r45854 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r45853‎ | r45854 | r45855 >
Date:23:15, 17 January 2009
Localisation updates for core messages from Betawiki (2009-01-17 23:02 UTC)
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesAce.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesBr.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesCs.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesDe.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesDe_formal.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEs.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEu.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesFr.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesHaw.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesJa.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesKa.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLb.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLfn.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLt.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesMg.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesNn.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesNo.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesPl.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesPt.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesQqq.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesJa.php
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
457457 'hidetoc' => '非表示',
458458 'thisisdeleted' => '$1 を表示または復帰しますか?',
459459 'viewdeleted' => '$1の削除記録と履歴を確認する',
460 -'restorelink' => '削除された $1 編集',
 460+'restorelink' => '削除された$1件の編集',
461461 'feedlinks' => 'フィード:',
462462 'feed-invalid' => 'フィード形式の指定が間違っています。',
463463 'feed-unavailable' => 'フィードの配信に対応していません。',
@@ -516,9 +516,8 @@
518518 削除された版のページへの古い差分表示や固定リンクをたどった時にこのようなことになります。
520 -それ以外の操作でこのメッセージが表示された場合、ソフトウェアのバグの可能性があります。
521 -[[Special:ListUsers/sysop|管理者]]までURL の情報を添えてお知らせください。',
522 -'missingarticle-rev' => '(版#: $1)',
 521+'missingarticle-rev' => '(版番号: $1)',
523522 'missingarticle-diff' => '(差分: $1, $2)',
524523 'readonly_lag' => 'データベースはスレーブ・サーバーがマスター・サーバーに同期するまで自動的にロックされています',
525524 'internalerror' => '内部処理エラー',
@@ -1777,7 +1776,7 @@
17781777 'watchthispage' => 'ウォッチリストに追加',
17791778 'unwatch' => 'ウォッチリストから削除',
17801779 'unwatchthispage' => 'ウォッチリストから削除',
1781 -'notanarticle' => 'これは記事ではありません。',
 1780+'notanarticle' => '記事ではありません',
17821781 'notvisiblerev' => 'この版は削除されました',
17831782 'watchnochange' => 'その期間内にウォッチリストにあるページはどれも編集されていません。',
17841783 'watchlist-details' => 'あなたのウォッチリストには $1件のページが入っています(ノートページは数えません)。',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesFr.php
@@ -1495,6 +1495,7 @@
14961496 'overwroteimage' => 'a importé une nouvelle version de « [[$1]] »',
14971497 'uploaddisabled' => 'Import de fichiers désactivé.',
14981498 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'L’import de fichiers vers le serveur est désactivé.',
 1499+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => "Le téléchargement de fichiers a été désactivé dans PHP. Vérifiez l'option de configuration file_uploads.",
14991500 'uploadscripted' => 'Ce fichier contient du code HTML ou un script qui pourrait être interprété de façon incorrecte par un navigateur Internet.',
15001501 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Ce fichier est corrompu, a une taille nulle ou possède une extension invalide.
15011502 Veuillez vérifer le fichier.',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesDe.php
@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@
22922292 'movepagetext' => "Mit diesem Formular kannst du eine Seite umbenennen (mitsamt allen Versionen).
22932293 Der alte Titel wird zum neuen weiterleiten.
22942294 Du kannst Weiterleitungen, die auf den Originaltitel verlinken, automatisch korrigieren lassen.
2295 -Falls du dies nicht tust, prüfe auf [[Special:DoubleRedirects|doppelte]] oder [[Special:BrokenRedirects|defekte Weiterleitungen]].
 2295+Falls du dies nicht tust, prüfe auf [[Special:DoubleRedirects|doppelte]] oder [[Special:BrokenRedirects|kaputte Weiterleitungen]].
22962296 Du bist dafür verantwortlich, dass Links weiterhin auf das korrekte Ziel zeigen.
22982298 Die Seite wird '''nicht''' verschoben, wenn es bereits eine Seite mit demselben Namen gibt, sofern diese nicht leer oder eine Weiterleitung ohne Versionsgeschichte ist. Dies bedeutet, dass du die Seite zurück verschieben kannst, wenn du einen Fehler gemacht hast. Du kannst hingegen keine Seite überschreiben.
@@ -2339,7 +2339,7 @@
23402340 'movereason' => 'Begründung:',
23412341 'revertmove' => 'zurück verschieben',
23422342 'delete_and_move' => 'Löschen und Verschieben',
2343 -'delete_and_move_text' => '==Zielseite vorhanden, löschen?==
 2343+'delete_and_move_text' => '== Löschung erforderlich ==
23452345 Die Seite „[[:$1]]“ existiert bereits. Möchtest du diese löschen, um die Seite verschieben zu können?',
23462346 'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Zielseite für die Verschiebung löschen',
@@ -2444,8 +2444,8 @@
24452445 'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Eigene Einstellungen',
24462446 'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => 'Liste der beobachteten Seiten',
24472447 'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Liste eigener Beiträge',
2448 -'tooltip-pt-login' => 'Sich einzuloggen wird zwar gerne gesehen, ist aber keine Pflicht.',
2449 -'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => 'Sich einzuloggen wird zwar gerne gesehen, ist aber keine Pflicht.',
 2448+'tooltip-pt-login' => 'Sich anzumelden wird zwar gerne gesehen, ist aber keine Pflicht.',
 2449+'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => 'Sich anzumelden wird zwar gerne gesehen, ist aber keine Pflicht.',
24502450 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Abmelden',
24512451 'tooltip-ca-talk' => 'Diskussion zum Seiteninhalt',
24522452 'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'Seite bearbeiten. Bitte vor dem Speichern die Vorschaufunktion benutzen.',
@@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@
25592559 'spamprotectiontitle' => 'Spamschutzfilter',
25602560 'spamprotectiontext' => 'Die Seite, die du speichern willst, wurde vom Spamschutzfilter blockiert. Das liegt wahrscheinlich an einem Link auf eine externe Seite.',
25612561 'spamprotectionmatch' => "'''Der folgende Text wurde vom Spamfilter gefunden: ''$1'''''",
2562 -'spambot_username' => 'MediaWiki Spam-Säuberung',
 2562+'spambot_username' => 'MediaWiki-Spam-Säuberung',
25632563 'spam_reverting' => 'Letzte Version ohne Links zu $1 wiederhergestellt.',
25642564 'spam_blanking' => 'Alle Versionen enthielten Links zu $1, bereinigt.',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesAce.php
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
22 <?php
3 -/** Achinese (Achèh)
 3+/** Achinese (Acèh)
44 *
55 * @ingroup Language
66 * @file
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesKa.php
@@ -189,15 +189,16 @@
190190 'dec' => 'დეკ',
192192 # Categories related messages
193 -'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|კატეგორია|კატეგორიები}}',
194 -'category_header' => 'სტატიები კატეგორიაში "$1"',
195 -'subcategories' => 'ქვეკატეგორიები',
196 -'category-media-header' => 'მედია კატეგორიაში "$1"',
197 -'category-empty' => "''ეს კატეგორია ამჟამად გვერდებს ან მედიას არ შეიცავს.''",
198 -'hidden-categories' => 'დამალული {{PLURAL:$1|კატეგორია|კატეგორიები}}',
199 -'hidden-category-category' => 'დამალული კატეგორიები', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed
200 -'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|ეს კატეგორია შეიცავს მხოლოდ შემდეგ ქვეკატეგორიას.|ამ კატეგორიაში მოცემულია $1 ქვეკატეგორია $2-დან.}}',
201 -'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'გაგრძ.',
 193+'pagecategories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|კატეგორია|კატეგორიები}}',
 194+'category_header' => 'სტატიები კატეგორიაში "$1"',
 195+'subcategories' => 'ქვეკატეგორიები',
 196+'category-media-header' => 'მედია კატეგორიაში "$1"',
 197+'category-empty' => "''ეს კატეგორია ამჟამად გვერდებს ან მედიას არ შეიცავს.''",
 198+'hidden-categories' => 'დამალული {{PLURAL:$1|კატეგორია|კატეგორიები}}',
 199+'hidden-category-category' => 'დამალული კატეგორიები', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed
 200+'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|ეს კატეგორია შეიცავს მხოლოდ შემდეგ ქვეკატეგორიას.|ამ კატეგორიაში მოცემულია $1 ქვეკატეგორია $2-დან.}}',
 201+'category-file-count-limited' => 'შემდეგი {{PLURAL:$1|ფაილი|$1 ფაილები}} ამ კატეგორიაშია.',
 202+'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'გაგრძ.',
203204 'linkprefix' => '/^(.*?)(„|«)$/sD',
204205 'mainpagetext' => "<big>'''მედიავიკი წარმატებით ჩაიტვირთა.'''</big>",
@@ -514,16 +515,17 @@
515516 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'ენა: $1',
517518 # Password reset dialog
518 -'resetpass' => 'შეცვალეთ პაროლი',
519 -'resetpass_announce' => 'თქვენ შემოხვედით დროებით ელ-ფოსტის კოდით. რეგისტრაციის დასრულებისთვის, უნდა შექმნათ ახალი პაროლი აქ:',
520 -'resetpass_text' => '<!-- დამატებითი ტექსტი აქ -->',
521 -'resetpass_header' => 'შეცვალეთ ანგარიშის პაროლი',
522 -'oldpassword' => 'ძველი პაროლი:',
523 -'newpassword' => 'ახალი პაროლი:',
524 -'retypenew' => 'ახალი პაროლი განმეორებით:',
525 -'resetpass_submit' => 'მიუთითეთ პაროლი და დარეგისტრირდით',
526 -'resetpass_success' => 'თქვენი პაროლი წარმატებით შეიცვალა! ამჟამად რეგისტრირდებით...',
527 -'resetpass_forbidden' => 'პაროლის შეცვლა შეუძლებელია',
 519+'resetpass' => 'შეცვალეთ პაროლი',
 520+'resetpass_announce' => 'თქვენ შემოხვედით დროებით ელ-ფოსტის კოდით. რეგისტრაციის დასრულებისთვის, უნდა შექმნათ ახალი პაროლი აქ:',
 521+'resetpass_text' => '<!-- დამატებითი ტექსტი აქ -->',
 522+'resetpass_header' => 'შეცვალეთ ანგარიშის პაროლი',
 523+'oldpassword' => 'ძველი პაროლი:',
 524+'newpassword' => 'ახალი პაროლი:',
 525+'retypenew' => 'ახალი პაროლი განმეორებით:',
 526+'resetpass_submit' => 'მიუთითეთ პაროლი და დარეგისტრირდით',
 527+'resetpass_success' => 'თქვენი პაროლი წარმატებით შეიცვალა! ამჟამად რეგისტრირდებით...',
 528+'resetpass_forbidden' => 'პაროლის შეცვლა შეუძლებელია',
 529+'resetpass-temp-password' => 'დროებითი პაროლი:',
529531 # Edit page toolbar
530532 'bold_sample' => 'მუქი ტექსტი',
@@ -760,6 +762,7 @@
761763 'nextn' => 'შემდეგი $1',
762764 'viewprevnext' => 'იხილე ($1) ($2) ($3).',
763765 'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:დახმარება',
 766+'searchprofile-project' => 'პროექტის გვერდები',
764767 'searchprofile-images' => 'ფაილები',
765768 'searchprofile-everything' => 'ყველაფერი',
766769 'search-result-size' => '$1 ($2 სიტყვა)',
@@ -1076,7 +1079,8 @@
10781081 # Unused templates
10791082 'unusedtemplates' => 'გამოუყენებელი თარგები',
1080 -'unusedtemplatestext' => 'ეს გვერდი თარგების სახელთა სივრცეში მოიცავს ყველა იმ გვერდის ჩამონათვალს, რომელიც არ არის მოთავსებული სხვა გვერდებზე. გახსოვდეთ თარგების სხვა ბმულებს სანამ წაშლით შეამოწმეთ.',
 1083+'unusedtemplatestext' => 'ეს გვერდი სახელთა სივრცეში "{{ns:template}}" მოიცავს ყველა იმ გვერდის ჩამონათვალს, რომელიც არ არის მოთავსებული სხვა გვერდებზე.
 1084+გახსოვდეთ თარგების სხვა ბმულებს სანამ წაშლით შეამოწმეთ.',
10811085 'unusedtemplateswlh' => 'სხვა ბმულები',
10831087 # Random page
@@ -1090,6 +1094,10 @@
10911095 # Statistics
10921096 'statistics' => 'სტატისტიკა',
10931097 'statistics-header-users' => 'მომხმარებლის სტატისტიკა',
 1098+'statistics-pages' => 'გვერდები',
 1099+'statistics-files' => 'ავტვირთული ფაილები',
 1100+'statistics-users' => 'დარეგისტრირებული [[Special:ListUsers|მომხმარებლები]]',
 1101+'statistics-users-active' => 'აქტიური მომხმარებლები',
10941102 'statistics-mostpopular' => 'ყველზე ხშირად ხილვადი გვერდები',
10961104 'disambiguations' => 'მრავალმნიშვნელოვანი გვერდები',
@@ -1144,6 +1152,7 @@
11451153 'protectedpages' => 'დაცული გვერდები',
11461154 'protectedtitles' => 'დაცული სათაურები',
11471155 'listusers' => 'მომხმარებლების სია',
 1156+'usereditcount' => '$1 რედაქტირება',
11481157 'newpages' => 'ახალი გვერდები',
11491158 'newpages-username' => 'მომხმარებლის სახელი:',
11501159 'ancientpages' => 'ხანდაზმული გვერდები',
@@ -1194,6 +1203,7 @@
11961205 # Special:LinkSearch
11971206 'linksearch-ns' => 'სახელთა სივრცე:',
 1207+'linksearch-ok' => 'ძიება',
11991209 # Special:ListUsers
12001210 'listusers-submit' => 'ჩვენება',
@@ -1381,32 +1391,33 @@
13821392 'restriction-level-all' => 'ნებისმიერი დონე',
13841394 # Undelete
1385 -'undelete' => 'აჩვენე წაშლილი გვერდები',
1386 -'undeletepage' => 'იხილეთ და აღადგინეთ წაშლილი გვერდები',
1387 -'viewdeletedpage' => 'იხილეთ წაშლილი გვერდები',
1388 -'undeletepagetext' => 'მომდევნო {{PLURAL:$1|გვერდი|$1 გვერდი}} წაშლილია, მაგრამ ჯერ კიდევ არქივშია და შესაძლებელია აღდგენა.
 1395+'undelete' => 'აჩვენე წაშლილი გვერდები',
 1396+'undeletepage' => 'იხილეთ და აღადგინეთ წაშლილი გვერდები',
 1397+'viewdeletedpage' => 'იხილეთ წაშლილი გვერდები',
 1398+'undeletepagetext' => 'მომდევნო {{PLURAL:$1|გვერდი|$1 გვერდი}} წაშლილია, მაგრამ ჯერ კიდევ არქივშია და შესაძლებელია აღდგენა.
13891399 არქივი შესაძლებელია პერიოდულად გასუფთავდეს.',
1390 -'undeleteextrahelp' => "ამ მთლიანი გვერდის აღსადგენად, დატოვეთ ყველა მოსანიშნი უჯრა მოუნიშნავად და დააწკაპუნეთ '''აღდგენა'''. იმისათვის, რომ მოახდინოთ შერჩევითი აღდგენა მონიშნეთ უჯრები ჩასატარებელი ვერსიების შესაბამისად და დააწკაპუნეთ '''აღდგენა'''. '''გადატვირთვაზე''' დაწკაპუნებით გაუქმდება ყველა კომენტარის ველი და ყველა მოსანიშნი უჯრა.",
1391 -'undeleterevisions' => '$1 ვერსიები დაარქივებულია',
1392 -'undeletehistory' => 'თუ თქვენ აღადგენთ გვერდს, ყველა ვერსია აღდგება ისტორიაში. თუ ახალი გვერდი იგივე სახელით შეიქმნა მისი წაშლის შემდეგ, აღდგენილი ვერსიები გამოჩნდება წინა ისტორიაში და მიმდინარე ვერსია ავტომატურად არ ჩანაცვლდება.',
1393 -'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'ეს სტატია წაშლილია. წაშლის მიზეზი ნაჩვენებია მოკლე ანოტაციაში ქვემოთ, იმ მომხმარებელთა დეტალებთან ერთად ვინც რედაქტირება გაუკეთა ამ გვერდს წაშლის წინ. იმ წაშლილი ტექსტების აქტუალური ვერსიები მიღწევადია მხოლოდ ადმინისტრატორებისათვის.',
1394 -'undelete-nodiff' => 'წინა ცვლილება ვერ ვიპოვეთ.',
1395 -'undeletebtn' => 'აღდგენა',
1396 -'undeletelink' => 'აღდგენა',
1397 -'undeletereset' => 'გადატვირთეთ',
1398 -'undeletecomment' => 'კომენტარი:',
1399 -'undeletedarticle' => 'აღდგენილია "[[$1]]"',
1400 -'undeletedrevisions' => '$1 ვერსია აღდგენილია',
1401 -'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1 ვერსია და $2 ფაილი აღდგენილია',
1402 -'undeletedfiles' => '$1 ფაილი აღდგენილია',
1403 -'cannotundelete' => 'წაშლის გაუქმება ვერ განხორციელდა; შესაძლოა თქვენამდე სხვამ უკვე გააუქმა წაშლა.',
1404 -'undeletedpage' => "<big>'''$1 აღდგენილია'''</big>
 1400+'undeleteextrahelp' => "ამ მთლიანი გვერდის აღსადგენად, დატოვეთ ყველა მოსანიშნი უჯრა მოუნიშნავად და დააწკაპუნეთ '''აღდგენა'''. იმისათვის, რომ მოახდინოთ შერჩევითი აღდგენა მონიშნეთ უჯრები ჩასატარებელი ვერსიების შესაბამისად და დააწკაპუნეთ '''აღდგენა'''. '''გადატვირთვაზე''' დაწკაპუნებით გაუქმდება ყველა კომენტარის ველი და ყველა მოსანიშნი უჯრა.",
 1401+'undeleterevisions' => '$1 ვერსიები დაარქივებულია',
 1402+'undeletehistory' => 'თუ თქვენ აღადგენთ გვერდს, ყველა ვერსია აღდგება ისტორიაში. თუ ახალი გვერდი იგივე სახელით შეიქმნა მისი წაშლის შემდეგ, აღდგენილი ვერსიები გამოჩნდება წინა ისტორიაში და მიმდინარე ვერსია ავტომატურად არ ჩანაცვლდება.',
 1403+'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'ეს სტატია წაშლილია. წაშლის მიზეზი ნაჩვენებია მოკლე ანოტაციაში ქვემოთ, იმ მომხმარებელთა დეტალებთან ერთად ვინც რედაქტირება გაუკეთა ამ გვერდს წაშლის წინ. იმ წაშლილი ტექსტების აქტუალური ვერსიები მიღწევადია მხოლოდ ადმინისტრატორებისათვის.',
 1404+'undelete-nodiff' => 'წინა ცვლილება ვერ ვიპოვეთ.',
 1405+'undeletebtn' => 'აღდგენა',
 1406+'undeletelink' => 'აღდგენა',
 1407+'undeletereset' => 'გადატვირთეთ',
 1408+'undeletecomment' => 'კომენტარი:',
 1409+'undeletedarticle' => 'აღდგენილია "[[$1]]"',
 1410+'undeletedrevisions' => '$1 ვერსია აღდგენილია',
 1411+'undeletedrevisions-files' => '$1 ვერსია და $2 ფაილი აღდგენილია',
 1412+'undeletedfiles' => '$1 ფაილი აღდგენილია',
 1413+'cannotundelete' => 'წაშლის გაუქმება ვერ განხორციელდა; შესაძლოა თქვენამდე სხვამ უკვე გააუქმა წაშლა.',
 1414+'undeletedpage' => "<big>'''$1 აღდგენილია'''</big>
14061416 უკანასკნელი წაშლილთა და აღდგენის სია შეგიძლიათ ნახოთ [[Special:Log/delete|წაშლილთა სიაში]].",
1407 -'undelete-search-box' => 'წაშლილი გვერდების ძიება',
1408 -'undelete-search-prefix' => 'უჩვენეთ გვერდები, რომლებიც იწყება ამგვარად:',
1409 -'undelete-search-submit' => 'ძიება',
1410 -'undelete-error-short' => 'შეცდომა ფაილის წაშლის გაუქმებაში: $1',
 1417+'undelete-search-box' => 'წაშლილი გვერდების ძიება',
 1418+'undelete-search-prefix' => 'უჩვენეთ გვერდები, რომლებიც იწყება ამგვარად:',
 1419+'undelete-search-submit' => 'ძიება',
 1420+'undelete-error-short' => 'შეცდომა ფაილის წაშლის გაუქმებაში: $1',
 1421+'undelete-show-file-submit' => 'ჰო',
14121423 # Namespace form on various pages
14131424 'namespace' => 'სახელთა სივრცე:',
@@ -1533,7 +1544,7 @@
15341545 ამ შემთხვევებში, თქვენ თავად მოგიწევთ ამ გვერდის გადატანა, სურვილისამებრ.",
15351546 'movearticle' => 'გვერდის გადატანა',
15361547 'movenologin' => 'რეგისტრაცია ვერ გაიარა',
1537 -'movenotallowed' => 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ {{SITENAME}}-ში გვერდების გადატანის უფლება.',
 1548+'movenotallowed' => 'თქვენ არ გაქვთ გვერდების გადატანის უფლება.',
15381549 'newtitle' => 'ახალი სათაური',
15391550 'move-watch' => 'ამ გვერდის კონტროლი',
15401551 'movepagebtn' => 'გვერდის გადატანა',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesCs.php
@@ -1516,6 +1516,7 @@
15171517 'overwroteimage' => 'načtena nová verze "[[$1]]"',
15181518 'uploaddisabled' => 'Načítání souborů vypnuto.',
15191519 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Načítání souborů je vypnuto.',
 1520+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'PHP upload souborů není povolen. Prosím, zkontrolujte nastavení file_uploads.',
15201521 'uploadscripted' => 'Tento soubor obsahuje HTML nebo kód skriptu, který by mohl být prohlížečem chybně interpretován.',
15211522 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Soubor je poškozen nebo nemá správnou příponu. Zkontrolujte prosím soubor a zkuste ho načíst znovu.',
15221523 'uploadvirus' => 'Tento soubor obsahuje virus! Podrobnosti: $1',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLt.php
@@ -2047,6 +2047,7 @@
20482048 'ipblocklist-no-results' => 'Prašomas IP adresas ar naudotojo vardas nėra užblokuotas.',
20492049 'blocklink' => 'blokuoti',
20502050 'unblocklink' => 'atblokuoti',
 2051+'change-blocklink' => 'keisti blokavimo nustatymus',
20512052 'contribslink' => 'įnašas',
20522053 'autoblocker' => 'Jūs buvote automatiškai užblokuotas, nes jūsų IP neseniai naudojo „[[User:$1|$1]]“. Duota priežastis naudotojo $1 užblokavimui: „$2“.',
20532054 'blocklogpage' => 'Blokavimų istorija',
@@ -2133,11 +2134,13 @@
21342135 'movenologin' => 'Neprisijungęs',
21352136 'movenologintext' => 'Norėdami pervadinti puslapį, turite būti užsiregistravęs naudotojas ir būti [[Special:UserLogin|prisijungęs]].',
21362137 'movenotallowed' => 'Jūs neturite teisių pervadinti puslapių.',
 2138+'movenotallowedfile' => 'Jūs neturite teisės perkelti failus.',
21372139 'newtitle' => 'Naujas pavadinimas:',
21382140 'move-watch' => 'Stebėti šį puslapį',
21392141 'movepagebtn' => 'Pervadinti puslapį',
21402142 'pagemovedsub' => 'Pervadinta sėkmingai',
21412143 'movepage-moved' => '<big>\'\'\'"$1" buvo pervadintas į "$2"\'\'\'</big>', # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
 2144+'movepage-moved-redirect' => 'Nukreipimas sukurtas.',
21422145 'articleexists' => 'Puslapis tokiu pavadinimu jau egzistuoja
21432146 arba pasirinktas vardas yra neteisingas.
21442147 Pasirinkite kitą pavadinimą.',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesMg.php
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
5252 'tog-highlightbroken' => 'Aseho <a href="" class="new">toy izao</a> ny rohy tapaka (na koa: toy izao<a href="" class="internal">?</a>).',
5353 'tog-justify' => 'Ahitsio ny paragrafy',
5454 'tog-hideminor' => "Aza aseho amin'ny lisitry ny vao niova ny fanovana madinika",
 55+'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Ampiasa ny fanaram-pejy tsaratsara',
5556 'tog-usenewrc' => 'Lisitry ny vao niova nohatsaraina (mila JavaScript)',
5657 'tog-numberheadings' => 'Asio laharany ny lohateny',
5758 'tog-showtoolbar' => 'Asehoy ny edit toolbar (mila JavaScript)',
@@ -60,7 +61,10 @@
6162 'tog-showtoc' => "Asehoy ny fanoroan-takila (ho an'ny pejy misy lohateny mihoatra ny 3)",
6263 'tog-rememberpassword' => 'Tadidio ny tenimiafiko',
6364 'tog-editwidth' => "Farany lehibe ny velaran'ny boaty fanovana",
 65+'tog-watchcreations' => "Ampina ao anarin'ny pejy fanaraha-maso ny pejy amboariko",
6466 'tog-watchdefault' => "Atsofohy ao amin'ny lisitry ny pejy arahinao maso ny pejy izay ovainao na foroninao",
 67+'tog-watchmoves' => "Ampina ao anatin'ny pejiko fanaraha-maso ny pejy soloiko anarana",
 68+'tog-watchdeletion' => "Ampina anatin'ny pejy fanaraha-maso ny pejy nofafako",
6569 'tog-minordefault' => 'Mariho ho madinika foana aloha ny fanovana rehetra',
6670 'tog-previewontop' => "Asehoy alohan'ny boaty fanovana ny tsipalotra",
6771 'tog-previewonfirst' => "Asehoy ny tsipalotra amin'ny fanovana voalohany",
@@ -74,6 +78,9 @@
7579 'tog-externaleditor' => 'Fitaovana hafa no hanaovana ny fanovana pejy',
7680 'tog-externaldiff' => 'Fitaovana hafa no hanaovana ny fampitahana',
7781 'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Ampiasao ny rohy "handeha eto"',
 82+'tog-watchlisthideown' => "Tsy ampiseho anatin'ny pejy fanaraha-maso ny zavatra nosoratako",
 83+'tog-watchlisthideminor' => "Tsy aseho ny fisoloina kely anatin'ny pejy fanaraha-maso",
 84+'tog-ccmeonemails' => "Andefaso tahaka ny imailaka alefako amin'ny mpikambana afa",
7986 'underline-always' => 'Foana foana',
8087 'underline-never' => 'Tsy tsipihina mihitsy',
@@ -149,7 +156,9 @@
150157 'info_short' => 'Fampahalalana',
151158 'permalink' => 'Rohy maharitra',
152159 'edit' => 'Ovao',
 160+'create' => 'Amboary',
153161 'editthispage' => 'Ovay ity pejy ity',
 162+'create-this-page' => 'Amboary ity pejy ity',
154163 'delete' => 'Fafao',
155164 'deletethispage' => 'Fafao ity pejy ity',
156165 'undelete_short' => 'Avereno ny fanovana {{PLURAL:$1|$1|$1}}',
@@ -228,46 +237,49 @@
229238 'nospecialpagetext' => 'Nangataka pejy manokana tsy misy ianao, azonao jerena eto [[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]] ny lisitry ny pejy manokana.',
231240 # General errors
232 -'error' => 'Tsy mety',
233 -'databaseerror' => "Tsy fetezana eo amin'ny toby",
234 -'dberrortext' => 'Nisy tsi-fetezana teo amin\'ny requête base de données
 241+'error' => 'Tsy mety',
 242+'databaseerror' => "Tsy fetezana eo amin'ny toby",
 243+'dberrortext' => 'Nisy tsi-fetezana teo amin\'ny requête base de données
235244 Inoana fa ny rindrankajy no misy olana (bug).
236245 Ny requête farany dia:
237246 <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote>
238247 tao amin\'ny fonction "<tt>$2</tt>".
239248 Toy izao no navalin\'ny MySQL "<tt>$3: $4</tt>".',
240 -'dberrortextcl' => 'Nisy tsi-fetezana teo amin\'ny requête base de données
 249+'dberrortextcl' => 'Nisy tsi-fetezana teo amin\'ny requête base de données
241250 Ny requête farany dia:
242251 "$1"
243252 tao amin\'ny fonction "$2".
244253 Toy izao no navalin\'ny MySQL "$3: $4"',
245 -'noconnect' => "
 254+'noconnect' => "
246255 Miala tsiny! Misedra olana kely ny wiki ankehitriny, ary tsy afaka mifandray amin'ny serveur banky angona <br />
247256 $1",
248 -'cachederror' => "Ity manaraka ity no dika caché an'io pejy ilainao io, nefa mety ho efa mialin'andro.",
249 -'laggedslavemode' => 'Fampitandremana: Mety ho tsy nisy fanovana vao haingana angamba io pejy io',
250 -'readonly' => 'Mihidy ny banky angona',
251 -'enterlockreason' => 'Manomeza antony hanidiana ny pejy, ahitana ny fotoana tokony hamahana izay fihidiana izay',
252 -'readonlytext' => "
 257+'cachederror' => "Ity manaraka ity no dika caché an'io pejy ilainao io, nefa mety ho efa mialin'andro.",
 258+'laggedslavemode' => 'Fampitandremana: Mety ho tsy nisy fanovana vao haingana angamba io pejy io',
 259+'readonly' => 'Mihidy ny banky angona',
 260+'enterlockreason' => 'Manomeza antony hanidiana ny pejy, ahitana ny fotoana tokony hamahana izay fihidiana izay',
 261+'readonlytext' => "
253262 Mihidy vonjimaika aloha ny banky angona ka tsy afaka anaovana fanovana na fanampiana vaovao. Azo inoana fa asa fikolokoloana mahazatra ihany io ka rehefa vita izay asa izay dia hverina amin'ny laoniny izy.
