r45284 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r45283‎ | r45284 | r45285 >
Date:14:51, 1 January 2009
New version, 0.5: SGMUtils class moved to its own file, autoloading added, setup
somewhat simplified
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticGoogleMaps/SemanticGoogleMaps.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticGoogleMaps/SemanticGoogleMaps.php
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
44 if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die();
66 /**
7 - * An extension to that allows users to add Google Maps to wiki pages based
8 - * on structured data
 7+ * An extension that allows users to add, edit and display coordinate
 8+ * information stored by the Semantic MediaWiki extension using Google Maps
99 *
1010 * @addtogroup Extensions
1111 *
@@ -12,37 +12,37 @@
1313 * @author Yaron Koren
1414 */
16 -# Define a setup function
 16+// credits
 17+$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
 18+ 'name' => 'Semantic Google Maps',
 19+ 'version' => '0.5',
 20+ 'author' => array( 'Robert Buzink', 'Yaron Koren' ),
 21+ 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Google_Maps',
 22+ 'description' => 'Allows users to edit and display semantic coordinate data using Google Maps',
 23+ 'descriptionmsg' => 'semanticgooglemaps-desc',
1726 $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'sgmSetup';
19 -# Add a hook to initialise the magic word
2028 $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'sgmFunctionMagic';
2230 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticGoogleMaps'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/SemanticGoogleMaps.i18n.php';
 32+$sgmgIP = $IP . '/extensions/SemanticGoogleMaps';
 33+$wgAutoloadClasses['SGMUtils'] = $sgmgIP . '/SGM_Utils.inc';
 34+$wgAutoloadClasses['SGMResultPrinter'] = $sgmgIP . '/SGM_QueryPrinter.php';
2436 function sgmSetup() {
2537 global $wgParser, $wgExtensionCredits;
27 - // credits
28 - $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
29 - 'name' => 'Semantic Google Maps',
30 - 'version' => '0.4.2',
31 - 'author' => array( 'Robert Buzink', 'Yaron Koren' ),
32 - 'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Google_Maps',
33 - 'description' => 'Allows users to add Google Maps to wiki pages based on structured data',
34 - 'descriptionmsg' => 'semanticgooglemaps-desc',
35 - );
36 -
37 - // A hook to enable the '#semantic_google_map' parser function
38 - $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'semantic_google_map', 'sgmFunctionRender' );
 39+ // a hook to enable the '#semantic_google_map' parser function
 40+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'semantic_google_map', array('SGMUtils', 'functionRender' ));
 41+ // add the 'googlemap' form input type, if Semantic Forms is installed
3942 global $sfgFormPrinter;
4043 if ($sfgFormPrinter) {
4144 $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook('googlemap', array('SGMUtils', 'formInputHTML'), array());
42 - // for backwards compatibility
43 - $sfgFormPrinter->setInputTypeHook('coordinatesmap', array('SGMUtils', 'formInputHTML'), array());
4445 }
46 - include_once('SGM_QueryPrinter.php');
4747 // global variable introduced in SMW 1.2.2
4848 global $smwgResultFormats;
4949 if (isset($smwgResultFormats))
@@ -53,296 +53,7 @@
5454 }
5656 function sgmFunctionMagic( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
57 - # Add the magic word
58 - # The first array element is case sensitive, in this case it is not case sensitive
59 - # All remaining elements are synonyms for our parser function
6057 $magicWords['semantic_google_map'] = array( 0, 'semantic_google_map' );
61 - // for backwards compatibility
62 - $magicWords['insert_map'] = array( 0, 'semantic_google_map' );
63 - # unless we return true, other parser functions extensions won't get loaded.
