Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/example_usage/Player_Simple_Video_Tag.html |
— | — | @@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ |
14 | 14 | <br /> |
15 | 15 | <table border="1" cellpadding="6" width="600"> |
16 | 16 | <tr> |
17 | | - <td valign="top"><video durationHint="26" poster="" src=""></video></video></td> |
| 17 | + <td valign="top"><video durationHint="31" |
| 18 | + style="width:400px;height:288px" |
| 19 | + poster="" |
| 20 | + src=""></video></video></td> |
18 | 21 | <td valign="top"><b>Sample Embed</b><br /> |
19 | 22 | Simple video Embed: |
20 | | - <pre><video poster="" |
| 23 | + <pre><video style="width:400px;height:288px" poster="" |
21 | 24 | src=""></video></pre> |
22 | 25 | </td> |
23 | 26 | </table> |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/jquery/jquery.ui-1.7.1/themes/base/jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.css |
— | — | @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ |
| 2 | +
| 3 | +/*
| 4 | +* jQuery UI CSS Framework
| 5 | +* Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (
| 6 | +* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
| 7 | +* To view and modify this theme, visit
| 8 | +*/
| 9 | +
| 10 | +/*** Begin CORE ***/
| 11 | +
| 12 | +/* Layout helpers
| 13 | +----------------------------------*/
| 14 | +.ui-helper-hidden { display: none; }
| 15 | +.ui-helper-hidden-accessible { position: absolute; left: -99999999px; }
| 16 | +.ui-helper-reset { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; line-height: 1.3; text-decoration: none; font-size: 100%; list-style: none; }
| 17 | +.ui-helper-clearfix:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
| 18 | +.ui-helper-clearfix { display: inline-block; }
| 19 | +/* required comment for clearfix to work in Opera \*/
| 20 | +* html .ui-helper-clearfix { height:1%; }
| 21 | +.ui-helper-clearfix { display:block; }
| 22 | +/* end clearfix */
| 23 | +.ui-helper-zfix { width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; opacity: 0; filter:Alpha(Opacity=0); }*/
| 24 | +
| 25 | +
| 26 | +/* Interaction Cues
| 27 | +----------------------------------*/
| 28 | +.ui-state-disabled { cursor: default !important; }
| 29 | +
| 30 | +
| 31 | +/* Icons
| 32 | +----------------------------------*/
| 33 | +
| 34 | +/* states and images */
| 35 | +.ui-icon { display: block; text-indents: -99999px; overflow: hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
| 36 | +
| 37 | +
| 38 | +/* Misc visuals
| 39 | +----------------------------------*/
| 40 | +
| 41 | +/* Overlays */
| 42 | +.ui-widget-overlay { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
| 43 | +
| 44 | +/*** End Core ***/
| 45 | +
| 46 | +
| 47 | +/*** Begin THEME ***/
| 48 | +
| 49 | +/* Component containers
| 50 | +----------------------------------*/
| 51 | +.ui-widget { font-family: Arial,sans-serif/*{ffDefault}*/; font-size: 11px/*{fsDefault}*/; }
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| 56 | +.ui-widget-header a { color: #000/*{fcHeader}*/; }
| 57 | +
| 58 | +
| 59 | +
| 60 | +/* Interaction states
| 61 | +----------------------------------*/
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| 68 | +
| 69 | +/* Interaction Cues
| 70 | +----------------------------------*/
| 71 | +.ui-state-highlight, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-highlight {border: 1px solid #fcefa1/*{borderColorHighlight}*/; background: #fbf9ee/*{bgColorHighlight}*/ url(images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png) 50%/*{bgHighlightXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgHighlightYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgHighlightRepeat}*//*{bgHighlightRepeat}*/; color: #363636/*{fcHighlight}*/; }
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| 75 | +.ui-state-error-text, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-error-text { color: #cd0a0a/*{fcError}*/; }
| 76 | +.ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled { opacity: .35; filter:Alpha(Opacity=35); background-image: none; }
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| 79 | +
| 80 | +/* Icons
| 81 | +----------------------------------*/
| 82 | +
| 83 | +/* states and images */
| 84 | +.ui-icon { width: 16px; height: 16px; background-image: url(images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png)/*{iconsContent}*/; }
| 85 | +.ui-widget-content .ui-icon {background-image: url(images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png)/*{iconsContent}*/; }
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| 88 | +.ui-state-hover .ui-icon, .ui-state-focus .ui-icon {background-image: url(images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png)/*{iconsHover}*/; }
| 89 | +.ui-state-active .ui-icon {background-image: url(images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png)/*{iconsActive}*/; }
| 90 | +.ui-state-highlight .ui-icon {background-image: url(images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png)/*{iconsHighlight}*/; }
| 91 | +.ui-state-error .ui-icon, .ui-state-error-text .ui-icon {background-image: url(images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png)/*{iconsError}*/; }
| 92 | +
| 93 | +/* positioning */
| 94 | +.ui-icon-carat-1-n { background-position: 0 0; }
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| 233 | +.ui-icon-volume-on { background-position: -144px -160px; }
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| 267 | +
| 268 | +
| 269 | +/* Misc visuals
| 270 | +----------------------------------*/
| 271 | +
| 272 | +/* Corner radius */
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| 276 | +.ui-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; }
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| 279 | +.ui-corner-right { -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; }
| 280 | +.ui-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; }
| 281 | +.ui-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; -webkit-border-radius: 5px/*{cornerRadius}*/; }
| 282 | +
| 283 | +/* Overlays */
| 284 | +.ui-widget-overlay { background: #aaaaaa/*{bgColorOverlay}*/ url(images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50%/*{bgOverlayXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgOverlayYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgOverlayRepeat}*//*{bgOverlayRepeat}*/; opacity: .3;filter:Alpha(Opacity=30)/*{opacityOverlay}*/; }
| 285 | +.ui-widget-shadow { margin: -8px/*{offsetTopShadow}*/ 0 0 -8px/*{offsetLeftShadow}*/; padding: 8px/*{thicknessShadow}*/; background: #aaaaaa/*{bgColorShadow}*/ url(images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png) 50%/*{bgShadowXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgShadowYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgShadowRepeat}*//*{bgShadowRepeat}*/; opacity: .3;filter:Alpha(Opacity=30)/*{opacityShadow}*/; -moz-border-radius: 8px/*{cornerRadiusShadow}*/; -webkit-border-radius: 8px/*{cornerRadiusShadow}*/; }
| 286 | +
| 287 | +
| 288 | + |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/kaltura_open_source_video_platform.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/kaltura_open_source_video_platform.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
