r183 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r182‎ | r183 | r184 >
Date:14:30, 22 February 2002
slight optimization of database access. There could be done much much more here.
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phpwiki/fpw/wikiUser.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phpwiki/fpw/wikiUser.php
@@ -2,267 +2,277 @@
33 # The wikiUser class handles all user information
55 class WikiUser {
6 - var $id , $name , $password , $retypePassword ;
7 - var $options , $email ;
8 - var $rights ;
9 - var $isLoggedIn ; # Is this user currently logged in?
 6+ var $id , $name , $password , $retypePassword ;
 7+ var $options , $email ;
 8+ var $rights ;
 9+ var $isLoggedIn ; # Is this user currently logged in?
1111 #### Skin functions
13 - # Creates the options for the currently selected skin by calling the appropriate function
14 - function skin () {
15 - if ( $this->options["skin"] == "" ) $this->skinBlank () ;
16 - else if ( $this->options["skin"] == "None" ) $this->skinBlank () ;
17 - else if ( $this->options["skin"] == "Star Trek" ) $this->skinStarTrek () ;
18 - }
 13+ # Creates the options for the currently selected skin by calling the appropriate function
 14+ function skin () {
 15+ if ( $this->options["skin"] == "" ) $this->skinBlank () ;
 16+ else if ( $this->options["skin"] == "None" ) $this->skinBlank () ;
 17+ else if ( $this->options["skin"] == "Star Trek" ) $this->skinStarTrek () ;
 18+ }
20 - # This sets the options for the standard skin
21 - function skinBlank () {
22 - #$this->options["background"] = " BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\"" ;
23 - $this->options["background"] = "#FFFFFF" ;
24 - $this->options["text"] = "" ;
25 - $this->options["forceQuickBar"] = "" ;
26 - $this->options["quickBarBackground"] = "" ;
27 - $this->options["textTableBackground"] = "" ;
28 - $this->options["forceLinks"] = "" ;
29 - $this->options["leftImage"] = "" ;
30 - $this->options["borderColor"] = "black" ;
31 - $this->options["tabLine0"] = " bgcolor=\"#BBBBBB\" " ;
32 - $this->options["tabLine1"] = "" ;
33 - $this->options["tabLine2"] = " bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"" ;
34 - }
 20+ # This sets the options for the standard skin
 21+ function skinBlank () {
 22+ #$this->options["background"] = " BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\"" ;
 23+ $this->options["background"] = "#FFFFFF" ;
 24+ $this->options["text"] = "" ;
 25+ $this->options["forceQuickBar"] = "" ;
 26+ $this->options["quickBarBackground"] = "" ;
 27+ $this->options["textTableBackground"] = "" ;
 28+ $this->options["forceLinks"] = "" ;
 29+ $this->options["leftImage"] = "" ;
 30+ $this->options["borderColor"] = "black" ;
 31+ $this->options["tabLine0"] = " bgcolor=\"#BBBBBB\" " ;
 32+ $this->options["tabLine1"] = "" ;
 33+ $this->options["tabLine2"] = " bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"" ;
 34+ }
36 - # This sets the options for the StarTrek skin
37 - function skinStarTrek () {
38 - global $wikiStarTrekImage ;
39 - #$this->options["background"] = " BGCOLOR=\"#000000\" " ;
40 - #$this->options["text"] = " TEXT=\"#00BB00\" " ;
41 - $this->options["background"] = "#000000" ;
42 - $this->options["text"] = "#00BB00" ;
43 - $this->options["forceQuickBar"] = "left" ;
44 - $this->options["quickBarBackground"] = " bgcolor=yellow " ;
45 - $this->options["textTableBackground"] = " bgcolor=\"#444444\"" ;
46 - $this->options["forceLinks"] = " style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:none\" " ;
47 - $this->options["leftImage"] = $wikiStarTrekImage ;
48 - $this->options["borderColor"] = "yellow" ;
49 - $this->options["tabLine0"] = " bgcolor=\"#550055\" " ;
50 - $this->options["tabLine1"] = "" ;
51 - $this->options["tabLine2"] = " bgcolor=\"#333333\"" ;
52 - }
53 -
54 - # Creates a style sheet for the page from the skin & link style options
55 - function styleSheet( $action = "view" ) {
56 - global $namespaceBackground ;
57 - $ret = "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n";
58 - $ret .= "body { ";
59 - $textcolor = $this->options[text];
60 - $bgcolor = $this->options[background];
61 - if ( $namespaceBackground != "" ) $bgcolor = $namespaceBackground ;
62 - if ( $textcolor == "" )
63 - $textcolor = "black"; # For un-coloring links. Should be "inherit" but Netscape 4.x messes it up
64 - else
65 - $ret .= "color: $textcolor; ";
66 - if ( $bgcolor == "" )
67 - $bgcolor = "white";
68 - else
69 - $ret .= "background: $bgcolor; ";
70 - $ret .= "}\n";
71 -
72 - $ret .= "p.bodytext { " . (($this->options[justify] == "yes") ? "text-align: justify; " : "") . "}\n";
73 - $ret .= "a { text-decoration: " . (($this->options[underlineLinks] == "no") ? "none" : "underline") . "; }\n";
74 -
75 - $qbside = ( $this->options["quickBar"] == "left" ) ? "right" : "left";
76 - $ret .= "a.interwiki, a.external { color: #3333BB; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
77 - "a.red { color: red; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
78 - "a.green { color: green; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
79 - ".topbar { border-bottom-width: 2; border-bottom-style: ridge; }\n" .