 58+ // unless we return true, other parser functions won't get loaded
6459 return true;
6560 }
66 -
67 -function sgmFunctionRender( &$parser, $coordinates = '1,1', $zoom = '14', $type = 'G_NORMAL_MAP', $control_class = 'GSmallMapControl', $class = 'pmap', $width = '200', $height = '200', $style = '' ) {
68 - # The parser function itself
69 - # The input parameters are wikitext with templates expanded
70 - # The output is not parsed as wikitext
71 - global $wgJsMimeType, $wgGoogleMapsKey, $wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
72 -
73 - if (!$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage) {$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage = 0;}
74 - $wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage++;
75 -
76 - list($lat, $lon) = SGMUtils::getLatLon($coordinates);
77 -
78 - $output =<<<END
79 -<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=$wgGoogleMapsKey" type="$wgJsMimeType"></script>
80 -<script type="text/javascript"> function createMarker(point, label) { var marker = new GMarker(point); GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(label, GInfoWindoOptions.maxWidth=100); }); return marker; } function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof oldonload == 'function') { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); }; } else { window.onload = func; } } window.unload = GUnload;</script>
81 -<div id="map$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage" class="$class" style="$style" ></div>
82 -<script type="text/javascript"> function makeMap{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage}() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage}"), {size: new GSize('$width', '$height')}); map.addControl(new {$control_class}()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.setCenter(new GLatLng({$lat}, {$lon}), {$zoom}, {$type}); var point = new GLatLng({$lat}, {$lon}); var marker = new GMarker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); } else { document.write('should show map'); } } addLoadEvent(makeMap{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage});</script>
83 -
84 -END;
85 -
86 - return array( $output, 'noparse' => true, 'isHTML' => true );
87 -
88 -}
89 -
90 -class SGMUtils {
91 -
92 - function getLatLon($param2) {
93 - $coordinates = preg_split("/,/", $param2);
94 - if (count($coordinates) == 2) {
95 - $lat = SGMUtils::convertCoord($coordinates[0]);
96 - $lon = SGMUtils::convertCoord($coordinates[1]);
97 - return array($lat, $lon);
98 - }
99 - return array(null, null);
100 - }
101 -
102 - function degree2Decimal($deg_coord="") {
103 - $dpos=strpos($deg_coord,'°');
104 - $mpos=strpos($deg_coord,'.');
105 - $spos=strpos($deg_coord,'"');
106 - $mlen=(($mpos-$dpos)-1);
107 - $slen=(($spos-$mpos)-1);
108 - $direction=substr(strrev($deg_coord),0,1);
109 - $degrees=substr($deg_coord,0,$dpos);
110 - $minutes=substr($deg_coord,$dpos+1,$mlen);
111 - $seconds=substr($deg_coord,$mpos+1,$slen);
112 - $seconds=($seconds/60);
113 - $minutes=($minutes+$seconds);
114 - $minutes=($minutes/60);
115 - $decimal=($degrees+$minutes);
116 - //South latitudes and West longitudes need to return a negative result
117 - if (($direction=="S") or ($direction=="W")) {
118 - $decimal *= -1;
119 - }
120 - return $decimal;
121 - }
122 -
123 - function decDegree2Decimal($deg_coord = "") {
124 - $direction = substr(strrev($deg_coord), 0, 1);
125 - $decimal = floatval($deg_coord);
126 - if (($direction == "S") or ($direction == "W")) {
127 - $decimal *= -1;
128 - }
129 - return $decimal;
130 - }
131 -
132 - function convertCoord($deg_coord = "") {
133 - if (preg_match('/°/', $deg_coord)) {
134 - if (preg_match('/"/', $deg_coord)) {
135 - return SGMUtils::degree2Decimal($deg_coord);
136 - } else {
137 - return SGMUtils::decDegree2Decimal($deg_coord);
138 - }
139 - }
140 - return $deg_coord;
141 - }
142 -
143 - function latDecimal2Degree($decimal) {
144 - if ($decimal < 0) {
145 - return abs($decimal) . "° S";
146 - } else {
147 - return $decimal . "° N";
148 - }
149 - }
150 -
151 - function lonDecimal2Degree($decimal) {
152 - if ($decimal < 0) {
153 - return abs($decimal) . "° W";
154 - } else {
155 - return $decimal . "° E";
156 - }
157 - }
158 -
159 - // the function that outputs the custom form html
160 - function formInputHTML($coordinates, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $field_args) {
161 - global $gTabIndex, $gDisabledText, $wgJsMimeType;
162 - global $wgGoogleMapsKey, $wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage;
163 -
164 - // default values
165 - $flat = 0;
166 - $flon = 0;
167 -
168 - if ($coordinates) {
169 - // can show up here either as an array or a string,
170 - // depending on whether it came from user input or a wiki page
171 - if (is_array($coordinates)) {
172 - // todo if relevant
173 - } else {
174 - list($flat, $flon) = SGMUtils::getLatLon($coordinates);
175 - }
176 - $zoom = '14';
177 - } else {
178 - // if there's no starting value, get the value for the
179 - // map center and zoom from the form input, if they exist
180 - if (array_key_exists('center', $field_args)) {
181 - list($flat, $flon) = SGMUtils::getLatLon($field_args['center']);
182 - $zoom = '14';
183 - } else {
184 - $zoom = '0';
185 - }
186 - if (array_key_exists('zoom', $field_args)) {
187 - $zoom = $field_args['zoom'];
188 - }
