r50907 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r50906‎ | r50907 | r50908 >
Date:21:02, 22 May 2009
Added a script for checks any duplicate messages against a message array for a language, still in a very draft stage.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/maintenance/language/checkDupeMessages.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/maintenance/language/checkDupeMessages.php
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
 4+ * @todo document
 5+ * @file
 6+ * @ingroup MaintenanceLanguage
 7+ */
 9+require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../commandLine.inc' );
 10+$messagesDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../languages/messages/';
 11+$runTest = false;
 12+$run = false;
 13+$runMode = 'text';
 15+// Check parameters
 16+if ( isset( $options['lang'] ) && isset( $options['clang'] )) {
 17+ if (!isset( $options['mode'] )) {
 18+ $runMode = 'text';
 19+ } else {
 20+ if (!strcmp($options['mode'],'wiki')) {
 21+ $runMode = 'wiki';
 22+ } else if (!strcmp($options['mode'],'raw')) {
 23+ $runMode = 'raw';
 24+ } else {
 25+ }
 26+ }
 27+ $runTest = true;
 28+} else {
 29+ echo <<<END
 30+Run this script to print out the duplicates against a message array.
 32+ * lang: Language code to be checked.
 33+ * clang: Language code to be compared.
 35+ * mode: Output format, can be either:
 36+ * text: Text output on the console (default)
 37+ * wiki: Wiki format, with * at beginning of each line
 38+ * raw: Raw output for duplicates
 42+// Check file exists
 43+if ( $runTest ) {
 44+ $langCode = ucfirst(strtolower(preg_replace('/-/','_',$options['lang'])));
 45+ $langCodeC = ucfirst(strtolower(preg_replace('/-/','_',$options['clang'])));
 46+ $messagesFile = $messagesDir.'Messages'.$langCode.'.php';
 47+ $messagesFileC = $messagesDir.'Messages'.$langCodeC.'.php';
 48+ print("$messagesFile\n$messagesFileC\n");
 49+ if (file_exists($messagesFile) && file_exists($messagesFileC)) {
 50+ $run = true;
 51+ }
 52+ else {
 53+ echo "Languages file(s) could not found.\nMake sure both files are exists.\n";
 54+ }
 57+// Run to check the dupes
 58+if ( $run ) {
 59+ if (!strcmp($runMode,'wiki')) {
 60+ $runMode = 'wiki';
 61+ } else if (!strcmp($runMode,'raw')) {
 62+ $runMode = 'raw';
 63+ }
 64+ include( $messagesFile );
 65+ $wgMessages[$langCode] = $messages;
 66+ include( $messagesFileC );
 67+ $wgMessages[$langCodeC] = $messages;
 68+ $count = 0;
 70+ foreach ($wgMessages[$langCodeC] as $key => $value) {
 71+ foreach ($wgMessages[$langCode] as $ckey => $cvalue) {
 72+ if (!strcmp($key,$ckey)) {
 73+ if (!strcmp($value,$cvalue)) {
 74+ if (!strcmp($runMode,'raw')) {
 75+ print("$key\n");
 76+ } else if (!strcmp($runMode,'wiki')) {
 77+ $uKey = ucfirst($key);
 78+ print("* MediaWiki:$uKey/$langCode\n");
 79+ } else {
 80+ print("* $key\n");
 81+ }
 82+ $count++;
 83+ }
 84+ }
 85+ }
 86+ }
 87+ if (!strcmp($runMode,'text')) {
 88+ echo "\nThere are $count duplicates messages in ".$options['lang'].", against to ".$options['clang']."\n";
 89+ }
Property changes on: trunk/phase3/maintenance/language/checkDupeMessages.php
Name: svn:eol-style
191 + native

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