r38606 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r38605‎ | r38606 | r38607 >
Date:01:20, 5 August 2008
flvserver mostly working
Modified paths:
  • /branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv.php (deleted) (history)
  • /branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv_old.php (added) (history)
  • /branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv_old.php (added) (history)
  • /branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/README (modified) (history)
  • /branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/mvFlvServer.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv.php
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -include_once 'FLV/FLV.php';
4 -
5 -define('MAX_FLV_TS', 16777.216);//it appears tag times restart after 16777.216 seconds;
6 -define('KEY_FRAME_DISTANCE', 2); //max keyframe distance
7 -
8 -define('META_DATA_EXT', '.meta'); //file extension for cached Time metadata
9 -
10 - class MvFLV extends FLV {
11 -
12 - /**
13 - * On audio-only files the frame index will use this as minimum gap
14 - */
15 - private $audioFrameGap = 3;
16 -
17 - private $origMetaOfs = 0;
18 - private $origMetaSize = 0;
19 - private $origMetaData;
20 - private $compMetaData;
21 -
22 - private $wrapTimeCount = 0;
23 -
24 -
25 - function playTimeReq($start_time_sec, $end_time_sec=null){
26 -
27 - //@@todo cache byte offsets in memcache if avaliable
28 - $this->getMetaData();
29 - $meta = & $this->compMetaData['keyframes'];
30 -
31 - $start_byte=$end_byte=null;
32 - if($start_time_sec==0 && $end_time_sec==null)$this->play();
33 - for($i=0;$i<count($meta['times']);$i++){
34 - //set to the keyframe right before a keyframe of the requested start time
35 - if($meta['times'][$i]>=$start_time_sec && $start_byte==null){
36 - $start_byte=(isset($meta['times'][$i-1]))?$meta['filepositions'][$i-1]:$meta['filepositions'][$i];
37 - if($end_time_sec==null)break;
38 - }
39 - //set to the keyframe right after the keyframe of the end time:
40 - if($end_time_sec!=null){
41 - if($meta['times'][$i]>=$end_time_sec)$end_byte= $meta['filepositions'][$i];
42 - }
43 - }
44 - $this->play($start_byte, $end_byte);
45 - }
46 - function getMetaData()
47 - {
48 - if (! is_array($this->origMetaData))
49 - return $this->compMetaData;
50 - else
51 - return array_merge( $this->origMetaData, $this->compMetaData );
52 - }
53 - /*function getMetaData()
54 - {
55 - if(is_file($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT)){
56 - $this->compMetaData = unserialize(file_get_contents ($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT));
57 - }else{
58 - $this->computeMetaData();
59 - if(!file_put_contents($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT, serialize($this->compMetaData))){
60 - throw( new FLV_FileException('Unable to write out cached keyframe output') );
61 - }
62 - }
63 - return $this->compMetaData;
64 - }*/
65 - function computeMetaData()
66 - {
67 - ini_set("max_execution_time","0");//computeMetaData can take some time
68 - $this->compMetaData = array();
69 - $this->compMetaData['metadatacreator'] = 'FLV Tools for PHP v0.1 by DrSlump';
70 - $this->compMetaData['metadatadate'] = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s') . '.000Z';
71 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes'] = array();
72 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'] = array();
73 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'] = array();
74 -
75 - $this->origMetaOfs = 0;
76 - $this->origMetaSize = 0;
77 - $this->origMetaData = null;
78 - $skipTagTypes = array();
79 - while ($tag = $this->getTag( $skipTagTypes ))
80 - {
81 - // pre-calculate the timestamp as seconds
82 - $ts = $tag->timestamp/1000;
83 - if ($tag->timestamp > 0 && $tag->type==FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO ){
84 - $ts = (MAX_FLV_TS*$this->wrapTimeCount) + $ts;
85 - if($ts < $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp']){
86 - $this->wrapTimeCount++;
87 - $ts = MAX_FLV_TS + $ts;
88 - }
89 - //print "set end time to $ts \n";
