r40511 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r40510‎ | r40511 | r40512 >
Date:02:03, 6 September 2008
updates to smil animation system
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/embedLibs/mv_nativeEmbed.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_embed.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_playlist.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/embedLibs/mv_nativeEmbed.js
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@
2222 return this.wrapEmebedContainer( embed_code);
2323 },
2424 getEmbedObj:function(){
25 - return '<video " ' +
 25+ //we want to let mv_embed handle the controls so notice the absence of control attribute
 26+ // controls=false results in controls being displayed:
 27+ //http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2008-August/016159.html
 28+ return '<video ' +
2629 'id="'+this.pid + '" ' +
2730 'style="width:'+this.width+'px;height:'+this.height+'px;" ' +
2831 'width="'+this.width+'" height="'+this.height+'" '+
@@ -45,6 +48,7 @@
4649 }
4750 },
4851 monitor : function(){
 52+ //js_log('native:monitor');
4953 this.getVID(); //make shure we have .vid obj
5054 //js_log('time loaded: ' + this.vid.TimeRanges );
5155 //js_log('current time: '+ this.vid.currentTime + ' dur: ' + this.duration);
@@ -59,15 +63,11 @@
6064 if(!this.start_offset)
6165 this.start_offset=this.media_element.selected_source.start_offset;
63 - //does smili based actions
64 - this.doSmilActions();
65 - //if in playlist mode make sure we are the "current_clip"
66 - if(this.pc){
67 - if(this.pc.pp.cur_clip.embed.id!=this.id){
68 - js_log("no status updates for "+this.id + ' not current clip');
69 - return ;
70 - }
71 - }
 67+ //don't update status if we are not the current clip
 68+ if(this.pc.pp.cur_clip.id != this.pc.id)
 69+ return true;
 71+ //only update the interface if controls have been included:
7272 if( this.currentTime > 0 ){
7373 if(!this.userSlide){
7474 if(this.currentTime > this.duration){//we are likely viewing a annodex stream add in offset
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
9494 */
9595 oncanplaythrough : function(){
9696 js_log("f:oncanplaythrough start playback");
97 - this.play();
 97+ //this.play();
9898 },
9999 onloadedmetadata: function(){
100100 js_log('f:onloadedmetadata get duration: ' +this.vid.duration);
@@ -139,114 +139,7 @@
140140 // get the embed vlc object
141141 getVID : function (){
142142 this.vid = $j('#'+this.pid).get(0);
143 - },
144 - //handles the rendering of overlays loaind of future clips (if nessesary)
145 - //@@todo could be lazy loaded if nessesary
146 - doSmilActions: function(){
147 - if(this.pc){ //make sure we haev a parent clip:
148 - var offSetTime = 0; //offset time should let us start a transition later on if we have to.
149 - _pClip = this.pc;
150 -
151 - //@@todo move some of this out of this loop
152 - if(!_pClip.dur)
153 - _pClip.dur = this.duration;
154 -
155 - //check for duration actions / clip freze mode
156 - if(_pClip.dur <= this.currentTime && _pClip.order != _pClip.pp.getClipCount()-1 ){
157 - //force next clip
158 - js_log('order:' +_pClip.order + ' != count:' + (_pClip.pp.getClipCount()-1) +
159 - ' smil dur: '+_pClip.dur + ' <= curTime: ' + this.currentTime + ' go to next clip..');
160 - _pClip.pp.next();
161 - }
162 -
163 - if(_pClip.dur >= this.currentTime ){
164 - //@@todo freeze on onClipStop
165 - }
166 -
167 - if(_pClip.begin){
168 - //@@todo do freeze until begin time
169 - }
170 -
171 - //check future clip for transitions (assume we are the current clip)
172 - /*var next_pClip = _pClip.pp.getClip(1);
173 - if(next_pClip.id!=_pClip.id){ //make sure we are not transitioning to the current clip
