r26177 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r26176‎ | r26177 | r26178 >
Date:12:03, 27 September 2007
*svn-eol style native
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedArticle.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedArticle.php
@@ -1,729 +1,729 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -class FlaggedArticle extends FlaggedRevs {
5 - /**
6 - * Does the config and current URL params allow
7 - * for overriding by stable revisions?
8 - */
9 - function pageOverride() {
10 - global $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgFlaggedRevs,
11 - $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $action;
12 - # This only applies to viewing content pages
13 - if( $action !='view' || !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
14 - return false;
15 - # Does not apply to diffs/old revisions
16 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') || $wgRequest->getVal('diff') )
17 - return false;
18 - # Get page config
19 - $config = $wgFlaggedRevs->getVisibilitySettings( $wgTitle );
20 - # Does the stable version override the current one?
21 - if( $config['override'] ) {
22 - # If $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly is set to false, stable version are only requested explicitly
23 - if( $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly && $wgUser->isAnon() ) {
24 - return !( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 0 );
25 - } else {
26 - return ( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 1 );
27 - }
28 - # We are explicity requesting the stable version?
29 - } else if( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 1 ) {
30 - return true;
31 - }
32 - return false;
33 - }
34 -
35 - /**
36 - * Is this user shown the stable version by default for this page?
37 - */
38 - function showStableByDefault() {
39 - global $wgFlaggedRevsOverride, $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgUser;
40 -
41 - $config = $this->getVisibilitySettings();
42 -
43 - return ( $config['override'] && !($wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly && !$wgUser->isAnon()) );
44 - }
45 -
46 - /**
47 - * Replaces a page with the last stable version if possible
48 - * Adds stable version status/info tags and notes
49 - * Adds a quick review form on the bottom if needed
50 - */
51 - function setPageContent( $article, &$outputDone, &$pcache ) {
52 - global $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgOut, $action, $wgUser;
53 - // Only trigger on article view for content pages, not for protect/delete/hist
54 - if( $action !='view' || !$article || !$article->exists() || !$this->isReviewable( $article->mTitle ) )
55 - return true;
56 - // Grab page and rev ids
57 - $pageid = $article->getId();
58 - $revid = $article->mRevision ? $article->mRevision->mId : $article->getLatest();
59 - if( !$revid )
60 - return true;
61 -
62 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
63 -
64 - $vis_id = $revid;
65 - $tag = $notes = '';
66 - # Check the newest stable version...
67 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev( null, true );
68 - $simpleTag = false;
69 - if( $wgRequest->getVal('diff') || $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') ) {
70 - // Do not clutter up diffs any further...
71 - } else if( !is_null($tfrev) ) {
72 - global $wgLang;
73 - # Get flags and date
74 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
75 - # Get quality level
76 - $quality = $this->isQuality( $flags );
77 - $pristine = $this->isPristine( $flags );
78 - $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
79 - # Looking at some specific old rev or if flagged revs override only for anons
80 - if( !$this->pageOverride() ) {
81 - $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $pageid, $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
82 - $simpleTag = true;
83 - # Construct some tagging
84 - if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
85 - if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
86 - $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quick-see-quality' : 'revreview-quick-see-basic';
87 - $tag .= "<span class='fr_tab_current plainlinks'></span>" .
88 - wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $revs_since);
89 - $tag .= $this->prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since, false );
90 - } else {
91 - $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-newest-quality' : 'revreview-newest-basic';
92 - $tag .= wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since);
93 - # Hide clutter
94 - $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
95 - wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
96 - $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
97 - wfMsg('revreview-oldrating') . $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) . '</span>';
98 - }
99 - }
100 - // Viewing the page normally: override the page
101 - } else {
102 - # We will be looking at the reviewed revision...
103 - $vis_id = $tfrev->fr_rev_id;
104 - $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $pageid, $vis_id );
105 - # Construct some tagging
106 - if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
107 - if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
108 - $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quick-quality' : 'revreview-quick-basic';
109 - $css = $quality ? 'fr_tab_quality' : 'fr_tab_stable';
110 - $tag .= "<span class='$css plainlinks'></span>" .
111 - wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline'),$tfrev->fr_rev_id,$revs_since);
112 - $tag .= $this->prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since );
113 - } else {
114 - $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quality' : 'revreview-basic';
115 - $tag = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $vis_id, $time, $revs_since);
116 - $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
117 - wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
118 - $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
119 - $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) . '</span>';
120 - }
121 - }
122 - # Try the stable page cache
123 - $parserOut = $this->getPageCache( $article );
124 - # If no cache is available, get the text and parse it
125 - if( $parserOut==false ) {
126 - $text = $this->uncompressText( $tfrev->fr_text, $tfrev->fr_flags );
127 - $parserOut = $this->parseStableText( $article, $text, $vis_id );
128 - # Update the general cache
129 - $this->updatePageCache( $article, $parserOut );
130 - }
131 - $wgOut->mBodytext = $parserOut->getText();
132 - # Show stable categories and interwiki links only
133 - $wgOut->mCategoryLinks = array();
134 - $wgOut->addCategoryLinks( $parserOut->getCategories() );
135 - $wgOut->mLanguageLinks = array();
136 - $wgOut->addLanguageLinks( $parserOut->getLanguageLinks() );
137 - $notes = $this->ReviewNotes( $tfrev );
138 - # Tell MW that parser output is done
139 - $outputDone = true;
140 - $pcache = false;
141 - }
142 - # Some checks for which tag CSS to use
143 - if( $this->useSimpleUI() )
144 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_short';
145 - else if( $simpleTag )
146 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_notice';
147 - else if( $pristine )
148 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag3';
149 - else if( $quality )
150 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag2';
151 - else
152 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag1';
153 - # Wrap tag contents in a div
154 - if( $tag !='' )
155 - $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="' . $tagClass . ' plainlinks">'.$tag.'</div>';
156 - # Set the new body HTML, place a tag on top
157 - $wgOut->mBodytext = $tag . $wgOut->mBodytext . $notes;
158 - // Add "no reviewed version" tag, but not for main page
159 - } else if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() && !$this->isMainPage( $article->mTitle ) ) {
160 - if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
161 - $tag .= "<span class='fr_tab_current plainlinks'></span>" .
162 - wfMsgExt('revreview-quick-none',array('parseinline'));
163 - $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_short plainlinks">'.$tag.'</div>';
164 - } else {
165 - $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_notice plainlinks">' .
166 - wfMsgExt('revreview-noflagged', array('parseinline')) . '</div>';
167 - }
168 - $wgOut->addHTML( $tag );
169 - }
170 - return true;
171 - }
172 -
173 - function addToEditView( $editform ) {
174 - global $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgOut;
175 - # Talk pages cannot be validated
176 - if( !$editform->mArticle || !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
177 - return false;
178 - # Find out revision id
179 - if( $editform->mArticle->mRevision ) {
180 - $revid = $editform->mArticle->mRevision->mId;
181 - } else {
182 - $revid = $editform->mArticle->getLatest();
183 - }
184 - # Grab the ratings for this revision if any
185 - if( !$revid )
186 - return true;
187 - # Set new body html text as that of now
188 - $tag = '';
189 - # Check the newest stable version
190 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
191 - if( is_object($tfrev) ) {
192 - global $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgFlaggedRevsAutoReview;
193 -
194 - $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
195 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
196 - $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $editform->mArticle->getID(), $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
197 - # Construct some tagging
198 - $msg = $this->isQuality( $flags ) ? 'revreview-newest-quality' : 'revreview-newest-basic';
199 - $tag = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since );
200 - # Hide clutter
201 - $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
202 - wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
203 - $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
204 - wfMsg('revreview-oldrating') . $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) .