80 - ".middle { }\n" .
81 - ".quickbar { border-$qbside-width: 2; border-$qbside-style: ridge; }\n" .
82 - ".footer { border-top-color: black; border-top-width: 2; border-top-style: groove; }\n";
83 -
84 - if ( $action == "print" ) {
85 - $ret .= "a { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; }\n ";
86 - $ret .= "a.newlink { color: inherit; font-style: inherit; }\n.newlinkedge { display: none; }\n";
87 - } elseif ( $this->options[markupNewTopics] == "red") {
88 - $ret .= "a.newlink { color: red; }\n.newlinkedge { display: none; }\n";
89 - } elseif ( $this->options[markupNewTopics] == "inverse") {
90 - $ret .= "a.newlink { color: white; background: blue; }\n.newlinkedge { display: inline; }\n";
91 - } else {
92 - $ret .= "a.newlink { color: $textcolor; text-decoration: none; }\n.newlinkedge { display: inline; }\n";
93 - }
94 - $ret .= "//--></style>";
95 - return $ret;
96 - }
 36+ # This sets the options for the StarTrek skin
 37+ function skinStarTrek () {
 38+ global $wikiStarTrekImage ;
 39+ #$this->options["background"] = " BGCOLOR=\"#000000\" " ;
 40+ #$this->options["text"] = " TEXT=\"#00BB00\" " ;
 41+ $this->options["background"] = "#000000" ;
 42+ $this->options["text"] = "#00BB00" ;
 43+ $this->options["forceQuickBar"] = "left" ;
 44+ $this->options["quickBarBackground"] = " bgcolor=yellow " ;
 45+ $this->options["textTableBackground"] = " bgcolor=\"#444444\"" ;
 46+ $this->options["forceLinks"] = " style=\"color:#0000FF;text-decoration:none\" " ;
 47+ $this->options["leftImage"] = $wikiStarTrekImage ;
 48+ $this->options["borderColor"] = "yellow" ;
 49+ $this->options["tabLine0"] = " bgcolor=\"#550055\" " ;
 50+ $this->options["tabLine1"] = "" ;
 51+ $this->options["tabLine2"] = " bgcolor=\"#333333\"" ;
 52+ }
 54+ # Creates a style sheet for the page from the skin & link style options
 55+ function styleSheet( $action = "view" ) {
 56+ global $namespaceBackground ;
 57+ $ret = "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n";
 58+ $ret .= "body { ";
 59+ $textcolor = $this->options[text];
 60+ $bgcolor = $this->options[background];
 61+ if ( $namespaceBackground != "" ) $bgcolor = $namespaceBackground ;
 62+ if ( $textcolor == "" )
 63+ $textcolor = "black"; # For un-coloring links. Should be "inherit" but Netscape 4.x messes it up
 64+ else
 65+ $ret .= "color: $textcolor; ";
 66+ if ( $bgcolor == "" )
 67+ $bgcolor = "white";
 68+ else
 69+ $ret .= "background: $bgcolor; ";
 70+ $ret .= "}\n";
 72+ $ret .= "p.bodytext { " . (($this->options[justify] == "yes") ? "text-align: justify; " : "") . "}\n";
 73+ $ret .= "a { text-decoration: " . (($this->options[underlineLinks] == "no") ? "none" : "underline") . "; }\n";
 75+ $qbside = ( $this->options["quickBar"] == "left" ) ? "right" : "left";
 76+ $ret .= "a.interwiki, a.external { color: #3333BB; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
 77+ "a.red { color: red; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
 78+ "a.green { color: green; text-decoration: none; }\n" .