1 | 289 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/Thumbs.db |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/Thumbs.db |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
2 | 290 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
3 | 291 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
4 | 292 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
5 | 293 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
6 | 294 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
7 | 295 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
8 | 296 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
9 | 297 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/kaltura_open_source_video_platform.gif |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/kaltura_open_source_video_platform.gif |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
10 | 298 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
11 | 299 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ksprite.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ksprite.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
12 | 300 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
13 | 301 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
14 | 302 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
15 | 303 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
16 | 304 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png |
___________________________________________________________________ |
Name: svn:mime-type |
17 | 305 | + application/octet-stream |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/skins/kskin/styles.css |
— | — | @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
| 2 | +
| 3 | +/* player styles */
| 4 | +.k-player { width:400px; height:340px; position:relative;} /* inline via jq */
| 5 | +.k-player * { padding:0; margin:0;} /* inline via jq */
| 6 | + .k-edit-bar { }
| 7 | + .k-edit-bar a { width:33px; padding: 1px 0 0; display:block; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; color:#888; text-decoration:none; background:#F2F2F2;}
| 8 | +
| 9 | + .k-video { width:400px; height:300px; background:#000; margin-bottom:1px;} /* h & w inline via jq */
| 10 | + .k-control-bar { height:21px; padding: 2px 0 0 6px; margin-top:1px; background: url(images/ksprite.png) repeat-x 0 -81px; font: normal 11px arial,sans-serif; color:#555;}
| 11 | + .k-control-bar button, .k-control-bar div.ui-slider, .k-control-bar div.k-timer { float:left;}
| 12 | + .k-timer { margin-top:2px;}
| 13 | + .k-volume-slider { width:26px;}
| 14 | + .k-control-bar .k-options { width:50px; height:22px; margin-top:-2px; border: solid 1px #aaa; border-top:none; float:right; font: bold 11px arial,sans-serif; color:#555;}
| 15 | + span.ui-icon.ui-icon-k-menu { width:auto; padding-left:2px; background:none; outline:none; cursor:default;}
| 16 | +.k-menu { background:#181818; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; display:none,filter:alpha(opacity=90); opacity: 0.9;} /* h, w, top inline via jq top:15px*/
| 17 | + ul.k-menu-bar { height:128px; padding: 0 0 5px;position:absolute; bottom:5px;right:0px; list-style: none outside none; background: url(images/ksprite.png) -99px -104px no-repeat;} /* eventually: mtop inline via jq */
| 18 | + .k-menu-bar li a { display:block; width:49px; height:32px; margin-left:1px; text-indent:99999px; background: url(images/ksprite.png) -51px -110px no-repeat; overflow:hidden;}
| 19 | + .k-menu-bar li a:hover { background-position: -1px -110px;}
| 20 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-download-btn a { background-position: -51px -141px;}
| 21 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-download-btn a:hover { background-position: -1px -141px;}
| 22 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-share-btn a { background-position: -51px -172px;}
| 23 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-share-btn a:hover { background-position: -1px -172px;}
| 24 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-credits-btn a { background-position: -51px -203px;}
| 25 | + .k-menu-bar li.k-credits-btn a:hover { background-position: -1px -203px;}
| 26 | +
| 27 | +.k-menu-screens { width:320px; padding: 13px 10px 15px 15px; float:left;} /* w & h inline via jq */
| 28 | + .k-menu-screens h2 { padding: 0 0 5px 1px; clear:both; font-size:12px; color:#666;}
| 29 | + .k-menu-screens p { margin: 6px 0;}
| 30 | + .k-menu-screens a { ;}
| 31 | + .k-menu-screens a img { border:none;}
| 32 | + .k-menu-screens ul { padding:0; margin: 6px 0 0; list-style: none outside none;}
| 33 | +
| 34 | +.k-edit-screen { width:370px; height:223px; padding-top:77px; text-align:center; background:#181818; color:#fff;}
| 35 | + .k-edit-screen div { }
| 36 | + .k-edit-screen a { color:#7BB8FC;}
| 37 | + .k-edit-screen a img { border:none;}
| 38 | +
| 39 | +/* end player */
| 40 | +
| 41 | +.k-slide-window { overflow:hidden;}
| 42 | +.k-screen.k-credits ul { float:left;}
| 43 | +.k-screen.k-credits li { height:39px; padding: 11px 11px 11px 11px; margin-bottom:12px; display:block; background:#333;}
| 44 | + .k-screen.k-credits li a { padding:0; background:none;}
| 45 | + .k-screen.k-credits li img { float:left; background:blue;}
| 46 | + .k-screen.k-credits li div { height:39px; padding-left:11px; floats:left; overflow:hidden;}
| 47 | +
| 48 | + a.k-prev-credit, a.k-next-credit { width:65px; height:28px; margin: -13px auto -6px; display:block; background: url(images/ksprite.png) 0px -320px no-repeat;}
| 49 | + a.k-next-credit { margin: 0 0 1px; position:absolute; bottom:0; background-position: -0px -290px;}
| 50 | + a:hover.k-prev-credit { background-position: 0px -238px;}
| 51 | + a:hover.k-next-credit { background-position: 0px -260px;}
| 52 | +
| 53 | + .k-logo { margin:8px 0 0 1px; display:block;}
| 54 | +
| 55 | + .k_field_wrap { border: solid 1px #444; margin-bottom:7px;}
| 56 | + .k-screen.k-share button { width:70px; padding:2px 5px 3px; border:1px solid #000; float:right; background: #D4D4D4 url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat -32px 0; color:#000; float:right;}
| 57 | + .k-menu textarea { width:100%; height:15px; border: solid 2px #000; border-bottom:none; border-right:none; background:transparent; color:#ccc; overflow:hidden;}
| 58 | +
| 59 | + .k-screen.k-share div.ui-state-highlight { width:90px; padding:2px 5px; border-color:#554926; float:left; background:none; color:#FFE96E;}
| 60 | + .k-screen.k-share div.ui-state-highlight a { color:#FFE96E; font-weight:bold;}
| 61 | + .k-screen.k-share div.ui-state-highlight a:hover { }
| 62 | +
| 63 | +.k-menu-screens li { height:14px; margin-bottom:6px;}
| 64 | +.k-menu-screens li a { padding-left:22px; background:url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat -85px -274px; text-decoration:none;}
| 65 | +.k-menu-screens li, .k-menu-screens li { background-position: -85px -247px;}
| 66 | +.k-menu-screens li a:hover { background-position: -85px -260px;}
| 67 | +
| 68 | +.k-options.ui-state-hover { color:blue;}
| 69 | +
| 70 | +.k-players { display:none}
| 71 | +.k-credits { display:nones}
| 72 | +
| 73 | +.ui-state-default .ui-icon, .ui-state-hover .ui-icon { background: url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat 0 -48px;}
| 74 | +.ui-state-default .ui-icon-play { background:url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat 0 0;}