90 - $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp'] = $ts;
91 - }
92 -
93 - switch ($tag->type)
94 - {
95 - case FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO :
96 -
97 - //Optimization, extract the frametype without analyzing the tag body
98 - if ((ord($tag->body[0]) >> 4) == FLV_Tag_Video::FRAME_KEYFRAME)
99 - {
100 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'][] = $this->getTagOffset();
101 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][] = $ts;
102 - }
103 -
104 - if ( !in_array(FLV_TAG::TYPE_VIDEO, $skipTagTypes) )
105 - {
106 - $this->compMetaData['width'] = $tag->width;
107 - $this->compMetaData['height'] = $tag->height;
108 - $this->compMetaData['videocodecid'] = $tag->codec;
109 - //Processing one video tag is enough
110 - array_push( $skipTagTypes, FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO );
111 - }
112 -
113 - break;
114 -
115 - case FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO :
116 -
117 - //Save audio frame positions when there is no video
118 - if (!$flv->hasVideo && $ts - $oldTs > $this->audioFrameGap)
119 - {
120 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'][] = $this->getTagOffset();
121 - $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][] = $ts;
122 - $oldTs = $ts;
123 - }
124 -
125 - if ( !in_array( FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO, $skipTagTypes) )
126 - {
127 - $this->compMetaData['audiocodecid'] = $tag->codec;
128 - $this->compMetaData['audiofreqid'] = $tag->frequency;
129 - $this->compMetaData['audiodepthid'] = $tag->depth;
130 - $this->compMetaData['audiomodeid'] = $tag->mode;
131 -
132 - //Processing one audio tag is enough
133 - array_push( $skipTagTypes, FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO );
134 - }
135 -
136 - break;
137 -
138 - case FLV_Tag::TYPE_DATA :
139 - if ($tag->name == 'onMetaData')
140 - {
141 - $this->origMetaOfs = $this->getTagOffset();
142 - $this->origMetaSize = $tag->size + self::TAG_HEADER_SIZE;
143 - $this->origMetaData = $tag->value;
144 - }
145 - break;
146 - }
147 -
148 - //Does this actually help with memory allocation?
149 - unset($tag);
150 - }
151 -
152 - if (! empty($this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times']))
153 - $this->compMetaData['lastkeyframetimestamp'] = $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][ count($this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'])-1 ];
154 -
155 - $this->compMetaData['duration'] = $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp'];
156 -
157 - return $this->compMetaData;
158 - }
159 -
160 - function setMetaData( $metadata, $origMetaOfs = 0, $origMetaSize = 0 )
161 - {
162 - $this->compMetaData = $metadata;
163 - $this->origMetaOfs = $origMetaOfs;
164 - $this->origMetaSize = $origMetaSize;
165 - }
166 -
167 -
168 - function play( $from = 0, $play_to=null )
169 - {
170 - print "play $from to $play_to ";
171 - die;
172 - fseek($this->fp, 0);
173 -
174 - // get original file header just in case it has any special flag
175 - echo fread($this->fp, $this->bodyOfs + 4);
176 -
177 - // output the metadata if available
178 - $meta = $this->getMetaData();
179 - if (! empty($meta))
180 - {
181 - //serialize the metadata as an AMF stream
182 - include_once 'FLV/Util/AMFSerialize.php';
183 - $amf = new FLV_Util_AMFSerialize();
184 -
185 - $serMeta = $amf->serialize('onMetaData');
186 - $serMeta.= $amf->serialize($meta);
187 -
188 - //Data tag mark
189 - $out = pack('C', FLV_Tag::TYPE_DATA);
190 - //Size of the data tag (BUG: limited to 64Kb)
191 - $out.= pack('Cn', 0, strlen($serMeta));
192 - //Timestamp
193 - $out.= pack('N', 0);
194 - //StreamID
195 - $out.= pack('Cn', 0, 0);
196 -
197 - echo $out;
198 - echo $serMeta;
199 -
200 - // PrevTagSize for the metadata
201 - echo pack('N', strlen($serMeta) + strlen($out) );
202 - }
203 -
204 - $chunkSize = 4096;
205 - $skippedOrigMeta = empty($this->origMetaSize);
206 - //seek to offset point:
207 - fseek($this->fp, $from);
208 - while (! feof($this->fp))
209 - {
210 - // if the original metadata is pressent and not yet skipped...
