r36269 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r36268‎ | r36269 | r36270 >
Date:17:37, 13 June 2008
Automatic extension snapshot/download system, to be installed on www.mediawiki.org.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.i18n.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor_body.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/svn-setup.sh (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor_body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
 4+class ExtensionDistributorPage extends SpecialPage {
 5+ var $extensionList; // cached list of extensions
 7+ function __construct() {
 8+ parent::__construct( 'ExtensionDistributor' );
 9+ }
 11+ function execute( $subpage ) {
 12+ global $wgExtDistTarDir, $wgExtDistWorkingCopy, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
 14+ wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'ExtensionDistributor' );
 15+ $this->setHeaders();
 17+ if ( !$wgExtDistTarDir || !$wgExtDistWorkingCopy ) {
 18+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-not-configured' );
 19+ return;
 20+ }
 22+ if ( $subpage ) {
 23+ $parts = explode( '/', $subpage, 2 );
 24+ if ( count( $parts ) == 1 ) {
 25+ $parts[] = false;
 26+ }
 27+ list( $extension, $version ) = $parts;
 28+ } else {
 29+ $extension = $wgRequest->getVal( 'extdist_extension' );
 30+ $version = $wgRequest->getVal( 'extdist_version' );
 31+ }
 33+ if ( !$extension ) {
 34+ $this->showExtensionSelector();
 35+ return;
 36+ }
 38+ $extensions = $this->getExtensionList();
 39+ if( !in_array( $extension, $extensions['trunk'] ) ) {
 40+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-no-such-extension', $extension );
 41+ $this->showExtensionSelector();
 42+ return;
 43+ }
 45+ if ( !$version ) {
 46+ $this->showVersionSelector( $extension );
 47+ return;
 48+ }
 50+ if ( !isset( $extensions[$version] ) || !in_array( $extension, $extensions[$version] ) ) {
 51+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-no-such-version', $extension, $version );
 52+ return;
 53+ }
 55+ $this->doDownload( $extension, $version );
 56+ }
 58+ function getExtensionList() {
 59+ global $wgExtDistWorkingCopy, $wgExtDistBranches;
 61+ if ( isset( $this->extensionList ) ) {
 62+ return $this->extensionList;
 63+ }
 65+ $this->extensionList = array();
 66+ foreach ( $wgExtDistBranches as $branchPath => $branch ) {
 67+ $wc = "$wgExtDistWorkingCopy/$branchPath/extensions";
 68+ $dir = opendir( $wc );
 69+ if ( !$dir ) {
 70+ return false;
 71+ }
 73+ $this->extensionList[$branchPath] = array();
 74+ while ( false !== ($file = readdir( $dir )) ) {
 75+ if ( substr( $file, 0, 1 ) == '.' ) {
 76+ continue;
 77+ }
 78+ if ( !is_dir( "$wc/$file" ) ) {
 79+ continue;
 80+ }
 81+ if ( file_exists( "$wc/$file/NO-DIST" ) ) {
 82+ continue;
 83+ }
 84+ $this->extensionList[$branchPath][] = $file;
 85+ }
 86+ natcasesort( $this->extensionList[$branchPath] );
 87+ }
 88+ return $this->extensionList;
 89+ }
 91+ function getBranchName( $path ) {
 92+ global $wgExtDistBranches;
 93+ if ( !isset( $wgExtDistBranches[$path] ) ) {
 94+ return false;
 95+ }
 96+ if ( isset( $wgExtDistBranches[$path]['msgName'] ) ) {
 97+ return wfMsg( $wgExtDistBranches[$path]['msgName'] );
 98+ } else {
 99+ return $wgExtDistBranches[$path]['name'];
 100+ }
 101+ }
 103+ function showExtensionSelector() {
 104+ global $wgOut;
 106+ $extensions = $this->getExtensionList();
 107+ if ( $extensions === false ) {
 108+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-wc-missing' );
 109+ return;
 110+ }
 111+ if ( !$extensions['trunk'] ) {
 112+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-wc-empty' );
 113+ return;
 114+ }
 116+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-choose-extension' );
 117+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 118+ Xml::openElement( 'form', array(
 119+ 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl(),
 120+ 'method' => 'POST' ) ) .
 121+ "<select name=\"extdist_extension\">\n" .
 122+ "<option value=''></option\n"
 123+ );
 125+ foreach ( $extensions['trunk'] as $extension ) {
 126+ $wgOut->addHTML( Xml::element( 'option', array( 'value' => $extension ), $extension ) . "\n" );
 127+ }
 129+ $wgOut->addHTML( "</select>" .
 130+ Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'extdist_submit',
 131+ 'value' => wfMsg( 'extdist-submit-extension' ) ) ) .
