r16690 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r16689‎ | r16690 | r16691 >
Date:03:30, 29 September 2006
* Workaround the redirect bug 7304
* Error handling returns data in parsable format
* Disabled user contribution counter
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/BotQuery/query.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/BotQuery/query.php
@@ -75,35 +75,15 @@
7676 define( 'NS_ALL_NAMESPACES', -10123 );
79 -// Possible way to implement login functionality
80 -//$action = $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'query');
81 -//switch( $action ) {
82 -// case 'query':
83 - $bqp = new BotQueryProcessor( $startTime );
84 - $bqp->execute();
85 - $bqp->output();
86 -// break;
87 -// case 'login':
88 -// $blp = new BotLoginProcessor();
89 -// $blp->execute();
90 -// break;
91 -//}
 79+$bqp = new BotQueryProcessor( $startTime );
9383 wfProfileOut( 'query.php' );
9484 if ( function_exists( 'wfLogProfilingData' ) ) {
9585 wfLogProfilingData();
9686 }
98 -//class BotLoginProcessor {
99 -// function BotLoginProcessor()
100 -// {}
101 -//
102 -// function execute()
103 -// {
104 -// wfSetupSession();
105 -// }
106 -//}
107 -
10888 class BotQueryProcessor {
10989 var $classname = 'BotQueryProcessor';
@@ -502,15 +482,18 @@
503483 "ucrbtoken - If logged in as an admin, a rollback tokens for top revisions will be included in the output.",
504484 "Example: query.php?what=usercontribs&titles=User:YurikBot&uclimit=20&uccomments",
505485 )),
506 - 'contribcounter' => array(
507 - GN_FUNC => 'genContributionsCounter',
508 - GN_ISMETA => false,
509 - GN_PARAMS => array(),
510 - GN_DFLT => array(),
511 - GN_DESC => array(
512 - "User contributions counter",
513 - "Example: query.php?what=contribcounter&titles=User:Yurik",
514 - )),
 487+ // Extremelly slow query!!!
 489+// 'contribcounter' => array(
 490+// GN_FUNC => 'genContributionsCounter',
 491+// GN_ISMETA => false,
 492+// GN_PARAMS => array(),
 493+// GN_DFLT => array(),
 494+// GN_DESC => array(
 495+// "User contributions counter",
 496+// "Example: query.php?what=contribcounter&titles=User:Yurik",
 497+// )),
515498 'imageinfo' => array(
516499 GN_FUNC => 'genImageInfo',
517500 GN_ISMETA => false,
@@ -544,6 +527,9 @@
545528 {
546529 global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
 531+ // Initialize Error handler
 532+ set_exception_handler( array($this, 'ExceptionHandler') );
548534 $this->startTime = $startTime;
549535 $this->totalDbTime = 0;
@@ -581,6 +567,40 @@
582568 }
584570 /**
 571+ * Exception handler which simulates the appropriate catch() handling:
 572+ *
 573+ * try {
 574+ * ...
 575+ * } catch ( MWException $e ) {
 576+ * dieUsage()
 577+ * } catch ( Exception $e ) {
 578+ * echo $e->__toString();
 579+ * }
 580+ */
 581+ function ExceptionHandler( $e ) {
 582+ global $wgFullyInitialised;
 583+ if ( is_a( $e, 'MWException' ) ) {
 584+ try {
 585+ $this->dieUsage( "Exception Caught: {$e->getMessage()}\n\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}\n\n", 'internal_error' );
 586+ } catch (Exception $e2) {
 587+ echo $e->__toString();
 588+ }
 589+ } else {
 590+ echo $e->__toString();
 591+ }
 593+ // Final cleanup, similar to wfErrorExit()
 594+ if ( $wgFullyInitialised ) {
 595+ try {
 596+ wfLogProfilingData(); // uses $wgRequest, hence the $wgFullyInitialised condition
 597+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {}
 598+ }
 600+ // Exit value should be nonzero for the benefit of shell jobs
 601+ exit( 1 );
 602+ }
 604+ /**
585605 * The core function - executes meta generators, populates basic page info, and then fills in the required additional data for all pages
586606 */
587607 function execute()
@@ -1141,16 +1161,82 @@
11421162 //
11431163 // ************************************* PAGE INFO GENERATORS *************************************
11441164 //
1145 -
11461166 /**
1147 - * Populate redirect data. Redirects may be one of the following:
1148 - * Redir to nonexisting, Existing page, or Existing redirect.