| 75 | +.ui-state-hover .ui-icon-play { background-position: -16px 0;} |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +.ui-state-default .ui-icon-pause { background:url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat 0 -17px;} |
| 78 | +.ui-state-hover .ui-icon-pause { background-position: -16px -17px;} |
| 79 | + |
| 80 | +
| 81 | + .ui-state-default .ui-icon-arrow-4-diag { background-position: 0 -32px;} /* fullscreen */
| 82 | + .ui-state-hover .ui-icon-arrow-4-diag { background-position: -16px -32px;}
| 83 | + .ui-state-default .ui-icon-volume-on, .ui-state-hover .ui-icon-volume-off, { margin-left:-6px; background-position: -16px -48px;}
| 84 | + .ui-state-hover .ui-icon-volume-on, .ui-state-default .ui-icon-volume-off { margin-left:-6px; background-position: 0 -48px;}
| 85 | +
| 86 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider { height:8px; border: solid 1px #eee; margin: 4px 10px 0 7px; position:relative; background:url(images/ksprite.png) repeat-x 0 -350px;}
| 87 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider-handle { width:8px; height:8px; border: solid 1px #888; margin: -1px 0 0 -5px; display:block; position:relative; background: url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat -67px -341px; position:absolute;}
| 88 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider-range { height:8px; position:absolute; background: url(images/ksprite.png) repeat-x 0 -368px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px;} |
| 89 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider-buffer { height:8px; position:absolute; background: url(images/ksprite.png) repeat-x 0 -359px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px;}
| 90 | +
| 91 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider.k-volume-slider { height:15px; margin: 2px 3px 0 -4px; /* ie = m: 3 3 0 -2 */ border:none; background-position: -66px -323px; -moz-border-radius:0px; -webkit-border-radius:0px;}
| 92 | + .k-control-bar .k-volume-slider a.ui-slider-handle { width:8px; height:18px; margin: -3px 5px 0 -1px; border:none; display:block; position:absolute; background:none;}
| 93 | + .k-control-bar .k-volume-slider a:hover.ui-slider-handle { border: solid 1px #999;}
| 94 | + .k-control-bar .k-volume-slider .ui-slider-range { height:17px; position:absolute; background: url(images/ksprite.png) repeat-x -66px -306px; -moz-border-radius:0; -webkit-border-radius:0;}
| 95 | +
| 96 | + .play-btn-large { width:120px; height:55px; background: url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat 28px -433px; position:absolute; cursor:pointer;} /*.ui-state-default */
| 97 | + .play-btn-large.ui-state-hover { background: url(images/ksprite.png) no-repeat 28px -377px; }
| 98 | +
| 99 | + .k-volume.ui-state-hover { margin-left:6px; }
| 100 | +
| 101 | + /* move to ie css */
| 102 | + .k-volume-slider span, span.ui-icon-play, span.ui-icon-volume-on, button.k-fullscreen { *margin-top:-1px;}
| 103 | + span.ui-icon-volume-on { *margin-left:0 !important;}
| 104 | + .ui-state-hover.k-volume { *margin-left:0 !important;}
| 105 | + span.ui-icon-k-menu { *margin-top:3px;}
| 106 | + .k-control-bar .ui-slider.k-volume-slider { *margin-left:-2px;}
| 107 | + /* end css */
| 108 | +
| 109 | + /* debug only ! */
| 110 | + .k-menu-screens { display:none;}
| 111 | + /* end debug */
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/mv_embed.js |
— | — | @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ |
29 | 29 | * @@ more config valuse on the way ;) |
30 | 30 | */ |
31 | 31 | var defaultMwConfig = { |
32 | | - 'skin_name': 'mvpcf', |
| 32 | + 'skin_name': 'kskin', |
33 | 33 | 'video_size':'400x300' |
34 | 34 | } |
35 | 35 | |
— | — | @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ |
65 | 65 | |
66 | 66 | |
67 | 67 | //setup the skin path: |
68 | | -var mv_jquery_skin_path = mv_embed_path + 'jquery/' + jQueryUiVN + '/themes/redmond/'; |
| 68 | +var mv_jquery_skin_path = mv_embed_path + 'jquery/' + jQueryUiVN + '/themes/base/'; |
69 | 69 | var mv_skin_img_path = mv_embed_path + 'skins/' + mwConfig['skin_name'] + '/images/'; |
70 | 70 | var mv_default_thumb_url = mv_skin_img_path + 'vid_default_thumb.jpg'; |
71 | 71 | |
— | — | @@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ |
1253 | 1253 | // else{ |
1254 | 1254 | var e = document.createElement("script"); |
1255 | 1255 | e.setAttribute('src', url); |
1256 | | - e.setAttribute('type',"text/javascript"); |
| 1256 | + e.setAttribute('type', "text/javascript"); |
1257 | 1257 | /*if(callback) |
1258 | 1258 | e.onload = callback; |
1259 | 1259 | */ |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/libEmbedVideo/embedVideo.js |
— | — | @@ -30,11 +30,23 @@ |
31 | 31 | "download_segment" : "Download Selection:", |
32 | 32 | "download_full" : "Download Full Video File:", |
33 | 33 | "download_right_click": "To download right click and select <i>save target as</i>", |
34 | | - "download_clip" : "Download the Clip", |
| 34 | + "download_clip" : "Download Video", |
35 | 35 | "download_text" : "Download Text (<a style=\"color:white\" title=\"cmml\" href=\"\">cmml</a> xml):", |
| 36 | + "download" : "Download", |
36 | 37 | |
| 38 | + "share" : "Share", |
| 39 | + "credits" : "Credits", |
| 40 | + |
37 | 41 | "clip_linkback" : "Clip Source Page", |
| 42 | + "chose_player" : "Choose Video Player", |
38 | 43 | |
| 44 | + "share_this_video" : "Share This Video", |
| 45 | + "video_credits" : "Video Credits", |
| 46 | + |
| 47 | + "menu_btn" : "MENU", |
| 48 | + "close_btn" : "CLOSE", |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | + |
39 | 51 | "mv_ogg-player-vlc-mozilla" : "VLC Plugin", |
40 | 52 | "mv_ogg-player-videoElement" : "Native Ogg Video Support", |
41 | 53 | "mv_ogg-player-vlc-activex" : "VLC ActiveX", |
— | — | @@ -48,7 +60,9 @@ |
49 | 61 | "mv_generic_missing_plugin" : "You browser does not appear to support playback type: <b>$1</b><br> visit the <a href=\"\">Playback Methods</a> page to download a player<br>", |
50 | 62 | |
51 | 63 | "mv_for_best_experience": "For a better video playback experience we recommend:<br> <b><a href=\"\">Firefox 3.5</a></b>", |
52 | | - "mv_do_not_warn_again": "Dissmiss for now." |
| 64 | + "mv_do_not_warn_again": "Dissmiss for now.", |
| 65 | + |
| 66 | + "players": "Players", |
53 | 67 | |
54 | 68 | }); |
55 | 69 | |
— | — | @@ -279,29 +293,22 @@ |
280 | 294 | 'options':true, |
281 | 295 | 'borders':true |
282 | 296 | }, |
283 | | - getControls:function( embedObj ){ |
284 | | - js_log('f:controlsBuilder:: opt:' + this.options); |
| 297 | + getControls:function( embedObj ){ |
| 298 | + js_log('f:controlsBuilder:: opt:'); |
285 | 299 | = (embedObj.pc)?; |
286 | 300 | this.available_width = embedObj.playerPixelWidth(); |
287 | 301 | //make pointer to the embedObj |
288 | | - this.embedObj =embedObj; |
| 302 | + this.embedObj = embedObj; |
289 | 303 | var _this = this; |
290 | 304 | for(var i in embedObj.supports){ |
291 | 305 | _this.supports[i] = embedObj.supports[i]; |
292 | 306 | }; |
293 | 307 | |
294 | | - //special case vars: |
295 | | - if( ( embedObj.roe || |
296 | | - (embedObj.media_element.timedTextSources && |
297 | | - embedObj.media_element.timedTextSources() ) |
298 | | - ) && embedObj.show_meta_link ) |
299 | | - this.supports['closed_captions']=true; |