 132+ "</form>\n" );
 133+ }
 135+ function showVersionSelector( $extensionName ) {
 136+ global $wgOut, $wgExtDistBranches;
 137+ $extensions = $this->getExtensionList();
 139+ $versions = array();
 140+ foreach ( $wgExtDistBranches as $branchPath => $branch ) {
 141+ if ( !in_array( $extensionName, $extensions[$branchPath] ) ) {
 142+ continue;
 143+ }
 145+ if ( isset( $branch['msgName'] ) ) {
 146+ $branchName = wfMsg( $branch['msgName'] );
 147+ } else {
 148+ $branchName = $branch['name'];
 149+ }
 150+ $versions[$branchPath] = $branchName;
 151+ }
 153+ if ( !$versions ) {
 154+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-no-versions', $extensionName );
 155+ $this->showExtensionSelector();
 156+ return;
 157+ }
 159+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-choose-version', $extensionName );
 160+ $wgOut->addHTML(
 161+ Xml::openElement( 'form', array(
 162+ 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl(),
 163+ 'method' => 'POST' ) ) .
 164+ Xml::element( 'input' , array( 'type' => 'hidden',
 165+ 'name' => 'extdist_extension', 'value' => $extensionName ) ) .
 166+ "<select name=\"extdist_version\">\n" );
 167+ foreach ( $versions as $branchPath => $branchName ) {
 168+ $wgOut->addHTML( Xml::element( 'option',
 169+ array( 'value' => $branchPath ), $branchName ) . "\n" );
 170+ }
 171+ $wgOut->addHTML( "</select>" .
 172+ Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'extdist_submit',
 173+ 'value' => wfMsg( 'extdist-submit-version' ) ) ) .
 174+ "</form>\n"
 175+ );
 176+ }
 178+ function doDownload( $extension, $version ) {
 179+ global $wgExtDistWorkingCopy, $wgExtDistTarDir, $wgExtDistBranches,
 180+ $wgOut, $wgExtDistTarUrl;
 182+ // svn up
 183+ $dir = "$wgExtDistWorkingCopy/$version/extensions/$extension";
 184+ $cmd = "svn up --non-interactive " . wfEscapeShellArg( $dir ) . " 2>&1";
 185+ $retval = -1;
 186+ $result = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval );
 187+ if ( $retval ) {
 188+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-svn-error', $retval );
 189+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( $result ) . '</pre>' );
 190+ return;
 191+ }
 193+ // Determine last changed revision
 194+ $cmd = "svn info --non-interactive --xml " . wfEscapeShellArg( $dir );
 195+ $retval = -1;
 196+ $result = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval );
 197+ if ( $retval ) {
 198+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-svn-error', $retval );
 199+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( $result ) . '</pre>' );
 200+ return;
 201+ }
 203+ $sx = new SimpleXMLElement( $result );
 204+ $rev = $sx->entry->commit['revision'];
 205+ if ( !$rev || strpos( $rev, '/' ) !== false || strpos( $rev, "\000" ) !== false ) {
 206+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-svn-parse-error' );
 207+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( $result ) . '</pre>' );
 208+ return;
 209+ }
 211+ // Determine tar name
 212+ $cleanName = str_replace( '/', '_', $extension );
 213+ $versionName = $wgExtDistBranches[$version]['tarLabel'];
 214+ $tarName = "$cleanName-$versionName-r$rev.tar.gz";
 215+ $tarFile = "$wgExtDistTarDir/$tarName";
 217+ // Create it if it doesn't exist
 218+ if ( !file_exists( $tarFile ) ) {
 219+ // Does the tar file need ExtensionFunctions.php?
 220+ $retval = -1;
 221+ $files = call_user_func_array( 'wfEscapeShellArg', glob( "$dir/*.php" ) );
 222+ wfShellExec( "grep -q ExtensionFunctions " . $files, $retval );
 223+ $needEF = !$retval;
 225+ // Create the archive
 226+ $cmd = 'tar -czf ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $tarFile ) .
 227+ ' --exclude \'*/.svn*\'' .
 228+ ' -C ' . wfEscapeShellArg( "$wgExtDistWorkingCopy/$version/extensions" ) .
 229+ ' ' . wfEscapeShellArg( $extension ) .
 230+ ( $needEF ? ' ExtensionFunctions.php' : '' ) .
 231+ ' 2>&1';
 232+ $retval = -1;
 233+ $result = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval );
 234+ if ( $retval ) {
 235+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-tar-error', $retval );
 236+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( $result ) . '</pre>' );
 237+ return;
 238+ }
 239+ }
 241+ $url = "$wgExtDistTarUrl/$tarName";
 243+ // Show a message
 244+ $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'extdist-created', $extension, "r$rev",
 245+ $this->getBranchName( $version ), $url );
 246+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<p><br/><big>' .