255264 Ny mpitantana nanidy azy dia nametraka ito fanazavana ito: $1",
256 -'readonly_lag' => "
 265+'readonly_lag' => "
257266 Mihidy ho azy aloha ny banky angona mandra-pahatratran'ny serveur andevo ny tompony",
258 -'internalerror' => "Tsy fetezana anatin'ny rindrankajy",
259 -'filecopyerror' => 'Tsy voadika ho "$2" ilay rakitra"$1".',
260 -'filerenameerror' => 'Tsy voaova ho "$2" ny anaran\'ilay rakitra "$1".',
261 -'filedeleteerror' => 'Tsy voafafa ilay rakitra "$1".',
262 -'filenotfound' => 'Tsy hita ilay rakitra "$1".',
263 -'unexpected' => 'Tsy nandrasana: "$1"="$2".',
264 -'formerror' => 'Tsy mety: tsy lasa ny fisy',
265 -'badarticleerror' => "Tsy azo atao eto amin'ity pejy ity io asa io.",
266 -'cannotdelete' => 'Tsy voafafa ny pejy na rakitra nomenao. (Angamba efa nisy olon-kafa namafa ilay izy.)',
267 -'badtitle' => 'Tsy mety ny lohateny',
268 -'badtitletext' => "Tsy mety io anaram-pejy nangatahinao io na tsy misy n'inon'inona na rohy dikan-teny vahiny misy diso tsipelina.",
269 -'perfcached' => 'Ireto angona ireto dia nalaina tao anaty cache koa mety ho efa lany daty.:',
270 -'viewsource' => 'Hijery fango',
271 -'sqlhidden' => '(nafenina ny requête SQL)',
 267+'internalerror' => "Tsy fetezana anatin'ny rindrankajy",
 268+'filecopyerror' => 'Tsy voadika ho "$2" ilay rakitra"$1".',
 269+'filerenameerror' => 'Tsy voaova ho "$2" ny anaran\'ilay rakitra "$1".',
 270+'filedeleteerror' => 'Tsy voafafa ilay rakitra "$1".',
 271+'filenotfound' => 'Tsy hita ilay rakitra "$1".',
 272+'fileexistserror' => "Tsy afaka manoratra ao anatin'ilay dossier « $1 » : efa misy ilay fisy",
 273+'unexpected' => 'Tsy nandrasana: "$1"="$2".',
 274+'formerror' => 'Tsy mety: tsy lasa ny fisy',
 275+'badarticleerror' => "Tsy azo atao eto amin'ity pejy ity io asa io.",
 276+'cannotdelete' => 'Tsy voafafa ny pejy na rakitra nomenao. (Angamba efa nisy olon-kafa namafa ilay izy.)',
 277+'badtitle' => 'Tsy mety ny lohateny',
 278+'badtitletext' => "Tsy mety io anaram-pejy nangatahinao io na tsy misy n'inon'inona na rohy dikan-teny vahiny misy diso tsipelina.",
 279+'perfcached' => 'Ireto angona ireto dia nalaina tao anaty cache koa mety ho efa lany daty.:',
 280+'viewsource' => 'Hijery fango',
 281+'viewsourcefor' => "ho an'ny $1",
 282+'editinginterface' => "'''Tandremo :''' manova pejy ampiasan'ny lôjisialy wiki ianao. Mety hita ny mpikambana sàsany izy io. Rehefa tia mandika teny ianao, jereo ny volavola MediaWiki ho an'ny internationalisation ny hafatra [http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Main_Page?setlang=fr Betawiki].",
 283+'sqlhidden' => '(nafenina ny requête SQL)',
273285 # Login and logout pages
274286 'logouttitle' => 'Fivoahana',
@@ -441,6 +453,7 @@
442454 koa tsy afaka mitahiry ny fanovana nataonao aloha ianao izao. Angamba tokony hanao Couper coller aloha
443455 ianao dia tehirizo anaty rakitra ny fanovanao mandra-paha.</strong>',
444456 'protectedpagewarning' => '<strong>FAMPITANDREMANA: Voaaro ity pejy ity ka ny mpikambana manana ny fahazoan-dàlana sysop ihany no afaka manova azy.</strong>',
 457+'template-protected' => '(voaaro)',
445458 'nocreatetitle' => 'Voafetra ny famoronana pejy',
446459 'nocreatetext' => " Voafetra ihany ny fahafahana mamorona pejy eto amin'ity sehatra ity. Ny pejy efa misy no azonao ovaina, na [[Special:UserLogin|midira na mamoròna kaonty]].",
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEu.php
@@ -1554,27 +1554,28 @@
15551555 'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => 'Talde guztiak kendu daitezke',
15571557 # E-mail user
1558 -'mailnologin' => 'Bidalketa helbiderik ez',
1559 -'mailnologintext' => 'Beste erabiltzaileei e-posta mezuak bidaltzeko [[Special:UserLogin|saioa hasi]] eta baliozko e-posta helbidea behar duzu izan zure [[Special:Preferences|hobespenetan]].',
1560 -'emailuser' => 'Erabiltzaile honi e-posta bidali',
1561 -'emailpage' => 'Erabiltzaileari e-posta bidali',
1562 -'emailpagetext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek baliozko e-posta helbide bat ezarri badu bere hobespenetan, beheko formularioa erabiliz mezu bat bidal dakioke. Hobespenetan daukazun e-posta helbidea azalduko da mezuaren bidaltzaile bezala eta beraz erantzun ahal izango dizu.',
1563 -'usermailererror' => 'Mail objektuak errore hau itzuli du:',
1564 -'defemailsubject' => 'E-posta {{SITENAME}}(e)tik',
1565 -'noemailtitle' => 'Posta helbiderik ez',
1566 -'noemailtext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek ez du baliozko e-posta helbiderik zehaztu.',
1567 -'nowikiemailtext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek beste erabiltzaileengandik e-postak ez jasotzea hautatu du.',
1568 -'email-legend' => 'Bidali e-posta bat {{SITENAME}}(e)ko beste lankide bati',
1569 -'emailfrom' => 'Nork:',
1570 -'emailto' => 'Nori:',
1571 -'emailsubject' => 'Gaia:',
1572 -'emailmessage' => 'Mezua:',
1573 -'emailsend' => 'Mezua',
1574 -'emailccme' => 'Mezu honen kopia bat niri bidali.',
1575 -'emailccsubject' => 'Zure mezuaren kopia $1(r)i: $2',
1576 -'emailsent' => 'Mezua bidali egin da',
1577 -'emailsenttext' => 'Zure e-posta mezua bidali egin da.',
1578 -'emailuserfooter' => 'E-posta hau $1(e)k bidali dio $2(r)i {{SITENAME}}ko "E-posta bidali" funtzioa erabiliz.',
 1558+'mailnologin' => 'Bidalketa helbiderik ez',
 1559+'mailnologintext' => 'Beste erabiltzaileei e-posta mezuak bidaltzeko [[Special:UserLogin|saioa hasi]] eta baliozko e-posta helbidea behar duzu izan zure [[Special:Preferences|hobespenetan]].',
 1560+'emailuser' => 'Erabiltzaile honi e-posta bidali',
 1561+'emailpage' => 'Erabiltzaileari e-posta bidali',
 1562+'emailpagetext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek baliozko e-posta helbide bat ezarri badu bere hobespenetan, beheko formularioa erabiliz mezu bat bidal dakioke. Hobespenetan daukazun e-posta helbidea azalduko da mezuaren bidaltzaile bezala eta beraz erantzun ahal izango dizu.',
 1563+'usermailererror' => 'Mail objektuak errore hau itzuli du:',
 1564+'defemailsubject' => 'E-posta {{SITENAME}}(e)tik',
 1565+'noemailtitle' => 'Posta helbiderik ez',
 1566+'noemailtext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek ez du baliozko e-posta helbiderik zehaztu.',
 1567+'nowikiemailtitle' => 'Ezin da e-postarik bidali',
 1568+'nowikiemailtext' => 'Erabiltzaile honek beste erabiltzaileengandik e-postak ez jasotzea hautatu du.',
 1569+'email-legend' => 'Bidali e-posta bat {{SITENAME}}(e)ko beste lankide bati',
 1570+'emailfrom' => 'Nork:',
 1571+'emailto' => 'Nori:',
 1572+'emailsubject' => 'Gaia:',
 1573+'emailmessage' => 'Mezua:',
 1574+'emailsend' => 'Mezua',
 1575+'emailccme' => 'Mezu honen kopia bat niri bidali.',
 1576+'emailccsubject' => 'Zure mezuaren kopia $1(r)i: $2',
 1577+'emailsent' => 'Mezua bidali egin da',
 1578+'emailsenttext' => 'Zure e-posta mezua bidali egin da.',
 1579+'emailuserfooter' => 'E-posta hau $1(e)k bidali dio $2(r)i {{SITENAME}}ko "E-posta bidali" funtzioa erabiliz.',
15801581 # Watchlist
15811582 'watchlist' => 'Nire jarraipen zerrenda',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesNn.php
@@ -1430,6 +1430,7 @@
14311431 'overwroteimage' => 'lasta opp ein ny versjon av «[[$1]]»',
14321432 'uploaddisabled' => 'Beklagar, funksjonen for opplasting er deaktivert på denne nettenaren.',
14331433 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Filopplasting er slått av.',
 1434+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'PHP-filopplasting er deaktivert. Sjå innstillinga for file_uploads.',
14341435 'uploadscripted' => 'Fila inneheld HTML- eller skriptkode som feilaktig kan bli tolka og køyrd av nettlesarar.',
14351436 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Fila er øydelagd eller har feil etternamn. Sjekk fila og prøv på nytt.',
14361437 'uploadvirus' => 'Fila innheld virus! Detaljar: $1',
@@ -1630,8 +1631,8 @@
16311632 'specialpage-empty' => 'Denne sida er tom.',
16321633 'lonelypages' => 'Foreldrelause sider',
16331634 'lonelypagestext' => 'Følgjande sider er ikkje lenkja til på andre sider på {{SITENAME}}.',
1634 -'uncategorizedpages' => 'Ikkje kategoriserte sider',
1635 -'uncategorizedcategories' => 'Ikkje kategoriserte kategoriar',
 1635+'uncategorizedpages' => 'Ikkje-kategoriserte sider',
 1636+'uncategorizedcategories' => 'Ikkje-kategoriserte kategoriar',
16361637 'uncategorizedimages' => 'Ukategoriserte filer',
16371638 'uncategorizedtemplates' => 'Ukategoriserte malar',
16381639 'unusedcategories' => 'Ubrukte kategoriar',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLfn.php
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@
247247 'showtoc' => 'mostra',
248248 'hidetoc' => 'asconde',
249249 'viewdeleted' => 'Vide $1?',
 250+'feedlinks' => 'Flue:',
250251 'site-rss-feed' => '$1 RSS Flue',
251252 'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Atom Flue',
252253 'page-rss-feed' => '"$1" RSS Flue',
@@ -300,7 +301,8 @@
301302 'prefs-help-realname' => 'Tu nom vera no es obligada, ma si tu vole dona tu nom vera, el va es usada per onora tu per tu labora.',
302303 'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Entra susedente',
303304 'loginsuccess' => "'''Tu ia entrada aora a {{SITENAME}} como \"\$1\".'''",
304 -'nosuchuser' => 'Es no usor con la nom "$1". Esamina la spele, o crea un conta nova.',
 305+'nosuchuser' => 'Es no usor con la nom "$1".
 306+Esamina la spele, o [[Special:UserLogin/signup|crea un conta nova]].',
305307 'nosuchusershort' => 'Es no usor con esta nom "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>". Esamina la spele.',
306308 'nouserspecified' => 'Tu debe indica un nom de usor.',
307309 'wrongpassword' => 'La sinia de entra no es coreta. Per favore, atenta ancora.',
@@ -324,7 +326,9 @@
325327 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Lingua: $1',
327329 # Password reset dialog
328 -'retypenew' => 'Re-entra tu sinia secreta nova:',
 330+'oldpassword' => 'Sinia secreta vea:',
 331+'newpassword' => 'Sinia secreta nova:',
 332+'retypenew' => 'Re-entra tu sinia secreta nova:',
330334 # Edit page toolbar
331335 'bold_sample' => 'Testo en leteras forte',
@@ -706,7 +710,7 @@
707711 'protect-expiring' => 'fini $1 (UTC)',
708712 'protect-cascade' => 'Proteje pajes ce es incluida en esta paje (proteje cascadente)',
709713 'protect-cantedit' => 'Tu no pote cambia la nivel de proteje de esta paje, per ce tu no ave la permite per edita el.',
710 -'protect-expiry-options' => '2 oras:2 hours,1 dia:1 day,3 dias:3 days,1 semana:1 week,2 semanas:2 weeks,1 mensa:1 month,3 mensas:3 months,6 mensas:6 months,1 anio:1 year,nonlimitada:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
 714+'protect-expiry-options' => '1 ora:1 hour,1 dia:1 day,1 semana:1 week,2 semanas:2 weeks,1 mensa:1 month,3 mensas:3 months,6 mensas:6 months,1 anio:1 year,nonlimitada:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
711715 'restriction-type' => 'Permete:',
712716 'restriction-level' => 'Nivel de restrinje:',
@@ -915,8 +919,12 @@
916920 'watchlisttools-raw' => 'Edita la lista rua de pajes oservada',
918922 # Special:Version
919 -'version' => 'Varia', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
 923+'version' => 'Varia', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
 924+'version-version' => 'Varia',
 926+# Special:FilePath
 927+'filepath-page' => 'Fix:',
921929 # Special:FileDuplicateSearch
922930 'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => 'Xerca',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesPl.php
@@ -1479,6 +1479,7 @@
14801480 'overwroteimage' => 'przesłał nową wersję [[$1]]',
14811481 'uploaddisabled' => 'Przesyłanie plików wyłączone',
14821482 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Możliwość przesyłania plików została wyłączona.',
 1483+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'Przesyłanie plików PHP jest zablokowane. Sprawdź ustawienie „file_uploads”.',
14831484 'uploadscripted' => 'Plik zawiera kod HTML lub skrypt, który może zostać błędnie zinterpretowany przez przeglądarkę internetową.',
14841485 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Plik jest uszkodzony lub ma nieprawidłowe rozszerzenie.
14851486 Sprawdź plik i załaduj poprawną wersję.',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesPt.php
@@ -2925,9 +2925,10 @@
29262926 'filepath' => 'Caminho do ficheiro',
29272927 'filepath-page' => 'Ficheiro:',
29282928 'filepath-submit' => 'Diretório',
2929 -'filepath-summary' => 'Através dsta página especial é possível descobrir o endereço completo de um determinado ficheiro. As imagens serão exibidas em sua resolução máxima, outros tipos de ficheiros serão iniciados automaticamente em seus programas correspondentes.
 2929+'filepath-summary' => 'Através desta página especial, é possível descobrir o endereço completo de um determinado ficheiro.
 2930+As imagens serão exibidas em sua resolução máxima, outros tipos de ficheiros serão iniciados automaticamente em seus programas correspondentes.
2931 -Entre com o nome do ficheiro sem utilizar o prefixo "{{ns:file}}:".',
 2932+Introduza o nome do ficheiro sem utilizar o prefixo "{{ns:file}}:".',
29332934 # Special:FileDuplicateSearch
29342935 'fileduplicatesearch' => 'Procurar por ficheiros duplicados',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesQqq.php
@@ -64,351 +64,353 @@
6666 $messages = array(
6767 # User preference toggles
68 -'tog-underline' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice how to underline links.",
69 -'tog-highlightbroken' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice how format internal links to non-existing pages. As red links or with a trailing question mark.",
70 -'tog-justify' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice to justify paragraphs or not.",
71 -'tog-hideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Recent changes'. Offers user to hide minor edits in recent changes or not.",
72 -'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Option in Recent changes tab of [[Special:Preferences]]',
73 -'tog-extendwatchlist' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to show all applicable changes in watchlist (by default only the last change to a page on the watchlist is shown).",
74 -'tog-usenewrc' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Recent changes'. Offers user to use alternative reprsentation of [[Special:RecentChanges]].",
75 -'tog-numberheadings' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers numbered headings on content pages to user.",
76 -'tog-showtoolbar' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to show edit toolbar in page edit screen.
 68+'tog-underline' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice how to underline links.",
 69+'tog-highlightbroken' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice how format internal links to non-existing pages. As red links or with a trailing question mark.",
 70+'tog-justify' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice to justify paragraphs or not.",
 71+'tog-hideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Recent changes'. Offers user to hide minor edits in recent changes or not.",
 72+'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Option in Recent changes tab of [[Special:Preferences]]',
 73+'tog-extendwatchlist' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to show all applicable changes in watchlist (by default only the last change to a page on the watchlist is shown).",
 74+'tog-usenewrc' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Recent changes'. Offers user to use alternative reprsentation of [[Special:RecentChanges]].",
 75+'tog-numberheadings' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers numbered headings on content pages to user.",
 76+'tog-showtoolbar' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to show edit toolbar in page edit screen.
7878 This is the toolbar: [[Image:Toolbar.png]]",
79 -'tog-editondblclick' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to open edit page on double click.",
80 -'tog-editsection' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to add links in sub headings for editing sections.",
 79+'tog-editondblclick' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to open edit page on double click.",
 80+'tog-editsection' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to add links in sub headings for editing sections.",
8181 'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to edit a section by clicking on a section title.",
82 -'tog-showtoc' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user to show a table of contents automatically if a page has more than three headings.",
83 -'tog-rememberpassword' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile', section 'Change password'. Offers user remember login details.
 82+'tog-showtoc' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user to show a table of contents automatically if a page has more than three headings.",
 83+'tog-rememberpassword' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile', section 'Change password'. Offers user remember login details.
8585 {{Identical|Remember my login on this computer}}",
86 -'tog-editwidth' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user make give edit box full width in browser.",
87 -'tog-watchcreations' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add created pages to watchlist.",
88 -'tog-watchdefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add edited pages to watchlist.",
89 -'tog-watchmoves' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add moved pages to watchlist.",
90 -'tog-watchdeletion' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add deleted pages to watchlist.",
91 -'tog-minordefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to mark all edits minor by default.",
92 -'tog-previewontop' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
93 -'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
94 -'tog-nocache' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc.'. Offers the user the option of disabling caching of pages in the browser",
95 -'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'In user preferences',
96 -'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'In user preferences',
97 -'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'In user preferences',
98 -'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
99 -'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]], in the section for recent changes. When this option is activated, the entries in recent changes includes the number of users who watch pages.',
100 -'tog-fancysig' => 'In user preferences under the signature box',
101 -'tog-externaleditor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external editor by default.",
102 -'tog-externaldiff' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external diff program by default.",
103 -'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. The "jump to" links are shown as "jump to: navigation, search" but they are hidden by default (you can enable them with this option).',
104 -'tog-uselivepreview' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. Live preview is an experimental feature (unavailable by default) to use edit preview without loading the page again.',
105 -'tog-forceeditsummary' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
106 -'tog-watchlisthideown' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide own edits from watchlist.",
107 -'tog-watchlisthidebots' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide bot edits from watchlist.",
108 -'tog-watchlisthideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide minor edits from watchlist.",
109 -'tog-watchlisthideliu' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]",
110 -'tog-watchlisthideanons' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]",
111 -'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => 'Option in Watchlist tab of [[Special:Preferences]]',
112 -'tog-nolangconversion' => 'In user preferences.',
113 -'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'In user preferences',
114 -'tog-diffonly' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
115 -'tog-showhiddencats' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
116 -'tog-norollbackdiff' => "Option in [[Special:Preferences]], 'Misc' tab. Only shown for users with the rollback right. By default a diff is shown below the return screen of a rollback. Checking this preference toggle will suppress that.
 86+'tog-editwidth' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user make give edit box full width in browser.",
 87+'tog-watchcreations' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add created pages to watchlist.",
 88+'tog-watchdefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add edited pages to watchlist.",
 89+'tog-watchmoves' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add moved pages to watchlist.",
 90+'tog-watchdeletion' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add deleted pages to watchlist.",
 91+'tog-minordefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to mark all edits minor by default.",
 92+'tog-previewontop' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 93+'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 94+'tog-nocache' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc.'. Offers the user the option of disabling caching of pages in the browser",
 95+'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'In user preferences',
 96+'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'In user preferences',
 97+'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'In user preferences',
 98+'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 99+'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]], in the section for recent changes. When this option is activated, the entries in recent changes includes the number of users who watch pages.',
 100+'tog-fancysig' => 'In user preferences under the signature box',
 101+'tog-externaleditor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external editor by default.",
 102+'tog-externaldiff' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external diff program by default.",
 103+'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. The "jump to" links are shown as "jump to: navigation, search" but they are hidden by default (you can enable them with this option).',
 104+'tog-uselivepreview' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. Live preview is an experimental feature (unavailable by default) to use edit preview without loading the page again.',
 105+'tog-forceeditsummary' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 106+'tog-watchlisthideown' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide own edits from watchlist.",
 107+'tog-watchlisthidebots' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide bot edits from watchlist.",
 108+'tog-watchlisthideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide minor edits from watchlist.",
 109+'tog-watchlisthideliu' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]",
 110+'tog-watchlisthideanons' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]",
 111+'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => 'Option in Watchlist tab of [[Special:Preferences]]',
 112+'tog-nolangconversion' => 'In user preferences.',
 113+'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'In user preferences',
 114+'tog-diffonly' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 115+'tog-showhiddencats' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 116+'tog-norollbackdiff' => "Option in [[Special:Preferences]], 'Misc' tab. Only shown for users with the rollback right. By default a diff is shown below the return screen of a rollback. Checking this preference toggle will suppress that.
117117 {{Identical|Rollback}}",
119 -'underline-always' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] (under "Misc"). This option means "always underline links", there are also options "never" and "browser default".',
120 -'underline-never' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] (under "Misc"). This option means "never underline links", there are also options "always" and "browser default".
 119+'underline-always' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] (under "Misc"). This option means "always underline links", there are also options "never" and "browser default".',
 120+'underline-never' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] (under "Misc"). This option means "never underline links", there are also options "always" and "browser default".
122122 {{Identical|Never}}',
123123 'underline-default' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] (under "Misc"). This option means "underline links as in your browser", there are also options "never" and "always".',
125125 # Dates
126 -'sunday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
127 -'monday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
128 -'tuesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
129 -'wednesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
130 -'thursday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
131 -'friday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
132 -'saturday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
133 -'sun' => 'Abbreviation for Sunday, a day of the week.',
134 -'mon' => 'Abbreviation for Monday, a day of the week.',
135 -'tue' => 'Abbreviation for Tuesday, a day of the week.',
136 -'wed' => 'Abbreviation for Wednesday, a day of the week.',
137 -'thu' => 'Abbreviation for Thursday, a day of the week.',
138 -'fri' => 'Abbreviation for Friday, a day of the week.',
139 -'sat' => 'Abbreviation for Saturday, a day of the week.',
140 -'january' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar',
141 -'february' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar',
142 -'march' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar',
143 -'april' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar',
144 -'may_long' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar',
145 -'june' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar',
146 -'july' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
147 -'august' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar',
148 -'september' => 'The ninth month of the Gregorian calendar',
149 -'october' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar',
150 -'november' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
151 -'december' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar',
152 -'january-gen' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
153 -'february-gen' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
154 -'march-gen' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
155 -'april-gen' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
156 -'may-gen' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
157 -'june-gen' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
158 -'july-gen' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
159 -'august-gen' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 126+'sunday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 127+'monday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 128+'tuesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 129+'wednesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 130+'thursday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 131+'friday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 132+'saturday' => 'Name of the day of the week.',
 133+'sun' => 'Abbreviation for Sunday, a day of the week.',
 134+'mon' => 'Abbreviation for Monday, a day of the week.',
 135+'tue' => 'Abbreviation for Tuesday, a day of the week.',
 136+'wed' => 'Abbreviation for Wednesday, a day of the week.',
 137+'thu' => 'Abbreviation for Thursday, a day of the week.',
 138+'fri' => 'Abbreviation for Friday, a day of the week.',
 139+'sat' => 'Abbreviation for Saturday, a day of the week.',
 140+'january' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar',
 141+'february' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar',
 142+'march' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar',
 143+'april' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 144+'may_long' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 145+'june' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 146+'july' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
 147+'august' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 148+'september' => 'The ninth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 149+'october' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 150+'november' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
 151+'december' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 152+'january-gen' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 153+'february-gen' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 154+'march-gen' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 155+'april-gen' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 156+'may-gen' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 157+'june-gen' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 158+'july-gen' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 159+'august-gen' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
160160 'september-gen' => 'The nineth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
161 -'october-gen' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
162 -'november-gen' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
163 -'december-gen' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
164 -'jan' => 'Abbreviation of January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar',
165 -'feb' => 'Abbreviation of February, the second month of the Gregorian calendar',
166 -'mar' => 'Abbreviation of March, the thrird month of the Gregorian calendar',
167 -'apr' => 'Abbreviation of April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar',
168 -'may' => 'Abbreviation of May, the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar',
169 -'jun' => 'Abbreviation of June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar',
170 -'jul' => 'Abbreviation of July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
171 -'aug' => 'Abbreviation of August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar',
172 -'sep' => 'Abbreviation of September, the nineth month of the Gregorian calendar',
173 -'oct' => 'Abbreviation of October, the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar',
174 -'nov' => 'Abbreviation of November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
175 -'dec' => 'Abbreviation of December, the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 161+'october-gen' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 162+'november-gen' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 163+'december-gen' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case.',
 164+'jan' => 'Abbreviation of January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar',
 165+'feb' => 'Abbreviation of February, the second month of the Gregorian calendar',
 166+'mar' => 'Abbreviation of March, the thrird month of the Gregorian calendar',
 167+'apr' => 'Abbreviation of April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 168+'may' => 'Abbreviation of May, the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 169+'jun' => 'Abbreviation of June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 170+'jul' => 'Abbreviation of July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
 171+'aug' => 'Abbreviation of August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 172+'sep' => 'Abbreviation of September, the nineth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 173+'oct' => 'Abbreviation of October, the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar',
 174+'nov' => 'Abbreviation of November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar',
 175+'dec' => 'Abbreviation of December, the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar',
177177 # Categories related messages
178 -'category_header' => 'In category description page',
179 -'category-media-header' => 'In category description page',
180 -'category-empty' => 'The text displayed in category page when that category is empty',
181 -'hidden-category-category' => 'Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed.',
182 -'category-subcat-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category.
 178+'category_header' => 'In category description page',
 179+'category-media-header' => 'In category description page',
 180+'category-empty' => 'The text displayed in category page when that category is empty',
 181+'hidden-category-category' => 'Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed.', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed
 182+'category-subcat-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category.
184184 * $1: number of subcategories shown
185185 * $2: total number of subcategories in category',
186 -'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted.
 186+'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted.
188188 * $1: number of subcategories shown',
189 -'category-article-count' => 'This message is used on category pages.
 189+'category-article-count' => 'This message is used on category pages.
191191 * $1: number of pages shown
192192 * $2: total number of pages in category',
193193 'category-article-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted.
195195 * $1: number of pages shown',
196 -'category-file-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category.
 196+'category-file-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category.
198198 * $1: number of files shown
199199 * $2: total number of files in category',
200 -'category-file-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted.
 200+'category-file-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted.
202202 * $1: number of files shown',
203 -'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'Shown in contiuation of each first letter group.
 203+'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'Shown in contiuation of each first letter group.
204204 See http://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Test_ko?uselang={{SUBPAGENAME}}, for example.',
206 -'mainpagetext' => 'Along with {{msg|mainpagedocfooter}}, the text you will see on the Main Page when your wiki is installed.',
 206+'mainpagetext' => 'Along with {{msg|mainpagedocfooter}}, the text you will see on the Main Page when your wiki is installed.',
207207 'mainpagedocfooter' => 'Along with {{msg|mainpagetext}}, the text you will see on the Main Page when your wiki is installed.',
209 -'about' => '{{Identical|About}}',
210 -'newwindow' => 'Below the edit form, next to "[[MediaWiki:Edithelp/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|Editing help]]".',
211 -'cancel' => 'Message shown below the edit form, and if you click on it, you stop with editing the page and go back to the normal page view.
 209+'about' => '{{Identical|About}}',
 210+'article' => '{{Identical|Content page}}',
 211+'newwindow' => 'Below the edit form, next to "[[MediaWiki:Edithelp/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|Editing help]]".',
 212+'cancel' => 'Message shown below the edit form, and if you click on it, you stop with editing the page and go back to the normal page view.
213214 {{Identical|Cancel}}',
214 -'qbfind' => 'Alternative for "search" as used in Cologne Blue skin.',
215 -'qbedit' => '{{Identical|Edit}}',
216 -'qbmyoptions' => '{{Identical|My pages}}',
 215+'qbfind' => 'Alternative for "search" as used in Cologne Blue skin.',
 216+'qbedit' => '{{Identical|Edit}}',
 217+'qbmyoptions' => '{{Identical|My pages}}',
217218 'qbspecialpages' => '{{Identical|Special pages}}',
218 -'moredotdotdot' => '{{Identical|More...}}',
219 -'mytalk' => 'In the personal urls page section - right upper corner.',
220 -'navigation' => '{{Identical|Navigation}}',
221 -'and' => 'The translation for "and" appears in the [[Special:Version]] page, between the last two items of a list. If a comma is needed, add it.
 219+'moredotdotdot' => '{{Identical|More...}}',
 220+'mytalk' => 'In the personal urls page section - right upper corner.',
 221+'navigation' => '{{Identical|Navigation}}',
 222+'and' => 'The translation for "and" appears in the [[Special:Version]] page, between the last two items of a list. If a comma is needed, add it.
223224 {{Identical|And}}',
225226 # Metadata in edit box
226227 'metadata_help' => '{{Identical|Metadata}}',
228 -'errorpagetitle' => 'Message shown in browser title bar when encountering error operation.
 229+'errorpagetitle' => 'Message shown in browser title bar when encountering error operation.
230231 {{Identical|Error}}',
231 -'returnto' => '{{Identical|Return to $1}}',
232 -'tagline' => 'Used to idenify the source of copied information. Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>.',
233 -'help' => 'General text (noun) used in the sidebar (by default).
 232+'returnto' => '{{Identical|Return to $1}}',
 233+'tagline' => 'Used to idenify the source of copied information. Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>.',
 234+'help' => 'General text (noun) used in the sidebar (by default).
235236 See also [[MediaWiki:Helppage/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:helppage}}]] and [[MediaWiki:Edithelp/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:edithelp}}]].
237238 {{Identical|Help}}',
238 -'search' => 'Noun. Text of menu section shown on every page of the wiki above the search form.
 239+'search' => 'Noun. Text of menu section shown on every page of the wiki above the search form.
240241 {{Identical|Search}}',
241 -'searchbutton' => 'The button you can see in the sidebar, below the search input box. The "Go" button is [[MediaWiki:Searcharticle/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
 242+'searchbutton' => 'The button you can see in the sidebar, below the search input box. The "Go" button is [[MediaWiki:Searcharticle/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
243244 {{Identical|Search}}',
244 -'go' => '{{Identical|Go}}',
245 -'searcharticle' => 'Button description in the search menu displayed on every page. The "Search" button is [[MediaWiki:Searchbutton/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
 245+'go' => '{{Identical|Go}}',
 246+'searcharticle' => 'Button description in the search menu displayed on every page. The "Search" button is [[MediaWiki:Searchbutton/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
247248 {{Identical|Go}}',
248 -'history_short' => 'Text used on the history tab.
 249+'history_short' => 'Text used on the history tab.
250251 {{Identical|History}}',
251 -'updatedmarker' => 'Displayed in the page history (of a page you are [[Special:Watchlist|watching]]), when the page has been edited since the last time you visited it.',
 252+'updatedmarker' => 'Displayed in the page history (of a page you are [[Special:Watchlist|watching]]), when the page has been edited since the last time you visited it.',
252253 'printableversion' => 'Display name for link in wiki menu that leads to a printable version of a content page. Example: see one but last menu item on [[Main Page]].',
253 -'permalink' => 'Display name for a permanent link to the current revision of a page. When the page is edited, permalink will still link to this revision. Example: Last menu link on [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]',
254 -'edit' => 'The text of the tab going to the edit form. When the page is protected, you will see "[[MediaWiki:Viewsource/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:viewsource}}]]". Should be in the infinitive mood.
 254+'permalink' => 'Display name for a permanent link to the current revision of a page. When the page is edited, permalink will still link to this revision. Example: Last menu link on [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]',
 255+'edit' => 'The text of the tab going to the edit form. When the page is protected, you will see "[[MediaWiki:Viewsource/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:viewsource}}]]". Should be in the infinitive mood.
256257 {{Identical|Edit}}',
257 -'create' => 'The text on the tab for to the edit form on unexisting pages.
 258+'create' => 'The text on the tab for to the edit form on unexisting pages.
259260 {{Identical|Create}}',
260 -'editthispage' => 'This is the "edit" link as used in the skins Classic/Standard, Cologne Blue and Nostalgia. See {{msg|create-this-page}} for when the page does not exist.',
 261+'editthispage' => 'This is the "edit" link as used in the skins Classic/Standard, Cologne Blue and Nostalgia. See {{msg|create-this-page}} for when the page does not exist.',
261262 'create-this-page' => 'In the skins Classic/Standard, Cologne Blue and Nostalgia this is the text for the link leading to the edit form on pages that have not yet been created. See {{msg|editthispage}} for when the page already exists.',
262 -'delete' => 'Name of the Delete tab shown for admins. Should be in the imperative mood.
 263+'delete' => 'Name of the Delete tab shown for admins. Should be in the imperative mood.
264265 {{Identical|Delete}}',
265 -'deletethispage' => '{{Identical|Delete this page}}',
266 -'undelete_short' => "It is tab label. It's really can be named ''nstab-undelete''.",
267 -'protect' => 'Name of protect tab displayed for admins',
268 -'protect_change' => 'Text on links for each entry in [[Special:ProtectedPages]] to change the protection of pages (only displayed to admins).',
269 -'protectthispage' => '{{Identical|Protect this page}}',
270 -'unprotect' => 'Name of unprotect tab displayed for admins',
 266+'deletethispage' => '{{Identical|Delete this page}}',
 267+'undelete_short' => "It is tab label. It's really can be named ''nstab-undelete''.",
 268+'protect' => 'Name of protect tab displayed for admins',
 269+'protect_change' => 'Text on links for each entry in [[Special:ProtectedPages]] to change the protection of pages (only displayed to admins).',
 270+'protectthispage' => '{{Identical|Protect this page}}',
 271+'unprotect' => 'Name of unprotect tab displayed for admins',
271272 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Used as name of links going to talk page in some places, like in the subheading of [[Special:Mycontributions|Special:Contributions]], in [[Special:RecentChanges]], and in [[Special:Watchlist]].
273274 {{Identical|Talk}}',
274 -'personaltools' => 'Heading for a group of links to your user page, talk page, preferences, watchlist, and contributions. This heading is visible in the sidebar in some skins. For an example, see [http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=simple Main Page using simple skin].',
275 -'talk' => 'Used as display name for the tab to all talk pages. These pages accompany all content pages and can be used for discussing the content page. Example: [[Talk:Example]].
 275+'personaltools' => 'Heading for a group of links to your user page, talk page, preferences, watchlist, and contributions. This heading is visible in the sidebar in some skins. For an example, see [http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Main_Page?useskin=simple Main Page using simple skin].',
 276+'articlepage' => '{{Identical|Content page}}',
 277+'talk' => 'Used as display name for the tab to all talk pages. These pages accompany all content pages and can be used for discussing the content page. Example: [[Talk:Example]].
277279 {{Identical|Discussion}}',
278 -'views' => 'Subtitle for the list of available views, for the current page. In "monobook" skin the list of views are shown as tabs, so this sub-title is not shown. To check when and where this message is displayed switch to "simple" skin.
 280+'views' => 'Subtitle for the list of available views, for the current page. In "monobook" skin the list of views are shown as tabs, so this sub-title is not shown. To check when and where this message is displayed switch to "simple" skin.
280282 \'\'\'Note:\'\'\' This is "views" as in "appearances"/"representations", \'\'\'not\'\'\' as in "visits"/"accesses".',
281 -'toolbox' => 'The title of the toolbox below the search menu.',
282 -'otherlanguages' => 'This message is shown under the toolbox. It is used if there are interwiki links added to the page, like <tt><nowiki>[[</nowiki>en:Interwiki article]]</tt>.',
283 -'redirectedfrom' => 'The text displayed when a certain page is redirected to another page. Variable <tt>$1</tt> contains the name of the page user came from.',
284 -'redirectpagesub' => 'Displayed under the page title of a page which is a redirect to another page, see [{{fullurl:Betawiki:Translators|redirect=no}} Betawiki:Translators] for example.
 283+'toolbox' => 'The title of the toolbox below the search menu.',
 284+'otherlanguages' => 'This message is shown under the toolbox. It is used if there are interwiki links added to the page, like <tt><nowiki>[[</nowiki>en:Interwiki article]]</tt>.',
 285+'redirectedfrom' => 'The text displayed when a certain page is redirected to another page. Variable <tt>$1</tt> contains the name of the page user came from.',
 286+'redirectpagesub' => 'Displayed under the page title of a page which is a redirect to another page, see [{{fullurl:Betawiki:Translators|redirect=no}} Betawiki:Translators] for example.
286288 {{Identical|Redirect page}}',
287 -'lastmodifiedat' => 'This message is shown below each page, in the footer with the logos and links.
 289+'lastmodifiedat' => 'This message is shown below each page, in the footer with the logos and links.
288290 * $1: date
289291 * $2: time
291 -See also [[MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedatby/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].',
292 -'jumpto' => '"Jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: {{int:jumpto}} [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], [[MediaWiki:Jumptosearch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptosearch}}]].',
 293+See also [[MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedatby/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].', # $1 date, $2 time
 294+'jumpto' => '"Jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: {{int:jumpto}} [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], [[MediaWiki:Jumptosearch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptosearch}}]].',
293295 'jumptonavigation' => 'Part of the "jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: [[MediaWiki:Jumpto/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumpto}}]] {{int:jumptonavigation}}, [[MediaWiki:Jumptosearch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptosearch}}]].
295297 {{Identical|Navigation}}',
296 -'jumptosearch' => 'Part of the "jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: [[MediaWiki:Jumpto/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumpto}}]] [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], {{int:jumptosearch}}.
 298+'jumptosearch' => 'Part of the "jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: [[MediaWiki:Jumpto/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumpto}}]] [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], {{int:jumptosearch}}.
298300 {{Identical|Search}}',
300302 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
301 -'aboutsite' => 'Used as page name and link at the bottom of each wiki page. The contents of the page explain the purpose of the site.
 303+'aboutsite' => 'Used as page name and link at the bottom of each wiki page. The contents of the page explain the purpose of the site.
303305 {{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>}}
305307 {{Identical|About}}',
306 -'aboutpage' => 'Used as page for that contains the site description. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Aboutpage}}|{{MediaWiki:About}} {{SITENAME}}]].
 308+'aboutpage' => 'Used as page for that contains the site description. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Aboutpage}}|{{MediaWiki:About}} {{SITENAME}}]].
308310 {{doc-important|Do not translate "Project:" part}}',
309 -'copyrightpagename' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>}}',
310 -'copyrightpage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{ns:project}}</nowiki>}}',
311 -'currentevents' => 'Standard link in the sidebar, for news. See also {{msg|currentevents-url}} for the link url.',
312 -'currentevents-url' => "Target page of ''{{Mediawiki:currentevents}}'' in the sidebar. See also {{msg|currentevents}}.
 311+'copyrightpagename' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>}}',
 312+'copyrightpage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{ns:project}}</nowiki>}}',
 313+'currentevents' => 'Standard link in the sidebar, for news. See also {{msg|currentevents-url}} for the link url.',
 314+'currentevents-url' => "Target page of ''{{Mediawiki:currentevents}}'' in the sidebar. See also {{msg|currentevents}}.
313315 {{doc-important|Do not translate <tt>Project:</tt> part.}}",
314 -'disclaimers' => 'Used as display name for the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}]] shown at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]].',
315 -'disclaimerpage' => 'Used as page for that contains the site disclaimer. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]].
 316+'disclaimers' => 'Used as display name for the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}]] shown at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]].',
 317+'disclaimerpage' => 'Used as page for that contains the site disclaimer. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]].
316318 {{doc-important|Do not change <tt>Project:</tt> part.}}',
317 -'edithelp' => 'This is the text that appears on the editing help link that is near the bottom of the editing page',
318 -'edithelppage' => 'The help page displayed when a user clicks on editing help link which is present on the right of Show changes button.
 319+'edithelp' => 'This is the text that appears on the editing help link that is near the bottom of the editing page',
 320+'edithelppage' => 'The help page displayed when a user clicks on editing help link which is present on the right of Show changes button.
319321 {{doc-important|Do not change <tt>Help:</tt> part.}}',
320 -'faqpage' => "FAQ is short for ''frequently asked questions''. This page is only linked on some of the old skins, not in Monobook or Modern.
