r36883 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r36882‎ | r36883 | r36884 >
Date:06:25, 2 July 2008
* rename GroupPermissionsManager files to standard naming (file and folder names now match)
* update Translate accordingly
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager.i18n.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager_body.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager_body.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager_body.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/mediawiki-defines.txt (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/groups/mediawiki-defines.txt
@@ -292,7 +292,6 @@
293293 Go To Category
295295 Group Permissions Manager
296 -file = GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager.i18n.php
297296 optional = grouppermissions-log-entry
299298 HTMLets
Index: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager_body.php
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 -* Class definition for the special page
6 -*/
7 -
8 -class GroupPermissions extends SpecialPage {
9 - var $target = '';
10 - var $oldrev = '';
11 - var $permissionslist = array();
12 - var $groupslist = array();
13 - var $otherrights = array();
14 -
15 - /**
16 - * Constructor
17 - */
18 - function GroupPermissions() {
19 - SpecialPage::SpecialPage( 'GroupPermissions', 'grouppermissions' );
20 - }
21 -
22 - /**
23 - * Main execution function
24 - */
25 - function execute( $par ) {
26 - global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
27 -
28 - if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'grouppermissions' ) ) {
29 - $wgOut->permissionRequired( 'grouppermissions' );
30 - return;
31 - }
32 - wfLoadExtensionMessages('GroupPermissions');
33 - $this->setHeaders();
34 - $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-header' ) );
35 -
36 - //display the search form and define an array of the usergroups and an array of all current permissions
37 - global $wgGroupPermissions;
38 - $this->target = $par ? $par : $wgRequest->getText( 'groupsearch', '');
39 -
40 - foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
41 - $this->groupslist[] = $group;
42 - foreach($permissions as $right => $value) {
43 - if(!in_array($right, $this->permissionslist)) {
44 - $this->permissionslist[] = $right;
45 - }
46 - }
47 - }
48 - //sort the array in alphabetical order for ease of finding things
49 - sort($this->permissionslist);
50 -
51 - $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeSearchForm() );
52 -
53 - //test if we have a valid target to act upon
54 - if( $this->target != '') {
55 - //ok, we do. Now, what action was just being performed?
56 - if( $wgRequest->getCheck( 'dosearch' ) || !$wgRequest->wasPosted() ) {
57 - addScriptFile('prefs.js');
58 - //it was a search, check the group
59 - if(in_array($this->target, $this->groupslist)) {
60 - global $wgImplicitGroups;
61 - //group exists, so we can change it, can't delete it if it's an implicit group
62 - if(in_array($this->target, $wgImplicitGroups)){
63 - //cannot delete group, show just show the change form
64 - $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeChangeForm() );
65 - } else {
66 - //can delete group, so show that form as well
67 - $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeDeleteForm() );
68 - $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeChangeForm() );
69 - }
70 - } else {
71 - //group doesn't exist, let's make it and assign some rights
72 - $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeAddForm() );
73 - }
74 - } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('doadd') == '1' ) {
75 - //we just added a new group!
76 - $success = $this->writeFile('add');
77 - if($success) {
78 - $this->addLogItem( 'add', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'addcomment' ) ) );
79 - $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-addsuccess', $this->target ) );
80 - $this->listsmade = false;
81 - }
82 - } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('dodelete') == '1' ) {
83 - //we just deleted a user group. don't remove users from the group just in case we want to make it again
84 - $success = $this->writeFile('delete');
85 - if($success) {
86 - $this->addLogItem( 'delete', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'deletecomment' ) ) );
87 - $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-deletesuccess', $this->target ) );
88 - $this->listsmade = false;
89 - }
90 - } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('dochange') == '1' ) {
91 - //we modified the permissions of an existing group
92 - $success = $this->writeFile('change');
93 - if($success) {
94 - $this->addLogItem( 'change', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'comment' ) ) );
95 - $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-changesuccess', $this->target ) );
96 - $this->listsmade = false;
97 - }
98 - }
99 - }
100 - }
101 -
102 - /**
103 - * Produce a form to search for a group
104 - */
105 - function makeSearchForm() {
106 - $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
107 - $form = "<fieldset>\n<legend>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-searchlabel')."</legend>\n";
108 - $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\">\n";
109 - $form .= "<label for=\"groupsearch\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-search')."</label> ";
110 - $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"groupsearch\" id=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" /> ";
111 - $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dosearch\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-dosearch')."\" />";
112 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"issearch\" value=\"1\" />\n</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
113 - return $form;
114 - }
115 -
116 - /**
117 - * Produce a form for changing group permissions
118 - */
119 - function makeChangeForm() {
120 - //Returns the checkbox toggles for the given group.
121 - $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
122 - $form = "<br /><div>\n";
123 - $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\" id=\"preferences\">\n";
124 - //get the rows of checkboxes, specify that we should get values for them as well
125 - $form .= $this->createCheckboxes( $form, true );
126 - $form .= "<br />\n";
127 - $form .= "<label for=\"comment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
128 - $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" size=\"45\" />\n";
129 - $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"change\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-change')."\" />\n";
130 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dochange\" value=\"1\" />";
131 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
132 - $form .= "</form>\n</div>\n";
133 - return $form;
134 - }
135 -
136 - /**
137 - * Produce a form to delete a group
138 - */
139 - function makeDeleteForm() {
140 - //sanity check, make sure that we aren't showing this for the automatic groups
141 - global $wgImplicitGroups;
142 - if(in_array($this->target, $wgImplicitGroups)) {
143 - return '';
144 - }
145 - $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
146 - $form = "<fieldset>\n<legend>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-deletelabel')."</legend>\n";
147 - $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\">\n";
148 - $form .= "<label for=\"deletecomment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
149 - $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"deletecomment\" id=\"deletecomment\" /> ";
150 - $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-delete')."\" />\n";
151 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dodelete\" value=\"1\" />";
152 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
153 - $form .= "</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
154 - return $form;
155 - }
156 -
157 - /**
158 - * Produce a form to add a group
159 - */
160 - function makeAddForm() {
161 - //make a new group and return all toggles
162 - $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
163 - $form = "<br /><div>\n";
164 - $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\" id=\"preferences\">\n";
165 - //get the rows of checkboxes, specify that we should not get values for them
166 - $form .= $this->createCheckboxes( $form, false );
167 - $form .= "<br />\n";
168 - $form .= "<label for=\"addcomment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
169 - $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"addcomment\" id=\"addcomment\" size=\"45\" />\n";
170 - $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-add')."\" />\n";
171 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"doadd\" value=\"1\" />";
172 - $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
173 - $form .= "</form>\n</div>\n";
174 - return $form;
175 - }
176 -
177 - /**
178 - * Add logging entries for the specified action if logging is enabled
179 - */
180 - function addLogItem( $type, $comment = '' ) {
181 - $target = $this->target;
182 - $page = User::getGroupPage($target);
183 - if(!$page instanceOf Title) {
184 - $page = Title::makeTitle(0, $target);
185 - }
186 - $log = new LogPage('gpmanager');
187 - $s = $log->addEntry($type, $page, $comment, array($target));
188 - return $s;
189 - }
190 -
191 - /**
192 - * Make the sorted tables of radio buttons and permissions
193 - * @param form the form that it is adding the radio buttons to.