1149 - * Existing redirect may point to yet another nonexisting or existing page( which in turn may also be a redirect)
1150 - */
 1167+ * Simpler replacement for double-redirect resolving genRedirectInfo2()
 1168+ */
11511169 function genRedirectInfo(&$prop, &$genInfo)
11521170 {
11531171 if( empty( $this->redirectPageIds )) return;
11541172 $this->startProfiling();
 1174+ $this->startDbProfiling();
 1175+ $res = $this->db->select(
 1176+ array('page', 'pagelinks'),
 1177+ array('pl_from', 'pl_namespace', 'pl_title', 'page_id', 'page_is_redirect'),
 1178+ array('pl_from' => $this->redirectPageIds,
 1179+ 'pl_namespace = page_namespace',
 1180+ 'pl_title = page_title'),
 1181+ __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ );
 1182+ $this->endDbProfiling( $prop );
 1184+ $multiLinkRedirPages = array();
 1186+ while ( $row = $this->db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
 1187+ $pageId = intval($row->pl_from);
 1188+ $data = & $this->data['pages'][$pageId]['redirect'];
 1189+ if ( !isset($data['to']) ) {
 1190+ $data['to'] = $this->getLinkInfo( $row->pl_namespace, $row->pl_title, $row->page_id, $row->page_is_redirect );
 1191+ } else {
 1192+ // More than one link exists from redirect page
 1193+ $multiLinkRedirPages[$pageId] = '';
 1194+ }
 1195+ }
 1196+ $this->db->freeResult( $res );
 1198+ if (!empty($multiLinkRedirPages)) {
 1199+ // We found some bad redirect pages. Get the content and solve.
 1200+ $multiLinkRedirPages = array_keys($multiLinkRedirPages);
 1201+ $ids = array();
 1202+ foreach( $multiLinkRedirPages as $pageId ) {
 1203+ $ids[] = "(rev_page=$pageId AND rev_id={$this->data['pages'][$pageId]['revid']})";
 1204+ }
 1206+ $this->startDbProfiling();
 1207+ $res = $this->db->select(
 1208+ array('page', 'revision', 'text'),
 1209+ array('page_id', 'page_is_redirect', 'old_id', 'old_text', 'old_flags'),
 1210+ array('page_id' => $multiLinkRedirPages, 'page_latest=rev_id', 'rev_text_id=old_id' ),
 1211+ $this->classname . '::genPageContent'
 1212+ );
 1213+ while ( $row = $this->db->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
 1214+ $title = Title :: newFromRedirect(Revision::getRevisionText( $row ));
 1215+ if ($title) {
 1216+ $article = new Article($title);
 1217+ $pageId = $article->getTitle()->getArticleId();
 1218+ $isRedirect = $pageId > 0 ? !$article->checkTouched() : false;
 1219+ $link = $this->getTitleInfo( $title, $pageId, $isRedirect );
 1220+ $this->data['pages'][intval($row->page_id)]['redirect']['to'] = $link;
 1221+ }
 1222+ }
 1223+ $this->db->freeResult( $res );
 1224+ }
 1226+ $this->endProfiling( $prop );
 1227+ }
 1229+ /**
 1230+ *
 1231+ * This method cannot be used until http://bugzilla.wikipedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7304 is fixed
 1232+ *
 1233+ * Populate redirect data. Redirects may be one of the following:
 1234+ * Redir to nonexisting, Existing page, or Existing redirect.
