যান সৃষ্টি করা হোক',
309 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'অনুগ্রহ করে একটি শুরুর তারিখ দিন',
310 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'অনুগ্রহ করে একটি শেষের তারিখ দিন',
311 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>ভুল <i>শুরু</i> এবং/অথবা <i>শেষের</i> তারিখ!</b>',
312 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'দিন',
313 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'সপ্তাহ',
314 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'মাস',
315 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'বর্ধমান',
316 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'বর্ধমান',
317 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'ক্রমবর্ধমান',
318 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ক্রমবর্ধমান',
319 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'নির্বাচন করুন',
320 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'একক ব্যবহারকারী $1-এর সম্পাদনার পরিসংখ্যান',
321 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'একক ব্যবহারকারী $1-এর পাতাগুলির পরিসংখ্যান',
322 -);
323 -
324 -/** Breton (Brezhoneg)
325 - * @author Fulup
326 - */
327 -$messages['br'] = array(
328 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Stadegoù implijout',
329 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Stadegoù implijout',
330 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Diskouez a ra stadegoù personel an implijerien hag an implij war ar wiki en e bezh',
331 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Stadegoù implijout evit [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
332 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Stadegoù implij evit an holl implijerien</h2>',
333 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Esaouenn :',
334 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Esaouenn anv :',
335 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Lezel an adkasoù er-maez',
336 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Stadegoù war an esaouenn anv [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] eo ar re-mañ.',
337 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "N'eo ket kemeret an [[Special:ListRedirects|Adkasoù]] e kont.",
338 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Seurt',
339 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Deiziad kregiñ :',
340 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Deiziad echuiñ :',
341 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Sevel ar stadegoù',
342 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Merkit un deiziad kregiñ mar plij',
343 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Merkit un deiziad echuiñ mar plij',
344 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Fall eo furmad an deiziad <i>Kregiñ</i> pe/hag <i>Echuiñ</i> !</b>',
345 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Deiz',
346 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sizhun',
347 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Miz',
348 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Azvuiadel',
349 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'azvuiadel',
350 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Sammadel',
351 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'sammadel',
352 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Dibab',
353 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Stadegoù savet $1 gant an implijer',
354 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Stadegoù $1 ar pajennoù gant an implijer e-unan',
355 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Gwelet [[Special:UserStats|stadegoù implijout ar wiki]]',
356 -);
357 -
358 -/** Bosnian (Bosanski)
359 - * @author CERminator
360 - */
361 -$messages['bs'] = array(
362 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike korištenja',
363 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike korištenja',
364 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Prikazuje pojedinačnog korisnika i njegovu ukupnu statistiku za sve wikije',
365 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike korištenja za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
366 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike korištenja za sve korisnike</h2>',
367 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Period:',
368 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Imenski prostor:',
369 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Isključi preusmjerenja',
370 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Postoje statistike u [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] imenskom prostoru.',
371 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Preusmjerenja]] nisu uzeta u obzir.',
372 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Vrsta',
373 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum:',
374 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Krajnji datum:',
375 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiši statistike',
376 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo odredite početni datum',
377 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo odredite krajnji datum',
378 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Pogrešan <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>krajnji</i> datum!</b>',
379 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'dan',
380 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'sedmica',
381 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'mjesec',
382 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
383 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
384 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
385 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
386 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'odaberi',
387 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statistike uređivanja pojedinačnog korisnika',
388 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statistike stranica pojedinog korisnika',
389 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Pregledavanje [[Special:UserStats|statistika korištenja wikija]]',
390 -);
391 -
392 -/** Catalan (Català)
393 - * @author Jordi Roqué
394 - * @author Qllach
395 - * @author SMP
396 - * @author Solde
397 - */
398 -$messages['ca'] = array(
399 - 'specialuserstats' => "Estadístiques d'ús",
400 - 'usagestatistics' => "Estadístiques d'ús",
401 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Mostrar estadístiques d'ús d'usuaris individuals i globals del wiki",
402 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'ús de [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
403 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'ús per tots els usuaris</h2>",
404 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
405 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espai de noms:',
406 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclou-ne les redireccions',
407 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => "Aquestes estadístiques són de l'espai de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].",
408 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] no es tenen en compte.',
409 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipus',
410 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => "Data d'inici:",
411 - 'usagestatisticsend' => "Data d'acabament:",
412 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => "Generació d'estadístiques",
413 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Si us plau, especifiqueu una data d'inici",
414 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Si us plau, especifiqueu una data d'acabament",
415 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Data <i>d'inici</i> i/o <i>d'acabament</i> incorrecta!</b>",
416 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
417 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Setmana',
418 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
419 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementals',
420 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementals',
421 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulatives',
422 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'acumulatives',
423 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selecció',
424 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Estadístiques $1 d'edicions de l'usuari",
425 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Estadístiques $1 de pàgines de l'usuari",
426 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Veure [[Special:UserStats|estadístiques d'ús de la wiki]]",
427 -);
428 -
429 -/** Sorani (Arabic script) (‫کوردی (عەرەبی)‬)
430 - * @author Marmzok
431 - */
432 -$messages['ckb-arab'] = array(
433 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'جۆر',
434 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ڕێکەوتی دەستپێک',
435 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'ڕێکەوتی کۆتایی',
436 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'تکایە ڕێکەوتێکی دەستپێک دیاری بکە',
437 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'تکایە ڕێکەوتێکی کۆتایی دیاری بکە',
438 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>ڕێکەوتی <i>دەستپێک</i> یا \\ و <i>کۆتایی</i> ناساز!</b>',
439 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ڕۆژ',
440 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'حەوتوو',
441 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'مانگ',
442 -);
443 -
444 -/** Czech (Česky)
445 - * @author Matěj Grabovský
446 - * @author Mormegil
447 - */
448 -$messages['cs'] = array(
449 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistika uživatelů',
450 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistika používanosti',
451 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zobrazení statistik jednotlivého uživatele a celé wiki',
452 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistika používanosti pro uživatele [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
453 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistika využití pro všechny uživatele</h2>',
454 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
455 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Jmenný prostor:',
456 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Vynechat přesměrování',
457 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Toto jsou statistiky jmenného prostoru [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
458 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Přesměrování]] jsou vynechána.',
459 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
460 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Počáteční datum:',
461 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Konečné datum:',
462 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Vytvořit statistiku',
463 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Prosím, uveďte počáteční datum',
464 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Prosím, uveďte konečné datum',
465 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Chybné <i>počáteční</i> a/nebo <i>konečné</i> datum!</b>',
466 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Den',
467 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Týden',
468 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Měsíc',
469 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementální',
470 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementální',
471 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativní',
472 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativní',
473 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vybrat',
474 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika úprav jednotlivého uživatele $1',
475 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika stránek jednotlivého uživatele $1',
476 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Prohlížení [[Special:UserStats|statistik využití wiki]]',
477 -);
478 -
479 -/** Danish (Dansk)
480 - * @author Jon Harald Søby
481 - */
482 -$messages['da'] = array(
483 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Måned',
484 -);
485 -
486 -/** German (Deutsch)
487 - * @author ChrisiPK
488 - * @author Gnu1742
489 - * @author Katharina Wolkwitz
490 - * @author Melancholie
491 - * @author Pill
492 - * @author Purodha
493 - * @author Revolus
494 - * @author Umherirrender
495 - */
496 -$messages['de'] = array(
497 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutzungs-Statistik',
498 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutzungs-Statistik',
499 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeigt individuelle Benutzer- und allgemeine Wiki-Nutzungsstatistiken an',
500 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutzungs-Statistik für [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
501 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutzungs-Statistik für alle Benutzer</h2>',
502 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Zeitraum:',
503 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namensraum:',
504 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Weiterleitungen ausschließen',
505 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dies sind Statistiken aus dem [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-Namensraum.',
506 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Weiterleitungsseiten]] werden nicht berücksichtigt.',
507 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Berechnungsart',
508 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Datum:',
509 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'End-Datum:',
510 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik generieren',
511 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Datum eingeben',
512 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'End-Datum eingeben',
513 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Unpassendes/fehlerhaftes <i>Start-Datum</i> oder <i>End-Datum</i> !</b>',
514 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tag',
515 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woche',
516 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monat',
517 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
518 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'aufsteigend',
519 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
520 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'gehäuft',
521 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wähle',
522 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuelle Bearbeitungsstatistiken für Benutzer $1',
523 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuelle Seitenstatistiken für Benutzer $1',
524 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Benutzer-Nutzungsstatistiken]] sehen',
525 -);
526 -
527 -/** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski)
528 - * @author Michawiki
529 - */
530 -$messages['dsb'] = array(
531 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Wužywańska statistika',
532 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Wužywańska statistika',
533 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Wužywańsku statistiku jadnotliwego wužywarja a cełego wikija pokazaś',
534 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Wužywańska statistika za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
535 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Wužywańska statistika za wšych wužywarjow</h2>',
536 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interwal:',
537 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Mjenjowy rum:',
538 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Dalejpósrědnjenja wuzamknuś',
539 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'To jo statistika wó mjenjowem rumje [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
540 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Dalejpósrědnjenja]] njejsu zapśimjone.',
541 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
542 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Zachopny datum:',
543 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Kóńcny datum:',
544 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistiku napóraś',
545 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Pódaj pšosym zachopny datum',
546 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Pódaj pšosym kóńcny datum',
547 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Zmólkaty <i>zachopny</i> a/abo <i>kóńcny</i> datum!</b>',
548 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Źeń',
549 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tyźeń',
550 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mjasec',
551 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalna',
552 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Inkrementalna',
553 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatiwna',
554 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatiwna',
555 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wubraś',
556 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika změnow jadnotliwego wužywarja $1',
557 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika bokow jadnotliwego wužywarja $1',
558 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikijowu wužywańsku statistiku]] se woglědaś',
559 -);
560 -
561 -/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
562 - * @author Consta
563 - * @author Crazymadlover
564 - * @author Dada
565 - * @author Omnipaedista
566 - * @author ZaDiak
567 - */
568 -$messages['el'] = array(
569 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Στατιστικά χρήσης',
570 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Στατιστικά χρήσης',
571 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Προβολή στατιστικών χρήσης για το μεμονωμένο χρήστη αλλά και για το σύνολο του βίκι',
572 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Στατιστικά χρήσης για τον [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
573 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Στατιστικά χρήσης για όλους τους χρήστες</h2>',
574 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Διάστημα:',
575 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Περιοχή ονομάτων:',
576 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Εξαίρεση ανακατευθύνσεων',
577 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Στατιστικά για την ομάδα σελίδων [[Ειδικό: Allpages / $ 1 | $ 2]].',
578 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Ειδικό: ListRedirects | Aνακατευθύνσεις]] δε λαμβάνονται υπόψη.',
579 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Τύπος',
580 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης:',
581 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Ημερομηνία λήξης:',
582 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Παραγωγή στατιστικών',
583 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε μια ημερομηνία έναρξης',
584 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε μια ημερομηνία λήξης',
585 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Κακή ημερομηνία <i>έναρξης</i> και/ή <i>λήξης</i>!</b>',
586 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ημέρα',
587 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Εβδομάδα',
588 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Μήνας',
589 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Επαυξητικό',
590 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'επαυξητικό',
591 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Συσσωρευτικό',
592 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'συσσωρευτικό',
593 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Επιλέξτε',
594 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Μεμονωμένα στατιστικά επεξεργασιών του χρήστη $1',
595 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Μεμονωμένα στατιστικά σελίδων του χρήστη $1',
596 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Εμφάνιση [[Special:UserStats|στατιστικών χρήσης του βίκι]]',
597 -);
598 -
599 -/** Esperanto (Esperanto)
600 - * @author Lucas
601 - * @author Michawiki
602 - * @author Yekrats
603 - */
604 -$messages['eo'] = array(
605 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiko de uzado',
606 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiko de uzado',
607 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Montru individuan uzanton kaj ĉiun statistikon pri uzado de vikio',
608 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiko pri uzado por [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
609 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Uzadaj statistikoj por ĉiuj uzantoj</h2>',
610 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
611 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nomspaco:',
612 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ekskluzivi alidirektilojn',
613 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Speco',
614 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Komencodato:',
615 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Findato:',
616 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generu statistikojn',
617 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Bonvolu entajpi komenco-daton.',
618 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Bonvolu entajpi fino-daton.',
619 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Malbona <i>Komenca</i> kaj/aŭ <i>Fina</i> dato!</b>',
620 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tago',
621 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semajno',
622 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monato',
623 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Krementa <!-- laŭ Komputada Leksikono -->',
624 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Krementa <!-- laŭ Komputada Leksikono -->',
625 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Akumulita',
626 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'akumulita',
627 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Elektu',
628 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individua uzanto $1 redaktoj statistikoj',
629 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individua uzanto $1 paĝoj statistikoj',
630 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vidi [[Special:UserStats|statistikojn pri vikia uzado]]',
631 -);
632 -
633 -/** Spanish (Español)
634 - * @author Crazymadlover
635 - * @author Imre
636 - * @author Sanbec
637 - */
638 -$messages['es'] = array(
639 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Estadísticas de uso',
640 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Estadísticas de uso',
641 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar usuario individual y vista general de estadísticas de uso del wiki',
642 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estadísticas de uso para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
643 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estadísticas de uso para todos los usuarios</h2>',
644 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
645 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espacio de nombre:',
646 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redirecionamientos',
647 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas son estadísticas en el espacio de nombre [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
648 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redireccionamientos]] no son tomados en cuenta.',
649 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
650 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Fecha de inicio:',
651 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Fecha de fin:',
652 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generar estadísticas',
653 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor especifique una fecha de inicio',
654 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Especifique una fecha de fin, por favor',
655 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>¡La fecha de <i>inicio</i> o la de <i>fin</i> es incorrecta!</b>',
656 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Día',
657 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
658 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
659 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Creciente',
660 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'creciente',
661 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulativo',
662 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'Acumulativo',
663 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
664 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estadísticas de ediciones de usuario individual $1',
665 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estadísticas de páginas de usuario individual $1',
666 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estadísticas de uso del wiki]]',
667 -);
668 -
669 -/** Estonian (Eesti)
670 - * @author Avjoska
671 - * @author Pikne
672 - */
673 -$messages['et'] = array(
674 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Kasutuse statistika',
675 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Kasutuse statistika',
676 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Ajavahemik:',
677 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimeruum:',
678 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Jäta ümbersuunamisleheküljed välja',
679 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tüüp',
680 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Alguse kuupäev:',
681 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lõpu kuupäev:',
682 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Palun märgi alguse kuupäev',
683 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Palun märgi lõpu kuupäev',
684 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päev',
685 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nädal',
686 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Kuu',
687 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Kuhjuv',
688 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kuhjuvad',
689 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kogunenud',
690 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kogunenud',
691 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vali',
692 -);
693 -
694 -/** Basque (Euskara)
695 - * @author An13sa
696 - * @author Kobazulo
697 - */
698 -$messages['eu'] = array(
699 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Erabilpen-estatistikak',
700 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Erabilpen-estatistikak',
701 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] lankidearen erabilpen-estatistikak</h2>',
702 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Lankide guztien erabilpen-estatistikak</h2>',
703 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Denbora-tartea:',
704 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Izen-tartea:',
705 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Mota',
706 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Hasiera data:',
707 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Amaiera data:',
708 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Estatistikak sortu',
709 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Hasierako data zehaztu, mesedez',
710 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Amaierako data zehaztu, mesedez',
711 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>Hasiera</i> eta/edo <i>bukaera</i> data okerra!</b>',
712 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Eguna',
713 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Astea',
714 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Hilabetea',
715 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementala',
716 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementala',
717 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Aukeratu',
718 -);
719 -
720 -/** Persian (فارسی)
721 - * @author BlueDevil
722 - * @author Huji
723 - */
724 -$messages['fa'] = array(
725 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاریخ آغاز',
726 -);
727 -
728 -/** Finnish (Suomi)
729 - * @author Cimon Avaro
730 - * @author Crt
731 - * @author Japsu
732 - * @author Kulmalukko
733 - * @author Mobe
734 - * @author Nike
735 - * @author Silvonen
736 - * @author Str4nd
737 - * @author Vililikku
738 - */
739 -$messages['fi'] = array(
740 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot',
741 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot',
742 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Näyttää käyttötilastoja yksittäisestä käyttäjästä ja wikin kokonaisuudesta.',
743 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot ([[User:$1|$1]])</h2>',
744 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Käyttötilastot kaikilta käyttäjiltä</h2>',
745 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Aikaväli',
746 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimiavaruus:',
747 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Jätä pois ohjaukset',
748 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Nämä ovat tilastot nimiavaruudessa [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
749 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tyyppi',
750 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Aloituspäivä',
751 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lopetuspäivä',
752 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Hae tilastot',
753 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Syötä aloituspäivä',
754 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Syötä lopetuspäivä',
755 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Aloitus- tai lopetuspäivä ei kelpaa! Tarkista päivämäärät.</b>',
756 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päivä',
757 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Viikko',
758 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Kuukausi',
759 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'kasvava',
760 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kasvavat',
761 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'kasaantuva',
762 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kasaantuvat',
763 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Valitse',
764 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Yksittäisen käyttäjän $1 muokkaustilastot',
765 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Yksittäisen käyttäjän $1 sivutilastot',
766 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Näytä [[Special:UserStats|wikin käyttötilastoja]]',
767 -);
768 -
769 -/** French (Français)
770 - * @author Crochet.david
771 - * @author Grondin
772 - * @author IAlex
773 - * @author PieRRoMaN
774 - * @author Sherbrooke
775 - * @author Urhixidur
776 - */
777 -$messages['fr'] = array(
778 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiques d’utilisation',
779 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiques d’utilisation',
780 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Affiche les statistiques d’utilisation par utilisateur et pour l’ensemble du wiki',
781 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiques d’utilisation pour [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
782 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistiques d’utilisation pour tous les utilisateurs</h2>',
783 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalle :',
784 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espace de noms :',
785 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclure les redirections',
786 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ces statistiques sont sur l’espace de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
787 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Les [[Special:ListRedirects|redirections]] ne sont pas prises en compte.',
788 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
789 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Date de début :',
790 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Date de fin :',
791 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Générer les statistiques',
792 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Veuillez spécifier une date de début',
793 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Veuillez spécifier une date de fin',
794 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Mauvais format de date de <i>début</i> ou de <i>fin</i> !</b>',
795 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jour',
796 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semaine',
797 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mois',
798 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrémental',
799 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrémentales',
800 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatif',
801 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatives',
802 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Sélectionner',
803 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistiques $1 des modifications par utilisateur',
804 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistiques $1 des pages par utilisateur',
805 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Voir les [[Special:UserStats|statistiques d’utilisation du wiki]]',
806 -);
807 -
808 -/** Franco-Provençal (Arpetan)
809 - * @author Cedric31
810 - * @author ChrisPtDe
811 - */
812 -$messages['frp'] = array(
813 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Entèrvalo',
814 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
815 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dâta de comencement',
816 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dâta de fin',
817 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Fâre les statistiques',
818 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jorn',
819 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
820 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
821 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Encrèmentâl',
822 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'encrèmentâles',
823 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatif',
824 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatives',
825 -);
826 -
827 -/** Irish (Gaeilge)
828 - * @author Alison
829 - */
830 -$messages['ga'] = array(
831 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Saghas',
832 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Lá',
833 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Seachtain',
834 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mí',
835 -);
836 -
837 -/** Galician (Galego)
838 - * @author Alma
839 - * @author Toliño
840 - * @author Xosé
841 - */
842 -$messages['gl'] = array(
843 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
844 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
845 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Amosar as estatíticas de uso do usuario individual e mais as do wiki en xeral',
846 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de uso de "[[User:$1|$1]]"</h2>',
847 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de uso de todos os usuarios</h2>',
848 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
849 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espazo de nomes:',
850 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluír as redireccións',
851 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas son as estatísticas do espazo de nomes [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
852 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Non se teñen en conta as [[Special:ListRedirects|redireccións]].',
853 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Clase',
854 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de comezo:',
855 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin:',
856 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Xerar as estatísticas',
857 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor, especifique unha data de comezo',
858 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor, especifique unha data de fin',
859 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data de <i>comezo</i> e/ou <i>fin</i> errónea!</b>',
860 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Día',
861 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
862 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
863 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
864 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
865 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulativo',
866 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'acumulativas',
867 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
868 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas das edicións $1 do usuario',
869 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Páxinas das estatísticas $1 do usuario',
870 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver as [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de uso do wiki]]',
871 -);
872 -
873 -/** Ancient Greek (Ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ)
874 - * @author Crazymadlover
875 - */
876 -$messages['grc'] = array(
877 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Ὀνοματεῖον:',
878 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Τύπος',
879 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ἡμέρα',
880 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Μήν',
881 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Ἐπιλέγειν',
882 -);
883 -
884 -/** Swiss German (Alemannisch)
885 - * @author Als-Holder
886 - */
887 -$messages['gsw'] = array(
888 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutzigs-Statischtik',
889 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutzigs-Statischtik',
890 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeigt individuälli Benutzer- un allgmeini Wiki-Nutzigsstatischtiken aa',
891 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutzigs-Statischtik fir [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
892 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutzigs-Statischtik fir alli Benutzer</h2>',
893 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Zytruum:',
894 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namensruum:',
895 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Wyterleitige uusschließe',
896 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Des sin Statischtike iber dr [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-Namensruum.',
897 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Wyterleitige]] wäre nit zellt.',
898 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Berächnigsart',
899 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Datum:',
900 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Änd-Datum:',
901 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statischtik generiere',
902 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Datum yygee',
903 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Änd-Datum yygee',
904 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Falsch <i>Start-Datum</i> oder <i>Änd-Datum</i> !</b>',
905 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tag',
906 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Wuche',
907 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monet',
908 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
909 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'obsgi',
910 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
911 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ghyflet',
912 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wehl',
913 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuälli Bearbeitigsstatischtike fir Benutzer $1',
914 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuälli Sytestatischtike fir Benutzer $1',
915 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wiki-Nutzigs-Statischtik]] aaluege',
916 -);
917 -
918 -/** Gujarati (ગુજરાતી)
919 - * @author Ashok modhvadia
920 - */
921 -$messages['gu'] = array(
922 - 'specialuserstats' => 'વપરાશના આંકડા',
923 - 'usagestatistics' => 'વપરાશના આંકડા',
924 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય અને સમગ્ર વિકિ વપરાશના આંકડાઓ બતાવો',
925 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]ના વપરાશના આંકડાઓ</h2>',
926 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>બધા સભ્યોના વપરાશના આંકડાઓ</h2>',
927 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'વિરામ',
928 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'પ્રકાર',
929 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'આરંભ તારીખ',
930 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'અંતિમ તારીખ',
931 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'આંકડાઓ દર્શાવો',
932 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'કૃપયા આરંભ તારીખ જણાવો',
933 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'કૃપયા અંતિમ તારીખ જણાવો',
934 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>અમાન્ય <i>આરંભ</i> અને/અથવા <i>અંતિમ</i> તારીખ!</b>',
935 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'દિવસ',
936 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'સપ્તાહ',
937 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'મહીનો',
938 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'ચઢતા ક્રમમાં',
939 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ચઢતા ક્રમમાં',
940 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'સંચિત ક્રમમાં',
941 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'સંચિત ક્રમમાં',
942 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'પસંદ કરો',
943 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય $1 સંપાદનના આંકડાઓ',
944 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય $1 પાનાઓના આંકડાઓ',
945 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'જુઓ [[Special:UserStats|વિકિ વપરાશના આંકડા]]',
946 -);
947 -
948 -/** Hebrew (עברית)
949 - * @author Agbad
950 - * @author Rotemliss
951 - * @author YaronSh
952 - */
953 -$messages['he'] = array(
954 - 'specialuserstats' => 'סטטיסטיקות שימוש',
955 - 'usagestatistics' => 'סטטיסטיקות שימוש',
956 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'הצגת סטטיסטיקת השימוש של משתמש יחיד ושל כל האתר',
957 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>סטטיסטיקות השימוש של [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
958 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>סטטיסטיקות שימוש של כל המשתמשים</h2>',
959 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'מרווח:',
960 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'מרחב שם:',
961 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'התעלמות מהפניות',
962 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'אלו סטטיסטיקות במרחב השם [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
963 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|הפניות]] אינן נלקחות בחשבון.',
964 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'סוג',
965 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'תאריך ההתחלה:',
966 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'תאריך הסיום:',
967 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'יצירת סטטיסטיקות',
968 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'אנא ציינו תאריך התחלה',
969 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'אנא ציינו תאריך סיום',
970 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>תאריך <i>ההתחלה</i> ו/או תאריך <i>הסיום</i> בעייתיים!</b>',
971 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'יום',
972 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'שבוע',
973 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'חודש',
974 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'מתווספת',
975 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'מתווספת',
976 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'מצטברת',
977 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'מצטבר',
978 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'בחירה',
979 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'סטטיסטיקת עריכות של המשתמש היחיד $1',
980 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'סטטיסטיקות הדפים של המשתמש היחיד $1',
981 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'צפייה ב[[Special:UserStats|סטטיסטיקת השימוש בוויקי]]',
982 -);
983 -
984 -/** Hindi (हिन्दी)
985 - * @author Kaustubh
986 - */
987 -$messages['hi'] = array(
988 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'प्रकार',
989 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'महिना',
990 -);
991 -
992 -/** Croatian (Hrvatski)
993 - * @author Dalibor Bosits
994 - * @author Dnik
995 - * @author Ex13
996 - */
997 -$messages['hr'] = array(
998 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistika upotrebe',
999 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistika upotrebe',
1000 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokazuje statistku upotrebe za pojedinog suradnika i cijele wiki',
1001 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistika upotrebe za suradnika [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1002 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistika upotrebe za sve suradnike</h2>',
1003 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Razdoblje',
1004 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Vrsta',
1005 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum',
1006 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Završni datum',
1007 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Izračunaj statistiku',
1008 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo, odaberite početni datum',
1009 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo, odaberite završni datum',
1010 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Nevažeći <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>završni</i> datum!</b>',
1011 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dan',
1012 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tjedan',
1013 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mjesec',
1014 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
1015 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
1016 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
1017 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
1018 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Odabir',
1019 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika uređivanja individualnog suradnika $1',
1020 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika stranica individualnog suradnika $1',
1021 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Pogledaj [[Special:UserStats|wiki statistike korištenja]]',
1022 -);
1023 -
1024 -/** Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce)
1025 - * @author Michawiki
1026 - */
1027 -$messages['hsb'] = array(
1028 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Wužiwanska statistika',
1029 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Wužiwanska statistika',
1030 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Statistika jednotliwych wužiwarja a cyłkownu wikijowu statistiku pokazać',
1031 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Wužiwanska statistika za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1032 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Wužiwanska statistika za wšěch wužiwarjow</h2>',
1033 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interwal:',
1034 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Mjenowy rum:',
1035 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Dalesposrědkowanja wuzamknyć',
1036 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'To je statistika wo mjenowym rumje [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1037 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Dalesposrědkowanja]] njejsu zapřijate.',
1038 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
1039 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Spočatny datum:',
1040 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Kónčny datum:',
1041 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistiku wutworić',
1042 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Podaj prošu spočatny datum',
1043 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Podaj prošu kónčny datum',
1044 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Njepłaćiwy <i>spočatny</i> a/abo <i>kónčny</i> datum!</b>',
1045 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dźeń',
1046 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tydźeń',
1047 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Měsac',
1048 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalny',
1049 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalny',
1050 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatiwny',
1051 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatiwny',
1052 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wubrać',
1053 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Indiwiduelna statistika změnow wužiwarja $1',
1054 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Indiwiduelna statistika stronow wužiwarja $1',
1055 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikijowu wužiwansku statistiku]] sej wobhladać',
1056 -);
1057 -
1058 -/** Hungarian (Magyar)
1059 - * @author Glanthor Reviol
1060 - */
1061 -$messages['hu'] = array(
1062 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Használati statisztika',
1063 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Használati statisztika',
1064 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Egyedi felhasználói és összesített wiki használati statisztika',
1065 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] használati statisztikái</h2>',
1066 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Az összes felhasználó használati statisztikái</h2>',
1067 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervallum:',
1068 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Névtér:',
1069 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Átirányítások kihagyása',
1070 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ezek a(z) [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] névtér statisztikái.',
1071 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Az [[Special:ListRedirects|átirányítások]] nem lettek beszámítva.',
1072 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Típus',
1073 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Kezdődátum:',
1074 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Végdátum:',
1075 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statisztikák elkészítése',
1076 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Adj meg egy kezdődátumot',
1077 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Adj meg egy végdátumot',
1078 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Hibás <i>kezdő-</i> és/vagy <i>vég</i>dátum!</b>',
1079 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Nap',
1080 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hét',
1081 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Hónap',
1082 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementális',
1083 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementális',
1084 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatív',
1085 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatív',
1086 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Kiválaszt',
1087 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 felhasználó egyedi szerkesztési statisztikái',
1088 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 felhasználó egyedi lapstatisztikái',
1089 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'A [[Special:UserStats|wiki használati statisztikáinak]] megjelenítése',
1090 -);
1091 -
1092 -/** Interlingua (Interlingua)
1093 - * @author McDutchie
1094 - */
1095 -$messages['ia'] = array(
1096 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statisticas de uso',
1097 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statisticas de uso',
1098 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Monstra statisticas del usator individual e del uso general del wiki',
1099 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statisticas de uso pro [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1100 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statisticas de uso pro tote le usatores</h2>',
1101 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervallo:',
1102 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spatio de nomines:',
1103 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluder redirectiones',
1104 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Iste statisticas es super le spatio de nomines [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1105 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Le [[Special:ListRedirects|redirectiones]] non es prendite in conto.',
1106 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typo',
1107 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de initio:',
1108 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin:',
1109 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generar statisticas',
1110 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Per favor specifica un data de initio',
1111 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Per favor specifica un data de fin',
1112 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Mal data de <i>initio</i> e/o de <i>fin</i>!</b>',
1113 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Die',
1114 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Septimana',
1115 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mense',
1116 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
1117 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
1118 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
1119 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
1120 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seliger',
1121 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statisticas $1 super le modificationes del usator individual',
1122 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statisticas $1 super le paginas del usator individual',
1123 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vider [[Special:UserStats|statisticas de uso del wiki]]',
1124 -);
1125 -
1126 -/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
1127 - * @author Bennylin
1128 - * @author Irwangatot
1129 - */
1130 -$messages['id'] = array(
1131 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistik penggunaan',
1132 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistik penggunaan',
1133 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Perlihatkan statistik pengguna individual dan keseluruhan wiki',
1134 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistik untuk [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1135 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistik untuk seluruh pengguna</h2>',
1136 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
1137 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Ruangnama:',
1138 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Kecuali pengalihan',
1139 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Terdapat stistik pada ruangnama [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1140 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Pengalihan]] tidak diperhitungkan.',
1141 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
1142 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tanggal mulai:',
1143 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tanggal selesai:',
1144 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Tunjukkan statistik',
1145 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Masukkan tanggal mulai',
1146 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Masukkan tanggal selesai',
1147 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Tanggal <i>mulai</i> dan/atau <i>selesai</i> salah!</b>',
1148 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tanggal',
1149 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu',
1150 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Bulan',
1151 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Bertahap',
1152 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'bertahap',
1153 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatif',
1154 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatif',
1155 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Pilih',
1156 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistik penyuntingan $1 pengguna individual',
1157 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistik halaman $1 pengguna individual',
1158 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Lihat [[Special:UserStats|statistik wiki]]',
1159 -);
1160 -
1161 -/** Ido (Ido)
1162 - * @author Malafaya
1163 - */
1164 -$messages['io'] = array(
1165 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dio',
1166 -);
1167 -
1168 -/** Icelandic (Íslenska) */
1169 -$messages['is'] = array(
1170 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dagur',
1171 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vika',
1172 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mánuður',
1173 -);
1174 -
1175 -/** Italian (Italiano)
1176 - * @author BrokenArrow
1177 - * @author Darth Kule
1178 - * @author Pietrodn
1179 - */
1180 -$messages['it'] = array(
1181 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiche di utilizzo',
1182 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiche di utilizzo',
1183 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostra le statistiche di utilizzo individuali per utente e globali per il sito',
1184 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiche di utilizzo per [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1185 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistiche di utilizzo per tutti gli utenti</h2>',
1186 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Periodo:',
1187 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
1188 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Escludi redirect',
1189 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Queste sono statistiche sul namespace [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1190 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'I [[Special:ListRedirects|redirect]] non sono presi in considerazione.',
1191 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
1192 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data di inizio:',
1193 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data di fine:',
1194 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Genera statistiche',
1195 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Specificare una data iniziale',
1196 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Specificare una data di fine',
1197 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data <i>iniziale</i> o <i>finale</i> errata.</b>',
1198 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Giorno',
1199 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Settimana',
1200 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mese',
1201 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementali',
1202 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementali',
1203 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
1204 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