174 - if(next_pClip.transIn){
175 - if(next_pClip.transIn.subtype=='crossfade'){
176 - //apply the effect to the end of "this"
177 - if(this.currentTime > (this.duration - next_pClip.transIn.dur) ){
178 - js_log("do clip: cross fade now: "+(this.duration - next_pClip.transIn.dur) );
179 - if(!_pClip['trans_corssfadeOut']){
180 - //make new trans_corssfadeOut (special for cross fade)
181 - _pClip['trans_corssfadeOut']=_pClip.pp.transitions[next_pClip.transIn.id].clone();
182 - _pClip.trans_corssfadeOut.cfout=true;
183 - }
184 - var overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+_pClip.id;
185 - mvTransLib.doTransition(_pClip.trans_corssfadeOut, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime )
186 - }
187 -
188 - }
189 - }
190 - }*/
191 - //js_log("check for transOut: ct:"+this.currentTime + ' not > dur:'+_pClip.dur+'-'+'cdur:'+ _pClip.transOut.dur +' = '+ (_pClip.dur - _pClip.transOut.dur));
192 - if(_pClip.transOut){
193 - if(this.currentTime > (_pClip.dur - _pClip.transOut.dur) ){
194 - if(_pClip.transOut.animation_state==0){
195 - js_log("RUN transOut: ct:"+this.currentTime + ' > ' + (_pClip.dur - _pClip.transOut.dur));
196 - _pClip.transOut.animation_state=1;//running transition
197 - if(_pClip.transOut.subtype=='crossfade'){
198 - //make sure the "next" clip is visiable
199 - var next_pClip = _pClip.pp.getClip(1);
200 - //start playing the clip
201 - next_pClip.embed.play();
202 - //alert('opacity: '+$j('#clipDesc_'+next_pClip.id).css('opacity'));
203 - var overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+next_pClip.id;
204 - js_log("do transOUT for: "+overlay_selector_id);
205 - mvTransLib.doTransition(_pClip.transOut, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime );
206 - }
207 - }else if(_pClip.transOut.animation_state==2){
208 - this.stop();
209 - }
210 - }
211 - }
212 - if(_pClip.transIn){
213 - if(this.currentTime < _pClip.transIn.dur){
214 - if(_pClip.transIn.animation_state==0){
215 - _pClip.transIn.animation_state=1;//running transition
216 - js_log("RUN transIn ");
217 - //@@todo process special case when overlay is subsequent clip
218 - if(_pClip.transIn.subtype=='crossfade'){
219 - //check if prev clip pid exist:
220 - var prev_clip = _pClip.pp.getClip(-1);
221 - var overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+prev_clip.id;
222 - }else{
223 - var overlay_selector_id =this.getOverlaySelector(_pClip, 'transIn_');
224 - }
225 - js_log('selector element: '+$j('#'+overlay_selector_id).length);
226 - //start transition for remaining time
227 -
228 - //var tran_function = getTransitionFunction(_pClip.transIn,overlay_selector_id, offSetTime)
229 - mvTransLib.doTransition(_pClip.transIn, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime )
230 - }
231 - //special case of cross fading clips:
232 - //js_log('tran function: '+tran_function);
233 - //debugger;
234 - }
235 - }
236 - }
237 - },
238 - getOverlaySelector:function(_pClip, pre_var){
239 - var overlay_selector_id= pre_var+_pClip.id;
240 - if( ! $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).get(0) ){
241 - $j('#mv_ebct_'+_pClip.pp.id).prepend(''+
242 - '<div id="'+overlay_selector_id+'" ' +
243 - 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;' +
244 - 'height:'+this.height+'px;'+
245 - 'width:'+this.width+'px;' +
246 - 'z-index:2">' +
247 - '</div>');
248 - }
249 - return overlay_selector_id;
250 - },
 143+ },
251144 /*
252145 * playlist driver
253146 * mannages native playlist calls
@@ -257,95 +150,4 @@
259152 }
260153 }
261 -}
262 -/*
263 - * mvTransLib libary of transitions
264 - * a single object called to initiate transition effects can easily be extended in separate js file
