r56189 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r56188‎ | r56189 | r56190 >
Date:17:23, 11 September 2009
Changes for 0.3.4
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Geocoders/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Geocoders/Maps_Geocoder.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMaps.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsParserFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsUtils.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_BaseMap.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_Geocoder.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_MapFeature.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_ParserFunctions.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_Settings.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayers.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersParserFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersUtils.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/Maps_BaseMap.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/Maps_ParserFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMaps.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsParserFunctions.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsUtils.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * MapsBaseGeocoder is an abstract class inherited by the geocoding classes
6 - *
7 - * @file Maps_BaseGeocoder.php
8 - * @ingroup Maps
9 - *
10 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
11 - */
12 -
13 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
14 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
15 -}
16 -
17 -abstract class MapsBaseGeocoder {
18 -
19 - /**
20 - * Returns an array containing the geocoded latitude (lat) and
21 - * longitude (lon) of the provided address, or false in case the
22 - * geocoding fails.
23 - *
24 - * @param string $address
25 - */
26 - public abstract static function geocode($address);
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * Returns the content of the requested file, or false when the connection fails
30 - *
31 - * @param string $requestURL
32 - * @return string or false
33 - */
34 - protected static function GetResponse($requestURL) {
35 - // Attempt to get CURL response
36 - $response = self::GetCurlResponse($requestURL);
37 -
38 - // Attempt to get response using fopen when the CURL request failed
39 - if (!$response) $response = self::GetUrlResponse($requestURL);
40 -
41 - return $response;
42 - }
43 -
44 - /**
45 - * Attempts to get the contents of a file via cURL request and
46 - * returns it, or false when the attempt fails.
47 - *
48 - * @param string $requestURL
49 - * @return string or false
50 - */
51 - protected static function GetCurlResponse($requestURL) {
52 - if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
53 - try {
54 - //Set up a CURL request, telling it not to spit back headers, and to throw out a user agent.
55 - $ch = curl_init();
56 -
57 - curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL);
58 - curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); //Change this to a 1 to return headers
59 - curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
60 - curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
61 - curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
62 -
63 - $result = curl_exec($ch);
64 - curl_close($ch);
65 -
66 - return $result;
67 - }
68 - catch(Exception $ex) {
69 - return false;
70 - }
71 - }
72 - else {
73 - return false;
74 - }
75 - }
76 -
77 - /**
78 - * Attempts to get the contents of a file via fopen and
79 - * returns it, or false when the attempt fails.
80 - *
81 - * @param string $requestURL
82 - * @return string or false
83 - */
84 - protected static function GetUrlResponse($requestURL) {
85 - if (function_exists('fopen')) {
86 - try {
87 - if ($handle = fopen($requestURL, 'r')) {
88 - $result = fread($handle, 10000);
89 - fclose($handle);
90 - }
91 - else { // When the request fails, return false
92 - $result = false;
93 - }
94 - }
95 - catch(Exception $ex) {
96 - $result = false;
97 - }
98 - }
99 - else {
100 - $result = false;
101 - }
102 - return $result;
103 - }
104 -
105 - /**
106 - * Gets the contents of the first XML tag with the provided name,
107 - * returns false when no matching element is found.
108 - *
109 - * @param string $xml
110 - * @param string $tagName
111 - * @return string or false
112 - */
113 - protected static function getXmlElementValue($xml, $tagName) {
114 - $match = array();
115 - preg_match("/<$tagName>(.*?)<\/$tagName>/", $xml, $match);
116 - return count($match) > 1 ? $match[1] : false;
117 - }
118 -
119 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_ParserFunctions.php
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * A class that holds handlers for the mapping parser functions.
6 - * Spesific functions are located in @see MapsUtils
7 - *
8 - * @file Maps_ParserFunctions.php
9 - * @ingroup Maps
10 - *
11 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
12 - */
13 -
14 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
15 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
16 -}
17 -
18 -final class MapsParserFunctions {
19 -
20 - private static function getMapHtml(&$parser, array $params, array $coordFails = array()) {
21 - global $egMapsServices;
22 -
23 - $map = array();
24 -
25 - // Go through all parameters, split their names and values, and put them in the $map array.
26 - foreach($params as $param) {
27 - $split = split('=', $param);
28 - if (count($split) == 2) {
29 - $paramName = strtolower(trim($split[0]));
30 - $paramValue = trim($split[1]);
31 - $map[$paramName] = $paramValue;
32 - }
33 - else if (count($split) == 1) { // Default parameter (without name)
34 - $map['coordinates'] = trim($split[0]);
35 - }
36 - }
37 -
38 - $coords = MapsMapper::getParamValue('coordinates', $map);
39 -
40 - if ($coords) {
41 - if (! MapsMapper::paramIsPresent('service', $map)) $map['service'] = '';
42 - $map['service'] = MapsMapper::getValidService($map['service'], 'pf');
43 -
44 - $mapClass = new $egMapsServices[$map['service']]['pf']['class']();
45 -
46 - // Call the function according to the map service to get the HTML output
47 - $output = $mapClass->displayMap($parser, $map);
48 -
49 - if (count($coordFails) > 0) {
50 - $output .= '<i>' . wfMsgExt( 'maps_geocoding_failed_for', array( 'parsemag' ), implode( ',', $coordFails ), count( $coordFails ) ) . '</i>';
51 - }
52 - }
53 - elseif (trim($coords) == "" && count($coordFails) > 0) {
54 - $output = '<i>' . wfMsgExt( 'maps_geocoding_failed', array( 'parsemag' ), implode(',', $coordFails), count( $coordFails ) ) . '</i>';
55 - }
56 - else {
57 - $output = '<i>'.wfMsg( 'maps_coordinates_missing' ).'</i>';
58 - }
59 -
60 - // Return the result
61 - return array( $output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
62 - }
63 -
64 - /**
65 - * Sets the default map properties, gets the map HTML depending
66 - * on the provided service, and then returns it.
67 - *
68 - * @param unknown_type $parser
69 - * @return array
70 - */
71 - public static function displayPointRender(&$parser) {
72 - $params = func_get_args();
73 - array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
74 -
75 - return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params);
76 - }
77 -
78 - /**
79 - * Sets the default map properties, gets the map HTML depending
80 - * on the provided service, and then returns it.
81 - *
82 - * @param unknown_type $parser
83 - */
84 - public static function displayPointsRender(&$parser) {
85 - $params = func_get_args();
86 - array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
87 -
88 - return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params);
89 - }
90 -
91 - /**
92 - * Turns the address parameter into coordinates, then calls
93 - * getMapHtml() and returns it's result.
94 - *
95 - * @param unknown_type $parser
96 - * @return array
97 - */
98 - public static function displayAddressRender(&$parser) {
99 - $params = func_get_args();
100 - array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
101 -
102 - $fails = self::changeAddressToCoords($params);
103 -
104 - return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params, $fails);
105 - }
106 -
107 - /**
108 - * Turns the address parameter into coordinates, then calls
109 - * getMapHtml() and returns it's result.
110 - *
111 - * @param unknown_type $parser
112 - */
113 - public static function displayAddressesRender(&$parser) {
114 - $params = func_get_args();
115 - array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
116 -
117 - $fails = self::changeAddressToCoords($params);
118 -
119 - return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params, $fails);
120 - }
121 -
122 - /**
123 - * Changes the values of the address or addresses parameter into coordinates
124 - * in the provided array. Returns an array containing the addresses that
125 - * could not be geocoded.
126 - *
127 - * @param array $params
128 - */
129 - private static function changeAddressToCoords(&$params) {
130 - global $egMapsDefaultService;
131 -
132 - $fails = array();
133 -
134 - for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) {
135 - $split = split('=', $params[$i]);
136 - if (MapsMapper::inParamAliases(strtolower(trim($split[0])), 'service') && count($split) > 1) {
137 - $service = trim($split[1]);
138 - }
139 - else if (strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'geoservice' && count($split) > 1) {
140 - $geoservice = trim($split[1]);
141 - }
142 - }
143 -
144 - $service = isset($service) ? MapsMapper::getValidService($service, 'pf') : $egMapsDefaultService;
145 -
146 - $geoservice = isset($geoservice) ? $geoservice : '';
147 -
148 - for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) {
149 - $split = split('=', $params[$i]);
150 - if (((strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'address' || strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'addresses') && count($split) > 1) || count($split) == 1) {
151 - $address_srting = count($split) == 1 ? $split[0] : $split[1];
152 -
153 - $addresses = explode(';', $address_srting);
154 -
155 - $coordinates = array();
156 -
157 - foreach($addresses as $address) {
158 - $args = explode('~', $address);
159 - $coords = MapsGeocoder::geocodeToString(trim($args[0]), $geoservice, $service);
160 -
161 - if ($coords) {
162 - $args[0] = $coords;
163 - $coordinates[] = implode('~', $args);
164 - }
165 - else {
166 - $fails[] = $args[0];
167 - }
168 - }
169 -
170 - $params[$i] = 'coordinates=' . implode(';', $coordinates);
171 -
172 - }
173 - }
174 -
175 - return $fails;
176 - }
177 -
178 -}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_Geocoder.php
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * File containing the MapsGeocoder class which handles the non specific geocoding tasks
6 - *
7 - * {{#geocode:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
8 - * {{#geocodelat:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
9 - * {{#geocodelng:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
10 - *
11 - * @file Maps_Geocoder.php
12 - * @ingroup Maps
13 - *
14 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
15 - * @author Sergey Chernyshev
16 - */
17 -
18 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
19 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
20 -}
21 -
22 -final class MapsGeocoder {
23 -
24 - /**
25 - * Holds if geocoded data should be cached or not.