 79+ ".topbar { border-bottom-width: 2; border-bottom-style: ridge; }\n" .
 80+ ".middle { }\n" .
 81+ ".quickbar { border-$qbside-width: 2; border-$qbside-style: ridge; }\n" .
 82+ ".footer { border-top-color: black; border-top-width: 2; border-top-style: groove; }\n";
 84+ if ( $action == "print" ) {
 85+ $ret .= "a { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; }\n ";
 86+ $ret .= "a.newlink { color: inherit; font-style: inherit; }\n.newlinkedge { display: none; }\n";
 87+ } elseif ( $this->options[markupNewTopics] == "red") {
 88+ $ret .= "a.newlink { color: red; }\n.newlinkedge { display: none; }\n";
 89+ } elseif ( $this->options[markupNewTopics] == "inverse") {
 90+ $ret .= "a.newlink { color: white; background: blue; }\n.newlinkedge { display: inline; }\n";
 91+ } else {
 92+ $ret .= "a.newlink { color: $textcolor; text-decoration: none; }\n.newlinkedge { display: inline; }\n";
 93+ }
 94+ $ret .= "//--></style>";
 95+ return $ret;
 96+ }
9898 #### Management functions
100 - # This checks the cookies for prior log-ins
101 - function scanCookies () {
102 - global $WikiUserID , $WikiUserPassword , $WikiLoggedIn ;
103 - $this->id = 0 ;
104 - $this->name = "" ;
105 - $this->isLoggedIn = false ;
106 - if ( $WikiUserID > 0 and $WikiLoggedIn == "yes" ) {
107 - $connection = getDBconnection () ;
108 - $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id=$WikiUserID" ;
109 - $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
110 - if ( $result ) {
111 - $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
112 - $this->name = $s->user_name ;
113 - if ( $WikiUserPassword == $s->user_password ) {
114 - $this->password = $s->user_password ;
115 - $this->id = $s->user_id ;
116 - $this->isLoggedIn = true ;
117 - }
118 - mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
119 - }
120 - }
121 - $this->loadSettings () ;
122 - $this->ensureDefaultOptions () ;
123 - $this->skin () ;
124 - }
 100+ # This checks the cookies for prior log-ins
 101+ function scanCookies () {
 102+ global $WikiUserID , $WikiUserPassword , $WikiLoggedIn ;
 103+ $this->id = 0 ;
 104+ $this->name = "" ;
 105+ $this->isLoggedIn = false ;
 106+ if ( $WikiUserID > 0 and $WikiLoggedIn == "yes" ) {
 107+ $connection = getDBconnection () ;
 108+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_id=$WikiUserID" ;
 109+ $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
 110+ if ( $result ) {
 111+ $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
 112+ $this->name = $s->user_name ;
 113+ if ( $WikiUserPassword == $s->user_password ) {
 114+ $this->password = $s->user_password ;
 115+ $this->id = $s->user_id ;
 116+ $this->isLoggedIn = true ;
 117+ }
 118+ mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
 119+ }
 120+ }
 121+ $this->loadSettings () ;
 122+ $this->ensureDefaultOptions () ;
 123+ $this->skin () ;
 124+ }
126 - # This sets the default options for new and no-log-in users
127 - function ensureDefaultOptions () {
128 - if ( $this->options["quickBar"] == "" ) $this->options["quickBar"] = "right" ; # For demonstration
129 - if ( $this->options["markupNewTopics"] == "" ) $this->options["markupNewTopics"] = "normal" ;
130 - if ( $this->options["underlineLinks"] == "" ) $this->options["underlineLinks"] = "yes" ;
131 - if ( $this->options["showHover"] == "" ) $this->options["showHover"] = "yes" ;
132 - if ( $this->options["cols"] == "" ) $this->options["cols"] = "60" ;
133 - if ( $this->options["rows"] == "" ) $this->options["rows"] = "20" ;
134 - if ( $this->options["changesLayout"] == "" ) $this->options["changesLayout"] = "classic" ;
135 - if ( $this->options["hideMinor"] == "" ) $this->options["hideMinor"] = "no" ;
136 - if ( $this->options["justify"] == "" ) $this->options["justify"] = "no" ;
