r60717 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r60716‎ | r60717 | r60718 >
Date:09:48, 6 January 2010
Removed old implementation for value lists (SMWNAryValue) and added new implementations
for containers and lists instead, where SMWListValue will replace the old SMWNAryValue.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_Container.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_List.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_NAry.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DataValueFactory.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_NAry.php
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * @file
5 - * @ingroup SMWDataValues
6 - */
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * SMWDataValue implements the handling of n-ary relations.
10 - * @todo: support outputformat
11 - * @todo: support "allows value" and "display units"
12 - *
13 - * @author Jörg Heizmann
14 - * @author Markus Krötzsch
15 - * @ingroup SMWDataValues
16 - */
17 -class SMWNAryValue extends SMWDataValue {
18 -
19 - private $m_count = 0;
20 -
21 - ///The array of the data values within this container value
22 - private $m_values = array();
23 - /// TypeObject as we received them when datafactory called us
24 - private $m_type;
25 - /// Should this DV operate on query syntax (special mode for parsing queries in a compatible fashion)
26 - private $m_querysyntax = false;
27 - /// Array of comparators as might be found in query strings (based on inputs like >, <, etc.)
28 - private $m_comparators;
29 -
30 - protected function parseUserValue($value) {
31 - $this->m_values = array();
32 - $this->m_comparators = array(); // only for query mode
33 - if ($value == '') {
34 - $this->addError('No values specified.');
35 - return;
36 - }
37 -
38 - $types = $this->m_type->getTypeValues();
39 - $values = preg_split('/[\s]*;[\s]*/u', trim($value), $this->m_count);
40 - $vi = 0; // index in value array
41 - $empty = true;
42 - for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) { // iterate over slots
43 - // special handling for supporting query parsing
44 - if ($this->m_querysyntax) {
45 - $comparator = SMW_CMP_EQ;
46 - SMWQueryParser::prepareValue($values[$vi], $comparator);
47 - }
48 - // generating the DVs:
49 - if ( (count($values) > $vi) &&
50 - ( ($values[$vi] == '') || ($values[$vi] == '?') ) ) { // explicit omission
51 - $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
52 - $vi++;
53 - } elseif (count($values) > $vi) { // some values left, try next slot
54 - $dv = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$vi]);
55 - if ($dv->isValid()) { // valid DV: keep
56 - $this->m_values[$i] = $dv;
57 - $vi++;
58 - $empty = false;
59 - if ($this->m_querysyntax) { // keep comparator for later querying
60 - $this->m_comparators[$i] = $comparator;
61 - }
62 - } elseif ( (count($values)-$vi) == (count($types)-$i) ) {
63 - // too many errors: keep this one to have enough slots left
64 - $this->m_values[$i] = $dv;
65 - $vi++;
66 - } else { // assume implicit omission, reset to NULL
67 - $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
68 - }
69 - } else { // fill rest with NULLs
70 - $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
71 - }
72 - }
73 - if ($empty) {
74 - $this->addError('No values specified.');
75 - }
76 - }
77 -
78 - public function setDBkeys($args) {
79 - wfLoadExtensionMessages('SemanticMediaWiki');
80 - $this->addError(wfMsgForContent('smw_parseerror'));
81 -// trigger_error("setDBkeys() cannot be used for initializing n-ary datavalues (SMWNAryValue). Use SMWNAryValue->setDVs() instead.", E_USER_WARNING);
82 -// debug_print_backtrace();
83 -// die;
84 - }
85 -
86 - /// Parsing from a value array is not supported for this datatype. Use setDVs() to initialize this datatype.
87 - protected function parseDBkeys($args) {}
88 -
89 - /// No unstubbing required for this datatype. Contained data will be unstubbed if needed.
