r111880 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r111879‎ | r111880 | r111881 >
Date:19:31, 19 February 2012
Four-file version. Class moved to AJAXPoll_body.php
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll_body.php (added) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll.php
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
2020 * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
2121 * @author Thomas Gries
2222 * @maintainer Thomas Gries
23 - * @version 1.600
 23+ * @version 1.603
2424 * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AJAX_Poll Documentation
2525 */
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
3232 $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
3333 'path' => __FILE__,
3434 'name' => 'AJAX Poll',
35 - 'version' => '1.602 20120219',
 35+ 'version' => '1.603 20120219',
3636 'author' => array( 'Dariusz Siedlecki', 'Jack Phoenix', 'Thomas Gries' ),
3737 'descriptionmsg' => 'ajaxpoll-desc',
3838 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AJAX_Poll',
@@ -40,340 +40,6 @@
4141 // Internationalization + AJAX function
4242 $dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
4343 $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['AJAXPoll'] = $dir . 'AJAXPoll.i18n.php';
 44+$wgAutoloadClasses['AJAXPoll'] = $dir . 'AJAXPoll_body.php';
4445 $wgAjaxExportList[] = 'AJAXPoll::submitVote';
4546 $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'AJAXPoll::AJAXPollParserInit';
46 -
47 -class AJAXPoll {
48 -
49 - /**
50 - * Register <poll> tag with the parser
51 - *
52 - * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser (not necessarily $wgParser)
53 - * @return Boolean: true
54 - */
55 - static function AJAXPollParserInit( $parser ) {
56 - $parser->setHook( 'poll', array( __CLASS__, 'AJAXPollRender' ) );
57 - return true;
58 - }
59 -
60 - # The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
61 - static function AJAXPollRender( $input ) {
62 - global $wgParser, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgScriptPath;
63 -
64 - $wgParser->disableCache();
65 -
66 - if ( $wgUser->getName() == '' ) {
67 - $user = wfGetIP();
68 - } else {
69 - $user = $wgUser->getName();
70 - }
71 -
72 - // ID of the poll
73 - $ID = strtoupper( md5( $input ) );
74 -
75 - $par = new Parser();
76 - $input = $par->parse( $input, $wgTitle, $wgOut->parserOptions() );
77 - $input = trim( strip_tags( $input->getText() ) );
78 - $lines = explode( "\n", trim( $input ) );
79 -
80 - // Deprecating AJAX
81 - /*if ( isset( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'] ) && isset( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-answer'] ) && $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'] == $ID ) {
82 - AJAXPoll::submitVote( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'], intval( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-answer'] ) );
83 - }*/
84 -
85 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
86 - $dbw->begin();
87 - /**
88 - * Register poll in the database
89 - */
90 - $row = $dbw->selectRow(
91 - array( 'poll_info' ),
92 - array( 'COUNT(poll_id) AS count' ),
93 - array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
94 - __METHOD__
95 - );
96 -
97 - if( empty( $row->count ) ) {
98 - $dbw->insert(
99 - 'poll_info',
100 - array(
101 - 'poll_id' => $ID,
102 - 'poll_txt' => $input,
103 - 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow(),
104 - 'poll_title' => $wgParser->mTitle->getText()
105 - ),
106 - __METHOD__
107 - );
108 - }
109 - $dbw->commit();
110 -
111 - // Add CSS
112 - $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll.css' );
113 - switch( $lines[0] ) {
114 - case 'STATS':
115 - $retVal = AJAXPoll::buildStats( $ID, $user );
116 - break;
117 - default:
118 - $retVal = '
119 -<div id="ajaxpoll-container-' . $ID . '">' . AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user, $lines ) . '</div>';
120 - break;
121 - }
122 - return $retVal;
123 - }
124 -
125 - private static function buildStats( $ID, $user ) {
