r36459 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r36458‎ | r36459 | r36460 >
Date:15:23, 19 June 2008
* Move includes/Babel.php to Babel.class.php.
* Remove defunct maintenance script, its classes, and the maintenance directory.
* Move includes/LanguageCodes.php to LanguageCodes.php.
* Remove includes/ directory.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.class.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.class.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/LanguageCodes.class.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/LanguageCodes.class.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/includes (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/Babel/maintenance (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
 5+ * Main class for the Babel extension.
 6+ *
 7+ * @addtogroup Extensions
 8+ */
 10+class Babel {
 12+ /* Define the three posisble genders as constants.
 13+ */
 14+ const GENDER_FEMALE = 1;
 15+ const GENDER_MALE = 2;
 16+ const GENDER_NEUTER = 0;
 18+ /* Various values from the message cache.
 19+ */
 20+ private $_prefixes, $_suffixes, $_cellspacing, $_directionality, $_url,
 21+ $_title;
 23+ /* Whether or not male, female or neuter messages should be prefered.
 24+ */
 25+ private $_gender = self::GENDER_NEUTER;
 27+ /**
 28+ * Registers the parser function hook.
 29+ *
 30+ * @return true
 31+ */
 32+ static public function Setup() {
 34+ /* Initialise the languages code object.
 35+ */
 36+ global $wgLanguageCodes, $wgLanguageCodesFiles;
 37+ $wgLanguageCodes = new LanguageCodes( $wgLanguageCodesFiles );
 39+ /* Initialise the Babel object.
 40+ */
 41+ global $wgBabel;
 42+ $wgBabel = new Babel;
 44+ /* Register the hook within the parser object.
 45+ */
 46+ global $wgParser;
 47+ $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'babel', array( $wgBabel, 'Render' ) );
 49+ /* Return true to ensure processing is continued and an exception is not
 50+ * generated.
 51+ */
 52+ return true;
 54+ }
 56+ /**
 57+ * Registers the parser function magic word.
 58+ *
 59+ * @param array $magicWords The associative array of magic words on the
 60+ * wiki for adding too.
 61+ * @param string $langCode Content language code of the wiki.
 62+ * @return true
 63+ */
 64+ static public function Magic( array $magicWords, $langCode ) {
 66+ /* Register the magic word, maybe one day this could be localised by adding
 67+ * synonyms into the array -- but there is currently no simple way of doing
 68+ * that given the current way of localisation. The first element is set to
 69+ * 0 so that it can be case insensitive.
 70+ */
 71+ $magicWords[ 'babel' ] = array( 0, 'babel' );
 73+ /* Return true to ensure processing is continued and an exception is not
 74+ * generated.
 75+ */
 76+ return true;
 78+ }
 80+ public function Render( $parser ) {
 82+ /* Store all the parameters passed to this function in an array.
 83+ */
 84+ $parameters = func_get_args();
 86+ /* Remove the first parameter (the parser object), the rest correspond
 87+ * to the parameters passed to the babel parser function.
 88+ */
 89+ unset( $parameters[ 0 ] );
 91+ /* Load the extension messages in basic languages (en, content and
 92+ * user).
 93+ */
 94+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'Babel' );
 96+ /* Load various often used messages into the message member variables.
 97+ */
 98+ $this->_getMessages();
 100+ /* Parse the options and provide an array.
 101+ */
 102+ $options = $this->_parseOptions( $parameters );
 104+ /* Process gender stuff.
 105+ */
 106+ $this->_setGender( $options );
 108+ /* Do a link batch on all the parameters so that their information is
 109+ * cached for use later on.
 110+ */
 111+ $this->_doTemplateLinkBatch( $parameters );
 113+ /* Initialise an empty string for storing the contents of the tower.
 114+ */
 115+ $contents = '';
 117+ /* Loop through each of the input parameters.
 118+ */
 119+ foreach( $parameters as $name ) {
 121+ /* Check if the parameter is a valid template name, if it is then
 122+ * include that template.
