r44818 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r44817‎ | r44818 | r44819 >
Date:00:21, 20 December 2008
updates to add_media_wizzard
* jcrop to support image cropping
* search api improvements for commons and metavid
* stubs for wizard based inserts from foreign repositories
* style updates (added in some gimp icons)
* lots more config options per content provider

refactoring of token acquisition for sequencer edits.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/external_media_wizard.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libRemoteMediaSearch/mv_remote_media_search.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libSequencer/mv_clipedit.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libSequencer/mv_sequencer.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_embed.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/loading_bar_ani.gif (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24_over.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop_over.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale_over.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock_icon_over.xcf (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/Button_add_media.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/archive_org_logo_17.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/metavid_logo_17.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/wiki_commons_logo_17.png (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/styles.css (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/external_media_wizard.js
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
22 //add media wizard integration for mediaWiki
4 -//to support remote media searching.
5 -
 4+/* config */
65 var mv_embed_url = 'http://localhost/wiki/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_embed.js';
 6+//Setup your content providers (see the remoteSearchDriver::content_providers for all options)
 7+var wg_content_proivers_config = {
 8+ 'wiki_commons':{
 9+ 'local':false //note you will need to enable url file uploading to import assets
 10+ },
 11+ 'metavid':{
 12+ 'local':true //this will change the output from [[embed:StreamName]] to [[remoteEmbed:roe_url]]
 13+ }
 15+var wg_local_wiki_api_url = 'http://localhost/wiki/api.php';
 18+//*code should not have to modify anything below*/
819 //check if we are on a edit page:
920 if(wgAction=='edit'){
1021 //add onPage ready request:
@@ -15,19 +26,26 @@
1627 'onClick="mv_do_load_wiz()" />';
1728 });
1829 }
 30+var caret_pos={};
1931 function mv_do_load_wiz(){
 32+ caret_pos={};
 33+ tb = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
 34+ caret_pos.s = getTextCusorStartPos( tb );
 35+ caret_pos.e = getTextCusorEndPos( tb );
2037 //show the loading screen:
2138 var body_elm = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
2239 body_elm.innerHTML = body_elm.innerHTML + ''+
2340 '<div id="modalbox" style="background:#DDD;border:3px solid #666666;'+
24 - 'top:30px;left:100px;right:100px;bottom:30px;position:fixed;z-index:100;">'+
 41+ 'top:30px;left:20px;right:20px;bottom:30px;position:fixed;z-index:100;">'+
2643 'loading external media wizard<blink>...</blink>'+
2845 '</div>'+
2946 '<div id="mv_overlay" style="background:#000;cursor:wait;height:100%;left:0;position:fixed;'+
3047 'top:0;width:100%;z-index:5;filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity: 0.6;'+
31 - 'opacity: 0.6;"/>';
 48+ 'opacity: 0.6;"/>';
3250 //inject mv_embed
3351 if( typeof MV_EMBED_VERSION == 'undefined'){
3452 var e = document.createElement("script");
@@ -37,7 +55,8 @@
3856 setTimeout('check_for_mv_embed();', 25);
3957 }else{
4058 check_for_mv_embed();
41 - }
 59+ }
 60+ return false;
4261 }
4362 function check_for_mv_embed(){
4463 if( typeof MV_EMBED_VERSION == 'undefined'){
@@ -46,7 +65,31 @@
4766 mv_do_remote_search({
4867 'target_id':'modalbox',
4968 'profile':'mediawiki_edit',
50 - 'default_query':wgTitle
 69+ 'target_textbox': 'wpTextbox1',
 70+ 'caret_pos':caret_pos,
 71+ //note selections in the textbox will take over the default query
 72+ 'default_query': wgTitle,
 73+ 'cpconfig':wg_content_proivers_config,
 74+ 'local_wiki_api_url': wg_local_wiki_api_url
5175 });
5276 }
5377 }
 78+/*once we modify the dom we lose the text selection :( so here are some get pos functions */
 79+function getTextCusorStartPos(o){
 80+ if (o.createTextRange) {
 81+ var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate()
 82+ r.moveEnd('character', o.value.length)
 83+ if (r.text == '') return o.value.length
 84+ return o.value.lastIndexOf(r.text)
 85+ } else return o.selectionStart
 87+function getTextCusorEndPos(o){
 88+ if (o.createTextRange) {
 89+ var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
 90+ r.moveStart('character', -o.value.length);
 91+ return r.text.length;
 92+ } else{
 93+ return o.selectionEnd
 94+ }
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libSequencer/mv_sequencer.js
@@ -444,10 +444,24 @@
445445 //propogate the edit tokens
446446 //if on an edit page just grab from the form:
447447 this.sequenceEditToken = $j('input[@wpEditToken]').val();
448 - if(typeof this.sequenceEditToken == 'undefined'){
 448+ if(typeof this.sequenceEditToken == 'undefined'){
 449+ var reqObj = {'action':'query','prop':'info','intoken':'edit','titles': this_seq.plObj.mTitle};
 450+ var api_url = this.plObj.interface_url.replace(/index\.php/, 'api.php');
 451+ do_api_req( reqObj, api_url,function(data){
 452+ if(data.page[0]['edittoken'])
 453+ this_seq.sequenceEditToken = data.page[0]['edittoken'];
 454+ this_seq.updateSeqSaveButtons();
 455+ });
 456+ reqObj['titles']=this_seq.plObj.mTalk;
 457+ do_api_req(reqObj, api_url, function(){
 458+ if(data.page[0]['edittoken'])
 459+ this_seq.clipboardEditToken = data.page[0]['edittoken'];
 460+ });
 461+ //also grab permmisions for sending clipboard commands to the server
