r26275 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r26274‎ | r26275 | r26276 >
Date:14:59, 1 October 2007
Spit code for query printers, use autoloading.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_GlobalFunctions.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Embedded.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_List.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Table.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Template.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Timeline.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryPrinter.php (added) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryPrinters.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryProcessor.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryPrinter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
 4+ * Abstract base class for printing qurey results.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 9+ * Abstract base class for SMW's novel query printing mechanism. It implements
 10+ * part of the former functionality of SMWInlineQuery (everything related to
 11+ * output formatting and the correspoding parameters) and is subclassed by concrete
 12+ * printers that provide the main formatting functionality.
 13+ */
 14+abstract class SMWResultPrinter {
 16+ // parameters:
 17+ protected $mFormat; // a string identifier describing a valid format
 18+ protected $mIntro = ''; // text to print before the output in case it is *not* empty
 19+ protected $mSearchlabel = NULL; // text to use for link to further results, or empty if link should not be shown
 20+ protected $mLinkFirst; // should article names of the first column be linked?
 21+ protected $mLinkOthers; // should article names of other columns (besides the first) be linked?
 22+ protected $mDefault = ''; // default return value for empty queries
 23+ protected $mShowHeaders = true; // should the headers (property names) be printed?
 24+ protected $mInline; // is this query result "inline" in some page (only then a link to unshown results is created, error handling may also be affected)
 25+ protected $mLinker; // Linker object as needed for making result links. Might come from some skin at some time.
 27+ /**
 28+ * Constructor. The parameter $format is a format string
 29+ * that may influence the processing details.
 30+ */
 31+ public function SMWResultPrinter($format, $inline) {
 32+ global $smwgQDefaultLinking;
 33+ $this->mFormat = $format;
 34+ $this->mInline = $inline;
 35+ $this->mLinkFirst = ($smwgQDefaultLinking != 'none');
 36+ $this->mLinkOthers = ($smwgQDefaultLinking == 'all');
 37+ $this->mLinker = new Linker(); ///TODO: how can we get the default or user skin here (depending on context)?
 38+ }
 40+ /**
 41+ * Main entry point: takes an SMWQueryResult and parameters
 42+ * given as key-value-pairs in an array and returns the
 43+ * serialised version of the results, formatted as inline HTML
 44+ * or (for special printers) as RDF or XML or whatever. Normally
 45+ * not overwritten by subclasses.
 46+ */
 47+ public function getResultHTML($results, $params) {
 48+ $this->readParameters($params);
 49+ if ($results->getCount() == 0) {
 50+ if (!$results->hasFurtherResults()) {
 51+ return htmlspecialchars($this->mDefault);
 52+ } elseif ($this->mInline) {
 53+ $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
 54+ if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
 55+ $result = '<a href="' . $results->getQueryURL() . '">' . wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults') . '</a>';
 56+ } else {
 57+ $result = '<a href="' . $results->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>';
 58+ }
 59+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($results); // just append error messages
 60+ return $result;
 61+ }
 62+ }
 63+ return $this->getHTML($results);
 64+ }
 66+ /**
 67+ * Read an array of parameter values given as key-value-pairs and
 68+ * initialise internal member fields accordingly. Possibly overwritten
 69+ * (extended) by subclasses.
 70+ */
 71+ protected function readParameters($params) {
 72+ if (array_key_exists('intro', $params)) {
 73+ $this->mIntro = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $params['intro']));
 74+ }
 75+ if (array_key_exists('searchlabel', $params)) {
 76+ $this->mSearchlabel = htmlspecialchars($params['searchlabel']);
 77+ }
 78+ if (array_key_exists('link', $params)) {
 79+ switch (strtolower($params['link'])) {
 80+ case 'head': case 'subject':
 81+ $this->mLinkFirst = true;
 82+ $this->mLinkOthers = false;
 83+ break;
 84+ case 'all':
 85+ $this->mLinkFirst = true;
 86+ $this->mLinkOthers = true;
 87+ break;
 88+ case 'none':
 89+ $this->mLinkFirst = false;
 90+ $this->mLinkOthers = false;
 91+ break;
 92+ }
 93+ }
 94+ if (array_key_exists('default', $params)) {
 95+ $this->mDefault = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $params['default']));
 96+ }
 97+ if (array_key_exists('headers', $params)) {
 98+ if ( 'hide' == strtolower($params['headers'])) {
 99+ $this->mShowHeaders = false;
 100+ } else {
 101+ $this->mShowHeaders = true;
 102+ }
 103+ }
 104+ }
 106+ /**
 107+ * Return HTML version of serialised results.
 108+ * Implemented by subclasses.
 109+ */
 110+ abstract protected function getHTML($res);
 112+ /**
 113+ * Depending on current linking settings, returns a linker object
 114+ * for making hyperlinks or NULL if no links should be created.
 115+ *
 116+ * @param $firstrow True of this is the first result row (having special linkage settings).
 117+ */
 118+ protected function getLinker($firstcol = false) {
 119+ if ( ($firstcol && $this->mLinkFirst) || (!$firstcol && $this->mLinkOthers) ) {
 120+ return $this->mLinker;
 121+ } else {
 122+ return NULL;
 123+ }
 124+ }
 126+ /**
 127+ * Provides a simple formatted string of all the error messages that occurred.
 128+ * Can be used if not specific error formatting is desired. Compatible with HTML
 129+ * and Wiki.
 130+ */
 131+ protected function getErrorString($res) {
 132+ return smwfEncodeMessages($res->getErrors());
 133+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryPrinter.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1136 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_List.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
 4+ * Print query results in lists.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 9+ * New implementation of SMW's printer for results in lists.
 10+ *
 11+ * Somewhat confusing code, since one has to iterate through lists, inserting texts
 12+ * in between their elements depending on whether the element is the first that is
 13+ * printed, the first that is printed in parentheses, or the last that will be printed.
 14+ * Maybe one could further simplify this.
