r28544 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r28543‎ | r28544 | r28545 >
Date:16:34, 16 December 2007
Move initial connection checks into their own function.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/config/index.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/phase3/includes/DatabasePostgres.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/includes/DatabasePostgres.php
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
148148 $this->close();
149149 $this->mServer = $server;
150 - $port = $wgDBport;
 150+ $this->mPort = $port = $wgDBport;
151151 $this->mUser = $user;
152152 $this->mPassword = $password;
153153 $this->mDBname = $dbName;
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@
160160 $hstring .= "port=$port ";
161161 }
163 -
164163 error_reporting( E_ALL );
165164 @$this->mConn = pg_connect("$hstring dbname=$dbName user=$user password=$password");
@@ -171,328 +170,7 @@
172171 }
174173 $this->mOpened = true;
175 - ## If this is the initial connection, setup the schema stuff and possibly create the user
176 - ## TODO: Move this out of open()
177 - if (defined('MEDIAWIKI_INSTALL')) {
178 - global $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBsuperuser, $wgDBmwschema,
179 - $wgDBts2schema;
181 - print "<li>Checking the version of Postgres...";
182 - $version = $this->getServerVersion();
183 - $PGMINVER = "8.1";
184 - if ($this->numeric_version < $PGMINVER) {
185 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. Required version is $PGMINVER. You have $this->numeric_version ($version)</li>\n";
186 - dieout("</ul>");
187 - }
188 - print "version $this->numeric_version is OK.</li>\n";
189 -
190 - $safeuser = $this->quote_ident($wgDBuser);
191 - ## Are we connecting as a superuser for the first time?
192 - if ($wgDBsuperuser) {
193 - ## Are we really a superuser? Check out our rights
194 - $SQL = "SELECT
195 - CASE WHEN usesuper IS TRUE THEN
196 - CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 3 ELSE 1 END
197 - ELSE CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
198 - END AS rights
199 - FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBsuperuser);
200 - $rows = $this->numRows($res = $this->doQuery($SQL));
201 - if (!$rows) {
202 - print "<li>ERROR: Could not read permissions for user \"$wgDBsuperuser\"</li>\n";
203 - dieout('</ul>');
204 - }
205 - $perms = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
206 -
207 - $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBuser);
208 - $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
209 - if ($rows) {
210 - print "<li>User \"$wgDBuser\" already exists, skipping account creation.</li>";
211 - }
212 - else {
213 - if ($perms != 1 and $perms != 3) {
214 - print "<li>ERROR: the user \"$wgDBsuperuser\" cannot create other users. ";
215 - print 'Please use a different Postgres user.</li>';
216 - dieout('</ul>');
217 - }
218 - print "<li>Creating user <b>$wgDBuser</b>...";
219 - $safepass = $this->addQuotes($wgDBpassword);
220 - $SQL = "CREATE USER $safeuser NOCREATEDB PASSWORD $safepass";
221 - $this->doQuery($SQL);
222 - print "OK</li>\n";
223 - }
224 - ## User now exists, check out the database
225 - if ($dbName != $wgDBname) {
226 - $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBname);
227 - $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
228 - if ($rows) {
229 - print "<li>Database \"$wgDBname\" already exists, skipping database creation.</li>";
230 - }
231 - else {
232 - if ($perms < 2) {
233 - print "<li>ERROR: the user \"$wgDBsuperuser\" cannot create databases. ";
234 - print 'Please use a different Postgres user.</li>';
235 - dieout('</ul>');
236 - }
237 - print "<li>Creating database <b>$wgDBname</b>...";
238 - $safename = $this->quote_ident($wgDBname);
239 - $SQL = "CREATE DATABASE $safename OWNER $safeuser ";
240 - $this->doQuery($SQL);
241 - print "OK</li>\n";
242 - ## Hopefully tsearch2 and plpgsql are in template1...
