r55330 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r55329‎ | r55330 | r55331 >
Date:17:03, 19 August 2009
Break installer guts out of config/index.php so we can display the "arglebargle need PHP 5" error.
The installer now uses enough PHP 5 features that PHP 4 won't even parse the file. :)

Still todo:
* auto-forward hits from index.php to index.php5 on a PHP 4/5 mixed setup
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/config/Installer.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/config/index.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/config/Installer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2330 @@
 4+# MediaWiki web-based config/installation
 5+# Copyright (C) 2004 Brion Vibber <brion@pobox.com>, 2006 Rob Church <robchur@gmail.com>
 6+# http://www.mediawiki.org/
 8+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 9+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 10+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 11+# (at your option) any later version.
 13+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 14+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 16+# GNU General Public License for more details.
 18+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 19+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 20+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 21+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 23+if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI_INSTALL' ) ) {
 24+ die( 'Not an entry point.' );
 27+error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 28+header( "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
 29+@ini_set( "display_errors", true );
 31+# In case of errors, let output be clean.
 32+$wgRequestTime = microtime( true );
 34+// Run version checks before including other files
 35+// so people don't see a scary parse error.
 36+require_once( "$IP/install-utils.inc" );
 39+require_once( "$IP/includes/Defines.php" );
 40+require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
 41+require_once( "$IP/includes/AutoLoader.php" );
 42+require_once( "$IP/includes/MagicWord.php" );
 43+require_once( "$IP/includes/Namespace.php" );
 44+require_once( "$IP/includes/ProfilerStub.php" );
 45+require_once( "$IP/includes/GlobalFunctions.php" );
 46+require_once( "$IP/includes/Hooks.php" );
 47+require_once( "$IP/includes/Exception.php" );
 49+# If we get an exception, the user needs to know
 50+# all the details
 51+$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
 52+$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
 54+## Databases we support:
 56+$ourdb = array();
 57+$ourdb['mysql']['fullname'] = 'MySQL';
 58+$ourdb['mysql']['havedriver'] = 0;
 59+$ourdb['mysql']['compile'] = 'mysql';
 60+$ourdb['mysql']['bgcolor'] = '#ffe5a7';
 61+$ourdb['mysql']['rootuser'] = 'root';
 63+$ourdb['postgres']['fullname'] = 'PostgreSQL';
 64+$ourdb['postgres']['havedriver'] = 0;
 65+$ourdb['postgres']['compile'] = 'pgsql';
 66+$ourdb['postgres']['bgcolor'] = '#aaccff';
 67+$ourdb['postgres']['rootuser'] = 'postgres';
 69+$ourdb['sqlite']['fullname'] = 'SQLite';
 70+$ourdb['sqlite']['havedriver'] = 0;
 71+$ourdb['sqlite']['compile'] = 'pdo_sqlite';
 72+$ourdb['sqlite']['bgcolor'] = '#b1ebb1';
 73+$ourdb['sqlite']['rootuser'] = '';
 75+$ourdb['mssql']['fullname'] = 'MSSQL';
 76+$ourdb['mssql']['havedriver'] = 0;
 77+$ourdb['mssql']['compile'] = 'mssql not ready'; # Change to 'mssql' after includes/DatabaseMssql.php added;
 78+$ourdb['mssql']['bgcolor'] = '#ffc0cb';
 79+$ourdb['mssql']['rootuser'] = 'administrator';
 81+$ourdb['ibm_db2']['fullname'] = 'DB2';
 82+$ourdb['ibm_db2']['havedriver'] = 0;
 83+$ourdb['ibm_db2']['compile'] = 'ibm_db2';
 84+$ourdb['ibm_db2']['bgcolor'] = '#ffeba1';
 85+$ourdb['ibm_db2']['rootuser'] = 'db2admin';
 87+$ourdb['oracle']['fullname'] = 'Oracle';
 88+$ourdb['oracle']['havedriver'] = 0;
 89+$ourdb['oracle']['compile'] = 'oci8';
 90+$ourdb['oracle']['bgcolor'] = '#ffeba1';
 91+$ourdb['oracle']['rootuser'] = '';
 94+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
 95+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
 97+ <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 98+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
 99+ <title>MediaWiki <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $wgVersion ); ?> Installation</title>
 100+ <style type="text/css">
 102+ @import "../skins/monobook/main.css";
 104+ .env-check {
 105+ font-size: 90%;
 106+ margin: 1em 0 1em 2.5em;
 107+ }
 109+ .config-section {
 110+ margin-top: 2em;
 111+ }
 113+ .config-section label.column {
 114+ clear: left;
 115+ font-weight: bold;
 116+ width: 13em;
 117+ float: left;
 118+ text-align: right;
 119+ padding-right: 1em;
 120+ padding-top: .2em;
 121+ }
 123+ .config-input {
 124+ clear: left;
 125+ zoom: 100%; /* IE hack */
 126+ }
 128+ .config-section .config-desc {
 129+ clear: left;
 130+ margin: 0 0 2em 18em;
 131+ padding-top: 1em;
 132+ font-size: 85%;
 133+ }
 135+ .iput-text, .iput-password {
 136+ width: 14em;
 137+ margin-right: 1em;
 138+ }
 140+ .error {
 141+ color: red;
 142+ background-color: #fff;
 143+ font-weight: bold;
 144+ left: 1em;
 145+ font-size: 100%;
 146+ }
 148+ .error-top {
 149+ color: red;
 150+ background-color: #FFF0F0;
 151+ border: 2px solid red;
 152+ font-size: 130%;
 153+ font-weight: bold;
 154+ padding: 1em 1.5em;
 155+ margin: 2em 0 1em;
 156+ }
 158+ ul.plain {
 159+ list-style-type: none;
 160+ list-style-image: none;
 161+ float: left;
 162+ margin: 0;
 163+ padding: 0;
 164+ }
 166+ .btn-install {
 167+ font-weight: bold;
 168+ font-size: 110%;
 169+ padding: .2em .3em;
 170+ }
 172+ .license {
 173+ font-size: 85%;
 174+ padding-top: 3em;
 175+ }
 177+ span.success-message {
 178+ font-weight: bold;
 179+ font-size: 110%;
 180+ color: green;
 181+ }
 182+ .success-box {
 183+ font-size: 130%;
 184+ }
 186+ </style>
 187+ <script type="text/javascript">
 188+ <!--
 189+ function hideall() {
 190+ <?php foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
 191+ echo "\n var i = document.getElementById('$db'); if (i) i.style.display='none';";
 192+ }
 193+ ?>
 195+ }
 196+ function toggleDBarea(id,defaultroot) {
 197+ hideall();
 198+ var dbarea = document.getElementById(id);
 199+ if (dbarea) dbarea.style.display = (dbarea.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
 200+ var db = document.getElementById('RootUser');
 201+ if (defaultroot) {
 202+<?php foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
 203+ echo " if (id == '$db') { db.value = '".$ourdb[$db]['rootuser']."';}\n";
 205+ }
 206+ }
 207+ // -->
 208+ </script>
 212+<div id="globalWrapper">
 213+<div id="column-content">
 214+<div id="content">
 215+<div id="bodyContent">
 217+<h1>MediaWiki <?php print htmlspecialchars( $wgVersion ) ?> Installation</h1>
 220+$mainListOpened = false; # Is the main list (environement checking) opend ? Used by dieout
 222+/* Check for existing configurations and bug out! */
 224+if( file_exists( "../LocalSettings.php" ) ) {
 225+ $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
 226+ dieout( "<p><strong>Setup has completed, <a href='../$script'>your wiki</a> is configured.</strong></p>
 227+ <p>Please delete the /config directory for extra security.</p>" );
 230+if( file_exists( "./LocalSettings.php" ) ) {
 231+ writeSuccessMessage();
 232+ dieout( '' );
 235+if( !is_writable( "." ) ) {
 236+ dieout( "<h2>Can't write config file, aborting</h2>
 238+ <p>In order to configure the wiki you have to make the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory
 239+ writable by the web server. Once configuration is done you'll move the created
 240+ <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> to the parent directory, and for added safety you can
 241+ then remove the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory entirely.</p>
 243+ <p>To make the directory writable on a Unix/Linux system:</p>
 245+ <pre>
 246+ cd <i>" . htmlspecialchars( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) . "</i>
 247+ chmod a+w config
 248+ </pre>
 250+ <p>Afterwards retry to start the <a href=\"\">setup</a>.</p>" );
 254+require_once( "$IP/install-utils.inc" );
 255+require_once( "$IP/maintenance/updaters.inc" );
 257+class ConfigData {
 258+ function getEncoded( $data ) {
 259+ # removing latin1 support, no need...
 260+ return $data;
 261+ }
 262+ function getSitename() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->Sitename ); }
 263+ function getSysopName() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopName ); }
 264+ function getSysopPass() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopPass ); }
 266+ function setSchema( $schema, $engine ) {
 267+ $this->DBschema = $schema;
 268+ if ( !preg_match( '/^\w*$/', $engine ) ){
 269+ $engine = 'InnoDB';
 270+ }
 271+ switch ( $this->DBschema ) {
 272+ case 'mysql5':
 273+ $this->DBTableOptions = "ENGINE=$engine, DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
 274+ $this->DBmysql5 = 'true';
 275+ break;
 276+ case 'mysql5-binary':
 277+ $this->DBTableOptions = "ENGINE=$engine, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary";
 278+ $this->DBmysql5 = 'true';
 279+ break;
 280+ default:
 281+ $this->DBTableOptions = "TYPE=$engine";
 282+ $this->DBmysql5 = 'false';
 283+ }
 284+ $this->DBengine = $engine;
 286+ # Set the global for use during install
 287+ global $wgDBTableOptions;
 288+ $wgDBTableOptions = $this->DBTableOptions;
 289+ }
 295+ <li>
 296+ <b>Don't forget security updates!</b> Keep an eye on the
 297+ <a href="http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce">low-traffic
 298+ release announcements mailing list</a>.
 299+ </li>
 303+<h2>Checking environment...</h2>
 304+<p><em>Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.</em></p>
 305+<ul class="env-check">
 307+$mainListOpened = true;
 309+$endl = "
 311+define( 'MW_NO_OUTPUT_BUFFER', 1 );
 312+$conf = new ConfigData;
 315+$self = 'Installer'; # Maintenance script name, to please Setup.php
 317+print "<li>PHP " . htmlspecialchars( phpversion() ) . " installed</li>\n";
 319+error_reporting( 0 );
 320+$phpdatabases = array();
 321+foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
 322+ $compname = $ourdb[$db]['compile'];
 323+ if( extension_loaded( $compname ) || ( mw_have_dl() && dl( "{$compname}." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX ) ) ) {
 324+ array_push($phpdatabases, $db);
 325+ $ourdb[$db]['havedriver'] = 1;
 326+ }
 328+error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 330+if (!$phpdatabases) {
 331+ print "Could not find a suitable database driver!<ul>";
 332+ foreach (array_keys($ourdb) AS $db) {
 333+ $comp = $ourdb[$db]['compile'];
 334+ $full = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
 335+ print "<li>For <b>$full</b>, compile PHP using <b>--with-$comp</b>, "
 336+ ."or install the $comp.so module</li>\n";
 337+ }
 338+ echo '</ul>';
 339+ dieout( '' );
 342+print "<li>Found database drivers for:";
 343+$DefaultDBtype = '';
 344+foreach (array_keys($ourdb) AS $db) {
 345+ if ($ourdb[$db]['havedriver']) {
 346+ if ( $DefaultDBtype == '' ) {
 347+ $DefaultDBtype = $db;
 348+ }
 349+ print " ".$ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
 350+ }
 352+print "</li>\n";
 354+if( wfIniGetBool( "register_globals" ) ) {
 355+ ?>
 356+ <li>
 357+ <div style="font-size:110%">
 358+ <strong class="error">Warning:</strong>
 359+ <strong>PHP's <tt><a href="http://php.net/register_globals">register_globals</a></tt> option is enabled. Disable it if you can.</strong>
 360+ </div>
 361+ MediaWiki will work, but your server is more exposed to PHP-based security vulnerabilities.
 362+ </li>
 363+ <?php
 366+$fatal = false;
 368+if( wfIniGetBool( "magic_quotes_runtime" ) ) {
 369+ $fatal = true;
 370+ ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-runtime'>magic_quotes_runtime</a> is active!</strong>
 371+ This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use
 372+ MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
 373+ <?php
 376+if( wfIniGetBool( "magic_quotes_sybase" ) ) {
 377+ $fatal = true;
 378+ ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sybase.php#ini.magic-quotes-sybase'>magic_quotes_sybase</a> is active!</strong>
 379+ This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use
 380+ MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
 381+ <?php
 384+if( wfIniGetBool( "mbstring.func_overload" ) ) {
 385+ $fatal = true;
 386+ ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php#mbstring.overload'>mbstring.func_overload</a> is active!</strong>
 387+ This option causes errors and may corrupt data unpredictably;
 388+ you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
 389+ <?php
 392+if( wfIniGetBool( "zend.ze1_compatibility_mode" ) ) {
 393+ $fatal = true;
 394+ ?><li class="error"><strong>Fatal: <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php">zend.ze1_compatibility_mode</a> is active!</strong>
 395+ This option causes horrible bugs with MediaWiki; you cannot install or use
 396+ MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
 397+ <?php
 401+if( $fatal ) {
 402+ dieout( "Cannot install MediaWiki." );
 405+if( wfIniGetBool( "safe_mode" ) ) {
 406+ $conf->safeMode = true;
 407+ ?>
 408+ <li><b class='error'>Warning:</b> <strong>PHP's
 409+ <a href='http://www.php.net/features.safe-mode'>safe mode</a> is active.</strong>
 410+ You may have problems caused by this, particularly if using image uploads.
 411+ </li>
 412+ <?php
 413+} else {
 414+ $conf->safeMode = false;
 417+$sapi = htmlspecialchars( php_sapi_name() );
 418+print "<li>PHP server API is $sapi; ";
 419+$script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
 420+if( $wgUsePathInfo ) {
 421+ print "ok, using pretty URLs (<tt>$script/Page_Title</tt>)";
 422+} else {
 423+ print "using ugly URLs (<tt>$script?title=Page_Title</tt>)";
 425+print "</li>\n";
 427+$conf->xml = function_exists( "utf8_encode" );
 428+if( $conf->xml ) {
 429+ print "<li>Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.</li>\n";
 430+} else {
 431+ dieout( "PHP's XML module is missing; the wiki requires functions in
 432+ this module and won't work in this configuration.
 433+ If you're running Mandrake, install the php-xml package." );
 436+# Check for session support
 437+if( !function_exists( 'session_name' ) )
 438+ dieout( "PHP's session module is missing. MediaWiki requires session support in order to function." );
 440+# session.save_path doesn't *have* to be set, but if it is, and it's
 441+# not valid/writable/etc. then it can cause problems
 442+$sessionSavePath = mw_get_session_save_path();
 443+$ssp = htmlspecialchars( $sessionSavePath );
 444+# Warn the user if it's not set, but let them proceed
 445+if( !$sessionSavePath ) {
 446+ print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> A value for <tt>session.save_path</tt>
 447+ has not been set in PHP.ini. If the default value causes problems with
 448+ saving session data, set it to a valid path which is read/write/execute
 449+ for the user your web server is running under.</li>";
 450+} elseif ( is_dir( $sessionSavePath ) && is_writable( $sessionSavePath ) ) {
 451+ # All good? Let the user know
 452+ print "<li>Session save path (<tt>{$ssp}</tt>) appears to be valid.</li>";
 453+} else {
 454+ # Something not right? Warn the user, but let them proceed
 455+ print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> Your <tt>session.save_path</tt> value (<tt>{$ssp}</tt>)
 456+ appears to be invalid or is not writable. PHP needs to be able to save data to
 457+ this location for correct session operation.</li>";
 460+# Check for PCRE support
 461+if( !function_exists( 'preg_match' ) )
 462+ dieout( "The PCRE support module appears to be missing. MediaWiki requires the
 463+ Perl-compatible regular expression functions." );
 465+$memlimit = ini_get( "memory_limit" );
 466+if( $memlimit == -1 ) {
 467+ print "<li>PHP is configured with no <tt>memory_limit</tt>.</li>\n";
 468+} else {
 469+ print "<li>PHP's <tt>memory_limit</tt> is " . htmlspecialchars( $memlimit ). " bytes. ";
 470+ $newlimit = wfMemoryLimit();
 471+ $memlimit = wfShorthandToInteger( $memlimit );
 472+ if( $newlimit < $memlimit ) {
 473+ print "<b>Failed raising limit, installation may fail.</b>";
 474+ } elseif ( $newlimit > $memlimit ) {
 475+ print "Raised <tt>memory_limit</tt> to " . htmlspecialchars( $newlimit ) . " bytes. ";
 476+ }
 477+ print "</li>\n";
 480+$conf->turck = function_exists( 'mmcache_get' );
 481+if ( $conf->turck ) {
 482+ print "<li><a href=\"http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/\">Turck MMCache</a> installed</li>\n";
 485+$conf->xcache = function_exists( 'xcache_get' );
 486+if( $conf->xcache )
 487+ print "<li><a href=\"http://trac.lighttpd.net/xcache/\">XCache</a> installed</li>\n";
 489+$conf->apc = function_exists('apc_fetch');
 490+if ($conf->apc ) {
 491+ print "<li><a href=\"http://www.php.net/apc\">APC</a> installed</li>\n";
 494+$conf->eaccel = function_exists( 'eaccelerator_get' );
 495+if ( $conf->eaccel ) {
 496+ $conf->turck = 'eaccelerator';
 497+ print "<li><a href=\"http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net/\">eAccelerator</a> installed</li>\n";
 500+$conf->dba = function_exists( 'dba_open' );
 502+if( !( $conf->turck || $conf->eaccel || $conf->apc || $conf->xcache ) ) {
 503+ echo( '<li>Couldn\'t find <a href="http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net">Turck MMCache</a>,
 504+ <a href="http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net">eAccelerator</a>,
 505+ <a href="http://www.php.net/apc">APC</a> or <a href="http://trac.lighttpd.net/xcache/">XCache</a>;
 506+ cannot use these for object caching.</li>' );
 509+$conf->phpCliPath = false;
 510+$phpClilocations = array_merge(
 511+ array(
 512+ "/usr/bin",
 513+ "/usr/local/bin",
 514+ "/opt/csw/bin",
 515+ "/usr/gnu/bin",
 516+ "/usr/sfw/bin" ),
 517+ explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv( "PATH" ) ) );
 518+$phpClinames = array( "php", "php.exe" );
 519+foreach ($phpClilocations as $loc) {
 520+ $exe = locate_executable($loc, $phpClinames);
 521+ if ($exe !== false) {
 522+ $conf->phpCliPath= $exe;
 523+ break;
 524+ }
 527+$conf->diff3 = false;
 528+$diff3locations = array_merge(
 529+ array(
 530+ "/usr/bin",
 531+ "/usr/local/bin",
 532+ "/opt/csw/bin",
 533+ "/usr/gnu/bin",
 534+ "/usr/sfw/bin" ),
 535+ explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv( "PATH" ) ) );
 536+$diff3names = array( "gdiff3", "diff3", "diff3.exe" );
 538+$diff3versioninfo = array( '$1 --version 2>&1', 'diff3 (GNU diffutils)' );
 539+foreach ($diff3locations as $loc) {
 540+ $exe = locate_executable($loc, $diff3names, $diff3versioninfo);
 541+ if ($exe !== false) {
 542+ $conf->diff3 = $exe;
 543+ break;
 544+ }
 547+if ($conf->diff3)
 548+ print "<li>Found GNU diff3: <tt>$conf->diff3</tt>.</li>";
 550+ print "<li>GNU diff3 not found.</li>";
 552+$conf->ImageMagick = false;
 553+$imcheck = array( "/usr/bin", "/opt/csw/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/sw/bin", "/opt/local/bin" );
 554+foreach( $imcheck as $dir ) {
 555+ $im = "$dir/convert";
 556+ if( @file_exists( $im ) ) {
 557+ print "<li>Found ImageMagick: <tt>$im</tt>; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.</li>\n";
 558+ $conf->ImageMagick = $im;
 559+ break;
 560+ }
 563+$conf->HaveGD = function_exists( "imagejpeg" );
 564+if( $conf->HaveGD ) {
 565+ print "<li>Found GD graphics library built-in";
 566+ if( !$conf->ImageMagick ) {
 567+ print ", image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads";
 568+ }
 569+ print ".</li>\n";
 570+} else {
 571+ if( !$conf->ImageMagick ) {
 572+ print "<li>Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled.</li>\n";
 573+ }
 576+$conf->IP = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
 577+print "<li>Installation directory: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->IP ) . "</tt></li>\n";
 580+// PHP_SELF isn't available sometimes, such as when PHP is CGI but
 581+// cgi.fix_pathinfo is disabled. In that case, fall back to SCRIPT_NAME
 582+// to get the path to the current script... hopefully it's reliable. SIGH
 583+$path = ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] === '')
 585+ : $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
 587+$conf->ScriptPath = preg_replace( '{^(.*)/config.*$}', '$1', $path );
 588+print "<li>Script URI path: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->ScriptPath ) . "</tt></li>\n";
 592+// We may be installing from *.php5 extension file, if so, print message
 593+$conf->ScriptExtension = '.php';
 594+if (defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT')) {
 595+ $conf->ScriptExtension = '.php5';
 596+ print "<li>Installing MediaWiki with <tt>php5</tt> file extensions</li>\n";
 597+} else {
 598+ print "<li>Installing MediaWiki with <tt>php</tt> file extensions</li>\n";
 602+print "<li style='font-weight:bold;color:green;font-size:110%'>Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.</li>\n";
 603+ $conf->posted = ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST");
 605+ $conf->Sitename = ucfirst( importPost( "Sitename", "" ) );
 606+ $defaultEmail = empty( $_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"] )
 607+ ? 'root@localhost'
 609+ $conf->EmergencyContact = importPost( "EmergencyContact", $defaultEmail );
 610+ $conf->DBtype = importPost( "DBtype", $DefaultDBtype );
 611+ if ( !isset( $ourdb[$conf->DBtype] ) ) {
 612+ $conf->DBtype = $DefaultDBtype;
 613+ }
 615+ $conf->DBserver = importPost( "DBserver", "localhost" );
 616+ $conf->DBname = importPost( "DBname", "wikidb" );
 617+ $conf->DBuser = importPost( "DBuser", "wikiuser" );
 618+ $conf->DBpassword = importPost( "DBpassword" );
 619+ $conf->DBpassword2 = importPost( "DBpassword2" );
 620+ $conf->SysopName = importPost( "SysopName", "WikiSysop" );
 621+ $conf->SysopPass = importPost( "SysopPass" );
 622+ $conf->SysopPass2 = importPost( "SysopPass2" );
 623+ $conf->RootUser = importPost( "RootUser", "root" );
 624+ $conf->RootPW = importPost( "RootPW", "" );
 625+ $useRoot = importCheck( 'useroot', false );
 626+ $conf->populateadmin = importCheck( 'populateadmin', false );
 627+ $conf->LanguageCode = importPost( "LanguageCode", "en" );
 628+ ## MySQL specific:
 629+ $conf->DBprefix = importPost( "DBprefix" );
 630+ $conf->setSchema(
 631+ importPost( "DBschema", "mysql5-binary" ),
 632+ importPost( "DBengine", "InnoDB" ) );
 634+ ## Postgres specific:
 635+ $conf->DBport = importPost( "DBport", "5432" );
 636+ $conf->DBmwschema = importPost( "DBmwschema", "mediawiki" );
 637+ $conf->DBts2schema = importPost( "DBts2schema", "public" );
 639+ ## SQLite specific
 640+ $conf->SQLiteDataDir = importPost( "SQLiteDataDir", "" );
 642+ ## MSSQL specific
 643+ // We need a second field so it doesn't overwrite the MySQL one
 644+ $conf->DBprefix2 = importPost( "DBprefix2" );
 646+ ## DB2 specific:
 647+ // New variable in order to have a different default port number
 648+ $conf->DBport_db2 = importPost( "DBport_db2", "50000" );
 649+ $conf->DBmwschema = importPost( "DBmwschema", "mediawiki" );
 650+ $conf->DBcataloged = importPost( "DBcataloged", "cataloged" );
 652+ // Oracle specific
 653+ $conf->DBprefix_ora = importPost( "DBprefix_ora" );
 654+ $conf->DBdefTS_ora = importPost( "DBdefTS_ora", "USERS" );
 655+ $conf->DBtempTS_ora = importPost( "DBtempTS_ora", "TEMP" );
 657+ $conf->ShellLocale = getShellLocale( $conf->LanguageCode );
 659+/* Check for validity */
 660+$errs = array();
 662+if( preg_match( '/^$|^mediawiki$|#/i', $conf->Sitename ) ) {
 663+ $errs["Sitename"] = "Must not be blank or \"MediaWiki\" and may not contain \"#\"";
 665+if( $conf->DBuser == "" ) {
 666+ $errs["DBuser"] = "Must not be blank";
 668+if( ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') && (strlen($conf->DBuser) > 16) ) {
 669+ $errs["DBuser"] = "Username too long";
 671+if( $conf->DBpassword == "" && $conf->DBtype != "postgres" ) {
 672+ $errs["DBpassword"] = "Must not be blank";
 674+if( $conf->DBpassword != $conf->DBpassword2 ) {
 675+ $errs["DBpassword2"] = "Passwords don't match!";
 677+if( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z_0-9]*$/', $conf->DBprefix ) ) {
 678+ $errs["DBprefix"] = "Invalid table prefix";
 679+} else {
 680+ untaint( $conf->DBprefix, TC_MYSQL );
 682+if( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z_0-9]*$/', $conf->DBprefix_ora ) ) {
 683+ $errs["DBprefix_ora"] = "Invalid table prefix";
 686+error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 689+ * Initialise $wgLang and $wgContLang to something so we can
 690+ * call case-folding methods. Per Brion, this is English for
 691+ * now, although we could be clever and initialise to the
 692+ * user-selected language.