1205 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleziona',
1206 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistiche $1 sulle modifiche per singolo utente',
1207 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistiche $1 sulle pagine per singolo utente',
1208 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Visualizza [[Special:UserStats|statistiche di uso del sito wiki]]',
1209 -);
1210 -
1211 -/** Japanese (日本語)
1212 - * @author Aotake
1213 - * @author Fryed-peach
1214 - * @author Hosiryuhosi
1215 - */
1216 -$messages['ja'] = array(
1217 - 'specialuserstats' => '利用統計',
1218 - 'usagestatistics' => '利用統計',
1219 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => '個々の利用者およびウィキ全体の利用統計を表示する',
1220 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] の利用統計</h2>',
1221 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>全利用者の利用統計</h2>',
1222 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '間隔:',
1223 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => '名前空間:',
1224 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'リダイレクトを除く',
1225 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'これは[[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]名前空間における統計です。',
1226 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|リダイレクト]]は数に入っていません。',
1227 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'タイプ',
1228 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => '開始日:',
1229 - 'usagestatisticsend' => '終了日:',
1230 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '統計を生成',
1231 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '開始日を指定してください',
1232 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '終了日を指定してください',
1233 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>開始</i>および、あるいは<i>終了</i>の日付が不正です!</b>',
1234 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
1235 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '週',
1236 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
1237 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '漸進',
1238 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '漸進',
1239 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累積',
1240 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累積',
1241 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '選択',
1242 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '利用者の$1編集統計',
1243 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '利用者の$1ページ統計',
1244 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|ウィキの利用統計]]を見る',
1245 -);
1246 -
1247 -/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
1248 - * @author Meursault2004
1249 - * @author Pras
1250 - */
1251 -$messages['jv'] = array(
1252 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistik olèhé nganggo',
1253 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistik olèhé nganggo',
1254 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Tampilaké statistik panganggo individu lan kabèh panggunaan wiki',
1255 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistik panggunan kanggo [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1256 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistik panggunaan kabèh panganggo</h2>',
1257 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
1258 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Jenis',
1259 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tanggal miwiti:',
1260 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tanggal rampung:',
1261 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Nggawé statistik',
1262 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Temtokaké tanggal miwiti',
1263 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Temtokaké tanggal mungkasi',
1264 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Tanggal <i>miwiti</i> lan/utawa <i>mungkasi</i> kliru!</b>',
1265 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dina',
1266 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu (saptawara)',
1267 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Sasi',
1268 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => "Undhak-undhakan (''incremental'')",
1269 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => "undhak-undhakan (''incremental'')",
1270 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatif',
1271 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatif',
1272 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Pilih',
1273 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistik panyuntingan panganggo individual $1',
1274 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistik kaca panganggo individual $1',
1275 -);
1276 -
1277 -/** Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ)
1278 - * @author Chhorran
1279 - * @author Lovekhmer
1280 - * @author Thearith
1281 - * @author គីមស៊្រុន
1282 - */
1283 -$messages['km'] = array(
1284 - 'specialuserstats' => 'ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់',
1285 - 'usagestatistics' => 'ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់',
1286 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'បង្ហាញ​ស្ថិតិ​អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​ជាឯកត្តៈបុគ្គល និង ការប្រើប្រាស់វិគីទាំងមូល',
1287 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់​របស់ [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1288 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>ស្ថិតិប្រើប្រាស់សម្រាប់គ្រប់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ទាំងអស់</h2>',
1289 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ចន្លោះ',
1290 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'ប្រភេទ៖',
1291 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ប្រភេទ',
1292 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទចាប់ផ្តើម',
1293 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទបញ្ចប់',
1294 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'សូម​ធ្វើការ​បញ្ជាក់​ដើម្បី​ចាប់ផ្ដើម​ទិន្នន័យ',
1295 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'សូម​ធ្វើការ​បញ្ជាក់​ដើម្បី​បញ្ចប់​ទិន្នន័យ',
1296 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ថ្ងៃ',
1297 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'សប្តាហ៍',
1298 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ខែ',
1299 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'បន្ថែម',
1300 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'បន្ថែម',
1301 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'សន្សំ',
1302 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'សន្សំ',
1303 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ជ្រើសយក',
1304 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​បុគ្គល $1 ស្ថិតិ​កែប្រែ',
1305 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​បុគ្គល $1 ស្ថិតិ​ទំព័រ',
1306 -);
1307 -
1308 -/** Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)
1309 - * @author Nayvik
1310 - */
1311 -$messages['kn'] = array(
1312 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ದಿನ',
1313 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ವಾರ',
1314 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ತಿಂಗಳು',
1315 -);
1316 -
1317 -/** Ripoarisch (Ripoarisch)
1318 - * @author Purodha
1319 - */
1320 -$messages['ksh'] = array(
1321 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike fum Metmaache',
1322 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike fum Metmaache',
1323 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeich Statistike övver Metmaacher un et janze Wiki.',
1324 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike fum Metmaacher [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1325 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike fun alle Metmaacher</h2>',
1326 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'De Zick
1327 -<small>(fun/beß)</small>:',
1328 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Appachtemang:',
1329 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ußer Ömleidungssigge',
1330 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Shtatißtike övver et Appachtemang [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]',
1331 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Ömleidungssigge]] sin nit metjezallt.',
1332 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Aat ze rääschne',
1333 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Et Aanfangs-Dattum:',
1334 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Et Dattum fun Engk:',
1335 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistike ußrääschne',
1336 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '* <span style="color:red">Dattum fum Aanfangs aanjevve</span>',
1337 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '* <span style="color:red">Dattum fum Engk aanjevve</span>',
1338 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Et Dattum fum <i>Aanfang</i> udder <i>Engk</i> es Kappes!</b>',
1339 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dach',
1340 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
1341 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mohnd',
1342 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'schrettwies',
1343 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Schrettwies',
1344 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'jesammt',
1345 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'Jesammt',
1346 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Ußsöke',
1347 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 Änderungs-Statistike fun enem Metmaacher',
1348 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 Sigge-Statistike fun enem Metmaacher',
1349 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Dem [[Special:UserStats|Wiki sing Jebruchs_Shtatistike]] aanloore',
1350 -);
1351 -
1352 -/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
1353 - * @author Robby
1354 - */
1355 -$messages['lb'] = array(
1356 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Benotzungs-Statistiken',
1357 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Benotzungs-Statistiken',
1358 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Weis Statistike vun den indivudelle Benotzer an der allgemenger Benotzung vun der Wiki',
1359 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Benotzungs-Statistik fir [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1360 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike vun der Benotzung fir all Benotzer</h2>',
1361 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
1362 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nummraum:',
1363 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Viruleedungen ausschléissen',
1364 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Et gëtt keng Statistiken vum Nummraum [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1365 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Viruleedunge]] ginn net matgezielt.',
1366 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
1367 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ufanksdatum:',
1368 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Schlussdatum:',
1369 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik opstellen',
1370 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Gitt w.e.g een Ufanksdatum un',
1371 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Gitt w.e.g. ee Schlussdatum un',
1372 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Falsche Format vum <i>Ufanks-</i> oder vum <i>Schluss</i> Datum!</b>',
1373 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
1374 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
1375 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mount',
1376 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkremental',
1377 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Inkremental',
1378 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
1379 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
1380 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Auswielen',
1381 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuell $1 Statistiken vun den Ännerunge pro Benotzer',
1382 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuell $1 Statistiken vun de Säite pro Benotzer',
1383 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wiki Benotzerstatistike]] weisen',
1384 -);
1385 -
1386 -/** Laz (Laz)
1387 - * @author Bombola
1388 - */
1389 -$messages['lzz'] = array(
1390 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ndğa',
1391 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Doloni',
1392 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Tuta',
1393 -);
1394 -
1395 -/** Macedonian (Македонски)
1396 - * @author Bjankuloski06
1397 - * @author Brest
1398 - */
1399 -$messages['mk'] = array(
1400 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистики на користење',
1401 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистики на користење',
1402 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Приказ на статистики на користење поединечно за корисник и за целото вики',
1403 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистики на користење за [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1404 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистики на користење за сите корисници</h2>',
1405 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
1406 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Именски простор:',
1407 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Без пренасочувања',
1408 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ова се статистики за именскиот простор [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1409 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Пренасочувањата]] не се земаат во предвид.',
1410 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
1411 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Почетен датум:',
1412 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Краен датум:',
1413 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Создај статистики',
1414 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Специфицирајте почетен датум',
1415 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Специфицирајте краен датум',
1416 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Лош <i>почетен</i> и/или <i>краен</i> датум!</b>',
1417 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ден',
1418 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Седмица',
1419 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
1420 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Инкрементално',
1421 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'инкрементално',
1422 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Кумулативно',
1423 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'кумулативно',
1424 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Избери',
1425 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистики на уредување за корисник $1',
1426 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистики на страници за корисник $1',
1427 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Погледајте ги [[Special:UserStats|статистиките за употребата на викито]]',
1428 -);
1429 -
1430 -/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
1431 - * @author Shijualex
1432 - */
1433 -$messages['ml'] = array(
1434 - 'specialuserstats' => 'ഉപയോഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക്',
1435 - 'usagestatistics' => 'ഉപയോഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക്',
1436 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ഇടവേള',
1437 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'തരം',
1438 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'തുടങ്ങുന്ന തീയ്യതി',
1439 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'അവസാനിക്കുന്ന തീയ്യതി',
1440 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക് ഉത്പാദിപ്പിക്കുക',
1441 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'ദയവായി ഒരു തുടക്ക തീയ്യതി ചേർക്കുക',
1442 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'ദയവായി ഒരു ഒടുക്ക തീയ്യതി ചേർക്കുക',
1443 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>അസാധുവായ <i>തുടക്ക</i> അല്ലെങ്കിൽ <i>ഒടുക്ക</i> തീയ്യതി!</b>',
1444 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ദിവസം',
1445 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ആഴ്ച',
1446 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'മാസം',
1447 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക',
1448 -);
1449 -
1450 -/** Marathi (मराठी)
1451 - * @author Kaustubh
1452 - * @author Mahitgar
1453 - */
1454 -$messages['mr'] = array(
1455 - 'specialuserstats' => 'वापर सांख्यिकी',
1456 - 'usagestatistics' => 'वापर सांख्यिकी',
1457 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] ची वापर सांख्यिकी</h2>',
1458 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'मध्यंतर',
1459 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'प्रकार',
1460 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'सुरुवातीचा दिनांक',
1461 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'शेवटची तारीख',
1462 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'सांख्यिकी तयार करा',
1463 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'कृपया सुरुवातीची तारीख द्या',
1464 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'कृपया शेवटची तारीख द्या',
1465 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>चुकीची <i>सुरु</i> अथवा/किंवा <i>समाप्तीची</i> तारीख!</b>',
1466 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'दिवस',
1467 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'आठवडा',
1468 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'महीना',
1469 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'इन्क्रिमेंटल',
1470 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'इन्क्रिमेंटल',
1471 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'एकूण',
1472 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'एकूण',
1473 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'निवडा',
1474 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'एकटा सदस्य $1 संपादन सांख्यिकी',
1475 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'एकटा सदस्य $1 पृष्ठ सांख्यिकी',
1476 -);
1477 -
1478 -/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
1479 - * @author Aurora
1480 - * @author Zamwan
1481 - */
1482 -$messages['ms'] = array(
1483 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Selang:',
1484 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Jenis',
1485 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tarikh mula:',
1486 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tarikh tamat:',
1487 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Jana statistik',
1488 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Sila tentukan tarikh mula',
1489 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Sila tentukan tarikh tamat',
1490 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Hari',
1491 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu',
1492 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Bulan',
1493 -);
1494 -
1495 -/** Erzya (Эрзянь)
1496 - * @author Botuzhaleny-sodamo
1497 - */
1498 -$messages['myv'] = array(
1499 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Йутко',
1500 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
1501 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ушодома чи',
1502 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Прядома чи',
1503 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Аволь истямо <i>ушодома</i> ды/эли <i>прядома</i> ковчи!</b>',
1504 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Чи',
1505 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тарго',
1506 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ковось',
1507 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Весемезэ',
1508 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'весемезэ',
1509 -);
1510 -
1511 -/** Low German (Plattdüütsch)
1512 - * @author Slomox
1513 - */
1514 -$messages['nds'] = array(
1515 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Tiedruum',
1516 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
1517 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
1518 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
1519 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
1520 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Utwählen',
1521 -);
1522 -
1523 -/** Dutch (Nederlands)
1524 - * @author SPQRobin
1525 - * @author Siebrand
1526 - */
1527 -$messages['nl'] = array(
1528 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebruiksstatistieken',
1529 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebruiksstatistieken',
1530 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Individuele en totaalstatistieken van wikigebruik weergeven',
1531 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Gebruikersstatistieken voor [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1532 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Gebruiksstatistieken voor alle gebruikers</h2>',
1533 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Onderbreking:',
1534 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Naamruimte:',
1535 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Doorverwijzingen uitsluiten',
1536 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dit zijn statistieken over de naamruimte [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1537 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Over [[Special:ListRedirects|doorverwijzingen]] wordt niet gerapporteerd.',
1538 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
1539 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Begindatum:',
1540 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Einddatum:',
1541 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistieken weergeven',
1542 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Geef een begindatum op',
1543 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Geef een einddatum op',
1544 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Slechte <i>begindatum</i> en/of <i>einddatum</i>!</b>',
1545 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
1546 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
1547 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
1548 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementeel',
1549 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementeel',
1550 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatief',
1551 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatief',
1552 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selecteren',
1553 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 bewerkingsstatistieken voor enkele gebruiker',
1554 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 paginastatistieken voor enkele gebruiker',
1555 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikigebruiksstatistieken]] bekijken',
1556 -);
1557 -
1558 -/** Norwegian Nynorsk (‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬)
1559 - * @author Eirik
1560 - * @author Frokor
1561 - * @author Gunnernett
1562 - * @author Jon Harald Søby
1563 - */
1564 -$messages['nn'] = array(
1565 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistikk over bruk',
1566 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistikk over bruk',
1567 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Vis statistikk for individuelle brukarar og for heile wikien',
1568 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistikk over bruk for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1569 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for alle brukarar</h2>',
1570 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
1571 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namnerom:',
1572 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ta ikkje med omdirigeringar',
1573 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
1574 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdato:',
1575 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Sluttdato:',
1576 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Lag statistikk',
1577 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Ver venleg og oppgje startdato',
1578 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Ver venleg og oppgje sluttdato',
1579 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ugyldig <i>start</i>– og/eller <i>slutt</i>dato!</b>',
1580 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
1581 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Veke',
1582 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Månad',
1583 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Veksande',
1584 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'veksande',
1585 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
1586 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
1587 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Velg',
1588 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redigeringsstatistikk for $1',
1589 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Sidestatistikk for $1',
1590 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vis [[Special:UserStats|wikibrukarstatistikk]]',
1591 -);
1592 -
1593 -/** Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬)
1594 - * @author Jon Harald Søby
1595 - * @author Nghtwlkr
1596 - */
1597 -$messages['no'] = array(
1598 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Bruksstatistikk',
1599 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Bruksstatistikk',
1600 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Vis statistikk for individuelle brukere og for hele wikien',
1601 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1602 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for alle brukere</h2>',
1603 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
1604 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Navnerom:',
1605 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ikke ta med omdirigeringer',
1606 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dette er statistikk for navnerommet [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1607 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Omdirigeringer]] har ikke blitt medregnet.',
1608 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
1609 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdato:',
1610 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Sluttdato:',
1611 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generer statistikk',
1612 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Vennligst angi en starttid',
1613 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Vennligst angi en sluttid',
1614 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ugyldig <i>start-</i> og/eller <i>slutttid</i>!</b>',
1615 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
1616 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Uke',
1617 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Måned',
1618 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Økende',
1619 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'økende',
1620 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
1621 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
1622 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Velg',
1623 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redigeringsstatistikk for $1',
1624 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Sidestatistikk for $1',
1625 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vis [[Special:UserStats|wikibrukerstatistikk]]',
1626 -);
1627 -
1628 -/** Occitan (Occitan)
1629 - * @author Cedric31
1630 - */
1631 -$messages['oc'] = array(
1632 - 'specialuserstats' => "Estatisticas d'utilizacion",
1633 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatisticas Utilizacion',
1634 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Aficha las estatisticas individualas dels utilizaires e mai l’utilizacion sus l’ensemble del wiki.',
1635 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatisticas Utilizacion per [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1636 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Estatisticas d'utilizacion per totes los utilizaires</h2>",
1637 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval :',
1638 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espaci de nom :',
1639 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclure las redireccions',
1640 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => "Aquestas estatisticas son sus l'espaci de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].",
1641 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Las [[Special:ListRedirects|redireccions]] son pas presas en compte.',
1642 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe :',
1643 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de començament :',
1644 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin :',
1645 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generir las estatisticas',
1646 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Picar una data de començament',
1647 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Picar una data de fin',
1648 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Format de data de <i>començament</i> o de <i>fin</i> marrit !</b>',
1649 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jorn',
1650 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Setmana',
1651 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
1652 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
1653 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementalas',
1654 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatiu',
1655 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
1656 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
1657 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Edicions estatisticas $1 per utilizaire',
1658 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatisticas $1 de las paginas per utilizaire individual',
1659 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Vejatz las [[Special:UserStats|estatisticas d'utilizacion del wiki]]",
1660 -);
1661 -
1662 -/** Ossetic (Иронау)
1663 - * @author Amikeco
1664 - */
1665 -$messages['os'] = array(
1666 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
1667 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Кæдæй',
1668 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Кæдмæ',
1669 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Бон',
1670 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Къуыри',
1671 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Мæй',
1672 -);
1673 -
1674 -/** Deitsch (Deitsch)
1675 - * @author Xqt
1676 - */
1677 -$messages['pdc'] = array(
1678 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Daag',
1679 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
1680 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Munet',
1681 -);
1682 -
1683 -/** Polish (Polski)
1684 - * @author Equadus
1685 - * @author Leinad
1686 - * @author McMonster
1687 - * @author Sp5uhe
1688 - * @author Wpedzich
1689 - */
1690 -$messages['pl'] = array(
1691 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statystyki',
1692 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statystyki',
1693 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokazuje statystyki indywidualne użytkownika oraz statystyki wiki',
1694 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statystyki użytkownika [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1695 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statystyki wykorzystania dla wszystkich użytkowników</h2>',
1696 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Okres',
1697 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Przestrzeń nazw',
1698 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Wyklucz przekierowania',
1699 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dane statystyczne dotyczą przestrzeni nazw „[[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]”.',
1700 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Przekierowania]] nie są brane pod uwagę.',
1701 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
1702 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data początkowa',
1703 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data końcowa',
1704 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generuj statystyki',
1705 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Podaj datę początkową',
1706 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Podaj datę końcową',
1707 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Nieprawidłowa data <i>początkowa</i> i/lub <i>końcowa</i>!</b>',
1708 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dzień',
1709 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tydzień',
1710 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Miesiąc',
1711 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Przyrostowe',
1712 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'przyrostowe',
1713 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Skumulowane',
1714 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'skumulowane',
1715 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wybierz',
1716 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statystyki edycji pojedynczego użytkownika',
1717 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statystyki stron pojedynczego użytkownika',
1718 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Przeglądanie [[Special:UserStats|statystyk wykorzystania wiki]]',
1719 -);
1720 -
1721 -/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
1722 - * @author Borichèt
1723 - * @author Dragonòt
1724 - */
1725 -$messages['pms'] = array(
1726 - 'specialuserstats' => "Statìstiche d'utilisassion",
1727 - 'usagestatistics' => "Statìstiche d'utilisassion",
1728 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Mostra le statìstiche d'utilisassion dj'utent andividuaj e dl'ansem dla wiki",
1729 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Statìstiche d'utilisassion për [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
1730 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Statìstiche d'utilisassion për tuti j'utent</h2>",
1731 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Antërval:',
1732 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spassi nominal:',
1733 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Lassé fòra le ridiression',
1734 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Coste a son dë statìstiche an slë spassi nominal [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1735 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Le [[Special:ListRedirects|ridiression]] a son nen pijà an cont.',
1736 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo:',
1737 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dàita ëd prinsipi:',
1738 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dàita ëd fin:',
1739 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generé le statìstiche',
1740 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Për piasì specìfica na data ëd partensa',
1741 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Për piasì specìfica na data ëd fin',
1742 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data <i>inissial</i> e/o <i>final</i> pa bon-a!</b>',
1743 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Di',
1744 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sman-a',
1745 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mèis',
1746 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Ancremental',
1747 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ancremental',
1748 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
1749 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
1750 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selession-a',
1751 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Statìstiche $1 dle modìfiche dj'utent andividuaj",
1752 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Statìstiche $1 dle pàgine dj'utent andividuaj",
1753 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Varda [[Special:UserStats|statìstiche d'usagi dla wiki]]",
1754 -);
1755 -
1756 -/** Pashto (پښتو)
1757 - * @author Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel
1758 - */
1759 -$messages['ps'] = array(
1760 - 'specialuserstats' => 'د کارولو شمار',
1761 - 'usagestatistics' => 'د کارولو شمار',
1762 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'نوم-تشيال:',
1763 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ډول',
1764 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'د پيل نېټه:',
1765 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'د پای نېټه:',
1766 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>بد <i>پيل</i> او/يا <i>پای </i> نېټه!</b>',
1767 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ورځ',
1768 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'اوونۍ',
1769 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'مياشت',
1770 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ټاکل',
1771 -);
1772 -
1773 -/** Portuguese (Português)
1774 - * @author Giro720
1775 - * @author Hamilton Abreu
1776 - * @author Lijealso
1777 - * @author Malafaya
1778 - * @author Waldir
1779 - */
1780 -$messages['pt'] = array(
1781 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
1782 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
1783 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar estatísticas de utilizadores individuais e de uso geral da wiki',
1784 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1785 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para todos os utilizadores</h2>',
1786 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
1787 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Domínio:',
1788 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redireccionamentos',
1789 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas são as estatísticas do espaço nominal [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1790 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redireccionamentos]] não são tomados em conta.',
1791 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
1792 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de início:',
1793 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fim:',
1794 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Gerar Estatísticas',
1795 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor indique uma data de início',
1796 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor indique uma data de término',
1797 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Datas de <i>início</i> e/ou <i>término</i> inválidas!</b>',
1798 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
1799 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
1800 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
1801 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
1802 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
1803 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativo',
1804 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
1805 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Escolher',
1806 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas $1 de edição de utilizador individual',
1807 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatísticas $1 de páginas de utilizador individual',
1808 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de utilização da wiki]]',
1809 -);
1810 -
1811 -/** Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil)
1812 - * @author Eduardo.mps
1813 - * @author Luckas Blade
1814 - */
1815 -$messages['pt-br'] = array(
1816 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
1817 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
1818 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar estatísticas de utilizadores individuais e de uso geral da wiki',
1819 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1820 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para todos os utilizadores</h2>',
1821 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
1822 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Domínio:',
1823 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redirecionamentos',
1824 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
1825 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de início:',
1826 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fim:',
1827 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Gerar Estatísticas',
1828 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor indique uma data de início',
1829 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor indique uma data de término',
1830 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Datas de <i>início</i> e/ou <i>término</i> inválidas!</b>',
1831 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
1832 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
1833 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
1834 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
1835 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
1836 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativo',
1837 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
1838 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Escolher',
1839 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas $1 de edição de utilizador individual',
1840 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatísticas $1 de páginas de utilizador individual',
1841 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de utilização do wiki]]',
1842 -);
1843 -
1844 -/** Romanian (Română)
1845 - * @author Firilacroco
1846 - * @author KlaudiuMihaila
1847 - */
1848 -$messages['ro'] = array(
1849 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistici de utilizare',
1850 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistici de utilizare',
1851 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval',
1852 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spaţiu de nume:',
1853 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
1854 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dată început',
1855 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dată sfârşit',
1856 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generează statistici',
1857 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Zi',
1858 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Săptămână',
1859 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Lună',
1860 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
1861 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
1862 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
1863 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
1864 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selectaţi',
1865 -);
1866 -
1867 -/** Tarandíne (Tarandíne)
1868 - * @author Joetaras
1869 - */
1870 -$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
1871 - 'specialuserstats' => "Statisteche d'use",
1872 - 'usagestatistics' => "Statisteche d'use",
1873 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Face vedè le statisteche d'use de le utinde individuale e de tutte l'utinde de Uicchi",
1874 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Statisteche d'use pe [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
1875 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Statisteche d'use pe tutte l'utinde</h2>",
1876 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Indervalle:',
1877 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
1878 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Esclude le redirezionaminde',
1879 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Chiste so le statisteche sus a [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] namespace.',
1880 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirezionaminde]] non ge sò purtate jndr'à 'u cunde utende.",
1881 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
1882 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Date de inizie:',
1883 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Date de fine:',
1884 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Ccreje le statisteche',
1885 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Pe piacere mitte 'na date de inizie",
1886 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Pe piacere mitte 'na date de fine",
1887 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Date de <i>inizie</i> e/o <i>fine</i> cu l'errore!</b>",
1888 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Sciúrne',
1889 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sumáne',
1890 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mese',
1891 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Ingremendele',
1892 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ingremendele',
1893 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
1894 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
1895 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selezzione',
1896 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Statisteche sus a le cangiaminde de l'utende $1",
1897 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Statisteche sus a le pàggene de l'utende $1",
1898 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vide le [[Special:UserStats|statisteche de utilizze de Uicchi]]',
1899 -);
1900 -
1901 -/** Russian (Русский)
1902 - * @author Eleferen
1903 - * @author Ferrer
1904 - * @author Innv
1905 - * @author Rubin
1906 - * @author Александр Сигачёв
1907 - */
1908 -$messages['ru'] = array(
1909 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистика использования',
1910 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистика использования',
1911 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показывает индивидуальную для участника и общую для вики статистику использования',
1912 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистика использования для участника [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1913 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистика использования для всех участников</h2>',
1914 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
1915 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Пространство имён:',
1916 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Исключить перенаправления',
1917 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Эти статистические данные относятся к пространству имён [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1918 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перенаправления]] не принимаются во внимание.',
1919 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
1920 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Начальная дата:',
1921 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Конечная дата:',
1922 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Сформировать статистику',
1923 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Пожалуйста, укажите начальную дату',
1924 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Пожалуйста, укажите конечную дату',
1925 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Неправильная <i>начальная</i> и/или <i>конечная</i> дата!</b>',
1926 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'День',
1927 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Неделя',
1928 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месяц',
1929 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Возрастающая',
1930 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'возрастающая',
1931 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Совокупная',
1932 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'совокупная',
1933 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Выбрать',
1934 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистика $1 для индивидуальных правок',
1935 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистика $1 для страниц участника',
1936 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'просмотр [[Special:UserStats|статистики использования вики]]',
1937 -);
1938 -
1939 -/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
1940 - * @author Calcey
1941 - */
1942 -$messages['si'] = array(
1943 - 'specialuserstats' => 'භාවිතයේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත',
1944 - 'usagestatistics' => 'භාවිතයේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත',
1945 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'තනි වශයෙන් පරිශීලකයිනිගේ හා සමස්ථයක් වශයෙන් විකි භාවිතාවේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත පෙන්වන්න',
1946 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2> [[User:$1|$1]] සඳහා භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත</h2>',
1947 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>සියලුම පරිශීලකයින් සඳහා භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත</h2>',
1948 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'විවේකය:',
1949 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'නාමඅවකාශය:',
1950 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ආපසු හැරවීම් බැහැර කරන්න',
1951 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'මේ [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] නාමඅවකාශය මත සංඛ්‍යා දත්තය.',
1952 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] ගිණුමට ගෙන නැත.',
1953 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'වර්ගය:',
1954 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ආරම්භක දිනය:',
1955 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'අවසන් දිනය:',
1956 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත ජනනය',
1957 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'කරුණාකර ආරම්භක දිනයක් සඳහන් කරන්න',
1958 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'කරුණාකර අවසන් දිනයක් සඳහන් කරන්න',
1959 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>අයහපත් <i>ආරම්භය</i> සහ/හෝ <i>අවසානය</i>දිනය!</b>',
1960 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'දිනය',
1961 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'සතිය',
1962 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'මාසය',
1963 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'වෘද්ධී',
1964 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'වෘද්ධි',
1965 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'සමුච්ඡිත',
1966 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'සමුච්ඡිත',
1967 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'තෝරන්න',
1968 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 තනි පරිශීලකයා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත සංස්කරණය කරයි',
1969 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 තනි පරිශීලකයා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත පිටු ලකුණු කරයි',
1970 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|විකි භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත]] බලන්න',
1971 -);
1972 -
1973 -/** Slovak (Slovenčina)
1974 - * @author Helix84
1975 - */
1976 -$messages['sk'] = array(
1977 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Štatistika používanosti',
1978 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Štatistika používanosti',
1979 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zobrazenie štatistík jednotlivého používateľa a celej wiki',
1980 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Štatistika používanosti pre používateľa [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
1981 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Štatistika využitia pre všetkých používateľov</h2>',
1982 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
1983 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Menný priestor:',
1984 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Vynechať presmerovania',
1985 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Toto je štatistika menného priestoru [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
1986 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Presmerovania]] sa neberú do úvahy.',
1987 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
1988 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dátum začiatku:',
1989 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dátum konca:',
1990 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Vytvoriť štatistiku',
1991 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Prosím, uveďte dátum začiatku',
1992 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Prosím, uveďte dátum konca',
1993 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Chybný dátum <i>začiatku</i> a/alebo <i>konca</i>!</b>',
1994 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Deň',
1995 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Týždeň',
1996 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mesiac',
1997 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementálna',
1998 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementálna',
1999 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatívna',
2000 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatívna',
2001 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vybrať',
2002 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Štatistika úprav jednotlivého používateľa $1',
2003 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Štatistika stránok jednotlivého používateľa $1',
2004 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Zobraziť [[Special:UserStats|štatistiku použitia wiki]]',
2005 -);
2006 -
2007 -/** Serbian Cyrillic ekavian (Српски (ћирилица))
2008 - * @author Михајло Анђелковић
2009 - */
2010 -$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
2011 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистике коришћења',
2012 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистике коришћења',
2013 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Покажи појединачне кориснике и укупну статистику коришћења Викија',
2014 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистике коришћења за [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2015 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистике коришћења за све кориснике</h2>',
2016 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
2017 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
2018 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Почетни датум:',
2019 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Завршни датум:',
2020 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Генериши статистике',
2021 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Молимо Вас да задате почетни датум',
2022 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Молимо Вас да задате завршни датум',
2023 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Лош <i>почетни</i> и/или <i>завршни</i> датум!</b>',
2024 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Дан',
2025 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Недеља',
2026 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
2027 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Инкрементално',
2028 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'инкрементално',
2029 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Кумулативно',
2030 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'кумулативно',
2031 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Изабери',
2032 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистике измена појединачног корисника $1',
2033 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистике страна индивидуалних корисника $1',
2034 -);
2035 -
2036 -/** Serbian Latin ekavian (Srpski (latinica))
2037 - * @author Michaello
2038 - * @author Михајло Анђелковић
2039 - */
2040 -$messages['sr-el'] = array(
2041 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike korišćenja',
2042 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike korišćenja',
2043 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokaži pojedinačne korisnike i ukupnu statistiku korišćenja Vikija',
2044 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike korišćenja za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2045 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike korišćenja za sve korisnike</h2>',
2046 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
2047 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
2048 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum:',
2049 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Završni datum:',
2050 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiši statistike',
2051 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo Vas da zadate početni datum',
2052 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo Vas da zadate završni datum',
2053 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Loš <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>završni</i> datum!</b>',
2054 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dan',
2055 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nedelja',
2056 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mesec',
2057 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
2058 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
2059 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
2060 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
2061 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Izaberi',
2062 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistike izmena pojedinačnog korisnika $1',
2063 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistike strana individualnih korisnika $1',
2064 -);
2065 -
2066 -/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
2067 - * @author Pyt
2068 - */
2069 -$messages['stq'] = array(
2070 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutsengs-Statistik',
2071 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutsengs-Statistik',
2072 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Wiest individuelle Benutser- un algemeene Wiki-Nutsengsstatistiken an',
2073 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutsengs-Statistik foar [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2074 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutsengs-Statistik foar aal Benutsere</h2>',
2075 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Tiedruum',
2076 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Bereekenengsoard',
2077 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Doatum',
2078 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Eend-Doatum',
2079 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik generierje',
2080 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Doatum ienreeke',
2081 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Eend-Doatum ienreeke',
2082 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Uunpaasend/failerhaft <i>Start-Doatum</i> of <i>Eend-Doatum</i> !</b>',
2083 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dai',
2084 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Wiek',
2085 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mound',
2086 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
2087 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'apstiegend',
2088 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
2089 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'hööped',
2090 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wääl',
2091 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuelle Beoarbaidengsstatistike foar Benutser $1',
2092 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuelle Siedenstatistike foar Benutser $1',
2093 -);
2094 -
2095 -/** Swedish (Svenska)
2096 - * @author Lejonel
2097 - * @author M.M.S.