 123+ */
 124+ if( $this->_templateExists( $name ) && $name !== '' ) {
 126+ $contents .= $parser->replaceVariables( "{{{$this->_addFixes( $name,'template' )}}}" );
 128+ } elseif( $chunks = $this->_parseParameter( $name ) ) {
 130+ $contents .= $this->_generateBox( $chunks[ 'code' ], $chunks[ 'level' ] );
 131+ $contents .= $this->_generateCategories( $chunks[ 'code' ], $chunks[ 'level' ] );
 133+ } elseif( $this->_validTitle( $name ) ) {
 135+ /* Non-existant page and invalid parameter syntax, red link */
 136+ $contents .= "[[Template:{$this->_addFixes( $name,'template' )}]]";
 138+ } else {
 140+ /* Invalid title, output raw.
 141+ */
 142+ $contents .= "Template:{$this->_addFixes( $name,'template' )}";
 144+ }
 146+ }
 148+ /* Generate tower, filled with contents from loop.
 149+ */
 150+ $r = <<<HEREDOC
 151+{| cellspacing="{$this->_cellspacing}" class="mw-babel-wrapper"
 152+! [[{$this->_url}|{$this->_top}]]
 154+| $contents
 158+ /* Outupt tower.
 159+ */
 160+ return $r;
 163+ }
 165+ /**
 166+ * Get the main messages used by Babel (e.g. prefixes and suffixes etc.)
 167+ * and load them into several variables.
 168+ */
 169+ private function _getMessages() {
 171+ /* Create an array of all prefixes.
 172+ */
 173+ $this->_prefixes = array(
 174+ 'category' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-category-prefix' ),
 175+ 'template' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-template-prefix' ),
 176+ 'portal' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-portal-prefix' ),
 177+ );
 179+ /* Create an array of all suffixes.
 180+ */
 181+ $this->_suffixes = array(
 182+ 'category' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-category-suffix' ),
 183+ 'template' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-template-suffix' ),
 184+ 'portal' => wfMsgForContent( 'babel-portal-suffix' ),
 185+ );
 187+ /* Miscellaneous messages.
 188+ */
 189+ $this->_url = wfMsgForContent( 'babel-url' );
 190+ $this->_top = wfMsgForContent( 'babel' );
 191+ $this->_directionality = wfMsgForContent( 'babel-directionality' );
 192+ $this->_cellspacing = wfMsgForContent( 'babel-box-cellspacing' );
 194+ }
 196+ /**
 197+ * Adds prefixes and suffixes for a particular type to the string.
 198+ *
 199+ * @param string $string String to add prefixes and suffixes too.
 200+ * @param string $type Type of prefixes and suffixes (template/portal/category).
 201+ * @return string String with prefixes and suffixes added.
 202+ */
 203+ private function _addFixes( $string, $type ) {
 205+ return $this->_prefixes[ $type ] . $string . $this->_suffixes[ $type ];
 207+ }
 209+ /**
 210+ * Performs a link batch on a series of templates.
 211+ *
 212+ * @param array $parameters Array of templates to perform the link batch on.
 213+ */
 214+ private function _doTemplateLinkBatch( $parameters ) {
 216+ /* Prepare an array, this will be used to store the title objects for
 217+ * each of the parameters.
 218+ */
 219+ $titles = array();
 221+ /* Loop through the array passed to this function and generate a title
 222+ * object for each, then add that title object to the title object
 223+ * array if it is an object (invalid page names generate NULL rather
 224+ * than a valid title object.
 225+ */
 226+ foreach( $parameters as $name ) {
 228+ /* Create the title object.
 229+ */
 230+ $title = Title::newFromText( $this->_addFixes( $name,'template' ), NS_TEMPLATE );
 232+ /* Check if the title object was created sucessfully.
 233+ */
 234+ if( is_object( $title ) ) {
 236+ /* It was, add it to the array of title objects.
 237+ */
 238+ $titles[] = $title;
 240+ }
 242+ }
 244+ /* Create the link batch object for the array of title objects that has
 245+ * been generated.
 246+ */
 247+ $batch = new LinkBatch( $titles );
 249+ /* Execute the link batch.
 250+ */
 251+ $batch->execute();
 253+ }
 255+ /**
 256+ * Run through the array of parameters and generate an array of options
 257+ * (all parameters starting with a '#') and unset them from the parameters
 258+ * array.
 259+ *
 260+ * @param array $parameters Array of parameters passed to the parser
 261+ * function.
 262+ * @return array List of all options with the options as keys.
 263+ */
 264+ private function _parseOptions( array &$parameters ) {
 266+ /* Open empty options array.