243 - }
244 -
245 - ## Reconnect to check out tsearch2 rights for this user
246 - print "<li>Connecting to \"$wgDBname\" as superuser \"$wgDBsuperuser\" to check rights...";
247 - @$this->mConn = pg_connect("$hstring dbname=$wgDBname user=$user password=$password");
248 - if ( $this->mConn == false ) {
249 - print "<b>FAILED TO CONNECT!</b></li>";
250 - dieout("</ul>");
251 - }
252 - print "OK</li>\n";
253 - }
254 -
255 - ## Tsearch2 checks
256 - print "<li>Checking that tsearch2 is installed in the database \"$wgDBname\"...";
257 - if (! $this->tableExists("pg_ts_cfg", $wgDBts2schema)) {
258 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. tsearch2 must be installed in the database \"$wgDBname\".";
259 - print "Please see <a href='http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/21674/0/page/2'>this article</a>";
260 - print " for instructions or ask on #postgresql on irc.freenode.net</li>\n";
261 - dieout("</ul>");
262 - }
263 - print "OK</li>\n";
264 - print "<li>Ensuring that user \"$wgDBuser\" has select rights on the tsearch2 tables...";
265 - foreach (array('cfg','cfgmap','dict','parser') as $table) {
266 - $SQL = "GRANT SELECT ON pg_ts_$table TO $safeuser";
267 - $this->doQuery($SQL);
268 - }
269 - print "OK</li>\n";
270 -
271 -
272 - ## Setup the schema for this user if needed
273 - $result = $this->schemaExists($wgDBmwschema);
274 - $safeschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
275 - if (!$result) {
276 - print "<li>Creating schema <b>$wgDBmwschema</b> ...";
277 - $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema AUTHORIZATION $safeuser");
278 - if (!$result) {
279 - print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
280 - dieout("</ul>");
281 - }
282 - print "OK</li>\n";
283 - }
284 - else {
285 - print "<li>Schema already exists, explicitly granting rights...\n";
286 - $safeschema2 = $this->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema);
287 - $SQL = "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(relname)||' TO $safeuser;'\n".
288 - "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
289 - "WHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2\n".
290 - "AND p.relkind IN ('r','S','v')\n";
291 - $SQL .= "UNION\n";
292 - $SQL .= "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(proname)||'('||\n".
293 - "pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)||') TO $safeuser;'\n".
294 - "FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
295 - "WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2";
296 - $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
297 - if (!$res) {
298 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. Could not set rights for the user.</li>\n";
299 - dieout("</ul>");
300 - }
301 - $this->doQuery("SET search_path = $safeschema");
302 - $rows = $this->numRows($res);
303 - while ($rows) {
304 - $rows--;
305 - $this->doQuery(pg_fetch_result($res, $rows, 0));
306 - }
307 - print "OK</li>";
308 - }
309 -
310 - $wgDBsuperuser = '';
311 - return true; ## Reconnect as regular user
312 -
313 - } ## end superuser
314 -
315 - if (!defined('POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH')) {
316 -
317 - ## Do we have the basic tsearch2 table?
318 - print "<li>Checking for tsearch2 in the schema \"$wgDBts2schema\"...";
319 - if (! $this->tableExists("pg_ts_dict", $wgDBts2schema)) {
320 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. Make sure tsearch2 is installed. See <a href=";
321 - print "'http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/21674/0/page/2'>this article</a>";
322 - print " for instructions.</li>\n";
323 - dieout("</ul>");
324 - }
325 - print "OK</li>\n";
326 -
327 - ## Does this user have the rights to the tsearch2 tables?
328 - $ctype = pg_fetch_result($this->doQuery("SHOW lc_ctype"),0,0);
329 - print "<li>Checking tsearch2 permissions...";
330 - ## Let's check all four, just to be safe
331 - error_reporting( 0 );
332 - $ts2tables = array('cfg','cfgmap','dict','parser');
333 - $safetsschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBts2schema);
334 - foreach ( $ts2tables AS $tname ) {
335 - $SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_$tname";
336 - $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
337 - if (!$res) {
338 - print "<b>FAILED</b> to access pg_ts_$tname. Make sure that the user ".
339 - "\"$wgDBuser\" has SELECT access to all four tsearch2 tables</li>\n";
340 - dieout("</ul>");
341 - }
342 - }
343 - $SQL = "SELECT ts_name FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg WHERE locale = '$ctype'";
344 - $SQL .= " ORDER BY CASE WHEN ts_name <> 'default' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END";
345 - $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
346 - error_reporting( E_ALL );
347 - if (!$res) {
348 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. Could not determine the tsearch2 locale information</li>\n";
349 - dieout("</ul>");
350 - }
351 - print "OK</li>";
352 -
353 - ## Will the current locale work? Can we force it to?