90 - protected function unstub() {}
91 -
92 - public function getShortWikiText($linked = NULL) {
93 - if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
94 - return $this->m_caption;
95 - }
96 - return $this->makeOutputText(0, $linked);
97 - }
98 -
99 - public function getShortHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
100 - if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
101 - return $this->m_caption;
102 - }
103 - return $this->makeOutputText(1, $linker);
104 - }
105 -
106 - public function getLongWikiText($linked = NULL) {
107 - return $this->makeOutputText(2, $linked);
108 - }
109 -
110 - public function getLongHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
111 - return $this->makeOutputText(3, $linker);
112 - }
113 -
114 - private function makeOutputText($type = 0, $linker = NULL) {
115 - if (!$this->isValid()) {
116 - return ( ($type == 0)||($type == 1) )? '' : $this->getErrorText();
117 - }
118 - $result = '';
119 - for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
120 - if ($i == 1) {
121 - $result .= ' (';
122 - } elseif ($i > 1) {
123 - $result .= ", ";
124 - }
125 - if ($this->m_values[$i] !== NULL) {
126 - $result .= $this->makeValueOutputText($type, $i, $linker);
127 - } else {
128 - $result .= '?';
129 - }
130 - if ($i == sizeof($this->m_values) - 1) {
131 - $result .= ')';
132 - }
133 - }
134 - return $result;
135 - }
136 -
137 - private function makeValueOutputText($type, $index, $linker) {
138 - switch ($type) {
139 - case 0: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortWikiText($linker);
140 - case 1: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortHTMLText($linker);
141 - case 2: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortWikiText($linker);
142 - case 3: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortHTMLText($linker);
143 - }
144 - }
145 -
146 - /// @note This function does not return a useful result for n-ary values. Use getDVs() to access the individual values of this n-ary.
147 - public function getDBkeys() {
148 - return array('');
149 - }
150 -
151 - public function getWikiValue() {
152 - $result = '';
153 - $first = true;
154 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
155 - if ($first) {
156 - $first = false;
157 - } else {
158 - $result .= "; ";
159 - }
160 - if ($value !== NULL) {
161 - $result .= $value->getWikiValue();
162 - } else {
163 - $result .= "?";
164 - }
165 - }
166 - return $result;
167 - }
168 -
169 - public function getHash() {
170 - $first = true;
171 - $result = '';
172 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
173 - if ($first) {
174 - $first = false;
175 - } else {
176 - $result .= ' - ';
177 - }
178 - if ($value !== NULL) {
179 - $result .= str_replace('-', '--', $value->getHash());
180 - }
181 - }
182 - return $result;
183 - }
184 -
185 -////// Custom functions for n-ary attributes
186 -
187 - public function getDVTypeIDs() {
188 - return implode(';', $this->m_type->getTypeLabels());
189 - }
190 -
191 - public function getType() {
192 - return $this->m_type;
193 - }
194 -
195 - /**
196 - * Set type array. Must be done before setting any values.
197 - */
198 - public function setType($type) {
199 - $this->m_type = $type;
200 - $this->m_count = count($this->m_type->getTypeLabels());
201 - $this->m_values = array(); // careful: do not iterate to m_count if DV is not valid!
202 - }
203 -
204 - /**
205 - * Change to query syntax mode.
206 - */
207 - public function acceptQuerySyntax() {
208 - $this->m_querysyntax = true;
209 - }
210 -
211 - public function getDVs() {
212 - return $this->isValid() ? $this->m_values : NULL;
213 - }
214 -
215 - /**
216 - * Directly set the values to the given array of values. The given values
217 - * should correspond to the types and arity of the nary container, with
218 - * NULL as an indication for omitted values.
219 - */
220 - public function setDVs($datavalues) {
221 - $this->clearErrors(); // clear errors
222 - $this->m_infolinks = array(); // clear links
223 - $this->m_hasssearchlink = false;
224 - $this->m_caption = false;
225 - $typelabels = $this->m_type->getTypeLabels();
226 - for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
227 - if ( ($i < count($datavalues) ) && ($datavalues[$i] !== NULL) ) {
228 - //&& ($datavalues[$i]->getTypeID() == SMWDataValueFactory::findTypeID($typelabels[$i])) ) {
229 - ///TODO: is the above typcheck required, or can we assume responsible callers?