2098 - * @author Najami
2099 - * @author Per
2100 - * @author Poxnar
2101 - * @author Sannab
2102 - */
2103 -$messages['sv'] = array(
2104 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Användarstatistik',
2105 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Användarstatistik',
2106 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Visar användningsstatistik för enskilda användare och för wikin som helhet',
2107 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Användarstatistik för [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2108 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Användarstatistik för alla användare</h2>',
2109 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
2110 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namnrymd:',
2111 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exkludera omdirigeringar',
2112 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Detta är statistik för namnrymden [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
2113 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Det har inte tagits hänsyn till [[Special:ListRedirects|omdirigeringar]].',
2114 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ:',
2115 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdatum:',
2116 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Slutdatum:',
2117 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Visa statistik',
2118 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Ange ett startdatum',
2119 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Ange ett slutdatum',
2120 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Felaktigt <i>start-</i> eller <i>slutdatum!</i></b>',
2121 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
2122 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vecka',
2123 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Månad',
2124 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Intervallvis',
2125 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Intervallvis',
2126 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
2127 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
2128 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Välj',
2129 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statistik över antal redigeringar för enskilda användare',
2130 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statistik över antal redigerade sidor för enskilda användare',
2131 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Visa [[Special:UserStats|wikianvändningsstatistik]]',
2132 -);
2133 -
2134 -/** Telugu (తెలుగు)
2135 - * @author Chaduvari
2136 - * @author Kiranmayee
2137 - * @author Veeven
2138 - */
2139 -$messages['te'] = array(
2140 - 'specialuserstats' => 'వాడుక గణాంకాలు',
2141 - 'usagestatistics' => 'వాడుక గణాంకాలు',
2142 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి మరియు మొత్తం వికీ వాడుక గణాంకాలను చూపిస్తుంది',
2143 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] కు వాడుక గణాంకాలు</h2>',
2144 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>అందరు వాడుకరుల వాడుక గణాంకాలు</h2>',
2145 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'సమయాంతరం:',
2146 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'పేరుబరి:',
2147 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'దారిమార్పులను మినహాయించు',
2148 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'ఇవి [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] పేరుబరిలోని గణాంకాలు.',
2149 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|దారిమార్పల]]ని పరిగణన లోనికి తీసుకోలేదు.',
2150 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'రకం',
2151 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ప్రారంభ తేదీ:',
2152 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'ముగింపు తేదీ:',
2153 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'గణాంకాలను సృష్టించు',
2154 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'ప్రారంభ తేదీ ఇవ్వండి',
2155 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'ముగింపు తేదీ ఇవ్వండి',
2156 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>ప్రారంభ</i> మరియు/లేదా <i>ముగింపు</i> తేదీ సరైనది కాదు!</b>',
2157 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'రోజు',
2158 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'వారం',
2159 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'నెల',
2160 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'సంచిత',
2161 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'సంచిత',
2162 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ఎంచుకోండి',
2163 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి $1 మార్పుల గణాంకాలు',
2164 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి $1 పేజీల గణాంకాలు',
2165 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|వికీ వాడుక గణాంకాల]]ని చూడగలగటం',
2166 -);
2167 -
2168 -/** Tajik (Cyrillic) (Тоҷикӣ (Cyrillic))
2169 - * @author Ibrahim
2170 - */
2171 -$messages['tg-cyrl'] = array(
2172 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Омори истифода',
2173 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Омори истифода',
2174 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Фосила',
2175 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Навъ',
2176 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Таърихи оғоз',
2177 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Таърихи хотима',
2178 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Ҳосил кардани омор',
2179 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Лутфан таърихи оғозро мушаххас кунед',
2180 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Лутфан таърихи хотимаро мушаххас кунед',
2181 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Таърихи <i>оғози</i> ва/ё <i>хотимаи</i> номусоид!</b>',
2182 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Рӯз',
2183 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Ҳафта',
2184 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Моҳ',
2185 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Афзоишӣ',
2186 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'афзоишӣ',
2187 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Анбошта',
2188 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'анбошта',
2189 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Интихоб кардан',
2190 -);
2191 -
2192 -/** Tajik (Latin) (Тоҷикӣ (Latin))
2193 - * @author Liangent
2194 - */
2195 -$messages['tg-latn'] = array(
2196 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Omori istifoda',
2197 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Omori istifoda',
2198 - 'usagestatisticstype' => "Nav'",
2199 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Hosil kardani omor',
2200 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Lutfan ta'rixi oƣozro muşaxxas kuned",
2201 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Lutfan ta'rixi xotimaro muşaxxas kuned",
2202 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Ta'rixi <i>oƣozi</i> va/jo <i>xotimai</i> nomusoid!</b>",
2203 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Rūz',
2204 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hafta',
2205 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Moh',
2206 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Afzoişī',
2207 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'afzoişī',
2208 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Anboşta',
2209 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'anboşta',
2210 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Intixob kardan',
2211 -);
2212 -
2213 -/** Thai (ไทย)
2214 - * @author Ans
2215 - * @author Horus
2216 - * @author Manop
2217 - * @author Octahedron80
2218 - */
2219 -$messages['th'] = array(
2220 - 'specialuserstats' => 'สถิติการใช้งาน',
2221 - 'usagestatistics' => 'สถิติการใช้งาน',
2222 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'แสดงชื่อผู้ใช้เฉพาะบุคคลและสถิติการใช้งานวิกิโดยรวม',
2223 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>สถิติการใช้งานสำหรับ[[ผู้ใช้:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2224 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>สถิติการใช้งานสำหรับผู้ใช้ทุกคน</h2>',
2225 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'เนมสเปซ:',
2226 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ไม่รวมการเปลี่ยนทาง',
2227 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'วันที่เริ่มต้น:',
2228 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'วันที่สิ้นสุด:',
2229 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'วัน',
2230 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'อาทิตย์',
2231 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'เดือน',
2232 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'เลือก',
2233 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'สถิติการแก้ไขเฉพาะผู้ใช้ $1',
2234 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'ดู [[Special:UserStats|สถิติการใช้วิกิ]]',
2235 -);
2236 -
2237 -/** Turkmen (Türkmençe)
2238 - * @author Hanberke
2239 - */
2240 -$messages['tk'] = array(
2241 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Gün',
2242 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hepde',
2243 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Aý',
2244 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'inkremental',
2245 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkremental',
2246 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulýatiw',
2247 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulýatiw',
2248 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Saýla',
2249 -);
2250 -
2251 -/** Tagalog (Tagalog)
2252 - * @author AnakngAraw
2253 - */
2254 -$messages['tl'] = array(
2255 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Mga estadistika ng paggamit',
2256 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Mga estadistika ng paggamit',
2257 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Ipakita ang isang (indibiduwal na) tagagamit at pangkalahatang mga estadistika ng paggamit ng wiki',
2258 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Mga estadistika ng paggamit para kay [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2259 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Mga estadistika ng paggamit para sa lahat ng mga tagagamit</h2>',
2260 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Agwat sa pagitan',
2261 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Uri (tipo)',
2262 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Petsa ng simula',
2263 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Petsa ng pagwawakas',
2264 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Lumikha ng mga palaulatan (estadistika)',
2265 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Pakitukoy ang isang petsa ng pagsisimula',
2266 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Pakitukoy ang isang petsa ng pagwawakas',
2267 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Maling petsa ng <i>pagsisimula</i> at/o <i>pagwawakas</i>!</b>',
2268 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Araw',
2269 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Linggo',
2270 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Buwan',
2271 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Unti-unting dagdag (may inkremento)',
2272 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'unti-unting dagdag (may inkremento)',
2273 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Maramihang dagdag (kumulatibo)',
2274 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'maramihang dagdag (kumulatibo)',
2275 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Piliin',
2276 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 mga estadistika ng paggamit para sa indibidwal o isang tagagamit',
2277 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 mga estadistika ng pahina para sa isang indibidwal o isang tagagamit',
2278 -);
2279 -
2280 -/** Turkish (Türkçe)
2281 - * @author Karduelis
2282 - * @author Vito Genovese
2283 - */
2284 -$messages['tr'] = array(
2285 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Kullanım istatistikleri',
2286 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Kullanım istatistikleri',
2287 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Aralık:',
2288 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'İsim alanı:',
2289 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Yönlendirmeleri kapsam dışında bırak',
2290 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tür:',
2291 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Başlangıç tarihi:',
2292 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Bitiş tarihi:',
2293 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'İstatistik oluştur',
2294 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Lütfen bir başlangıç tarihi girin',
2295 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Lütfen bir bitiş tarihi girin',
2296 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Gün',
2297 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hafta',
2298 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ay',
2299 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Artımlı',
2300 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kümülatif',
2301 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seç',
2302 -);
2303 -
2304 -/** Ukrainian (Українська)
2305 - * @author A1
2306 - * @author Prima klasy4na
2307 - */
2308 -$messages['uk'] = array(
2309 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистика використання',
2310 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистика використання',
2311 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показує індивідуальну для користувача і загальну для вікі статистику використання',
2312 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистика використання для користувача [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2313 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистика використання для всіх користувачів</h2>',
2314 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Інтервал:',
2315 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Простір назв:',
2316 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Виключити перенаправлення',
2317 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ці статистичні дані щодо простору назв [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
2318 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перенаправлення]] не беруться до уваги.',
2319 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
2320 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Дата початку:',
2321 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Дата закінчення:',
2322 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Згенерувати статистику',
2323 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Будь ласка, зазначте дату початку',
2324 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Будь ласка, зазначте дату закінчення',
2325 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Невірна дата <i>початку</i> та/або <i>закінчення</i>!</b>',
2326 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'День',
2327 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тиждень',
2328 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Місяць',
2329 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Приріст',
2330 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'приріст',
2331 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Сукупна',
2332 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'сукупна',
2333 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Вибрати',
2334 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистика $1 для індивідуальних редагувань',
2335 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистика $1 для сторінок користувача',
2336 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'перегляд [[Special:UserStats|статистики використання вікі]]',
2337 -);
2338 -
2339 -/** Veps (Vepsan kel')
2340 - * @author Triple-ADHD-AS
2341 - * @author Игорь Бродский
2342 - */
2343 -$messages['vep'] = array(
2344 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Kävutamižen statistik',
2345 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Kävutamižen statistik',
2346 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Ozutada kut individualižen kävutajan, muga globalšt wikin kävutamižen statistikad',
2347 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Kävutamižen statistik [[User:$1|$1]]-kävutajan täht</h2>',
2348 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Kävutamižen statistik kaikiden kävutjiden täht</h2>',
2349 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
2350 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimiavaruz:',
2351 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Heitta udesoigendused',
2352 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Nened statistižed andmused oma [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-nimiavarusespäi.',
2353 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "[[Special:ListRedirects|Udesoigendamižid]] ei ottas sil'mnägubale.",
2354 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
2355 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Augotiždat:',
2356 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lopdat:',
2357 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiruida statistikad',
2358 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Olgat hüväd, kirjutagat augotiždat',
2359 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Olgat hüväd, kirjutagat lopdat',
2360 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Vär <i>augotiždat </i>vai <i>lopdat!</b>',
2361 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päiv',
2362 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nedal’',
2363 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ku',
2364 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Kazvai',
2365 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kazvai',
2366 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Ühthine',
2367 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ühthine',
2368 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Valita',
2369 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individualižen kävutajan $1 statistik',
2370 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individualižen kävutajan lehtpoliden $1 statistik',
2371 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ozutada [[Special:UserStats|wikin kävutamižen statistikad]]',
2372 -);
2373 -
2374 -/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
2375 - * @author Minh Nguyen
2376 - * @author Vinhtantran
2377 - */
2378 -$messages['vi'] = array(
2379 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Thống kê sử dụng',
2380 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Thống kê sử dụng',
2381 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Hiển thị thông kế sử dụng của từng cá nhân và toàn wiki',
2382 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Thống kê sử dụng về [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
2383 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Thống kê sử dụng của mọi người dùng</h2>',
2384 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Khoảng thời gian:',
2385 - 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Không gian tên:',
2386 - 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Trừ trang đổi hướng',
2387 - 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Đây là những số liệu thống kê trong không gian tên [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
2388 - 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Không tính [[Special:ListRedirects|trang đổi hướng]].',
2389 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Loại',
2390 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ngày đầu:',
2391 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Ngày cùng:',
2392 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Tính ra thống kê',
2393 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Xin ghi rõ ngày bắt đầu',
2394 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Xin hãy định rõ ngày kết thúc',
2395 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ngày <i>bắt đầu</i> và/hoặc <i>kết thúc</i> không hợp lệ!</b>',
2396 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ngày',
2397 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tuần',
2398 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Tháng',
2399 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Tăng dần',
2400 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'tăng dần',
2401 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Tổng cộng',
2402 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'tổng cộng',
2403 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Chọn',
2404 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Thống kê sửa đổi $1 của cá nhân người dùng',
2405 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Thống kê trang $1 của cá nhân người dùng',
2406 - 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Xem [[Special:UserStats|thống kê sử dụng wiki]]',
2407 -);
2408 -
2409 -/** Volapük (Volapük)
2410 - * @author Malafaya
2411 - * @author Smeira
2412 - */
2413 -$messages['vo'] = array(
2414 - 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebamastatits',
2415 - 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebamastatits',
2416 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Sot',
2417 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Primadät',
2418 - 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Finadät',
2419 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Jafön Statitis',
2420 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Penolös primadäti',
2421 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Penolös finadäti',
2422 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Del',
2423 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vig',
2424 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mul',
2425 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Välön',
2426 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redakamastatits tefü geban: $1',
2427 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Padastatits tefü geban: $1',
2428 -);
2429 -
2430 -/** Yiddish (ייִדיש)
2431 - * @author פוילישער
2432 - */
2433 -$messages['yi'] = array(
2434 - 'usagestatisticstype' => 'טיפ:',
2435 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'טאָג',
2436 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'וואך',
2437 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'מאנאַט',
2438 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'אויסוויילן',
2439 -);
2440 -
2441 -/** Simplified Chinese (‪中文(简体)‬)
2442 - * @author Gaoxuewei
2443 - */
2444 -$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
2445 - 'specialuserstats' => '使用分析',
2446 - 'usagestatistics' => '使用分析',
2447 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => '显示每个用户与整个维基的使用分析',
2448 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]的使用分析</h2>',
2449 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>所有用户的使用分析</h2>',
2450 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '区间',
2451 - 'usagestatisticstype' => '类型',
2452 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => '开始日期',
2453 - 'usagestatisticsend' => '结束日期',
2454 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '生成统计',
2455 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '请选择开始日期',
2456 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '请选择结束日期',
2457 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>开始</i>或者<i>结束</i>日期错误!</b>',
2458 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
2459 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '周',
2460 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
2461 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '增量',
2462 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '增量',
2463 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累积',
2464 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累积',
2465 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '选择',
2466 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '用户$1编辑统计分析',
2467 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '用户$1统计分析',
2468 -);
2469 -
2470 -/** Traditional Chinese (‪中文(繁體)‬)
2471 - * @author Liangent
2472 - * @author Wrightbus
2473 - */
2474 -$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
2475 - 'specialuserstats' => '使用分析',
2476 - 'usagestatistics' => '使用分析',
2477 - 'usagestatistics-desc' => '顯示每個用戶與整個維基的使用分析',
2478 - 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]的使用分析</h2>',
2479 - 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>所有用戶的使用分析</h2>',
2480 - 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '區間',
2481 - 'usagestatisticstype' => '類型',
2482 - 'usagestatisticsstart' => '開始日期',
2483 - 'usagestatisticsend' => '結束日期',
2484 - 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '生成統計',
2485 - 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '請選擇開始日期',
2486 - 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '請選擇結束日期',
2487 - 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>開始</i>或者<i>結束</i>日期錯誤!</b>',
2488 - 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
2489 - 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '周',
2490 - 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
2491 - 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '增量',
2492 - 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '增量',
2493 - 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累積',
2494 - 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累積',
2495 - 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '選擇',
2496 - 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '用戶$1編輯統計分析',
2497 - 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '用戶$1統計分析',
2498 -);
2499 -
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.php
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
4 -/**
5 - * A Special Page extension to display user statistics
6 - *
7 - * @package MediaWiki
8 - * @subpackage Extensions
9 - *
10 - * @author Paul Grinberg <gri6507@yahoo.com>
11 - * @copyright Copyright © 2007, Paul Grinberg
12 - * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
13 - */
14 -
15 -$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
16 - 'path' => __FILE__,
17 - 'name' => 'UserStats',
18 - 'version' => 'v1.11.5',
19 - 'author' => 'Paul Grinberg',
20 - 'email' => 'gri6507 at yahoo dot com',
21 - 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Usage_Statistics',
22 - 'descriptionmsg' => 'usagestatistics-desc',
23 -);
24 -
25 -# By default, the graphs are generated using the gnuplot extension.
26 -# However, the user can optionally use Google Charts to generate the
27 -# graphs instead. To do so, set the following to 1
28 -$wgUserStatsGoogleCharts = 0;
29 -
30 -$wgUserStatsGlobalRight = 'viewsystemstats';
31 -$wgAvailableRights[] = 'viewsystemstats';
32 -
33 -# define the permissions to view systemwide statistics
34 -$wgGroupPermissions['*'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = false;
35 -$wgGroupPermissions['manager'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = true;
36 -$wgGroupPermissions['sysop'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = true;
37 -
38 -$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
39 -$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['UserStats'] = $dir . '/SpecialUserStats.i18n.php';
40 -$wgExtensionAliasesFiles['UserStats'] = $dir . 'SpecialUserStats.alias.php';
41 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialUserStats'] = $dir . '/SpecialUserStats_body.php';
42 -$wgSpecialPages['SpecialUserStats'] = 'SpecialUserStats';
43 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['SpecialUserStats'] = 'wiki';
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.alias.php
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * Aliases for special pages
5 - *
6 - */
7 -
8 -$aliases = array();
9 -
10 -/** English
11 - * @author Paul Grinberg
12 - */
13 -$aliases['en'] = array(
14 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'UserStats', 'SpecialUserStats' ),
15 -);
16 -
17 -/** Arabic (العربية) */
18 -$aliases['ar'] = array(
19 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'إحصاءات_المستخدم', 'خاص_إحصاءات_المستخدم' ),
20 -);
21 -
22 -/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى) */
23 -$aliases['arz'] = array(
24 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'إحصاءات_المستخدم', 'خاص_إحصاءات_المستخدم' ),
25 -);
26 -
27 -/** Assamese (অসমীয়া) */
28 -$aliases['as'] = array(
29 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'সদস্য পৰিসংখ্যা', 'বিশেষ সদস্য পৰিসংখ্যা' ),
30 -);
31 -
32 -/** Bosnian (Bosanski) */
33 -$aliases['bs'] = array(
34 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'KorisnickeStatistike' ),
35 -);
36 -
37 -/** German (Deutsch) */
38 -$aliases['de'] = array(
39 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benutzerstatistik' ),
40 -);
41 -
42 -/** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski) */
43 -$aliases['dsb'] = array(
44 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Wužywarska statistika' ),
45 -);
46 -
47 -/** Persian (فارسی) */
48 -$aliases['fa'] = array(
49 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'آمار_کاربر' ),
50 -);
51 -
52 -/** French (Français) */
53 -$aliases['fr'] = array(
54 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatistiquesUtilisateur' ),
55 -);
56 -
57 -/** Franco-Provençal (Arpetan) */
58 -$aliases['frp'] = array(
59 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistiques utilisator', 'StatistiquesUtilisator' ),
60 -);
61 -
62 -/** Galician (Galego) */
63 -$aliases['gl'] = array(
64 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Estatísticas do usuario' ),
65 -);
66 -
67 -/** Swiss German (Alemannisch) */
68 -$aliases['gsw'] = array(
69 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benutzerstatischtik' ),
70 -);
71 -
72 -/** Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce) */
73 -$aliases['hsb'] = array(
74 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Wužiwarska statistika' ),
75 -);
76 -
77 -/** Hungarian (Magyar) */
78 -$aliases['hu'] = array(
79 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Felhasználói statisztika', 'Felhasználóstatisztika' ),
80 -);
81 -
82 -/** Interlingua (Interlingua) */
83 -$aliases['ia'] = array(
84 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statisticas de usatores', 'Statisticas special de usatores' ),
85 -);
86 -
87 -/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) */
88 -$aliases['id'] = array(
89 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistik pengguna', 'StatistikPengguna' ),
90 -);
91 -
92 -/** Italian (Italiano) */
93 -$aliases['it'] = array(
94 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatisticheUtente' ),
95 -);
96 -
97 -/** Japanese (日本語) */
98 -$aliases['ja'] = array(
99 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( '利用統計' ),
100 -);
101 -
102 -/** Colognian (Ripoarisch) */
103 -$aliases['ksh'] = array(
104 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistik vun fun de Metmaacher', 'Statistik vun fun de Medmaacher', 'Metmaacher ier Zahle', 'Medmaacher ier Zahle' ),
105 -);
106 -
107 -/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch) */
108 -$aliases['lb'] = array(
109 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benotzerstistiken' ),
110 -);
111 -
112 -/** Lumbaart (Lumbaart) */
113 -$aliases['lmo'] = array(
114 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatistichDupradur' ),
115 -);
116 -
117 -/** Macedonian (Македонски) */
118 -$aliases['mk'] = array(
119 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'СтатистикиЗаКорисник', 'СпецијалниСтатистикиЗаКорисник' ),
120 -);
121 -
122 -/** Marathi (मराठी) */
123 -$aliases['mr'] = array(
124 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'सदस्यसांख्य्की', 'विशेषसदस्यसांख्य्की' ),
125 -);
126 -
127 -/** Nedersaksisch (Nedersaksisch) */
128 -$aliases['nds-nl'] = array(
129 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Gebrukersgegevens' ),
130 -);
131 -
132 -/** Dutch (Nederlands) */
133 -$aliases['nl'] = array(
134 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Gebruikersgegevens', 'Gebruikersstatistieken' ),
135 -);
136 -
137 -/** Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬) */
138 -$aliases['no'] = array(
139 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Brukerstatistikk' ),
140 -);
141 -
142 -/** Occitan (Occitan) */
143 -$aliases['oc'] = array(
144 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'EstatisticasUtilizaire' ),
145 -);
146 -
147 -/** Portuguese (Português) */
148 -$aliases['pt'] = array(
149 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Estatísticas de utilizadores' ),
150 -);
151 -
152 -/** Sanskrit (संस्कृत) */
153 -$aliases['sa'] = array(
154 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'सदस्यसांख्यिकी' ),
155 -);
156 -
157 -/** Slovak (Slovenčina) */
158 -$aliases['sk'] = array(
159 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'ŠtatistikyPoužívateľov' ),
160 -);
161 -
162 -/** Swedish (Svenska) */
163 -$aliases['sv'] = array(
164 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Användarstatistik' ),
165 -);
166 -
167 -/** Swahili (Kiswahili) */
168 -$aliases['sw'] = array(
169 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'TakwimuzaMtumiaji', 'TakwimumaalumzaMtumiaji' ),
170 -);
171 -
172 -/** Thai (ไทย) */
173 -$aliases['th'] = array(
174 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'สถิติผู้ใช้' ),
175 -);
176 -
177 -/** Tagalog (Tagalog) */
178 -$aliases['tl'] = array(
179 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Mga estadistika ng tagagamit', 'Mga estadistika ng natatanging tagagamit' ),
180 -);
181 -
182 -/** Turkish (Türkçe) */
183 -$aliases['tr'] = array(
184 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Kullanıcıİstatistikleri', 'ÖzelKullanıcıİstatistikleri' ),
185 -);
186 -
187 -/** Vèneto (Vèneto) */
188 -$aliases['vec'] = array(
189 - 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatìstegheUtente' ),
190 -);
191 -
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics_body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1919 @@
 4+class SpecialUserStats extends SpecialPage {
 6+ function __construct() {
 7+ parent::__construct( 'SpecialUserStats' );
 9+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'UserStats' );
 10+ }
 12+ function execute( $par ) {
 13+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
 15+ $this->setHeaders();
 16+ $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( 'usagestatistics' ) );
 18+ $user = $wgUser->getName();
 19+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsfor', $user );
 21+ $interval = $wgRequest->getVal( 'interval', '' );
 22+ $namespace = $wgRequest->getVal('namespace', '' );
 23+ $noredirects = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'noredirects' );
 24+ $type = $wgRequest->getVal( 'type', '' );
 25+ $start = $wgRequest->getVal( 'start', '' );
 26+ $end = $wgRequest->getVal( 'end', '' );
 28+ self::AddCalendarJavascript();
 30+ if ( $start == '' || $end == '' ) {
 31+ if ( $start == '' ) {
 32+ // FIXME: ideally this would use a class for markup.
 33+ $wgOut->addWikiText( '* <font color=red>' . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnostart' ) . '</font>' );
 34+ }
 35+ if ( $end == '' ) {
 36+ // FIXME: ideally this would use a class for markup.
 37+ $wgOut->addWikiText( '* <font color=red>' . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnoend' ) . '</font>' );
 38+ }
 39+ $this->displayForm( $start, $end, $namespace, $noredirects );
 40+ } else {
 41+ $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 42+ $this->getUserUsage( $db, $user, $start, $end, $interval, $namespace, $noredirects, $type );
 43+ }
 44+ }
 46+ function generate_google_chart( $dates, $edits, $pages ) {
 47+ $x_labels = 3;
 48+ $max_url = 2080; // this is a typical minimum limitation of many browsers
 50+ $max_edits = max( $edits );
 51+ $min_edits = min( $edits );
 52+ $max_pages = max( $pages );
 53+ $min_pages = min( $pages );
 55+ if ( !$max_edits ) $max_edits = 1;
 56+ if ( !$max_pages ) $max_pages = 1;
 58+ $qry = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . // base URL
 59+ 'chs=400x275' . // size of the graph
 60+ '&cht=lc' . // line chart type
 61+ '&chxt=x,y,r' . // labels for x-axis and both y-axes
 62+ '&chco=ff0000,0000ff' . // specify the line colors
 63+ '&chxs=1,ff0000|2,0000ff' . // specify the axis colors
 64+ '&chdl=Edits|Pages' . // specify the label
 65+ '&chxr=' . // start to specify the labels for the y-axes
 66+ "1,$min_edits,$max_edits|" . // the edits axis
 67+ "2,$min_pages,$max_pages" . // the pages axis
 68+ '&chxl=0:'; // start specifying the x-axis labels
 69+ foreach ( self::thin( $dates, $x_labels ) as $d ) {
 70+ $qry .= "|$d"; // the dates
 71+ }
 72+ $qry .= '&chd=t:'; // start specifying the first data set
 73+ $max_datapoints = ( $max_url - strlen( $qry ) ) / 2; // figure out how much space we have left for each set of data
 74+ foreach ( self::thin( $edits, $max_datapoints / 5 ) as $e ) { // on avg, there are 5 chars per datapoint
 75+ $qry .= sprintf( '%.1f,',
 76+ 100 * $e / $max_edits ); // the edits
 77+ }
 78+ $qry = substr_replace( $qry, '', - 1 ); // get rid of the unwanted comma
 79+ $qry .= '|'; // start specifying the second data set
 80+ foreach ( self::thin( $pages, $max_datapoints / 5 ) as $p ) { // on avg, there are 5 chars per datapoint
 81+ $qry .= sprintf( '%.1f,',
 82+ 100 * $p / $max_pages ); // the pages
 83+ }
 84+ $qry = substr_replace( $qry, '', - 1 ); // get rid of the unwanted comma
 86+ return $qry;
 87+ }
 89+ function thin( $input, $max_size ) {
 90+ $ary_size = sizeof( $input );
 91+ if ( $ary_size <= $max_size ) return $input;
 93+ # we will always keep the first and the last point
 94+ $prev_index = 0;
 95+ $new_ary[] = $input[0];
 96+ $index_increment = ( $ary_size - $prev_index - 2 ) / ( $max_size - 1 );
 98+ while ( ( $ary_size - $prev_index - 2 ) >= ( 2 * $index_increment ) ) {
 99+ $new_index = $prev_index + $index_increment;
 100+ $new_ary[] = $input[(int)$new_index];
 101+ $prev_index = $new_index;
 102+ }
 104+ $new_ary[] = $input[$ary_size - 1];
 106+ // print_r($input);
 107+ // print_r($new_ary);
 108+ // print "size was " . sizeof($input) . " and became " . sizeof($new_ary) . "\n";
 110+ return $new_ary;
 111+ }
 113+ function getUserUsage( $db, $user, $start, $end, $interval, $namespace, $noredirects, $type ) {
 114+ global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgUserStatsGlobalRight, $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts, $wgContLang;
 116+ list( $start_m, $start_d, $start_y ) = explode( '/', $start );
 117+ $start_t = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $start_m, $start_d, $start_y );
 118+ list( $end_m, $end_d, $end_y ) = explode( '/', $end );
 119+ $end_t = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $end_m, $end_d, $end_y );
 121+ if ( $start_t >= $end_t ) {
 122+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' );
 123+ return;
 124+ }
 125+ if ( $namespace != 'all' ) {
 126+ $nstext = $wgContLang->getNSText( $namespace );
 127+ $displayns = $nstext;
 128+ if ( $displayns == '' )
 129+ $displayns = wfMsg( 'blanknamespace' );
 130+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatistics-namespace', $nstext, $displayns );
 131+ }
 132+ if ( $noredirects ) {
 133+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatistics-noredirects' );
 134+ }
 135+ $dates = array();
 136+ $csv = 'Username,';
 137+ $cur_t = $start_t;
 138+ while ( $cur_t <= $end_t ) {
 139+ $a_date = date( "Ymd", $cur_t ) . '000000';
 140+ $dates[$a_date] = array();
 141+ $cur_t += $interval;
 142+ }
 143+ # Let's process the edits that are recorded in the database
 144+ $u = array();
 145+ $conds = array( 'rev_page=page_id' );
 146+ if ( $namespace == 'all' ) {
 147+ $conds['page_namespace'] = $namespace;
 148+ }
 149+ if ( $noredirects ) {
 150+ $conds['page_is_redirect'] = 0;
 151+ }
 152+ $res = $db->select(
 153+ array( 'page', 'revision' ),
 154+ array( 'rev_user_text', 'rev_timestamp', 'page_id' ),
 155+ $conds,
 156+ __METHOD__
 157+ );
 159+ for ( $j = 0; $j < $db->numRows( $res ); $j++ ) {
 160+ $row = $db->fetchRow( $res );
 161+ if ( !isset( $u[$row[0]] ) )
 162+ $u[$row[0]] = $dates;
 163+ foreach ( $u[$row[0]] as $d => $v )
 164+ if ( $d > $row[1] ) {
 165+ if ( !isset( $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]] ) )
 166+ $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]] = 0;
 167+ $u[$row[0]][$d][$row[2]]++;
 168+ break;
 169+ }
 170+ }
 171+ $db->freeResult( $res );
 173+ # in case the current user is not already in the database
 174+ if ( !isset( $u[$user] ) ) {
 175+ $u[$user] = $dates;
 176+ }
 178+ # plot the user statistics
 179+ $gnuplot = "<gnuplot>
 180+set xdata time
 181+set xtics rotate by 90
 182+set timefmt \"%m/%d/%Y\"
 183+set format x \"%D\"
 184+set grid x y2
 185+set title '$type usage statistics'
 186+set ylabel 'edits'
 187+set y2label 'pages'
 188+set y2tics
 189+set key left top
 190+plot '-' using 1:2 t 'edits' with linesp lt 1 lw 3, '-' using 1:2 t 'pages' with linesp lt 2 lw 3 axis x1y2
 192+ $gnuplot_pdata = '';
 193+ $first = true;
 194+ $e = 0;
 195+ $p = 0;
 196+ $ary_dates = array();
 197+ $ary_edits = array();
 198+ $ary_pages = array();
 199+ foreach ( $u[$user] as $d => $v ) {
 200+ $date = '';
 201+ if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $d, $matches ) )
 202+ $date = "$matches[2]/$matches[3]/$matches[1]";
 203+ $csv .= "$date,";
 204+ if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
 205+ # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
 206+ if ( $first ) {
 207+ $first = false;
 208+ continue;
 209+ }
 210+ $e = 0;
 211+ $p = 0;
 212+ }
 213+ foreach ( $v as $pageid => $edits ) {
 214+ $p++;
 215+ $e += $edits;
 216+ }
 217+ $gnuplot .= "$date $e\n";
 218+ $gnuplot_pdata .= "$date $p\n";
 219+ $ary_dates[] = $date;
 220+ $ary_edits[] = $e;
 221+ $ary_pages[] = $p;
 222+ }
 223+ $gnuplot .= "e\n$gnuplot_pdata\ne</gnuplot>";
 225+ if ( $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts ) {
 226+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<img src="' .
 227+ self::generate_google_chart( $ary_dates, $ary_edits, $ary_pages ) .
 228+ '"/>' );
 229+ } else {
 230+ // print "@@@@@@@\n$gnuplot\n@@@@@@@\n";
 231+ $wgOut->addWikiText( "<center>$gnuplot</center>" );
 232+ }
 234+ if ( !in_array( $wgUserStatsGlobalRight, $wgUser->getRights() ) )
 235+ return;
 237+ # plot overall usage statistics
 238+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'usagestatisticsforallusers' );
 239+ $gnuplot = "<gnuplot>
 240+set xdata time
 241+set xtics rotate by 90
 242+set timefmt \"%m/%d/%Y\"
 243+set format x \"%D\"
 244+set grid x y2
 245+set title '$type usage statistics'
 246+set ylabel 'edits'
 247+set y2label 'pages'
 248+set y2tics
 249+set key left top
 250+plot '-' using 1:2 t 'edits' with linesp lt 1 lw 3, '-' using 1:2 t 'pages' with linesp lt 2 lw 3 axis x1y2
 252+ $gnuplot_pdata = '';
 253+ $first = true;
 254+ $pages = 0;
 255+ $edits = 0;
 256+ $totals = array();
 257+ $ary_dates = array();
 258+ $ary_edits = array();
 259+ $ary_pages = array();
 260+ foreach ( $dates as $d => $v ) {
 261+ if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
 262+ # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
 263+ if ( $first ) {
 264+ $first = false;
 265+ continue;
 266+ }
 267+ $totals = array();
 268+ }
 269+ $date = '';
 270+ if ( preg_match( '/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $d, $matches ) )
 271+ $date = "$matches[2]/$matches[3]/$matches[1]";
 272+ foreach ( $u as $usr => $q )
 273+ foreach ( $u[$usr][$d] as $pageid => $numedits ) {
 274+ if ( !isset( $totals[$pageid] ) )
 275+ $totals[$pageid] = 0;
 276+ $totals[$pageid] += $numedits;
 277+ }
 278+ $pages = 0;
 279+ $edits = 0;
 280+ foreach ( $totals as $pageid => $e ) {
 281+ $pages++;
 282+ $edits += $e;
 283+ }
 284+ $gnuplot .= "$date $edits\n";
 285+ $gnuplot_pdata .= "$date $pages\n";
 286+ $ary_dates[] = $date;
 287+ $ary_edits[] = $edits;
 288+ $ary_pages[] = $pages;
 289+ }
 290+ $gnuplot .= "e\n$gnuplot_pdata\ne</gnuplot>";
 292+ if ( $wgUserStatsGoogleCharts )
 293+ {
 294+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<img src="' .
 295+ self::generate_google_chart( $ary_dates, $ary_edits, $ary_pages ) .