194 - * @param getcurrentvalues is used for determining if it should set the radio buttons at the current permissions
195 - */
196 - function createCheckboxes( &$form, $getcurrentvalues ) {
197 - global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgGPManagerSortTypes, $wgGPManagerSort, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
198 - if($getcurrentvalues) {
199 - //let's extract the appropriate array of values from GroupPermissions once so we don't have to put it in the foreach
200 - foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
201 - if($group == $this->target) {
202 - $evGroupPermissions = $permissions;
203 - break;
204 - }
205 - }
206 - }
207 - $sort = array();
208 - foreach($wgGPManagerSortTypes as $type) {
209 - $sort[$type] = array();
210 - }
211 -
212 - foreach($this->permissionslist as $right) {
213 - $s = false;
214 - foreach($wgGPManagerSortTypes as $type) {
215 - if(in_array($right, $wgGPManagerSort[$type])) {
216 - $s = true;
217 - $sort[$type][$right] = false;
218 - $st = $type;
219 - }
220 - }
221 - if(!$s) {
222 - $sort['misc'][$right] = false;
223 - $st = 'misc';
224 - }
225 - if($getcurrentvalues) {
226 - //let's change all the falses to something else if need be
227 - foreach($evGroupPermissions as $permission => $value) {
228 - $bool = in_array($right, array_keys($evGroupPermissions));
229 - if($right == $permission) {
230 - if($value)
231 - $sort[$st][$right] = true;
232 - break;
233 - }
234 - }
235 - }
236 - }
237 - foreach($sort as $type => $list) {
238 - $form .= '<fieldset><legend>'.wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-sort-'.$type).'</legend>';
239 - $form .= "\n<h2>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-sort-'.$type)."</h2>\n<table>";
240 - foreach($list as $right => $value) {
241 - $form .= "\n<tr><td>".$right."</td><td>";
242 - if($value) {
243 - $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'true', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'false') . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
244 - } else {
245 - $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'true');
246 - if(array_key_exists($this->target, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant)) {
247 - if(!in_array($right, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$this->target])) {
248 - $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
249 - } else {
250 - $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false') . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never', true);
251 - }
252 - } else {
253 - $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
254 - }
255 - }
256 - $form .= "</td></tr>\n";
257 - }
258 - $form .= "\n</table></fieldset>\n";
259 - }
260 - }
261 -
262 - /**
263 - * Write the php file
264 - */
265 - function writeFile( $type ) {
266 - //can we write the file?
267 - if(!is_writable( dirname(__FILE__) . "/config" )) {
268 - echo( "<h2>Cannot write config file, aborting</h2>
269 -
270 - <p>In order to use this extension, you need to make the /config subdirectory of this extension
271 - writable by the webserver (eg, if you have this extension installed in /extensions/GPManager,
272 - you need to make /extensions/GPManager/config writable by the webserver.</p>
273 -
274 - <p>Make the necessary changes, then refresh this page to try again</p>" );
275 - die( 1 );
276 - }
277 - $this->oldrev = gmdate('dmYHis');
278 - if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.php')) {
279 - $r = rename(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.php', dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.' . $this->oldrev . '.php');
280 - if(!$r) {
281 - global $wgOut;
282 - $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('grouppermissions-nooldrev'));
283 - }
284 - }
285 - $grouppermissions = '<?php
286 -##### This file was automatically generated by Special:Grouppermissions. When changing group
287 -##### permissions, please do so HERE instead of LocalSettings.php or anywhere else. If you
288 -##### set permissions elsewhere, changing them here may not produce the desired results.
289 -$wgGroupPermissions = array();
290 -$wgGPManagerNeverGrant = array();';
291 - global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgRequest, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
292 - //run through the current permissions first and change those if need be, only define true to keep down the filesize
293 - foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
294 - if( $group == $this->target && $type == 'change' ) {
295 - foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
296 - if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'true') {
297 - $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
298 - $right = $r[1];
299 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = true;";
300 - }
301 - }
302 - } elseif( $group != $this->target ) {
303 - foreach($permissions as $right => $value) {
304 - if( $value == 'true') {
305 - //group doesn't match target group and the current value is true
306 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = true;";
307 - }
308 - }
309 - }
310 - }
311 -
312 - if($type == 'add') {
313 - //add the new group and its permissions
314 - foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
315 - if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'true') {
316 - $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
317 - $right = $r[1];
318 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$this->target."']['".$right."'] = true;";
319 - }
320 - }
321 - }
322 -
323 - //let's iterate through the never grants now
324 - if($wgGPManagerNeverGrant === array()) {
325 - foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
326 - if($type != 'delete' || $group != $this->target) {
327 - $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$group] = array();
328 - }
329 - }
330 - }
331 - if($type == 'add') {
332 - $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$this->target] = array();
333 - }
334 - foreach($wgGPManagerNeverGrant as $group => $rights) {
335 - if($group != $this->target) {
336 - //we didn't change this one, so keep it as-is, defining it as false in wgGroupPermissions so it appears as a group
337 - foreach($rights as $right) {
338 - if($right == '') {
339 - continue;
340 - }
341 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = false;";
342 - }
343 - $str = "array('" . implode("', '", $rights) . "')";
344 - if($str == 'array(\'\')') {
345 - $str = 'array()';
346 - }
347 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGPManagerNeverGrant['".$group."'] = ".$str.";";
348 - } elseif($type != 'delete') {
349 - //we changed this group, so make appropriate changes. First, cut out all the ones that were changed to something other than never
350 - foreach($rights as $permission) {
351 - if($wgRequest->getVal('right-'.$permission) != 'never') {
352 - $l = array_search($permission, $rights);
353 - array_splice($rights, $l, 1);
354 - }
355 - }
356 - //then, add in new ones
357 - foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
358 - if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'never') {
359 - $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
360 - $right = $r[1];
361 - $rights[] = $right;
362 - }
363 - }
364 - //delete duplicate keys
365 - $rights = array_unique($rights);
366 - //now put it in the file, defining it in wgGroupPermissions as false so it registers the group
367 - foreach($rights as $right) {
368 - if($right == '') {
369 - continue;
370 - }
371 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = false;";
372 - }
373 - $str = "array('" . implode("', '", $rights) . "')";
374 - if($str == 'array(\'\')') {
375 - $str = 'array()';
376 - }
377 - $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGPManagerNeverGrant['".$group."'] = ".$str.";";
378 - }
379 - }
380 -
381 - $grouppermissions = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $grouppermissions );
382 - chdir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/config" );
383 - $f = fopen( "GroupPermissions.php", 'wt' );
384 - if(fwrite( $f, $grouppermissions ) ) {
385 - fclose( $f );
386 - print "\n";
387 - return true;
388 - } else {
389 - fclose( $f );
390 - echo("<p class='error'>An error occured while writing the config/GroupPermissions.php file. Check user rights and disk space then try again.</p>");
391 - return false;
392 - }
393 - }
394 -
395 - function makeRadio( $right = '', $value = '', $checked = false ) {
396 - if($checked) {
397 - $input = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"right-{$right}\" id=\"{$right}-{$value}\" class=\"{$value}\" value=\"{$value}\" checked=\"checked\" />";
398 - } else {
399 - $input ="<input type=\"radio\" name=\"right-{$right}\" id=\"{$right}-{$value}\" class=\"{$value}\" value=\"{$value}\" />";
400 - }
401 - $input .= " <label for=\"{$right}-{$value}\">".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-'.$value)."</label> ";
402 - return $input;
403 - }
404 -}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager.i18n.php
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 -* Internationalisation file for the GroupPermissions Manager extension