 15+ */
 16+class SMWListResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
 18+ protected $mSep = '';
 19+ protected $mTemplate = '';
 21+ protected function readParameters($params) {
 22+ SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
 24+ if (array_key_exists('sep', $params)) {
 25+ $this->mSep = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_',' ',$params['sep']));
 26+ }
 27+ if (array_key_exists('template', $params)) {
 28+ $this->mTemplate = $params['template'];
 29+ }
 30+ }
 32+ protected function getHTML($res) {
 33+ global $wgTitle,$smwgStoreActive;
 34+ // print header
 35+ $result = $this->mIntro;
 36+ if ( ('ul' == $this->mFormat) || ('ol' == $this->mFormat) ) {
 37+ $result .= '<' . $this->mFormat . '>';
 38+ $footer = '</' . $this->mFormat . '>';
 39+ $rowstart = "\n\t<li>";
 40+ $rowend = '</li>';
 41+ $plainlist = false;
 42+ } else {
 43+ if ($this->mSep != '') {
 44+ $listsep = $this->mSep;
 45+ $finallistsep = $listsep;
 46+ } else { // default list ", , , and, "
 47+ $listsep = ', ';
 48+ $finallistsep = wfMsgForContent('smw_finallistconjunct') . ' ';
 49+ }
 50+ $footer = '';
 51+ $rowstart = '';
 52+ $rowend = '';
 53+ $plainlist = true;
 54+ }
 56+ if ($this->mTemplate != '') {
 57+ $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
 58+ $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
 59+ $parser = new Parser();
 60+ $usetemplate = true;
 61+ } else {
 62+ $usetemplate = false;
 63+ }
 65+ // print all result rows
 66+ $first_row = true;
 67+ $row = $res->getNext();
 68+ while ( $row !== false ) {
 69+ $nextrow = $res->getNext(); // look ahead
 70+ if ( !$first_row && $plainlist ) {
 71+ if ($nextrow !== false) $result .= $listsep; // the comma between "rows" other than the last one
 72+ else $result .= $finallistsep;
 73+ } else $result .= $rowstart;
 75+ $first_col = true;
 76+ if ($usetemplate) { // build template code
 77+ $wikitext = '';
 78+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 79+ $wikitext .= "|";
 80+ $first_value = true;
 81+ while ( ($text = $field->getNextWikiText($this->getLinker($first_col))) !== false ) {
 82+ if ($first_value) $first_value = false; else $wikitext .= ', ';
 83+ $wikitext .= $text;
 84+ }
 85+ $first_col = false;
 86+ }
 87+ $result .= '{{' . $this->mTemplate . str_replace(array('=','|'), array('&#x003D;', '&#x007C;'), $wikitext) . '}}'; // encode '=' and '|' for use in templates (templates fail otherwise)
 88+ } else { // build simple list
 89+ $first_col = true;
 90+ $found_values = false; // has anything but the first column been printed?
 91+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 92+ $first_value = true;
 93+ while ( ($text = $field->getNextHTMLText($this->getLinker($first_col))) !== false ) {
 94+ if (!$first_col && !$found_values) { // first values after first column
 95+ $result .= ' (';
 96+ $found_values = true;
 97+ } elseif ($found_values || !$first_value) {
 98+ // any value after '(' or non-first values on first column
 99+ $result .= ', ';
 100+ }
 101+ if ($first_value) { // first value in any column, print header
 102+ $first_value = false;
 103+ if ( $this->mShowHeaders && ('' != $field->getPrintRequest()->getLabel()) ) {
 104+ $result .= $field->getPrintRequest()->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . ' ';
 105+ }
 106+ }
 107+ $result .= $text; // actual output value
 108+ }
 109+ $first_col = false;
 110+ }
 111+ if ($found_values) $result .= ')';
 112+ }
 113+ $result .= $rowend;
 114+ $first_row = false;
 115+ $row = $nextrow;
 116+ }
 118+ if ($usetemplate) {
 119+ $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
 120+ $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
 121+ $parserOutput = $parser->parse($result, $wgTitle, $parser_options);
 122+ $result = $parserOutput->getText();
 123+ $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
 124+ }
 126+ if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
 127+ $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
 128+ if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
 129+ if ('ol' == $this->mFormat) $label = '';
 130+ else $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
 131+ }
 132+ if (!$first_row) $result .= ' '; // relevant for list, unproblematic for ul/ol
 133+ if ($label != '') {
 134+ $result .= $rowstart . '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $rowend;
 135+ }
 136+ }
 138+ // print footer
 139+ $result .= $footer;
 140+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
 142+ return $result;
 143+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_List.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1145 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Table.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
 4+ * Print query results in tables.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 9+ * New implementation of SMW's printer for result tables.
 10+ */
 11+class SMWTableResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
 13+ protected function getHTML($res) {
 14+ global $smwgIQRunningNumber;
 16+ // print header
 17+ if ('broadtable' == $this->mFormat)
 18+ $widthpara = ' width="100%"';
 19+ else $widthpara = '';
 20+ $result = $this->mIntro .
 21+ "<table class=\"smwtable\"$widthpara id=\"querytable" . $smwgIQRunningNumber . "\">\n";
 22+ if ($this->mShowHeaders) { // building headers
 23+ $result .= "\n\t\t<tr>";
 24+ foreach ($res->getPrintRequests() as $pr) {
 25+ $result .= "\t\t\t<th>" . $pr->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . "</th>\n";
 26+ }
 27+ $result .= "\n\t\t</tr>";
 28+ }
 30+ // print all result rows
 31+ while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
 32+ $result .= "\t\t<tr>\n";
 33+ $firstcol = true;
 34+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 35+ $result .= "<td>";
 36+ $first = true;
 37+ while ( ($text = $field->getNextHTMLText($this->getLinker($firstcol))) !== false ) {
 38+ if ($first) $first = false; else $result .= '<br />';
 39+ $result .= $text;
 40+ }
 41+ $result .= "</td>";
 42+ $firstcol = false;
 43+ }
 44+ $result .= "\n\t\t</tr>\n";
 45+ }
 47+ // print further results footer
 48+ if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
 49+ $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
 50+ if ($label === NULL) { //apply default
 51+ $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
 52+ }
 53+ if ($label != '') {
 54+ $result .= "\n\t\t<tr class=\"smwfooter\"><td class=\"sortbottom\" colspan=\"" . $res->getColumnCount() . '"> <a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a></td></tr>';
 55+ }
 56+ }
 57+ $result .= "\t</table>"; // print footer
 58+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
 59+ return $result;
 60+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Table.php
Added: svn:eol-style
162 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Embedded.php
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
 4+ * Print query results in tables.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 9+ * Printer for embedded data.
 10+ * Embeds in the page output the contents of the pages in the query result set.
 11+ * Only the first column of the query is considered. If it is a page reference then that page's contents is embedded.
 12+ * The optional "titlestyle" formatting parameter can be used to apply a format to the headings for the page titles.
 13+ * If "titlestyle" is not specified, a <h1> tag is used.