26 - *
27 - * @var boolean
28 - */
29 - private static $mEnableCache = true;
30 -
31 - /**
32 - * The geocoder cache, holding geocoded data when enabled.
33 - *
34 - * @var array
35 - */
36 - private static $mGeocoderCache = array();
37 -
38 - /**
39 - * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the latitude and longitude
40 - * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
41 - *
42 - * @param unknown_type $parser
43 - * @param string $address The address to geocode.
44 - * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
45 - * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
46 - * @return string
47 - */
48 - public static function renderGeocoder($parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
49 - $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
50 - return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lat'].', '.$geovalues['lon'] : '';
51 - }
52 -
53 - /**
54 - * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the latitude
55 - * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
56 - *
57 - * @param unknown_type $parser
58 - * @param string $address The address to geocode.
59 - * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
60 - * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
61 - * @return string
62 - */
63 - public static function renderGeocoderLat(&$parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
64 - $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
65 - return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lat'] : '';
66 - }
67 -
68 - /**
69 - * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the longitude
70 - * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
71 - *
72 - * @param unknown_type $parser
73 - * @param string $address The address to geocode.
74 - * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
75 - * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
76 - * @return string
77 - */
78 - public static function renderGeocoderLng(&$parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
79 - $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
80 - return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lon'] : '';
81 - }
82 -
83 - /**
84 - * Geocodes an address with the provided geocoding service and returns the result
85 - * as a string with the optionally provided format, or false when the geocoding failed.
86 - *
87 - * @param string $address
88 - * @param string $service
89 - * @param string $mappingService
90 - * @param string $format
91 - * @return formatted coordinate string or false
92 - */
93 - public static function geocodeToString($address, $service = '', $mappingService = '', $format = '%1$s, %2$s') {
94 - $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
95 - return $geovalues ? sprintf($format, $geovalues['lat'], $geovalues['lon']) : false;
96 - }
97 -
98 - /**
99 - * Geocodes an address with the provided geocoding service and returns the result
100 - * as an array, or false when the geocoding failed.
101 - *
102 - * @param string $address
103 - * @param string $service
104 - * @param string $mappingService
105 - * @return array with coordinates or false
106 - */
107 - private static function geocode($address, $service, $mappingService) {
108 - global $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
109 -
110 - // If the adress is already in the cache and the cache is enabled, return the coordinates
111 - if (self::$mEnableCache && array_key_exists($address, MapsGeocoder::$mGeocoderCache)) {
112 - return self::$mGeocoderCache[$address];
113 - }
114 -
115 - $coordinates = false;
116 -
117 - $service = self::getValidGeoService($service, $mappingService);
118 -
119 - // If not, use the selected geocoding service to geocode the provided adress
120 - switch(strtolower($service)) {
121 - case 'google':
122 - self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsGoogleGeocoder', 'Maps_GoogleGeocoder.php');
123 - $coordinates = MapsGoogleGeocoder::geocode($address);
124 - break;
125 - case 'yahoo':
126 - self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsYahooGeocoder', 'Maps_YahooGeocoder.php');
127 - $coordinates = MapsYahooGeocoder::geocode($address);
128 - break;
129 - case 'geonames':
130 - self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsGeonamesGeocoder', 'Maps_GeonamesGeocoder.php');
131 - $coordinates = MapsGeonamesGeocoder::geocode($address);
132 - break;
133 - }
134 -
135 - // Add the obtained coordinates to the cache when there is a result and the cache is enabled
136 - if (self::$mEnableCache && $coordinates) {
137 - MapsGeocoder::$mGeocoderCache[$address] = $coordinates;
138 - }
139 -
140 - return $coordinates;
141 - }
142 -
143 - /**
144 - * Add a geocoder class to the $wgAutoloadClasses array when it's not present yet.
145 - *
146 - * @param string $className
147 - * @param string $fileName
148 - */
149 - private static function addAutoloadClassIfNeeded($className, $fileName) {
150 - global $wgAutoloadClasses, $egMapsIP;
151 - if (!array_key_exists($className, $wgAutoloadClasses)) $wgAutoloadClasses[$className] = $egMapsIP . '/Geocoders/' . $fileName;
152 - }
153 -
154 - /**
155 - * Makes sure that the geo service is one of the available ones.
156 - * Also enforces licencing restrictions when no geocoding service is explicitly provided.
157 - *
158 - * @param string $service
159 - * @param string $mappingService
160 - * @return string
161 - */
162 - private static function getValidGeoService($service, $mappingService) {
163 - global $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
164 -
165 - if (strlen($service) < 1) {
166 -
167 - // Set the default geocoding services.
168 - // Note that googlemaps and yahoomaps are excetions to the general rule due to licencing.
169 - switch ($mappingService) {
170 - case 'googlemaps' :
171 - $service = 'google';
172 - break;
173 - case 'yahoomaps' :
174 - $service = 'yahoo';
175 - break;
176 - default :
177 - $service = $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
178 - break;
179 - }
180 -
181 - }
182 - else {
183 - if(!in_array($service, $egMapsAvailableGeoServices)) $service = $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
184 - }
185 -
186 - return $service;
187 - }
188 -}
189 -
190 -
191 -
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_BaseMap.php
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * MapsBaseMap is an abstract class inherited by the map services classes
6 - *
7 - * @file Maps_BaseMap.php
8 - * @ingroup Maps
9 - *
10 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw
11 - */
12 -
13 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
14 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
15 -}
16 -
17 -abstract class MapsBaseMap extends MapsMapFeature {
18 -
19 - // TODO: move this abstract function to a new MapsBaseMapUtils file?
20 - //protected abstract static function getDefaultParams();
21 -
22 - protected $markerData = array();
23 -
24 - /**
25 - * Handles the request from the parser hook by doing the work that's common for all
26 - * mapping services, calling the specific methods and finally returning the resulting output.
27 - *
28 - * @param unknown_type $parser
29 - * @param array $map
30 - * @return html
31 - */
32 - public final function displayMap(&$parser, array $map) {
33 - $this->setMapSettings();
34 -
35 - $this->doMapServiceLoad();
36 -
37 - $this->setMapName();
38 -
39 - $this->manageMapProperties($map, __CLASS__);
40 -
41 - $this->setCoordinates();
42 -
43 - $this->setZoom();
44 -
45 - $this->setCentre();
46 -
47 - $this->doParsing($parser);
48 -
49 - $this->doEscaping();
50 -
51 - $this->addSpecificMapHTML();
52 -
53 - return $this->output;
54 - }
55 -
56 - /**
57 - * Sets the zoom level to the provided value. When no zoom is provided, set
58 - * it to the default when there is only one location, or the best fitting soom when
59 - * there are multiple locations.
60 - *
61 - */
62 - private function setZoom() {
63 - if (strlen($this->zoom) < 1) {
64 - if (count($this->markerData) > 1) {
65 - $this->zoom = 'null';
66 - }
67 - else {
68 - $this->zoom = $this->defaultZoom;
69 - }
70 - }
71 - }
72 -
73 - /**
74 - * Fills the $markerData array with the locations and their meta data.
75 - *
76 - */
77 - private function setCoordinates() {
78 - $this->coordinates = explode(';', $this->coordinates);
79 -
80 - foreach($this->coordinates as $coordinates) {
81 - $args = explode('~', $coordinates);
82 -
83 - $args[0] = str_replace('″', '"', $args[0]);
84 - $args[0] = str_replace('′', "'", $args[0]);
85 -
86 - $markerData = MapsUtils::getLatLon($args[0]);
87 -
88 - if (count($args) > 1) {
89 - $markerData['title'] = $args[1];
90 -
91 - if (count($args) > 2) {
92 - $markerData['label'] = $args[2];
93 -
94 - if (count($args) > 3) {
95 - $markerData['icon'] = $args[3];
96 - }
97 - }
98 - }
99 -
100 - $this->markerData[] = $markerData;
101 - }
102 - }
103 -
104 - /**
105 - * Sets the $centre_lat and $centre_lon fields.