 693+ */
 694+$wgContLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
 695+$wgLang = $wgContLang;
 698+ * We're messing about with users, so we need a stub
 699+ * authentication plugin...
 700+ */
 701+$wgAuth = new AuthPlugin();
 704+ * Validate the initial administrator account; username,
 705+ * password checks, etc.
 706+ */
 707+if( $conf->SysopName ) {
 708+ # Check that the user can be created
 709+ $u = User::newFromName( $conf->SysopName );
 710+ if( is_a($u, 'User') ) { // please do not use instanceof, it breaks PHP4
 711+ # Various password checks
 712+ if( $conf->SysopPass != '' ) {
 713+ if( $conf->SysopPass == $conf->SysopPass2 ) {
 714+ if( $u->isValidPassword( $conf->SysopPass ) !== true ) {
 715+ $errs['SysopPass'] = "Bad password";
 716+ }
 717+ } else {
 718+ $errs['SysopPass2'] = "Passwords don't match";
 719+ }
 720+ } else {
 721+ $errs['SysopPass'] = "Cannot be blank";
 722+ }
 723+ unset( $u );
 724+ } else {
 725+ $errs['SysopName'] = "Bad username";
 726+ }
 729+$conf->License = importRequest( "License", "none" );
 730+if( $conf->License == "gfdl1_2" ) {
 731+ $conf->RightsUrl = "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.txt";
 732+ $conf->RightsText = "GNU Free Documentation License 1.2";
 733+ $conf->RightsCode = "gfdl1_2";
 734+ $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/gnu-fdl.png';
 735+} elseif( $conf->License == "gfdl1_3" ) {
 736+ $conf->RightsUrl = "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html";
 737+ $conf->RightsText = "GNU Free Documentation License 1.3";
 738+ $conf->RightsCode = "gfdl1_3";
 739+ $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/gnu-fdl.png';
 740+} elseif( $conf->License == "none" ) {
 741+ $conf->RightsUrl = $conf->RightsText = $conf->RightsCode = $conf->RightsIcon = "";
 742+} elseif( $conf->License == "pd" ) {
 743+ $conf->RightsUrl = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/";
 744+ $conf->RightsText = "Public Domain";
 745+ $conf->RightsCode = "pd";
 746+ $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/public-domain.png';
 747+} else {
 748+ $conf->RightsUrl = importRequest( "RightsUrl", "" );
 749+ $conf->RightsText = importRequest( "RightsText", "" );
 750+ $conf->RightsCode = importRequest( "RightsCode", "" );
 751+ $conf->RightsIcon = importRequest( "RightsIcon", "" );
 754+$conf->Shm = importRequest( "Shm", "none" );
 755+$conf->MCServers = importRequest( "MCServers" );
 757+/* Test memcached servers */
 759+if ( $conf->Shm == 'memcached' && $conf->MCServers ) {
 760+ $conf->MCServerArray = wfArrayMap( 'trim', explode( ',', $conf->MCServers ) );
 761+ foreach ( $conf->MCServerArray as $server ) {
 762+ $error = testMemcachedServer( $server );
 763+ if ( $error ) {
 764+ $errs["MCServers"] = $error;
 765+ break;
 766+ }
 767+ }
 768+} else if ( $conf->Shm == 'memcached' ) {
 769+ $errs["MCServers"] = "Please specify at least one server if you wish to use memcached";
 772+/* default values for installation */
 773+$conf->Email = importRequest("Email", "email_enabled");
 774+$conf->Emailuser = importRequest("Emailuser", "emailuser_enabled");
 775+$conf->Enotif = importRequest("Enotif", "enotif_allpages");
 776+$conf->Eauthent = importRequest("Eauthent", "eauthent_enabled");
 778+if( $conf->posted && ( 0 == count( $errs ) ) ) {
 779+ do { /* So we can 'continue' to end prematurely */
 780+ $conf->Root = ($conf->RootPW != "");
 782+ /* Load up the settings and get installin' */
 783+ $local = writeLocalSettings( $conf );
 784+ echo "<li style=\"list-style: none\">\n";
 785+ echo "<p><b>Generating configuration file...</b></p>\n";
 786+ echo "</li>\n";
 788+ $wgCommandLineMode = false;
 789+ chdir( ".." );
 790+ $ok = eval( $local );
 791+ if( $ok === false ) {
 792+ dieout( "<p>Errors in generated configuration; " .
 793+ "most likely due to a bug in the installer... " .
 794+ "Config file was: </p>" .
 795+ "<pre>" .
 796+ htmlspecialchars( $local ) .
 797+ "</pre>" );
 798+ }
 799+ $conf->DBtypename = '';
 800+ foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
 801+ if ($conf->DBtype === $db)
 802+ $conf->DBtypename = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
 803+ }
 804+ if ( ! strlen($conf->DBtype)) {
 805+ $errs["DBpicktype"] = "Please choose a database type";
 806+ continue;
 807+ }
 809+ if (! $conf->DBtypename) {
 810+ $errs["DBtype"] = "Unknown database type '$conf->DBtype'";
 811+ continue;
 812+ }
 813+ print "<li>Database type: " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBtypename ) . "</li>\n";
 814+ $dbclass = 'Database'.ucfirst($conf->DBtype);
 815+ $wgDBtype = $conf->DBtype;
 816+ $wgDBadminuser = "root";
 817+ $wgDBadminpassword = $conf->RootPW;
 819+ ## Mysql specific:
 820+ $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix;
 822+ ## Postgres specific:
 823+ $wgDBport = $conf->DBport;
 824+ $wgDBmwschema = $conf->DBmwschema;
 825+ $wgDBts2schema = $conf->DBts2schema;
 827+ if( $conf->DBprefix2 != '' ) {
 828+ // For MSSQL
 829+ $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix2;
 830+ } elseif( $conf->DBprefix_ora != '' ) {
 831+ // For Oracle
 832+ $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix_ora;
 833+ }
 835+ ## DB2 specific:
 836+ $wgDBcataloged = $conf->DBcataloged;
 838+ $wgCommandLineMode = true;
 839+ if (! defined ( 'STDERR' ) )
 840+ define( 'STDERR', fopen("php://stderr", "wb"));
 841+ $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false; /* FIXME: For database failure */
 842+ require_once( "$IP/includes/Setup.php" );
 843+ Language::getLocalisationCache()->disableBackend();
 845+ chdir( "config" );
 847+ $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Installation script" );
 848+ error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 849+ print "<li>Loading class: " . htmlspecialchars( $dbclass ) . "</li>\n";
 850+ if ( $conf->DBtype != 'sqlite' ) {
 851+ $dbc = new $dbclass;
 852+ }
 854+ if( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' ) {
 855+ $mysqlOldClient = version_compare( mysql_get_client_info(), "4.1.0", "lt" );
 856+ if( $mysqlOldClient ) {
 857+ print "<li><b>PHP is linked with old MySQL client libraries. If you are
 858+ using a MySQL 4.1 server and have problems connecting to the database,
 859+ see <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'
 860+ >http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b></li>\n";
 861+ }
 862+ $ok = true; # Let's be optimistic
 864+ # Decide if we're going to use the superuser or the regular database user
 865+ $conf->Root = $useRoot;
 866+ if( $conf->Root ) {
 867+ $db_user = $conf->RootUser;
 868+ $db_pass = $conf->RootPW;
 869+ } else {
 870+ $db_user = $wgDBuser;
 871+ $db_pass = $wgDBpassword;
 872+ }
 874+ # Attempt to connect
 875+ echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database server as " . htmlspecialchars( $db_user ) . "..." );
 876+ $wgDatabase = Database::newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $db_user, $db_pass, '', 1 );
 878+ # Check the connection and respond to errors
 879+ if( $wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {
 880+ # Seems OK
 881+ $ok = true;
 882+ $wgDBadminuser = $db_user;
 883+ $wgDBadminpassword = $db_pass;
 884+ echo( "success.</li>\n" );
 885+ $wgDatabase->ignoreErrors( true );
 886+ $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
 887+ } else {
 888+ # There were errors, report them and back out
 889+ $ok = false;
 890+ $errno = mysql_errno();
 891+ $errtx = htmlspecialchars( mysql_error() );
 892+ switch( $errno ) {
 893+ case 1045:
 894+ case 2000:
 895+ echo( "failed due to authentication errors. Check passwords.</li>" );
 896+ if( $conf->Root ) {
 897+ # The superuser details are wrong
 898+ $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
 899+ $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
 900+ } else {
 901+ # The regular user details are wrong
 902+ $errs["DBuser"] = "Check username";
 903+ $errs["DBpassword"] = "and password";
 904+ }
 905+ break;
 906+ case 2002:
 907+ case 2003:
 908+ default:
 909+ # General connection problem
 910+ echo( htmlspecialchars( "failed with error [$errno] $errtx." ) . "</li>\n" );
 911+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Connection failed";
 912+ break;
 913+ } # switch
 914+ } #conn. att.
 916+ if( !$ok ) { continue; }
 917+ }
 918+ else if( $conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2' ) {
 919+ if( $useRoot ) {
 920+ $db_user = $conf->RootUser;
 921+ $db_pass = $conf->RootPW;
 922+ } else {
 923+ $db_user = $wgDBuser;
 924+ $db_pass = $wgDBpassword;
 925+ }
 927+ echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
 928+ "\" as \"" . htmlspecialchars( $db_user ) . "\"..." );
 929+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $db_user, $db_pass, $wgDBname, 1);
 930+ // enable extra debug messages
 931+ $dbc->setMode(DatabaseIbm_db2::INSTALL_MODE);
 932+ $wgDatabase->setMode(DatabaseIbm_db2::INSTALL_MODE);
 934+ if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 935+ print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
 936+ } else {
 937+ $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
 938+ }
 939+ if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
 941+ } elseif ( $conf->DBtype == 'sqlite' ) {
 942+ if ("$wgSQLiteDataDir" == '') {
 943+ $wgSQLiteDataDir = dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'/data';
 944+ }
 945+ echo "<li>Attempting to connect to SQLite database at \"" .
 946+ htmlspecialchars( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) . "\"";
 947+ if ( !is_dir( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) {
 948+ if ( is_writable( dirname( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) ) {
 949+ $ok = wfMkdirParents( $wgSQLiteDataDir, $wgSQLiteDataDirMode );
 950+ } else {
 951+ $ok = false;
 952+ }
 953+ if ( !$ok ) {
 954+ echo ": cannot create data directory</li>";
 955+ $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Enter a valid data directory';
 956+ continue;
 957+ }
 958+ }
 959+ if ( !is_writable( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) {
 960+ echo ": data directory not writable</li>";
 961+ $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Enter a writable data directory';
 962+ continue;
 963+ }
 964+ $dataFile = "$wgSQLiteDataDir/$wgDBname.sqlite";
 965+ if ( file_exists( $dataFile ) && !is_writable( $dataFile ) ) {
 966+ echo ": data file not writable</li>";
 967+ $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = "$wgDBname.sqlite is not writable";
 968+ continue;
 969+ }
 970+ $wgDatabase = new DatabaseSqlite( false, false, false, $wgDBname, 1 );
 971+ if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 972+ print ": error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
 973+ $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Could not connect to database';
 974+ continue;
 975+ } else {
 976+ $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
 977+ }
 978+ if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
 979+ echo "ok</li>\n";
 980+ } elseif ( $conf->DBtype == 'oracle' ) {
 981+ echo "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) ."\"</li>";
 982+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
 983+ if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 984+ $ok = true;
 985+ echo "<li>Connect failed.</li>";
 986+ if ($useRoot) {
 987+ if (ini_get('oci8.privileged_connect') === false) {
 988+ echo "<li>Privileged connect disabled, please set oci8.privileged_connect or run maintenance/ora/user.sql script manually prior to continuing.</li>";
 989+ $ok = false;
 990+ } else {
 991+ $wgDBadminuser = $conf->RootUser;
 992+ $wgDBadminpassword = $conf->RootPW;
 993+ echo "<li>Attempting to create DB user.</li>";
 994+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword, $wgDBname, 1, 64);
 995+ if ($wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 996+ $wgDBOracleDefTS = $conf->DBdefTS_ora;
 997+ $wgDBOracleTempTS = $conf->DBtempTS_ora;
 998+ $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/ora/user.sql" );
 999+ } else {
 1000+ echo "<li>Invalid database superuser, please supply a valid superuser account.</li>";
 1001+ echo "<li>ERR: ".print_r(oci_error(), true)."</li>";
 1002+ $ok = false;
 1003+ }
 1004+ }
 1005+ } else {
 1006+ echo "<li>Database superuser missing, please supply a valid superuser account.</li>";
 1007+ $ok = false;
 1008+ }
 1009+ if (!$ok) {
 1010+ $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
 1011+ $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
 1012+ } else {
 1013+ echo "<li>Attempting to connect to database with new user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) ."\"</li>";
 1014+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
 1015+ }
 1016+ }
 1017+ if ($ok) {
 1018+ $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
 1019+ }
 1020+ } else { # not mysql
 1021+ error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
 1022+ $wgSuperUser = '';
 1023+ ## Possible connect as a superuser
 1024+ // Changed !mysql to postgres check since it seems to only apply to postgres
 1025+ if( $useRoot && $conf->DBtype == 'postgres' ) {
 1026+ $wgDBsuperuser = $conf->RootUser;
 1027+ echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"postgres\" as superuser \"" .
 1028+ htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\"..." );
 1029+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $wgDBsuperuser, $conf->RootPW, "postgres", 1);
 1030+ if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 1031+ print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
 1032+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Could not connect to database as superuser";
 1033+ $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
 1034+ $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
 1035+ continue;
 1036+ }
 1037+ $wgDatabase->initial_setup($conf->RootPW, 'postgres');
 1038+ }
 1039+ echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
 1040+ "\" as \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\"..." );
 1041+ $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
 1042+ if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
 1043+ print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
 1044+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Could not connect to database as user";
 1045+ $errs["DBuser"] = "Check username";
 1046+ $errs["DBpassword"] = "and password";
 1047+ continue;
 1048+ } else {
 1049+ $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
 1050+ }
 1051+ if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
 1052+ }
 1054+ if ( !$wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {
 1055+ $errs["DBserver"] = "Couldn't connect to database";
 1056+ continue;
 1057+ }
 1059+ print "<li>Connected to " . htmlspecialchars( "{$conf->DBtype} $myver" );
 1060+ if ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
 1061+ if( version_compare( $myver, "4.0.14" ) < 0 ) {
 1062+ print "</li>\n";
 1063+ dieout( "-- mysql 4.0.14 or later required. Aborting." );
 1064+ }
 1065+ $mysqlNewAuth = version_compare( $myver, "4.1.0", "ge" );
 1066+ if( $mysqlNewAuth && $mysqlOldClient ) {
 1067+ print "; <b class='error'>You are using MySQL 4.1 server, but PHP is linked
 1068+ to old client libraries; if you have trouble with authentication, see
 1069+ <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'
 1070+ >http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b>";
 1071+ }
 1072+ if( $wgDBmysql5 ) {
 1073+ if( $mysqlNewAuth ) {
 1074+ print "; enabling MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode";
 1075+ } else {
 1076+ print "; <b class='error'>MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode enabled,
 1077+ but older version detected; will likely fail.</b>";
 1078+ }
 1079+ }
 1080+ print "</li>\n";
 1082+ @$sel = $wgDatabase->selectDB( $wgDBname );
 1083+ if( $sel ) {
 1084+ print "<li>Database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt> exists</li>\n";
 1085+ } else {
 1086+ $err = mysql_errno();
 1087+ $databaseSafe = htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname );
 1088+ if( $err == 1102 /* Invalid database name */ ) {
 1089+ print "<ul><li><strong>{$databaseSafe}</strong> is not a valid database name.</li></ul>";
 1090+ continue;
 1091+ } elseif( $err != 1049 /* Database doesn't exist */ ) {
 1092+ print "<ul><li>Error selecting database <strong>{$databaseSafe}</strong>: {$err} ";
 1093+ print htmlspecialchars( mysql_error() ) . "</li></ul>";
 1094+ continue;
 1095+ }
 1096+ print "<li>Attempting to create database...</li>";
 1097+ $res = $wgDatabase->query( "CREATE DATABASE `$wgDBname`" );
 1098+ if( !$res ) {
 1099+ print "<li>Couldn't create database <tt>" .
 1100+ htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
 1101+ "</tt>; try with root access or check your username/pass.</li>\n";
 1102+ $errs["RootPW"] = "<- Enter";
 1103+ continue;
 1104+ }
 1105+ print "<li>Created database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt></li>\n";
 1106+ }
 1107+ $wgDatabase->selectDB( $wgDBname );
 1108+ }
 1109+ else if ($conf->DBtype == 'postgres') {
 1110+ if( version_compare( $myver, "8.0" ) < 0 ) {
 1111+ dieout( "<b>Postgres 8.0 or later is required</b>. Aborting." );
 1112+ }
 1113+ }
 1115+ if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "cur" ) || $wgDatabase->tableExists( "revision" ) ) {
 1116+ print "<li>There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates are needed...</li>\n";
 1118+ if ( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
 1119+ # Determine existing default character set
 1120+ if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "revision" ) ) {
 1121+ $revision = $wgDatabase->escapeLike( $conf->DBprefix . 'revision' );
 1122+ $res = $wgDatabase->query( "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$revision'" );
 1123+ $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res );
 1124+ if ( !$row ) {
 1125+ echo "<li>SHOW TABLE STATUS query failed!</li>\n";
 1126+ $existingSchema = false;
 1127+ $existingEngine = false;
 1128+ } else {
 1129+ if ( preg_match( '/^latin1/', $row->Collation ) ) {
 1130+ $existingSchema = 'mysql4';
 1131+ } elseif ( preg_match( '/^utf8/', $row->Collation ) ) {
 1132+ $existingSchema = 'mysql5';
 1133+ } elseif ( preg_match( '/^binary/', $row->Collation ) ) {
 1134+ $existingSchema = 'mysql5-binary';
 1135+ } else {
 1136+ $existingSchema = false;
 1137+ echo "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> Unrecognised existing collation</li>\n";
 1138+ }
 1139+ if ( isset( $row->Engine ) ) {
 1140+ $existingEngine = $row->Engine;
 1141+ } else {
 1142+ $existingEngine = $row->Type;
 1143+ }
 1144+ }
 1145+ if ( $existingSchema && $existingSchema != $conf->DBschema ) {
 1146+ $encExisting = htmlspecialchars( $existingSchema );
 1147+ $encRequested = htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBschema );
 1148+ print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> you requested the $encRequested schema, " .
 1149+ "but the existing database has the $encExisting schema. This upgrade script ".
 1150+ "can't convert it, so it will remain $encExisting.</li>\n";
 1151+ $conf->setSchema( $existingSchema, $conf->DBengine );
 1152+ }
 1153+ if ( $existingEngine && $existingEngine != $conf->DBengine ) {
 1154+ $encExisting = htmlspecialchars( $existingEngine );
 1155+ $encRequested = htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBengine );
 1156+ print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> you requested the $encRequested storage " .
 1157+ "engine, but the existing database uses the $encExisting engine. This upgrade " .
 1158+ "script can't convert it, so it will remain $encExisting.</li>\n";
 1159+ $conf->setSchema( $conf->DBschema, $existingEngine );
 1160+ }
 1161+ }
 1163+ # Create user if required
 1164+ if ( $conf->Root ) {
 1165+ $conn = $dbc->newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1 );
 1166+ if ( $conn->isOpen() ) {
 1167+ print "<li>DB user account ok</li>\n";
 1168+ $conn->close();
 1169+ } else {
 1170+ print "<li>Granting user permissions...";
 1171+ if( $mysqlOldClient && $mysqlNewAuth ) {
 1172+ print " <b class='error'>If the next step fails, see <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'>http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b>";
 1173+ }
 1174+ print "</li>\n";
 1175+ $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/users.sql" );
 1176+ }
 1177+ }
 1178+ }
 1179+ print "</ul><pre>\n";
 1180+ chdir( ".." );
 1181+ flush();
 1182+ do_all_updates();
 1183+ chdir( "config" );
 1184+ print "</pre>\n";
 1185+ print "<ul><li>Finished update checks.</li>\n";
 1186+ // if tables don't yet exist
 1187+ } else {
 1188+ # Determine available storage engines if possible
 1189+ if ( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' && version_compare( $myver, "4.1.2", "ge" ) ) {
 1190+ $res = $wgDatabase->query( 'SHOW ENGINES' );
 1191+ $found = false;
 1192+ while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
 1193+ if ( $row->Engine == $conf->DBengine && ( $row->Support == 'YES' || $row->Support == 'DEFAULT' ) ) {
 1194+ $found = true;
 1195+ break;
 1196+ }
 1197+ }
 1198+ $wgDatabase->freeResult( $res );
 1199+ if ( !$found && $conf->DBengine != 'MyISAM' ) {
 1200+ echo "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBengine ) .
 1201+ " storage engine not available, " .
