r56579 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r56578‎ | r56579 | r56580 >
Date:03:34, 18 September 2009
Script to produce a merged $wgExtensionMessagesFiles for the case where a wiki farm uses different messages for different wikis.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
 4+require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ).'/Maintenance.php' );
 5+$maintClass = 'MergeMessageFileList';
 7+class MergeMessageFileList extends Maintenance {
 9+ function __construct() {
 10+ $this->addOption( 'list-file', 'A file containing a list of wikis, one per line.', false, true );
 11+ $this->addOption( 'get', 'Get the message files for a single wiki (for internal use).' );
 12+ $this->addOption( 'output', 'Send output to this file (omit for stdout)', false, true );
 13+ $this->mDescription = 'Merge $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various wikis to produce a ' .
 14+ 'single array containing all message files.';
 15+ }
 17+ public function execute() {
 18+ if ( $this->hasOption( 'get' ) ) {
 19+ var_export( $GLOBALS['wgExtensionMessagesFiles'] );
 20+ return;
 21+ }
 23+ if ( !$this->hasOption( 'list-file' ) ) {
 24+ $this->error( 'The --list-file option must be specified.' );
 25+ return;
 26+ }
 28+ $lines = file( $this->getOption( 'list-file' ) );
 29+ if ( $lines === false ) {
 30+ $this->error( 'Unable to open list file.' );
 31+ }
 32+ $wikis = array_map( 'trim', $lines );
 34+ # Find PHP
 35+ $php = readlink( '/proc/' . posix_getpid() . '/exe' );
 36+ $allFiles = array();
 38+ foreach ( $wikis as $wiki ) {
 39+ $s = wfShellExec( wfEscapeShellArg( $php, __FILE__, '--get',
 40+ '--wiki', $wiki ) );
 41+ if ( !$s ) {
 42+ $this->error( 'Unable to get messages for wiki '. $wiki );
 43+ continue;
 44+ }
 45+ $files = eval( "return $s;" );
 46+ $allFiles += $files;
 47+ }
 48+ $s = '$wgExtensionMessagesFiles = ' .
 49+ var_export( $allFiles, true ) .
 50+ ";\n";
 51+ if ( $this->hasOption( 'output' ) ) {
 52+ file_put_contents( $this->getOption( 'output' ), $s );
 53+ } else {
 54+ echo $s;
 55+ }
 56+ }
 59+require_once( DO_MAINTENANCE );
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/maintenance/mergeMessageFileList.php
Name: svn:eol-style
161 + native

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