 296+ '"/>' );
 297+ } else {
 298+ // $wgOut->addHTML($gnuplot);
 299+ $wgOut->addWikiText( "<center>$gnuplot</center>" );
 300+ }
 302+ # output detailed usage statistics
 303+ ksort( $u );
 304+ $csv_edits = '';
 305+ $csv_pages = '';
 306+ foreach ( $u as $usr => $q ) {
 307+ $first = true;
 308+ $totals = array();
 309+ $prev_totals = array();
 310+ $csv_edits .= "\n$usr,";
 311+ $csv_pages .= "\n$usr,";
 312+ foreach ( $u[$usr] as $d => $v ) {
 313+ if ( $type == 'incremental' ) {
 314+ # the first data point includes all edits up to that date, so skip it
 315+ if ( $first ) {
 316+ $first = false;
 317+ $csv_edits .= ',';
 318+ $csv_pages .= ',';
 319+ continue;
 320+ }
 321+ $totals = array();
 322+ }
 323+ foreach ( $u[$usr][$d] as $pageid => $numedits ) {
 324+ if ( !isset( $totals[$pageid] ) )
 325+ $totals[$pageid] = 0;
 326+ $totals[$pageid] += $numedits;
 327+ }
 328+ $pages = 0;
 329+ $edits = 0;
 330+ foreach ( $totals as $pageid => $e ) {
 331+ $pages++;
 332+ $edits += $e;
 333+ }
 334+ $csv_edits .= "$edits,";
 335+ $csv_pages .= "$pages,";
 336+ }
 337+ }
 338+ if ( $type == 'cumulative' ) {
 339+ $nature = wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' );
 340+ } else {
 341+ $nature = wfMsg ( 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' );
 342+ }
 344+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0px;border-style:none;">' );
 345+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavHead" style="background: #ffffff; text-align: left; font-size:100%;">' );
 346+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg ( 'usagestatistics-editindividual', $nature );
 347+ $wgOut->addHTML( '</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none; font-size:normal; text-align:left">' );
 348+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<pre>$csv$csv_edits</pre></div></div><br />" );
 350+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavFrame" style="padding:0px;border-style:none;">' );
 351+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div class="NavHead" style="background: #ffffff; text-align: left; font-size:100%;">' );
 352+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg ( 'usagestatistics-editpages', $nature );
 353+ $wgOut->addHTML( '</div><div class="NavContent" style="display:none; font-size:normal; text-align:left">' );
 354+ $wgOut->addHTML( "<pre>$csv$csv_pages</pre></div></div>" );
 356+ return;
 357+ }
 359+ function displayForm( $start, $end, $namespace, $noredirects ) {
 360+ global $wgOut;
 362+ $wgOut->addHTML( "
 363+<script type='text/javascript'>document.write(getCalendarStyles());</script>
 364+<form id=\"userstats\" method=\"post\">");
 366+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 367+ Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'border' => '0' ) ) .
 368+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 369+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . Xml::label( wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsnamespace' ), 'namespace' ) .
 370+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 371+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
 372+ Xml::namespaceSelector( $namespace, 'all' ) .
 373+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 374+ Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 375+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 376+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsinterval' ) .
 377+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 378+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
 379+ Xml::openElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'interval' ) ) .
 380+ Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '86400' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalday' ) .
 381+ Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '604800' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' ) .
 382+ Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => '2629744', 'selected' => 'selected' )) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' ) .
 383+ Xml::closeElement( 'select' ) .
 384+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 385+ Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 386+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 387+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticstype' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 388+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
 389+ Xml::openElement( 'select', array( 'name' => 'type' ) ) .
 390+ Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => 'incremental' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsincremental' ) .
 391+ Xml::openElement( 'option', array( 'value' => 'cumulative', 'selected' => 'selected' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscumulative' ) .
 392+ Xml::closeElement( 'select' ) .
 393+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 394+ Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 395+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 396+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . Xml::label( wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' ), '' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 397+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-input' ) ) .
 398+ Xml::check( 'noredirects', $noredirects ) .
 399+ Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 400+ Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 401+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 402+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsstart' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 404+ <td class='mw-input'>
 405+ <input type='text' size='20' name='start' value='$start'/>
 406+ <script type='text/javascript'>
 407+ var cal1 = new CalendarPopup('testdiv1');
 408+ cal1.showNavigationDropdowns();
 409+ </script>
 410+ <a href='#' onClick=\"cal1.select(document.forms[0].start,'anchor1','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;\" name='anchor1' id='anchor1'>" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscalselect' ) .
 411+ Xml::closeElement( 'a' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 412+ Xml::openElement( 'tr' ) .
 413+ Xml::openElement( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-label' ) ) . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticsend' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) .
 415+ <td class='mw-input'>
 416+ <input type='text' size='20' name='end' value='$end'/>
 417+ <script type='text/javascript'>
 418+ var cal2 = new CalendarPopup('testdiv1');
 419+ cal2.showNavigationDropdowns();
 420+ </script>
 421+ <a href='#' onClick=\"cal2.select(document.forms[0].end,'anchor2','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;\" name='anchor2' id='anchor2'>" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticscalselect' ) .
 422+ Xml::closeElement( 'a' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'td' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) .
 423+ Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) . "
 424+<input type='submit' name=\"wpSend\" value=\"" . wfMsg( 'usagestatisticssubmit' ) . "\" /> ".
 425+ Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) ."
 427+<div id=\"testdiv1\" style=\"position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;\"></div>
 428+ " );
 429+ }
 431+ function AddCalendarJavascript() {
 432+ global $wgOut, $wgContLang;
 434+ $monthnames = '';
 435+ for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++ )
 436+ $monthnames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getMonthName( $i ) . "',";
 437+ for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++ )
 438+ $monthnames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation( $i ) . "',";
 439+ $monthnames = substr( $monthnames, 0, - 1 );
 441+ $daynames = '';
 442+ for ( $i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++ )
 443+ $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( $i ) . "',";
 444+ for ( $i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++ )
 445+ {
 446+ if ( method_exists( $wgContLang, 'getWeekdayAbbreviation' ) )
 447+ $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayAbbreviation( $i ) . "',";
 448+ else
 449+ $daynames .= "'" . $wgContLang->getWeekdayName( $i ) . "',";
 450+ }
 451+ $daynames = substr( $daynames, 0, - 1 );
 453+ $wgOut->addScript( <<<END
 454+<script type="text/javascript">
 455+// ===================================================================
 456+// Author: Matt Kruse <matt@mattkruse.com>
 457+// WWW: http://www.mattkruse.com/
 459+// NOTICE: You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or
 460+// private, without any further permission from the author. You may
 461+// remove this notice from your final code if you wish, however it is
 462+// appreciated by the author if at least my web site address is kept.
 464+// You may *NOT* re-distribute this code in any way except through its
 465+// use. That means, you can include it in your product, or your web
 466+// site, or any other form where the code is actually being used. You
 467+// may not put the plain javascript up on your site for download or
 468+// include it in your javascript libraries for download.
 469+// If you wish to share this code with others, please just point them
 470+// to the URL instead.
 471+// Please DO NOT link directly to my .js files from your site. Copy
 472+// the files to your server and use them there. Thank you.
 473+// ===================================================================
 475+/* SOURCE FILE: AnchorPosition.js */
 479+Author: Matt Kruse
 480+Last modified: 10/11/02
 482+DESCRIPTION: These functions find the position of an <A> tag in a document,
 483+so other elements can be positioned relative to it.
 485+COMPATABILITY: Netscape 4.x,6.x,Mozilla, IE 5.x,6.x on Windows. Some small
 486+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
 487+Macintosh platform.
 491+ Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
 492+ of the upper-left corner of the anchor. Position is relative to the PAGE.
 495+ Returns an Object() having .x and .y properties of the pixel coordinates
 496+ of the upper-left corner of the anchor, relative to the WHOLE SCREEN.
 500+1) For popping up separate browser windows, use getAnchorWindowPosition.
 501+ Otherwise, use getAnchorPosition
 503+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
 504+ same. For example:
 505+ <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
 507+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
 508+ anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
 511+// getAnchorPosition(anchorname)
 512+// This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
 513+// of the named anchor, relative to the page.
 514+function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) {
 515+ // This function will return an Object with x and y properties
 516+ var useWindow=false;
 517+ var coordinates=new Object();
 518+ var x=0,y=0;
 519+ // Browser capability sniffing
 520+ var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false;
 521+ if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; }
 522+ else if (document.all) { use_css=true; }
 523+ else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; }
 524+ // Logic to find position
 525+ if (use_gebi && document.all) {
 526+ x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
 527+ y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
 528+ }
 529+ else if (use_gebi) {
 530+ var o=document.getElementById(anchorname);
 531+ x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o);
 532+ y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o);
 533+ }
 534+ else if (use_css) {
 535+ x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]);
 536+ y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]);
 537+ }
 538+ else if (use_layers) {
 539+ var found=0;
 540+ for (var i=0; i<document.anchors.length; i++) {
 541+ if (document.anchors[i].name==anchorname) { found=1; break; }
 542+ }
 543+ if (found==0) {
 544+ coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
 545+ }
 546+ x=document.anchors[i].x;
 547+ y=document.anchors[i].y;
 548+ }
 549+ else {
 550+ coordinates.x=0; coordinates.y=0; return coordinates;
 551+ }
 552+ coordinates.x=x;
 553+ coordinates.y=y;
 554+ return coordinates;
 555+ }
 557+// getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname)
 558+// This function returns an object having .x and .y properties which are the coordinates
 559+// of the named anchor, relative to the window
 560+function getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname) {
 561+ var coordinates=getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
 562+ var x=0;
 563+ var y=0;
 564+ if (document.getElementById) {
 565+ if (isNaN(window.screenX)) {
 566+ x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
 567+ y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
 568+ }
 569+ else {
 570+ x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
 571+ y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
 572+ }
 573+ }
 574+ else if (document.all) {
 575+ x=coordinates.x-document.body.scrollLeft+window.screenLeft;
 576+ y=coordinates.y-document.body.scrollTop+window.screenTop;
 577+ }
 578+ else if (document.layers) {
 579+ x=coordinates.x+window.screenX+(window.outerWidth-window.innerWidth)-window.pageXOffset;
 580+ y=coordinates.y+window.screenY+(window.outerHeight-24-window.innerHeight)-window.pageYOffset;
 581+ }
 582+ coordinates.x=x;
 583+ coordinates.y=y;
 584+ return coordinates;
 585+ }
 587+// Functions for IE to get position of an object
 588+function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft (el) {
 589+ var ol=el.offsetLeft;
 590+ while ((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ol += el.offsetLeft; }
 591+ return ol;
 592+ }
 593+function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetLeft (el) {
 594+ return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(el)-document.body.scrollLeft;
 595+ }
 596+function AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop (el) {
 597+ var ot=el.offsetTop;
 598+ while((el=el.offsetParent) != null) { ot += el.offsetTop; }
 599+ return ot;
 600+ }
 601+function AnchorPosition_getWindowOffsetTop (el) {
 602+ return AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(el)-document.body.scrollTop;
 603+ }
 605+/* SOURCE FILE: date.js */
 607+// HISTORY
 608+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 609+// May 17, 2003: Fixed bug in parseDate() for dates <1970
 610+// March 11, 2003: Added parseDate() function
 611+// March 11, 2003: Added "NNN" formatting option. Doesn't match up
 612+// perfectly with SimpleDateFormat formats, but
 613+// backwards-compatability was required.
 615+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 616+// These functions use the same 'format' strings as the
 617+// java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, with minor exceptions.
 618+// The format string consists of the following abbreviations:
 620+// Field | Full Form | Short Form
 621+// -------------+--------------------+-----------------------
 622+// Year | yyyy (4 digits) | yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits)
 623+// Month | MMM (name or abbr.)| MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
 624+// | NNN (abbr.) |
 625+// Day of Month | dd (2 digits) | d (1 or 2 digits)
 626+// Day of Week | EE (name) | E (abbr)
 627+// Hour (1-12) | hh (2 digits) | h (1 or 2 digits)
 628+// Hour (0-23) | HH (2 digits) | H (1 or 2 digits)
 629+// Hour (0-11) | KK (2 digits) | K (1 or 2 digits)
 630+// Hour (1-24) | kk (2 digits) | k (1 or 2 digits)
 631+// Minute | mm (2 digits) | m (1 or 2 digits)
 632+// Second | ss (2 digits) | s (1 or 2 digits)
 633+// AM/PM | a |
 635+// NOTE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MM and mm! Month=MM, not mm!
 636+// Examples:
 637+// "MMM d, y" matches: January 01, 2000
 638+// Dec 1, 1900
 639+// Nov 20, 00
 640+// "M/d/yy" matches: 01/20/00
 641+// 9/2/00
 642+// "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ssa" matches: "January 01, 2000 12:30:45AM"
 643+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 645+var MONTH_NAMES=new Array($monthnames);
 646+var DAY_NAMES=new Array($daynames);
 647+function LZ(x) {return(x<0||x>9?"":"0")+x}
 649+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 650+// isDate ( date_string, format_string )
 651+// Returns true if date string matches format of format string and
 652+// is a valid date. Else returns false.
 653+// It is recommended that you trim whitespace around the value before
 654+// passing it to this function, as whitespace is NOT ignored!
 655+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 656+function isDate(val,format) {
 657+ var date=getDateFromFormat(val,format);
 658+ if (date==0) { return false; }
 659+ return true;
 660+ }
 662+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
 663+// compareDates(date1,date1format,date2,date2format)
 664+// Compare two date strings to see which is greater.
 665+// Returns:
 666+// 1 if date1 is greater than date2
 667+// 0 if date2 is greater than date1 of if they are the same
 668+// -1 if either of the dates is in an invalid format
 669+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
 670+function compareDates(date1,dateformat1,date2,dateformat2) {
 671+ var d1=getDateFromFormat(date1,dateformat1);
 672+ var d2=getDateFromFormat(date2,dateformat2);
 673+ if (d1==0 || d2==0) {
 674+ return -1;
 675+ }
 676+ else if (d1 > d2) {
 677+ return 1;
 678+ }
 679+ return 0;
 680+ }
 682+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 683+// formatDate (date_object, format)
 684+// Returns a date in the output format specified.
 685+// The format string uses the same abbreviations as in getDateFromFormat()
 686+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 687+function formatDate(date,format) {
 688+ format=format+"";
 689+ var result="";
 690+ var i_format=0;
 691+ var c="";
 692+ var token="";
 693+ var y=date.getYear()+"";
 694+ var M=date.getMonth()+1;
 695+ var d=date.getDate();
 696+ var E=date.getDay();
 697+ var H=date.getHours();
 698+ var m=date.getMinutes();
 699+ var s=date.getSeconds();
 700+ var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k;
 701+ // Convert real date parts into formatted versions
 702+ var value=new Object();
 703+ if (y.length < 4) {y=""+(y-0+1900);}
 704+ value["y"]=""+y;
 705+ value["yyyy"]=y;
 706+ value["yy"]=y.substring(2,4);
 707+ value["M"]=M;
 708+ value["MM"]=LZ(M);
 709+ value["MMM"]=MONTH_NAMES[M-1];
 710+ value["NNN"]=MONTH_NAMES[M+11];
 711+ value["d"]=d;
 712+ value["dd"]=LZ(d);
 713+ value["E"]=DAY_NAMES[E+7];
 714+ value["EE"]=DAY_NAMES[E];
 715+ value["H"]=H;
 716+ value["HH"]=LZ(H);
 717+ if (H==0){value["h"]=12;}
 718+ else if (H>12){value["h"]=H-12;}
 719+ else {value["h"]=H;}
 720+ value["hh"]=LZ(value["h"]);
 721+ if (H>11){value["K"]=H-12;} else {value["K"]=H;}
 722+ value["k"]=H+1;
 723+ value["KK"]=LZ(value["K"]);
 724+ value["kk"]=LZ(value["k"]);
 725+ if (H > 11) { value["a"]="PM"; }
 726+ else { value["a"]="AM"; }
 727+ value["m"]=m;
 728+ value["mm"]=LZ(m);
 729+ value["s"]=s;
 730+ value["ss"]=LZ(s);
 731+ while (i_format < format.length) {
 732+ c=format.charAt(i_format);
 733+ token="";
 734+ while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
 735+ token += format.charAt(i_format++);
 736+ }
 737+ if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; }
 738+ else { result=result + token; }
 739+ }
 740+ return result;
 741+ }
 743+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 744+// Utility functions for parsing in getDateFromFormat()
 745+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 746+function _isInteger(val) {
 747+ var digits="1234567890";
 748+ for (var i=0; i < val.length; i++) {
 749+ if (digits.indexOf(val.charAt(i))==-1) { return false; }
 750+ }
 751+ return true;
 752+ }
 753+function _getInt(str,i,minlength,maxlength) {
 754+ for (var x=maxlength; x>=minlength; x--) {
 755+ var token=str.substring(i,i+x);
 756+ if (token.length < minlength) { return null; }
 757+ if (_isInteger(token)) { return token; }
 758+ }
 759+ return null;
 760+ }
 762+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 763+// getDateFromFormat( date_string , format_string )
 765+// This function takes a date string and a format string. It matches
 766+// If the date string matches the format string, it returns the
 767+// getTime() of the date. If it does not match, it returns 0.
 768+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 769+function getDateFromFormat(val,format) {
 770+ val=val+"";
 771+ format=format+"";
 772+ var i_val=0;
 773+ var i_format=0;
 774+ var c="";
 775+ var token="";
 776+ var token2="";
 777+ var x,y;
 778+ var now=new Date();
 779+ var year=now.getYear();
 780+ var month=now.getMonth()+1;
 781+ var date=1;
 782+ var hh=now.getHours();
 783+ var mm=now.getMinutes();
 784+ var ss=now.getSeconds();
 785+ var ampm="";
 787+ while (i_format < format.length) {
 788+ // Get next token from format string
 789+ c=format.charAt(i_format);
 790+ token="";
 791+ while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
 792+ token += format.charAt(i_format++);
 793+ }
 794+ // Extract contents of value based on format token
 795+ if (token=="yyyy" || token=="yy" || token=="y") {
 796+ if (token=="yyyy") { x=4;y=4; }
 797+ if (token=="yy") { x=2;y=2; }
 798+ if (token=="y") { x=2;y=4; }
 799+ year=_getInt(val,i_val,x,y);
 800+ if (year==null) { return 0; }
 801+ i_val += year.length;
 802+ if (year.length==2) {
 803+ if (year > 70) { year=1900+(year-0); }
 804+ else { year=2000+(year-0); }
 805+ }
 806+ }
 807+ else if (token=="MMM"||token=="NNN"){
 808+ month=0;
 809+ for (var i=0; i<MONTH_NAMES.length; i++) {
 810+ var month_name=MONTH_NAMES[i];
 811+ if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+month_name.length).toLowerCase()==month_name.toLowerCase()) {
 812+ if (token=="MMM"||(token=="NNN"&&i>11)) {
 813+ month=i+1;
 814+ if (month>12) { month -= 12; }
 815+ i_val += month_name.length;
 816+ break;
 817+ }
 818+ }
 819+ }
 820+ if ((month < 1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
 821+ }
 822+ else if (token=="EE"||token=="E"){
 823+ for (var i=0; i<DAY_NAMES.length; i++) {
 824+ var day_name=DAY_NAMES[i];
 825+ if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+day_name.length).toLowerCase()==day_name.toLowerCase()) {
 826+ i_val += day_name.length;
 827+ break;
 828+ }
 829+ }
 830+ }
 831+ else if (token=="MM"||token=="M") {
 832+ month=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 833+ if(month==null||(month<1)||(month>12)){return 0;}
 834+ i_val+=month.length;}
 835+ else if (token=="dd"||token=="d") {
 836+ date=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 837+ if(date==null||(date<1)||(date>31)){return 0;}
 838+ i_val+=date.length;}
 839+ else if (token=="hh"||token=="h") {
 840+ hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 841+ if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>12)){return 0;}
 842+ i_val+=hh.length;}
 843+ else if (token=="HH"||token=="H") {
 844+ hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 845+ if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>23)){return 0;}
 846+ i_val+=hh.length;}
 847+ else if (token=="KK"||token=="K") {
 848+ hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 849+ if(hh==null||(hh<0)||(hh>11)){return 0;}
 850+ i_val+=hh.length;}
 851+ else if (token=="kk"||token=="k") {
 852+ hh=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 853+ if(hh==null||(hh<1)||(hh>24)){return 0;}
 854+ i_val+=hh.length;hh--;}
 855+ else if (token=="mm"||token=="m") {
 856+ mm=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 857+ if(mm==null||(mm<0)||(mm>59)){return 0;}
 858+ i_val+=mm.length;}
 859+ else if (token=="ss"||token=="s") {
 860+ ss=_getInt(val,i_val,token.length,2);
 861+ if(ss==null||(ss<0)||(ss>59)){return 0;}
 862+ i_val+=ss.length;}
 863+ else if (token=="a") {
 864+ if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="am") {ampm="AM";}
 865+ else if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+2).toLowerCase()=="pm") {ampm="PM";}
 866+ else {return 0;}
 867+ i_val+=2;}
 868+ else {
 869+ if (val.substring(i_val,i_val+token.length)!=token) {return 0;}
 870+ else {i_val+=token.length;}
 871+ }
 872+ }
 873+ // If there are any trailing characters left in the value, it doesn't match
 874+ if (i_val != val.length) { return 0; }
 875+ // Is date valid for month?
 876+ if (month==2) {
 877+ // Check for leap year
 878+ if ( ( (year%4==0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400==0) ) { // leap year
 879+ if (date > 29){ return 0; }
 880+ }
 881+ else { if (date > 28) { return 0; } }
 882+ }
 883+ if ((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)) {
 884+ if (date > 30) { return 0; }
 885+ }
 886+ // Correct hours value
 887+ if (hh<12 && ampm=="PM") { hh=hh-0+12; }
 888+ else if (hh>11 && ampm=="AM") { hh-=12; }
 889+ var newdate=new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss);
 890+ return newdate.getTime();
 891+ }
 893+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 894+// parseDate( date_string [, prefer_euro_format] )
 896+// This function takes a date string and tries to match it to a
 897+// number of possible date formats to get the value. It will try to
 898+// match against the following international formats, in this order:
 899+// y-M-d MMM d, y MMM d,y y-MMM-d d-MMM-y MMM d
 900+// M/d/y M-d-y M.d.y MMM-d M/d M-d
 901+// d/M/y d-M-y d.M.y d-MMM d/M d-M
 902+// A second argument may be passed to instruct the method to search
 903+// for formats like d/M/y (european format) before M/d/y (American).
 904+// Returns a Date object or null if no patterns match.
 905+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 906+function parseDate(val) {
 907+ var preferEuro=(arguments.length==2)?arguments[1]:false;
 908+ generalFormats=new Array('y-M-d','MMM d, y','MMM d,y','y-MMM-d','d-MMM-y','MMM d');
 909+ monthFirst=new Array('M/d/y','M-d-y','M.d.y','MMM-d','M/d','M-d');
 910+ dateFirst =new Array('d/M/y','d-M-y','d.M.y','d-MMM','d/M','d-M');
 911+ var checkList=new Array('generalFormats',preferEuro?'dateFirst':'monthFirst',preferEuro?'monthFirst':'dateFirst');
 912+ var d=null;
 913+ for (var i=0; i<checkList.length; i++) {
 914+ var l=window[checkList[i]];
 915+ for (var j=0; j<l.length; j++) {
 916+ d=getDateFromFormat(val,l[j]);
 917+ if (d!=0) { return new Date(d); }
 918+ }
 919+ }
 920+ return null;
 921+ }
 923+/* SOURCE FILE: PopupWindow.js */
 927+Author: Matt Kruse
 928+Last modified: 02/16/04
 930+DESCRIPTION: This object allows you to easily and quickly popup a window
 931+in a certain place. The window can either be a DIV or a separate browser
 934+COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
 935+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
 936+Macintosh platform. Due to bugs in Netscape 4.x, populating the popup
 937+window with <STYLE> tags may cause errors.
 940+// Create an object for a WINDOW popup
 941+var win = new PopupWindow();
 943+// Create an object for a DIV window using the DIV named 'mydiv'
 944+var win = new PopupWindow('mydiv');
 946+// Set the window to automatically hide itself when the user clicks
 947+// anywhere else on the page except the popup
 950+// Show the window relative to the anchor name passed in
 953+// Hide the popup
 956+// Set the size of the popup window (only applies to WINDOW popups
 959+// Populate the contents of the popup window that will be shown. If you
 960+// change the contents while it is displayed, you will need to refresh()
 963+// set the URL of the window, rather than populating its contents
 964+// manually
 967+// Refresh the contents of the popup
 970+// Specify how many pixels to the right of the anchor the popup will appear
 971+win.offsetX = 50;
 973+// Specify how many pixels below the anchor the popup will appear
 974+win.offsetY = 100;
 977+1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js
 979+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
 980+ same. For example:
 981+ <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
 983+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
 984+ anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
 986+4) When a PopupWindow object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
 987+ attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
 988+ an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a PopupWindow object or
 989+ the autoHide() will not work correctly.
 992+// Set the position of the popup window based on the anchor
 993+function PopupWindow_getXYPosition(anchorname) {
 994+ var coordinates;
 995+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
 996+ coordinates = getAnchorWindowPosition(anchorname);
 997+ }
 998+ else {
 999+ coordinates = getAnchorPosition(anchorname);
 1000+ }
 1001+ this.x = coordinates.x;
 1002+ this.y = coordinates.y;
 1003+ }
 1004+// Set width/height of DIV/popup window
 1005+function PopupWindow_setSize(width,height) {
 1006+ this.width = width;
 1007+ this.height = height;
 1008+ }
 1009+// Fill the window with contents
 1010+function PopupWindow_populate(contents) {
 1011+ this.contents = contents;
 1012+ this.populated = false;
 1013+ }
 1014+// Set the URL to go to
 1015+function PopupWindow_setUrl(url) {
 1016+ this.url = url;
 1017+ }
 1018+// Set the window popup properties
 1019+function PopupWindow_setWindowProperties(props) {
 1020+ this.windowProperties = props;
 1021+ }
 1022+// Refresh the displayed contents of the popup
 1023+function PopupWindow_refresh() {
 1024+ if (this.divName != null) {
 1025+ // refresh the DIV object
 1026+ if (this.use_gebi) {
 1027+ document.getElementById(this.divName).innerHTML = this.contents;
 1028+ }
 1029+ else if (this.use_css) {
 1030+ document.all[this.divName].innerHTML = this.contents;
 1031+ }
 1032+ else if (this.use_layers) {
 1033+ var d = document.layers[this.divName];
 1034+ d.document.open();
 1035+ d.document.writeln(this.contents);
 1036+ d.document.close();
 1037+ }
 1038+ }
 1039+ else {
 1040+ if (this.popupWindow != null && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
 1041+ if (this.url!="") {
 1042+ this.popupWindow.location.href=this.url;
 1043+ }
 1044+ else {
 1045+ this.popupWindow.document.open();
 1046+ this.popupWindow.document.writeln(this.contents);
 1047+ this.popupWindow.document.close();
 1048+ }
 1049+ this.popupWindow.focus();
 1050+ }
 1051+ }
 1052+ }
 1053+// Position and show the popup, relative to an anchor object
 1054+function PopupWindow_showPopup(anchorname) {
 1055+ this.getXYPosition(anchorname);
 1056+ this.x += this.offsetX;
 1057+ this.y += this.offsetY;
 1058+ if (!this.populated && (this.contents != "")) {
 1059+ this.populated = true;
 1060+ this.refresh();
 1061+ }
 1062+ if (this.divName != null) {
 1063+ // Show the DIV object
 1064+ if (this.use_gebi) {
 1065+ document.getElementById(this.divName).style.left = this.x + "px";
 1066+ document.getElementById(this.divName).style.top = this.y + "px";
 1067+ document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "visible";
 1068+ }
 1069+ else if (this.use_css) {
 1070+ document.all[this.divName].style.left = this.x;
 1071+ document.all[this.divName].style.top = this.y;
 1072+ document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "visible";
 1073+ }
 1074+ else if (this.use_layers) {
 1075+ document.layers[this.divName].left = this.x;
 1076+ document.layers[this.divName].top = this.y;
 1077+ document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "visible";
 1078+ }
 1079+ }
 1080+ else {
 1081+ if (this.popupWindow == null || this.popupWindow.closed) {
 1082+ // If the popup window will go off-screen, move it so it doesn't
 1083+ if (this.x<0) { this.x=0; }
 1084+ if (this.y<0) { this.y=0; }
 1085+ if (screen && screen.availHeight) {
 1086+ if ((this.y + this.height) > screen.availHeight) {
 1087+ this.y = screen.availHeight - this.height;
 1088+ }
 1089+ }
 1090+ if (screen && screen.availWidth) {
 1091+ if ((this.x + this.width) > screen.availWidth) {
 1092+ this.x = screen.availWidth - this.width;
 1093+ }
 1094+ }
 1095+ var avoidAboutBlank = window.opera || ( document.layers && !navigator.mimeTypes['*'] ) || navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled );
 1096+ this.popupWindow = window.open(avoidAboutBlank?"":"about:blank","window_"+anchorname,this.windowProperties+",width="+this.width+",height="+this.height+",screenX="+this.x+",left="+this.x+",screenY="+this.y+",top="+this.y+"");
 1097+ }
 1098+ this.refresh();
 1099+ }
 1100+ }
 1101+// Hide the popup
 1102+function PopupWindow_hidePopup() {
 1103+ if (this.divName != null) {
 1104+ if (this.use_gebi) {
 1105+ document.getElementById(this.divName).style.visibility = "hidden";
 1106+ }
 1107+ else if (this.use_css) {
 1108+ document.all[this.divName].style.visibility = "hidden";
 1109+ }
 1110+ else if (this.use_layers) {
 1111+ document.layers[this.divName].visibility = "hidden";
 1112+ }
 1113+ }
 1114+ else {
 1115+ if (this.popupWindow && !this.popupWindow.closed) {
 1116+ this.popupWindow.close();
 1117+ this.popupWindow = null;
 1118+ }
 1119+ }
 1120+ }
 1121+// Pass an event and return whether or not it was the popup DIV that was clicked
 1122+function PopupWindow_isClicked(e) {
 1123+ if (this.divName != null) {
 1124+ if (this.use_layers) {
 1125+ var clickX = e.pageX;
 1126+ var clickY = e.pageY;
 1127+ var t = document.layers[this.divName];
 1128+ if ((clickX > t.left) && (clickX < t.left+t.clip.width) && (clickY > t.top) && (clickY < t.top+t.clip.height)) {
 1129+ return true;
 1130+ }
 1131+ else { return false; }
 1132+ }
 1133+ else if (document.all) { // Need to hard-code this to trap IE for error-handling
 1134+ var t = window.event.srcElement;
 1135+ while (t.parentElement != null) {
 1136+ if (t.id==this.divName) {
 1137+ return true;
 1138+ }
 1139+ t = t.parentElement;
 1140+ }
 1141+ return false;
 1142+ }
 1143+ else if (this.use_gebi && e) {
 1144+ var t = e.originalTarget;
 1145+ while (t.parentNode != null) {
 1146+ if (t.id==this.divName) {
 1147+ return true;
 1148+ }
 1149+ t = t.parentNode;
 1150+ }
 1151+ return false;
 1152+ }
 1153+ return false;
 1154+ }
 1155+ return false;
 1156+ }
 1158+// Check an onMouseDown event to see if we should hide
 1159+function PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked(e) {
 1160+ if (this.autoHideEnabled && !this.isClicked(e)) {
 1161+ this.hidePopup();
 1162+ }
 1163+ }
 1164+// Call this to make the DIV disable automatically when mouse is clicked outside it
 1165+function PopupWindow_autoHide() {
 1166+ this.autoHideEnabled = true;
 1167+ }
 1168+// This global function checks all PopupWindow objects onmouseup to see if they should be hidden
 1169+function PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows(e) {
 1170+ for (var i=0; i<popupWindowObjects.length; i++) {
 1171+ if (popupWindowObjects[i] != null) {
 1172+ var p = popupWindowObjects[i];
 1173+ p.hideIfNotClicked(e);
 1174+ }
 1175+ }
 1176+ }
 1177+// Run this immediately to attach the event listener
 1178+function PopupWindow_attachListener() {
 1179+ if (document.layers) {
 1180+ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
 1181+ }
 1182+ window.popupWindowOldEventListener = document.onmouseup;
 1183+ if (window.popupWindowOldEventListener != null) {
 1184+ document.onmouseup = new Function("window.popupWindowOldEventListener(); PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows();");
 1185+ }
 1186+ else {
 1187+ document.onmouseup = PopupWindow_hidePopupWindows;
 1188+ }
 1189+ }
 1190+// CONSTRUCTOR for the PopupWindow object
 1191+// Pass it a DIV name to use a DHTML popup, otherwise will default to window popup
 1192+function PopupWindow() {
 1193+ if (!window.popupWindowIndex) { window.popupWindowIndex = 0; }
 1194+ if (!window.popupWindowObjects) { window.popupWindowObjects = new Array(); }
 1195+ if (!window.listenerAttached) {
 1196+ window.listenerAttached = true;
 1197+ PopupWindow_attachListener();
 1198+ }
 1199+ this.index = popupWindowIndex++;
 1200+ popupWindowObjects[this.index] = this;
 1201+ this.divName = null;
 1202+ this.popupWindow = null;
 1203+ this.width=0;
 1204+ this.height=0;
 1205+ this.populated = false;
 1206+ this.visible = false;
 1207+ this.autoHideEnabled = false;
 1209+ this.contents = "";
 1210+ this.url="";
 1211+ this.windowProperties="toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizable,alwaysRaised,dependent,titlebar=no";
 1212+ if (arguments.length>0) {
 1213+ this.type="DIV";
 1214+ this.divName = arguments[0];
 1215+ }
 1216+ else {
 1217+ this.type="WINDOW";
 1218+ }
 1219+ this.use_gebi = false;
 1220+ this.use_css = false;
 1221+ this.use_layers = false;
 1222+ if (document.getElementById) { this.use_gebi = true; }
 1223+ else if (document.all) { this.use_css = true; }
 1224+ else if (document.layers) { this.use_layers = true; }
 1225+ else { this.type = "WINDOW"; }
 1226+ this.offsetX = 0;
 1227+ this.offsetY = 0;
 1228+ // Method mappings
 1229+ this.getXYPosition = PopupWindow_getXYPosition;
 1230+ this.populate = PopupWindow_populate;
 1231+ this.setUrl = PopupWindow_setUrl;
 1232+ this.setWindowProperties = PopupWindow_setWindowProperties;
 1233+ this.refresh = PopupWindow_refresh;
 1234+ this.showPopup = PopupWindow_showPopup;
 1235+ this.hidePopup = PopupWindow_hidePopup;
 1236+ this.setSize = PopupWindow_setSize;
 1237+ this.isClicked = PopupWindow_isClicked;
 1238+ this.autoHide = PopupWindow_autoHide;
 1239+ this.hideIfNotClicked = PopupWindow_hideIfNotClicked;
 1240+ }
 1242+/* SOURCE FILE: CalendarPopup.js */
 1244+// HISTORY
 1245+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
 1246+// Feb 7, 2005: Fixed a CSS styles to use px unit
 1247+// March 29, 2004: Added check in select() method for the form field
 1248+// being disabled. If it is, just return and don't do anything.
