r51431 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r51430‎ | r51431 | r51432 >
Date:19:10, 3 June 2009
update.php calls temporarily disabled so other folks can get on with their work.
will be re-enabled when they actually work
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/testing/installer/naive_installer.py (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/testing/installer/naive_installer.py
@@ -55,9 +55,18 @@
5656 raise Naive_Installer_Exception("_setup_schema: While installing, I found a schema.sql and tried to use it, but there was some issue with it.\n",e)
5858 def _setup_update(self):
 60+ return # XXX This method is a work in progress. I don't want to hold up users,
 61+ # so I'll upload to svn like this
5962 if not self.instancedir():
6063 raise Naive_Installer_Exception("_setup_update:Internal Error: Could not determine instancedir")
61 - command=settings.phpcommand+os.path.join(self.instancedir,maintenance,"update.php")
 65+ update_script=os.path.join(self.instancedir(),"maintenance","update.php")
 67+ if not os.path.exists(update_script):
 68+ raise Naive_Installer_Exception("_setup_update:While installing, could not find update.php at: "+command)
 70+ command=settings.phpcommand+" "+update_script
6271 rv=os.system(command)>>8
6372 if rv:
6473 raise Naive_Installer_Exception("_setup_update:While installing, I tried to run the instance's maintenance/update.php, but some issue occurred.")

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