126 -
127 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
128 -
129 - $res = $dbw->select(
130 - 'poll_vote',
131 - array(
132 - 'COUNT(*)',
133 - 'COUNT(DISTINCT poll_id)',
134 - 'COUNT(DISTINCT poll_user)',
135 - 'TIMEDIFF(NOW(), MAX(poll_date))'
136 - ),
137 - array(),
138 - __METHOD__
139 - );
140 - $tab = $dbw->fetchRow( $res );
141 -
142 - $clock = explode( ':', $tab[3] );
143 -
144 - if ( $clock[0] == '00' && $clock[1] == '00' ) {
145 - $x = $clock[2];
146 - $y = 'second';
147 - } elseif( $clock[0] == '00' ) {
148 - $x = $clock[1];
149 - $y = 'minute';
150 - } else {
151 - if ( $clock[0] < 24 ) {
152 - $x = $clock[0];
153 - $y = 'hour';
154 - } else {
155 - $x = floor( $hr / 24 );
156 - $y = 'day';
157 - }
158 - }
159 -
160 - $clockago = $x . ' ' . $y . ( $x > 1 ? 's' : '' );
161 -
162 - $res = $dbw->select(
163 - 'poll_vote',
164 - 'COUNT(*)',
165 - array( 'DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) <= poll_date' ),
166 - __METHOD__
167 - );
168 - $tab2 = $dbw->fetchRow( $res );
169 -
170 - return "There are $tab[1] polls and $tab[0] votes given by $tab[2] different people.<br />
171 - The last vote has been given $clockago ago.<br/>
172 - During the last 48 hours, $tab2[0] votes have been given.";
173 - }
174 -
175 - public static function submitVote( $ID, $answer ) {
176 - global $wgUser,$wgOut;
177 -
178 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
179 -
180 - if ( $wgUser->getName() == '' ) {
181 - $user = wfGetIP();
182 - } else {
183 - $user = $wgUser->getName();
184 - }
185 -
186 - if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'bot' ) ) {
187 - return AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user );
188 - }
189 -
190 - $answer = ++$answer;
191 -
192 - $q = $dbw->select(
193 - 'poll_vote',
194 - 'COUNT(*) AS c',
195 - array(
196 - 'poll_id' => $ID,
197 - 'poll_user' => $user
198 - ),
199 - __METHOD__
200 - );
201 - $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q );
202 -
203 - if ( $row['c'] > 0 ) {
204 -
205 - $updateQuery = $dbw->update(
206 - 'poll_vote',
207 - array(
208 - 'poll_answer' => $answer,
209 - 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow()
210 - ),
211 - array(
212 - 'poll_id' => $ID,
213 - 'poll_user' => $user
214 - ),
215 - __METHOD__
216 - );
217 - $dbw->commit();
218 - $pollContainerText = ( $updateQuery ) ? 'ajaxpoll-vote-update' : 'ajaxpoll-vote-error';
219 -
220 - } else {
221 -
222 - $insertQuery = $dbw->insert(
223 - 'poll_vote',
224 - array(
225 - 'poll_id' => $ID,
226 - 'poll_user' => $user,
227 - 'poll_ip' => wfGetIP(),
228 - 'poll_answer' => $answer,
229 - 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow()
230 - ),
231 - __METHOD__
232 - );
233 - $dbw->commit();
234 - $pollContainerText = ( $insertQuery ) ? 'ajaxpoll-vote-add' : 'ajaxpoll-vote-error';
235 -
236 - }
237 -
238 - return AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user, '', $pollContainerText );
239 -
240 - }
241 -
242 - private static function buildHTML( $ID, $user, $lines = '', $extra_from_ajax = '' ) {
243 - global $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgUseAjax;
244 -
245 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
246 -
247 - $q = $dbw->select(
248 - 'poll_info',
249 - array( 'poll_txt', 'poll_date' ),
250 - array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
251 - __METHOD__
252 - );
253 - $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q );
254 -
255 - if ( empty( $lines ) ) {
256 - $lines = explode( "\n", trim( $row['poll_txt'] ) );
257 - }
258 -
259 - $start_date = $row['poll_date'];
260 -
261 - $q = $dbw->select(
262 - 'poll_vote',
263 - array( 'poll_answer', 'COUNT(*)' ),
264 - array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
265 - __METHOD__,
266 - array( 'GROUP BY' => 'poll_answer' )
267 - );
268 -
269 - $poll_result = array();
270 -
271 - while ( $row = $q->fetchRow() ) {
272 - $poll_result[$row[0]] = $row[1];
273 - }
274 -
275 - $amountOfVotes = array_sum( $poll_result );
276 -
277 - // Did we vote?