 322+'faqpage' => "FAQ is short for ''frequently asked questions''. This page is only linked on some of the old skins, not in Monobook or Modern.
322324 {{doc-important|Do not translate <tt>Project:</tt> part.}}",
323 -'helppage' => 'The link destination used by default in the sidebar, and in {{msg|noarticletext}}.
 325+'helppage' => 'The link destination used by default in the sidebar, and in {{msg|noarticletext}}.
324326 {{doc-important|Do not change <tt>Help:</tt> part.}}
325327 {{Identical|HelpContent}}',
326 -'mainpage' => 'Defines the link and display name of the main page of the wiki. Shown as the top link in the navigation part of the interface. Please do not change it too often, that could break things!
 328+'mainpage' => 'Defines the link and display name of the main page of the wiki. Shown as the top link in the navigation part of the interface. Please do not change it too often, that could break things!
328330 {{Identical|Main page}}',
329331 'mainpage-description' => 'The same as {{msg|mainpage|pl=yes}}, used as link text on [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]]. This makes it possible to the change the link destination (the message "mainpage") without changing the link text or without disabling translations.',
330 -'policy-url' => 'Description: The URL of the project page describing the policies of the wiki. This is shown below every page (the left link).
 332+'policy-url' => 'Description: The URL of the project page describing the policies of the wiki. This is shown below every page (the left link).
331333 {{doc-important|Do not change "Project:" part.}}',
332 -'portal' => "Display name for the 'Community portal', shown in the sidebar menu of all pages. The target page is meant to be a portal for users where useful links are to be found about the wiki's operation.",
333 -'portal-url' => 'Description: The URL of the community portal. This is shown in the sidebar by default (removed on Betawiki).
 334+'portal' => "Display name for the 'Community portal', shown in the sidebar menu of all pages. The target page is meant to be a portal for users where useful links are to be found about the wiki's operation.",
 335+'portal-url' => 'Description: The URL of the community portal. This is shown in the sidebar by default (removed on Betawiki).
334336 {{doc-important|Do not change "Project:" part.}}',
335 -'privacy' => 'Used as page name and link at the bottom of each wiki page. The page contains a legal notice providing information about the use of personal information by the website owner.of the site. Example: [[Privacy policy]].',
336 -'privacypage' => 'Used as page for that contains the privacy policy. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Privacypage}}|{{MediaWiki:Privacy}}]].
 337+'privacy' => 'Used as page name and link at the bottom of each wiki page. The page contains a legal notice providing information about the use of personal information by the website owner.of the site. Example: [[Privacy policy]].',
 338+'privacypage' => 'Used as page for that contains the privacy policy. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Privacypage}}|{{MediaWiki:Privacy}}]].
338340 {{doc-important|Do not change <tt>Project:</tt> part.}}',
340 -'badaccess' => 'Title shown within page indicating unauthorized access.',
 342+'badaccess' => 'Title shown within page indicating unauthorized access.',
341343 'badaccess-group0' => 'Shown when you are not allowed to do something.',
342344 'badaccess-groups' => "Error message when you aren't allowed to do something.
344346 * $1 is a list of groups.
345347 * $2 is the number of groups.",
347 -'versionrequired' => 'This message is not used in the MediaWiki core, but was introduced with the reason that it could be useful for extensions. See also {{msg|versionrequiredtext}}.',
 349+'versionrequired' => 'This message is not used in the MediaWiki core, but was introduced with the reason that it could be useful for extensions. See also {{msg|versionrequiredtext}}.',
348350 'versionrequiredtext' => 'This message is not used in the MediaWiki core, but was introduced with the reason that it could be useful for extensions. See also {{msg|versionrequired}}.',
350 -'ok' => '{{Identical|OK}}',
351 -'pagetitle' => '{{doc-important|You most probably do not need to translate this message.}}',
352 -'retrievedfrom' => 'Message which appears in the source of every page, but it is hidden. It is shown when printing. $1 is a link back to the current page: {{FULLURL:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}.',
353 -'youhavenewmessages' => 'The orange message appearing when someone edited your user talk page.
 352+'ok' => '{{Identical|OK}}',
 353+'pagetitle' => '{{doc-important|You most probably do not need to translate this message.}}',
 354+'retrievedfrom' => 'Message which appears in the source of every page, but it is hidden. It is shown when printing. $1 is a link back to the current page: {{FULLURL:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}.',
 355+'youhavenewmessages' => 'The orange message appearing when someone edited your user talk page.
354356 The format is: "{{int:youhavenewmessages| [[MediaWiki:Newmessageslink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:newmessageslink}}]] |[[MediaWiki:Newmessagesdifflink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:newmessagesdifflink}}]]}}"',
355 -'newmessageslink' => 'This is the first link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on his talk page. Used in message {{msg|youhavenewmessages|pl=yes}} (as parameter $1).
 357+'newmessageslink' => 'This is the first link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on his talk page. Used in message {{msg|youhavenewmessages|pl=yes}} (as parameter $1).
357359 {{Identical|New messages}}',
358 -'newmessagesdifflink' => 'This is the second link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on his talk page',
 360+'newmessagesdifflink' => 'This is the second link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on his talk page',
359361 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'The alternative of {{msg|youhavenewmessages}} as used on wikis with a special setup so they can receive the "new message" notice on other wikis as well. Used on [http://www.wikia.com/ Wikia].',
360 -'editsection' => 'Display name of link to edit a section on a content page. Example: [{{MediaWiki:Editsection}}].
 362+'editsection' => 'Display name of link to edit a section on a content page. Example: [{{MediaWiki:Editsection}}].
362364 {{Identical|Edit}}',
363 -'editsection-brackets' => '{{doc-important|This message should most probably not be translated.}}',
364 -'editold' => '{{Identical|Edit}}',
365 -'editlink' => 'Text of the edit link shown next to every (editable) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Viewsourcelink}}.
 365+'editsection-brackets' => '{{doc-important|This message should most probably not be translated.}}',
 366+'editold' => '{{Identical|Edit}}',
 367+'editlink' => 'Text of the edit link shown next to every (editable) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Viewsourcelink}}.
367369 {{Identical|Edit}}',
368 -'viewsourcelink' => 'Text of the link shown next to every uneditable (protected) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Editlink}}.
 370+'viewsourcelink' => 'Text of the link shown next to every uneditable (protected) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Editlink}}.
370372 {{Identical|View source}}',
371 -'editsectionhint' => "Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to '[{{MediaWiki:Editsection}}]' a section. Example: Edit section: Heading name",
372 -'toc' => 'This is the title of the table of contents displayed in pages with more than 3 sections
 373+'editsectionhint' => "Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to '[{{MediaWiki:Editsection}}]' a section. Example: Edit section: Heading name",
 374+'toc' => 'This is the title of the table of contents displayed in pages with more than 3 sections
374376 {{Identical|Contents}}',
375 -'showtoc' => 'This is the link used to show the table of contents
 377+'showtoc' => 'This is the link used to show the table of contents
377379 {{Identical|Show}}',
378 -'hidetoc' => 'This is the link used to hide the table of contents
 380+'hidetoc' => 'This is the link used to hide the table of contents
380382 {{Identical|Hide}}',
381 -'restorelink' => "This text is always displayed in conjunction with the \"thisisdeleted\" message (View or restore \$1?). The user will see
 383+'restorelink' => "This text is always displayed in conjunction with the \"thisisdeleted\" message (View or restore \$1?). The user will see
382384 View or restore <nowiki>{{PLURAL:\$1|one deleted edit|\$1 deleted edits}}</nowiki>? i.e ''View or restore one deleted edit?'' or
383385 ''View or restore n deleted edits?''",
384 -'feed-unavailable' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to use an RSS or Atom feed on a wiki where such feeds have been disabled.',
385 -'site-rss-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's RSS feed.
 386+'feed-unavailable' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to use an RSS or Atom feed on a wiki where such feeds have been disabled.',
 387+'site-rss-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's RSS feed.
386388 $1 is <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>.
387389 HTML markup cannot be used.",
388 -'site-atom-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's Atom feed.
 390+'site-atom-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's Atom feed.
389391 $1 is <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>.
390392 HTML markup cannot be used.",
391 -'red-link-title' => 'Title for red hyperlinks. Indicates, that the page is empty, not written yet.',
 393+'red-link-title' => 'Title for red hyperlinks. Indicates, that the page is empty, not written yet.',
393395 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook
394 -'nstab-main' => 'The name for the tab of the main namespace. Example: [[Example]]
 396+'nstab-main' => 'The name for the tab of the main namespace. Example: [[Example]]
396398 {{Identical|Page}}',
397 -'nstab-user' => 'The name for the tab of the user namespace. Example: [[User:Example]]
 399+'nstab-user' => 'The name for the tab of the user namespace. Example: [[User:Example]]
399401 {{Identical|User page}}',
400 -'nstab-special' => 'The name for the tab of the special namespace. Example: [[Special:Example]]',
401 -'nstab-project' => 'The name for the tab of the project namespace. Example: [[Project:Example]]',
402 -'nstab-image' => 'The name for the tab of the image namespace. Example: [[Image:Example]]
 402+'nstab-special' => 'The name for the tab of the special namespace. Example: [[Special:Example]]',
 403+'nstab-project' => 'The name for the tab of the project namespace. Example: [[Project:Example]]',
 404+'nstab-image' => 'The name for the tab of the image namespace. Example: [[Image:Example]]
404406 {{Identical|File}}',
405407 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'The name for the tab of the MediaWiki namespace. Example: [[MediaWiki:Example]]
407409 {{Identical|Message}}',
408 -'nstab-template' => 'The name for the tab of the template namespace. Example: [[Template:Example]]
 410+'nstab-template' => 'The name for the tab of the template namespace. Example: [[Template:Example]]
410412 {{Identical|Template}}',
411 -'nstab-help' => 'The name for the tab of the help namespace. Example: [[Help:Rollback]]',
412 -'nstab-category' => 'The name for the tab of the category namespace. Example: [[:Category:Example]]
 413+'nstab-help' => 'The name for the tab of the help namespace. Example: [[Help:Rollback]]',
 414+'nstab-category' => 'The name for the tab of the category namespace. Example: [[:Category:Example]]
414416 {{Identical|Category}}',
@@ -419,9 +421,9 @@
420422 The title of the warning is the message [[MediaWiki:Nosuchspecialpage/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]. \"''<nowiki>[[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]]</nowiki>''\" should remain untranslated. Example: [[Special:Nosuchpage]]",
422424 # General errors
423 -'error' => '{{Identical|Error}}',
424 -'enterlockreason' => 'For developers when locking the database',
425 -'missing-article' => "This message is shown when a revision does not exist, either as permalink or as diff. Examples:
 425+'error' => '{{Identical|Error}}',
 426+'enterlockreason' => 'For developers when locking the database',
 427+'missing-article' => "This message is shown when a revision does not exist, either as permalink or as diff. Examples:
427429 # [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Betawiki:News&oldid=9999999 Permalink with invalid revision#]
428430 # [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Betawiki:News&diff=426850&oldid=99999999 Diff with invalid revision#]
@@ -431,171 +433,171 @@
432434 * $2: Content of
433435 *# {{msg|Missingarticle-rev}} - Permalink with invalid revision#
434436 *# {{msg|Missingarticle-diff}} - Diff with invalid revision#",
435 -'missingarticle-rev' => 'Parameter $2 of {{msg|Missing-article}}: It is shown after the articlename.
 437+'missingarticle-rev' => 'Parameter $2 of {{msg|Missing-article}}: It is shown after the articlename.
437439 * $1: revision# of the requested id
439441 [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Translating:Tasks&oldid=371789000 Click here] to see an example of such an error message.',
440 -'missingarticle-diff' => 'Parameter $2 of {{msg|Missing-article}}: It is shown after the articlename.
 442+'missingarticle-diff' => 'Parameter $2 of {{msg|Missing-article}}: It is shown after the articlename.
442444 * $1: revision# of the old id
443445 * $2: revision# of the id build the diff with.
445447 [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Translating:Tasks&diff=372398&oldid=371789000 Click here] to see an example of such an error message.',
446 -'readonly_lag' => 'Error message displayed when the database is locked.',
447 -'internalerror' => '{{Identical|Internal error}}',
448 -'badtitle' => '{{Identical|Bad title}}',
 448+'readonly_lag' => 'Error message displayed when the database is locked.',
 449+'internalerror' => '{{Identical|Internal error}}',
 450+'badtitle' => '{{Identical|Bad title}}',
449451 'querypage-no-updates' => 'Text on some special pages, e.g. [[Special:FewestRevisions]].',
450 -'viewsource' => 'The text displayed in place of the "edit" tab when the user has no permission to edit the page.
 452+'viewsource' => 'The text displayed in place of the "edit" tab when the user has no permission to edit the page.
452454 {{Identical|View source}}',
453 -'viewsourcefor' => 'Subtitle shown when trying to edit a protected page.
 455+'viewsourcefor' => 'Subtitle shown when trying to edit a protected page.
455457 {{Identical|For $1}}',
456 -'protectedpagetext' => 'This message is displayed when trying to edit a page you can\'t edit because it has been protected.
 458+'protectedpagetext' => 'This message is displayed when trying to edit a page you can\'t edit because it has been protected.
458460 * $1: the protection type, e.g. "protect" for fully protected pages',
459 -'viewsourcetext' => 'The text shown when displaying the source of a page that the user has no permission to edit',
460 -'protectedinterface' => 'Message shown if a user without the "editinterface" right tries to edit a page in the MediaWiki namespace.',
461 -'editinginterface' => "A message shown when editing pages in the namespace MediaWiki:. In the URL, '''change \"setlang=en\" to your own language code.'''",
462 -'ns-specialprotected' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit a page in the Special namespace',
 461+'viewsourcetext' => 'The text shown when displaying the source of a page that the user has no permission to edit',
 462+'protectedinterface' => 'Message shown if a user without the "editinterface" right tries to edit a page in the MediaWiki namespace.',
 463+'editinginterface' => "A message shown when editing pages in the namespace MediaWiki:. In the URL, '''change \"setlang=en\" to your own language code.'''",
 464+'ns-specialprotected' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit a page in the Special namespace',
464466 # Login and logout pages
465 -'logouttext' => 'Log out message',
466 -'welcomecreation' => 'The welcome message users see after registering a user account. $1 is the username of the new user.',
467 -'yourname' => 'In user preferences
 467+'logouttext' => 'Log out message',
 468+'welcomecreation' => 'The welcome message users see after registering a user account. $1 is the username of the new user.',
 469+'yourname' => 'In user preferences
469471 {{Identical|Username}}',
470 -'yourpassword' => 'In user preferences
 472+'yourpassword' => 'In user preferences
472474 {{Identical|Password}}',
473 -'yourpasswordagain' => 'In user preferences',
474 -'remembermypassword' => '{{Identical|Remember my login on this computer}}',
475 -'externaldberror' => 'This message is thrown when a valid attempt to change the wiki password for a user fails because of a database error or an error from an external system.',
476 -'login' => "Shown to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page. It is shown when you can't create an account, otherwise the message {{msg|nav-login-createaccount}} is shown.
 475+'yourpasswordagain' => 'In user preferences',
 476+'remembermypassword' => '{{Identical|Remember my login on this computer}}',
 477+'externaldberror' => 'This message is thrown when a valid attempt to change the wiki password for a user fails because of a database error or an error from an external system.',
 478+'login' => "Shown to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page. It is shown when you can't create an account, otherwise the message {{msg|nav-login-createaccount}} is shown.
478480 {{Identical|Log in}}",
479 -'nav-login-createaccount' => "Shown to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page. When you can't create an account, the message {{msg|login}} is shown.",
480 -'loginprompt' => 'A small notice in the log in form.',
481 -'userlogin' => 'Name of special page [[Special:UserLogin]] where a user can log in or click to create a user account.',
482 -'logout' => '{{Identical|Log out}}',
483 -'userlogout' => '{{Identical|Log out}}',
484 -'notloggedin' => 'This message is displayed in the standard skin when not logged in. The message is placed above the login link in the top right corner of pages.
 481+'nav-login-createaccount' => "Shown to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page. When you can't create an account, the message {{msg|login}} is shown.",
 482+'loginprompt' => 'A small notice in the log in form.',
 483+'userlogin' => 'Name of special page [[Special:UserLogin]] where a user can log in or click to create a user account.',
 484+'logout' => '{{Identical|Log out}}',
 485+'userlogout' => '{{Identical|Log out}}',
 486+'notloggedin' => 'This message is displayed in the standard skin when not logged in. The message is placed above the login link in the top right corner of pages.
486488 {{Identical|Not logged in}}',
487 -'nologin' => 'A message shown in the log in form. $1 is a link to the account creation form, and the text of it is "[[MediaWiki:Nologinlink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:nologinlink}}]]".',
488 -'nologinlink' => 'Text of the link to the account creation form. Before that link, the message [[MediaWiki:Nologin/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] appears.',
489 -'createaccount' => 'Used on the submit button in the form where you register a new account.',
490 -'gotaccount' => 'A message shown in the account creation form. $1 is a link to the log in form, and the text of it is "[[MediaWiki:Gotaccountlink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:gotaccountlink}}]]".',
491 -'gotaccountlink' => 'Text of the link to the log in form. Before that link, the message [[MediaWiki:Gotaccount/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] appears.
 489+'nologin' => 'A message shown in the log in form. $1 is a link to the account creation form, and the text of it is "[[MediaWiki:Nologinlink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:nologinlink}}]]".',
 490+'nologinlink' => 'Text of the link to the account creation form. Before that link, the message [[MediaWiki:Nologin/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] appears.',
 491+'createaccount' => 'Used on the submit button in the form where you register a new account.',
 492+'gotaccount' => 'A message shown in the account creation form. $1 is a link to the log in form, and the text of it is "[[MediaWiki:Gotaccountlink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:gotaccountlink}}]]".',
 493+'gotaccountlink' => 'Text of the link to the log in form. Before that link, the message [[MediaWiki:Gotaccount/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] appears.
493495 {{Identical|Log in}}',
494 -'youremail' => '{{Identical|E-mail}}',
495 -'username' => '{{Identical|Username}}',
496 -'uid' => '{{Identical|User ID}}',
497 -'prefs-memberingroups' => 'This message is shown on [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, where it is follwed by a colon.',
498 -'yourrealname' => '{{Identical|Real name}}',
499 -'yourlanguage' => '{{Identical|Language}}',
500 -'yournick' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
501 -'badsig' => 'Error message displayed when entering invalid signature in user preferences',
502 -'badsiglength' => 'Warning message that is displayed on [[Special:Preferences]] when trying to save a signature that is too long. Parameter $1 is the maximum number of characters that is allowed in a signature (multi-byte characters are counted as one character).',
503 -'email' => '{{Identical|E-mail}}',
504 -'prefs-help-realname' => 'In user preferences.',
505 -'prefs-help-email' => 'Shown as explanation text on [[Special:Preferences]].',
506 -'nocookiesnew' => "This message is displayed when a new account was successfully created, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.",
507 -'nocookieslogin' => "This message is displayed when someone tried to login, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.",
508 -'loginsuccesstitle' => 'The title of the page saying that you are logged in. The content of the page is the message "[[MediaWiki:Loginsuccess/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]".',
509 -'loginsuccess' => 'The content of the page saying that you are logged in. The title of the page is "[[MediaWiki:Loginsuccesstitle/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:loginsuccesstitle}}]]". $1 is the name of the logged in user.',
510 -'nosuchuser' => 'Displayed when trying to log in with an unexisting username. When you are not allowed to create an account, the message {{msg|nosuchusershort}} is displayed.',
511 -'nosuchusershort' => "Displayed when trying to log in with an unexisting username. This message is only shown when you can't create an account, otherwise the message {{msg|nosuchusershort}} is displayed.",
512 -'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Error message displayed when entering a blank password',
513 -'passwordtooshort' => 'This message is shown at
 496+'youremail' => '{{Identical|E-mail}}',
 497+'username' => '{{Identical|Username}}',
 498+'uid' => '{{Identical|User ID}}',
 499+'prefs-memberingroups' => 'This message is shown on [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, where it is follwed by a colon.',
 500+'yourrealname' => '{{Identical|Real name}}',
 501+'yourlanguage' => '{{Identical|Language}}',
 502+'yournick' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 503+'badsig' => 'Error message displayed when entering invalid signature in user preferences',
 504+'badsiglength' => 'Warning message that is displayed on [[Special:Preferences]] when trying to save a signature that is too long. Parameter $1 is the maximum number of characters that is allowed in a signature (multi-byte characters are counted as one character).',
 505+'email' => '{{Identical|E-mail}}',
 506+'prefs-help-realname' => 'In user preferences.',
 507+'prefs-help-email' => 'Shown as explanation text on [[Special:Preferences]].',
 508+'nocookiesnew' => "This message is displayed when a new account was successfully created, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.",
 509+'nocookieslogin' => "This message is displayed when someone tried to login, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.",
 510+'loginsuccesstitle' => 'The title of the page saying that you are logged in. The content of the page is the message "[[MediaWiki:Loginsuccess/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]".',
 511+'loginsuccess' => 'The content of the page saying that you are logged in. The title of the page is "[[MediaWiki:Loginsuccesstitle/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:loginsuccesstitle}}]]". $1 is the name of the logged in user.',
 512+'nosuchuser' => 'Displayed when trying to log in with an unexisting username. When you are not allowed to create an account, the message {{msg|nosuchusershort}} is displayed.',
 513+'nosuchusershort' => "Displayed when trying to log in with an unexisting username. This message is only shown when you can't create an account, otherwise the message {{msg|nosuchusershort}} is displayed.",
 514+'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Error message displayed when entering a blank password',
 515+'passwordtooshort' => 'This message is shown at
515517 * [[Special:Preferences]]
516518 * [[Special:CreateAccount]]
518520 $1 is the minimum number of characters in the password.',
519 -'mailmypassword' => 'Shown at [[Special:UserLogin]]',
520 -'passwordremindertitle' => 'Title of e-mail which contains temporary password',
521 -'passwordremindertext' => 'This text is used in an e-mail sent when a user requests a new temporary password (he has forgotten his password) or when an sysop creates a new user account choosing to have password and username sent to the new user by e-mail.
 521+'mailmypassword' => 'Shown at [[Special:UserLogin]]',
 522+'passwordremindertitle' => 'Title of e-mail which contains temporary password',
 523+'passwordremindertext' => 'This text is used in an e-mail sent when a user requests a new temporary password (he has forgotten his password) or when an sysop creates a new user account choosing to have password and username sent to the new user by e-mail.
522524 * $1 is an IP addres. Example:
523525 * $2 is a username. Example: Joe
524526 * $3 is a password. Example: er##@fdas!
525527 * $4 is a URL. Example: http://wiki.example.com
526528 * $5 is a number of days in which the temporary password will expire',
527 -'noemail' => 'Shown as error message when trying to register a user sending password to e-mail adress and no e-mail address has been given. Registering users and sending a password to an e-mail address may require non-standard user rights. ([http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup Register user link])',
 529+'noemail' => 'Shown as error message when trying to register a user sending password to e-mail adress and no e-mail address has been given. Registering users and sending a password to an e-mail address may require non-standard user rights. ([http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup Register user link])',
528530 'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Errormessage at [[Special:CreateAccount]].',
529 -'emailauthenticated' => 'In user preferences. ([[Special:Preferences]])
 531+'emailauthenticated' => 'In user preferences. ([[Special:Preferences]])
531533 * $1: obsolete, date and time
532534 * $2: date
533535 * $3: time',
534 -'invalidemailaddress' => 'Shown as a warning when written an invalid e-mail adress in [[Special:Preferences]] and {{fullurl:Special:UserLogin|type=signup}} page',
535 -'createaccount-title' => 'This is the subject of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] if the button "by e-mail" is clicked.',
536 -'createaccount-text' => 'This text is sent as an e-mail to the e-mail address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] if the button "by e-mail" is clicked.
 536+'invalidemailaddress' => 'Shown as a warning when written an invalid e-mail adress in [[Special:Preferences]] and {{fullurl:Special:UserLogin|type=signup}} page',
 537+'createaccount-title' => 'This is the subject of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] if the button "by e-mail" is clicked.',
 538+'createaccount-text' => 'This text is sent as an e-mail to the e-mail address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] if the button "by e-mail" is clicked.
538540 *Parameter $2 is the name entered as username.
539541 *Parameter $3 is a password (randomly generated).
540542 *Parameter $4 is a URL to the wiki',
541 -'login-throttled' => 'Error message shown at [[Special:UserLogin]] after 5 wrong passwords. The hardcoded waiting time is 300 seconds.',
 543+'login-throttled' => 'Error message shown at [[Special:UserLogin]] after 5 wrong passwords. The hardcoded waiting time is 300 seconds.',
543545 # Password reset dialog
544 -'resetpass' => 'The caption of [[Special:Resetpass]]',
545 -'resetpass_header' => '{{Identical|Reset password}}',
546 -'oldpassword' => "Used on the 'User profile' tab of 'my preferences'. This is the text next to an entry box for the old password in the 'change password' section.",
547 -'newpassword' => '{{Identical|New password}}',
548 -'retypenew' => "Appears on the 'User profile' tab of the 'Preferences' special page in the 'Change password' section. It appears next to the text box for entering the new password a second time.",
 546+'resetpass' => 'The caption of [[Special:Resetpass]]',
 547+'resetpass_header' => '{{Identical|Reset password}}',
 548+'oldpassword' => "Used on the 'User profile' tab of 'my preferences'. This is the text next to an entry box for the old password in the 'change password' section.",
 549+'newpassword' => '{{Identical|New password}}',
 550+'retypenew' => "Appears on the 'User profile' tab of the 'Preferences' special page in the 'Change password' section. It appears next to the text box for entering the new password a second time.",
549551 'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => 'Button on [[Special:ResetPass]] to submit new password.',
550 -'resetpass-wrong-oldpass' => 'Error message shown on [[Special:Resetpass]] when the old password is not valid.',
551 -'resetpass-temp-password' => 'The label of the input box for the temporary password (received by e-mail) on the form displayed after logging in with a temporary password.',
 552+'resetpass-wrong-oldpass' => 'Error message shown on [[Special:Resetpass]] when the old password is not valid.',
 553+'resetpass-temp-password' => 'The label of the input box for the temporary password (received by e-mail) on the form displayed after logging in with a temporary password.',
553555 # Edit page toolbar
554 -'bold_sample' => 'This is the sample text that you get when you press the first button on the left on the edit toolbar.
 556+'bold_sample' => 'This is the sample text that you get when you press the first button on the left on the edit toolbar.
556558 {{Identical|Bold text}}',
557 -'bold_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the left of the edit toolbar.
 559+'bold_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the left of the edit toolbar.
559561 {{Identical|Bold text}}',
560 -'italic_sample' => 'The sample text that you get when you press the second button from the left on the edit toolbar.
 562+'italic_sample' => 'The sample text that you get when you press the second button from the left on the edit toolbar.
562564 {{Identical|Italic text}}',
563 -'italic_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second button from the left on the edit toolbar.
 565+'italic_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second button from the left on the edit toolbar.
565567 {{Identical|Italic text}}',
566 -'link_sample' => 'This is the default text in the internal link that is created when you press the third button from the left on the edit toolbar (the "Ab" icon).',
567 -'link_tip' => 'Tip for internal links',
568 -'extlink_sample' => 'This message appears when clicking on the fourth button of the edit toolbar. You can translate "link title". Because many of the localisations had urls that went to domains reserved for advertising, it is recommended that the link is left as-is. All customised links were replaced with the standard one, that is reserved in the standard and will never have adds or something.',
569 -'extlink_tip' => 'This is the tip that appears when you hover the mouse over the fourth button from the left on the edit toolbar.',
 568+'link_sample' => 'This is the default text in the internal link that is created when you press the third button from the left on the edit toolbar (the "Ab" icon).',
 569+'link_tip' => 'Tip for internal links',
 570+'extlink_sample' => 'This message appears when clicking on the fourth button of the edit toolbar. You can translate "link title". Because many of the localisations had urls that went to domains reserved for advertising, it is recommended that the link is left as-is. All customised links were replaced with the standard one, that is reserved in the standard and will never have adds or something.',
 571+'extlink_tip' => 'This is the tip that appears when you hover the mouse over the fourth button from the left on the edit toolbar.',
570572 'headline_sample' => 'Sample of headline text.',
571 -'headline_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the left on the edit toolbar.',
572 -'math_sample' => 'The sample formula text that you get when you press the fourth button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
573 -'math_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fourth button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
574 -'nowiki_sample' => 'Text inserted between nowiki tags',
575 -'nowiki_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the third button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
576 -'image_sample' => 'Used in text generated by Picture button in toolbar',
577 -'image_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the sixth (middle) button on the edit toolbar',
578 -'media_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the right in the edit toolbar.',
579 -'sig_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second key from the right on the edit toolbar.',
580 -'hr_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the right on the edit toolbar.',
 573+'headline_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the left on the edit toolbar.',
 574+'math_sample' => 'The sample formula text that you get when you press the fourth button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
 575+'math_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fourth button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
 576+'nowiki_sample' => 'Text inserted between nowiki tags',
 577+'nowiki_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the third button from the right on the edit toolbar.',
 578+'image_sample' => 'Used in text generated by Picture button in toolbar',
 579+'image_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the sixth (middle) button on the edit toolbar',
 580+'media_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the right in the edit toolbar.',
 581+'sig_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second key from the right on the edit toolbar.',
 582+'hr_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the right on the edit toolbar.',
582584 # Edit pages
583 -'summary' => 'The Summary text beside the edit summary field
 585+'summary' => 'The Summary text beside the edit summary field
585587 {{Identical|Summary}}',
586 -'minoredit' => 'Text above Save page button in editor',
587 -'watchthis' => 'Text above Show preview button in editor
 588+'minoredit' => 'Text above Save page button in editor',
 589+'watchthis' => 'Text above Show preview button in editor
589591 {{Identical|Watch this page}}',
590 -'savearticle' => 'Text on the Save page button. See also {{msg|showpreview}} and {{msg|showdiff}} for the other buttons.',
591 -'preview' => 'The title of the Preview page shown after clicking the "Show preview" button in the edit page. Since this is a heading, it should probably be translated as a noun and not as a verb.
 592+'savearticle' => 'Text on the Save page button. See also {{msg|showpreview}} and {{msg|showdiff}} for the other buttons.',
 593+'preview' => 'The title of the Preview page shown after clicking the "Show preview" button in the edit page. Since this is a heading, it should probably be translated as a noun and not as a verb.
593595 {{Identical|Preview}}',
594 -'showpreview' => 'The text of the button to preview the page you are editing. See also {{msg|showdiff}} and {{msg|savearticle}} for the other buttons.',
595 -'showdiff' => 'Button below the edit page. See also {{msg|showpreview}} and {{msg|savearticle}} for the other buttons.',
596 -'anoneditwarning' => 'Shown when editing a page anonymously.',
597 -'summary-preview' => 'Preview of the edit summary, shown under the edit summary itself.',
598 -'blockedtext' => 'Text displayed to blocked users',
599 -'autoblockedtext' => 'Text displayed to automatically blocked users.
 596+'showpreview' => 'The text of the button to preview the page you are editing. See also {{msg|showdiff}} and {{msg|savearticle}} for the other buttons.',
 597+'showdiff' => 'Button below the edit page. See also {{msg|showpreview}} and {{msg|savearticle}} for the other buttons.',
 598+'anoneditwarning' => 'Shown when editing a page anonymously.',
 599+'summary-preview' => 'Preview of the edit summary, shown under the edit summary itself.',
 600+'blockedtext' => 'Text displayed to blocked users',
 601+'autoblockedtext' => 'Text displayed to automatically blocked users.
601603 Parameters:
602604 * <tt>$1</tt> is the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)
@@ -606,89 +608,89 @@
607609 * <tt>$6</tt> is the expiry of the block
608610 * <tt>$7</tt> is the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)
609611 * <tt>$8</tt> is the timestamp when the block started',
610 -'blockednoreason' => '{{Identical|No reason given}}',
611 -'whitelistedittext' => '* $1: link to Special:UserLogin with {{msg|loginreqlink}} as link description',
612 -'nosuchsectiontext' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to edit a section that does not exist.
 612+'blockednoreason' => '{{Identical|No reason given}}',
 613+'whitelistedittext' => '* $1: link to Special:UserLogin with {{msg|loginreqlink}} as link description',
 614+'nosuchsectiontext' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to edit a section that does not exist.
614616 Parameter $1 is the content of section parameter in the URL (for example 1234 in the URL http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Sandbox&action=edit&section=1234)',
615 -'loginreqlink' => 'Take a look on inflection. Used as parameter in {{msg|loginreqpagetext}} and {{msg|whitelistedittext}}.
 617+'loginreqlink' => 'Take a look on inflection. Used as parameter in {{msg|loginreqpagetext}} and {{msg|whitelistedittext}}.
617619 {{Identical|Log in}}',
618 -'newarticle' => '{{Identical|New}}',
619 -'newarticletext' => "Text displayed above the edit box in editor when trying to create a new page.<br />'''Very important:''' leave <tt><nowiki>{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}</nowiki></tt> exactly as it is!",
620 -'noarticletext' => 'This is the message that you get if you search for a term that has not yet got any entries on the wiki.',
621 -'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit or create a page or a subpage that belongs to a user who is not registered on the wiki',
622 -'clearyourcache' => 'Text displayed at the bottom in user preferences',
623 -'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => 'Text displayed on every css/js page',
624 -'updated' => '{{Identical|Updated}}',
625 -'previewnote' => 'Note displayed when clicking on Show preview',
626 -'editing' => "Shown as page title when editing a page. \$1 is the name of the page that is being edited. Example: \"''Editing Main Page''\".",
627 -'editingsection' => 'The variable $1 is the page name. This message displays at the top of the page when a user is editing a page section.',
628 -'yourdiff' => '{{Identical|Differences}}',
629 -'copyrightwarning' => 'Copyright warning displayed under the edit box in editor',
630 -'longpagewarning' => 'Warning displayed when trying to edit a long page',
631 -'longpageerror' => 'Warning displayed when trying to save a text larger than the maximum size allowed',
632 -'titleprotectedwarning' => 'Warning message above the edit form when editing a page that has been protected aginst creation.',
633 -'templatesused' => 'Displayed below the page when editing it. It indicates a list of templates which are used on that page.',
634 -'templatesusedpreview' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview.',
635 -'templatesusedsection' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview.',
636 -'template-protected' => '{{Identical|Protected}}',
637 -'template-semiprotected' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Appears in brackets after listed page titles which are semi-protected.',
638 -'hiddencategories' => "This message is shown below the edit form, like you have a section ''\"Templates used on this page\"''.",
639 -'edittools' => 'This text will be shown below edit and upload forms. It can be used to offer special characters not present on most keyboards for copying/pasting, and also often makes them clickable for insertion via a javascript. Since these are seen as specific to a wiki, however, this message should not contain anything but an html comment explaining how it should be used once the wiki has been installed.',
 620+'newarticle' => '{{Identical|New}}',
 621+'newarticletext' => "Text displayed above the edit box in editor when trying to create a new page.<br />'''Very important:''' leave <tt><nowiki>{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}</nowiki></tt> exactly as it is!",
 622+'noarticletext' => 'This is the message that you get if you search for a term that has not yet got any entries on the wiki.',
 623+'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit or create a page or a subpage that belongs to a user who is not registered on the wiki',
 624+'clearyourcache' => 'Text displayed at the bottom in user preferences',
 625+'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => 'Text displayed on every css/js page',
 626+'updated' => '{{Identical|Updated}}',
 627+'previewnote' => 'Note displayed when clicking on Show preview',
 628+'editing' => "Shown as page title when editing a page. \$1 is the name of the page that is being edited. Example: \"''Editing Main Page''\".",
 629+'editingsection' => 'The variable $1 is the page name. This message displays at the top of the page when a user is editing a page section.',
 630+'yourdiff' => '{{Identical|Differences}}',
 631+'copyrightwarning' => 'Copyright warning displayed under the edit box in editor',
 632+'longpagewarning' => 'Warning displayed when trying to edit a long page',
 633+'longpageerror' => 'Warning displayed when trying to save a text larger than the maximum size allowed',
 634+'titleprotectedwarning' => 'Warning message above the edit form when editing a page that has been protected aginst creation.',
 635+'templatesused' => 'Displayed below the page when editing it. It indicates a list of templates which are used on that page.',
 636+'templatesusedpreview' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview.',
 637+'templatesusedsection' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview.',
 638+'template-protected' => '{{Identical|Protected}}',
 639+'template-semiprotected' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Appears in brackets after listed page titles which are semi-protected.',
 640+'hiddencategories' => "This message is shown below the edit form, like you have a section ''\"Templates used on this page\"''.",
 641+'edittools' => 'This text will be shown below edit and upload forms. It can be used to offer special characters not present on most keyboards for copying/pasting, and also often makes them clickable for insertion via a javascript. Since these are seen as specific to a wiki, however, this message should not contain anything but an html comment explaining how it should be used once the wiki has been installed.',
640642 'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => '* $1 is the number of reasons that were found why the action cannot be performed.