 1202+ "using MyISAM instead</li>\n";
 1203+ $conf->setSchema( $conf->DBschema, 'MyISAM' );
 1204+ }
 1205+ }
 1207+ # FIXME: Check for errors
 1208+ print "<li>Creating tables...";
 1209+ if ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
 1210+ $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/tables.sql" );
 1211+ $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/interwiki.sql" );
 1212+ } elseif (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'setup_database'))) {
 1213+ $wgDatabase->setup_database();
 1214+ }
 1215+ else {
 1216+ $errs["DBtype"] = "Do not know how to handle database type '$conf->DBtype'";
 1217+ continue;
 1218+ }
 1220+ print " done.</li>\n";
 1223+ if ($conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2') {
 1224+ // Now that table creation is done, make sure everything is committed
 1225+ // Do this before doing inserts through API
 1226+ if ($wgDatabase->lastError()) {
 1227+ print "<li>Errors encountered during table creation -- rolled back</li>\n";
 1228+ $wgDatabase->rollback();
 1229+ }
 1230+ else {
 1231+ print "<li>MediaWiki tables successfully created</li>\n";
 1232+ $wgDatabase->commit();
 1233+ }
 1234+ }
 1236+ print "<li>Initializing statistics...</li>\n";
 1237+ $wgDatabase->insert( 'site_stats',
 1238+ array ( 'ss_row_id' => 1,
 1239+ 'ss_total_views' => 0,
 1240+ 'ss_total_edits' => 1, # Main page first edit
 1241+ 'ss_good_articles' => 0, # Main page is not a good article - no internal link
 1242+ 'ss_total_pages' => 1, # Main page
 1243+ 'ss_users' => $conf->SysopName ? 1 : 0, # Sysop account, if created
 1244+ 'ss_admins' => $conf->SysopName ? 1 : 0, # Sysop account, if created
 1245+ 'ss_images' => 0 ) );
 1247+ # Set up the "regular user" account *if we can, and if we need to*
 1248+ if( $conf->Root and $conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
 1249+ # See if we need to
 1250+ $wgDatabase2 = $dbc->newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1 );
 1251+ if( $wgDatabase2->isOpen() ) {
 1252+ # Nope, just close the test connection and continue
 1253+ $wgDatabase2->close();
 1254+ echo( "<li>User " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . " exists. Skipping grants.</li>\n" );
 1255+ } else {
 1256+ # Yes, so run the grants
 1257+ echo( "<li>" . htmlspecialchars( "Granting user permissions to $wgDBuser on $wgDBname..." ) );
 1258+ $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/users.sql" );
 1259+ echo( "success.</li>\n" );
 1260+ }
 1261+ }
 1263+ if( $conf->SysopName ) {
 1264+ $u = User::newFromName( $conf->getSysopName() );
 1265+ if ( !$u ) {
 1266+ print "<li><strong class=\"error\">Warning:</strong> Skipped sysop account creation - invalid username!</li>\n";
 1267+ }
 1268+ else if ( 0 == $u->idForName() ) {
 1269+ $u->addToDatabase();
 1270+ $u->setPassword( $conf->getSysopPass() );
 1271+ $u->saveSettings();
 1273+ $u->addGroup( "sysop" );
 1274+ $u->addGroup( "bureaucrat" );
 1276+ print "<li>Created sysop account <tt>" .
 1277+ htmlspecialchars( $conf->SysopName ) . "</tt>.</li>\n";
 1278+ } else {
 1279+ print "<li>Could not create user - already exists!</li>\n";
 1280+ }
 1281+ } else {
 1282+ print "<li>Skipped sysop account creation, no name given.</li>\n";
 1283+ }
 1285+ $titleobj = Title::newFromText( wfMsgNoDB( "mainpage" ) );
 1286+ $article = new Article( $titleobj );
 1287+ $newid = $article->insertOn( $wgDatabase );
 1288+ $revision = new Revision( array(
 1289+ 'page' => $newid,
 1290+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'mainpagetext' ) . "\n\n" . wfMsgNoTrans( 'mainpagedocfooter' ),
 1291+ 'comment' => '',
 1292+ 'user' => 0,
 1293+ 'user_text' => 'MediaWiki default',
 1294+ ) );
 1295+ $revid = $revision->insertOn( $wgDatabase );
 1296+ $article->updateRevisionOn( $wgDatabase, $revision );
 1297+ }
 1299+ /* Write out the config file now that all is well */
 1300+ print "<li style=\"list-style: none\">\n";
 1301+ print "<p>Creating LocalSettings.php...</p>\n\n";
 1302+ $localSettings = "<" . "?php$endl$local";
 1303+ // Fix up a common line-ending problem (due to CVS on Windows)
 1304+ $localSettings = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $localSettings );
 1305+ $f = fopen( "LocalSettings.php", 'xt' );
 1307+ if( $f == false ) {
 1308+ print( "</li>\n" );
 1309+ dieout( "<p>Couldn't write out LocalSettings.php. Check that the directory permissions are correct and that there isn't already a file of that name here...</p>\n" .
 1310+ "<p>Here's the file that would have been written, try to paste it into place manually:</p>\n" .
 1311+ "<pre>\n" . htmlspecialchars( $localSettings ) . "</pre>\n" );
 1312+ }
 1313+ if(fwrite( $f, $localSettings ) ) {
 1314+ fclose( $f );
 1315+ print "<hr/>\n";
 1316+ writeSuccessMessage();
 1317+ print "</li>\n";
 1318+ } else {
 1319+ fclose( $f );
 1320+ dieout( "<p class='error'>An error occured while writing the config/LocalSettings.php file. Check user rights and disk space then try again.</p></li>\n" );
 1321+ }
 1323+ } while( false );
 1326+print "</ul>\n";
 1327+$mainListOpened = false;
 1329+if( count( $errs ) ) {
 1330+ /* Display options form */
 1332+ if( $conf->posted ) {
 1333+ echo "<p class='error-top'>Something's not quite right yet; make sure everything below is filled out correctly.</p>\n";
 1334+ }
 1337+<form action="<?php echo defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php'; ?>" name="config" method="post">
 1339+<h2>Site config</h2>
 1341+<div class="config-section">
 1342+ <div class="config-input">
 1343+ <?php aField( $conf, "Sitename", "Wiki name:" ); ?>
 1344+ </div>
 1345+ <p class="config-desc">
 1346+ Preferably a short word without punctuation, i.e. "Wikipedia".<br />
 1347+ Will appear as the namespace name for "meta" pages, and throughout the interface.
 1348+ </p>
 1349+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "EmergencyContact", "Contact e-mail:" ); ?></div>
 1350+ <p class="config-desc">
 1351+ Displayed to users in some error messages, used as the return address for password reminders, and used as the default sender address of e-mail notifications.
 1352+ </p>
 1354+ <div class="config-input">
 1355+ <label class='column' for="LanguageCode">Language:</label>
 1356+ <select id="LanguageCode" name="LanguageCode"><?php
 1357+ $list = getLanguageList();
 1358+ foreach( $list as $code => $name ) {
 1359+ $sel = ($code == $conf->LanguageCode) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
 1360+ $encCode = htmlspecialchars( $code );
 1361+ $encName = htmlspecialchars( $name );
 1362+ echo "\n\t\t<option value=\"$encCode\" $sel>$encName</option>";
 1363+ }
 1364+ echo "\n";
 1365+ ?>
 1366+ </select>
 1367+ </div>
 1368+ <p class="config-desc">
 1369+ Select the language for your wiki's interface. Some localizations aren't fully complete. Unicode (UTF-8) is used for all localizations.
 1370+ </p>
 1372+ <div class="config-input">
 1373+ <label class='column'>Copyright/license:</label>
 1375+ <ul class="plain">
 1376+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "No license metadata", "radio", "none" ); ?></li>
 1377+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "Public Domain", "radio", "pd" ); ?></li>
 1378+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "GNU Free Documentation License 1.2", "radio", "gfdl1_2" ); ?></li>
 1379+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "GNU Free Documentation License 1.3", "radio", "gfdl1_3" ); ?></li>
 1380+ <li><?php
 1381+ aField( $conf, "License", "A Creative Commons license - ", "radio", "cc" );
 1382+ $partner = "MediaWiki";
 1383+ $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
 1384+ $exit = urlencode( "$wgServer{$conf->ScriptPath}/config/$script?License=cc&RightsUrl=[license_url]&RightsText=[license_name]&RightsCode=[license_code]&RightsIcon=[license_button]" );
 1385+ $icon = urlencode( "$wgServer$wgUploadPath/wiki.png" );
 1386+ $ccApp = htmlspecialchars( "http://creativecommons.org/license/?partner=$partner&exit_url=$exit&partner_icon_url=$icon" );
 1387+ print "<a href=\"$ccApp\" target='_blank'>choose</a>";
 1388+ if( $conf->License == "cc" ) { ?>
 1389+ <ul>
 1390+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsIcon", "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsIcon ) . "\" alt='(Creative Commons icon)' />", "hidden" ); ?></li>
 1391+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsText", htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsText ), "hidden" ); ?></li>
 1392+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsCode", "code: " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsCode ), "hidden" ); ?></li>
 1393+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsUrl", "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsUrl ) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsUrl ) . "</a>", "hidden" ); ?></li>
 1394+ </ul>
 1395+ <?php } ?>
 1396+ </li>
 1397+ </ul>
 1398+ </div>
 1399+ <p class="config-desc">
 1400+ A notice, icon, and machine-readable copyright metadata will be displayed for the license you pick.
 1401+ </p>
 1404+ <div class="config-input">
 1405+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopName", "Admin username:" ) ?>
 1406+ </div>
 1407+ <div class="config-input">
 1408+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass", "Password:", "password" ) ?>
 1409+ </div>
 1410+ <div class="config-input">
 1411+ <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass2", "Password confirm:", "password" ) ?>
 1412+ </div>
 1413+ <p class="config-desc">
 1414+ An admin can lock/delete pages, block users from editing, and do other maintenance tasks.<br />
 1415+ A new account will be added only when creating a new wiki database.
 1416+ <br /><br />
 1417+ The password cannot be the same as the username.
 1418+ </p>
 1420+ <div class="config-input">
 1421+ <label class='column'>Object caching:</label>
 1423+ <ul class="plain">
 1424+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Shm", "No caching", "radio", "none" ); ?></li>
 1425+ <?php
 1426+ if ( $conf->turck ) {
 1427+ echo "<li>";
 1428+ aField( $conf, "Shm", "Turck MMCache", "radio", "turck" );
 1429+ echo "</li>\n";
 1430+ }
 1431+ if( $conf->xcache ) {
 1432+ echo "<li>";
 1433+ aField( $conf, 'Shm', 'XCache', 'radio', 'xcache' );
 1434+ echo "</li>\n";
 1435+ }
 1436+ if ( $conf->apc ) {
 1437+ echo "<li>";
 1438+ aField( $conf, "Shm", "APC", "radio", "apc" );
 1439+ echo "</li>\n";
 1440+ }
 1441+ if ( $conf->eaccel ) {
 1442+ echo "<li>";
 1443+ aField( $conf, "Shm", "eAccelerator", "radio", "eaccel" );
 1444+ echo "</li>\n";
 1445+ }
 1446+ if ( $conf->dba ) {
 1447+ echo "<li>";
 1448+ aField( $conf, "Shm", "DBA (not recommended)", "radio", "dba" );
 1449+ echo "</li>";
 1450+ }
 1451+ ?>
 1452+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Shm", "Memcached", "radio", "memcached" ); ?></li>
 1453+ </ul>
 1454+ <div style="clear:left"><?php aField( $conf, "MCServers", "Memcached servers:", "text" ) ?></div>
 1455+ </div>
 1456+ <p class="config-desc">
 1457+ An object caching system such as memcached will provide a significant performance boost,
 1458+ but needs to be installed. Provide the server addresses and ports in a comma-separated list.
 1459+ <br /><br />
 1460+ MediaWiki can also detect and support eAccelerator, Turck MMCache, APC, and XCache, but
 1461+ these should not be used if the wiki will be running on multiple application servers.
 1462+ <br/><br/>
 1463+ DBA (Berkeley-style DB) is generally slower than using no cache at all, and is only
 1464+ recommended for testing.
 1465+ </p>
 1468+<h2>E-mail, e-mail notification and authentication setup</h2>
 1470+<div class="config-section">
 1471+ <div class="config-input">
 1472+ <label class='column'>E-mail features (global):</label>
 1473+ <ul class="plain">
 1474+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Email", "Enabled", "radio", "email_enabled" ); ?></li>
 1475+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Email", "Disabled", "radio", "email_disabled" ); ?></li>
 1476+ </ul>
 1477+ </div>
 1478+ <p class="config-desc">
 1479+ Use this to disable all e-mail functions (password reminders, user-to-user e-mail, and e-mail notifications)
 1480+ if sending mail doesn't work on your server.
 1481+ </p>
 1483+ <div class="config-input">
 1484+ <label class='column'>User-to-user e-mail:</label>
 1485+ <ul class="plain">
 1486+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Emailuser", "Enabled", "radio", "emailuser_enabled" ); ?></li>
 1487+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Emailuser", "Disabled", "radio", "emailuser_disabled" ); ?></li>
 1488+ </ul>
 1489+ </div>
 1490+ <p class="config-desc">
 1491+ The user-to-user e-mail feature (Special:Emailuser) lets the wiki act as a relay to allow users to exchange e-mail without publicly advertising their e-mail address.
 1492+ </p>
 1493+ <div class="config-input">
 1494+ <label class='column'>E-mail notification about changes:</label>
 1495+ <ul class="plain">
 1496+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Disabled", "radio", "enotif_disabled" ); ?></li>
 1497+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Enabled for changes to user discussion pages only", "radio", "enotif_usertalk" ); ?></li>
 1498+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Enabled for changes to user discussion pages, and to pages on watchlists (not recommended for large wikis)", "radio", "enotif_allpages" ); ?></li>
 1499+ </ul>
 1500+ </div>
 1501+ <div class="config-desc">
 1502+ <p>
 1503+ For this feature to work, an e-mail address must be present for the user account, and the notification
 1504+ options in the user's preferences must be enabled. Also note the
 1505+ authentication option below. When testing the feature, keep in mind that your own changes will never trigger notifications to be sent to yourself.</p>
 1507+ <p>There are additional options for fine tuning in /includes/DefaultSettings.php; copy these to your LocalSettings.php and edit them there to change them.</p>
 1508+ </div>
 1510+ <div class="config-input">
 1511+ <label class='column'>E-mail address authentication:</label>
 1512+ <ul class="plain">
 1513+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Eauthent", "Disabled", "radio", "eauthent_disabled" ); ?></li>
 1514+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "Eauthent", "Enabled", "radio", "eauthent_enabled" ); ?></li>
 1515+ </ul>
 1516+ </div>
 1517+ <div class="config-desc">
 1518+ <p>If this option is enabled, users have to confirm their e-mail address using a magic link sent to them whenever they set or change it, and only authenticated e-mail addresses can receive mails from other users and/or
 1519+ change notification mails. Setting this option is <b>recommended</b> for public wikis because of potential abuse of the e-mail features above.</p>
 1520+ </div>
 1524+<h2>Database config</h2>
 1526+<div class="config-section">
 1527+<div class="config-input">
 1528+ <label class='column'>Database type:</label>
 1530+ if (isset($errs['DBpicktype'])) {
 1531+ print "\t<span class='error'>" . htmlspecialchars( $errs['DBpicktype'] ) . "</span>\n";
 1532+ }
 1534+ <ul class='plain'><?php
 1535+ database_picker($conf);
 1536+ ?></ul>
 1537+ </div>
 1539+ <div class="config-input" style="clear:left">
 1540+ <?php aField( $conf, "DBserver", "Database host:" ); ?>
 1541+ </div>
 1542+ <p class="config-desc">
 1543+ If your database server isn't on your web server, enter the name or IP address here.
 1544+ </p>
 1546+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBname", "Database name:" ); ?></div>
 1547+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBuser", "DB username:" ); ?></div>
 1548+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBpassword", "DB password:", "password" ); ?></div>
 1549+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBpassword2", "DB password confirm:", "password" ); ?></div>
 1550+ <p class="config-desc">
 1551+ If you only have a single user account and database available,
 1552+ enter those here. If you have database root access (see below)
 1553+ you can specify new accounts/databases to be created. This account
 1554+ will not be created if it pre-exists. If this is the case, ensure that it
 1555+ has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on the MediaWiki database.
 1556+ </p>
 1558+ <div class="config-input">
 1559+ <label class="column">Superuser account:</label>
 1560+ <input type="checkbox" name="useroot" id="useroot" <?php if( $useRoot ) { ?>checked="checked" <?php } ?> />
 1561+ &nbsp;<label for="useroot">Use superuser account</label>
 1562+ <input type="checkbox" name="populateadmin" id="populateadmin" <?php if( $conf->populateadmin ) { ?>checked="checked" <?php } ?> />
 1563+ &nbsp;<label for="populateadmin">Set as admin user for maintenance</label>
 1564+ </div>
 1565+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "RootUser", "Superuser name:", "text" ); ?></div>
 1566+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "RootPW", "Superuser password:", "password" ); ?></div>
 1568+ <p class="config-desc">
 1569+ If the database user specified above does not exist, or does not have access to create
 1570+ the database (if needed) or tables within it, please check the box and provide details
 1571+ of a superuser account, such as <strong>root</strong>, which does.
 1572+ </p>
 1574+ <?php database_switcher('mysql'); ?>
 1575+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBprefix", "Database table prefix:" ); ?></div>
 1576+ <div class="config-desc">
 1577+ <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
 1578+ between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
 1579+ add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
 1581+ <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
 1582+ </div>
 1584+ <div class="config-input"><label class="column">Storage Engine</label>
 1585+ <div>Select one:</div>
 1586+ <ul class="plain">
 1587+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBengine", "InnoDB", "radio", "InnoDB" ); ?></li>
 1588+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBengine", "MyISAM", "radio", "MyISAM" ); ?></li>
 1589+ </ul>
 1590+ </div>
 1591+ <p class="config-desc">
 1592+ InnoDB is best for public web installations, since it has good concurrency
 1593+ support. MyISAM may be faster in single-user installations. MyISAM databases
 1594+ tend to get corrupted more often than InnoDB databases.
 1595+ </p>
 1596+ <div class="config-input"><label class="column">Database character set</label>
 1597+ <div>Select one:</div>
 1598+ <ul class="plain">
 1599+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.1/5.0 binary", "radio", "mysql5-binary" ); ?></li>
 1600+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.1/5.0 UTF-8", "radio", "mysql5" ); ?></li>
 1601+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.0 backwards-compatible UTF-8", "radio", "mysql4" ); ?></li>
 1602+ </ul>
 1603+ </div>
 1604+ <p class="config-desc">
 1605+ This option is ignored on upgrade, the same character set will be kept.
 1606+ <br/><br/>
 1607+ <b>WARNING:</b> If you use <b>backwards-compatible UTF-8</b> on MySQL 4.1+, and subsequently back up the database with <tt>mysqldump</tt>, it may destroy all non-ASCII characters, irreversibly corrupting your backups!.
 1608+ <br/><br/>
 1609+ In <b>binary mode</b>, MediaWiki stores UTF-8 text to the database in binary fields. This is more efficient than MySQL's UTF-8 mode, and allows you to use the full range of Unicode characters. In <b>UTF-8 mode</b>, MySQL will know what character set your data is in, and can present and convert it appropriately, but it won't let you store characters above the <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_character_planes">Basic Multilingual Plane</a>.
 1610+ </p>
 1611+ </fieldset>
 1613+ <?php database_switcher('postgres'); ?>
 1614+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBport", "Database port:" ); ?></div>
 1615+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBmwschema", "Schema for mediawiki:" ); ?></div>
 1616+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBts2schema", "Schema for tsearch2:" ); ?></div>
 1617+ <div class="config-desc">
 1618+ <p>The username specified above (at "DB username") will have its search path set to the above schemas,
 1619+ so it is recommended that you create a new user. The above schemas are generally correct:
 1620+ only change them if you are sure you need to.</p>
 1621+ </div>
 1622+ </fieldset>
 1624+ <?php database_switcher('sqlite'); ?>
 1625+ <div class="config-desc">
 1626+ <b>NOTE:</b> SQLite only uses the <i>Database name</i> setting above, the user, password and root settings are ignored.
 1627+ </div>
 1628+ <div class="config-input"><?php
 1629+ aField( $conf, "SQLiteDataDir", "SQLite data directory:" );
 1630+ ?></div>
 1631+ <div class="config-desc">
 1632+ <p>SQLite stores table data into files in the filesystem.
 1633+ If you do not provide an explicit path, a "data" directory in
 1634+ the parent of your document root will be used.</p>
 1636+ <p>This directory must exist and be writable by the web server.</p>
 1637+ </div>
 1638+ </fieldset>
 1640+ <?php database_switcher('mssql'); ?>
 1641+ <div class="config-input"><?php
 1642+ aField( $conf, "DBprefix2", "Database table prefix:" );
 1643+ ?></div>
 1644+ <div class="config-desc">
 1645+ <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
 1646+ between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
 1647+ add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
 1649+ <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
 1650+ </div>
 1651+ </fieldset>
 1653+ <?php database_switcher('ibm_db2'); ?>
 1654+ <div class="config-input"><?php
 1655+ aField( $conf, "DBport_db2", "Database port:" );
 1656+ ?></div>
 1657+ <div class="config-input"><?php
 1658+ aField( $conf, "DBmwschema", "Schema for mediawiki:" );
 1659+ ?></div>
 1660+ <div>Select one:</div>
 1661+ <ul class="plain">
 1662+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBcataloged", "Cataloged (DB2 installed locally)", "radio", "cataloged" ); ?></li>
 1663+ <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBcataloged", "Uncataloged (remote DB2 through ODBC)", "radio", "uncataloged" ); ?></li>
 1664+ </ul>
 1665+ <div class="config-desc">
 1666+ <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
 1667+ between MediaWiki and another web application, you may specify
 1668+ a different schema to avoid conflicts.</p>
 1669+ </div>
 1670+ </fieldset>
 1672+ <?php database_switcher('oracle'); ?>
 1673+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBprefix_ora", "Database table prefix:" ); ?></div>
 1674+ <div class="config-desc">
 1675+ <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
 1676+ between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
 1677+ add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
 1679+ <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
 1680+ </div>
 1681+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBdefTS_ora", "Default tablespace:" ); ?></div>
 1682+ <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBtempTS_ora", "Temporary tablespace:" ); ?></div>
 1683+ </fieldset>
 1685+ <div class="config-input" style="padding:2em 0 3em">
 1686+ <label class='column'>&nbsp;</label>
 1687+ <input type="submit" value="Install MediaWiki!" class="btn-install" />
 1688+ </div>
 1691+<script type="text/javascript">
 1692+window.onload = toggleDBarea( <?php echo Xml::encodeJsVar( $conf->DBtype ); ?>,
 1694+ ## If they passed in a root user name, don't populate it on page load
 1695+ echo strlen(importPost('RootUser', '')) ? 0 : 1;
 1701+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 1702+function writeSuccessMessage() {
 1703+ $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
 1704+ if ( wfIniGetBool( 'safe_mode' ) && !ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) ) {
 1705+ echo <<<EOT
 1706+<div class="success-box">
 1707+<p>Installation successful!</p>
 1708+<p>To complete the installation, please do the following:
 1710+ <li>Download config/LocalSettings.php with your FTP client or file manager</li>
 1711+ <li>Upload it to the parent directory</li>
 1712+ <li>Delete config/LocalSettings.php</li>
 1713+ <li>Start using <a href='../$script'>your wiki</a>!