 14+ * @author Fernando Correia
 15+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 16+ */
 17+class SMWEmbeddedResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
 19+ protected $m_showhead;
 20+ protected $m_embedformat;
 22+ protected function readParameters($params) {
 23+ SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
 25+ if (array_key_exists('embedonly', $params)) {
 26+ $this->m_showhead = false;
 27+ } else {
 28+ $this->m_showhead = true;
 29+ }
 30+ if (array_key_exists('embedformat', $params)) {
 31+ $this->m_embedformat = $params['embedformat'];
 32+ } else {
 33+ $this->m_embedformat = 'h1';
 34+ }
 35+ }
 37+ public function getHTML($res) {
 38+ // handle factbox
 39+ global $smwgStoreActive, $wgTitle;
 40+ $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
 41+ $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
 43+ // print header
 44+ $result = $this->mIntro;
 46+ switch ($this->m_embedformat) {
 47+ case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6':
 48+ $footer = '';
 49+ $embstart = '';
 50+ $headstart = '<' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
 51+ $headend = '</' . $this->m_embedformat . ">\n";
 52+ $embend = '';
 53+ break;
 54+ case 'ul': case 'ol':
 55+ $result .= '<' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
 56+ $footer = '</' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
 57+ $embstart = '<li>';
 58+ $headstart = '';
 59+ $headend = "<br />\n";
 60+ $embend = "</li>\n";
 61+ break;
 62+ }
 64+ // print all result rows
 65+ $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
 66+ $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
 67+ $parser = new Parser();
 69+ while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
 70+ $first_col = true;
 71+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 72+ if ( $field->getPrintRequest()->getTypeID() == '_wpg' ) { // ensure that we deal with title-likes
 73+ while ( ($object = $field->getNextObject()) !== false ) {
 74+ $result .= $embstart;
 75+ $text= $object->getLongHTMLText($this->getLinker(true));
 76+ if ($this->m_showhead) {
 77+ $result .= $headstart . $text . $headend;
 78+ }
 79+ if ($object->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) {
 80+ $articlename = ':' . $object->getText();
 81+ } else {
 82+ $articlename = $object->getPrefixedText();
 83+ }
 84+ $parserOutput = $parser->parse('{{' . $articlename . '}}', $wgTitle, $parser_options);
 85+ $result .= $parserOutput->getText();
 86+ $result .= $embend;
 87+ }
 88+ }
 89+ break; // only use first column for now
 90+ }
 91+ }
 93+ // show link to more results
 94+ if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
 95+ $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
 96+ if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
 97+ $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
 98+ }
 99+ if ($label != '') {
 100+ $result .= $embstart . '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $embend ;
 101+ }
 102+ }
 103+ $result .= $footer;
 104+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
 106+ $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
 107+ return $result;
 108+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Embedded.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1110 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryProcessor.php
@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
1010 global $smwgIP;
1111 require_once($smwgIP . '/includes/storage/SMW_Store.php');
12 -require_once($smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QueryPrinters.php');
14 -
1513 /**
1614 * Static class for accessing functions to generate and execute semantic queries
1715 * and to serialise their results.
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Timeline.php
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
 4+ * Print query results in interactive timelines.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 10+ * New implementation of SMW's printer for timeline data.
 11+ */
 12+class SMWTimelineResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
 14+ protected $m_tlstart = ''; // name of the start-date property if any
 15+ protected $m_tlend = ''; // name of the end-date property if any
 16+ protected $m_tlsize = ''; // CSS-compatible size (such as 400px)
 17+ protected $m_tlbands = ''; // array of band IDs (MONTH, YEAR, ...)
 18+ protected $m_tlpos = ''; // position identifier (start, end, today, middle)
 20+ protected function readParameters($params) {
 21+ SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
 23+ if (array_key_exists('timelinestart', $params)) {
 24+ $this->m_tlstart = smwfNormalTitleDBKey($params['timelinestart']);
 25+ }
 26+ if (array_key_exists('timelineend', $params)) {
 27+ $this->m_tlend = smwfNormalTitleDBKey($params['timelineend']);
 28+ }
 29+ if (array_key_exists('timelinesize', $params)) {
 30+ $this->m_tlsize = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(';', ' ', strtolower($params['timelinesize'])));
 31+ // str_replace makes sure this is only one value, not mutliple CSS fields (prevent CSS attacks)
 32+ } else {
 33+ $this->m_tlsize = '300px';
 34+ }
 35+ if (array_key_exists('timelinebands', $params)) {
 36+ //check for band parameter, should look like "DAY,MONTH,YEAR"
 37+ $this->m_tlbands = preg_split('/[,][\s]*/',$params['timelinebands']);
 38+ } else {
 39+ $this->m_tlbands = array('MONTH','YEAR'); // TODO: check what default the JavaScript uses
 40+ }
 41+ if (array_key_exists('timelineposition', $params)) {
 42+ $this->m_tlpos = strtolower($params['timelineposition']);
 43+ } else {
 44+ $this->m_tlpos = 'middle';
 45+ }
 46+ }
 48+ public function getHTML($res) {
 49+ global $smwgIQRunningNumber;
 51+ $eventline = ('eventline' == $this->mFormat);
 53+ if ( !$eventline && ($this->m_tlstart == '') ) { // seek defaults
 54+ foreach ($res->getPrintRequests() as $pr) {
 55+ if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) && ($pr->getTypeID() == '_dat') ) {
 56+ if ( ($this->m_tlend == '') && ($this->m_tlstart != '') &&
 57+ ($this->m_tlstart != $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey()) ) {
 58+ $this->m_tlend = $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey();
 59+ } elseif ( ($this->m_tlstart == '') && ($this->m_tlend != $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey()) ) {
 60+ $this->m_tlstart = $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey();
 61+ }
 62+ }
 63+ }
 64+ }
 66+ // print header
 67+ $result = "<div class=\"smwtimeline\" id=\"smwtimeline$smwgIQRunningNumber\" style=\"height: $this->m_tlsize\">";
 68+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlcomment">' . wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_nojs',$res->getQueryURL()) . '</span>'; // note for people without JavaScript
 70+ foreach ($this->m_tlbands as $band) {
 71+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlband">' . htmlspecialchars($band) . '</span>';
 72+ //just print any "band" given, the JavaScript will figure out what to make of it
 73+ }
 75+ // print all result rows
 76+ $positions = array(); // possible positions, collected to select one for centering
 77+ $curcolor = 0; // color cycling is used for eventline
 78+ if ( ($this->m_tlstart != '') || $eventline ) {
 79+ $output = false; // true if output for the popup was given on current line
 80+ if ($eventline) $events = array(); // array of events that are to be printed
 81+ while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
 82+ $hastime = false; // true as soon as some startdate value was found
 83+ $hastitle = false; // true as soon as some label for the event was found
 84+ $curdata = ''; // current *inner* print data (within some event span)
 85+ $curmeta = ''; // current event meta data
 86+ $curarticle = ''; // label of current article, if it was found; needed only for eventline labeling
 87+ $first_col = true;
 88+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 89+ $first_value = true;
 90+ $pr = $field->getPrintRequest();
 91+ while ( ($object = $field->getNextObject()) !== false ) {
 92+ $l = $this->getLinker($first_col);
 93+ $objectlabel = $object->getShortHTMLText($l);
 94+ $urlobject = ($l !== NULL);
 95+ $header = '';
 96+ if ($first_value) {
 97+ // find header for current value:
 98+ if ( $this->mShowHeaders && ('' != $pr->getLabel()) ) {
 99+ $header = $pr->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . ' ';
 100+ }
 101+ // is this a start date?