137 - if ( $this->options["resultsPerPage"] == "" ) $this->options["resultsPerPage"] = "20" ;
138 - if ( $this->options["skin"] == "" ) $this->options["skin"] = "None" ;
139 - if ( $this->options["hourDiff"] == "" ) $this->options["hourDiff"] = "0" ;
140 - if ( $this->options["encoding"] == "") $this->options["encoding"] = 0;
141 - if ( $this->options["numberHeadings"] == "" ) $this->options["numberHeadings"] = "no" ;
142 - if ( $this->options["viewFrames"] == "" ) $this->options["viewFrames"] = "no" ;
143 - if ( $this->options["viewRecentChanges"] == "" ) $this->options["viewRecentChanges"] = "50" ;
 126+ # This sets the default options for new and no-log-in users
 127+ function ensureDefaultOptions () {
 128+ if ( $this->options["quickBar"] == "" ) $this->options["quickBar"] = "right" ; # For demonstration
 129+ if ( $this->options["markupNewTopics"] == "" ) $this->options["markupNewTopics"] = "normal" ;
 130+ if ( $this->options["underlineLinks"] == "" ) $this->options["underlineLinks"] = "yes" ;
 131+ if ( $this->options["showHover"] == "" ) $this->options["showHover"] = "yes" ;
 132+ if ( $this->options["cols"] == "" ) $this->options["cols"] = "60" ;
 133+ if ( $this->options["rows"] == "" ) $this->options["rows"] = "20" ;
 134+ if ( $this->options["changesLayout"] == "" ) $this->options["changesLayout"] = "classic" ;
 135+ if ( $this->options["hideMinor"] == "" ) $this->options["hideMinor"] = "no" ;
 136+ if ( $this->options["justify"] == "" ) $this->options["justify"] = "no" ;
 137+ if ( $this->options["resultsPerPage"] == "" ) $this->options["resultsPerPage"] = "20" ;
 138+ if ( $this->options["skin"] == "" ) $this->options["skin"] = "None" ;
 139+ if ( $this->options["hourDiff"] == "" ) $this->options["hourDiff"] = "0" ;
 140+ if ( $this->options["encoding"] == "") $this->options["encoding"] = 0;
 141+ if ( $this->options["numberHeadings"] == "" ) $this->options["numberHeadings"] = "no" ;
 142+ if ( $this->options["viewFrames"] == "" ) $this->options["viewFrames"] = "no" ;
 143+ if ( $this->options["viewRecentChanges"] == "" ) $this->options["viewRecentChanges"] = "50" ;
145 -# if ( $this->options["showStructure"] == "" ) # NO SUBPAGES ANYMORE
146 - $this->options["showStructure"] = "no" ;
147 - }
 145+# if ( $this->options["showStructure"] == "" ) # NO SUBPAGES ANYMORE
 146+ $this->options["showStructure"] = "no" ;
 147+ }
149 - # Loads the user settings from the database
150 - function loadSettings () {
151 - $this->rights = array () ;
152 - if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) return ;
153 - $t = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_options" , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
154 - $t = urldecode ( $t ) ;
155 - $a = explode ( "\n" , $t ) ;
156 - $this->options = array () ;
157 - foreach ( $a as $x ) {
158 - $b = explode ( "=" , $x ) ;
159 - $this->options[$b[0]] = $b[1] ;
160 - }
161 - $t = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_rights" , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
162 - $this->rights = explode ( "," , strtolower ( $t ) ) ;
163 - $this->password = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_password" , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
164 - $this->email = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_email" , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
165 - $this->skin () ;
166 - }
 149+ # Loads the user settings from the database
 150+ function loadSettings () {
 151+ $this->rights = array () ;
 153+ # if the user is not logged in, there are no settings
 154+ if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) return ;
 156+ # get the settings from the database