641643 * $2 is one of the action-* messages (for example {{msg|action-edit}}).
643645 Please report at [[Support]] if you are unable to properly translate this message. Also see [[bugzilla:14246]]',
644 -'recreate-deleted-warn' => 'Warning shown when creating a page which has already been deleted. See for example [[Test]].',
645 -'deleted-notice' => 'Shown on top of a deleted page in normal view modus ([http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Test example]).',
 646+'recreate-deleted-warn' => 'Warning shown when creating a page which has already been deleted. See for example [[Test]].',
 647+'deleted-notice' => 'Shown on top of a deleted page in normal view modus ([http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Test example]).',
647649 # Parser/template warnings
648 -'expensive-parserfunction-warning' => 'On some (expensive) [[MetaWikipedia:Help:ParserFunctions|parser functions]] (e.g. <code><nowiki>{{#ifexist:}}</nowiki></code>) there is a limit of how many times it may be used. This is an error message shown when the limit is exceeded.
 650+'expensive-parserfunction-warning' => 'On some (expensive) [[MetaWikipedia:Help:ParserFunctions|parser functions]] (e.g. <code><nowiki>{{#ifexist:}}</nowiki></code>) there is a limit of how many times it may be used. This is an error message shown when the limit is exceeded.
650652 * $1 is the current number of parser function calls.
651653 * $2 is the allowed number of parser function calls.',
652 -'expensive-parserfunction-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a category where pages are placed automatically if they contain too many calls to expensive parser functions.',
 654+'expensive-parserfunction-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a category where pages are placed automatically if they contain too many calls to expensive parser functions.',
653655 'post-expand-template-inclusion-category' => 'When templates are expanded, there is a size limit for the number of bytes yielded. Usually that occurs from excessively nested templates, recursive templates, or ones having x-zillion of #if #case or similar contructs in them. When the wikicode parser detects this, it outputs a red warning message to the page.',
655657 # "Undo" feature
656658 'undo-success' => '{{Identical|Undo}}',
657659 'undo-failure' => '{{Identical|Undo}}',
658 -'undo-norev' => '{{Identical|Undo}}',
 660+'undo-norev' => '{{Identical|Undo}}',
659661 'undo-summary' => '{{Identical|Undo}}',
661663 # History pages
662 -'viewpagelogs' => 'Link displayed in history of pages',
663 -'currentrev' => '{{Identical|Current revision}}',
664 -'currentrev-asof' => 'The text appears at the right side when comparing 2 different edits of the same page. For example: [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=FreeCol%3AIntegerAboveZero%2Fca&diff=788645&oldid=788644]',
665 -'revisionasof' => "Used on a difference page when comparing different versions of a page or when viewing an non-current version of a page. \$1 is the date/time at which the revision was created. Example: \"''Revision as of 14:44, 24 January 2008''\".",
666 -'revision-info' => 'Appears just below the page title when an old version of the page is being viewed.
 664+'viewpagelogs' => 'Link displayed in history of pages',
 665+'currentrev' => '{{Identical|Current revision}}',
 666+'currentrev-asof' => 'The text appears at the right side when comparing 2 different edits of the same page. For example: [http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=FreeCol%3AIntegerAboveZero%2Fca&diff=788645&oldid=788644]',
 667+'revisionasof' => "Used on a difference page when comparing different versions of a page or when viewing an non-current version of a page. \$1 is the date/time at which the revision was created. Example: \"''Revision as of 14:44, 24 January 2008''\".",
 668+'revision-info' => 'Appears just below the page title when an old version of the page is being viewed.
668670 * $1 indicates the time of that revision and
669671 * $2 the author of the revision
670 -* (optional) $3 is the revision ID',
671 -'currentrevisionlink' => '{{Identical|Current revision}}',
672 -'cur' => 'Link in page history',
673 -'next' => 'Link in page history
 672+* (optional) $3 is the revision ID', # Additionally available: $3: revision id
 673+'currentrevisionlink' => '{{Identical|Current revision}}',
 674+'cur' => 'Link in page history',
 675+'next' => 'Link in page history
675677 {{Identical|Next}}',
676 -'last' => 'Link in page history
 678+'last' => 'Link in page history
678680 {{Identical|Last}}',
679 -'page_first' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the 'Categories' special page. It is followed by the message [[Mediawiki:viewprevnext]].
 681+'page_first' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the 'Categories' special page. It is followed by the message [[Mediawiki:viewprevnext]].
681683 first",
682 -'page_last' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the 'Categories' special page. It is followed by the message [[Mediawiki:viewprevnext]].
 684+'page_last' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the 'Categories' special page. It is followed by the message [[Mediawiki:viewprevnext]].
684686 {{Identical|Last}}",
685 -'histlegend' => 'Text in history page. Refers to {{msg-mw|cur}}, {{msg-mw|last}}, and {{msg-mw|minoreditletter}}.',
 687+'histlegend' => 'Text in history page. Refers to {{msg-mw|cur}}, {{msg-mw|last}}, and {{msg-mw|minoreditletter}}.',
686688 'history-fieldset-title' => 'Fieldset label in the edit history pages.',
687 -'deletedrev' => 'When comparing deleted revisions for sysops
 689+'deletedrev' => 'When comparing deleted revisions for sysops
689691 {{Identical|Deleted}}',
690 -'histfirst' => 'Used in page history.',
691 -'histlast' => 'Used in page history.',
692 -'historyempty' => 'Text in page history for empty page revisions
 692+'histfirst' => 'Used in page history.',
 693+'histlast' => 'Used in page history.',
 694+'historyempty' => 'Text in page history for empty page revisions
694696 {{Identical|Empty}}',
@@ -697,63 +699,63 @@
699701 '''$1''' - user name
701 -'''$2''' - date/time",
 703+'''$2''' - date/time", # user at time
703705 # Revision deletion
704 -'rev-delundel' => 'Link in page history for oversight',
705 -'revisiondelete' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
 706+'rev-delundel' => 'Link in page history for oversight',
 707+'revisiondelete' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
706708 It is the page title of [[Special:RevisionDelete]].',
707 -'revdelete-nooldid-title' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
708 -'revdelete-nooldid-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
709 -'revdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
710 -'logdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
711 -'revdelete-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
 709+'revdelete-nooldid-title' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 710+'revdelete-nooldid-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 711+'revdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 712+'logdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 713+'revdelete-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
712714 This is the introduction explaining the feature.',
713 -'revdelete-legend' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
714 -'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Option for oversight',
715 -'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Option for oversight',
716 -'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Option for oversight',
717 -'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Option for oversight',
 715+'revdelete-legend' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 716+'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Option for oversight',
 717+'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Option for oversight',
 718+'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Option for oversight',
 719+'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Option for oversight',
718720 'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Option for oversight.',
719 -'revdelete-suppress' => 'Option for oversight',
720 -'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Option for <del>oversight</del> [[:mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.',
721 -'revdelete-unsuppress' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
722 -'revdelete-log' => 'Log comment text for oversight
 721+'revdelete-suppress' => 'Option for oversight',
 722+'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Option for <del>oversight</del> [[:mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.',
 723+'revdelete-unsuppress' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 724+'revdelete-log' => 'Log comment text for oversight
724726 {{Identical|Log comment}}',
725 -'revdelete-submit' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
 727+'revdelete-submit' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
726728 This is the submit button on [[Special:RevisionDelete]].',
727 -'revdelete-logentry' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
 729+'revdelete-logentry' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
728730 This is the message for the log entry in [[Special:Log/delete]] when changing visibility restrictions for page revisions. It is followed by the message {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} in brackets.
730732 The parameter $1 is the page name.',
731 -'logdelete-logentry' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
 733+'logdelete-logentry' => '{{RevisionDelete}}
732734 This is the message for the log entry in [[Special:Log/delete]] when changing visibility restrictions for log events. It is followed by the message {{msg|logdelete-log-message}} in brackets.
734736 The parameter $1 is the log name in brackets.',
735 -'revdelete-success' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
736 -'logdelete-success' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
737 -'revdel-restore' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
738 -'revdelete-content' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the content of a revision or event.',
739 -'revdelete-summary' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the edit summary of a revision or event.',
740 -'revdelete-uname' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the username for a revision or event.
 737+'revdelete-success' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 738+'logdelete-success' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 739+'revdel-restore' => '{{RevisionDelete}}',
 740+'revdelete-content' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the content of a revision or event.',
 741+'revdelete-summary' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the edit summary of a revision or event.',
 742+'revdelete-uname' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-hid}} and {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} when hiding or unhiding the username for a revision or event.
742744 {{Identical|Username}}',
743 -'revdelete-restricted' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when setting visibility restrictions for administrators.',
744 -'revdelete-unrestricted' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when removing visibility restrictions for administrators.',
745 -'revdelete-hid' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when hiding revisions, and {{msg|logdelete-log-message}} when hiding information in the log entry about hiding revisions.
 745+'revdelete-restricted' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when setting visibility restrictions for administrators.',
 746+'revdelete-unrestricted' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when removing visibility restrictions for administrators.',
 747+'revdelete-hid' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when hiding revisions, and {{msg|logdelete-log-message}} when hiding information in the log entry about hiding revisions.
747749 Parameter $1 is either {{msg|revdelete-content}} (when hiding the page content), {{msg|revdelete-summary}} (when hiding the edit summary), {{msg|revdelete-uname}} (when hiding the user name), or a combination of these three messages.',
748 -'revdelete-unhid' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when unhiding revisions, and {{msg|logdelete-log-message}} when unhiding information in the log entry about unhiding revisions.
 750+'revdelete-unhid' => 'This message is used as parameter $1 in {{msg|revdelete-log-message}} when unhiding revisions, and {{msg|logdelete-log-message}} when unhiding information in the log entry about unhiding revisions.
750752 Parameter $1 is either {{msg|revdelete-content}} (when unhiding the page content), {{msg|revdelete-summary}} (when unhiding the edit summary), {{msg|revdelete-uname}} (when unhiding the user name), or a combination of these three messages.',
751 -'revdelete-log-message' => 'This log message is used together with {{msg|revdelete-logentry}} in the deletion or suppression logs when changing visibility restrictions for page revisions.
 753+'revdelete-log-message' => 'This log message is used together with {{msg|revdelete-logentry}} in the deletion or suppression logs when changing visibility restrictions for page revisions.
753755 *Parameter $1 is either {{msg|revdelete-hid}} (when hiding data), {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} (when unhiding data), {{msg|revdelete-restricted}} (when applying restrictions for sysops), {{msg|revdelete-unrestricted}} (when removing restrictions for sysops), or a combination of those messages.
754756 *Parameter $2 is the number of revisions for which the restrictions are changed.
756758 Please note that the parameters in a log entry will appear in the log only in the default language of the wiki. View [[Special:Log]] for examples on Betawiki with English default language.',
757 -'logdelete-log-message' => 'This log message appears in brackets after the message {{msg|logdelete-logentry}} in the deletion or suppression logs when changing the visibility of a log entry for events. For a brief description of the process of changing the visibility of events and their log entries see this [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RevisionDelete mediawiki explanation].
 759+'logdelete-log-message' => 'This log message appears in brackets after the message {{msg|logdelete-logentry}} in the deletion or suppression logs when changing the visibility of a log entry for events. For a brief description of the process of changing the visibility of events and their log entries see this [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RevisionDelete mediawiki explanation].
759761 *Parameter $1 is either {{msg|revdelete-hid}} (when hiding data), {{msg|revdelete-unhid}} (when unhiding data), {{msg|revdelete-restricted}} (when applying restrictions for sysops), {{msg|revdelete-unrestricted}} (when removing restrictions for sysops), or a combination of those messages.
760762 *Parameter $2 is the number of events for which the restrictions are changed.
@@ -761,15 +763,15 @@
762764 Please note that the parameters in a log entry will appear in the log only in the default language of the wiki. View [[Special:Log]] for examples on Betawiki with English default language.',
764766 # Suppression log
765 -'suppressionlog' => 'Title of the suppression log. Shown in the drop down menu at [[Special:log]] and as header of [[Special:log/suppress]].',
 767+'suppressionlog' => 'Title of the suppression log. Shown in the drop down menu at [[Special:log]] and as header of [[Special:log/suppress]].',
766768 'suppressionlogtext' => 'Description text of the suppression log. Shown at top of of [[Special:log/suppress]].',
768770 # History merging
769 -'mergehistory-autocomment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote no comment.
 771+'mergehistory-autocomment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote no comment.
771773 *Parameter $1 is the name of the redirect page which is created
772774 *Parameter $2 is the target of the redirect',
773 -'mergehistory-comment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote a comment.
 775+'mergehistory-comment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote a comment.
775777 *Parameter $1 is the name of the redirect page which is created
776778 *Parameter $2 is the target of the redirect
@@ -780,318 +782,321 @@
781783 'mergelog' => 'This is the name of a log of merge actions done on [[Special:MergeHistory]]. This special page and this log is not enabled by default.',
783785 # Diffs
784 -'history-title' => 'Displayed as page title when you click on the "history" tab. The parameter $1 is the normal page title.',
785 -'difference' => 'Displayed under the title when viewing the difference between two or more edits.',
786 -'lineno' => 'Message used when comparing different versions of a page (diff). $1 is a line number.',
 786+'history-title' => 'Displayed as page title when you click on the "history" tab. The parameter $1 is the normal page title.',
 787+'difference' => 'Displayed under the title when viewing the difference between two or more edits.',
 788+'lineno' => 'Message used when comparing different versions of a page (diff). $1 is a line number.',
787789 'compareselectedversions' => 'Used as button in history pages.',
788 -'visualcomparison' => '{{Identical|Visual comparison}}',
789 -'editundo' => 'Undo link when viewing diffs
 790+'visualcomparison' => '{{Identical|Visual comparison}}',
 791+'editundo' => 'Undo link when viewing diffs
790792 {{Identical|Undo}}',
791 -'diff-multi' => "This message appears in the revision history of a page when comparing two versions which aren't consecutive.",
792 -'diff-src' => '{{Identical|Source}}',
793 -'diff-with' => '* "<code><nowiki>&amp;#32;</nowiki></code>" is a forced space; leave it in if your language uses spaces
 793+'diff-multi' => "This message appears in the revision history of a page when comparing two versions which aren't consecutive.",
 794+'diff-src' => '{{Identical|Source}}',
 795+'diff-with' => '* "<code><nowiki>&amp;#32;</nowiki></code>" is a forced space; leave it in if your language uses spaces
794796 * $1 is a name of a HTML attribute (for example <code>style</code> or <code>class</code>)
795797 * $2 is the value of the attribute (for example <code>background:red;</code> in <code>style="background:red;"</code>)
796798 Used in conjunction with {{msg-mw|diff-with-additional}} and {{msg-mw|diff-with-final}} in the head position before a {{msg-mw|comma-separator}} separated list.',
797 -'diff-with-additional' => '* $1 is a name of a HTML attribute (for example <code>style</code> or <code>class</code>)
 799+'diff-with-additional' => '* $1 is a name of a HTML attribute (for example <code>style</code> or <code>class</code>)
798800 * $2 is the value of the attribute (for example <code>background:red;</code> in <code>style="background:red;"</code>)
799801 Used, possibly repeatedly, in a {{msg-mw|comma-separator}} separated list after {{msg-mw|diff-with}} and before {{msg-mw|diff-with-final}}.',
800 -'diff-with-final' => '* "<code><nowiki>&amp;#32;</nowiki></code>" is a forced space; leave it in if your language uses spaces
 802+'diff-with-final' => '* "<code><nowiki>&amp;#32;</nowiki></code>" is a forced space; leave it in if your language uses spaces
801803 * $1 is a name of a HTML attribute (for example <code>style</code> or <code>class</code>)
802804 * $2 is the value of the attribute (for example <code>background:red;</code> in <code>style="background:red;"</code>)
803805 Used in the final position of a {{msg-mw|comma-separator}} separated list headed by {{msg-mw|diff-with}} followed by zero or more repetitions of {{msg-mw|diff-with-additional}}.',
804 -'diff-width' => '{{Identical|Width}}',
805 -'diff-height' => '{{Identical|Height}}',
 806+'diff-width' => '{{Identical|Width}}',
 807+'diff-height' => '{{Identical|Height}}',
807809 # Search results
808 -'searchresults-title' => 'Appears as page title in the html header of the search result special page.',
809 -'noexactmatch' => 'This is the message that you get if you follow a link to a page or article that does not exist.',
810 -'notitlematches' => 'Header of results page after a search for a title for which no page exists',
811 -'textmatches' => 'When displaying search results',
812 -'notextmatches' => 'Error message when there are no results',
813 -'prevn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the 'Special:Categories' page), where it is used as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
 810+'searchresults-title' => 'Appears as page title in the html header of the search result special page.',
 811+'noexactmatch' => 'This is the message that you get if you follow a link to a page or article that does not exist.',
 812+'notitlematches' => 'Header of results page after a search for a title for which no page exists',
 813+'textmatches' => 'When displaying search results',
 814+'notextmatches' => 'Error message when there are no results',
 815+'prevn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the 'Special:Categories' page), where it is used as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
814816 It is also used by Category pages (which do ''not'' use [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
815817 $1 is the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one.
816818 Whatlinkshere pages use [[MediaWiki:Whatlinkshere-prev]] instead (still as an argument to [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
818820 {{Identical|Previous}}",
819 -'nextn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the 'Special:Categories' page), where it is used as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
 821+'nextn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the 'Special:Categories' page), where it is used as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
820822 It is also used by Category pages (which do ''not'' use [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
821823 $1 is the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one.
822824 Whatlinkshere pages use [[MediaWiki:Whatlinkshere-next]] instead (still as an argument to [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
824826 {{Identical|Next $1}}",
825 -'viewprevnext' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things, e.g. the User\'s contributions page (in date order) or the list of all categories (in alphabetical order). ($1) and ($2) are either [[MediaWiki:Pager-older-n]] and [[MediaWiki:Pager-newer-n]] (for date order) or [[MediaWiki:Prevn]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextn]] (for alphabetical order).
 827+'viewprevnext' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things, e.g. the User\'s contributions page (in date order) or the list of all categories (in alphabetical order). ($1) and ($2) are either [[MediaWiki:Pager-older-n]] and [[MediaWiki:Pager-newer-n]] (for date order) or [[MediaWiki:Prevn]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextn]] (for alphabetical order).
826828 It is also used by Whatlinkshere pages, where ($1) and ($2) are [[MediaWiki:Whatlinkshere-prev]] and [[MediaWiki:Whatlinkshere-next]].
827829 ($3) is made up in all cases of the various proposed numbers of results per page, e.g. "(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)".
828830 For Special pages, the navigation bar is prefixed by "([[MediaWiki:Page_first]] | [[MediaWiki:Page_last]])" (alphabetical order) or "([[MediaWiki:Histfirst]] | [[MediaWiki:Histlast]])" (date order).
829831 Viewprevnext is sometimes preceded by the [[MediaWiki:Showingresults]] or [[MediaWiki:Showingresultsnum]] message (for Special pages) or by the [[MediaWiki:Linkshere]] message (for Whatlinkshere pages).',
830 -'searchmenu-exists' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a link to the existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
831 -'searchmenu-new' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a red link to the not yet existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
832 -'searchhelp-url' => '{{Identical|HelpContent}}
 832+'searchmenu-exists' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a link to the existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
 833+'searchmenu-new' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a red link to the not yet existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
 834+'searchhelp-url' => '{{Identical|HelpContent}}
833835 Description: The URL of the search help page.
834836 {{doc-important|Do not change "Help:" part.}}',
835 -'searchprofile-articles' => 'A quick link in the advanced search box on [[Special:Search]]. Clicking on this link starts a search in the content pages of the wiki.',
836 -'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => '{{Identical|Search in $1}}',
837 -'searchprofile-project-tooltip' => '{{Identical|Search in $1}}',
838 -'search-result-size' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]]
 837+'searchprofile-articles' => 'A quick link in the advanced search box on [[Special:Search]]. Clicking on this link starts a search in the content pages of the wiki.
 839+{{Identical|Content page}}',
 840+'searchprofile-articles-and-proj' => '{{Identical|Content page}}',
 841+'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => '{{Identical|Search in $1}}',
 842+'searchprofile-project-tooltip' => '{{Identical|Search in $1}}',
 843+'search-result-size' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]]
839844 * $1 is the size of the page in bytes, but no need to add "byte" or similar as the unit is added by special function.
840845 * $2 is the sum of all words in this page.',
841 -'search-result-score' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]].
 846+'search-result-score' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]].
843848 $1 is the relevance of this result in per cent.
845850 {{Identical|Relevance: $1%}}',
846 -'search-interwiki-default' => '* $1 is the hostname of the remote wiki from where the additional results listed below are returned',
847 -'search-relatedarticle' => '{{Identical|Related}}',
848 -'searchrelated' => '{{Identical|Related}}',
849 -'searchall' => '{{Identical|All}}',
850 -'showingresults' => "This message is used on some special pages such as 'Wanted categories'. $1 is the total number of results in the batch shown and $2 is the number of the first item listed.",
851 -'showingresultsnum' => '$3 is the number of results on the page and $2 is the first number in the batch of results.',
852 -'showingresultstotal' => 'Text above list of search results on special page of search results.
 851+'search-interwiki-default' => '* $1 is the hostname of the remote wiki from where the additional results listed below are returned',
 852+'search-relatedarticle' => '{{Identical|Related}}',
 853+'searchrelated' => '{{Identical|Related}}',
 854+'searchall' => '{{Identical|All}}',
 855+'showingresults' => "This message is used on some special pages such as 'Wanted categories'. $1 is the total number of results in the batch shown and $2 is the number of the first item listed.",
 856+'showingresultsnum' => '$3 is the number of results on the page and $2 is the first number in the batch of results.',
 857+'showingresultstotal' => 'Text above list of search results on special page of search results.
853858 * $1–$2 is the range of results shown on the page
854859 * $3 is the total number of results from the search
855860 * $4 is the number of results shown on the page (equal to the size of the $1–$2 interval)',
856 -'nonefound' => 'This message appears on the search results page if no results are found.
 861+'nonefound' => 'This message appears on the search results page if no results are found.
857862 {{doc-important|Do not translate "all:".}}',
858 -'search-nonefound' => 'Message shown when a search returned no results (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
859 -'powersearch' => 'Verb. Text of search button at the bottom of [[Special:Search]], for searching in selected namespaces.
 863+'search-nonefound' => 'Message shown when a search returned no results (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).',
 864+'powersearch' => 'Verb. Text of search button at the bottom of [[Special:Search]], for searching in selected namespaces.
861866 {{Identical|Advanced search}}',
862 -'powersearch-legend' => 'Advanced search
 867+'powersearch-legend' => 'Advanced search
864869 {{Identical|Advanced search}}',
865 -'powersearch-ns' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
866 -'powersearch-redir' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
867 -'powersearch-field' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
868 -'search-external' => 'Legend of the fieldset for the input form when the internal search is disabled. Inside the fieldset [[MediaWiki:Searchdisabled]] and [[MediaWiki:Googlesearch]] is shown.',
869 -'searchdisabled' => 'Shown on [[Special:Search]] when the internal search is disabled.',
 870+'powersearch-ns' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
 871+'powersearch-redir' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
 872+'powersearch-field' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]',
 873+'search-external' => 'Legend of the fieldset for the input form when the internal search is disabled. Inside the fieldset [[MediaWiki:Searchdisabled]] and [[MediaWiki:Googlesearch]] is shown.',
 874+'searchdisabled' => 'Shown on [[Special:Search]] when the internal search is disabled.',
871876 # Preferences page
872 -'preferences' => '{{Identical|Preferences}}',
873 -'mypreferences' => '{{Identical|My preferences}}',
874 -'prefs-edits' => 'In user preferences.',
875 -'prefsnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
876 -'qbsettings' => 'The title of the section in [[Special:Preferences]], only shown when using the skins "Standard/Classic" or "Cologne Blue". The quicbar is the same as the sidebar.',
877 -'qbsettings-none' => '{{Identical|None}}',
878 -'changepassword' => "Section heading on [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile'.",
879 -'skin' => 'Used in user preferences.',
880 -'skin-preview' => 'The link beside each skin name in [[Special:Preferences|your user preferences]], tab "skin".
 877+'preferences' => '{{Identical|Preferences}}',
 878+'mypreferences' => '{{Identical|My preferences}}',
 879+'prefs-edits' => 'In user preferences.',
 880+'prefsnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
 881+'qbsettings' => 'The title of the section in [[Special:Preferences]], only shown when using the skins "Standard/Classic" or "Cologne Blue". The quicbar is the same as the sidebar.',
 882+'qbsettings-none' => '{{Identical|None}}',
 883+'changepassword' => "Section heading on [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile'.",
 884+'skin' => 'Used in user preferences.',
 885+'skin-preview' => 'The link beside each skin name in [[Special:Preferences|your user preferences]], tab "skin".
882887 {{Identical|Preview}}',
883 -'math' => 'Used in user preferences.',
884 -'datetime' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
885 -'math_syntax_error' => '{{Identical|Syntax error}}',
886 -'prefs-personal' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
887 -'prefs-rc' => 'Used in user preferences.
 888+'math' => 'Used in user preferences.',
 889+'datetime' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
 890+'math_syntax_error' => '{{Identical|Syntax error}}',
 891+'prefs-personal' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 892+'prefs-rc' => 'Used in user preferences.
889894 {{Identical|Recent changes}}',
890 -'prefs-watchlist' => 'Used in user preferences.',
891 -'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".',
892 -'prefs-watchlist-days-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist"',
893 -'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".',
 895+'prefs-watchlist' => 'Used in user preferences.',
 896+'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".',
 897+'prefs-watchlist-days-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist"',
 898+'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".',
894899 'prefs-watchlist-edits-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist"',
895 -'prefs-misc' => 'Used in user preferences.',
896 -'prefs-resetpass' => 'Button on user data tab in user preferences. When you click the button you go to the special page [[Special:ResetPass]].',
897 -'saveprefs' => 'Button for saving changes in the preferences page.
 900+'prefs-misc' => 'Used in user preferences.',
 901+'prefs-resetpass' => 'Button on user data tab in user preferences. When you click the button you go to the special page [[Special:ResetPass]].',
 902+'saveprefs' => 'Button for saving changes in the preferences page.
899904 {{Identical|Save}}',
900 -'resetprefs' => 'Button for resetting changes in the preferences page.',
901 -'restoreprefs' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]]',
902 -'textboxsize' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
903 -'searchresultshead' => 'This is the label of the tab in [[Special:Preferences|my preferences]] which contains options for searching the wiki.
 905+'resetprefs' => 'Button for resetting changes in the preferences page.',
 906+'restoreprefs' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]]',
 907+'textboxsize' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 908+'searchresultshead' => 'This is the label of the tab in [[Special:Preferences|my preferences]] which contains options for searching the wiki.
905910 {{Identical|Search}}',
906 -'stub-threshold' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Misc".',
907 -'recentchangesdays' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".',
908 -'recentchangesdays-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes"',
909 -'recentchangescount' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".',
910 -'savedprefs' => 'This message appears after saving changes to your user preferences.',
911 -'timezonetext' => "Additional explanation given in [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'date and time' with the preference in message ''timezoneoffset''",
912 -'timezoneoffset' => "Text next to input box in [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'date and time', section 'timezone'.",
913 -'allowemail' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "User profile".',
914 -'prefs-searchoptions' => "Shown at the top of the tab 'Search' in [[Special:Preferences]]",
915 -'prefs-namespaces' => "{{Identical|Namespaces}}
 911+'stub-threshold' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Misc".',
 912+'recentchangesdays' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".',
 913+'recentchangesdays-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes"',
 914+'recentchangescount' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".',
 915+'savedprefs' => 'This message appears after saving changes to your user preferences.',
 916+'timezonetext' => "Additional explanation given in [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'date and time' with the preference in message ''timezoneoffset''",
 917+'timezoneoffset' => "Text next to input box in [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'date and time', section 'timezone'.",
 918+'allowemail' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "User profile".',
 919+'prefs-searchoptions' => "Shown at the top of the tab 'Search' in [[Special:Preferences]]",
 920+'prefs-namespaces' => "{{Identical|Namespaces}}
916921 Shown as legend of the second fieldset of the tab 'Search' in [[Special:Preferences]]",
917 -'defaultns' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search".',
918 -'default' => '{{Identical|Default}}',
919 -'files' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
 922+'defaultns' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search".',
 923+'default' => '{{Identical|Default}}',
 924+'files' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]].',
921926 # User rights
922 -'userrights' => 'Page title of [[Special:UserRights]].',
923 -'userrights-lookup-user' => 'Button text when managing user rights',
924 -'userrights-user-editname' => 'Displayed on [[Special:UserRights]].',
925 -'editusergroup' => '{{Identical|Edit user groups}}',
926 -'editinguser' => "Appears on [[Special:UserRights]]. The '''last part''' of the message '''should remain completely untranslated''', but if your language has S-O-V word order, the verb can follow it.",
927 -'userrights-editusergroup' => '{{Identical|Edit user groups}}',
928 -'saveusergroups' => 'Button text when editing user groups',
929 -'userrights-groupsmember' => 'When editing user groups',
930 -'userrights-groups-help' => 'Instructions displayed on [[Special:UserRights]].',
931 -'userrights-reason' => 'Text beside log field when editing user groups',
932 -'userrights-no-interwiki' => 'Error message when editing user groups',
933 -'userrights-nodatabase' => 'Error message when editing user groups',
934 -'userrights-nologin' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you aren't logged in. If you are logged in, but don't have the correct permission, you see {{msg|userrights-notallowed|pl=yes}}.",
935 -'userrights-notallowed' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you don't have the permission.",
936 -'userrights-changeable-col' => 'Used in [[Special:UserRights]].',
 927+'userrights' => 'Page title of [[Special:UserRights]].', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
 928+'userrights-lookup-user' => 'Button text when managing user rights',
 929+'userrights-user-editname' => 'Displayed on [[Special:UserRights]].',
 930+'editusergroup' => '{{Identical|Edit user groups}}',
 931+'editinguser' => "Appears on [[Special:UserRights]]. The '''last part''' of the message '''should remain completely untranslated''', but if your language has S-O-V word order, the verb can follow it.",
 932+'userrights-editusergroup' => '{{Identical|Edit user groups}}',
 933+'saveusergroups' => 'Button text when editing user groups',
 934+'userrights-groupsmember' => 'When editing user groups',
 935+'userrights-groups-help' => 'Instructions displayed on [[Special:UserRights]].',
 936+'userrights-reason' => 'Text beside log field when editing user groups',
 937+'userrights-no-interwiki' => 'Error message when editing user groups',
 938+'userrights-nodatabase' => 'Error message when editing user groups',
 939+'userrights-nologin' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you aren't logged in. If you are logged in, but don't have the correct permission, you see {{msg|userrights-notallowed|pl=yes}}.",
 940+'userrights-notallowed' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you don't have the permission.",
 941+'userrights-changeable-col' => 'Used in [[Special:UserRights]].',
937942 'userrights-unchangeable-col' => 'Used in [[Special:UserRights]].',
939944 # Groups
940 -'group' => '{{Identical|Group}}',
941 -'group-user' => 'Name of group',
 945+'group' => '{{Identical|Group}}',
 946+'group-user' => 'Name of group',
942947 'group-autoconfirmed' => 'Name of group. On Wikimedia sites autoconfirmed users are users which are older than 4 days. After those 4 days, they have more rights.',
943 -'group-bot' => 'Name of group',
944 -'group-sysop' => 'Name of group',
945 -'group-bureaucrat' => 'Name of group',
946 -'group-suppress' => 'This is an optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]].
 948+'group-bot' => 'Name of group',
 949+'group-sysop' => 'Name of group',
 950+'group-bureaucrat' => 'Name of group',
 951+'group-suppress' => 'This is an optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]].
948953 * See also: {{msg|Group-suppress-member|pl=yes}} for a member of this group.',
949 -'group-all' => 'The name of the user group that contains all users, including anonymous users
 954+'group-all' => 'The name of the user group that contains all users, including anonymous users
951956 {{Identical|All}}',
953 -'group-user-member' => 'Name of member of group',
 958+'group-user-member' => 'Name of member of group',
954959 'group-autoconfirmed-member' => 'Name of a member of group',
955 -'group-bot-member' => 'Name of a member of group',
956 -'group-sysop-member' => 'Name of member of group',
957 -'group-bureaucrat-member' => 'Name of member of group',
958 -'group-suppress-member' => 'This is a member of the optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]].
 960+'group-bot-member' => 'Name of a member of group',
 961+'group-sysop-member' => 'Name of member of group',
 962+'group-bureaucrat-member' => 'Name of member of group',
 963+'group-suppress-member' => 'This is a member of the optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]].