| 308 | + //check for close_captions tracks: |
| 309 | + if( ( embedObj.roe || embedObj.timedTextSources() ) |
| 310 | + && embedObj.show_meta_link ) |
| 311 | + this.supports['closed_captions']=true; |
300 | 312 | |
301 | | - |
302 | | - //append options to body (if not already there) |
303 | | - if($j('#mv_vid_options_' |
304 | | - $j('body').append( this.components['mv_embedded_options'].o() ); |
305 | | - |
306 | 313 | var o=''; |
307 | 314 | for( var i in this.components ){ |
308 | 315 | if( this.supports[i] ){ |
— | — | @@ -316,30 +323,32 @@ |
317 | 324 | } |
318 | 325 | } |
319 | 326 | } |
| 327 | + //add the options menu |
| 328 | + o+=this.components['mv_embedded_options'].o( embedObj ); |
320 | 329 | return o; |
321 | 330 | }, |
322 | 331 | /* |
323 | 332 | * addControlHooks |
324 | 333 | * to be run once controls are attached to the dom |
325 | 334 | */ |
326 | | - addControlHooks:function(embedObj){ |
| 335 | + addControlHooks:function( embedObj ){ |
327 | 336 | //add in drag/seek hooks: |
328 | 337 | if(!embedObj.base_seeker_slider_offset && $j('#mv_seeker_slider_' |
329 | 338 | embedObj.base_seeker_slider_offset = $j('#mv_seeker_slider_'; |
330 | 339 | |
331 | 340 | //js_log('looking for: #mv_seeker_slider_' + "\n " + |
332 | 341 | // 'start sec: '+embedObj.start_time_sec + ' base offset: '+embedObj.base_seeker_slider_offset); |
| 342 | + |
| 343 | + var $tp=$j('#' +; |
| 344 | + |
| 345 | + //@todo: which object is being play()'d (or whatever) ? |
| 346 | + //We select the element to attach the event to this way: |
| 347 | + //$tp.find('.ui-icon-play').parent().click(function(){alert(0)}); or we can give the button itself a class - probably better. |
333 | 348 | |
334 | | - //add play hook: |
335 | | - $j('#mv_play_pause_button_' +{ |
| 349 | + //add play hook for play-btn and large_play_button |
| 350 | + $tp.find('.play-btn,.play-btn-large').unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
336 | 351 | $j('#' +; |
337 | 352 | }) |
338 | | - |
339 | | - //big_play_link_ play binding: |
340 | | - $j('#big_play_link_' +{ |
341 | | - $j('#' +; |
342 | | - }); |
343 | | - |
344 | 353 | //add recomend firefox if non-native playback: |
345 | 354 | if( embedObj.doNativeWarningCheck() ){ |
346 | 355 | $j('#dc_'+ |
— | — | @@ -353,7 +362,7 @@ |
354 | 363 | '</div>'); |
355 | 364 | $j('#ffwarn_'{ |
356 | 365 | if( $j(this).is(':checked') ){ |
357 | | - //set up a cookie for 7 days: |
| 366 | + //set up a cookie for 5 days: |
358 | 367 | $j.cookie('dismissNativeWarn', true, { expires: 5 }); |
359 | 368 | //set the current instance |
360 | 369 | _global['dismissNativeWarn'] = true; |
— | — | @@ -380,7 +389,6 @@ |
381 | 390 | $j('#big_play_link_' +; |
382 | 391 | } |
383 | 392 | |
384 | | - |
385 | 393 | //captions binding: |
386 | 394 | $j('#timed_text_' +{ |
387 | 395 | $j('#' +; |
— | — | @@ -397,7 +405,8 @@ |
398 | 406 | }); |
399 | 407 | |
400 | 408 | js_log(" should add slider binding: " + $j('#mv_play_head_' ; |
401 | | - $j('#mv_play_head_'{ |
| 409 | +// $j('#mv_play_head_'{ |
| 410 | + $tp.find( '.j-scrubber' ).slider({ |
402 | 411 | range: "min", |
403 | 412 | value: 0, |
404 | 413 | min: 0, |
— | — | @@ -435,89 +444,140 @@ |
436 | 445 | js_log('do jump to: '+embedObj.jump_time + ' perc:' +perc + ' sts:' + embedObj.seek_time_sec); |
437 | 446 | embedObj.doSeek(perc); |
438 | 447 | } |
439 | | - } |
| 448 | + } |
440 | 449 | }); |
| 450 | + //@todo: identify problem with volume button jumping... |
| 451 | + $tp.find('.k-volume-slider').slider({ |
| 452 | + range: "min", |
| 453 | + value: 80, |
| 454 | + min: 0, |
| 455 | + max: 100, |
| 456 | + slide: function(event, ui) { |
| 457 | + embedObj.updateVolumen(ui.value/100); |
| 458 | + }, |
| 459 | + change: function(event, ui){ |
| 460 | + var level = ui.value/100; |
| 461 | + if (level==0) { |
| 462 | + $tp.find('.k-volume span').addClass('ui-icon-volume-off'); |
| 463 | + }else{ |
| 464 | + $tp.find('.k-volume span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-off'); |
| 465 | + } |
| 466 | + //only run the onChange event if done by a user slide: |
| 467 | + if(embedObj.userSlide){ |
| 468 | + embedObj.userSlide=false; |
| 469 | + embedObj.seeking=true; |
| 470 | +// var perc = ui.value/100; |
| 471 | + embedObj.updateVolumen(level); |
| 472 | + } |
| 473 | + } |
| 474 | + }); |
441 | 475 | //up the z-index of the default status indicator: |
442 | | - $j('#mv_play_head_' + ' .ui-slider-handle').css('z-index', 4); |
443 | | - $j('#mv_play_head_' + ' .ui-slider-range').addClass('ui-corner-all').css('z-index', 2); |
| 476 | +// $j('#mv_play_head_' + ' .ui-slider-handle').css('z-index', 4); |
| 477 | +// $j('#mv_play_head_' + ' .ui-slider-range').addClass('ui-corner-all').css('z-index', 2); |
444 | 478 | //extended class list for jQuery ui themeing (we can probably refactor this with custom buffering highliter) |
445 | | - $j('#mv_play_head_' ctrlBuilder.getMvBufferHtml() ); |
446 | | - |
| 479 | + $j('#' + + ' .j-scrubber').prepend( ctrlBuilder.getMvBufferHtml() ); |
| 480 | + |
| 481 | + |
| 482 | + //options menu |
| 483 | + $tp.find('.k-menu').hide(); |
| 484 | + $tp.find('.k-options').click(function(){ |
| 485 | + var $ktxt = $j(this).find('.ui-icon-k-menu'); |
| 486 | + var $kmenu = $tp.find('.k-menu'); |
| 487 | + if( $':visible') ){ |
| 488 | + $kmenu.fadeOut("fast",function(){ |
| 489 | + $ktxt.html ( gM('menu_btn') ); |
| 490 | + }); |
| 491 | + $tp.find('.play-btn-large').fadeIn('fast'); |
| 492 | + }else{ |
| 493 | + $kmenu.fadeIn("fast", function(){ |
| 494 | + $ktxt.html ( gM('close_btn') ); |
| 495 | + }); |
| 496 | + $tp.find('.play-btn-large').fadeOut('fast'); |
| 497 | + } |
| 498 | + }); |
| 499 | + |
| 500 | + |
447 | 501 | //videoOptions: |
448 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'' .vo_selection').click(function(){ |
| 502 | + $tp.find('.k-player-btn').click(function(){ |
449 | 503 | embedObj.selectPlaybackMethod(); |
450 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'; |
451 | | - return false; |
| 504 | + return false; |
452 | 505 | }); |
453 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'' .vo_download').click(function(){ |
| 506 | + |
| 507 | + $tp.find('.k-download-btn').click(function(){ |
454 | 508 | embedObj.showVideoDownload(); |
455 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'; |
456 | | - return false; |
457 | | - }) |
458 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'' .vo_showcode').click(function(){ |
| 509 | + return false; |
| 510 | + }); |
| 511 | + |
| 512 | + $tp.find('.k-share-btn').click(function(){ |
459 | 513 | embedObj.showEmbedCode(); |
460 | | - $j('#mv_vid_options_'; |
461 | | - return false; |
462 | | - }); |
463 | | - |
| 514 | + return false; |
| 515 | + }); |
| 516 | + $tp.find('.k-credits-btn').click(function(){ |
| 517 | + //@@todo show credits menu screen; |
| 518 | + return false; |
| 519 | + }); |
| 520 | + |
464 | 521 | //volume binding: |
| 522 | + $tp.find('.k-volume').unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
| 523 | + $tp.toggleMute(); |
| 524 | + }); |
| 525 | + |
465 | 526 | var hoverOverDelay=false; |
466 | | - $j('#volume_control_'{ |
| 527 | + /*$j('#volume_control_'{ |
467 | 528 | $j('#'; |
468 | | - }).hover( |
469 | | - function(){ |
| 529 | + }); |
| 530 | + .hover( |
| 531 | + function(){ |