449463 //(calling the sequencer inline) try and get edit token via api call:
450464 //(somewhat fragile way to get at the api... should move to config
451 - var token_url =this.plObj.interface_url.replace(/index\.php/, 'api.php');
 465+ /*var token_url = this.plObj.interface_url.replace(/index\.php/, 'api.php');
452466 token_url += '?action=query&format=xml&prop=info&intoken=edit&titles=';
453467 $j.ajax({
454468 type: "GET",
@@ -457,11 +471,11 @@
458472 if( $j(pageElm).attr('edittoken') ){
459473 this_seq.sequenceEditToken = $j(pageElm).attr('edittoken');
460474 }
461 - this_seq.updateSeqSaveButtons();
462476 }
463 - });
 477+ });*/
464478 //also grab permmisions for sending clipboard commands to the server
465 - $j.ajax({
 479+ /*$j.ajax({
466480 type:"GET",
467481 url: token_url + this_seq.plObj.mTalk,
468482 success:function(data){
@@ -470,7 +484,7 @@
471485 this_seq.clipboardEditToken = $j(pageElm).attr('edittoken');
472486 }
473487 }
474 - });
 488+ });*/
475489 }
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libSequencer/mv_clipedit.js
@@ -1,16 +1,145 @@
22 /*
3 -hanndles clip edit controls
 3+ hanndles clip edit controls
44 'inoutpoints':0, //should let you set the in and out points of clip
55 'panzoom':0, //should allow setting keyframes and tweening modes
66 'overlays':0, //should allow setting "locked to clip" overlay tracks
7 - 'audio':0 //should allow controling the audio volume (with keyframes)
 7+ 'audio':0 //should allow controlling the audio volume (with keyframes)
88 */
 10+gMsg['mv_crop']='Crop Image';
 11+gMsg['mv_apply_crop']='Apply Crop to Image';
 12+gMsg['mv_reset_crop']='Rest Crop';
 13+gMsg['mv_insert_image_page']='Insert Into page';
 14+gMsg['mv_preview_insert']= 'Preview Insert';
 15+gMsg['mv_cancel_image_insert']='Cancel Image Insert';
 17+var default_clipedit_values = {
 18+ 'rObj': null, // the resource object
 19+ 'clip_disp_ct':null,//target clip disp
 20+ 'control_ct':null, //control container
 21+ 'media_type': null, //media type
 22+ 'p_rsdObj': null, //parent remote search object
 23+ 'parent_ct': null //parent container
1025 var mvClipEdit = function(initObj) {
1126 return this.init(initObj);
1227 };
1328 mvClipEdit.prototype = {
 30+ selTool:null, //selected tool
 31+ crop: null, //the crop values
 32+ base_img_src:null,
1434 init:function( initObj){
15 - //setup the clip editor
 35+ //init object:
 36+ for(var i in default_clipedit_values){
 37+ if( initObj[i] ){
 38+ this[i] = initObj[i];
 39+ }
 40+ }
 41+ //check the media_type:
 42+ js_log('mvClipEdit:: media type:' + this.media_type + 'base width: ' + rObj.width + ' bh: ' + rObj.height);
 45+ //could seperate out into media Types objects for now just call method
 46+ if(this.media_type == 'image'){
 47+ this.setUpImageCtrl();
 48+ }else if(this.media_type=='jpeg'){
 49+ this.setUpVideoCtrl();
 50+ }
 51+ },
 52+ setUpImageCtrl:function(){
 53+ var _this = this;
 54+ //by default apply Crop tool
 55+ $j('#'+this.control_ct).html(
 56+ '<h3>Edit tools</h3>' +
 57+ '<div class="mv_edit_button mv_crop_button_base" id="mv_crop_button" alt="crop" title="'+getMsg('mv_crop')+'"/>'+
 58+ '<a href="#" class="mv_crop_msg">' + getMsg('mv_crop') + '</a> '+
 59+ '<a href="#" style="display:none" class="mv_apply_crop">' + getMsg('mv_apply_crop') + '</a> '+
 60+ '<a href="#" style="display:none" class="mv_rest_crop">' + getMsg('mv_reset_crop') + '</a> '+
 61+ '<br style="clear:both"><br>'+
 63+ '<div class="mv_edit_button mv_scale_button_base" id="mv_scale_button" alt="crop" title="'+getMsg('mv_scale')+'"></div>'+
 64+ '<a href="#" class="mv_scale_msg">' + getMsg('mv_scale') + '</a><br>'+
 65+ '<a href="#" style="display:none" class="mv_apply_scale">' + getMsg('mv_apply_scale') + '</a> '+
 66+ '<a href="#" style="display:none" class="mv_rest_scale">' + getMsg('mv_reset_scale') + '</a> '+
 68+ '<h3>Inline Caption Description</h3>'+
 69+ '<textarea id="mv_img_desc" rows="4" cols="30"></textarea><br>'+
 70+ '<h3>Actions</h3>'+
 71+ '<input type="button" class="mv_insert_image_page" value="' + getMsg('mv_insert_image_page') + '"> '+
 72+ '<input type="button" class="mv_preview_insert" value="' + getMsg('mv_preview_insert')+ '"> '+
 73+ '<a href="#" class="mv_cancel_img_edit" title="' + getMsg('mv_cancel_image_insert')+'">' + getMsg('mv_cancel_image_insert') + '</a> '
 74+ );
 75+ //add bidings:
 76+ $j('#mv_crop_button,.mv_crop_msg,.mv_apply_crop').click(function(){
 77+ js_log('click:mv_crop_button: base width: ' + rObj.width + ' bh: ' + rObj.height);
 78+ if($j('#mv_crop_button').hasClass('mv_crop_button_selected')){
 79+ _this.applyCrop();
 80+ }else{
 81+ js_log('click:turn on');
 82+ _this.enableCrop();
 83+ }
 84+ });
 85+ $j('.mv_rest_crop').click(function(){
 86+ $j('.mv_apply_crop,.mv_rest_crop').hide();
 87+ $j('.mv_crop_msg').show();
 88+ $j('#mv_crop_button').removeClass('mv_crop_button_selected').addClass('mv_crop_button_base').attr('title',getMsg('mv_crop'));
 89+ _this.rObj.crop=null;
 90+ $j('#'+_this.clip_disp_ct ).empty().html(
 91+ '<img src="'+ _this.rObj.url + '" id="rsd_edit_img">'
 92+ )
 93+ });
 94+ $j('.mv_insert_image_page').click(function(){
 95+ _this.applyCrop();
 96+ //have the (parent remote search object) do the insert
 97+ _this.p_rsdObj.insertResource( rObj );
 98+ });
 99+ $j('.mv_preview_insert').click(function(){
 100+ _this.applyCrop();
 101+ //copy over the desc text to the resouce object
 102+ _this.p_rsdObj.previewResource( rObj );
 103+ });
 104+ $j('.mv_cancel_img_edit').click( function(){
 105+ $j('#' + _this.parent_ct).fadeOut("fast");
 106+ });
 107+ },
 108+ applyCrop:function(){
 109+ var _this = this;
 110+ $j('.mv_apply_crop').hide();
 111+ $j('.mv_crop_msg').show();
 112+ $j('#mv_crop_button').removeClass('mv_crop_button_selected').addClass('mv_crop_button_base').attr('title',getMsg('mv_crop'));
 113+ js_log('click:turn off');