230 - $this->m_values[$i] = $datavalues[$i];
231 - } else {
232 - $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
233 - }
234 - }
235 - $this->m_isset = true;
236 - }
237 -
238 - /**
239 - * If valid and in querymode, build a suitable SMWValueList description from the
240 - * given input or return NULL if no such description was given. This requires the
241 - * input to be given to setUserValue(). Otherwise bad things will happen.
242 - */
243 - public function getValueList() {
244 - $vl = new SMWValueList();
245 - if (!$this->isValid() || !$this->m_querysyntax) {
246 - return NULL;
247 - }
248 - for ($i=0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
249 - if ($this->m_values[$i] !== NULL) {
250 - $vl->setDescription($i,new SMWValueDescription($this->m_values[$i], $this->m_comparators[$i]));
251 - }
252 - }
253 - return $vl;
254 - }
255 -
256 - public function getExportData() {
257 - if (!$this->isValid()) return NULL;
258 -
259 - $result = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpElement('', $this)); // bnode
260 - $ed = new SMWExpData(SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','Container'));
261 - $result->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('rdf','type'), $ed);
262 - $count = 0;
263 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
264 - $count++;
265 - if ( ($value === NULL) || (!$value->isValid()) ) {
266 - continue;
267 - }
268 - if (($value->getTypeID() == '_wpg') || ($value->getTypeID() == '_uri') || ($value->getTypeID() == '_ema')) {
269 - $result->addPropertyObjectValue(
270 - SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','object' . $count),
271 - $value->getExportData());
272 - } else {
273 - $result->addPropertyObjectValue(
274 - SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','value' . $count),
275 - $value->getExportData());
276 - }
277 - }
278 - return $result;
279 - }
280 -
281 - /// @todo Allowed values for multi-valued properties are not supported yet.
282 - protected function checkAllowedValues() {}
283 -
284 -}
285 -
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_List.php
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
 4+ * @file
 5+ * @ingroup SMWDataValues
 6+ */
 9+ * SMWDataValue implements the handling of short lists of values,
 10+ * where the order governs the type of each entry.
 11+ *
 12+ * @todo Enforce limitation of maximal number of values.
 13+ * @todo Complete internationalisation.
 14+ *
 15+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 16+ * @ingroup SMWDataValues
 17+ */
 18+class SMWListValue extends SMWContainerValue {
 20+ /// cache for datavalues of types belonging to this object
 21+ private $m_typevalues = NULL;
 23+ /// Should this DV operate on query syntax (special mode for parsing queries in a compatible fashion)
 24+ private $m_querysyntax = false;
 25+ /// Array of comparators as might be found in query strings (based on inputs like >, <, etc.)
 26+ private $m_comparators;
 28+ protected function parseUserValue($value) {
 29+ $this->m_data->clear();
 30+ $this->m_comparators = array(); // only for query mode
 31+ if ($value == '') { /// TODO internalionalize
 32+ $this->addError('No values specified.');
 33+ return;
 34+ }
 36+ $types = $this->getTypeValues();
 37+ $values = preg_split('/[\s]*;[\s]*/u', trim($value));
 38+ $vi = 0; // index in value array
 39+ $empty = true;
 40+ for ($i = 0; $i < max(5,count($types)); $i++) { // iterate over slots
 41+ // special handling for supporting query parsing
 42+ if ($this->m_querysyntax) {
 43+ $comparator = SMW_CMP_EQ;
 44+ SMWQueryParser::prepareValue($values[$vi], $comparator);
 45+ }
 46+ // generating the DVs:
 47+ if ( (count($values) > $vi) &&
 48+ ( ($values[$vi] == '') || ($values[$vi] == '?') ) ) { // explicit omission
 49+ $vi++;
 50+ } elseif (array_key_exists($vi,$values) && array_key_exists($i,$types)) { // some values left, try next slot
 51+ $dv = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$vi]);
 52+ if ($dv->isValid()) { // valid DV: keep
 53+ $this->m_data->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty('_' . ($i+1)), $dv);
 54+ $vi++;
 55+ $empty = false;
 56+ if ($this->m_querysyntax) { // keep comparator for later querying
 57+ $this->m_comparators[$i] = $comparator;
 58+ }
 59+ } elseif ( (count($values)-$vi) == (count($types)-$i) ) {
 60+ // too many errors: keep this one to have enough slots left
 61+ $this->m_data->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty('_' . ($i+1)), $dv);
 62+ $this->addError($dv->getErrors());
 63+ $vi++;
 64+ }
 65+ }
 66+ }
 67+ if ($empty) { /// TODO internalionalize
 68+ $this->addError('No values specified.');
 69+ }
 70+ }
 72+ /**
 73+ * This function resembles SMWContainerValue::parseDBkeys() but it already unstubs
 74+ * the values instead of passing on initialisation strings. This is required since
 75+ * the datatype of each entry is not determined by the property here (since we are
 76+ * using generic _1, _2, ... properties that can have any type).