 247+ '<a href="' . $this->getTitle()->escapeLocalUrl() . '">' .
 248+ htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'extdist-want-more' ) ) . '</a></big></p>' );
 250+ // Redirect to the file
 251+ header( 'Refresh: 5;' . $url );
 252+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor_body.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1254 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.i18n.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
 4+$messages = array(
 5+ 'en' => array(
 6+ 'extensiondistributor' => 'Download MediaWiki extension',
 7+ 'extdist-not-configured' => 'Please configure $wgExtDistTarDir and $wgExtDistWorkingCopy',
 8+ 'extdist-wc-missing' => 'The configured working copy directory does not exist!',
 9+ 'extdist-no-such-extension' => 'No such extension "$1"',
 10+ 'extdist-no-such-version' => 'The extension "$1" does not exist in the version "$2".',
 11+ 'extdist-choose-extension' => 'Select which extension you want to download:',
 12+ 'extdist-wc-empty' => 'The configured working copy directory has no distributable extensions!',
 13+ 'extdist-submit-extension' => 'Continue',
 14+ 'extdist-current-version' => 'Current version (trunk)',
 15+ 'extdist-choose-version' => '
 16+<big>You are downloading the <b>$1</b> extension.</big>
 18+Select your MediaWiki version.
 20+Most extensions work across multiple versions of MediaWiki, so if your MediaWiki version is not here, or if you have a need for the latest extension features, try using the current version.',
 21+ 'extdist-no-versions' => 'The selected extension ($1) is not available in any version!',
 22+ 'extdist-submit-version' => 'Continue',
 23+ 'extdist-svn-error' => 'Subversion returned exit code $1:',
 24+ 'extdist-svn-parse-error' => 'Unable to process the XML from "svn info"',
 25+ 'extdist-tar-error' => 'Tar returned exit code $1:',
 26+ 'extdist-created' => "A snapshot of version <b>$2</b> of the <b>$1</b> extension for MediaWiki <b>$3</b> has been created. Your download should start automatically in 5 seconds.
 28+The URL for this snapshot is:
 30+It may be used for immediate download to a server, but please do not bookmark it, since the contents will not be updated, and it may be deleted at a later date.
 32+The tar archive should be extracted into your extensions directory, then follow the extension's documentation to enable it in MediaWiki.
 34+ 'extdist-want-more' => 'Get another extension',
 35+ ),
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.i18n.php
Added: svn:eol-style
137 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
 5+ * This is an extension for distributing snapshot archives of extensions,
 6+ * to be run on mediawiki.org
 7+ */
 11+ * Configuration
 12+ */
 14+/** Directory to put tar files in */
 15+$wgExtDistTarDir = false;
 17+/** URL corresponding to $wgExtDistTarDir */
 18+$wgExtDistTarUrl = false;
 20+/** Subversion /mediawiki working copy */
 21+$wgExtDistWorkingCopy = false;
 23+/** Supported branches, the first one is the default */
 24+$wgExtDistBranches = array(
 25+ 'trunk' => array(
 26+ 'tarLabel' => 'trunk',
 27+ 'msgName' => 'extdist-current-version',
 28+ ),
 29+ 'branches/REL1_12' => array(
 30+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.12',
 31+ 'name' => '1.12.x',
 32+ ),
 33+ 'branches/REL1_11' => array(
 34+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.11',
 35+ 'name' => '1.11.x',
 36+ ),
 37+ 'branches/REL1_10' => array(
 38+ 'tarLabel' => 'MW1.12',
 39+ 'name' => '1.10.x',
 40+ ),
 44+ * Registration
 45+ */
 46+$wgSpecialPages['ExtensionDistributor'] = 'ExtensionDistributorPage';
 47+$wgAutoloadClasses['ExtensionDistributorPage'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/ExtensionDistributor_body.php';
 48+$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['ExtensionDistributor'] = dirname(__FILE__).'/ExtensionDistributor.i18n.php';
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/ExtensionDistributor.php
Added: svn:eol-style
150 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/svn-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
 3+set -e
 5+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki mw-snapshot
 6+cd mw-snapshot
 7+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk
 8+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches
 9+cd branches
 10+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_10
 11+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_11
 12+svn co -N http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_12
 13+svn co http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_10/extensions REL1_10/extensions
 14+svn co http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_11/extensions REL1_11/extensions
 15+svn co http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/REL1_12/extensions REL1_12/extensions
 16+cd ../trunk
 17+svn co http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/extensions
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/ExtensionDistributor/svn-setup.sh
Added: svn:eol-style
118 + native
Added: svn:executable
219 + *

Status & tagging log