 114+ if(_this.rObj.crop){
 115+ //empty out and display croped:
 116+ $j('#'+_this.clip_disp_ct ).empty().html(
 117+ '<div id="mv_cropcotainer" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;'+
 118+ 'width:' + _this.rObj.crop.w + 'px;'+
 119+ 'height:' + _this.rObj.crop.h + 'px;">'+
 120+ '<div id="mv_crop_img" style="position:absolute;'+
 121+ 'top:-' + _this.rObj.crop.y +'px;'+
 122+ 'left:-' + _this.rObj.crop.x + 'px;">'+
 123+ '<img src="' + _this.rObj.url + '">'+
 124+ '</div>'+
 125+ '</div>'
 126+ );
 127+ }
 128+ },
 129+ enableCrop:function(){
 130+ var _this = this;
 131+ $j('.mv_crop_msg').hide();
 132+ $j('.mv_rest_crop,.mv_apply_crop').show();
 133+ $j('#mv_crop_button').removeClass('mv_crop_button_base').addClass('mv_crop_button_selected').attr('title',getMsg('mv_crop_done'));
 134+ $j('#' + _this.clip_disp_ct + ' img').Jcrop({
 135+ onSelect: function(c){
 136+ js_log('on select:' + c.x +','+ c.y+','+ c.x2+','+ c.y2+','+ c.w+','+ c.h);
 137+ _this.rObj.crop = c;
 138+ },
 139+ onChange: function(c){
 140+ }
 141+ });
 142+ },
 143+ setUpVideoCtrl:function(){
16145 }
17 -}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/archive_org_logo_17.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/archive_org_logo_17.png
Added: svn:mime-type
18147 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/metavid_logo_17.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/metavid_logo_17.png
Added: svn:mime-type
19148 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/Button_add_media.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/Button_add_media.png
Added: svn:mime-type
20149 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/wiki_commons_logo_17.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/remote_search/wiki_commons_logo_17.png
Added: svn:mime-type
21150 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24.png
Added: svn:mime-type
22151 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock_icon_over.xcf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock_icon_over.xcf
Added: svn:mime-type
23152 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale_over.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale_over.png
Added: svn:mime-type
24153 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-scale.png
Added: svn:mime-type
25154 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/loading_bar_ani.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/loading_bar_ani.gif
Added: svn:mime-type
26155 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24_over.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-text-layer-24_over.png
Added: svn:mime-type
27156 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop_over.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop_over.png
Added: svn:mime-type
28157 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/images/stock-tool-button-crop.png
Added: svn:mime-type
29158 + application/octet-stream
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/skins/mvpcf/styles.css
@@ -541,7 +541,11 @@
542542 padding:10px;
543543 float:left;
544544 border: thin solid #BBB;
 545+ overflow:hidden;
545546 }
 548+ border: thin solid #F99;
546550 .mv_clip_list_result{
547551 padding:10px;
548552 }
@@ -550,3 +554,22 @@
551555 background:#DEF;
552556 height:22px;
553557 }
 559+/* edit buttons: */
 561+ width:22px;
 562+ height:22px;
 563+ float:left;
 566+ background-image: url('images/stock-tool-button-crop.png');
 569+ background-image: url('images/stock-tool-button-crop_over.png');
 572+ background-image: url('images/stock-tool-button-scale.png');
 575+ background-image: url('images/stock-tool-button-scale_over.png');
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_embed.js
@@ -130,8 +130,13 @@
131131 return gMsg[key];
132132 } else{
133133 return '[' + key + ']';
134 - }
 134+ }
135135 }
 136+function mv_get_loading_img( style, class){
 137+ var class_attr = (class)?'class="'+class+'"':'class="mv_loading_img"';
 138+ return '<img '+class_attr+' style="' + style +'" src="'+
 139+ mv_embed_path + 'skins/' + mv_skin_name + '/images/loading_ani.gif">';
137142 /* the base video control JSON object with default attributes
138143 * for supported attribute details see README
@@ -2920,7 +2925,7 @@
29212926 }
29232928 //build request string: (force the format to json):
2924 - var req_url = api_url +'?format=json';
 2929+ var req_url = api_url + '?format=json';
29252930 for(var i in req_param){
29262931 req_url += '&' + encodeURIComponent( i ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( req_param[i] );
29272932 }
@@ -2937,10 +2942,10 @@
29382943 }
29392944 });
29402945 }else{
2941 - //remote request append callback
2942 - eval('_global.mycpfn' + ( global_cb_count++ ) + ' = ' + callback );
2943 - req_url += '&callback=mycpfn' + global_cb_count;
2944 - loadExternalJs( req_url );
 2946+ var fname = 'mycpfn_' + ( global_cb_count++ );
 2947+ _global[ fname ] = callback ;
 2948+ req_url += '&callback=' + fname;
 2949+ loadExternalJs( req_url );
29452950 }
29462951 }
29472952 //do a "normal" request (should be deprecated via extending the mediaWiki API)
@@ -2964,8 +2969,7 @@
29652970 global_req_cb.push(callback);
29662971 //prepend json_ to feed_format if not already requesting json format
29672972 if( req_url.indexOf("feed_format=")!=-1 && req_url.indexOf("feed_format=json")==-1)
2968 - req_url = req_url.replace(/feed_format=/, 'feed_format=json_');
2969 -
 2973+ req_url = req_url.replace(/feed_format=/, 'feed_format=json_');
29702974 loadExternalJs(req_url+'&cb=mv_jsdata_cb&cb_inx='+(global_req_cb.length-1));
29712975 }
29722976 }
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/libRemoteMediaSearch/mv_remote_media_search.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
1414 gMsg['rsd_list_layout'] = 'List Layout';
1515 gMsg['rsd_results_desc']= 'Results <b>$0</b> of <b>$1</b>';