 77+ */
 78+ protected function parseDBkeys($args) {
 79+ $this->m_data->clear();
 80+ $types = $this->getTypeValues();
 81+ if (count($args)>0) {
 82+ foreach (reset($args) as $value) {
 83+ if (is_array($value) && (count($value)==2)) {
 84+ $property = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty(reset($value));
 85+ $pnum = intval(substr(reset($value),1)); // try to find the number of this property
 86+ if (array_key_exists($pnum-1,$types)) {
 87+ $dv = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue( $types[$pnum-1] );
 88+ $dv->setDBkeys(end($value));
 89+ $this->m_data->addPropertyObjectValue($property, $dv);
 90+ }
 91+ }
 92+ }
 93+ }
 94+ }
 96+ public function getShortWikiText($linked = NULL) {
 97+ if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
 98+ return $this->m_caption;
 99+ }
 100+ return $this->makeOutputText(0, $linked);
 101+ }
 103+ public function getShortHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
 104+ if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
 105+ return $this->m_caption;
 106+ }
 107+ return $this->makeOutputText(1, $linker);
 108+ }
 110+ public function getLongWikiText($linked = NULL) {
 111+ return $this->makeOutputText(2, $linked);
 112+ }
 114+ public function getLongHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
 115+ return $this->makeOutputText(3, $linker);
 116+ }
 118+ public function getWikiValue() {
 119+ return $this->makeOutputText(4);
 120+ }
 122+ private function makeOutputText($type = 0, $linker = NULL) {
 123+ if (!$this->isValid()) {
 124+ return ( ($type == 0)||($type == 1) )? '' : $this->getErrorText();
 125+ }
 126+ $result = '';
 127+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->getTypeValues()); $i++) {
 128+ if ($i == 1) {
 129+ $result .= ($type == 4)?'; ':' (';
 130+ } elseif ($i > 1) {
 131+ $result .= ($type == 4)?'; ':", ";
 132+ }
 133+ $property = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty('_' . ($i+1));
 134+ $dv = reset($this->m_data->getPropertyValues($property));
 135+ $result .= ($dv !== false)? $this->makeValueOutputText($type, $dv, $linker): '?';
 136+ }
 137+ if ( ($i>1) && ($type != 4) ) $result .= ')';
 138+ return $result;
 139+ }
 141+ private function makeValueOutputText($type, $datavalue, $linker) {
 142+ switch ($type) {
 143+ case 0: return $datavalue->getShortWikiText($linker);
 144+ case 1: return $datavalue->getShortHTMLText($linker);
 145+ case 2: return $datavalue->getShortWikiText($linker);
 146+ case 3: return $datavalue->getShortHTMLText($linker);
 147+ case 4: return $datavalue->getWikiValue();
 148+ }
 149+ }
 151+ /// @todo Allowed values for multi-valued properties are not supported yet.
 152+ protected function checkAllowedValues() {}
 154+ /**
 155+ * Make sure that the content is reset in this case.
 156+ * @todo This is not a full reset yet (the case that property is changed after a value
 157+ * was set does not occur in the normal flow of things, hence thishas low priority).