211 - if (! $skippedOrigMeta)
212 - {
213 - $pos = ftell($this->fp);
214 -
215 - // check if we are going to output it in this loop step
216 - if ( $pos <= $this->origMetaOfs &&
217 - $pos + $chunkSize > $this->origMetaOfs )
218 - {
219 - // output the bytes just before the original metadata tag
220 - if ($this->origMetaOfs - $pos > 0)
221 - echo fread($this->fp, $this->origMetaOfs - $pos);
222 -
223 - // position the file pointer just after the metadata tag
224 - fseek($this->fp, $this->origMetaOfs + $this->origMetaSize);
225 -
226 - $skippedOrigMeta = true;
227 - continue;
228 - }
229 - }
230 - if($play_to!=null){
231 - if(ftell($this->fp)+$chunkSize > $play_to){
232 - $read_amount = (ftell($this->fp)+$chunkSize)-$play_to;
233 - echo fread($this->fp, $read_amount);
234 - break;
235 - }
236 - }
237 - echo fread($this->fp, $chunkSize);
238 - }
239 - }
240 -}
241 -?>
Index: branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/mvFlvServer.php
@@ -50,16 +50,28 @@
5151 //print "DO: $start_sec $end_sec \n";
5252 require_once('MvFlv.php');
5353 //open up the metavid Flv object:
54 - $flv = new MvFLV();
 54+ /*$flv = new MvFLV();
5555 try {
5656 $flv->open( $file_loc );
5757 } catch (Exception $e) {
5858 die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
5959 }
60 - //header('Content-type: '.FLASH_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE);
 60+ header('Content-type: '.FLASH_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE);
6161 $flv->playTimeReq($start_sec, $end_sec);
6262 //print_r($flv->computeMetaData() );
6363 $flv->close();
 64+ */
 65+ $flv = new MyFLV();
 66+ try {
 67+ $flv->open( $file_loc );
 68+ } catch (Exception $e) {
 69+ die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
 70+ }
 71+ header('Content-type: '.FLASH_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE);
 72+ //$flv->play(331630, 647659);
 73+ $flv->playTimeReq($start_sec, $end_sec);
 74+ $flv->close();
6476 }
Index: branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/README
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
2 -==mv_embed helper scripts==
4 -These are the mv_embed helper scripts.
5 -
6 -@@todo document
\ No newline at end of file
 4+enables the serving of flv video segments.
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/MetavidWiki-exp/MetavidWiki/skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv_old.php
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
 3+include_once 'FLV/FLV.php';
 5+define('MAX_FLV_TS', 16777.216);//it appears tag times restart after 16777.216 seconds;
 6+define('KEY_FRAME_DISTANCE', 2); //max keyframe distance
 8+define('META_DATA_EXT', '.KfMeta'); //file extension for cached Time metadata
 10+ class MvFLV extends FLV {
 12+ /**
 13+ * On audio-only files the frame index will use this as minimum gap
 14+ */
 15+ private $audioFrameGap = 3;
 17+ private $origMetaOfs = 0;
 18+ private $origMetaSize = 0;
 19+ private $origMetaData;
 20+ private $compMetaData;
 22+ private $wrapTimeCount = 0;
 23+ private $kfMeta=array();
 25+ private $metaDuration=0;
 27+ function playTimeReq($start_time_sec, $end_time_sec=null){
 28+ //print "play $start_time_sec to $end_time_sec";
 29+ //@@todo cache byte offsets in memcache if avaliable
 30+ if( $end_time_sec)
 31+ $this->metaDuration = $end_time_sec - $start_time_sec;
 32+ //print "SET metaDuration to: " . $this->metaDuration . "\n";
 33+ $meta = & $this->getKfMetaData();
 34+ $start_byte=$end_byte=null;
 35+ if($start_time_sec==0 && $end_time_sec==null)$this->play();
 36+ $start_time_ms = $start_time_sec*1000;
 37+ $end_time_ms = ($end_time_sec==null)?null:$end_time_sec*1000;
 39+ for($i=0;$i<count($meta['times']);$i++){
 40+ //set to the keyframe right before a keyframe of the requested start time
 41+ if($meta['times'][$i]>=$start_time_ms && $start_byte==null){
 42+ $start_byte=(isset($meta['times'][$i-1]))?$meta['filepositions'][$i-1]:$meta['filepositions'][$i];
 43+ if($end_time_ms==null)break;
 44+ }
 45+ //set to the keyframe right after the keyframe of the end time:
 46+ if($end_time_ms!=null){
 47+ if($meta['times'][$i]>=$end_time_ms)$end_byte= $meta['filepositions'][$i];
