r114561 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r114560‎ | r114561 | r114562 >
Date:17:41, 28 March 2012
remove an used function
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/PageTriage/includes/ArticleMetadata.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/PageTriage/includes/ArticleMetadata.php
@@ -233,72 +233,6 @@
234234 }
236236 /**
237 - * Get a list of untriaged articles based on the search criteria
238 - * @param $criteria array - list of tags for the filter
239 - * @param $offset string
240 - * @param $backwards bool - flag to check whether to get data backward
241 - *
242 - * @Todo - Pass a range for timestamp to avoid full index scan
243 - */
244 - public static function getUnTriagedArticleByMetadata( $criteria = array(), $offset = '', $backwards = false ) {
245 - global $wgPageTriagePageIdPerRequest;
246 -
247 - $tags = self::getValidTags();
248 -
249 - if ( count( $criteria ) > count( $tags ) ) {
250 - throw new MWArticleMetadataMetaDataOutofBoundException( 'Invalid search criteria are provided' );
251 - }
252 -
253 - $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
254 -
255 - $table = array( 'pagetriage_page', 'page' );
256 -
257 - $tagConds = '';
258 - $tagCount = 0;
259 - // Check for valid tags and construct tag query
260 - foreach ( $criteria as $key => $val ) {
261 - if ( isset( $tags[$key] ) ) {
262 - if ( $tagConds ) {
263 - $tagConds .= ' OR ';
264 - }
265 - $tagConds .= " ( ptrpt_tag_id = " . $tags[$key] . " AND ptrpt_value = " . $dbr->addQuotes( $val ) . " ) ";
266 - $tagCount++;
267 - }
268 - }
269 -
270 - $conds = array( 'ptrp_page_id = page_id', 'ptrp_triaged' => '0' );
271 -
272 - if ( $offset ) {
273 - $arr = explode( '|', $offset, 2 );
274 - $ts = $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( $arr[0] ) );
275 - $id = isset( $arr[1] ) ? intval( $arr[1] ) : 0;
276 - $op = $backwards ? '<' : '>';
277 - $conds[] = "ptrp_timestamp $op $ts OR (ptrp_timestamp = $ts AND ptrp_id $op= $id)";
278 - }
279 -
280 - $desc = $backwards ? 'DESC' : '';
281 - $opts = array( 'LIMIT' => $wgPageTriagePageIdPerRequest + 1, "ORDER BY ptrp_timestamp $desc ptrp_id $desc" );
282 -
283 - if ( $tagCount ) {
284 - $conds[] = '(' . $tagConds . ')';
285 - $conds[] = 'ptrpt_page_id = ptrp_page_id';
286 - $opts['GROUP BY'] = 'ptrpt_page_id';
287 - $opts['HAVING'] = 'COUNT(ptrpt_tag_id) = ' . $tagCount;
288 - $table[] = 'pagetriage_page_tags';
289 - }
290 -
291 - $res = $dbr->select(
292 - $table,
293 - array( 'ptrp_page_id' ),
294 - $conds,
295 - __METHOD__,
296 - $opts
297 - );
298 -
299 - return iterator_to_array( $res );
300 - }
301 -
302 - /**
303237 * Compile article basic data like title, number of bytes
304238 * @param $metaData array
305239 */

Status & tagging log