 1715+<p>If you are in a shared hosting environment, do <strong>not</strong> just move LocalSettings.php
 1716+remotely. LocalSettings.php is currently owned by the user your webserver is running under,
 1717+which means that anyone on the same server can read your database password! Downloading
 1718+it and uploading it again will hopefully change the ownership to a user ID specific to you.</p>
 1721+ } else {
 1722+ echo <<<EOT
 1723+<div class="success-box">
 1725+<span class="success-message">Installation successful!</span>
 1726+Move the <tt>config/LocalSettings.php</tt> file to the parent directory, then follow
 1727+<a href="../$script"> this link</a> to your wiki.</p>
 1728+<p>You should change file permissions for <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> as required to
 1729+prevent other users on the server reading passwords and altering configuration data.</p>
 1732+ }
 1736+function escapePhpString( $string ) {
 1737+ if ( is_array( $string ) || is_object( $string ) ) {
 1738+ return false;
 1739+ }
 1740+ return strtr( $string,
 1741+ array(
 1742+ "\n" => "\\n",
 1743+ "\r" => "\\r",
 1744+ "\t" => "\\t",
 1745+ "\\" => "\\\\",
 1746+ "\$" => "\\\$",
 1747+ "\"" => "\\\""
 1748+ ));
 1751+function writeLocalSettings( $conf ) {
 1752+ $conf->PasswordSender = $conf->EmergencyContact;
 1753+ $magic = ($conf->ImageMagick ? "" : "# ");
 1754+ $convert = ($conf->ImageMagick ? $conf->ImageMagick : "/usr/bin/convert" );
 1755+ $rights = ($conf->RightsUrl) ? "" : "# ";
 1756+ $hashedUploads = $conf->safeMode ? '' : '# ';
 1758+ if ( $conf->ShellLocale ) {
 1759+ $locale = '';
 1760+ } else {
 1761+ $locale = '# ';
 1762+ $conf->ShellLocale = 'en_US.UTF-8';
 1763+ }
 1765+ switch ( $conf->Shm ) {
 1766+ case 'memcached':
 1767+ $cacheType = 'CACHE_MEMCACHED';
 1768+ $mcservers = var_export( $conf->MCServerArray, true );
 1769+ break;
 1770+ case 'turck':
 1771+ case 'xcache':
 1772+ case 'apc':
 1773+ case 'eaccel':
 1774+ $cacheType = 'CACHE_ACCEL';
 1775+ $mcservers = 'array()';
 1776+ break;
 1777+ case 'dba':
 1778+ $cacheType = 'CACHE_DBA';
 1779+ $mcservers = 'array()';
 1780+ break;
 1781+ default:
 1782+ $cacheType = 'CACHE_NONE';
 1783+ $mcservers = 'array()';
 1784+ }
 1786+ if ( $conf->Email == 'email_enabled' ) {
 1787+ $enableemail = 'true';
 1788+ $enableuseremail = ( $conf->Emailuser == 'emailuser_enabled' ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
 1789+ $eauthent = ( $conf->Eauthent == 'eauthent_enabled' ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
 1790+ switch ( $conf->Enotif ) {
 1791+ case 'enotif_usertalk':
 1792+ $enotifusertalk = 'true';
 1793+ $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
 1794+ break;
 1795+ case 'enotif_allpages':
 1796+ $enotifusertalk = 'true';
 1797+ $enotifwatchlist = 'true';
 1798+ break;
 1799+ default:
 1800+ $enotifusertalk = 'false';
 1801+ $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
 1802+ }
 1803+ } else {
 1804+ $enableuseremail = 'false';
 1805+ $enableemail = 'false';
 1806+ $eauthent = 'false';
 1807+ $enotifusertalk = 'false';
 1808+ $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
 1809+ }
 1811+ $file = @fopen( "/dev/urandom", "r" );
 1812+ if ( $file ) {
 1813+ $secretKey = bin2hex( fread( $file, 32 ) );
 1814+ fclose( $file );
 1815+ } else {
 1816+ $secretKey = "";
 1817+ for ( $i=0; $i<8; $i++ ) {
 1818+ $secretKey .= dechex(mt_rand(0, 0x7fffffff));
 1819+ }
 1820+ print "<li>Warning: \$wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually.</li>\n";
 1821+ }
 1823+ # Add slashes to strings for double quoting
 1824+ $slconf = wfArrayMap( "escapePhpString", get_object_vars( $conf ) );
 1825+ if( $conf->License == 'gfdl1_2' || $conf->License == 'pd' || $conf->License == 'gfdl1_3' ) {
 1826+ # Needs literal string interpolation for the current style path
 1827+ $slconf['RightsIcon'] = $conf->RightsIcon;
 1828+ }
 1830+ if( $conf->populateadmin ) {
 1831+ $slconf['DBadminuser'] = $conf->RootUser;
 1832+ $slconf['DBadminpassword'] = $conf->RootPW;
 1833+ }
 1835+ if( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' ) {
 1836+ $dbsettings =
 1837+"# MySQL specific settings
 1838+\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix']}\";
 1840+# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
 1841+\$wgDBTableOptions = \"{$slconf['DBTableOptions']}\";
 1843+# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
 1844+\$wgDBmysql5 = {$conf->DBmysql5};";
 1845+ } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'postgres' ) {
 1846+ $dbsettings =
 1847+"# Postgres specific settings
 1848+\$wgDBport = \"{$slconf['DBport']}\";
 1849+\$wgDBmwschema = \"{$slconf['DBmwschema']}\";
 1850+\$wgDBts2schema = \"{$slconf['DBts2schema']}\";";
 1851+ } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'sqlite' ) {
 1852+ $dbsettings =
 1853+"# SQLite-specific settings
 1854+\$wgSQLiteDataDir = \"{$slconf['SQLiteDataDir']}\";";
 1855+ } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'mssql' ) {
 1856+ $dbsettings =
 1857+"# MSSQL specific settings
 1858+\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix2']}\";";
 1859+ } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2' ) {
 1860+ $dbsettings =
 1861+"# DB2 specific settings
 1862+\$wgDBport_db2 = \"{$slconf['DBport_db2']}\";
 1863+\$wgDBmwschema = \"{$slconf['DBmwschema']}\";
 1864+\$wgDBcataloged = \"{$slconf['DBcataloged']}\";";
 1865+ } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'oracle' ) {
 1866+ $dbsettings =
 1867+"# Oracle specific settings
 1868+\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix']}\";";
 1869+ } else {
 1870+ // ummm... :D
 1871+ $dbsettings = '';
 1872+ }
 1875+ $localsettings = "
 1876+# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
 1877+# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
 1878+# recreate them later.
 1880+# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
 1881+# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
 1882+# file, not there.
 1884+# Further documentation for configuration settings may be found at:
 1885+# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings
 1887+# If you customize your file layout, set \$IP to the directory that contains
 1888+# the other MediaWiki files. It will be used as a base to locate files.
 1889+if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
 1890+ \$IP = MW_INSTALL_PATH;
 1891+} else {
 1892+ \$IP = dirname( __FILE__ );
 1895+\$path = array( \$IP, \"\$IP/includes\", \"\$IP/languages\" );
 1896+set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, \$path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
 1898+require_once( \"\$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php\" );
 1900+if ( \$wgCommandLineMode ) {
 1901+ if ( isset( \$_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', \$_SERVER ) ) {
 1902+ die( \"This script must be run from the command line\\n\" );
 1903+ }
 1905+## Uncomment this to disable output compression
 1906+# \$wgDisableOutputCompression = true;
 1908+\$wgSitename = \"{$slconf['Sitename']}\";
 1910+## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
 1911+## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
 1912+## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
 1913+## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
 1914+\$wgScriptPath = \"{$slconf['ScriptPath']}\";
 1915+\$wgScriptExtension = \"{$slconf['ScriptExtension']}\";
 1917+## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
 1919+\$wgEnableEmail = $enableemail;
 1920+\$wgEnableUserEmail = $enableuseremail; # UPO
 1922+\$wgEmergencyContact = \"{$slconf['EmergencyContact']}\";
 1923+\$wgPasswordSender = \"{$slconf['PasswordSender']}\";
 1925+\$wgEnotifUserTalk = $enotifusertalk; # UPO
 1926+\$wgEnotifWatchlist = $enotifwatchlist; # UPO
 1927+\$wgEmailAuthentication = $eauthent;
 1929+## Database settings
 1930+\$wgDBtype = \"{$slconf['DBtype']}\";
 1931+\$wgDBserver = \"{$slconf['DBserver']}\";
 1932+\$wgDBname = \"{$slconf['DBname']}\";
 1933+\$wgDBuser = \"{$slconf['DBuser']}\";
 1934+\$wgDBpassword = \"{$slconf['DBpassword']}\";
 1938+## Database admin settings, used for maintenance scripts
 1939+\$wgDBadminuser = \"". ($conf->populateadmin ? $slconf['DBadminuser'] : '' )."\";
 1940+\$wgDBadminpassword = \"". ($conf->populateadmin ? $slconf['DBadminpassword'] : '' )."\";
 1942+## Shared memory settings
 1943+\$wgMainCacheType = $cacheType;
 1944+\$wgMemCachedServers = $mcservers;
 1946+## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
 1947+## is writable, then set this to true:
 1948+\$wgEnableUploads = false;
 1949+{$magic}\$wgUseImageMagick = true;
 1950+{$magic}\$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = \"{$convert}\";
 1952+## If you use ImageMagick (or any other shell command) on a
 1953+## Linux server, this will need to be set to the name of an
 1954+## available UTF-8 locale
 1955+{$locale}\$wgShellLocale = \"{$slconf['ShellLocale']}\";
 1957+## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
 1958+## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
 1959+## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
 1960+## this, if it's not already uncommented:
 1961+{$hashedUploads}\$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
 1963+## If you have the appropriate support software installed
 1964+## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
 1965+\$wgUseTeX = false;
 1967+## Set \$wgCacheDirectory to a writable directory on the web server
 1968+## to make your wiki go slightly faster. The directory should not
 1969+## be publically accessible from the web.
 1970+#\$wgCacheDirectory = \"\$IP/cache\";
 1972+\$wgLocalInterwiki = strtolower( \$wgSitename );
 1974+\$wgLanguageCode = \"{$slconf['LanguageCode']}\";
 1976+\$wgSecretKey = \"$secretKey\";
 1978+## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
 1979+## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
 1980+\$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';
 1982+## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
 1983+## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
 1984+## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
 1985+{$rights}\$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
 1986+\$wgRightsPage = \"\"; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your license/copyright
 1987+\$wgRightsUrl = \"{$slconf['RightsUrl']}\";
 1988+\$wgRightsText = \"{$slconf['RightsText']}\";
 1989+\$wgRightsIcon = \"{$slconf['RightsIcon']}\";
 1990+# \$wgRightsCode = \"{$slconf['RightsCode']}\"; # Not yet used
 1992+\$wgDiff3 = \"{$slconf['diff3']}\";
 1994+\$wgPhpCliPath = \"{$slconf['phpCliPath']}\";
 1996+# When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
 1997+# sure that cached pages are cleared.
 1998+\$wgCacheEpoch = max( \$wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
 1999+"; ## End of setting the $localsettings string
 2001+ // Keep things in Unix line endings internally;
 2002+ // the system will write out as local text type.
 2003+ return str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $localsettings );
 2006+function dieout( $text ) {
 2007+ global $mainListOpened;
 2008+ if( $mainListOpened ) echo( "</ul>" );
 2009+ if( $text != '' && substr( $text, 0, 2 ) != '<p' && substr( $text, 0, 2 ) != '<h' ){
 2010+ echo "<p>$text</p>\n";
 2011+ } else {
 2012+ echo $text;
 2013+ }
 2014+ die( "\n\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>" );
 2017+function importVar( &$var, $name, $default = "" ) {
 2018+ if( isset( $var[$name] ) ) {
 2019+ $retval = $var[$name];
 2020+ if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
 2021+ $retval = stripslashes( $retval );
 2022+ }
 2023+ } else {
 2024+ $retval = $default;
 2025+ }
 2026+ taint( $retval );
 2027+ return $retval;
 2030+function importPost( $name, $default = "" ) {
 2031+ return importVar( $_POST, $name, $default );
 2034+function importCheck( $name ) {
 2035+ return isset( $_POST[$name] );
 2038+function importRequest( $name, $default = "" ) {
 2039+ return importVar( $_REQUEST, $name, $default );
 2042+function aField( &$conf, $field, $text, $type = "text", $value = "", $onclick = '' ) {
 2043+ static $radioCount = 0;
 2044+ if( $type != "" ) {
 2045+ $xtype = "type=\"$type\"";
 2046+ } else {
 2047+ $xtype = "";
 2048+ }
 2050+ $id = $field;
 2051+ $nolabel = ($type == "radio") || ($type == "hidden");
 2053+ if ($type == 'radio')
 2054+ $id .= $radioCount++;
 2056+ if( !$nolabel ) {
 2057+ echo "<label class='column' for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
 2058+ }
 2060+ if( $type == "radio" && $value == $conf->$field ) {
 2061+ $checked = "checked='checked'";
 2062+ } else {
 2063+ $checked = "";
 2064+ }
 2065+ echo "<input $xtype name=\"$field\" id=\"$id\" class=\"iput-$type\" $checked ";
 2066+ if ($onclick) {
 2067+ echo " onclick='toggleDBarea(\"$value\",1)' " ;
 2068+ }
 2069+ echo "value=\"";
 2070+ if( $type == "radio" ) {
 2071+ echo htmlspecialchars( $value );
 2072+ } else {
 2073+ echo htmlspecialchars( $conf->$field );
 2074+ }
 2077+ echo "\" />";
 2078+ if( $nolabel ) {
 2079+ echo "<label for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
 2080+ }
 2082+ global $errs;
 2083+ if(isset($errs[$field])) {
 2084+ echo "<span class='error'>" . htmlspecialchars( $errs[$field] ) . "</span>\n";
 2085+ }
 2088+function getLanguageList() {
 2089+ global $wgLanguageNames, $IP;
 2090+ if( !isset( $wgLanguageNames ) ) {
 2091+ require_once( "$IP/languages/Names.php" );
 2092+ }
 2094+ $codes = array();
 2096+ $d = opendir( "../languages/messages" );
 2097+ /* In case we are called from the root directory */
 2098+ if (!$d)
 2099+ $d = opendir( "languages/messages");
 2100+ while( false !== ($f = readdir( $d ) ) ) {
 2101+ $m = array();
 2102+ if( preg_match( '/Messages([A-Z][a-z_]+)\.php$/', $f, $m ) ) {
 2103+ $code = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $m[1] ) );
 2104+ if( isset( $wgLanguageNames[$code] ) ) {
 2105+ $name = wfBCP47( $code ) . ' - ' . $wgLanguageNames[$code];
 2106+ } else {
 2107+ $name = $code;
 2108+ }
 2109+ $codes[$code] = $name;
 2110+ }
 2111+ }
 2112+ closedir( $d );
 2113+ ksort( $codes );
 2114+ return $codes;
 2117+#Check for location of an executable
 2118+# @param string $loc single location to check
 2119+# @param array $names filenames to check for.
 2120+# @param mixed $versioninfo array of details to use when checking version, use false for no version checking
 2121+function locate_executable($loc, $names, $versioninfo = false) {
 2122+ if (!is_array($names))
 2123+ $names = array($names);
 2125+ foreach ($names as $name) {
 2126+ $command = "$loc".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."$name";
 2127+ if (@file_exists($command)) {
 2128+ if (!$versioninfo)
 2129+ return $command;
 2131+ $file = str_replace('$1', $command, $versioninfo[0]);
 2132+ if (strstr(`$file`, $versioninfo[1]) !== false)
 2133+ return $command;
 2134+ }
 2135+ }
 2136+ return false;
 2139+# Test a memcached server
 2140+function testMemcachedServer( $server ) {
 2141+ $hostport = explode(":", $server);
 2142+ $errstr = false;
 2143+ $fp = false;
 2144+ if ( !function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ) {
 2145+ $errstr = "Can't connect to memcached, fsockopen() not present";
 2146+ }
 2147+ if ( !$errstr && count( $hostport ) != 2 ) {
 2148+ $errstr = 'Please specify host and port';
 2149+ }
 2150+ if ( !$errstr ) {
 2151+ list( $host, $port ) = $hostport;
 2152+ $errno = 0;
 2153+ $fsockerr = '';
 2155+ $fp = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $fsockerr, 1.0 );
 2156+ if ( $fp === false ) {
 2157+ $errstr = "Cannot connect to memcached on $host:$port : $fsockerr";
 2158+ }
 2159+ }
 2160+ if ( !$errstr ) {
 2161+ $command = "version\r\n";
 2162+ $bytes = fwrite( $fp, $command );
 2163+ if ( $bytes != strlen( $command ) ) {
 2164+ $errstr = "Cannot write to memcached socket on $host:$port";
 2165+ }
 2166+ }
 2167+ if ( !$errstr ) {
 2168+ $expected = "VERSION ";
 2169+ $response = fread( $fp, strlen( $expected ) );
 2170+ if ( $response != $expected ) {
 2171+ $errstr = "Didn't get correct memcached response from $host:$port";
 2172+ }
 2173+ }
 2174+ if ( $fp ) {
 2175+ fclose( $fp );
 2176+ }
 2177+ if ( !$errstr ) {
 2178+ echo "<li>Connected to memcached on " . htmlspecialchars( "$host:$port" ) ." successfully</li>";
 2179+ }
 2180+ return $errstr;
 2183+function database_picker($conf) {
 2184+ global $ourdb;
 2185+ print "\n";
 2186+ foreach(array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
 2187+ if ($ourdb[$db]['havedriver']) {
 2188+ print "\t<li>";
 2189+ aField( $conf, "DBtype", $ourdb[$db]['fullname'], 'radio', $db, 'onclick');
 2190+ print "</li>\n";
 2191+ }
 2192+ }
 2193+ print "\n\t";
 2196+function database_switcher($db) {
 2197+ global $ourdb;
 2198+ $color = $ourdb[$db]['bgcolor'];
 2199+ $full = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
 2200+ print "<fieldset id='$db'><legend>$full specific options</legend>\n";
 2203+function printListItem( $item ) {
 2204+ print "<li>$item</li>";
 2207+# Determine a suitable value for $wgShellLocale
 2208+function getShellLocale( $wikiLang ) {
 2209+ # Give up now if we're in safe mode or open_basedir
 2210+ # It's theoretically possible but tricky to work with
 2211+ if ( wfIniGetBool( "safe_mode" ) || ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) ) {
 2212+ return false;
 2213+ }
 2215+ $os = php_uname( 's' );
 2216+ $supported = array( 'Linux', 'SunOS', 'HP-UX' ); # Tested these
 2217+ if ( !in_array( $os, $supported ) ) {
 2218+ return false;
 2219+ }
 2221+ # Get a list of available locales
 2222+ $lines = $ret = false;
 2223+ exec( '/usr/bin/locale -a', $lines, $ret );
 2224+ if ( $ret ) {
 2225+ return false;
 2226+ }
 2228+ $lines = wfArrayMap( 'trim', $lines );
 2229+ $candidatesByLocale = array();
 2230+ $candidatesByLang = array();
 2231+ foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
 2232+ if ( $line === '' ) {
 2233+ continue;
 2234+ }
 2235+ if ( !preg_match( '/^([a-zA-Z]+)(_[a-zA-Z]+|)\.(utf8|UTF-8)(@[a-zA-Z_]*|)$/i', $line, $m ) ) {
 2236+ continue;
 2237+ }
 2238+ list( $all, $lang, $territory, $charset, $modifier ) = $m;
 2239+ $candidatesByLocale[$m[0]] = $m;
 2240+ $candidatesByLang[$lang][] = $m;
 2241+ }
 2243+ # Try the current value of LANG
 2244+ if ( isset( $candidatesByLocale[ getenv( 'LANG' ) ] ) ) {
 2245+ return getenv( 'LANG' );
 2246+ }
 2248+ # Try the most common ones
 2249+ $commonLocales = array( 'en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.utf8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_DE.utf8' );
 2250+ foreach ( $commonLocales as $commonLocale ) {
 2251+ if ( isset( $candidatesByLocale[$commonLocale] ) ) {
 2252+ return $commonLocale;
 2253+ }
 2254+ }
 2256+ # Is there an available locale in the Wiki's language?
 2257+ if ( isset( $candidatesByLang[$wikiLang] ) ) {
 2258+ $m = reset( $candidatesByLang[$wikiLang] );
 2259+ return $m[0];
 2260+ }
 2262+ # Are there any at all?
 2263+ if ( count( $candidatesByLocale ) ) {
 2264+ $m = reset( $candidatesByLocale );
 2265+ return $m[0];
 2266+ }
 2268+ # Give up
 2269+ return false;
 2272+function wfArrayMap( $function, $input ) {
 2273+ $ret = array_map( $function, $input );
 2274+ foreach ( $ret as $key => $value ) {
 2275+ $taint = istainted( $input[$key] );
 2276+ if ( $taint ) {
 2277+ taint( $ret[$key], $taint );
 2278+ }
 2279+ }
 2280+ return $ret;
 2285+ <div class="license">
 2286+ <hr/>
 2287+ <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 2288+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 2289+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 2290+ (at your option) any later version.</p>
 2292+ <p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 2293+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 2295+ GNU General Public License for more details.</p>
 2297+ <p>You should have received <a href="../COPYING">a copy of the GNU General Public License</a>
 2298+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 2299+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 2300+ or <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">read it online</a></p>
 2301+ </div>
 2306+<div id="column-one">
 2307+ <div class="portlet" id="p-logo">
 2308+ <a style="background-image: url(../skins/common/images/mediawiki.png);"
 2309+ href="../"
 2310+ title="Main Page"></a>
 2311+ </div>
 2312+ <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); </script>
 2313+ <div class='portlet'><div class='pBody'>
 2314+ <ul>
 2315+ <li><a href="../README">Readme</a></li>
 2316+ <li><a href="../RELEASE-NOTES">Release notes</a></li>
 2317+ <li><a href="../docs/">Documentation</a></li>
 2318+ <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents">User's Guide</a></li>
 2319+ <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Contents">Administrator's Guide</a></li>
 2320+ <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ">FAQ</a></li>
 2321+ </ul>
 2322+ <p style="font-size:90%;margin-top:1em">MediaWiki is Copyright © 2001-2009 by Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber,
 2323+ Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström,
 2324+ Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz and others.</p>
 2325+ </div></div>
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/config/Installer.php
Name: svn:eol-style
12332 + native
Index: trunk/phase3/config/index.php
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@
2020 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
2121 # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
23 -error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
24 -header( "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
25 -@ini_set( "display_errors", true );
26 -
27 -# In case of errors, let output be clean.
28 -$wgRequestTime = microtime( true );
29 -
3023 # Attempt to set up the include path, to fix problems with relative includes
3124 $IP = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
3225 define( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH', $IP );
@@ -34,2301 +27,17 @@
3528 define( "MEDIAWIKI", true );
3629 define( "MEDIAWIKI_INSTALL", true );
38 -// Run version checks before including other files
39 -// so people don't see a scary parse error.