354 - print "<li>Verifying tsearch2 locale with $ctype...";
355 - $rows = $this->numRows($res);
356 - $resetlocale = 0;
357 - if (!$rows) {
358 - print "<b>not found</b></li>\n";
359 - print "<li>Attempting to set default tsearch2 locale to \"$ctype\"...";
360 - $resetlocale = 1;
361 - }
362 - else {
363 - $tsname = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
364 - if ($tsname != 'default') {
365 - print "<b>not set to default ($tsname)</b>";
366 - print "<li>Attempting to change tsearch2 default locale to \"$ctype\"...";
367 - $resetlocale = 1;
368 - }
369 - }
370 - if ($resetlocale) {
371 - $SQL = "UPDATE $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg SET locale = '$ctype' WHERE ts_name = 'default'";
372 - $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
373 - if (!$res) {
374 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. ";
375 - print "Please make sure that the locale in pg_ts_cfg for \"default\" is set to \"$ctype\"</li>\n";
376 - dieout("</ul>");
377 - }
378 - print "OK</li>";
379 - }
380 -
381 - ## Final test: try out a simple tsearch2 query
382 - $SQL = "SELECT $safetsschema.to_tsvector('default','MediaWiki tsearch2 testing')";
383 - $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
384 - if (!$res) {
385 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. Specifically, \"$SQL\" did not work.</li>";
386 - dieout("</ul>");
387 - }
388 - print "OK</li>";
389 -
390 - ## Do we have plpgsql installed?
391 - print "<li>Checking for Pl/Pgsql ...";
392 - $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql'";
393 - $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
394 - if ($rows < 1) {
395 - // plpgsql is not installed, but if we have a pg_pltemplate table, we should be able to create it
396 - print "not installed. Attempting to install Pl/Pgsql ...";
397 - $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) ".
398 - "WHERE relname = 'pg_pltemplate' AND nspname='pg_catalog'";
399 - $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
400 - if ($rows >= 1) {
401 - $olde = error_reporting(0);
402 - error_reporting($olde - E_WARNING);
403 - $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql");
404 - error_reporting($olde);
405 - if (!$result) {
406 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>$wgDBname</tt></li>";
407 - dieout("</ul>");
408 - }
409 - }
410 - else {
411 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>$wgDBname</tt></li>";
412 - dieout("</ul>");
413 - }
414 - }
415 - print "OK</li>\n";
416 -
417 - ## Does the schema already exist? Who owns it?
418 - $result = $this->schemaExists($wgDBmwschema);
419 - if (!$result) {
420 - print "<li>Creating schema <b>$wgDBmwschema</b> ...";
421 - error_reporting( 0 );
422 - $safeschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
423 - $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema");
424 - error_reporting( E_ALL );
425 - if (!$result) {
426 - print "<b>FAILED</b>. The user \"$wgDBuser\" must be able to access the schema. ".
427 - "You can try making them the owner of the database, or try creating the schema with a ".