 102+ if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) &&
 103+ ($pr->getTitle()->getDBKey() == $this->m_tlstart) ) {
 104+ //FIXME: Timeline scripts should support XSD format explicitly. They
 105+ //currently seem to implement iso8601 which deviates from XSD in cases.
 106+ //NOTE: We can assume $object to be an SMWDataValue in this case.
 107+ $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlstart">' . $object->getXSDValue() . '</span>';
 108+ $positions[$object->getNumericValue()] = $object->getXSDValue();
 109+ $hastime = true;
 110+ }
 111+ // is this the end date?
 112+ if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) &&
 113+ ($pr->getTitle()->getDBKey() == $this->m_tlend) ) {
 114+ //NOTE: We can assume $object to be an SMWDataValue in this case.
 115+ $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlend">' . $object->getXSDValue() . '</span>';
 116+ }
 117+ // find title for displaying event
 118+ if ( !$hastitle ) {
 119+ if ($urlobject) {
 120+ $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlurl">' . $objectlabel . '</span>';
 121+ } else {
 122+ $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtltitle">' . $objectlabel . '</span>';
 123+ }
 124+ if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_THIS) ) {
 125+ // NOTE: type Title of $object implied
 126+ $curarticle = $object->getText();
 127+ }
 128+ $hastitle = true;
 129+ }
 130+ } elseif ($output) $curdata .= ', '; //it *can* happen that output is false here, if the subject was not printed (fixed subject query) and mutliple items appear in the first row
 131+ if (!$first_col || !$first_value || $eventline) {
 132+ $curdata .= $header . $objectlabel;
 133+ $output = true;
 134+ }
 135+ if ($eventline && ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) && ($pr->getTypeID() == '_dat') && ('' != $pr->getLabel()) && ($pr->getTitle()->getText() != $this->m_tlstart) && ($pr->getTitle()->getText() != $this->m_tlend) ) {
 136+ $events[] = array($object->getXSDValue(), $pr->getLabel(), $object->getNumericValue());
 137+ }
 138+ $first_value = false;
 139+ }
 140+ if ($output) $curdata .= "<br />";
 141+ $output = false;
 142+ $first_col = false;
 143+ }
 145+ if ( $hastime ) {
 146+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlevent">' . $curmeta . '<span class="smwtlcoloricon">' . $curcolor . '</span>' . $curdata . '</span>';
 147+ }
 148+ if ( $eventline ) {
 149+ foreach ($events as $event) {
 150+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlevent"><span class="smwtlstart">' . $event[0] . '</span><span class="smwtlurl">' . $event[1] . '</span><span class="smwtlcoloricon">' . $curcolor . '</span>';
 151+ if ( $curarticle != '' ) $result .= '<span class="smwtlprefix">' . $curarticle . ' </span>';
 152+ $result .= $curdata . '</span>';
 153+ $positions[$event[2]] = $event[0];
 154+ }
 155+ $events = array();
 156+ $curcolor = ($curcolor + 1) % 10;
 157+ }
 158+ }
 159+ if (count($positions) > 0) {
 160+ ksort($positions);
 161+ $positions = array_values($positions);
 162+ switch ($this->m_tlpos) {
 163+ case 'start':
 164+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[0] . '</span>';
 165+ break;
 166+ case 'end':
 167+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[count($positions)-1] . '</span>';
 168+ break;
 169+ case 'today': break; // default
 170+ case 'middle': default:
 171+ $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[ceil(count($positions)/2)-1] . '</span>';
 172+ break;
 173+ }
 174+ }
 175+ }
 176+ //no further results displayed ...
 178+ // print footer
 179+ $result .= "</div>";
 180+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
 181+ return $result;
 182+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Timeline.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1184 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Template.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
 4+ * Print query results using templates.
 5+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
 6+ */
 9+ * Printer for template data. Passes a result row as anonymous parameters to
 10+ * a given template (which might ignore them or not) and prints the result.
 11+ */
 12+class SMWTemplateResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
 14+ protected $m_template;
 16+ protected function readParameters($params) {
 17+ SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
 19+ if (array_key_exists('template', $params)) {
 20+ $this->m_template = $params['template'];
 21+ } else {
 22+ $this->m_template = false;
 23+ }
 24+ }
 26+ public function getHTML($res) {
 27+ // handle factbox
 28+ global $smwgStoreActive, $wgTitle;
 30+ // print all result rows
 31+ if ($this->m_template == false) {
 32+ return 'Please provide parameter "template" for query to work.'; // TODO: internationalise, beautify
 33+ }
 35+ $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
 36+ $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
 38+ $parserinput = $this->mIntro;
 40+ $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
 41+ $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
 42+ $parser = new Parser();
 43+ while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
 44+ $wikitext = '';
 45+ $firstcol = true;
 46+ foreach ($row as $field) {
 47+ $wikitext .= "|";
 48+ $first = true;
 49+ while ( ($text = $field->getNextWikiText($this->getLinker($firstcol))) !== false ) {
 50+ if ($first) {
 51+ $first = false;
 52+ } else {
 53+ $wikitext .= ', ';
 54+ }
 55+ $wikitext .= $text;
 56+ }
 57+ $firstcol = false;
 58+ }
 59+ $parserinput .= '{{' . $this->m_template . str_replace(array('=','|'), array('&#x003D;', '&#x007C;'), $wikitext) . '}}'; // encode '=' and '|' for use in templates (templates fail otherwise)
 60+ }
 61+ $parserOutput = $parser->parse($parserinput, $wgTitle, $parser_options);
 62+ $result = $parserOutput->getText();
 63+ // show link to more results
 64+ if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
 65+ $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
 66+ if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
 67+ $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
 68+ }
 69+ if ($label != '') {
 70+ $result .= '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>';
 71+ }
 72+ }
 74+ $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
 75+ $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
 76+ return $result;
 77+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QP_Template.php
Added: svn:eol-style
179 + native
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_GlobalFunctions.php
@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@
7171 $smwgMasterStore = NULL;
7272 smwfInitContentMessages();
 74+ ///// setup some autoloading /////
 75+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QueryPrinter.php';
 76+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWTableResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QP_Table.php';
 77+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWListResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QP_List.php';
 78+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWTimelineResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QP_Timeline.php';
 79+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWEmbeddedResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QP_Embedded.php';
 80+ $wgAutoloadClasses[SMWTemplateResultPrinter] = $smwgIP . '/includes/SMW_QP_Template.php';
7482 ///// register specials /////
7583 $wgAutoloadClasses['SMWAskPage'] = $smwgIP . '/specials/AskSpecial/SMW_SpecialAsk.php';
Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_QueryPrinters.php
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -/**
4 - * This file provides various classes that print query results.