960965 * See also: {{msg|Group-suppress|pl=yes}} for the name of the group.',
962 -'grouppage-user' => 'Link to group page on wiki',
 967+'grouppage-user' => 'Link to group page on wiki',
963968 'grouppage-autoconfirmed' => 'Link to group page on wiki.',
964 -'grouppage-bot' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/bot]].',
965 -'grouppage-sysop' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/sysop]].',
966 -'grouppage-bureaucrat' => 'Name of project page of this group, linked to from [[Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat]], [[Special:ListGroupRights]], and some other special pages.',
967 -'grouppage-suppress' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/suppress]].',
 969+'grouppage-bot' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/bot]].',
 970+'grouppage-sysop' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/sysop]].',
 971+'grouppage-bureaucrat' => 'Name of project page of this group, linked to from [[Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat]], [[Special:ListGroupRights]], and some other special pages.',
 972+'grouppage-suppress' => 'Link to project page of this group, displayed on [[Special:ListUsers/suppress]].',
969974 # Rights
970 -'right-read' => '{{doc-right}}
 975+'right-read' => '{{doc-right}}
971976 Basic right to read any page.',
972 -'right-edit' => '{{doc-right}}
 977+'right-edit' => '{{doc-right}}
973978 Basic right to edit pages that are not protected.',
974 -'right-createpage' => '{{doc-right}}
 979+'right-createpage' => '{{doc-right}}
975980 Basic right to create pages. The right to edit discussion/talk pages is {{msg|right-createtalk|pl=yes}}.',
976 -'right-createtalk' => '{{doc-right}}
 981+'right-createtalk' => '{{doc-right}}
977982 Basic right to create discussion/talk pages. The right to edit other pages is {{msg|right-createpage|pl=yes}}.',
978 -'right-createaccount' => '{{doc-right}}
 983+'right-createaccount' => '{{doc-right}}
979984 The right to [[Special:CreateAccount|create a user account]].',
980 -'right-minoredit' => '{{doc-right}}
 985+'right-minoredit' => '{{doc-right}}
981986 The right to use the "This is a minor edit" checkbox. See {{msg|minoredit|pl=yes}} for the message used for that checkbox.',
982 -'right-move' => '{{doc-right}}
 987+'right-move' => '{{doc-right}}
983988 The right to move any page that is not protected from moving.',
984989 'right-move-rootuserpages' => '{{doc-right}}',
985 -'right-movefile' => '{{doc-right}}',
986 -'right-upload' => '{{doc-right}}
 990+'right-movefile' => '{{doc-right}}',
 991+'right-upload' => '{{doc-right}}
987992 The right to [[Special:Upload|upload]] a file (this includes images, media, audio, ...).',
988 -'right-reupload' => '{{doc-right}}
 993+'right-reupload' => '{{doc-right}}
989994 The right to upload a file under a file name that already exists. Related messages: {{msg|right-upload|pl=yes}}, {{msg|right-reupload-own|pl=yes}} and {{msg|right-reupload-shared|pl=yes}}.',
990 -'right-reupload-own' => '{{doc-right}}
 995+'right-reupload-own' => '{{doc-right}}
991996 Right to upload a file under a file name that already exists, and that the same user has uploaded. Related messages: {{msg|right-upload|pl=yes}} and {{msg|right-reupload|pl=yes}}.',
992 -'right-reupload-shared' => '{{doc-right}}
 997+'right-reupload-shared' => '{{doc-right}}
993998 The right to upload a file locally under a file name that already exists in a shared database (for example Commons). Related messages: {{msg|right-upload|pl=yes}} and {{msg|right-reupload|pl=yes}}.',
994 -'right-purge' => '{{doc-right}}
 999+'right-purge' => '{{doc-right}}
9951000 The right to use <tt>&action=purge</tt> in the URL, without needing to confirm it (by default, anonymous users need to confirm it).',
996 -'right-autoconfirmed' => "{{doc-right}}
 1001+'right-autoconfirmed' => "{{doc-right}}
9971002 If your account is older than [[mw:Manual:\$wgAutoConfirmAge|wgAutoConfirmAge]] and if you have at least [[mw:Manual:\$wgAutoConfirmCount|\$wgAutoConfirmCount]] edits, you are in the '''group \"autoconfirmed\"''' (note that you can't see this group at [[Special:ListUsers]]).
9981003 If you are in that group, you have (by default) the '''right \"autoconfirmed\"'''. With this right, you can for example <!-- I think this right includes more things --> edit semi-protected pages.",
999 -'right-nominornewtalk' => '{{doc-right}}
 1004+'right-nominornewtalk' => '{{doc-right}}
10001005 If someone with this right (bots by default) edits a user talk page and marks it as minor (requires {{msg|right-minoredit|pl=yes}}), the user will not get a notification "You have new messages".',
1001 -'right-deleterevision' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
 1006+'right-deleterevision' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
10021007 It can be given to the group {{msg|group-sysop|pl=yes}}, although this right is disabled by default.
10041009 See also
10051010 * {{msg|right-suppressionlog|pl=yes}}
10061011 * {{msg|right-hideuser|pl=yes}}
10071012 * {{msg|right-suppressrevision|pl=yes}}',
1008 -'right-suppressrevision' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
 1013+'right-suppressrevision' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
10091014 It can be given to the group {{msg|group-suppress|pl=yes}}, although that group is disabled by default.
10111016 See also
10121017 * {{msg|right-suppressionlog|pl=yes}}
10131018 * {{msg|right-hideuser|pl=yes}}
10141019 * {{msg|right-deleterevision|pl=yes}}',
1015 -'right-suppressionlog' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
 1020+'right-suppressionlog' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
10161021 It can be given to the group {{msg|group-suppress|pl=yes}}, although that group is disabled by default.
10181023 See also
10191024 * {{msg|right-suppressrevision|pl=yes}}
10201025 * {{msg|right-hideuser|pl=yes}}
10211026 * {{msg|right-deleterevision|pl=yes}}',
1022 -'right-hideuser' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
 1027+'right-hideuser' => 'This is a user right that is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.
10231028 It can be given to the group {{msg|group-suppress|pl=yes}}, although that group is disabled by default.
10251030 See also
10261031 * {{msg|right-suppressionlog|pl=yes}}
10271032 * {{msg|right-suppressrevision|pl=yes}}
10281033 * {{msg|right-deleterevision|pl=yes}}',
1029 -'right-ipblock-exempt' => 'This user automatically
 1034+'right-ipblock-exempt' => 'This user automatically
10301035 bypasses IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks - so I presume - but I am uncertain',
1031 -'right-rollback' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
1032 -'right-markbotedits' => '{{doc-right}}
 1036+'right-rollback' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
 1037+'right-markbotedits' => '{{doc-right}}
10331038 A user with this right can mark a roll-back edit as a bot edit by adding <tt>&bot=1</tt> to the URL (not by default).',
1034 -'right-noratelimit' => '{{doc-right}}
 1039+'right-noratelimit' => '{{doc-right}}
10351040 The rate limits have no effect on the groups that have this right. Rate limits is a restriction that you can only do X actions (edits, moves, etc.) in Y number of seconds (set by [[mw:Manual:$wgRateLimits|$wgRateLimits]]).',
1036 -'right-import' => '{{doc-right}}',
1037 -'right-importupload' => '{{doc-right}}',
 1041+'right-import' => '{{doc-right}}',
 1042+'right-importupload' => '{{doc-right}}',
10391044 # User rights log
1040 -'rightslog' => 'In [[Special:Log]]',
1041 -'rightslogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/rights]].',
 1045+'rightslog' => 'In [[Special:Log]]',
 1046+'rightslogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/rights]].',
10421047 'rightslogentry' => 'This message is displayed in the [[Special:Log/rights|User Rights Log]] when a bureaucrat changes the user groups for a user.
10441049 * Parameter $1 is the username
10451050 * Parameters $2 and $3 are lists of user groups or {{msg-mw|Rightsnone}}',
1046 -'rightsnone' => 'Default rights for registered users.
 1051+'rightsnone' => 'Default rights for registered users.
10481053 {{Identical|None}}',
10501055 # Associated actions - in the sentence "You do not have permission to X"
1051 -'action-read' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1052 -'action-edit' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1053 -'action-createpage' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1054 -'action-createtalk' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1055 -'action-createaccount' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1056 -'action-minoredit' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1057 -'action-move' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1058 -'action-move-subpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1059 -'action-move-rootuserpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1060 -'action-movefile' => '{{doc-action}}',
1061 -'action-upload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1062 -'action-reupload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1063 -'action-reupload-shared' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1064 -'action-upload_by_url' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1065 -'action-writeapi' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1066 -'action-delete' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1067 -'action-deleterevision' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1068 -'action-deletedhistory' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1069 -'action-browsearchive' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1070 -'action-undelete' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1071 -'action-suppressrevision' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1072 -'action-suppressionlog' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1073 -'action-block' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1074 -'action-protect' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1075 -'action-import' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1076 -'action-importupload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1077 -'action-patrol' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1078 -'action-autopatrol' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1079 -'action-unwatchedpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1080 -'action-trackback' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1081 -'action-mergehistory' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1082 -'action-userrights' => '{{Doc-action}}
 1056+'action-read' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1057+'action-edit' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1058+'action-createpage' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1059+'action-createtalk' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1060+'action-createaccount' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1061+'action-minoredit' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1062+'action-move' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1063+'action-move-subpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1064+'action-move-rootuserpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1065+'action-movefile' => '{{doc-action}}',
 1066+'action-upload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1067+'action-reupload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1068+'action-reupload-shared' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1069+'action-upload_by_url' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1070+'action-writeapi' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1071+'action-delete' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1072+'action-deleterevision' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1073+'action-deletedhistory' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1074+'action-browsearchive' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1075+'action-undelete' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1076+'action-suppressrevision' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1077+'action-suppressionlog' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1078+'action-block' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1079+'action-protect' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1080+'action-import' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1081+'action-importupload' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1082+'action-patrol' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1083+'action-autopatrol' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1084+'action-unwatchedpages' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1085+'action-trackback' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1086+'action-mergehistory' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1087+'action-userrights' => '{{Doc-action}}
10841089 This action allows editing of all of the "user rights", not just the rights of the group "all users".',
10851090 'action-userrights-interwiki' => '{{Doc-action}}',
1086 -'action-siteadmin' => '{{Doc-action}}',
 1091+'action-siteadmin' => '{{Doc-action}}',
10881093 # Recent changes
1089 -'nchanges' => 'Appears on the [[Special:RecentChanges]] special page in brackets after pages having more than one change on that date. $1 is the number of changes on that day.',
1090 -'recentchanges' => 'The text of the link in sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Also the page title of that special page.
 1094+'nchanges' => 'Appears on the [[Special:RecentChanges]] special page in brackets after pages having more than one change on that date. $1 is the number of changes on that day.',
 1095+'recentchanges' => 'The text of the link in sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Also the page title of that special page.
10921097 {{Identical|Recent changes}}',
10931098 'recentchanges-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset of [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
1094 -'recentchangestext' => 'Text in recent changes',
1095 -'rcnote' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]].
 1099+'recentchangestext' => 'Text in recent changes',
 1100+'rcnote' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]].
10961101 * $1 is the number of changes shown,
10971102 * $2 is the number of days for which the changes are shown,
10981103 * $3 is a datetime (deprecated),
@@ -1099,178 +1104,178 @@
11001105 * $5 is a time alone.
11021107 Example: "\'\'Below are the last 50 changes in the last 7 days, as of 14:48, 24 January 2008.\'\'"',
1103 -'rcnotefrom' => 'This message is displayed at [[Special:RecentChanges]] when viewing recentchanges from some specific time.
 1108+'rcnotefrom' => 'This message is displayed at [[Special:RecentChanges]] when viewing recentchanges from some specific time.
11051110 Parameter $1 is the maximum number of changes that are displayed.
11061111 Parameter $2 is a date and time.',
1107 -'rclistfrom' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameter $1 is a date.',
1108 -'rcshowhideminor' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
1109 -'rcshowhidebots' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either [[Mediawiki:Show]] or [[Mediawiki:Hide]].
 1112+'rclistfrom' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameter $1 is a date.',
 1113+'rcshowhideminor' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
 1114+'rcshowhidebots' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either [[Mediawiki:Show]] or [[Mediawiki:Hide]].
11111116 {{Identical|$1 bots}}",
1112 -'rcshowhideliu' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
1113 -'rcshowhideanons' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
1114 -'rcshowhidepatr' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either [[Mediawiki:Show]] or [[Mediawiki:Hide]].",
1115 -'rclinks' => "Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. \$1 is a list of different choices with number of pages to be shown, \$2 is a list of clickable links with a number of days for which recent changes are to be displayed. Example: \"''Show last 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 changes in last 1 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 days''\".
 1117+'rcshowhideliu' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
 1118+'rcshowhideanons' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]',
 1119+'rcshowhidepatr' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either [[Mediawiki:Show]] or [[Mediawiki:Hide]].",
 1120+'rclinks' => "Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. \$1 is a list of different choices with number of pages to be shown, \$2 is a list of clickable links with a number of days for which recent changes are to be displayed. Example: \"''Show last 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 changes in last 1 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 days''\".
11171122 \$3 is a block of text that consists of other messages: \"''Hide minor edits | Show bots | Hide anonymous users | Hide logged-in users | Hide patrolled edits | Hide my edits''\"",
1118 -'diff' => 'Short form of "differences". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...',
1119 -'hist' => 'Short form of "history". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...',
1120 -'hide' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]
 1123+'diff' => 'Short form of "differences". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...',
 1124+'hist' => 'Short form of "history". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...',
 1125+'hide' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]
11221127 {{Identical|Hide}}',
1123 -'show' => '{{Identical|Show}}',
1124 -'minoreditletter' => "Very short form of \"'''minor edit'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages.",
1125 -'newpageletter' => "Very short form of \"'''new page'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]] and [[Special:Contributions]].",
1126 -'boteditletter' => 'Abbreviation of "bot". Appears in [[Special:RecentChanges]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].',
1127 -'newsectionsummary' => 'Default summary when adding a new section to a page.',
 1128+'show' => '{{Identical|Show}}',
 1129+'minoreditletter' => "Very short form of \"'''minor edit'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages.",
 1130+'newpageletter' => "Very short form of \"'''new page'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]] and [[Special:Contributions]].",
 1131+'boteditletter' => 'Abbreviation of "bot". Appears in [[Special:RecentChanges]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].',
 1132+'newsectionsummary' => 'Default summary when adding a new section to a page.',
11291134 # Recent changes linked
1130 -'recentchangeslinked' => 'Title of [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]] and display name of page on [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
1131 -'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Message used as title and page header on [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]] (needs an argument like "/Main Page"). Related changes are all recent change to pages that are linked from \'\'this page\'\'. "$1" is the name of the page for which related changes as show.',
 1135+'recentchangeslinked' => 'Title of [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]] and display name of page on [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
 1136+'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Message used as title and page header on [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]] (needs an argument like "/Main Page"). Related changes are all recent change to pages that are linked from \'\'this page\'\'. "$1" is the name of the page for which related changes as show.',
11321137 'recentchangeslinked-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]].',
1133 -'recentchangeslinked-page' => '{{Identical|Page name}}',
 1138+'recentchangeslinked-page' => '{{Identical|Page name}}',
11351140 # Upload
1136 -'upload' => 'Display name for link to [[Special:Upload]] for uploading files to the wiki.
 1141+'upload' => 'Display name for link to [[Special:Upload]] for uploading files to the wiki.
11381143 {{Identical|Upload file}}',
1139 -'uploadbtn' => 'Button name in [[Special:Upload]].
 1144+'uploadbtn' => 'Button name in [[Special:Upload]].
11411146 {{Identical|Upload file}}',
1142 -'uploadnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
1143 -'uploadtext' => 'Text displayed when uploading a file using [[Special:Upload]].',
1144 -'upload-permitted' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
1145 -'upload-preferred' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
1146 -'upload-prohibited' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
1147 -'uploadlogpage' => 'Page title of [[Special:Log/upload]].',
1148 -'filename' => '{{Identical|Filename}}',
1149 -'filedesc' => '{{Identical|Summary}}',
1150 -'fileuploadsummary' => '{{Identical|Summary}}',
1151 -'filesource' => 'On page [[Special:Upload]] if defined $wgUseCopyrightUpload for detailed copyright information forms. This is source of file.
 1147+'uploadnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
 1148+'uploadtext' => 'Text displayed when uploading a file using [[Special:Upload]].',
 1149+'upload-permitted' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
 1150+'upload-preferred' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
 1151+'upload-prohibited' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].',
 1152+'uploadlogpage' => 'Page title of [[Special:Log/upload]].',
 1153+'filename' => '{{Identical|Filename}}',
 1154+'filedesc' => '{{Identical|Summary}}',
 1155+'fileuploadsummary' => '{{Identical|Summary}}',
 1156+'filesource' => 'On page [[Special:Upload]] if defined $wgUseCopyrightUpload for detailed copyright information forms. This is source of file.
11531158 {{Identical|Source}}',
1154 -'ignorewarnings' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
1155 -'filetype-bad-ie-mime' => '$1 will contain a mime type like <tt>image/jpeg</tt> or <tt>application/zip</tt>',
1156 -'filetype-unwanted-type' => "* $1 is the extension of the file which cannot be uploaded
 1159+'ignorewarnings' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
 1160+'filetype-bad-ie-mime' => '$1 will contain a mime type like <tt>image/jpeg</tt> or <tt>application/zip</tt>',
 1161+'filetype-unwanted-type' => "* $1 is the extension of the file which cannot be uploaded
11571162 * $2 is the list of file extensions that can be uploaded (Example: ''png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg, pdf, svg.'')
11581163 * $3 is the number of allowed file formats (to be used for the PLURAL function)",
1159 -'filetype-banned-type' => "* $1 is the extension of the file which cannot be uploaded
 1164+'filetype-banned-type' => "* $1 is the extension of the file which cannot be uploaded
11601165 * $2 is the list of file extensions that can be uploaded (Example: ''png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg, pdf, svg.'')
11611166 * $3 is the number of allowed file formats (to be used for the PLURAL function)",
1162 -'filetype-missing' => 'Error when uploading a file with no extension',
1163 -'large-file' => 'Variables $1 and $2 have appropriate unit symbols already. See for example [[Mediawiki:size-kilobytes]].',
1164 -'largefileserver' => 'Error message when uploading a file whose size is larger than the maximum allowed',
1165 -'emptyfile' => 'Error message when trying to upload an empty file',
1166 -'filepageexists' => 'Shown on [[Special:Upload]], $1 is link to the page. This message is displayed if a description page exists, but a file with the same name does not yet exists, and a user tries to upload a file with that name. In that case the description page is not changed, even if the uploading user specifies a description with the upload.',
1167 -'file-thumbnail-no' => 'Error message at [[Special:Upload]]',
 1167+'filetype-missing' => 'Error when uploading a file with no extension',
 1168+'large-file' => 'Variables $1 and $2 have appropriate unit symbols already. See for example [[Mediawiki:size-kilobytes]].',
 1169+'largefileserver' => 'Error message when uploading a file whose size is larger than the maximum allowed',
 1170+'emptyfile' => 'Error message when trying to upload an empty file',
 1171+'filepageexists' => 'Shown on [[Special:Upload]], $1 is link to the page. This message is displayed if a description page exists, but a file with the same name does not yet exists, and a user tries to upload a file with that name. In that case the description page is not changed, even if the uploading user specifies a description with the upload.',
 1172+'file-thumbnail-no' => 'Error message at [[Special:Upload]]',
11681173 'fileexists-shared-forbidden' => 'Error message at [[Special:Upload]]',
1169 -'savefile' => 'When uploading a file',
1170 -'overwroteimage' => 'Log text when uploading a new version of a file',
1171 -'uploaddisabled' => 'Title of the Special:Upload page when upload is disabled.',
1172 -'uploaddisabledtext' => 'This message can have parameter $1, which contains the name of the target file. See r22243 and [https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8818 bug 8818].',
1173 -'uploadvirus' => 'Note displayed when uploaded file contains a virus',
1174 -'sourcefilename' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
1175 -'destfilename' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
1176 -'upload-maxfilesize' => 'Shows at [[Special:Upload]] the maximum file size that can be uploaded.
 1174+'savefile' => 'When uploading a file',
 1175+'overwroteimage' => 'Log text when uploading a new version of a file',
 1176+'uploaddisabled' => 'Title of the Special:Upload page when upload is disabled.',
 1177+'uploaddisabledtext' => 'This message can have parameter $1, which contains the name of the target file. See r22243 and [https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8818 bug 8818].',
 1178+'uploadvirus' => 'Note displayed when uploaded file contains a virus',
 1179+'sourcefilename' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
 1180+'destfilename' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]',
 1181+'upload-maxfilesize' => 'Shows at [[Special:Upload]] the maximum file size that can be uploaded.
11781183 $1 is the value in KB/MB/GB',
1179 -'watchthisupload' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]
 1184+'watchthisupload' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]
11811186 {{Identical|Watch this page}}',
1182 -'filewasdeleted' => 'This warning is shown when trying to upload a file that does not exist, but has previously been deleted.
 1187+'filewasdeleted' => 'This warning is shown when trying to upload a file that does not exist, but has previously been deleted.
11831188 Parameter $1 is a link to the deletion log, with the text in {{msg|deletionlog}}.',
11851190 'upload-file-error' => '{{Identical|Internal error}}',
1187 -'nolicense' => '{{Identical|None selected}}',
 1192+'nolicense' => '{{Identical|None selected}}',
11881193 'license-nopreview' => 'Error message when a certain license does not exist',
11901195 # Special:ListFiles
1191 -'listfiles-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:ImageList]] to explain how to use that special page.',
1192 -'imgfile' => '{{Identical|File}}',
1193 -'listfiles' => '{{Identical|File list}}',
1194 -'listfiles_date' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
1195 -'listfiles_name' => '{{Identical|Name}}',
1196 -'listfiles_user' => '{{Identical|User}}',
 1196+'listfiles-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:ImageList]] to explain how to use that special page.',
 1197+'imgfile' => '{{Identical|File}}',
 1198+'listfiles' => '{{Identical|File list}}',
 1199+'listfiles_date' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
 1200+'listfiles_name' => '{{Identical|Name}}',
 1201+'listfiles_user' => '{{Identical|User}}',
11971202 'listfiles_description' => '{{Identical|Description}}',
1198 -'listfiles_count' => 'One of the table column headers in [[Special:Listfiles]] denoting the amount of saved versions of that file.',
 1203+'listfiles_count' => 'One of the table column headers in [[Special:Listfiles]] denoting the amount of saved versions of that file.',
12001205 # File description page
1201 -'filehist' => 'Text shown on a media description page. Heads the section where the different versions of the file are displayed.',
1202 -'filehist-help' => 'In file description page',
1203 -'filehist-deleteall' => 'Link in image description page for admins.',
1204 -'filehist-deleteone' => 'Link description on file description page to delete an earlier version of a file.
 1206+'filehist' => 'Text shown on a media description page. Heads the section where the different versions of the file are displayed.',
 1207+'filehist-help' => 'In file description page',
 1208+'filehist-deleteall' => 'Link in image description page for admins.',
 1209+'filehist-deleteone' => 'Link description on file description page to delete an earlier version of a file.
12061211 {{Identical|Delete}}',
1207 -'filehist-revert' => 'Link in image description page.
 1212+'filehist-revert' => 'Link in image description page.
12091214 {{Identical|Revert}}',
1210 -'filehist-current' => 'Link in file description page.
 1215+'filehist-current' => 'Link in file description page.
12121217 {{Identical|Current}}',
1213 -'filehist-datetime' => 'Used on image descriptions, see for example [[:File:Yes.png#filehistory]].
 1218+'filehist-datetime' => 'Used on image descriptions, see for example [[:File:Yes.png#filehistory]].
12141219 {{Identical|Date}}',
1215 -'filehist-thumb' => 'Shown in the file history list of a file desription page.
 1220+'filehist-thumb' => 'Shown in the file history list of a file desription page.
12171222 Example: [[:Image:Addon-icn.png]]',
1218 -'filehist-thumbtext' => "Shown in the file history list of a file description page. '''$1''' is a time followed by a date, e.g. ''10:23, 18 april 2007''.
 1223+'filehist-thumbtext' => "Shown in the file history list of a file description page. '''$1''' is a time followed by a date, e.g. ''10:23, 18 april 2007''.
12201225 Example: [[wikipedia:Image:Madeleine close2.jpg]]",
1221 -'filehist-nothumb' => 'Shown if no thumbnail is available in the file history list of a file desription page.
 1226+'filehist-nothumb' => 'Shown if no thumbnail is available in the file history list of a file desription page.
12231228 Example: [[:Image:Addon-icn.png]]',
1224 -'filehist-user' => 'In image description page.
 1229+'filehist-user' => 'In image description page.
12261231 {{Identical|User}}',
1227 -'filehist-dimensions' => 'In file description page',
1228 -'filehist-filesize' => 'In image description page',
1229 -'filehist-comment' => 'In file description page
 1232+'filehist-dimensions' => 'In file description page',
 1233+'filehist-filesize' => 'In image description page',
 1234+'filehist-comment' => 'In file description page
12311236 {{Identical|Comment}}',
1232 -'imagelinks' => 'In image description page
 1237+'imagelinks' => 'In image description page
12341239 {{Identical|Links}}',
1235 -'linkstoimage' => 'Used on image description, see for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filelinks]].
 1240+'linkstoimage' => 'Used on image description, see for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filelinks]].
12361241 * Parameter $1 is the number of pages that link to the file/image.',
1237 -'linkstoimage-more' => 'Shown on an image description page when a file is used/linked more than 100 times on other pages.
 1242+'linkstoimage-more' => 'Shown on an image description page when a file is used/linked more than 100 times on other pages.
12391244 * $1: limit. At the moment hardcoded at 100
12401245 * $2: filename',
1241 -'nolinkstoimage' => 'Displayed on image description pages, see for exampe [[:Image:Tournesol.png#filelinks]].',
1242 -'redirectstofile' => 'Used on file description pages after the list of pages which used this file',
1243 -'sharedupload' => 'Shown on an image description page when it is used in a central repository (i.e. [http://commons.wikimedia.org/ Commons] for Wikimedia wikis).
 1246+'nolinkstoimage' => 'Displayed on image description pages, see for exampe [[:Image:Tournesol.png#filelinks]].',
 1247+'redirectstofile' => 'Used on file description pages after the list of pages which used this file',
 1248+'sharedupload' => 'Shown on an image description page when it is used in a central repository (i.e. [http://commons.wikimedia.org/ Commons] for Wikimedia wikis).
12441249 {{doc-important|Do not customise this message. Just translate it.|Customisation should be done by local wikis.}}',
1245 -'shareduploadwiki' => 'The variable $1 is {{msg|shareduploadwiki-linktext}}',
1246 -'shareduploadwiki-desc' => "This message appears after [[MediaWiki:Sharedupload]]. \$1 is a link to the file description page on the shared repository with [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki-linktext]] as display text. Example: \"''The description on its file description page there is shown below.''\"",
1247 -'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => 'This message is used as variable $1 in [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki]] and in [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki-desc]]',
1248 -'shareduploadduplicate' => '$1 is contents of message shareduploadduplicate-linktext (i.e. "another file")',
 1250+'shareduploadwiki' => 'The variable $1 is {{msg|shareduploadwiki-linktext}}',
 1251+'shareduploadwiki-desc' => "This message appears after [[MediaWiki:Sharedupload]]. \$1 is a link to the file description page on the shared repository with [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki-linktext]] as display text. Example: \"''The description on its file description page there is shown below.''\"",
 1252+'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => 'This message is used as variable $1 in [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki]] and in [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadwiki-desc]]',
 1253+'shareduploadduplicate' => '$1 is contents of message shareduploadduplicate-linktext (i.e. "another file")',
12491254 'shareduploadduplicate-linktext' => 'This message is the text of $1 in the message [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadduplicate]].
12511256 {{Identical|Another file}}',
1252 -'shareduploadconflict' => '$1 is contents of message shareduploadconflict-linktext (i.e. "another file")',
1253 -'shareduploadconflict-linktext' => 'This message is the text of $1 in the message [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadconflict]].
 1257+'shareduploadconflict' => '$1 is contents of message shareduploadconflict-linktext (i.e. "another file")',
 1258+'shareduploadconflict-linktext' => 'This message is the text of $1 in the message [[MediaWiki:Shareduploadconflict]].
12551260 {{Identical|Another file}}',
1256 -'noimage' => 'In image description page when there is no file by that name. The variable $1 comes from {{msg|noimage-linktext}}, which is only substituted in this message.',
1257 -'noimage-linktext' => 'This message is used as a variable in {{msg|noimage}}, and will not be used anywhere else.',
1258 -'imagepage-searchdupe' => 'This message is used as text on a link from image pages to [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]].',
 1261+'noimage' => 'In image description page when there is no file by that name. The variable $1 comes from {{msg|noimage-linktext}}, which is only substituted in this message.',
 1262+'noimage-linktext' => 'This message is used as a variable in {{msg|noimage}}, and will not be used anywhere else.',
 1263+'imagepage-searchdupe' => 'This message is used as text on a link from image pages to [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]].',
12601265 # File reversion
1261 -'filerevert' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
1262 -'filerevert-legend' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
1263 -'filerevert-intro' => 'Message displayed when you try to revert a version of a file.
 1266+'filerevert' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1267+'filerevert-legend' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1268+'filerevert-intro' => 'Message displayed when you try to revert a version of a file.
12641269 * $1 is the name of the media
12651270 * $2 is a date
12661271 * $3 is a hour
12671272 * $4 is an URL and must follow square bracket: [$4
12681273 {{Identical|Revert}}',
1269 -'filerevert-comment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
 1274+'filerevert-comment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
12701275 'filerevert-defaultcomment' => '* $1 is a date
12711276 * $2 is an hour
12721277 {{Identical|Revert}}',
1273 -'filerevert-submit' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
1274 -'filerevert-success' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in reverting a version of a file.
 1278+'filerevert-submit' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1279+'filerevert-success' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in reverting a version of a file.
12751280 * $1 is the name of the media
12761281 * $2 is a date
12771282 * $3 is a hour
@@ -1278,34 +1283,34 @@
12791284 {{Identical|Revert}}',
12811286 # File deletion
1282 -'filedelete-intro-old' => 'Message displayed when you try to delete a version of a file.
 1287+'filedelete-intro-old' => 'Message displayed when you try to delete a version of a file.
12831288 * $1 is the name of the media
12841289 * $2 is a date
12851290 * $3 is a hour
12861291 * $4 is an URL and must follow square bracket: [$4',
1287 -'filedelete-comment' => '{{Identical|Reason for deletion}}',
1288 -'filedelete-submit' => 'Delete button when deleting a file for admins
 1292+'filedelete-comment' => '{{Identical|Reason for deletion}}',
 1293+'filedelete-submit' => 'Delete button when deleting a file for admins
12901295 {{Identical|Delete}}',
1291 -'filedelete-success-old' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in deleting a version of a file.
 1296+'filedelete-success-old' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in deleting a version of a file.
12921297 * $1 is the name of the media
12931298 * $2 is a date
12941299 * $3 is a hour',
1295 -'filedelete-otherreason' => 'Message used when deleting a file. This is the description field for "Other/additional reason" for deletion.
 1300+'filedelete-otherreason' => 'Message used when deleting a file. This is the description field for "Other/additional reason" for deletion.
12971302 {{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
12981303 'filedelete-reason-otherlist' => 'Message used as default in the dropdown menu in the form for deleting a file. Keeping this message selected assumes that a reason for deletion is specified in the field below.
13001305 {{Identical|Other reason}}',
1301 -'filedelete-reason-dropdown' => 'Predefined reasons for deleting a file that can be selected in a drop down list. Entries prefixed with one asterisk ("*") are group headers and cannot be selected. Entries prefixed with two asterisks can be selected as reason for deletion.',
1302 -'filedelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the file deletion form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Filedelete-reason-dropdown]].
 1306+'filedelete-reason-dropdown' => 'Predefined reasons for deleting a file that can be selected in a drop down list. Entries prefixed with one asterisk ("*") are group headers and cannot be selected. Entries prefixed with two asterisks can be selected as reason for deletion.',
 1307+'filedelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the file deletion form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Filedelete-reason-dropdown]].
13041309 {{Identical|Edit delete reasons}}',
13061311 # MIME search
1307 -'mimesearch' => 'Title of [[Special:MIMESearch]].',
 1312+'mimesearch' => 'Title of [[Special:MIMESearch]].',
13081313 'mimesearch-summary' => 'Text for [[Special:MIMESearch]]',
1309 -'download' => 'Direct download link in each line returned by [[Special:MIMESearch]]. Points to the actual file, rather than the image description page.
 1314+'download' => 'Direct download link in each line returned by [[Special:MIMESearch]]. Points to the actual file, rather than the image description page.
13101315 {{Identical|Download}}',
13121317 # Unwatched pages
@@ -1315,7 +1320,7 @@
13161321 'listredirects' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
13181323 # Unused templates
1319 -'unusedtemplates' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
 1324+'unusedtemplates' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
13201325 'unusedtemplatestext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Unusedtemplates]]',
13221327 # Random page
@@ -1327,31 +1332,33 @@
13281333 'randomredirect' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
13301335 # Statistics
1331 -'statistics' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].
 1336+'statistics' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].
13331338 {{Identical|Statistics}}',
1334 -'statistics-header-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1335 -'statistics-header-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1336 -'statistics-header-views' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1337 -'statistics-header-users' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1338 -'statistics-articles' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1339 -'statistics-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1340 -'statistics-pages-desc' => "Tooltip shown over ''Pages*'' in [[Special:Statistics]]",
1341 -'statistics-files' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1342 -'statistics-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1343 -'statistics-edits-average' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1344 -'statistics-views-total' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1345 -'statistics-views-peredit' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1346 -'statistics-jobqueue' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1347 -'statistics-users' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1348 -'statistics-users-active' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1339+'statistics-header-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1340+'statistics-header-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1341+'statistics-header-views' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1342+'statistics-header-users' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1343+'statistics-articles' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]
 1345+{{Identical|Content page}}',
 1346+'statistics-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1347+'statistics-pages-desc' => "Tooltip shown over ''Pages*'' in [[Special:Statistics]]",
 1348+'statistics-files' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1349+'statistics-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1350+'statistics-edits-average' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1351+'statistics-views-total' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1352+'statistics-views-peredit' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1353+'statistics-jobqueue' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1354+'statistics-users' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1355+'statistics-users-active' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
13491356 'statistics-users-active-desc' => "Description shown beneath ''Active users'' in [[Special:Statistics]]
13511358 * \$1: Value of \$wgRCMaxAge in days",
1352 -'statistics-mostpopular' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
 1359+'statistics-mostpopular' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]',
1354 -'disambiguations' => 'Name of a special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
1355 -'disambiguationspage' => 'This message is the name of the template used for marking disambiguation pages. It is used by [[Special:Disambiguations]] to find all pages that links to disambiguation pages.
 1361+'disambiguations' => 'Name of a special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
 1362+'disambiguationspage' => 'This message is the name of the template used for marking disambiguation pages. It is used by [[Special:Disambiguations]] to find all pages that links to disambiguation pages.
13571364 {{doc-important|Don\'t translate the "Template:" part!}}',
13581365 'disambiguations-text' => "This block of text is shown on [[:Special:Disambiguations]].
