r41348 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r41347‎ | r41348 | r41349 >
Date:15:24, 28 September 2008
* version 3.0 of EditSubpages
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/EditSubpages/EditSubpages.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/EditSubpages/EditSubpages.php
@@ -12,23 +12,25 @@
1414 $wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
1515 'name' => "EditSubpages",
16 -'description' => "Allows sysops to unlock a page and all subpages of that page
17 -for anonymous editing via [[MediaWiki:Unlockedpages]]",
 16+'description' => "Allows sysops to unlock a page and all subpages of that page for anonymous editing via [[MediaWiki:Unlockedpages]]",
1817 'descriptionmsg' => 'editsubpages-desc',
1918 'author' => "<span class=\"plainlinks\">[http://strategywiki.org/wiki/User:Ryan_Schmidt Ryan Schmidt] and [http://strategywiki.org/wiki/User:Prod Prod]</span>",
2019 'url' => "http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EditSubpages",
21 -'version' => "2.2",
 20+'version' => "3.0",
2221 );
2423 $wgHooks['userCan'][] = 'EditSubpages';
2524 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = true;
 25+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createpage'] = true;
 26+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createtalk'] = true;
2627 $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
2728 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['EditSubpages'] = $dir .'EditSubpages.i18n.php';
 29+$evEditSubpagesCache = array();
2931 function EditSubpages($title, $user, $action, $result) {
30 - if(($action == 'edit' || $action == 'submit') && !$user->isLoggedIn() ){
31 - $result = false;
32 - $pagename = $title->getText(); //name of page w/ spaces, not underscores
 32+ global $evEditSubpagesCache;
 33+ $pagename = $title->getText(); //name of page w/ spaces, not underscores
 34+ if(!array_key_exists('pagename', $evEditSubpagesCache) || $pagename != $evEditSubpagesCache['pagename']) {
3335 $ns = $title->getNsText(); //namespace
3436 if( $title->isTalkPage() ) {
3537 $ns = $title->getTalkNsText();
@@ -36,9 +38,6 @@
3739 } else {
3840 $nstalk = $title->getTalkNsText();
3941 }
40 - //underscores -> spaces
41 - $ns = str_replace('_', ' ', $ns);
42 - $nstalk = str_replace('_', ' ', $nstalk);
4342 if($ns == '') {
4443 $text = $pagename;
4544 } else {
@@ -49,26 +48,130 @@
5049 } else {
5150 $talktext = $pagename;
5251 }
 52+ //underscores -> spaces
 53+ $ns = str_replace('_', ' ', $ns);
 54+ $nstalk = str_replace('_', ' ', $nstalk);
5355 $pages = explode ("\n", wfMsg ('unlockedpages')); //grabs MediaWiki:Unlockedpages
54 - foreach($pages as $value) {
 56+ //cache the values so future checks on the same page take less time
 57+ $evEditSubpagesCache = array(
 58+ 'pagename' => $pagename,
 59+ 'ns' => $ns,
 60+ 'nstalk' => $nstalk,
 61+ 'text' => $text,
 62+ 'talktext' => $talktext,
 63+ 'pages' => $pages,
 64+ 'loggedin' => $user->isLoggedIn(),
 65+ );
 66+ }
 67+ if(($action == 'edit' || $action == 'submit')){
 68+ foreach($evEditSubpagesCache['pages'] as $value) {
5569 if( strpos( $value, '*' ) === false || strpos( $value, '*' ) !== 0 )
5670 continue; // "*" doesn't start the line, so treat it as a comment (aka skip over it)
 71+ $flags = array( 's' => 1, 'c' => 1, 't' => 1, 'e' => 1, 'b' => 0, 'u' => 0, 'i' => 0, 'n' => 0, 'r' => 0, 'w' => 0 ); //default flags
5772 $value = trim( trim( trim( trim( $value ), "*[]" ) ), "*[]" );
58 - if ( $value == $text || strpos( $text, $value . '/' ) === 0 ) {
59 - $result = true;
60 - break;
 73+ /* flags
 74+ * s = unlock subpages
 75+ * c = allow page creation
 76+ * t = unlock talk pages
 77+ * e = allow editing existing pages
 78+ * b = unlock base pages