5 - * @author Markus Kr�tzsch
6 - */
7 -
8 -/**
9 - * Abstract base class for SMW's novel query printing mechanism. It implements
10 - * part of the former functionality of SMWInlineQuery (everything related to
11 - * output formatting and the correspoding parameters) and is subclassed by concrete
12 - * printers that provide the main formatting functionality.
13 - */
14 -abstract class SMWResultPrinter {
15 -
16 - // parameters:
17 - protected $mFormat; // a string identifier describing a valid format
18 - protected $mIntro = ''; // text to print before the output in case it is *not* empty
19 - protected $mSearchlabel = NULL; // text to use for link to further results, or empty if link should not be shown
20 - protected $mLinkFirst; // should article names of the first column be linked?
21 - protected $mLinkOthers; // should article names of other columns (besides the first) be linked?
22 - protected $mDefault = ''; // default return value for empty queries
23 - protected $mShowHeaders = true; // should the headers (property names) be printed?
24 - protected $mInline; // is this query result "inline" in some page (only then a link to unshown results is created, error handling may also be affected)
25 - protected $mLinker; // Linker object as needed for making result links. Might come from some skin at some time.
26 -
27 - /**
28 - * Constructor. The parameter $format is a format string
29 - * that may influence the processing details.
30 - */
31 - public function SMWResultPrinter($format, $inline) {
32 - global $smwgQDefaultLinking;
33 - $this->mFormat = $format;
34 - $this->mInline = $inline;
35 - $this->mLinkFirst = ($smwgQDefaultLinking != 'none');
36 - $this->mLinkOthers = ($smwgQDefaultLinking == 'all');
37 - $this->mLinker = new Linker(); ///TODO: how can we get the default or user skin here (depending on context)?
38 - }
39 -
40 - /**
41 - * Main entry point: takes an SMWQueryResult and parameters
42 - * given as key-value-pairs in an array and returns the
43 - * serialised version of the results, formatted as inline HTML
44 - * or (for special printers) as RDF or XML or whatever. Normally
45 - * not overwritten by subclasses.
46 - */
47 - public function getResultHTML($results, $params) {
48 - $this->readParameters($params);
49 - if ($results->getCount() == 0) {
50 - if (!$results->hasFurtherResults()) {
51 - return htmlspecialchars($this->mDefault);
52 - } elseif ($this->mInline) {
53 - $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
54 - if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
55 - $result = '<a href="' . $results->getQueryURL() . '">' . wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults') . '</a>';
56 - } else {
57 - $result = '<a href="' . $results->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>';
58 - }
59 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($results); // just append error messages
60 - return $result;
61 - }
62 - }
63 - return $this->getHTML($results);
64 - }
65 -
66 - /**
67 - * Read an array of parameter values given as key-value-pairs and
68 - * initialise internal member fields accordingly. Possibly overwritten
69 - * (extended) by subclasses.
70 - */
71 - protected function readParameters($params) {
72 - if (array_key_exists('intro', $params)) {
73 - $this->mIntro = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $params['intro']));
74 - }
75 - if (array_key_exists('searchlabel', $params)) {
76 - $this->mSearchlabel = htmlspecialchars($params['searchlabel']);
77 - }
78 - if (array_key_exists('link', $params)) {
79 - switch (strtolower($params['link'])) {
80 - case 'head': case 'subject':
81 - $this->mLinkFirst = true;
82 - $this->mLinkOthers = false;
83 - break;
84 - case 'all':
85 - $this->mLinkFirst = true;
86 - $this->mLinkOthers = true;
87 - break;
88 - case 'none':
89 - $this->mLinkFirst = false;
90 - $this->mLinkOthers = false;
91 - break;
92 - }
93 - }
94 - if (array_key_exists('default', $params)) {
95 - $this->mDefault = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', ' ', $params['default']));
96 - }
97 - if (array_key_exists('headers', $params)) {
98 - if ( 'hide' == strtolower($params['headers'])) {
99 - $this->mShowHeaders = false;
100 - } else {
101 - $this->mShowHeaders = true;
102 - }
103 - }
104 - }
105 -
106 - /**
107 - * Return HTML version of serialised results.
108 - * Implemented by subclasses.
109 - */
110 - abstract protected function getHTML($res);
111 -
112 - /**
113 - * Depending on current linking settings, returns a linker object
114 - * for making hyperlinks or NULL if no links should be created.
115 - *
116 - * @param $firstrow True of this is the first result row (having special linkage settings).
117 - */
118 - protected function getLinker($firstcol = false) {
119 - if ( ($firstcol && $this->mLinkFirst) || (!$firstcol && $this->mLinkOthers) ) {
120 - return $this->mLinker;
121 - } else {
122 - return NULL;
123 - }
124 - }
125 -
126 - /**
127 - * Provides a simple formatted string of all the error messages that occurred.
128 - * Can be used if not specific error formatting is desired. Compatible with HTML
129 - * and Wiki.
130 - */
131 - protected function getErrorString($res) {
132 - return smwfEncodeMessages($res->getErrors());
133 - }
134 -
135 -
136 -}
137 -
138 -/**
139 - * New implementation of SMW's printer for result tables.
140 - */
141 -class SMWTableResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
142 -
143 - protected function getHTML($res) {
144 - global $smwgIQRunningNumber;
145 -
146 -
147 -
148 - // print header
149 - if ('broadtable' == $this->mFormat)
150 - $widthpara = ' width="100%"';
151 - else $widthpara = '';
152 - $result = $this->mIntro .