106 - * Note: this needs to be done AFTRE the maker coordinates are set.
107 - *
108 - */
109 - private function setCentre() {
110 - if (empty($this->centre)) {
111 - if (count($this->markerData) == 1) {
112 - // If centre is not set and there is exactelly one marker, use it's coordinates.
113 - $this->centre_lat = $this->markerData[0]['lat'];
114 - $this->centre_lon = $this->markerData[0]['lon'];
115 - }
116 - elseif (count($this->markerData) > 1) {
117 - // If centre is not set and there are multiple markers, set the values to null,
118 - // to be auto determined by the JS of the mapping API.
119 - $this->centre_lat = 'null';
120 - $this->centre_lon = 'null';
121 - }
122 - else {
123 - // If centre is not set and there are no markers, use the default latitude and longitutde.
124 - global $egMapsMapLat, $egMapsMapLon;
125 - $this->centre_lat = $egMapsMapLat;
126 - $this->centre_lon = $egMapsMapLon;
127 - }
128 - }
129 - else {
130 - // If a centre value is set, use it.
131 - $centre = MapsUtils::getLatLon($this->centre);
132 - $this->centre_lat = $centre['lat'];
133 - $this->centre_lon = $centre['lon'];
134 - }
135 - }
136 -
137 - /**
138 - * Parse the wiki text in the title and label values.
139 - *
140 - * @param $parser
141 - */
142 - private function DoParsing(&$parser) {
143 - $this->title = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $this->title );
144 - $this->label = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $this->label );
145 - }
146 -
147 - /**
148 - * Escape the title and label text
149 - *
150 - */
151 - private function doEscaping() {
152 - $this->title = str_replace("'", "\'", $this->title);
153 - $this->label = str_replace("'", "\'", $this->label);
154 - }
155 -
156 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayers.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
22 <?php
44 /**
5 - * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with OpenLayers
 5+ * This file holds the general information for the OpenLayers service
66 *
77 * @file Maps_OpenLayers.php
88 * @ingroup Maps
@@ -9,82 +9,14 @@
1010 * @author Jeroen De Dauw
1111 */
13 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
14 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
15 -}
16 -
17 -class MapsOpenLayers extends MapsBaseMap {
18 -
19 - const SERVICE_NAME = 'openlayers';
20 -
21 - public $serviceName = self::SERVICE_NAME;
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * @see MapsBaseMap::setMapSettings()
25 - *
26 - */
27 - protected function setMapSettings() {
28 - global $egMapsOpenLayersZoom, $egMapsOpenLayersPrefix;
29 -
30 - $this->defaultParams = MapsOpenLayersUtils::getDefaultParams();
31 -
32 - $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsOpenLayersPrefix;
33 - $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsOpenLayersZoom;
34 - }
35 -
36 - /**
37 - * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
38 - *
39 - */
40 - protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
41 - global $egOpenLayersOnThisPage;
42 -
43 - MapsOpenLayersUtils::addOLDependencies($this->output);
44 - $egOpenLayersOnThisPage++;
45 -
46 - $this->elementNr = $egOpenLayersOnThisPage;
47 - }
48 -
49 - /**
50 - * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
51 - *
52 - */
53 - public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
54 - global $wgJsMimeType;
55 -
56 - $controlItems = MapsOpenLayersUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
57 -
58 - MapsMapper::enforceArrayValues($this->layers);
59 - $layerItems = MapsOpenLayersUtils::createLayersStringAndLoadDependencies($this->output, $this->layers);
60 -
61 - MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->width);
62 - MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->height);
63 -
64 - $markerItems = array();
65 -
66 - // TODO: Refactor up
67 - foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
68 - $lat = $markerData['lat'];
69 - $lon = $markerData['lon'];
70 -
71 - $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
72 - $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
73 -
74 - $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
75 - $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
76 -
77 - $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
78 - $markerItems[] = "getOLMarkerData($lon, $lat, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
79 - }
80 -
81 - $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
82 -
83 - $this->output .= "<div id='$this->mapName' style='width: $this->width; height: $this->height; background-color: #cccccc;'></div>
84 - <script type='$wgJsMimeType'> /*<![CDATA[*/
85 - addLoadEvent(
86 - initOpenLayer('$this->mapName', $this->centre_lon, $this->centre_lat, $this->zoom, [$layerItems], [$controlItems],[$markersString])
87 - );
88 - /*]]>*/ </script>";
89 - }
90 -
91 -}
\ No newline at end of file
 13+$egMapsServices['openlayers'] = array(
 14+ 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsOpenLayersParserFunctions', 'file' => 'OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersParserFunctions.php', 'local' => true),
 15+ 'classes' => array(
 16+ array('class' => 'MapsOpenLayersUtils', 'file' => 'OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersUtils.php', 'local' => true)
 17+ ),
 18+ 'aliases' => array('layers', 'openlayer'),
 19+ 'parameters' => array(
 20+ 'layers' => array(),
 21+ 'baselayer' => array()
 22+ )
 23+ );
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersUtils.php
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
1717 final class MapsOpenLayersUtils {
 19+ const SERVICE_NAME = 'openlayers';
1921 private static $loadedBing = false;
2022 private static $loadedYahoo = false;
2123 private static $loadedOL = false;
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersParserFunctions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
 5+ * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with OpenLayers
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_OpenLayersParserFunctions.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+class MapsOpenLayersParserFunctions extends MapsBaseMap {
 19+ public $serviceName = MapsOpenLayersUtils::SERVICE_NAME;
 21+ /**
 22+ * @see MapsBaseMap::setMapSettings()
 23+ *
 24+ */
 25+ protected function setMapSettings() {
 26+ global $egMapsOpenLayersZoom, $egMapsOpenLayersPrefix;
 28+ $this->defaultParams = MapsOpenLayersUtils::getDefaultParams();
 30+ $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsOpenLayersPrefix;
 31+ $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsOpenLayersZoom;
 32+ }
 34+ /**
 35+ * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
 36+ *
 37+ */
 38+ protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
 39+ global $egOpenLayersOnThisPage;
 41+ MapsOpenLayersUtils::addOLDependencies($this->output);
 42+ $egOpenLayersOnThisPage++;
 44+ $this->elementNr = $egOpenLayersOnThisPage;
 45+ }
 47+ /**
 48+ * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
 49+ *
 50+ */
 51+ public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
 52+ global $wgJsMimeType;
 54+ $controlItems = MapsOpenLayersUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
 56+ MapsMapper::enforceArrayValues($this->layers);
 57+ $layerItems = MapsOpenLayersUtils::createLayersStringAndLoadDependencies($this->output, $this->layers);
 59+ MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->width);
 60+ MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->height);
 62+ $markerItems = array();
 64+ // TODO: Refactor up
 65+ foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
 66+ $lat = $markerData['lat'];
 67+ $lon = $markerData['lon'];
 69+ $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
 70+ $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
 72+ $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
 73+ $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
 75+ $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
 76+ $markerItems[] = "getOLMarkerData($lon, $lat, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
 77+ }
 79+ $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
 81+ $this->output .= "<div id='$this->mapName' style='width: $this->width; height: $this->height; background-color: #cccccc;'></div>
 82+ <script type='$wgJsMimeType'> /*<![CDATA[*/
 83+ addLoadEvent(
 84+ initOpenLayer('$this->mapName', $this->centre_lon, $this->centre_lat, $this->zoom, [$layerItems], [$controlItems],[$markersString])
 85+ );
 86+ /*]]>*/ </script>";
 87+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/Maps_ParserFunctions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
 5+ * Initialization file for parser function functionality in the Maps extension
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_ParserFunctions.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+$wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'efMapsFunctionMagic';
 20+ * Adds the magic words for the parser functions
 21+ */
 22+function efMapsFunctionMagic( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
 23+ $magicWords['display_point'] = array( 0, 'display_point' );
 24+ $magicWords['display_points'] = array( 0, 'display_points' );
 25+ $magicWords['display_address'] = array( 0, 'display_address' );
 26+ $magicWords['display_addresses'] = array( 0, 'display_addresses' );
 28+ $magicWords['geocode'] = array( 0, 'geocode' );
 29+ $magicWords['geocodelat'] = array ( 0, 'geocodelat' );
 30+ $magicWords['geocodelng'] = array ( 0, 'geocodelng' );
 32+ return true; // Unless we return true, other parser functions won't get loaded
 36+ * A class that holds handlers for the mapping parser functions.