 1249+// March 24, 2004: Fixed bug - when month name and abbreviations were
 1250+// changed, date format still used original values.
 1251+// January 26, 2004: Added support for drop-down month and year
 1252+// navigation (Thanks to Chris Reid for the idea)
 1253+// September 22, 2003: Fixed a minor problem in YEAR calendar with
 1254+// CSS prefix.
 1255+// August 19, 2003: Renamed the function to get styles, and made it
 1256+// work correctly without an object reference
 1257+// August 18, 2003: Changed showYearNavigation and
 1258+// showYearNavigationInput to optionally take an argument of
 1259+// true or false
 1260+// July 31, 2003: Added text input option for year navigation.
 1261+// Added a per-calendar CSS prefix option to optionally use
 1262+// different styles for different calendars.
 1263+// July 29, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be clickable
 1264+// even though today falls in a disabled date range.
 1265+// Changed formatting to use pure CSS, allowing greater control
 1266+// over look-and-feel options.
 1267+// June 11, 2003: Fixed bug causing the Today link to be unselectable
 1268+// under certain cases when some days of week are disabled
 1269+// March 14, 2003: Added ability to disable individual dates or date
 1270+// ranges, display as light gray and strike-through
 1271+// March 14, 2003: Removed dependency on graypixel.gif and instead
 1272+/// use table border coloring
 1273+// March 12, 2003: Modified showCalendar() function to allow optional
 1274+// start-date parameter
 1275+// March 11, 2003: Modified select() function to allow optional
 1276+// start-date parameter
 1278+DESCRIPTION: This object implements a popup calendar to allow the user to
 1279+select a date, month, quarter, or year.
 1281+COMPATABILITY: Works with Netscape 4.x, 6.x, IE 5.x on Windows. Some small
 1282+positioning errors - usually with Window positioning - occur on the
 1283+Macintosh platform.
 1284+The calendar can be modified to work for any location in the world by
 1285+changing which weekday is displayed as the first column, changing the month
 1286+names, and changing the column headers for each day.
 1289+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type WINDOW
 1290+var cal = new CalendarPopup();
 1292+// Create a new CalendarPopup object of type DIV using the DIV named 'mydiv'
 1293+var cal = new CalendarPopup('mydiv');
 1295+// Easy method to link the popup calendar with an input box.
 1296+cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat);
 1297+// Same method, but passing a default date other than the field's current value
 1298+cal.select(inputObject, anchorname, dateFormat, '01/02/2000');
 1299+// This is an example call to the popup calendar from a link to populate an
 1300+// input box. Note that to use this, date.js must also be included!!
 1301+<A HREF="#" onClick="cal.select(document.forms[0].date,'anchorname','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;">Select</A>
 1303+// Set the type of date select to be used. By default it is 'date'.
 1306+// When a date, month, quarter, or year is clicked, a function is called and
 1307+// passed the details. You must write this function, and tell the calendar
 1308+// popup what the function name is.
 1309+// Function to be called for 'date' select receives y, m, d
 1311+// Function to be called for 'month' select receives y, m
 1313+// Function to be called for 'quarter' select receives y, q
 1315+// Function to be called for 'year' select receives y
 1318+// Show the calendar relative to a given anchor
 1321+// Hide the calendar. The calendar is set to autoHide automatically
 1324+// Set the month names to be used. Default are English month names
 1327+// Set the month abbreviations to be used. Default are English month abbreviations
 1330+// Show navigation for changing by the year, not just one month at a time
 1333+// Show month and year dropdowns, for quicker selection of month of dates
 1336+// Set the text to be used above each day column. The days start with
 1337+// sunday regardless of the value of WeekStartDay
 1340+// Set the day for the first column in the calendar grid. By default this
 1341+// is Sunday (0) but it may be changed to fit the conventions of other
 1342+// countries.
 1343+cal.setWeekStartDay(1); // week is Monday - Sunday
 1345+// Set the weekdays which should be disabled in the 'date' select popup. You can
 1346+// then allow someone to only select week end dates, or Tuedays, for example
 1347+cal.setDisabledWeekDays(0,1); // To disable selecting the 1st or 2nd days of the week
 1349+// Selectively disable individual days or date ranges. Disabled days will not
 1350+// be clickable, and show as strike-through text on current browsers.
 1351+// Date format is any format recognized by parseDate() in date.js
 1352+// Pass a single date to disable:
 1354+// Pass null as the first parameter to mean "anything up to and including" the
 1355+// passed date:
 1356+cal.addDisabledDates(null, "01/02/03");
 1357+// Pass null as the second parameter to mean "including the passed date and
 1358+// anything after it:
 1359+cal.addDisabledDates("Jan 01, 2003", null);
 1360+// Pass two dates to disable all dates inbetween and including the two
 1361+cal.addDisabledDates("January 01, 2003", "Dec 31, 2003");
 1363+// When the 'year' select is displayed, set the number of years back from the
 1364+// current year to start listing years. Default is 2.
 1365+// This is also used for year drop-down, to decide how many years +/- to display
 1368+// Text for the word "Today" appearing on the calendar
 1371+// The calendar uses CSS classes for formatting. If you want your calendar to
 1372+// have unique styles, you can set the prefix that will be added to all the
 1373+// classes in the output.
 1374+// For example, normal output may have this:
 1375+// <SPAN CLASS="cpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
 1376+// But if you set the prefix like this:
 1378+// The output will then look like:
 1379+// <SPAN CLASS="TestcpTodayTextDisabled">Today<SPAN>
 1380+// And you can define that style somewhere in your page.
 1382+// When using Year navigation, you can make the year be an input box, so
 1383+// the user can manually change it and jump to any year
 1386+// Set the calendar offset to be different than the default. By default it
 1387+// will appear just below and to the right of the anchorname. So if you have
 1388+// a text box where the date will go and and anchor immediately after the
 1389+// text box, the calendar will display immediately under the text box.
 1390+cal.offsetX = 20;
 1391+cal.offsetY = 20;
 1394+1) Requires the functions in AnchorPosition.js and PopupWindow.js
 1396+2) Your anchor tag MUST contain both NAME and ID attributes which are the
 1397+ same. For example:
 1398+ <A NAME="test" ID="test"> </A>
 1400+3) There must be at least a space between <A> </A> for IE5.5 to see the
 1401+ anchor tag correctly. Do not do <A></A> with no space.
 1403+4) When a CalendarPopup object is created, a handler for 'onmouseup' is
 1404+ attached to any event handler you may have already defined. Do NOT define
 1405+ an event handler for 'onmouseup' after you define a CalendarPopup object
 1406+ or the autoHide() will not work correctly.
 1408+5) The calendar popup display uses style sheets to make it look nice.
 1412+// CONSTRUCTOR for the CalendarPopup Object
 1413+function CalendarPopup() {
 1414+ var c;
 1415+ if (arguments.length>0) {
 1416+ c = new PopupWindow(arguments[0]);
 1417+ }
 1418+ else {
 1419+ c = new PopupWindow();
 1420+ c.setSize(150,175);
 1421+ }
 1422+ c.offsetX = -152;
 1423+ c.offsetY = 25;
 1424+ c.autoHide();
 1425+ // Calendar-specific properties
 1426+ c.monthNames = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
 1427+ c.monthAbbreviations = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");
 1428+ c.dayHeaders = new Array("S","M","T","W","T","F","S");
 1429+ c.returnFunction = "CP_tmpReturnFunction";
 1430+ c.returnMonthFunction = "CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction";
 1431+ c.returnQuarterFunction = "CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction";
 1432+ c.returnYearFunction = "CP_tmpReturnYearFunction";
 1433+ c.weekStartDay = 0;
 1434+ c.isShowYearNavigation = false;
 1435+ c.displayType = "date";
 1436+ c.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
 1437+ c.disabledDatesExpression = "";
 1438+ c.yearSelectStartOffset = 2;
 1439+ c.currentDate = null;
 1440+ c.todayText="Today";
 1441+ c.cssPrefix="";
 1442+ c.isShowNavigationDropdowns=false;
 1443+ c.isShowYearNavigationInput=false;
 1444+ window.CP_calendarObject = null;
 1445+ window.CP_targetInput = null;
 1446+ window.CP_dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
 1447+ // Method mappings
 1448+ c.copyMonthNamesToWindow = CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow;
 1449+ c.setReturnFunction = CP_setReturnFunction;
 1450+ c.setReturnMonthFunction = CP_setReturnMonthFunction;
 1451+ c.setReturnQuarterFunction = CP_setReturnQuarterFunction;
 1452+ c.setReturnYearFunction = CP_setReturnYearFunction;
 1453+ c.setMonthNames = CP_setMonthNames;
 1454+ c.setMonthAbbreviations = CP_setMonthAbbreviations;
 1455+ c.setDayHeaders = CP_setDayHeaders;
 1456+ c.setWeekStartDay = CP_setWeekStartDay;
 1457+ c.setDisplayType = CP_setDisplayType;
 1458+ c.setDisabledWeekDays = CP_setDisabledWeekDays;
 1459+ c.addDisabledDates = CP_addDisabledDates;
 1460+ c.setYearSelectStartOffset = CP_setYearSelectStartOffset;
 1461+ c.setTodayText = CP_setTodayText;
 1462+ c.showYearNavigation = CP_showYearNavigation;
 1463+ c.showCalendar = CP_showCalendar;
 1464+ c.hideCalendar = CP_hideCalendar;
 1465+ c.getStyles = getCalendarStyles;
 1466+ c.refreshCalendar = CP_refreshCalendar;
 1467+ c.getCalendar = CP_getCalendar;
 1468+ c.select = CP_select;
 1469+ c.setCssPrefix = CP_setCssPrefix;
 1470+ c.showNavigationDropdowns = CP_showNavigationDropdowns;
 1471+ c.showYearNavigationInput = CP_showYearNavigationInput;
 1472+ c.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
 1473+ // Return the object
 1474+ return c;
 1475+ }
 1476+function CP_copyMonthNamesToWindow() {
 1477+ // Copy these values over to the date.js
 1478+ if (typeof(window.MONTH_NAMES)!="undefined" && window.MONTH_NAMES!=null) {
 1479+ window.MONTH_NAMES = new Array();
 1480+ for (var i=0; i<this.monthNames.length; i++) {
 1481+ window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthNames[i];
 1482+ }
 1483+ for (var i=0; i<this.monthAbbreviations.length; i++) {
 1484+ window.MONTH_NAMES[window.MONTH_NAMES.length] = this.monthAbbreviations[i];
 1485+ }
 1486+ }
 1488+// Temporary default functions to be called when items clicked, so no error is thrown
 1489+function CP_tmpReturnFunction(y,m,d) {
 1490+ if (window.CP_targetInput!=null) {
 1491+ var dt = new Date(y,m-1,d,0,0,0);
 1492+ if (window.CP_calendarObject!=null) { window.CP_calendarObject.copyMonthNamesToWindow(); }
 1493+ window.CP_targetInput.value = formatDate(dt,window.CP_dateFormat);
 1494+ }
 1495+ else {
 1496+ alert('Use setReturnFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!');
 1497+ }
 1498+ }
 1499+function CP_tmpReturnMonthFunction(y,m) {
 1500+ alert('Use setReturnMonthFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y+' , month='+m);
 1501+ }
 1502+function CP_tmpReturnQuarterFunction(y,q) {
 1503+ alert('Use setReturnQuarterFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y+' , quarter='+q);
 1504+ }
 1505+function CP_tmpReturnYearFunction(y) {
 1506+ alert('Use setReturnYearFunction() to define which function will get the clicked results!You clicked: year='+y);
 1507+ }
 1509+// Set the name of the functions to call to get the clicked item
 1510+function CP_setReturnFunction(name) { this.returnFunction = name; }
 1511+function CP_setReturnMonthFunction(name) { this.returnMonthFunction = name; }
 1512+function CP_setReturnQuarterFunction(name) { this.returnQuarterFunction = name; }
 1513+function CP_setReturnYearFunction(name) { this.returnYearFunction = name; }
 1515+// Over-ride the built-in month names
 1516+function CP_setMonthNames() {
 1517+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthNames[i] = arguments[i]; }
 1518+ this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
 1519+ }
 1521+// Over-ride the built-in month abbreviations
 1522+function CP_setMonthAbbreviations() {
 1523+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.monthAbbreviations[i] = arguments[i]; }
 1524+ this.copyMonthNamesToWindow();
 1525+ }
 1527+// Over-ride the built-in column headers for each day
 1528+function CP_setDayHeaders() {
 1529+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.dayHeaders[i] = arguments[i]; }
 1530+ }
 1532+// Set the day of the week (0-7) that the calendar display starts on
 1533+// This is for countries other than the US whose calendar displays start on Monday(1), for example
 1534+function CP_setWeekStartDay(day) { this.weekStartDay = day; }
 1536+// Show next/last year navigation links
 1537+function CP_showYearNavigation() { this.isShowYearNavigation = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
 1539+// Which type of calendar to display
 1540+function CP_setDisplayType(type) {
 1541+ if (type!="date"&&type!="week-end"&&type!="month"&&type!="quarter"&&type!="year") { alert("Invalid display type! Must be one of: date,week-end,month,quarter,year"); return false; }
 1542+ this.displayType=type;
 1543+ }
 1545+// How many years back to start by default for year display
 1546+function CP_setYearSelectStartOffset(num) { this.yearSelectStartOffset=num; }
 1548+// Set which weekdays should not be clickable
 1549+function CP_setDisabledWeekDays() {
 1550+ this.disabledWeekDays = new Object();
 1551+ for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.disabledWeekDays[arguments[i]] = true; }
 1552+ }
 1554+// Disable individual dates or ranges
 1555+// Builds an internal logical test which is run via eval() for efficiency
 1556+function CP_addDisabledDates(start, end) {
 1557+ if (arguments.length==1) { end=start; }
 1558+ if (start==null && end==null) { return; }
 1559+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") { this.disabledDatesExpression+= "||"; }
 1560+ if (start!=null) { start = parseDate(start); start=""+start.getFullYear()+LZ(start.getMonth()+1)+LZ(start.getDate());}
 1561+ if (end!=null) { end=parseDate(end); end=""+end.getFullYear()+LZ(end.getMonth()+1)+LZ(end.getDate());}
 1562+ if (start==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds<="+end+")"; }
 1563+ else if (end ==null) { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+")"; }
 1564+ else { this.disabledDatesExpression+="(ds>="+start+"&&ds<="+end+")"; }
 1565+ }
 1567+// Set the text to use for the "Today" link
 1568+function CP_setTodayText(text) {
 1569+ this.todayText = text;
 1570+ }
 1572+// Set the prefix to be added to all CSS classes when writing output
 1573+function CP_setCssPrefix(val) {
 1574+ this.cssPrefix = val;
 1575+ }
 1577+// Show the navigation as an dropdowns that can be manually changed
 1578+function CP_showNavigationDropdowns() { this.isShowNavigationDropdowns = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
 1580+// Show the year navigation as an input box that can be manually changed
 1581+function CP_showYearNavigationInput() { this.isShowYearNavigationInput = (arguments.length>0)?arguments[0]:true; }
 1583+// Hide a calendar object
 1584+function CP_hideCalendar() {
 1585+ if (arguments.length > 0) { window.popupWindowObjects[arguments[0]].hidePopup(); }
 1586+ else { this.hidePopup(); }
 1587+ }
 1589+// Refresh the contents of the calendar display
 1590+function CP_refreshCalendar(index) {
 1591+ var calObject = window.popupWindowObjects[index];
 1592+ if (arguments.length>1) {
 1593+ calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar(arguments[1],arguments[2],arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5]));
 1594+ }
 1595+ else {
 1596+ calObject.populate(calObject.getCalendar());
 1597+ }
 1598+ calObject.refresh();
 1599+ }
 1601+// Populate the calendar and display it
 1602+function CP_showCalendar(anchorname) {
 1603+ if (arguments.length>1) {
 1604+ if (arguments[1]==null||arguments[1]=="") {
 1605+ this.currentDate=new Date();
 1606+ }
 1607+ else {
 1608+ this.currentDate=new Date(parseDate(arguments[1]));
 1609+ }
 1610+ }
 1611+ this.populate(this.getCalendar());
 1612+ this.showPopup(anchorname);
 1613+ }
 1615+// Simple method to interface popup calendar with a text-entry box
 1616+function CP_select(inputobj, linkname, format) {
 1617+ var selectedDate=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:null;
 1618+ if (!window.getDateFromFormat) {
 1619+ alert("calendar.select: To use this method you must also include 'date.js' for date formatting");
 1620+ return;
 1621+ }
 1622+ if (this.displayType!="date"&&this.displayType!="week-end") {
 1623+ alert("calendar.select: This function can only be used with displayType 'date' or 'week-end'");
 1624+ return;
 1625+ }
 1626+ if (inputobj.type!="text" && inputobj.type!="hidden" && inputobj.type!="textarea") {
 1627+ alert("calendar.select: Input object passed is not a valid form input object");
 1628+ window.CP_targetInput=null;
 1629+ return;
 1630+ }
 1631+ if (inputobj.disabled) { return; } // Can't use calendar input on disabled form input!
 1632+ window.CP_targetInput = inputobj;
 1633+ window.CP_calendarObject = this;
 1634+ this.currentDate=null;
 1635+ var time=0;
 1636+ if (selectedDate!=null) {
 1637+ time = getDateFromFormat(selectedDate,format)
 1638+ }
 1639+ else if (inputobj.value!="") {
 1640+ time = getDateFromFormat(inputobj.value,format);
 1641+ }
 1642+ if (selectedDate!=null || inputobj.value!="") {
 1643+ if (time==0) { this.currentDate=null; }
 1644+ else { this.currentDate=new Date(time); }
 1645+ }
 1646+ window.CP_dateFormat = format;
 1647+ this.showCalendar(linkname);
 1648+ }
 1650+// Get style block needed to display the calendar correctly
 1651+function getCalendarStyles() {
 1652+ var result = "";
 1653+ var p = "";
 1654+ if (this!=null && typeof(this.cssPrefix)!="undefined" && this.cssPrefix!=null && this.cssPrefix!="") { p=this.cssPrefix; }
 1655+ result += "<STYLE>";
 1656+ result += "."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation { background-color:#C0C0C0; text-align:center; vertical-align:center; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; }";
 1657+ result += "."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader, ."+p+"cpYearNavigation,."+p+"cpMonthNavigation,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate,."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate,."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled,."+p+"cpCurrentDate,."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled,."+p+"cpTodayText,."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled,."+p+"cpText { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; }";
 1658+ result += "TD."+p+"cpDayColumnHeader { text-align:right; border:solid thin #C0C0C0;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px; }";
 1659+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate, ."+p+"cpCurrentDate { text-align:right; text-decoration:none; }";
 1660+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpOtherMonthDateDisabled, ."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; text-align:right; text-decoration:line-through; }";
 1661+ result += "."+p+"cpCurrentMonthDate, .cpCurrentDate { color:#000000; }";
 1662+ result += "."+p+"cpOtherMonthDate { color:#808080; }";
 1663+ result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDate { color:white; background-color: #C0C0C0; border-width:1px; border:solid thin #800000; }";
 1664+ result += "TD."+p+"cpCurrentDateDisabled { border-width:1px; border:solid thin #FFAAAA; }";
 1665+ result += "TD."+p+"cpTodayText, TD."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { border:solid thin #C0C0C0; border-width:1px 0px 0px 0px;}";
 1666+ result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText, SPAN."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { height:20px; }";
 1667+ result += "A."+p+"cpTodayText { color:black; }";
 1668+ result += "."+p+"cpTodayTextDisabled { color:#D0D0D0; }";
 1669+ result += "."+p+"cpBorder { border:solid thin #808080; }";
 1670+ result += "</STYLE>";
 1671+ return result;
 1672+ }
 1674+// Return a string containing all the calendar code to be displayed
 1675+function CP_getCalendar() {
 1676+ var now = new Date();
 1677+ // Reference to window
 1678+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") { var windowref = "window.opener."; }
 1679+ else { var windowref = ""; }
 1680+ var result = "";
 1681+ // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
 1682+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
 1685+ }
 1686+ else {
 1687+ result += '<TABLE CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpBorder" WIDTH=144 BORDER=1 BORDERWIDTH=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>';
 1688+ result += '<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER>';
 1689+ result += '<CENTER>';
 1690+ }
 1691+ // Code for DATE display (default)
 1692+ // -------------------------------
 1693+ if (this.displayType=="date" || this.displayType=="week-end") {
 1694+ if (this.currentDate==null) { this.currentDate = now; }
 1695+ if (arguments.length > 0) { var month = arguments[0]; }
 1696+ else { var month = this.currentDate.getMonth()+1; }
 1697+ if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1]>0 && arguments[1]-0==arguments[1]) { var year = arguments[1]; }
 1698+ else { var year = this.currentDate.getFullYear(); }
 1699+ var daysinmonth= new Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
 1700+ if ( ( (year%4 == 0)&&(year%100 != 0) ) || (year%400 == 0) ) {
 1701+ daysinmonth[2] = 29;
 1702+ }
 1703+ var current_month = new Date(year,month-1,1);
 1704+ var display_year = year;
 1705+ var display_month = month;
 1706+ var display_date = 1;
 1707+ var weekday= current_month.getDay();
 1708+ var offset = 0;
 1710+ offset = (weekday >= this.weekStartDay) ? weekday-this.weekStartDay : 7-this.weekStartDay+weekday ;
 1711+ if (offset > 0) {
 1712+ display_month--;
 1713+ if (display_month < 1) { display_month = 12; display_year--; }
 1714+ display_date = daysinmonth[display_month]-offset+1;
 1715+ }
 1716+ var next_month = month+1;
 1717+ var next_month_year = year;
 1718+ if (next_month > 12) { next_month=1; next_month_year++; }
 1719+ var last_month = month-1;
 1720+ var last_month_year = year;
 1721+ if (last_month < 1) { last_month=12; last_month_year--; }
 1722+ var date_class;
 1723+ if (this.type!="WINDOW") {
 1725+ }
 1726+ result += '<TR>';
 1727+ var refresh = windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar';
 1728+ var refreshLink = 'javascript:' + refresh;
 1729+ if (this.isShowNavigationDropdowns) {
 1730+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="78" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" name="cpMonth" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0,'+(year-0)+');">';
 1731+ for( var monthCounter=1; monthCounter<=12; monthCounter++ ) {
 1732+ var selected = (monthCounter==month) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
 1733+ result += '<option value="'+monthCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+this.monthNames[monthCounter-1]+'</option>';
 1734+ }
 1735+ result += '</select></TD>';
 1736+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
 1738+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="56" COLSPAN="3"><select CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" name="cpYear" onChange="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value-0);">';
 1739+ for( var yearCounter=year-this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter<=year+this.yearSelectStartOffset; yearCounter++ ) {
 1740+ var selected = (yearCounter==year) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
 1741+ result += '<option value="'+yearCounter+'" '+selected+'>'+yearCounter+'</option>';
 1742+ }
 1743+ result += '</select></TD>';
 1744+ }
 1745+ else {
 1746+ if (this.isShowYearNavigation) {
 1747+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
 1748+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="58"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+'</SPAN></TD>';
 1749+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
 1750+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="10">&nbsp;</TD>';
 1752+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;</A></TD>';
 1753+ if (this.isShowYearNavigationInput) {
 1754+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><INPUT NAME="cpYear" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4" VALUE="'+year+'" onBlur="'+refresh+'('+this.index+','+month+',this.value-0);"></TD>';
 1755+ }
 1756+ else {
 1757+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="36"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation">'+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
 1758+ }
 1759+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="10"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+month+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;</A></TD>';
 1760+ }
 1761+ else {
 1762+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+last_month+','+last_month_year+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
 1763+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="100"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation">'+this.monthNames[month-1]+' '+year+'</SPAN></TD>';
 1764+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpMonthNavigation" HREF="'+refreshLink+'('+this.index+','+next_month+','+next_month_year+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
 1765+ }
 1766+ }
 1767+ result += '</TR></TABLE>';
 1769+ result += '<TR>';
 1770+ for (var j=0; j<7; j++) {
 1772+ result += '<TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader" WIDTH="14%"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpDayColumnHeader">'+this.dayHeaders[(this.weekStartDay+j)%7]+'</TD>';
 1773+ }
 1774+ result += '</TR>';
 1775+ for (var row=1; row<=6; row++) {
 1776+ result += '<TR>';
 1777+ for (var col=1; col<=7; col++) {
 1778+ var disabled=false;
 1779+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
 1780+ var ds=""+display_year+LZ(display_month)+LZ(display_date);
 1781+ eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
 1782+ }
 1783+ var dateClass = "";
 1784+ if ((display_month == this.currentDate.getMonth()+1) && (display_date==this.currentDate.getDate()) && (display_year==this.currentDate.getFullYear())) {
 1785+ dateClass = "cpCurrentDate";
 1786+ }
 1787+ else if (display_month == month) {
 1788+ dateClass = "cpCurrentMonthDate";
 1789+ }
 1790+ else {
 1791+ dateClass = "cpOtherMonthDate";
 1792+ }
 1793+ if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[col-1]) {
 1794+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'Disabled">'+display_date+'</SPAN></TD>';
 1795+ }
 1796+ else {
 1797+ var selected_date = display_date;
 1798+ var selected_month = display_month;
 1799+ var selected_year = display_year;
 1800+ if (this.displayType=="week-end") {
 1801+ var d = new Date(selected_year,selected_month-1,selected_date,0,0,0,0);
 1802+ d.setDate(d.getDate() + (7-col));
 1803+ selected_year = d.getYear();
 1804+ if (selected_year < 1000) { selected_year += 1900; }
 1805+ selected_month = d.getMonth()+1;
 1806+ selected_date = d.getDate();
 1807+ }
 1808+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'"><A HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'('+selected_year+','+selected_month+','+selected_date+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+dateClass+'">'+display_date+'</A></TD>';
 1809+ }
 1810+ display_date++;
 1811+ if (display_date > daysinmonth[display_month]) {
 1812+ display_date=1;
 1813+ display_month++;
 1814+ }
 1815+ if (display_month > 12) {
 1816+ display_month=1;
 1817+ display_year++;
 1818+ }
 1819+ }
 1820+ result += '</TR>';
 1821+ }
 1822+ var current_weekday = now.getDay() - this.weekStartDay;
 1823+ if (current_weekday < 0) {
 1824+ current_weekday += 7;
 1825+ }
 1826+ result += '<TR>';
 1827+ result += ' <TD COLSPAN=7 ALIGN=CENTER CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText">';
 1828+ if (this.disabledDatesExpression!="") {
 1829+ var ds=""+now.getFullYear()+LZ(now.getMonth()+1)+LZ(now.getDate());
 1830+ eval("disabled=("+this.disabledDatesExpression+")");
 1831+ }
 1832+ if (disabled || this.disabledWeekDays[current_weekday+1]) {
 1833+ result += ' <SPAN CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayTextDisabled">'+this.todayText+'</SPAN>';
 1834+ }
 1835+ else {
 1836+ result += ' <A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpTodayText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnFunction+'(\''+now.getFullYear()+'\',\''+(now.getMonth()+1)+'\',\''+now.getDate()+'\');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');">'+this.todayText+'</A>';
 1837+ }
 1838+ result += ' <br />';
 1839+ result += ' </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
 1840+ }
 1842+ // Code common for MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR
 1843+ // ------------------------------------
 1844+ if (this.displayType=="month" || this.displayType=="quarter" || this.displayType=="year") {
 1845+ if (arguments.length > 0) { var year = arguments[0]; }
 1846+ else {
 1847+ if (this.displayType=="year") { var year = now.getFullYear()-this.yearSelectStartOffset; }
 1848+ else { var year = now.getFullYear(); }
 1849+ }
 1850+ if (this.displayType!="year" && this.isShowYearNavigation) {
 1852+ result += '<TR>';
 1853+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-1)+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
 1854+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="100">'+year+'</TD>';
 1855+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="22"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+1)+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
 1856+ result += '</TR></TABLE>';
 1857+ }
 1858+ }
 1860+ // Code for MONTH display
 1861+ // ----------------------
 1862+ if (this.displayType=="month") {
 1863+ // If POPUP, write entire HTML document
 1865+ for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
 1866+ result += '<TR>';
 1867+ for (var j=0; j<3; j++) {
 1868+ var monthindex = ((i*3)+j);
 1869+ result += '<TD WIDTH=33% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnMonthFunction+'('+year+','+(monthindex+1)+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+this.monthAbbreviations[monthindex]+'</A></TD>';
 1870+ }
 1871+ result += '</TR>';
 1872+ }
 1873+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
 1874+ }
 1876+ // Code for QUARTER display
 1877+ // ------------------------
 1878+ if (this.displayType=="quarter") {
 1880+ for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
 1881+ result += '<TR>';
 1882+ for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
 1883+ var quarter = ((i*2)+j+1);
 1884+ result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><br /><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnQuarterFunction+'('+year+','+quarter+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">Q'+quarter+'</A><br /><br /></TD>';
 1885+ }
 1886+ result += '</TR>';
 1887+ }
 1888+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
 1889+ }
 1891+ // Code for YEAR display
 1892+ // ---------------------
 1893+ if (this.displayType=="year") {
 1894+ var yearColumnSize = 4;
 1896+ result += '<TR>';
 1897+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year-(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&lt;&lt;</A></TD>';
 1898+ result += ' <TD CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" WIDTH="50%"><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpYearNavigation" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+'CP_refreshCalendar('+this.index+','+(year+(yearColumnSize*2))+');">&gt;&gt;</A></TD>';
 1899+ result += '</TR></TABLE>';
 1901+ for (var i=0; i<yearColumnSize; i++) {
 1902+ for (var j=0; j<2; j++) {
 1903+ var currentyear = year+(j*yearColumnSize)+i;
 1904+ result += '<TD WIDTH=50% ALIGN=CENTER><A CLASS="'+this.cssPrefix+'cpText" HREF="javascript:'+windowref+this.returnYearFunction+'('+currentyear+');'+windowref+'CP_hideCalendar(\''+this.index+'\');" CLASS="'+date_class+'">'+currentyear+'</A></TD>';
 1905+ }
 1906+ result += '</TR>';
 1907+ }
 1908+ result += '</TABLE></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>';
 1909+ }
 1910+ // Common
 1911+ if (this.type == "WINDOW") {
 1912+ result += "</BODY></HTML>";
 1913+ }
 1914+ return result;
 1915+ }
 1918+ );
 1919+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics_body.php
Name: svn:eol-style
11921 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2498 @@
 4+ * Internationalisation file for extension UsageStatistics.
 5+ *
 6+ * @addtogroup Extensions
 9+$messages = array();
 11+$messages['en'] = array(
 12+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Usage statistics',
 13+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Usage statistics',
 14+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Show individual user and overall wiki usage statistics',
 15+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Usage statistics for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 16+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Usage statistics for all users</h2>',
 17+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 18+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
 19+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclude redirects',
 20+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'These are statistics on the [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] namespace.',
 21+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] are not taken into account.',
 22+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type:',
 23+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start date:',
 24+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'End date:',
 25+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generate statistics',
 26+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Please specify a start date',
 27+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Please specify an end date',
 28+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Bad <i>start</i> and/or <i>end</i> date!</b>',
 29+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Day',
 30+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
 31+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Month',
 32+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 33+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
 34+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
 35+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
 36+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Select',
 37+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individual user $1 edits statistics',
 38+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individual user $1 pages statistics',
 39+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'View [[Special:UserStats|wiki usage statistics]]',
 42+/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
 43+ * @author Darth Kule
 44+ * @author Fryed-peach
 45+ * @author Jon Harald Søby
 46+ * @author Lejonel
 47+ * @author Purodha
 48+ * @author Siebrand
 49+ */
 50+$messages['qqq'] = array(
 51+ 'specialuserstats' => '{{Identical|Usage statistics}}',
 52+ 'usagestatistics' => '{{Identical|Usage statistics}}',
 53+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => '{{desc}}',
 54+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => '{{Identical|Namespace}}',
 55+ 'usagestatisticstype' => '{{Identical|Type}}',
 56+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => '{{Identical|Start date}}',
 57+ 'usagestatisticsend' => '{{Identical|End date}}',
 58+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '{{Identical|Month}}',
 59+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'This message is used on [[Special:SpecialUserStats]] in a dropdown menu to choose to generate incremental statistics.
 61+Incremental statistics means that for each interval the number of edits in that interval is counted, as opposed to cumulative statistics were the number of edits in the interval an all earlier intervals are counted.
 64+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 both in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editindividual}} and in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editpages}} ($1 can also be {{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}).
 67+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'This message is used on [[Special:SpecialUserStats]] in a dropdown menu to choose to generate cumulative statistics.
 69+Cumulative statistics means that for each interval the number of edits in that interval and all earlier intervals are counted, as opposed to incremental statistics were only the edits in the interval are counted.
 72+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 both in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editindividual}} and in {{msg|Usagestatistics-editpages}} ($1 can also be {{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}}).
