r24214 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r24213‎ | r24214 | r24215 >
Date:21:19, 17 July 2007
Extended and fixed nary datavalue
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_NAry.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/SMW_DV_NAry.php
@@ -1,317 +1,263 @@
22 <?php
44 /**
5 - * This DV implements the handling of n-ary relations.
 5+ * The SMWDataValue in this file implements the handling of n-ary relations.
 6+ * @author Jörg Heizmann
 7+ * @author Markus Krötzsch
68 */
810 require_once('SMW_DataValue.php');
1012 class SMWNAryValue extends SMWDataValue {
12 - /**
13 - * The array of the data values within this container value
14 - */
15 - private $m_values = Array();
 14+ private $m_scount = 0;
17 - /**
18 - * Is this n-ary datavalue valid?
19 - */
20 - private $isValid;
 16+ /**
 17+ * The array of the data values within this container value
 18+ */
 19+ private $m_values = array();
22 - /**
23 - * types as we received them when datafactory called us
24 - */
25 - private $m_type = Array();
 21+ /**
 22+ * typevalue as we received them when datafactory called us
 23+ */
 24+ private $m_type;
27 - /**
28 - * Set type array. Must be done before setting any values.
29 - */
30 - function setType($type) {
31 - $this->m_type = $type;
32 - }
 26+ /**
 27+ * Set type array. Must be done before setting any values.
 28+ */
 29+ function setType($type) {
 30+ $this->m_type = $type;
 31+ $this->m_count = count($this->m_type->getTypeLabels());
 32+ $this->m_values = array(); // careful: do not iterate to m_count if DV is not valid!
 33+ }
34 - private function parseValues($commaValues) {
35 - return preg_split('/[\s]*;[\s]*/', $commaValues, sizeof($this->m_type->getTypeLabels()));
36 - }
 35+ private function parseValues($commaValues) {
 36+ return preg_split('/[\s]*;[\s]*/', trim($commaValues), $this->m_count);
 37+ }
38 - protected function parseUserValue($value) {
39 - $types = $this->m_type->getTypeValues();
40 - if ($value!='') {
41 - $values = $this->parseValues($value);
42 - // check if all values were specified
43 - if (sizeof($values) < sizeof($types)) {
44 - $valueindex = 0;
45 - // less values specified -> test for closest matchings
46 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
47 - // check if enough slots available...
48 - if ((sizeof($values)-$valueindex) > ((sizeof($types)-$i))) {
49 - $this->isValid = false;
50 - $this->addError("N-ary DV is invalid");
51 - $this->m_values[$i] = null;
52 - } else {
53 - // are values left to set?
54 - if (sizeof($values) > $valueindex) {
55 - $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$valueindex]);
56 - if ($this->m_values[$i]->isValid()) {
57 - $valueindex++;
58 - } else {
59 - /// TODO: Remove previously set (user)value from container!!!
60 - $this->m_values[$i] = null;
61 - }
62 - }
63 - }
64 - }
65 - } else {
66 - // everything specified and passed correctly
67 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
68 - $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$i]);
69 - }
70 - $this->isValid = true;
71 - }
72 - } else {
73 - // no values specified -> create empty DVs
74 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
75 - $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], false);
76 - }
77 - }
78 - }
 39+ protected function parseUserValue($value) {
 40+ $this->m_values = array();
 41+ if ($value == '') {
 42+ $this->addError('No values specified.');
 43+ return;
 44+ }
80 - protected function parseXSDValue($value, $unit) {
81 - // get DVtypes
82 - $types = $this->m_type->getTypeValues();
83 - // get values supplied by user
84 - $values = $this->parseValues($value);
85 - $units = $this->parseValues($unit);
 46+ $types = $this->m_type->getTypeValues();
 47+ $values = $this->parseValues($value);
 48+ $vi = 0; // index in value array
 49+ $empty = true;
 50+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) { // iterate over slots
 51+ if ( (count($values) > $vi) &&
 52+ ( ($values[$vi] == '') || ($values[$vi] == '?') ) ) { // explicit omission
 53+ $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
 54+ $vi++;
 55+ } elseif (count($values) > $vi) { // some values left, try next slot
 56+ $dv = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$vi]);
 57+ if ($dv->isValid()) { // valid DV: keep
 58+ $this->m_values[$i] = $dv;
 59+ $vi++;
 60+ $empty = false;
 61+ } elseif ( (count($values)-$vi) == (count($types)-$i) ) {
 62+ // too many errors: keep this one to have enough slots left
 63+ $this->m_values[$i] = $dv;
 64+ $vi++;
 65+ } else { // assume implicit omission, reset to NULL
 66+ $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
 67+ }
 68+ } else { // fill rest with NULLs
 69+ $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
 70+ }
 71+ }
 72+ if ($empty) {
 73+ $this->addError('No values specified.');
 74+ }
 75+ }
87 - // create user specified DVs
88 - if (sizeof($values) < sizeof($types)) {
89 - $valueindex = 0;
90 - // less values specified -> test for closest matchings
91 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
92 - $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i]);
93 - // check if enough slots available -> if not set isValid to false...