265 - * (that way a limited feature set "sequence" need not include a _lot_ of js unless necessary )
266 - *
267 - * Smil Transition Effects see:
268 - * http://www.w3.org/TR/SMIL3/smil-transitions.html#TransitionEffects-TransitionAttribute
269 - */
270 -var mvTransLib = {
271 - /*
272 - * function doTransition lookups up the transition in the mvTransLib obj
273 - * and intiates the transition if its avaliable
274 - * @param tObj transition attribute object
275 - * @param offSetTime default value 0 if we need to start rendering from a given time
276 - */
277 - doTransition:function(tObj, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime){
278 - if(!tObj.type)
279 - return js_log('transition is missing type attribute');
280 -
281 - if(!tObj.subtype)
282 - return js_log('transition is missing subtype attribute');
283 -
284 - if(!this['type'][tObj.type])
285 - return js_log('mvTransLib does not support type: '+tObj.type);
286 -
287 - if(!this['type'][tObj.type][tObj.subtype])
288 - return js_log('mvTransLib does not support subType: '+tObj.subtype);
289 -
290 - //has type and subype call function with params:
291 - this['type'][tObj.type][tObj.subtype](tObj,overlay_selector_id, offSetTime);
292 - },
293 - type:{
294 - //types:
295 - fade:{
296 - fadeFromColor:function(tObj, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime){
297 - js_log('f:fadeFromColor: '+overlay_selector_id +' to color: '+ tObj.fadeColor);
298 - if(!tObj.fadeColor)
299 - return js_log('missing fadeColor');
300 - if($j('#'+overlay_selector_id).get(0).length==0){
301 - js_log("ERROR cant find: "+ overlay_selector_id);
302 - }
303 - //set the initial state
304 - $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css({
305 - 'background-color':tObj.fadeColor,
306 - 'opacity':"1",
307 - });
308 - /*js_log('do transition annimation for: '+ (tObj.dur - offSetTime)
309 - + ' seconds for: '+$j('#'+overlay_selector_id).get(0) +
310 - ' current opacity: '+$j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css('opacity') );*/
311 -
312 - //annimate the trasiion
313 - $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).animate(
314 - {
315 - "opacity" : "0"
316 - },
317 - (( tObj.dur - offSetTime )*1000), //duration value should be stored in ms earlier on.
318 - 'linear',
319 - function(){ //callback
320 - js_log('fade done');
321 - tObj.animation_state=2;
322 - }
323 - );
324 - },
325 - //corssFade
326 - crossfade:function(tObj, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime){
327 - js_log('f:crossfade: '+overlay_selector_id);
328 - if($j('#'+overlay_selector_id).length==0)
329 - js_log("ERROR overlay selector not found: "+overlay_selector_id);
330 -
331 - //set the initial state show the zero opacity animiation
332 - $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css({'opacity':0}).show();
333 -
334 - /*js_log("should have set "+overlay_selector_id +"to zero is: "+
335 - $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css('opacity') + ' should annimate for'+
336 - (( tObj.dur - offSetTime )*1000) );*/
337 -
338 - $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).animate(
339 - {
340 - "opacity" : "1"
341 - },
342 - (( tObj.dur - offSetTime )*1000),
343 - 'linear',
344 - function(){ //callback
345 - js_log("animated opacity done");
346 - tObj.animation_state=2;
347 - }
348 - );
349 - }
350 - }
351 - }
352154 }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_embed.js
@@ -2347,7 +2347,7 @@
23482348 $j.each(this.media_element.getPlayableSources(), function(index, source)
23492349 {
23502350 var default_player = embedTypes.players.defaultPlayer(source.getMIMEType());