40 -require_once( "$IP/install-utils.inc" );
41 -install_version_checks();
42 -
43 -require_once( "$IP/includes/Defines.php" );
44 -require_once( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
45 -require_once( "$IP/includes/AutoLoader.php" );
46 -require_once( "$IP/includes/MagicWord.php" );
47 -require_once( "$IP/includes/Namespace.php" );
48 -require_once( "$IP/includes/ProfilerStub.php" );
49 -require_once( "$IP/includes/GlobalFunctions.php" );
50 -require_once( "$IP/includes/Hooks.php" );
51 -require_once( "$IP/includes/Exception.php" );
52 -
53 -# If we get an exception, the user needs to know
54 -# all the details
55 -$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;
56 -$wgShowSQLErrors = true;
57 -wfInstallExceptionHandler();
58 -## Databases we support:
59 -
60 -$ourdb = array();
61 -$ourdb['mysql']['fullname'] = 'MySQL';
62 -$ourdb['mysql']['havedriver'] = 0;
63 -$ourdb['mysql']['compile'] = 'mysql';
64 -$ourdb['mysql']['bgcolor'] = '#ffe5a7';
65 -$ourdb['mysql']['rootuser'] = 'root';
66 -
67 -$ourdb['postgres']['fullname'] = 'PostgreSQL';
68 -$ourdb['postgres']['havedriver'] = 0;
69 -$ourdb['postgres']['compile'] = 'pgsql';
70 -$ourdb['postgres']['bgcolor'] = '#aaccff';
71 -$ourdb['postgres']['rootuser'] = 'postgres';
72 -
73 -$ourdb['sqlite']['fullname'] = 'SQLite';
74 -$ourdb['sqlite']['havedriver'] = 0;
75 -$ourdb['sqlite']['compile'] = 'pdo_sqlite';
76 -$ourdb['sqlite']['bgcolor'] = '#b1ebb1';
77 -$ourdb['sqlite']['rootuser'] = '';
78 -
79 -$ourdb['mssql']['fullname'] = 'MSSQL';
80 -$ourdb['mssql']['havedriver'] = 0;
81 -$ourdb['mssql']['compile'] = 'mssql not ready'; # Change to 'mssql' after includes/DatabaseMssql.php added;
82 -$ourdb['mssql']['bgcolor'] = '#ffc0cb';
83 -$ourdb['mssql']['rootuser'] = 'administrator';
84 -
85 -$ourdb['ibm_db2']['fullname'] = 'DB2';
86 -$ourdb['ibm_db2']['havedriver'] = 0;
87 -$ourdb['ibm_db2']['compile'] = 'ibm_db2';
88 -$ourdb['ibm_db2']['bgcolor'] = '#ffeba1';
89 -$ourdb['ibm_db2']['rootuser'] = 'db2admin';
90 -
91 -$ourdb['oracle']['fullname'] = 'Oracle';
92 -$ourdb['oracle']['havedriver'] = 0;
93 -$ourdb['oracle']['compile'] = 'oci8';
94 -$ourdb['oracle']['bgcolor'] = '#ffeba1';
95 -$ourdb['oracle']['rootuser'] = '';
96 -
97 -?>
98 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
99 -<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
100 -<head>
101 - <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
102 - <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
103 - <title>MediaWiki <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $wgVersion ); ?> Installation</title>
104 - <style type="text/css">
105 -
106 - @import "../skins/monobook/main.css";
107 -
108 - .env-check {
109 - font-size: 90%;
110 - margin: 1em 0 1em 2.5em;
111 - }
112 -
113 - .config-section {
114 - margin-top: 2em;
115 - }
116 -
117 - .config-section label.column {
118 - clear: left;
119 - font-weight: bold;
120 - width: 13em;
121 - float: left;
122 - text-align: right;
123 - padding-right: 1em;
124 - padding-top: .2em;
125 - }
126 -
127 - .config-input {
128 - clear: left;
129 - zoom: 100%; /* IE hack */
130 - }
131 -
132 - .config-section .config-desc {
133 - clear: left;
134 - margin: 0 0 2em 18em;
135 - padding-top: 1em;
136 - font-size: 85%;
137 - }
138 -
139 - .iput-text, .iput-password {
140 - width: 14em;
141 - margin-right: 1em;
142 - }
143 -
144 - .error {
145 - color: red;
146 - background-color: #fff;
147 - font-weight: bold;
148 - left: 1em;
149 - font-size: 100%;
150 - }
151 -
152 - .error-top {
153 - color: red;
154 - background-color: #FFF0F0;
155 - border: 2px solid red;
156 - font-size: 130%;
157 - font-weight: bold;
158 - padding: 1em 1.5em;
159 - margin: 2em 0 1em;
160 - }
161 -
162 - ul.plain {
163 - list-style-type: none;
164 - list-style-image: none;
165 - float: left;
166 - margin: 0;
167 - padding: 0;
168 - }
169 -
170 - .btn-install {
171 - font-weight: bold;
172 - font-size: 110%;
173 - padding: .2em .3em;
174 - }
175 -
176 - .license {
177 - font-size: 85%;
178 - padding-top: 3em;
179 - }
180 -
181 - span.success-message {
182 - font-weight: bold;
183 - font-size: 110%;
184 - color: green;
185 - }
186 - .success-box {
187 - font-size: 130%;
188 - }
189 -
190 - </style>
191 - <script type="text/javascript">
192 - <!--
193 - function hideall() {
194 - <?php foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
195 - echo "\n var i = document.getElementById('$db'); if (i) i.style.display='none';";
196 - }
197 - ?>
198 -
199 - }
200 - function toggleDBarea(id,defaultroot) {
201 - hideall();
202 - var dbarea = document.getElementById(id);
203 - if (dbarea) dbarea.style.display = (dbarea.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
204 - var db = document.getElementById('RootUser');
205 - if (defaultroot) {
206 -<?php foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
207 - echo " if (id == '$db') { db.value = '".$ourdb[$db]['rootuser']."';}\n";
208 -}?>
209 - }
210 - }
211 - // -->
212 - </script>
213 -</head>
214 -
215 -<body>
216 -<div id="globalWrapper">
217 -<div id="column-content">
218 -<div id="content">
219 -<div id="bodyContent">
220 -
221 -<h1>MediaWiki <?php print htmlspecialchars( $wgVersion ) ?> Installation</h1>
222 -
223 -<?php
224 -$mainListOpened = false; # Is the main list (environement checking) opend ? Used by dieout
225 -
226 -/* Check for existing configurations and bug out! */
227 -
228 -if( file_exists( "../LocalSettings.php" ) ) {
229 - $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
230 - dieout( "<p><strong>Setup has completed, <a href='../$script'>your wiki</a> is configured.</strong></p>
231 - <p>Please delete the /config directory for extra security.</p>" );
 31+# Check for PHP 5
 32+if ( !function_exists( 'version_compare' )
 33+ || version_compare( phpversion(), '5.0.0' ) < 0
 34+) {
 35+ define( 'MW_PHP4', '1' );
 36+ require( "$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
 37+ require( "$IP/includes/templates/PHP4.php" );
 38+ exit;
23239 }
234 -if( file_exists( "./LocalSettings.php" ) ) {
235 - writeSuccessMessage();
236 - dieout( '' );
237 -}
238 -
239 -if( !is_writable( "." ) ) {
240 - dieout( "<h2>Can't write config file, aborting</h2>
241 -
242 - <p>In order to configure the wiki you have to make the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory
243 - writable by the web server. Once configuration is done you'll move the created
244 - <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> to the parent directory, and for added safety you can
245 - then remove the <tt>config</tt> subdirectory entirely.</p>
246 -
247 - <p>To make the directory writable on a Unix/Linux system:</p>
248 -
249 - <pre>
250 - cd <i>" . htmlspecialchars( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) . "</i>
251 - chmod a+w config
252 - </pre>
253 -
254 - <p>Afterwards retry to start the <a href=\"\">setup</a>.</p>" );
255 -}
256 -
257 -
258 -require_once( "$IP/install-utils.inc" );
259 -require_once( "$IP/maintenance/updaters.inc" );
260 -
261 -class ConfigData {
262 - function getEncoded( $data ) {
263 - # removing latin1 support, no need...
264 - return $data;
265 - }
266 - function getSitename() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->Sitename ); }
267 - function getSysopName() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopName ); }
268 - function getSysopPass() { return $this->getEncoded( $this->SysopPass ); }
269 -
270 - function setSchema( $schema, $engine ) {
271 - $this->DBschema = $schema;
272 - if ( !preg_match( '/^\w*$/', $engine ) ){
273 - $engine = 'InnoDB';
274 - }
275 - switch ( $this->DBschema ) {
276 - case 'mysql5':
277 - $this->DBTableOptions = "ENGINE=$engine, DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
278 - $this->DBmysql5 = 'true';
279 - break;
280 - case 'mysql5-binary':
281 - $this->DBTableOptions = "ENGINE=$engine, DEFAULT CHARSET=binary";
282 - $this->DBmysql5 = 'true';
283 - break;
284 - default:
285 - $this->DBTableOptions = "TYPE=$engine";
286 - $this->DBmysql5 = 'false';
287 - }
288 - $this->DBengine = $engine;
289 -
290 - # Set the global for use during install
291 - global $wgDBTableOptions;
292 - $wgDBTableOptions = $this->DBTableOptions;
293 - }
294 -}
295 -
296 -?>
297 -
298 -<ul>
299 - <li>
300 - <b>Don't forget security updates!</b> Keep an eye on the
301 - <a href="http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce">low-traffic
302 - release announcements mailing list</a>.
303 - </li>
304 -</ul>
305 -
306 -
307 -<h2>Checking environment...</h2>
308 -<p><em>Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.</em></p>
309 -<ul class="env-check">
310 -<?php
311 -$mainListOpened = true;
312 -
313 -$endl = "
314 -";
315 -define( 'MW_NO_OUTPUT_BUFFER', 1 );
316 -$conf = new ConfigData;
317 -
318 -install_version_checks();
319 -$self = 'Installer'; # Maintenance script name, to please Setup.php
320 -
321 -print "<li>PHP " . htmlspecialchars( phpversion() ) . " installed</li>\n";
322 -
323 -error_reporting( 0 );
324 -$phpdatabases = array();
325 -foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
326 - $compname = $ourdb[$db]['compile'];
327 - if( extension_loaded( $compname ) || ( mw_have_dl() && dl( "{$compname}." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX ) ) ) {
328 - array_push($phpdatabases, $db);
329 - $ourdb[$db]['havedriver'] = 1;
330 - }
331 -}
332 -error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
333 -
334 -if (!$phpdatabases) {
335 - print "Could not find a suitable database driver!<ul>";
336 - foreach (array_keys($ourdb) AS $db) {
337 - $comp = $ourdb[$db]['compile'];
338 - $full = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
339 - print "<li>For <b>$full</b>, compile PHP using <b>--with-$comp</b>, "
340 - ."or install the $comp.so module</li>\n";
341 - }
342 - echo '</ul>';
343 - dieout( '' );
344 -}
345 -
346 -print "<li>Found database drivers for:";
347 -$DefaultDBtype = '';
348 -foreach (array_keys($ourdb) AS $db) {
349 - if ($ourdb[$db]['havedriver']) {
350 - if ( $DefaultDBtype == '' ) {
351 - $DefaultDBtype = $db;
352 - }
353 - print " ".$ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
354 - }
355 -}
356 -print "</li>\n";
357 -
358 -if( wfIniGetBool( "register_globals" ) ) {
359 - ?>
360 - <li>
361 - <div style="font-size:110%">
362 - <strong class="error">Warning:</strong>
363 - <strong>PHP's <tt><a href="http://php.net/register_globals">register_globals</a></tt> option is enabled. Disable it if you can.</strong>
364 - </div>
365 - MediaWiki will work, but your server is more exposed to PHP-based security vulnerabilities.
366 - </li>
367 - <?php
368 -}
369 -
370 -$fatal = false;
371 -
372 -if( wfIniGetBool( "magic_quotes_runtime" ) ) {
373 - $fatal = true;
374 - ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-runtime'>magic_quotes_runtime</a> is active!</strong>
375 - This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use
376 - MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
377 - <?php
378 -}
379 -
380 -if( wfIniGetBool( "magic_quotes_sybase" ) ) {
381 - $fatal = true;
382 - ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sybase.php#ini.magic-quotes-sybase'>magic_quotes_sybase</a> is active!</strong>
383 - This option corrupts data input unpredictably; you cannot install or use
384 - MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
385 - <?php
386 -}
387 -
388 -if( wfIniGetBool( "mbstring.func_overload" ) ) {
389 - $fatal = true;
390 - ?><li class='error'><strong>Fatal: <a href='http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php#mbstring.overload'>mbstring.func_overload</a> is active!</strong>
391 - This option causes errors and may corrupt data unpredictably;
392 - you cannot install or use MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
393 - <?php
394 -}
395 -
396 -if( wfIniGetBool( "zend.ze1_compatibility_mode" ) ) {
397 - $fatal = true;
398 - ?><li class="error"><strong>Fatal: <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php">zend.ze1_compatibility_mode</a> is active!</strong>
399 - This option causes horrible bugs with MediaWiki; you cannot install or use
400 - MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.</li>
401 - <?php
402 -}
403 -
404 -
405 -if( $fatal ) {
406 - dieout( "Cannot install MediaWiki." );
407 -}
408 -
409 -if( wfIniGetBool( "safe_mode" ) ) {
410 - $conf->safeMode = true;
411 - ?>
412 - <li><b class='error'>Warning:</b> <strong>PHP's
413 - <a href='http://www.php.net/features.safe-mode'>safe mode</a> is active.</strong>
414 - You may have problems caused by this, particularly if using image uploads.
415 - </li>
416 - <?php
417 -} else {
418 - $conf->safeMode = false;
419 -}
420 -
421 -$sapi = htmlspecialchars( php_sapi_name() );
422 -print "<li>PHP server API is $sapi; ";
423 -$script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
424 -if( $wgUsePathInfo ) {
425 - print "ok, using pretty URLs (<tt>$script/Page_Title</tt>)";
426 -} else {
427 - print "using ugly URLs (<tt>$script?title=Page_Title</tt>)";
428 -}
429 -print "</li>\n";
430 -
431 -$conf->xml = function_exists( "utf8_encode" );
432 -if( $conf->xml ) {
433 - print "<li>Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.</li>\n";
434 -} else {
435 - dieout( "PHP's XML module is missing; the wiki requires functions in
436 - this module and won't work in this configuration.
437 - If you're running Mandrake, install the php-xml package." );
438 -}
439 -
440 -# Check for session support
441 -if( !function_exists( 'session_name' ) )
442 - dieout( "PHP's session module is missing. MediaWiki requires session support in order to function." );
443 -
444 -# session.save_path doesn't *have* to be set, but if it is, and it's
445 -# not valid/writable/etc. then it can cause problems
446 -$sessionSavePath = mw_get_session_save_path();
447 -$ssp = htmlspecialchars( $sessionSavePath );
448 -# Warn the user if it's not set, but let them proceed
449 -if( !$sessionSavePath ) {
450 - print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> A value for <tt>session.save_path</tt>
451 - has not been set in PHP.ini. If the default value causes problems with
452 - saving session data, set it to a valid path which is read/write/execute
453 - for the user your web server is running under.</li>";
454 -} elseif ( is_dir( $sessionSavePath ) && is_writable( $sessionSavePath ) ) {
455 - # All good? Let the user know
456 - print "<li>Session save path (<tt>{$ssp}</tt>) appears to be valid.</li>";
457 -} else {
458 - # Something not right? Warn the user, but let them proceed
459 - print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> Your <tt>session.save_path</tt> value (<tt>{$ssp}</tt>)
460 - appears to be invalid or is not writable. PHP needs to be able to save data to
461 - this location for correct session operation.</li>";
462 -}
463 -
464 -# Check for PCRE support
465 -if( !function_exists( 'preg_match' ) )
466 - dieout( "The PCRE support module appears to be missing. MediaWiki requires the
467 - Perl-compatible regular expression functions." );
468 -
469 -$memlimit = ini_get( "memory_limit" );
470 -if( $memlimit == -1 ) {
471 - print "<li>PHP is configured with no <tt>memory_limit</tt>.</li>\n";
472 -} else {
473 - print "<li>PHP's <tt>memory_limit</tt> is " . htmlspecialchars( $memlimit ). " bytes. ";
474 - $newlimit = wfMemoryLimit();
475 - $memlimit = wfShorthandToInteger( $memlimit );
476 - if( $newlimit < $memlimit ) {
477 - print "<b>Failed raising limit, installation may fail.</b>";
478 - } elseif ( $newlimit > $memlimit ) {
479 - print "Raised <tt>memory_limit</tt> to " . htmlspecialchars( $newlimit ) . " bytes. ";
480 - }
481 - print "</li>\n";
482 -}
483 -
484 -$conf->turck = function_exists( 'mmcache_get' );
485 -if ( $conf->turck ) {
486 - print "<li><a href=\"http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/\">Turck MMCache</a> installed</li>\n";
487 -}
488 -
489 -$conf->xcache = function_exists( 'xcache_get' );
490 -if( $conf->xcache )
491 - print "<li><a href=\"http://trac.lighttpd.net/xcache/\">XCache</a> installed</li>\n";
492 -
493 -$conf->apc = function_exists('apc_fetch');
494 -if ($conf->apc ) {
495 - print "<li><a href=\"http://www.php.net/apc\">APC</a> installed</li>\n";
496 -}
497 -
498 -$conf->eaccel = function_exists( 'eaccelerator_get' );
499 -if ( $conf->eaccel ) {
500 - $conf->turck = 'eaccelerator';
501 - print "<li><a href=\"http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net/\">eAccelerator</a> installed</li>\n";
502 -}
503 -
504 -$conf->dba = function_exists( 'dba_open' );
505 -
506 -if( !( $conf->turck || $conf->eaccel || $conf->apc || $conf->xcache ) ) {
507 - echo( '<li>Couldn\'t find <a href="http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net">Turck MMCache</a>,
508 - <a href="http://eaccelerator.sourceforge.net">eAccelerator</a>,
509 - <a href="http://www.php.net/apc">APC</a> or <a href="http://trac.lighttpd.net/xcache/">XCache</a>;
510 - cannot use these for object caching.</li>' );
511 -}
512 -
513 -$conf->phpCliPath = false;
514 -$phpClilocations = array_merge(
515 - array(
516 - "/usr/bin",
517 - "/usr/local/bin",
518 - "/opt/csw/bin",
519 - "/usr/gnu/bin",
520 - "/usr/sfw/bin" ),
521 - explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv( "PATH" ) ) );
522 -$phpClinames = array( "php", "php.exe" );
523 -foreach ($phpClilocations as $loc) {
524 - $exe = locate_executable($loc, $phpClinames);
525 - if ($exe !== false) {
526 - $conf->phpCliPath= $exe;
527 - break;
528 - }
529 -}
530 -
531 -$conf->diff3 = false;
532 -$diff3locations = array_merge(
533 - array(
534 - "/usr/bin",
535 - "/usr/local/bin",
536 - "/opt/csw/bin",
537 - "/usr/gnu/bin",
538 - "/usr/sfw/bin" ),
539 - explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, getenv( "PATH" ) ) );
540 -$diff3names = array( "gdiff3", "diff3", "diff3.exe" );
541 -
542 -$diff3versioninfo = array( '$1 --version 2>&1', 'diff3 (GNU diffutils)' );
543 -foreach ($diff3locations as $loc) {
544 - $exe = locate_executable($loc, $diff3names, $diff3versioninfo);
545 - if ($exe !== false) {
546 - $conf->diff3 = $exe;
547 - break;
548 - }
549 -}
550 -
551 -if ($conf->diff3)
552 - print "<li>Found GNU diff3: <tt>$conf->diff3</tt>.</li>";
553 -else
554 - print "<li>GNU diff3 not found.</li>";
555 -
556 -$conf->ImageMagick = false;
557 -$imcheck = array( "/usr/bin", "/opt/csw/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/sw/bin", "/opt/local/bin" );
558 -foreach( $imcheck as $dir ) {
559 - $im = "$dir/convert";
560 - if( @file_exists( $im ) ) {
561 - print "<li>Found ImageMagick: <tt>$im</tt>; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.</li>\n";
562 - $conf->ImageMagick = $im;
563 - break;
564 - }
565 -}
566 -
567 -$conf->HaveGD = function_exists( "imagejpeg" );
568 -if( $conf->HaveGD ) {
569 - print "<li>Found GD graphics library built-in";
570 - if( !$conf->ImageMagick ) {
571 - print ", image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads";
572 - }
573 - print ".</li>\n";
574 -} else {
575 - if( !$conf->ImageMagick ) {
576 - print "<li>Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled.</li>\n";
577 - }
578 -}
579 -
580 -$conf->IP = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
581 -print "<li>Installation directory: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->IP ) . "</tt></li>\n";
582 -
583 -
584 -// PHP_SELF isn't available sometimes, such as when PHP is CGI but
585 -// cgi.fix_pathinfo is disabled. In that case, fall back to SCRIPT_NAME
586 -// to get the path to the current script... hopefully it's reliable. SIGH
587 -$path = ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] === '')
589 - : $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
590 -
591 -$conf->ScriptPath = preg_replace( '{^(.*)/config.*$}', '$1', $path );
592 -print "<li>Script URI path: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->ScriptPath ) . "</tt></li>\n";
593 -
594 -
595 -
596 -// We may be installing from *.php5 extension file, if so, print message
597 -$conf->ScriptExtension = '.php';
598 -if (defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT')) {
599 - $conf->ScriptExtension = '.php5';
600 - print "<li>Installing MediaWiki with <tt>php5</tt> file extensions</li>\n";
601 -} else {
602 - print "<li>Installing MediaWiki with <tt>php</tt> file extensions</li>\n";
603 -}
604 -
605 -
606 -print "<li style='font-weight:bold;color:green;font-size:110%'>Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.</li>\n";
607 - $conf->posted = ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST");
608 -
609 - $conf->Sitename = ucfirst( importPost( "Sitename", "" ) );
610 - $defaultEmail = empty( $_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"] )
611 - ? 'root@localhost'
613 - $conf->EmergencyContact = importPost( "EmergencyContact", $defaultEmail );
614 - $conf->DBtype = importPost( "DBtype", $DefaultDBtype );
615 - if ( !isset( $ourdb[$conf->DBtype] ) ) {
616 - $conf->DBtype = $DefaultDBtype;
617 - }
618 -
619 - $conf->DBserver = importPost( "DBserver", "localhost" );
620 - $conf->DBname = importPost( "DBname", "wikidb" );
621 - $conf->DBuser = importPost( "DBuser", "wikiuser" );
622 - $conf->DBpassword = importPost( "DBpassword" );
623 - $conf->DBpassword2 = importPost( "DBpassword2" );
624 - $conf->SysopName = importPost( "SysopName", "WikiSysop" );
625 - $conf->SysopPass = importPost( "SysopPass" );
626 - $conf->SysopPass2 = importPost( "SysopPass2" );
627 - $conf->RootUser = importPost( "RootUser", "root" );
628 - $conf->RootPW = importPost( "RootPW", "" );
629 - $useRoot = importCheck( 'useroot', false );
630 - $conf->populateadmin = importCheck( 'populateadmin', false );
631 - $conf->LanguageCode = importPost( "LanguageCode", "en" );
632 - ## MySQL specific:
633 - $conf->DBprefix = importPost( "DBprefix" );
634 - $conf->setSchema(
635 - importPost( "DBschema", "mysql5-binary" ),
636 - importPost( "DBengine", "InnoDB" ) );
637 -
638 - ## Postgres specific:
639 - $conf->DBport = importPost( "DBport", "5432" );
640 - $conf->DBmwschema = importPost( "DBmwschema", "mediawiki" );
641 - $conf->DBts2schema = importPost( "DBts2schema", "public" );
642 -
643 - ## SQLite specific
644 - $conf->SQLiteDataDir = importPost( "SQLiteDataDir", "" );
645 -
646 - ## MSSQL specific
647 - // We need a second field so it doesn't overwrite the MySQL one
648 - $conf->DBprefix2 = importPost( "DBprefix2" );
649 -
650 - ## DB2 specific:
651 - // New variable in order to have a different default port number
652 - $conf->DBport_db2 = importPost( "DBport_db2", "50000" );
653 - $conf->DBmwschema = importPost( "DBmwschema", "mediawiki" );
654 - $conf->DBcataloged = importPost( "DBcataloged", "cataloged" );
655 -
656 - // Oracle specific
657 - $conf->DBprefix_ora = importPost( "DBprefix_ora" );
658 - $conf->DBdefTS_ora = importPost( "DBdefTS_ora", "USERS" );
659 - $conf->DBtempTS_ora = importPost( "DBtempTS_ora", "TEMP" );
660 -
661 - $conf->ShellLocale = getShellLocale( $conf->LanguageCode );
662 -
663 -/* Check for validity */
664 -$errs = array();
665 -
666 -if( preg_match( '/^$|^mediawiki$|#/i', $conf->Sitename ) ) {
667 - $errs["Sitename"] = "Must not be blank or \"MediaWiki\" and may not contain \"#\"";
668 -}
669 -if( $conf->DBuser == "" ) {
670 - $errs["DBuser"] = "Must not be blank";
671 -}
672 -if( ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') && (strlen($conf->DBuser) > 16) ) {
673 - $errs["DBuser"] = "Username too long";
674 -}
675 -if( $conf->DBpassword == "" && $conf->DBtype != "postgres" ) {
676 - $errs["DBpassword"] = "Must not be blank";
677 -}
678 -if( $conf->DBpassword != $conf->DBpassword2 ) {
679 - $errs["DBpassword2"] = "Passwords don't match!";
680 -}
681 -if( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z_0-9]*$/', $conf->DBprefix ) ) {
682 - $errs["DBprefix"] = "Invalid table prefix";
683 -} else {
684 - untaint( $conf->DBprefix, TC_MYSQL );
685 -}
686 -if( !preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z_0-9]*$/', $conf->DBprefix_ora ) ) {
687 - $errs["DBprefix_ora"] = "Invalid table prefix";
688 -}
689 -
690 -error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
691 -
692 -/**
693 - * Initialise $wgLang and $wgContLang to something so we can
694 - * call case-folding methods. Per Brion, this is English for
695 - * now, although we could be clever and initialise to the
696 - * user-selected language.