1616 gMsg['rsd_layout'] = 'Layout:';
 17+gMsg['rsd_resource_edit']='Edit Resource:';
1819 var default_remote_search_options = {
1920 'profile':'mediawiki_edit',
@@ -20,6 +21,10 @@
2223 'default_provider_id':'all', //all or one of the content_providers ids
 25+ 'caret_pos':null,
 26+ 'local_wiki_api_url':null,
 28+ 'target_textbox':null,
2429 'instance_name': null, //a globally accessible callback instance name
2530 'default_query':'', //default search query
2631 //specific to sequence profile
@@ -64,24 +69,28 @@
6570 'wiki_commons':{
6671 'enabled':1,
6772 'checked':1,
68 - 'd' :0,
69 - 'title' :'Wikipedia Commons',
 73+ 'd' :1,
 74+ 'title' :'Wikipedia Commons',
7075 'desc' : 'Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain '+
71 - 'and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to all.',
 76+ 'and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to all.',
 77+ 'hompage': 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page',
7278 'api_url':'http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php',
7379 'lib' :'mediaWiki',
7480 'search_title':false, //disable title search
75 - 'local' :true
 81+ 'local' :false,
 82+ 'resource_prefix': '' //what prefix to use on imported resources
7683 },
7784 'metavid':{
7885 'enabled':1,
7986 'checked':1,
80 - 'd' :1,
 87+ 'd' :0,
8188 'title' :'Metavid.org',
 89+ 'homepage':'http://metavid.org',
8290 'desc' : 'Metavid hosts thousands of hours of US house and senate floor proceedings',
8391 'api_url':'http://localhost/wiki/index.php?title=Special:MvExportSearch',
8492 'lib' : 'metavid',
85 - 'local' :false
 93+ 'local' :false,
 94+ 'resource_prefix': 'MV_' //what prefix to use on imported resources
8695 },
8796 'archive_org':{
8897 'enabled':0,
@@ -89,12 +98,17 @@
9099 'd' :0,
91100 'title' : 'Archive.org',
92101 'desc' : 'The Internet Archive, a digital library of cultural artifacts',
 102+ 'homepage':'http://archive.org',
93103 'lib' : 'archive',
94 - 'local' : false
 104+ 'local' : false,
 105+ 'resource_prefix': 'AO_'
95106 }
96107 },
97108 //some default layout values:
98109 thumb_width : 80,
 110+ image_edit_width : 600,
 111+ video_edit_width : 400,
 112+ insert_text_pos : 0, //insert at the start (will be overwiten by the user cursor pos)
99113 result_display_mode : 'box', //box or list or preview
101115 init:function( initObj ){
@@ -105,10 +119,30 @@
106120 }else{
107121 this[ i ] =default_remote_search_options[i];
108122 }
 123+ }
 124+ //set up the content provider config:
 125+ if(this.cpconfig){
 126+ for(var cpc in cpconfig){
 127+ for(var cinx in this.cpconfig[cpc]){
 128+ if( this.content_providers[cpc] )
 129+ this.content_providers[ cpc ][ cinx ] = this.cpconfig[cpc][ cinx];
 130+ }
 131+ }
109132 }
 134+ //overwrite the default query if a text selection was made:
 135+ if(this.target_textbox)
 136+ this.getTexboxSelection();
110138 this.init_interface_html();
111139 this.add_interface_bindings();
112 - },
 140+ },
 141+ //gets the in and out points for insert position or grabs the selected text for search
 142+ getTexboxSelection:function(){
 143+ if(this.caret_pos.s && this.caret_pos.e &&
 144+ (this.caret_pos.s != this.caret_pos.e))
 145+ this.default_query = $j('#'+this.target_textbox).val().substring(this.caret_pos.s, this.caret_pos.e).replace(/ /g, '\xa0') || '\xa0'
 146+ },
113147 //sets up the initial html interface
114148 init_interface_html:function(){
115149 var out = '<div class="rsd_control_container" style="width:100%">' +
@@ -126,8 +160,8 @@
127161 ' id="rms_search_button"/>'+
128162 '</td>'+
129163 '<td>';
130 - out += '<a src="#" id="mso_selprovider" >Select Providers</a><br>';
131 - out += '<a src="#" id="mso_cancel" >Cancel</a><br>';
 164+ out += '<a href="#" id="mso_selprovider" >Select Providers</a><br>';
 165+ out += '<a href="#" id="mso_cancel" >Cancel</a><br>';
132166 out += '</td>'+
133167 '</tr>'+
134168 '</table>';
@@ -182,27 +216,21 @@
183217 'opacity':0
184218 }, "normal", function(){
185219 $j(this).hide();
186 - })
 220+ });
187221 }
188 - });
189 - //setup bindings for search tabs:
190 - $j('.rsd_cp_tabs li').click(function(){
191 - _this.selectTab( $j(this).attr('id').replace(/rsd_tab_/, '') );
192 - });
193 -
 222+ });
194223 //setup binding for search provider check box:
195224 //search button:
196225 $j('#rms_search_button').click(function(){
197226 _this.runSearch();
198 - });
 227+ });
199228 },
200229 runSearch: function(){
201230 var _this = this;
202231 //set loading div:
203 - $j('#rsd_results').append('<div style="postion:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:100%;width:100%;'+
204 - '-moz-opacity:.50; filter:alpha(opacity=50); opacity:.50;z-index:100">' +
205 - '<img style="padding:10px;" src="'+
206 - mv_embed_path + 'skins/' + mv_skin_name + '/images/loading_ani.gif">'+
 232+ $j('#rsd_results').append('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:100%;width:100%;'+
 233+ 'background-color:#FFF;margin:30px">' +
 234+ mv_get_loading_img('padding:30px') +
207235 '</div>');
208236 //get a remote search object for each search provider and run the search
209237 for(var cp_id in this.content_providers){
@@ -242,6 +270,7 @@
243271 }
244272 },
245273 drawTabs: function(){
 274+ var _this = this;
246275 //add the tabs to the rsd_results container:
247276 var o= '<ul class="rsd_cp_tabs" >';
248277 o+='<li id="rsd_tab_combined" ><img src="' + mv_embed_path + 'skins/'+mv_skin_name+ '/remote_search/combined_tab.png"></li>';
@@ -256,41 +285,313 @@
257286 //outout the resource results holder
258287 o+='<div id="rsd_results" />';
259288 $j('#rsd_results_container').html(o);
260 - },
 290+ //setup bindings for tabs:
 291+ $j('.rsd_cp_tabs li').click(function(){
 292+ _this.selectTab( $j(this).attr('id').replace(/rsd_tab_/, '') );
 293+ });
 294+ },
 295+ //@@todo we could load the id with the content provider id to find the object faster...