2351 - var source_select_code = '$j(\'#'+this_id+'\').closeDisplayedHTML(); $j(\''+_this.id+'\').media_element.selectSource(\''+index+'\');';
 2351+ var source_select_code = '$j(\'#'+this_id+'\').get(0).closeDisplayedHTML(); $j(\''+_this.id+'\').media_element.selectSource(\''+index+'\');';
23522352 var player_code = _this.getPlayerSelectList(source.getMIMEType(), index, source_select_code);
23532353 var is_not_selected = (source != _this.media_element.selected_source);
23542354 var image_src = mv_embed_path+'/images/stream/';
Index: trunk/extensions/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/mv_playlist.js
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
5959 start_clip:null,
6060 start_clip_src:null,
6161 disp_play_head:null,
 62+ userSlide:false,
6263 loading:true,
6364 loading_external_data:true, //load external data by default
6465 tracks:{},
@@ -216,16 +217,18 @@
217218 //js_log("GET PL DURRATION for : "+ this.tracks[this.default_track_id].clips.length + 'clips');
218219 if(!regen && this.pl_duration)
219220 return this.pl_duration;
220 - durSum=0;
 222+ durSum=0;
221223 $j.each(this.default_track.clips, function(i,clip){
222224 if(clip.embed){
223 - //js_log('add : '+ clip.getDuration());
 225+ js_log('plDUR:add : '+ clip.getDuration());
 226+ clip.dur_offset=durSum;
224227 durSum+=clip.getDuration();
225228 }else{
226229 js_log("ERROR: clip " +clip.id + " not ready");
227230 }
228231 });
229 - this.pl_duration=durSum;
 232+ this.pl_duration=durSum;
230233 //js_log("return dur: " + this.pl_duration);
231234 return this.pl_duration;
232235 },
@@ -389,7 +392,6 @@
390393 js_log('cound not find: clipDesc_'+clip.id);
391394 }
392395 });
393 -
394396 if(this.cur_clip)
395397 $j('#clipDesc_'+this.cur_clip.id).css({display:'inline'});
@@ -402,7 +404,9 @@
403405 $j('#ptitle_'+this.id).html(''+
404406 '<b>' + this.title + '</b> '+
405407 this.getClipCount()+' clips, <i>'+
406 - this.getPlDurationNTP() + '</i>' );
 408+ this.getPlDurationNTP() + '</i>' );
 409+ //update status:
 410+ this.cur_clip.embed.setStatus('0:0:00/'+this.getPlDurationNTP());
407411 },
408412 /*gets adds hidden desc to the #dc container*/
409413 getAllClipDesc : function(){
@@ -527,26 +531,33 @@
528532 this.cur_clip.embed.pe_postEmbedJS();
529533 },
530534 //playlist play
531 - play : function(){
 535+ play: function(){
532536 var plObj=this;
533537 js_log('pl play');
534538 //hide the playlist play button:
535 - $j('#big_play_link_'+this.id).hide();
536 - //update cur clip based if sequence playhead set:
537 - var d = new Date();
538 - this.clockStartTime = d.getTime();
 539+ $j('#big_play_link_'+this.id).hide();
540 - js_log('pl_true_start_time:'+ this.pl_true_start_time);
541 -
542541 this.start_clip = this.cur_clip;
543542 this.start_clip_src= this.cur_clip.src;
544 - //load up the ebmed object with the playlist (if it supports it)
545 - if(this.cur_clip.embed.supports['playlist_driver'] ){
546 - //load the playlist into the embed object:
547 - js_log('clip obj supports playlist driver');
548 - //start up playlist driver:
 544+ if(this.cur_clip.embed.supports['playlist_swap_loader'] ){
 545+ //navtive support:
 546+ // * pre-loads clips
 547+ // * mv_playlist smil extension, mannages transitions animations overlays etc.
 548+ js_log('clip obj supports playlist swap_loader (ie playlist controlled playback)');
 549+ //update cur clip based if sequence playhead set:
 550+ var d = new Date();
 551+ this.clockStartTime = d.getTime();
 552+ this.monitor();
 554+ //@@todo pre-load each clip:
 555+ this.cur_clip.embed.play();
 556+ }else if(this.cur_clip.embed.supports['playlist_driver']){
 557+ js_log('playlist_driver');
 558+ //embedObject is feed the playlist info directly and mannages next/prev