 37+ * Spesific functions are located in @see MapsUtils
 38+ *
 39+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 40+ *
 41+ */
 42+final class MapsParserFunctions {
 44+ /**
 45+ * Initialize the parser functions feature
 46+ *
 47+ */
 48+ public static function initialize() {
 49+ global $egMapsIP, $wgAutoloadClasses;
 50+ $wgAutoloadClasses['MapsBaseMap'] = $egMapsIP . '/ParserFunctions/Maps_BaseMap.php';
 52+ self::addParserHooks();
 53+ }
 55+ /**
 56+ * Adds the parser function hooks
 57+ */
 58+ private static function addParserHooks() {
 59+ global $wgParser;
 61+ // A hooks to enable the '#display_point' and '#display_points' parser functions
 62+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_point', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayPointRender') );
 63+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_points', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayPointsRender') );
 65+ // A hooks to enable the '#display_adress' and '#display_adresses' parser functions
 66+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_address', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayAddressRender') );
 67+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_addresses', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayAddressesRender') );
 69+ // A hook to enable the geocoder parser functions
 70+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocode', array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoder') );
 71+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocodelat' , array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoderLat') );
 72+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocodelng' , array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoderLng') );
 73+ }
 75+ public static function getMapHtml(&$parser, array $params, array $coordFails = array()) {
 76+ global $wgLang;
 78+ $map = array();
 80+ // Go through all parameters, split their names and values, and put them in the $map array.
 81+ foreach($params as $param) {
 82+ $split = split('=', $param);
 83+ if (count($split) > 1) {
 84+ $paramName = strtolower(trim($split[0]));
 85+ $paramValue = trim($split[1]);
 86+ if (strlen($paramName) > 0 && strlen($paramValue) > 0) {
 87+ $map[$paramName] = $paramValue;
 88+ }
 89+ }
 90+ else if (count($split) == 1) { // Default parameter (without name)
 91+ $split[0] = trim($split[0]);
 92+ if (strlen($split[0]) > 0) $map['coordinates'] = $split[0];
 93+ }
 94+ }
 96+ $coords = MapsMapper::getParamValue('coordinates', $map);
 98+ if ($coords) {
 99+ if (! MapsMapper::paramIsPresent('service', $map)) $map['service'] = '';
 100+ $map['service'] = MapsMapper::getValidService($map['service'], 'pf');
 102+ $mapClass = self::getParserClassInstance($map['service']);
 104+ // Call the function according to the map service to get the HTML output
 105+ $output = $mapClass->displayMap($parser, $map);
 107+ if (count($coordFails) > 0) {
 108+ $output .= '<i>' . wfMsgExt( 'maps_geocoding_failed_for', array( 'parsemag' ), $wgLang->listToText($coordFails ), count( $coordFails ) ) . '</i>';
 109+ }
 110+ }
 111+ elseif (trim($coords) == "" && count($coordFails) > 0) {
 112+ $output = '<i>' . wfMsgExt( 'maps_geocoding_failed', array( 'parsemag' ), $wgLang->listToText( $coordFails ), count( $coordFails ) ) . '</i>';
 113+ }
 114+ else {
 115+ $output = '<i>'.wfMsg( 'maps_coordinates_missing' ).'</i>';
 116+ }
 118+ // Return the result
 119+ return array( $output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
 120+ }
 122+ private static function getParserClassInstance($service) {
 123+ global $egMapsServices;
 124+ return new $egMapsServices[$service]['pf']['class']();
 125+ }
 127+ /**
 128+ * Sets the default map properties, gets the map HTML depending
 129+ * on the provided service, and then returns it.
 130+ *
 131+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 132+ * @return array
 133+ */
 134+ public static function displayPointRender(&$parser) {
 135+ $params = func_get_args();
 136+ array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
 138+ return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params);
 139+ }
 141+ /**
 142+ * Sets the default map properties, gets the map HTML depending
 143+ * on the provided service, and then returns it.
 144+ *
 145+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 146+ */
 147+ public static function displayPointsRender(&$parser) {
 148+ $params = func_get_args();
 149+ array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
 151+ return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params);
 152+ }
 154+ /**
 155+ * Turns the address parameter into coordinates, then calls
 156+ * getMapHtml() and returns it's result.
 157+ *
 158+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 159+ * @return array
 160+ */
 161+ public static function displayAddressRender(&$parser) {
 162+ $params = func_get_args();
 163+ array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
 165+ $fails = self::changeAddressToCoords($params);
 167+ return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params, $fails);
 168+ }
 170+ /**
 171+ * Turns the address parameter into coordinates, then calls
 172+ * getMapHtml() and returns it's result.
 173+ *
 174+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 175+ */
 176+ public static function displayAddressesRender(&$parser) {
 177+ $params = func_get_args();
 178+ array_shift( $params ); // We already know the $parser ...
 180+ $fails = self::changeAddressToCoords($params);
 182+ return self::getMapHtml($parser, $params, $fails);
 183+ }
 185+ /**
 186+ * Changes the values of the address or addresses parameter into coordinates
 187+ * in the provided array. Returns an array containing the addresses that
 188+ * could not be geocoded.
 189+ *
 190+ * @param array $params
 191+ */
 192+ private static function changeAddressToCoords(&$params) {
 193+ global $egMapsDefaultService;
 195+ $fails = array();
 197+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) {
 198+ $split = split('=', $params[$i]);
 199+ if (MapsMapper::inParamAliases(strtolower(trim($split[0])), 'service') && count($split) > 1) {
 200+ $service = trim($split[1]);
 201+ }
 202+ else if (strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'geoservice' && count($split) > 1) {
 203+ $geoservice = trim($split[1]);
 204+ }
 205+ }
 207+ $service = isset($service) ? MapsMapper::getValidService($service, 'pf') : $egMapsDefaultService;
 209+ $geoservice = isset($geoservice) ? $geoservice : '';
 211+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++) {
 212+ $split = split('=', $params[$i]);
 213+ if (((strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'address' || strtolower(trim($split[0])) == 'addresses') && count($split) > 0)) {
 214+ $address_srting = count($split) == 1 ? $split[0] : $split[1];
 215+ //var_dump($address_srting);
 216+ $addresses = explode(';', $address_srting);
 218+ $coordinates = array();
 220+ foreach($addresses as $address) {
 221+ $args = explode('~', $address);
 222+ $args[0] = trim($args[0]);
 224+ if (strlen($args[0]) > 0) {
 225+ $coords = MapsGeocoder::geocodeToString($args[0], $geoservice, $service);
 227+ if ($coords) {
 228+ $args[0] = $coords;
 229+ $coordinates[] = implode('~', $args);
 230+ }
 231+ else {
 232+ $fails[] = $args[0];
 233+ }
 234+ }
 235+ }
 237+ $params[$i] = 'coordinates=' . implode(';', $coordinates);
 239+ }
 240+ } //exit;
 242+ return $fails;
 243+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/ParserFunctions/Maps_BaseMap.php
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
 5+ * MapsBaseMap is an abstract class inherited by the map services classes
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_BaseMap.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+abstract class MapsBaseMap extends MapsMapFeature {
 19+ // TODO: move this abstract function to a new MapsBaseMapUtils file?
 20+ //protected abstract static function getDefaultParams();
 22+ protected $markerData = array();
 24+ /**
 25+ * Handles the request from the parser hook by doing the work that's common for all
 26+ * mapping services, calling the specific methods and finally returning the resulting output.
 27+ *
 28+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 29+ * @param array $map
 30+ * @return html
 31+ */
 32+ public final function displayMap(&$parser, array $params) {
 33+ global $wgLang;
 35+ $this->setMapSettings();
 37+ $coords = $this->manageMapProperties($params);
 39+ $this->doMapServiceLoad();
 41+ $this->setMapName();
 43+ $this->setCoordinates();
 45+ $this->setZoom();
 47+ $this->setCentre();
 49+ $this->doParsing($parser);
 51+ $this->doEscaping();
 53+ $this->addSpecificMapHTML();
 55+ return $this->output;
 56+ }
 58+ protected function manageMapProperties($params) {
 59+ parent::manageMapProperties($params, __CLASS__);
 60+ }
 62+ /**
 63+ * Sets the zoom level to the provided value. When no zoom is provided, set
 64+ * it to the default when there is only one location, or the best fitting soom when
 65+ * there are multiple locations.
 66+ *
 67+ */
 68+ private function setZoom() {
 69+ if (strlen($this->zoom) < 1) {
 70+ if (count($this->markerData) > 1) {
 71+ $this->zoom = 'null';
 72+ }
 73+ else {
 74+ $this->zoom = $this->defaultZoom;
 75+ }
 76+ }
 77+ }
 79+ /**
 80+ * Fills the $markerData array with the locations and their meta data.
 81+ *
 82+ */
 83+ private function setCoordinates() {
 84+ $this->coordinates = explode(';', $this->coordinates);
 86+ foreach($this->coordinates as $coordinates) {
 87+ $args = explode('~', $coordinates);
 89+ $args[0] = str_replace('″', '"', $args[0]);
 90+ $args[0] = str_replace('′', "'", $args[0]);
 92+ $markerData = MapsUtils::getLatLon($args[0]);
 94+ if (count($args) > 1) {
 95+ $markerData['title'] = $args[1];
 97+ if (count($args) > 2) {
 98+ $markerData['label'] = $args[2];
 100+ if (count($args) > 3) {
 101+ $markerData['icon'] = $args[3];
 102+ }
 103+ }
 104+ }
 106+ $this->markerData[] = $markerData;
 107+ }
 108+ }
 110+ /**
 111+ * Sets the $centre_lat and $centre_lon fields.