 75+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '{{Identical|Select}}',
 76+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Text in usage statistics graph. Parameter $1 can be either 'cumulative' ({{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}) or 'incremental' ({{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}})",
 77+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Text in usage statistics graph. Parameter $1 can be either 'cumulative' ({{msg|Usagestatisticscumulative-text}}) or 'incremental' ({{msg|Usagestatisticsincremental-text}})",
 78+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '{{doc-right|viewsystemstats}}',
 81+/** Afrikaans (Afrikaans)
 82+ * @author Arnobarnard
 83+ * @author Naudefj
 84+ */
 85+$messages['af'] = array(
 86+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebruiksstatistieke',
 87+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebruiksstatistieke',
 88+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 89+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Naamruimte:',
 90+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
 91+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Begindatum:',
 92+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Einddatum:',
 93+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Genereer statistieke',
 94+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Gee asseblief 'n begindatum",
 95+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Spesifiseer 'n einddatum",
 96+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Slegte <i>begindatum</i> en/of <i>einddatum</i>!</b>',
 97+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 98+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
 99+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
 100+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementeel',
 101+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementeel',
 102+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatief',
 103+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatief',
 104+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Kies',
 107+/** Amharic (አማርኛ)
 108+ * @author Codex Sinaiticus
 109+ */
 110+$messages['am'] = array(
 111+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ቀን',
 112+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ሳምንት',
 113+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ወር',
 116+/** Aragonese (Aragonés)
 117+ * @author Juanpabl
 118+ */
 119+$messages['an'] = array(
 120+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Calendata de prenzipio',
 121+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Calendata final',
 122+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por fabor, escriba una calendata final',
 123+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>As calendatas de <i>enzete</i> y/u <i>fin</i> no son conformes!</b>',
 126+/** Arabic (العربية)
 127+ * @author Meno25
 128+ * @author OsamaK
 129+ */
 130+$messages['ar'] = array(
 131+ 'specialuserstats' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
 132+ 'usagestatistics' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
 133+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'يعرض إحصاءات الاستخدام لمستخدم منفرد وللويكي ككل',
 134+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام ل[[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 135+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام لكل المستخدمين</h2>',
 136+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'المدة:',
 137+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'النطاق:',
 138+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'استثن التحويلات',
 139+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'هذه إحصاءات على نطاق [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 140+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|التحويلات]] لا تحسب.',
 141+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'نوع',
 142+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاريخ البداية:',
 143+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'تاريخ النهاية:',
 144+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'توليد الإحصاءات',
 145+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للبدء',
 146+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للانتهاء',
 147+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>تاريخ <i>بدء</i> و/أو <i>انتهاء</i> سيء!</b>',
 148+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'يوم',
 149+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'أسبوع',
 150+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'شهر',
 151+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'تزايدي',
 152+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'تزايدي',
 153+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'تراكمي',
 154+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'تراكمي',
 155+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'اختيار',
 156+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'إحصاءات تعديلات المستخدم المنفرد $1',
 157+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'إحصاءات صفحات المستخدم المنفرد $1',
 158+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'رؤية [[Special:UserStats|إحصاءات استخدام الويكي]]',
 161+/** Aramaic (ܐܪܡܝܐ)
 162+ * @author Basharh
 163+ */
 164+$messages['arc'] = array(
 165+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'ܚܩܠܐ:',
 166+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ܐܕܫܐ',
 167+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ܝܘܡܐ',
 168+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ܫܒܘܥܐ',
 169+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ܝܪܚܐ',
 172+/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى)
 173+ * @author Ghaly
 174+ * @author Meno25
 175+ */
 176+$messages['arz'] = array(
 177+ 'specialuserstats' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
 178+ 'usagestatistics' => 'إحصاءات الاستخدام',
 179+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'يعرض إحصاءات الاستخدام ليوزر منفرد وللويكى ككل',
 180+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام ل[[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 181+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>إحصاءات الاستخدام لكل اليوزرز</h2>',
 182+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'مدة:',
 183+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'النطاق:',
 184+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ماتحسبش التحويلات',
 185+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'نوع',
 186+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاريخ البدء:',
 187+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'تاريخ الانتهاء:',
 188+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'توليد الإحصاءات',
 189+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للبدء',
 190+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'من فضلك حدد تاريخا للانتهاء',
 191+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>تاريخ <i>بدء</i> و/أو <i>انتهاء</i> سيء!</b>',
 192+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'يوم',
 193+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'أسبوع',
 194+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'شهر',
 195+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'تزايدي',
 196+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'تزايدي',
 197+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'تراكمي',
 198+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'تراكمي',
 199+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'اختيار',
 200+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'إحصاءات تعديلات اليوزر المنفرد $1',
 201+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'إحصاءات صفحات اليوزر المنفرد $1',
 204+/** Asturian (Asturianu)
 205+ * @author Esbardu
 206+ */
 207+$messages['ast'] = array(
 208+ 'specialuserstats' => "Estadístiques d'usu",
 209+ 'usagestatistics' => "Estadístiques d'usu",
 210+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'usu de [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
 211+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalu',
 212+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Triba',
 213+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Fecha inicial',
 214+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Fecha final',
 215+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Xenerar estadístiques',
 216+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor especifica una fecha inicial',
 217+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor especifica una fecha final',
 218+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>¡Fecha <i>Inicial</i> y/o <i>Final</i> non válides!</b>',
 221+/** Kotava (Kotava)
 222+ * @author Wikimistusik
 223+ */
 224+$messages['avk'] = array(
 225+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Faverenkopaceem',
 226+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Faverenkopaceem',
 227+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Faverenkopaceem ke [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 228+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Waluk',
 229+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Ord',
 230+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tozevla',
 231+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tenevla',
 232+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Nasbara va faverenkopaca',
 233+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Va tozevla vay bazel !',
 234+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Va tenevla vay bazel !',
 235+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>Tozevlaja</i> ik <i>Tenevlaja</i> !</b>',
 238+/** Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography) (Беларуская (тарашкевіца))
 239+ * @author EugeneZelenko
 240+ * @author Jim-by
 241+ * @author Red Winged Duck
 242+ * @author Zedlik
 243+ */
 244+$messages['be-tarask'] = array(
 245+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Статыстыка выкарыстаньня',
 246+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Статыстыка выкарыстаньня',
 247+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Паказвае статыстыку для індывідуальных удзельнікаў і статыстыку для ўсёй вікі',
 248+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статыстыка выкарыстаньня для ўдзельніка [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 249+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статыстыка выкарыстаньня для ўсіх удзельнікаў</h2>',
 250+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Пэрыяд:',
 251+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Прастора назваў:',
 252+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Не ўлічваць перанакіраваньні',
 253+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Гэта статыстыка для прасторы назваў [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 254+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перанакіраваньні]] не ўлічваюцца.',
 255+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тып',
 256+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Дата пачатку:',
 257+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Дата канца:',
 258+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Згенэраваць статыстыку',
 259+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Калі ласка, пазначце дату пачатку',
 260+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Калі ласка, пазначце дату канца',
 261+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Няслушная дата <i>пачатку</i> і/ці <i>канца</i>!</b>',
 262+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Дзень',
 263+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тыдзень',
 264+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месяц',
 265+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Павялічваючыся',
 266+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'павялічваючыся',
 267+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Агульны',
 268+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'агульны',
 269+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Выбраць',
 270+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Індывідуальная статыстыка рэдагаваньняў удзельніка $1',
 271+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Індывідуальная статыстыка старонак удзельніка $1',
 272+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'прагляд [[Special:UserStats|статыстыкі выкарыстаньня {{GRAMMAR:родны|{{SITENAME}}}}]]',
 275+/** Bulgarian (Български)
 276+ * @author DCLXVI
 277+ * @author Spiritia
 278+ */
 279+$messages['bg'] = array(
 280+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показване на статистика за отделни потребители или за цялото уики',
 281+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
 282+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Именно пространство:',
 283+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Вид',
 284+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Начална дата:',
 285+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Крайна дата:',
 286+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Генериране на статистиката',
 287+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Необходимо е да се посочи начална дата',
 288+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Необходимо е да се посочи крайна дата',
 289+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Невалидна <i>Начална</i> и/или <i>Крайна</i> дата!</b>',
 290+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ден',
 291+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Седмица',
 292+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
 293+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Избиране',
 296+/** Bengali (বাংলা)
 297+ * @author Zaheen
 298+ */
 299+$messages['bn'] = array(
 300+ 'specialuserstats' => 'ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান',
 301+ 'usagestatistics' => 'ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান',
 302+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'একজন নির্দিষ্ট ব্যবহারকারী এবং সামগ্রিক উইকি ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান দেখানো হোক',
 303+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>ব্যবহারকারী [[User:$1|$1]]-এর জন্য ব্যবহার পরিসংখ্যান</h2>',
 304+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ব্যবধান',
 305+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ধরন',
 306+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'শুরুর তারিখ',
 307+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'শেষের তারিখ',
 308+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'পরিসংখ্যান সৃষ্টি করা হোক',
 309+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'অনুগ্রহ করে একটি শুরুর তারিখ দিন',
 310+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'অনুগ্রহ করে একটি শেষের তারিখ দিন',
 311+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>ভুল <i>শুরু</i> এবং/অথবা <i>শেষের</i> তারিখ!</b>',
 312+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'দিন',
 313+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'সপ্তাহ',
 314+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'মাস',
 315+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'বর্ধমান',
 316+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'বর্ধমান',
 317+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'ক্রমবর্ধমান',
 318+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ক্রমবর্ধমান',
 319+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'নির্বাচন করুন',
 320+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'একক ব্যবহারকারী $1-এর সম্পাদনার পরিসংখ্যান',
 321+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'একক ব্যবহারকারী $1-এর পাতাগুলির পরিসংখ্যান',
 324+/** Breton (Brezhoneg)
 325+ * @author Fulup
 326+ */
 327+$messages['br'] = array(
 328+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Stadegoù implijout',
 329+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Stadegoù implijout',
 330+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Diskouez a ra stadegoù personel an implijerien hag an implij war ar wiki en e bezh',
 331+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Stadegoù implijout evit [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 332+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Stadegoù implij evit an holl implijerien</h2>',
 333+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Esaouenn :',
 334+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Esaouenn anv :',
 335+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Lezel an adkasoù er-maez',
 336+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Stadegoù war an esaouenn anv [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] eo ar re-mañ.',
 337+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "N'eo ket kemeret an [[Special:ListRedirects|Adkasoù]] e kont.",
 338+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Seurt',
 339+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Deiziad kregiñ :',
 340+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Deiziad echuiñ :',
 341+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Sevel ar stadegoù',
 342+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Merkit un deiziad kregiñ mar plij',
 343+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Merkit un deiziad echuiñ mar plij',
 344+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Fall eo furmad an deiziad <i>Kregiñ</i> pe/hag <i>Echuiñ</i> !</b>',
 345+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Deiz',
 346+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sizhun',
 347+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Miz',
 348+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Azvuiadel',
 349+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'azvuiadel',
 350+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Sammadel',
 351+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'sammadel',
 352+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Dibab',
 353+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Stadegoù savet $1 gant an implijer',
 354+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Stadegoù $1 ar pajennoù gant an implijer e-unan',
 355+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Gwelet [[Special:UserStats|stadegoù implijout ar wiki]]',
 358+/** Bosnian (Bosanski)
 359+ * @author CERminator
 360+ */
 361+$messages['bs'] = array(
 362+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike korištenja',
 363+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike korištenja',
 364+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Prikazuje pojedinačnog korisnika i njegovu ukupnu statistiku za sve wikije',
 365+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike korištenja za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 366+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike korištenja za sve korisnike</h2>',
 367+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Period:',
 368+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Imenski prostor:',
 369+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Isključi preusmjerenja',
 370+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Postoje statistike u [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] imenskom prostoru.',
 371+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Preusmjerenja]] nisu uzeta u obzir.',
 372+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Vrsta',
 373+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum:',
 374+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Krajnji datum:',
 375+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiši statistike',
 376+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo odredite početni datum',
 377+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo odredite krajnji datum',
 378+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Pogrešan <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>krajnji</i> datum!</b>',
 379+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'dan',
 380+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'sedmica',
 381+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'mjesec',
 382+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
 383+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
 384+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
 385+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
 386+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'odaberi',
 387+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statistike uređivanja pojedinačnog korisnika',
 388+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statistike stranica pojedinog korisnika',
 389+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Pregledavanje [[Special:UserStats|statistika korištenja wikija]]',
 392+/** Catalan (Català)
 393+ * @author Jordi Roqué
 394+ * @author Qllach
 395+ * @author SMP
 396+ * @author Solde
 397+ */
 398+$messages['ca'] = array(
 399+ 'specialuserstats' => "Estadístiques d'ús",
 400+ 'usagestatistics' => "Estadístiques d'ús",
 401+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Mostrar estadístiques d'ús d'usuaris individuals i globals del wiki",
 402+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'ús de [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
 403+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Estadístiques d'ús per tots els usuaris</h2>",
 404+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 405+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espai de noms:',
 406+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclou-ne les redireccions',
 407+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => "Aquestes estadístiques són de l'espai de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].",
 408+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] no es tenen en compte.',
 409+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipus',
 410+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => "Data d'inici:",
 411+ 'usagestatisticsend' => "Data d'acabament:",
 412+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => "Generació d'estadístiques",
 413+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Si us plau, especifiqueu una data d'inici",
 414+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Si us plau, especifiqueu una data d'acabament",
 415+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Data <i>d'inici</i> i/o <i>d'acabament</i> incorrecta!</b>",
 416+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
 417+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Setmana',
 418+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
 419+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementals',
 420+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementals',
 421+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulatives',
 422+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'acumulatives',
 423+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selecció',
 424+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Estadístiques $1 d'edicions de l'usuari",
 425+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Estadístiques $1 de pàgines de l'usuari",
 426+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Veure [[Special:UserStats|estadístiques d'ús de la wiki]]",
 429+/** Sorani (Arabic script) (‫کوردی (عەرەبی)‬)
 430+ * @author Marmzok
 431+ */
 432+$messages['ckb-arab'] = array(
 433+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'جۆر',
 434+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ڕێکەوتی دەستپێک',
 435+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'ڕێکەوتی کۆتایی',
 436+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'تکایە ڕێکەوتێکی دەستپێک دیاری بکە',
 437+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'تکایە ڕێکەوتێکی کۆتایی دیاری بکە',
 438+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>ڕێکەوتی <i>دەستپێک</i> یا \\ و <i>کۆتایی</i> ناساز!</b>',
 439+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ڕۆژ',
 440+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'حەوتوو',
 441+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'مانگ',
 444+/** Czech (Česky)
 445+ * @author Matěj Grabovský
 446+ * @author Mormegil
 447+ */
 448+$messages['cs'] = array(
 449+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistika uživatelů',
 450+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistika používanosti',
 451+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zobrazení statistik jednotlivého uživatele a celé wiki',
 452+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistika používanosti pro uživatele [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 453+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistika využití pro všechny uživatele</h2>',
 454+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 455+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Jmenný prostor:',
 456+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Vynechat přesměrování',
 457+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Toto jsou statistiky jmenného prostoru [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 458+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Přesměrování]] jsou vynechána.',
 459+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 460+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Počáteční datum:',
 461+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Konečné datum:',
 462+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Vytvořit statistiku',
 463+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Prosím, uveďte počáteční datum',
 464+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Prosím, uveďte konečné datum',
 465+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Chybné <i>počáteční</i> a/nebo <i>konečné</i> datum!</b>',
 466+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Den',
 467+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Týden',
 468+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Měsíc',
 469+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementální',
 470+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementální',
 471+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativní',
 472+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativní',
 473+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vybrat',
 474+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika úprav jednotlivého uživatele $1',
 475+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika stránek jednotlivého uživatele $1',
 476+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Prohlížení [[Special:UserStats|statistik využití wiki]]',
 479+/** Danish (Dansk)
 480+ * @author Jon Harald Søby
 481+ */
 482+$messages['da'] = array(
 483+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Måned',
 486+/** German (Deutsch)
 487+ * @author ChrisiPK
 488+ * @author Gnu1742
 489+ * @author Katharina Wolkwitz
 490+ * @author Melancholie
 491+ * @author Pill
 492+ * @author Purodha
 493+ * @author Revolus
 494+ * @author Umherirrender
 495+ */
 496+$messages['de'] = array(
 497+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutzungs-Statistik',
 498+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutzungs-Statistik',
 499+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeigt individuelle Benutzer- und allgemeine Wiki-Nutzungsstatistiken an',
 500+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutzungs-Statistik für [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 501+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutzungs-Statistik für alle Benutzer</h2>',
 502+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Zeitraum:',
 503+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namensraum:',
 504+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Weiterleitungen ausschließen',
 505+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dies sind Statistiken aus dem [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-Namensraum.',
 506+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Weiterleitungsseiten]] werden nicht berücksichtigt.',
 507+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Berechnungsart',
 508+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Datum:',
 509+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'End-Datum:',
 510+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik generieren',
 511+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Datum eingeben',
 512+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'End-Datum eingeben',
 513+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Unpassendes/fehlerhaftes <i>Start-Datum</i> oder <i>End-Datum</i> !</b>',
 514+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tag',
 515+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woche',
 516+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monat',
 517+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
 518+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'aufsteigend',
 519+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 520+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'gehäuft',
 521+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wähle',
 522+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuelle Bearbeitungsstatistiken für Benutzer $1',
 523+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuelle Seitenstatistiken für Benutzer $1',
 524+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Benutzer-Nutzungsstatistiken]] sehen',
 527+/** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski)
 528+ * @author Michawiki
 529+ */
 530+$messages['dsb'] = array(
 531+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Wužywańska statistika',
 532+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Wužywańska statistika',
 533+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Wužywańsku statistiku jadnotliwego wužywarja a cełego wikija pokazaś',
 534+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Wužywańska statistika za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 535+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Wužywańska statistika za wšych wužywarjow</h2>',
 536+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interwal:',
 537+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Mjenjowy rum:',
 538+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Dalejpósrědnjenja wuzamknuś',
 539+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'To jo statistika wó mjenjowem rumje [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 540+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Dalejpósrědnjenja]] njejsu zapśimjone.',
 541+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 542+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Zachopny datum:',
 543+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Kóńcny datum:',
 544+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistiku napóraś',
 545+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Pódaj pšosym zachopny datum',
 546+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Pódaj pšosym kóńcny datum',
 547+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Zmólkaty <i>zachopny</i> a/abo <i>kóńcny</i> datum!</b>',
 548+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Źeń',
 549+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tyźeń',
 550+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mjasec',
 551+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalna',
 552+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Inkrementalna',
 553+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatiwna',
 554+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatiwna',
 555+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wubraś',
 556+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika změnow jadnotliwego wužywarja $1',
 557+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika bokow jadnotliwego wužywarja $1',
 558+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikijowu wužywańsku statistiku]] se woglědaś',
 561+/** Greek (Ελληνικά)
 562+ * @author Consta
 563+ * @author Crazymadlover
 564+ * @author Dada
 565+ * @author Omnipaedista
 566+ * @author ZaDiak
 567+ */
 568+$messages['el'] = array(
 569+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Στατιστικά χρήσης',
 570+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Στατιστικά χρήσης',
 571+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Προβολή στατιστικών χρήσης για το μεμονωμένο χρήστη αλλά και για το σύνολο του βίκι',
 572+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Στατιστικά χρήσης για τον [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 573+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Στατιστικά χρήσης για όλους τους χρήστες</h2>',
 574+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Διάστημα:',
 575+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Περιοχή ονομάτων:',
 576+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Εξαίρεση ανακατευθύνσεων',
 577+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Στατιστικά για την ομάδα σελίδων [[Ειδικό: Allpages / $ 1 | $ 2]].',
 578+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Ειδικό: ListRedirects | Aνακατευθύνσεις]] δε λαμβάνονται υπόψη.',
 579+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Τύπος',
 580+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ημερομηνία έναρξης:',
 581+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Ημερομηνία λήξης:',
 582+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Παραγωγή στατιστικών',
 583+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε μια ημερομηνία έναρξης',
 584+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε μια ημερομηνία λήξης',
 585+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Κακή ημερομηνία <i>έναρξης</i> και/ή <i>λήξης</i>!</b>',
 586+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ημέρα',
 587+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Εβδομάδα',
 588+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Μήνας',
 589+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Επαυξητικό',
 590+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'επαυξητικό',
 591+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Συσσωρευτικό',
 592+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'συσσωρευτικό',
 593+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Επιλέξτε',
 594+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Μεμονωμένα στατιστικά επεξεργασιών του χρήστη $1',
 595+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Μεμονωμένα στατιστικά σελίδων του χρήστη $1',
 596+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Εμφάνιση [[Special:UserStats|στατιστικών χρήσης του βίκι]]',
 599+/** Esperanto (Esperanto)
 600+ * @author Lucas
 601+ * @author Michawiki
 602+ * @author Yekrats
 603+ */
 604+$messages['eo'] = array(
 605+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiko de uzado',
 606+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiko de uzado',
 607+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Montru individuan uzanton kaj ĉiun statistikon pri uzado de vikio',
 608+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiko pri uzado por [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 609+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Uzadaj statistikoj por ĉiuj uzantoj</h2>',
 610+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
 611+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nomspaco:',
 612+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ekskluzivi alidirektilojn',
 613+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Speco',
 614+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Komencodato:',
 615+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Findato:',
 616+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generu statistikojn',
 617+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Bonvolu entajpi komenco-daton.',
 618+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Bonvolu entajpi fino-daton.',
 619+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Malbona <i>Komenca</i> kaj/aŭ <i>Fina</i> dato!</b>',
 620+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tago',
 621+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semajno',
 622+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monato',
 623+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Krementa <!-- laŭ Komputada Leksikono -->',
 624+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Krementa <!-- laŭ Komputada Leksikono -->',
 625+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Akumulita',
 626+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'akumulita',
 627+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Elektu',
 628+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individua uzanto $1 redaktoj statistikoj',
 629+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individua uzanto $1 paĝoj statistikoj',
 630+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vidi [[Special:UserStats|statistikojn pri vikia uzado]]',
 633+/** Spanish (Español)
 634+ * @author Crazymadlover
 635+ * @author Imre
 636+ * @author Sanbec
 637+ */
 638+$messages['es'] = array(
 639+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Estadísticas de uso',
 640+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Estadísticas de uso',
 641+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar usuario individual y vista general de estadísticas de uso del wiki',
 642+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estadísticas de uso para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 643+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estadísticas de uso para todos los usuarios</h2>',
 644+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
 645+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espacio de nombre:',
 646+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redirecionamientos',
 647+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas son estadísticas en el espacio de nombre [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 648+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redireccionamientos]] no son tomados en cuenta.',
 649+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
 650+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Fecha de inicio:',
 651+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Fecha de fin:',
 652+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generar estadísticas',
 653+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor especifique una fecha de inicio',
 654+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Especifique una fecha de fin, por favor',
 655+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>¡La fecha de <i>inicio</i> o la de <i>fin</i> es incorrecta!</b>',
 656+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Día',
 657+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
 658+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
 659+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Creciente',
 660+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'creciente',
 661+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulativo',
 662+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'Acumulativo',
 663+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
 664+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estadísticas de ediciones de usuario individual $1',
 665+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estadísticas de páginas de usuario individual $1',
 666+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estadísticas de uso del wiki]]',
 669+/** Estonian (Eesti)
 670+ * @author Avjoska
 671+ * @author Pikne
 672+ */
 673+$messages['et'] = array(
 674+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Kasutuse statistika',
 675+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Kasutuse statistika',
 676+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Ajavahemik:',
 677+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimeruum:',
 678+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Jäta ümbersuunamisleheküljed välja',
 679+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tüüp',
 680+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Alguse kuupäev:',
 681+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lõpu kuupäev:',
 682+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Palun märgi alguse kuupäev',
 683+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Palun märgi lõpu kuupäev',
 684+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päev',
 685+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nädal',
 686+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Kuu',
 687+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Kuhjuv',
 688+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kuhjuvad',
 689+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kogunenud',
 690+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kogunenud',
 691+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vali',
 694+/** Basque (Euskara)
 695+ * @author An13sa
 696+ * @author Kobazulo
 697+ */
 698+$messages['eu'] = array(
 699+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Erabilpen-estatistikak',
 700+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Erabilpen-estatistikak',
 701+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] lankidearen erabilpen-estatistikak</h2>',
 702+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Lankide guztien erabilpen-estatistikak</h2>',
 703+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Denbora-tartea:',
 704+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Izen-tartea:',
 705+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Mota',
 706+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Hasiera data:',
 707+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Amaiera data:',
 708+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Estatistikak sortu',
 709+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Hasierako data zehaztu, mesedez',
 710+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Amaierako data zehaztu, mesedez',
 711+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>Hasiera</i> eta/edo <i>bukaera</i> data okerra!</b>',
 712+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Eguna',
 713+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Astea',
 714+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Hilabetea',
 715+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementala',
 716+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementala',
 717+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Aukeratu',
 720+/** Persian (فارسی)
 721+ * @author BlueDevil
 722+ * @author Huji
 723+ */
 724+$messages['fa'] = array(
 725+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'تاریخ آغاز',
 728+/** Finnish (Suomi)
 729+ * @author Cimon Avaro
 730+ * @author Crt
 731+ * @author Japsu
 732+ * @author Kulmalukko
 733+ * @author Mobe
 734+ * @author Nike
 735+ * @author Silvonen
 736+ * @author Str4nd
 737+ * @author Vililikku
 738+ */
 739+$messages['fi'] = array(
 740+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot',
 741+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot',
 742+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Näyttää käyttötilastoja yksittäisestä käyttäjästä ja wikin kokonaisuudesta.',
 743+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Käyttäjäkohtaiset tilastot ([[User:$1|$1]])</h2>',
 744+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Käyttötilastot kaikilta käyttäjiltä</h2>',
 745+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Aikaväli',
 746+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimiavaruus:',
 747+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Jätä pois ohjaukset',
 748+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Nämä ovat tilastot nimiavaruudessa [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 749+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tyyppi',
 750+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Aloituspäivä',
 751+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lopetuspäivä',
 752+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Hae tilastot',
 753+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Syötä aloituspäivä',
 754+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Syötä lopetuspäivä',
 755+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Aloitus- tai lopetuspäivä ei kelpaa! Tarkista päivämäärät.</b>',
 756+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päivä',
 757+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Viikko',
 758+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Kuukausi',
 759+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'kasvava',
 760+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kasvavat',
 761+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'kasaantuva',
 762+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kasaantuvat',
 763+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Valitse',
 764+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Yksittäisen käyttäjän $1 muokkaustilastot',
 765+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Yksittäisen käyttäjän $1 sivutilastot',
 766+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Näytä [[Special:UserStats|wikin käyttötilastoja]]',
 769+/** French (Français)
 770+ * @author Crochet.david
 771+ * @author Grondin
 772+ * @author IAlex
 773+ * @author PieRRoMaN
 774+ * @author Sherbrooke
 775+ * @author Urhixidur
 776+ */
 777+$messages['fr'] = array(
 778+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiques d’utilisation',
 779+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiques d’utilisation',
 780+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Affiche les statistiques d’utilisation par utilisateur et pour l’ensemble du wiki',
 781+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiques d’utilisation pour [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 782+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistiques d’utilisation pour tous les utilisateurs</h2>',
 783+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalle :',
 784+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espace de noms :',
 785+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclure les redirections',
 786+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ces statistiques sont sur l’espace de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 787+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Les [[Special:ListRedirects|redirections]] ne sont pas prises en compte.',
 788+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
 789+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Date de début :',
 790+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Date de fin :',
 791+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Générer les statistiques',
 792+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Veuillez spécifier une date de début',
 793+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Veuillez spécifier une date de fin',
 794+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Mauvais format de date de <i>début</i> ou de <i>fin</i> !</b>',
 795+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jour',
 796+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semaine',
 797+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mois',
 798+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrémental',
 799+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrémentales',
 800+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatif',
 801+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatives',
 802+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Sélectionner',
 803+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistiques $1 des modifications par utilisateur',
 804+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistiques $1 des pages par utilisateur',
 805+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Voir les [[Special:UserStats|statistiques d’utilisation du wiki]]',
 808+/** Franco-Provençal (Arpetan)
 809+ * @author Cedric31
 810+ * @author ChrisPtDe
 811+ */
 812+$messages['frp'] = array(
 813+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Entèrvalo',
 814+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
 815+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dâta de comencement',
 816+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dâta de fin',
 817+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Fâre les statistiques',
 818+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jorn',
 819+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
 820+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
 821+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Encrèmentâl',
 822+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'encrèmentâles',
 823+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatif',
 824+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatives',
 827+/** Irish (Gaeilge)
 828+ * @author Alison
 829+ */
 830+$messages['ga'] = array(
 831+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Saghas',
 832+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Lá',
 833+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Seachtain',
 834+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mí',
 837+/** Galician (Galego)
 838+ * @author Alma
 839+ * @author Toliño
 840+ * @author Xosé
 841+ */
 842+$messages['gl'] = array(
 843+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 844+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 845+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Amosar as estatíticas de uso do usuario individual e mais as do wiki en xeral',
 846+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de uso de "[[User:$1|$1]]"</h2>',
 847+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de uso de todos os usuarios</h2>',
 848+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
 849+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espazo de nomes:',
 850+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluír as redireccións',
 851+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas son as estatísticas do espazo de nomes [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 852+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Non se teñen en conta as [[Special:ListRedirects|redireccións]].',
 853+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Clase',
 854+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de comezo:',
 855+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin:',
 856+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Xerar as estatísticas',
 857+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor, especifique unha data de comezo',
 858+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor, especifique unha data de fin',
 859+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data de <i>comezo</i> e/ou <i>fin</i> errónea!</b>',
 860+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Día',
 861+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
 862+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
 863+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 864+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
 865+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Acumulativo',
 866+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'acumulativas',
 867+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
 868+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas das edicións $1 do usuario',
 869+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Páxinas das estatísticas $1 do usuario',
 870+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver as [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de uso do wiki]]',
 873+/** Ancient Greek (Ἀρχαία ἑλληνικὴ)
 874+ * @author Crazymadlover
 875+ */
 876+$messages['grc'] = array(
 877+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Ὀνοματεῖον:',
 878+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Τύπος',
 879+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ἡμέρα',
 880+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Μήν',
 881+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Ἐπιλέγειν',
 884+/** Swiss German (Alemannisch)
 885+ * @author Als-Holder
 886+ */
 887+$messages['gsw'] = array(
 888+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutzigs-Statischtik',
 889+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutzigs-Statischtik',
 890+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeigt individuälli Benutzer- un allgmeini Wiki-Nutzigsstatischtiken aa',
 891+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutzigs-Statischtik fir [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 892+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutzigs-Statischtik fir alli Benutzer</h2>',
 893+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Zytruum:',
 894+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namensruum:',
 895+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Wyterleitige uusschließe',
 896+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Des sin Statischtike iber dr [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-Namensruum.',
 897+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Wyterleitige]] wäre nit zellt.',
 898+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Berächnigsart',
 899+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Datum:',
 900+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Änd-Datum:',
 901+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statischtik generiere',
 902+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Datum yygee',
 903+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Änd-Datum yygee',
 904+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Falsch <i>Start-Datum</i> oder <i>Änd-Datum</i> !</b>',
 905+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tag',
 906+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Wuche',
 907+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Monet',
 908+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
 909+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'obsgi',
 910+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 911+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ghyflet',
 912+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wehl',
 913+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuälli Bearbeitigsstatischtike fir Benutzer $1',
 914+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuälli Sytestatischtike fir Benutzer $1',
 915+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wiki-Nutzigs-Statischtik]] aaluege',
 918+/** Gujarati (ગુજરાતી)
 919+ * @author Ashok modhvadia
 920+ */
 921+$messages['gu'] = array(
 922+ 'specialuserstats' => 'વપરાશના આંકડા',
 923+ 'usagestatistics' => 'વપરાશના આંકડા',
 924+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય અને સમગ્ર વિકિ વપરાશના આંકડાઓ બતાવો',
 925+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]ના વપરાશના આંકડાઓ</h2>',
 926+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>બધા સભ્યોના વપરાશના આંકડાઓ</h2>',
 927+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'વિરામ',
 928+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'પ્રકાર',
 929+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'આરંભ તારીખ',
 930+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'અંતિમ તારીખ',
 931+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'આંકડાઓ દર્શાવો',
 932+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'કૃપયા આરંભ તારીખ જણાવો',
 933+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'કૃપયા અંતિમ તારીખ જણાવો',
 934+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>અમાન્ય <i>આરંભ</i> અને/અથવા <i>અંતિમ</i> તારીખ!</b>',
 935+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'દિવસ',
 936+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'સપ્તાહ',
 937+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'મહીનો',
 938+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'ચઢતા ક્રમમાં',
 939+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ચઢતા ક્રમમાં',
 940+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'સંચિત ક્રમમાં',
 941+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'સંચિત ક્રમમાં',
 942+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'પસંદ કરો',
 943+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય $1 સંપાદનના આંકડાઓ',
 944+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'વ્યક્તિગત સભ્ય $1 પાનાઓના આંકડાઓ',
 945+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'જુઓ [[Special:UserStats|વિકિ વપરાશના આંકડા]]',
 948+/** Hebrew (עברית)
 949+ * @author Agbad
 950+ * @author Rotemliss
 951+ * @author YaronSh
 952+ */
 953+$messages['he'] = array(
 954+ 'specialuserstats' => 'סטטיסטיקות שימוש',
 955+ 'usagestatistics' => 'סטטיסטיקות שימוש',
 956+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'הצגת סטטיסטיקת השימוש של משתמש יחיד ושל כל האתר',
 957+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>סטטיסטיקות השימוש של [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 958+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>סטטיסטיקות שימוש של כל המשתמשים</h2>',
 959+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'מרווח:',
 960+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'מרחב שם:',
 961+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'התעלמות מהפניות',
 962+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'אלו סטטיסטיקות במרחב השם [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 963+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|הפניות]] אינן נלקחות בחשבון.',
 964+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'סוג',
 965+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'תאריך ההתחלה:',
 966+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'תאריך הסיום:',
 967+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'יצירת סטטיסטיקות',
 968+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'אנא ציינו תאריך התחלה',
 969+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'אנא ציינו תאריך סיום',
 970+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>תאריך <i>ההתחלה</i> ו/או תאריך <i>הסיום</i> בעייתיים!</b>',
 971+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'יום',
 972+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'שבוע',
 973+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'חודש',
 974+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'מתווספת',
 975+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'מתווספת',
 976+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'מצטברת',
 977+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'מצטבר',
 978+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'בחירה',
 979+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'סטטיסטיקת עריכות של המשתמש היחיד $1',
 980+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'סטטיסטיקות הדפים של המשתמש היחיד $1',
 981+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'צפייה ב[[Special:UserStats|סטטיסטיקת השימוש בוויקי]]',
 984+/** Hindi (हिन्दी)
 985+ * @author Kaustubh
 986+ */
 987+$messages['hi'] = array(
 988+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'प्रकार',
 989+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'महिना',
 992+/** Croatian (Hrvatski)
 993+ * @author Dalibor Bosits
 994+ * @author Dnik
 995+ * @author Ex13
 996+ */
 997+$messages['hr'] = array(
 998+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistika upotrebe',
 999+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistika upotrebe',
 1000+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokazuje statistku upotrebe za pojedinog suradnika i cijele wiki',
 1001+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistika upotrebe za suradnika [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1002+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistika upotrebe za sve suradnike</h2>',
 1003+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Razdoblje',
 1004+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Vrsta',
 1005+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum',
 1006+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Završni datum',
 1007+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Izračunaj statistiku',
 1008+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo, odaberite početni datum',
 1009+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo, odaberite završni datum',
 1010+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Nevažeći <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>završni</i> datum!</b>',
 1011+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dan',
 1012+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tjedan',
 1013+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mjesec',
 1014+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
 1015+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
 1016+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
 1017+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
 1018+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Odabir',
 1019+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistika uređivanja individualnog suradnika $1',
 1020+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistika stranica individualnog suradnika $1',
 1021+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Pogledaj [[Special:UserStats|wiki statistike korištenja]]',
 1024+/** Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce)
 1025+ * @author Michawiki
 1026+ */
 1027+$messages['hsb'] = array(
 1028+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Wužiwanska statistika',
 1029+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Wužiwanska statistika',
 1030+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Statistika jednotliwych wužiwarja a cyłkownu wikijowu statistiku pokazać',
 1031+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Wužiwanska statistika za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1032+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Wužiwanska statistika za wšěch wužiwarjow</h2>',
 1033+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interwal:',
 1034+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Mjenowy rum:',
 1035+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Dalesposrědkowanja wuzamknyć',
 1036+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'To je statistika wo mjenowym rumje [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1037+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Dalesposrědkowanja]] njejsu zapřijate.',
 1038+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 1039+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Spočatny datum:',
 1040+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Kónčny datum:',
 1041+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistiku wutworić',
 1042+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Podaj prošu spočatny datum',
 1043+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Podaj prošu kónčny datum',
 1044+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Njepłaćiwy <i>spočatny</i> a/abo <i>kónčny</i> datum!</b>',
 1045+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dźeń',
 1046+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tydźeń',
 1047+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Měsac',
 1048+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalny',
 1049+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalny',
 1050+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatiwny',
 1051+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatiwny',
 1052+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wubrać',
 1053+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Indiwiduelna statistika změnow wužiwarja $1',
 1054+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Indiwiduelna statistika stronow wužiwarja $1',
 1055+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikijowu wužiwansku statistiku]] sej wobhladać',
 1058+/** Hungarian (Magyar)
 1059+ * @author Glanthor Reviol
 1060+ */
 1061+$messages['hu'] = array(
 1062+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Használati statisztika',
 1063+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Használati statisztika',
 1064+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Egyedi felhasználói és összesített wiki használati statisztika',
 1065+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] használati statisztikái</h2>',
 1066+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Az összes felhasználó használati statisztikái</h2>',
 1067+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervallum:',
 1068+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Névtér:',
 1069+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Átirányítások kihagyása',
 1070+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ezek a(z) [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] névtér statisztikái.',
 1071+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Az [[Special:ListRedirects|átirányítások]] nem lettek beszámítva.',
 1072+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Típus',
 1073+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Kezdődátum:',
 1074+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Végdátum:',
 1075+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statisztikák elkészítése',
 1076+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Adj meg egy kezdődátumot',
 1077+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Adj meg egy végdátumot',
 1078+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Hibás <i>kezdő-</i> és/vagy <i>vég</i>dátum!</b>',
 1079+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Nap',
 1080+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hét',
 1081+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Hónap',
 1082+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementális',
 1083+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementális',
 1084+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatív',
 1085+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatív',
 1086+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Kiválaszt',
 1087+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 felhasználó egyedi szerkesztési statisztikái',
 1088+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 felhasználó egyedi lapstatisztikái',
 1089+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'A [[Special:UserStats|wiki használati statisztikáinak]] megjelenítése',
 1092+/** Interlingua (Interlingua)
 1093+ * @author McDutchie
 1094+ */
 1095+$messages['ia'] = array(
 1096+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statisticas de uso',
 1097+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statisticas de uso',
 1098+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Monstra statisticas del usator individual e del uso general del wiki',
 1099+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statisticas de uso pro [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1100+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statisticas de uso pro tote le usatores</h2>',