 79+ * u = apply restrictions to users as well
 80+ * i = case insensitive
 81+ * n = namespace inspecific
 82+ * r = regex fragment
 83+ * w = wildcard matching
 84+ */
 85+ $pieces = explode('|', $value, 3);
 86+ if( isset($pieces[1]) && strpos($pieces[1], '+') === 0 ) {
 87+ //flag parsing
 88+ $flaglist1 = explode('+', $pieces[1], 2);
 89+ if(isset($flaglist1[1])) {
 90+ $flaglist2 = explode('-', $flaglist1[1], 2);
 91+ } else {
 92+ $flaglist2 = explode('-', $pieces[1], 2);
 93+ }
 94+ $flagpos = str_split($flaglist2[0]);
 95+ if(isset($flaglist2[1])) {
 96+ $flagneg = str_split($flaglist2[1]);
 97+ } else {
 98+ $flagneg = array('');
 99+ }
 100+ foreach($flagpos as $flag) {
 101+ $flags[$flag] = 1;
 102+ }
 103+ foreach($flagneg as $flag) {
 104+ $flags[$flag] = 0;
 105+ }
61106 }
62 - $title = Title::newFromText($value);
63 - if( !$title->isTalkPage() ) {
64 - $talk = $title->getTalkPage();
65 - $talkpage = $talk->getPrefixedText();
66 - if($talkpage == $talktext || $talkpage == $text || strpos( $talktext, $talkpage . '/' ) === 0 || strpos( $text, $talkpage . '/' ) === 0 ) {
67 - $result = true;
68 - break;
 107+ $found = checkPage($pieces[0], $evEditSubpagesCache['text'], $flags);
 108+ if(!$found && $flags['n'])
 109+ $found = checkPage($pieces[0], $evEditSubpagesCache['pagename'], $flags);
 110+ if(!$found && $flags['t']) {
 111+ $newtitle = Title::newFromText($pieces[0]);
 112+ //make sure that it's a valid title
 113+ if( $newtitle instanceOf Title && !$newtitle->isTalkPage() ) {
 114+ $talk = $newtitle->getTalkPage();
 115+ $talkpage = $talk->getPrefixedText();
 116+ $found = checkPage($talkpage, $evEditSubpagesCache['talktext'], $flags);
 117+ if(!$found)
 118+ $found = checkPage($talkpage, $evEditSubpagesCache['text'], $flags);
69119 }
70120 }
 121+ if(!$found)
 122+ continue;
 124+ if(!$flags['u'] && $evEditSubpagesCache['loggedin'])
 125+ return true;
 126+ //the page matches, now process it and let the software know whether or not to allow the user to do this action
 127+ if(!$flags['c'] && !$newtitle->exists()) {
 128+ $result = false;
 129+ return false;
 130+ }
 131+ if(!$flags['e'] && $newtitle->exists()) {
 132+ $result = false;
 133+ return false;
 134+ }
 135+ $result = true;
 136+ return false;
71137 }
72 - return false; //so internal checks cannot override
 138+ if(!$evEditSubpagesCache['loggedin']) {
 139+ $result = false;
 140+ return false;
 141+ }
73142 }
74143 return true;
 146+function checkPage($page, $check, $flags) {
 147+ if( $flags['w'] && !$flags['r'] ) {
 148+ $flags['r'] = 1;
 149+ $page = preg_quote( $page, '/' );
 150+ $page = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $page );
 151+ $page = str_replace( '\?', '?', $page );
 152+ $page = str_replace( '\*', '*', $page );
 153+ $page = str_replace( '\?', "\x00", $page );
 154+ $page = str_replace( '?', '.?', $page );
 155+ $page = str_replace( "\x00", '\?', $page );
 156+ $page = str_replace( '\*', "\x00", $page );
 157+ $page = str_replace( '*', '.*', $page );
 158+ $page = str_replace( "\x00", '\*', $page );
 159+ }
 160+ if( $flags['r'] ) {
 161+ $i = '';
 162+ if( $flags['i'] )
 163+ $i = 'i';
 164+ $page = preg_replace( '/(\\\\)?\//', '\\/', $page );
 165+ return preg_match( '/^' . $page . '$/' . $i, $check );
 166+ }
 167+ if( $flags['i'] ) {
 168+ $page = strtolower($page);
 169+ $check = strtolower($check);
 170+ }
 171+ if( $page == $check )
 172+ return true;
 173+ if( $flags['s'] && strpos( $check, $page . '/' ) === 0 )
 174+ return true;
 175+ if( $flags['b'] && strpos( $page, $check . '/' ) === 0 )
 176+ return true;
 177+ return false;
75178 }
\ No newline at end of file

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