r65118 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r65117‎ | r65118 | r65119 >
Date:11:09, 16 April 2010
More message tweaks.
Modified paths:
  • /branches/new-installer/phase3/includes/installer/Installer.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/new-installer/phase3/includes/installer/Installer.i18n.php
@@ -73,26 +73,30 @@
7474 'config-env-latest-new' => "'''Note:''' You are installing a development version of Mediawiki.",
7575 'config-env-latest-old' => "'''Warning:''' You are installing an outdated version of Mediawiki.",
7676 'config-env-latest-help' => 'You are installing version $1, but the latest version is $2.
77 -You are advised to use the latest release, which can be downloaded from [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download Mediawiki.org]',
 77+You are advised to use the latest release, which can be downloaded from [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download mediawiki.org]',
7878 'config-no-db' => 'Could not find a suitable database driver!',
7979 'config-no-db-help' => 'You need to install a database driver for PHP.
8080 The following database types are supported: $1.
8282 If you are on shared hosting, ask your hosting provider to install a suitable database driver.
83 -If you compiled PHP yourself, reconfigure it with a database client enabled, for example using the ./configure --with-mysql.
 83+If you compiled PHP yourself, reconfigure it with a database client enabled, for example using <code>./configure --with-mysql</code>.
8484 If you installed PHP from a Debian or Ubuntu package, then you also need install the php5-mysql module.',
85 - 'config-have-db' => 'Found database drivers for: $1',
86 - 'config-register-globals' => "'''Warning: PHP\'s <code>[http://php.net/register_globals register_globals]</code> option is enabled.'''
 85+ 'config-have-db' => 'Found database drivers: $1',
 86+ 'config-register-globals' => "'''Warning: PHP's <code>[http://php.net/register_globals register_globals]</code> option is enabled.'''
8787 '''Disable it if you can.'''
8888 MediaWiki will work, but your server is exposed to potential security vulnerabilities.",
8989 'config-magic-quotes-runtime' => "'''Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-runtime magic_quotes_runtime] is active!'''
90 -This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
 90+This option corrupts data input unpredictably.
 91+You cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
9192 'config-magic-quotes-sybase' => "'''Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-sybase magic_quotes_sybase] is active!'''
92 -This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
 93+This option corrupts data input unpredictably.
 94+You cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
9395 'config-mbstring' => "'''Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php#mbstring.overload mbstring.func_overload] is active!'''
94 -This option causes errors and may corrupt data unpredictably; you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
 96+This option causes errors and may corrupt data unpredictably.
 97+You cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
9598 'config-ze1' => "'''Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php zend.ze1_compatibility_mode] is active!'''
96 -This option causes horrible bugs with MediaWiki; you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
 99+This option causes horrible bugs with MediaWiki.
 100+You cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.",
97101 'config-safe-mode' => "'''Warning:'''
98102 '''PHP's [http://www.php.net/features.safe-mode safe mode] is active.'''
99103 It may cause problems, particularly if using image uploads and math support.",

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