r64953 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r64952‎ | r64953 | r64954 >
Date:08:50, 12 April 2010
Move Soxred93EditCounter to the new dir for TS tools.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Soxred93EditCounter (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ToolserverTools/Soxred93EditCounter (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ToolserverTools/Soxred93EditCounter/Soxred93EditCounter.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
 4+ * Internationalisation file for pseudoextension Soxred93EditCounter.
 5+ *
 6+ */
 8+$messages = array();
 11+$messages['en'] = array(
 12+ 'title' => 'X!\'s tools',
 13+ 'source' => 'View Source',
 14+ 'language' => 'Select a language',
 15+ 'tool' => 'X!\'s Edit Counter',
 16+ 'submit' => 'Submit',
 17+ 'nowiki' => '$1 is not a valid wiki',
 18+ 'welcome' => 'Welcome to X!\'s edit counter!',
 19+ 'username' => 'Username',
 20+ 'wiki' => 'Wiki',
 21+ 'mysqlerror' => 'MySQL error, please report to X! using <a href=\'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:X!/Bugs\'>the bug reporter.</a> Be sure to report the following SQL error when reporting:<br /><pre>$1</pre>',
 22+ 'nosuchuser' => '$1 does not exist.',
 23+ 'highreplag' => 'Caution: <a href=\'https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Replag\'>Replication lag</a> is high, changes newer than $1 may not be shown.',
 24+ 'mainspace' => 'Article',
 25+ 'generalinfo' => 'General user info',
 26+ 'groups' => 'User groups',
 27+ 'firstedit' => 'First edit',
 28+ 'unique' => 'Unique articles edited',
 29+ 'average' => 'Average edits per page',
 30+ 'total' => 'Total edits (including deleted)',
 31+ 'deleted' => 'Deleted edits',
 32+ 'live' => 'Live edits',
 33+ 'namespacetotals' => 'Namespace totals',
 34+ 'monthcounts' => 'Month counts',
 35+ 'topedited' => 'Top edited articles',
 36+ 'executed' => 'Executed in $1 seconds',
 37+ 'graphalt' => 'Namespace totals pie chart',
 38+ 'w' => 'weeks',
 39+ 'd' => 'days',
 40+ 'h' => 'hours',
 41+ 'm' => 'minutes',
 42+ 's' => 'seconds',
 45+$messages['qqq'] = array(
 46+ 'title' => 'General title used for header',
 47+ 'source' => 'Used for the \'view source\' link',
 48+ 'language' => 'Used for the language select dialog',
 49+ 'tool' => 'Name of the tool',
 50+ 'submit' => 'Submit button on the form',
 51+ 'nowiki' => 'Used when an invalid wiki is given, $1 is automatically replaced with the wiki given',
 52+ 'welcome' => 'Welcome message on the form',
 53+ 'username' => 'Text for username field on the form',
 54+ 'wiki' => 'Text for wiki field on the form',
 55+ 'mysqlerror' => 'Text shown when a database error occurs, $1 is automatically replaced with the error',
 56+ 'nosuchuser' => 'Shown when a non-existent user is given, $1 is replaced with the username.',
 57+ 'highreplag' => 'Shown when replication lag is high, $1 is automatically replaced with how much lag there is in the database',
 58+ 'mainspace' => 'Used on the graphs for the article namespace, which does not have a name.',
 59+ 'generalinfo' => 'Used for the header for the total counts, average edits, etc.',
 60+ 'groups' => 'Groups the user is in, used in the general user info section',
 61+ 'firstedit' => 'First edit the user name, used in the general info section',
 62+ 'unique' => 'Unique articles user has edited, used in the general info section',
 63+ 'average' => 'Average edits user has made to each page, used in the general info section',
 64+ 'total' => 'Total edits user has made, including deleted',
 65+ 'deleted' => 'Edits user made which have been deleted',
 66+ 'live' => 'Edits user made which have not been deleted',
 67+ 'namespacetotals' => 'Header for graph section, used in pie graph',
 68+ 'monthcounts' => 'Header for month counts section',
 69+ 'topedited' => 'Header for the top edited articles section',
 70+ 'executed' => 'How much time it took to run the count, $1 is replaced with number of seconds.',
 71+ 'graphalt' => 'Alternate text for the pie graph, for browsers with images disabled',
 72+ 'w' => 'weeks, used for replication lag message.',
 73+ 'd' => 'days, used for replication lag message.',
 74+ 'h' => 'hours, used for replication lag message.',
 75+ 'm' => 'minutes, used for replication lag message.',
 76+ 's' => 'seconds, used for replication lag message.',
 79+$messages['ar'] = array(
 80+ 'title' => 'أدوات X!',
 81+ 'source' => 'عرض المصدر',
 82+ 'language' => 'اختر لغة',
 83+ 'tool' => 'عداد تعديلات X!',
 84+ 'submit' => 'تنفيذ',
 85+ 'nowiki' => '$1 ليس ويكي صحيحا',
 86+ 'welcome' => 'مرحبا إلى عداد تعديلات X!!',
 87+ 'username' => 'اسم المستخدم',
 88+ 'wiki' => 'ويكي',
 89+ 'mysqlerror' => 'خطأ MySQL، من فضلك أبلغه إلى X! باستخدام <a href=\'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:X!/Bugs\'>مبلغ العلل.</a> تأكد من إبلاغ خطأ SQL التالي عند الإبلاغ:<br /><pre>$1</pre>',
 90+ 'nosuchuser' => '$1 غير موجود.',
 91+ 'highreplag' => 'تنبيه: <a href=\'https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Replag\'>التأخر</a> مرتفع، التغييرات الأجدد من $1 ربما لا تكون معروضة.',
 92+ 'mainspace' => 'مقالة',
 93+ 'generalinfo' => 'معلومات المستخدم العامة',
 94+ 'groups' => 'مجموعات المستخدم',
 95+ 'firstedit' => 'أول تعديل',
 96+ 'unique' => 'المقالات الفريدة المعدلة',
 97+ 'average' => 'عدد التعديلات المتوسط للصفحة',
 98+ 'total' => 'إجمالي التعديلات (بما في ذلك المحذوفة)',
 99+ 'deleted' => 'التعديلات المحذوفة',
 100+ 'live' => 'التعديلات العلنية',
 101+ 'namespacetotals' => 'إجمالي النطاقات',
 102+ 'monthcounts' => 'عداد الشهور',
 103+ 'topedited' => 'أكثر المقالات تعديلا',
 104+ 'executed' => 'تم التنفيذ في $1 ثانية',
 105+ 'graphalt' => 'رسمة إجمالي النطاقات',
 106+ 'w' => 'أسبوع',
 107+ 'd' => 'يوم',
 108+ 'h' => 'ساعة',
 109+ 'm' => 'دقيقة',
 110+ 's' => 'ثانية',
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ToolserverTools/Soxred93EditCounter/Soxred93EditCounter.i18n.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1112 + native

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