@@ -1360,116 +1367,116 @@
13621369 * '''Background information:''' Beyond telling about links going to disambiguation pages, that they are generally bad, it should explain which pages in the article namespace are seen as diambiguations: [[MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage]] usually holds a list of diambiguation templates of the local wiki. Pages linking to one of them (by transclusion) will count as disambiguation pages. Pages linking to these disambiguation pages, instead to the disambiguated article itself, are listed on [[:Special:Disambiguations]].",
1364 -'doubleredirects' => 'Name of [[Special:DoubleRedirects]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1365 -'doubleredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Doubleredirects]]',
 1371+'doubleredirects' => 'Name of [[Special:DoubleRedirects]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1372+'doubleredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Doubleredirects]]',
13661373 'double-redirect-fixed-move' => 'This is the message in the log when the software (under the username {{msg|double-redirect-fixer}}) updates the redirects after a page move. See also {{msg|fix-double-redirects}}.',
1367 -'double-redirect-fixer' => "This is the '''username''' of the user who updates the double redirects after a page move. A user is created with this username, so it is perhaps better to not change this message too often. See also {{msg|double-redirect-fixed-move}} and {{msg|fix-double-redirects}}.",
 1374+'double-redirect-fixer' => "This is the '''username''' of the user who updates the double redirects after a page move. A user is created with this username, so it is perhaps better to not change this message too often. See also {{msg|double-redirect-fixed-move}} and {{msg|fix-double-redirects}}.",
1369 -'brokenredirects' => 'Name of [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1370 -'brokenredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Brokenredirects]].',
1371 -'brokenredirects-edit' => 'Link in [[Special:BrokenRedirects]]
 1376+'brokenredirects' => 'Name of [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1377+'brokenredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Brokenredirects]].',
 1378+'brokenredirects-edit' => 'Link in [[Special:BrokenRedirects]]
13731380 {{Identical|Edit}}',
13741381 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'Link in [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] for admins
13761383 {{Identical|Delete}}',
1378 -'withoutinterwiki' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]].',
 1385+'withoutinterwiki' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]].',
13791386 'withoutinterwiki-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]].',
1380 -'withoutinterwiki-legend' => 'Used on [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]] as title of fieldset.',
1381 -'withoutinterwiki-submit' => '{{Identical|Show}}',
 1387+'withoutinterwiki-legend' => 'Used on [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]] as title of fieldset.',
 1388+'withoutinterwiki-submit' => '{{Identical|Show}}',
13831390 'fewestrevisions' => 'Name of a special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
13851392 # Miscellaneous special pages
1386 -'nbytes' => 'Message used on the history page of a wiki page. Each version of a page consist of a number of bytes. $1 is the number of bytes that the page uses. Uses plural as configured for a language based on $1.',
1387 -'ncategories' => "Used in the special page '[[Special:MostCategories]]' in brackets after each entry on the list signifying how many categories a page is part of. $1 is the number of categories.",
1388 -'nlinks' => 'This appears in brackets after each entry on the special page [[Special:MostLinked]]. $1 is the number of wiki links.',
1389 -'nmembers' => 'Appears in brackets after each category listed on the special page [[Special:WantedCategories]]. $1 is the number of members of the category.',
1390 -'nrevisions' => 'Number of revisions.',
1391 -'nviews' => 'This message is used on [[Special:PopularPages]] to say how many times each page has been viewed. Parameter $1 is the number of views.',
1392 -'specialpage-empty' => 'Used on a special page when there is no data. For example on [[Special:Unusedimages]] when all images are used.',
1393 -'lonelypages' => 'Name of [[Special:LonelyPages]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1394 -'lonelypagestext' => 'Text displayed in [[Special:LonelyPages]]',
1395 -'uncategorizedpages' => 'Name of a special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
 1393+'nbytes' => 'Message used on the history page of a wiki page. Each version of a page consist of a number of bytes. $1 is the number of bytes that the page uses. Uses plural as configured for a language based on $1.',
 1394+'ncategories' => "Used in the special page '[[Special:MostCategories]]' in brackets after each entry on the list signifying how many categories a page is part of. $1 is the number of categories.",
 1395+'nlinks' => 'This appears in brackets after each entry on the special page [[Special:MostLinked]]. $1 is the number of wiki links.',
 1396+'nmembers' => 'Appears in brackets after each category listed on the special page [[Special:WantedCategories]]. $1 is the number of members of the category.',
 1397+'nrevisions' => 'Number of revisions.',
 1398+'nviews' => 'This message is used on [[Special:PopularPages]] to say how many times each page has been viewed. Parameter $1 is the number of views.',
 1399+'specialpage-empty' => 'Used on a special page when there is no data. For example on [[Special:Unusedimages]] when all images are used.',
 1400+'lonelypages' => 'Name of [[Special:LonelyPages]] displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1401+'lonelypagestext' => 'Text displayed in [[Special:LonelyPages]]',
 1402+'uncategorizedpages' => 'Name of a special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
13961403 'uncategorizedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1397 -'uncategorizedimages' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UncategorizedImages]].',
1398 -'uncategorizedtemplates' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UncategorizedTemplates]].',
1399 -'unusedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1400 -'unusedimages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1401 -'popularpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1402 -'wantedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1403 -'wantedpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1404 -'wantedfiles' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]] and title of [[Special:WantedFiles]].',
1405 -'mostlinked' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1406 -'mostlinkedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1407 -'mostlinkedtemplates' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1408 -'mostcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1409 -'mostimages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1410 -'mostrevisions' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1411 -'prefixindex' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1412 -'shortpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1413 -'longpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1414 -'deadendpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1415 -'deadendpagestext' => 'Introductory text for [[Special:DeadendPages]]',
1416 -'protectedpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1417 -'protectedpages-indef' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
1418 -'protectedpages-cascade' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
1419 -'protectedpagestext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
1420 -'protectedtitles' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1421 -'protectedtitlestext' => 'Shown on top of list of titles on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. If the list is empty the message [[MediaWiki:Protectedtitlesempty]] appears instead of this. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] for more information.',
1422 -'protectedtitlesempty' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. This text appears if the list of protected titles is empty. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] for more information.',
1423 -'listusers' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1424 -'listusers-editsonly' => 'Option in [[Special:ListUsers]].',
1425 -'usereditcount' => 'Shown behind every username on [[Special:ListUsers]].',
1426 -'newpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1427 -'newpages-username' => '{{Identical|Username}}',
1428 -'ancientpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1429 -'move' => 'Name of Move tab. Should be in the imperative mood.
 1404+'uncategorizedimages' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UncategorizedImages]].',
 1405+'uncategorizedtemplates' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UncategorizedTemplates]].',
 1406+'unusedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1407+'unusedimages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1408+'popularpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1409+'wantedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1410+'wantedpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1411+'wantedfiles' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]] and title of [[Special:WantedFiles]].',
 1412+'mostlinked' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1413+'mostlinkedcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1414+'mostlinkedtemplates' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1415+'mostcategories' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1416+'mostimages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1417+'mostrevisions' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1418+'prefixindex' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1419+'shortpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1420+'longpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1421+'deadendpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1422+'deadendpagestext' => 'Introductory text for [[Special:DeadendPages]]',
 1423+'protectedpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1424+'protectedpages-indef' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
 1425+'protectedpages-cascade' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
 1426+'protectedpagestext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:ProtectedPages]]',
 1427+'protectedtitles' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1428+'protectedtitlestext' => 'Shown on top of list of titles on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. If the list is empty the message [[MediaWiki:Protectedtitlesempty]] appears instead of this. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] for more information.',
 1429+'protectedtitlesempty' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. This text appears if the list of protected titles is empty. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] for more information.',
 1430+'listusers' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1431+'listusers-editsonly' => 'Option in [[Special:ListUsers]].',
 1432+'usereditcount' => 'Shown behind every username on [[Special:ListUsers]].',
 1433+'newpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1434+'newpages-username' => '{{Identical|Username}}',
 1435+'ancientpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1436+'move' => 'Name of Move tab. Should be in the imperative mood.
14311438 {{Identical|Move}}',
1432 -'movethispage' => '{{Identical|Move this page}}',
1433 -'pager-newer-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]. $1 is the number of items shown per page.",
1434 -'pager-older-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]. $1 is the number of items shown per page.",
 1439+'movethispage' => '{{Identical|Move this page}}',
 1440+'pager-newer-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]. $1 is the number of items shown per page.",
 1441+'pager-older-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]. $1 is the number of items shown per page.",
14361443 # Book sources
1437 -'booksources' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1444+'booksources' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
14381445 'booksources-go' => 'Name of button in [[Special:BookSources]]
14401447 {{Identical|Go}}',
14421449 # Special:Log
1443 -'specialloguserlabel' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]].
 1450+'specialloguserlabel' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]].
14451452 {{Identical|User}}',
14461453 'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]].
14481455 {{Identical|Title}}',
1449 -'log' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
1450 -'all-logs-page' => 'Title of [[Special:Log]].',
1451 -'alllogstext' => 'Header of [[Special:Log]]',
1452 -'log-title-wildcard' => '* Appears in: [[Special:Log]]
 1456+'log' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]',
 1457+'all-logs-page' => 'Title of [[Special:Log]].',
 1458+'alllogstext' => 'Header of [[Special:Log]]',
 1459+'log-title-wildcard' => '* Appears in: [[Special:Log]]
14531460 * Description: A check box to enable prefix search option',
14551462 # Special:AllPages
1456 -'allpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:AllPages]]
 1463+'allpages' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:AllPages]]
14581465 {{Identical|All pages}}',
14591466 'alphaindexline' => 'Used on [[Special:AllPages]] if the main namespace contains more than 960 pages. Indicates the page range displayed behind the link. "from page $1 to page $2". $1 is the source page name. $1 is the target page name.',
1460 -'nextpage' => 'Third part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Allarticles]] and [[MediaWiki:Prevpage]].
 1467+'nextpage' => 'Third part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Allarticles]] and [[MediaWiki:Prevpage]].
14621469 {{Identical|Next page}}',
1463 -'prevpage' => 'Second part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Allarticles]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextpage]].
 1470+'prevpage' => 'Second part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Allarticles]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextpage]].
14651472 {{Identical|Previous page}}',
1466 -'allpagesfrom' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. See also {{msg|allpagesto}}.',
1467 -'allpagesto' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. See also {{msg|allpagesfrom}}.',
1468 -'allarticles' => 'First part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Prevpage]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextpage]].
 1473+'allpagesfrom' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. See also {{msg|allpagesto}}.',
 1474+'allpagesto' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. See also {{msg|allpagesfrom}}.',
 1475+'allarticles' => 'First part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]]. The other parts are [[MediaWiki:Prevpage]] and [[MediaWiki:Nextpage]].
14691476 {{Identical|All pages}}',
1470 -'allpagesprev' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it.
 1477+'allpagesprev' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it.
14721479 {{Identical|Previous}}",
1473 -'allpagesnext' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it.
 1480+'allpagesnext' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it.
14751482 {{Identical|Next}}",
14761483 'allpagessubmit' => 'Text on submit button in [[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]], [[Special:NewPages]], [[Special:Log]], [[Special:ListUsers]], [[Special:ProtectedPages]], [[Special:ProtectedTitles]], [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].
@@ -1477,8 +1484,8 @@
14781485 {{Identical|Go}}',
14801487 # Special:Categories
1481 -'categories' => '{{Identical|Categories}}',
1482 -'categoriespagetext' => "Text displayed in [[Special:Categories]]. Do not translate or change links. In order to translate ''Unused categories'' and ''wanted categories'' see {{msg|unusedcategories}} and {{msg|wantedcategories}}.",
 1488+'categories' => '{{Identical|Categories}}',
 1489+'categoriespagetext' => "Text displayed in [[Special:Categories]]. Do not translate or change links. In order to translate ''Unused categories'' and ''wanted categories'' see {{msg|unusedcategories}} and {{msg|wantedcategories}}.",
14831490 'special-categories-sort-count' => 'This message is used on [[Special:Categories]] to sort the list by the number of members in the categories.',
14851492 # Special:DeletedContributions
@@ -1492,43 +1499,43 @@
14931500 'listusers-submit' => '{{Identical|Show}}',
14951502 # Special:Log/newusers
1496 -'newuserlogpage' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is both the title of [[Special:Log/newusers]] and the link you can see in the recent changes.',
1497 -'newuserlogpagetext' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the description you can see on [[Special:Log/newusers]].',
1498 -'newuserlog-create-entry' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the summary in the [[Special:RecentChanges|recent changes]] and on [[Special:Log/newusers]].',
1499 -'newuserlog-create2-entry' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the summary in the [[Special:RecentChanges|recent changes]] and on [[Special:Log/newusers]] when creating an account for someone else ("$1").',
 1503+'newuserlogpage' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is both the title of [[Special:Log/newusers]] and the link you can see in the recent changes.',
 1504+'newuserlogpagetext' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the description you can see on [[Special:Log/newusers]].',
 1505+'newuserlog-create-entry' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the summary in the [[Special:RecentChanges|recent changes]] and on [[Special:Log/newusers]].',
 1506+'newuserlog-create2-entry' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the summary in the [[Special:RecentChanges|recent changes]] and on [[Special:Log/newusers]] when creating an account for someone else ("$1").',
15001507 'newuserlog-autocreate-entry' => 'This message is used in the [[:mw:Extension:Newuserlog|new user log]] to mark an account that was created by MediaWiki as part of a [[:mw:Extension:CentralAuth|CentralAuth]] global account.',
15021509 # Special:ListGroupRights
1503 -'listgrouprights' => 'The name of the special page [[Special:ListGroupRights]].',
1504 -'listgrouprights-summary' => 'The description used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]].',
1505 -'listgrouprights-group' => "The title of the column in the table, about user groups (like you are in the ''translator'' group).
 1510+'listgrouprights' => 'The name of the special page [[Special:ListGroupRights]].',
 1511+'listgrouprights-summary' => 'The description used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]].',
 1512+'listgrouprights-group' => "The title of the column in the table, about user groups (like you are in the ''translator'' group).
15071514 {{Identical|Group}}",
1508 -'listgrouprights-rights' => "The title of the column in the table, about user rights (like you can ''edit'' this page).",
1509 -'listgrouprights-helppage' => "The link used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. Just translate \"Group rights\", and '''leave the \"Help:\" namespace exactly as it is'''.",
1510 -'listgrouprights-members' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]] and [[Special:Statistics]] as a link to [[Special:ListUsers|Special:ListUsers/"group"]], a list of members in that group.',
1511 -'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. See also {{msg|listgrouprights-removegroup}}.',
1512 -'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. See also {{msg|listgrouprights-addgroup}}.',
1513 -'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => '{{doc-right}}',
 1515+'listgrouprights-rights' => "The title of the column in the table, about user rights (like you can ''edit'' this page).",
 1516+'listgrouprights-helppage' => "The link used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. Just translate \"Group rights\", and '''leave the \"Help:\" namespace exactly as it is'''.",
 1517+'listgrouprights-members' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]] and [[Special:Statistics]] as a link to [[Special:ListUsers|Special:ListUsers/"group"]], a list of members in that group.',
 1518+'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. See also {{msg|listgrouprights-removegroup}}.',
 1519+'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. See also {{msg|listgrouprights-addgroup}}.',
 1520+'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => '{{doc-right}}',
15141521 'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => '{{doc-right}}',
15161523 # E-mail user
1517 -'emailuser' => 'Link in the sidebar',
1518 -'emailpagetext' => 'This is the text that is displayed above the e-mail form on [[Special:EmailUser]].
 1524+'emailuser' => 'Link in the sidebar',
 1525+'emailpagetext' => 'This is the text that is displayed above the e-mail form on [[Special:EmailUser]].
15201527 Special:EmailUser appears when you click on the link "E-mail this user" in the sidebar, but only if there is an e-mail address in the recipient\'s user preferences. If there isn\'t then the message [[Mediawiki:Noemailtext]] will appear instead of Special:EmailUser.',
1521 -'noemailtitle' => 'The title of the message that appears instead of Special:EmailUser after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user.',
1522 -'noemailtext' => 'The text of the message that appears instead of Special:EmailUser after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user.',
1523 -'email-legend' => 'Title of the box in [[Special:EmailUser]]',
1524 -'emailfrom' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].',
1525 -'emailto' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].',
1526 -'emailsubject' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].
 1528+'noemailtitle' => 'The title of the message that appears instead of Special:EmailUser after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user.',
 1529+'noemailtext' => 'The text of the message that appears instead of Special:EmailUser after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user.',
 1530+'email-legend' => 'Title of the box in [[Special:EmailUser]]',
 1531+'emailfrom' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].',
 1532+'emailto' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].',
 1533+'emailsubject' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].
15281535 {{Identical|Subject}}',
1529 -'emailmessage' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].
 1536+'emailmessage' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]].
15311538 {{Identical|Message}}',
1532 -'emailsend' => 'Button name in [[Special:EmailUser]].
 1539+'emailsend' => 'Button name in [[Special:EmailUser]].
15341541 {{Identical|Send}}',
15351542 'emailuserfooter' => 'This message is appended to every email sent through the "Email user" function.
@@ -1537,144 +1544,145 @@
15381545 * $2: username of the recipient',
15401547 # Watchlist
1541 -'watchlist' => '{{Identical|My watchlist}}',
1542 -'mywatchlist' => 'Link at the upper right corner of the screen.
 1548+'watchlist' => '{{Identical|My watchlist}}',
 1549+'mywatchlist' => 'Link at the upper right corner of the screen.
15441551 {{Identical|My watchlist}}',
1545 -'watchlistfor' => 'Subtitle on [[Special:Watchlist]].
 1552+'watchlistfor' => 'Subtitle on [[Special:Watchlist]].
15471554 *$1: Username of current user
15481555 {{Identical|For $1}}',
1549 -'nowatchlist' => 'Displayed when there is no pages in the watchlist.',
1550 -'watchnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
1551 -'addedwatch' => 'Page title displayed when clicking on {{msg|watch}} tab (only when not using the AJAX feauture which allows watching a page without reloading the page or such). See also {{msg|addedwatchtext}}.',
1552 -'addedwatchtext' => 'Explanation shown when clicking on the {{msg|watch}} tab. See also {{msg|addedwatch}}.',
1553 -'removedwatch' => 'Page title displayed when clicking on {{msg|unwatch}} tab (only when not using the AJAX feauture which allows watching a page without reloading the page or such). See also {{msg|removedwatchtext}}.',
1554 -'removedwatchtext' => "After a page has been removed from a user's watchlist by clicking the {{msg|unwatch}} tab at the top of an article, this message appears just below the title of the article. $1 is the title of the article. See also {{msg|removedwatch}} and {{msg|addedwatchtext}}.",
1555 -'watch' => 'Name of the Watch tab. Should be in the imperative mood.',
1556 -'watchthispage' => '{{Identical|Watch this page}}',
1557 -'unwatch' => 'Name of "Unwatch" tab.',
1558 -'watchlist-details' => 'Message on Special page: My watchlist. This is paired with the message [[Mediawiki:Nowatchlist]] which appears instead of Watchlist-details when $1 is 0.',
 1556+'nowatchlist' => 'Displayed when there is no pages in the watchlist.',
 1557+'watchnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
 1558+'addedwatch' => 'Page title displayed when clicking on {{msg|watch}} tab (only when not using the AJAX feauture which allows watching a page without reloading the page or such). See also {{msg|addedwatchtext}}.',
 1559+'addedwatchtext' => 'Explanation shown when clicking on the {{msg|watch}} tab. See also {{msg|addedwatch}}.',
 1560+'removedwatch' => 'Page title displayed when clicking on {{msg|unwatch}} tab (only when not using the AJAX feauture which allows watching a page without reloading the page or such). See also {{msg|removedwatchtext}}.',
 1561+'removedwatchtext' => "After a page has been removed from a user's watchlist by clicking the {{msg|unwatch}} tab at the top of an article, this message appears just below the title of the article. $1 is the title of the article. See also {{msg|removedwatch}} and {{msg|addedwatchtext}}.",
 1562+'watch' => 'Name of the Watch tab. Should be in the imperative mood.',
 1563+'watchthispage' => '{{Identical|Watch this page}}',
 1564+'unwatch' => 'Name of "Unwatch" tab.',
 1565+'notanarticle' => '{{Identical|Content page}}',
 1566+'watchlist-details' => 'Message on Special page: My watchlist. This is paired with the message [[Mediawiki:Nowatchlist]] which appears instead of Watchlist-details when $1 is 0.',
15591567 'wlheader-showupdated' => 'This message shows up near top of users watchlist page.',
1560 -'wlshowlast' => "Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. Variable $1 gives a choice of different numbers of hours, $2 gives a choice of different numbers of days and $3 is 'all' ([[Mediawiki:watchlistall2]]). Clicking on your choice changes the list of changes you see (without changing the default in my preferences).",
1561 -'watchlist-options' => 'Legend of the fieldset of [[Special:Watchlist]]',
 1568+'wlshowlast' => "Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. Variable $1 gives a choice of different numbers of hours, $2 gives a choice of different numbers of days and $3 is 'all' ([[Mediawiki:watchlistall2]]). Clicking on your choice changes the list of changes you see (without changing the default in my preferences).",
 1569+'watchlist-options' => 'Legend of the fieldset of [[Special:Watchlist]]',
15631571 # Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching
1564 -'watching' => 'Text displayed when clicked on the watch tab: [[MediaWiki:Watch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:watch}}]]. It means the wiki is adding that page to your watchlist.',
 1572+'watching' => 'Text displayed when clicked on the watch tab: [[MediaWiki:Watch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:watch}}]]. It means the wiki is adding that page to your watchlist.',
15651573 'unwatching' => 'Text displayed when clicked on the unwatch tab: [[MediaWiki:Unwatch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:unwatch}}]]. It means the wiki is removing that page from your watchlist.',
1567 -'changed' => 'Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in {{msg|enotif_subject}} and {{msg|enotif_body}}.',
1568 -'created' => 'Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in {{msg|enotif_subject}} and {{msg|enotif_body}}.',
 1575+'changed' => 'Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in {{msg|enotif_subject}} and {{msg|enotif_body}}.',
 1576+'created' => 'Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in {{msg|enotif_subject}} and {{msg|enotif_body}}.',
15691577 'enotif_subject' => '$CHANGEDORCREATED can be one of {{msg|changed}} and {{msg|created}}.',
1570 -'enotif_body' => '$CHANGEDORCREATED can be one of {{msg|changed}} and {{msg|created}}.',
 1578+'enotif_body' => '$CHANGEDORCREATED can be one of {{msg|changed}} and {{msg|created}}.',
15721580 # Delete
1573 -'confirm' => 'Submit button text for protection confirmation
 1581+'confirm' => 'Submit button text for protection confirmation
15751583 {{Identical|Confirm}}',
1576 -'excontent' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins',
1577 -'excontentauthor' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page has one author only.',
1578 -'exbeforeblank' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page was blanked before deletion.',
1579 -'delete-confirm' => 'The title of the form to delete a page.
 1584+'excontent' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins',
 1585+'excontentauthor' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page has one author only.',
 1586+'exbeforeblank' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page was blanked before deletion.',
 1587+'delete-confirm' => 'The title of the form to delete a page.
15811589 $1 = the name of the page',
1582 -'delete-legend' => '{{Identical|Delete}}',
1583 -'historywarning' => 'Warning when about to delete a page that has history.',
1584 -'confirmdeletetext' => 'Introduction shown when deleting a page.',
1585 -'actioncomplete' => 'Used in several situations, for example when a page has been deleted.',
1586 -'deletedarticle' => "This is a ''logentry'' message. $1 is deleted page name.",
1587 -'dellogpage' => 'The name of the deletion log. Used as heading on [[Special:Log/delete]] and in the drop down menu for selecting logs on [[Special:Log]].
 1590+'delete-legend' => '{{Identical|Delete}}',
 1591+'historywarning' => 'Warning when about to delete a page that has history.',
 1592+'confirmdeletetext' => 'Introduction shown when deleting a page.',
 1593+'actioncomplete' => 'Used in several situations, for example when a page has been deleted.',
 1594+'deletedarticle' => "This is a ''logentry'' message. $1 is deleted page name.",
 1595+'dellogpage' => 'The name of the deletion log. Used as heading on [[Special:Log/delete]] and in the drop down menu for selecting logs on [[Special:Log]].
15891597 {{Identical|Deletion log}}',
1590 -'dellogpagetext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/delete]].',
1591 -'deletionlog' => 'This message is used to link to the deletion log as parameter $1 of {{msg|Filewasdeleted}} and as parameter $2 of {{msg|deletedtext}}.
 1598+'dellogpagetext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/delete]].',
 1599+'deletionlog' => 'This message is used to link to the deletion log as parameter $1 of {{msg|Filewasdeleted}} and as parameter $2 of {{msg|deletedtext}}.
15931601 {{Identical|Deletion log}}',
1594 -'reverted' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
1595 -'deletecomment' => '{{Identical|Reason for deletion}}',
1596 -'deleteotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
1597 -'deletereasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}',
1598 -'deletereason-dropdown' => 'Default reasons for deletion.',
 1602+'reverted' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1603+'deletecomment' => '{{Identical|Reason for deletion}}',
 1604+'deleteotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
 1605+'deletereasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}',
 1606+'deletereason-dropdown' => 'Default reasons for deletion.',
15991607 'delete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the page deletion form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdown]]. See also {{msg|Ipb-edit-dropdown}} and {{msg|Protect-edit-reasonlist}}.
16011609 {{Identical|Edit delete reasons}}',
16031611 # Rollback
1604 -'rollback' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
1605 -'rollback_short' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
1606 -'rollbacklink' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
1607 -'rollbackfailed' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
1608 -'cantrollback' => '{{Identical|Revert}}
 1612+'rollback' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
 1613+'rollback_short' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
 1614+'rollbacklink' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
 1615+'rollbackfailed' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}',
 1616+'cantrollback' => '{{Identical|Revert}}
16091617 {{Identical|Rollback}}',
1610 -'alreadyrolled' => 'Cannot rollback last edit of [[:$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]] | [[Special:Contributions/$2|{{int:contribslink}}]]);
 1618+'alreadyrolled' => 'Cannot rollback last edit of [[:$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]] | [[Special:Contributions/$2|{{int:contribslink}}]]);
16111619 someone else has edited or rolled back the page already.
16131621 The last edit to the page was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]] | [[Special:Contributions/$3|{{int:contribslink}}]]).
16141622 {{Identical|Rollback}}',
1615 -'revertpage' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1623+'revertpage' => '{{Identical|Revert}}', # Additionally available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
16161624 'rollback-success' => 'This message shows up on screen after successful revert (generally visible only to admins). $1 describes user whose changes have been reverted, $2 describes user which produced version, which replaces reverted version.
16171625 {{Identical|Revert}}
16181626 {{Identical|Rollback}}',
16201628 # Protect
1621 -'protectlogpage' => 'Title of [[Special:Log/protect]].',
1622 -'protectlogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/protect]].',
1623 -'protectedarticle' => 'Text describing an action on [[Special:Log]]. $1 is a page title.',
 1629+'protectlogpage' => 'Title of [[Special:Log/protect]].',
 1630+'protectlogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/protect]].',
 1631+'protectedarticle' => 'Text describing an action on [[Special:Log]]. $1 is a page title.',
16241632 'modifiedarticleprotection' => 'Text describing an action on [[Special:Log]]. $1 is a page title.',
1625 -'protect-title' => 'Title for the protection form. $1 is the title of the page to be (un)protected.',
1626 -'protect-backlink' => 'Optional message. Translate it only if you have to change it, i.e. for RTL wikis
 1633+'protect-title' => 'Title for the protection form. $1 is the title of the page to be (un)protected.',
 1634+'protect-backlink' => 'Optional message. Translate it only if you have to change it, i.e. for RTL wikis
16281636 Shown as subtitle of the protection form. $1 is the title of the page to be (un)protected.',
1629 -'protect-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of the protection form.',
1630 -'protectcomment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
1631 -'protectexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expires}}',
1632 -'protect-unchain' => 'Used for a checkbox to be able to change move permissions. See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
1633 -'protect-text' => 'Intro of the protection interface. See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
1634 -'protect-default' => '{{Identical|Default}}',
1635 -'protect-fallback' => 'This message is used as an option in the protection form on wikis were extra protection levels have been configured.',
1636 -'protect-summary-cascade' => 'Used in edit summary when cascade protecting a page.',
1637 -'protect-expiring' => 'Used in page history, and in [[Special:Protectedtitles]], [[Special:Protectedpages]].
 1637+'protect-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of the protection form.',
 1638+'protectcomment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
 1639+'protectexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expires}}',
 1640+'protect-unchain' => 'Used for a checkbox to be able to change move permissions. See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
 1641+'protect-text' => 'Intro of the protection interface. See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
 1642+'protect-default' => '{{Identical|Default}}',
 1643+'protect-fallback' => 'This message is used as an option in the protection form on wikis were extra protection levels have been configured.',
 1644+'protect-summary-cascade' => 'Used in edit summary when cascade protecting a page.',
 1645+'protect-expiring' => 'Used in page history, and in [[Special:Protectedtitles]], [[Special:Protectedpages]].
16391647 $1 = date and time,
16401648 $2 = date,
16411649 $3 = time.
16431651 {{Identical|Expires $1 (UTC)}}',
1644 -'protect-cascade' => 'See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
1645 -'protect-othertime' => 'Used on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text)
 1652+'protect-cascade' => 'See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.',
 1653+'protect-othertime' => 'Used on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text)
16461654 {{Identical|Other time}}',
1647 -'protect-othertime-op' => 'Used on the page protection form in the drop down menu
 1655+'protect-othertime-op' => 'Used on the page protection form in the drop down menu
16481656 {{Identical|Other time}}',
1649 -'protect-existing-expiry' => 'Shows the existing expiry time in the drop down menu of the protection form ([http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=User:Raymond/test&action=unprotect example])
 1657+'protect-existing-expiry' => 'Shows the existing expiry time in the drop down menu of the protection form ([http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=User:Raymond/test&action=unprotect example])
16511659 * $1: date and time of the existing expiry time (kept for backward compatibility purposes)
16521660 * $2: date of the existing expiry time
16531661 * $3: time of the existing expiry time',
1654 -'protect-otherreason' => 'Shown on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text)
 1662+'protect-otherreason' => 'Shown on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text)
16551663 {{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
1656 -'protect-otherreason-op' => 'Shown on the page protection form in the drop down menu
 1664+'protect-otherreason-op' => 'Shown on the page protection form in the drop down menu
16571665 {{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
1658 -'protect-dropdown' => 'Shown on the page protection form as drop down menu for protection reasons.
 1666+'protect-dropdown' => 'Shown on the page protection form as drop down menu for protection reasons.
16601668 <tt><nowiki>* Groupname</nowiki></tt> - defines a new group<br />
16611669 <tt><nowiki>** Reason</nowiki></tt> - defines a reason in this group',
1662 -'protect-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the page protection form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Protect-dropdown]]. See also {{msg|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} and {{msg|Ipb-edit-dropdown}}.',
1663 -'protect-expiry-options' => "* Description: Options for the duration of the block.
 1670+'protect-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the page protection form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Protect-dropdown]]. See also {{msg|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} and {{msg|Ipb-edit-dropdown}}.',
 1671+'protect-expiry-options' => "* Description: Options for the duration of the block.
16641672 * <font color=\"red\">Be careful:</font> '''1 translation:1 english''', so the first part is the translation and the second part should stay in English.
16651673 * Example: See e.g. [[MediaWiki:Protect-expiry-options/nl]] if you still don't know how to do it.
1667 -{{Identical|Infinite}}",
1668 -'restriction-type' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See the help page on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information on protection.',
1669 -'restriction-level' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.',
1670 -'minimum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with [[MediaWiki:Maximum-size]]. There is an input box to specify the minimum bites of the projected pages listed.',
1671 -'maximum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with [[MediaWiki:Minimum-size]]. There is an input box to specify the maximum bites of the projected pages listed.',
1672 -'pagesize' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. See the help page on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information on protection.',
 1675+{{Identical|Infinite}}", # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
 1676+'restriction-type' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See the help page on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information on protection.',
 1677+'restriction-level' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.',
 1678+'minimum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with [[MediaWiki:Maximum-size]]. There is an input box to specify the minimum bites of the projected pages listed.',
 1679+'maximum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with [[MediaWiki:Minimum-size]]. There is an input box to specify the maximum bites of the projected pages listed.',
 1680+'pagesize' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. See the help page on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information on protection.',
16741682 # Restrictions (nouns)
1675 -'restriction-edit' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box.
 1683+'restriction-edit' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box.
16771685 {{Identical|Edit}}",
1678 -'restriction-move' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box.
 1686+'restriction-move' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box.
16801688 {{Identical|Move}}",
16811689 'restriction-create' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. An option in a drop-down box. See the help pages on [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles MediaWiki] and [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information on protection.
@@ -1682,18 +1690,18 @@
16831691 {{Identical|Create}}',
16851693 # Restriction levels
1686 -'restriction-level-sysop' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.",
 1694+'restriction-level-sysop' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.",
16871695 'restriction-level-autoconfirmed' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.",
1688 -'restriction-level-all' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.",
 1696+'restriction-level-all' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Protected_titles help page on Mediawiki] and on [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Protect Meta] for more information.",
16901698 # Undelete
1691 -'undelete' => 'Name of special page for admins as displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].
 1699+'undelete' => 'Name of special page for admins as displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]].
16931701 {{Identical|View deleted pages}}',
1694 -'undeletepage' => 'Title of special page [[Special:Undelete]]. This special page is only visible to administrators.',
1695 -'viewdeletedpage' => '{{Identical|View deleted pages}}',
1696 -'undeleteextrahelp' => "Help message displayed when restoring history of a page. In your language, ''Restore'' is called ''[[MediaWiki:Undeletebtn/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:Undeletebtn}}]]'' ({{msg|Undeletebtn}}), ''Reset'' button is called ''[[MediaWiki:Undeletereset/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:Undeletereset}}]]'' ({{msg|Undeletereset}}).",
1697 -'undelete-revision' => 'Shown in "View and restore deleted pages" ([[Special:Undelete/$1]]).
 1702+'undeletepage' => 'Title of special page [[Special:Undelete]]. This special page is only visible to administrators.',
 1703+'viewdeletedpage' => '{{Identical|View deleted pages}}',
 1704+'undeleteextrahelp' => "Help message displayed when restoring history of a page. In your language, ''Restore'' is called ''[[MediaWiki:Undeletebtn/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:Undeletebtn}}]]'' ({{msg|Undeletebtn}}), ''Reset'' button is called ''[[MediaWiki:Undeletereset/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:Undeletereset}}]]'' ({{msg|Undeletereset}}).",
 1705+'undelete-revision' => 'Shown in "View and restore deleted pages" ([[Special:Undelete/$1]]).
16991707 * $1: deleted page name
17001708 * $3: user name (author of revision, not who deleted it)
@@ -1701,233 +1709,233 @@
17021710 * $5: time of the revision
17041712 \'\'Example:\'\' Deleted revision of [[Main Page]] (as of {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}, at {{CURRENTTIME}}) by [[User:Username|Username]]:',
1705 -'undeletebtn' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption and on [[Special:Log/delete|deletion log]] after each entry (for sysops).
 1713+'undeletebtn' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption and on [[Special:Log/delete|deletion log]] after each entry (for sysops).
17071715 {{Identical|Restore}}',
1708 -'undeletelink' => 'Display name of link to undelete a page used on [[Special:Log/delete]]
 1716+'undeletelink' => 'Display name of link to undelete a page used on [[Special:Log/delete]]
17101718 {{Identical|Restore}}',
1711 -'undeletereset' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption.
 1719+'undeletereset' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption.
17121720 {{Identical|Reset}}',
1713 -'undeleteinvert' => '{{Identical|Invert selection}}',
1714 -'undeletecomment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
1715 -'undelete-search-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
 1721+'undeleteinvert' => '{{Identical|Invert selection}}',
 1722+'undeletecomment' => '{{Identical|Comment}}',
 1723+'undelete-search-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
17161724 'undelete-show-file-confirm' => 'A confirmation message shown on Special:Undelete when the request does not contain a valid token (e.g. when a user clicks a link received in mail).
17171725 * <code>$1</code> is the name of the file being undeleted.
17181726 * <code>$2</code> is the date of the displayed revision.
17191727 * <code>$3</code> is the time of the displayed revision.',
17211729 # Namespace form on various pages
1722 -'namespace' => '{{Identical|Namespace}}',
1723 -'invert' => 'Displayed in [[Special:RecentChanges]].
 1730+'namespace' => '{{Identical|Namespace}}',
 1731+'invert' => 'Displayed in [[Special:RecentChanges]].