549559 this.cur_clip.embed.playMovieAt(this.cur_clip.order);
550560 }else{
 561+ //not much playlist support just play the first clip:
551562 js_log('basic play');
552563 //play cur_clip
553564 this.cur_clip.embed.play();
@@ -1179,9 +1190,15 @@
11801191 },
11811192 setStatus:function(value){
11821193 var plObj = this.pc.pp;
1183 - //js_log('set status:'+ value);
1184 - var pl_value='On clip ' + (plObj.cur_clip.order+1) + ' of ' + plObj.getClipCount() + '<br>';
1185 - this.pe_setStatus(value);
 1194+ //only update status if playlist driver otherwise ignore and let master playlist update
 1195+ if(this.supports['playlist_driver']){
 1196+ //js_log('set status:'+ value);
 1197+ var pl_value='On clip ' + (plObj.cur_clip.order+1) + ' of ' + plObj.getClipCount() + '<br>';
 1198+ this.pe_setStatus(value);
 1199+ }else{
 1200+ //js_log("set time via base offset:"+base_dur + ' curTime:'+plObj.cur_clip.embed.currentTime)
 1201+ this.pe_setStatus(seconds2ntp(plObj.cur_clip.dur_offset + plObj.cur_clip.embed.currentTime) + '/'+ plObj.getPlDurationNTP());
 1202+ }
11861203 },
11871204 setSliderValue:function(value){
11881205 var sliderVal = this.pc.pp.getPlayHeadPos(value);
@@ -1435,14 +1452,244 @@
14361453 }
14371454 }
14381455 /*****************************
1439 - * SMIL CODE (should be put into another js file / lazy_loaded)
 1456+ * SMIL CODE (could be put into another js file / lazy_loaded for improved basic playlist performace / modularity)
14401457 *****************************/
14411458 /*playlist driver extensions to the playlist object*/
1442 -mvPlayList.prototype.monitor = function(){
 1459+mvPlayList.prototype.monitor = function(){
 1460+ //js_log('pl:monitor');
 1461+ var ct = new Date();
 1462+ //js_log('mvPlayList:monitor trueTime: '+ ( (ct.getTime() - this.clockStartTime )/1000));
 1464+ //status updates are hanndled by children clips ... playlist just mannages smil actions
 1465+ this.doSmilActions();
 1467+ if( ! this.smil_monitorTimerId ){
 1468+ if(document.getElementById(this.id)){
 1469+ this.smil_monitorTimerId = setInterval('$j(\'#'+this.id+'\').get(0).monitor()', 250);
 1470+ }
 1471+ }
14441472 }
 1474+ * getOverlaySelectorHTML
 1475+ * appends a div to curent clip if not already there
 1476+ * @returns string 'overlay_selector_id'
 1477+ */
 1478+mvPlayList.prototype.getOverlaySelector = function(_pClip, pre_var){
 1479+ var overlay_selector_id= pre_var+_pClip.id;
 1480+ js_log('f:getOverlaySelector: '+overlay_selector_id);
 1481+ if( ! $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).get(0) ){
 1482+ $j('#videoPlayer_'+_pClip.embed.id).prepend(''+
 1483+ '<div id="'+overlay_selector_id+'" ' +
 1484+ 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;' +
 1485+ 'height:'+this.height+'px;'+
 1486+ 'width:'+this.width+'px;' +
 1487+ 'z-index:2">' +
 1488+ '</div>');
 1489+ }
 1490+ return overlay_selector_id;
 1492+//handles the rendering of overlays loaind of future clips (if nessesary)
 1493+//@@todo could be lazy loaded if nessesary
 1494+mvPlayList.prototype.doSmilActions = function(){
 1495+ //js_log('f:doSmilActions');
 1496+ var offSetTime = 0; //offset time should let us start a transition later on if we have to.
 1497+ _pClip = this.cur_clip;
 1499+ //@@todo move some of this out of this loop
 1500+ if(!_pClip.dur)
 1501+ _pClip.dur = this.duration;
 1503+ //check for duration actions / clip freze mode
 1504+ if(_pClip.dur <= _pClip.embed.currentTime && _pClip.order != _pClip.pp.getClipCount()-1 ){
 1505+ //force next clip
 1506+ js_log('order:' +_pClip.order + ' != count:' + (_pClip.pp.getClipCount()-1) +
 1507+ ' smil dur: '+_pClip.dur + ' <= curTime: ' + _pClip.embed.currentTime + ' go to next clip..');