470 | 532 | $j('#vol_container_' +'vol_container_top'); |
471 | 533 | //set to "below" if playing and embedType != native |
472 | | - if(embedObj && embedObj.isPlaying && embedObj.isPlaying() && !embedObj.supports['overlays']){ |
| 534 | + if(embedObj && embedObj.isPlaying() && !embedObj.supports['overlays']){ |
473 | 535 | $j('#vol_container_' +'vol_container_top').addClass('vol_container_below'); |
474 | 536 | } |
475 | | - |
| 537 | + |
476 | 538 | $j('#vol_container_' +'fast'); |
477 | 539 | hoverOverDelay = true; |
478 | 540 | }, |
479 | | - function(){ |
480 | | - hoverOverDelay= false; |
| 541 | + function(){ |
| 542 | + hoverOverDelay= false; |
481 | 543 | setTimeout(function doHideVolume(){ |
482 | 544 | if(!hoverOverDelay){ |
483 | 545 | $j('#vol_container_' +'fast'); |
484 | 546 | } |
485 | | - }, 500); |
| 547 | + }, 500); |
486 | 548 | } |
487 | 549 | ); |
488 | 550 | //Volumen Slider |
489 | 551 | $j('#volume_bar_'{ |
490 | | - orientation: "vertical", |
| 552 | + orientation: "vertical", |
491 | 553 | range: "min", |
492 | 554 | value: 80, |
493 | 555 | min: 0, |
494 | | - max: 100, |
495 | | - slide: function(event, ui) { |
496 | | - var perc = ui.value/100; |
| 556 | + max: 100, |
| 557 | + slide: function(event, ui) { |
| 558 | + var perc = ui.value/100; |
497 | 559 | //js_log('update volume:' + perc); |
498 | | - embedObj.updateVolumen(perc); |
| 560 | + embedObj.updateVolumen(perc); |
499 | 561 | }, |
500 | 562 | change:function(event, ui){ |
501 | | - var perc = ui.value/100; |
| 563 | + var perc = ui.value/100; |
502 | 564 | if (perc==0) { |
503 | | - $j('#volume_control_' + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-on').addClass('ui-icon-volume-off'); |
504 | | - }else{ |
| 565 | + $j('#volume_control_' + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-on').addClass('ui-icon-volume-off'); |
| 566 | + }else{ |
505 | 567 | $j('#volume_control_' + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-off').addClass('ui-icon-volume-on'); |
506 | 568 | } |
507 | | - //only run the onChange event if done by a user slide: |
| 569 | + //only run the onChange event if done by a user slide: |
508 | 570 | if(embedObj.userSlide){ |
509 | 571 | embedObj.userSlide=false; |
510 | | - embedObj.seeking=true; |
511 | | - var perc = ui.value/100; |
512 | | - embedObj.updateVolumen(perc); |
| 572 | + embedObj.seeking=true; |
| 573 | + var perc = ui.value/100; |
| 574 | + embedObj.updateVolumen(perc); |
513 | 575 | } |
514 | | - } |
515 | | - }); |
| 576 | + } |
| 577 | + });*/ |
516 | 578 | |
517 | | - }, |
| 579 | + }, |
518 | 580 | getMvBufferHtml:function(){ |
519 | | - return '<div class="ui-slider-range ui-slider-range-min ui-widget-header ' + |
520 | | - 'ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all '+ |
521 | | - 'mv_buffer" style="width:0px;height:100%;z-index:1;top:0px" />'; |
| 581 | + return '<div class="ui-slider-horizontal ui-corner-all ui-slider-buffer" />'; |
522 | 582 | }, |
523 | 583 | components:{ |
524 | 584 | 'borders':{ |
— | — | @@ -528,76 +588,95 @@ |
529 | 589 | }, |
530 | 590 | 'mv_embedded_options':{ |
531 | 591 | 'w':0, |
532 | | - 'o':function(){ |
533 | | - var o= '<div id="mv_vid_options_''" class="videoOptions">'+ |
534 | | - '<div class="videoOptionsTop"></div>'+ |
535 | | - '<div class="videoOptionsBox">'+ |
536 | | - '<div class="block">'+ |
537 | | - '<h6>Video Options</h6>'+ |
538 | | - '</div>'+ |
539 | | - '<div class="block">'+ |
540 | | - '<p class="short_match vo_selection"><a href="#"><span>Stream Selection</span></a></p>'+ |
541 | | - '<p class="short_match vo_download"><a href="#"><span>Download</span></a></p>'+ |
542 | | - '<p class="short_match vo_showcode"><a href="#"><span>Share or Embed</span></a></p>'; |
543 | | - |
544 | | - //link to the stream page if we are not already there: |
545 | | - if( ctrlBuilder.embedObj.roe && typeof mv_stream_interface == 'undefined' ) |
546 | | - o+='<p class="short_match"><a href="javascript:$j(\'#''\').get(0).doLinkBack()"><span><strong>Source Page</strong></span></a></p>'; |
547 | | - |
548 | | - o+='</div>'+ |
549 | | - '</div><!--videoOptionsInner-->' + |
550 | | - '<div class="videoOptionsBot"></div>' + |
551 | | - '</div><!--videoOptions-->'; |
| 592 | + 'o':function( embedObj ){ |
| 593 | + var o= '' + |
| 594 | + '<div class="k-menu ui-widget-content" ' + |
| 595 | + 'style="width:' + embedObj.playerPixelWidth() + 'px; height:' + embedObj.playerPixelHeight() + 'px;">' + |
| 596 | + '<ul class="k-menu-bar">' + |
| 597 | + '<li class="k-players-btn"><a href="#player" title="'+ gM('players') +'">'+ gM('players') +'</a></li>' + |
| 598 | + '<li class="k-download-btn"><a href="#player" title="'+ gM('download')+'">'+gM('download')+'</a></li>' + |
| 599 | + '<li class="k-share-btn"><a href="#player" title="'+ gM('share')+'">'+gM('share')+'</a></li>' + |
| 600 | + '<li class="k-credits-btn"><a href="#credits" title="'+ gM('credits')+'">'+gM('credits')+'</a></li>' + |
| 601 | + '</ul>' + |
| 602 | + '<div class="k-menu-screens" style="width:' + embedObj.playerPixelWidth() + 'px; height:' + embedObj.playerPixelHeight() + 'px;">' + |
| 603 | + '<div class="k-screen k-players">' + |
| 604 | + '<h2>' + gM('chose_player')+'</h2>' + |
| 605 | + '</div>' + |
| 606 | + '<div class="k-screen k-download">' + |
| 607 | + '<h2>' + gM('download_clip')+'</h2>' + |
| 608 | + '</div>' + |
| 609 | + '<div class="k-screen k-players">' + |
| 610 | + '<h2>' + gM('share_this_video') + '</h2>' + |
| 611 | + '</div>' + |
| 612 | + '<div class="k-screen k-players">' + |
| 613 | + '<h2>' + gM('video_credits') + '</h2>' + |
| 614 | + '</div>' + |
| 615 | + '</div>' + |
| 616 | + '</div>'; |
552 | 617 | return o; |
553 | 618 | } |
554 | 619 | }, |
555 | | - 'fullscreen':{ |
556 | | - 'w':20, |
| 620 | + 'pause':{ |
| 621 | + 'w':147, //28 147 |
557 | 622 | 'o':function(){ |
558 | | - return '<div title="' + gM('player_fullscreen') + '" id="fullscreen_''" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-4-diag"></span></div>' |
| 623 | + return '<button class="play-btn ui-state-default ui-corner-all" title="' + |
| 624 | + gM('play_clip') + '" ><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span></button>' |
559 | 625 | } |
560 | 626 | }, |
561 | | - 'options':{ |
562 | | - 'w':26, |
| 627 | + 'play_head':{ // scrubber |
| 628 | + 'w':0, //special case (takes up remaining space) |
563 | 629 | 'o':function(){ |
564 | | - return '<div title="'+ gM('player_options') + '" id="options_button_''" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-wrench"></span></div>'; |
| 630 | + return '<div class="ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-corner-all j-scrubber"' + |
| 631 | + ' style="width:' + ( ctrlBuilder.available_width - 30 ) + 'px;"></div>' |
565 | 632 | } |
566 | 633 | }, |
567 | | - 'pause':{ |
568 | | - 'w':24, |
| 634 | + 'time_display':{ |
| 635 | + 'w':36, |
569 | 636 | 'o':function(){ |
570 | | - return '<div title="' + gM('play_clip') + '" id="mv_play_pause_button_' + + '" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link lButton"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"/></div>'; |
| 637 | + return '<div class="k-timer">' + seconds2npt ( ctrlBuilder.embedObj.getDuration() ) + '</div>'; |
571 | 638 | } |
572 | 639 | }, |
573 | | - 'closed_captions':{ |
574 | | - 'w':23, |