 157+ $connection = getDBconnection() ;
 158+ $sql = "SELECT user_options, user_rights, user_password, user_email
 159+ FROM user
 160+ WHERE user_id = $this->id" ;
 161+ $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
 162+ $t = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
 163+ mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
 165+ # filling the settings variables
 166+ $this->options = array () ;
 167+ $a = explode ( "\n" , urldecode ( $t->user_options ) ) ;
 168+ foreach ( $a as $x ) {
 169+ $b = explode ( "=" , $x ) ;
 170+ $this->options[$b[0]] = $b[1] ;
 171+ }
 172+ $this->rights = explode ( "," , strtolower ( $t->user_rights ) ) ;
 173+ $this->password = $t->user_password ;
 174+ $this->email = $t->user_email ;
 175+ $this->skin () ;
 176+ }
168 - # Saves/updates the user settings in the database
169 - function saveSettings () {
170 - global $expiration ;
171 - if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) return ;
172 - $t = "" ;
173 - $a = array_keys ( $this->options ) ;
174 - foreach ( $a as $x ) {
175 - if ( $x != "" ) {
176 - if ( $t != "" ) $t .= "\n" ;
177 - $t .= $x."=".$this->options[$x] ;
178 - }
179 - }
180 - setMySQL ( "user" , "user_options" , nurlencode ( $t ) , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
181 - setMySQL ( "user" , "user_password" , $this->password , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
182 - setMySQL ( "user" , "user_email" , $this->email , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
183 - if ( $this->options["rememberPassword"] == "on" ) setcookie ( "WikiUserPassword" , $this->password , $expiration ) ;
184 - }
 178+ # Saves/updates the user settings in the database
 179+ function saveSettings () {
 180+ global $expiration ;
 181+ if ( !$this->isLoggedIn ) return ;
 182+ $t = "" ;
 183+ $a = array_keys ( $this->options ) ;
 184+ foreach ( $a as $x ) {
 185+ if ( $x != "" ) {
 186+ if ( $t != "" ) $t .= "\n" ;
 187+ $t .= $x."=".$this->options[$x] ;
 188+ }
 189+ }
 190+ setMySQL ( "user" , "user_options" , nurlencode ( $t ) , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
 191+ setMySQL ( "user" , "user_password" , $this->password , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
 192+ setMySQL ( "user" , "user_email" , $this->email , "user_id=".$this->id ) ;
 193+ if ( $this->options["rememberPassword"] == "on" ) setcookie ( "WikiUserPassword" , $this->password , $expiration ) ;
 194+ }
186 - # Creates a link to the user home page, or returns the IP
187 - function getLink () {
188 - global $wikiUser ;
189 - if ( $this->isLoggedIn ) {
190 - $s = new WikiPage ;
191 - $s = $s->parseContents ( "[[$wikiUser:$this->name|$this->name]]" ) ;
192 - $s = substr ( strstr ( $s , ">" ) , 1 ) ;
193 - $s = str_replace ( "</p>" , "" , $s ) ;
194 - return $s ;
195 - }
 196+ # Creates a link to the user home page, or returns the IP
 197+ function getLink () {
 198+ global $wikiUser ;
 199+ if ( $this->isLoggedIn ) {
 200+ $s = new WikiPage ;
 201+ $s = $s->parseContents ( "[[$wikiUser:$this->name|$this->name]]" ) ;
 202+ $s = substr ( strstr ( $s , ">" ) , 1 ) ;
 203+ $s = str_replace ( "</p>" , "" , $s ) ;
 204+ return $s ;
 205+ }
197 - # These headers can be exploited to falsify an IP. Probably not worth bothering with them,
198 - # let proxies be proxies.
199 - #if ( getenv ( HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ) ) $s = getenv ( HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ) ;
200 - #elseif ( getenv ( HTTP_CLIENT_IP ) ) $s = getenv ( HTTP_CLIENT_IP ) ;
201 - #else $s = getenv ( REMOTE_ADDR ) ;
202 - $s = getenv ( REMOTE_ADDR ) ;
 207+ # These headers can be exploited to falsify an IP. Probably not worth bothering with them,
 208+ # let proxies be proxies.