6 -* See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager for more info
7 -*/
8 -
9 -$messages = array();
10 -
11 -/** English
12 - * @author Ryan Schmidt
13 - */
14 -$messages['en'] = array(
15 - 'grouppermissions' => 'Manage Group Permissions',
16 - 'grouppermissions-desc' => 'Manage group permissions via a special page',
17 - 'grouppermissions-desc2' => 'Extended permissions system',
18 - 'grouppermissions-header' => 'You may use this page to change the underlying permissions of the various usergroups',
19 - 'grouppermissions-search' => 'Group:',
20 - 'grouppermissions-dologin' => 'Login',
21 - 'grouppermissions-dosearch' => 'Go',
22 - 'grouppermissions-searchlabel' => 'Search for Group',
23 - 'grouppermissions-deletelabel' => 'Delete Group',
24 - 'grouppermissions-error' => 'An unknown error has occurred, please hit the back button on your browser and try again',
25 - 'grouppermissions-change' => 'Change group permissions',
26 - 'grouppermissions-add' => 'Add group',
27 - 'grouppermissions-delete' => 'Delete group',
28 - 'grouppermissions-comment' => 'Comment:',
29 - 'grouppermissions-addsuccess' => '$1 has been successfully added',
30 - 'grouppermissions-deletesuccess' => '$1 has been successfully deleted',
31 - 'grouppermissions-changesuccess' => 'Permissions for $1 have successfully been changed',
32 - 'grouppermissions-true' => 'True',
33 - 'grouppermissions-false' => 'False',
34 - 'grouppermissions-never' => 'Never',
35 - 'grouppermissions-nooldrev' => 'Error encountered when attempting to archive the current config file. No archive will be made',
36 - 'grouppermissions-sort-read' => 'Reading',
37 - 'grouppermissions-sort-edit' => 'Editing',
38 - 'grouppermissions-sort-manage' => 'Management',
39 - 'grouppermissions-sort-admin' => 'Administration',
40 - 'grouppermissions-sort-tech' => 'Technical',
41 - 'grouppermissions-sort-misc' => 'Miscellaneous',
42 - 'grouppermissions-log-add' => 'added group "$2"',
43 - 'grouppermissions-log-change' => 'changed permissions for group "$2"',
44 - 'grouppermissions-log-delete' => 'deleted group "$2"',
45 - 'grouppermissions-log-name' => 'GroupPermissions log',
46 - 'grouppermissions-log-entry' => '', #do not translate this message
47 - 'grouppermissions-log-header' => 'This page tracks changes to the underlying permissions of user groups',
48 - 'grouppermissions-needjs' => 'Warning: JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Some features may not work!',
49 - 'grouppermissions-sp-header' => 'You may use this page to manage how permissions are sorted and add new permissions',
50 -
51 - 'right-viewsource' => 'View wiki source of protected pages',
52 - 'right-raw' => 'View raw pages',
53 - 'right-render' => 'View rendered pages without navigation',
54 - 'right-info' => 'View page info',
55 - 'right-credits' => 'View page credits',
56 - 'right-history' => 'View page histories',
57 - 'right-search' => 'Search the wiki',
58 - 'right-contributions' => 'View contributions pages',
59 - 'right-recentchanges' => 'View recent changes',
60 - 'right-edittalk' => 'Edit discussion pages',
61 - 'right-edit' => 'Edit pages (which are not discussion pages)',
62 -);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GPManager.php
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 -* GroupPermissions Manager extension by Ryan Schmidt
5 -* Allows privelaged users to modify group permissions via a special page
6 -* See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager for more info
7 -*/
8 -
9 -if(!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
10 - echo("This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software and is not a valid access point");
11 - die(1);
12 -}
13 -
14 -$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
15 -'name' => 'GroupPermissions Manager',
16 -'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
17 -'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager',
18 -#'version' => '3.1',
19 -'version' => '3.0',
20 -'description' => 'Manage group permissions via a special page',
21 -'descriptionmsg' => 'grouppermissions-desc',
22 -);
23 -$wgAutoloadClasses['GroupPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/GPManager_body.php';
24 -#$wgAutoloadClasses['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/RemoveUnusedGroups.php';
25 -#$wgAutoloadClasses['SortPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/SortPermissions.php';
26 -$wgSpecialPages['GroupPermissions'] = 'GroupPermissions';
27 -#$wgSpecialPages['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = 'RemoveUnusedGroups';
28 -#$wgSpecialPages['SortPermissions'] = 'SortPermissions';
29 -$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['GroupPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/GPManager.i18n.php';
30 -
31 -$wgLogTypes[] = 'gpmanager';
32 -$wgLogActions['gpmanager/add'] = 'grouppermissions-log-add';
33 -$wgLogActions['gpmanager/change'] = 'grouppermissions-log-change';
34 -$wgLogActions['gpmanager/delete'] = 'grouppermissions-log-delete';
35 -$wgLogActions['gpmanager/gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-entry';
36 -$wgLogHeaders['gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-header';
37 -$wgLogNames['gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-name';
38 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['GroupPermissions'] = 'wiki';
39 -#$wgSpecialPageGroups['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = 'user';
40 -#$wgSpecialPageGroups['SortPermissions'] = 'wiki';
41 -
42 -##Permission required to use the 'GroupPermissions' and 'SortPermissions' special page
43 -##By default all bureaucrats can
44 -$wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['grouppermissions'] = true;
45 -##Uncomment this if you want to make a separate group that can access the page as well
46 -#$wgGroupPermissions['grouppermissions']['grouppermissions'] = true;
47 -##'RemoveUnusedGroups' requires the 'userrights' permission, also given to bureaucrats by default
48 -
49 -/**
50 -* Permissions++ sub-extension
51 -* This requires the GroupPermissions manager extension to function to its utmost ability, so don't insall this separate from it (or vice versa)
52 -*/
53 -
54 -$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
55 -'name' => 'Permissions++',
56 -'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
57 -'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager',
58 -'version' => '1.0',
59 -'description' => 'Extended permissions system',
60 -'descriptionmsg' => 'grouppermissions-desc2',
61 -);
62 -
63 -$wgHooks['UserGetRights'][] = 'efGPManagerRevokeRights';
64 -$wgHooks['userCan'][] = 'efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsGrant';
65 -$wgHooks['getUserPermissionsErrors'][] = 'efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke';
66 -$wgGPManagerNeverGrant = array();
67 -$wgGPManagerSort = array();
68 -$wgGPManagerSortTypes = array( 'read', 'edit', 'manage', 'admin', 'tech', 'misc' );
69 -
70 -##Default permissions for the ones added by Permissions++ extension
71 -###Reading-related permissions
72 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['viewsource'] = true; //allows viewing of wiki source when one cannot edit the page
73 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['history'] = true; //allows viewing of page histories
74 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['raw'] = true; //allows use of action=raw
75 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['render'] = true; //allows use of action=render
76 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['info'] = true; //allows use of action=info if the option is enabled
77 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['credits'] = true; //allows use of action=credits
78 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['search'] = true; //allows access to Special:Search
79 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['recentchanges'] = true; //allows access to Special:RecentChanges
80 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['contributions'] = true; //allows viewing Special:Contributions pages, including own
81 -###Editing-related permissions
82 -###Note that 'edit' is reduced to only allowing editing of non-talk pages now, it is NOT a global toggle anymore
83 -###In addition, 'createpage', and 'createtalk' no longer require the 'edit' right, this can be useful if you want to allow people to make pages, but not edit existing ones
84 -$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edittalk'] = true; //can edit talk pages, including use of section=new
85 -
86 -##Grouping of permissions for the GPManager
87 -$wgGPManagerSort['read'] = array( 'read', 'viewsource', 'history', 'raw', 'render', 'info',
88 -'credits', 'search', 'recentchanges', 'contributions' );
89 -$wgGPManagerSort['edit'] = array( 'edit', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'move', 'move-subpages',
90 -'createaccount', 'upload', 'reupload', 'reupload-shared', 'upload_by_url',
91 -'editprotected', 'edittalk', 'writeapi' );