205 - '</span>';
206 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_notice plainlinks">' . $tag . '</div>' );
207 - # If this will be autoreviewed, notify the user...
208 - if( !$wgFlaggedRevsAutoReview )
209 - return true;
210 - if( $wgUser->isAllowed('review') && $tfrev->fr_rev_id==$editform->mArticle->getLatest() ) {
211 - # Grab the flags for this revision
212 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
213 - # Check if user is allowed to renew the stable version.
214 - # If it has been reviewed too highly for this user, abort.
215 - foreach( $flags as $quality => $level ) {
216 - if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality,$level) ) {
217 - return true;
218 - }
219 - }
220 - $msg = ($revid==$tfrev->fr_rev_id) ? 'revreview-auto-w' : 'revreview-auto-w-old';
221 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<div id="mw-autoreviewtag" class="flaggedrevs_warning plainlinks">' .
222 - wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline')) . '</div>' );
223 - }
224 - }
225 - return true;
226 - }
227 -
228 - function addReviewForm( $out ) {
229 - global $wgArticle, $wgRequest, $action;
230 -
231 - if( !$wgArticle || !$wgArticle->exists() || !$this->isReviewable( $wgArticle->mTitle ) )
232 - return true;
233 - # Check if page is protected
234 - if( $action !='view' || !$wgArticle->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) ) {
235 - return true;
236 - }
237 - # Get revision ID
238 - $revId = $out->mRevisionId ? $out->mRevisionId : $wgArticle->getLatest();
239 - # We cannot review deleted revisions
240 - if( is_object($wgArticle->mRevision) && $wgArticle->mRevision->mDeleted )
241 - return true;
242 - # Add quick review links IF we did not override, otherwise, they might
243 - # review a revision that parses out newer templates/images than what they saw.
244 - # Revisions are always reviewed based on current templates/images.
245 - if( $this->pageOverride() ) {
246 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
247 - if( $tfrev )
248 - return true;
249 - }
250 - $this->addQuickReview( $revId, $out, $wgRequest->getBool('editreview') );
251 -
252 - return true;
253 - }
254 -
255 - function addVisibilityLink( $out ) {
256 - global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $action;
257 -
258 - if( $action=='protect' || $action=='unprotect' ) {
259 - # Check for an overridabe revision
260 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
261 - if( !$tfrev )
262 - return true;
263 - $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Stabilization' );
264 - # Give a link to the page to configure the stable version
265 - $out->mBodytext = '<span class="plainlinks">' .
266 - wfMsgExt( 'revreview-visibility',array('parseinline'), $title->getPrefixedText() ) .
267 - '</span>' . $out->mBodytext;
268 - }
269 - return true;
270 - }
271 -
272 - function setPermaLink( $sktmp, &$nav_urls, &$revid, &$revid ) {
273 - # Non-content pages cannot be validated
274 - if( !$this->pageOverride() )
275 - return true;
276 - # Check for an overridabe revision
277 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
278 - if( !$tfrev )
279 - return true;
280 - # Replace "permalink" with an actual permanent link
281 - $nav_urls['permalink'] = array(
282 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'permalink' ),
283 - 'href' => $sktmp->makeSpecialUrl( 'Stableversions', "oldid={$tfrev->fr_rev_id}" )
284 - );
285 - # Are we using the popular cite extension?
286 - global $wgHooks;
287 - if( in_array('wfSpecialCiteNav',$wgHooks['SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink']) ) {
288 - if( $this->isReviewable( $sktmp->mTitle ) && $revid !== 0 ) {
289 - $nav_urls['cite'] = array(
290 - 'text' => wfMsg( 'cite_article_link' ),
291 - 'href' => $sktmp->makeSpecialUrl( 'Cite', "page=" . wfUrlencode( "{$sktmp->thispage}" ) . "&id={$tfrev->fr_rev_id}" )
292 - );
293 - }
294 - }
295 - return true;
296 - }
297 -
298 - function setActionTabs( $sktmp, &$content_actions ) {
299 - global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $action, $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgFlaggedRevTabs;
300 - # Get the subject page, not all skins have it :(
301 - if( !isset($sktmp->mTitle) )
302 - return true;
303 - $title = $sktmp->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
304 - # Non-content pages cannot be validated
305 - if( !$this->isReviewable( $title ) || !$title->exists() )
306 - return true;
307 - $article = new Article( $title );
308 - # If we are viewing a page normally, and it was overridden,
309 - # change the edit tab to a "current revision" tab
310 - $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
311 - # No quality revs? Find the last reviewed one
312 - if( !is_object($tfrev) ) {
313 - return true;
314 - }
315 - /*
316 - // If the stable version is the same is the current, move along...
317 - if( $article->getLatest() == $tfrev->fr_rev_id ) {
318 - return true;
319 - }
320 - */
321 - # Be clear about what is being edited...
322 - if( !$sktmp->mTitle->isTalkPage() && $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
323 - if( isset( $content_actions['edit'] ) )
324 - $content_actions['edit']['text'] = wfMsg('revreview-edit');
325 - if( isset( $content_actions['viewsource'] ) )
326 - $content_actions['viewsource']['text'] = wfMsg('revreview-source');
327 - }
328 - if( !$wgFlaggedRevTabs ) {
329 - return true;
330 - }
331 - // We are looking at the stable version
332 - if( $this->pageOverride() ) {
333 - $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
334 - # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
335 - foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
336 - if( $counter==1 ) {
337 - if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
338 - $new_actions['current'] = array(
339 - 'class' => '',
340 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
341 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
342 - );
343 - } else {
344 - $new_actions['stable'] = array(
345 - 'class' => 'selected',
346 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
347 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
348 - );
349 - }
350 - }
351 - $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
352 - $counter++;
353 - }
354 - # Reset static array
355 - $content_actions = $new_actions;
356 - } else if( $action !='view' || $sktmp->mTitle->isTalkPage() ) {
357 - // We are looking at the talk page or diffs/hist/oldids, or in edit mode
358 - $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
359 - # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
360 - foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
361 - if( $counter==1 ) {
362 - if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
363 - $new_actions['current'] = array(
364 - 'class' => '',
365 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
366 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
367 - );
368 - } else {
369 - $new_actions['stable'] = array(
370 - 'class' => '',
371 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
372 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
373 - );
374 - }
375 - }
376 - $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
377 - $counter++;
378 - }
379 - # Reset static array
380 - $content_actions = $new_actions;
381 - } else if( $wgFlaggedRevTabs ) {
382 - // We are looking at the current revision
383 - $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
384 - # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
385 - foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
386 - if( $counter==1 ) {
387 - if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
388 - $new_actions['current'] = array(
389 - 'class' => 'selected',
390 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
391 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
392 - );
393 - } else {
394 - $new_actions['stable'] = array(
395 - 'class' => '',
396 - 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
397 - 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
398 - );
399 - }
400 - }
401 - $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
402 - $counter++;
403 - }
404 - # Reset static array
405 - $content_actions = $new_actions;
406 - }
407 - return true;
408 - }
409 -
410 - function addToHistLine( $row, &$s ) {
411 - global $wgUser, $wgTitle;
412 - # Non-content pages cannot be validated
413 - if( !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
414 - return true;
415 -
416 - if( !isset($this->dbw) ) {
417 - $this->dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
418 - }
419 -
420 - $quality = $this->dbw->selectField( 'flaggedrevs', 'fr_quality',
421 - array( 'fr_namespace' => $wgTitle->getNamespace(),
422 - 'fr_title' => $wgTitle->getDBKey(),
423 - 'fr_rev_id' => $row->rev_id ),
424 - __METHOD__,
425 - array( 'FORCE INDEX' => 'PRIMARY') );
426 -
427 - if( $quality !== false ) {
428 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
429 -
430 - $msg = ($quality >= 1) ? 'hist-quality' : 'hist-stable';
431 - $special = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Stableversions' );
432 - $s .= ' <tt><small><strong>' .