 112+ * Note: this needs to be done AFTRE the maker coordinates are set.
 113+ *
 114+ */
 115+ private function setCentre() {
 116+ if (empty($this->centre)) {
 117+ if (count($this->markerData) == 1) {
 118+ // If centre is not set and there is exactelly one marker, use it's coordinates.
 119+ $this->centre_lat = $this->markerData[0]['lat'];
 120+ $this->centre_lon = $this->markerData[0]['lon'];
 121+ }
 122+ elseif (count($this->markerData) > 1) {
 123+ // If centre is not set and there are multiple markers, set the values to null,
 124+ // to be auto determined by the JS of the mapping API.
 125+ $this->centre_lat = 'null';
 126+ $this->centre_lon = 'null';
 127+ }
 128+ else {
 129+ // If centre is not set and there are no markers, use the default latitude and longitutde.
 130+ global $egMapsMapLat, $egMapsMapLon;
 131+ $this->centre_lat = $egMapsMapLat;
 132+ $this->centre_lon = $egMapsMapLon;
 133+ }
 134+ }
 135+ else {
 136+ // If a centre value is set, use it.
 137+ $centre = MapsUtils::getLatLon($this->centre);
 138+ $this->centre_lat = $centre['lat'];
 139+ $this->centre_lon = $centre['lon'];
 140+ }
 141+ }
 143+ /**
 144+ * Parse the wiki text in the title and label values.
 145+ *
 146+ * @param $parser
 147+ */
 148+ private function DoParsing(&$parser) {
 149+ $this->title = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $this->title );
 150+ $this->label = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $this->label );
 151+ }
 153+ /**
 154+ * Escape the title and label text
 155+ *
 156+ */
 157+ private function doEscaping() {
 158+ $this->title = str_replace("'", "\'", $this->title);
 159+ $this->label = str_replace("'", "\'", $this->label);
 160+ }
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps.php
@@ -41,74 +41,41 @@
4343 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['Maps'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps.i18n.php';
45 -$wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'efMapsFunctionMagic';
4645 $wgHooks['AdminLinks'][] = 'efMapsAddToAdminLinks';
4847 // Autoload the general classes
4948 $wgAutoloadClasses['MapsMapFeature'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_MapFeature.php';
50 -$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsBaseMap'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_BaseMap.php';
5149 $wgAutoloadClasses['MapsMapper'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_Mapper.php';
52 -$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsParserFunctions'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_ParserFunctions.php';
5350 $wgAutoloadClasses['MapsUtils'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_Utils.php';
54 -$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsGeocoder'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_Geocoder.php';
55 -$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsBaseGeocoder'] = $egMapsIP . '/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php';
 52+// TODO: change geocoder setup to feature hook, and load the relevant classes from it's init function
 53+$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsGeocoder'] = $egMapsIP . '/Geocoders/Maps_Geocoder.php';
 54+$wgAutoloadClasses['MapsBaseGeocoder'] = $egMapsIP . '/Geocoders/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php';
5756 if (empty($egMapsServices)) $egMapsServices = array();
59 -$egMapsServices['googlemaps'] = array(
60 - 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsGoogleMaps', 'file' => 'GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMaps.php', 'local' => true),
61 - 'classes' => array(
62 - array('class' => 'MapsGoogleMapsUtils', 'file' => 'GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsUtils.php', 'local' => true)
63 - ),
64 - 'aliases' => array('google', 'googlemap', 'gmap', 'gmaps'),
65 - 'parameters' => array(
66 - 'type' => array('map-type', 'map type'),
67 - 'types' => array('map-types', 'map types'),
68 - 'earth' => array(),
69 - 'autozoom' => array('auto zoom', 'mouse zoom', 'mousezoom'),
70 - 'class' => array(),
71 - 'style' => array()
72 - )
73 - );
74 -
75 -$egMapsServices['openlayers'] = array(
76 - 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsOpenLayers', 'file' => 'OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayers.php', 'local' => true),
77 - 'classes' => array(
78 - array('class' => 'MapsOpenLayersUtils', 'file' => 'OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayersUtils.php', 'local' => true)
79 - ),
80 - 'aliases' => array('layers', 'openlayer'),
81 - 'parameters' => array(
82 - 'layers' => array(),
83 - 'baselayer' => array()
84 - )
85 - );
86 -
87 -$egMapsServices['yahoomaps'] = array(
88 - 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsYahooMaps', 'file' => 'YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMaps.php', 'local' => true),
89 - 'classes' => array(
90 - array('class' => 'MapsYahooMapsUtils', 'file' => 'YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsUtils.php', 'local' => true)
91 - ),
92 - 'aliases' => array('yahoo', 'yahoomap', 'ymap', 'ymaps'),
93 - 'parameters' => array(
94 - 'type' => array('map-type'),
95 - 'types' => array('map-types', 'map types'),
96 - 'autozoom' => array('auto zoom', 'mouse zoom', 'mousezoom')
97 - )
98 - );
 58+// TODO: move inclusions, or add init file to settings to allow auto load?
 59+include_once $egMapsIP . '/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMaps.php';
 60+include_once $egMapsIP . '/OpenLayers/Maps_OpenLayers.php';
 61+include_once $egMapsIP . '/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMaps.php';
 63+// TODO: split Maps_ParserFunctions.php functionallity so this line is not required
 64+include_once $egMapsIP . '/ParserFunctions/Maps_ParserFunctions.php';
10066 /**
10167 * Initialization function for the Maps extension
10268 */
103 -function efMapsSetup() {
 69+function efMapsSetup() {
10470 global $wgExtensionCredits, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgAutoloadClasses, $IP;
105 - global $egMapsDefaultService, $egMapsAvailableServices, $egMapsServices, $egMapsScriptPath, $egMapsDefaultGeoService, $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsIP;
 71+ global $egMapsDefaultService, $egMapsAvailableServices, $egMapsServices, $egMapsScriptPath, $egMapsDefaultGeoService, $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsIP, $egMapsAvailableFeatures;
10773 efMapsValidateGoogleMapsKey();
109 - // Make sure the default service is one of the enabled ones
 75+ // Enure that the default service is one of the enabled ones
11076 $egMapsDefaultService = in_array($egMapsDefaultService, $egMapsAvailableServices) ? $egMapsDefaultService : $egMapsAvailableServices[0];
11177 $egMapsDefaultGeoService = in_array($egMapsDefaultGeoService, $egMapsAvailableGeoServices) ? $egMapsDefaultGeoService : $egMapsAvailableGeoServices[0];
 79+ // TODO: split for feature hook system?