92 -$wgGPManagerSort['manage'] = array( 'delete', 'bigdelete', 'deletedhistory', 'undelete', 'mergehistory',
93 -'protect', 'block', 'blockemail', 'hideuser', 'userrights', 'userrights-interwiki', 'rollback', 'markbotedits',
94 -'patrol', 'editinterface', 'editusercssjs', 'hiderevision', 'deleterevision', 'browsearchive', 'suppressrevision',
95 -'suppressionlog', 'suppress' );
96 -$wgGPManagerSort['admin'] = array( 'siteadmin', 'import', 'importupload', 'trackback', 'unwatchedpages',
97 -'grouppermissions' );
98 -$wgGPManagerSort['tech'] = array( 'bot', 'purge', 'minoredit', 'nominornewtalk', 'ipblock-exempt',
99 -'proxyunbannable', 'autopatrol', 'apihighlimits', 'suppressredirect', 'autoconfirmed',
100 -'emailconfirmed', 'noratelimit' );
101 -$wgGPManagerSort['misc'] = array(); //all rights added by extensions that don't have a sort clause get put here
102 -
103 -##Load the config file, if it exists. This must be the last thing to run in the startup part
104 -if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config/GroupPermissions.php") ) {
105 - require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config/GroupPermissions.php");
106 -}
107 -
108 -//Revoke the rights that are set to "never"
109 -function efGPManagerRevokeRights(&$user, &$rights) {
110 - global $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
111 - $groups = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
112 - $never = array();
113 - $rights = array_unique($rights);
114 - foreach( $groups as $group ) {
115 - if( array_key_exists( $group, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant ) ) {
116 - foreach( $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$group] as $right ) {
117 - $never[] = $right;
118 - }
119 - }
120 - }
121 - $never = array_unique( $never );
122 - foreach( $never as $revoke ) {
123 - $offset = array_search( $revoke, $rights );
124 - if( $offset !== false ) {
125 - array_splice( $rights, $offset, 1 );
126 - }
127 - }
128 - return true;
129 -}
130 -
131 -//Extend the permissions system for finer-grained control without requiring hacks
132 -//For allowing actions that the normal permissions system would prevent
133 -function efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsGrant($title, $user, $action, &$result) {
134 - global $wgRequest;
135 - $result = false;
136 - if( $action == 'edit' && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit') ) {
137 - if( !$title->exists() ) {
138 - $protection = getTitleProtection($title);
139 - if($protection) {
140 - if( !$user->isAllowed($protection['pt_create_perm']) ) {
141 - //pass it on to the normal permissions system to handle
142 - $result = null;
143 - return true;
144 - }
145 - }
146 - //otherwise don't pass it on to the normal permission system, because the edit right would then be checked
147 - if( $title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('createtalk') ) {
148 - $result = true;
149 - return false;
150 - } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('createpage') ) {
151 - $result = true;
152 - return false;
153 - }
154 - } else {
155 - $protection = $title->getRestrictions('edit');
156 - if($protection) {
157 - foreach($protection as $right) {
158 - if(!$user->isAllowed($right)) {
159 - //pass it on to the normal permissions system
160 - $result = null;
161 - return true;
162 - }
163 - }
164 - }
165 - if( $title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('edittalk') ) {
166 - $result = true;
167 - return false;
168 - } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('edit') ) {
169 - $result = true;
170 - return false;
171 - }
172 - }
173 - }
174 - //hack for the UserCanRead method
175 - $res = efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke($title, $user, $action, &$result);
176 - if(!$res) {
177 - $result = false;
178 - //yay epic hacking! If I can't choose to make it return badaccess-group0... I'll simply force it to
179 - global $wgGroupPermissions;
180 - foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $rights) {
181 - $wgGroupPermissions[$group]['read'] = false;
182 - }
183 - return false;
184 - }
185 - $result = null;
186 - return true; //otherwise we don't care
187 -}
188 -
189 -//for preventing actions the normal permissions system would allow
190 -function efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke($title, $user, $action, &$result) {
191 - global $wgRequest;
192 - $result = null;
193 - $err = array('badaccess-group0');
194 - if( $action == 'read' ) {
195 - if( $title->isSpecial('Recentchanges') && !$user->isAllowed('recentchanges') ) {
196 - $result = $err;
197 - return false;
198 - }
199 - if( $title->isSpecial('Search') && !$user->isAllowed('search') ) {
200 - $result = $err;
201 - return false;
202 - }
203 - if( $title->isSpecial('Contributions') && !$user->isAllowed('contributions') ) {
204 - $result = $err;
205 - return false;
206 - }
207 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit' ) {
208 - if( !$title->userCan('edit') && !$user->isAllowed('viewsource') ) {
209 - $result = $err;
210 - return false;
211 - }
212 - }
213 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'history' && !$user->isAllowed('history') ) {
214 - $result = $err;
215 - return false;
216 - }
217 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'raw' && !$user->isAllowed('raw') ) {
218 - $result = $err;
219 - return false;
220 - }
221 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'render' && !$user->isAllowed('render') ) {
222 - $result = $err;
223 - return false;
224 - }
225 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'credits' && !$user->isAllowed('credits') ) {
226 - $result = $err;
227 - return false;
228 - }
229 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'info' && !$user->isAllowed('info') ) {
230 - $result = $err;
231 - return false;
232 - }
233 - }
234 - if( $action == 'edit' ) {
235 - if($title->exists() && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit')) {
236 - if( $title->isTalkPage() && !$user->isAllowed('edittalk') ) {
237 - $result = $err;
238 - return false;
239 - } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && !$user->isAllowed('edit') ) {
240 - $result = $err;
241 - return false;
242 - }
243 - }
244 - }
245 - return true; //otherwise we don't care
246 -}
247 -
248 -//Since the one in Title.php is private...
249 -function getTitleProtection($title) {
250 - // Can't protect pages in special namespaces
251 - if ( $title->getNamespace() < 0 ) {
252 - return false;
253 - }
254 -
255 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
256 - $res = $dbr->select( 'protected_titles', '*',
257 - array ('pt_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'pt_title' => $title->getDBkey()) );
258 -
259 - if ($row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res )) {
260 - return $row;
261 - } else {
262 - return false;
263 - }
264 -}
265 -
266 -//was added in 1.13, so supporting for downwards compatibility with 1.12
267 -function addScriptFile( $file ) {
268 - global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion, $wgJsMimeType;
269 - if( substr( $file, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) {
270 - $path = $file;
271 - } else {
272 - $path = "{$wgStylePath}/common/{$file}";
273 - }
274 - $encPath = htmlspecialchars( $path );
275 - $this->addScript( "<script type=\"{$wgJsMimeType}\" src=\"$path?$wgStyleVersion\"></script>\n" );
276 - }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager_body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
 5+* Class definition for the special page
 8+class GroupPermissions extends SpecialPage {
 9+ var $target = '';
 10+ var $oldrev = '';
 11+ var $permissionslist = array();
 12+ var $groupslist = array();
 13+ var $otherrights = array();
 15+ /**
 16+ * Constructor
 17+ */
 18+ function GroupPermissions() {
 19+ SpecialPage::SpecialPage( 'GroupPermissions', 'grouppermissions' );
 20+ }
 22+ /**
 23+ * Main execution function
 24+ */
 25+ function execute( $par ) {
 26+ global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser;
 28+ if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'grouppermissions' ) ) {
 29+ $wgOut->permissionRequired( 'grouppermissions' );
 30+ return;
 31+ }
 32+ wfLoadExtensionMessages('GroupPermissions');
 33+ $this->setHeaders();
 34+ $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-header' ) );
 36+ //display the search form and define an array of the usergroups and an array of all current permissions
 37+ global $wgGroupPermissions;
 38+ $this->target = $par ? $par : $wgRequest->getText( 'groupsearch', '');
 40+ foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
 41+ $this->groupslist[] = $group;
 42+ foreach($permissions as $right => $value) {
 43+ if(!in_array($right, $this->permissionslist)) {
 44+ $this->permissionslist[] = $right;
 45+ }
 46+ }
 47+ }
 48+ //sort the array in alphabetical order for ease of finding things
 49+ sort($this->permissionslist);
 51+ $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeSearchForm() );
 53+ //test if we have a valid target to act upon
 54+ if( $this->target != '') {
 55+ //ok, we do. Now, what action was just being performed?
