r113455 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r113454‎ | r113455 | r113456 >
Date:06:05, 9 March 2012
Adding script for managing gluster volumes in labs
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/tools/subversion/user-management/manage-volumes (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/tools/subversion/user-management/manage-volumes
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
 3+import sys, traceback, ldapsupportlib, datetime, paramiko, socket
 4+from optparse import OptionParser
 7+ import ldap
 8+ import ldap.modlist
 9+except ImportError:
 10+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to import LDAP library.\n")
 12+NONE = 0
 13+INFO = 10
 14+DEBUG = 20
 16+class VolumeManager:
 17+ def __init__(self):
 18+ # TODO: Pull this info from a configuration file
 19+ self.base_dir = '/a/'
 20+ self.user = 'glustermanager'
 21+ self.gluster_vol_dir = '/etc/glusterd/'
 22+ # Volumes in projects listed as global; so: { 'dumps': ['xml'] } would be
 23+ # an xml share in the dumps project being listed as global.
 24+ self.global_shares = {}
 25+ self.volume_quotas = {'home': '50GB','default': '300GB'}
 26+ self.default_options = ['nfs.disable on']
 27+ self.bricks = ['labstore1.pmtpa.wmnet', 'labstore2.pmtpa.wmnet', 'labstore3.pmtpa.wmnet', 'labstore4.pmtpa.wmnet']
 28+ self.volume_names = ['home', 'project']
 29+ self.loglevel = INFO
 30+ self.logfile = None
 32+ def run(self):
 33+ parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve")
 34+ parser.set_usage('manage-volumes [options]')
 36+ ldapSupportLib = ldapsupportlib.LDAPSupportLib()
 37+ ldapSupportLib.addParserOptions(parser)
 39+ parser.add_option("--logfile", dest="logfile", help="Write output to the specified log file. (default: stdin)")
 40+ parser.add_option("--loglevel", dest="loglevel", help="Change level of logging; NONE, INFO, DEBUG (default: INFO)")
 41+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 42+ ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
 44+ if options.logfile:
 45+ self.logfile = options.logfile
 46+ if options.loglevel:
 47+ self.loglevel = options.loglevel
 49+ base = ldapSupportLib.getBase()
 50+ ds = ldapSupportLib.connect()
 52+ projectdata = self.search_s(ds,"ou=groups," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(&(cn=*)(owner=*))")
 53+ hostdata = self.search_s(ds,"ou=hosts," + base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,"(puppetvar=instanceproject=*)", ['puppetvar','aRecord'])
 54+ volumedata = self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume info', True, True)
 55+ project_hosts = self.get_hosts(hostdata)
 56+ project_volumes = self.get_volumes(volumedata)
 57+ for project in projectdata:
 58+ project_name = project[1]["cn"][0]
 59+ hosts = []
 60+ if project_name in project_hosts:
 61+ hosts = project_hosts[project_name]
 62+ hosts.sort()
 63+ for volume_name in self.volume_names:
 64+ project_volume = project_name + '-' + volume_name
 65+ if project_volume not in project_volumes:
 66+ # First, make the volume directories. This function runs on all
 67+ # bricks and returns a list of return values. If the return value
 68+ # isn't 1 or 0, the command failed on a brick, and we shouldn't
 69+ # create the volume.
 70+ ret_vals = set(self.mkvolumedir(project_name, volume_name))
 71+ make_vol = set([1,0]).difference(ret_vals)
 72+ if make_vol:
 73+ vol_ret = self.mkvolume(project_name, volume_name)
 74+ if vol_ret:
 75+ self.log("Created volume: " + project_name + "-" + volume_name)
 76+ else:
 77+ # No point going on if the volume creation failed
 78+ continue
 79+ else:
 80+ continue
 81+ volume_hosts = []
 82+ if project_volume in project_volumes and 'auth.allow' in project_volumes[project_volume]:
 83+ volume_hosts = project_volumes[project_volume]['auth.allow']
 84+ volume_hosts.sort()
 85+ if project_name in self.global_shares and volume_name in self.global_shares[project_name]:
 86+ # This is a global share
 87+ if volume_hosts != ['*']:
 88+ self.setallow(project_name,volume_name,['*'])
 89+ elif hosts:
 90+ # A host has been added or deleted, modify the auth.allow
 91+ if volume_hosts != hosts:
 92+ self.setallow(project_name,volume_name,hosts)
 93+ else:
 94+ # All hosts have been deleted, or none have been created, ensure we
 95+ # aren't sharing to anything
 96+ if volume_hosts != []:
 97+ self.setallow(project_name,volume_name,[])
 98+ # TODO: Unshare and stop deleted projects
 99+ ds.unbind()
 100+ return 0
 102+ def mkvolumedir(self, project_name, volume_name):
 103+ # We ensure a volume directory is unique by setting <base_dir>/project_name/volume_name
 104+ # as we know every project is unique and volumes within it also will be unique
 105+ return self.ssh_exec_command('sudo mkdir -p ' + self.base_dir + project_name + '/' + volume_name)
 107+ def mkvolume(self, project_name, volume_name):
 108+ # We ensure volumes are unique by setting project_name-volume_name, as the combo is
 109+ # known to be unique
 110+ volume = project_name + '-' + volume_name
 111+ bricks = ''
 112+ for brick in self.bricks:
 113+ bricks = bricks + brick + ':' + self.base_dir + project_name + '/' + volume_name + ' '
 114+ ret = self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume create ' + volume + ' replica 2 transport tcp ' + bricks, True)
 115+ if ret == 0:
 116+ # We initially set the auth.allow to NONE, since the default is *, and that's stupid