433 - $skin->makeLinkObj( $special, wfMsgHtml( $msg ),
434 - 'page=' . urlencode( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() ) .
435 - '&oldid=' . $row->rev_id ) .
436 - '</strong></small></tt>';
437 - }
438 -
439 - return true;
440 - }
441 -
442 - function addQuickReview( $id=NULL, $out, $top=false ) {
443 - global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgFlaggedRevComments,
444 - $wgFlaggedRevsOverride, $wgFlaggedRevsWatch;
445 - # User must have review rights
446 - if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'review' ) )
447 - return;
448 - # Looks ugly when printed
449 - if( $out->isPrintable() )
450 - return;
451 -
452 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
453 - # If we are reviewing updates to a page, start off with the stable revision's
454 - # flags. Otherwise, we just fill them in with the selected revision's flags.
455 - if( $this->isDiffFromStable ) {
456 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') );
457 - # Check if user is allowed to renew the stable version.
458 - # It may perhaps have been reviewed too highly for this user, if so,
459 - # then get the flags for the new revision itself.
460 - foreach( $flags as $quality => $level ) {
461 - if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality,$level) ) {
462 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $id );
463 - break;
464 - }
465 - }
466 - } else {
467 - $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $id );
468 - }
469 -
470 - $reviewtitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Revisionreview' );
471 - $action = $reviewtitle->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=submit' );
472 - $form = Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $action ) );
473 - $form .= "<fieldset><legend>" . wfMsgHtml( 'revreview-flag', $id ) . "</legend>\n";
474 -
475 - if( $wgFlaggedRevsOverride )
476 - $form .= '<p>'.wfMsgExt( 'revreview-text', array('parseinline') ).'</p>';
477 -
478 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'title', $reviewtitle->getPrefixedText() );
479 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'target', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() );
480 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'oldid', $id );
481 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'action', 'submit');
482 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken() );
483 -
484 - foreach( $this->dimensions as $quality => $levels ) {
485 - $options = array();
486 - $disabled = false;
487 - foreach( $levels as $idx => $label ) {
488 - $selected = ( $flags[$quality]==$idx || $flags[$quality]==0 && $idx==1 );
489 - # Do not show options user's can't set unless that is the status quo
490 - if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality, $flags[$quality]) ) {
491 - $disabled = true;
492 - $options[] = Xml::option( wfMsg( "revreview-$label" ), $idx, $selected );
493 - } else if( Revisionreview::userCan($quality, $idx) ) {
494 - $options[] = Xml::option( wfMsg( "revreview-$label" ), $idx, $selected );
495 - }
496 - }
497 - $form .= "\n" . wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") . ": ";
498 - $selectAttribs = array( 'name' => "wp$quality" );
499 - if( $disabled ) $selectAttribs['disabled'] = 'disabled';
500 - $form .= Xml::openElement( 'select', $selectAttribs );
501 - $form .= implode( "\n", $options );
502 - $form .= "</select>\n";
503 - }
504 - if( $wgFlaggedRevComments && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'validate' ) ) {
505 - $form .= "<br/><p>" . wfMsgHtml( 'revreview-notes' ) . "</p>" .
506 - "<p><textarea tabindex='1' name='wpNotes' id='wpNotes' rows='2' cols='80' style='width:100%'></textarea>" .
507 - "</p>\n";
508 - }
509 -
510 - $imageParams = $templateParams = '';
511 - if( !isset($out->mTemplateIds) || !isset($out->mImageSHA1Keys) ) {
512 - return; // something went terribly wrong...
513 - }
514 - # Hack, add NS:title -> rev ID mapping
515 - foreach( $out->mTemplateIds as $namespace => $title ) {
516 - foreach( $title as $dbkey => $id ) {
517 - $title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $dbkey );
518 - $templateParams .= $title->getPrefixedText() . "|" . $id . "#";
519 - }
520 - }
521 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'templateParams', $templateParams ) . "\n";
522 - # Hack, image -> timestamp mapping
523 - foreach( $out->mImageSHA1Keys as $dbkey => $timeAndSHA1 ) {
524 - foreach( $timeAndSHA1 as $time => $sha1 ) {
525 - $imageParams .= $dbkey . "|" . $time . "|" . $sha1 . "#";
526 - }
527 - }
528 - $form .= Xml::hidden( 'imageParams', $imageParams ) . "\n";
529 -
530 - $watchLabel = wfMsgExt('watchthis', array('parseinline'));
531 - $watchAttribs = array('accesskey' => wfMsg( 'accesskey-watch' ), 'id' => 'wpWatchthis');
532 - $watchChecked = ( $wgFlaggedRevsWatch && $wgUser->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) || $wgTitle->userIsWatching() );
533 - # Not much to say unless you are a validator
534 - if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'validate' ) )
535 - $form .= "<p>".Xml::inputLabel( wfMsg( 'revreview-log' ), 'wpReason', 'wpReason', 60 )."</p>\n";
536 -
537 - $form .= "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".Xml::check( 'wpWatchthis', $watchChecked, $watchAttribs );
538 - $form .= "&nbsp;<label for='wpWatchthis'".$skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('watch').">{$watchLabel}</label>";
539 -
540 - $form .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'revreview-submit' ) )."</p></fieldset>";
541 - $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'form' );
542 -
543 - if( $top )
544 - $out->mBodytext = $form . '<span style="clear:both"/>' . $out->mBodytext;
545 - else
546 - $wgOut->addHTML( '<hr style="clear:both"/>' . $form );
547 -
548 - }
549 -
550 - /**
551 - * @param array $flags
552 - * @param bool $prettybox
553 - * @param string $css, class to wrap box in
554 - * @return string
555 - * Generates a review box/tag
556 - */
557 - public function addTagRatings( $flags, $prettyBox = false, $css='' ) {
558 - global $wgFlaggedRevTags;
559 -
560 - $tag = '';
561 - if( $prettyBox )
562 - $tag .= "<table align='center' class='$css' cellpading='0'>";
563 -
564 - foreach( $this->dimensions as $quality => $value ) {
565 - $encValueText = wfMsgHtml('revreview-' . $this->dimensions[$quality][$flags[$quality]]);
566 - $level = $flags[$quality];
567 - $minlevel = $wgFlaggedRevTags[$quality];
568 - if( $level >= $minlevel )
569 - $classmarker = 2;
570 - elseif( $level > 0 )
571 - $classmarker = 1;
572 - else
573 - $classmarker = 0;
574 -
575 - $levelmarker = $level * 20 + 20; //XXX do this better
576 - if( $prettyBox ) {
577 - $tag .= "<tr><td><span class='fr-group'><span class='fr-text'>" .
