r64490 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r64489‎ | r64490 | r64491 >
Date:13:15, 1 April 2010
PackageForce init commit. I'll get on writing a page about its usage in a jiffy\!
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/PackageForce (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.alias.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.sql (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.php
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
 4+# Alert the user that this is not a valid entry point to MediaWiki if
 5+# they try to access the special pages file directly.
 6+if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
 7+ echo <<<EOT
 8+This is not a valid entry point, mister!
 12+ exit( 1 );
 16+$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
 17+ 'path' => __FILE__,
 18+ 'name' => 'Package Force',
 19+ 'author' => array( 'Svip' ),
 20+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PackageForce',
 21+ 'description' => 'Creating a special page to download packages of useful templates/etc..',
 22+ 'descriptionmsg' => 'pf-desc',
 23+ 'version' => '0.1'
 26+$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
 27+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['PackageForce'] = "$dir/PackageForce.i18n.php";
 28+#$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['PackageForceMagic'] = "$dir/PackageForce.i18n.magic.php";
 30+$wgExtensionAliasesFiles['PackageForce'] = "$dir/PackageForce.alias.php";
 31+$wgSpecialPages['PackageForce'] = 'PackageForceSpecial';
 32+$wgSpecialPages['PackageForceAdmin'] = 'PackageForceAdminSpecial';
 34+# New rights
 35+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['packageforce-admin'] = true;
 36+$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['packageforce-edit'] = true;
 38+# Create our own namespace
 39+define ( 'NS_PACKAGEFORCE', 1300 );
 40+define ( 'NS_PACKAGEFORCE_TALK', 1301 );
 42+# Only English for now.
 43+$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_PACKAGEFORCE] = 'PackageForce';
 44+$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_PACKAGEFORCE_TALK] = 'PackageForce_talk';
 46+$wgNamespaceProtection[NS_PACKAGEFORCE] =
 47+ $wgNamespaceProtection[NS_PACKAGEFORCE_TALK] = array ( 'packageforce-edit' );
 49+class PackageForceAdminSpecial extends SpecialPage {
 50+ var $package = null;
 51+ var $view = 'page';
 53+ function __construct() {
 54+ parent::__construct( 'PackageForceAdmin' );
 55+ wfLoadExtensionMessages('PackageForceAdmin');
 56+ }
 58+ function execute( $par ) {
 59+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
 61+ $this->setHeaders();
 63+ # Only for admins!
 64+ if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed ( 'packageforce-admin' ) ) {
 65+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg ( 'pf-error-only-admins-allowed' );
 66+ return;
 67+ }
 69+ $menu = array (
 70+ array (
 71+ $this->getTitle()->getFullURL(),
 72+ wfMsg('pf-admin-menu-default')
 73+ ),
 74+ array (
 75+ $this->getTitle()->getFullURL(
 76+ wfArrayToCGI( array (
 77+ 'view' => 'unsorted',
 78+ ) )
 79+ ),
 80+ wfMsg('pf-admin-menu-unsortedtemplates')
 81+ ),
 82+ );
 84+ $htmlMenu = '';
 86+ foreach ( $menu as $i => $item ) {
 87+ if ( $i !== 0 )
 88+ $htmlMenu .= ' | ';
 89+ $htmlMenu .= '<a href="'.$item[0].'">'.$item[1].'</a>';
 90+ }
 92+ $wgOut->addHtml(
 93+ '<div>'.$htmlMenu.'</div>'
 94+ );
 96+ # Get request data from, e.g.
 97+ $view = $wgRequest->getText('view');
 99+ switch ( $view ) {
 100+ case 'unsorted':
 101+ $this->view = 'unsorted';
 102+ break;
 103+ default:
 104+ $this->view = 'page';
 105+ break;
 106+ }
 108+ $pager = new PackageForceList ( $this );
 110+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 111+ $pager->getLimitForm() . '<br />' .
 112+ $pager->getBody() .
 113+ $pager->getNavigationBar()
 114+ );
 115+ }
 118+class PackageForceSpecial extends SpecialPage {
 119+ function __construct() {
 120+ parent::__construct( 'PackageForce' );
 121+ wfLoadExtensionMessages('PackageForce');
 122+ }
 124+ function execute( $par ) {
 125+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut;
 127+ $this->setHeaders();
 129+ # Get request data from, e.g.