 296+ getResourceFromId:function( rid ){
 297+ //strip out /res/ if preset:
 298+ rid = rid.replace(/res_/, '');
 299+ for(var cp_id in this.content_providers){
 300+ cp = this.content_providers[ cp_id ];
 301+ if( cp['sObj']){
 302+ for(var rInx in cp.sObj.resultsObj){
 303+ if(rInx == rid)
 304+ return cp.sObj.resultsObj[rInx];
 305+ };
 306+ }
 307+ }
 308+ js_log("ERROR: could not find " + rid);
 309+ return false;
 310+ },
261311 drawOutputResults: function(){
262312 js_log('f:drawOutputResults');
263313 var _this = this;
264314 var o='';
265315 $j('#rsd_results').empty();
266316 //output the results bar / controls
267 - _this.setResultBarControl();
 317+ _this.setResultBarControl();
269319 //output all the results (hide based on tab selection)
270320 for(var cp_id in this.content_providers){
271321 cp = this.content_providers[ cp_id ];
272322 //output results based on display mode & input:
273323 if(typeof cp['sObj'] != 'undefined'){
274 - $j.each(cp.sObj.resultsObj, function(rInx, resultItem){
 324+ $j.each(cp.sObj.resultsObj, function(rInx, rItem){
275325 var disp = ( cp.d ) ? '' : 'display:none;';
276326 if( _this.result_display_mode == 'box' ){
277 - o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_box_result res_' + cp_id +'" style="' + disp + 'width:' +
278 - _this.thumb_width + 'px;height:'+ parseInt(_this.thumb_width) +'px">';
279 - o+='<img style="width:' + _this.thumb_width + 'px;" src="' + resultItem.poster + '">';
 327+ o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_box_result" style="' + disp + 'width:' +
 328+ _this.thumb_width + 'px;height:'+ (_this.thumb_width-20) +'px">';
 329+ o+='<img title="'+rItem.title+'" class="rsd_res_item" id="res_' + rInx +'" style="width:' + _this.thumb_width + 'px;" src="' + rItem.poster + '">';
280330 o+='</div>';
281331 }else if(_this.result_display_mode == 'list'){
282 - o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_list_result res_' + cp_id +'" style="' + disp + 'width:90%">';
283 - o+='<img style="float:left;width:' + _this.thumb_width + 'px;" src="' + resultItem.poster + '">';
284 - o+= cp.sObj.specialFormatDesc( resultItem.desc ) ;
 332+ o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_list_result res_' + rInx +'" style="' + disp + 'width:90%">';
 333+ o+='<img class="rsd_res_item" id="res_' + cp_id +'" style="float:left;width:' + _this.thumb_width + 'px; padding:5px;" src="' + rItem.poster + '">';
 334+ o+= rItem.desc ;
285335 o+='</div>';
286336 o+='<div style="clear:both" />';
287337 }
288338 });
289339 }
290 - }
291 - js_log('should add to rsd:' + o);
 340+ }
292341 //put in the new output:
293 - $j('#rsd_results').append( o );
 342+ $j('#rsd_results').append( o )
 343+ //remove rss only display class if present
 344+ $j('#rsd_results .mv_rss_view_only').remove();
 345+ this.addResultBindings();
294346 },
 347+ addResultBindings:function(){
 348+ var _this = this;
 349+ $j('.mv_clip_box_result').hover(function(){
 350+ $j(this).addClass('mv_clip_box_result_over');
 351+ },function(){
 352+ $j(this).removeClass('mv_clip_box_result_over');
 353+ });
 354+ //resource click action: (bring up the resource editor)
 355+ $j('.rsd_res_item').click(function(){
 356+ //get the resource obj:
 357+ rObj = _this.getResourceFromId( this.id );
 358+ //remove any existing resource edit interface:
 359+ $j('#rsd_resource_edit').remove();
 360+ //append to the top level of model window:
 361+ $j( '#'+ _this.target_id ).append('<div id="rsd_resource_edit" '+
 362+ 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#FFF;">' +
 363+ '<h3 style="margin:4px;">' + getMsg('rsd_resource_edit') + ' ' + rObj.title +'</h3>'+
 364+ '<div id="clip_edit_disp" style="position:absolute;top:30px;left:0px;bottom:0px;'+
 365+ 'width:' + (_this.image_edit_width+30) + 'px;overflow:auto;" >' +
 366+ mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:30px;left:30px', 'mv_img_loader') +
 367+ '</div>'+
 368+ '<div id="clip_edit_ctrl" style="position:absolute;border:solid thin blue;'+
 369+ 'top:30px;left:' + (_this.image_edit_width+30) +'px;bottom:0px;right:0px;">'+
 370+ mv_get_loading_img('padding:30px') +
 371+ '</div>'+
 372+ '</div>');
 373+ $j('#rsd_resource_edit').css('opacity',0);
 375+ $j('#rsd_edit_img').remove();//remove any existing rsd_edit_img
 377+ //left side holds the image right size the controls /
 378+ $j(this).clone().attr('id', 'rsd_edit_img').appendTo('#clip_edit_disp').css({
 379+ 'position':'absolute',
 380+ 'top':'40%',
 381+ 'left':'20%',
 382+ 'opacity':0
 383+ });
 384+ if(rObj.mime.indexOf('image')!=-1){
 385+ //set width to default image_edit_width
 386+ var maxWidth = _this.image_edit_width;
 387+ var mediaType = 'image';
 388+ }else{
 389+ //set to default video size:
 390+ var maxWidth = _this.video_edit_width;
 391+ var mediaType = 'video';
 392+ }
 393+ //assume we keep aspect ratio for the thumbnail that we clicked:
 394+ var tRatio = $j(this).height() / $j(this).width();
 395+ if( ! tRatio )
 396+ var tRatio = 1; //set ratio to 1 if the width of the thumbnail can't be found for some reason
 398+ js_log('set from ' + $j('#rsd_edit_img').width()+'x'+ $j('#rsd_edit_img').height() + ' to init thumbimage to ' + maxWidth + ' x ' + parseInt( tRatio * maxWidth) );