 1101+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervallo:',
 1102+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spatio de nomines:',
 1103+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluder redirectiones',
 1104+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Iste statisticas es super le spatio de nomines [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1105+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Le [[Special:ListRedirects|redirectiones]] non es prendite in conto.',
 1106+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typo',
 1107+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de initio:',
 1108+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin:',
 1109+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generar statisticas',
 1110+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Per favor specifica un data de initio',
 1111+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Per favor specifica un data de fin',
 1112+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Mal data de <i>initio</i> e/o de <i>fin</i>!</b>',
 1113+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Die',
 1114+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Septimana',
 1115+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mense',
 1116+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 1117+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
 1118+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
 1119+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
 1120+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seliger',
 1121+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statisticas $1 super le modificationes del usator individual',
 1122+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statisticas $1 super le paginas del usator individual',
 1123+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vider [[Special:UserStats|statisticas de uso del wiki]]',
 1126+/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
 1127+ * @author Bennylin
 1128+ * @author Irwangatot
 1129+ */
 1130+$messages['id'] = array(
 1131+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistik penggunaan',
 1132+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistik penggunaan',
 1133+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Perlihatkan statistik pengguna individual dan keseluruhan wiki',
 1134+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistik untuk [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1135+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistik untuk seluruh pengguna</h2>',
 1136+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 1137+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Ruangnama:',
 1138+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Kecuali pengalihan',
 1139+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Terdapat stistik pada ruangnama [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1140+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Pengalihan]] tidak diperhitungkan.',
 1141+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
 1142+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tanggal mulai:',
 1143+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tanggal selesai:',
 1144+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Tunjukkan statistik',
 1145+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Masukkan tanggal mulai',
 1146+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Masukkan tanggal selesai',
 1147+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Tanggal <i>mulai</i> dan/atau <i>selesai</i> salah!</b>',
 1148+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Tanggal',
 1149+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu',
 1150+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Bulan',
 1151+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Bertahap',
 1152+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'bertahap',
 1153+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatif',
 1154+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatif',
 1155+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Pilih',
 1156+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistik penyuntingan $1 pengguna individual',
 1157+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistik halaman $1 pengguna individual',
 1158+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Lihat [[Special:UserStats|statistik wiki]]',
 1161+/** Ido (Ido)
 1162+ * @author Malafaya
 1163+ */
 1164+$messages['io'] = array(
 1165+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dio',
 1168+/** Icelandic (Íslenska) */
 1169+$messages['is'] = array(
 1170+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dagur',
 1171+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vika',
 1172+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mánuður',
 1175+/** Italian (Italiano)
 1176+ * @author BrokenArrow
 1177+ * @author Darth Kule
 1178+ * @author Pietrodn
 1179+ */
 1180+$messages['it'] = array(
 1181+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistiche di utilizzo',
 1182+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistiche di utilizzo',
 1183+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostra le statistiche di utilizzo individuali per utente e globali per il sito',
 1184+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistiche di utilizzo per [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1185+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistiche di utilizzo per tutti gli utenti</h2>',
 1186+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Periodo:',
 1187+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
 1188+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Escludi redirect',
 1189+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Queste sono statistiche sul namespace [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1190+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'I [[Special:ListRedirects|redirect]] non sono presi in considerazione.',
 1191+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
 1192+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data di inizio:',
 1193+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data di fine:',
 1194+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Genera statistiche',
 1195+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Specificare una data iniziale',
 1196+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Specificare una data di fine',
 1197+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data <i>iniziale</i> o <i>finale</i> errata.</b>',
 1198+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Giorno',
 1199+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Settimana',
 1200+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mese',
 1201+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementali',
 1202+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementali',
 1203+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
 1204+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
 1205+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleziona',
 1206+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistiche $1 sulle modifiche per singolo utente',
 1207+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistiche $1 sulle pagine per singolo utente',
 1208+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Visualizza [[Special:UserStats|statistiche di uso del sito wiki]]',
 1211+/** Japanese (日本語)
 1212+ * @author Aotake
 1213+ * @author Fryed-peach
 1214+ * @author Hosiryuhosi
 1215+ */
 1216+$messages['ja'] = array(
 1217+ 'specialuserstats' => '利用統計',
 1218+ 'usagestatistics' => '利用統計',
 1219+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => '個々の利用者およびウィキ全体の利用統計を表示する',
 1220+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] の利用統計</h2>',
 1221+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>全利用者の利用統計</h2>',
 1222+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '間隔:',
 1223+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => '名前空間:',
 1224+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'リダイレクトを除く',
 1225+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'これは[[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]名前空間における統計です。',
 1226+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|リダイレクト]]は数に入っていません。',
 1227+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'タイプ',
 1228+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => '開始日:',
 1229+ 'usagestatisticsend' => '終了日:',
 1230+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '統計を生成',
 1231+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '開始日を指定してください',
 1232+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '終了日を指定してください',
 1233+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>開始</i>および、あるいは<i>終了</i>の日付が不正です!</b>',
 1234+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
 1235+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '週',
 1236+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
 1237+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '漸進',
 1238+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '漸進',
 1239+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累積',
 1240+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累積',
 1241+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '選択',
 1242+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '利用者の$1編集統計',
 1243+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '利用者の$1ページ統計',
 1244+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|ウィキの利用統計]]を見る',
 1247+/** Javanese (Basa Jawa)
 1248+ * @author Meursault2004
 1249+ * @author Pras
 1250+ */
 1251+$messages['jv'] = array(
 1252+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistik olèhé nganggo',
 1253+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistik olèhé nganggo',
 1254+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Tampilaké statistik panganggo individu lan kabèh panggunaan wiki',
 1255+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistik panggunan kanggo [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1256+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistik panggunaan kabèh panganggo</h2>',
 1257+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 1258+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Jenis',
 1259+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tanggal miwiti:',
 1260+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tanggal rampung:',
 1261+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Nggawé statistik',
 1262+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Temtokaké tanggal miwiti',
 1263+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Temtokaké tanggal mungkasi',
 1264+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Tanggal <i>miwiti</i> lan/utawa <i>mungkasi</i> kliru!</b>',
 1265+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dina',
 1266+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu (saptawara)',
 1267+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Sasi',
 1268+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => "Undhak-undhakan (''incremental'')",
 1269+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => "undhak-undhakan (''incremental'')",
 1270+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatif',
 1271+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatif',
 1272+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Pilih',
 1273+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistik panyuntingan panganggo individual $1',
 1274+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistik kaca panganggo individual $1',
 1277+/** Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ)
 1278+ * @author Chhorran
 1279+ * @author Lovekhmer
 1280+ * @author Thearith
 1281+ * @author គីមស៊្រុន
 1282+ */
 1283+$messages['km'] = array(
 1284+ 'specialuserstats' => 'ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់',
 1285+ 'usagestatistics' => 'ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់',
 1286+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'បង្ហាញ​ស្ថិតិ​អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​ជាឯកត្តៈបុគ្គល និង ការប្រើប្រាស់វិគីទាំងមូល',
 1287+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>ស្ថិតិ​នៃ​ការប្រើប្រាស់​របស់ [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1288+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>ស្ថិតិប្រើប្រាស់សម្រាប់គ្រប់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ទាំងអស់</h2>',
 1289+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ចន្លោះ',
 1290+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'ប្រភេទ៖',
 1291+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ប្រភេទ',
 1292+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទចាប់ផ្តើម',
 1293+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'កាលបរិច្ឆេទបញ្ចប់',
 1294+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'សូម​ធ្វើការ​បញ្ជាក់​ដើម្បី​ចាប់ផ្ដើម​ទិន្នន័យ',
 1295+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'សូម​ធ្វើការ​បញ្ជាក់​ដើម្បី​បញ្ចប់​ទិន្នន័យ',
 1296+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ថ្ងៃ',
 1297+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'សប្តាហ៍',
 1298+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ខែ',
 1299+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'បន្ថែម',
 1300+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'បន្ថែម',
 1301+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'សន្សំ',
 1302+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'សន្សំ',
 1303+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ជ្រើសយក',
 1304+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​បុគ្គល $1 ស្ថិតិ​កែប្រែ',
 1305+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​បុគ្គល $1 ស្ថិតិ​ទំព័រ',
 1308+/** Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)
 1309+ * @author Nayvik
 1310+ */
 1311+$messages['kn'] = array(
 1312+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ದಿನ',
 1313+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ವಾರ',
 1314+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'ತಿಂಗಳು',
 1317+/** Ripoarisch (Ripoarisch)
 1318+ * @author Purodha
 1319+ */
 1320+$messages['ksh'] = array(
 1321+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike fum Metmaache',
 1322+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike fum Metmaache',
 1323+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zeich Statistike övver Metmaacher un et janze Wiki.',
 1324+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike fum Metmaacher [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1325+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike fun alle Metmaacher</h2>',
 1326+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'De Zick
 1328+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Appachtemang:',
 1329+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ußer Ömleidungssigge',
 1330+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Shtatißtike övver et Appachtemang [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]',
 1331+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Ömleidungssigge]] sin nit metjezallt.',
 1332+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Aat ze rääschne',
 1333+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Et Aanfangs-Dattum:',
 1334+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Et Dattum fun Engk:',
 1335+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistike ußrääschne',
 1336+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '* <span style="color:red">Dattum fum Aanfangs aanjevve</span>',
 1337+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '* <span style="color:red">Dattum fum Engk aanjevve</span>',
 1338+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Et Dattum fum <i>Aanfang</i> udder <i>Engk</i> es Kappes!</b>',
 1339+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dach',
 1340+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
 1341+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mohnd',
 1342+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'schrettwies',
 1343+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Schrettwies',
 1344+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'jesammt',
 1345+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'Jesammt',
 1346+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Ußsöke',
 1347+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 Änderungs-Statistike fun enem Metmaacher',
 1348+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 Sigge-Statistike fun enem Metmaacher',
 1349+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Dem [[Special:UserStats|Wiki sing Jebruchs_Shtatistike]] aanloore',
 1352+/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
 1353+ * @author Robby
 1354+ */
 1355+$messages['lb'] = array(
 1356+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Benotzungs-Statistiken',
 1357+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Benotzungs-Statistiken',
 1358+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Weis Statistike vun den indivudelle Benotzer an der allgemenger Benotzung vun der Wiki',
 1359+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Benotzungs-Statistik fir [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1360+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike vun der Benotzung fir all Benotzer</h2>',
 1361+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
 1362+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nummraum:',
 1363+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Viruleedungen ausschléissen',
 1364+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Et gëtt keng Statistiken vum Nummraum [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1365+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Viruleedunge]] ginn net matgezielt.',
 1366+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 1367+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ufanksdatum:',
 1368+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Schlussdatum:',
 1369+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik opstellen',
 1370+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Gitt w.e.g een Ufanksdatum un',
 1371+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Gitt w.e.g. ee Schlussdatum un',
 1372+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Falsche Format vum <i>Ufanks-</i> oder vum <i>Schluss</i> Datum!</b>',
 1373+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 1374+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
 1375+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mount',
 1376+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkremental',
 1377+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Inkremental',
 1378+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
 1379+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
 1380+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Auswielen',
 1381+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuell $1 Statistiken vun den Ännerunge pro Benotzer',
 1382+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuell $1 Statistiken vun de Säite pro Benotzer',
 1383+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wiki Benotzerstatistike]] weisen',
 1386+/** Laz (Laz)
 1387+ * @author Bombola
 1388+ */
 1389+$messages['lzz'] = array(
 1390+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ndğa',
 1391+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Doloni',
 1392+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Tuta',
 1395+/** Macedonian (Македонски)
 1396+ * @author Bjankuloski06
 1397+ * @author Brest
 1398+ */
 1399+$messages['mk'] = array(
 1400+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистики на користење',
 1401+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистики на користење',
 1402+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Приказ на статистики на користење поединечно за корисник и за целото вики',
 1403+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистики на користење за [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1404+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистики на користење за сите корисници</h2>',
 1405+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
 1406+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Именски простор:',
 1407+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Без пренасочувања',
 1408+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ова се статистики за именскиот простор [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1409+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Пренасочувањата]] не се земаат во предвид.',
 1410+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 1411+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Почетен датум:',
 1412+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Краен датум:',
 1413+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Создај статистики',
 1414+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Специфицирајте почетен датум',
 1415+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Специфицирајте краен датум',
 1416+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Лош <i>почетен</i> и/или <i>краен</i> датум!</b>',
 1417+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ден',
 1418+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Седмица',
 1419+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
 1420+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Инкрементално',
 1421+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'инкрементално',
 1422+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Кумулативно',
 1423+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'кумулативно',
 1424+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Избери',
 1425+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистики на уредување за корисник $1',
 1426+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистики на страници за корисник $1',
 1427+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Погледајте ги [[Special:UserStats|статистиките за употребата на викито]]',
 1430+/** Malayalam (മലയാളം)
 1431+ * @author Shijualex
 1432+ */
 1433+$messages['ml'] = array(
 1434+ 'specialuserstats' => 'ഉപയോഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക്',
 1435+ 'usagestatistics' => 'ഉപയോഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക്',
 1436+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'ഇടവേള',
 1437+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'തരം',
 1438+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'തുടങ്ങുന്ന തീയ്യതി',
 1439+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'അവസാനിക്കുന്ന തീയ്യതി',
 1440+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'സ്ഥിതിവിവരക്കണക്ക് ഉത്പാദിപ്പിക്കുക',
 1441+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'ദയവായി ഒരു തുടക്ക തീയ്യതി ചേർക്കുക',
 1442+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'ദയവായി ഒരു ഒടുക്ക തീയ്യതി ചേർക്കുക',
 1443+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>അസാധുവായ <i>തുടക്ക</i> അല്ലെങ്കിൽ <i>ഒടുക്ക</i> തീയ്യതി!</b>',
 1444+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ദിവസം',
 1445+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'ആഴ്ച',
 1446+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'മാസം',
 1447+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക',
 1450+/** Marathi (मराठी)
 1451+ * @author Kaustubh
 1452+ * @author Mahitgar
 1453+ */
 1454+$messages['mr'] = array(
 1455+ 'specialuserstats' => 'वापर सांख्यिकी',
 1456+ 'usagestatistics' => 'वापर सांख्यिकी',
 1457+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] ची वापर सांख्यिकी</h2>',
 1458+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'मध्यंतर',
 1459+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'प्रकार',
 1460+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'सुरुवातीचा दिनांक',
 1461+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'शेवटची तारीख',
 1462+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'सांख्यिकी तयार करा',
 1463+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'कृपया सुरुवातीची तारीख द्या',
 1464+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'कृपया शेवटची तारीख द्या',
 1465+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>चुकीची <i>सुरु</i> अथवा/किंवा <i>समाप्तीची</i> तारीख!</b>',
 1466+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'दिवस',
 1467+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'आठवडा',
 1468+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'महीना',
 1469+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'इन्क्रिमेंटल',
 1470+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'इन्क्रिमेंटल',
 1471+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'एकूण',
 1472+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'एकूण',
 1473+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'निवडा',
 1474+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'एकटा सदस्य $1 संपादन सांख्यिकी',
 1475+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'एकटा सदस्य $1 पृष्ठ सांख्यिकी',
 1478+/** Malay (Bahasa Melayu)
 1479+ * @author Aurora
 1480+ * @author Zamwan
 1481+ */
 1482+$messages['ms'] = array(
 1483+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Selang:',
 1484+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Jenis',
 1485+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Tarikh mula:',
 1486+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Tarikh tamat:',
 1487+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Jana statistik',
 1488+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Sila tentukan tarikh mula',
 1489+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Sila tentukan tarikh tamat',
 1490+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Hari',
 1491+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Minggu',
 1492+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Bulan',
 1495+/** Erzya (Эрзянь)
 1496+ * @author Botuzhaleny-sodamo
 1497+ */
 1498+$messages['myv'] = array(
 1499+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Йутко',
 1500+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 1501+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ушодома чи',
 1502+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Прядома чи',
 1503+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Аволь истямо <i>ушодома</i> ды/эли <i>прядома</i> ковчи!</b>',
 1504+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Чи',
 1505+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тарго',
 1506+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ковось',
 1507+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Весемезэ',
 1508+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'весемезэ',
 1511+/** Low German (Plattdüütsch)
 1512+ * @author Slomox
 1513+ */
 1514+$messages['nds'] = array(
 1515+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Tiedruum',
 1516+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 1517+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 1518+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
 1519+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
 1520+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Utwählen',
 1523+/** Dutch (Nederlands)
 1524+ * @author SPQRobin
 1525+ * @author Siebrand
 1526+ */
 1527+$messages['nl'] = array(
 1528+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebruiksstatistieken',
 1529+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebruiksstatistieken',
 1530+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Individuele en totaalstatistieken van wikigebruik weergeven',
 1531+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Gebruikersstatistieken voor [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1532+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Gebruiksstatistieken voor alle gebruikers</h2>',
 1533+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Onderbreking:',
 1534+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Naamruimte:',
 1535+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Doorverwijzingen uitsluiten',
 1536+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dit zijn statistieken over de naamruimte [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1537+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Over [[Special:ListRedirects|doorverwijzingen]] wordt niet gerapporteerd.',
 1538+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
 1539+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Begindatum:',
 1540+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Einddatum:',
 1541+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistieken weergeven',
 1542+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Geef een begindatum op',
 1543+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Geef een einddatum op',
 1544+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Slechte <i>begindatum</i> en/of <i>einddatum</i>!</b>',
 1545+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 1546+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Week',
 1547+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Maand',
 1548+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incrementeel',
 1549+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementeel',
 1550+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatief',
 1551+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulatief',
 1552+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selecteren',
 1553+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 bewerkingsstatistieken voor enkele gebruiker',
 1554+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 paginastatistieken voor enkele gebruiker',
 1555+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|Wikigebruiksstatistieken]] bekijken',
 1558+/** Norwegian Nynorsk (‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬)
 1559+ * @author Eirik
 1560+ * @author Frokor
 1561+ * @author Gunnernett
 1562+ * @author Jon Harald Søby
 1563+ */
 1564+$messages['nn'] = array(
 1565+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistikk over bruk',
 1566+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistikk over bruk',
 1567+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Vis statistikk for individuelle brukarar og for heile wikien',
 1568+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistikk over bruk for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1569+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for alle brukarar</h2>',
 1570+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
 1571+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namnerom:',
 1572+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ta ikkje med omdirigeringar',
 1573+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
 1574+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdato:',
 1575+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Sluttdato:',
 1576+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Lag statistikk',
 1577+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Ver venleg og oppgje startdato',
 1578+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Ver venleg og oppgje sluttdato',
 1579+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ugyldig <i>start</i>– og/eller <i>slutt</i>dato!</b>',
 1580+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 1581+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Veke',
 1582+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Månad',
 1583+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Veksande',
 1584+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'veksande',
 1585+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 1586+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
 1587+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Velg',
 1588+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redigeringsstatistikk for $1',
 1589+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Sidestatistikk for $1',
 1590+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vis [[Special:UserStats|wikibrukarstatistikk]]',
 1593+/** Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬)
 1594+ * @author Jon Harald Søby
 1595+ * @author Nghtwlkr
 1596+ */
 1597+$messages['no'] = array(
 1598+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Bruksstatistikk',
 1599+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Bruksstatistikk',
 1600+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Vis statistikk for individuelle brukere og for hele wikien',
 1601+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1602+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Bruksstatistikk for alle brukere</h2>',
 1603+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
 1604+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Navnerom:',
 1605+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Ikke ta med omdirigeringer',
 1606+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dette er statistikk for navnerommet [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1607+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Omdirigeringer]] har ikke blitt medregnet.',
 1608+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Type',
 1609+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdato:',
 1610+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Sluttdato:',
 1611+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generer statistikk',
 1612+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Vennligst angi en starttid',
 1613+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Vennligst angi en sluttid',
 1614+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ugyldig <i>start-</i> og/eller <i>slutttid</i>!</b>',
 1615+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 1616+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Uke',
 1617+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Måned',
 1618+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Økende',
 1619+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'økende',
 1620+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 1621+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
 1622+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Velg',
 1623+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redigeringsstatistikk for $1',
 1624+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Sidestatistikk for $1',
 1625+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vis [[Special:UserStats|wikibrukerstatistikk]]',
 1628+/** Occitan (Occitan)
 1629+ * @author Cedric31
 1630+ */
 1631+$messages['oc'] = array(
 1632+ 'specialuserstats' => "Estatisticas d'utilizacion",
 1633+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatisticas Utilizacion',
 1634+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Aficha las estatisticas individualas dels utilizaires e mai l’utilizacion sus l’ensemble del wiki.',
 1635+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatisticas Utilizacion per [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1636+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Estatisticas d'utilizacion per totes los utilizaires</h2>",
 1637+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval :',
 1638+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Espaci de nom :',
 1639+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exclure las redireccions',
 1640+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => "Aquestas estatisticas son sus l'espaci de noms [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].",
 1641+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Las [[Special:ListRedirects|redireccions]] son pas presas en compte.',
 1642+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe :',
 1643+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de començament :',
 1644+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fin :',
 1645+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generir las estatisticas',
 1646+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Picar una data de començament',
 1647+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Picar una data de fin',
 1648+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Format de data de <i>començament</i> o de <i>fin</i> marrit !</b>',
 1649+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Jorn',
 1650+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Setmana',
 1651+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mes',
 1652+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 1653+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementalas',
 1654+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulatiu',
 1655+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
 1656+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seleccionar',
 1657+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Edicions estatisticas $1 per utilizaire',
 1658+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatisticas $1 de las paginas per utilizaire individual',
 1659+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Vejatz las [[Special:UserStats|estatisticas d'utilizacion del wiki]]",
 1662+/** Ossetic (Иронау)
 1663+ * @author Amikeco
 1664+ */
 1665+$messages['os'] = array(
 1666+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 1667+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Кæдæй',
 1668+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Кæдмæ',
 1669+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Бон',
 1670+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Къуыри',
 1671+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Мæй',
 1674+/** Deitsch (Deitsch)
 1675+ * @author Xqt
 1676+ */
 1677+$messages['pdc'] = array(
 1678+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Daag',
 1679+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Woch',
 1680+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Munet',
 1683+/** Polish (Polski)
 1684+ * @author Equadus
 1685+ * @author Leinad
 1686+ * @author McMonster
 1687+ * @author Sp5uhe
 1688+ * @author Wpedzich
 1689+ */
 1690+$messages['pl'] = array(
 1691+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statystyki',
 1692+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statystyki',
 1693+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokazuje statystyki indywidualne użytkownika oraz statystyki wiki',
 1694+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statystyki użytkownika [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1695+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statystyki wykorzystania dla wszystkich użytkowników</h2>',
 1696+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Okres',
 1697+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Przestrzeń nazw',
 1698+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Wyklucz przekierowania',
 1699+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Dane statystyczne dotyczą przestrzeni nazw „[[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]”.',
 1700+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Przekierowania]] nie są brane pod uwagę.',
 1701+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 1702+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data początkowa',
 1703+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data końcowa',
 1704+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generuj statystyki',
 1705+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Podaj datę początkową',
 1706+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Podaj datę końcową',
 1707+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Nieprawidłowa data <i>początkowa</i> i/lub <i>końcowa</i>!</b>',
 1708+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dzień',
 1709+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tydzień',
 1710+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Miesiąc',
 1711+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Przyrostowe',
 1712+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'przyrostowe',
 1713+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Skumulowane',
 1714+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'skumulowane',
 1715+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wybierz',
 1716+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statystyki edycji pojedynczego użytkownika',
 1717+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statystyki stron pojedynczego użytkownika',
 1718+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Przeglądanie [[Special:UserStats|statystyk wykorzystania wiki]]',
 1721+/** Piedmontese (Piemontèis)
 1722+ * @author Borichèt
 1723+ * @author Dragonòt
 1724+ */
 1725+$messages['pms'] = array(
 1726+ 'specialuserstats' => "Statìstiche d'utilisassion",
 1727+ 'usagestatistics' => "Statìstiche d'utilisassion",
 1728+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Mostra le statìstiche d'utilisassion dj'utent andividuaj e dl'ansem dla wiki",
 1729+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Statìstiche d'utilisassion për [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
 1730+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Statìstiche d'utilisassion për tuti j'utent</h2>",
 1731+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Antërval:',
 1732+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spassi nominal:',
 1733+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Lassé fòra le ridiression',
 1734+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Coste a son dë statìstiche an slë spassi nominal [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1735+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Le [[Special:ListRedirects|ridiression]] a son nen pijà an cont.',
 1736+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo:',
 1737+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dàita ëd prinsipi:',
 1738+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dàita ëd fin:',
 1739+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generé le statìstiche',
 1740+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Për piasì specìfica na data ëd partensa',
 1741+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Për piasì specìfica na data ëd fin',
 1742+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Data <i>inissial</i> e/o <i>final</i> pa bon-a!</b>',
 1743+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Di',
 1744+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sman-a',
 1745+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mèis',
 1746+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Ancremental',
 1747+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ancremental',
 1748+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
 1749+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
 1750+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selession-a',
 1751+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Statìstiche $1 dle modìfiche dj'utent andividuaj",
 1752+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Statìstiche $1 dle pàgine dj'utent andividuaj",
 1753+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => "Varda [[Special:UserStats|statìstiche d'usagi dla wiki]]",
 1756+/** Pashto (پښتو)
 1757+ * @author Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel
 1758+ */
 1759+$messages['ps'] = array(
 1760+ 'specialuserstats' => 'د کارولو شمار',
 1761+ 'usagestatistics' => 'د کارولو شمار',
 1762+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'نوم-تشيال:',
 1763+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'ډول',
 1764+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'د پيل نېټه:',
 1765+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'د پای نېټه:',
 1766+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>بد <i>پيل</i> او/يا <i>پای </i> نېټه!</b>',
 1767+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'ورځ',
 1768+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'اوونۍ',
 1769+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'مياشت',
 1770+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ټاکل',
 1773+/** Portuguese (Português)
 1774+ * @author Giro720
 1775+ * @author Hamilton Abreu
 1776+ * @author Lijealso
 1777+ * @author Malafaya
 1778+ * @author Waldir
 1779+ */
 1780+$messages['pt'] = array(
 1781+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 1782+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 1783+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar estatísticas de utilizadores individuais e de uso geral da wiki',
 1784+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1785+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para todos os utilizadores</h2>',
 1786+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
 1787+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Domínio:',
 1788+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redireccionamentos',
 1789+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Estas são as estatísticas do espaço nominal [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1790+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redireccionamentos]] não são tomados em conta.',
 1791+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
 1792+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de início:',
 1793+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fim:',
 1794+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Gerar Estatísticas',
 1795+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor indique uma data de início',
 1796+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor indique uma data de término',
 1797+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Datas de <i>início</i> e/ou <i>término</i> inválidas!</b>',
 1798+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
 1799+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
 1800+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
 1801+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 1802+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
 1803+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativo',
 1804+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
 1805+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Escolher',
 1806+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas $1 de edição de utilizador individual',
 1807+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatísticas $1 de páginas de utilizador individual',
 1808+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de utilização da wiki]]',
 1811+/** Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil)
 1812+ * @author Eduardo.mps
 1813+ * @author Luckas Blade
 1814+ */
 1815+$messages['pt-br'] = array(
 1816+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 1817+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Estatísticas de uso',
 1818+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Mostrar estatísticas de utilizadores individuais e de uso geral da wiki',
 1819+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1820+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Estatísticas de utilização para todos os utilizadores</h2>',
 1821+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervalo:',
 1822+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Domínio:',
 1823+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Excluir redirecionamentos',
 1824+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipo',
 1825+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Data de início:',
 1826+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Data de fim:',
 1827+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Gerar Estatísticas',
 1828+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Por favor indique uma data de início',
 1829+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Por favor indique uma data de término',
 1830+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Datas de <i>início</i> e/ou <i>término</i> inválidas!</b>',
 1831+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dia',
 1832+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Semana',
 1833+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mês',
 1834+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 1835+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incrementais',
 1836+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativo',
 1837+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativas',
 1838+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Escolher',
 1839+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Estatísticas $1 de edição de utilizador individual',
 1840+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Estatísticas $1 de páginas de utilizador individual',
 1841+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ver [[Special:UserStats|estatísticas de utilização do wiki]]',
 1844+/** Romanian (Română)
 1845+ * @author Firilacroco
 1846+ * @author KlaudiuMihaila
 1847+ */
 1848+$messages['ro'] = array(
 1849+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistici de utilizare',
 1850+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistici de utilizare',
 1851+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval',
 1852+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Spaţiu de nume:',
 1853+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
 1854+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dată început',
 1855+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dată sfârşit',
 1856+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generează statistici',
 1857+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Zi',
 1858+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Săptămână',
 1859+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Lună',
 1860+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Incremental',
 1861+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'incremental',
 1862+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulativ',
 1863+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulativ',
 1864+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selectaţi',
 1867+/** Tarandíne (Tarandíne)
 1868+ * @author Joetaras
 1869+ */
 1870+$messages['roa-tara'] = array(
 1871+ 'specialuserstats' => "Statisteche d'use",
 1872+ 'usagestatistics' => "Statisteche d'use",
 1873+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => "Face vedè le statisteche d'use de le utinde individuale e de tutte l'utinde de Uicchi",
 1874+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => "<h2>Statisteche d'use pe [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>",
 1875+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => "<h2>Statisteche d'use pe tutte l'utinde</h2>",
 1876+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Indervalle:',
 1877+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namespace:',
 1878+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Esclude le redirezionaminde',
 1879+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Chiste so le statisteche sus a [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] namespace.',
 1880+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirezionaminde]] non ge sò purtate jndr'à 'u cunde utende.",
 1881+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tipe',
 1882+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Date de inizie:',
 1883+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Date de fine:',
 1884+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Ccreje le statisteche',
 1885+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Pe piacere mitte 'na date de inizie",
 1886+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Pe piacere mitte 'na date de fine",
 1887+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Date de <i>inizie</i> e/o <i>fine</i> cu l'errore!</b>",
 1888+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Sciúrne',
 1889+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Sumáne',
 1890+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mese',
 1891+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Ingremendele',
 1892+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'ingremendele',
 1893+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Cumulative',
 1894+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'cumulative',
 1895+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Selezzione',
 1896+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => "Statisteche sus a le cangiaminde de l'utende $1",
 1897+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => "Statisteche sus a le pàggene de l'utende $1",
 1898+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Vide le [[Special:UserStats|statisteche de utilizze de Uicchi]]',
 1901+/** Russian (Русский)
 1902+ * @author Eleferen
 1903+ * @author Ferrer
 1904+ * @author Innv
 1905+ * @author Rubin
 1906+ * @author Александр Сигачёв
 1907+ */
 1908+$messages['ru'] = array(
 1909+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистика использования',
 1910+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистика использования',
 1911+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показывает индивидуальную для участника и общую для вики статистику использования',
 1912+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистика использования для участника [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1913+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистика использования для всех участников</h2>',
 1914+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
 1915+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Пространство имён:',
 1916+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Исключить перенаправления',
 1917+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Эти статистические данные относятся к пространству имён [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1918+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перенаправления]] не принимаются во внимание.',
 1919+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 1920+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Начальная дата:',
 1921+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Конечная дата:',
 1922+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Сформировать статистику',
 1923+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Пожалуйста, укажите начальную дату',
 1924+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Пожалуйста, укажите конечную дату',
 1925+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Неправильная <i>начальная</i> и/или <i>конечная</i> дата!</b>',
 1926+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'День',
 1927+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Неделя',
 1928+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месяц',
 1929+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Возрастающая',
 1930+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'возрастающая',
 1931+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Совокупная',
 1932+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'совокупная',
 1933+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Выбрать',
 1934+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистика $1 для индивидуальных правок',
 1935+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистика $1 для страниц участника',
 1936+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'просмотр [[Special:UserStats|статистики использования вики]]',
 1939+/** Sinhala (සිංහල)
 1940+ * @author Calcey
 1941+ */
 1942+$messages['si'] = array(
 1943+ 'specialuserstats' => 'භාවිතයේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත',
 1944+ 'usagestatistics' => 'භාවිතයේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත',
 1945+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'තනි වශයෙන් පරිශීලකයිනිගේ හා සමස්ථයක් වශයෙන් විකි භාවිතාවේ සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත පෙන්වන්න',
 1946+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2> [[User:$1|$1]] සඳහා භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත</h2>',
 1947+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>සියලුම පරිශීලකයින් සඳහා භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත</h2>',
 1948+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'විවේකය:',
 1949+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'නාමඅවකාශය:',
 1950+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ආපසු හැරවීම් බැහැර කරන්න',
 1951+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'මේ [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] නාමඅවකාශය මත සංඛ්‍යා දත්තය.',
 1952+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Redirects]] ගිණුමට ගෙන නැත.',
 1953+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'වර්ගය:',
 1954+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ආරම්භක දිනය:',
 1955+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'අවසන් දිනය:',
 1956+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත ජනනය',
 1957+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'කරුණාකර ආරම්භක දිනයක් සඳහන් කරන්න',
 1958+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'කරුණාකර අවසන් දිනයක් සඳහන් කරන්න',
 1959+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>අයහපත් <i>ආරම්භය</i> සහ/හෝ <i>අවසානය</i>දිනය!</b>',
 1960+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'දිනය',
 1961+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'සතිය',
 1962+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'මාසය',
 1963+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'වෘද්ධී',
 1964+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'වෘද්ධි',
 1965+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'සමුච්ඡිත',
 1966+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'සමුච්ඡිත',
 1967+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'තෝරන්න',
 1968+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 තනි පරිශීලකයා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත සංස්කරණය කරයි',
 1969+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 තනි පරිශීලකයා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත පිටු ලකුණු කරයි',
 1970+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|විකි භාවිතා සංඛ්‍යා දත්ත]] බලන්න',
 1973+/** Slovak (Slovenčina)
 1974+ * @author Helix84
 1975+ */
 1976+$messages['sk'] = array(
 1977+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Štatistika používanosti',
 1978+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Štatistika používanosti',
 1979+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Zobrazenie štatistík jednotlivého používateľa a celej wiki',
 1980+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Štatistika používanosti pre používateľa [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 1981+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Štatistika využitia pre všetkých používateľov</h2>',
 1982+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 1983+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Menný priestor:',
 1984+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Vynechať presmerovania',
 1985+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Toto je štatistika menného priestoru [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 1986+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Presmerovania]] sa neberú do úvahy.',
 1987+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ',
 1988+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Dátum začiatku:',
 1989+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Dátum konca:',
 1990+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Vytvoriť štatistiku',
 1991+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Prosím, uveďte dátum začiatku',
 1992+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Prosím, uveďte dátum konca',
 1993+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Chybný dátum <i>začiatku</i> a/alebo <i>konca</i>!</b>',
 1994+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Deň',
 1995+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Týždeň',
 1996+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mesiac',
 1997+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementálna',
 1998+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementálna',
 1999+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulatívna',
 2000+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulatívna',
 2001+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Vybrať',
 2002+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Štatistika úprav jednotlivého používateľa $1',
 2003+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Štatistika stránok jednotlivého používateľa $1',
 2004+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Zobraziť [[Special:UserStats|štatistiku použitia wiki]]',
 2007+/** Serbian Cyrillic ekavian (Српски (ћирилица))
 2008+ * @author Михајло Анђелковић
 2009+ */
 2010+$messages['sr-ec'] = array(
 2011+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистике коришћења',
 2012+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистике коришћења',
 2013+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Покажи појединачне кориснике и укупну статистику коришћења Викија',
 2014+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистике коришћења за [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2015+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистике коришћења за све кориснике</h2>',
 2016+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Интервал:',
 2017+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 2018+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Почетни датум:',
 2019+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Завршни датум:',
 2020+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Генериши статистике',
 2021+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Молимо Вас да задате почетни датум',
 2022+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Молимо Вас да задате завршни датум',
 2023+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Лош <i>почетни</i> и/или <i>завршни</i> датум!</b>',
 2024+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Дан',
 2025+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Недеља',
 2026+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Месец',
 2027+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Инкрементално',
 2028+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'инкрементално',
 2029+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Кумулативно',
 2030+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'кумулативно',
 2031+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Изабери',
 2032+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистике измена појединачног корисника $1',
 2033+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистике страна индивидуалних корисника $1',
 2036+/** Serbian Latin ekavian (Srpski (latinica))
 2037+ * @author Michaello
 2038+ * @author Михајло Анђелковић
 2039+ */
 2040+$messages['sr-el'] = array(
 2041+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Statistike korišćenja',
 2042+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Statistike korišćenja',
 2043+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Pokaži pojedinačne korisnike i ukupnu statistiku korišćenja Vikija',
 2044+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Statistike korišćenja za [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2045+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Statistike korišćenja za sve korisnike</h2>',
 2046+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 2047+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
 2048+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Početni datum:',
 2049+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Završni datum:',
 2050+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiši statistike',
 2051+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Molimo Vas da zadate početni datum',
 2052+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Molimo Vas da zadate završni datum',
 2053+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Loš <i>početni</i> i/ili <i>završni</i> datum!</b>',
 2054+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dan',
 2055+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nedelja',
 2056+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mesec',
 2057+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementalno',
 2058+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkrementalno',
 2059+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativno',
 2060+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativno',
 2061+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Izaberi',
 2062+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Statistike izmena pojedinačnog korisnika $1',
 2063+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Statistike strana individualnih korisnika $1',
 2066+/** Seeltersk (Seeltersk)
 2067+ * @author Pyt
 2068+ */
 2069+$messages['stq'] = array(
 2070+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Nutsengs-Statistik',
 2071+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Nutsengs-Statistik',
 2072+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Wiest individuelle Benutser- un algemeene Wiki-Nutsengsstatistiken an',
 2073+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Nutsengs-Statistik foar [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2074+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Nutsengs-Statistik foar aal Benutsere</h2>',
 2075+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Tiedruum',
 2076+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Bereekenengsoard',
 2077+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Start-Doatum',
 2078+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Eend-Doatum',
 2079+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Statistik generierje',
 2080+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Start-Doatum ienreeke',
 2081+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Eend-Doatum ienreeke',
 2082+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Uunpaasend/failerhaft <i>Start-Doatum</i> of <i>Eend-Doatum</i> !</b>',
 2083+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dai',
 2084+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Wiek',
 2085+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mound',
 2086+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Inkrementell',
 2087+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'apstiegend',
 2088+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 2089+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'hööped',
 2090+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Wääl',
 2091+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individuelle Beoarbaidengsstatistike foar Benutser $1',
 2092+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individuelle Siedenstatistike foar Benutser $1',
 2095+/** Swedish (Svenska)
 2096+ * @author Lejonel
 2097+ * @author M.M.S.