94 - if ((sizeof($values)-$valueindex) > ((sizeof($types)-$i))) {
95 - $this->isValid = false;
96 - $this->addError("N-ary DV is invalid");
97 - } else {
98 - // is value valid?
99 - if ($this->m_values[$i]) {
100 - $this->m_values[$i]->setXSDValue($values[$i], (is_array($unit)? $units[$valueindex] : null));
101 - if ($this->m_values[$i]->isValid()) {
102 - $valueindex++;
103 - } else {
104 - $this->m_values[$i] = null;
105 - }
106 - }
107 - }
108 - }
109 - } else {
110 - // everything specified and passed correctly - set XSDValue of DV containers.
111 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
112 - $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i]);
113 - $this->m_values[$i]->setXSDValue($values[$i], (is_array($unit)? $units[$i] : null));
114 - }
115 - }
116 - }
 77+ protected function parseXSDValue($value, $unit) {
 78+ $types = $this->m_type->getTypeValues();
 79+ // Note: we can always assume this to be the form that getXSDValue returns,
 80+ // unless it is complete junk. So be strict in parsing.
 81+ $values = explode(';', $value, $this->m_count);
 82+ $units = explode(';', $unit, $this->m_count);
118 - public function setOutputFormat($formatstring) {
119 - /// TODO
120 - }
 84+ if (count($values) != $this->m_count) {
 85+ $this->addError('This is not an nary value.');
 86+ return;
 87+ }
122 - public function getShortWikiText($linked = NULL) {
123 - if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
124 - return $this->m_caption;
125 - }
126 - /// TODO: beautify with (...) like LongText
127 - $result = '';
128 - $first = true;
129 - $second = true;
130 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
131 - if ($first) {
132 - $first = false;
133 - } else if ($second) {
134 - $result .= ' (';
135 - $second = false;
136 - } else {
137 - $result .= ", ";
138 - }
139 - if ($value) {
140 - if ($value->getShortWikiText($linked)) {
141 - $result .= $value->getShortWikiText($linked);
142 - }
143 - } else {
144 - $result .= "?";
145 - }
146 - }
147 - return $second ? $result : $result .= ')';
148 - }
 89+ $this->m_values = array();
 90+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
 91+ if ($values[$i] == '') {
 92+ $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
 93+ } else {
 94+ $this->m_values[$i] = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeObjectValue($types[$i], $values[$i]);
 95+ }
 96+ }
 97+ }
150 - public function getShortHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
151 - if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
152 - return $this->m_caption;
153 - }
154 - /// TODO: beautify with (...) like LongText
155 - $result = '';
156 - $first = true;
157 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
158 - if ($first) {
159 - $first = false;
160 - } else {
161 - $result .= ", ";
162 - }
163 - if ($value) {
164 - if ($value->getShortHTMLText($linker)) {
165 - $result .= $value->getShortHTMLText($linker);
166 - }
167 - } else {
168 - $result .= "?";
169 - }
170 - }
171 - return $result;
172 - }
 99+ public function setOutputFormat($formatstring) {
 100+ /// TODO
 101+ }
174 - public function getLongWikiText($linked = NULL) {
175 - $result = '';
176 - $first = true;
177 - $second = true;
178 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
179 - if ($first) {
180 - $first = false;
181 - } else if ($second) {
182 - $result .= ' (';
183 - $second = false;
184 - }
185 - else {
186 - $result .= ", ";
187 - }
188 - if ($value) {
189 - $result .= $value->getLongWikiText($linked);
190 - } else {
191 - $result .= null;
192 - }
193 - }
194 - return $second ? $result : $result .= ')';
195 - }
 103+ public function getShortWikiText($linked = NULL) {
 104+ if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
 105+ return $this->m_caption;
 106+ }
 107+ return $this->makeOutputText(0, $linked);