| 640 | + 'volume_control':{ |
| 641 | + 'w':47, |
575 | 642 | 'o':function(){ |
576 | | - return '<div title="' + gM('closed_captions') + '" id="timed_text_''" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-comment"></span></div>' |
577 | | - } |
| 643 | + return '<button class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all k-volume">' + |
| 644 | + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on"></span>' + |
| 645 | + '</button>' + |
| 646 | + '<div class="ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal k-volume-slider"></div>'; |
| 647 | + |
| 648 | + //vertical volume control: |
| 649 | + /* return '<div title="' + gM('volume_control') + '" id="volume_control_''" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton">' + |
| 650 | + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on"></span>' + |
| 651 | + '<div style="position:absolute;display:none;" id="vol_container_''" class="vol_container ui-corner-all">' + |
| 652 | + '<div class="volume_bar" id="volume_bar_' + + '"></div>' + |
| 653 | + '</div>'+ |
| 654 | + '</div>'; |
| 655 | + */ |
| 656 | + } |
578 | 657 | }, |
579 | | - 'volume_control':{ |
580 | | - 'w':23, |
| 658 | + 'closed_captions':{ |
| 659 | + 'w':24, |
581 | 660 | 'o':function(){ |
582 | | - return '<div title="' + gM('volume_control') + '" id="volume_control_''" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton">' + |
583 | | - '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on"></span>' + |
584 | | - '<div style="position:absolute;display:none;" id="vol_container_''" class="vol_container ui-corner-all">' + |
585 | | - '<div class="volume_bar" id="volume_bar_' + + '"></div>' + |
586 | | - '</div>'+ |
587 | | - '</div>'; |
| 661 | + return '<div title="' + gM('closed_captions') + '" id="timed_text_' + +'" ' + |
| 662 | + 'class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-icon_link rButton">' + |
| 663 | + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-comment"></span></div>'; |
588 | 664 | } |
589 | 665 | }, |
590 | | - 'time_display':{ |
591 | | - 'w':90, |
| 666 | + 'fullscreen':{ |
| 667 | + 'w':24, |
592 | 668 | 'o':function(){ |
593 | | - return '<div id="mv_time_''" class="ui-widget time">' + ctrlBuilder.embedObj.getTimeReq() + '</div>'; |
| 669 | + return '<button class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all k-fullscreen" title="' + gM('player_fullscreen') + '">' + |
| 670 | + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-4-diag"></span></button>' |
594 | 671 | } |
595 | 672 | }, |
596 | | - 'play_head':{ |
597 | | - 'w':0, //special case (takes up remaining space) |
| 673 | + 'options':{ |
| 674 | + 'w':50, |
598 | 675 | 'o':function(){ |
599 | | - return '<div class="play_head" id="mv_play_head_' + + '" style="width: ' + ( ctrlBuilder.available_width - 30 ) + 'px;"></div>'; |
| 676 | + return '<button class="ui-state-default ui-corner-bl k-options" title="'+ gM('player_options') + '" >' + |
| 677 | + '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-k-menu">'+ gM('menu_btn') + '</span>' |
| 678 | + '</button>' |
600 | 679 | } |
601 | | - } |
| 680 | + } |
602 | 681 | } |
603 | 682 | } |
604 | 683 | |
— | — | @@ -1117,7 +1196,7 @@ |
1118 | 1197 | }, |
1119 | 1198 | playerPixelWidth : function() |
1120 | 1199 | { |
1121 | | - var player = $j('#mv_embedded_player_'; |
| 1200 | + var player = $j('#dc_'; |
1122 | 1201 | if(typeof player!='undefined' && player['offsetWidth']) |
1123 | 1202 | return player.offsetWidth; |
1124 | 1203 | else |
— | — | @@ -1125,7 +1204,7 @@ |
1126 | 1205 | }, |
1127 | 1206 | playerPixelHeight : function() |
1128 | 1207 | { |
1129 | | - var player = $j('#mv_embedded_player_'; |
| 1208 | + var player = $j('#dc_'; |
1130 | 1209 | if(typeof player!='undefined' && player['offsetHeight']) |
1131 | 1210 | return player.offsetHeight; |
1132 | 1211 | else |
— | — | @@ -1343,6 +1422,11 @@ |
1344 | 1423 | //return the duration |
1345 | 1424 | return this.duration; |
1346 | 1425 | }, |
| 1426 | + timedTextSources:function(){ |
| 1427 | + if(!this.media_element.timedTextSources) |
| 1428 | + return false; |
| 1429 | + return this.media_element.timedTextSources() |
| 1430 | + }, |
1347 | 1431 | /* |
1348 | 1432 | * wrapEmebedContainer |
1349 | 1433 | * wraps the embed code into a container to better support playlist function |
— | — | @@ -1400,7 +1484,7 @@ |
1401 | 1485 | // if(!this.selected_player){ |
1402 | 1486 | // return this.getPluginMissingHTML(); |
1403 | 1487 | //Set "loading" here |
1404 | | - $j('#mv_embedded_player_'''+ |
| 1488 | + $j('#dc_'''+ |
1405 | 1489 | '<div style="color:black;width:'+this.width+'px;height:'+this.height+'px;">' + |
1406 | 1490 | gM('loading_plugin') + |
1407 | 1491 | '</div>' |
— | — | @@ -1411,7 +1495,7 @@ |
1412 | 1496 | js_log('performing embed for ' +; |
1413 | 1497 | var embed_code = _this.getEmbedHTML(); |
1414 | 1498 | //js_log('shopuld embed:' + embed_code); |
1415 | | - $j('#mv_embedded_player_'; |
| 1499 | + $j('#dc_'; |
1416 | 1500 | }); |
1417 | 1501 | }, |
1418 | 1502 | onClipDone:function(){ |
— | — | @@ -1632,7 +1716,7 @@ |
1633 | 1717 | var _this = this; |
1634 | 1718 | js_log('f:doThumbnailHTML'+ this.thumbnail_disp); |
1635 | 1719 | this.closeDisplayedHTML(); |
1636 | | - $j( '#mv_embedded_player_' + ).html( this.getThumbnailHTML() ); |
| 1720 | + $j( '#dc_' + ).html( this.getThumbnailHTML() ); |
1637 | 1721 | this.paused = true; |
1638 | 1722 | this.thumbnail_disp = true; |
1639 | 1723 | }, |
— | — | @@ -1652,26 +1736,23 @@ |
1653 | 1737 | return ctrlBuilder.getControls( this ); |
1654 | 1738 | }, |
1655 | 1739 | getHTML : function (){ |
1656 | | - //@@todo check if we have sources avaliable |
1657 | | - js_log('embedVideo:getHTML : ' + + ' resource type: ' + this.type); |
1658 | | - var _this = this; |
1659 | | - var html_code = ''; |
1660 | | - html_code = '<div id="videoPlayer_''" style="width:'+this.width+'px;position:relative;" class="videoPlayer">'; |
1661 | | - html_code += '<div style="width:'+parseInt(this.width)+'px;height:'+parseInt(this.height)+'px;" id="mv_embedded_player_''">' + |
1662 | | - this.getThumbnailHTML() + |
1663 | | - '</div>'; |
1664 | | - //js_log("mvEmbed:controls "+ typeof this.controls); |
1665 | | - if( this.controls ) |
1666 | | - { |
| 1740 | + js_log('f:getHTML : ' + ); |
| 1741 | + var _this = this; |
| 1742 | + var html_code = ''; |
| 1743 | + |
| 1744 | + //get the thumbnail: |
| 1745 | + html_code = this.getThumbnailHTML(); |
| 1746 | + |
| 1747 | + if(this.controls){ |
1667 | 1748 | js_log("f:getHTML:AddControls"); |
1668 | | - html_code +='<div id="mv_embedded_controls_' + + '" class="ui-widget ui-corner-bottom ui-state-default controls" >'; |
| 1749 | + html_code +='<div class="k-control-bar ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix">'; |
1669 | 1750 | html_code += this.getControlsHTML(); |
1670 | 1751 | html_code +='</div>'; |
1671 | 1752 | //block out some space by encapulating the top level div |
1672 | 1753 | $j(this).wrap('<div style="width:'+parseInt(this.width)+'px;height:' |
1673 | | - +(parseInt(this.height)+ctrlBuilder.height)+'px"></div>'); |
1674 | | - } |
1675 | | - html_code += '</div>'; //videoPlayer div close |
| 1754 | + + (parseInt(this.height) + ctrlBuilder.height )+'px" id="k-player_' + + '" class="k-player"></div>'); |
| 1755 | + } |
| 1756 | + |