578 - wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") .
579 - "</span></td><td><span class='fr-marker fr_value$levelmarker'>" .
580 - $encValueText . "</span></span></td></tr>\n";
581 - } else {
582 - $tag .= "&nbsp;<span class='fr-marker-$levelmarker'><strong>" .
583 - wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") .
584 - "</strong>: <span class='fr-text-value'>$encValueText&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;" .
585 - "</span>\n";
586 - }
587 - }
588 - if( $prettyBox )
589 - $tag .= '</table>';
590 -
591 - return $tag;
592 - }
593 -
594 - /**
595 - * @param Row $trev, flagged revision row
596 - * @param array $flags
597 - * @param int $rev_since, revisions since review
598 - * @param bool $stable, are we referring to the stable revision?
599 - * @return string
600 - * Generates a review box using a table using addTagRatings()
601 - */
602 - public function prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since, $stable=true ) {
603 - global $wgLang;
604 - # Get quality level
605 - $quality = self::isQuality( $flags );
606 - $pristine = self::isPristine( $flags );
607 - $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
608 - # Some checks for which tag CSS to use
609 - if( $pristine )
610 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box3';
611 - else if( $quality )
612 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box2';
613 - else
614 - $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box1';
615 - # Construct some tagging
616 - $msg = $stable ? 'revreview-' : 'revreview-newest-';
617 - $msg .= $quality ? 'quality' : 'basic';
618 - $encRatingLabel = $stable ? '' : ' ' . wfMsgHtml('revreview-oldrating');
619 -
620 - $box = ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
621 - wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
622 - $box .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings">' .
623 - wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since) .
624 - $encRatingLabel .
625 - self::addTagRatings( $flags, true, "{$tagClass}a" ) .
626 - '</span>';
627 -
628 - return $box;
629 - }
630 -
631 - /**
632 - * @param Row $row
633 - * @return string
634 - * Generates revision review notes
635 - */
636 - public function ReviewNotes( $row ) {
637 - global $wgUser, $wgFlaggedRevComments;
638 -
639 - if( !$wgFlaggedRevComments || !$row || $row->fr_comment == '' )
640 - return '';
641 -
642 - $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
643 - $notes = '<p><div class="flaggedrevs_notes plainlinks">';
644 - $notes .= wfMsgExt('revreview-note', array('parse'), User::whoIs( $row->fr_user ) );
645 - $notes .= '<i>' . $skin->formatComment( $row->fr_comment ) . '</i></div></p><br/>';
646 - return $notes;
647 - }
648 -
649 - /**
650 - * Get latest quality rev, if not, the latest reviewed one
651 - * Same params for the sake of inheritance
652 - * @return Row
653 - */
654 - function getStableRev( $t=null, $getText=false, $forUpdate=false ) {
655 - global $wgTitle, $wgFlaggedRevs;
656 - # Cached results available?
657 - if( $getText ) {
658 - if( isset($this->stablerev) && isset($this->stablerev->fr_text) ) {
659 - return $this->stablerev;
660 - }
661 - } else {
662 - if( isset($this->stablerev) ) {
663 - return $this->stablerev;
664 - }
665 - }
666 - # Get the content page, skip talk
667 - $title = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
668 - # Do we have one?
669 - $row = $this->getStablePageRev( $title, $getText, $forUpdate );
670 - if( $row ) {
671 - $this->stablerev = $row;
672 - return $row;
673 - } else {
674 - $this->stablerev = null;
675 - return null;
676 - }
677 - }
678 -
679 - /**
680 - * Get visiblity restrictions on page
681 - * Same params for the sake of inheritance
682 - * @returns Array
683 - */
684 - public function getVisibilitySettings( $t=null, $forUpdate=false ) {
685 - global $wgTitle;
686 - # Cached results available?
687 - if( isset($this->pageconfig) ) {
688 - return $this->pageconfig;
689 - }
690 - # Get the content page, skip talk
691 - $title = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
692 -
693 - $config = $this->getPageVisibilitySettings( $title, $forUpdate );
694 - $this->pageconfig = $config;
695 -
696 - return $config;
697 - }
698 -
699 - /**
700 - * @param int $rev_id
701 - * Return an array output of the flags for a given revision
702 - */
703 - public function getFlagsForRevision( $rev_id ) {
704 - global $wgFlaggedRevTags;
705 - # Cached results?
706 - if( isset($this->flags[$rev_id]) && $this->flags[$rev_id] )
707 - return $this->revflags[$rev_id];
708 - # Set all flags to zero
709 - $flags = array();
710 - foreach( array_keys($wgFlaggedRevTags) as $tag ) {
711 - $flags[$tag] = 0;
712 - }
713 - # Grab all the tags for this revision
714 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
715 - $result = $dbr->select( 'flaggedrevtags',
716 - array( 'frt_dimension', 'frt_value' ),
717 - array( 'frt_rev_id' => $rev_id ),
718 - __METHOD__ );
719 - # Iterate through each tag result
720 - while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject($result) ) {
721 - $flags[$row->frt_dimension] = $row->frt_value;
722 - }
723 - # Try to cache results
724 - $this->flags[$rev_id] = true;
725 - $this->revflags[$rev_id] = $flags;
726 -
727 - return $flags;
728 - }
729 -
730 -}
 4+class FlaggedArticle extends FlaggedRevs {
 5+ /**
 6+ * Does the config and current URL params allow
 7+ * for overriding by stable revisions?
 8+ */
 9+ function pageOverride() {
 10+ global $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgFlaggedRevs,
 11+ $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $action;
 12+ # This only applies to viewing content pages
 13+ if( $action !='view' || !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
 14+ return false;
 15+ # Does not apply to diffs/old revisions
 16+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') || $wgRequest->getVal('diff') )
 17+ return false;
 18+ # Get page config
 19+ $config = $wgFlaggedRevs->getVisibilitySettings( $wgTitle );
 20+ # Does the stable version override the current one?
 21+ if( $config['override'] ) {
 22+ # If $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly is set to false, stable version are only requested explicitly
 23+ if( $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly && $wgUser->isAnon() ) {
 24+ return !( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 0 );
 25+ } else {
 26+ return ( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 1 );
 27+ }
 28+ # We are explicity requesting the stable version?
 29+ } else if( $wgRequest->getIntOrNull('stable') === 1 ) {
 30+ return true;
 31+ }
 32+ return false;
 33+ }
 35+ /**
 36+ * Is this user shown the stable version by default for this page?
