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Date:19:13, 19 February 2009
expanded README
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  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/Ploticus/README (modified) (history)

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Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/Ploticus/README
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
2626 E.g. if you plan to use additional fonts in SWF files
2727 SWF_FONTS_DIR=/usr/share/ming/fonts/ttf-dejavu/fdb
29 - E.g. set global ploticus config parameters with a config file. See ./ploticus-addons/ploticus.config for a sample config file.
 29+ E.g. set global ploticus config parameters with a config file. See ./ploticus-addons/ploticus.config for a sample config file and
 30+ http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/doc/config.html for more info.
3031 PLOTICUS_CONFIG=/etc/ploticus/ploticus.config
3233 Remember, you can pass multiple environment variables, e.g.
@@ -52,14 +53,6 @@
5354 (e.g. 0,1,2,3...9,a,b,c,d,e,f) should also be created, all with permission 777.
5455 (see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgUploadPath)
57 -Ploticus' default delimiter is set to space. For CSV files, this needs to be set to comma (,). One can do this by explicitly specifying
58 -delim=comma in ploticusparam, or better still, by setting it once and for all using the PLOTICUS_CONFIG env variable.
59 -
60 -To do this, ensure the PLOTICUS_CONFIG environment variable is set and the file it points to contains "option: delim=comma".
61 -See $srfgEnvSettings above.
62 -
6357 == Configuration and Usage ==
6559 The SRF-ploticus Result Format has the following parameters:
@@ -75,19 +68,40 @@
7669 can and should be used in script mode. Otherwise, the ploticus script parser will fail.
7871 * imageformat (enum/optional)
79 - - png (default), gif, jpeg, svg, svgz, swf, eps, ps, drawdump, drawdumpa (drawdump append).
 72+ - png (default), gif, jpeg, svg, svgz, swf, eps, ps, drawdump, drawdumpa (drawdump append) and csv.
8073 Availability of format depends on how ploticus is built. When using svgz, make sure Apache
8174 is configured properly, i.e. you have the svgz mime-type and svgz encoding.
8275 AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz
8376 AddEncoding gzip svgz
 78+ The csv format is a special case. It only generates the CSV result and sets showcsv=true (see below), and
 79+ Ploticus is NOT actually invoked.
 81+ This is useful in cases when the result set is very large and you want the ability to download the CSV file
 82+ without bumping up against SMW and PHP memory limits.
 84+ FYI, while the stock CSV result printer creates the file in memory, SRF-Ploticus streams the result directly to the filesystem.
 85+ As a result, the resulting CSV file can be much bigger.
 87+ As an added benefit, the CSV file is also persistent across sessions. That is, the generated URL for the CSV file is available
 88+ without running the query, within bounds of the $srfgPloticusCacheAgeHours LocalSettings.php parameter.
8590 * alttext (string/optional)
86 - - alternate text displayed on mouseover. Ignored when client-side imagemap is generated.
 91+ - alternate text displayed on mouseover for raster formats (PNG/JPEG/GIF). Ignored when client-side imagemap is generated.
 92+ On vector formats (SVG/SVGZ/EPS/PS), alttext is prepended to the warning message if the browser is not capable of displaying
 93+ the plot.
8895 * showcsv (bool/optional)
8996 - 0 (default). When 1, displays link to CSV file used to generate plot. Beware that the CSV
9097 ALWAYS shows the latest query result, which may sometimes fall out of sync with the "cached" plot.
9198 (See liveupdating, showtimestamp & updatefrequency parameters below)
 100+ Also note that the Inline query headers parameter influences how the CSV file is generated.
 101+ If headers=show (default), a header row will be inserted.
 103+ Keep in mind that most Ploticus prefabs automatically create legends when header=show is set.
 104+ If you want to suppress legends, be sure to specify legend parameter accordingly.
 105+ (http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/doc/prefab_stdparms.html#legend)
93107 * debug (bool/optional)
94108 - 0 (default). When 1, displays ploticus prefab cmdline or script used to generate plot.

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