153 - "<table class=\"smwtable\"$widthpara id=\"querytable" . $smwgIQRunningNumber . "\">\n";
154 - if ($this->mShowHeaders) { // building headers
155 - $result .= "\n\t\t<tr>";
156 - foreach ($res->getPrintRequests() as $pr) {
157 - $result .= "\t\t\t<th>" . $pr->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . "</th>\n";
158 - }
159 - $result .= "\n\t\t</tr>";
160 - }
161 -
162 - // print all result rows
163 - while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
164 - $result .= "\t\t<tr>\n";
165 - $firstcol = true;
166 - foreach ($row as $field) {
167 - $result .= "<td>";
168 - $first = true;
169 - while ( ($text = $field->getNextHTMLText($this->getLinker($firstcol))) !== false ) {
170 - if ($first) $first = false; else $result .= '<br />';
171 - $result .= $text;
172 - }
173 - $result .= "</td>";
174 - $firstcol = false;
175 - }
176 - $result .= "\n\t\t</tr>\n";
177 - }
178 -
179 - // print further results footer
180 - if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
181 - $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
182 - if ($label === NULL) { //apply default
183 - $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
184 - }
185 - if ($label != '') {
186 - $result .= "\n\t\t<tr class=\"smwfooter\"><td class=\"sortbottom\" colspan=\"" . $res->getColumnCount() . '"> <a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a></td></tr>';
187 - }
188 - }
189 - $result .= "\t</table>"; // print footer
190 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
191 - return $result;
192 - }
193 -}
194 -
195 -/**
196 - * New implementation of SMW's printer for results in lists.
197 - *
198 - * Somewhat confusing code, since one has to iterate through lists, inserting texts
199 - * in between their elements depending on whether the element is the first that is
200 - * printed, the first that is printed in parentheses, or the last that will be printed.
201 - * Maybe one could further simplify this.
202 - */
203 -class SMWListResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
204 -
205 - protected $mSep = '';
206 - protected $mTemplate = '';
207 -
208 - protected function readParameters($params) {
209 - SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
210 -
211 - if (array_key_exists('sep', $params)) {
212 - $this->mSep = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_',' ',$params['sep']));
213 - }
214 - if (array_key_exists('template', $params)) {
215 - $this->mTemplate = $params['template'];
216 - }
217 - }
218 -
219 - protected function getHTML($res) {
220 - global $wgTitle,$smwgStoreActive;
221 - // print header
222 - $result = $this->mIntro;
223 - if ( ('ul' == $this->mFormat) || ('ol' == $this->mFormat) ) {
224 - $result .= '<' . $this->mFormat . '>';
225 - $footer = '</' . $this->mFormat . '>';
226 - $rowstart = "\n\t<li>";
227 - $rowend = '</li>';
228 - $plainlist = false;
229 - } else {
230 - if ($this->mSep != '') {
231 - $listsep = $this->mSep;
232 - $finallistsep = $listsep;
233 - } else { // default list ", , , and, "
234 - $listsep = ', ';
235 - $finallistsep = wfMsgForContent('smw_finallistconjunct') . ' ';
236 - }
237 - $footer = '';
238 - $rowstart = '';
239 - $rowend = '';
240 - $plainlist = true;
241 - }
242 -
243 - if ($this->mTemplate != '') {
244 - $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
245 - $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
246 - $parser = new Parser();
247 - $usetemplate = true;
248 - } else {
249 - $usetemplate = false;
250 - }
251 -
252 - // print all result rows
253 - $first_row = true;
254 - $row = $res->getNext();
255 - while ( $row !== false ) {
256 - $nextrow = $res->getNext(); // look ahead
257 - if ( !$first_row && $plainlist ) {
258 - if ($nextrow !== false) $result .= $listsep; // the comma between "rows" other than the last one
259 - else $result .= $finallistsep;
260 - } else $result .= $rowstart;
261 -
262 - $first_col = true;
263 - if ($usetemplate) { // build template code
264 - $wikitext = '';
265 - foreach ($row as $field) {
266 - $wikitext .= "|";
267 - $first_value = true;
268 - while ( ($text = $field->getNextWikiText($this->getLinker($first_col))) !== false ) {
269 - if ($first_value) $first_value = false; else $wikitext .= ', ';
270 - $wikitext .= $text;
271 - }
272 - $first_col = false;
273 - }
274 - $result .= '{{' . $this->mTemplate . str_replace(array('=','|'), array('&#x003D;', '&#x007C;'), $wikitext) . '}}'; // encode '=' and '|' for use in templates (templates fail otherwise)
275 - } else { // build simple list
276 - $first_col = true;
277 - $found_values = false; // has anything but the first column been printed?
278 - foreach ($row as $field) {
279 - $first_value = true;
280 - while ( ($text = $field->getNextHTMLText($this->getLinker($first_col))) !== false ) {
281 - if (!$first_col && !$found_values) { // first values after first column
282 - $result .= ' (';
283 - $found_values = true;
284 - } elseif ($found_values || !$first_value) {
285 - // any value after '(' or non-first values on first column
286 - $result .= ', ';
287 - }
288 - if ($first_value) { // first value in any column, print header
289 - $first_value = false;
290 - if ( $this->mShowHeaders && ('' != $field->getPrintRequest()->getLabel()) ) {
291 - $result .= $field->getPrintRequest()->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . ' ';
292 - }
293 - }
294 - $result .= $text; // actual output value
295 - }
296 - $first_col = false;
297 - }
298 - if ($found_values) $result .= ')';
299 - }
300 - $result .= $rowend;
301 - $first_row = false;
302 - $row = $nextrow;
303 - }
304 -
305 - if ($usetemplate) {
306 - $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
307 - $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
308 - $parserOutput = $parser->parse($result, $wgTitle, $parser_options);
309 - $result = $parserOutput->getText();
310 - $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
311 - }
312 -
313 - if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
314 - $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
315 - if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
316 - if ('ol' == $this->mFormat) $label = '';
317 - else $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
318 - }
319 - if (!$first_row) $result .= ' '; // relevant for list, unproblematic for ul/ol
320 - if ($label != '') {
321 - $result .= $rowstart . '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $rowend;
322 - }
323 - }
324 -
325 - // print footer
326 - $result .= $footer;
327 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
328 -
329 - return $result;
330 - }
331 -}
332 -
333 -
334 -/**
335 - * New implementation of SMW's printer for timeline data.
336 - */
337 -class SMWTimelineResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
338 -
339 - protected $m_tlstart = ''; // name of the start-date property if any
340 - protected $m_tlend = ''; // name of the end-date property if any
341 - protected $m_tlsize = ''; // CSS-compatible size (such as 400px)
342 - protected $m_tlbands = ''; // array of band IDs (MONTH, YEAR, ...)
