r50899 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r50898‎ | r50899 | r50900 >
Date:17:34, 22 May 2009
Cleanup: removing obsolete/outdated messages for zh-tw which are same as zh-hant
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesZh_tw.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesZh_tw.php
@@ -86,28 +86,16 @@
8787 'tog-underline' => '鏈結標注底線',
8888 'tog-hideminor' => '近期變動中隱藏細微修改',
8989 'tog-usenewrc' => '增強版近期變動 (JavaScript)',
90 -'tog-watchcreations' => '將我建立的頁面加入監視列表',
91 -'tog-watchdefault' => '將我更改的頁面加入監視列表',
92 -'tog-watchmoves' => '將我移動的頁面加入監視列表',
93 -'tog-watchdeletion' => '將我刪除的頁面加入監視列表',
9490 'tog-minordefault' => '預設將編輯設定為細微修改',
9591 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => '當我監視的頁面改變時發電子郵件給我',
9692 'tog-shownumberswatching' => '顯示監視數目',
9793 'tog-uselivepreview' => '使用即時預覽 (JavaScript) (試驗中)',
9894 'tog-watchlisthideminor' => '監視列表中隱藏細微修改',
9995 'tog-ccmeonemails' => '當我寄電子郵件給其他使用者時,也寄一份複本到我的信箱。',
100 -'tog-norollbackdiff' => '進行回退後略過差異比較',
10297 # Categories related messages
10398 'category_header' => '類別「$1」中的頁面',
10499 'subcategories' => '子分類',
105 -'category-media-header' => '"$1"分類中的媒體',
106 -'category-empty' => "''這個分類中尚未包含任何頁面或媒體。''",
107 -'hidden-category-category' => '隱藏分類',
108 -'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|這個分類中只有以下的附分類。|這個分類中有以下的$1個附分類,共有$2個附分類。}}',
109 -'category-subcat-count-limited' => '這個分類下有$1個子分類。',
110 -'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|這個分類中只有以下的頁面。|這個分類中有以下的$1個頁面,共有$2個頁面。}}',
111 -'listingcontinuesabbrev' => '續',
113101 'mainpagetext' => "<big>'''已成功安裝 MediaWiki。'''</big>",
114102 'mainpagedocfooter' => '請參閱 [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Contents 使用者手冊] 以獲得使用此 wiki 軟體的訊息!
@@ -118,82 +106,18 @@
119107 * [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:FAQ MediaWiki 常見問題解答]
120108 * [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki 發佈郵件清單]',
122 -'about' => '關於',
123 -'article' => '頁面',
124 -'newwindow' => '(在新視窗中打開)',
125 -'cancel' => '取消',
126 -'moredotdotdot' => '更多...',
127 -'mypage' => '我的頁面',
128 -'mytalk' => '我的對話頁',
129 -'anontalk' => '該IP的對話頁',
130 -'navigation' => '導航',
131 -'and' => '&#32;和',
132 -
133 -# Cologne Blue skin
134 -'qbfind' => '尋找',
135 -'qbbrowse' => '瀏覽',
136 -'qbedit' => '編輯',
137 -'qbpageoptions' => '頁面選項',
138 -'qbpageinfo' => '頁面訊息',
139 -'qbmyoptions' => '我的選項',
140 -'qbspecialpages' => '特殊頁面',
141 -'faq' => '常見問題解答',
142 -'faqpage' => 'Project:常見問題解答',
143 -
144110 # Metadata in edit box
145 -'metadata_help' => '元數據:',
146 -
147 -'errorpagetitle' => '錯誤',
148 -'returnto' => '返回到$1。',
149 -'tagline' => '出自{{SITENAME}}',
150111 'help' => '使用說明',
151112 'search' => '搜尋',
152113 'searchbutton' => '搜尋',
153 -'go' => '進入',
154 -'searcharticle' => '進入',
155114 'history' => '修訂記錄',
156115 'history_short' => '歷史',
157 -'updatedmarker' => '我上次訪問以來的修改',
158 -'info_short' => '資訊',
159 -'printableversion' => '可列印版',
160 -'permalink' => '永久連結',
161116 'print' => '列印',
162 -'edit' => '編輯',
163 -'editthispage' => '編輯本頁',
164 -'delete' => '刪除',
165 -'deletethispage' => '刪除本頁',
166 -'undelete_short' => '反刪除$1項修訂',
167 -'protect' => '保護',
168117 'protect_change' => '更改保護',
169 -'protectthispage' => '保護本頁',
170 -'unprotect' => '解除保護',
171 -'unprotectthispage' => '解除此頁保護',
172 -'newpage' => '新頁面',
173 -'talkpage' => '討論本頁',
174 -'talkpagelinktext' => '對話',
175 -'specialpage' => '特殊頁面',
176 -'personaltools' => '個人工具',
177118 'postcomment' => '發表評論',
178 -'articlepage' => '查看頁面',
179 -'talk' => '討論',
180 -'views' => '檢視',
181 -'toolbox' => '工具箱',
182119 'userpage' => '查看使用者頁面',
183120 'projectpage' => '查看計畫頁面',
184 -'imagepage' => '查看圖片頁面',
185 -'mediawikipage' => '檢視使用者介面訊息',
186 -'templatepage' => '檢視模板頁面',
187 -'viewhelppage' => '檢視說明頁面',
188 -'categorypage' => '檢視分類頁面',
189 -'viewtalkpage' => '檢視討論頁面',
190 -'otherlanguages' => '其它語言',
191 -'redirectedfrom' => '(重定向自$1)',
192 -'redirectpagesub' => '重定向頁面',
193121 'lastmodifiedat' => '本頁最後更動時間在 $1 $2。',
194 -'viewcount' => '本頁面已經被瀏覽$1次。',
195 -'protectedpage' => '被保護頁',
196 -'jumpto' => '跳轉到:',
197 -'jumptonavigation' => '導航',
198122 'jumptosearch' => '搜尋',
200124 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).

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