 56+ if( $wgRequest->getCheck( 'dosearch' ) || !$wgRequest->wasPosted() ) {
 57+ addScriptFile('prefs.js');
 58+ //it was a search, check the group
 59+ if(in_array($this->target, $this->groupslist)) {
 60+ global $wgImplicitGroups;
 61+ //group exists, so we can change it, can't delete it if it's an implicit group
 62+ if(in_array($this->target, $wgImplicitGroups)){
 63+ //cannot delete group, show just show the change form
 64+ $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeChangeForm() );
 65+ } else {
 66+ //can delete group, so show that form as well
 67+ $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeDeleteForm() );
 68+ $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeChangeForm() );
 69+ }
 70+ } else {
 71+ //group doesn't exist, let's make it and assign some rights
 72+ $wgOut->addHtml( $this->makeAddForm() );
 73+ }
 74+ } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('doadd') == '1' ) {
 75+ //we just added a new group!
 76+ $success = $this->writeFile('add');
 77+ if($success) {
 78+ $this->addLogItem( 'add', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'addcomment' ) ) );
 79+ $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-addsuccess', $this->target ) );
 80+ $this->listsmade = false;
 81+ }
 82+ } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('dodelete') == '1' ) {
 83+ //we just deleted a user group. don't remove users from the group just in case we want to make it again
 84+ $success = $this->writeFile('delete');
 85+ if($success) {
 86+ $this->addLogItem( 'delete', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'deletecomment' ) ) );
 87+ $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-deletesuccess', $this->target ) );
 88+ $this->listsmade = false;
 89+ }
 90+ } elseif( $wgRequest->wasPosted() && $wgRequest->getVal('dochange') == '1' ) {
 91+ //we modified the permissions of an existing group
 92+ $success = $this->writeFile('change');
 93+ if($success) {
 94+ $this->addLogItem( 'change', trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'comment' ) ) );
 95+ $wgOut->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'grouppermissions-changesuccess', $this->target ) );
 96+ $this->listsmade = false;
 97+ }
 98+ }
 99+ }
 100+ }
 102+ /**
 103+ * Produce a form to search for a group
 104+ */
 105+ function makeSearchForm() {
 106+ $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
 107+ $form = "<fieldset>\n<legend>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-searchlabel')."</legend>\n";
 108+ $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\">\n";
 109+ $form .= "<label for=\"groupsearch\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-search')."</label> ";
 110+ $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"groupsearch\" id=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" /> ";
 111+ $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dosearch\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-dosearch')."\" />";
 112+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"issearch\" value=\"1\" />\n</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
 113+ return $form;
 114+ }
 116+ /**
 117+ * Produce a form for changing group permissions
 118+ */
 119+ function makeChangeForm() {
 120+ //Returns the checkbox toggles for the given group.
 121+ $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
 122+ $form = "<br /><div>\n";
 123+ $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\" id=\"preferences\">\n";
 124+ //get the rows of checkboxes, specify that we should get values for them as well
 125+ $form .= $this->createCheckboxes( $form, true );
 126+ $form .= "<br />\n";
 127+ $form .= "<label for=\"comment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
 128+ $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" size=\"45\" />\n";
 129+ $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"change\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-change')."\" />\n";
 130+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dochange\" value=\"1\" />";
 131+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
 132+ $form .= "</form>\n</div>\n";
 133+ return $form;
 134+ }
 136+ /**
 137+ * Produce a form to delete a group
 138+ */
 139+ function makeDeleteForm() {
 140+ //sanity check, make sure that we aren't showing this for the automatic groups
 141+ global $wgImplicitGroups;
 142+ if(in_array($this->target, $wgImplicitGroups)) {
 143+ return '';
 144+ }
 145+ $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
 146+ $form = "<fieldset>\n<legend>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-deletelabel')."</legend>\n";
 147+ $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\">\n";
 148+ $form .= "<label for=\"deletecomment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
 149+ $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"deletecomment\" id=\"deletecomment\" /> ";
 150+ $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-delete')."\" />\n";
 151+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dodelete\" value=\"1\" />";
 152+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
 153+ $form .= "</form>\n</fieldset>\n";
 154+ return $form;
 155+ }
 157+ /**
 158+ * Produce a form to add a group
 159+ */
 160+ function makeAddForm() {
 161+ //make a new group and return all toggles
 162+ $thisTitle = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, $this->getName() );
 163+ $form = "<br /><div>\n";
 164+ $form .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$thisTitle->getLocalUrl()."\" id=\"preferences\">\n";
 165+ //get the rows of checkboxes, specify that we should not get values for them
 166+ $form .= $this->createCheckboxes( $form, false );
 167+ $form .= "<br />\n";
 168+ $form .= "<label for=\"addcomment\">".wfMsg('grouppermissions-comment')."</label> ";
 169+ $form .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"addcomment\" id=\"addcomment\" size=\"45\" />\n";
 170+ $form .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"".wfMsg('grouppermissions-add')."\" />\n";
 171+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"doadd\" value=\"1\" />";
 172+ $form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"groupsearch\" value=\"".$this->target."\" />\n";
 173+ $form .= "</form>\n</div>\n";
 174+ return $form;
 175+ }
 177+ /**
 178+ * Add logging entries for the specified action if logging is enabled
 179+ */
 180+ function addLogItem( $type, $comment = '' ) {
 181+ $target = $this->target;
 182+ $page = User::getGroupPage($target);
 183+ if(!$page instanceOf Title) {
 184+ $page = Title::makeTitle(0, $target);
 185+ }
 186+ $log = new LogPage('gpmanager');
 187+ $s = $log->addEntry($type, $page, $comment, array($target));
 188+ return $s;
 189+ }
 191+ /**
 192+ * Make the sorted tables of radio buttons and permissions
 193+ * @param form the form that it is adding the radio buttons to.