17251733 {{Identical|Invert selection}}',
17261734 'blanknamespace' => 'Name for main namespace (blank namespace) in drop-down menus at [[Special:RecentChanges]] and other special pages.',
17281736 # Contributions
1729 -'contributions' => "Display name for the 'User contributions', shown in the sidebar menu of all user pages and user talk pages. Also the page name of the target page. The target page shows an overview of the most recent contributions by a user.",
 1737+'contributions' => "Display name for the 'User contributions', shown in the sidebar menu of all user pages and user talk pages. Also the page name of the target page. The target page shows an overview of the most recent contributions by a user.",
17301738 'contributions-title' => 'The page title in your browser bar, but not the page title. See also {{msg|contributions}}. Parameter $1 is the username.',
1731 -'mycontris' => 'In the personal urls page section - right upper corner.',
1732 -'uctop' => 'This message is used in [[Special:Contributions]]. It is used to show that a particular edit was the last made to a page. Example: 09:57, 11 February 2008 (hist) (diff) Pagename‎ (edit summary) (top)',
1733 -'month' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for a dropdown box to select a specific month to view the edits made in that month, and the earlier months. See also {{msg|year}}.',
1734 -'year' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for a inputbox to select a specific year to view the edits made in that year, and the earlier years. See also {{msg|month}}.',
 1739+'mycontris' => 'In the personal urls page section - right upper corner.',
 1740+'uctop' => 'This message is used in [[Special:Contributions]]. It is used to show that a particular edit was the last made to a page. Example: 09:57, 11 February 2008 (hist) (diff) Pagename‎ (edit summary) (top)',
 1741+'month' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for a dropdown box to select a specific month to view the edits made in that month, and the earlier months. See also {{msg|year}}.',
 1742+'year' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for a inputbox to select a specific year to view the edits made in that year, and the earlier years. See also {{msg|month}}.',
1736 -'sp-contributions-newbies' => 'Text of radio button on special page [[Special:Contributions]].',
1737 -'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => "Note at the top of the page of results for a search on [[Special:Contributions]] where 'Show contributions for new accounts only' has been selected.",
 1744+'sp-contributions-newbies' => 'Text of radio button on special page [[Special:Contributions]].',
 1745+'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => "Note at the top of the page of results for a search on [[Special:Contributions]] where 'Show contributions for new accounts only' has been selected.",
17381746 'sp-contributions-newbies-title' => 'The page title in your browser bar, but not the page title. See also {{msg|sp-contributions-newbies-sub}}.',
1739 -'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Used as a display name for a link to the block log on for example [[Special:Contributions/Mediawiki default]]
 1747+'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Used as a display name for a link to the block log on for example [[Special:Contributions/Mediawiki default]]
17411749 {{Identical|Block log}}',
1742 -'sp-contributions-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
 1750+'sp-contributions-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
17441752 # What links here
1745 -'whatlinkshere' => 'The text of the link in the toolbox (on the left, below the search menu) going to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]].',
1746 -'whatlinkshere-title' => "Title of the special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. This page appears when you click on the 'What links here' button in the toolbox. $1 is the name of the page concerned.",
1747 -'whatlinkshere-page' => '{{Identical|Page}}',
1748 -'linkshere' => "This message is the header line of the [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1]] page generated by clicking 'What links here' in the sidebar toolbox. It is followed by a navigation bar built using [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].",
1749 -'nolinkshere' => 'This appears on Whatlinkshere pages which are empty.
 1753+'whatlinkshere' => 'The text of the link in the toolbox (on the left, below the search menu) going to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]].',
 1754+'whatlinkshere-title' => "Title of the special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. This page appears when you click on the 'What links here' button in the toolbox. $1 is the name of the page concerned.",
 1755+'whatlinkshere-page' => '{{Identical|Page}}',
 1756+'linkshere' => "This message is the header line of the [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1]] page generated by clicking 'What links here' in the sidebar toolbox. It is followed by a navigation bar built using [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].",
 1757+'nolinkshere' => 'This appears on Whatlinkshere pages which are empty.
17511759 Parameter $1 is a page title.',
1752 -'isredirect' => 'Displayed in Special:WhatLinksHere (see [{{fullurl:Special:WhatLinksHere/Betawiki:Translator|hidelinks=1}} Special:WhatLinksHere/Betawiki:Translator] for example).
 1760+'isredirect' => 'Displayed in Special:WhatLinksHere (see [{{fullurl:Special:WhatLinksHere/Betawiki:Translator|hidelinks=1}} Special:WhatLinksHere/Betawiki:Translator] for example).
17541762 {{Identical|Redirect page}}',
1755 -'istemplate' => 'Means that a page (a template, specifically) is used as <code><nowiki>{{Page name}}</nowiki></code>.
 1763+'istemplate' => 'Means that a page (a template, specifically) is used as <code><nowiki>{{Page name}}</nowiki></code>.
17561764 Displayed in Special:WhatLinksHere (see [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:New portal]] for example).',
1757 -'isimage' => 'This message is displayed on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] for images. It means that the image is used on the page (as opposed to just being linked to like an non-image page).',
1758 -'whatlinkshere-prev' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
 1765+'isimage' => 'This message is displayed on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] for images. It means that the image is used on the page (as opposed to just being linked to like an non-image page).',
 1766+'whatlinkshere-prev' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the first argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
17591767 $1 is the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one.
17601768 Special pages use [[MediaWiki:Prevn]] instead (still as an argument to [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
17621770 {{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}}',
1763 -'whatlinkshere-next' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
 1771+'whatlinkshere-next' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the second argument of [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]].
17641772 $1 is the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one.
17651773 Special pages use [[MediaWiki:Nextn]] instead (still as an argument to [[MediaWiki:Viewprevnext]]).
17671775 {{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}}',
1768 -'whatlinkshere-links' => 'Used on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. It is a link to the WhatLinksHere page of that page.
 1776+'whatlinkshere-links' => 'Used on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. It is a link to the WhatLinksHere page of that page.
17701778 Example line:
17711779 * [[Main Page]] ([[Special:WhatLinksHere/Main Page|{{int:whatlinkshere-links}}]])
17731781 {{Identical|Links}}',
17741782 'whatlinkshere-hideredirs' => 'Parameter $1 is the message "[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|hide]]" or "[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|show]]".',
1775 -'whatlinkshere-hidetrans' => 'Parameter $1 is the message "[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|hide]]" or "[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|show]]".',
1776 -'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => 'Parameter $1 is the message "[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|hide]]" or "[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|show]]".',
 1783+'whatlinkshere-hidetrans' => 'Parameter $1 is the message "[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|hide]]" or "[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|show]]".',
 1784+'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => 'Parameter $1 is the message "[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|hide]]" or "[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|show]]".',
17771785 'whatlinkshere-hideimages' => 'This is the text of the option on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] for image pages, allowing to hide/show pages which display the file inline ($1 is either [[MediaWiki:Show|{{MediaWiki:Show}}]], or [[MediaWiki:Hide|{{MediaWiki:Hide}}]])',
1778 -'whatlinkshere-filters' => '{{Identical|Filter}}',
 1786+'whatlinkshere-filters' => '{{Identical|Filter}}',
17801788 # Block/unblock
1781 -'blockip' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:BlockIP]].
 1789+'blockip' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:BlockIP]].
17831791 {{Identical|Block user}}',
1784 -'blockip-legend' => 'Legend/Header for the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:BlockIP]].
 1792+'blockip-legend' => 'Legend/Header for the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:BlockIP]].
17861794 {{Identical|Block user}}',
1787 -'ipaddress' => '{{Identical|IP Address}}',
1788 -'ipbexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expiry}}',
1789 -'ipbreason' => 'Label of the block reason dropdown in [[Special:BlockIP]] and the unblock reason textfield in [{{fullurl:Special:IPBlockList|action=unblock}} Special:IPBlockList?action=unblock].
 1795+'ipaddress' => '{{Identical|IP Address}}',
 1796+'ipbexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expiry}}',
 1797+'ipbreason' => 'Label of the block reason dropdown in [[Special:BlockIP]] and the unblock reason textfield in [{{fullurl:Special:IPBlockList|action=unblock}} Special:IPBlockList?action=unblock].
17911799 {{Identical|Reason}}',
1792 -'ipbreasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}',
1793 -'ipbanononly' => '{{Identical|Block anonymous users only}}',
1794 -'ipbcreateaccount' => '{{Identical|Prevent account creation}}',
1795 -'ipbemailban' => '{{Identical|Prevent user from sending e-mail}}',
1796 -'ipbenableautoblock' => '{{Identical|Automatically block ...}}',
1797 -'ipbsubmit' => '{{Identical|Block this user}}',
1798 -'ipbother' => '{{Identical|Other time}}',
1799 -'ipboptions' => "* Description: Options for the duration of the block.
 1800+'ipbreasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}',
 1801+'ipbanononly' => '{{Identical|Block anonymous users only}}',
 1802+'ipbcreateaccount' => '{{Identical|Prevent account creation}}',
 1803+'ipbemailban' => '{{Identical|Prevent user from sending e-mail}}',
 1804+'ipbenableautoblock' => '{{Identical|Automatically block ...}}',
 1805+'ipbsubmit' => '{{Identical|Block this user}}',
 1806+'ipbother' => '{{Identical|Other time}}',
 1807+'ipboptions' => "* Description: Options for the duration of the block.
18001808 * <font color=\"red\">Be careful:</font> '''1 translation:1 english''', so the first part is the translation and the second part should stay in English.
18011809 * Example: See e.g. [[MediaWiki:Ipboptions/nl]] if you still don't know how to do it.
1803 -{{Identical|Infinite}}",
1804 -'ipbotheroption' => '{{Identical|Other}}',
1805 -'ipbotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
1806 -'ipbhidename' => 'This is the label for a checkbox in the user block form on [[Special:BlockIP]].',
1807 -'ipbwatchuser' => 'This is an option on [[Special:BlockIP]] to watch the user page and talk page of the blocked user',
1808 -'ipballowusertalk' => 'Option in [[Special:BlockIP]] that allows the blocked user to edit own talk page.',
1809 -'ipb-change-block' => 'Confirmation checkbox required for blocks that would override an earlier block. Appears together with {{msg|ipb-needreblock}}.',
1810 -'ipb-edit-dropdown' => 'Shown beneath the user block form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Ipbreason-dropdown]]. See also {{msg|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} and {{msg|Protect-edit-reasonlist}}.',
1811 -'ipblocklist-sh-userblocks' => 'Top selection button at [[Special:IPBlockList]], which means Show/Hide indefinite blocks
 1811+{{Identical|Infinite}}", # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
 1812+'ipbotheroption' => '{{Identical|Other}}',
 1813+'ipbotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}',
 1814+'ipbhidename' => 'This is the label for a checkbox in the user block form on [[Special:BlockIP]].',
 1815+'ipbwatchuser' => 'This is an option on [[Special:BlockIP]] to watch the user page and talk page of the blocked user',
 1816+'ipballowusertalk' => 'Option in [[Special:BlockIP]] that allows the blocked user to edit own talk page.',
 1817+'ipb-change-block' => 'Confirmation checkbox required for blocks that would override an earlier block. Appears together with {{msg|ipb-needreblock}}.',
 1818+'ipb-edit-dropdown' => 'Shown beneath the user block form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Ipbreason-dropdown]]. See also {{msg|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} and {{msg|Protect-edit-reasonlist}}.',
 1819+'ipblocklist-sh-userblocks' => 'Top selection button at [[Special:IPBlockList]], which means Show/Hide indefinite blocks
18131821 * $1 - word "{{msg|Hide}}" or "{{msg|Show}}"',
1814 -'ipblocklist-sh-tempblocks' => 'Top selection button at [[Special:IPBlockList]]
 1822+'ipblocklist-sh-tempblocks' => 'Top selection button at [[Special:IPBlockList]]
18161824 * $1 - word "{{msg|Hide}}" or "{{msg|Show}}"',
18171825 'ipblocklist-sh-addressblocks' => 'Top selection button at [[Special:IPBlockList]]
18191827 * $1 - word "{{msg|Hide}}" or "{{msg|Show}}"',
1820 -'ipblocklist-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
1821 -'blocklistline' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Special:IPBlockList.
 1828+'ipblocklist-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
 1829+'blocklistline' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Special:IPBlockList.
18221830 *$1 is the hour and date of the block.
18231831 *$2 is the sysop.
18241832 *$3 is the blocked user or IP (with link to contributions and talk)
18251833 *$4 contains "hour and date of expiry, details (\'\'reason\'\')"
18271835 See also [[MediaWiki:Blocklogentry]].',
1828 -'infiniteblock' => '{{Identical|Infinite}}',
1829 -'anononlyblock' => '{{Identical|Anon only}}',
1830 -'noautoblockblock' => '{{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}',
1831 -'emailblock' => '{{Identical|E-mail blocked}}',
1832 -'blocklist-nousertalk' => 'Used in [[Special:IPBlockList]] when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. See also {{msg-mw|Block-log-flags-nousertalk}}.',
1833 -'blocklink' => "Display name for a link that, when selected, leads to a form where a user can be blocked. Used in page history and recent changes pages. Example: \"''UserName (Talk | contribs | '''block''')''\".",
1834 -'change-blocklink' => 'Used to name the link on Special:Log',
1835 -'contribslink' => 'Short for "contributions". Used as display name for a link to user contributions on history pages, [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], etc.',
1836 -'blocklogpage' => '{{Identical|Block log}}',
1837 -'blocklog-fulllog' => 'Shown at Special:BlockIP at the end of the block log if there are more than 10 entries for this user, see [[Special:BlockIP/Raymond]] as example (visible for sysops only).',
1838 -'blocklogentry' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Block log (and RC), after hour (and date, only in the Block log) and sysop name:
 1836+'infiniteblock' => '{{Identical|Infinite}}',
 1837+'anononlyblock' => '{{Identical|Anon only}}',
 1838+'noautoblockblock' => '{{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}',
 1839+'emailblock' => '{{Identical|E-mail blocked}}',
 1840+'blocklist-nousertalk' => 'Used in [[Special:IPBlockList]] when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. See also {{msg-mw|Block-log-flags-nousertalk}}.',
 1841+'blocklink' => "Display name for a link that, when selected, leads to a form where a user can be blocked. Used in page history and recent changes pages. Example: \"''UserName (Talk | contribs | '''block''')''\".",
 1842+'change-blocklink' => 'Used to name the link on Special:Log',
 1843+'contribslink' => 'Short for "contributions". Used as display name for a link to user contributions on history pages, [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], etc.',
 1844+'blocklogpage' => '{{Identical|Block log}}',
 1845+'blocklog-fulllog' => 'Shown at Special:BlockIP at the end of the block log if there are more than 10 entries for this user, see [[Special:BlockIP/Raymond]] as example (visible for sysops only).',
 1846+'blocklogentry' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Block log (and RC), after hour (and date, only in the Block log) and sysop name:
18391847 *$1 is the blocked user or IP (with link to contributions and talk)
18401848 *$2 is the duration of the block (hours, days etc.) or the specified expiry date
18411849 *$3 contains "(details) (\'\'reason\'\')"
18421850 See also [[MediaWiki:Blocklistline]].',
1843 -'reblock-logentry' => '* $1 is the user being reblocked
 1851+'reblock-logentry' => '* $1 is the user being reblocked
18441852 * $2 is the expiry time of the block
18451853 * $3 is the reason of the block',
1846 -'blocklogtext' => 'See {{msg-mw|ipblocklist}} for the special page name.',
1847 -'block-log-flags-noautoblock' => '{{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}',
1848 -'block-log-flags-noemail' => "Log message for [[Special:Log/block]] to note that a user cannot use the 'email another user' option.
 1854+'blocklogtext' => 'See {{msg-mw|ipblocklist}} for the special page name.',
 1855+'block-log-flags-noautoblock' => '{{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}',
 1856+'block-log-flags-noemail' => "Log message for [[Special:Log/block]] to note that a user cannot use the 'email another user' option.
18501858 {{Identical|E-mail blocked}}",
1851 -'block-log-flags-nousertalk' => 'Used in [[Special:Log/block]] when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. See also {{msg-mw|Blocklist-nousertalk}}.',
1852 -'ipb_expiry_temp' => 'Warning message displayed on [[Special:BlockIP]] if the option "hide username" is selected but the expiry time is not infinite.',
1853 -'ipb_already_blocked' => '{{Identical|$1 is already blocked}}',
1854 -'blockme' => 'The page title of [[Special:Blockme]], a feature which is disabled by default.',
 1859+'block-log-flags-nousertalk' => 'Used in [[Special:Log/block]] when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. See also {{msg-mw|Blocklist-nousertalk}}.',
 1860+'ipb_expiry_temp' => 'Warning message displayed on [[Special:BlockIP]] if the option "hide username" is selected but the expiry time is not infinite.',
 1861+'ipb_already_blocked' => '{{Identical|$1 is already blocked}}',
 1862+'blockme' => 'The page title of [[Special:Blockme]], a feature which is disabled by default.',
18561864 # Developer tools
1857 -'lockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:LockDB]].
 1865+'lockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:LockDB]].
18591867 {{Identical|Lock database}}',
1860 -'unlockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]].
 1868+'unlockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]].
18621870 {{Identical|Unlock database}}',
1863 -'lockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:LockDB]].
 1871+'lockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:LockDB]].
18651873 {{Identical|Lock database}}',
1866 -'unlockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]].
 1874+'unlockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]].
18681876 {{Identical|Unlock database}}',
18691877 'lockfilenotwritable' => "'No longer needed' on wikipedia.",
18711879 # Move page
1872 -'move-page' => 'Header of the special page to move pages. $1 is the name of the page to be moved.',
1873 -'move-page-backlink' => 'Optional message. Translate it only if you have to change it, i.e. for RTL wikis
 1880+'move-page' => 'Header of the special page to move pages. $1 is the name of the page to be moved.',
 1881+'move-page-backlink' => 'Optional message. Translate it only if you have to change it, i.e. for RTL wikis
18751883 Shown as subtitle of [[Special:MovePage/testpage]]. $1 is the title of the page to be moved.',
1876 -'move-page-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:MovePage/testpage]].
 1884+'move-page-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:MovePage/testpage]].
18781886 {{Identical|Move page}}',
1879 -'movepagetext' => 'Introduction shown when moving a page ([[Special:MovePage]]).',
1880 -'movepagetalktext' => "Text on the special 'Move page'. This text only appears if the talk page is not empty.",
1881 -'movearticle' => 'The text before the name of the page that you are moving.
 1887+'movepagetext' => 'Introduction shown when moving a page ([[Special:MovePage]]).',
 1888+'movepagetalktext' => "Text on the special 'Move page'. This text only appears if the talk page is not empty.",
 1889+'movearticle' => 'The text before the name of the page that you are moving.
18831891 {{Identical|Move page}}',
1884 -'movenologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
1885 -'movenologintext' => "Text of message on special page 'Permissions Errors', which appears when somebody tries to move a page without being logged in.",
1886 -'newtitle' => 'Used in the special page "[[Special:MovePage]]". The text for the inputbox to give the new page title.',
1887 -'move-watch' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the page you are moving.
 1892+'movenologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}',
 1893+'movenologintext' => "Text of message on special page 'Permissions Errors', which appears when somebody tries to move a page without being logged in.",
 1894+'newtitle' => 'Used in the special page "[[Special:MovePage]]". The text for the inputbox to give the new page title.',
 1895+'move-watch' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the page you are moving.
18891897 {{Identical|Watch this page}}',
1890 -'movepagebtn' => "Button label on the special 'Move page'.
 1898+'movepagebtn' => "Button label on the special 'Move page'.
18921900 {{Identical|Move page}}",
1893 -'pagemovedsub' => 'Message displayed as aheader of the body, after succesfully moving a page from source to target name.',
1894 -'movepage-moved' => 'Message displayed after succesfully moving a page from source to target name.
 1901+'pagemovedsub' => 'Message displayed as aheader of the body, after succesfully moving a page from source to target name.',
 1902+'movepage-moved' => 'Message displayed after succesfully moving a page from source to target name.
18951903 * $1 is the source page as a link with display name
18961904 * $2 is the target page as a link with display name
18971905 * $3 (optional) is the source page name without a link
1898 -* $4 (optional) is the target page name without a link',
1899 -'movetalk' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the associated talk page to the page you are moving. This only appears when the talk page is not empty.',
1900 -'move-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any subpages will be moved with the main page to a new title.',
1901 -'move-talk-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any subpages will be moved with the talk page to a new title.',
1902 -'1movedto2' => "This is ''logentry'' message. $1 is the original page name, $2 is the destination page name.",
1903 -'1movedto2_redir' => "This is ''logentry'' message. $1 is the original page name, $2 is the destination page name.",
1904 -'movelogpage' => 'Title of special page',
1905 -'movelogpagetext' => "Text on the special page 'Move log'.",
1906 -'movereason' => 'Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. The text for the inputbox to give a reason for the page move.
 1906+* $4 (optional) is the target page name without a link', # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
 1907+'movetalk' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the associated talk page to the page you are moving. This only appears when the talk page is not empty.',
 1908+'move-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any subpages will be moved with the main page to a new title.',
 1909+'move-talk-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any subpages will be moved with the talk page to a new title.',
 1910+'1movedto2' => "This is ''logentry'' message. $1 is the original page name, $2 is the destination page name.",
 1911+'1movedto2_redir' => "This is ''logentry'' message. $1 is the original page name, $2 is the destination page name.",
 1912+'movelogpage' => 'Title of special page',
 1913+'movelogpagetext' => "Text on the special page 'Move log'.",
 1914+'movereason' => 'Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. The text for the inputbox to give a reason for the page move.
19081916 {{Identical|Reason}}',
1909 -'revertmove' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
1910 -'delete_and_move_text' => 'Used when moving a page, but the destination page already exists and needs deletion. This message is to confirm that you really want to delete the page. See also {{msg|delete and move confirm}}.',
 1917+'revertmove' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
 1918+'delete_and_move_text' => 'Used when moving a page, but the destination page already exists and needs deletion. This message is to confirm that you really want to delete the page. See also {{msg|delete and move confirm}}.',
19111919 'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Used when moving a page, but the destination page already exists and needs deletion. This message is for a checkbox to confirm that you really want to delete the page. See also {{msg|delete and move text}}.',
1912 -'fix-double-redirects' => 'This is a checkbox in [[Special:MovePage]] which allows to move all redirects from the old title to the new title.',
 1920+'fix-double-redirects' => 'This is a checkbox in [[Special:MovePage]] which allows to move all redirects from the old title to the new title.',
19141922 # Export
1915 -'export' => 'Page title of [[Special:Export]], a page where a user can export pages from a wiki to a file.',
1916 -'exporttext' => 'Main text on [[Special:Export]]. Leave the line <tt><nowiki>[[{{ns:special}}:Export/{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]</nowiki></tt> exactly as it is!',
1917 -'exportcuronly' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]',
1918 -'export-submit' => 'Button name in [[Special:Export]].
 1923+'export' => 'Page title of [[Special:Export]], a page where a user can export pages from a wiki to a file.',
 1924+'exporttext' => 'Main text on [[Special:Export]]. Leave the line <tt><nowiki>[[{{ns:special}}:Export/{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]</nowiki></tt> exactly as it is!',
 1925+'exportcuronly' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]',
 1926+'export-submit' => 'Button name in [[Special:Export]].
19201928 {{Identical|Export}}',
1921 -'export-addcat' => '{{Identical|Add}}',
1922 -'export-download' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]',
 1929+'export-addcat' => '{{Identical|Add}}',
 1930+'export-download' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]',
19231931 'export-templates' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]',
19251933 # Namespace 8 related
1926 -'allmessages' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:AllMessages]].',
1927 -'allmessagesname' => 'Used on [[Special:Allmessages]] meaning "the name of the message".
 1934+'allmessages' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:AllMessages]].',
 1935+'allmessagesname' => 'Used on [[Special:Allmessages]] meaning "the name of the message".
19281936 {{Identical|Name}}',
1929 -'allmessagesdefault' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
1930 -'allmessagescurrent' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
1931 -'allmessagestext' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
 1937+'allmessagesdefault' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
 1938+'allmessagescurrent' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
 1939+'allmessagestext' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].',
19321940 'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => 'This message is displayed on [[Special:AllMessages]] on wikis were the configuration variable $wgUseDatabaseMessages is disabled. It means that the MediaWiki namespace is not used.',
19341942 # Thumbnails
@@ -1935,9 +1943,9 @@
19361944 Tooltip shown when hovering over a little sign of a thumb image, to go to the image page (where it is bigger). For example, see the image at the right:',
19381946 # Special:Import
1939 -'import' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:Import]];',
 1947+'import' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:Import]];',
19401948 'import-interwiki-submit' => '{{Identical|Import}}',
1941 -'xml-error-string' => ':$1: Some kind of message, perhaps name of the error?
 1949+'xml-error-string' => ':$1: Some kind of message, perhaps name of the error?
19421950 :$2: line number
19431951 :$3: columm number
19441952 :$4: ?? $this->mByte . $this->mContext
@@ -1945,7 +1953,7 @@
19461954 ----
19471955 :Example
19481956 Import failed: XML import parse failure at line 1, col 1 (byte 3; "- <mediawiki xml"): Empty document',
1949 -'import-upload' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]].
 1957+'import-upload' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]].
19511959 Related messages: {{msg|right-importupload|pl=yes}} (the user right for this).',
@@ -1953,70 +1961,73 @@
19541962 'importlogpage' => '{{Identical|Import log}}',
19561964 # Tooltip help for the actions
1957 -'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'This text appears in the tool-tip when you hover the mouse over your the tab with you User name on it',
1958 -'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my talk" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
1959 -'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my preferences" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).
 1965+'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'This text appears in the tool-tip when you hover the mouse over your the tab with you User name on it',
 1966+'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my talk" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
 1967+'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my preferences" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).
19611969 {{Identical|My preferences}}',
1962 -'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my watchlist" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
1963 -'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my contributions" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
1964 -'tooltip-pt-login' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'Log in / create account' in the upper right corner show on all pages while not logged in.",
1965 -'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "Log out" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).
 1970+'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my watchlist" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
 1971+'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "my contributions" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).',
 1972+'tooltip-pt-login' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'Log in / create account' in the upper right corner show on all pages while not logged in.",
 1973+'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "Log out" link in your personal toolbox (upper right side).
19671975 {{Identical|Log out}}',
1968 -'tooltip-ca-talk' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Talk/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:talk}}]]" tab.',
1969 -'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Edit/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:edit}}]]" tab.',
1970 -'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "addsection" tab (shown on talk pages).',
1971 -'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Tooltip displayed when hovering over the {{msg|viewsource}} tab.',
1972 -'tooltip-ca-protect' => '{{Identical|Protect this page}}',
1973 -'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Delete/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:delete}}]]" tab.
 1976+'tooltip-ca-talk' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Talk/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:talk}}]]" tab.
 1978+{{Identical|Content page}}',
 1979+'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Edit/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:edit}}]]" tab.',
 1980+'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "addsection" tab (shown on talk pages).',
 1981+'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Tooltip displayed when hovering over the {{msg|viewsource}} tab.',
 1982+'tooltip-ca-protect' => '{{Identical|Protect this page}}',
 1983+'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Delete/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:delete}}]]" tab.
19751985 {{Identical|Delete this page}}',
1976 -'tooltip-ca-move' => '{{Identical|Move this page}}',
1977 -'tooltip-ca-watch' => '{{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}',
1978 -'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|unwatch}} tab.',
1979 -'tooltip-search' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the search menu.',
1980 -'tooltip-search-go' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the “[[MediaWiki:Go|Go]]” button next to the search box.',
1981 -'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the “[[MediaWiki:Search|Search]]” button under the search box.',
1982 -'tooltip-p-logo' => '{{Identical|Main page}}',
1983 -'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]].',
1984 -'tooltip-n-portal' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to 'Community portal' shown in the side bar menu on all pages.",
1985 -'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|currentevents}} in the sidebar.',
1986 -'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Recentchanges/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:recentchanges}}]]" link in the sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]].',
1987 -'tooltip-n-randompage' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to 'Random page' shown in the side bar menu on all pages. Clicking the link will show a random page in from the wiki's main namespace.",
1988 -'tooltip-n-help' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'help' shown in the side bar menu on all pages.",
1989 -'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|whatlinkshere}} message in the toolbox.',
1990 -'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|contributions}} in the toolbox.',
1991 -'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|emailuser}} link in the toolbox (sidebar, below).',
1992 -'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to upload files shown in the side bar menu on all pages.
 1986+'tooltip-ca-move' => '{{Identical|Move this page}}',
 1987+'tooltip-ca-watch' => '{{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}',
 1988+'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|unwatch}} tab.',
 1989+'tooltip-search' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the search menu.',
 1990+'tooltip-search-go' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the “[[MediaWiki:Go|Go]]” button next to the search box.',
 1991+'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the “[[MediaWiki:Search|Search]]” button under the search box.',
 1992+'tooltip-p-logo' => '{{Identical|Main page}}',
 1993+'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]].',
 1994+'tooltip-n-portal' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to 'Community portal' shown in the side bar menu on all pages.",
 1995+'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|currentevents}} in the sidebar.',
 1996+'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Recentchanges/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:recentchanges}}]]" link in the sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]].',
 1997+'tooltip-n-randompage' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to 'Random page' shown in the side bar menu on all pages. Clicking the link will show a random page in from the wiki's main namespace.",
 1998+'tooltip-n-help' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'help' shown in the side bar menu on all pages.",
 1999+'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|whatlinkshere}} message in the toolbox.',
 2000+'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|contributions}} in the toolbox.',
 2001+'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|emailuser}} link in the toolbox (sidebar, below).',
 2002+'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to upload files shown in the side bar menu on all pages.
19942004 {{Identical|Upload files}}',
1995 -'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the link "[[MediaWiki:Specialpages/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:specialpages}}]]" going to a list of all special pages available in the wiki.',
1996 -'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|nstab-user}} (User namespace tab).',
1997 -'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|nstab-image}} (Image namespace tab).',
1998 -'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-template}} tab.',
1999 -'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Tootip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-help}} tab in the Help namespace.',
2000 -'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-category}} tab.',
2001 -'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Minoredit/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:minoredit}}]]" link below the edit form.',
2002 -'tooltip-save' => "This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the 'Save page' button on the edit page",
2003 -'tooltip-preview' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "Show preview" button.
 2005+'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the link "[[MediaWiki:Specialpages/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:specialpages}}]]" going to a list of all special pages available in the wiki.',
 2006+'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => '{{Identical|Content page}}',
 2007+'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|nstab-user}} (User namespace tab).',
 2008+'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg|nstab-image}} (Image namespace tab).',
 2009+'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-template}} tab.',
 2010+'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Tootip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-help}} tab in the Help namespace.',
 2011+'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg|nstab-category}} tab.',
 2012+'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "[[MediaWiki:Minoredit/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:minoredit}}]]" link below the edit form.',
 2013+'tooltip-save' => "This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the 'Save page' button on the edit page",
 2014+'tooltip-preview' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "Show preview" button.
20052016 If the length of the translated message is over 60 characters (including spaces) then the end of the message will be cut off when using Firefox browser, Linux operating system and the Monobook skin.',
2006 -'tooltip-diff' => 'This is the text (tooltip) that appears when you hover the mouse over the "Show changes" button ({{msg|showdiff}}) on the edit page.',
 2017+'tooltip-diff' => 'This is the text (tooltip) that appears when you hover the mouse over the "Show changes" button ({{msg|showdiff}}) on the edit page.',
20072018 'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'Tooltip of {{msg|compareselectedversions}} (which is used as button in history pages).',
2008 -'tooltip-watch' => '{{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}',
2009 -'tooltip-rollback' => 'Tooltip of the rollback link on the history page and the diff view
 2019+'tooltip-watch' => '{{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}',
 2020+'tooltip-rollback' => 'Tooltip of the rollback link on the history page and the diff view
20102021 {{Identical|Rollback}}
20112022 {{Identical|Revert}}',
2012 -'tooltip-undo' => 'Tooltip of the undo link on the history page and the diff view
 2023+'tooltip-undo' => 'Tooltip of the undo link on the history page and the diff view
20132024 {{Identical|Undo}}{{Identical|Revert}}',
20152026 # Stylesheets
2016 -'common.css' => 'CSS applied to all users.',
 2027+'common.css' => 'CSS applied to all users.',
20172028 'monobook.css' => 'CSS applied to users using Monobook skin.',
20192030 # Scripts
2020 -'common.js' => 'JS for all users.',
 2031+'common.js' => 'JS for all users.',
20212032 'monobook.js' => 'JS for users using Monobook skin.',
20232034 # Attribution
@@ -2025,62 +2036,62 @@
20262037 * $2: time
20272038 * $3: user
2029 -See also [[MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].',
2030 -'siteusers' => '* $1 is a list of user names (example: "\'\'Jim, Janet, Jane, Joe\'\'")
 2040+See also [[MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user
 2041+'siteusers' => '* $1 is a list of user names (example: "\'\'Jim, Janet, Jane, Joe\'\'")
20312042 * $2 is the number of user names in $1',
2032 -'creditspage' => "This message is the ''contentSub'' (the grey subtitle) shown when viewing credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Betawiki:News|action=credits}}). Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on Betawiki).",
2033 -'nocredits' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}) but when there are no credits available. Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on Betawiki).',
 2043+'creditspage' => "This message is the ''contentSub'' (the grey subtitle) shown when viewing credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Betawiki:News|action=credits}}). Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on Betawiki).",
 2044+'nocredits' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}) but when there are no credits available. Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on Betawiki).',
20352046 # Spam protection
20362047 'spam_reverting' => '{{Identical|Revert}}',
20382049 # Math options
2039 -'mw_math_png' => 'In user preferences.',
 2050+'mw_math_png' => 'In user preferences.',
20402051 'mw_math_simple' => 'In user preferences.',
2041 -'mw_math_html' => 'In user preferences.',
 2052+'mw_math_html' => 'In user preferences.',
20422053 'mw_math_source' => 'In user preferences (math)',
20432054 'mw_math_modern' => 'In user preferences (math)',
20442055 'mw_math_mathml' => 'In user preferences.',
20462057 # Patrol log
2047 -'patrol-log-page' => 'Name of log.',
2048 -'patrol-log-line' => 'Text of notes on entries in the [[Special:Log|patrol log]]. $1 is the reference number of the revision in [[Mediawiki:patrol-log-diff]]. $2 is the page title. $3 appears to be [[Mediawiki:Patrol-log-auto]] (at least sometimes).',
2049 -'patrol-log-auto' => 'Automated edit summary when patrolling.
 2058+'patrol-log-page' => 'Name of log.',
 2059+'patrol-log-line' => 'Text of notes on entries in the [[Special:Log|patrol log]]. $1 is the reference number of the revision in [[Mediawiki:patrol-log-diff]]. $2 is the page title. $3 appears to be [[Mediawiki:Patrol-log-auto]] (at least sometimes).',
 2060+'patrol-log-auto' => 'Automated edit summary when patrolling.