 130+ $param = $wgRequest->getText('param');
 133+ $output = '';
 135+ $wgOut->addWikiText( $output );
 136+ }
 141+class PackageForceList extends TablePager {
 142+ var $listPage;
 144+ static $packageFields = array (
 145+ 'page_title',
 146+ 'description',
 147+ 'content',
 148+ );
 150+ static $pageFields = array (
 151+ 'page_title',
 152+ 'type',
 153+ 'edit',
 154+ 'in_packages',
 155+ 'documentation',
 156+ );
 158+ static $unsortedFields = array (
 159+ 'page_title',
 160+ 'edit',
 161+ 'approve',
 162+ );
 164+ function __construct( $listPage ) {
 165+ #global $wgUser;
 166+ $this->listPage = $listPage;
 167+ if ( $this->listPage->view == 'packages'
 168+ && $this->listPage->package == null )
 169+ $this->listPage->view = 'page';
 170+ parent::__construct();
 171+ }
 173+ function getQueryInfo() {
 174+ if ( $this->listPage->view == 'page' ) {
 175+ if ( $this->listPage->package != null ) {
 176+ return array(
 177+ 'tables' => array (
 178+ 'packageforce_package_members',
 179+ 'packageforce_packages',
 180+ 'page',
 181+ ),
 182+ 'fields' => array (
 183+ 'page_title',
 184+ 'page_title AS edit',
 185+ 'pm_id AS documentation',
 186+ 'pk_name AS in_packages',
 187+ 'page_title AS type',
 188+ ),
 189+ 'conds' => array(
 190+ 'pm_package' => $this->listPage->package->getId()
 191+ ),
 192+ 'join_conds' => array (
 193+ 'packageforce_packages' =>
 194+ array ( 'join', 'pm_package = pk_id'),
 195+ 'page' =>
 196+ array ( 'join', 'page_id = pm_page'),
 197+ ),
 198+ 'options' => array(),
 199+ 'conds' => 'page_title NOT LIKE "%/doc/%"',
 200+ );
 201+ } else {
 202+ return array(
 203+ 'tables' => array (
 204+ 'packageforce_package_members',
 205+ 'packageforce_packages',
 206+ 'page',
 207+ ),
 208+ 'fields' => array (
 209+ 'page_title',
 210+ 'page_id AS edit',
 211+ 'pm_id AS documentation',
 212+ 'pk_name AS in_packages',
 213+ 'page_title AS type',
 214+ ),
 215+ 'join_conds' => array (
 216+ 'packageforce_packages' =>
 217+ array ( 'join', 'pm_package = pk_id'),
 218+ 'page' =>
 219+ array ( 'join', 'page_id = pm_page'),
 220+ ),
 221+ 'options' => array(),
 222+ 'conds' => 'page_title NOT LIKE "%/doc/%"',
 223+ );
 224+ }
 225+ } elseif ( $this->listPage->view == 'packages' ) {
 226+ return array(
 227+ 'tables' => 'packageforce_packages',
 228+ 'fields' => '*',
 229+ 'options' => array()
 230+ );
 231+ } elseif ( $this->listPage->view == 'unsorted' ) {
 232+ return array (
 233+ 'tables' => array (
 234+ 'page',
 235+ 'packageforce_package_members',
 236+ ),
 237+ 'fields' => array (
 238+ 'page_title',
 239+ 'page_id AS edit',
 240+ 'page_id AS approve',
 241+ ),
 242+ 'join_conds' => array (
 243+ 'packageforce_package_members' =>
 244+ array ( 'LEFT JOIN', 'pm_page = page_id'),
 245+ ),
 246+ 'conds' => array (
 247+ 'page_namespace' => NS_PACKAGEFORCE,
 248+ 'pm_id IS NULL',
 249+ 'page_title NOT LIKE "%/doc/%"',
 250+ ),
 251+ );
 252+ }
 253+ }
 255+ function isFieldSortable( $field ) {
 256+ return in_array( $field, array(
 257+ 'page_title',
 258+ ) );
 259+ }
 261+ function formatValue( $name, $value ) {
 262+ global $wgLang, $wgScriptPath;
 264+ switch ( $name ) {
 265+ case 'page_title':
 266+ $parts = explode ( '/', $value );
 267+ if ( count($parts)>=2 && $parts[0]=='Template' ) {
 268+ return '{{'.$parts[1].'}}';
 269+ } elseif ( $parts[2] != 'doc' ) {
 270+ return $value;
 271+ }
 272+ return $value;
 273+ case 'in_packages':
 274+ return $value;
 275+ case 'type':
 276+ $parts = explode ( '/', $value );
 277+ if ( $parts[0]=='Template' )
 278+ return wfMsg ( 'nstab-template' );
 279+ return $value;
 280+ case 'edit':
 281+ $title = Title::newFromID( $value );
 282+ return '<a href="'.$title->getFullURL(wfArrayToCGI( array (