278 - $q = $dbw->select(
279 - 'poll_vote',
280 - array( 'poll_answer', 'poll_date' ),
281 - array(
282 - 'poll_id' => $ID,
283 - 'poll_user' => $user
284 - ),
285 - __METHOD__
286 - );
287 -
288 - if ( $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q ) ) {
289 - $ourLastVoteDate = wfMsg(
290 - 'ajaxpoll-your-vote',
291 - $lines[$row[0] - 1],
292 - $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row[1] ), true /* adjust? */ )
293 - );
294 - }
295 -
296 - if ( is_object( $wgTitle ) ) {
297 - if( !empty( $extra_from_ajax ) ) {
298 - $attributes = ' style="display: block;"';
299 - $ajaxMessage = wfMsg( $extra_from_ajax );
300 - } else {
301 - $attributes = '';
302 - $ajaxMessage = '';
303 - }
304 - // HTML output has to be on one line thanks to a MediaWiki bug
305 - // @see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1319
306 - $ret = '<div id="ajaxpoll-id-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll">
307 -<div id="ajaxpoll-ajax-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll-ajax"' . $attributes . '>' . $ajaxMessage . '</div>
308 -<script>var tmp;
309 -function mover(x){
310 - var sp=$(x).find("span");
311 - tmp=sp.html();
312 - sp.text(sp.attr("title"));
313 - sp.attr("title","");
314 -}
315 -function mout(x){
316 - var sp=$(x).find("span");
317 - sp.attr("title",sp.text());
318 - sp.text(tmp);
319 -}
320 -</script>
321 -<div class="ajaxpoll-question">' . strip_tags( $lines[0] ) . '</div>';
322 -
323 - // Different message depending on if the user has already voted or not.
324 - $message = ( isset( $row[0] ) ) ? $ourLastVoteDate : wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-no-vote' );
325 - $ret .= '<div class="ajaxpoll-misc">' . $message . '
326 -</div>';
327 -
328 - $ret .= '<form method="post" action="' . $wgTitle->getLocalURL() .
329 - '" id="ajaxpoll-answer-id-' . $ID . '"><input type="hidden" name="ajaxpoll-post-id" value="' . $ID . '" />';
330 -
331 - for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $lines ); $i++ ) {
332 - $ans_no = $i - 1;
333 -
334 - if ( $amountOfVotes == 0 ) {
335 - $percent = 0;
336 - } else {
337 - $percent = $wgLang->formatNum( round( ( isset( $poll_result[$i + 1] ) ? $poll_result[$i + 1] : 0 ) * 100 / $amountOfVotes, 2 ) );
338 - }
339 -
340 - $our = ( isset( $row[0] ) && ( $row[0] - 1 == $i ) );
341 -
342 - // If AJAX is enabled, as it is by default in modern MWs, we can
343 - // just use sajax library function here for that AJAX-y feel.
344 - // If not, we'll have to submit the form old-school way...