 399+ //scale up image and swap with high res version
 400+ $j('#rsd_edit_img').animate({
 401+ 'opacity':1,
 402+ 'top':'0px',
 403+ 'left':'0px',
 404+ 'width': maxWidth + 'px',
 405+ 'height': parseInt( tRatio * maxWidth) + 'px'
 406+ }, "slow"); // do it slow to give it a chance to finish loading the HQ version
 407+ _this.loadHQImg(rObj, {'width':maxWidth}, 'rsd_edit_img', function(){
 408+ $j('.mv_img_loader').remove();
 409+ });
 410+ //also fade in the container:
 411+ $j('#rsd_resource_edit').animate({
 412+ 'opacity':1,
 413+ 'background-color':'#FFF',
 414+ 'z-index':99
 415+ });
 416+ _this.doMediaEdit( rObj , mediaType );
 417+ });
 418+ },
 419+ loadHQImg:function(rObj, size, target_img_id, callback){
 420+ //get the HQ image url:
 421+ rObj.pSobj.getImageObj( rObj, size, function( imObj ){
 422+ rObj['url'] = imObj.url;
 423+ //see if we need to animate some transition
 424+ var newSize = false;
 425+ if( size.width != imObj.width ){
 426+ js_log('loadHQImg:size mismatch: ' + size.width + ' != ' + imObj.width );
 427+ newSize={
 428+ 'width':imObj.width + 'px',
 429+ 'height':imObj.height + 'px'
 430+ }
 431+ //update the rObj (hopefully this happens before people select their crop)
 432+ rObj['width'] = imObj.width;
 433+ rObj['height'] = imObj.height;
 434+ //set the target id to the new size:
 435+ $j('#'+target_img_id).animate( newSize );
 436+ }else{
 437+ js_log('using req size: ' + imObj.width + 'x' + imObj.height);
 438+ $j('#'+target_img_id).animate( {'width':imObj.width+'px', 'height' : imObj.height + 'px'});
 439+ }
 440+ //don't swap it in untill its loaded:
 441+ var img = new Image();
 442+ // load the image image:
 443+ $j(img).load(function () {
 444+ $j('#'+target_img_id).attr('src', imObj.url);
 445+ //let the caller know we are done and what size we ended up with:
 446+ callback();
 447+ }).error(function () {
 448+ js_log("Error with: " + imObj.url);
 449+ }).attr('src', imObj.url);
 450+ });
 451+ },
 452+ //loads the media editor:
 453+ doMediaEdit:function( rObj , mediaType){
 454+ var _this = this;
 455+ var mvClipInit = {
 456+ 'rObj':rObj, //the resource object
 457+ 'parent_ct':'rsd_resource_edit',
 458+ 'clip_disp_ct':'clip_edit_disp',
 459+ 'control_ct': 'clip_edit_ctrl',
 460+ 'media_type': mediaType,
 461+ 'p_rsdObj': _this
 463+ };
 464+ var loadLibs = {'mvClipEdit':'libSequencer/mv_clipedit.js'};
 465+ if( mediaType == 'image'){
 466+ //load the croping library:
 467+ loadLibs['$j.Jcrop']='jquery/plugins/Jcrop/js/jquery.Jcrop.js';
 468+ //@@todo integrate css calls into mvJsLoader or move jcrop css
 469+ loadExternalCss( mv_embed_path + 'jquery/plugins/Jcrop/css/jquery.Jcrop.css');
 470+ }
 471+ //load the library:
 472+ mvJsLoader.doLoad( loadLibs,
 473+ function(){
 474+ js_log('done loading libs: mvClipEdit + Jcrop');
 475+ //run the image clip tools
 476+ _this.cEdit = new mvClipEdit( mvClipInit );
 477+ });
 478+ },
 479+ checkImportResource:function( rObj, callback){
 480+ //check if the resource is "locally accesible"
 481+ if( rObj.pSobj.local ){
 482+ callback( rObj );
 483+ }else{
 484+ var _this = this;
 485+ var cp = rObj.pSobj.cp;
 487+ //first check if the resource is not already on this wiki:
 488+ var target_resource_title = cp.resource_prefix + rObj.titleKey;
 489+ reqObj={'action':'query', titles:target_resource_title};
 490+ do_api_req( reqObj, this.local_wiki_api_url, function(data){
 491+ if( ! data.query.pages['-1'] ){
 492+ //resource is already present:
 493+ callback( rObj );
 494+ }else{
 495+ var base_resource_desc = '{Information '+
 496+ '|Description= ' + rObj.title + ' imported from ' + '[' + cp.homepage +
 497+ ' ' + cp.title+']' + "\n" +
 498+ '|Source=' + '[' + rObj.link +' Original Source]'+ "\n" +
 499+ '|Author= US government' +"\n"+
 500+ '|Date= October 1st 2008' +"\n"+
 501+ '|Permission=' +"\n"+
 502+ '|other_versions=' +"\n"+
 503+ '}}';
 504+ //@@ show user dialog to import the resource
 505+ $j( '#'+ _this.target_id ).append('<div id="rsd_resource_import" '+
 506+ 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#FFF;">' +
 507+ '<h3>Resource: ' + rObj.title + ' needs to be imported to this wiki</h3>'+
 508+ rObj.pSobj.getEmbedHTML( rObj, {'max_height':'300'} )+ //get embedHTML:
 509+ '<br>'+
 510+ //output the rendered and non-renderd version of description for easy swiching:
 511+ '<strong>Resource Description:</strong>'+
 512+ '<a id="rsd_import_aedit" href="#">Edit</a>'+
 513+ '<a style="display:none;" id="rsd_import_apreview" href="#">Preview</a>'+
 514+ '<div id="rsd_impoart_desc" syle="width:60%;border:solid thin black;height:300px;overflow:auto;">'+
 515+ mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px', 'mv_img_loader') +
 516+ '</div>'+
 517+ '<textarea id="rsd_import_ta" style="display:none" id="mv_img_desc" rows="4" cols="30">'+
 518+ base_resource_desc +
 519+ '</textarea><br>'+
 520+ '<input id="rsd_import_doimport" type="button" value="Do Import Resource">'+
 521+ '<a href="#">Cancel Import</a>'+
 522+ '</div>');
 523+ //load the preview text:
 524+ _this.getParsedWikiText( base_resource_desc, function( o ){
 525+ $j('#rsd_impoart_desc').html(o);
 526+ });
 527+ //add bidings:
 528+ $j('#rsd_import_aedit').click(function(){
 529+ $j(this).hide();
 530+ $j('#rsd_impoart_desc').hide();
 531+ $j('#rsd_import_apreview,#rsd_import_ta').show();
 532+ });
 533+ $j('#rsd_import_apreview').click(function(){
 534+ $j(this).hide();
 535+ $j('#rsd_impoart_desc').show().html(
 536+ mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px', 'mv_img_loader')
 537+ );
 538+ //load the preview text:
 539+ _this.getParsedWikiText( $j('#rsd_import_ta').val() , function( o ){
 540+ $j('#rsd_impoart_desc').html(o);
 541+ });
 542+ });
 543+ $j('#rsd_import_doimport').click(function(){
 544+ //replace the parent with progress bar:
 545+ $j('rsd_resource_import').html(
 546+ '<h3>Importing asset</h3>'+
 547+ mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px', 'mv_img_loader')
 548+ );
 549+ //get an edittoken:
 550+ var reqObj = {'action':'query','prop':'info','intoken':'edit','titles': rObj.titleKey };
 551+ do_api_req( reqObj, cp.api_url,function(data){
 552+ js_log('edit token: ' + data.page[0]['edittoken']);
 553+ });
 555+ });
 556+ }
 557+ });
 558+ }
 559+ },
 560+ previewResource:function( rObj ){
 561+ var _this = this;
 562+ this.checkImportResource( rObj, function(){
 563+ //put another window ontop:
 564+ $j( '#'+ _this.target_id ).append('<div id="rsd_resource_preview" '+
 565+ 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#FFF;">' +
 566+ '<h3>preview resource: ' + rObj.title + '</h3>'+
 567+ '<div id="rsd_preview_display" style="position:absolute;width:100%;bottom:30px;>'+
 568+ mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:30px;left:30px', 'mv_img_loader') +
 569+ '</div>'+
 570+ '<div id="rsd_preview_control" style="position:absolute;width:60%;left:40%;bottom:0px;height:30px;">'+
 571+ '<input type="button" id="preview_do_insert" value="Do Insert">'+
 572+ '<a href="#" id="preview_close">Close Preview</a>'+
 573+ '</div>'+
 574+ '</div>');
 575+ //add bindings:
 576+ $j('#preview_do_insert').click(function(){
 577+ _this.insertResource( rObj );
 578+ });
 579+ $j('#preview_close').click(function(){
 580+ $j('#rsd_resource_preview').remove();
 581+ });
 582+ });
 583+ },
 584+ getParsedWikiText:function( wikitext, title, callback ){
 585+ var reqObj = {
 586+ 'action':'parse',
 587+ 'text':wikitext
 588+ };
 589+ do_api_req( reqObj, this.local_wiki_api_url, function(data){
 590+ callback( data.parse['*'] );
 591+ });
 592+ },
 593+ insertResource:function( rObj){
 595+ },
295596 setResultBarControl:function( ){
296597 var _this = this;
297598 var box_dark_url = mv_embed_path + 'skins/' + mv_skin_name + '/images/box_layout_icon_dark.png';
@@ -364,6 +665,7 @@
365666 var rsd_default_rss_item_mapping = {
366667 'poster' : 'media:thumbnail@url',
367668 'roe_url' : 'media:roe_embed@url',
 669+ 'title' : 'title',
368670 'link' : 'link',
369671 'desc' : 'description'
370672 }
@@ -387,7 +689,7 @@
388690 /*
389691 * Parses and adds video rss based input format
390692 * @data XML data to parse
391 - * @provider_url the source url (used to gennerate absolute links)
 693+ * @provider_url the source url (used to generate absolute links)
392694 */
393695 addRSSData:function( data , provider_url ){
394696 var _this = this;
@@ -436,15 +738,16 @@
437739 rObj[p] = http_host + http_path + rObj[p];
438740 }
439741 }
440 - }
 742+ }
 743+ //add pointer to parent serach obj:
 744+ rObj['pSobj'] = _this;
 745+ //add the result to the result set:
441746 _this.resultsObj[inx] = rObj;
442747 });
443748 },
444 - /*
445 - * by default just retun the desc unmodified
446 - */
447 - specialFormatDesc:function( desc_html) {
448 - return desc_html;
 749+ //by default just retrun the existing image:
 750+ getImageObj:function( rObj, size, callback){
 751+ callback( {'url':rObj.poster} );
449752 }
450753 }
451754 /*
@@ -454,7 +757,7 @@
455758 return this.init(initObj);
456759 };
457760 metavidSearch.prototype = {
458 - rObj:{ //set up the default request paramaters
 761+ reqObj:{ //set up the default request paramaters
459762 'order':'recent',
460763 'feed_format':'rss'
461764 },
@@ -469,6 +772,12 @@
470773 }
471774 }
472775 },
 776+ getImageObj:function( rObj, size, callback ){
 777+ js_log('metavidSearch:getImageObj:'+size + ' s:' + size );
 778+ //metavid uses a dynamic image request url:
 779+ var pparts = this.parseURI( rObj.poster );
 780+ callback( {'url':rObj.poster} );
 781+ },
473782 getSearchResults:function(){
474783 var _this = this;
475784 //start loading:
@@ -477,10 +786,11 @@
478787 //proccess all options
479788 url = this.cp.api_url;
480789 //add on the req_param
481 - for(var i in this.rObj){
482 - url += '&' + i + '=' + this.rObj[i];
 790+ for(var i in this.reqObj){
 791+ url += '&' + i + '=' + this.reqObj[i];
483792 }
484793 //do basic query:
 794+ this.last_query = $j('#rsd_q').val();
485795 url += '&f[0][t]=match&f[0][v]=' + $j('#rsd_q').val();
486796 do_request(url, function(data){
487797 //should have an xml rss data object:
@@ -488,18 +798,7 @@
489799 //done loading:
490800 _this.loading=0;
491801 });
492 - },
493 - addRSSData:function(data, url){
494 - this.parent_addRSSData(data, url);
495 - //special metavid rss feed proccessing: strip mv_rss_view_only
496 -
497 - },
498 - /*
499 - * special format description output.