 37+ */
 38+ function showStableByDefault() {
 39+ global $wgFlaggedRevsOverride, $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgUser;
 41+ $config = $this->getVisibilitySettings();
 43+ return ( $config['override'] && !($wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly && !$wgUser->isAnon()) );
 44+ }
 46+ /**
 47+ * Replaces a page with the last stable version if possible
 48+ * Adds stable version status/info tags and notes
 49+ * Adds a quick review form on the bottom if needed
 50+ */
 51+ function setPageContent( $article, &$outputDone, &$pcache ) {
 52+ global $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgOut, $action, $wgUser;
 53+ // Only trigger on article view for content pages, not for protect/delete/hist
 54+ if( $action !='view' || !$article || !$article->exists() || !$this->isReviewable( $article->mTitle ) )
 55+ return true;
 56+ // Grab page and rev ids
 57+ $pageid = $article->getId();
 58+ $revid = $article->mRevision ? $article->mRevision->mId : $article->getLatest();
 59+ if( !$revid )
 60+ return true;
 62+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
 64+ $vis_id = $revid;
 65+ $tag = $notes = '';
 66+ # Check the newest stable version...
 67+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev( null, true );
 68+ $simpleTag = false;
 69+ if( $wgRequest->getVal('diff') || $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') ) {
 70+ // Do not clutter up diffs any further...
 71+ } else if( !is_null($tfrev) ) {
 72+ global $wgLang;
 73+ # Get flags and date
 74+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
 75+ # Get quality level
 76+ $quality = $this->isQuality( $flags );
 77+ $pristine = $this->isPristine( $flags );
 78+ $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
 79+ # Looking at some specific old rev or if flagged revs override only for anons
 80+ if( !$this->pageOverride() ) {
 81+ $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $pageid, $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
 82+ $simpleTag = true;
 83+ # Construct some tagging
 84+ if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
 85+ if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
 86+ $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quick-see-quality' : 'revreview-quick-see-basic';
 87+ $tag .= "<span class='fr_tab_current plainlinks'></span>" .
 88+ wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $revs_since);
 89+ $tag .= $this->prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since, false );
 90+ } else {
 91+ $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-newest-quality' : 'revreview-newest-basic';
 92+ $tag .= wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since);
 93+ # Hide clutter
 94+ $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
 95+ wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
 96+ $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
 97+ wfMsg('revreview-oldrating') . $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) . '</span>';
 98+ }
 99+ }
 100+ // Viewing the page normally: override the page
 101+ } else {
 102+ # We will be looking at the reviewed revision...
 103+ $vis_id = $tfrev->fr_rev_id;
 104+ $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $pageid, $vis_id );
 105+ # Construct some tagging
 106+ if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() ) {
 107+ if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
 108+ $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quick-quality' : 'revreview-quick-basic';
 109+ $css = $quality ? 'fr_tab_quality' : 'fr_tab_stable';
 110+ $tag .= "<span class='$css plainlinks'></span>" .
 111+ wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline'),$tfrev->fr_rev_id,$revs_since);
 112+ $tag .= $this->prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since );
 113+ } else {
 114+ $msg = $quality ? 'revreview-quality' : 'revreview-basic';
 115+ $tag = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $vis_id, $time, $revs_since);
 116+ $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
 117+ wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
 118+ $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
 119+ $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) . '</span>';
 120+ }
 121+ }
 122+ # Try the stable page cache
 123+ $parserOut = $this->getPageCache( $article );
 124+ # If no cache is available, get the text and parse it
 125+ if( $parserOut==false ) {
 126+ $text = $this->uncompressText( $tfrev->fr_text, $tfrev->fr_flags );
 127+ $parserOut = $this->parseStableText( $article, $text, $vis_id );
 128+ # Update the general cache
 129+ $this->updatePageCache( $article, $parserOut );
 130+ }
 131+ $wgOut->mBodytext = $parserOut->getText();
 132+ # Show stable categories and interwiki links only
 133+ $wgOut->mCategoryLinks = array();
 134+ $wgOut->addCategoryLinks( $parserOut->getCategories() );
 135+ $wgOut->mLanguageLinks = array();
 136+ $wgOut->addLanguageLinks( $parserOut->getLanguageLinks() );
 137+ $notes = $this->ReviewNotes( $tfrev );
 138+ # Tell MW that parser output is done
 139+ $outputDone = true;
 140+ $pcache = false;
 141+ }
 142+ # Some checks for which tag CSS to use
 143+ if( $this->useSimpleUI() )
 144+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_short';
 145+ else if( $simpleTag )
 146+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_notice';
 147+ else if( $pristine )
 148+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag3';
 149+ else if( $quality )
 150+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag2';
 151+ else
 152+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_tag1';
 153+ # Wrap tag contents in a div
 154+ if( $tag !='' )
 155+ $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="' . $tagClass . ' plainlinks">'.$tag.'</div>';
 156+ # Set the new body HTML, place a tag on top
 157+ $wgOut->mBodytext = $tag . $wgOut->mBodytext . $notes;
 158+ // Add "no reviewed version" tag, but not for main page
 159+ } else if( !$wgOut->isPrintable() && !$this->isMainPage( $article->mTitle ) ) {
 160+ if( $this->useSimpleUI() ) {
 161+ $tag .= "<span class='fr_tab_current plainlinks'></span>" .
 162+ wfMsgExt('revreview-quick-none',array('parseinline'));
 163+ $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_short plainlinks">'.$tag.'</div>';
 164+ } else {
 165+ $tag = '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_notice plainlinks">' .
 166+ wfMsgExt('revreview-noflagged', array('parseinline')) . '</div>';
 167+ }
 168+ $wgOut->addHTML( $tag );
 169+ }
 170+ return true;
 171+ }
 173+ function addToEditView( $editform ) {
 174+ global $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgOut;
 175+ # Talk pages cannot be validated
 176+ if( !$editform->mArticle || !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
 177+ return false;
 178+ # Find out revision id
 179+ if( $editform->mArticle->mRevision ) {
 180+ $revid = $editform->mArticle->mRevision->mId;
 181+ } else {
 182+ $revid = $editform->mArticle->getLatest();
 183+ }
 184+ # Grab the ratings for this revision if any
 185+ if( !$revid )
 186+ return true;
 187+ # Set new body html text as that of now
 188+ $tag = '';
 189+ # Check the newest stable version
 190+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
 191+ if( is_object($tfrev) ) {
 192+ global $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgFlaggedRevsAutoReview;
 194+ $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
 195+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
 196+ $revs_since = $this->getRevCountSince( $editform->mArticle->getID(), $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
 197+ # Construct some tagging
 198+ $msg = $this->isQuality( $flags ) ? 'revreview-newest-quality' : 'revreview-newest-basic';
 199+ $tag = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since );
 200+ # Hide clutter
 201+ $tag .= ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
 202+ wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
 203+ $tag .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings" style="display:block;">' .
 204+ wfMsg('revreview-oldrating') . $this->addTagRatings( $flags ) .
 205+ '</span>';
 206+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div id="mw-revisiontag" class="flaggedrevs_notice plainlinks">' . $tag . '</div>' );
 207+ # If this will be autoreviewed, notify the user...