 1235+ * Existing redirect may point to yet another nonexisting or existing page( which in turn may also be a redirect)
 1236+ */
 1237+ function genRedirectInfo2(&$prop, &$genInfo)
 1238+ {
 1239+ if( empty( $this->redirectPageIds )) return;
 1240+ $this->startProfiling();
11551241 extract( $this->db->tableNames( 'page', 'pagelinks' ) );
11571243 //
@@ -1815,45 +1901,45 @@
18161902 }
1819 - /**
1820 - * Add counts of user contributions to the user pages
1821 - */
1822 - function genContributionsCounter(&$prop, &$genInfo)
1823 - {
1824 - $this->startProfiling();
1825 - $users = array (); // Users to query
1826 - $userPageIds = array (); // Map of user name to the page ID
1827 -
1828 - // For all valid pages in User namespace query history. Note that the page might not exist.
1829 - foreach ($this->data['pages'] as $pageId => & $page) {
1830 - if (array_key_exists('_obj', $page)) {
1831 - $title = & $page['_obj'];
1832 - if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER && !$title->isExternal()) {
1833 - $users[] = $title->getText();
1834 - $userPageIds[$title->getText()] = $pageId;
1835 - }
1836 - }
1837 - }
1838 -
1839 - $this->validateLimit( 'cc_querytoobig', count($users), 10, 50 );
1840 - $this->startDbProfiling();
1841 - $res = $this->db->select('revision', array (
1842 - 'rev_user_text',
1843 - 'count(*) cnt',
1844 - 'count(DISTINCT rev_page) distcnt'
1845 - ), array (
1846 - 'rev_user_text' => $users
1847 - ), $this->classname . '::genContributionsCounter', array (
1848 - 'GROUP BY' => 'rev_user_text'
1849 - ));
1850 - $this->endDbProfiling($prop);
1851 - while ($row = $this->db->fetchObject($res)) {
1852 - $pageId = $userPageIds[$row->rev_user_text];
1853 - $this->addPageSubElement($pageId, $prop, 'count', $row->cnt, false);
1854 - $this->addPageSubElement($pageId, $prop, 'distcount', $row->distcnt, false);
1855 - }
1856 - $this->endProfiling($prop);
1857 - }
 1905+// /**
 1906+// * Add counts of user contributions to the user pages
 1907+// */
 1908+// function genContributionsCounter(&$prop, &$genInfo)
 1909+// {
 1910+// $this->startProfiling();
 1911+// $users = array (); // Users to query
 1912+// $userPageIds = array (); // Map of user name to the page ID
 1914+// // For all valid pages in User namespace query history. Note that the page might not exist.
 1915+// foreach ($this->data['pages'] as $pageId => & $page) {
 1916+// if (array_key_exists('_obj', $page)) {
 1917+// $title = & $page['_obj'];
 1918+// if ($title->getNamespace() == NS_USER && !$title->isExternal()) {
 1919+// $users[] = $title->getText();
 1920+// $userPageIds[$title->getText()] = $pageId;
 1921+// }
 1922+// }
 1923+// }
 1925+// $this->validateLimit( 'cc_querytoobig', count($users), 10, 50 );
 1926+// $this->startDbProfiling();
 1927+// $res = $this->db->select('revision', array (
 1928+// 'rev_user_text',
 1929+// 'count(*) cnt',
 1930+// 'count(DISTINCT rev_page) distcnt'
 1931+// ), array (
 1932+// 'rev_user_text' => $users
 1933+// ), $this->classname . '::genContributionsCounter', array (
 1934+// 'GROUP BY' => 'rev_user_text'
 1935+// ));
 1936+// $this->endDbProfiling($prop);
 1937+// while ($row = $this->db->fetchObject($res)) {
 1938+// $pageId = $userPageIds[$row->rev_user_text];
 1939+// $this->addPageSubElement($pageId, $prop, 'count', $row->cnt, false);
 1940+// $this->addPageSubElement($pageId, $prop, 'distcount', $row->distcnt, false);
 1941+// }
 1942+// $this->endProfiling($prop);
 1943+// }
18591945 /**
18601946 * Add the raw content of the pages

Follow-up revisions

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r17292Updated info on bug 7304 (redirect table). This relates to checkin r17291.yurik21:40, 29 October 2006
r103758(bug 7304) Links on redirect pages no longer cause the redirect page to show ...catrope14:32, 20 November 2011