 48+ }
 49+ }
 50+ //print " bytes: $start_byte $end_byte ";
 51+ $this->play($start_byte, $end_byte);
 52+ }
 53+ function getMetaData()
 54+ {
 55+ if (! is_array($this->origMetaData))
 56+ return $this->compMetaData;
 57+ else
 58+ return array_merge( $this->origMetaData, $this->compMetaData );
 59+ }
 60+ function getKfMetaData()
 61+ {
 62+ if(is_file($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT)){
 63+ $this->kfMeta = unserialize(file_get_contents ($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT));
 64+ }else{
 65+ $this->computeMetaData();
 66+ //store keframe data as int (takes less time to parse/open/search)
 67+ foreach($this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'] as $inx=>&$ts){
 68+ $ts = (int)($ts*1000);
 69+ }
 70+ if(!file_put_contents($this->fname . META_DATA_EXT, serialize($this->compMetaData['keyframes']))){
 71+ throw( new FLV_FileException('Unable to write out cached keyframe output') );
 72+ }
 73+ }
 74+ return $this->kfMeta;
 75+ }
 76+ function computeMetaData()
 77+ {
 78+ ini_set("max_execution_time","0");//computeMetaData can take some time
 79+ $this->compMetaData = array();
 80+ $this->compMetaData['metadatacreator'] = 'FLV Tools';
 81+ $this->compMetaData['metadatadate'] = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s') . '.000Z';
 82+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes'] = array();
 83+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'] = array();
 84+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'] = array();
 86+ $this->origMetaOfs = 0;
 87+ $this->origMetaSize = 0;
 88+ $this->origMetaData = null;
 89+ $skipTagTypes = array();
 90+ while ($tag = $this->getTag( $skipTagTypes ))
 91+ {
 92+ // pre-calculate the timestamp as seconds
 93+ $ts = $tag->timestamp/1000;
 94+ if ($tag->timestamp > 0 && $tag->type==FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO ){
 95+ $ts = (MAX_FLV_TS*$this->wrapTimeCount) + $ts;
 96+ if($ts < $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp']){
 97+ $this->wrapTimeCount++;
 98+ $ts = MAX_FLV_TS + $ts;
 99+ }
 100+ //print "set end time to $ts \n";
 101+ $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp'] = $ts;
 102+ }
 103+ switch ($tag->type)
 104+ {
 105+ case FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO :
 107+ //Optimization, extract the frametype without analyzing the tag body
 108+ if ((ord($tag->body[0]) >> 4) == FLV_Tag_Video::FRAME_KEYFRAME)
 109+ {
 110+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'][] = $this->getTagOffset();
 111+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][] = $ts;
 112+ }
 114+ if ( !in_array(FLV_TAG::TYPE_VIDEO, $skipTagTypes) )
 115+ {
 116+ $this->compMetaData['width'] = $tag->width;
 117+ $this->compMetaData['height'] = $tag->height;
 118+ $this->compMetaData['videocodecid'] = $tag->codec;
 119+ //Processing one video tag is enough
 120+ array_push( $skipTagTypes, FLV_Tag::TYPE_VIDEO );
 121+ }
 123+ break;
 124+ case FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO :
 125+ //Save audio frame positions when there is no video
 126+ if (!$flv->hasVideo && $ts - $oldTs > $this->audioFrameGap)
 127+ {
 128+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['filepositions'][] = $this->getTagOffset();
 129+ $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][] = $ts;
 130+ $oldTs = $ts;
 131+ }
 133+ if ( !in_array( FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO, $skipTagTypes) )
 134+ {
 135+ $this->compMetaData['audiocodecid'] = $tag->codec;
 136+ $this->compMetaData['audiofreqid'] = $tag->frequency;
 137+ $this->compMetaData['audiodepthid'] = $tag->depth;
 138+ $this->compMetaData['audiomodeid'] = $tag->mode;
 140+ //Processing one audio tag is enough
 141+ array_push( $skipTagTypes, FLV_Tag::TYPE_AUDIO );
 142+ }
 144+ break;
 146+ case FLV_Tag::TYPE_DATA :
 147+ if ($tag->name == 'onMetaData')
 148+ {
 149+ $this->origMetaOfs = $this->getTagOffset();
 150+ $this->origMetaSize = $tag->size + self::TAG_HEADER_SIZE;
 151+ $this->origMetaData = $tag->value;
 152+ }
 153+ break;
 154+ }
 156+ //Does this actually help with memory allocation?