 267+ */
 268+ $options = array();
 270+ /* Get list of all options.
 271+ */
 272+ foreach( $parameters as $index => $value ) {
 274+ /* Classed as option if the parameter begins with a # and has at
 275+ * least one other character.
 276+ */
 277+ if( strpos( $value, '#' ) === 0 && strlen( $value ) > 1 ) {
 279+ /* Add to options array as a key, this is so that each option
 280+ * only gets registered once.
 281+ */
 282+ $options[ substr( $value, 1 ) ] = true;
 284+ /* Unset it from the parameters array so it does not get
 285+ * processed as a box.
 286+ */
 287+ unset( $parameters[ $index ] );
 289+ }
 291+ }
 293+ /* Return the array of options.
 294+ */
 295+ return $options;
 297+ }
 299+ /**
 300+ * Identify what gender has been specified within the function.
 301+ *
 302+ * @param array $options Options array.
 303+ */
 304+ private function _setGender( array $options ) {
 306+ /* Identify whether #female or #male have been specified as options and
 307+ * set gender as appropriate.
 308+ */
 309+ if( array_key_exists( 'female', $options ) ) {
 311+ $this->_gender = self::GENDER_FEMALE;
 313+ } elseif( array_key_exists( 'male', $options ) ) {
 315+ $this->_gender = self::GENDER_MALE;
 317+ } else {
 319+ $this->_gender = self::GENDER_NEUTER;
 321+ }
 323+ }
 325+ /**
 326+ * Identify whether or not the template exists or not.
 327+ *
 328+ * @param string $title Name of the template to check.
 329+ * @return boolean Indication of whether the template exists.
 330+ */
 331+ private function _templateExists( $title ) {
 333+ /* Make title object from the templates title.
 334+ */
 335+ $titleObj = Title::newFromText( $this->_addFixes( $title,'template' ), NS_TEMPLATE );
 337+ /* If the title object has been created (is of a valid title) and the template
 338+ * exists return true, otherwise return false.
 339+ */
 340+ return ( is_object( $titleObj ) && $titleObj->exists() );
 342+ }
 344+ /**
 345+ * Identify whether or not the passed string would make a valid title.
 346+ *
 347+ * @param string $title Name of title to check.
 348+ * @return boolean Indication of whether or not the title is valid.
 349+ */
 350+ private function _validTitle( $title ) {
 352+ /* Make title object from the templates title.
 353+ */
 354+ $titleObj = Title::newFromText( $this->_addFixes( $title, 'template' ), NS_TEMPLATE );
 356+ /* If the title object has been created (is of a valid title) return true.
 357+ */
 358+ return is_object( $titleObj );
 360+ }
 362+ /**
 363+ * Parse a parameter, getting a language code and level.
 364+ *
 365+ * @param string $parameter Parameter.
 366+ * @return array array( 'code' => xx, 'level' => xx )
 367+ */
 368+ private function _parseParameter( $parameter ) {
 370+ /* Get language codes object.
 371+ */
 372+ global $wgLanguageCodes;
 374+ /* Break up the parameter on - (which seperates it's two parts).
 375+ */
 376+ $chunks = explode( '-', $parameter );
 378+ /* Initialise the return array.
 379+ */
 380+ $return = array();
 382+ /* Actually parse the parameter.
 383+ */
 384+ if( count( $chunks ) == 1 ) {
 386+ /* The parameter is in the form 'xx'.
 387+ */
 389+ /* Check whether the language code is valid.
 390+ */
 391+ if( $wgLanguageCodes->check( $chunks[ 0 ] ) ) {
 393+ /* Set the code for returning.
 394+ */
 395+ $return[ 'code' ] = $wgLanguageCodes->get( $chunks[ 0 ] );
 397+ /* This form defaults to level 'N'.
 398+ */
 399+ $return[ 'level' ] = 'N';
 401+ /* Everything needed has been gathered, return.
 402+ */
 403+ return $return;
 405+ } else {
 407+ /* Invalid language code, return false.
 408+ */
 409+ return false;
 411+ }
 413+ } elseif( count( $chunks ) == 2 ) {
 415+ /* The parameter is in the form 'xx-x'.
 416+ */
 418+ /* Check whether the language code is valid.