428 - "different user, and then grant access to the \"$wgDBuser\" user.</li>\n";
429 - dieout("</ul>");
430 - }
431 - print "OK</li>\n";
432 - }
433 - else if ($result != $user) {
434 - print "<li>Schema \"$wgDBmwschema\" exists but is not owned by \"$user\". Not ideal.</li>\n";
435 - }
436 - else {
437 - print "<li>Schema \"$wgDBmwschema\" exists and is owned by \"$user\". Excellent.</li>\n";
438 - }
439 -
440 - ## Always return GMT time to accomodate the existing integer-based timestamp assumption
441 - print "<li>Setting the timezone to GMT for user \"$user\" ...";
442 - $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET timezone = 'GMT'";
443 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
444 - if (!$result) {
445 - print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
446 - dieout("</ul>");
447 - }
448 - print "OK</li>\n";
449 - ## Set for the rest of this session
450 - $SQL = "SET timezone = 'GMT'";
451 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
452 - if (!$result) {
453 - print "<li>Failed to set timezone</li>\n";
454 - dieout("</ul>");
455 - }
456 -
457 - print "<li>Setting the datestyle to ISO, YMD for user \"$user\" ...";
458 - $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
459 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
460 - if (!$result) {
461 - print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
462 - dieout("</ul>");
463 - }
464 - print "OK</li>\n";
465 - ## Set for the rest of this session
466 - $SQL = "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
467 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
468 - if (!$result) {
469 - print "<li>Failed to set datestyle</li>\n";
470 - dieout("</ul>");
471 - }
472 -
473 - ## Fix up the search paths if needed
474 - print "<li>Setting the search path for user \"$user\" ...";
475 - $path = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
476 - if ($wgDBts2schema !== $wgDBmwschema)
477 - $path .= ", ". $this->quote_ident($wgDBts2schema);
478 - if ($wgDBmwschema !== 'public' and $wgDBts2schema !== 'public')
479 - $path .= ", public";
480 - $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET search_path = $path";
481 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
482 - if (!$result) {
483 - print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
484 - dieout("</ul>");
485 - }
486 - print "OK</li>\n";
487 - ## Set for the rest of this session
488 - $SQL = "SET search_path = $path";
489 - $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
490 - if (!$result) {
491 - print "<li>Failed to set search_path</li>\n";
492 - dieout("</ul>");
493 - }
494 - define( "POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH", $path );
495 - }}
496 -
497175 global $wgCommandLineMode;
498176 ## If called from the command-line (e.g. importDump), only show errors
499177 if ($wgCommandLineMode) {
@@ -513,6 +191,339 @@
514192 return $this->mConn;
515193 }
 196+ function initial_setup($password, $dbName) {
 197+ ## If this is the initial connection, setup the schema stuff and possibly create the user
 198+ global $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBsuperuser, $wgDBmwschema,
 199+ $wgDBts2schema;
 201+ print "<li>Checking the version of Postgres...";
 202+ $version = $this->getServerVersion();
 203+ $PGMINVER = "8.1";
 204+ if ($this->numeric_version < $PGMINVER) {
 205+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. Required version is $PGMINVER. You have $this->numeric_version ($version)</li>\n";
 206+ dieout("</ul>");
 207+ }
 208+ print "version $this->numeric_version is OK.</li>\n";
 210+ $safeuser = $this->quote_ident($wgDBuser);
 211+ ## Are we connecting as a superuser for the first time?
 212+ if ($wgDBsuperuser) {
 213+ ## Are we really a superuser? Check out our rights
 214+ $SQL = "SELECT
 215+ CASE WHEN usesuper IS TRUE THEN
 216+ CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 3 ELSE 1 END
 217+ ELSE CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
 218+ END AS rights
 219+ FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBsuperuser);
 220+ $rows = $this->numRows($res = $this->doQuery($SQL));
 221+ if (!$rows) {
 222+ print "<li>ERROR: Could not read permissions for user \"$wgDBsuperuser\"</li>\n";
 223+ dieout('</ul>');
 224+ }
 225+ $perms = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
 227+ $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBuser);
 228+ $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
 229+ if ($rows) {
 230+ print "<li>User \"$wgDBuser\" already exists, skipping account creation.</li>";
 231+ }
 232+ else {
 233+ if ($perms != 1 and $perms != 3) {
 234+ print "<li>ERROR: the user \"$wgDBsuperuser\" cannot create other users. ";
 235+ print 'Please use a different Postgres user.</li>';
 236+ dieout('</ul>');
 237+ }
 238+ print "<li>Creating user <b>$wgDBuser</b>...";
 239+ $safepass = $this->addQuotes($wgDBpassword);
 240+ $SQL = "CREATE USER $safeuser NOCREATEDB PASSWORD $safepass";
 241+ $this->doQuery($SQL);
 242+ print "OK</li>\n";
 243+ }
 244+ ## User now exists, check out the database
 245+ if ($dbName != $wgDBname) {
 246+ $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = " . $this->addQuotes($wgDBname);
 247+ $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
 248+ if ($rows) {
 249+ print "<li>Database \"$wgDBname\" already exists, skipping database creation.</li>";
 250+ }
 251+ else {
 252+ if ($perms < 2) {
 253+ print "<li>ERROR: the user \"$wgDBsuperuser\" cannot create databases. ";
 254+ print 'Please use a different Postgres user.</li>';
 255+ dieout('</ul>');
 256+ }
 257+ print "<li>Creating database <b>$wgDBname</b>...";
 258+ $safename = $this->quote_ident($wgDBname);
 259+ $SQL = "CREATE DATABASE $safename OWNER $safeuser ";
 260+ $this->doQuery($SQL);
 261+ print "OK</li>\n";
 262+ ## Hopefully tsearch2 and plpgsql are in template1...
