r44346 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r44345‎ | r44346 | r44347 >
Date:15:52, 9 December 2008
Version 1.4.1 - new format-initialization process, several new formats
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Settings.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticResultFormats/SRF_Settings.php
@@ -1,68 +1,69 @@
22 <?php
33 /**
4 - * Initializing file for the diverse query result formats supported in this
5 - * extension. In order to use them, add the following lines to your
6 - * LocalSettings.php:
 4+ * Initializing file for the Semantic Result Formats extension.
75 *
8 - * include_once('path/to/here/SRF_Settings.php');
9 - *
10 - * If nothing else is added, no format will be included. In order to include a
11 - * format, add the following line to your local settings after the line above:
12 - *
13 - * srfInit( array('formatname', 'formatname') );
14 - *
15 - * With formatname being one of the following values:
16 - *
17 - * calendar, eventline, googlebar, googlepie, graph, timeline
18 - *
19 - * You can also just use the following command to include all formats:
20 - *
21 - * srfInit('all');
22 - *
23 - * but this is not recommended.
 6+ * @file
 7+ * @ingroup SemanticResultFormats
248 */
259 if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
2610 die( 'Not an entry point.' );
2711 }
29 -define('SRF_VERSION', '1.4.0');
 13+define('SRF_VERSION', '1.4.1');
31 -global $srfgScriptPath, $srfgIP;
3215 $srfgScriptPath = $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/SemanticResultFormats';
3316 $srfgIP = $IP . '/extensions/SemanticResultFormats';
34 -global $wgExtensionMessagesFiles;
3517 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['SemanticResultFormats'] = $srfgIP . '/SRF_Messages.php';
 18+$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'srffSetup';
37 -function srfInit( $formatName ) {
38 - if ($formatName == 'all') {
39 - srfInit(array('calendar', 'eventline', 'googlebar', 'googlepie', 'graph', 'timeline'));
40 - } elseif (is_array($formatName)) {
41 - foreach($formatName as $fn) srfInit($fn);
42 -
43 - $formats = implode(', ', $formatName);
44 - global $wgExtensionCredits;
45 - $wgExtensionCredits['other'][]= array(
46 - 'name' => 'Semantic Result Formats',
47 - 'version' => SRF_VERSION,
48 - 'author' => "[http://simia.net Denny&nbsp;Vrandecic], Frank Dengler and Yaron Koren",
49 - 'url' => 'http://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Semantic_Result_Formats',
50 - 'description' => 'Additional formats for Semantic MediaWiki inline queries. Available formats: ' . $formats
51 - );
52 - } else {
53 - global $smwgResultFormats, $wgAutoloadClasses, $srfgIP;
 20+$srfgFormats = array('calendar', 'eventline', 'timeline', 'sum', 'average', 'min', 'max');
55 - $class = '';
56 - $file = '';
57 - if ($formatName == 'graph') { $class = 'SRFGraph'; $file = $srfgIP . '/GraphViz/SRF_Graph.php'; }
58 - if ($formatName == 'googlebar') { $class = 'SRFGoogleBar'; $file = $srfgIP . '/GoogleCharts/SRF_GoogleBar.php'; }
59 - if ($formatName == 'googlepie') { $class = 'SRFGooglePie'; $file = $srfgIP . '/GoogleCharts/SRF_GooglePie.php'; }
60 - if ($formatName == 'timeline') { $class = 'SRFTimeline'; $file = $srfgIP . '/Timeline/SRF_Timeline.php'; }
61 - if ($formatName == 'eventline') { $class = 'SRFTimeline'; $file = $srfgIP . '/Timeline/SRF_Timeline.php'; }
62 - if ($formatName == 'calendar') { $class = 'SRFCalendar'; $file = $srfgIP . '/Calendar/SRF_Calendar.php'; }
63 - if (($class != '') && ($file)) {
64 - $smwgResultFormats[$formatName] = $class;
65 - $wgAutoloadClasses[$class] = $file;
66 - }
 22+function srffSetup() {
 23+ global $srfgFormats, $wgExtensionCredits;
 25+ foreach($srfgFormats as $fn) srffInitFormat($fn);
 26+ $formats_list = implode(', ', $srfgFormats);
 27+ $wgExtensionCredits['other'][]= array(
 28+ 'name' => 'Semantic Result Formats',
 29+ 'version' => SRF_VERSION,
 30+ 'author' => "[http://simia.net Denny&nbsp;Vrandecic], Frank Dengler, Yaron Koren and Nathan Yergler",
 31+ 'url' => 'http://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Semantic_Result_Formats',
 32+ 'description' => 'Additional formats for Semantic MediaWiki inline queries. Available formats: ' . $formats_list
 33+ );
 36+function srffInitFormat( $format ) {
 37+ global $smwgResultFormats, $wgAutoloadClasses, $srfgIP;
 39+ $class = '';
 40+ $file = '';
 41+ if ($format == 'graph') {
 42+ $class = 'SRFGraph';
 43+ $file = $srfgIP . '/GraphViz/SRF_Graph.php';
6744 }
 45+ if ($format == 'googlebar') {
 46+ $class = 'SRFGoogleBar';
 47+ $file = $srfgIP . '/GoogleCharts/SRF_GoogleBar.php';
 48+ }
 49+ if ($format == 'googlepie') {
 50+ $class = 'SRFGooglePie';
 51+ $file = $srfgIP . '/GoogleCharts/SRF_GooglePie.php';
 52+ }
 53+ if ($format == 'timeline' || $format == 'eventline') {
 54+ $class = 'SRFTimeline';
 55+ $file = $srfgIP . '/Timeline/SRF_Timeline.php';
 56+ }
 57+ if ($format == 'calendar') {
 58+ $class = 'SRFCalendar';
 59+ $file = $srfgIP . '/Calendar/SRF_Calendar.php';
 60+ }
 61+ if ($format == 'sum' || $format == 'average' || $format == 'min' || $format == 'max') {
 62+ $class = 'SRFMath';
 63+ $file = $srfgIP . '/Math/SRF_Math.php';
 64+ }
 65+ if (($class != '') && ($file)) {
 66+ $smwgResultFormats[$format] = $class;
 67+ $wgAutoloadClasses[$class] = $file;
 68+ }
6869 }

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