11380 wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'Maps' );
11582 // Creation of a list of internationalized service names
@@ -126,72 +93,52 @@
12794 'descriptionmsg' => wfMsgExt( 'maps_desc', 'parsemag', $services_list ),
12895 );
130 - efMapsAddParserHooks();
131 -
13297 $wgOut->addScriptFile($egMapsScriptPath . '/MapUtilityFunctions.js');
134 - foreach ($egMapsServices as $serviceData) {
135 - if (array_key_exists('pf', $serviceData)) {
136 - $file = $serviceData['pf']['local'] ? $egMapsIP . '/' . $serviceData['pf']['file'] : $IP . '/extensions/' . $serviceData['pf']['file'];
137 - $wgAutoloadClasses[$serviceData['pf']['class']] = $file;
 99+ foreach($egMapsAvailableFeatures as $key => $values) {
 100+ // Load and optionally initizlize feature
 101+ if (array_key_exists('class', $values) && array_key_exists('file', $values) && array_key_exists('local', $values)) {
 102+ $wgAutoloadClasses[$values['class']] = $values['local'] ? $egMapsIP . '/' . $values['file'] : $IP . '/extensions/' . $values['file'];
 103+ if (method_exists($values['class'], 'initialize')) {
 104+ call_user_func(array($values['class'], 'initialize'));
 105+ }
138106 }
139 -
140 - if (array_key_exists('classes', $serviceData)) {
141 - foreach($serviceData['classes'] as $class) {
142 - $file = $class['local'] ? $egMapsIP . '/' . $class['file'] : $IP . '/extensions/' . $class['file'];
143 - $wgAutoloadClasses[$class['class']] = $file;
 108+ }
 110+ // TODO: move to above loop
 111+ foreach ($egMapsServices as $serviceData) {
 112+ foreach($egMapsAvailableFeatures as $key => $name) {
 113+ if (array_key_exists($key, $serviceData)) {
 114+ $file = $serviceData[$key]['local'] ? $egMapsIP . '/' . $serviceData[$key]['file'] : $IP . '/extensions/' . $serviceData[$key]['file'];
 115+ $wgAutoloadClasses[$serviceData[$key]['class']] = $file;
 116+ }
 118+ if (array_key_exists('classes', $serviceData)) {
 119+ foreach($serviceData['classes'] as $class) {
 120+ $file = $class['local'] ? $egMapsIP . '/' . $class['file'] : $IP . '/extensions/' . $class['file'];
 121+ $wgAutoloadClasses[$class['class']] = $file;
 122+ }
144123 }
145124 }
146 -
147126 }
149128 return true;
150129 }
152 -/**
153 - * Adds the parser function hooks
154 - */
155 -function efMapsAddParserHooks() {
156 - global $wgParser;
157 -
158 - // A hooks to enable the '#display_point' and '#display_points' parser functions
159 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_point', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayPointRender') );
160 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_points', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayPointsRender') );
162 - // A hooks to enable the '#display_adress' and '#display_adresses' parser functions
163 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_address', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayAddressRender') );
164 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'display_addresses', array('MapsParserFunctions', 'displayAddressesRender') );
166 - // A hook to enable the geocoder parser functions
167 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocode', array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoder') );
168 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocodelat' , array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoderLat') );
169 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'geocodelng' , array('MapsGeocoder', 'renderGeocoderLng') );
170 -}
171 -
172133 /**
173 - * Adds the magic words for the parser functions
174 - */
175 -function efMapsFunctionMagic( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
176 - $magicWords['display_point'] = array( 0, 'display_point' );
177 - $magicWords['display_points'] = array( 0, 'display_points' );
178 - $magicWords['display_address'] = array( 0, 'display_address' );
179 - $magicWords['display_addresses'] = array( 0, 'display_addresses' );
180 -
181 - $magicWords['geocode'] = array( 0, 'geocode' );
182 - $magicWords['geocodelat'] = array ( 0, 'geocodelat' );
183 - $magicWords['geocodelng'] = array ( 0, 'geocodelng' );
184 -
185 - return true; // Unless we return true, other parser functions won't get loaded
186 -}
187 -
188 -/**
189134 * This function ensures backward compatibility with Semantic Google Maps and other extensions
190135 * using $wgGoogleMapsKey instead of $egGoogleMapsKey.
191136 */
192137 function efMapsValidateGoogleMapsKey() {
193138 global $egGoogleMapsKey, $wgGoogleMapsKey;
195 - if (strlen($egGoogleMapsKey) < 1 && isset($wgGoogleMapsKey)) $egGoogleMapsKey = $wgGoogleMapsKey;
 140+ if (isset($wgGoogleMapsKey)){
 141+ if (strlen(trim($egGoogleMapsKey)) < 1) $egGoogleMapsKey = $wgGoogleMapsKey;
 142+ }
196143 }
198145 /**
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMaps.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
22 <?php
44 /**
5 - * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with Google Maps
 5+ * This file holds the general information for the Google Maps service
66 *
77 * @file Maps_GoogleMaps.php
88 * @ingroup Maps
@@ -9,92 +9,18 @@
1010 * @author Jeroen De Dauw
1111 */
13 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
14 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
15 -}
16 -
17 -final class MapsGoogleMaps extends MapsBaseMap {
18 -
19 - const SERVICE_NAME = 'googlemaps';
20 -
21 - public $serviceName = self::SERVICE_NAME;
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * @see MapsBaseMap::setMapSettings()
25 - *
26 - */
27 - protected function setMapSettings() {
28 - global $egMapsGoogleMapsZoom, $egMapsGoogleMapsPrefix;
29 -
30 - $this->defaultParams = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getDefaultParams();
31 -
32 - $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsGoogleMapsPrefix;
33 - $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsGoogleMapsZoom;
34 - }
35 -
36 - /**
37 - * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
38 - *
39 - */
40 - protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
41 - global $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
42 -
43 - MapsGoogleMapsUtils::addGMapDependencies($this->output);
44 - $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage++;
45 -
46 - $this->elementNr = $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
47 - }
48 -
49 - /**
50 - * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
51 - *
52 - */
53 - public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
54 - global $wgJsMimeType;
55 -
56 - $enableEarth = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getEarthValue($this->earth);
57 -
58 - $this->type = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getGMapType($this->type, true);
59 -
60 - $this->controls = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
61 -
62 - $this->autozoom = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getAutozoomJSValue($this->autozoom);
63 -
64 - $markerItems = array();
65 -
66 - // TODO: Refactor up
67 - foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
68 - $lat = $markerData['lat'];
69 - $lon = $markerData['lon'];
70 -
71 - $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
72 - $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
73 -
74 - $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
75 - $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
76 -
77 - $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
78 - $markerItems[] = "getGMarkerData($lat, $lon, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
79 - }
80 -
81 - $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
82 -
83 - $this->types = explode(",", $this->types);
84 -
85 - $typesString = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::createTypesString($this->types, $enableEarth);
86 -
87 - $this->output .=<<<END
88 -
89 -<div id="$this->mapName" class="$this->class" style="$this->style" ></div>
90 -<script type="$wgJsMimeType"> /*<![CDATA[*/
91 -addLoadEvent(
92 - initializeGoogleMap('$this->mapName', $this->width, $this->height, $this->centre_lat, $this->centre_lon, $this->zoom, $this->type, [$typesString], [$this->controls], $this->autozoom, [$markersString])
93 -);
94 -/*]]>*/ </script>
95 -
96 -END;
97 -
98 - }
99 -
100 -}
101 -
 13+$egMapsServices['googlemaps'] = array(
 14+ 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsGoogleMapsParserFunctions', 'file' => 'GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsParserFunctions.php', 'local' => true),
 15+ 'classes' => array(
 16+ array('class' => 'MapsGoogleMapsUtils', 'file' => 'GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsUtils.php', 'local' => true)
 17+ ),
 18+ 'aliases' => array('google', 'googlemap', 'gmap', 'gmaps'),
 19+ 'parameters' => array(
 20+ 'type' => array('map-type', 'map type'),
 21+ 'types' => array('map-types', 'map types'),
 22+ 'earth' => array(),
 23+ 'autozoom' => array('auto zoom', 'mouse zoom', 'mousezoom'),
 24+ 'class' => array(),
 25+ 'style' => array()
 26+ )
 27+ );
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsUtils.php
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
1717 final class MapsGoogleMapsUtils {
 19+ const SERVICE_NAME = 'googlemaps';
1921 // http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/reference.html#GMapType.G_NORMAL_MAP
2022 // TODO: Add a true alliasing system? Might be overkill.
2123 private static $mapTypes = array(
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/GoogleMaps/Maps_GoogleMapsParserFunctions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
 5+ * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with Google Maps
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_GoogleMapsParserFunctions.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+final class MapsGoogleMapsParserFunctions extends MapsBaseMap {
 19+ public $serviceName = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::SERVICE_NAME;
 21+ /**
 22+ * @see MapsBaseMap::setMapSettings()
 23+ *
 24+ */
 25+ protected function setMapSettings() {
 26+ global $egMapsGoogleMapsZoom, $egMapsGoogleMapsPrefix;
 28+ $this->defaultParams = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getDefaultParams();
 30+ $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsGoogleMapsPrefix;
 31+ $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsGoogleMapsZoom;
 32+ }
 34+ /**
 35+ * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
 36+ *
 37+ */
 38+ protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
 39+ global $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
 41+ MapsGoogleMapsUtils::addGMapDependencies($this->output);
 42+ $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage++;
 44+ $this->elementNr = $egGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
 45+ }
 47+ /**
 48+ * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
 49+ *
 50+ */
 51+ public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
 52+ global $wgJsMimeType;
 54+ $enableEarth = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getEarthValue($this->earth);
 56+ $this->type = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getGMapType($this->type, true);
 58+ $this->controls = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
 60+ $this->autozoom = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::getAutozoomJSValue($this->autozoom);
 62+ $markerItems = array();
 64+ // TODO: Refactor up
 65+ foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
 66+ $lat = $markerData['lat'];
 67+ $lon = $markerData['lon'];
 69+ $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
 70+ $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
 72+ $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
 73+ $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
 75+ $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
 76+ $markerItems[] = "getGMarkerData($lat, $lon, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
 77+ }
 79+ $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
 81+ $this->types = explode(",", $this->types);
 83+ $typesString = MapsGoogleMapsUtils::createTypesString($this->types, $enableEarth);
 85+ $this->output .=<<<END
 87+<div id="$this->mapName" class="$this->class" style="$this->style" ></div>
 88+<script type="$wgJsMimeType"> /*<![CDATA[*/
 90+ initializeGoogleMap('$this->mapName', $this->width, $this->height, $this->centre_lat, $this->centre_lon, $this->zoom, $this->type, [$typesString], [$this->controls], $this->autozoom, [$markersString])
 92+/*]]>*/ </script>
 96+ }
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_MapFeature.php
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
5353 /**
5454 * Sets the map properties as class fields.