 263+ }
 265+ ## Reconnect to check out tsearch2 rights for this user
 266+ print "<li>Connecting to \"$wgDBname\" as superuser \"$wgDBsuperuser\" to check rights...";
 268+ $hstring="";
 269+ if ($this->mServer!=false && $this->mServer!="") {
 270+ $hstring="host=$this->mServer ";
 271+ }
 272+ if ($this->mPort!=false && $this->mPort!="") {
 273+ $hstring .= "port=$this->mPort ";
 274+ }
 276+ @$this->mConn = pg_connect("$hstring dbname=$wgDBname user=$wgDBsuperuser password=$password");
 277+ if ( $this->mConn == false ) {
 278+ print "<b>FAILED TO CONNECT!</b></li>";
 279+ dieout("</ul>");
 280+ }
 281+ print "OK</li>\n";
 282+ }
 284+ ## Tsearch2 checks
 285+ print "<li>Checking that tsearch2 is installed in the database \"$wgDBname\"...";
 286+ if (! $this->tableExists("pg_ts_cfg", $wgDBts2schema)) {
 287+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. tsearch2 must be installed in the database \"$wgDBname\".";
 288+ print "Please see <a href='http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/21674/0/page/2'>this article</a>";
 289+ print " for instructions or ask on #postgresql on irc.freenode.net</li>\n";
 290+ dieout("</ul>");
 291+ }
 292+ print "OK</li>\n";
 293+ print "<li>Ensuring that user \"$wgDBuser\" has select rights on the tsearch2 tables...";
 294+ foreach (array('cfg','cfgmap','dict','parser') as $table) {
 295+ $SQL = "GRANT SELECT ON pg_ts_$table TO $safeuser";
 296+ $this->doQuery($SQL);
 297+ }
 298+ print "OK</li>\n";
 301+ ## Setup the schema for this user if needed
 302+ $result = $this->schemaExists($wgDBmwschema);
 303+ $safeschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
 304+ if (!$result) {
 305+ print "<li>Creating schema <b>$wgDBmwschema</b> ...";
 306+ $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema AUTHORIZATION $safeuser");
 307+ if (!$result) {
 308+ print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
 309+ dieout("</ul>");
 310+ }
 311+ print "OK</li>\n";
 312+ }
 313+ else {
 314+ print "<li>Schema already exists, explicitly granting rights...\n";
 315+ $safeschema2 = $this->addQuotes($wgDBmwschema);
 316+ $SQL = "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(relname)||' TO $safeuser;'\n".
 317+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
 318+ "WHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2\n".
 319+ "AND p.relkind IN ('r','S','v')\n";
 320+ $SQL .= "UNION\n";
 321+ $SQL .= "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(proname)||'('||\n".
 322+ "pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)||') TO $safeuser;'\n".
 323+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n".
 324+ "WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2";
 325+ $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
 326+ if (!$res) {
 327+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. Could not set rights for the user.</li>\n";
 328+ dieout("</ul>");
 329+ }
 330+ $this->doQuery("SET search_path = $safeschema");
 331+ $rows = $this->numRows($res);
 332+ while ($rows) {
 333+ $rows--;
 334+ $this->doQuery(pg_fetch_result($res, $rows, 0));
 335+ }
 336+ print "OK</li>";
 337+ }
 339+ $wgDBsuperuser = '';
 340+ return true; // Reconnect as regular user
 342+ } // end superuser
 344+ if (!defined('POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH')) {
 346+ ## Do we have the basic tsearch2 table?