 1508+ _pClip.pp.next();
 1509+ }
 1511+ if(_pClip.dur >= _pClip.embed.currentTime ){
 1512+ //@@todo freeze on onClipStop
 1513+ }
 1515+ if(_pClip.begin){
 1516+ //@@todo do freeze until begin time
 1517+ }
 1518+ //@@todo could maybe generalize transIn with trasOut into one "flow" with a few scattered if statements
 1519+ //update/setup all transitions (will render current transition state)
 1520+ if(_pClip.transIn){
 1521+ //make sure we are in range:
 1522+ if(_pClip.embed.currentTime < _pClip.transIn.dur){
 1523+ //make sure we have not already started the clip
 1524+ if(_pClip.transIn.animation_state==0){
 1525+ _pClip.transIn.start_time =0;//start time is zero since we are transIn effect
 1527+ //setup overlay_selector_id
 1528+ if(_pClip.transIn.subtype=='crossfade'){
 1529+ var prev_pClip = _pClip.pp.getClip(-1);
 1530+ if(prev_pClip.id == this.cur_clip.id)
 1531+ js_log('Error: transIn crossfade without previus media asset');
 1533+ _pClip.transIn.overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+prev_pClip.id;
 1534+ }else{
 1535+ _pClip.transIn.overlay_selector_id =this.getOverlaySelector(_pClip, 'transIn_');
 1536+ }
 1538+ js_log('selector element: '+$j('#'+_pClip.transIn.overlay_selector_id).length);
 1541+ //start running the transition animation (will stop once pClip time > transition duration
 1542+ js_log("ABOUT TO RUN transIn");
 1543+ js_log("cid: "+_pClip.transIn.pClip.id);
 1544+ _pClip.transIn.run_animation();
 1545+ }
 1546+ }
 1547+ }
 1548+ if(_pClip.transOut){
 1549+ //make sure we are in range:
 1550+ if(_pClip.embed.currentTime >= (_pClip.dur - _pClip.transOut.dur) ){
 1551+ //make sure we have not already started the clip
 1552+ if(_pClip.transOut.animation_state==0){
 1553+ _pClip.transOut.start_time =(_pClip.getDuration()-_pClip.transOut.dur) ;//start time is clip.dur - transOut.dr
 1555+ //setup overlay_selector_id
 1556+ if(_pClip.transOut.subtype=='crossfade'){
 1557+ //@@ check that next clip is not current
 1558+ var next_pClip = _pClip.pp.getClip(1);
 1559+ if(next_pClip.id == this.cur_clip.id)
 1560+ js_log('Error: transOut crossfade without subquent asset');
 1562+ //start playing the next clip
 1563+ next_pClip.embed.play();
 1564+ _pClip.transOut.overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+next_pClip.id;
 1565+ //mvTransLib.doTransition(_pClip.transOut, overlay_selector_id, pClip);
 1567+ //start running the transition animation (will stop once pClip stops
 1568+ js_log("ABOUT TO RUN transOut ANI: "+_pClip.transIn.pClip.id);
 1569+ _pClip.transOut.run_animation();
 1570+ }
 1571+ }
 1572+ }
 1573+ }
 1576+ //check future clip for transitions (assume we are the current clip)
 1577+ /*var next_pClip = _pClip.pp.getClip(1);
 1578+ if(next_pClip.id!=_pClip.id){ //make sure we are not transitioning to the current clip
 1579+ if(next_pClip.transIn){
 1580+ if(next_pClip.transIn.subtype=='crossfade'){
 1581+ //apply the effect to the end of "this"
 1582+ if(this.currentTime > (this.duration - next_pClip.transIn.dur) ){
 1583+ js_log("do clip: cross fade now: "+(this.duration - next_pClip.transIn.dur) );
 1584+ if(!_pClip['trans_corssfadeOut']){
 1585+ //make new trans_corssfadeOut (special for cross fade)
 1586+ _pClip['trans_corssfadeOut']=_pClip.pp.transitions[next_pClip.transIn.id].clone();
 1587+ _pClip.trans_corssfadeOut.cfout=true;
 1588+ }
 1589+ var overlay_selector_id = 'clipDesc_'+_pClip.id;
 1590+ mvTransLib.doTransition(_pClip.trans_corssfadeOut, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime )
 1591+ }
 1593+ }
 1594+ }
 1595+ }*/
 1596+ //js_log("check for transOut: ct:"+this.currentTime + ' not > dur:'+_pClip.dur+'-'+'cdur:'+ _pClip.transOut.dur +' = '+ (_pClip.dur - _pClip.transOut.dur));
