r53820 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r53819‎ | r53820 | r53821 >
Date:18:22, 27 July 2009
Added 'dt_import_encodingtype' value
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/DataTransfer/languages/DT_Messages.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/DataTransfer/languages/DT_Messages.php
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
2929 'dt_xml_freetext' => 'Free Text',
3030 'importxml' => 'Import XML',
3131 'dt_import_selectfile' => 'Please select the $1 file to import:',
 32+ 'dt_import_encodingtype' => 'Encoding type',
3233 'dt_import_editsummary' => '$1 import',
3334 'dt_import_importing' => 'Importing...',
3435 'dt_import_success' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} will be created from the $2 file.',
@@ -70,11 +71,12 @@
7172 'dt_xml_freetext' => '{{Identical|Free text}}
7273 Used as XML tag name.',
7374 'dt_import_selectfile' => '$1 is the file format: either CSV or XML',
 75+ 'dt_import_encodingtype' => 'The type of encoding for the file: either UTF-8 or UTF-16',
7476 'dt_import_editsummary' => '$1 is the file format: either CSV or XML',
7577 'dt_import_success' => '* $1 is the number of pages
7678 * $2 is the file format: either CSV or XML',
7779 'dt_importcsv_badheader' => 'The text "template_name[field_name]" can be translated.
78 -*$1 is a colomn number in the first row of the CVS file
 80+*$1 is a column number in the first row of the CVS file
7981 *$2 is the value found for the $1th colomn in the first line of the CSV file
8082 *$3 is the title label
8183 *$4 is a free text label',

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