345 - if ( $wgUseAjax ) {
346 - $submitJS = "sajax_do_call(\"AJAXPoll::submitVote\",[\"" . $ID . "\",\"" . $i . "\"], $(\"#ajaxpoll-container-" . $ID . "\")[0]);";
347 - } else {
348 - $submitJS = "$(\"#ajaxpoll-answer-id-" . $ID . "\").submit();";
349 - }
350 -
351 - // HTML output has to be on one line thanks to a MediaWiki bug
352 - // @see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1319
353 - $ret .= "
354 -<div id='ajaxpoll-answer-" . $ans_no . "' class='ajaxpoll-answer'><div class='ajaxpoll-answer-name'><label for='ajaxpoll-answer-radio-" . $ans_no . "' onclick='$(\"#ajaxpoll-ajax-" . $ID . "\").html(\"" . wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-submitting' ) . "\");$(\"#ajaxpoll-ajax-" . $ID . "\").css(\"display\",\"block\");$(this).addClass(\"ajaxpoll-checkevent\").prop(\"checked\",true); " . $submitJS . "'><input type='radio' id='ajaxpoll-post-answer-" . $ans_no . "' name='ajaxpoll-post-answer' value='" . $i . "'" . ( $our ? 'checked=true ' : '' ) . "/>" . strip_tags( $lines[$i] ) .
355 -"</label></div><div class='ajaxpoll-answer-vote" . ( $our ? ' ajaxpoll-our-vote' : '' ) ."' onmouseover='mover(this)' onmouseout='mout(this);'><span title='" . wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-percent-votes', sprintf( $percent ) ) . "'>" . ( ( isset( $poll_result ) && !empty( $poll_result[$i + 1] ) ) ? $poll_result[$i + 1] : 0 ) . "</span><div style='width: " . $percent . "%;" . ( $percent == 0 ? ' border:0;' : '' ) . "'></div></div>
356 -</div>
357 -";
358 - }
359 -
360 - $ret .= '</form>';
361 -
362 - // Display information about the poll (creation date, amount of votes)
363 - $pollSummary = wfMsgExt(
364 - 'ajaxpoll-info',
365 - 'parsemag', // parse PLURAL
366 - $amountOfVotes, // amount of votes
367 - $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $start_date ), true /* adjust? */ )
368 - );
369 -
370 - $ret .= '<div id="ajaxpoll-info-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll-info">' . $pollSummary . '</div>';
371 -
372 - $ret .= '</div>';
373 - } else {
374 - $ret = '';
375 - }
376 -
377 - return $ret;
378 - }
379 -
380 -} /* class AJAXPoll */
Index: trunk/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll_body.php
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
 4+ * AJAX Poll class
 5+ * Created by Dariusz Siedlecki, based on the work by Eric David.
 6+ * Licensed under the GFDL.
 7+ *
 8+ * @file
 9+ * @ingroup Extensions
 10+ * @author Dariusz Siedlecki <datrio@gmail.com>
 11+ * @author Jack Phoenix <jack@countervandalism.net>
 12+ * @author Thomas Gries
 13+ * @maintainer Thomas Gries
 14+ * @version 1.603
 15+ * @link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AJAX_Poll Documentation
 16+ */
 18+class AJAXPoll {
 20+ /**
 21+ * Register <poll> tag with the parser
 22+ *
 23+ * @param $parser Object: instance of Parser (not necessarily $wgParser)
 24+ * @return Boolean: true
 25+ */
 26+ static function AJAXPollParserInit( $parser ) {
 27+ $parser->setHook( 'poll', array( __CLASS__, 'AJAXPollRender' ) );
 28+ return true;
 29+ }
 31+ # The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
 32+ static function AJAXPollRender( $input ) {
 33+ global $wgParser, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgScriptPath;
 35+ $wgParser->disableCache();
 37+ if ( $wgUser->getName() == '' ) {
 38+ $user = wfGetIP();
 39+ } else {
 40+ $user = $wgUser->getName();
 41+ }
 43+ // ID of the poll
 44+ $ID = strtoupper( md5( $input ) );