 208+ if( !$wgFlaggedRevsAutoReview )
 209+ return true;
 210+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed('review') && $tfrev->fr_rev_id==$editform->mArticle->getLatest() ) {
 211+ # Grab the flags for this revision
 212+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $tfrev->fr_rev_id );
 213+ # Check if user is allowed to renew the stable version.
 214+ # If it has been reviewed too highly for this user, abort.
 215+ foreach( $flags as $quality => $level ) {
 216+ if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality,$level) ) {
 217+ return true;
 218+ }
 219+ }
 220+ $msg = ($revid==$tfrev->fr_rev_id) ? 'revreview-auto-w' : 'revreview-auto-w-old';
 221+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<div id="mw-autoreviewtag" class="flaggedrevs_warning plainlinks">' .
 222+ wfMsgExt($msg,array('parseinline')) . '</div>' );
 223+ }
 224+ }
 225+ return true;
 226+ }
 228+ function addReviewForm( $out ) {
 229+ global $wgArticle, $wgRequest, $action;
 231+ if( !$wgArticle || !$wgArticle->exists() || !$this->isReviewable( $wgArticle->mTitle ) )
 232+ return true;
 233+ # Check if page is protected
 234+ if( $action !='view' || !$wgArticle->mTitle->quickUserCan( 'edit' ) ) {
 235+ return true;
 236+ }
 237+ # Get revision ID
 238+ $revId = $out->mRevisionId ? $out->mRevisionId : $wgArticle->getLatest();
 239+ # We cannot review deleted revisions
 240+ if( is_object($wgArticle->mRevision) && $wgArticle->mRevision->mDeleted )
 241+ return true;
 242+ # Add quick review links IF we did not override, otherwise, they might
 243+ # review a revision that parses out newer templates/images than what they saw.
 244+ # Revisions are always reviewed based on current templates/images.
 245+ if( $this->pageOverride() ) {
 246+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
 247+ if( $tfrev )
 248+ return true;
 249+ }
 250+ $this->addQuickReview( $revId, $out, $wgRequest->getBool('editreview') );
 252+ return true;
 253+ }
 255+ function addVisibilityLink( $out ) {
 256+ global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $action;
 258+ if( $action=='protect' || $action=='unprotect' ) {
 259+ # Check for an overridabe revision
 260+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
 261+ if( !$tfrev )
 262+ return true;
 263+ $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Stabilization' );
 264+ # Give a link to the page to configure the stable version
 265+ $out->mBodytext = '<span class="plainlinks">' .
 266+ wfMsgExt( 'revreview-visibility',array('parseinline'), $title->getPrefixedText() ) .
 267+ '</span>' . $out->mBodytext;
 268+ }
 269+ return true;
 270+ }
 272+ function setPermaLink( $sktmp, &$nav_urls, &$revid, &$revid ) {
 273+ # Non-content pages cannot be validated
 274+ if( !$this->pageOverride() )
 275+ return true;
 276+ # Check for an overridabe revision
 277+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
 278+ if( !$tfrev )
 279+ return true;
 280+ # Replace "permalink" with an actual permanent link
 281+ $nav_urls['permalink'] = array(
 282+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'permalink' ),
 283+ 'href' => $sktmp->makeSpecialUrl( 'Stableversions', "oldid={$tfrev->fr_rev_id}" )
 284+ );
 285+ # Are we using the popular cite extension?
 286+ global $wgHooks;
 287+ if( in_array('wfSpecialCiteNav',$wgHooks['SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink']) ) {
 288+ if( $this->isReviewable( $sktmp->mTitle ) && $revid !== 0 ) {
 289+ $nav_urls['cite'] = array(
 290+ 'text' => wfMsg( 'cite_article_link' ),
 291+ 'href' => $sktmp->makeSpecialUrl( 'Cite', "page=" . wfUrlencode( "{$sktmp->thispage}" ) . "&id={$tfrev->fr_rev_id}" )
 292+ );
 293+ }
 294+ }
 295+ return true;
 296+ }
 298+ function setActionTabs( $sktmp, &$content_actions ) {
 299+ global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $action, $wgFlaggedRevsAnonOnly, $wgFlaggedRevTabs;
 300+ # Get the subject page, not all skins have it :(
 301+ if( !isset($sktmp->mTitle) )
 302+ return true;
 303+ $title = $sktmp->mTitle->getSubjectPage();
 304+ # Non-content pages cannot be validated
 305+ if( !$this->isReviewable( $title ) || !$title->exists() )
 306+ return true;
 307+ $article = new Article( $title );
 308+ # If we are viewing a page normally, and it was overridden,
 309+ # change the edit tab to a "current revision" tab
 310+ $tfrev = $this->getStableRev();
 311+ # No quality revs? Find the last reviewed one
 312+ if( !is_object($tfrev) ) {
 313+ return true;
 314+ }
 315+ /*
 316+ // If the stable version is the same is the current, move along...
 317+ if( $article->getLatest() == $tfrev->fr_rev_id ) {
 318+ return true;
 319+ }
 320+ */
 321+ # Be clear about what is being edited...
 322+ if( !$sktmp->mTitle->isTalkPage() && $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
 323+ if( isset( $content_actions['edit'] ) )
 324+ $content_actions['edit']['text'] = wfMsg('revreview-edit');
 325+ if( isset( $content_actions['viewsource'] ) )
 326+ $content_actions['viewsource']['text'] = wfMsg('revreview-source');
 327+ }
 328+ if( !$wgFlaggedRevTabs ) {
 329+ return true;
 330+ }
 331+ // We are looking at the stable version
 332+ if( $this->pageOverride() ) {
 333+ $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
 334+ # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
 335+ foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
 336+ if( $counter==1 ) {
 337+ if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
 338+ $new_actions['current'] = array(
 339+ 'class' => '',
 340+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
 341+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
 342+ );
 343+ } else {
 344+ $new_actions['stable'] = array(
 345+ 'class' => 'selected',
 346+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
 347+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
 348+ );
 349+ }
 350+ }
 351+ $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
 352+ $counter++;
 353+ }
 354+ # Reset static array
 355+ $content_actions = $new_actions;
 356+ } else if( $action !='view' || $sktmp->mTitle->isTalkPage() ) {
 357+ // We are looking at the talk page or diffs/hist/oldids, or in edit mode
 358+ $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
 359+ # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
 360+ foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
 361+ if( $counter==1 ) {
 362+ if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
 363+ $new_actions['current'] = array(
 364+ 'class' => '',
 365+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
 366+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
 367+ );
 368+ } else {
 369+ $new_actions['stable'] = array(
 370+ 'class' => '',
 371+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
 372+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
 373+ );
 374+ }
 375+ }
 376+ $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
 377+ $counter++;
 378+ }
 379+ # Reset static array
 380+ $content_actions = $new_actions;
 381+ } else if( $wgFlaggedRevTabs ) {
 382+ // We are looking at the current revision
 383+ $new_actions = array(); $counter = 0;
 384+ # Straighten out order, set the tab AFTER the main tab is set
 385+ foreach( $content_actions as $tab_action => $data ) {
 386+ if( $counter==1 ) {
 387+ if( $this->showStableByDefault() ) {
 388+ $new_actions['current'] = array(
 389+ 'class' => 'selected',
 390+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-current'),
 391+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=0' )
 392+ );
 393+ } else {
 394+ $new_actions['stable'] = array(
 395+ 'class' => '',
 396+ 'text' => wfMsg('revreview-stable'),
 397+ 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl( 'stable=1' )
 398+ );
 399+ }
 400+ }
 401+ $new_actions[$tab_action] = $data;
 402+ $counter++;
 403+ }
 404+ # Reset static array
 405+ $content_actions = $new_actions;
 406+ }
 407+ return true;
 408+ }
 410+ function addToHistLine( $row, &$s ) {
 411+ global $wgUser, $wgTitle;
 412+ # Non-content pages cannot be validated
 413+ if( !$this->isReviewable( $wgTitle ) )
 414+ return true;
 416+ if( !isset($this->dbw) ) {
 417+ $this->dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 418+ }
 420+ $quality = $this->dbw->selectField( 'flaggedrevs', 'fr_quality',
 421+ array( 'fr_namespace' => $wgTitle->getNamespace(),
 422+ 'fr_title' => $wgTitle->getDBKey(),
 423+ 'fr_rev_id' => $row->rev_id ),
 424+ __METHOD__,
 425+ array( 'FORCE INDEX' => 'PRIMARY') );
 427+ if( $quality !== false ) {
 428+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
 430+ $msg = ($quality >= 1) ? 'hist-quality' : 'hist-stable';
 431+ $special = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Stableversions' );
 432+ $s .= ' <tt><small><strong>' .
