r63063 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r63062‎ | r63063 | r63064 >
Date:01:02, 28 February 2010
Added non minified version of the ajaxscroll jQuery plugin
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Storyboard/tags/Storyboard/Storyboard_body.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Storyboard/tags/Storyboard/jquery.ajaxscroll.js (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Storyboard/tags/Storyboard/Storyboard_body.php
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
2222 $wgOut->addStyle($egStoryboardScriptPath . '/tags/Storyboard/storyboard.css');
2323 $wgOut->includeJQuery();
24 - $wgOut->addScriptFile($egStoryboardScriptPath . '/tags/Storyboard/jquery.ajaxscroll.min.js');
 24+ $wgOut->addScriptFile($egStoryboardScriptPath . '/tags/Storyboard/jquery.ajaxscroll.js');
2626 $output = <<<EOT
2727 <div class="ajaxscroll" id="storyboard">
Index: trunk/extensions/Storyboard/tags/Storyboard/jquery.ajaxscroll.js
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
 3+ * AjaxScroll v0.1 (jQuery Plugins)
 4+ *
 5+ * @author Timmy Tin (ycTIN)
 6+ * @license GPL
 7+ * @version 0.1
 8+ * @copyright Timmy Tin (ycTIN)
 9+ * @website http://project.yctin.com/ajaxscroll
 10+ *
 11+ */
 12+(function($) {
 13+ $.fn.ajaxScroll=function(opt){
 14+ opt=jQuery.extend(
 15+ {
 16+ batchNum:5,
 17+ batchSize:30,
 18+ horizontal:false,
 19+ batchTemplate:null,
 20+ boxTemplate:null,
 21+ batchClass:"batch",
 22+ boxClass:"box",
 23+ emptyBatchClass:"empty",
 24+ scrollPaneClass:"scrollpane",
 25+ lBound:"auto",
 26+ uBound:"auto",
 27+ eBound:"auto",
 28+ maxOffset:1000,
 29+ scrollDelay:600,
 30+ endDelay:100,
 31+ updateBatch:null,
 32+ updateEnd:null
 33+ },
 34+ opt
 35+ );
 36+ return this.each(function(){
 37+ var ele=this;
 38+ var $me=jQuery(this);
 39+ var $sp;
 40+ var fnEnd,fnScroll;
 41+ var offset=0;
 42+ var lsp=-1;_css();
 43+ opt.boxTemplate=(opt.boxTemplate||"<span class='"+opt.boxClass+"'>&nbsp</span>");
 44+ if(opt.horizontal){
 45+ opt.batchTemplate=(opt.batchTemplate||"<td></td>");
 46+ $sp=jQuery("<table><tr></tr></table>").addClass(opt.scrollPaneClass);
 47+ $me.append($sp);
 48+ offset=batch($sp.find("tr"),offset,opt);
 49+ _bz();
 50+ _ab();
 51+ fnEnd=hEnd;
 52+ fnScroll=hScroll;
 53+ }else{
 54+ opt.batchTemplate=(opt.batchTemplate||"<span></span>");
 55+ $sp=jQuery("<div></div>").addClass(opt.scrollPaneClass);
 56+ $me.append($sp);
 57+ offset=batch($sp,offset,opt);
 58+ _bz();
 59+ _ab();
 60+ fnEnd=vEnd;
 61+ fnScroll=vScroll;
 62+ }
 63+ setTimeout(monEnd,opt.endDelay);
 64+ if(typeof opt.updateBatch=='function'){
 65+ setTimeout(monScroll,opt.scrollDelay);
 66+ }
 67+ function _css(){
 68+ if(opt.horizontal){
 69+ $me.css({"overflow-x":"auto","overflow-y":"hidden"});
 70+ }else{
 71+ $me.css({"overflow-x":"hidden","overflow-y":"auto"});
 72+ }
 73+ }
 74+ function _ab(){
 75+ var os,b;
 76+ if(opt.horizontal){
 77+ os=$me.find('.batch:first').next().offset().left;
 78+ b=($me.width()/os+1)*os;
 79+ }else{
 80+ os=$me.find('.batch:first').next().offset().top;
 81+ b=($me.height()/os+1)*os;
 82+ }
 83+ if("auto"==opt.uBound){
 84+ opt.uBound=b;
 85+ }
 86+ if("auto"==opt.lBound){
 87+ opt.lBound=-b;
 88+ }
 89+ if("auto"==opt.eBound){
 90+ opt.eBound=b*2;
 91+ }
 92+ }
 93+ function _bz(){
 94+ $me.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0);
 95+ };
 96+ function batch($s,o,opt){
 97+ var $b,i,rp=opt.batchNum;
 98+ while(rp--){
 99+ $b=jQuery(opt.batchTemplate).attr({offset:o,len:opt.batchSize}).addClass(opt.batchClass+" "+opt.emptyBatchClass);
 100+ i=opt.batchSize;
 101+ while(i--&&opt.maxOffset>o++){
 102+ $b.append(opt.boxTemplate);
 103+ }
 104+ $s.append($b);
 105+ }
 106+ return o;
 107+ };
 108+ function vScroll(){
 109+ var so=$me.scrollTop();
 110+ if(lsp!=so){
 111+ lsp=so;
 112+ var co=$me.offset().top;
 113+ $sp.find('> .'+opt.emptyBatchClass).each(function(i,obj){
 114+ var $b=jQuery(obj);
 115+ var p=$b.position().top-co;
 116+ if(opt.lBound>p||p>opt.uBound){return;}
 117+ opt.updateBatch($b.removeClass(opt.emptyBatchClass));
 118+ });
 119+ }
 120+ };
 121+ function hScroll(){
 122+ var so=$me.scrollLeft();
 123+ if(lsp!=so){
 124+ lsp=so;
 125+ var co=$me.offset().left;
 126+ $sp.find('tr > .'+opt.emptyBatchClass).each(function(i,obj){
 127+ var $b=jQuery(obj);
 128+ var p=$b.position().left-co;
 129+ if(opt.lBound>p||p>opt.uBound){return;}
 130+ opt.updateBatch($b.removeClass(opt.emptyBatchClass));
 131+ });
 132+ }
 133+ };
 134+ function vEnd(){
 135+ if(ele.scrollTop>0&&ele.scrollHeight-ele.scrollTop<opt.eBound){
 136+ offset=batch($sp,offset,opt);
 137+ return 1;
 138+ }
 139+ return opt.endDelay;
 140+ };
 141+ function hEnd(){
 142+ if(ele.scrollLeft>0&&ele.scrollWidth-ele.scrollLeft<opt.eBound){
 143+ offset=batch($sp.find("tr:first"),offset,opt);
 144+ return 1;
 145+ }
 146+ return opt.endDelay;
 147+ };
 148+ function monScroll(){
 149+ fnScroll();
 150+ setTimeout(monScroll,opt.scrollDelay);
 151+ };
 152+ function monEnd(){
 153+ if(offset<opt.maxOffset){
 154+ setTimeout(monEnd,fnEnd());
 155+ }
 156+ }
 157+ });
 158+ };

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