697 - */
698 -$wgContLang = Language::factory( 'en' );
699 -$wgLang = $wgContLang;
700 -
701 -/**
702 - * We're messing about with users, so we need a stub
703 - * authentication plugin...
704 - */
705 -$wgAuth = new AuthPlugin();
706 -
707 -/**
708 - * Validate the initial administrator account; username,
709 - * password checks, etc.
710 - */
711 -if( $conf->SysopName ) {
712 - # Check that the user can be created
713 - $u = User::newFromName( $conf->SysopName );
714 - if( is_a($u, 'User') ) { // please do not use instanceof, it breaks PHP4
715 - # Various password checks
716 - if( $conf->SysopPass != '' ) {
717 - if( $conf->SysopPass == $conf->SysopPass2 ) {
718 - if( $u->isValidPassword( $conf->SysopPass ) !== true ) {
719 - $errs['SysopPass'] = "Bad password";
720 - }
721 - } else {
722 - $errs['SysopPass2'] = "Passwords don't match";
723 - }
724 - } else {
725 - $errs['SysopPass'] = "Cannot be blank";
726 - }
727 - unset( $u );
728 - } else {
729 - $errs['SysopName'] = "Bad username";
730 - }
731 -}
732 -
733 -$conf->License = importRequest( "License", "none" );
734 -if( $conf->License == "gfdl1_2" ) {
735 - $conf->RightsUrl = "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.txt";
736 - $conf->RightsText = "GNU Free Documentation License 1.2";
737 - $conf->RightsCode = "gfdl1_2";
738 - $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/gnu-fdl.png';
739 -} elseif( $conf->License == "gfdl1_3" ) {
740 - $conf->RightsUrl = "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html";
741 - $conf->RightsText = "GNU Free Documentation License 1.3";
742 - $conf->RightsCode = "gfdl1_3";
743 - $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/gnu-fdl.png';
744 -} elseif( $conf->License == "none" ) {
745 - $conf->RightsUrl = $conf->RightsText = $conf->RightsCode = $conf->RightsIcon = "";
746 -} elseif( $conf->License == "pd" ) {
747 - $conf->RightsUrl = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/";
748 - $conf->RightsText = "Public Domain";
749 - $conf->RightsCode = "pd";
750 - $conf->RightsIcon = '${wgScriptPath}/skins/common/images/public-domain.png';
751 -} else {
752 - $conf->RightsUrl = importRequest( "RightsUrl", "" );
753 - $conf->RightsText = importRequest( "RightsText", "" );
754 - $conf->RightsCode = importRequest( "RightsCode", "" );
755 - $conf->RightsIcon = importRequest( "RightsIcon", "" );
756 -}
757 -
758 -$conf->Shm = importRequest( "Shm", "none" );
759 -$conf->MCServers = importRequest( "MCServers" );
760 -
761 -/* Test memcached servers */
762 -
763 -if ( $conf->Shm == 'memcached' && $conf->MCServers ) {
764 - $conf->MCServerArray = wfArrayMap( 'trim', explode( ',', $conf->MCServers ) );
765 - foreach ( $conf->MCServerArray as $server ) {
766 - $error = testMemcachedServer( $server );
767 - if ( $error ) {
768 - $errs["MCServers"] = $error;
769 - break;
770 - }
771 - }
772 -} else if ( $conf->Shm == 'memcached' ) {
773 - $errs["MCServers"] = "Please specify at least one server if you wish to use memcached";
774 -}
775 -
776 -/* default values for installation */
777 -$conf->Email = importRequest("Email", "email_enabled");
778 -$conf->Emailuser = importRequest("Emailuser", "emailuser_enabled");
779 -$conf->Enotif = importRequest("Enotif", "enotif_allpages");
780 -$conf->Eauthent = importRequest("Eauthent", "eauthent_enabled");
781 -
782 -if( $conf->posted && ( 0 == count( $errs ) ) ) {
783 - do { /* So we can 'continue' to end prematurely */
784 - $conf->Root = ($conf->RootPW != "");
785 -
786 - /* Load up the settings and get installin' */
787 - $local = writeLocalSettings( $conf );
788 - echo "<li style=\"list-style: none\">\n";
789 - echo "<p><b>Generating configuration file...</b></p>\n";
790 - echo "</li>\n";
791 -
792 - $wgCommandLineMode = false;
793 - chdir( ".." );
794 - $ok = eval( $local );
795 - if( $ok === false ) {
796 - dieout( "<p>Errors in generated configuration; " .
797 - "most likely due to a bug in the installer... " .
798 - "Config file was: </p>" .
799 - "<pre>" .
800 - htmlspecialchars( $local ) .
801 - "</pre>" );
802 - }
803 - $conf->DBtypename = '';
804 - foreach (array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
805 - if ($conf->DBtype === $db)
806 - $conf->DBtypename = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
807 - }
808 - if ( ! strlen($conf->DBtype)) {
809 - $errs["DBpicktype"] = "Please choose a database type";
810 - continue;
811 - }
812 -
813 - if (! $conf->DBtypename) {
814 - $errs["DBtype"] = "Unknown database type '$conf->DBtype'";
815 - continue;
816 - }
817 - print "<li>Database type: " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBtypename ) . "</li>\n";
818 - $dbclass = 'Database'.ucfirst($conf->DBtype);
819 - $wgDBtype = $conf->DBtype;
820 - $wgDBadminuser = "root";
821 - $wgDBadminpassword = $conf->RootPW;
822 -
823 - ## Mysql specific:
824 - $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix;
825 -
826 - ## Postgres specific:
827 - $wgDBport = $conf->DBport;
828 - $wgDBmwschema = $conf->DBmwschema;
829 - $wgDBts2schema = $conf->DBts2schema;
830 -
831 - if( $conf->DBprefix2 != '' ) {
832 - // For MSSQL
833 - $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix2;
834 - } elseif( $conf->DBprefix_ora != '' ) {
835 - // For Oracle
836 - $wgDBprefix = $conf->DBprefix_ora;
837 - }
838 -
839 - ## DB2 specific:
840 - $wgDBcataloged = $conf->DBcataloged;
841 -
842 - $wgCommandLineMode = true;
843 - if (! defined ( 'STDERR' ) )
844 - define( 'STDERR', fopen("php://stderr", "wb"));
845 - $wgUseDatabaseMessages = false; /* FIXME: For database failure */
846 - require_once( "$IP/includes/Setup.php" );
847 - Language::getLocalisationCache()->disableBackend();
848 -
849 - chdir( "config" );
850 -
851 - $wgTitle = Title::newFromText( "Installation script" );
852 - error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
853 - print "<li>Loading class: " . htmlspecialchars( $dbclass ) . "</li>\n";
854 - if ( $conf->DBtype != 'sqlite' ) {
855 - $dbc = new $dbclass;
856 - }
857 -
858 - if( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' ) {
859 - $mysqlOldClient = version_compare( mysql_get_client_info(), "4.1.0", "lt" );
860 - if( $mysqlOldClient ) {
861 - print "<li><b>PHP is linked with old MySQL client libraries. If you are
862 - using a MySQL 4.1 server and have problems connecting to the database,
863 - see <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'
864 - >http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b></li>\n";
865 - }
866 - $ok = true; # Let's be optimistic
867 -
868 - # Decide if we're going to use the superuser or the regular database user
869 - $conf->Root = $useRoot;
870 - if( $conf->Root ) {
871 - $db_user = $conf->RootUser;
872 - $db_pass = $conf->RootPW;
873 - } else {
874 - $db_user = $wgDBuser;
875 - $db_pass = $wgDBpassword;
876 - }
877 -
878 - # Attempt to connect
879 - echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database server as " . htmlspecialchars( $db_user ) . "..." );
880 - $wgDatabase = Database::newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $db_user, $db_pass, '', 1 );
881 -
882 - # Check the connection and respond to errors
883 - if( $wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {
884 - # Seems OK
885 - $ok = true;
886 - $wgDBadminuser = $db_user;
887 - $wgDBadminpassword = $db_pass;
888 - echo( "success.</li>\n" );
889 - $wgDatabase->ignoreErrors( true );
890 - $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
891 - } else {
892 - # There were errors, report them and back out
893 - $ok = false;
894 - $errno = mysql_errno();
895 - $errtx = htmlspecialchars( mysql_error() );
896 - switch( $errno ) {
897 - case 1045:
898 - case 2000:
899 - echo( "failed due to authentication errors. Check passwords.</li>" );
900 - if( $conf->Root ) {
901 - # The superuser details are wrong
902 - $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
903 - $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
904 - } else {
905 - # The regular user details are wrong
906 - $errs["DBuser"] = "Check username";
907 - $errs["DBpassword"] = "and password";
908 - }
909 - break;
910 - case 2002:
911 - case 2003:
912 - default:
913 - # General connection problem
914 - echo( htmlspecialchars( "failed with error [$errno] $errtx." ) . "</li>\n" );
915 - $errs["DBserver"] = "Connection failed";
916 - break;
917 - } # switch
918 - } #conn. att.
919 -
920 - if( !$ok ) { continue; }
921 - }
922 - else if( $conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2' ) {
923 - if( $useRoot ) {
924 - $db_user = $conf->RootUser;
925 - $db_pass = $conf->RootPW;
926 - } else {
927 - $db_user = $wgDBuser;
928 - $db_pass = $wgDBpassword;
929 - }
930 -
931 - echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
932 - "\" as \"" . htmlspecialchars( $db_user ) . "\"..." );
933 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $db_user, $db_pass, $wgDBname, 1);
934 - // enable extra debug messages
935 - $dbc->setMode(DatabaseIbm_db2::INSTALL_MODE);
936 - $wgDatabase->setMode(DatabaseIbm_db2::INSTALL_MODE);
937 -
938 - if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
939 - print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
940 - } else {
941 - $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
942 - }
943 - if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
944 -
945 - } elseif ( $conf->DBtype == 'sqlite' ) {
946 - if ("$wgSQLiteDataDir" == '') {
947 - $wgSQLiteDataDir = dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'/data';
948 - }
949 - echo "<li>Attempting to connect to SQLite database at \"" .
950 - htmlspecialchars( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) . "\"";
951 - if ( !is_dir( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) {
952 - if ( is_writable( dirname( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) ) {
953 - $ok = wfMkdirParents( $wgSQLiteDataDir, $wgSQLiteDataDirMode );
954 - } else {
955 - $ok = false;
956 - }
957 - if ( !$ok ) {
958 - echo ": cannot create data directory</li>";
959 - $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Enter a valid data directory';
960 - continue;
961 - }
962 - }
963 - if ( !is_writable( $wgSQLiteDataDir ) ) {
964 - echo ": data directory not writable</li>";
965 - $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Enter a writable data directory';
966 - continue;
967 - }
968 - $dataFile = "$wgSQLiteDataDir/$wgDBname.sqlite";
969 - if ( file_exists( $dataFile ) && !is_writable( $dataFile ) ) {
970 - echo ": data file not writable</li>";
971 - $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = "$wgDBname.sqlite is not writable";
972 - continue;
973 - }
974 - $wgDatabase = new DatabaseSqlite( false, false, false, $wgDBname, 1 );
975 - if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
976 - print ": error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
977 - $errs['SQLiteDataDir'] = 'Could not connect to database';
978 - continue;
979 - } else {
980 - $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
981 - }
982 - if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
983 - echo "ok</li>\n";
984 - } elseif ( $conf->DBtype == 'oracle' ) {
985 - echo "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) ."\"</li>";
986 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
987 - if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
988 - $ok = true;
989 - echo "<li>Connect failed.</li>";
990 - if ($useRoot) {
991 - if (ini_get('oci8.privileged_connect') === false) {
992 - echo "<li>Privileged connect disabled, please set oci8.privileged_connect or run maintenance/ora/user.sql script manually prior to continuing.</li>";
993 - $ok = false;
994 - } else {
995 - $wgDBadminuser = $conf->RootUser;
996 - $wgDBadminpassword = $conf->RootPW;
997 - echo "<li>Attempting to create DB user.</li>";
998 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword, $wgDBname, 1, 64);
999 - if ($wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
1000 - $wgDBOracleDefTS = $conf->DBdefTS_ora;
1001 - $wgDBOracleTempTS = $conf->DBtempTS_ora;
1002 - $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/ora/user.sql" );
1003 - } else {
1004 - echo "<li>Invalid database superuser, please supply a valid superuser account.</li>";
1005 - echo "<li>ERR: ".print_r(oci_error(), true)."</li>";
1006 - $ok = false;
1007 - }
1008 - }
1009 - } else {
1010 - echo "<li>Database superuser missing, please supply a valid superuser account.</li>";
1011 - $ok = false;
1012 - }
1013 - if (!$ok) {
1014 - $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
1015 - $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
1016 - } else {
1017 - echo "<li>Attempting to connect to database with new user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) ."\"</li>";
1018 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams('DUMMY', $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
1019 - }
1020 - }
1021 - if ($ok) {
1022 - $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
1023 - }
1024 - } else { # not mysql
1025 - error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
1026 - $wgSuperUser = '';
1027 - ## Possible connect as a superuser
1028 - // Changed !mysql to postgres check since it seems to only apply to postgres
1029 - if( $useRoot && $conf->DBtype == 'postgres' ) {
1030 - $wgDBsuperuser = $conf->RootUser;
1031 - echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"postgres\" as superuser \"" .
1032 - htmlspecialchars( $wgDBsuperuser ) . "\"..." );
1033 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $wgDBsuperuser, $conf->RootPW, "postgres", 1);
1034 - if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
1035 - print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
1036 - $errs["DBserver"] = "Could not connect to database as superuser";
1037 - $errs["RootUser"] = "Check username";
1038 - $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
1039 - continue;
1040 - }
1041 - $wgDatabase->initial_setup($conf->RootPW, 'postgres');
1042 - }
1043 - echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
1044 - "\" as \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\"..." );
1045 - $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
1046 - if (!$wgDatabase->isOpen()) {
1047 - print " error: " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDatabase->lastError() ) . "</li>\n";
1048 - $errs["DBserver"] = "Could not connect to database as user";
1049 - $errs["DBuser"] = "Check username";
1050 - $errs["DBpassword"] = "and password";
1051 - continue;
1052 - } else {
1053 - $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
1054 - }
1055 - if (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'initial_setup'))) $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
1056 - }
1057 -
1058 - if ( !$wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {
1059 - $errs["DBserver"] = "Couldn't connect to database";
1060 - continue;
1061 - }
1062 -
1063 - print "<li>Connected to " . htmlspecialchars( "{$conf->DBtype} $myver" );
1064 - if ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
1065 - if( version_compare( $myver, "4.0.14" ) < 0 ) {
1066 - print "</li>\n";
1067 - dieout( "-- mysql 4.0.14 or later required. Aborting." );
1068 - }
1069 - $mysqlNewAuth = version_compare( $myver, "4.1.0", "ge" );
1070 - if( $mysqlNewAuth && $mysqlOldClient ) {
1071 - print "; <b class='error'>You are using MySQL 4.1 server, but PHP is linked
1072 - to old client libraries; if you have trouble with authentication, see
1073 - <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'
1074 - >http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b>";
1075 - }
1076 - if( $wgDBmysql5 ) {
1077 - if( $mysqlNewAuth ) {
1078 - print "; enabling MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode";
1079 - } else {
1080 - print "; <b class='error'>MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode enabled,
1081 - but older version detected; will likely fail.</b>";
1082 - }
1083 - }
1084 - print "</li>\n";
1085 -
1086 - @$sel = $wgDatabase->selectDB( $wgDBname );
1087 - if( $sel ) {
1088 - print "<li>Database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt> exists</li>\n";
1089 - } else {
1090 - $err = mysql_errno();
1091 - $databaseSafe = htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname );
1092 - if( $err == 1102 /* Invalid database name */ ) {
1093 - print "<ul><li><strong>{$databaseSafe}</strong> is not a valid database name.</li></ul>";
1094 - continue;
1095 - } elseif( $err != 1049 /* Database doesn't exist */ ) {
1096 - print "<ul><li>Error selecting database <strong>{$databaseSafe}</strong>: {$err} ";
1097 - print htmlspecialchars( mysql_error() ) . "</li></ul>";
1098 - continue;
1099 - }
1100 - print "<li>Attempting to create database...</li>";
1101 - $res = $wgDatabase->query( "CREATE DATABASE `$wgDBname`" );
1102 - if( !$res ) {
1103 - print "<li>Couldn't create database <tt>" .
1104 - htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) .
1105 - "</tt>; try with root access or check your username/pass.</li>\n";
1106 - $errs["RootPW"] = "<- Enter";
1107 - continue;
1108 - }
1109 - print "<li>Created database <tt>" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . "</tt></li>\n";
1110 - }
1111 - $wgDatabase->selectDB( $wgDBname );
1112 - }
1113 - else if ($conf->DBtype == 'postgres') {
1114 - if( version_compare( $myver, "8.0" ) < 0 ) {
1115 - dieout( "<b>Postgres 8.0 or later is required</b>. Aborting." );
1116 - }
1117 - }
1118 -
1119 - if( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "cur" ) || $wgDatabase->tableExists( "revision" ) ) {
1120 - print "<li>There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates are needed...</li>\n";
1121 -
1122 - if ( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
1123 - # Determine existing default character set
1124 - if ( $wgDatabase->tableExists( "revision" ) ) {
1125 - $revision = $wgDatabase->escapeLike( $conf->DBprefix . 'revision' );
1126 - $res = $wgDatabase->query( "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$revision'" );
1127 - $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res );
1128 - if ( !$row ) {
1129 - echo "<li>SHOW TABLE STATUS query failed!</li>\n";
1130 - $existingSchema = false;
1131 - $existingEngine = false;
1132 - } else {
1133 - if ( preg_match( '/^latin1/', $row->Collation ) ) {
1134 - $existingSchema = 'mysql4';
1135 - } elseif ( preg_match( '/^utf8/', $row->Collation ) ) {
1136 - $existingSchema = 'mysql5';
1137 - } elseif ( preg_match( '/^binary/', $row->Collation ) ) {
1138 - $existingSchema = 'mysql5-binary';
1139 - } else {
1140 - $existingSchema = false;
1141 - echo "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> Unrecognised existing collation</li>\n";
1142 - }
1143 - if ( isset( $row->Engine ) ) {
1144 - $existingEngine = $row->Engine;
1145 - } else {
1146 - $existingEngine = $row->Type;
1147 - }
1148 - }
1149 - if ( $existingSchema && $existingSchema != $conf->DBschema ) {
1150 - $encExisting = htmlspecialchars( $existingSchema );
1151 - $encRequested = htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBschema );
1152 - print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> you requested the $encRequested schema, " .
1153 - "but the existing database has the $encExisting schema. This upgrade script ".
1154 - "can't convert it, so it will remain $encExisting.</li>\n";
1155 - $conf->setSchema( $existingSchema, $conf->DBengine );
1156 - }
1157 - if ( $existingEngine && $existingEngine != $conf->DBengine ) {
1158 - $encExisting = htmlspecialchars( $existingEngine );
1159 - $encRequested = htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBengine );
1160 - print "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> you requested the $encRequested storage " .
1161 - "engine, but the existing database uses the $encExisting engine. This upgrade " .
1162 - "script can't convert it, so it will remain $encExisting.</li>\n";
1163 - $conf->setSchema( $conf->DBschema, $existingEngine );
1164 - }
1165 - }
1166 -
1167 - # Create user if required
1168 - if ( $conf->Root ) {
1169 - $conn = $dbc->newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1 );
1170 - if ( $conn->isOpen() ) {
1171 - print "<li>DB user account ok</li>\n";
1172 - $conn->close();
1173 - } else {
1174 - print "<li>Granting user permissions...";
1175 - if( $mysqlOldClient && $mysqlNewAuth ) {
1176 - print " <b class='error'>If the next step fails, see <a href='http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html'>http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html</a> for help.</b>";
1177 - }
1178 - print "</li>\n";
1179 - $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/users.sql" );
1180 - }
1181 - }
1182 - }
1183 - print "</ul><pre>\n";
1184 - chdir( ".." );
1185 - flush();
1186 - do_all_updates();
1187 - chdir( "config" );
1188 - print "</pre>\n";
1189 - print "<ul><li>Finished update checks.</li>\n";
1190 - // if tables don't yet exist
1191 - } else {
1192 - # Determine available storage engines if possible
1193 - if ( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' && version_compare( $myver, "4.1.2", "ge" ) ) {
1194 - $res = $wgDatabase->query( 'SHOW ENGINES' );
1195 - $found = false;
1196 - while ( $row = $wgDatabase->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
1197 - if ( $row->Engine == $conf->DBengine && ( $row->Support == 'YES' || $row->Support == 'DEFAULT' ) ) {
1198 - $found = true;
1199 - break;
1200 - }
1201 - }
1202 - $wgDatabase->freeResult( $res );
1203 - if ( !$found && $conf->DBengine != 'MyISAM' ) {
1204 - echo "<li><strong>Warning:</strong> " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->DBengine ) .
1205 - " storage engine not available, " .