 347+ print "<li>Checking for tsearch2 in the schema \"$wgDBts2schema\"...";
 348+ if (! $this->tableExists("pg_ts_dict", $wgDBts2schema)) {
 349+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. Make sure tsearch2 is installed. See <a href=";
 350+ print "'http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/21674/0/page/2'>this article</a>";
 351+ print " for instructions.</li>\n";
 352+ dieout("</ul>");
 353+ }
 354+ print "OK</li>\n";
 356+ ## Does this user have the rights to the tsearch2 tables?
 357+ $ctype = pg_fetch_result($this->doQuery("SHOW lc_ctype"),0,0);
 358+ print "<li>Checking tsearch2 permissions...";
 359+ ## Let's check all four, just to be safe
 360+ error_reporting( 0 );
 361+ $ts2tables = array('cfg','cfgmap','dict','parser');
 362+ $safetsschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBts2schema);
 363+ foreach ( $ts2tables AS $tname ) {
 364+ $SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_$tname";
 365+ $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
 366+ if (!$res) {
 367+ print "<b>FAILED</b> to access pg_ts_$tname. Make sure that the user ".
 368+ "\"$wgDBuser\" has SELECT access to all four tsearch2 tables</li>\n";
 369+ dieout("</ul>");
 370+ }
 371+ }
 372+ $SQL = "SELECT ts_name FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg WHERE locale = '$ctype'";
 373+ $SQL .= " ORDER BY CASE WHEN ts_name <> 'default' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END";
 374+ $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
 375+ error_reporting( E_ALL );
 376+ if (!$res) {
 377+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. Could not determine the tsearch2 locale information</li>\n";
 378+ dieout("</ul>");
 379+ }
 380+ print "OK</li>";
 382+ ## Will the current locale work? Can we force it to?
 383+ print "<li>Verifying tsearch2 locale with $ctype...";
 384+ $rows = $this->numRows($res);
 385+ $resetlocale = 0;
 386+ if (!$rows) {
 387+ print "<b>not found</b></li>\n";
 388+ print "<li>Attempting to set default tsearch2 locale to \"$ctype\"...";
 389+ $resetlocale = 1;
 390+ }
 391+ else {
 392+ $tsname = pg_fetch_result($res, 0, 0);
 393+ if ($tsname != 'default') {
 394+ print "<b>not set to default ($tsname)</b>";
 395+ print "<li>Attempting to change tsearch2 default locale to \"$ctype\"...";
 396+ $resetlocale = 1;
 397+ }
 398+ }
 399+ if ($resetlocale) {
 400+ $SQL = "UPDATE $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg SET locale = '$ctype' WHERE ts_name = 'default'";
 401+ $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
 402+ if (!$res) {
 403+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. ";
 404+ print "Please make sure that the locale in pg_ts_cfg for \"default\" is set to \"$ctype\"</li>\n";
 405+ dieout("</ul>");
 406+ }
 407+ print "OK</li>";
 408+ }
 410+ ## Final test: try out a simple tsearch2 query
 411+ $SQL = "SELECT $safetsschema.to_tsvector('default','MediaWiki tsearch2 testing')";
 412+ $res = $this->doQuery($SQL);
 413+ if (!$res) {
 414+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. Specifically, \"$SQL\" did not work.</li>";
 415+ dieout("</ul>");
 416+ }
 417+ print "OK</li>";
 419+ ## Do we have plpgsql installed?
 420+ print "<li>Checking for Pl/Pgsql ...";
 421+ $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql'";
 422+ $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
 423+ if ($rows < 1) {
 424+ // plpgsql is not installed, but if we have a pg_pltemplate table, we should be able to create it
 425+ print "not installed. Attempting to install Pl/Pgsql ...";
 426+ $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) ".
 427+ "WHERE relname = 'pg_pltemplate' AND nspname='pg_catalog'";
 428+ $rows = $this->numRows($this->doQuery($SQL));
 429+ if ($rows >= 1) {
 430+ $olde = error_reporting(0);
 431+ error_reporting($olde - E_WARNING);
 432+ $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql");
 433+ error_reporting($olde);
 434+ if (!$result) {
 435+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>$wgDBname</tt></li>";
 436+ dieout("</ul>");
 437+ }
 438+ }
 439+ else {
 440+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. You need to install the language plpgsql in the database <tt>$wgDBname</tt></li>";
 441+ dieout("</ul>");
 442+ }
 443+ }
 444+ print "OK</li>\n";
 446+ ## Does the schema already exist? Who owns it?