 158+ */
 159+ public function setProperty(SMWPropertyValue $property) {
 160+ parent::setProperty($property);
 161+ $this->m_typevalues = NULL;
 162+ }
 164+ public function getExportData() {
 165+ if (!$this->isValid()) return NULL;
 167+ $result = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpElement('', $this)); // bnode
 168+ $ed = new SMWExpData(SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','Container'));
 169+ $result->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('rdf','type'), $ed);
 170+ $count = 0;
 171+ foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
 172+ $count++;
 173+ if ( ($value === NULL) || (!$value->isValid()) ) {
 174+ continue;
 175+ }
 176+ if (($value->getTypeID() == '_wpg') || ($value->getTypeID() == '_uri') || ($value->getTypeID() == '_ema')) {
 177+ $result->addPropertyObjectValue(
 178+ SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','object' . $count),
 179+ $value->getExportData());
 180+ } else {
 181+ $result->addPropertyObjectValue(
 182+ SMWExporter::getSpecialElement('swivt','value' . $count),
 183+ $value->getExportData());
 184+ }
 185+ }
 186+ return $result;
 187+ }
 189+////// Custom functions for n-ary attributes
 191+ /**
 192+ * Change to query syntax mode.
 193+ */
 194+ public function acceptQuerySyntax() {
 195+ $this->m_querysyntax = true;
 196+ }
 198+ /**
 199+ * Return the array (list) of datatypes that the individual entries of this datatype consist of.
 200+ * @todo Add some check to account for maximal number of list entries (maybe this should go to a
 201+ * variant of the SMWTypesValue).
 202+ */
 203+ public function getTypeValues() {
 204+ if ($this->m_typevalues !== NULL) return $this->m_typevalues; // local cache
 205+ if ( ($this->m_property === NULL) || ($this->m_property->getWikiPageValue() === NULL) ) {
 206+ $this->m_typevalues = array(); // no property known -> no types
 207+ } else { // query for type values
 208+ $typelist = smwfGetStore()->getPropertyValues($this->m_property->getWikiPageValue(), SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty('_LIST'));
 209+ if (count($typelist) == 1) {
 210+ $this->m_typevalues = reset($typelist)->getTypeValues();
 211+ } else { ///TODO internalionalize
 212+ $this->addError('List type not properly specified for this property.');
 213+ $this->m_typevalues = array();
 214+ }
 215+ }
 216+ return $this->m_typevalues;
 217+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_List.php
Name: svn:eol-style
1221 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DataValueFactory.php
@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@
66 */
88 /**
9 - * Factory class for creating SMWDataValue objects for supplied types or properties
10 - * and data values.
 9+ * Factory class for creating SMWDataValue objects for supplied types or
 10+ * properties and data values.
1111 *
1212 * The class has two main entry points:
13 - * - newTypeObjectValue
14 - * - newTypeIDValue
15 - * These create new DV objects, possibly with preset user values, captions and property names.
16 - * Further methods are used to conveniently create DVs for properties and special properties:
17 - * - newPropertyObjectValue
 13+ * - newTypeObjectValue()
 14+ * - newTypeIDValue()
1815 *
 16+ * These create new DV objects, possibly with preset user values, captions and
 17+ * property names. Further methods are used to conveniently create DVs for
 18+ * properties and special properties:
 19+ * - newPropertyObjectValue()
 20+ *
1921 * @ingroup SMWDataValues
2022 */
2123 class SMWDataValueFactory {
@@ -28,8 +30,8 @@
3032 /**
3133 * Create an SMWDataValue object that can hold values for the type that the
32 - * given SMWTypesValue object specifies. If no $value is given, an empty container
33 - * is created, the value of which can be set later on.
 34+ * given SMWTypesValue object specifies. If no $value is given, an empty
 35+ * container is created, the value of which can be set later on.