 1597+ /*
 1599+ }*/
 1603+ * mvTransLib libary of transitions
 1604+ * a single object called to initiate transition effects can easily be extended in separate js file
 1605+ * (that way a limited feature set "sequence" need not include a _lot_ of js unless necessary )
 1606+ *
 1607+ * Smil Transition Effects see:
 1608+ * http://www.w3.org/TR/SMIL3/smil-transitions.html#TransitionEffects-TransitionAttribute
 1609+ */
 1610+var mvTransLib = {
 1611+ /*
 1612+ * function doTransition lookups up the transition in the mvTransLib obj
 1613+ * and intiates the transition if its avaliable
 1614+ * @param tObj transition attribute object
 1615+ * @param offSetTime default value 0 if we need to start rendering from a given time
 1616+ */
 1617+ doInitTransition:function(tObj){
 1618+ if(!tObj.type)
 1619+ return js_log('transition is missing type attribute');
 1621+ if(!tObj.subtype)
 1622+ return js_log('transition is missing subtype attribute');
 1624+ if(!this['type'][tObj.type])
 1625+ return js_log('mvTransLib does not support type: '+tObj.type);
 1627+ if(!this['type'][tObj.type][tObj.subtype])
 1628+ return js_log('mvTransLib does not support subType: '+tObj.subtype);
 1630+ //has type and subype call function with params:
 1631+ this['type'][tObj.type][tObj.subtype].init(tObj);
 1632+ },
 1633+ doUpdate:function(tObj, percent){
 1634+ this['type'][tObj.type][tObj.subtype].u(tObj,percent);
 1635+ },
 1636+ type:{
 1637+ //types:
 1638+ fade:{
 1639+ fadeFromColor:{
 1640+ "init":function(tObj){
 1641+ js_log('f:fadeFromColor: '+tObj.overlay_selector_id +' to color: '+ tObj.fadeColor);
 1642+ if(!tObj.fadeColor)
 1643+ return js_log('missing fadeColor');
 1644+ if($j('#'+tObj.overlay_selector_id).get(0).length==0){
 1645+ js_log("ERROR cant find: "+ tObj.overlay_selector_id);
 1646+ }
 1647+ //set the initial state
 1648+ $j('#'+tObj.overlay_selector_id).css({
 1649+ 'background-color':tObj.fadeColor,
 1650+ 'opacity':"1",
 1651+ });
 1652+ },
 1653+ 'u':function(tObj, percent){
 1654+ //fade from color invert the percent
 1655+ var percent = 1- percent;
 1656+ $j('#'+tObj.overlay_selector_id).css({
 1657+ "opacity" : percent
 1658+ });
 1659+ }
 1660+ },
 1661+ //corssFade
 1662+ crossfade:{
 1663+ "init":function(tObj, overlay_selector_id, offSetTime){
 1664+ js_log('f:crossfade: '+overlay_selector_id);
 1665+ if($j('#'+overlay_selector_id).length==0)
 1666+ js_log("ERROR overlay selector not found: "+overlay_selector_id);
 1668+ //set the initial state show the zero opacity animiation
 1669+ $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css({'opacity':0}).show();
 1671+ /*js_log("should have set "+overlay_selector_id +"to zero is: "+
 1672+ $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).css('opacity') + ' should annimate for'+
 1673+ (( tObj.dur - offSetTime )*1000) );*/
 1675+ $j('#'+overlay_selector_id).animate(
 1676+ {
 1677+ "opacity" : "1"
 1678+ },
 1679+ (( tObj.dur - offSetTime )*1000),
 1680+ 'linear',
 1681+ function(){ //callback
 1682+ js_log("animated opacity done");
 1683+ tObj.animation_state=2;
 1684+ }
 1685+ );
 1686+ },
 1687+ 'u':function(tObj, percentage){
 1689+ }
 1690+ }
 1691+ }
 1692+ }
14471694 //smile based extension of <video> tag:
14481695 //region="video_region" transIn="fromGreen" begin="2s"
14491696 //http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-SMIL3-20070713/smil-extended-media-object.html#edef-ref
@@ -1547,19 +1794,38 @@
15491796 //lookup and assing copies of transitions
15501797 // (since transition needs to hold some per-instance state info)
1551 - if(this.transIn && this.pp.transitions[this.transIn])