 194+ * @param getcurrentvalues is used for determining if it should set the radio buttons at the current permissions
 195+ */
 196+ function createCheckboxes( &$form, $getcurrentvalues ) {
 197+ global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgGPManagerSortTypes, $wgGPManagerSort, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
 198+ if($getcurrentvalues) {
 199+ //let's extract the appropriate array of values from GroupPermissions once so we don't have to put it in the foreach
 200+ foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
 201+ if($group == $this->target) {
 202+ $evGroupPermissions = $permissions;
 203+ break;
 204+ }
 205+ }
 206+ }
 207+ $sort = array();
 208+ foreach($wgGPManagerSortTypes as $type) {
 209+ $sort[$type] = array();
 210+ }
 212+ foreach($this->permissionslist as $right) {
 213+ $s = false;
 214+ foreach($wgGPManagerSortTypes as $type) {
 215+ if(in_array($right, $wgGPManagerSort[$type])) {
 216+ $s = true;
 217+ $sort[$type][$right] = false;
 218+ $st = $type;
 219+ }
 220+ }
 221+ if(!$s) {
 222+ $sort['misc'][$right] = false;
 223+ $st = 'misc';
 224+ }
 225+ if($getcurrentvalues) {
 226+ //let's change all the falses to something else if need be
 227+ foreach($evGroupPermissions as $permission => $value) {
 228+ $bool = in_array($right, array_keys($evGroupPermissions));
 229+ if($right == $permission) {
 230+ if($value)
 231+ $sort[$st][$right] = true;
 232+ break;
 233+ }
 234+ }
 235+ }
 236+ }
 237+ foreach($sort as $type => $list) {
 238+ $form .= '<fieldset><legend>'.wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-sort-'.$type).'</legend>';
 239+ $form .= "\n<h2>".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-sort-'.$type)."</h2>\n<table>";
 240+ foreach($list as $right => $value) {
 241+ $form .= "\n<tr><td>".$right."</td><td>";
 242+ if($value) {
 243+ $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'true', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'false') . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
 244+ } else {
 245+ $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'true');
 246+ if(array_key_exists($this->target, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant)) {
 247+ if(!in_array($right, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$this->target])) {
 248+ $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
 249+ } else {
 250+ $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false') . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never', true);
 251+ }
 252+ } else {
 253+ $form .= $this->makeRadio($right, 'false', true) . $this->makeRadio($right, 'never');
 254+ }
 255+ }
 256+ $form .= "</td></tr>\n";
 257+ }
 258+ $form .= "\n</table></fieldset>\n";
 259+ }
 260+ }
 262+ /**
 263+ * Write the php file
 264+ */
 265+ function writeFile( $type ) {
 266+ //can we write the file?
 267+ if(!is_writable( dirname(__FILE__) . "/config" )) {
 268+ echo( "<h2>Cannot write config file, aborting</h2>
 270+ <p>In order to use this extension, you need to make the /config subdirectory of this extension
 271+ writable by the webserver (eg, if you have this extension installed in /extensions/GPManager,
 272+ you need to make /extensions/GPManager/config writable by the webserver.</p>
 274+ <p>Make the necessary changes, then refresh this page to try again</p>" );
 275+ die( 1 );
 276+ }
 277+ $this->oldrev = gmdate('dmYHis');
 278+ if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.php')) {
 279+ $r = rename(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.php', dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/GroupPermissions.' . $this->oldrev . '.php');
 280+ if(!$r) {
 281+ global $wgOut;
 282+ $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('grouppermissions-nooldrev'));
 283+ }
 284+ }
 285+ $grouppermissions = '<?php
 286+##### This file was automatically generated by Special:Grouppermissions. When changing group
 287+##### permissions, please do so HERE instead of LocalSettings.php or anywhere else. If you
 288+##### set permissions elsewhere, changing them here may not produce the desired results.
 289+$wgGroupPermissions = array();
 290+$wgGPManagerNeverGrant = array();';
 291+ global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgRequest, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
 292+ //run through the current permissions first and change those if need be, only define true to keep down the filesize
 293+ foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
 294+ if( $group == $this->target && $type == 'change' ) {
 295+ foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
 296+ if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'true') {
 297+ $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
 298+ $right = $r[1];
 299+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = true;";
 300+ }
 301+ }
 302+ } elseif( $group != $this->target ) {
 303+ foreach($permissions as $right => $value) {
 304+ if( $value == 'true') {
 305+ //group doesn't match target group and the current value is true
 306+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = true;";
 307+ }
 308+ }
 309+ }
 310+ }
 312+ if($type == 'add') {
 313+ //add the new group and its permissions
 314+ foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
 315+ if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'true') {
 316+ $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
 317+ $right = $r[1];
 318+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$this->target."']['".$right."'] = true;";
 319+ }
 320+ }
 321+ }
 323+ //let's iterate through the never grants now
 324+ if($wgGPManagerNeverGrant === array()) {
 325+ foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
 326+ if($type != 'delete' || $group != $this->target) {
 327+ $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$group] = array();
 328+ }
 329+ }
 330+ }
 331+ if($type == 'add') {
 332+ $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$this->target] = array();
 333+ }
 334+ foreach($wgGPManagerNeverGrant as $group => $rights) {
 335+ if($group != $this->target) {
 336+ //we didn't change this one, so keep it as-is, defining it as false in wgGroupPermissions so it appears as a group
 337+ foreach($rights as $right) {
 338+ if($right == '') {
 339+ continue;
 340+ }
 341+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = false;";
 342+ }
 343+ $str = "array('" . implode("', '", $rights) . "')";
 344+ if($str == 'array(\'\')') {
 345+ $str = 'array()';
 346+ }
 347+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGPManagerNeverGrant['".$group."'] = ".$str.";";
 348+ } elseif($type != 'delete') {
 349+ //we changed this group, so make appropriate changes. First, cut out all the ones that were changed to something other than never
 350+ foreach($rights as $permission) {
 351+ if($wgRequest->getVal('right-'.$permission) != 'never') {
 352+ $l = array_search($permission, $rights);
 353+ array_splice($rights, $l, 1);
 354+ }
 355+ }
 356+ //then, add in new ones
 357+ foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
 358+ if(strpos($key, 'right-') === 0 && $value == 'never') {
 359+ $r = explode('-', $key, 2);
 360+ $right = $r[1];
 361+ $rights[] = $right;
 362+ }
 363+ }
 364+ //delete duplicate keys
 365+ $rights = array_unique($rights);
 366+ //now put it in the file, defining it in wgGroupPermissions as false so it registers the group
 367+ foreach($rights as $right) {
 368+ if($right == '') {
 369+ continue;
 370+ }
 371+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGroupPermissions['".$group."']['".$right."'] = false;";
 372+ }
 373+ $str = "array('" . implode("', '", $rights) . "')";
 374+ if($str == 'array(\'\')') {
 375+ $str = 'array()';
 376+ }
 377+ $grouppermissions .= "\n\$wgGPManagerNeverGrant['".$group."'] = ".$str.";";
 378+ }
 379+ }
 381+ $grouppermissions = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $grouppermissions );
 382+ chdir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/config" );
 383+ $f = fopen( "GroupPermissions.php", 'wt' );
 384+ if(fwrite( $f, $grouppermissions ) ) {
 385+ fclose( $f );
 386+ print "\n";
 387+ return true;
 388+ } else {
 389+ fclose( $f );
 390+ echo("<p class='error'>An error occured while writing the config/GroupPermissions.php file. Check user rights and disk space then try again.</p>");
 391+ return false;
 392+ }
 393+ }
 395+ function makeRadio( $right = '', $value = '', $checked = false ) {
 396+ if($checked) {