 117+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume set ' + volume + ' auth.allow NONE', True)
 118+ for option in self.default_options:
 119+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume set ' + volume + ' ' + option, True)
 120+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume profile ' + volume + ' start', True)
 121+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume quota ' + volume + ' enable', True)
 122+ if volume_name in self.volume_quotas:
 123+ quota = self.volume_quotas[volume_name]
 124+ else:
 125+ quota = self.volume_quotas['default']
 126+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume quota ' + volume + ' limit-usage / ' + quota, True)
 127+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume start ' + volume, True)
 128+ return True
 129+ else:
 130+ return False
 132+ def setallow(self, project_name, volume_name, hosts):
 133+ if hosts:
 134+ hosts = ','.join(hosts)
 135+ else:
 136+ hosts = 'NONE'
 137+ volume = project_name + '-' + volume_name
 138+ self.ssh_exec_command('sudo gluster volume set ' + volume + ' auth.allow ' +hosts, True)
 140+ def ssh_exec_command(self, command, single=False, return_stdout=False):
 141+ if single:
 142+ # Only run this on a single brick, we arbitrarily pick the first one
 143+ return self._ssh_exec_command(command,self.bricks[0],return_stdout)
 144+ else:
 145+ # Run this on all bricks
 146+ returnvals = []
 147+ for brick in self.bricks:
 148+ ret = self._ssh_exec_command(command,brick,return_stdout)
 149+ returnvals.append(ret)
 150+ return returnvals
 152+ def _ssh_exec_command(self, command, brick, return_stdout=False):
 153+ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
 154+ ssh.load_host_keys('/var/lib/' + self.user + '/.ssh/known_hosts')
 155+ if return_stdout:
 156+ ret = ''
 157+ else:
 158+ ret = -1
 159+ try:
 160+ ssh.connect(brick, 22, self.user, key_filename='/var/lib/' + self.user + '/.ssh/id_rsa')
 161+ chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session()
 162+ if self.loglevel >= DEBUG:
 163+ self.log(brick + ' - "' + command + '"')
 164+ chan.exec_command(command)
 165+ ret = chan.recv_exit_status()
 166+ if return_stdout:
 167+ # Since we are using a channel, we need to keep reading until there isn't
 168+ # any output left
 169+ ret = []
 170+ while chan.recv_ready():
 171+ ret.append(chan.recv(1024))
 172+ ret = "".join(ret)
 173+ ret = ret.split('\n')
 174+ ssh.close()
 175+ except (paramiko.SSHException, socket.error):
 176+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to connect to %s." % brick)
 177+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 178+ return None
 179+ return ret
 181+ def get_hosts(self,hostdata):
 182+ project_hosts = {}
 183+ if hostdata:
 184+ for host in hostdata:
 185+ host_ip = host[1]["aRecord"][0]
 186+ puppet_vars = host[1]["puppetvar"]
 187+ for puppet_var in puppet_vars:
 188+ var_arr = puppet_var.split('=')
 189+ if len(var_arr) == 2 and var_arr[0] == "instanceproject":
 190+ project = var_arr[1]
 191+ if project in project_hosts:
 192+ project_hosts[project].append(host_ip)
 193+ else:
 194+ project_hosts[project] = [host_ip]
 195+ # No need to go any further, we aren't reading other variables
 196+ break
 197+ return project_hosts
 199+ def get_volumes(self, volumedata):
 200+ volumes = {}
 201+ if volumedata:
 202+ current_volume = ''
 203+ for line in volumedata:
 204+ line = line.strip()
 205+ line_arr = line.split(': ')
 206+ if len(line_arr) == 2 and line_arr[0] == "Volume Name":
 207+ current_volume = line_arr[1]
 208+ elif len(line_arr) == 2 and line_arr[0] == "auth.allow":
 209+ if line_arr[1] == "NONE":
 210+ hosts = []
 211+ else:
 212+ hosts = line_arr[1].split(',')
 213+ volumes[current_volume] = {'auth.allow': hosts}
 214+ # Let's reset the current_volume, in case there are any
 215+ # weird formatting errors, we wouldn't want to add another
 216+ # project's IPs to this volume.
 217+ current_volume = ''
 218+ return volumes
 220+ def search_s(self,ds,base,scope,query,attrlist=None):
 221+ try:
 222+ data = ds.search_s(base,scope,query,attrlist)
 223+ if not data:
 224+ raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT()
 225+ return data
 226+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
 227+ sys.stderr.write("The search returned no entries.\n")
 228+ return None
 229+ except ldap.PROTOCOL_ERROR:
 230+ sys.stderr.write("There was an LDAP protocol error; see traceback.\n")
 231+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 232+ return None
 233+ except Exception:
 234+ try:
 235+ sys.stderr.write("There was a general error, this is unexpected; see traceback.\n")
 236+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 237+ return None
 238+ except Exception:
 239+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
 240+ return None
 242+ def log(self, logstring):
 243+ if self.loglevel >= INFO:
 244+ log = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S - ") + logstring + "\n"
 245+ if self.logfile:
 246+ lf = open(self.logfile, 'a')
 247+ lf.write(log)
 248+ lf.close()
 249+ else:
 250+ print log
 252+def main():
 253+ volume_manager = VolumeManager()
 254+ volume_manager.run()
 256+if __name__ == "__main__":
 257+ main()
Property changes on: trunk/tools/subversion/user-management/manage-volumes
Added: svn:executable
1258 + *

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