1676 | 1757 | //js_log('should set: '; |
1677 | 1758 | $j(this).html( html_code ); |
1678 | 1759 | //add hooks once Controls are in DOM |
— | — | @@ -1821,15 +1902,16 @@ |
1822 | 1903 | this.thumbnail = this.media_element.getThumbnailURL(); |
1823 | 1904 | |
1824 | 1905 | //put it all in the div container dc_id |
1825 | | - thumb_html+= '<div id="dc_''" style="position:absolute;'+ |
| 1906 | + thumb_html+= '<div id="dc_''" rel="emdded_play" style="position:relative;'+ |
1826 | 1907 | ' overflow:hidden; top:0px; left:0px; width:'+this.playerPixelWidth()+'px; height:'+this.playerPixelHeight()+'px; z-index:0;">'+ |
1827 | | - '<img width="'+this.playerPixelWidth()+'" height="'+this.playerPixelHeight()+'" style="position:relative;width:'+this.playerPixelWidth()+';height:'+this.playerPixelHeight()+'"' + |
1828 | | - ' id="img_thumb_''" src="' + this.thumbnail + '">'; |
| 1908 | + '<img width="' + this.playerPixelWidth() + '" height="' + this.playerPixelHeight() + |
| 1909 | + '" style="position:relative;width:'+this.playerPixelWidth()+';height:'+this.playerPixelHeight()+'"' + |
| 1910 | + ' id="img_thumb_' +'" src="' + this.thumbnail + '">'; |
1829 | 1911 | |
1830 | | - if(this.play_button == true && this.controls == true) |
| 1912 | + if( this.play_button == true && this.controls == true ) |
1831 | 1913 | thumb_html+=this.getPlayButton(); |
1832 | 1914 | |
1833 | | - thumb_html+='</div>'; |
| 1915 | + thumb_html+='</div>'; |
1834 | 1916 | return thumb_html; |
1835 | 1917 | }, |
1836 | 1918 | getEmbeddingHTML:function() |
— | — | @@ -1870,10 +1952,9 @@ |
1871 | 1953 | }, |
1872 | 1954 | getPlayButton:function(id){ |
1873 | 1955 | if(!id); |
1874 | | - return '<div title="' + gM('play_clip') + '" id="big_play_link_'+id+'" class="large_play_button" '+ |
| 1956 | + return '<div title="' + gM('play_clip') + '" class="ui-state-default play-btn-large" '+ |
1875 | 1957 | 'style="left:'+((this.playerPixelWidth()-130)/2)+'px;'+ |
1876 | 1958 | 'top:' + ((this.playerPixelHeight()-96)/2) + 'px;">'+ |
1877 | | - '<img src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'player_big_play_button.png">'+ |
1878 | 1959 | '</div>'; |
1879 | 1960 | }, |
1880 | 1961 | doLinkBack:function(){ |
— | — | @@ -2028,7 +2109,8 @@ |
2029 | 2110 | var this_id = (this.pc!=null)?; |
2030 | 2111 | |
2031 | 2112 | var _this=this; |
2032 | | - var out= '<span style="color:#FFF;background-color:black;"><blockquote style="background-color:black;">'; |
| 2113 | +// var out= '<span style="color:#FFF;background-color:black;"><blockquote style="background-color:black;">'; |
| 2114 | + var out= ''; |
2033 | 2115 | var _this=this; |
2034 | 2116 | //js_log('selected src'+ _this.media_element.selected_source.url); |
2035 | 2117 | $j.each( this.media_element.getPlayableSources(), function(source_id, source){ |
— | — | @@ -2051,35 +2133,40 @@ |
2052 | 2134 | |
2053 | 2135 | if (default_player) |
2054 | 2136 | { |
2055 | | - out += '<img src="'+image_src+'"/>'; |
2056 | | - if( ! is_selected ) |
2057 | | - out+='<a href="#" class="sel_source" id="sc_' + source_id + '_' + +'">'; |
2058 | | - out += source.getTitle()+ (is_selected?'</a>':'') + ' '; |
| 2137 | +// out += '<img src="'+image_src+'"/>'; |
| 2138 | + out+='<div class="k-screen k-players">' + |
| 2139 | + ' <h2>Choose Video Player</h2>' + |
| 2140 | + ' <ul>'; |
| 2141 | +// if( ! is_selected ) |
| 2142 | +// out+='<a href="#" class="sel_source" id="sc_' + source_id + '_' + +'">'; |
| 2143 | +// out += source.getTitle()+ (is_selected?'</a>':'') + ' '; |
2059 | 2144 | |
2060 | 2145 | //output the player select code: |
2061 | | - var supporting_players = embedTypes.players.getMIMETypePlayers( source.getMIMEType() ); |
2062 | | - out+='<div id="player_select_list_' + source_id + '" class="player_select_list"><ul>'; |
| 2146 | + var supporting_players = embedTypes.players.getMIMETypePlayers( source.getMIMEType() ); |
| 2147 | +// out+='<div id="player_select_list_' + source_id + '" class="player_select_list"><ul>'; |
2063 | 2148 | for(var i=0; i < supporting_players.length ; i++){ |
2064 | 2149 | if( == supporting_players[i].id && is_selected ){ |
2065 | | - out+='<li style="border-style:dashed;margin-left:20px;">'+ |
2066 | | - '<img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'plugin.png">' + |
2067 | | - supporting_players[i].getName() + |
2068 | | - '</li>'; |
| 2150 | +// out+='<li style="border-style:dashed;margin-left:20px;">'+ |
| 2151 | +// '<img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'plugin.png">' + |
| 2152 | +// supporting_players[i].getName() + |
| 2153 | + out+='<li>' + supporting_players[i].getName() +'</li>'; |
2069 | 2154 | }else{ |
2070 | 2155 | //else gray plugin and the plugin with link to select |
2071 | | - out+='<li style="margin-left:20px;">'+ |
2072 | | - '<a href="#" class="sel_source" id="sc_' + source_id + '_' + supporting_players[i].id +'">'+ |
2073 | | - '<img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'plugin_disabled.png">'+ |
2074 | | - supporting_players[i].getName() + |
2075 | | - '</a>'+ |
2076 | | - '</li>'; |
| 2156 | +// out+='<li style="margin-left:20px;">'+ |
| 2157 | +// '<a href="#" class="sel_source" id="sc_' + source_id + '_' + supporting_players[i].id +'">'+ |
| 2158 | +// '<img border="0" width="16" height="16" src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'plugin_disabled.png">'+ |
| 2159 | +// supporting_players[i].getName() + |
| 2160 | +// '</a>'+ |
| 2161 | + out+='<li>' + |
| 2162 | + '<a href="#" id="dc_' + source_id + '_' + supporting_players[i].id +'">' + |
| 2163 | + supporting_players[i].getName() + '</a><li>'; |
2077 | 2164 | } |
2078 | 2165 | } |
2079 | 2166 | out+='</ul></div>'; |
2080 | 2167 | }else |
2081 | 2168 | out+= source.getTitle() + ' - no player available'; |
2082 | 2169 | }); |
2083 | | - out+='</blockquote></span>'; |
| 2170 | +// out+='</blockquote></span>'; |
2084 | 2171 | this.displayHTML(out); |
2085 | 2172 | |
2086 | 2173 | //set up the click bindings: |
— | — | @@ -2120,29 +2207,34 @@ |
2121 | 2208 | } |
2122 | 2209 | }, |
2123 | 2210 | getShowVideoDownload:function(){ |
2124 | | - var out='<div style="color:white">' + |
2125 | | - '<b style="color:white;">'+gM('download_segment')+'</b><br>'; |
2126 | | - out+='<blockquote style="background:#000">'+ |
2127 | | - gM('download_right_click') + '</blockquote><br>'; |
2128 | | - var dl_list=''; |
2129 | | - var dl_txt_list=''; |
| 2211 | +// var out='<div style="color:white">' + |
| 2212 | +// '<b style="color:white;">'+gM('download_segment')+'</b><br>'; |
| 2213 | +// out+='<blockquote style="background:#000">'+ |
| 2214 | +// gM('download_right_click') + '</blockquote><br>'; |
| 2215 | + var out='<div class="k-screen k-players">' + |
| 2216 | + ' <h2>Download Video</h2>' + |
| 2217 | + ' <ul>'; |
| 2218 | +// var dl_list=''; |
| 2219 | +// var dl_txt_list=''; |
2130 | 2220 | $j.each(this.media_element.getSources(), function(index, source){ |
2131 | | - var dl_line = '<li>' + '<a style="color:white" href="' + source.getURI() +'"> ' |
2132 | | - + source.getTitle()+'</a> '+ '</li>'+"\n"; |
2133 | | - if( source.getURI().indexOf('?t=')!==-1){ |
2134 | | - out+=dl_line; |
2135 | | - }else if( this.getMIMEType()=="text/cmml" || this.getMIMEType()=="text/x-srt" ){ |
2136 | | - dl_txt_list+=dl_line; |
2137 | | - }else{ |
2138 | | - dl_list+=dl_line; |