343 - protected $m_tlpos = ''; // position identifier (start, end, today, middle)
344 -
345 - protected function readParameters($params) {
346 - SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
347 -
348 - if (array_key_exists('timelinestart', $params)) {
349 - $this->m_tlstart = smwfNormalTitleDBKey($params['timelinestart']);
350 - }
351 - if (array_key_exists('timelineend', $params)) {
352 - $this->m_tlend = smwfNormalTitleDBKey($params['timelineend']);
353 - }
354 - if (array_key_exists('timelinesize', $params)) {
355 - $this->m_tlsize = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(';', ' ', strtolower($params['timelinesize'])));
356 - // str_replace makes sure this is only one value, not mutliple CSS fields (prevent CSS attacks)
357 - } else {
358 - $this->m_tlsize = '300px';
359 - }
360 - if (array_key_exists('timelinebands', $params)) {
361 - //check for band parameter, should look like "DAY,MONTH,YEAR"
362 - $this->m_tlbands = preg_split('/[,][\s]*/',$params['timelinebands']);
363 - } else {
364 - $this->m_tlbands = array('MONTH','YEAR'); // TODO: check what default the JavaScript uses
365 - }
366 - if (array_key_exists('timelineposition', $params)) {
367 - $this->m_tlpos = strtolower($params['timelineposition']);
368 - } else {
369 - $this->m_tlpos = 'middle';
370 - }
371 - }
372 -
373 - public function getHTML($res) {
374 - global $smwgIQRunningNumber;
375 -
376 - $eventline = ('eventline' == $this->mFormat);
377 -
378 - if ( !$eventline && ($this->m_tlstart == '') ) { // seek defaults
379 - foreach ($res->getPrintRequests() as $pr) {
380 - if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) && ($pr->getTypeID() == '_dat') ) {
381 - if ( ($this->m_tlend == '') && ($this->m_tlstart != '') &&
382 - ($this->m_tlstart != $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey()) ) {
383 - $this->m_tlend = $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey();
384 - } elseif ( ($this->m_tlstart == '') && ($this->m_tlend != $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey()) ) {
385 - $this->m_tlstart = $pr->getTitle()->getDBKey();
386 - }
387 - }
388 - }
389 - }
390 -
391 - // print header
392 - $result = "<div class=\"smwtimeline\" id=\"smwtimeline$smwgIQRunningNumber\" style=\"height: $this->m_tlsize\">";
393 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlcomment">' . wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_nojs',$res->getQueryURL()) . '</span>'; // note for people without JavaScript
394 -
395 - foreach ($this->m_tlbands as $band) {
396 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlband">' . htmlspecialchars($band) . '</span>';
397 - //just print any "band" given, the JavaScript will figure out what to make of it
398 - }
399 -
400 - // print all result rows
401 - $positions = array(); // possible positions, collected to select one for centering
402 - $curcolor = 0; // color cycling is used for eventline
403 - if ( ($this->m_tlstart != '') || $eventline ) {
404 - $output = false; // true if output for the popup was given on current line
405 - if ($eventline) $events = array(); // array of events that are to be printed
406 - while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
407 - $hastime = false; // true as soon as some startdate value was found
408 - $hastitle = false; // true as soon as some label for the event was found
409 - $curdata = ''; // current *inner* print data (within some event span)
410 - $curmeta = ''; // current event meta data
411 - $curarticle = ''; // label of current article, if it was found; needed only for eventline labeling
412 - $first_col = true;
413 - foreach ($row as $field) {
414 - $first_value = true;
415 - $pr = $field->getPrintRequest();
416 - while ( ($object = $field->getNextObject()) !== false ) {
417 - $l = $this->getLinker($first_col);
418 - $objectlabel = $object->getShortHTMLText($l);
419 - $urlobject = ($l !== NULL);
420 - $header = '';
421 - if ($first_value) {
422 - // find header for current value:
423 - if ( $this->mShowHeaders && ('' != $pr->getLabel()) ) {
424 - $header = $pr->getHTMLText($this->mLinker) . ' ';
425 - }
426 - // is this a start date?
427 - if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) &&
428 - ($pr->getTitle()->getDBKey() == $this->m_tlstart) ) {
429 - //FIXME: Timeline scripts should support XSD format explicitly. They
430 - //currently seem to implement iso8601 which deviates from XSD in cases.
431 - //NOTE: We can assume $object to be an SMWDataValue in this case.
432 - $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlstart">' . $object->getXSDValue() . '</span>';
433 - $positions[$object->getNumericValue()] = $object->getXSDValue();
434 - $hastime = true;
435 - }
436 - // is this the end date?
437 - if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) &&
438 - ($pr->getTitle()->getDBKey() == $this->m_tlend) ) {
439 - //NOTE: We can assume $object to be an SMWDataValue in this case.
440 - $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlend">' . $object->getXSDValue() . '</span>';
441 - }
442 - // find title for displaying event
443 - if ( !$hastitle ) {
444 - if ($urlobject) {
445 - $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtlurl">' . $objectlabel . '</span>';
446 - } else {
447 - $curmeta .= '<span class="smwtltitle">' . $objectlabel . '</span>';
448 - }
449 - if ( ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_THIS) ) {
450 - // NOTE: type Title of $object implied
451 - $curarticle = $object->getText();
452 - }
453 - $hastitle = true;
454 - }
455 - } elseif ($output) $curdata .= ', '; //it *can* happen that output is false here, if the subject was not printed (fixed subject query) and mutliple items appear in the first row
456 - if (!$first_col || !$first_value || $eventline) {
457 - $curdata .= $header . $objectlabel;
458 - $output = true;
459 - }
460 - if ($eventline && ($pr->getMode() == SMW_PRINT_PROP) && ($pr->getTypeID() == '_dat') && ('' != $pr->getLabel()) && ($pr->getTitle()->getText() != $this->m_tlstart) && ($pr->getTitle()->getText() != $this->m_tlend) ) {
461 - $events[] = array($object->getXSDValue(), $pr->getLabel(), $object->getNumericValue());
462 - }
463 - $first_value = false;
464 - }
465 - if ($output) $curdata .= "<br />";
466 - $output = false;
467 - $first_col = false;
468 - }
469 -
470 - if ( $hastime ) {
471 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlevent">' . $curmeta . '<span class="smwtlcoloricon">' . $curcolor . '</span>' . $curdata . '</span>';
472 - }
473 - if ( $eventline ) {
474 - foreach ($events as $event) {
475 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlevent"><span class="smwtlstart">' . $event[0] . '</span><span class="smwtlurl">' . $event[1] . '</span><span class="smwtlcoloricon">' . $curcolor . '</span>';
476 - if ( $curarticle != '' ) $result .= '<span class="smwtlprefix">' . $curarticle . ' </span>';
477 - $result .= $curdata . '</span>';
478 - $positions[$event[2]] = $event[0];
479 - }
480 - $events = array();
481 - $curcolor = ($curcolor + 1) % 10;
482 - }
483 - }
484 - if (count($positions) > 0) {
485 - ksort($positions);
486 - $positions = array_values($positions);
487 - switch ($this->m_tlpos) {
488 - case 'start':
489 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[0] . '</span>';
490 - break;
491 - case 'end':
492 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[count($positions)-1] . '</span>';
493 - break;
494 - case 'today': break; // default
495 - case 'middle': default:
496 - $result .= '<span class="smwtlposition">' . $positions[ceil(count($positions)/2)-1] . '</span>';
497 - break;
498 - }
499 - }
500 - }
501 - //no further results displayed ...