 46+ $par = new Parser();
 47+ $input = $par->parse( $input, $wgTitle, $wgOut->parserOptions() );
 48+ $input = trim( strip_tags( $input->getText() ) );
 49+ $lines = explode( "\n", trim( $input ) );
 51+ // Deprecating AJAX
 52+ /*if ( isset( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'] ) && isset( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-answer'] ) && $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'] == $ID ) {
 53+ AJAXPoll::submitVote( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-id'], intval( $_POST['ajaxpoll-post-answer'] ) );
 54+ }*/
 56+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 57+ $dbw->begin();
 58+ /**
 59+ * Register poll in the database
 60+ */
 61+ $row = $dbw->selectRow(
 62+ array( 'poll_info' ),
 63+ array( 'COUNT(poll_id) AS count' ),
 64+ array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
 65+ __METHOD__
 66+ );
 68+ if( empty( $row->count ) ) {
 69+ $dbw->insert(
 70+ 'poll_info',
 71+ array(
 72+ 'poll_id' => $ID,
 73+ 'poll_txt' => $input,
 74+ 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow(),
 75+ 'poll_title' => $wgParser->mTitle->getText()
 76+ ),
 77+ __METHOD__
 78+ );
 79+ }
 80+ $dbw->commit();
 82+ // Add CSS
 83+ $wgOut->addExtensionStyle( $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll.css' );
 84+ switch( $lines[0] ) {
 85+ case 'STATS':
 86+ $retVal = AJAXPoll::buildStats( $ID, $user );
 87+ break;
 88+ default:
 89+ $retVal = '
 90+<div id="ajaxpoll-container-' . $ID . '">' . AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user, $lines ) . '</div>';
 91+ break;
 92+ }
 93+ return $retVal;
 94+ }
 96+ private static function buildStats( $ID, $user ) {
 98+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 100+ $res = $dbw->select(
 101+ 'poll_vote',
 102+ array(
 103+ 'COUNT(*)',
 104+ 'COUNT(DISTINCT poll_id)',
 105+ 'COUNT(DISTINCT poll_user)',
 106+ 'TIMEDIFF(NOW(), MAX(poll_date))'
 107+ ),
 108+ array(),
 109+ __METHOD__
 110+ );
 111+ $tab = $dbw->fetchRow( $res );
 113+ $clock = explode( ':', $tab[3] );
 115+ if ( $clock[0] == '00' && $clock[1] == '00' ) {
 116+ $x = $clock[2];
 117+ $y = 'second';
 118+ } elseif( $clock[0] == '00' ) {
 119+ $x = $clock[1];
 120+ $y = 'minute';
 121+ } else {
 122+ if ( $clock[0] < 24 ) {
 123+ $x = $clock[0];
 124+ $y = 'hour';
 125+ } else {
 126+ $x = floor( $hr / 24 );
 127+ $y = 'day';
 128+ }
 129+ }
 131+ $clockago = $x . ' ' . $y . ( $x > 1 ? 's' : '' );
 133+ $res = $dbw->select(
 134+ 'poll_vote',
 135+ 'COUNT(*)',
 136+ array( 'DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) <= poll_date' ),
 137+ __METHOD__
 138+ );
 139+ $tab2 = $dbw->fetchRow( $res );
 141+ return "There are $tab[1] polls and $tab[0] votes given by $tab[2] different people.<br />
 142+ The last vote has been given $clockago ago.<br/>
 143+ During the last 48 hours, $tab2[0] votes have been given.";
 144+ }
 146+ public static function submitVote( $ID, $answer ) {
 147+ global $wgUser,$wgOut;
 149+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 151+ if ( $wgUser->getName() == '' ) {
 152+ $user = wfGetIP();
 153+ } else {
 154+ $user = $wgUser->getName();
 155+ }
 157+ if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'bot' ) ) {
 158+ return AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user );
 159+ }
 161+ $answer = ++$answer;
 163+ $q = $dbw->select(
 164+ 'poll_vote',
 165+ 'COUNT(*) AS c',
 166+ array(
 167+ 'poll_id' => $ID,