189 - }
190 - if (!$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage) {$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage = 0;}
191 - $wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage++;
192 - if (array_key_exists('width', $field_args)) {
193 - $width = $field_args['width'];
194 - } else {
195 - $width = '200';
196 - }
197 - if (array_key_exists('height', $field_args)) {
198 - $height = $field_args['height'];
199 - } else {
200 - $height = '200';
201 - }
202 - $class = 'sm_map';
203 - if (array_key_exists('map type', $field_args)) {
204 - $type = $field_args['map type'];
205 - } else {
206 - $type = 'G_NORMAL_MAP';
207 - }
208 - if (array_key_exists('map control', $field_args)) {
209 - $control_class = $field_args['map control'];
210 - } else {
211 - $control_class = 'GSmallMapControl';
212 - }
213 - if ($flat == 0) { $lat = '50';} else {$lat = $flat;}
214 - if ($flon == 0) { $lon = '5';} else {$lon = $flon;}
215 -
216 - // input field
217 - $starting_coords = "";
218 - if ($coordinates != null && $flat != 0 && $flon != 0) {
219 - $deg_lat = SGMUtils::latDecimal2Degree($flat);
220 - $deg_lon = SGMUtils::lonDecimal2Degree($flon);
221 - $starting_coords = "$deg_lat, $deg_lon";
222 - }
223 - $info_id = "info_$gTabIndex";
224 - $text =<<<END
225 - <input tabindex="$gTabIndex" id="input_$gTabIndex" name="$input_name" type="text" value="$starting_coords" size="40" $gDisabledText>
226 - <span id="$info_id" class="error_message"></span>
227 -
228 -END;
229 -
230 - // map div
231 - $text .= '<div id="sm_map'.$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage.'" class="'.$class.'"></div>';
232 -
233 - //geocoder HTML
234 - wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'SemanticGoogleMaps' );
235 - $lookup_coordinates_text = wfMsg('semanticgooglemaps_lookupcoordinates');
236 - $text .= <<<END
237 - <p>
238 - <input size="60" id= "geocode" name="geocode" value="" type="text">
239 - <a href="#" onClick="showAddress(document.forms['createbox'].geocode.value); return false">$lookup_coordinates_text</a>
240 - </p>
241 - <br />
242 -
243 -END;
244 -
245 - // map Javascript
246 - $text .= <<<END
247 -<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=$wgGoogleMapsKey" type="$wgJsMimeType"></script>
248 -<script type="text/javascript">
249 -function showAddress(address) {
250 - makeMap{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage}();
251 - if (geocoder) {
252 - geocoder.getLatLng(address,
253 - function(point) {
254 - if (!point) {
255 - alert(address + " not found");
256 - } else {
257 - map.clearOverlays()
258 - map.setCenter(point, 14);
259 - var marker = new GMarker(point);
260 - map.addOverlay(marker);
261 - document.getElementById("input_$gTabIndex").value = convertLatToDMS(point.y)+', '+convertLngToDMS(point.x);
262 - }
263 - }
264 - );
265 - }
266 -}
267 -
268 -function convertLatToDMS (val) {
269 - if (val < 0) {
270 - return Math.abs(val) + "° " + "S";
271 - } else {
272 - return Math.abs(val) + "° " + "N";
273 - }
274 -}
275 -
276 -function convertLngToDMS (val) {
277 - if (val < 0) {
278 - return Math.abs(val) + "° " + "W";
279 - } else {
280 - return Math.abs(val) + "° " + "E";
281 - }
282 -}
283 -
284 -function addLoadEvent(func) {
285 - var oldonload = window.onload;
286 - if (typeof oldonload == 'function') {
287 - window.onload = function() {
288 - oldonload();
289 - func();
290 - };
291 - } else {
292 - window.onload = func;
293 - }
294 -}
295 -
296 -window.unload = GUnload;
297 -</script>
298 -
299 -END;
300 - $javascript_text = <<<END
301 -<script type="text/javascript">
302 -function makeMap{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage}() {
303 - if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
304 - window.map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("sm_map{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage}"), {size: new GSize('$width', '$height')});
305 - geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
306 - map.addControl(new {$control_class}());
307 - map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
308 - map.setCenter(new GLatLng({$lat}, {$lon}), {$zoom}, {$type});
309 -
310 -END;
311 - // show a starting marker only if a value already exists
312 - if ($coordinates != null) {
313 - $javascript_text .= <<<END
314 - var point = new GLatLng({$lat}, {$lon});
315 - var marker = new GMarker(point);
316 - map.addOverlay(marker);
317 -
318 -END;
319 - }
320 - $javascript_text .= <<<END
321 - GEvent.addListener(map, "click",
322 - function(overlay, point) {
323 - place = null;
324 - if (overlay) {
325 - map.removeOverlay (overlay);
326 - } else {
327 - var marker = new GMarker (point);
328 - map.clearOverlays();
329 - document.getElementById("input_$gTabIndex").value = convertLatToDMS(point.y)+', '+convertLngToDMS(point.x);
330 - map.addOverlay(marker);
331 - map.panTo(point);
332 - }
333 - }
334 - );
335 - }
336 -}
337 -addLoadEvent(makeMap{$wgGoogleMapsOnThisPage});
338 -</script>
339 -
340 -END;
341 - // remove all newlines, to avoid wiki parsing inserting unwanted
342 - // <p> tags within the Javascript
343 - $javascript_text = preg_replace('/\s+/m', ' ', $javascript_text);
344 - $text .= $javascript_text;
345 -
346 - $output = array($text, '');
347 - return $output;
348 - }
349 -}

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