 419+ */
 420+ if( $wgLanguageCodes->check( $chunks[ 0 ] ) ) {
 422+ /* Set the code for returning.
 423+ */
 424+ $return[ 'code' ] = $wgLanguageCodes->get( $chunks[ 0 ] );
 426+ } else {
 428+ /* Invalid language code, return false.
 429+ */
 430+ return false;
 432+ }
 434+ /* Check whether the level is valid.
 435+ */
 436+ if( strtoupper( $chunks[ 1 ] ) == 'N' ) {
 438+ $return[ 'level' ] = 'N';
 440+ } elseif( $chunks[ 1 ] >= 0 && $chunks[ 1 ] <= 5 ) {
 442+ $return[ 'level' ] = $chunks[ 1 ];
 444+ } else {
 446+ /* Invalid language code.
 447+ */
 448+ return false;
 450+ }
 452+ /* Parameters decided, return parameters.
 453+ */
 454+ return $return;
 456+ } else {
 458+ /* Invalid parameters.
 459+ */
 460+ return false;
 462+ }
 464+ }
 466+ /**
 467+ * Generate a babel box for the given language and level.
 468+ *
 469+ * @param string $code Language code to use.
 470+ * @param string or integer $level Level of ability to use.
 471+ */
 472+ private function _generateBox( $code, $level ) {
 474+ /* Get language codes class.
 475+ */
 476+ global $wgLanguageCodes;
 478+ /* Get code in favoured standard.
 479+ */
 480+ $code = $wgLanguageCodes->get( $code );
 482+ /* Generate the text displayed on the left hand side of the
 483+ * box.
 484+ */
 485+ $header = "[[{$this->_addFixes( $code,'portal' )}|$code]]-$level";
 487+ /* Get MediaWiki supported language codes\names.
 488+ */
 489+ $nativeNames = Language::getLanguageNames();
 491+ /* Load extension messages for box language and it's fallback if it is
 492+ * a valid MediaWiki language.
 493+ */
 494+ if( array_key_exists( $code, $nativeNames ) ) {
 495+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'Babel', $code );
 496+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'Babel', Language::getFallbackFor( $code ) );
 497+ }
 499+ /* Get the language names.
 500+ */
 501+ if( class_exists( 'LanguageNames' ) ) {
 502+ $names = LanguageNames::getNames( $code );
 503+ } else {
 504+ $names = $nativeNames;
 505+ }
 507+ /* Ensure the language code has a corresponding name.
 508+ */
 509+ if( array_key_exists( $code, $names ) ) {
 510+ $name = $names[ $code ];
 511+ } else {
 512+ $name = $wgLanguageCodes->name( $code, 'en' );
 513+ }
 515+ /* Generate the text displayed on the right hand side of the
 516+ * box.
 517+ */
 518+ $text = $this->_getText( $name, $code, $level );
 520+ /* Get the directionality for the current language.
 521+ */
 522+ $dir = wfMsgExt( "babel-directionality",
 523+ array( 'language' => $code )
 524+ );
 526+ /* Generate box and add return.
 527+ */
 528+ return <<<HEREDOC
 529+<div class="mw-babel-box mw-babel-box-$level" dir="{$this->_directionality}">
 530+{| cellspacing="{$this->_cellspacing}"
 531+! dir="{$this->_directionality}" | $header
 532+| dir="$dir" | $text
 537+ }
 539+ /**
 540+ * Get the text to display in the language box for specific language and
 541+ * level.
 542+ *
 543+ * @param string $language Language code of language to use.
 544+ * @param string $level Level to use.
 545+ * @return string Text for display, in wikitext format.
 546+ */
 547+ private function _getText( $name, $language, $level ) {
 549+ /* If gender not neuter then try getting the gender specific message.
 550+ */
 551+ if( $this->_gender === self::GENDER_FEMALE ) {
 553+ /* Try the language of the box in female.
 554+ */
 555+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n-female",
 556+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 557+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 558+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 559+ );
 561+ /* Get the fallback message for comparison in female.
 562+ */
 563+ $fallback = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n-female",
 564+ array( 'language' => Language::getFallbackfor( $language ) ),
 565+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 566+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 567+ );
 569+ /* Translation not found, use the generic translation of the
 570+ * highest level fallback possible in female.