 108+ }
197 - public function getLongHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
198 - /// TODO: beautify with (...) like WikiText
199 - $result = '';
200 - $first = true;
201 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
202 - if ($first) {
203 - $first = false;
204 - } else {
205 - $result .= ", ";
206 - }
207 - if ($value) {
208 - $result .= $value->getLongHTMLText($linker);
209 - } else {
210 - $result .= "?";
211 - }
212 - }
213 - return $result;
214 - }
 110+ public function getShortHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
 111+ if ($this->m_caption !== false) {
 112+ return $this->m_caption;
 113+ }
 114+ return $this->makeOutputText(1, $linker);
 115+ }
216 - public function getXSDValue() {
217 - $xsdvals = Array();
218 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->m_type->getTypeLabels()); $i++) {
219 - if ($this->m_values[$i]) {
220 - $xsdvals[$i] = $this->m_values[$i]->getXSDValue();
221 - }
222 - }
223 - return implode(';', $xsdvals);
224 - }
 117+ public function getLongWikiText($linked = NULL) {
 118+ return $this->makeOutputText(2, $linked);
 119+ }
226 - public function getWikiValue() {
227 - $result = '';
228 - $first = true;
229 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
230 - if ($first) {
231 - $first = false;
232 - } else {
233 - $result .= ";";
234 - }
 121+ public function getLongHTMLText($linker = NULL) {
 122+ return $this->makeOutputText(3, $linker);
 123+ }
236 - if ($value) {
237 - $result .= $value->getWikiValue();
238 - }
239 - }
240 - return $result;
241 - }
 125+ private function makeOutputText($type = 0, $linker = NULL) {
 126+ if (!$this->isValid()) {
 127+ return ( ($type == 0)||($type == 1) )? '' : $this->getErrorText();
 128+ }
 129+ $result = '';
 130+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
 131+ if ($i == 1) {
 132+ $result .= ' (';
 133+ } elseif ($i > 1) {
 134+ $result .= ", ";
 135+ }
 136+ if ($this->m_values[$i] !== NULL) {
 137+ $result .= $this->makeValueOutputText($type, $i, $linker);
 138+ } else {
 139+ $result .= '?';
 140+ }
 141+ if ($i == sizeof($this->m_values) - 1) {
 142+ $result .= ')';
 143+ }
 144+ }
 145+ return $result;
 146+ }
 148+ private function makeValueOutputText($type, $index, $linker) {
 149+ switch ($type) {
 150+ case 0: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortWikiText($linker);
 151+ case 1: return $this->m_values[$index]->getShortHTMLText($linker);
 152+ case 2: return $this->m_values[$index]->getLongWikiText($linker);
 153+ case 3: return $this->m_values[$index]->getLongHTMLText($linker);
 154+ }
 155+ }
243 - public function getNumericValue() {
244 - return false;
245 - }
 157+ public function getXSDValue() {
 158+ $first = true;
 159+ $result = '';
 160+ foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
 161+ if ($first) {
 162+ $first = false;
 163+ } else {
 164+ $result .= ';';
 165+ }
 166+ if ($value !== NULL) {
 167+ $result .= $value->getXSDValue();
 168+ }
 169+ }
 170+ return $result;
 171+ }
247 - public function getUnit() {
248 - $units = Array();
249 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->m_type->getTypeLabels()); $i++) {
250 - if ($this->m_values[$i]) {
251 - $units[$i] = $this->m_values[$i]->getUnit();
252 - }
253 - }
254 - return implode(';', $units);
255 - }
 173+ public function getWikiValue() {
 174+ $result = '';
 175+ $first = true;
 176+ foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
 177+ if ($first) {
 178+ $first = false;
 179+ } else {
 180+ $result .= "; ";
 181+ }
 182+ if ($value !== NULL) {
 183+ $result .= $value->getWikiValue();
 184+ } else {
 185+ $result .= "?";
 186+ }
 187+ }
 188+ return $result;
 189+ }
257 - public function getHash() {
258 - $hash = '';
259 - foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
260 - // is DV set?