1206 - "using MyISAM instead</li>\n";
1207 - $conf->setSchema( $conf->DBschema, 'MyISAM' );
1208 - }
1209 - }
1210 -
1211 - # FIXME: Check for errors
1212 - print "<li>Creating tables...";
1213 - if ($conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
1214 - $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/tables.sql" );
1215 - $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/interwiki.sql" );
1216 - } elseif (is_callable(array($wgDatabase, 'setup_database'))) {
1217 - $wgDatabase->setup_database();
1218 - }
1219 - else {
1220 - $errs["DBtype"] = "Do not know how to handle database type '$conf->DBtype'";
1221 - continue;
1222 - }
1223 -
1224 - print " done.</li>\n";
1225 -
1226 -
1227 - if ($conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2') {
1228 - // Now that table creation is done, make sure everything is committed
1229 - // Do this before doing inserts through API
1230 - if ($wgDatabase->lastError()) {
1231 - print "<li>Errors encountered during table creation -- rolled back</li>\n";
1232 - $wgDatabase->rollback();
1233 - }
1234 - else {
1235 - print "<li>MediaWiki tables successfully created</li>\n";
1236 - $wgDatabase->commit();
1237 - }
1238 - }
1239 -
1240 - print "<li>Initializing statistics...</li>\n";
1241 - $wgDatabase->insert( 'site_stats',
1242 - array ( 'ss_row_id' => 1,
1243 - 'ss_total_views' => 0,
1244 - 'ss_total_edits' => 1, # Main page first edit
1245 - 'ss_good_articles' => 0, # Main page is not a good article - no internal link
1246 - 'ss_total_pages' => 1, # Main page
1247 - 'ss_users' => $conf->SysopName ? 1 : 0, # Sysop account, if created
1248 - 'ss_admins' => $conf->SysopName ? 1 : 0, # Sysop account, if created
1249 - 'ss_images' => 0 ) );
1250 -
1251 - # Set up the "regular user" account *if we can, and if we need to*
1252 - if( $conf->Root and $conf->DBtype == 'mysql') {
1253 - # See if we need to
1254 - $wgDatabase2 = $dbc->newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1 );
1255 - if( $wgDatabase2->isOpen() ) {
1256 - # Nope, just close the test connection and continue
1257 - $wgDatabase2->close();
1258 - echo( "<li>User " . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . " exists. Skipping grants.</li>\n" );
1259 - } else {
1260 - # Yes, so run the grants
1261 - echo( "<li>" . htmlspecialchars( "Granting user permissions to $wgDBuser on $wgDBname..." ) );
1262 - $wgDatabase->sourceFile( "../maintenance/users.sql" );
1263 - echo( "success.</li>\n" );
1264 - }
1265 - }
1266 -
1267 - if( $conf->SysopName ) {
1268 - $u = User::newFromName( $conf->getSysopName() );
1269 - if ( !$u ) {
1270 - print "<li><strong class=\"error\">Warning:</strong> Skipped sysop account creation - invalid username!</li>\n";
1271 - }
1272 - else if ( 0 == $u->idForName() ) {
1273 - $u->addToDatabase();
1274 - $u->setPassword( $conf->getSysopPass() );
1275 - $u->saveSettings();
1276 -
1277 - $u->addGroup( "sysop" );
1278 - $u->addGroup( "bureaucrat" );
1279 -
1280 - print "<li>Created sysop account <tt>" .
1281 - htmlspecialchars( $conf->SysopName ) . "</tt>.</li>\n";
1282 - } else {
1283 - print "<li>Could not create user - already exists!</li>\n";
1284 - }
1285 - } else {
1286 - print "<li>Skipped sysop account creation, no name given.</li>\n";
1287 - }
1288 -
1289 - $titleobj = Title::newFromText( wfMsgNoDB( "mainpage" ) );
1290 - $article = new Article( $titleobj );
1291 - $newid = $article->insertOn( $wgDatabase );
1292 - $revision = new Revision( array(
1293 - 'page' => $newid,
1294 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'mainpagetext' ) . "\n\n" . wfMsgNoTrans( 'mainpagedocfooter' ),
1295 - 'comment' => '',
1296 - 'user' => 0,
1297 - 'user_text' => 'MediaWiki default',
1298 - ) );
1299 - $revid = $revision->insertOn( $wgDatabase );
1300 - $article->updateRevisionOn( $wgDatabase, $revision );
1301 - }
1302 -
1303 - /* Write out the config file now that all is well */
1304 - print "<li style=\"list-style: none\">\n";
1305 - print "<p>Creating LocalSettings.php...</p>\n\n";
1306 - $localSettings = "<" . "?php$endl$local";
1307 - // Fix up a common line-ending problem (due to CVS on Windows)
1308 - $localSettings = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $localSettings );
1309 - $f = fopen( "LocalSettings.php", 'xt' );
1310 -
1311 - if( $f == false ) {
1312 - print( "</li>\n" );
1313 - dieout( "<p>Couldn't write out LocalSettings.php. Check that the directory permissions are correct and that there isn't already a file of that name here...</p>\n" .
1314 - "<p>Here's the file that would have been written, try to paste it into place manually:</p>\n" .
1315 - "<pre>\n" . htmlspecialchars( $localSettings ) . "</pre>\n" );
1316 - }
1317 - if(fwrite( $f, $localSettings ) ) {
1318 - fclose( $f );
1319 - print "<hr/>\n";
1320 - writeSuccessMessage();
1321 - print "</li>\n";
1322 - } else {
1323 - fclose( $f );
1324 - dieout( "<p class='error'>An error occured while writing the config/LocalSettings.php file. Check user rights and disk space then try again.</p></li>\n" );
1325 - }
1326 -
1327 - } while( false );
1328 -}
1329 -
1330 -print "</ul>\n";
1331 -$mainListOpened = false;
1332 -
1333 -if( count( $errs ) ) {
1334 - /* Display options form */
1335 -
1336 - if( $conf->posted ) {
1337 - echo "<p class='error-top'>Something's not quite right yet; make sure everything below is filled out correctly.</p>\n";
1338 - }
1339 -?>
1340 -
1341 -<form action="<?php echo defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php'; ?>" name="config" method="post">
1342 -
1343 -<h2>Site config</h2>
1344 -
1345 -<div class="config-section">
1346 - <div class="config-input">
1347 - <?php aField( $conf, "Sitename", "Wiki name:" ); ?>
1348 - </div>
1349 - <p class="config-desc">
1350 - Preferably a short word without punctuation, i.e. "Wikipedia".<br />
1351 - Will appear as the namespace name for "meta" pages, and throughout the interface.
1352 - </p>
1353 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "EmergencyContact", "Contact e-mail:" ); ?></div>
1354 - <p class="config-desc">
1355 - Displayed to users in some error messages, used as the return address for password reminders, and used as the default sender address of e-mail notifications.
1356 - </p>
1357 -
1358 - <div class="config-input">
1359 - <label class='column' for="LanguageCode">Language:</label>
1360 - <select id="LanguageCode" name="LanguageCode"><?php
1361 - $list = getLanguageList();
1362 - foreach( $list as $code => $name ) {
1363 - $sel = ($code == $conf->LanguageCode) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1364 - $encCode = htmlspecialchars( $code );
1365 - $encName = htmlspecialchars( $name );
1366 - echo "\n\t\t<option value=\"$encCode\" $sel>$encName</option>";
1367 - }
1368 - echo "\n";
1369 - ?>
1370 - </select>
1371 - </div>
1372 - <p class="config-desc">
1373 - Select the language for your wiki's interface. Some localizations aren't fully complete. Unicode (UTF-8) is used for all localizations.
1374 - </p>
1375 -
1376 - <div class="config-input">
1377 - <label class='column'>Copyright/license:</label>
1378 -
1379 - <ul class="plain">
1380 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "No license metadata", "radio", "none" ); ?></li>
1381 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "Public Domain", "radio", "pd" ); ?></li>
1382 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "GNU Free Documentation License 1.2", "radio", "gfdl1_2" ); ?></li>
1383 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "License", "GNU Free Documentation License 1.3", "radio", "gfdl1_3" ); ?></li>
1384 - <li><?php
1385 - aField( $conf, "License", "A Creative Commons license - ", "radio", "cc" );
1386 - $partner = "MediaWiki";
1387 - $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
1388 - $exit = urlencode( "$wgServer{$conf->ScriptPath}/config/$script?License=cc&RightsUrl=[license_url]&RightsText=[license_name]&RightsCode=[license_code]&RightsIcon=[license_button]" );
1389 - $icon = urlencode( "$wgServer$wgUploadPath/wiki.png" );
1390 - $ccApp = htmlspecialchars( "http://creativecommons.org/license/?partner=$partner&exit_url=$exit&partner_icon_url=$icon" );
1391 - print "<a href=\"$ccApp\" target='_blank'>choose</a>";
1392 - if( $conf->License == "cc" ) { ?>
1393 - <ul>
1394 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsIcon", "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsIcon ) . "\" alt='(Creative Commons icon)' />", "hidden" ); ?></li>
1395 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsText", htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsText ), "hidden" ); ?></li>
1396 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsCode", "code: " . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsCode ), "hidden" ); ?></li>
1397 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "RightsUrl", "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsUrl ) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars( $conf->RightsUrl ) . "</a>", "hidden" ); ?></li>
1398 - </ul>
1399 - <?php } ?>
1400 - </li>
1401 - </ul>
1402 - </div>
1403 - <p class="config-desc">
1404 - A notice, icon, and machine-readable copyright metadata will be displayed for the license you pick.
1405 - </p>
1406 -
1407 -
1408 - <div class="config-input">
1409 - <?php aField( $conf, "SysopName", "Admin username:" ) ?>
1410 - </div>
1411 - <div class="config-input">
1412 - <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass", "Password:", "password" ) ?>
1413 - </div>
1414 - <div class="config-input">
1415 - <?php aField( $conf, "SysopPass2", "Password confirm:", "password" ) ?>
1416 - </div>
1417 - <p class="config-desc">
1418 - An admin can lock/delete pages, block users from editing, and do other maintenance tasks.<br />
1419 - A new account will be added only when creating a new wiki database.
1420 - <br /><br />
1421 - The password cannot be the same as the username.
1422 - </p>
1423 -
1424 - <div class="config-input">
1425 - <label class='column'>Object caching:</label>
1426 -
1427 - <ul class="plain">
1428 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Shm", "No caching", "radio", "none" ); ?></li>
1429 - <?php
1430 - if ( $conf->turck ) {
1431 - echo "<li>";
1432 - aField( $conf, "Shm", "Turck MMCache", "radio", "turck" );
1433 - echo "</li>\n";
1434 - }
1435 - if( $conf->xcache ) {
1436 - echo "<li>";
1437 - aField( $conf, 'Shm', 'XCache', 'radio', 'xcache' );
1438 - echo "</li>\n";
1439 - }
1440 - if ( $conf->apc ) {
1441 - echo "<li>";
1442 - aField( $conf, "Shm", "APC", "radio", "apc" );
1443 - echo "</li>\n";
1444 - }
1445 - if ( $conf->eaccel ) {
1446 - echo "<li>";
1447 - aField( $conf, "Shm", "eAccelerator", "radio", "eaccel" );
1448 - echo "</li>\n";
1449 - }
1450 - if ( $conf->dba ) {
1451 - echo "<li>";
1452 - aField( $conf, "Shm", "DBA (not recommended)", "radio", "dba" );
1453 - echo "</li>";
1454 - }
1455 - ?>
1456 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Shm", "Memcached", "radio", "memcached" ); ?></li>
1457 - </ul>
1458 - <div style="clear:left"><?php aField( $conf, "MCServers", "Memcached servers:", "text" ) ?></div>
1459 - </div>
1460 - <p class="config-desc">
1461 - An object caching system such as memcached will provide a significant performance boost,
1462 - but needs to be installed. Provide the server addresses and ports in a comma-separated list.
1463 - <br /><br />
1464 - MediaWiki can also detect and support eAccelerator, Turck MMCache, APC, and XCache, but
1465 - these should not be used if the wiki will be running on multiple application servers.
1466 - <br/><br/>
1467 - DBA (Berkeley-style DB) is generally slower than using no cache at all, and is only
1468 - recommended for testing.
1469 - </p>
1470 -</div>
1471 -
1472 -<h2>E-mail, e-mail notification and authentication setup</h2>
1473 -
1474 -<div class="config-section">
1475 - <div class="config-input">
1476 - <label class='column'>E-mail features (global):</label>
1477 - <ul class="plain">
1478 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Email", "Enabled", "radio", "email_enabled" ); ?></li>
1479 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Email", "Disabled", "radio", "email_disabled" ); ?></li>
1480 - </ul>
1481 - </div>
1482 - <p class="config-desc">
1483 - Use this to disable all e-mail functions (password reminders, user-to-user e-mail, and e-mail notifications)
1484 - if sending mail doesn't work on your server.
1485 - </p>
1486 -
1487 - <div class="config-input">
1488 - <label class='column'>User-to-user e-mail:</label>
1489 - <ul class="plain">
1490 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Emailuser", "Enabled", "radio", "emailuser_enabled" ); ?></li>
1491 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Emailuser", "Disabled", "radio", "emailuser_disabled" ); ?></li>
1492 - </ul>
1493 - </div>
1494 - <p class="config-desc">
1495 - The user-to-user e-mail feature (Special:Emailuser) lets the wiki act as a relay to allow users to exchange e-mail without publicly advertising their e-mail address.
1496 - </p>
1497 - <div class="config-input">
1498 - <label class='column'>E-mail notification about changes:</label>
1499 - <ul class="plain">
1500 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Disabled", "radio", "enotif_disabled" ); ?></li>
1501 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Enabled for changes to user discussion pages only", "radio", "enotif_usertalk" ); ?></li>
1502 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Enotif", "Enabled for changes to user discussion pages, and to pages on watchlists (not recommended for large wikis)", "radio", "enotif_allpages" ); ?></li>
1503 - </ul>
1504 - </div>
1505 - <div class="config-desc">
1506 - <p>
1507 - For this feature to work, an e-mail address must be present for the user account, and the notification
1508 - options in the user's preferences must be enabled. Also note the
1509 - authentication option below. When testing the feature, keep in mind that your own changes will never trigger notifications to be sent to yourself.</p>
1510 -
1511 - <p>There are additional options for fine tuning in /includes/DefaultSettings.php; copy these to your LocalSettings.php and edit them there to change them.</p>
1512 - </div>
1513 -
1514 - <div class="config-input">
1515 - <label class='column'>E-mail address authentication:</label>
1516 - <ul class="plain">
1517 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Eauthent", "Disabled", "radio", "eauthent_disabled" ); ?></li>
1518 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "Eauthent", "Enabled", "radio", "eauthent_enabled" ); ?></li>
1519 - </ul>
1520 - </div>
1521 - <div class="config-desc">
1522 - <p>If this option is enabled, users have to confirm their e-mail address using a magic link sent to them whenever they set or change it, and only authenticated e-mail addresses can receive mails from other users and/or
1523 - change notification mails. Setting this option is <b>recommended</b> for public wikis because of potential abuse of the e-mail features above.</p>
1524 - </div>
1525 -
1526 -</div>
1527 -
1528 -<h2>Database config</h2>
1529 -
1530 -<div class="config-section">
1531 -<div class="config-input">
1532 - <label class='column'>Database type:</label>
1533 -<?php
1534 - if (isset($errs['DBpicktype'])) {
1535 - print "\t<span class='error'>" . htmlspecialchars( $errs['DBpicktype'] ) . "</span>\n";
1536 - }
1537 -?>
1538 - <ul class='plain'><?php
1539 - database_picker($conf);
1540 - ?></ul>
1541 - </div>
1542 -
1543 - <div class="config-input" style="clear:left">
1544 - <?php aField( $conf, "DBserver", "Database host:" ); ?>
1545 - </div>
1546 - <p class="config-desc">
1547 - If your database server isn't on your web server, enter the name or IP address here.
1548 - </p>
1549 -
1550 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBname", "Database name:" ); ?></div>
1551 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBuser", "DB username:" ); ?></div>
1552 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBpassword", "DB password:", "password" ); ?></div>
1553 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBpassword2", "DB password confirm:", "password" ); ?></div>
1554 - <p class="config-desc">
1555 - If you only have a single user account and database available,
1556 - enter those here. If you have database root access (see below)
1557 - you can specify new accounts/databases to be created. This account
1558 - will not be created if it pre-exists. If this is the case, ensure that it
1559 - has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on the MediaWiki database.
1560 - </p>
1561 -
1562 - <div class="config-input">
1563 - <label class="column">Superuser account:</label>
1564 - <input type="checkbox" name="useroot" id="useroot" <?php if( $useRoot ) { ?>checked="checked" <?php } ?> />
1565 - &nbsp;<label for="useroot">Use superuser account</label>
1566 - <input type="checkbox" name="populateadmin" id="populateadmin" <?php if( $conf->populateadmin ) { ?>checked="checked" <?php } ?> />
1567 - &nbsp;<label for="populateadmin">Set as admin user for maintenance</label>
1568 - </div>
1569 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "RootUser", "Superuser name:", "text" ); ?></div>
1570 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "RootPW", "Superuser password:", "password" ); ?></div>
1571 -
1572 - <p class="config-desc">
1573 - If the database user specified above does not exist, or does not have access to create
1574 - the database (if needed) or tables within it, please check the box and provide details
1575 - of a superuser account, such as <strong>root</strong>, which does.
1576 - </p>
1577 -
1578 - <?php database_switcher('mysql'); ?>
1579 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBprefix", "Database table prefix:" ); ?></div>
1580 - <div class="config-desc">
1581 - <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
1582 - between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
1583 - add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
1584 -
1585 - <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
1586 - </div>
1587 -
1588 - <div class="config-input"><label class="column">Storage Engine</label>
1589 - <div>Select one:</div>
1590 - <ul class="plain">
1591 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBengine", "InnoDB", "radio", "InnoDB" ); ?></li>
1592 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBengine", "MyISAM", "radio", "MyISAM" ); ?></li>
1593 - </ul>
1594 - </div>
1595 - <p class="config-desc">
1596 - InnoDB is best for public web installations, since it has good concurrency
1597 - support. MyISAM may be faster in single-user installations. MyISAM databases
1598 - tend to get corrupted more often than InnoDB databases.
1599 - </p>
1600 - <div class="config-input"><label class="column">Database character set</label>
1601 - <div>Select one:</div>
1602 - <ul class="plain">
1603 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.1/5.0 binary", "radio", "mysql5-binary" ); ?></li>
1604 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.1/5.0 UTF-8", "radio", "mysql5" ); ?></li>
1605 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBschema", "MySQL 4.0 backwards-compatible UTF-8", "radio", "mysql4" ); ?></li>
1606 - </ul>
1607 - </div>
1608 - <p class="config-desc">
1609 - This option is ignored on upgrade, the same character set will be kept.
1610 - <br/><br/>
1611 - <b>WARNING:</b> If you use <b>backwards-compatible UTF-8</b> on MySQL 4.1+, and subsequently back up the database with <tt>mysqldump</tt>, it may destroy all non-ASCII characters, irreversibly corrupting your backups!.
1612 - <br/><br/>
1613 - In <b>binary mode</b>, MediaWiki stores UTF-8 text to the database in binary fields. This is more efficient than MySQL's UTF-8 mode, and allows you to use the full range of Unicode characters. In <b>UTF-8 mode</b>, MySQL will know what character set your data is in, and can present and convert it appropriately, but it won't let you store characters above the <a target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_character_planes">Basic Multilingual Plane</a>.
1614 - </p>
1615 - </fieldset>
1616 -
1617 - <?php database_switcher('postgres'); ?>
1618 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBport", "Database port:" ); ?></div>
1619 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBmwschema", "Schema for mediawiki:" ); ?></div>
1620 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBts2schema", "Schema for tsearch2:" ); ?></div>
1621 - <div class="config-desc">
1622 - <p>The username specified above (at "DB username") will have its search path set to the above schemas,
1623 - so it is recommended that you create a new user. The above schemas are generally correct:
1624 - only change them if you are sure you need to.</p>
1625 - </div>
1626 - </fieldset>
1627 -
1628 - <?php database_switcher('sqlite'); ?>
1629 - <div class="config-desc">
1630 - <b>NOTE:</b> SQLite only uses the <i>Database name</i> setting above, the user, password and root settings are ignored.
1631 - </div>
1632 - <div class="config-input"><?php
1633 - aField( $conf, "SQLiteDataDir", "SQLite data directory:" );
1634 - ?></div>
1635 - <div class="config-desc">
1636 - <p>SQLite stores table data into files in the filesystem.
1637 - If you do not provide an explicit path, a "data" directory in
1638 - the parent of your document root will be used.</p>
1639 -
1640 - <p>This directory must exist and be writable by the web server.</p>
1641 - </div>
1642 - </fieldset>
1643 -
1644 - <?php database_switcher('mssql'); ?>
1645 - <div class="config-input"><?php
1646 - aField( $conf, "DBprefix2", "Database table prefix:" );
1647 - ?></div>
1648 - <div class="config-desc">
1649 - <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
1650 - between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
1651 - add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
1652 -
1653 - <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
1654 - </div>
1655 - </fieldset>
1656 -
1657 - <?php database_switcher('ibm_db2'); ?>
1658 - <div class="config-input"><?php
1659 - aField( $conf, "DBport_db2", "Database port:" );
1660 - ?></div>
1661 - <div class="config-input"><?php
1662 - aField( $conf, "DBmwschema", "Schema for mediawiki:" );
1663 - ?></div>
1664 - <div>Select one:</div>
1665 - <ul class="plain">
1666 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBcataloged", "Cataloged (DB2 installed locally)", "radio", "cataloged" ); ?></li>
1667 - <li><?php aField( $conf, "DBcataloged", "Uncataloged (remote DB2 through ODBC)", "radio", "uncataloged" ); ?></li>
1668 - </ul>
1669 - <div class="config-desc">
1670 - <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
1671 - between MediaWiki and another web application, you may specify
1672 - a different schema to avoid conflicts.</p>
1673 - </div>
1674 - </fieldset>
1675 -
1676 - <?php database_switcher('oracle'); ?>
1677 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBprefix_ora", "Database table prefix:" ); ?></div>
1678 - <div class="config-desc">
1679 - <p>If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or
1680 - between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to
1681 - add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.</p>
1682 -
1683 - <p>Avoid exotic characters; something like <tt>mw_</tt> is good.</p>
1684 - </div>
1685 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBdefTS_ora", "Default tablespace:" ); ?></div>
1686 - <div class="config-input"><?php aField( $conf, "DBtempTS_ora", "Temporary tablespace:" ); ?></div>
1687 - </fieldset>
1688 -
1689 - <div class="config-input" style="padding:2em 0 3em">
1690 - <label class='column'>&nbsp;</label>
1691 - <input type="submit" value="Install MediaWiki!" class="btn-install" />
1692 - </div>
1693 -</div>
1694 -</form>
1695 -<script type="text/javascript">
1696 -window.onload = toggleDBarea( <?php echo Xml::encodeJsVar( $conf->DBtype ); ?>,
1697 -<?php
1698 - ## If they passed in a root user name, don't populate it on page load
1699 - echo strlen(importPost('RootUser', '')) ? 0 : 1;
1700 -?>);
1701 -</script>
1702 -<?php
1703 -}
1704 -
1705 -/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1706 -function writeSuccessMessage() {
1707 - $script = defined('MW_INSTALL_PHP5_EXT') ? 'index.php5' : 'index.php';
1708 - if ( wfIniGetBool( 'safe_mode' ) && !ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) ) {
1709 - echo <<<EOT
1710 -<div class="success-box">
1711 -<p>Installation successful!</p>
1712 -<p>To complete the installation, please do the following:
1713 -<ol>
1714 - <li>Download config/LocalSettings.php with your FTP client or file manager</li>
1715 - <li>Upload it to the parent directory</li>
1716 - <li>Delete config/LocalSettings.php</li>
1717 - <li>Start using <a href='../$script'>your wiki</a>!