20512062 {{Identical|Automatic}}',
20522063 'log-show-hide-patrol' => '* $1 is one of {{msg|show}} or {{msg|hide}}',
20542065 # Browsing diffs
20552066 'previousdiff' => 'Used when viewing the difference between edits. See also {{msg|nextdiff}}.',
2056 -'nextdiff' => 'Used when viewing the difference between edits. See also {{msg|previousdiff}}.',
 2067+'nextdiff' => 'Used when viewing the difference between edits. See also {{msg|previousdiff}}.',
20582069 # Visual comparison
20592070 'visual-comparison' => '{{Identical|Visual comparison}}',
20612072 # Media information
2062 -'imagemaxsize' => 'This is used in Special:Preferences, under Files.',
2063 -'widthheightpage' => 'This message is used on image pages in the dimensions column in the file history section for images with more than one page. Parameter $1 is the image width (in pixels), parameter $2 is the image height, and parameter $3 is the number of pages.',
2064 -'file-info' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
2065 -'file-info-size' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
2066 -'file-nohires' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
2067 -'svg-long-desc' => 'Displayed under an SVG image at the image description page. See for example [[:Image:Wiki.svg]].',
2068 -'show-big-image' => 'Displayed under an image at the image description page, when it is displayed smaller there than it was uploaded.',
 2073+'imagemaxsize' => 'This is used in Special:Preferences, under Files.',
 2074+'widthheightpage' => 'This message is used on image pages in the dimensions column in the file history section for images with more than one page. Parameter $1 is the image width (in pixels), parameter $2 is the image height, and parameter $3 is the number of pages.',
 2075+'file-info' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
 2076+'file-info-size' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
 2077+'file-nohires' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
 2078+'svg-long-desc' => 'Displayed under an SVG image at the image description page. See for example [[:Image:Wiki.svg]].',
 2079+'show-big-image' => 'Displayed under an image at the image description page, when it is displayed smaller there than it was uploaded.',
20692080 'show-big-image-thumb' => 'File info displayed on file description page.',
20712082 # Special:NewFiles
2072 -'newimages' => 'Page title of [[Special:NewImages]].',
2073 -'imagelisttext' => 'This is text on [[Special:NewImages]]. $1 is the number of files. $2 is the message [[Mediawiki:Bydate]].',
2074 -'newimages-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:NewImages]] to explain what is shown on that special page.',
2075 -'newimages-legend' => 'Caption of the fieldset for the filter on [[Special:NewImages]]
 2083+'newimages' => 'Page title of [[Special:NewImages]].',
 2084+'imagelisttext' => 'This is text on [[Special:NewImages]]. $1 is the number of files. $2 is the message [[Mediawiki:Bydate]].',
 2085+'newimages-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:NewImages]] to explain what is shown on that special page.',
 2086+'newimages-legend' => 'Caption of the fieldset for the filter on [[Special:NewImages]]
20772088 {{Identical|Filter}}',
2078 -'newimages-label' => 'Caption of the filter editbox on [[Special:NewImages]]',
2079 -'showhidebots' => 'This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]]. The format is "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:hide}}]]}}" or "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:show}}]]}}"
 2089+'newimages-label' => 'Caption of the filter editbox on [[Special:NewImages]]',
 2090+'showhidebots' => 'This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]]. The format is "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:hide}}]]}}" or "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:show}}]]}}"
20812092 {{Identical|$1 bots}}',
2082 -'noimages' => "This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]], when there aren't any recently uploaded files.",
2083 -'ilsubmit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
2084 -'bydate' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
 2093+'noimages' => "This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]], when there aren't any recently uploaded files.",
 2094+'ilsubmit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
 2095+'bydate' => '{{Identical|Date}}',
20852096 'sp-newimages-showfrom' => "This is a link on [[Special:NewImages]] which takes you to a gallery of the newest files.
20862097 * $1 is a date (example: ''19 March 2008'')
20872098 * $2 is a time (example: ''12:15'')",
@@ -2099,58 +2110,58 @@
21002111 */
21012112 'variantname-zh-hans' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21022113 'variantname-zh-hant' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2103 -'variantname-zh-cn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2104 -'variantname-zh-tw' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2105 -'variantname-zh-hk' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2106 -'variantname-zh-sg' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2107 -'variantname-zh' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2114+'variantname-zh-cn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2115+'variantname-zh-tw' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2116+'variantname-zh-hk' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2117+'variantname-zh-sg' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2118+'variantname-zh' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21092120 # Variants for Serbian language
21102121 'variantname-sr-ec' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21112122 'variantname-sr-el' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2112 -'variantname-sr' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2123+'variantname-sr' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21142125 # Variants for Kazakh language
2115 -'variantname-kk-kz' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2116 -'variantname-kk-tr' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2117 -'variantname-kk-cn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2126+'variantname-kk-kz' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2127+'variantname-kk-tr' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2128+'variantname-kk-cn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21182129 'variantname-kk-cyrl' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21192130 'variantname-kk-latn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21202131 'variantname-kk-arab' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2121 -'variantname-kk' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2132+'variantname-kk' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21232134 # Variants for Kurdish language
21242135 'variantname-ku-arab' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21252136 'variantname-ku-latn' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
2126 -'variantname-ku' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
 2137+'variantname-ku' => 'Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.',
21282139 # Metadata
2129 -'metadata' => 'The title of a section on an image description page, with information and data about the image.
 2140+'metadata' => 'The title of a section on an image description page, with information and data about the image.
21312142 {{Identical|Metadata}}',
2132 -'metadata-expand' => 'On an image description page, there is mostly a table containing data (metadata) about the image. The most important data are shown, but if you click on this link, you can see more data and information. For the link to hide back the less important data, see "[[MediaWiki:Metadata-collapse/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:metadata-collapse}}]]".',
 2143+'metadata-expand' => 'On an image description page, there is mostly a table containing data (metadata) about the image. The most important data are shown, but if you click on this link, you can see more data and information. For the link to hide back the less important data, see "[[MediaWiki:Metadata-collapse/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:metadata-collapse}}]]".',
21332144 'metadata-collapse' => 'On an image description page, there is mostly a table containing data (metadata) about the image. The most important data are shown, but if you click on the link "[[MediaWiki:Metadata-expand/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:metadata-expand}}]]", you can see more data and information. This message is for the link to hide back the less important data.',
2134 -'metadata-fields' => "'''Warning:''' Do not translate list items, only translate the text! So leave \"<tt>* make</tt>\" and the other items exactly as it is.",
 2145+'metadata-fields' => "'''Warning:''' Do not translate list items, only translate the text! So leave \"<tt>* make</tt>\" and the other items exactly as it is.", # Do not translate list items
21362147 # EXIF tags
2137 -'exif-imagewidth' => '{{Identical|Width}}',
2138 -'exif-imagelength' => '{{Identical|Height}}',
2139 -'exif-primarychromaticities' => 'The chromaticity of the three primary colours of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since colour space is specified in the colour space information tag. This should probably be translated it as "Chromaticity of primary colours".',
2140 -'exif-software' => 'Short for "The software which was used to create this image".',
2141 -'exif-artist' => '{{Identical|Author}}',
2142 -'exif-flash' => '{{Identical|Flash}}',
2143 -'exif-subjectarea' => 'This exif property contains the position of the main subject of the picture in pixels from the upper left corner and additionally its width and heigth in pixels.',
 2148+'exif-imagewidth' => '{{Identical|Width}}',
 2149+'exif-imagelength' => '{{Identical|Height}}',
 2150+'exif-primarychromaticities' => 'The chromaticity of the three primary colours of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since colour space is specified in the colour space information tag. This should probably be translated it as "Chromaticity of primary colours".',
 2151+'exif-software' => 'Short for "The software which was used to create this image".',
 2152+'exif-artist' => '{{Identical|Author}}',
 2153+'exif-flash' => '{{Identical|Flash}}',
 2154+'exif-subjectarea' => 'This exif property contains the position of the main subject of the picture in pixels from the upper left corner and additionally its width and heigth in pixels.',
21442155 'exif-spatialfrequencyresponse' => '[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_frequency Spatial frequency] is the number of edges per degree of the visual angle. The human eye scans the viewed scenary for edges and uses these edges to detect what it sees. Few edges make it hard to recognize the seen objects, but many edges do so too. A rate of about 4 to 6 edges per degree of the viewing range is seen as optimal for the recognition of objects.
21462157 Spatial frequency response is a measure for the capability of camera lenses to depict spatial frequencies.',
2147 -'exif-gpslatitude' => '{{Identical|Latitude}}',
2148 -'exif-gpslongitude' => '{{Identical|Longitude}}',
 2158+'exif-gpslatitude' => '{{Identical|Latitude}}',
 2159+'exif-gpslongitude' => '{{Identical|Longitude}}',
2150 -'exif-orientation-1' => '{{Identical|Normal}}',
 2161+'exif-orientation-1' => '{{Identical|Normal}}', # 0th row: top; 0th column: left
21522163 'exif-subjectdistance-value' => '$1 is a distance measured in metres. The value can, and usually does, include decimal places.',
2154 -'exif-meteringmode-0' => '{{Identical|Unknown}}',
 2165+'exif-meteringmode-0' => '{{Identical|Unknown}}',
21552166 'exif-meteringmode-255' => '{{Identical|Other}}',
21572168 'exif-lightsource-0' => '{{Identical|Unknown}}',
@@ -2200,27 +2211,27 @@
22012212 'exif-gpsspeed-n' => "Knots: ''Knot'' is a unit of speed on water used for ships, etc., equal to one nautical mile per hour.",
22032214 # External editor support
2204 -'edit-externally' => 'Displayed on image description pages. See for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filehistory]].',
 2215+'edit-externally' => 'Displayed on image description pages. See for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filehistory]].',
22052216 'edit-externally-help' => 'Displayed on image description pages. See for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filehistory]].
22072218 Please leave the link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:External_editors exactly as it is.',
22092220 # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages
22102221 'recentchangesall' => '{{Identical|All}}',
2211 -'imagelistall' => '{{Identical|All}}',
2212 -'watchlistall2' => 'Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. It is variable $3 in the text message [[Mediawiki:Wlshowlast]].
 2222+'imagelistall' => '{{Identical|All}}',
 2223+'watchlistall2' => 'Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. It is variable $3 in the text message [[Mediawiki:Wlshowlast]].
22142225 {{Identical|All}}',
2215 -'namespacesall' => 'In special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Drop-down box option for namespace.
 2226+'namespacesall' => 'In special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Drop-down box option for namespace.
22172228 {{Identical|All}}',
2218 -'monthsall' => 'Used in a drop-down box on [[Special:Contributions]] as an option for "all months". See also [[MediaWiki:Month/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
 2229+'monthsall' => 'Used in a drop-down box on [[Special:Contributions]] as an option for "all months". See also [[MediaWiki:Month/{{SUBPAGENAME}}]].
22202231 {{Identical|All}}',
22222233 # E-mail address confirmation
2223 -'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'Used on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] when you are logged out. Parameter $1 is a link to the log in form.',
2224 -'confirmemail_body' => 'This message is sent as an e-mail to users when they add or change their e-mail adress in [[Special:Preferences]].
 2234+'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'Used on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] when you are logged out. Parameter $1 is a link to the log in form.',
 2235+'confirmemail_body' => 'This message is sent as an e-mail to users when they add or change their e-mail adress in [[Special:Preferences]].
22262237 *$1 is the IP adress of the user that changed the e-mail adress
22272238 *$2 is the name of the user
@@ -2228,7 +2239,7 @@
22292240 *$4 is a time and date
22302241 *$5 is a URL to [[Special:InvalidateEmail]]',
22312242 'confirmemail_invalidated' => 'This is the text of the special page [[Special:InvalidateEmail|InvalidateEmail]] (with the title in [[Mediawiki:Invalidateemail]]) where user goes if he chooses the cancel e-mail confirmation link from the confirmation e-mail.',
2232 -'invalidateemail' => "This is the '''name of the special page''' where user goes if he chooses the cancel e-mail confirmation link from the confirmation e-mail.",
 2243+'invalidateemail' => "This is the '''name of the special page''' where user goes if he chooses the cancel e-mail confirmation link from the confirmation e-mail.",
22342245 # action=purge
22352246 'confirm_purge_button' => '{{Identical|OK}}',
@@ -2239,23 +2250,23 @@
22402251 # Multipage image navigation
22412252 'imgmultipageprev' => '{{Identical|Previous page}}',
22422253 'imgmultipagenext' => '{{Identical|Next page}}',
2243 -'imgmultigo' => '{{Identical|Go}}',
 2254+'imgmultigo' => '{{Identical|Go}}',
22452256 # Table pager
2246 -'table_pager_next' => '{{Identical|Next page}}',
2247 -'table_pager_prev' => '{{Identical|Previous page}}',
2248 -'table_pager_limit' => "Do not use PLURAL in this message, because ''$1'' is not the actual number. ''$1'' is a limit selector drop-down list.",
 2257+'table_pager_next' => '{{Identical|Next page}}',
 2258+'table_pager_prev' => '{{Identical|Previous page}}',
 2259+'table_pager_limit' => "Do not use PLURAL in this message, because ''$1'' is not the actual number. ''$1'' is a limit selector drop-down list.",
22492260 'table_pager_limit_submit' => '{{Identical|Go}}',
2250 -'table_pager_empty' => 'Used in a table pager when there are no results (e.g. when there are no images in the table on [[Special:ImageList]]).',
 2261+'table_pager_empty' => 'Used in a table pager when there are no results (e.g. when there are no images in the table on [[Special:ImageList]]).',
22522263 # Auto-summaries
2253 -'autosumm-blank' => 'The auto summary when blanking the whole page. This is not the same as deleting the page.',
 2264+'autosumm-blank' => 'The auto summary when blanking the whole page. This is not the same as deleting the page.',
22542265 'autosumm-replace' => 'The auto summary when a user removes a lot of characters in the page.',
22552266 'autoredircomment' => 'The auto summary when making a redirect. $1 is the page where it redirects to.',
2256 -'autosumm-new' => 'The auto summary when creating a new page. $1 are the first X number of characters of the new page.',
 2267+'autosumm-new' => 'The auto summary when creating a new page. $1 are the first X number of characters of the new page.',
22582269 # Size units
2259 -'size-bytes' => 'Size (of a page, typically) in bytes.',
 2270+'size-bytes' => 'Size (of a page, typically) in bytes.',
22602271 'size-kilobytes' => 'Size (of a page, typically) in kibibytes (1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes).',
22612272 'size-megabytes' => 'Size (of a file, typically) in mebibytes (1 mebibyte = 1024×1024 bytes).',
22622273 'size-gigabytes' => 'Size (of a file, typically) in gibibytes (1 gibibyte = 1024×1024×1024 bytes).',
@@ -2264,77 +2275,77 @@
22652276 'livepreview-loading' => '{{Identical|Loading}}',
22672278 # Watchlist editor
2268 -'watchlistedit-numitems' => 'Message on Special page: Edit watchlist. This is paired with the message [[Mediawiki:Watchlistedit-noitems]] which appears instead of Watchlistedit-numitems when $1 is 0.',
2269 -'watchlistedit-noitems' => "Message on Special page: Edit watchlist, which only appears when a user's watchlist is empty.",
 2279+'watchlistedit-numitems' => 'Message on Special page: Edit watchlist. This is paired with the message [[Mediawiki:Watchlistedit-noitems]] which appears instead of Watchlistedit-numitems when $1 is 0.',
 2280+'watchlistedit-noitems' => "Message on Special page: Edit watchlist, which only appears when a user's watchlist is empty.",
22702281 'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => 'An introduction/explanation about the [[Special:Watchlist/edit|normal edit watchlist function]].',
2271 -'watchlistedit-normal-done' => 'Message on Special page: Edit watchlist after pages are removed from the watchlist.',
2272 -'watchlistedit-raw-title' => '{{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}',
2273 -'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => '{{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}',
2274 -'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => 'An introduction/explanation about the [[Special:Watchlist/raw|raw edit watchlist function]].',
2275 -'watchlistedit-raw-added' => 'Message on special page: Edit raw watchlist. The message appears after at least 1 message is added to the raw watchlist.',
2276 -'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => 'Message on special page: Edit raw watchlist. The message appears after at least 1 message is deleted from the raw watchlist.',
 2282+'watchlistedit-normal-done' => 'Message on Special page: Edit watchlist after pages are removed from the watchlist.',
 2283+'watchlistedit-raw-title' => '{{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}',
 2284+'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => '{{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}',
 2285+'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => 'An introduction/explanation about the [[Special:Watchlist/raw|raw edit watchlist function]].',
 2286+'watchlistedit-raw-added' => 'Message on special page: Edit raw watchlist. The message appears after at least 1 message is added to the raw watchlist.',
 2287+'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => 'Message on special page: Edit raw watchlist. The message appears after at least 1 message is deleted from the raw watchlist.',
22782289 # Watchlist editing tools
22792290 'watchlisttools-view' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. See also {{msg|watchlisttools-edit}} and {{msg|watchlisttools-raw}}.',
22802291 'watchlisttools-edit' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. See also {{msg|watchlisttools-view}} and {{msg|watchlisttools-raw}}.',
2281 -'watchlisttools-raw' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. See also {{msg|watchlisttools-view}} and {{msg|watchlisttools-edit}}.
 2292+'watchlisttools-raw' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. See also {{msg|watchlisttools-view}} and {{msg|watchlisttools-edit}}.
22832294 {{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}',
22852296 # Iranian month names
2286 -'iranian-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2287 -'iranian-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2288 -'iranian-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2289 -'iranian-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2290 -'iranian-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2291 -'iranian-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2292 -'iranian-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2293 -'iranian-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
2294 -'iranian-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2297+'iranian-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2298+'iranian-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2299+'iranian-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2300+'iranian-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2301+'iranian-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2302+'iranian-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2303+'iranian-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2304+'iranian-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
 2305+'iranian-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
22952306 'iranian-calendar-m10' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
22962307 'iranian-calendar-m11' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
22972308 'iranian-calendar-m12' => 'Name of month in Iranian calender.',
22992310 # Hijri month names
2300 -'hijri-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2301 -'hijri-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2302 -'hijri-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2303 -'hijri-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2304 -'hijri-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2305 -'hijri-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2306 -'hijri-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2307 -'hijri-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
2308 -'hijri-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2311+'hijri-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2312+'hijri-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2313+'hijri-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2314+'hijri-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2315+'hijri-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2316+'hijri-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2317+'hijri-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2318+'hijri-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
 2319+'hijri-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
23092320 'hijri-calendar-m10' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
23102321 'hijri-calendar-m11' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
23112322 'hijri-calendar-m12' => 'Name of month in Islamic calender.',
23132324 # Hebrew month names
2314 -'hebrew-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2315 -'hebrew-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2316 -'hebrew-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2317 -'hebrew-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2318 -'hebrew-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2319 -'hebrew-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2320 -'hebrew-calendar-m6a' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2321 -'hebrew-calendar-m6b' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2322 -'hebrew-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2323 -'hebrew-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2324 -'hebrew-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2325 -'hebrew-calendar-m10' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2326 -'hebrew-calendar-m11' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2327 -'hebrew-calendar-m12' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2328 -'hebrew-calendar-m1-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2329 -'hebrew-calendar-m2-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2330 -'hebrew-calendar-m3-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2331 -'hebrew-calendar-m4-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2332 -'hebrew-calendar-m5-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2333 -'hebrew-calendar-m6-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2325+'hebrew-calendar-m1' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2326+'hebrew-calendar-m2' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2327+'hebrew-calendar-m3' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2328+'hebrew-calendar-m4' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2329+'hebrew-calendar-m5' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2330+'hebrew-calendar-m6' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2331+'hebrew-calendar-m6a' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2332+'hebrew-calendar-m6b' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2333+'hebrew-calendar-m7' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2334+'hebrew-calendar-m8' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2335+'hebrew-calendar-m9' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2336+'hebrew-calendar-m10' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2337+'hebrew-calendar-m11' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2338+'hebrew-calendar-m12' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2339+'hebrew-calendar-m1-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2340+'hebrew-calendar-m2-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2341+'hebrew-calendar-m3-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2342+'hebrew-calendar-m4-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2343+'hebrew-calendar-m5-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2344+'hebrew-calendar-m6-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
23342345 'hebrew-calendar-m6a-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
23352346 'hebrew-calendar-m6b-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2336 -'hebrew-calendar-m7-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2337 -'hebrew-calendar-m8-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
2338 -'hebrew-calendar-m9-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2347+'hebrew-calendar-m7-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2348+'hebrew-calendar-m8-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
 2349+'hebrew-calendar-m9-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
23392350 'hebrew-calendar-m10-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
23402351 'hebrew-calendar-m11-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
23412352 'hebrew-calendar-m12-gen' => 'Name of month in Hebrew calender.',
@@ -2344,43 +2355,43 @@
23452356 * Parameter $1: This is the unknown extension tag name.',
23472358 # Special:Version
2348 -'version' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]
 2359+'version' => 'Name of special page displayed in [[Special:SpecialPages]]
2350 -{{Identical|Version}}',
2351 -'version-extensions' => 'Header on [[Special:Version]].',
2352 -'version-specialpages' => 'Part of [[Special:Version]].
 2361+{{Identical|Version}}', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
 2362+'version-extensions' => 'Header on [[Special:Version]].',
 2363+'version-specialpages' => 'Part of [[Special:Version]].
23542365 {{Identical|Special pages}}',
2355 -'version-parserhooks' => 'This message is a heading at [[Special:Version]] for extensions that modifies the parser of wikitext.',
2356 -'version-other' => '{{Identical|Other}}',
2357 -'version-mediahandlers' => 'Used in [[Special:Version]]. It is the title of a section for media handler extensions (e.g. [[mw:Extension:OggHandler]]).
 2366+'version-parserhooks' => 'This message is a heading at [[Special:Version]] for extensions that modifies the parser of wikitext.',
 2367+'version-other' => '{{Identical|Other}}',
 2368+'version-mediahandlers' => 'Used in [[Special:Version]]. It is the title of a section for media handler extensions (e.g. [[mw:Extension:OggHandler]]).
23582369 There are no such extensions here, so look at [[wikipedia:Special:Version]] for an example.',
2359 -'version-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2360 -'version-extension-functions' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2361 -'version-parser-function-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2370+'version-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2371+'version-extension-functions' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2372+'version-parser-function-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
23622373 'version-skin-extension-functions' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2363 -'version-hook-name' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2364 -'version-hook-subscribedby' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2365 -'version-version' => '{{Identical|Version}}',
2366 -'version-software-product' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
2367 -'version-software-version' => '{{Identical|Version}}',
 2374+'version-hook-name' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2375+'version-hook-subscribedby' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2376+'version-version' => '{{Identical|Version}}',
 2377+'version-software-product' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]',
 2378+'version-software-version' => '{{Identical|Version}}',
23692380 # Special:FilePath
2370 -'filepath' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]',
2371 -'filepath-page' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]
 2381+'filepath' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]',
 2382+'filepath-page' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]
23732384 {{Identical|File}}',
2374 -'filepath-submit' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]',
 2385+'filepath-submit' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]',
23752386 'filepath-summary' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]',
23772388 # Special:FileDuplicateSearch
2378 -'fileduplicatesearch-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]',
2379 -'fileduplicatesearch-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]',
 2389+'fileduplicatesearch-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]',
 2390+'fileduplicatesearch-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]',
23802391 'fileduplicatesearch-filename' => 'Input form of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]:
23822393 {{Identical|Filename}}',
2383 -'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
2384 -'fileduplicatesearch-info' => 'Information beneath the thumbnail on the right side shown after a successful search via [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]
 2394+'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}',
 2395+'fileduplicatesearch-info' => 'Information beneath the thumbnail on the right side shown after a successful search via [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]
23862397 * $1: width of the file
23872398 * $2: height of the file
@@ -2395,21 +2406,21 @@
23962407 * $2 is the number of identical duplicates of the requested file',
23982409 # Special:SpecialPages
2399 -'specialpages' => 'Display name of link to [[Special:SpecialPages]] shown on all pages in the toolbox, as well as the page title and header of [[Special:SpecialPages]].
 2410+'specialpages' => 'Display name of link to [[Special:SpecialPages]] shown on all pages in the toolbox, as well as the page title and header of [[Special:SpecialPages]].
24012412 {{Identical|Special pages}}',
2402 -'specialpages-note' => 'Footer note for the [[Special:SpecialPages]] page',
 2413+'specialpages-note' => 'Footer note for the [[Special:SpecialPages]] page',
24032414 'specialpages-group-maintenance' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2404 -'specialpages-group-other' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2405 -'specialpages-group-login' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2406 -'specialpages-group-changes' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2407 -'specialpages-group-media' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2408 -'specialpages-group-users' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2409 -'specialpages-group-highuse' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
2410 -'specialpages-group-pages' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing pages like [[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:PrefixIndex]], [[Special:Categories]], [[Special:Disambiguations]], etc.',
2411 -'specialpages-group-pagetools' => 'Title of the special pages group containing special pages like [[Special:MovePage]], [[Special:Undelete]], [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], [[Special:Export]] etc.',
2412 -'specialpages-group-wiki' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing special pages like [[Special:Version]], [[Special:Statistics]], [[Special:LockDB]], etc.',
2413 -'specialpages-group-redirects' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing special pages that redirect to another location, like [[Special:Randompage]], [[Special:Mypage]], [[Special:Mytalk]], etc.',
 2415+'specialpages-group-other' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2416+'specialpages-group-login' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2417+'specialpages-group-changes' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2418+'specialpages-group-media' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2419+'specialpages-group-users' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2420+'specialpages-group-highuse' => 'Section heading in the list of [[Special:SpecialPages|Special pages]].',
 2421+'specialpages-group-pages' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing pages like [[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:PrefixIndex]], [[Special:Categories]], [[Special:Disambiguations]], etc.',
 2422+'specialpages-group-pagetools' => 'Title of the special pages group containing special pages like [[Special:MovePage]], [[Special:Undelete]], [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], [[Special:Export]] etc.',
 2423+'specialpages-group-wiki' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing special pages like [[Special:Version]], [[Special:Statistics]], [[Special:LockDB]], etc.',
 2424+'specialpages-group-redirects' => 'Title of the special pages group, containing special pages that redirect to another location, like [[Special:Randompage]], [[Special:Mypage]], [[Special:Mytalk]], etc.',
24152426 # Special:BlankPage
24162427 'intentionallyblankpage' => 'Text displayed in [[Special:BlankPage]].',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesBr.php
@@ -501,9 +501,9 @@
502502 'mailmypassword' => 'Kasit din ur ger-tremen nevez',
503503 'passwordremindertitle' => 'Ho ker-tremen berrbad nevez evit {{SITENAME}}',
504504 'passwordremindertext' => "Unan bennak (c'hwi moarvat gant ar chomlec'h IP \$1)
505 -en deus goulennet ma vo kaset dezhañ ur ger-tremen nevez evit mont war {{SITENAME}} (\$4).
 505+en deus goulennet ma vo kaset dezhañ ur ger-tremen nevez evit {{SITENAME}} (\$4).
506506 Savet ez eus bet ur ger-tremen da c'hortoz evit an implijer \"\$2\" hag a zo \"\$3\".
507 -Mard eo se a felle deoc'h ober e vo ret deoc'h en em lugañ ha kemmañ ho ker-tremen bremañ.
 507+Mard eo se a felle deoc'h ober e vo ret deoc'h en em lugañ ha kemmañ ho ker-tremen bremañ. Didalvez e vo ho ker ker-tremen da c'hortoz a-benn {{PLURAL:\$5|un devezh|\$5 devezh}}
509509 Mard eo bet graet ar goulenn gant unan bennak all, pe m'hoc'h eus soñj eus ho ker-tremen bremañ ha
510510 ma ne fell ket deoc'h cheñch anezhañ ken, e c'hallit leuskel ar postel-mañ a-gostez ha kenderc'hel d'ober gant ho ker-tremen kozh.",
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesNo.php
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@
13601360 'overwroteimage' => 'last opp en ny versjon av «[[$1]]»',
13611361 'uploaddisabled' => 'Opplastingsfunksjonen er slått av',
13621362 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Opplasting er slått av.',
1363 -'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'PHP filopplasting er deaktivert. Sjekk innstillingen for file_uploads.',
 1363+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'PHP-filopplasting er deaktivert. Sjekk innstillingen for file_uploads.',
13641364 'uploadscripted' => 'Denne fila inneholder HTML eller skripting som kan feiltolkes av en nettleser.',
13651365 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Denne fila er ødelagt eller er en ugyldig filtype. Sjekk fila og last den opp på nytt.',
13661366 'uploadvirus' => 'Denne fila inneholder virus! Detaljer: $1',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesHaw.php
@@ -484,6 +484,7 @@
485485 'nbytes' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|‘ai|‘ai}}',
486486 'nlinks' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|loulou|loulou}}',
487487 'nmembers' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|lālā|lālā}}',
 488+'wantedcategories' => 'Nā māhele makemake',
488489 'shortpages' => 'Nā ʻaoʻao pōkole',
489490 'longpages' => 'Nā ʻaoʻao lōʻihi',
490491 'newpages' => 'Nā ‘ao‘ao hou',
@@ -535,6 +536,7 @@
536537 'changed' => 'ua loli ‘ia',
538539 # Delete
 540+'deletepage' => 'Kāpae ʻaoʻao',
539541 'actioncomplete' => 'Ua pau',
540542 'deletedtext' => 'Ua kāpae ʻo "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>".
541543 E ʻike i $2 no ka papa o nā kāpae ʻana hou.',
@@ -599,6 +601,7 @@
600602 'newtitle' => 'I ka inoa hou:',
601603 'move-watch' => 'E nānā pono i kēia mea',
602604 'movepagebtn' => "E ho'ololi",
 605+'pagemovedsub' => 'Kūleʻa ka neʻe ʻana',
603606 '1movedto2' => 'Ua hoʻoneʻe ʻo [[$1]] iā [[$2]]',
604607 'movereason' => 'Kumu:',
605608 'delete_and_move' => 'E kāpae a e ho‘ololi i ka inoa',
@@ -642,6 +645,7 @@
643646 'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Ho‘ouka i nā waihona',
644647 'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'Helu o nā papa nui apau',
645648 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Nānā i ka ‘ao‘ao papahana',
 649+'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Nānaina i ka ʻaoʻao kōkua',
646650 'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Wae i kēia hoʻopololei me he hoʻopololei iki',
647651 'tooltip-save' => 'Mālama i kāu ho‘opololei',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesLb.php
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
532532 'passwordtooshort' => 'Ärt Passwuert ass ongülteg oder ze kuerz: Et muss mindestens {{PLURAL:$1|1 Zeeche|$1 Zeeche}} laang sinn an et däerf net matt dem Benotzernumm identesch sinn.',
533533 'mailmypassword' => 'Neit Passwuert per E-Mail kréien',
534534 'passwordremindertitle' => 'Neit Passwuert fir ee {{SITENAME}}-Benotzerkont',
535 -'passwordremindertext' => 'Iergend een (waarscheinlech Dir selwer, matt der IP-Adress $1) huet een neit Passwuert fir {{SITENAME}} ($4) gefrot. Een temporärt Passwuert fir de Benotzer $2 gouf ugeluecht an et ass: $3. Wann et dëst ass wat Dir wollt, da sollt Dir iech elo aloggen an en neit Passwuert eraussichen.
 535+'passwordremindertext' => 'Iergend een (waarscheinlech Dir, matt der IP-Adress $1) huet en neit Passwuert fir {{SITENAME}} ($4) gefrot. Een temporärt Passwuert fir de Benotzer $2 gouf ugeluecht an et ass: $3. Wann et dëst ass wat Dir wollt, da sollt Dir iech elo aloggen an en neit Passwuert eraussichen. Ärt temporärt Passwuert leeft a(n) {{PLURAL:$5|engem Dag| $5 Deeg}} of.
537537 Wann een aneren dës Ufro sollt gemaach hunn oder wann Dir iech an der Zwëschenzäit nees un ärt Passwuert erënnere kënnt an Dir ärt Passwuert net ännere wëllt da kënnt dir weider ärt aalt Passwuert benotzen.',
538538 'noemail' => 'De Benotzer "$1" huet keng E-Mailadress uginn.',
@@ -1049,6 +1049,7 @@
10501050 'prefs-resetpass' => 'Passwuert änneren',
10511051 'saveprefs' => 'Späicheren',
10521052 'resetprefs' => 'Net gespäichert Ännerungen zrécksetzen',
 1053+'restoreprefs' => 'All Standardastellungen zrécksetzen',
10531054 'textboxsize' => 'Änneren',
10541055 'prefs-edit-boxsize' => 'Gréisst vun der Ännerungsfënster:',
10551056 'rows' => 'Zeilen',
@@ -2092,6 +2093,8 @@
20932094 'movepagebtn' => 'Säit réckelen',
20942095 'pagemovedsub' => 'Gouf geréckelt',
20952096 'movepage-moved' => "<big>'''D'Säit \"\$1\" gouf op \"\$2\" geréckelt.'''</big>", # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
 2097+'movepage-moved-redirect' => 'Et gouf eng Viruleedung ugeluecht.',
 2098+'movepage-moved-noredirect' => "D'Uleeë vun enger Viruleedung gouf ënnerdréckt.",
20962099 'articleexists' => 'Eng Säit mat dësem Numm gëtt et schonns, oder den Numm deen Dir gewielt hutt gëtt net akzeptéiert. Wielt w.e.g. en aneren Numm.',
20972100 'cantmove-titleprotected' => "Dir kënnt keng Säit op dës Plaz réckelen, well dee neien Titel fir d'Uleeë gespaart ass",
20982101 'talkexists' => "D'Säit selwer gouf erfollegräich geréckelt, mee d'Diskussiounssäit konnt net mat eriwwergeholl gi well et schonns eng ënnert deem neien Titel gëtt. W.e.g. setzt dës manuell zesummen.",
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesDe_formal.php
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
385 -Es werden solange keine weiteren Benachrichtigungsmails gesendet, bis Sie die Seite wieder besucht haben. Auf Ihrer Beobachtungsliste könenn Sie alle Benachrichtigungsmarker zusammen zurücksetzen.
 385+Es werden solange keine weiteren Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails gesendet, bis Sie die Seite wieder besucht haben. Auf Ihrer Beobachtungsliste können Sie alle Benachrichtigungsmarker zusammen zurücksetzen.
387387 Das freundliche {{SITENAME}}-Benachrichtigungssystem
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
438438 'movepagetext' => "Mit diesem Formular können Sie eine Seite umbenennen (mitsamt allen Versionen).
439439 Der alte Titel wird zum neuen weiterleiten.
440440 Sie können Weiterleitungen, die auf den Originaltitel verlinken, automatisch korrigieren lassen.
441 -Falls Sie dies nicht tun, prüfen Sie auf [[Special:DoubleRedirects|doppelte]] oder [[Special:BrokenRedirects|defekte Weiterleitungen]].
 441+Falls Sie dies nicht tun, prüfen Sie auf [[Special:DoubleRedirects|doppelte]] oder [[Special:BrokenRedirects|kaputte Weiterleitungen]].
442442 Sie sind dafür verantwortlich, dass Links weiterhin auf das korrekte Ziel zeigen.
444444 Die Seite wird '''nicht''' verschoben, wenn es bereits eine Seite mit demselben Namen gibt, sofern diese nicht leer oder eine Weiterleitung ohne Versionsgeschichte ist. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie die Seite zurück verschieben können, wenn Sie einen Fehler gemacht haben. Sie können hingegen keine Seite überschreiben.
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
460460 'cant-move-to-user-page' => 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, Seiten auf eine Benutzerseite zu verschieben (mit Ausnahme von Benutzerunterseiten).',
461461 'articleexists' => 'Unter diesem Namen existiert bereits eine Seite. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.',
462462 'talkexists' => 'Die Seite selbst wurde erfolgreich verschoben, aber die zugehörige Diskussions-Seite nicht, da bereits eine mit dem neuen Titel existiert. Bitte gleichen Sie die Inhalte von Hand ab.',
463 -'delete_and_move_text' => '==Zielseite vorhanden, löschen?==
 463+'delete_and_move_text' => '== Löschung erforderlich ==
465465 Die Seite „[[:$1]]“ existiert bereits. Möchten Sie diese löschen, um die Seite verschieben zu können?',
Index: trunk/phase3/languages/messages/MessagesEs.php
@@ -1401,6 +1401,7 @@
14021402 'overwroteimage' => 'subida una nueva versión de «[[$1]]»',
14031403 'uploaddisabled' => 'Subida de archivos deshabilitada',
14041404 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'No es posible subir archivos.',
 1405+'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'Archivo de cargas PHP está desahilitado. Por favor verifique la configuración file_uploads.',
14051406 'uploadscripted' => 'Este archivo contiene script o código HTML que puede ser interpretado erróneamente por un navegador.',
14061407 'uploadcorrupt' => 'Este archivo está corrupto o la extensión indicada no se corresponde con el tipo de archivo. Por favor, comprueba el archivo y vuelve a subirlo.',
14071408 'uploadvirus' => '¡El archivo contiene un virus! Detalles: $1',

Status & tagging log