502 -
503 - // print footer
504 - $result .= "</div>";
505 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
506 - return $result;
507 - }
508 -}
509 -
510 -
511 -/**
512 - * Printer for template data. Passes a result row as anonymous parameters to
513 - * a given template (which might ignore them or not) and prints the result.
514 - */
515 -class SMWTemplateResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
516 -
517 - protected $m_template;
518 -
519 - protected function readParameters($params) {
520 - SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
521 -
522 - if (array_key_exists('template', $params)) {
523 - $this->m_template = $params['template'];
524 - } else {
525 - $this->m_template = false;
526 - }
527 - }
528 -
529 - public function getHTML($res) {
530 - // handle factbox
531 - global $smwgStoreActive, $wgTitle;
532 -
533 - // print all result rows
534 - if ($this->m_template == false) {
535 - return 'Please provide parameter "template" for query to work.'; // TODO: internationalise, beautify
536 - }
537 -
538 - $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
539 - $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
540 -
541 - $parserinput = $this->mIntro;
542 -
543 - $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
544 - $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
545 - $parser = new Parser();
546 - while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
547 - $wikitext = '';
548 - $firstcol = true;
549 - foreach ($row as $field) {
550 - $wikitext .= "|";
551 - $first = true;
552 - while ( ($text = $field->getNextWikiText($this->getLinker($firstcol))) !== false ) {
553 - if ($first) {
554 - $first = false;
555 - } else {
556 - $wikitext .= ', ';
557 - }
558 - $wikitext .= $text;
559 - }
560 - $firstcol = false;
561 - }
562 - $parserinput .= '{{' . $this->m_template . str_replace(array('=','|'), array('&#x003D;', '&#x007C;'), $wikitext) . '}}'; // encode '=' and '|' for use in templates (templates fail otherwise)
563 - }
564 - $parserOutput = $parser->parse($parserinput, $wgTitle, $parser_options);
565 - $result = $parserOutput->getText();
566 - // show link to more results
567 - if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
568 - $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
569 - if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
570 - $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
571 - }
572 - if ($label != '') {
573 - $result .= '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>';
574 - }
575 - }
576 -
577 - $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
578 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
579 - return $result;
580 - }
581 -}
582 -
583 -
584 -/**
585 - * Printer for embedded data.
586 - * Embeds in the page output the contents of the pages in the query result set.
587 - * Only the first column of the query is considered. If it is a page reference then that page's contents is embedded.
588 - * The optional "titlestyle" formatting parameter can be used to apply a format to the headings for the page titles.
589 - * If "titlestyle" is not specified, a <h1> tag is used.
590 - * @author Fernando Correia
591 - * @author Markus Kr�tzsch
592 - */
593 -class SMWEmbeddedResultPrinter extends SMWResultPrinter {
594 -
595 - protected $m_showhead;
596 - protected $m_embedformat;
597 -
598 - protected function readParameters($params) {
599 - SMWResultPrinter::readParameters($params);
600 -
601 - if (array_key_exists('embedonly', $params)) {
602 - $this->m_showhead = false;
603 - } else {
604 - $this->m_showhead = true;
605 - }
606 - if (array_key_exists('embedformat', $params)) {
607 - $this->m_embedformat = $params['embedformat'];
608 - } else {
609 - $this->m_embedformat = 'h1';
610 - }
611 - }
612 -
613 - public function getHTML($res) {
614 - // handle factbox
615 - global $smwgStoreActive, $wgTitle;
616 - $old_smwgStoreActive = $smwgStoreActive;
617 - $smwgStoreActive = false; // no annotations stored, no factbox printed
618 -
619 - // print header
620 - $result = $this->mIntro;
621 -
622 - switch ($this->m_embedformat) {
623 - case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6':
624 - $footer = '';
625 - $embstart = '';
626 - $headstart = '<' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
627 - $headend = '</' . $this->m_embedformat . ">\n";
628 - $embend = '';
629 - break;
630 - case 'ul': case 'ol':
631 - $result .= '<' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
632 - $footer = '</' . $this->m_embedformat . '>';
633 - $embstart = '<li>';
634 - $headstart = '';
635 - $headend = "<br />\n";
636 - $embend = "</li>\n";
637 - break;
638 - }
639 -
640 - // print all result rows
641 - $parser_options = new ParserOptions();
642 - $parser_options->setEditSection(false); // embedded sections should not have edit links
643 - $parser = new Parser();
644 -
645 - while ( $row = $res->getNext() ) {
646 - $first_col = true;
647 - foreach ($row as $field) {
648 - if ( $field->getPrintRequest()->getTypeID() == '_wpg' ) { // ensure that we deal with title-likes
649 - while ( ($object = $field->getNextObject()) !== false ) {
650 - $result .= $embstart;
651 - $text= $object->getLongHTMLText($this->getLinker(true));
652 - if ($this->m_showhead) {
653 - $result .= $headstart . $text . $headend;
654 - }
655 - if ($object->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) {
656 - $articlename = ':' . $object->getText();
657 - } else {
658 - $articlename = $object->getPrefixedText();
659 - }
660 - $parserOutput = $parser->parse('{{' . $articlename . '}}', $wgTitle, $parser_options);
661 - $result .= $parserOutput->getText();
662 - $result .= $embend;
663 - }
664 - }
665 - break; // only use first column for now
666 - }
667 - }
668 -
669 - // show link to more results
670 - if ($this->mInline && $res->hasFurtherResults()) {
671 - $label = $this->mSearchlabel;
672 - if ($label === NULL) { //apply defaults
673 - $label = wfMsgForContent('smw_iq_moreresults');
674 - }
675 - if ($label != '') {
676 - $result .= $embstart . '<a href="' . $res->getQueryURL() . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $embend ;
677 - }
678 - }
679 - $result .= $footer;
680 - $result .= $this->getErrorString($res); // just append error messages
681 -
682 - $smwgStoreActive = $old_smwgStoreActive;
683 - return $result;
684 - }
685 -}

Status & tagging log