 397+ $input = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"right-{$right}\" id=\"{$right}-{$value}\" class=\"{$value}\" value=\"{$value}\" checked=\"checked\" />";
 398+ } else {
 399+ $input ="<input type=\"radio\" name=\"right-{$right}\" id=\"{$right}-{$value}\" class=\"{$value}\" value=\"{$value}\" />";
 400+ }
 401+ $input .= " <label for=\"{$right}-{$value}\">".wfMsgHtml('grouppermissions-'.$value)."</label> ";
 402+ return $input;
 403+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager_body.php
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1405 +
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Index: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
 5+* Internationalisation file for the GroupPermissions Manager extension
 6+* See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager for more info
 9+$messages = array();
 11+/** English
 12+ * @author Ryan Schmidt
 13+ */
 14+$messages['en'] = array(
 15+ 'grouppermissions' => 'Manage Group Permissions',
 16+ 'grouppermissions-desc' => 'Manage group permissions via a special page',
 17+ 'grouppermissions-desc2' => 'Extended permissions system',
 18+ 'grouppermissions-header' => 'You may use this page to change the underlying permissions of the various usergroups',
 19+ 'grouppermissions-search' => 'Group:',
 20+ 'grouppermissions-dologin' => 'Login',
 21+ 'grouppermissions-dosearch' => 'Go',
 22+ 'grouppermissions-searchlabel' => 'Search for Group',
 23+ 'grouppermissions-deletelabel' => 'Delete Group',
 24+ 'grouppermissions-error' => 'An unknown error has occurred, please hit the back button on your browser and try again',
 25+ 'grouppermissions-change' => 'Change group permissions',
 26+ 'grouppermissions-add' => 'Add group',
 27+ 'grouppermissions-delete' => 'Delete group',
 28+ 'grouppermissions-comment' => 'Comment:',
 29+ 'grouppermissions-addsuccess' => '$1 has been successfully added',
 30+ 'grouppermissions-deletesuccess' => '$1 has been successfully deleted',
 31+ 'grouppermissions-changesuccess' => 'Permissions for $1 have successfully been changed',
 32+ 'grouppermissions-true' => 'True',
 33+ 'grouppermissions-false' => 'False',
 34+ 'grouppermissions-never' => 'Never',
 35+ 'grouppermissions-nooldrev' => 'Error encountered when attempting to archive the current config file. No archive will be made',
 36+ 'grouppermissions-sort-read' => 'Reading',
 37+ 'grouppermissions-sort-edit' => 'Editing',
 38+ 'grouppermissions-sort-manage' => 'Management',
 39+ 'grouppermissions-sort-admin' => 'Administration',
 40+ 'grouppermissions-sort-tech' => 'Technical',
 41+ 'grouppermissions-sort-misc' => 'Miscellaneous',
 42+ 'grouppermissions-log-add' => 'added group "$2"',
 43+ 'grouppermissions-log-change' => 'changed permissions for group "$2"',
 44+ 'grouppermissions-log-delete' => 'deleted group "$2"',
 45+ 'grouppermissions-log-name' => 'GroupPermissions log',
 46+ 'grouppermissions-log-entry' => '', #do not translate this message
 47+ 'grouppermissions-log-header' => 'This page tracks changes to the underlying permissions of user groups',
 48+ 'grouppermissions-needjs' => 'Warning: JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Some features may not work!',
 49+ 'grouppermissions-sp-header' => 'You may use this page to manage how permissions are sorted and add new permissions',
 51+ 'right-viewsource' => 'View wiki source of protected pages',
 52+ 'right-raw' => 'View raw pages',
 53+ 'right-render' => 'View rendered pages without navigation',
 54+ 'right-info' => 'View page info',
 55+ 'right-credits' => 'View page credits',
 56+ 'right-history' => 'View page histories',
 57+ 'right-search' => 'Search the wiki',
 58+ 'right-contributions' => 'View contributions pages',
 59+ 'right-recentchanges' => 'View recent changes',
 60+ 'right-edittalk' => 'Edit discussion pages',
 61+ 'right-edit' => 'Edit pages (which are not discussion pages)',
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.i18n.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
163 +
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264 + native
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@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
 4+* GroupPermissions Manager extension by Ryan Schmidt
 5+* Allows privelaged users to modify group permissions via a special page
 6+* See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager for more info
 9+if(!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
 10+ echo("This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software and is not a valid access point");
 11+ die(1);
 14+$wgExtensionCredits['specialpage'][] = array(
 15+'name' => 'GroupPermissions Manager',
 16+'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
 17+'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager',
 18+#'version' => '3.1',
 19+'version' => '3.0',
 20+'description' => 'Manage group permissions via a special page',
 21+'descriptionmsg' => 'grouppermissions-desc',
 23+$wgAutoloadClasses['GroupPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/GroupPermissionsManager_body.php';
 24+#$wgAutoloadClasses['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/RemoveUnusedGroups.php';
 25+#$wgAutoloadClasses['SortPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/SortPermissions.php';
 26+$wgSpecialPages['GroupPermissions'] = 'GroupPermissions';
 27+#$wgSpecialPages['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = 'RemoveUnusedGroups';
 28+#$wgSpecialPages['SortPermissions'] = 'SortPermissions';
 29+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['GroupPermissions'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/GroupPermissionsManager.i18n.php';
 31+$wgLogTypes[] = 'gpmanager';
 32+$wgLogActions['gpmanager/add'] = 'grouppermissions-log-add';
 33+$wgLogActions['gpmanager/change'] = 'grouppermissions-log-change';
 34+$wgLogActions['gpmanager/delete'] = 'grouppermissions-log-delete';
 35+$wgLogActions['gpmanager/gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-entry';
 36+$wgLogHeaders['gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-header';
 37+$wgLogNames['gpmanager'] = 'grouppermissions-log-name';
 38+$wgSpecialPageGroups['GroupPermissions'] = 'wiki';
 39+#$wgSpecialPageGroups['RemoveUnusedGroups'] = 'user';
 40+#$wgSpecialPageGroups['SortPermissions'] = 'wiki';
 42+##Permission required to use the 'GroupPermissions' and 'SortPermissions' special page
 43+##By default all bureaucrats can
 44+$wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['grouppermissions'] = true;
 45+##Uncomment this if you want to make a separate group that can access the page as well
 46+#$wgGroupPermissions['grouppermissions']['grouppermissions'] = true;
 47+##'RemoveUnusedGroups' requires the 'userrights' permission, also given to bureaucrats by default
 50+* Permissions++ sub-extension
 51+* This requires the GroupPermissions manager extension to function to its utmost ability, so don't insall this separate from it (or vice versa)
 54+$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
 55+'name' => 'Permissions++',
 56+'author' => 'Ryan Schmidt',
 57+'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GroupPermissions_Manager',
 58+'version' => '1.0',
 59+'description' => 'Extended permissions system',
 60+'descriptionmsg' => 'grouppermissions-desc2',
 63+$wgHooks['UserGetRights'][] = 'efGPManagerRevokeRights';
 64+$wgHooks['userCan'][] = 'efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsGrant';
 65+$wgHooks['getUserPermissionsErrors'][] = 'efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke';
 66+$wgGPManagerNeverGrant = array();
 67+$wgGPManagerSort = array();
 68+$wgGPManagerSortTypes = array( 'read', 'edit', 'manage', 'admin', 'tech', 'misc' );
 70+##Default permissions for the ones added by Permissions++ extension
 71+###Reading-related permissions
 72+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['viewsource'] = true; //allows viewing of wiki source when one cannot edit the page
 73+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['history'] = true; //allows viewing of page histories
 74+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['raw'] = true; //allows use of action=raw
 75+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['render'] = true; //allows use of action=render
 76+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['info'] = true; //allows use of action=info if the option is enabled
 77+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['credits'] = true; //allows use of action=credits
 78+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['search'] = true; //allows access to Special:Search