261 - if ($value) {
262 - $hash .= $value->getHash();
263 - }
264 - /// FIXME: this is wrong (different value combinations yield same hash)
265 - }
266 - return $hash;
267 - }
 191+ public function getNumericValue() {
 192+ return false;
 193+ }
269 - public function isNumeric() {
270 - return false; // the n-ary is clearly non numeric (n-ary values cannot be ordered by numbers)
271 - }
 195+ public function getUnit() {
 196+ $first = true;
 197+ $result = '';
 198+ foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
 199+ if ($first) {
 200+ $first = false;
 201+ } else {
 202+ $result .= ';';
 203+ }
 204+ if ($value !== NULL) {
 205+ $result .= $value->Unit();
 206+ }
 207+ }
 208+ return $result;
 209+ }
273 - //
274 - // custom functions for n-ary attributes
275 - //
 211+ public function getHash() {
 212+ $first = true;
 213+ $result = '';
 214+ foreach ($this->m_values as $value) {
 215+ if ($first) {
 216+ $first = false;
 217+ } else {
 218+ $result .= ' - ';
 219+ }
 220+ if ($value !== NULL) {
 221+ $result .= str_replace('-', '--', $value->getHash());
 222+ }
 223+ }
 224+ return $result;
 225+ }
277 - public function getDVTypeIDs() {
278 - return implode(';', $this->m_type->getTypeLabels());
279 - }
 227+ public function isNumeric() {
 228+ return false; // the n-ary is clearly non numeric (n-ary values cannot be ordered by numbers)
 229+ }
281 - public function getType() {
282 - return $this->m_type;
283 - }
 231+////// Custom functions for n-ary attributes
285 - public function getDVs() {
286 - return $this->isValid() ? $this->m_values : null;
287 - }
 233+ public function getDVTypeIDs() {
 234+ return implode(';', $this->m_type->getTypeLabels());
 235+ }
289 - public function setDVs($datavalues) {
290 - // less values specified...
291 - $typelabels = $this->m_type->getTypeLabels();
292 - if (sizeof($datavalues) < sizeof($typelabels)) {
293 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($datavalues); $i++) {
294 - if ($datavalues[$i]) {
295 - if ($datavalues[$i]->getTypeID() == SMWTypesValue::findTypeID($typelabels[$i])) {
296 - $this->m_values[$i] = $datavalues[$i];
297 - } else {
298 - $this->m_values[$i] = null;
299 - }
300 - }
301 - }
302 - } else if (sizeof($datavalues) == sizeof($typelabels)) {
303 - // everything specified as desired
304 - for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($typelabels); $i++) {
305 - if ($datavalues[$i]) {
306 - // check if dv matches expected one
307 - if ($datavalues[$i]->getTypeID() == SMWTypesValue::findTypeID($typelabels[$i])) {
308 - $this->m_values[$i] = $datavalues[$i];
309 - } else {
310 - $this->m_values[$i] = null;
311 - }
312 - }
313 - }
314 - }
315 - }
 237+ public function getType() {
 238+ return $this->m_type;
 239+ }
 241+ public function getDVs() {
 242+ return $this->isValid() ? $this->m_values : NULL;
 243+ }
 245+ /**
 246+ * Directly set the values to the given array of values. The given values
 247+ * should correspond to the types and arity of the nary container, with
 248+ * NULL as an indication for omitted values.
 249+ */
 250+ public function setDVs($datavalues) {
 251+ $typelabels = $this->m_type->getTypeLabels();
 252+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->m_count; $i++) {
 253+ if ( ($i < count($datavalues) ) && ($datavalues[$i] !== NULL) ) {
 254+ //&& ($datavalues[$i]->getTypeID() == SMWTypesValue::findTypeID($typelabels[$i])) ) {
 255+ ///TODO: is the above typcheck required, or can we assume responsible callers?
 256+ $this->m_values[$i] = $datavalues[$i];
 257+ } else {
 258+ $this->m_values[$i] = NULL;
 259+ }
 260+ }
 261+ }
317263 }

Status & tagging log