 571+ */
 572+ if( $text == $fallback ) {
 574+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-female",
 575+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 576+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category')}",
 577+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}",
 578+ $name
 579+ );
 581+ }
 583+ /* Not empty, return.
 584+ */
 585+ if( $text != '' ) {
 587+ return $text;
 589+ }
 591+ } elseif( $this->_gender === self::GENDER_MALE ) {
 593+ /* Try the language of the box in male.
 594+ */
 595+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n-male",
 596+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 597+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 598+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 599+ );
 601+ /* Get the fallback message for comparison in male.
 602+ */
 603+ $fallback = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n-male",
 604+ array( 'language' => Language::getFallbackfor( $language ) ),
 605+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 606+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 607+ );
 609+ /* Translation not found, use the generic translation of the
 610+ * highest level fallback possible in male.
 611+ */
 612+ if( $text == $fallback ) {
 614+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-male",
 615+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 616+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category')}",
 617+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}",
 618+ $name
 619+ );
 621+ }
 623+ /* Not empty, return.
 624+ */
 625+ if( $text != '' ) {
 627+ return $text;
 629+ }
 631+ }
 633+ /* Try the language of the box.
 634+ */
 635+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n",
 636+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 637+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 638+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 639+ );
 641+ /* Get the fallback message for comparison.
 642+ */
 643+ $fallback = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level-n",
 644+ array( 'language' => Language::getFallbackfor( $language ) ),
 645+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category' )}",
 646+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}"
 647+ );
 649+ /* Translation not found, use the generic translation of the
 650+ * highest level fallback possible.
 651+ */
 652+ if( $text == $fallback ) {
 654+ $text = wfMsgExt( "babel-$level",
 655+ array( 'language' => $language ),
 656+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$language-$level",'category')}",
 657+ ":Category:{$this->_addFixes( $language,'category' )}",
 658+ $name
 659+ );
 661+ }
 663+ return $text;
 665+ }
 667+ /**
 668+ * Generate categories for the given language and level.
 669+ *
 670+ * @param string $code Language code to use.
 671+ * @param string or integer $level Level of ability to use.
 672+ */
 673+ private function _generateCategories( $code, $level ) {
 675+ /* Get whether or not to use main categories.
 676+ */
 677+ global $wgBabelUseMainCategories;
 679+ /* Get whether or not to use level zero categories.
 680+ */
 681+ global $wgBabelUseLevelZeroCategory;
 683+ /* Get whether or not to use simple categories.
 684+ */
 685+ global $wgBabelUseSimpleCategories;
 687+ /* Get user object.
 688+ */
 689+ global $wgUser;
 691+ /* Intialise return value.
 692+ */
 693+ $r = '';
 695+ /* Add to main language category if the level is not zero.
 696+ */
 697+ if( $wgBabelUseMainCategories && ( $level === 'N' || ( $wgBabelUseLevelZeroCategory && $level === 0 ) || $level > 0 ) ) {
 699+ /* Add category wikitext to box tower.
 700+ */
 701+ $r .= "[[Category:{$this->_addFixes( $code,'category' )}|$level{$wgUser->getName()}]]";
 703+ }
 705+ /* Add to level categories, only adding it to the level 0
 706+ * one if it is set to be used.
 707+ */
 708+ if( !$wgBabelUseSimpleCategories && ( $level === 'N' || ( $wgBabelUseLevelZeroCategory && $level === 0 ) || $level > 0 ) ) {
 710+ /* Add category wikitext to box tower.
 711+ */
 712+ $r .= "[[Category:{$this->_addFixes( "$code-$level",'category' )}|{$wgUser->getName()}]]";
 714+ }
 716+ /* Return categories.
 717+ */
 718+ return $r;
 720+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.class.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1723 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/Babel/Babel.php
@@ -42,10 +42,8 @@
4343 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles[ 'Babel' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Babel.i18n.php';
4545 // Register autoload classes.
46 -$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'Babel' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/Babel.php';
47 -$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'LanguageCodes' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/LanguageCodes.php';
48 -$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'GenerateLanguageCodes' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/GenerateLanguageCodes.php';
49 -$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'GenerateLanguageCodes_ISO_639_3' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/GenerateLanguageCodes_ISO_639_3.php';
 46+$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'Babel' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Babel.class.php';
 47+$wgAutoloadClasses[ 'LanguageCodes' ] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/LanguageCodes.class.php';
5149 // Definitions.
