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Date:19:52, 24 April 2009
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  • /trunk/extensions/RT/README (modified) (history)

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Index: trunk/extensions/RT/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
2 -This is the RequestTracker (RT) extension for MediaWiki. It allows
 2+This is the RequestTracker (RT) extension for MediaWiki. It allows
33 you to view information from RT tickets on your wiki in real time.
55 Written by Greg Sabino Mullane, End Point Corporation <greg@endpoint.com>
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
2525 require_once("$IP/extensions/RT/RT.php");
27 -You should also add the global configuration values directly below
 27+You should also add the global configuration values directly below
2828 this line. Each is described below by example below:
3030 $wgRequestTrackerURL = 'https://rt.endpoint.com/Ticket/Display.html?id';
@@ -33,34 +33,34 @@
3535 $wgRequestTrackerDBconn = 'user=rt dbname=rt';
37 -This is the connection string to get to your RT database. This is passed directly
 37+This is the connection string to get to your RT database. This is passed directly
3838 to pg_connect, so you can also use 'port' and 'host' as needed.
4040 $wgRequestTrackerFormats = array
4141 (
42 - 'normal' => "Subject: <b>?subject?</b> Status:?status?",
 42+ 'normal' => "Subject: <b>?subject?</b> Status:?status?",
4343 );
45 -This is a list of specific named formats you wish to use. Items to be
 45+This is a list of specific named formats you wish to use. Items to be
4646 replaced as placeholders should be surrounded by question marks.
4949 USAGE
5050 =====
52 -To use this extension, simply add <rt></rt> tags to the source of
53 -your wiki. To view specific tickets, simply put the number between
 52+To use this extension, simply add <rt></rt> tags to the source of
 53+your wiki. To view specific tickets, simply put the number between
5454 the tags like so:
5656 <rt>1234</rt>
58 -This will create an external link to ticket 1234. If the ticket does
 58+This will create an external link to ticket 1234. If the ticket does
5959 not exist, the non-hyperlinked text "RT #1234" will appear.
61 -You can also control what information is displayed. The best way to do
62 -this is to create a global format by adding entries to the
63 -$wgRequestTrackerFormats array. Placeholders should be entered as words
64 -with question marks on both sides of them. Current information that
 61+You can also control what information is displayed. The best way to do
 62+this is to create a global format by adding entries to the
 63+$wgRequestTrackerFormats array. Placeholders should be entered as words
 64+with question marks on both sides of them. Current information that
6565 can be displayed is:
6767 subject
@@ -72,56 +72,56 @@
7373 priority
7474 resolved
76 -The RT links also have a balloon mouseover effect that gives all of the current
77 -information (as of the last page load) for the ticket. This allows you to save
 76+The RT links also have a balloon mouseover effect that gives all of the current
 77+information (as of the last page load) for the ticket. This allows you to save
7878 valuable screen real-estate.
80 -You can also generate a list of tickets, either by owner, or by queue. To view
 80+You can also generate a list of tickets, either by owner, or by queue. To view
8181 a table of all new and open tickets by a specific user, use this syntax:
8383 <rt o="Greg"></rt>
85 -By default, the table will show columns with the RT ticket id, the subject,
86 -the status, and the queue. Each of these can be turned off by adding noxxx
87 -to the inside of the rt tag. You can also add in the additional fields
88 -'update' and 'create'. For example, the following line will show a table with
89 -all new or open tickets owned by the user 'Greg', with no status, and
 85+By default, the table will show columns with the RT ticket id, the subject,
 86+the status, and the queue. Each of these can be turned off by adding noxxx
 87+to the inside of the rt tag. You can also add in the additional fields
 88+'update' and 'create'. For example, the following line will show a table with
 89+all new or open tickets owned by the user 'Greg', with no status, and
9090 an additional column showing the last update time:
9292 <rt o="greg" nostatus update></rt>
94 -The owner name is case-insensitive. Multiple owners can be separated by commas,
95 -in which case an additional column named "Owner" will be added. This can be turned
 94+The owner name is case-insensitive. Multiple owners can be separated by commas,
 95+in which case an additional column named "Owner" will be added. This can be turned
9696 off by adding "noowner", or forced on by using "owner".
9898 Rows are ordered with the most recently updated tickets at the top.
100 -In a similar way to the 'owner' query, you can search by the name of an RT queue.
 100+In a similar way to the 'owner' query, you can search by the name of an RT queue.
101101 The following line will show all open or new tickets in the sales queue:
103103 <rt q="sales"></rt>
105 -The queue name is case-insensitive. Multiple queues can be separated by commas,
106 -in which case an additional column named "Queue" will be added. This can be turned
 105+The queue name is case-insensitive. Multiple queues can be separated by commas,
 106+in which case an additional column named "Queue" will be added. This can be turned
107107 off by adding "noqueue", or forced on by using "queue".
109 -For table outputs, the status criteria can be changed from the default of
110 -'new and open' by adding a "c" argument to tell it what criteria to use
 109+For table outputs, the status criteria can be changed from the default of
 110+'new and open' by adding a "c" argument to tell it what criteria to use
111111 for the status. For example, to view all resolved RT ticket in the queue 'Postgres':
113113 <rt q="postgres" c="resolved"></rt>
115 -To add a limit to any table output, add a "l" argument as the maximum number of
116 -sorted rows to show. Remember that rows sort with the most recently updated tickets
 115+To add a limit to any table output, add a "l" argument as the maximum number of
 116+sorted rows to show. Remember that rows sort with the most recently updated tickets
117117 at the top.
120120 WARNING
121121 =======
123 -These tags will query the RT database on every page load, so don't put these on
 123+These tags will query the RT database on every page load, so don't put these on
124124 very highly trafficed page unless your database can handle the load.
126 -Use of these tags is akin to making your entire RT database available to anyone who
 126+Use of these tags is akin to making your entire RT database available to anyone who
127127 can edit the wiki. Hopefully, those communities have a complete overlap.

Status & tagging log