 168+ 'poll_user' => $user
 169+ ),
 170+ __METHOD__
 171+ );
 172+ $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q );
 174+ if ( $row['c'] > 0 ) {
 176+ $updateQuery = $dbw->update(
 177+ 'poll_vote',
 178+ array(
 179+ 'poll_answer' => $answer,
 180+ 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow()
 181+ ),
 182+ array(
 183+ 'poll_id' => $ID,
 184+ 'poll_user' => $user
 185+ ),
 186+ __METHOD__
 187+ );
 188+ $dbw->commit();
 189+ $pollContainerText = ( $updateQuery ) ? 'ajaxpoll-vote-update' : 'ajaxpoll-vote-error';
 191+ } else {
 193+ $insertQuery = $dbw->insert(
 194+ 'poll_vote',
 195+ array(
 196+ 'poll_id' => $ID,
 197+ 'poll_user' => $user,
 198+ 'poll_ip' => wfGetIP(),
 199+ 'poll_answer' => $answer,
 200+ 'poll_date' => wfTimestampNow()
 201+ ),
 202+ __METHOD__
 203+ );
 204+ $dbw->commit();
 205+ $pollContainerText = ( $insertQuery ) ? 'ajaxpoll-vote-add' : 'ajaxpoll-vote-error';
 207+ }
 209+ return AJAXPoll::buildHTML( $ID, $user, '', $pollContainerText );
 211+ }
 213+ private static function buildHTML( $ID, $user, $lines = '', $extra_from_ajax = '' ) {
 214+ global $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgUseAjax;
 216+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 218+ $q = $dbw->select(
 219+ 'poll_info',
 220+ array( 'poll_txt', 'poll_date' ),
 221+ array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
 222+ __METHOD__
 223+ );
 224+ $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q );
 226+ if ( empty( $lines ) ) {
 227+ $lines = explode( "\n", trim( $row['poll_txt'] ) );
 228+ }
 230+ $start_date = $row['poll_date'];
 232+ $q = $dbw->select(
 233+ 'poll_vote',
 234+ array( 'poll_answer', 'COUNT(*)' ),
 235+ array( 'poll_id' => $ID ),
 236+ __METHOD__,
 237+ array( 'GROUP BY' => 'poll_answer' )
 238+ );
 240+ $poll_result = array();
 242+ while ( $row = $q->fetchRow() ) {
 243+ $poll_result[$row[0]] = $row[1];
 244+ }
 246+ $amountOfVotes = array_sum( $poll_result );
 248+ // Did we vote?
 249+ $q = $dbw->select(
 250+ 'poll_vote',
 251+ array( 'poll_answer', 'poll_date' ),
 252+ array(
 253+ 'poll_id' => $ID,
 254+ 'poll_user' => $user
 255+ ),
 256+ __METHOD__
 257+ );
 259+ if ( $row = $dbw->fetchRow( $q ) ) {
 260+ $ourLastVoteDate = wfMsg(
 261+ 'ajaxpoll-your-vote',
 262+ $lines[$row[0] - 1],
 263+ $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row[1] ), true /* adjust? */ )
 264+ );
 265+ }
 267+ if ( is_object( $wgTitle ) ) {
 268+ if( !empty( $extra_from_ajax ) ) {
 269+ $attributes = ' style="display: block;"';
 270+ $ajaxMessage = wfMsg( $extra_from_ajax );
 271+ } else {
 272+ $attributes = '';
 273+ $ajaxMessage = '';
 274+ }
 275+ // HTML output has to be on one line thanks to a MediaWiki bug
 276+ // @see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1319
 277+ $ret = '<div id="ajaxpoll-id-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll">
 278+<div id="ajaxpoll-ajax-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll-ajax"' . $attributes . '>' . $ajaxMessage . '</div>
 279+<script>var tmp;
 280+function mover(x){
 281+ var sp=$(x).find("span");
 282+ tmp=sp.html();
 283+ sp.text(sp.attr("title"));
 284+ sp.attr("title","");
 286+function mout(x){
 287+ var sp=$(x).find("span");
 288+ sp.attr("title",sp.text());
 289+ sp.text(tmp);
 292+<div class="ajaxpoll-question">' . strip_tags( $lines[0] ) . '</div>';
 294+ // Different message depending on if the user has already voted or not.