 157+ unset($tag);
 158+ }
 159+ if (! empty($this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times']))
 160+ $this->compMetaData['lastkeyframetimestamp'] = $this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'][ count($this->compMetaData['keyframes']['times'])-1 ];
 162+ $this->compMetaData['duration'] = $this->compMetaData['lasttimestamp'];
 165+ return $this->compMetaData;
 166+ }
 168+ function setMetaData( $metadata, $origMetaOfs = 0, $origMetaSize = 0 )
 169+ {
 170+ $this->compMetaData = $metadata;
 171+ $this->origMetaOfs = $origMetaOfs;
 172+ $this->origMetaSize = $origMetaSize;
 173+ }
 176+ function play( $from = 0, $play_to=null )
 177+ {
 178+ // output the metadata if available
 179+ $this->computeMetaData();
 180+ $meta = $this->getMetaData();
 181+ //print "META:";
 182+ //print_r($meta);
 183+ //die;
 185+ fseek($this->fp, 0);
 186+ // get original file header just in case it has any special flag
 187+ echo fread($this->fp, $this->bodyOfs + 4);
 189+ //ignore the "ture" metadata and make a simple metadata packet:
 190+ if (! empty($meta))
 191+ {
 192+ //serialize the metadata as an AMF stream
 193+ include_once 'FLV/Util/AMFSerialize.php';
 194+ $amf = new FLV_Util_AMFSerialize();
 196+ $serMeta = $amf->serialize('onMetaData');
 197+ $serMeta.= $amf->serialize($meta);
 199+ //Data tag mark
 200+ $out = pack('C', FLV_Tag::TYPE_DATA);
 201+ //Size of the data tag (BUG: limited to 64Kb)
 202+ $out.= pack('Cn', 0, strlen($serMeta));
 203+ //Timestamp
 204+ $out.= pack('N', 0);
 205+ //StreamID
 206+ $out.= pack('Cn', 0, 0);
 208+ echo $out;
 209+ echo $serMeta;
 211+ // PrevTagSize for the metadata
 212+ echo pack('N', strlen($serMeta) + strlen($out) );
 213+ }
 215+ $chunkSize = 4096;
 216+ $skippedOrigMeta = empty($this->origMetaSize);
 217+ //seek to offset point:
 218+ fseek($this->fp, $from);
 219+ while (! feof($this->fp))
 220+ {
 221+ // if the original metadata is pressent and not yet skipped...
 222+ if (! $skippedOrigMeta)
 223+ {
 224+ $pos = ftell($this->fp);
 226+ // check if we are going to output it in this loop step
 227+ if ( $pos <= $this->origMetaOfs &&
 228+ $pos + $chunkSize > $this->origMetaOfs )
 229+ {
 230+ // output the bytes just before the original metadata tag
 231+ if ($this->origMetaOfs - $pos > 0)
 232+ echo fread($this->fp, $this->origMetaOfs - $pos);
 234+ // position the file pointer just after the metadata tag
 235+ fseek($this->fp, $this->origMetaOfs + $this->origMetaSize);
 237+ $skippedOrigMeta = true;
 238+ continue;
 239+ }
 240+ }
 241+ if($play_to!=null){
 242+ if(ftell($this->fp)+$chunkSize > $play_to){
 243+ $read_amount = (ftell($this->fp)+$chunkSize)-$play_to;
 244+ echo fread($this->fp, $read_amount);
 245+ break;
 246+ }
 247+ }
 248+ echo fread($this->fp, $chunkSize);
 249+ }
 250+ }

Status & tagging log