 209+ #if ( getenv ( HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ) ) $s = getenv ( HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ) ;
 210+ #elseif ( getenv ( HTTP_CLIENT_IP ) ) $s = getenv ( HTTP_CLIENT_IP ) ;
 211+ #else $s = getenv ( REMOTE_ADDR ) ;
 212+ $s = getenv ( REMOTE_ADDR ) ;
206 -# $s = explode ( "." , $s ) ;
207 -# $s = $s[0].".".$s[1].".".$s[2].".xxx" ;
208 - return $s ;
209 - }
 216+# $s = explode ( "." , $s ) ;
 217+# $s = $s[0].".".$s[1].".".$s[2].".xxx" ;
 218+ return $s ;
 219+ }
211 - # Checks if a user with that name exists
212 - function doesUserExist () {
213 - $s = trim ( $this->name ) ;
214 - if ( $s == "" ) return false ;
215 - $connection = getDBconnection () ;
216 - $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name=\"$s\"" ;
217 - $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
218 - if ( $result == "" ) {
219 - return false ;
220 - }
221 - $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
222 - mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
223 - if ( $s == "" ) return false ;
224 - return true ;
225 - }
 221+ # Checks if a user with that name exists
 222+ function doesUserExist () {
 223+ $s = trim ( $this->name ) ;
 224+ if ( $s == "" ) return false ;
 225+ $connection = getDBconnection () ;
 226+ $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_name=\"$s\"" ;
 227+ $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
 228+ if ( $result == "" ) {
 229+ return false ;
 230+ }
 231+ $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ;
 232+ mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
 233+ if ( $s == "" ) return false ;
 234+ return true ;
 235+ }
227 - # Adds a new user to the database
228 - function addToDatabase () {
229 - $connection = getDBconnection () ;
230 - $sql = "INSERT INTO user (user_name,user_password) VALUES (\"$this->name\",\"$this->password\")" ;
231 - $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
232 - }
 237+ # Adds a new user to the database
 238+ function addToDatabase () {
 239+ $connection = getDBconnection () ;
 240+ $sql = "INSERT INTO user (user_name,user_password) VALUES (\"$this->name\",\"$this->password\")" ;
 241+ $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
 242+ }
234 - # Checks the login
235 - function verify () {
236 - global $wikiNoSuchUser , $wikiWrongPassword , $wikiYouAreLoggedIn , $wikiUserError ;
237 - $this->isLoggedIn = false ;
238 - if ( !$this->doesUserExist() ) return str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiNoSuchUser ) ;
239 - $connection = getDBconnection () ;
240 - $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=\"$this->name\"" ;
241 - $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
242 - if ( $result == "" ) return str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiNoSuchUser ) ;
243 - if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
244 - mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
245 - if ( $s->user_password == $this->password ) {
246 - $ret = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiYouAreLoggedIn ) ;
247 - $this->id = $s->user_id ;
248 - $this->isLoggedIn = true ;
249 - $this->loadSettings() ;
250 - } else {
251 - $ret = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiWrongPassword ) ;
252 - }
253 - }
254 - else {
255 - mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
256 - $this->contents = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiUserError ) ;
257 - }
258 -
259 - return $ret ;
260 - }
 244+ # Checks the login
 245+ function verify () {
 246+ global $wikiNoSuchUser , $wikiWrongPassword , $wikiYouAreLoggedIn , $wikiUserError ;
 247+ $this->isLoggedIn = false ;
 248+ if ( !$this->doesUserExist() ) return str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiNoSuchUser ) ;
 249+ $connection = getDBconnection () ;
 250+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name=\"$this->name\"" ;
 251+ $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $connection ) ;
 252+ if ( $result == "" ) return str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiNoSuchUser ) ;
 253+ if ( $s = mysql_fetch_object ( $result ) ) {
 254+ mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
 255+ if ( $s->user_password == $this->password ) {
 256+ $ret = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiYouAreLoggedIn ) ;
 257+ $this->id = $s->user_id ;
 258+ $this->isLoggedIn = true ;
 259+ $this->loadSettings() ;
 260+ } else {
 261+ $ret = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiWrongPassword ) ;
 262+ }
 263+ }
 264+ else {
 265+ mysql_free_result ( $result ) ;
 266+ $this->contents = str_replace ( "$1" , $this->name , $wikiUserError ) ;
 267+ }
 269+ return $ret ;
 270+ }
262 - # Toggles the watch on an article for this user
263 - function doWatch ( $t ) {
264 - $a = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_watch" , "user_id=$this->id" ) ;
265 - $b = explode ( "\n" , $a ) ;
266 - return in_array ( $t , $b ) ;
267 - }
268 - }
 272+ # Toggles the watch on an article for this user
 273+ function doWatch ( $t ) {
 274+ $a = getMySQL ( "user" , "user_watch" , "user_id=$this->id" ) ;
 275+ $b = explode ( "\n" , $a ) ;
 276+ return in_array ( $t , $b ) ;
 277+ }
 278+ }
269279 ?>

Status & tagging log