 447+ $result = $this->schemaExists($wgDBmwschema);
 448+ if (!$result) {
 449+ print "<li>Creating schema <b>$wgDBmwschema</b> ...";
 450+ error_reporting( 0 );
 451+ $safeschema = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
 452+ $result = $this->doQuery("CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema");
 453+ error_reporting( E_ALL );
 454+ if (!$result) {
 455+ print "<b>FAILED</b>. The user \"$wgDBuser\" must be able to access the schema. ".
 456+ "You can try making them the owner of the database, or try creating the schema with a ".
 457+ "different user, and then grant access to the \"$wgDBuser\" user.</li>\n";
 458+ dieout("</ul>");
 459+ }
 460+ print "OK</li>\n";
 461+ }
 462+ else if ($result != $wgDBuser) {
 463+ print "<li>Schema \"$wgDBmwschema\" exists but is not owned by \"$wgDBuser\". Not ideal.</li>\n";
 464+ }
 465+ else {
 466+ print "<li>Schema \"$wgDBmwschema\" exists and is owned by \"$wgDBuser\". Excellent.</li>\n";
 467+ }
 469+ ## Always return GMT time to accomodate the existing integer-based timestamp assumption
 470+ print "<li>Setting the timezone to GMT for user \"$wgDBuser\" ...";
 471+ $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET timezone = 'GMT'";
 472+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 473+ if (!$result) {
 474+ print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
 475+ dieout("</ul>");
 476+ }
 477+ print "OK</li>\n";
 478+ ## Set for the rest of this session
 479+ $SQL = "SET timezone = 'GMT'";
 480+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 481+ if (!$result) {
 482+ print "<li>Failed to set timezone</li>\n";
 483+ dieout("</ul>");
 484+ }
 486+ print "<li>Setting the datestyle to ISO, YMD for user \"$wgDBuser\" ...";
 487+ $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
 488+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 489+ if (!$result) {
 490+ print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
 491+ dieout("</ul>");
 492+ }
 493+ print "OK</li>\n";
 494+ ## Set for the rest of this session
 495+ $SQL = "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'";
 496+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 497+ if (!$result) {
 498+ print "<li>Failed to set datestyle</li>\n";
 499+ dieout("</ul>");
 500+ }
 502+ ## Fix up the search paths if needed
 503+ print "<li>Setting the search path for user \"$wgDBuser\" ...";
 504+ $path = $this->quote_ident($wgDBmwschema);
 505+ if ($wgDBts2schema !== $wgDBmwschema)
 506+ $path .= ", ". $this->quote_ident($wgDBts2schema);
 507+ if ($wgDBmwschema !== 'public' and $wgDBts2schema !== 'public')
 508+ $path .= ", public";
 509+ $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET search_path = $path";
 510+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 511+ if (!$result) {
 512+ print "<b>FAILED</b>.</li>\n";
 513+ dieout("</ul>");
 514+ }
 515+ print "OK</li>\n";
 516+ ## Set for the rest of this session
 517+ $SQL = "SET search_path = $path";
 518+ $result = pg_query($this->mConn, $SQL);
 519+ if (!$result) {
 520+ print "<li>Failed to set search_path</li>\n";
 521+ dieout("</ul>");
 522+ }
 523+ define( "POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH", $path );
 524+ }
 525+ }
517528 /**
518529 * Closes a database connection, if it is open
519530 * Returns success, true if already closed
Index: trunk/phase3/config/index.php
@@ -839,6 +839,7 @@
840840 $errs["RootPW"] = "and password";
841841 continue;
842842 }
 843+ $wgDatabase->initial_setup($conf->RootPW, 'postgres');
843844 }
844845 echo( "<li>Attempting to connect to database \"$wgDBname\" as \"$wgDBuser\"..." );
845846 $wgDatabase = $dbc->newFromParams($wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, 1);
@@ -847,6 +848,7 @@
848849 } else {
849850 $myver = $wgDatabase->getServerVersion();
850851 }
 852+ $wgDatabase->initial_setup('', $wgDBname);
851853 }
853855 if ( !$wgDatabase->isOpen() ) {

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