r53133 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r53132‎ | r53133 | r53134 >
Date:14:41, 12 July 2009
Typing errors in messages corrected, according to hints at
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SlippyMap/SlippyMap.i18n.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SlippyMap/SlippyMap.i18n.php
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
99 $messages = array();
1111 $messages['en'] = array(
12 - 'slippymap_desc' => 'Adds a <tt>&lt;slippymap&gt;</tt> tag which allows for embedding of static & dynamic maps.Supports multiple map services including [http://openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap] and NASA Worldwind',
 12+ 'slippymap_desc' => 'Adds a <tt>&lt;slippymap&gt;</tt> tag which allows for embedding of static & dynamic maps. Supports multiple map services including [http://openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap] and NASA Worldwind',
1414 // The name of the extension, for use in error messages
1515 'slippymap_extname' => 'SlippyMap',
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
4343 'slippymap_error_unknown_attribute' => "The attribute <tt>$1</tt> is unknown.",
4545 // Value out of range
46 - 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_lat_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>lat</tt> (latitude) attribute. Latitutes bust be between -90 and 90 degrees.",
 46+ 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_lat_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>lat</tt> (latitude) attribute. Latitutes must be between -90 and 90 degrees.",
4747 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_lon_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>lon</tt> (longitude) attribute. Longitudes must be between -180 and 180 degrees.",
4848 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_zoom_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>zoom</tt> attribute. Zoom levels must be between $2 and $3.",
49 - 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_width_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>width</tt> attribute. Width levels must be between $2 and $3.",
50 - 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_height_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>height</tt> attribute. Height levels must be between $2 and $3.",
 49+ 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_width_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>width</tt> attribute. Widths must be between $2 and $3.",
 50+ 'slippymap_error_invalid_attribute_height_value_out_of_range' => "The value <tt>$1</tt> is not valid for the <tt>height</tt> attribute. Heights must be between $2 and $3.",
5252 'slippymap_code' => 'Wikicode for this map view:',
5353 'slippymap_button_code' => 'Get wikicode',

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