5555 *
56 - * @param unknown_type $map
5756 */
5857 protected function manageMapProperties($mapProperties, $className) {
5958 global $egMapsServices;
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMaps.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
22 <?php
44 /**
5 - * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with Yahoo! Maps
 5+ * This file holds the general information for the Yahoo! Maps service
66 *
77 * @file Maps_YahooMaps.php
88 * @ingroup Maps
@@ -9,90 +9,15 @@
1010 * @author Jeroen De Dauw
1111 */
13 -if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
14 - die( 'Not an entry point.' );
15 -}
16 -
17 -class MapsYahooMaps extends MapsBaseMap {
18 -
19 - const SERVICE_NAME = 'yahoomaps';
20 -
21 - public $serviceName = self::SERVICE_NAME;
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * @see MapsBaseMap::setFormInputSettings()
25 - *
26 - */
27 - protected function setMapSettings() {
28 - global $egMapsYahooMapsZoom, $egMapsYahooMapsPrefix;
29 -
30 - $this->defaultParams = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getDefaultParams();
31 -
32 - $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsYahooMapsPrefix;
33 - $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsYahooMapsZoom;
34 - }
35 -
36 - /**
37 - * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
38 - *
39 - */
40 - protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
41 - global $egYahooMapsOnThisPage;
42 -
43 - MapsYahooMapsUtils::addYMapDependencies($this->output);
44 - $egYahooMapsOnThisPage++;
45 -
46 - $this->elementNr = $egYahooMapsOnThisPage;
47 - }
48 -
49 - /**
50 - * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
51 - *
52 - */
53 - public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
54 - global $wgJsMimeType;
55 -
56 - $this->type = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getYMapType($this->type, true);
57 -
58 - $this->controls = MapsYahooMapsUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
59 -
60 - MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->width);
61 - MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->height);
62 -
63 - $this->autozoom = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getAutozoomJSValue($this->autozoom);
64 -
65 - $markerItems = array();
66 -
67 - // TODO: Refactor up
68 - foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
69 - $lat = $markerData['lat'];
70 - $lon = $markerData['lon'];
71 -
72 - $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
73 - $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
74 -
75 - $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
76 - $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
77 -
78 - $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
79 - $markerItems[] = "getYMarkerData($lat, $lon, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
80 - }
81 -
82 - $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
83 -
84 - $this->types = explode(",", $this->types);
85 -
86 - $typesString = MapsYahooMapsUtils::createTypesString($this->types);
87 -
88 - $this->output .= <<<END
89 - <div id="$this->mapName" style="width: $this->width; height: $this->height;"></div>
90 -
91 - <script type="$wgJsMimeType">/*<![CDATA[*/
92 - addLoadEvent(
93 - initializeYahooMap('$this->mapName', $this->centre_lat, $this->centre_lon, $this->zoom, $this->type, [$typesString], [$this->controls], $this->autozoom, [$markersString])
94 - );
95 - /*]]>*/</script>
96 -END;
97 - }
98 -
99 -}
 13+$egMapsServices['yahoomaps'] = array(
 14+ 'pf' => array('class' => 'MapsYahooMapsParserFunctions', 'file' => 'YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsParserFunctions.php', 'local' => true),
 15+ 'classes' => array(
 16+ array('class' => 'MapsYahooMapsUtils', 'file' => 'YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsUtils.php', 'local' => true)
 17+ ),
 18+ 'aliases' => array('yahoo', 'yahoomap', 'ymap', 'ymaps'),
 19+ 'parameters' => array(
 20+ 'type' => array('map-type'),
 21+ 'types' => array('map-types', 'map types'),
 22+ 'autozoom' => array('auto zoom', 'mouse zoom', 'mousezoom')
 23+ )
 24+ );
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsUtils.php
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
1717 final class MapsYahooMapsUtils {
 19+ const SERVICE_NAME = 'yahoomaps';
1921 // http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/ajax
2022 private static $mapTypes = array(
2123 'normal' => 'YAHOO_MAP_REG',
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/YahooMaps/Maps_YahooMapsParserFunctions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
 5+ * Class for handling the Maps parser functions with Yahoo! Maps
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_YahooMapsParserFunctions.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+class MapsYahooMapsParserFunctions extends MapsBaseMap {
 19+ public $serviceName = MapsYahooMapsUtils::SERVICE_NAME;
 21+ /**
 22+ * @see MapsBaseMap::setFormInputSettings()
 23+ *
 24+ */
 25+ protected function setMapSettings() {
 26+ global $egMapsYahooMapsZoom, $egMapsYahooMapsPrefix;
 28+ $this->defaultParams = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getDefaultParams();
 30+ $this->elementNamePrefix = $egMapsYahooMapsPrefix;
 31+ $this->defaultZoom = $egMapsYahooMapsZoom;
 32+ }
 34+ /**
 35+ * @see MapsBaseMap::doMapServiceLoad()
 36+ *
 37+ */
 38+ protected function doMapServiceLoad() {
 39+ global $egYahooMapsOnThisPage;
 41+ MapsYahooMapsUtils::addYMapDependencies($this->output);
 42+ $egYahooMapsOnThisPage++;
 44+ $this->elementNr = $egYahooMapsOnThisPage;
 45+ }
 47+ /**
 48+ * @see MapsBaseMap::addSpecificMapHTML()
 49+ *
 50+ */
 51+ public function addSpecificMapHTML() {
 52+ global $wgJsMimeType;
 54+ $this->type = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getYMapType($this->type, true);
 56+ $this->controls = MapsYahooMapsUtils::createControlsString($this->controls);
 58+ MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->width);
 59+ MapsUtils::makePxValue($this->height);
 61+ $this->autozoom = MapsYahooMapsUtils::getAutozoomJSValue($this->autozoom);
 63+ $markerItems = array();
 65+ // TODO: Refactor up
 66+ foreach ($this->markerData as $markerData) {
 67+ $lat = $markerData['lat'];
 68+ $lon = $markerData['lon'];
 70+ $title = array_key_exists('title', $markerData) ? $markerData['title'] : $this->title;
 71+ $label = array_key_exists('label', $markerData) ? $markerData['label'] : $this->label;
 73+ $title = str_replace("'", "\'", $title);
 74+ $label = str_replace("'", "\'", $label);
 76+ $icon = array_key_exists('icon', $markerData) ? $markerData['icon'] : '';
 77+ $markerItems[] = "getYMarkerData($lat, $lon, '$title', '$label', '$icon')";
 78+ }
 80+ $markersString = implode(',', $markerItems);
 82+ $this->types = explode(",", $this->types);
 84+ $typesString = MapsYahooMapsUtils::createTypesString($this->types);
 86+ $this->output .= <<<END
 87+ <div id="$this->mapName" style="width: $this->width; height: $this->height;"></div>
 89+ <script type="$wgJsMimeType">/*<![CDATA[*/
 90+ addLoadEvent(
 91+ initializeYahooMap('$this->mapName', $this->centre_lat, $this->centre_lon, $this->zoom, $this->type, [$typesString], [$this->controls], $this->autozoom, [$markersString])
 92+ );
 93+ /*]]>*/</script>
 95+ }
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Maps_Settings.php
@@ -37,12 +37,18 @@
3838 # The array element name contains an abbriviation, used for code references,
3939 # and in the service data arrays, the value is the human readible version for displaying purpouses.
4040 if (empty($egMapsAvailableFeatures)) $egMapsAvailableFeatures = array();
41 -$egMapsAvailableFeatures['pf'] = 'Parser Function';
 42+$egMapsAvailableFeatures['pf'] = array(
 43+ 'name' => 'Parser Function',
 44+ 'class' => 'MapsParserFunctions',
 45+ 'file' => 'ParserFunctions/Maps_ParserFunctions.php',
 46+ 'local' => true
 47+ );
4753 # Map services configuration
4854 # Note: You can not use aliases in the setting. Use the main service names.
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Geocoders/Maps_BaseGeocoder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
 5+ * MapsBaseGeocoder is an abstract class inherited by the geocoding classes
 6+ *
 7+ * @file Maps_BaseGeocoder.php
 8+ * @ingroup Maps
 9+ *
 10+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 11+ */
 13+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 14+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 17+abstract class MapsBaseGeocoder {
 19+ /**
 20+ * Returns an array containing the geocoded latitude (lat) and
 21+ * longitude (lon) of the provided address, or false in case the
 22+ * geocoding fails.