 433+ $skin->makeLinkObj( $special, wfMsgHtml( $msg ),
 434+ 'page=' . urlencode( $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() ) .
 435+ '&oldid=' . $row->rev_id ) .
 436+ '</strong></small></tt>';
 437+ }
 439+ return true;
 440+ }
 442+ function addQuickReview( $id=NULL, $out, $top=false ) {
 443+ global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgFlaggedRevComments,
 444+ $wgFlaggedRevsOverride, $wgFlaggedRevsWatch;
 445+ # User must have review rights
 446+ if( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'review' ) )
 447+ return;
 448+ # Looks ugly when printed
 449+ if( $out->isPrintable() )
 450+ return;
 452+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
 453+ # If we are reviewing updates to a page, start off with the stable revision's
 454+ # flags. Otherwise, we just fill them in with the selected revision's flags.
 455+ if( $this->isDiffFromStable ) {
 456+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $wgRequest->getVal('oldid') );
 457+ # Check if user is allowed to renew the stable version.
 458+ # It may perhaps have been reviewed too highly for this user, if so,
 459+ # then get the flags for the new revision itself.
 460+ foreach( $flags as $quality => $level ) {
 461+ if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality,$level) ) {
 462+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $id );
 463+ break;
 464+ }
 465+ }
 466+ } else {
 467+ $flags = $this->getFlagsForRevision( $id );
 468+ }
 470+ $reviewtitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Revisionreview' );
 471+ $action = $reviewtitle->escapeLocalUrl( 'action=submit' );
 472+ $form = Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $action ) );
 473+ $form .= "<fieldset><legend>" . wfMsgHtml( 'revreview-flag', $id ) . "</legend>\n";
 475+ if( $wgFlaggedRevsOverride )
 476+ $form .= '<p>'.wfMsgExt( 'revreview-text', array('parseinline') ).'</p>';
 478+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'title', $reviewtitle->getPrefixedText() );
 479+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'target', $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() );
 480+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'oldid', $id );
 481+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'action', 'submit');
 482+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken() );
 484+ foreach( $this->dimensions as $quality => $levels ) {
 485+ $options = array();
 486+ $disabled = false;
 487+ foreach( $levels as $idx => $label ) {
 488+ $selected = ( $flags[$quality]==$idx || $flags[$quality]==0 && $idx==1 );
 489+ # Do not show options user's can't set unless that is the status quo
 490+ if( !Revisionreview::userCan($quality, $flags[$quality]) ) {
 491+ $disabled = true;
 492+ $options[] = Xml::option( wfMsg( "revreview-$label" ), $idx, $selected );
 493+ } else if( Revisionreview::userCan($quality, $idx) ) {
 494+ $options[] = Xml::option( wfMsg( "revreview-$label" ), $idx, $selected );
 495+ }
 496+ }
 497+ $form .= "\n" . wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") . ": ";
 498+ $selectAttribs = array( 'name' => "wp$quality" );
 499+ if( $disabled ) $selectAttribs['disabled'] = 'disabled';
 500+ $form .= Xml::openElement( 'select', $selectAttribs );
 501+ $form .= implode( "\n", $options );
 502+ $form .= "</select>\n";
 503+ }
 504+ if( $wgFlaggedRevComments && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'validate' ) ) {
 505+ $form .= "<br/><p>" . wfMsgHtml( 'revreview-notes' ) . "</p>" .
 506+ "<p><textarea tabindex='1' name='wpNotes' id='wpNotes' rows='2' cols='80' style='width:100%'></textarea>" .
 507+ "</p>\n";
 508+ }
 510+ $imageParams = $templateParams = '';
 511+ if( !isset($out->mTemplateIds) || !isset($out->mImageSHA1Keys) ) {
 512+ return; // something went terribly wrong...
 513+ }
 514+ # Hack, add NS:title -> rev ID mapping
 515+ foreach( $out->mTemplateIds as $namespace => $title ) {
 516+ foreach( $title as $dbkey => $id ) {
 517+ $title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $dbkey );
 518+ $templateParams .= $title->getPrefixedText() . "|" . $id . "#";
 519+ }
 520+ }
 521+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'templateParams', $templateParams ) . "\n";
 522+ # Hack, image -> timestamp mapping
 523+ foreach( $out->mImageSHA1Keys as $dbkey => $timeAndSHA1 ) {
 524+ foreach( $timeAndSHA1 as $time => $sha1 ) {
 525+ $imageParams .= $dbkey . "|" . $time . "|" . $sha1 . "#";
 526+ }
 527+ }
 528+ $form .= Xml::hidden( 'imageParams', $imageParams ) . "\n";
 530+ $watchLabel = wfMsgExt('watchthis', array('parseinline'));
 531+ $watchAttribs = array('accesskey' => wfMsg( 'accesskey-watch' ), 'id' => 'wpWatchthis');
 532+ $watchChecked = ( $wgFlaggedRevsWatch && $wgUser->getOption( 'watchdefault' ) || $wgTitle->userIsWatching() );
 533+ # Not much to say unless you are a validator
 534+ if( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'validate' ) )
 535+ $form .= "<p>".Xml::inputLabel( wfMsg( 'revreview-log' ), 'wpReason', 'wpReason', 60 )."</p>\n";
 537+ $form .= "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".Xml::check( 'wpWatchthis', $watchChecked, $watchAttribs );
 538+ $form .= "&nbsp;<label for='wpWatchthis'".$skin->tooltipAndAccesskey('watch').">{$watchLabel}</label>";
 540+ $form .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'revreview-submit' ) )."</p></fieldset>";
 541+ $form .= Xml::closeElement( 'form' );
 543+ if( $top )
 544+ $out->mBodytext = $form . '<span style="clear:both"/>' . $out->mBodytext;
 545+ else
 546+ $wgOut->addHTML( '<hr style="clear:both"/>' . $form );
 548+ }
 550+ /**
 551+ * @param array $flags
 552+ * @param bool $prettybox
 553+ * @param string $css, class to wrap box in
 554+ * @return string
 555+ * Generates a review box/tag
 556+ */
 557+ public function addTagRatings( $flags, $prettyBox = false, $css='' ) {
 558+ global $wgFlaggedRevTags;
 560+ $tag = '';
 561+ if( $prettyBox )
 562+ $tag .= "<table align='center' class='$css' cellpading='0'>";
 564+ foreach( $this->dimensions as $quality => $value ) {
 565+ $encValueText = wfMsgHtml('revreview-' . $this->dimensions[$quality][$flags[$quality]]);
 566+ $level = $flags[$quality];
 567+ $minlevel = $wgFlaggedRevTags[$quality];
 568+ if( $level >= $minlevel )
 569+ $classmarker = 2;
 570+ elseif( $level > 0 )
 571+ $classmarker = 1;
 572+ else
 573+ $classmarker = 0;
 575+ $levelmarker = $level * 20 + 20; //XXX do this better
 576+ if( $prettyBox ) {
 577+ $tag .= "<tr><td><span class='fr-group'><span class='fr-text'>" .