5250 define( 'ISO_639_1', 1 );
Index: trunk/extensions/Babel/LanguageCodes.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
 5+ * LanguageCodes class for Babel extension, deals with ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-3
 6+ * code checking and ordering.
 7+ *
 8+ * @addtogroup Extensions
 9+ */
 11+class LanguageCodes {
 13+ private $_codes;
 14+ private $_order = array(
 15+ ISO_639_1,
 16+ ISO_639_3,
 17+ );
 19+ /**
 20+ * Class constructor.
 21+ *
 22+ * @param array $file Array of files to load language codes from.
 23+ */
 24+ public function __construct( $files ) {
 26+ /* Load the codes from the passed file array.
 27+ */
 28+ $this->_loadAll( $files );
 30+ }
 32+ /**
 33+ * Load the language codes from an array of standards to files into the
 34+ * language codes array.
 35+ *
 36+ * @param array $file Array of files to load language codes from.
 37+ */
 38+ private function _loadAll( $files ) {
 40+ /* Loop through all standards.
 41+ */
 42+ foreach( $this->_order as $standard ) {
 44+ /* Load file for the current standard.
 45+ */
 46+ $this->_load( $standard, $files[ $standard ] );
 48+ }
 50+ }
 52+ /**
 53+ * Load the language codes from a given file into the language codes array.
 54+ *
 55+ * @param const $standard Standard for the codes being loaded.
 56+ * @param string $file File to load language codes from.
 57+ */
 58+ private function _load( $standard, $file ) {
 60+ /* Include the codes file.
 61+ */
 62+ include( $file );
 64+ /* Push the array of codes into the class method.
 65+ */
 66+ $this->_codes[ $standard ] = $codes;
 68+ }
 70+ /**
 71+ * Check if the specified code is a valid language code.
 72+ *
 73+ * @param string $code Code to check.
 74+ * @return boolean Whether or not the code is valid.
 75+ */
 76+ public function check( $code ) {
 78+ /* Check if the specified code has a key in the codes array for each of the
 79+ * standards and return result.
 80+ */
 81+ foreach( $this->_order as $index ) {
 83+ if( array_key_exists( strtolower( $code ), $this->_codes[ $index ] ) ) {
 84+ return true;
 85+ }
 87+ }
 89+ }
 91+ /**
 92+ * Get the language code to use for a specific language, in the highest
 93+ * ordered standard possible.
 94+ *
 95+ * @param string $code Code to get language code for.
 96+ * @return string Correct code.
 97+ */
 98+ public function get( $code ) {
 100+ /* Loop through all the standards trying to find the language code
 101+ * specified.
 102+ */
 103+ foreach( $this->_order as $standard1 ) {
 105+ if( array_key_exists( strtolower( $code ), $this->_codes[ $standard1 ] ) ) {
 107+ /* Loop through all the standards again to find the highest
 108+ * level alternate code.
 109+ */
 110+ foreach( $this->_order as $standard2 ) {
 112+ if( $standard1 == $standard2 ) {
 114+ return $code;
 116+ } elseif( array_key_exists( $standard2, $this->_codes[ $standard1 ][ $code ] ) ) {
 118+ return $this->_codes[ $standard1 ][ $code ][ $standard2 ];
 120+ }
 122+ }
 124+ }
 126+ }
 128+ /* Nothing found, return input.
 129+ */
 130+ return $code;
 132+ }
 134+ /**
 135+ * Get the name of a language in a specific language (currently only eng
 136+ * supported until a index of ISO 639-1 is built with language names).
 137+ *
 138+ * @param string $code Code to get name for.
 139+ * @param string $lang Language to get name of code in.
 140+ * @return string Name of language in specified language.
 141+ */
 142+ public function name( $code, $lang = 'eng' ) {
 144+ $code = $this->get( $code );
 146+ if( array_key_exists( $code, $this->_codes[ ISO_639_3 ] ) && array_key_exists( "name_$lang", $this->_codes[ ISO_639_3 ][ $code ] ) ) {
 147+ return $this->_codes[ ISO_639_3 ][ $code ][ "name_$lang" ];
 148+ }
 150+ /* Nothing found, return input.
 151+ */
 152+ return $code;
 154+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/Babel/LanguageCodes.class.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1157 + native

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