1552 - this.transIn =this.pp.transitions[this.transIn].clone();
 1798+ if(this.transIn && this.pp.transitions[this.transIn]){
 1799+ this.transIn =this.pp.transitions[this.transIn].clone();
 1800+ this.transIn.pClip = _this;
 1801+ js_log("PCLIP:"+ this.transIn.pClip.id);
 1802+ this.transIn.transAttrType='transIn';
 1803+ }
1554 - if(this.transOut && this.pp.transitions[this.transOut])
 1805+ if(this.transOut && this.pp.transitions[this.transOut]){
15551806 this.transOut =this.pp.transitions[this.transOut].clone();
1556 -
 1807+ this.transOut.pClip = _this;
 1808+ js_log("PCLIP:"+ this.transIn.pClip.id);
 1809+ this.transOut.transAttrType='transOut';
 1810+ }
15571811 //parse duration / begin times:
15581812 if(this.dur)
1559 - this.dur = smilParseTime(this.dur);
 1813+ this.dur = smilParseTime(this.dur);
15611815 //check if the transition is a valid id:
15621816 return this;
15631817 },
 1818+ /*
 1819+ * getDuration
 1820+ * @returns duration in int
 1821+ */
 1822+ getDuration:function(){
 1823+ //check for smil dur:
 1824+ if(this.dur)
 1825+ return this.dur;
 1826+ //else get the duration from the embed clip:
 1827+ if(this.embed.getDuration())
 1828+ return this.embed.getDuration();
 1829+ },
15641830 setUpEmbedObj:function(){
15651831 js_log('set up embed for smil based clip');
15661832 if(this.tagName=='video')
@@ -1586,10 +1852,16 @@
15871853 'fadeColor',
15881854 'dur'
15891855 );
 1857+var MV_ANIMATION_CB_RATE = 34;
15901858 var transitionObj = function(element) {
15911859 this.init(element);
15921860 };
15931861 transitionObj.prototype = {
 1862+ transAttrType:null, //transIn or transOut
 1863+ overlay_selector_id:null,
 1864+ pClip:null,
 1865+ timerId:null,
15941866 animation_state:0, //can be 0=unset, 1=running, 2=done
15951867 dur:2, //default duration of 2
15961868 init:function(element){
@@ -1604,6 +1876,53 @@
16051877 if(_this.dur)
16061878 _this.dur = smilParseTime(_this.dur);
16071879 },
 1880+ /*
 1881+ * the main animation loop called every MV_ANIMATION_CB_RATE or 34ms ~around 30frames per second~
 1882+ */
 1883+ run_animation:function(){
 1884+ //js_log('f:run_animation');
 1886+ if(this.prev_curtime!=this.pClip.embed.currentTime){
 1887+ this.prev_curtime = this.pClip.embed.currentTime;
 1888+ this.interValCount=0;
 1889+ }
 1891+ //start_time =assinged by doSmilActions
 1892+ //base_cur_time = pClip.embed.currentTime;
 1893+ //dur = assinged by attribute
 1895+ if(this.animation_state==0){
 1896+ mvTransLib.doInitTransition(this);
 1897+ this.animation_state=1;
 1898+ }
 1899+ var percentage = (this.pClip.embed.currentTime + ((this.interValCount*MV_ANIMATION_CB_RATE)/1000) - this.start_time) / this.dur;
 1901+ /*js_log('percentage = ct:'+this.pClip.embed.currentTime + ' + ic:'+this.interValCount +' * cb'+MV_ANIMATION_CB_RATE +
 1902+ ' - st'+this.start_time + ' / ' + this.dur + ' = ' + percentage );
 1903+ */
 1905+ if(percentage >= 1){
 1906+ this.animation_state=2;
 1907+ js_log("transition done");
 1908+ return true;
 1909+ }
 1910+ //js_log('cur percentage: '+percentage);
 1911+ //update state based on curent time + cur_time_offset (for now just use pClip.embed.currentTime)
 1912+ mvTransLib.doUpdate(this, percentage);
 1915+ this.interValCount++;
 1916+ //setInterval in we are still in running state
 1917+ if(this.animation_state==1){
 1918+ if(!this.timerId){
 1919+ this.timerId = setInterval('document.getElementById(\''+this.pClip.pp.id+'\').cur_clip.'+this.transAttrType+'.run_animation()',
 1921+ }
 1922+ }else{
 1923+ clearInterval(this.timerId);
 1924+ }
 1925+ return true;
 1926+ },
16081927 clone:function(){
16091928 var cObj = new this.constructor();
16101929 for(var i in this)