| 2221 | +// var dl_line = '<li>' + '<a style="color:white" href="' + source.getURI() +'"> ' |
| 2222 | +// + source.getTitle()+'</a> '+ '</li>'+"\n"; |
| 2223 | + var dl_line = '<li>' + '<a href="' + source.getURI() +'"> ' + source.getTitle() + '</a></li>\n'; |
| 2224 | + if(source.getURI().indexOf('?t=')!==-1) { |
| 2225 | + out+=dl_line; |
2139 | 2226 | } |
| 2227 | + else if(this.getMIMEType()=="text/cmml" || this.getMIMEType()=="text/x-srt") { |
| 2228 | + dl_txt_list+=dl_line; |
| 2229 | + } |
| 2230 | + else { |
| 2231 | + dl_list+=dl_line; |
| 2232 | + } |
2140 | 2233 | }); |
2141 | | - |
2142 | | - if(dl_list!='') |
2143 | | - out+=gM('download_full') + '<blockquote style="background:#000">' + dl_list + '</blockquote>'; |
2144 | | - if(dl_txt_list!='') |
2145 | | - out+=gM('download_text')+'<blockquote style="background:#000">' + dl_txt_list +'</blockquote>'; |
2146 | | - out+='</div>'; |
| 2234 | +// if(dl_list!='') |
| 2235 | +// out+=gM('download_full') + '<blockquote style="background:#000">' + dl_list + '</blockquote>'; |
| 2236 | +// if(dl_txt_list!='') |
| 2237 | +// out+=gM('download_text')+'<blockquote style="background:#000">' + dl_txt_list +'</blockquote>'; |
| 2238 | + out+='</ul></div>'; |
2147 | 2239 | return out; |
2148 | 2240 | }, |
2149 | 2241 | /* |
— | — | @@ -2172,11 +2264,11 @@ |
2173 | 2265 | this.paused=false; //make sure we are not "paused" |
2174 | 2266 | this.seeking=false; |
2175 | 2267 | } |
2176 | | - |
2177 | | - $j("#mv_play_pause_button_" + this_id + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-play').addClass('ui-icon-pause'); |
2178 | | - $j("#mv_play_pause_button_" + this_id).unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
| 2268 | + |
| 2269 | + $j('#'+ this_id + ' .play-btn .ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-play').addClass('ui-icon-pause'); |
| 2270 | + $j('#'+ this_id + ' .play-btn').unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
2179 | 2271 | $j('#' + this_id ).get(0).pause(); |
2180 | | - }).attr('title', gM('pause_clip')); |
| 2272 | + }).attr('title', gM('pause_clip')); |
2181 | 2273 | |
2182 | 2274 | }, |
2183 | 2275 | load:function(){ |
— | — | @@ -2188,7 +2280,7 @@ |
2189 | 2281 | }, |
2190 | 2282 | /* |
2191 | 2283 | * base embed pause |
2192 | | - * there is no general way to pause the video |
| 2284 | + * there is no general way to pause the video |
2193 | 2285 | * must be overwritten by embed object to support this functionality. |
2194 | 2286 | */ |
2195 | 2287 | pause: function(){ |
— | — | @@ -2197,8 +2289,8 @@ |
2198 | 2290 | //(playing) do pause |
2199 | 2291 | this.paused = true; |
2200 | 2292 | //update the ctrl "paused state" |
2201 | | - $j("#mv_play_pause_button_" + this_id + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-pause').addClass('ui-icon-play'); |
2202 | | - $j("#mv_play_pause_button_" + this_id).unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
| 2293 | + $j('#'+ this_id + ' .play-btn .ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-pause').addClass('ui-icon-play'); |
| 2294 | + $j('#'+ this_id + ' .play-btn').unbind().btnBind().click(function(){ |
2203 | 2295 | $j('#'+this_id).get(0).play(); |
2204 | 2296 | }).attr('title', gM('play_clip')); |
2205 | 2297 | }, |
— | — | @@ -2234,7 +2326,7 @@ |
2235 | 2327 | } |
2236 | 2328 | |
2237 | 2329 | //make sure the big playbutton is has click action: |
2238 | | - $j('#big_play_link_' +'click').click(function(){ |
| 2330 | + $j('#'+ +' .play-btn-large').unbind('click').btnBind().click(function(){ |
2239 | 2331 | $j('#'; |
2240 | 2332 | }); |
2241 | 2333 | |
— | — | @@ -2248,8 +2340,8 @@ |
2249 | 2341 | var this_id = (this.pc!=null)?; |
2250 | 2342 | if(this.muted){ |
2251 | 2343 | this.muted=false; |
2252 | | - $j('#volume_control_'+this_id + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-off').addClass('ui-icon-volume-on'); |
2253 | | - $j('#volume_bar_'+this_id).slider('value', 100); |
| 2344 | + $j( '#volume_control_' + this_id + ' span').removeClass('ui-icon-volume-off').addClass('ui-icon-volume-on'); |
| 2345 | + $j( '#volume_bar_' + this_id).slider('value', 100); |
2254 | 2346 | this.updateVolumen(1); |
2255 | 2347 | }else{ |
2256 | 2348 | this.muted=true; |
— | — | @@ -2265,7 +2357,7 @@ |
2266 | 2358 | fullscreen:function(){ |
2267 | 2359 | js_log('fullscreen not supported with current playback type'); |
2268 | 2360 | }, |
2269 | | - /* returns bool true if playing or paused, false if stooped |
| 2361 | + /* returns bool true if playing or paused, false if stopped |
2270 | 2362 | */ |
2271 | 2363 | isPlaying : function(){ |
2272 | 2364 | if(this.thumbnail_disp){ |
— | — | @@ -2338,12 +2430,11 @@ |
2339 | 2431 | this.monitorTimerId = 0; |
2340 | 2432 | } |
2341 | 2433 | }, |
2342 | | - updateBufferStatus: function(){ |
2343 | | - |
| 2434 | + updateBufferStatus: function(){ |
2344 | 2435 | //build the buffer targeet based for playlist vs clip |
2345 | 2436 | var buffer_select = (this.pc) ? |
2346 | | - '#cl_status_' + + ' .mv_buffer': |
2347 | | - '#mv_play_head_' + + ' .mv_buffer'; |
| 2437 | + '#cl_status_' + + ' .ui-slider-buffer': |
| 2438 | + '#' + + ' .ui-slider-buffer'; |
2348 | 2439 | |
2349 | 2440 | //update the buffer progress bar (if available ) |
2350 | 2441 | if( this.bufferedPercent != 0 ){ |
— | — | @@ -2387,19 +2478,17 @@ |
2388 | 2479 | //do head request if on the same domain |
2389 | 2480 | return this.media_element.selected_source.URLTimeEncoding; |
2390 | 2481 | }, |
2391 | | - setSliderValue: function(perc, hide_progress){ |
| 2482 | + setSliderValue: function(perc, hide_progress){ |
2392 | 2483 | if(this.controls){ |
2393 | 2484 | var this_id = (this.pc)?; |
2394 | | - var val = parseInt( perc*1000 ); |
2395 | | - $j('#mv_play_head_'+this_id).slider('value', val); |
2396 | | - |
2397 | | - //js_log("embed video set: " + '#mv_play_head_'+this_id + ' to ' + val); |
| 2485 | + var val = parseInt( perc*1000 ); |
| 2486 | + $j('#' + ' .j-scrubber').slider('value', val); |
2398 | 2487 | } |
2399 | 2488 | //js_log('set#mv_seeker_slider_'+this_id + ' perc in: ' + perc + ' * ' + $j('#mv_seeker_'+this_id).width() + ' = set to: '+ val + ' - '+ Math.round(this.mv_seeker_width*perc) ); |
2400 | 2489 | //js_log('op:' + offset_perc + ' *('+perc+' * ' + $j('#slider_'+id).width() + ')'); |
2401 | 2490 | }, |
2402 | 2491 | highlightPlaySection:function(options){ |
2403 | | - js_log('highlightPlaySection'); |
| 2492 | + js_log('highlightPlaySection'); |
2404 | 2493 | var this_id = (this.pc)?; |
2405 | 2494 | var dur = this.getDuration(); |
2406 | 2495 | var hide_progress = true; |
— | — | @@ -2450,7 +2539,8 @@ |
2451 | 2540 | setStatus:function(value){ |
2452 | 2541 | var id = (this.pc)?; |
2453 | 2542 | //update status: |
2454 | | - $j('#mv_time_'+id).html(value); |
| 2543 | + //$j('#mv_time_'+id).html(value); |
| 2544 | + $j('#' + ' .k-timer').html(value); |
2455 | 2545 | } |
2456 | 2546 | } |
2457 | 2547 | |
Index: trunk/phase3/js2/mwEmbed/libEmbedVideo/nativeEmbed.js |
— | — | @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ |
47 | 47 | }, |
48 | 48 | //@@todo : loading progress |
49 | 49 | postEmbedJS:function(){ |
50 | | - var _this = this; |
| 50 | + var _this = this; |
51 | 51 | js_log("f:native:postEmbedJS:"); |
52 | 52 | this.getVID(); |
53 | 53 | var doActualPlay= function(){ |