3436 * @param $typevalue SMWTypesValue object representing the type of the object
3537 * @param $value user value string, or false if unknown
3638 * @param $caption user-defined caption or false if none given
@@ -41,28 +43,12 @@
4244 $result->addError($typevalue->getErrors());
4345 return $result;
4446 }
45 - SMWDataValueFactory::initDatatypes();
46 - $typeid = $typevalue->getDBkey();
47 - if (array_key_exists($typeid, SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses)) { // basic type
48 - $result = new SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses[$typeid]($typeid);
49 - } elseif (!$typevalue->isUnary()) { // n-ary type
50 - $result = new SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses['__nry']('__nry');
51 - $result->setType($typevalue);
52 - } elseif (($typeid != '') && ($typeid{0} != '_')) { // custom type with linear conversion
53 - $result = new SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses['__lin']($typeid);
54 - } else { // type really unknown
55 - wfLoadExtensionMessages('SemanticMediaWiki');
56 - return new SMWErrorValue(wfMsgForContent('smw_unknowntype', $typevalue->getWikiValue() ), $value, $caption);
57 - }
58 - if ($property !== NULL) $result->setProperty($property);
59 - if ($value !== false) $result->setUserValue($value,$caption);
60 - return $result;
 47+ return SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeIDValue($typevalue->getDBkey(),$value,$vaption,$property);
6148 }
6350 /**
64 - * Create a value from a type id. If no $value is given, an empty container is created, the
65 - * value of which can be set later on. This function is mostly a shortcut that avoids some of
66 - * the more complex processing required for SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue().
 51+ * Create a value from a type id. If no $value is given, an empty container
 52+ * is created, the value of which can be set later on.
6753 * @param $typeid id string for the given type
6854 * @param $value user value string, or false if unknown
6955 * @param $caption user-defined caption or false if none given
@@ -72,39 +58,39 @@
7359 SMWDataValueFactory::initDatatypes();
7460 if (array_key_exists($typeid, SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses)) { // direct response for basic types
7561 $result = new SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses[$typeid]($typeid);
76 - if ($property !== NULL) $result->setProperty($property);
77 - if ($value !== false) $result->setUserValue($value,$caption);
78 - return $result;
79 - } else { // create type value first (e.g. for n-ary type ids or user-defined types)
80 - $typevalue = new SMWTypesValue('__typ');
81 - $typevalue->setDBkeys(array($typeid));
82 - return SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($typevalue, $value, $caption, $property);
 62+ } elseif (($typeid != '') && ($typeid{0} != '_')) { // custom type with linear conversion
 63+ $result = new SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses['__lin']($typeid);
 64+ } else { // type really unknown
 65+ wfLoadExtensionMessages('SemanticMediaWiki');
 66+ return new SMWErrorValue(wfMsgForContent('smw_unknowntype', $typevalue->getWikiValue() ), $value, $caption);
8367 }
 68+ if ($property !== NULL) $result->setProperty($property);
 69+ if ($value !== false) $result->setUserValue($value,$caption);
 70+ return $result;
8471 }
8673 /**
87 - * Create a value for the given property, provided as an SMWPropertyValue object.
88 - * If no value is given, an empty container is created, the value of which can be
89 - * set later on.
 74+ * Create a value for the given property, provided as an SMWPropertyValue
 75+ * object. If no value is given, an empty container is created, the value
 76+ * of which can be set later on.
9077 */
9178 static public function newPropertyObjectValue(SMWPropertyValue $property, $value=false, $caption=false) {
9279 if ($property->isInverse()) {
9380 return SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeIdValue('_wpg', $value, $caption, $property);
9481 } else {
95 - return SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($property->getTypesValue(), $value, $caption, $property);
 82+ return SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeIDValue($property->getPropertyTypeID(), $value, $caption, $property);
9683 }
9784 }
9986 /**
100 - * Gather all available datatypes and label<=>id<=>datatype associations. This method
101 - * is called before most methods of this factory.
 87+ * Gather all available datatypes and label<=>id<=>datatype associations.
 88+ * This method is called before most methods of this factory.
10289 */
10390 static protected function initDatatypes() {
 91+ global $smwgContLang;
10492 if (is_array(SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typelabels)) {
10593 return; //init happened before
10694 }
107 -
108 - global $smwgContLang;
10995 SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typelabels = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeLabels();
11096 SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typealiases = $smwgContLang->getDatatypeAliases();
11197 // Setup built-in datatypes.