 283+ 'action' => 'edit',
 284+ ) )).'">'.wfMsg ( 'pf-admin-link-editlink-page' ).'</a>';
 285+ case 'approve':
 286+ return '<a href="'.$this->listPage->getTitle()->getFullURL(
 287+ wfArrayToCGI( array (
 288+ 'view' => 'approve',
 289+ 'id' => $value,
 290+ ) )
 291+ ).'">'.wfMsg( 'pf-admin-link-approve' ).'</a>';
 292+ case 'documentation':
 293+ return '<a href="'.$this->listPage->getTitle()->getFullURL(
 294+ wfArrayToCGI( array (
 295+ 'view' => 'documentation',
 296+ 'id' => $value,
 297+ ) )
 298+ ).'">'.wfMsg( 'pf-admin-link-view-documentation' ).'</a>';
 299+ default:
 300+ return htmlspecialchars( $name.': '.$value );
 301+ }
 302+ }
 304+ function getDefaultSort() {
 305+ return 'page_title';
 306+ }
 308+ function getFieldNames() {
 309+ $names = array();
 310+ if ( $this->listPage->view == 'page' ) {
 311+ $fields = self::$pageFields;
 312+ } elseif ( $this->listPage->view == 'unsorted' ) {
 313+ $fields = self::$unsortedFields;
 314+ } else {
 315+ $fields = self::$packageFields;
 316+ }
 317+ foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
 318+ $names[$field] = wfMsg( 'pf-header-' . $field );
 319+ }
 320+ return $names;
 321+ }
 323+ /*function getRowClass( $row ) {
 324+ $classes = array();
 325+ if ( !$row->vote_current ) {
 326+ $classes[] = 'securepoll-old-vote';
 327+ }
 328+ if ( $row->vote_struck ) {
 329+ $classes[] = 'securepoll-struck-vote';
 330+ }
 331+ return implode( ' ', $classes );
 332+ }*/
 334+ function getTitle() {
 335+ return $this->listPage->getTitle();
 336+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1338 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.alias.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
 3+$aliases = array();
 5+/** English */
 6+$aliases['en'] = array(
 7+ 'PackageForce' => array( 'PackageForce' ),
 8+ 'PackageForceAdmin' => array( 'PackageForceAdmin' ),
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.alias.php
Name: svn:eol-style
110 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
 2+-- Packages table
 3+CREATE TABLE /*_*/packageforce_packages (
 4+ -- ID
 5+ pk_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
 7+ pk_name varbinary(64) not null
 8+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
 10+-- Package members
 11+CREATE TABLE /*_*/packageforce_package_members (
 12+ -- ID
 13+ pm_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
 15+ -- packageforce_packages.pk_id
 16+ pm_package int not null,
 18+ -- page.page_id
 19+ pm_page int not null
 20+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.sql
Name: svn:eol-style
121 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
 4+$messages = array();
 6+$messages['en'] = array(
 7+ 'packageforce' => 'PackageForce',
 8+ 'packageforceadmin' => 'PackageForceAdmin',
 9+ 'pf-desc' => 'Creating a special page to download packages of useful templates/etc..',
 10+ 'pf-only-admins-allowed' => 'This page is only for users with the \'packageforce-admin\'-right.',
 12+ /* admin links */
 13+ 'pf-admin-menu-default' => 'Default',
 14+ 'pf-admin-menu-unsortedtemplates' => 'Templates not yet sorted',
 15+ 'pf-admin-link-view-documentation' => 'View documentations tied to page.',
 16+ 'pf-admin-link-editlink-page' => 'Edit page',
 17+ 'pf-admin-link-approve' => 'Approve page',
 19+ /* table headers */
 20+ 'pf-header-documentation' => 'Documentation',
 21+ 'pf-header-in_packages' => 'Packages',
 22+ 'pf-header-edit' => 'Edit link',
 23+ 'pf-header-type' => 'Type of page',
 24+ 'pf-header-page_title' => 'Title',
 25+ 'pf-header-approve' => 'Approve',
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/PackageForce/PackageForce.i18n.php
Name: svn:eol-style
127 + native

Status & tagging log