 2098+ * @author Najami
 2099+ * @author Per
 2100+ * @author Poxnar
 2101+ * @author Sannab
 2102+ */
 2103+$messages['sv'] = array(
 2104+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Användarstatistik',
 2105+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Användarstatistik',
 2106+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Visar användningsstatistik för enskilda användare och för wikin som helhet',
 2107+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Användarstatistik för [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2108+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Användarstatistik för alla användare</h2>',
 2109+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Intervall:',
 2110+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Namnrymd:',
 2111+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Exkludera omdirigeringar',
 2112+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Detta är statistik för namnrymden [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 2113+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Det har inte tagits hänsyn till [[Special:ListRedirects|omdirigeringar]].',
 2114+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Typ:',
 2115+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Startdatum:',
 2116+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Slutdatum:',
 2117+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Visa statistik',
 2118+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Ange ett startdatum',
 2119+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Ange ett slutdatum',
 2120+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Felaktigt <i>start-</i> eller <i>slutdatum!</i></b>',
 2121+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Dag',
 2122+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vecka',
 2123+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Månad',
 2124+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Intervallvis',
 2125+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'Intervallvis',
 2126+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulativ',
 2127+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulativ',
 2128+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Välj',
 2129+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 statistik över antal redigeringar för enskilda användare',
 2130+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 statistik över antal redigerade sidor för enskilda användare',
 2131+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Visa [[Special:UserStats|wikianvändningsstatistik]]',
 2134+/** Telugu (తెలుగు)
 2135+ * @author Chaduvari
 2136+ * @author Kiranmayee
 2137+ * @author Veeven
 2138+ */
 2139+$messages['te'] = array(
 2140+ 'specialuserstats' => 'వాడుక గణాంకాలు',
 2141+ 'usagestatistics' => 'వాడుక గణాంకాలు',
 2142+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి మరియు మొత్తం వికీ వాడుక గణాంకాలను చూపిస్తుంది',
 2143+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]] కు వాడుక గణాంకాలు</h2>',
 2144+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>అందరు వాడుకరుల వాడుక గణాంకాలు</h2>',
 2145+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'సమయాంతరం:',
 2146+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'పేరుబరి:',
 2147+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'దారిమార్పులను మినహాయించు',
 2148+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'ఇవి [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]] పేరుబరిలోని గణాంకాలు.',
 2149+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|దారిమార్పల]]ని పరిగణన లోనికి తీసుకోలేదు.',
 2150+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'రకం',
 2151+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'ప్రారంభ తేదీ:',
 2152+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'ముగింపు తేదీ:',
 2153+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'గణాంకాలను సృష్టించు',
 2154+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'ప్రారంభ తేదీ ఇవ్వండి',
 2155+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'ముగింపు తేదీ ఇవ్వండి',
 2156+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>ప్రారంభ</i> మరియు/లేదా <i>ముగింపు</i> తేదీ సరైనది కాదు!</b>',
 2157+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'రోజు',
 2158+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'వారం',
 2159+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'నెల',
 2160+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'సంచిత',
 2161+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'సంచిత',
 2162+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'ఎంచుకోండి',
 2163+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి $1 మార్పుల గణాంకాలు',
 2164+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'వ్యక్తిగత వాడుకరి $1 పేజీల గణాంకాలు',
 2165+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => '[[Special:UserStats|వికీ వాడుక గణాంకాల]]ని చూడగలగటం',
 2168+/** Tajik (Cyrillic) (Тоҷикӣ (Cyrillic))
 2169+ * @author Ibrahim
 2170+ */
 2171+$messages['tg-cyrl'] = array(
 2172+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Омори истифода',
 2173+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Омори истифода',
 2174+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Фосила',
 2175+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Навъ',
 2176+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Таърихи оғоз',
 2177+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Таърихи хотима',
 2178+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Ҳосил кардани омор',
 2179+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Лутфан таърихи оғозро мушаххас кунед',
 2180+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Лутфан таърихи хотимаро мушаххас кунед',
 2181+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Таърихи <i>оғози</i> ва/ё <i>хотимаи</i> номусоид!</b>',
 2182+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Рӯз',
 2183+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Ҳафта',
 2184+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Моҳ',
 2185+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Афзоишӣ',
 2186+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'афзоишӣ',
 2187+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Анбошта',
 2188+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'анбошта',
 2189+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Интихоб кардан',
 2192+/** Tajik (Latin) (Тоҷикӣ (Latin))
 2193+ * @author Liangent
 2194+ */
 2195+$messages['tg-latn'] = array(
 2196+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Omori istifoda',
 2197+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Omori istifoda',
 2198+ 'usagestatisticstype' => "Nav'",
 2199+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Hosil kardani omor',
 2200+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => "Lutfan ta'rixi oƣozro muşaxxas kuned",
 2201+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => "Lutfan ta'rixi xotimaro muşaxxas kuned",
 2202+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => "<b>Ta'rixi <i>oƣozi</i> va/jo <i>xotimai</i> nomusoid!</b>",
 2203+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Rūz',
 2204+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hafta',
 2205+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Moh',
 2206+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Afzoişī',
 2207+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'afzoişī',
 2208+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Anboşta',
 2209+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'anboşta',
 2210+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Intixob kardan',
 2213+/** Thai (ไทย)
 2214+ * @author Ans
 2215+ * @author Horus
 2216+ * @author Manop
 2217+ * @author Octahedron80
 2218+ */
 2219+$messages['th'] = array(
 2220+ 'specialuserstats' => 'สถิติการใช้งาน',
 2221+ 'usagestatistics' => 'สถิติการใช้งาน',
 2222+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'แสดงชื่อผู้ใช้เฉพาะบุคคลและสถิติการใช้งานวิกิโดยรวม',
 2223+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>สถิติการใช้งานสำหรับ[[ผู้ใช้:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2224+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>สถิติการใช้งานสำหรับผู้ใช้ทุกคน</h2>',
 2225+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'เนมสเปซ:',
 2226+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'ไม่รวมการเปลี่ยนทาง',
 2227+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'วันที่เริ่มต้น:',
 2228+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'วันที่สิ้นสุด:',
 2229+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'วัน',
 2230+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'อาทิตย์',
 2231+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'เดือน',
 2232+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'เลือก',
 2233+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'สถิติการแก้ไขเฉพาะผู้ใช้ $1',
 2234+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'ดู [[Special:UserStats|สถิติการใช้วิกิ]]',
 2237+/** Turkmen (Türkmençe)
 2238+ * @author Hanberke
 2239+ */
 2240+$messages['tk'] = array(
 2241+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Gün',
 2242+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hepde',
 2243+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Aý',
 2244+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'inkremental',
 2245+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'inkremental',
 2246+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kumulýatiw',
 2247+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'kumulýatiw',
 2248+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Saýla',
 2251+/** Tagalog (Tagalog)
 2252+ * @author AnakngAraw
 2253+ */
 2254+$messages['tl'] = array(
 2255+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Mga estadistika ng paggamit',
 2256+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Mga estadistika ng paggamit',
 2257+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Ipakita ang isang (indibiduwal na) tagagamit at pangkalahatang mga estadistika ng paggamit ng wiki',
 2258+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Mga estadistika ng paggamit para kay [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2259+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Mga estadistika ng paggamit para sa lahat ng mga tagagamit</h2>',
 2260+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Agwat sa pagitan',
 2261+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Uri (tipo)',
 2262+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Petsa ng simula',
 2263+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Petsa ng pagwawakas',
 2264+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Lumikha ng mga palaulatan (estadistika)',
 2265+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Pakitukoy ang isang petsa ng pagsisimula',
 2266+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Pakitukoy ang isang petsa ng pagwawakas',
 2267+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Maling petsa ng <i>pagsisimula</i> at/o <i>pagwawakas</i>!</b>',
 2268+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Araw',
 2269+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Linggo',
 2270+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Buwan',
 2271+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Unti-unting dagdag (may inkremento)',
 2272+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'unti-unting dagdag (may inkremento)',
 2273+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Maramihang dagdag (kumulatibo)',
 2274+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'maramihang dagdag (kumulatibo)',
 2275+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Piliin',
 2276+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '$1 mga estadistika ng paggamit para sa indibidwal o isang tagagamit',
 2277+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '$1 mga estadistika ng pahina para sa isang indibidwal o isang tagagamit',
 2280+/** Turkish (Türkçe)
 2281+ * @author Karduelis
 2282+ * @author Vito Genovese
 2283+ */
 2284+$messages['tr'] = array(
 2285+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Kullanım istatistikleri',
 2286+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Kullanım istatistikleri',
 2287+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Aralık:',
 2288+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'İsim alanı:',
 2289+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Yönlendirmeleri kapsam dışında bırak',
 2290+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tür:',
 2291+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Başlangıç tarihi:',
 2292+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Bitiş tarihi:',
 2293+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'İstatistik oluştur',
 2294+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Lütfen bir başlangıç tarihi girin',
 2295+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Lütfen bir bitiş tarihi girin',
 2296+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Gün',
 2297+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Hafta',
 2298+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ay',
 2299+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Artımlı',
 2300+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Kümülatif',
 2301+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Seç',
 2304+/** Ukrainian (Українська)
 2305+ * @author A1
 2306+ * @author Prima klasy4na
 2307+ */
 2308+$messages['uk'] = array(
 2309+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Статистика використання',
 2310+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Статистика використання',
 2311+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Показує індивідуальну для користувача і загальну для вікі статистику використання',
 2312+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Статистика використання для користувача [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2313+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Статистика використання для всіх користувачів</h2>',
 2314+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Інтервал:',
 2315+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Простір назв:',
 2316+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Виключити перенаправлення',
 2317+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Ці статистичні дані щодо простору назв [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 2318+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => '[[Special:ListRedirects|Перенаправлення]] не беруться до уваги.',
 2319+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Тип',
 2320+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Дата початку:',
 2321+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Дата закінчення:',
 2322+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Згенерувати статистику',
 2323+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Будь ласка, зазначте дату початку',
 2324+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Будь ласка, зазначте дату закінчення',
 2325+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Невірна дата <i>початку</i> та/або <i>закінчення</i>!</b>',
 2326+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'День',
 2327+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Тиждень',
 2328+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Місяць',
 2329+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Приріст',
 2330+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'приріст',
 2331+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Сукупна',
 2332+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'сукупна',
 2333+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Вибрати',
 2334+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Статистика $1 для індивідуальних редагувань',
 2335+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Статистика $1 для сторінок користувача',
 2336+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'перегляд [[Special:UserStats|статистики використання вікі]]',
 2339+/** Veps (Vepsan kel')
 2340+ * @author Triple-ADHD-AS
 2341+ * @author Игорь Бродский
 2342+ */
 2343+$messages['vep'] = array(
 2344+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Kävutamižen statistik',
 2345+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Kävutamižen statistik',
 2346+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Ozutada kut individualižen kävutajan, muga globalšt wikin kävutamižen statistikad',
 2347+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Kävutamižen statistik [[User:$1|$1]]-kävutajan täht</h2>',
 2348+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Kävutamižen statistik kaikiden kävutjiden täht</h2>',
 2349+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Interval:',
 2350+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Nimiavaruz:',
 2351+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Heitta udesoigendused',
 2352+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Nened statistižed andmused oma [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]]-nimiavarusespäi.',
 2353+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => "[[Special:ListRedirects|Udesoigendamižid]] ei ottas sil'mnägubale.",
 2354+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Tip',
 2355+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Augotiždat:',
 2356+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Lopdat:',
 2357+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Generiruida statistikad',
 2358+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Olgat hüväd, kirjutagat augotiždat',
 2359+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Olgat hüväd, kirjutagat lopdat',
 2360+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Vär <i>augotiždat </i>vai <i>lopdat!</b>',
 2361+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Päiv',
 2362+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Nedal’',
 2363+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Ku',
 2364+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Kazvai',
 2365+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'kazvai',
 2366+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Ühthine',
 2367+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'ühthine',
 2368+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Valita',
 2369+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Individualižen kävutajan $1 statistik',
 2370+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Individualižen kävutajan lehtpoliden $1 statistik',
 2371+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Ozutada [[Special:UserStats|wikin kävutamižen statistikad]]',
 2374+/** Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
 2375+ * @author Minh Nguyen
 2376+ * @author Vinhtantran
 2377+ */
 2378+$messages['vi'] = array(
 2379+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Thống kê sử dụng',
 2380+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Thống kê sử dụng',
 2381+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => 'Hiển thị thông kế sử dụng của từng cá nhân và toàn wiki',
 2382+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>Thống kê sử dụng về [[User:$1|$1]]</h2>',
 2383+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>Thống kê sử dụng của mọi người dùng</h2>',
 2384+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => 'Khoảng thời gian:',
 2385+ 'usagestatisticsnamespace' => 'Không gian tên:',
 2386+ 'usagestatisticsexcluderedirects' => 'Trừ trang đổi hướng',
 2387+ 'usagestatistics-namespace' => 'Đây là những số liệu thống kê trong không gian tên [[Special:Allpages/$1|$2]].',
 2388+ 'usagestatistics-noredirects' => 'Không tính [[Special:ListRedirects|trang đổi hướng]].',
 2389+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Loại',
 2390+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Ngày đầu:',
 2391+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Ngày cùng:',
 2392+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Tính ra thống kê',
 2393+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Xin ghi rõ ngày bắt đầu',
 2394+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Xin hãy định rõ ngày kết thúc',
 2395+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b>Ngày <i>bắt đầu</i> và/hoặc <i>kết thúc</i> không hợp lệ!</b>',
 2396+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Ngày',
 2397+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Tuần',
 2398+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Tháng',
 2399+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => 'Tăng dần',
 2400+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => 'tăng dần',
 2401+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => 'Tổng cộng',
 2402+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => 'tổng cộng',
 2403+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Chọn',
 2404+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Thống kê sửa đổi $1 của cá nhân người dùng',
 2405+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Thống kê trang $1 của cá nhân người dùng',
 2406+ 'right-viewsystemstats' => 'Xem [[Special:UserStats|thống kê sử dụng wiki]]',
 2409+/** Volapük (Volapük)
 2410+ * @author Malafaya
 2411+ * @author Smeira
 2412+ */
 2413+$messages['vo'] = array(
 2414+ 'specialuserstats' => 'Gebamastatits',
 2415+ 'usagestatistics' => 'Gebamastatits',
 2416+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'Sot',
 2417+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => 'Primadät',
 2418+ 'usagestatisticsend' => 'Finadät',
 2419+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => 'Jafön Statitis',
 2420+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => 'Penolös primadäti',
 2421+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => 'Penolös finadäti',
 2422+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'Del',
 2423+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'Vig',
 2424+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'Mul',
 2425+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'Välön',
 2426+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => 'Redakamastatits tefü geban: $1',
 2427+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => 'Padastatits tefü geban: $1',
 2430+/** Yiddish (ייִדיש)
 2431+ * @author פוילישער
 2432+ */
 2433+$messages['yi'] = array(
 2434+ 'usagestatisticstype' => 'טיפ:',
 2435+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => 'טאָג',
 2436+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => 'וואך',
 2437+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => 'מאנאַט',
 2438+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => 'אויסוויילן',
 2441+/** Simplified Chinese (‪中文(简体)‬)
 2442+ * @author Gaoxuewei
 2443+ */
 2444+$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
 2445+ 'specialuserstats' => '使用分析',
 2446+ 'usagestatistics' => '使用分析',
 2447+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => '显示每个用户与整个维基的使用分析',
 2448+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]的使用分析</h2>',
 2449+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>所有用户的使用分析</h2>',
 2450+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '区间',
 2451+ 'usagestatisticstype' => '类型',
 2452+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => '开始日期',
 2453+ 'usagestatisticsend' => '结束日期',
 2454+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '生成统计',
 2455+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '请选择开始日期',
 2456+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '请选择结束日期',
 2457+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>开始</i>或者<i>结束</i>日期错误!</b>',
 2458+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
 2459+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '周',
 2460+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
 2461+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '增量',
 2462+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '增量',
 2463+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累积',
 2464+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累积',
 2465+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '选择',
 2466+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '用户$1编辑统计分析',
 2467+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '用户$1统计分析',
 2470+/** Traditional Chinese (‪中文(繁體)‬)
 2471+ * @author Liangent
 2472+ * @author Wrightbus
 2473+ */
 2474+$messages['zh-hant'] = array(
 2475+ 'specialuserstats' => '使用分析',
 2476+ 'usagestatistics' => '使用分析',
 2477+ 'usagestatistics-desc' => '顯示每個用戶與整個維基的使用分析',
 2478+ 'usagestatisticsfor' => '<h2>[[User:$1|$1]]的使用分析</h2>',
 2479+ 'usagestatisticsforallusers' => '<h2>所有用戶的使用分析</h2>',
 2480+ 'usagestatisticsinterval' => '區間',
 2481+ 'usagestatisticstype' => '類型',
 2482+ 'usagestatisticsstart' => '開始日期',
 2483+ 'usagestatisticsend' => '結束日期',
 2484+ 'usagestatisticssubmit' => '生成統計',
 2485+ 'usagestatisticsnostart' => '請選擇開始日期',
 2486+ 'usagestatisticsnoend' => '請選擇結束日期',
 2487+ 'usagestatisticsbadstartend' => '<b><i>開始</i>或者<i>結束</i>日期錯誤!</b>',
 2488+ 'usagestatisticsintervalday' => '日',
 2489+ 'usagestatisticsintervalweek' => '周',
 2490+ 'usagestatisticsintervalmonth' => '月',
 2491+ 'usagestatisticsincremental' => '增量',
 2492+ 'usagestatisticsincremental-text' => '增量',
 2493+ 'usagestatisticscumulative' => '累積',
 2494+ 'usagestatisticscumulative-text' => '累積',
 2495+ 'usagestatisticscalselect' => '選擇',
 2496+ 'usagestatistics-editindividual' => '用戶$1編輯統計分析',
 2497+ 'usagestatistics-editpages' => '用戶$1統計分析',
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.i18n.php
Name: svn:eol-style
12500 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
 3+if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die();
 5+ * A Special Page extension to display user statistics
 6+ *
 7+ * @package MediaWiki
 8+ * @subpackage Extensions
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Paul Grinberg <gri6507@yahoo.com>
 11+ * @copyright Copyright © 2007, Paul Grinberg
 12+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
 13+ */
 15+$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
 16+ 'path' => __FILE__,
 17+ 'name' => 'UserStats',
 18+ 'version' => 'v1.12.0',
 19+ 'author' => 'Paul Grinberg',
 20+ 'email' => 'gri6507 at yahoo dot com',
 21+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Usage_Statistics',
 22+ 'descriptionmsg' => 'usagestatistics-desc',
 25+# By default, the graphs are generated using the gnuplot extension.
 26+# However, the user can optionally use Google Charts to generate the
 27+# graphs instead. To do so, set the following to 1
 28+$wgUserStatsGoogleCharts = 0;
 30+$wgUserStatsGlobalRight = 'viewsystemstats';
 31+$wgAvailableRights[] = 'viewsystemstats';
 33+# define the permissions to view systemwide statistics
 34+$wgGroupPermissions['*'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = false;
 35+$wgGroupPermissions['manager'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = true;
 36+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop'][$wgUserStatsGlobalRight] = true;
 38+$dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
 39+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['UserStats'] = $dir . '/UsageStatistics.i18n.php';
 40+$wgExtensionAliasesFiles['UserStats'] = $dir . 'UsageStatistics.alias.php';
 41+$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialUserStats'] = $dir . '/UsageStatistics_body.php';
 42+$wgSpecialPages['SpecialUserStats'] = 'SpecialUserStats';
 43+$wgSpecialPageGroups['SpecialUserStats'] = 'wiki';
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.php
Name: svn:eol-style
144 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.alias.php
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
 4+ * Aliases for special pages
 5+ *
 6+ */
 8+$aliases = array();
 10+/** English
 11+ * @author Paul Grinberg
 12+ */
 13+$aliases['en'] = array(
 14+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'UserStats', 'SpecialUserStats' ),
 17+/** Arabic (العربية) */
 18+$aliases['ar'] = array(
 19+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'إحصاءات_المستخدم', 'خاص_إحصاءات_المستخدم' ),
 22+/** Egyptian Spoken Arabic (مصرى) */
 23+$aliases['arz'] = array(
 24+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'إحصاءات_المستخدم', 'خاص_إحصاءات_المستخدم' ),
 27+/** Assamese (অসমীয়া) */
 28+$aliases['as'] = array(
 29+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'সদস্য পৰিসংখ্যা', 'বিশেষ সদস্য পৰিসংখ্যা' ),
 32+/** Bosnian (Bosanski) */
 33+$aliases['bs'] = array(
 34+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'KorisnickeStatistike' ),
 37+/** German (Deutsch) */
 38+$aliases['de'] = array(
 39+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benutzerstatistik' ),
 42+/** Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski) */
 43+$aliases['dsb'] = array(
 44+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Wužywarska statistika' ),
 47+/** Persian (فارسی) */
 48+$aliases['fa'] = array(
 49+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'آمار_کاربر' ),
 52+/** French (Français) */
 53+$aliases['fr'] = array(
 54+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatistiquesUtilisateur' ),
 57+/** Franco-Provençal (Arpetan) */
 58+$aliases['frp'] = array(
 59+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistiques utilisator', 'StatistiquesUtilisator' ),
 62+/** Galician (Galego) */
 63+$aliases['gl'] = array(
 64+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Estatísticas do usuario' ),
 67+/** Swiss German (Alemannisch) */
 68+$aliases['gsw'] = array(
 69+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benutzerstatischtik' ),
 72+/** Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce) */
 73+$aliases['hsb'] = array(
 74+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Wužiwarska statistika' ),
 77+/** Hungarian (Magyar) */
 78+$aliases['hu'] = array(
 79+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Felhasználói statisztika', 'Felhasználóstatisztika' ),
 82+/** Interlingua (Interlingua) */
 83+$aliases['ia'] = array(
 84+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statisticas de usatores', 'Statisticas special de usatores' ),
 87+/** Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) */
 88+$aliases['id'] = array(
 89+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistik pengguna', 'StatistikPengguna' ),
 92+/** Italian (Italiano) */
 93+$aliases['it'] = array(
 94+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatisticheUtente' ),
 97+/** Japanese (日本語) */
 98+$aliases['ja'] = array(
 99+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( '利用統計' ),
 102+/** Colognian (Ripoarisch) */
 103+$aliases['ksh'] = array(
 104+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Statistik vun fun de Metmaacher', 'Statistik vun fun de Medmaacher', 'Metmaacher ier Zahle', 'Medmaacher ier Zahle' ),
 107+/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch) */
 108+$aliases['lb'] = array(
 109+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Benotzerstistiken' ),
 112+/** Lumbaart (Lumbaart) */
 113+$aliases['lmo'] = array(
 114+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatistichDupradur' ),
 117+/** Macedonian (Македонски) */
 118+$aliases['mk'] = array(
 119+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'СтатистикиЗаКорисник', 'СпецијалниСтатистикиЗаКорисник' ),
 122+/** Marathi (मराठी) */
 123+$aliases['mr'] = array(
 124+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'सदस्यसांख्य्की', 'विशेषसदस्यसांख्य्की' ),
 127+/** Nedersaksisch (Nedersaksisch) */
 128+$aliases['nds-nl'] = array(
 129+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Gebrukersgegevens' ),
 132+/** Dutch (Nederlands) */
 133+$aliases['nl'] = array(
 134+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Gebruikersgegevens', 'Gebruikersstatistieken' ),
 137+/** Norwegian (bokmål)‬ (‪Norsk (bokmål)‬) */
 138+$aliases['no'] = array(
 139+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Brukerstatistikk' ),
 142+/** Occitan (Occitan) */
 143+$aliases['oc'] = array(
 144+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'EstatisticasUtilizaire' ),
 147+/** Portuguese (Português) */
 148+$aliases['pt'] = array(
 149+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Estatísticas de utilizadores' ),
 152+/** Sanskrit (संस्कृत) */
 153+$aliases['sa'] = array(
 154+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'सदस्यसांख्यिकी' ),
 157+/** Slovak (Slovenčina) */
 158+$aliases['sk'] = array(
 159+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'ŠtatistikyPoužívateľov' ),
 162+/** Swedish (Svenska) */
 163+$aliases['sv'] = array(
 164+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Användarstatistik' ),
 167+/** Swahili (Kiswahili) */
 168+$aliases['sw'] = array(
 169+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'TakwimuzaMtumiaji', 'TakwimumaalumzaMtumiaji' ),
 172+/** Thai (ไทย) */
 173+$aliases['th'] = array(
 174+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'สถิติผู้ใช้' ),
 177+/** Tagalog (Tagalog) */
 178+$aliases['tl'] = array(
 179+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Mga estadistika ng tagagamit', 'Mga estadistika ng natatanging tagagamit' ),
 182+/** Turkish (Türkçe) */
 183+$aliases['tr'] = array(
 184+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'Kullanıcıİstatistikleri', 'ÖzelKullanıcıİstatistikleri' ),
 187+/** Vèneto (Vèneto) */
 188+$aliases['vec'] = array(
 189+ 'SpecialUserStats' => array( 'StatìstegheUtente' ),
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.alias.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1192 + native
Name: svn:keywords
2193 + Id
Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/mediawiki-defines.txt
@@ -1341,8 +1341,7 @@
13421342 ignored = wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-syntax, wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-syntax, wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-pre
13441344 Usage Statistics
1345 -file = UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.i18n.php
1346 -aliasfile = UsageStatistics/SpecialUserStats.alias.php
 1345+aliasfile = UsageStatistics/UsageStatistics.alias.php
13481347 User Contact Links
13491348 file = UserContactLinks/UserSignature.i18n.php

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