@@ -128,6 +114,7 @@
129115 '_dat' => 'SMWTimeValue', // Time type
130116 '_geo' => 'SMWGeoCoordsValue', // Geographic coordinates type
131117 '_boo' => 'SMWBoolValue', // Boolean type
 118+ '_lst' => 'SMWListValue', // Value list type (replacing former nary properties)
132119 // Special types are not avaialble directly for users (and have no local language name):
133120 '__typ' => 'SMWTypesValue', // Special type page type
134121 '__con' => 'SMWConceptValue', // Special concept page type
@@ -139,18 +126,16 @@
140127 '__sin' => 'SMWWikiPageValue', // Special instance of type
141128 '__red' => 'SMWWikiPageValue', // Special redirect type
142129 '__lin' => 'SMWLinearValue', // Special linear unit conversion type
143 - '__nry' => 'SMWNAryValue', // Special multi-valued type
144130 '__err' => 'SMWErrorValue', // Special error type
145131 '__imp' => 'SMWImportValue', // Special import vocabulary type
146132 '__pro' => 'SMWPropertyValue', // Property type (possibly predefined, no always based on a page)
147133 );
148 -
149134 wfRunHooks( 'smwInitDatatypes' );
150135 }
152137 /**
153 - * A function for registering/overwriting datatypes for SMW. Should be called from
154 - * within the hook 'smwInitDatatypes'.
 138+ * A function for registering/overwriting datatypes for SMW. Should be
 139+ * called from within the hook 'smwInitDatatypes'.
155140 */
156141 static public function registerDatatype($id, $classname, $label=false) {
157142 SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typeclasses[$id] = $classname;
@@ -160,23 +145,24 @@
161146 }
163148 /**
164 - * Add a new alias label to an existing datatype id. Note that every ID should have a primary
165 - * label, either provided by SMW or registered with registerDatatype. This function should be
166 - * called from within the hook 'smwInitDatatypes'.
 149+ * Add a new alias label to an existing datatype id. Note that every ID
 150+ * should have a primary label, either provided by SMW or registered with
 151+ * registerDatatype(). This function should be called from within the hook
 152+ * 'smwInitDatatypes'.
167153 */
168154 static public function registerDatatypeAlias($id, $label) {
169155 SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typealiases[$label] = $id;
170156 }
172158 /**
173 - * Look up the ID that identifies the datatype of the given label internally.
174 - * This id is used for all internal operations. Compound types are not supported
175 - * by this method (decomposition happens earlier). Custom types get their DBkeyed
176 - * label as id. All ids are prefixed by an underscore in order to distinguish them
177 - * from custom types.
 159+ * Look up the ID that identifies the datatype of the given label
 160+ * internally. This id is used for all internal operations. Compound types
 161+ * are not supported by this method (decomposition happens earlier). Custom
 162+ * types get their DBkeyed label as id. All ids are prefixed by an
 163+ * underscore in order to distinguish them from custom types.
178164 *
179 - * This method may or may not take aliases into account. For unknown labels, the
180 - * normalised (DB-version) label is used as an ID.
 165+ * This method may or may not take aliases into account. For unknown
 166+ * labels, the normalised (DB-version) label is used as an ID.
181167 */
182168 static public function findTypeID($label, $useAlias = true) {
183169 SMWDataValueFactory::initDatatypes();
@@ -192,8 +178,8 @@
194180 /**
195181 * Get the translated user label for a given internal ID. If the ID does
196 - * not have a label associated with it in the current language, the ID itself
197 - * is transformed into a label (appropriate for user defined types).
 182+ * not have a label associated with it in the current language, the ID
 183+ * itself is transformed into a label (appropriate for user defined types).