 79+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['recentchanges'] = true; //allows access to Special:RecentChanges
 80+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['contributions'] = true; //allows viewing Special:Contributions pages, including own
 81+###Editing-related permissions
 82+###Note that 'edit' is reduced to only allowing editing of non-talk pages now, it is NOT a global toggle anymore
 83+###In addition, 'createpage', and 'createtalk' no longer require the 'edit' right, this can be useful if you want to allow people to make pages, but not edit existing ones
 84+$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edittalk'] = true; //can edit talk pages, including use of section=new
 86+##Grouping of permissions for the GPManager
 87+$wgGPManagerSort['read'] = array( 'read', 'viewsource', 'history', 'raw', 'render', 'info',
 88+'credits', 'search', 'recentchanges', 'contributions' );
 89+$wgGPManagerSort['edit'] = array( 'edit', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'move', 'move-subpages',
 90+'createaccount', 'upload', 'reupload', 'reupload-shared', 'upload_by_url',
 91+'editprotected', 'edittalk', 'writeapi' );
 92+$wgGPManagerSort['manage'] = array( 'delete', 'bigdelete', 'deletedhistory', 'undelete', 'mergehistory',
 93+'protect', 'block', 'blockemail', 'hideuser', 'userrights', 'userrights-interwiki', 'rollback', 'markbotedits',
 94+'patrol', 'editinterface', 'editusercssjs', 'hiderevision', 'deleterevision', 'browsearchive', 'suppressrevision',
 95+'suppressionlog', 'suppress' );
 96+$wgGPManagerSort['admin'] = array( 'siteadmin', 'import', 'importupload', 'trackback', 'unwatchedpages',
 97+'grouppermissions' );
 98+$wgGPManagerSort['tech'] = array( 'bot', 'purge', 'minoredit', 'nominornewtalk', 'ipblock-exempt',
 99+'proxyunbannable', 'autopatrol', 'apihighlimits', 'suppressredirect', 'autoconfirmed',
 100+'emailconfirmed', 'noratelimit' );
 101+$wgGPManagerSort['misc'] = array(); //all rights added by extensions that don't have a sort clause get put here
 103+##Load the config file, if it exists. This must be the last thing to run in the startup part
 104+if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config/GroupPermissions.php") ) {
 105+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config/GroupPermissions.php");
 108+//Revoke the rights that are set to "never"
 109+function efGPManagerRevokeRights(&$user, &$rights) {
 110+ global $wgGPManagerNeverGrant;
 111+ $groups = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
 112+ $never = array();
 113+ $rights = array_unique($rights);
 114+ foreach( $groups as $group ) {
 115+ if( array_key_exists( $group, $wgGPManagerNeverGrant ) ) {
 116+ foreach( $wgGPManagerNeverGrant[$group] as $right ) {
 117+ $never[] = $right;
 118+ }
 119+ }
 120+ }
 121+ $never = array_unique( $never );
 122+ foreach( $never as $revoke ) {
 123+ $offset = array_search( $revoke, $rights );
 124+ if( $offset !== false ) {
 125+ array_splice( $rights, $offset, 1 );
 126+ }
 127+ }
 128+ return true;
 131+//Extend the permissions system for finer-grained control without requiring hacks
 132+//For allowing actions that the normal permissions system would prevent
 133+function efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsGrant($title, $user, $action, &$result) {
 134+ global $wgRequest;
 135+ $result = false;
 136+ if( $action == 'edit' && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit') ) {
 137+ if( !$title->exists() ) {
 138+ $protection = getTitleProtection($title);
 139+ if($protection) {
 140+ if( !$user->isAllowed($protection['pt_create_perm']) ) {
 141+ //pass it on to the normal permissions system to handle
 142+ $result = null;
 143+ return true;
 144+ }
 145+ }
 146+ //otherwise don't pass it on to the normal permission system, because the edit right would then be checked
 147+ if( $title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('createtalk') ) {
 148+ $result = true;
 149+ return false;
 150+ } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('createpage') ) {
 151+ $result = true;
 152+ return false;
 153+ }
 154+ } else {
 155+ $protection = $title->getRestrictions('edit');
 156+ if($protection) {
 157+ foreach($protection as $right) {
 158+ if(!$user->isAllowed($right)) {
 159+ //pass it on to the normal permissions system
 160+ $result = null;
 161+ return true;
 162+ }
 163+ }
 164+ }
 165+ if( $title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('edittalk') ) {
 166+ $result = true;
 167+ return false;
 168+ } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && $user->isAllowed('edit') ) {
 169+ $result = true;
 170+ return false;
 171+ }
 172+ }
 173+ }
 174+ //hack for the UserCanRead method
 175+ $res = efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke($title, $user, $action, &$result);
 176+ if(!$res) {
 177+ $result = false;
 178+ //yay epic hacking! If I can't choose to make it return badaccess-group0... I'll simply force it to
 179+ global $wgGroupPermissions;
 180+ foreach($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $rights) {
 181+ $wgGroupPermissions[$group]['read'] = false;
 182+ }
 183+ return false;
 184+ }
 185+ $result = null;
 186+ return true; //otherwise we don't care
 189+//for preventing actions the normal permissions system would allow
 190+function efGPManagerExtendedPermissionsRevoke($title, $user, $action, &$result) {
 191+ global $wgRequest;
 192+ $result = null;
 193+ $err = array('badaccess-group0');
 194+ if( $action == 'read' ) {
 195+ if( $title->isSpecial('Recentchanges') && !$user->isAllowed('recentchanges') ) {
 196+ $result = $err;
 197+ return false;
 198+ }
 199+ if( $title->isSpecial('Search') && !$user->isAllowed('search') ) {
 200+ $result = $err;
 201+ return false;
 202+ }
 203+ if( $title->isSpecial('Contributions') && !$user->isAllowed('contributions') ) {
 204+ $result = $err;
 205+ return false;
 206+ }
 207+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit' ) {
 208+ if( !$title->userCan('edit') && !$user->isAllowed('viewsource') ) {
 209+ $result = $err;
 210+ return false;
 211+ }
 212+ }
 213+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'history' && !$user->isAllowed('history') ) {
 214+ $result = $err;
 215+ return false;
 216+ }
 217+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'raw' && !$user->isAllowed('raw') ) {
 218+ $result = $err;
 219+ return false;
 220+ }
 221+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'render' && !$user->isAllowed('render') ) {
 222+ $result = $err;
 223+ return false;
 224+ }
 225+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'credits' && !$user->isAllowed('credits') ) {
 226+ $result = $err;
 227+ return false;
 228+ }
 229+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'info' && !$user->isAllowed('info') ) {
 230+ $result = $err;
 231+ return false;
 232+ }
 233+ }
 234+ if( $action == 'edit' ) {
 235+ if($title->exists() && ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'edit' || $wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'submit')) {
 236+ if( $title->isTalkPage() && !$user->isAllowed('edittalk') ) {
 237+ $result = $err;
 238+ return false;
 239+ } elseif( !$title->isTalkPage() && !$user->isAllowed('edit') ) {
 240+ $result = $err;
 241+ return false;
 242+ }
 243+ }
 244+ }
 245+ return true; //otherwise we don't care
 248+//Since the one in Title.php is private...
 249+function getTitleProtection($title) {
 250+ // Can't protect pages in special namespaces
 251+ if ( $title->getNamespace() < 0 ) {
 252+ return false;
 253+ }
 255+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 256+ $res = $dbr->select( 'protected_titles', '*',
 257+ array ('pt_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'pt_title' => $title->getDBkey()) );
 259+ if ($row = $dbr->fetchRow( $res )) {
 260+ return $row;
 261+ } else {
 262+ return false;
 263+ }
 266+//was added in 1.13, so supporting for downwards compatibility with 1.12
 267+function addScriptFile( $file ) {
 268+ global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion, $wgJsMimeType;
 269+ if( substr( $file, 0, 1 ) == '/' ) {
 270+ $path = $file;
 271+ } else {
 272+ $path = "{$wgStylePath}/common/{$file}";
 273+ }
 274+ $encPath = htmlspecialchars( $path );
 275+ $this->addScript( "<script type=\"{$wgJsMimeType}\" src=\"$path?$wgStyleVersion\"></script>\n" );
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/GroupPermissionsManager/GroupPermissionsManager.php
Name: svn:mergeinfo
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Status & tagging log