500 - */
501 - specialFormatDesc:function( desc_html ){
502 - return desc_html;
503 - }
 802+ }
504803 }
506805 var mediaWikiSearch = function( initObj ) {
@@ -525,48 +824,62 @@
526825 this.resultsObj={};
527826 //do two queries against the Image / File / MVD namespace:
528827 //build the image request object:
529 - var rObj = {
 828+ var reqObj = {
530829 'action':'query',
531830 'generator':'search',
532 - 'gsrsearch': encodeURIComponent( $j('#'+this.target_input).val() ),
 831+ 'gsrsearch': encodeURIComponent( $j('#rsd_q').val() ),
533832 'gsrnamespace':6, //(only search the "file" namespace (audio, video, images)
534833 'gsrwhat':'title',
 834+ 'gsrlimit':30,
535835 'prop':'imageinfo|revisions|categories',
536 - 'iiprop':'url',
537 - 'iiurlwidth':'80',
 836+ 'iiprop':'url|mime',
 837+ 'iiurlwidth': parseInt( this.rsd.thumb_width ),
538838 'rvprop':'content'
539839 };
540840 //set up the number of request:
541841 this.completed_req=0;
542 - this.num_req=2;
 842+ this.num_req=1;
 843+ this.last_query = $j('#rsd_q').val();
543844 //setup the number of requests result flag:
544 - do_api_req( rObj, this.cp.api_url , function(data){
 845+ //do_api_req( reqObj, this.cp.api_url , function(data){
545846 //parse the return data
546 - _this.addResults( data);
547 - _this.checkRequestDone();
548 - });
 847+ // _this.addResults( data);
 848+ // _this.checkRequestDone();
 849+ //});
549850 //also do a request for page titles (would be nice if api could query both at the same time)
550 - rObj['gsrwhat']='text';
551 - do_api_req( rObj, this.cp.api_url , function(data){
 851+ reqObj['gsrwhat']='text';
 852+ do_api_req( reqObj, this.cp.api_url , function(data){
552853 //parse the return data
553854 _this.addResults( data);
554 - _this.checkRequestDone();
 855+ //_this.checkRequestDone(); //only need if we do two queries one for title one for text
 856+ _this.loading = false;
555857 });
556 - },
 858+ },
557859 addResults:function( data ){
 860+ var _this = this
558861 //make sure we have pages to idoerate:
559862 if(data.query && data.query.pages){
560863 for(var page_id in data.query.pages){
561864 var page = data.query.pages[ page_id ];
562865 this.resultsObj[page_id]={
563 - 'uri':page.title,
564 - 'poster':page.imageinfo.thumburl,
 866+ 'titleKey':page.title,
 867+ 'link':'null',
 868+ 'title':page.title.replace(/File:|.jpg|.png|.svg|.ogg|.ogv/ig, ''),
 869+ 'poster':page.imageinfo[0].thumburl,
 870+ 'thumbwidth':page.imageinfo[0].thumbwidth,
 871+ 'thumbheight':page.imageinfo[0].thumbheight,
 872+ 'mime':page.imageinfo[0].mime,
565873 'src':page.imageinfo.url,
566 - 'desc':page.revisions[0]['*'],
 874+ 'desc':page.revisions[0]['*'],
 875+ //add pointer to parent serach obj:
 876+ 'pSobj':_this,
567877 'meta':{
568878 'categories':page.categories
569879 }
570880 }
 881+ for(var i in this.resultsObj[page_id]){
 882+ //js_log('added '+ i +' '+ this.resultsObj[page_id][i]);
 883+ }
571884 }
572885 }else{
573886 js_log('no results:' + data);
@@ -579,5 +892,76 @@
580893 if(this.completed_req == this.num_req){
581894 this.loading = 0;
582895 }
 896+ },
 897+ getImageObj:function( rObj, size, callback ){
 898+ //build the query to get the req size image:
 899+ var reqObj = {
 900+ 'action':'query',
 901+ 'format':'json',
 902+ 'titles':rObj.titleKey,
 903+ 'prop':'imageinfo',
 904+ 'iiprop':'url|size|mime'
 905+ }
 906+ //set the width:
 907+ if(size.width)
 908+ reqObj['iiurlwidth']= size.width;
 910+ do_api_req( reqObj, this.cp.api_url , function(data){
 911+ var imObj = {};
 912+ for(var page_id in data.query.pages){
 913+ var iminfo = data.query.pages[ page_id ].imageinfo[0];
 914+ //check if thumb size > than image size and is jpeg or png (it will not scale well above its max res)
 915+ if( ( iminfo.mime=='image/jpeg' || iminfo=='image/png' ) &&
 916+ iminfo.thumbwidth > iminfo.width ){
 917+ imObj['url'] = iminfo.url;
 918+ imObj['width'] = iminfo.width;
 919+ imObj['height'] = iminfo.height;
 920+ }else{
 921+ imObj['url'] = iminfo.thumburl;
 922+ imObj['width'] = iminfo.thumbwidth;
 923+ imObj['height'] = iminfo.thumbheight;
 924+ }
 925+ }
 926+ js_log('getImageObj: get: ' + size.width + ' got url:' + imObj.url);
 927+ callback( imObj );
 928+ });
 929+ },
 930+ //the insert image function
 931+ insertImage:function( cEdit ){
 932+ if(!cEdit)
 933+ var cEdit = _this.cEdit;
 934+ },
 935+ getEmbedHTML: function( rObj , options) {
 936+ //set up the output var with the default values:
 937+ var outOpt = { 'width': rObj.width, 'height': rObj.height, 'src' : rObj.url};
 938+ if( options.max_height ){
 939+ outOpt.height = (options.max_height > rObj.height) ? rObj.height : options.max_height;
 940+ outOpt.width = (rObj.width / rObj.height) *outOpt.height;
 941+ }
 942+ if(rObj.mime.indexOf('image')!=-1){
 943+ return '<img src="' + outOpt.src + '" style="width:' + outOpt.width + 'px;height:' + outOpt.height +'px">';
 944+ }
 945+ js_log('ERROR:unsupored mime type: ' + rObj.mime);
 946+ },
 947+ //returns the inline wikitext for insertion (template based crops for now)
 948+ getEmbedWikiText: function( rObj , callback ){
 949+ //set default layout to right justified
 950+ var layout = ( rObj.layout)? rObj.layout:"right"
 951+ //if crop is null do simple output:
 952+ if( rObj.crop == null)
 953+ callback( '[[' + rObj.titleKey + '|layout' + '|'+rObj.width + 'px|' + rObj.inlineDesc + ']]' );
 955+ //using the preview crop template: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Preview_Crop
 956+ //should be replaced with server side cropping
 957+ callback( '{{Preview Crop '+
 958+'|Image = ' + rObj.titleKey + "\n" +
 959+'|bSize = ' + rObj.width + "\n" +
 960+'|cWidth = ' + rObj.crop.w + "\n" +
 961+'|cHeight = ' + rObj.crop.h + "\n" +
 962+'|oTop = ' + rObj.crop.y + "\n" +
 963+'|oLeft = ' + rObj.crop.x + "\n" +
 964+'|Location =' + layout + "\n" +
 965+'|Description =' + rObj.inlineDesc + "\n" +
583967 }
584968 }
\ No newline at end of file

Status & tagging log