198184 */
199185 static public function findTypeLabel($id) {
200186 SMWDataValueFactory::initDatatypes();
@@ -201,7 +187,7 @@
202188 if (array_key_exists($id, SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typelabels)) {
203189 return SMWDataValueFactory::$m_typelabels[$id];
204190 } else { //internal type without translation to user space;
205 - //might also happen for historic types after upgrade --
 191+ //might also happen for historic types after an upgrade --
206192 //alas, we have no idea what the former label would have been
207193 return str_replace('_', ' ', $id);
208194 }
@@ -213,8 +199,8 @@
214200 /**
215201 * Return an array of all labels that a user might specify as the type of
216202 * a property, and that are internal (i.e. not user defined). No labels are
217 - * returned for internal types without user labels (e.g. the special types for
218 - * some special properties), and for user defined types.
 203+ * returned for internal types without user labels (e.g. the special types
 204+ * for some special properties), and for user defined types.
219205 */
220206 static public function getKnownTypeLabels() {
221207 SMWDataValueFactory::initDatatypes();
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_Container.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
 4+ * @file
 5+ * @ingroup SMWDataValues
 6+ */
 9+ * Abstract datavalue class to implement a generic container for
 10+ * complex values (internal objects) that do not have a single
 11+ * value but a set of nested property-value pairs.
 12+ *
 13+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 14+ * @ingroup SMWDataValues
 15+ */
 16+abstract class SMWContainerValue extends SMWDataValue {
 18+ protected $m_data;
 20+ public function __construct($typeid) {
 21+ parent::__construct($typeid);
 22+ $this->m_data = new SMWSemanticData(NULL);
 23+ }
 25+ /**
 26+ * We use the internal SMWSemanticData object to store some of this objects
 27+ * data. Clone it to make sure that data can be modified independelty from
 28+ * the original object's content.
 29+ */
 30+ public function __clone() {
 31+ $this->m_data = clone $this->m_data; // note that this is always set
 32+ }
 34+ /**
 35+ * Containers have one DB key, so the value of this function should be an array with one
 36+ * element. This one DB key should consist of an array of arbitrary length where each
 37+ * entry encodes one property-value pair. The pairs are encoded as arrays of size two
 38+ * that correspond to the input arguments of SMWSemanticData::addPropertyStubValue():
 39+ * a property DB key (string), and a value DB key array (array).
 40+ */
 41+ protected function parseDBkeys($args) {
 42+ $this->m_data->clear();
 43+ if (count($args)>0) {
 44+ foreach (reset($args) as $value) {
 45+ if (is_array($value) && (count($value)==2)) {
 46+ $this->m_data->addPropertyStubValue(reset($value), end($value));
 47+ }
 48+ }
 49+ }
 50+ }
 52+ /**
 53+ * Serialize data in the format described for parseDBkeys(). However, it is usually
 54+ * expected that callers are aware of containers (this is the main purpose of this
 55+ * abstract class) so they can use specific methods for accessing the data in a more
 56+ * convenient form that contains the (probably available) information about property
 57+ * and data *objects* (not just their plain strings).
 58+ */
 59+ public function getDBkeys() {
 60+ $data = array();
 61+ foreach ($this->m_data->getProperties() as $property) {
 62+ foreach ($this->m_data->getPropertyValues($property) as $dv) {
 63+ $data[] = array($property->getDBkey(), $dv->getDBkeys());
 64+ }
 65+ }
 66+ return array($data);
 67+ }
 69+ public function getHash() {
 70+ if ( $this->isValid() ) {
 71+ return $this->m_data->getHash();
 72+ } else {
 73+ return implode("\t", $this->getErrors());
 74+ }
 75+ }
 77+ // Methods for parsing, serialisation, and display are not defined in this abstract class:
 78+ // public function getShortWikiText($linked = NULL);
 79+ // public function getShortHTMLText($linker = NULL);
 80+ // public function getLongWikiText($linked = NULL);
 81+ // public function getLongHTMLText($linker = NULL);
 82+ // protected function parseUserValue($value);
 83+ // public function getWikiValue();
 85+ /**
 86+ * Return the stored data as a SMWSemanticData object. This is more conveniently to access than
 87+ * what getDBkeys() gives, but intended only for reading. It may not be safe to write to the returned
 88+ * object.
 89+ */
 90+ public function getData() {
 91+ return $this->m_data;
 92+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_Container.php
Name: svn:eol-style
195 + native

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