 23+ *
 24+ * @param string $address
 25+ */
 26+ public abstract static function geocode($address);
 28+ /**
 29+ * Returns the content of the requested file, or false when the connection fails
 30+ *
 31+ * @param string $requestURL
 32+ * @return string or false
 33+ */
 34+ protected static function GetResponse($requestURL) {
 35+ // Attempt to get CURL response
 36+ $response = self::GetCurlResponse($requestURL);
 38+ // Attempt to get response using fopen when the CURL request failed
 39+ if (!$response) $response = self::GetUrlResponse($requestURL);
 41+ return $response;
 42+ }
 44+ /**
 45+ * Attempts to get the contents of a file via cURL request and
 46+ * returns it, or false when the attempt fails.
 47+ *
 48+ * @param string $requestURL
 49+ * @return string or false
 50+ */
 51+ protected static function GetCurlResponse($requestURL) {
 52+ if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
 53+ try {
 54+ //Set up a CURL request, telling it not to spit back headers, and to throw out a user agent.
 55+ $ch = curl_init();
 57+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL);
 58+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); //Change this to a 1 to return headers
 59+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
 60+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
 61+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 63+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
 64+ curl_close($ch);
 66+ return $result;
 67+ }
 68+ catch(Exception $ex) {
 69+ return false;
 70+ }
 71+ }
 72+ else {
 73+ return false;
 74+ }
 75+ }
 77+ /**
 78+ * Attempts to get the contents of a file via fopen and
 79+ * returns it, or false when the attempt fails.
 80+ *
 81+ * @param string $requestURL
 82+ * @return string or false
 83+ */
 84+ protected static function GetUrlResponse($requestURL) {
 85+ if (function_exists('fopen')) {
 86+ try {
 87+ if ($handle = fopen($requestURL, 'r')) {
 88+ $result = fread($handle, 10000);
 89+ fclose($handle);
 90+ }
 91+ else { // When the request fails, return false
 92+ $result = false;
 93+ }
 94+ }
 95+ catch(Exception $ex) {
 96+ $result = false;
 97+ }
 98+ }
 99+ else {
 100+ $result = false;
 101+ }
 102+ return $result;
 103+ }
 105+ /**
 106+ * Gets the contents of the first XML tag with the provided name,
 107+ * returns false when no matching element is found.
 108+ *
 109+ * @param string $xml
 110+ * @param string $tagName
 111+ * @return string or false
 112+ */
 113+ protected static function getXmlElementValue($xml, $tagName) {
 114+ $match = array();
 115+ preg_match("/<$tagName>(.*?)<\/$tagName>/", $xml, $match);
 116+ return count($match) > 1 ? $match[1] : false;
 117+ }
Index: trunk/extensions/Maps/Geocoders/Maps_Geocoder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
 5+ * File containing the MapsGeocoder class which handles the non specific geocoding tasks
 6+ *
 7+ * {{#geocode:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
 8+ * {{#geocodelat:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
 9+ * {{#geocodelng:<Address>|<param1>=<value1>|<param2>=<value2>}}
 10+ *
 11+ * @file Maps_Geocoder.php
 12+ * @ingroup Maps
 13+ *
 14+ * @author Jeroen De Dauw
 15+ * @author Sergey Chernyshev
 16+ */
 18+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
 19+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 22+final class MapsGeocoder {
 24+ /**
 25+ * Holds if geocoded data should be cached or not.
 26+ *
 27+ * @var boolean
 28+ */
 29+ private static $mEnableCache = true;
 31+ /**
 32+ * The geocoder cache, holding geocoded data when enabled.
 33+ *
 34+ * @var array
 35+ */
 36+ private static $mGeocoderCache = array();
 38+ /**
 39+ * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the latitude and longitude
 40+ * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
 41+ *
 42+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 43+ * @param string $address The address to geocode.
 44+ * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
 45+ * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
 46+ * @return string
 47+ */
 48+ public static function renderGeocoder($parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
 49+ $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
 50+ return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lat'].', '.$geovalues['lon'] : '';
 51+ }
 53+ /**
 54+ * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the latitude
 55+ * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
 56+ *
 57+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 58+ * @param string $address The address to geocode.
 59+ * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
 60+ * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
 61+ * @return string
 62+ */
 63+ public static function renderGeocoderLat(&$parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
 64+ $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
 65+ return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lat'] : '';
 66+ }
 68+ /**
 69+ * Handler for the geocode parser function. Returns the longitude
 70+ * for the provided address, or an empty string, when the geocoding fails.
 71+ *
 72+ * @param unknown_type $parser
 73+ * @param string $address The address to geocode.
 74+ * @param string $service Optional. The geocoding service to use.
 75+ * @param string $mappingService Optional. The mapping service that will use the geocoded data.
 76+ * @return string
 77+ */
 78+ public static function renderGeocoderLng(&$parser, $address, $service = '', $mappingService = '') {
 79+ $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
 80+ return $geovalues ? $geovalues['lon'] : '';
 81+ }
 83+ /**
 84+ * Geocodes an address with the provided geocoding service and returns the result
 85+ * as a string with the optionally provided format, or false when the geocoding failed.
 86+ *
 87+ * @param string $address
 88+ * @param string $service
 89+ * @param string $mappingService
 90+ * @param string $format
 91+ * @return formatted coordinate string or false
 92+ */
 93+ public static function geocodeToString($address, $service = '', $mappingService = '', $format = '%1$s, %2$s') {
 94+ $geovalues = MapsGeocoder::geocode($address, $service, $mappingService);
 95+ return $geovalues ? sprintf($format, $geovalues['lat'], $geovalues['lon']) : false;
 96+ }
 98+ /**
 99+ * Geocodes an address with the provided geocoding service and returns the result
 100+ * as an array, or false when the geocoding failed.
 101+ *
 102+ * @param string $address
 103+ * @param string $service
 104+ * @param string $mappingService
 105+ * @return array with coordinates or false
 106+ */
 107+ private static function geocode($address, $service, $mappingService) {
 108+ global $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
 110+ // If the adress is already in the cache and the cache is enabled, return the coordinates
 111+ if (self::$mEnableCache && array_key_exists($address, MapsGeocoder::$mGeocoderCache)) {
 112+ return self::$mGeocoderCache[$address];
 113+ }
 115+ $coordinates = false;
 117+ $service = self::getValidGeoService($service, $mappingService);
 119+ // If not, use the selected geocoding service to geocode the provided adress
 120+ switch(strtolower($service)) {
 121+ case 'google':
 122+ self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsGoogleGeocoder', 'Maps_GoogleGeocoder.php');
 123+ $coordinates = MapsGoogleGeocoder::geocode($address);
 124+ break;
 125+ case 'yahoo':
 126+ self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsYahooGeocoder', 'Maps_YahooGeocoder.php');
 127+ $coordinates = MapsYahooGeocoder::geocode($address);
 128+ break;
 129+ case 'geonames':
 130+ self::addAutoloadClassIfNeeded('MapsGeonamesGeocoder', 'Maps_GeonamesGeocoder.php');
 131+ $coordinates = MapsGeonamesGeocoder::geocode($address);
 132+ break;
 133+ }
 135+ // Add the obtained coordinates to the cache when there is a result and the cache is enabled
 136+ if (self::$mEnableCache && $coordinates) {
 137+ MapsGeocoder::$mGeocoderCache[$address] = $coordinates;
 138+ }
 140+ return $coordinates;
 141+ }
 143+ /**
 144+ * Add a geocoder class to the $wgAutoloadClasses array when it's not present yet.
 145+ *
 146+ * @param string $className
 147+ * @param string $fileName
 148+ */
 149+ private static function addAutoloadClassIfNeeded($className, $fileName) {
 150+ global $wgAutoloadClasses, $egMapsIP;
 151+ if (!array_key_exists($className, $wgAutoloadClasses)) $wgAutoloadClasses[$className] = $egMapsIP . '/Geocoders/' . $fileName;
 152+ }
 154+ /**
 155+ * Makes sure that the geo service is one of the available ones.
 156+ * Also enforces licencing restrictions when no geocoding service is explicitly provided.
 157+ *
 158+ * @param string $service
 159+ * @param string $mappingService
 160+ * @return string
 161+ */
 162+ private static function getValidGeoService($service, $mappingService) {
 163+ global $egMapsAvailableGeoServices, $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
 165+ if (strlen($service) < 1) {
 167+ // Set the default geocoding services.
 168+ // Note that googlemaps and yahoomaps are excetions to the general rule due to licencing.
 169+ switch ($mappingService) {
 170+ case 'googlemaps' :
 171+ $service = 'google';
 172+ break;
 173+ case 'yahoomaps' :
 174+ $service = 'yahoo';
 175+ break;
 176+ default :
 177+ $service = $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
 178+ break;
 179+ }
 181+ }
 182+ else {
 183+ if(!in_array($service, $egMapsAvailableGeoServices)) $service = $egMapsDefaultGeoService;
 184+ }
 186+ return $service;
 187+ }

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