1718 -</ol>
1719 -<p>If you are in a shared hosting environment, do <strong>not</strong> just move LocalSettings.php
1720 -remotely. LocalSettings.php is currently owned by the user your webserver is running under,
1721 -which means that anyone on the same server can read your database password! Downloading
1722 -it and uploading it again will hopefully change the ownership to a user ID specific to you.</p>
1723 -</div>
1724 -EOT;
1725 - } else {
1726 - echo <<<EOT
1727 -<div class="success-box">
1728 -<p>
1729 -<span class="success-message">Installation successful!</span>
1730 -Move the <tt>config/LocalSettings.php</tt> file to the parent directory, then follow
1731 -<a href="../$script"> this link</a> to your wiki.</p>
1732 -<p>You should change file permissions for <tt>LocalSettings.php</tt> as required to
1733 -prevent other users on the server reading passwords and altering configuration data.</p>
1734 -</div>
1735 -EOT;
1736 - }
1737 -}
1738 -
1739 -
1740 -function escapePhpString( $string ) {
1741 - if ( is_array( $string ) || is_object( $string ) ) {
1742 - return false;
1743 - }
1744 - return strtr( $string,
1745 - array(
1746 - "\n" => "\\n",
1747 - "\r" => "\\r",
1748 - "\t" => "\\t",
1749 - "\\" => "\\\\",
1750 - "\$" => "\\\$",
1751 - "\"" => "\\\""
1752 - ));
1753 -}
1754 -
1755 -function writeLocalSettings( $conf ) {
1756 - $conf->PasswordSender = $conf->EmergencyContact;
1757 - $magic = ($conf->ImageMagick ? "" : "# ");
1758 - $convert = ($conf->ImageMagick ? $conf->ImageMagick : "/usr/bin/convert" );
1759 - $rights = ($conf->RightsUrl) ? "" : "# ";
1760 - $hashedUploads = $conf->safeMode ? '' : '# ';
1761 -
1762 - if ( $conf->ShellLocale ) {
1763 - $locale = '';
1764 - } else {
1765 - $locale = '# ';
1766 - $conf->ShellLocale = 'en_US.UTF-8';
1767 - }
1768 -
1769 - switch ( $conf->Shm ) {
1770 - case 'memcached':
1771 - $cacheType = 'CACHE_MEMCACHED';
1772 - $mcservers = var_export( $conf->MCServerArray, true );
1773 - break;
1774 - case 'turck':
1775 - case 'xcache':
1776 - case 'apc':
1777 - case 'eaccel':
1778 - $cacheType = 'CACHE_ACCEL';
1779 - $mcservers = 'array()';
1780 - break;
1781 - case 'dba':
1782 - $cacheType = 'CACHE_DBA';
1783 - $mcservers = 'array()';
1784 - break;
1785 - default:
1786 - $cacheType = 'CACHE_NONE';
1787 - $mcservers = 'array()';
1788 - }
1789 -
1790 - if ( $conf->Email == 'email_enabled' ) {
1791 - $enableemail = 'true';
1792 - $enableuseremail = ( $conf->Emailuser == 'emailuser_enabled' ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
1793 - $eauthent = ( $conf->Eauthent == 'eauthent_enabled' ) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
1794 - switch ( $conf->Enotif ) {
1795 - case 'enotif_usertalk':
1796 - $enotifusertalk = 'true';
1797 - $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
1798 - break;
1799 - case 'enotif_allpages':
1800 - $enotifusertalk = 'true';
1801 - $enotifwatchlist = 'true';
1802 - break;
1803 - default:
1804 - $enotifusertalk = 'false';
1805 - $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
1806 - }
1807 - } else {
1808 - $enableuseremail = 'false';
1809 - $enableemail = 'false';
1810 - $eauthent = 'false';
1811 - $enotifusertalk = 'false';
1812 - $enotifwatchlist = 'false';
1813 - }
1814 -
1815 - $file = @fopen( "/dev/urandom", "r" );
1816 - if ( $file ) {
1817 - $secretKey = bin2hex( fread( $file, 32 ) );
1818 - fclose( $file );
1819 - } else {
1820 - $secretKey = "";
1821 - for ( $i=0; $i<8; $i++ ) {
1822 - $secretKey .= dechex(mt_rand(0, 0x7fffffff));
1823 - }
1824 - print "<li>Warning: \$wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually.</li>\n";
1825 - }
1826 -
1827 - # Add slashes to strings for double quoting
1828 - $slconf = wfArrayMap( "escapePhpString", get_object_vars( $conf ) );
1829 - if( $conf->License == 'gfdl1_2' || $conf->License == 'pd' || $conf->License == 'gfdl1_3' ) {
1830 - # Needs literal string interpolation for the current style path
1831 - $slconf['RightsIcon'] = $conf->RightsIcon;
1832 - }
1833 -
1834 - if( $conf->populateadmin ) {
1835 - $slconf['DBadminuser'] = $conf->RootUser;
1836 - $slconf['DBadminpassword'] = $conf->RootPW;
1837 - }
1838 -
1839 - if( $conf->DBtype == 'mysql' ) {
1840 - $dbsettings =
1841 -"# MySQL specific settings
1842 -\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix']}\";
1843 -
1844 -# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
1845 -\$wgDBTableOptions = \"{$slconf['DBTableOptions']}\";
1846 -
1847 -# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
1848 -\$wgDBmysql5 = {$conf->DBmysql5};";
1849 - } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'postgres' ) {
1850 - $dbsettings =
1851 -"# Postgres specific settings
1852 -\$wgDBport = \"{$slconf['DBport']}\";
1853 -\$wgDBmwschema = \"{$slconf['DBmwschema']}\";
1854 -\$wgDBts2schema = \"{$slconf['DBts2schema']}\";";
1855 - } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'sqlite' ) {
1856 - $dbsettings =
1857 -"# SQLite-specific settings
1858 -\$wgSQLiteDataDir = \"{$slconf['SQLiteDataDir']}\";";
1859 - } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'mssql' ) {
1860 - $dbsettings =
1861 -"# MSSQL specific settings
1862 -\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix2']}\";";
1863 - } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'ibm_db2' ) {
1864 - $dbsettings =
1865 -"# DB2 specific settings
1866 -\$wgDBport_db2 = \"{$slconf['DBport_db2']}\";
1867 -\$wgDBmwschema = \"{$slconf['DBmwschema']}\";
1868 -\$wgDBcataloged = \"{$slconf['DBcataloged']}\";";
1869 - } elseif( $conf->DBtype == 'oracle' ) {
1870 - $dbsettings =
1871 -"# Oracle specific settings
1872 -\$wgDBprefix = \"{$slconf['DBprefix']}\";";
1873 - } else {
1874 - // ummm... :D
1875 - $dbsettings = '';
1876 - }
1877 -
1878 -
1879 - $localsettings = "
1880 -# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
1881 -# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
1882 -# recreate them later.
1883 -#
1884 -# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
1885 -# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
1886 -# file, not there.
1887 -#
1888 -# Further documentation for configuration settings may be found at:
1889 -# http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuration_settings
1890 -
1891 -# If you customize your file layout, set \$IP to the directory that contains
1892 -# the other MediaWiki files. It will be used as a base to locate files.
1893 -if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
1894 - \$IP = MW_INSTALL_PATH;
1895 -} else {
1896 - \$IP = dirname( __FILE__ );
1897 -}
1898 -
1899 -\$path = array( \$IP, \"\$IP/includes\", \"\$IP/languages\" );
1900 -set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, \$path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path() );
1901 -
1902 -require_once( \"\$IP/includes/DefaultSettings.php\" );
1903 -
1904 -if ( \$wgCommandLineMode ) {
1905 - if ( isset( \$_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', \$_SERVER ) ) {
1906 - die( \"This script must be run from the command line\\n\" );
1907 - }
1908 -}
1909 -## Uncomment this to disable output compression
1910 -# \$wgDisableOutputCompression = true;
1911 -
1912 -\$wgSitename = \"{$slconf['Sitename']}\";
1913 -
1914 -## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
1915 -## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
1916 -## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
1917 -## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
1918 -\$wgScriptPath = \"{$slconf['ScriptPath']}\";
1919 -\$wgScriptExtension = \"{$slconf['ScriptExtension']}\";
1920 -
1921 -## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
1922 -
1923 -\$wgEnableEmail = $enableemail;
1924 -\$wgEnableUserEmail = $enableuseremail; # UPO
1925 -
1926 -\$wgEmergencyContact = \"{$slconf['EmergencyContact']}\";
1927 -\$wgPasswordSender = \"{$slconf['PasswordSender']}\";
1928 -
1929 -\$wgEnotifUserTalk = $enotifusertalk; # UPO
1930 -\$wgEnotifWatchlist = $enotifwatchlist; # UPO
1931 -\$wgEmailAuthentication = $eauthent;
1932 -
1933 -## Database settings
1934 -\$wgDBtype = \"{$slconf['DBtype']}\";
1935 -\$wgDBserver = \"{$slconf['DBserver']}\";
1936 -\$wgDBname = \"{$slconf['DBname']}\";
1937 -\$wgDBuser = \"{$slconf['DBuser']}\";
1938 -\$wgDBpassword = \"{$slconf['DBpassword']}\";
1939 -
1940 -{$dbsettings}
1941 -
1942 -## Database admin settings, used for maintenance scripts
1943 -\$wgDBadminuser = \"". ($conf->populateadmin ? $slconf['DBadminuser'] : '' )."\";
1944 -\$wgDBadminpassword = \"". ($conf->populateadmin ? $slconf['DBadminpassword'] : '' )."\";
1945 -
1946 -## Shared memory settings
1947 -\$wgMainCacheType = $cacheType;
1948 -\$wgMemCachedServers = $mcservers;
1949 -
1950 -## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
1951 -## is writable, then set this to true:
1952 -\$wgEnableUploads = false;
1953 -{$magic}\$wgUseImageMagick = true;
1954 -{$magic}\$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = \"{$convert}\";
1955 -
1956 -## If you use ImageMagick (or any other shell command) on a
1957 -## Linux server, this will need to be set to the name of an
1958 -## available UTF-8 locale
1959 -{$locale}\$wgShellLocale = \"{$slconf['ShellLocale']}\";
1960 -
1961 -## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
1962 -## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
1963 -## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
1964 -## this, if it's not already uncommented:
1965 -{$hashedUploads}\$wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;
1966 -
1967 -## If you have the appropriate support software installed
1968 -## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
1969 -\$wgUseTeX = false;
1970 -
1971 -## Set \$wgCacheDirectory to a writable directory on the web server
1972 -## to make your wiki go slightly faster. The directory should not
1973 -## be publically accessible from the web.
1974 -#\$wgCacheDirectory = \"\$IP/cache\";
1975 -
1976 -\$wgLocalInterwiki = strtolower( \$wgSitename );
1977 -
1978 -\$wgLanguageCode = \"{$slconf['LanguageCode']}\";
1979 -
1980 -\$wgSecretKey = \"$secretKey\";
1981 -
1982 -## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
1983 -## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
1984 -\$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';
1985 -
1986 -## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
1987 -## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
1988 -## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
1989 -{$rights}\$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
1990 -\$wgRightsPage = \"\"; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes your license/copyright
1991 -\$wgRightsUrl = \"{$slconf['RightsUrl']}\";
1992 -\$wgRightsText = \"{$slconf['RightsText']}\";
1993 -\$wgRightsIcon = \"{$slconf['RightsIcon']}\";
1994 -# \$wgRightsCode = \"{$slconf['RightsCode']}\"; # Not yet used
1995 -
1996 -\$wgDiff3 = \"{$slconf['diff3']}\";
1997 -
1998 -\$wgPhpCliPath = \"{$slconf['phpCliPath']}\";
1999 -
2000 -# When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
2001 -# sure that cached pages are cleared.
2002 -\$wgCacheEpoch = max( \$wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
2003 -"; ## End of setting the $localsettings string
2004 -
2005 - // Keep things in Unix line endings internally;
2006 - // the system will write out as local text type.
2007 - return str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $localsettings );
2008 -}
2009 -
2010 -function dieout( $text ) {
2011 - global $mainListOpened;
2012 - if( $mainListOpened ) echo( "</ul>" );
2013 - if( $text != '' && substr( $text, 0, 2 ) != '<p' && substr( $text, 0, 2 ) != '<h' ){
2014 - echo "<p>$text</p>\n";
2015 - } else {
2016 - echo $text;
2017 - }
2018 - die( "\n\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>" );
2019 -}
2020 -
2021 -function importVar( &$var, $name, $default = "" ) {
2022 - if( isset( $var[$name] ) ) {
2023 - $retval = $var[$name];
2024 - if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
2025 - $retval = stripslashes( $retval );
2026 - }
2027 - } else {
2028 - $retval = $default;
2029 - }
2030 - taint( $retval );
2031 - return $retval;
2032 -}
2033 -
2034 -function importPost( $name, $default = "" ) {
2035 - return importVar( $_POST, $name, $default );
2036 -}
2037 -
2038 -function importCheck( $name ) {
2039 - return isset( $_POST[$name] );
2040 -}
2041 -
2042 -function importRequest( $name, $default = "" ) {
2043 - return importVar( $_REQUEST, $name, $default );
2044 -}
2045 -
2046 -function aField( &$conf, $field, $text, $type = "text", $value = "", $onclick = '' ) {
2047 - static $radioCount = 0;
2048 - if( $type != "" ) {
2049 - $xtype = "type=\"$type\"";
2050 - } else {
2051 - $xtype = "";
2052 - }
2053 -
2054 - $id = $field;
2055 - $nolabel = ($type == "radio") || ($type == "hidden");
2056 -
2057 - if ($type == 'radio')
2058 - $id .= $radioCount++;
2059 -
2060 - if( !$nolabel ) {
2061 - echo "<label class='column' for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
2062 - }
2063 -
2064 - if( $type == "radio" && $value == $conf->$field ) {
2065 - $checked = "checked='checked'";
2066 - } else {
2067 - $checked = "";
2068 - }
2069 - echo "<input $xtype name=\"$field\" id=\"$id\" class=\"iput-$type\" $checked ";
2070 - if ($onclick) {
2071 - echo " onclick='toggleDBarea(\"$value\",1)' " ;
2072 - }
2073 - echo "value=\"";
2074 - if( $type == "radio" ) {
2075 - echo htmlspecialchars( $value );
2076 - } else {
2077 - echo htmlspecialchars( $conf->$field );
2078 - }
2079 -
2080 -
2081 - echo "\" />";
2082 - if( $nolabel ) {
2083 - echo "<label for=\"$id\">$text</label>";
2084 - }
2085 -
2086 - global $errs;
2087 - if(isset($errs[$field])) {
2088 - echo "<span class='error'>" . htmlspecialchars( $errs[$field] ) . "</span>\n";
2089 - }
2090 -}
2091 -
2092 -function getLanguageList() {
2093 - global $wgLanguageNames, $IP;
2094 - if( !isset( $wgLanguageNames ) ) {
2095 - require_once( "$IP/languages/Names.php" );
2096 - }
2097 -
2098 - $codes = array();
2099 -
2100 - $d = opendir( "../languages/messages" );
2101 - /* In case we are called from the root directory */
2102 - if (!$d)
2103 - $d = opendir( "languages/messages");
2104 - while( false !== ($f = readdir( $d ) ) ) {
2105 - $m = array();
2106 - if( preg_match( '/Messages([A-Z][a-z_]+)\.php$/', $f, $m ) ) {
2107 - $code = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $m[1] ) );
2108 - if( isset( $wgLanguageNames[$code] ) ) {
2109 - $name = wfBCP47( $code ) . ' - ' . $wgLanguageNames[$code];
2110 - } else {
2111 - $name = $code;
2112 - }
2113 - $codes[$code] = $name;
2114 - }
2115 - }
2116 - closedir( $d );
2117 - ksort( $codes );
2118 - return $codes;
2119 -}
2120 -
2121 -#Check for location of an executable
2122 -# @param string $loc single location to check
2123 -# @param array $names filenames to check for.
2124 -# @param mixed $versioninfo array of details to use when checking version, use false for no version checking
2125 -function locate_executable($loc, $names, $versioninfo = false) {
2126 - if (!is_array($names))
2127 - $names = array($names);
2128 -
2129 - foreach ($names as $name) {
2130 - $command = "$loc".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."$name";
2131 - if (@file_exists($command)) {
2132 - if (!$versioninfo)
2133 - return $command;
2134 -
2135 - $file = str_replace('$1', $command, $versioninfo[0]);
2136 - if (strstr(`$file`, $versioninfo[1]) !== false)
2137 - return $command;
2138 - }
2139 - }
2140 - return false;
2141 -}
2142 -
2143 -# Test a memcached server
2144 -function testMemcachedServer( $server ) {
2145 - $hostport = explode(":", $server);
2146 - $errstr = false;
2147 - $fp = false;
2148 - if ( !function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ) {
2149 - $errstr = "Can't connect to memcached, fsockopen() not present";
2150 - }
2151 - if ( !$errstr && count( $hostport ) != 2 ) {
2152 - $errstr = 'Please specify host and port';
2153 - }
2154 - if ( !$errstr ) {
2155 - list( $host, $port ) = $hostport;
2156 - $errno = 0;
2157 - $fsockerr = '';
2158 -
2159 - $fp = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $fsockerr, 1.0 );
2160 - if ( $fp === false ) {
2161 - $errstr = "Cannot connect to memcached on $host:$port : $fsockerr";
2162 - }
2163 - }
2164 - if ( !$errstr ) {
2165 - $command = "version\r\n";
2166 - $bytes = fwrite( $fp, $command );
2167 - if ( $bytes != strlen( $command ) ) {
2168 - $errstr = "Cannot write to memcached socket on $host:$port";
2169 - }
2170 - }
2171 - if ( !$errstr ) {
2172 - $expected = "VERSION ";
2173 - $response = fread( $fp, strlen( $expected ) );
2174 - if ( $response != $expected ) {
2175 - $errstr = "Didn't get correct memcached response from $host:$port";
2176 - }
2177 - }
2178 - if ( $fp ) {
2179 - fclose( $fp );
2180 - }
2181 - if ( !$errstr ) {
2182 - echo "<li>Connected to memcached on " . htmlspecialchars( "$host:$port" ) ." successfully</li>";
2183 - }
2184 - return $errstr;
2185 -}
2186 -
2187 -function database_picker($conf) {
2188 - global $ourdb;
2189 - print "\n";
2190 - foreach(array_keys($ourdb) as $db) {
2191 - if ($ourdb[$db]['havedriver']) {
2192 - print "\t<li>";
2193 - aField( $conf, "DBtype", $ourdb[$db]['fullname'], 'radio', $db, 'onclick');
2194 - print "</li>\n";
2195 - }
2196 - }
2197 - print "\n\t";
2198 -}
2199 -
2200 -function database_switcher($db) {
2201 - global $ourdb;
2202 - $color = $ourdb[$db]['bgcolor'];
2203 - $full = $ourdb[$db]['fullname'];
2204 - print "<fieldset id='$db'><legend>$full specific options</legend>\n";
2205 -}
2206 -
2207 -function printListItem( $item ) {
2208 - print "<li>$item</li>";
2209 -}
2210 -
2211 -# Determine a suitable value for $wgShellLocale
2212 -function getShellLocale( $wikiLang ) {
2213 - # Give up now if we're in safe mode or open_basedir
2214 - # It's theoretically possible but tricky to work with
2215 - if ( wfIniGetBool( "safe_mode" ) || ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) ) {
2216 - return false;
2217 - }
2218 -
2219 - $os = php_uname( 's' );
2220 - $supported = array( 'Linux', 'SunOS', 'HP-UX' ); # Tested these
2221 - if ( !in_array( $os, $supported ) ) {
2222 - return false;
2223 - }
2224 -
2225 - # Get a list of available locales
2226 - $lines = $ret = false;
2227 - exec( '/usr/bin/locale -a', $lines, $ret );
2228 - if ( $ret ) {
2229 - return false;
2230 - }
2231 -
2232 - $lines = wfArrayMap( 'trim', $lines );
2233 - $candidatesByLocale = array();
2234 - $candidatesByLang = array();
2235 - foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
2236 - if ( $line === '' ) {
2237 - continue;
2238 - }
2239 - if ( !preg_match( '/^([a-zA-Z]+)(_[a-zA-Z]+|)\.(utf8|UTF-8)(@[a-zA-Z_]*|)$/i', $line, $m ) ) {
2240 - continue;
2241 - }
2242 - list( $all, $lang, $territory, $charset, $modifier ) = $m;
2243 - $candidatesByLocale[$m[0]] = $m;
2244 - $candidatesByLang[$lang][] = $m;
2245 - }
2246 -
2247 - # Try the current value of LANG
2248 - if ( isset( $candidatesByLocale[ getenv( 'LANG' ) ] ) ) {
2249 - return getenv( 'LANG' );
2250 - }
2251 -
2252 - # Try the most common ones
2253 - $commonLocales = array( 'en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.utf8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_DE.utf8' );
2254 - foreach ( $commonLocales as $commonLocale ) {
2255 - if ( isset( $candidatesByLocale[$commonLocale] ) ) {
2256 - return $commonLocale;
2257 - }
2258 - }
2259 -
2260 - # Is there an available locale in the Wiki's language?
2261 - if ( isset( $candidatesByLang[$wikiLang] ) ) {
2262 - $m = reset( $candidatesByLang[$wikiLang] );
2263 - return $m[0];
2264 - }
2265 -
2266 - # Are there any at all?
2267 - if ( count( $candidatesByLocale ) ) {
2268 - $m = reset( $candidatesByLocale );
2269 - return $m[0];
2270 - }
2271 -
2272 - # Give up
2273 - return false;
2274 -}
2275 -
2276 -function wfArrayMap( $function, $input ) {
2277 - $ret = array_map( $function, $input );
2278 - foreach ( $ret as $key => $value ) {
2279 - $taint = istainted( $input[$key] );
2280 - if ( $taint ) {
2281 - taint( $ret[$key], $taint );
2282 - }
2283 - }
2284 - return $ret;
2285 -}
2286 -
2287 -?>
2288 -
2289 - <div class="license">
2290 - <hr/>
2291 - <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
2292 - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
2293 - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
2294 - (at your option) any later version.</p>
2295 -
2296 - <p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2297 - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2299 - GNU General Public License for more details.</p>
2300 -
2301 - <p>You should have received <a href="../COPYING">a copy of the GNU General Public License</a>
2302 - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
2303 - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
2304 - or <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">read it online</a></p>
2305 - </div>
2306 -
2307 -</div></div></div>
2308 -
2309 -
2310 -<div id="column-one">
2311 - <div class="portlet" id="p-logo">
2312 - <a style="background-image: url(../skins/common/images/mediawiki.png);"
2313 - href="../"
2314 - title="Main Page"></a>
2315 - </div>
2316 - <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.isMSIE55) fixalpha(); </script>
2317 - <div class='portlet'><div class='pBody'>
2318 - <ul>
2319 - <li><a href="../README">Readme</a></li>
2320 - <li><a href="../RELEASE-NOTES">Release notes</a></li>
2321 - <li><a href="../docs/">Documentation</a></li>
2322 - <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents">User's Guide</a></li>
2323 - <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Contents">Administrator's Guide</a></li>
2324 - <li><a href="http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ">FAQ</a></li>
2325 - </ul>
2326 - <p style="font-size:90%;margin-top:1em">MediaWiki is Copyright © 2001-2009 by Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber,
2327 - Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström,
2328 - Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz and others.</p>
2329 - </div></div>
2330 -</div>
2331 -
2332 -</div>
2333 -
2334 -</body>
2335 -</html>
 41+// Isolate the rest of the code so this file can die out cleanly
 42+// if we find we're running under PHP 4.x... We use PHP 5 syntax
 43+// which doesn't parse under 4.
 44+require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/Installer.php" );

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