 295+ $message = ( isset( $row[0] ) ) ? $ourLastVoteDate : wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-no-vote' );
 296+ $ret .= '<div class="ajaxpoll-misc">' . $message . '
 299+ $ret .= '<form method="post" action="' . $wgTitle->getLocalURL() .
 300+ '" id="ajaxpoll-answer-id-' . $ID . '"><input type="hidden" name="ajaxpoll-post-id" value="' . $ID . '" />';
 302+ for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $lines ); $i++ ) {
 303+ $ans_no = $i - 1;
 305+ if ( $amountOfVotes == 0 ) {
 306+ $percent = 0;
 307+ } else {
 308+ $percent = $wgLang->formatNum( round( ( isset( $poll_result[$i + 1] ) ? $poll_result[$i + 1] : 0 ) * 100 / $amountOfVotes, 2 ) );
 309+ }
 311+ $our = ( isset( $row[0] ) && ( $row[0] - 1 == $i ) );
 313+ // If AJAX is enabled, as it is by default in modern MWs, we can
 314+ // just use sajax library function here for that AJAX-y feel.
 315+ // If not, we'll have to submit the form old-school way...
 316+ if ( $wgUseAjax ) {
 317+ $submitJS = "sajax_do_call(\"AJAXPoll::submitVote\",[\"" . $ID . "\",\"" . $i . "\"], $(\"#ajaxpoll-container-" . $ID . "\")[0]);";
 318+ } else {
 319+ $submitJS = "$(\"#ajaxpoll-answer-id-" . $ID . "\").submit();";
 320+ }
 322+ // HTML output has to be on one line thanks to a MediaWiki bug
 323+ // @see https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1319
 324+ $ret .= "
 325+<div id='ajaxpoll-answer-" . $ans_no . "' class='ajaxpoll-answer'><div class='ajaxpoll-answer-name'><label for='ajaxpoll-answer-radio-" . $ans_no . "' onclick='$(\"#ajaxpoll-ajax-" . $ID . "\").html(\"" . wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-submitting' ) . "\");$(\"#ajaxpoll-ajax-" . $ID . "\").css(\"display\",\"block\");$(this).addClass(\"ajaxpoll-checkevent\").prop(\"checked\",true); " . $submitJS . "'><input type='radio' id='ajaxpoll-post-answer-" . $ans_no . "' name='ajaxpoll-post-answer' value='" . $i . "'" . ( $our ? 'checked=true ' : '' ) . "/>" . strip_tags( $lines[$i] ) .
 326+"</label></div><div class='ajaxpoll-answer-vote" . ( $our ? ' ajaxpoll-our-vote' : '' ) ."' onmouseover='mover(this)' onmouseout='mout(this);'><span title='" . wfMsg( 'ajaxpoll-percent-votes', sprintf( $percent ) ) . "'>" . ( ( isset( $poll_result ) && !empty( $poll_result[$i + 1] ) ) ? $poll_result[$i + 1] : 0 ) . "</span><div style='width: " . $percent . "%;" . ( $percent == 0 ? ' border:0;' : '' ) . "'></div></div>
 329+ }
 331+ $ret .= '</form>';
 333+ // Display information about the poll (creation date, amount of votes)
 334+ $pollSummary = wfMsgExt(
 335+ 'ajaxpoll-info',
 336+ 'parsemag', // parse PLURAL
 337+ $amountOfVotes, // amount of votes
 338+ $wgLang->timeanddate( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $start_date ), true /* adjust? */ )
 339+ );
 341+ $ret .= '<div id="ajaxpoll-info-' . $ID . '" class="ajaxpoll-info">' . $pollSummary . '</div>';
 343+ $ret .= '</div>';
 344+ } else {
 345+ $ret = '';
 346+ }
 348+ return $ret;
 349+ }
 351+} /* class AJAXPoll */
Property changes on: trunk/extensions/AJAXPoll/AJAXPoll_body.php
Added: svn:eol-style
1352 + native

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