 578+ wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") .
 579+ "</span></td><td><span class='fr-marker fr_value$levelmarker'>" .
 580+ $encValueText . "</span></span></td></tr>\n";
 581+ } else {
 582+ $tag .= "&nbsp;<span class='fr-marker-$levelmarker'><strong>" .
 583+ wfMsgHtml("revreview-$quality") .
 584+ "</strong>: <span class='fr-text-value'>$encValueText&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;" .
 585+ "</span>\n";
 586+ }
 587+ }
 588+ if( $prettyBox )
 589+ $tag .= '</table>';
 591+ return $tag;
 592+ }
 594+ /**
 595+ * @param Row $trev, flagged revision row
 596+ * @param array $flags
 597+ * @param int $rev_since, revisions since review
 598+ * @param bool $stable, are we referring to the stable revision?
 599+ * @return string
 600+ * Generates a review box using a table using addTagRatings()
 601+ */
 602+ public function prettyRatingBox( $tfrev, $flags, $revs_since, $stable=true ) {
 603+ global $wgLang;
 604+ # Get quality level
 605+ $quality = self::isQuality( $flags );
 606+ $pristine = self::isPristine( $flags );
 607+ $time = $wgLang->date( wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $tfrev->fr_timestamp), true );
 608+ # Some checks for which tag CSS to use
 609+ if( $pristine )
 610+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box3';
 611+ else if( $quality )
 612+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box2';
 613+ else
 614+ $tagClass = 'flaggedrevs_box1';
 615+ # Construct some tagging
 616+ $msg = $stable ? 'revreview-' : 'revreview-newest-';
 617+ $msg .= $quality ? 'quality' : 'basic';
 618+ $encRatingLabel = $stable ? '' : ' ' . wfMsgHtml('revreview-oldrating');
 620+ $box = ' <a id="mw-revisiontoggle" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleRevRatings()">' .
 621+ wfMsg('revreview-toggle') . '</a>';
 622+ $box .= '<span id="mw-revisionratings">' .
 623+ wfMsgExt($msg, array('parseinline'), $tfrev->fr_rev_id, $time, $revs_since) .
 624+ $encRatingLabel .
 625+ self::addTagRatings( $flags, true, "{$tagClass}a" ) .
 626+ '</span>';
 628+ return $box;
 629+ }
 631+ /**
 632+ * @param Row $row
 633+ * @return string
 634+ * Generates revision review notes
 635+ */
 636+ public function ReviewNotes( $row ) {
 637+ global $wgUser, $wgFlaggedRevComments;
 639+ if( !$wgFlaggedRevComments || !$row || $row->fr_comment == '' )
 640+ return '';
 642+ $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
 643+ $notes = '<p><div class="flaggedrevs_notes plainlinks">';
 644+ $notes .= wfMsgExt('revreview-note', array('parse'), User::whoIs( $row->fr_user ) );
 645+ $notes .= '<i>' . $skin->formatComment( $row->fr_comment ) . '</i></div></p><br/>';
 646+ return $notes;
 647+ }
 649+ /**
 650+ * Get latest quality rev, if not, the latest reviewed one
 651+ * Same params for the sake of inheritance
 652+ * @return Row
 653+ */
 654+ function getStableRev( $t=null, $getText=false, $forUpdate=false ) {
 655+ global $wgTitle, $wgFlaggedRevs;
 656+ # Cached results available?
 657+ if( $getText ) {
 658+ if( isset($this->stablerev) && isset($this->stablerev->fr_text) ) {
 659+ return $this->stablerev;
 660+ }
 661+ } else {
 662+ if( isset($this->stablerev) ) {
 663+ return $this->stablerev;
 664+ }
 665+ }
 666+ # Get the content page, skip talk
 667+ $title = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
 668+ # Do we have one?
 669+ $row = $this->getStablePageRev( $title, $getText, $forUpdate );
 670+ if( $row ) {
 671+ $this->stablerev = $row;
 672+ return $row;
 673+ } else {
 674+ $this->stablerev = null;
 675+ return null;
 676+ }
 677+ }
 679+ /**
 680+ * Get visiblity restrictions on page
 681+ * Same params for the sake of inheritance
 682+ * @returns Array
 683+ */
 684+ public function getVisibilitySettings( $t=null, $forUpdate=false ) {
 685+ global $wgTitle;
 686+ # Cached results available?
 687+ if( isset($this->pageconfig) ) {
 688+ return $this->pageconfig;
 689+ }
 690+ # Get the content page, skip talk
 691+ $title = $wgTitle->getSubjectPage();
 693+ $config = $this->getPageVisibilitySettings( $title, $forUpdate );
 694+ $this->pageconfig = $config;
 696+ return $config;
 697+ }
 699+ /**
 700+ * @param int $rev_id
 701+ * Return an array output of the flags for a given revision
 702+ */
 703+ public function getFlagsForRevision( $rev_id ) {
 704+ global $wgFlaggedRevTags;
 705+ # Cached results?
 706+ if( isset($this->flags[$rev_id]) && $this->flags[$rev_id] )
 707+ return $this->revflags[$rev_id];
 708+ # Set all flags to zero
 709+ $flags = array();
 710+ foreach( array_keys($wgFlaggedRevTags) as $tag ) {
 711+ $flags[$tag] = 0;
 712+ }
 713+ # Grab all the tags for this revision
 714+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 715+ $result = $dbr->select( 'flaggedrevtags',
 716+ array( 'frt_dimension', 'frt_value' ),
 717+ array( 'frt_rev_id' => $rev_id ),
 718+ __METHOD__ );
 719+ # Iterate through each tag result
 720+ while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject($result) ) {
 721+ $flags[$row->frt_dimension] = $row->frt_value;
 722+ }
 723+ # Try to cache results
 724+ $this->flags[$rev_id] = true;
 725+ $this->revflags[$rev_id] = $flags;
 727+ return $flags;
 728+ }
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/FlaggedRevs/FlaggedArticle.php
Added: svn:eol-style
731731 + native

Status & tagging log