r110233 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r110232‎ | r110233 | r110234 >
Date:11:51, 29 January 2012
folow up to r110231; kill obsolete special pages
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.hooks.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/pages/CoursePage.php (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialCourse.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialCourseHistory.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPFormPage.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPHistory.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEditCourse.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEditInstitution.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitution.php (deleted) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitutionHistory.php (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.php
@@ -98,14 +98,9 @@
9999 $wgAutoloadClasses['EPPage'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/pages/EPPage.php';
100100 $wgAutoloadClasses['OrgPage'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/pages/OrgPage.php';
102 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCourse'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialCourse.php';
103102 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCourses'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialCourses.php';
104 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEditCourse'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEditCourse.php';
105 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEditInstitution'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEditInstitution.php';
106103 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEducationProgram'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEducationProgram.php';
107 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEPFormPage'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEPFormPage.php';
108104 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEPPage'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEPPage.php';
109 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialInstitution'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialInstitution.php';
110105 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialInstitutions'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialInstitutions.php';
111106 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialMyCourses'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialMyCourses.php';
112107 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialStudent'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialStudent.php';
@@ -115,45 +110,29 @@
116111 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialOAs'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialOAs.php';
117112 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCA'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialCA.php';
118113 $wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialOA'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialOA.php';
119 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialEPHistory'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialEPHistory.php';
120 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialCourseHistory'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialCourseHistory.php';
121 -$wgAutoloadClasses['SpecialInstitutionHistory'] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/specials/SpecialInstitutionHistory.php';
123115 // Special pages
124116 $wgSpecialPages['MyCourses'] = 'SpecialMyCourses';
125 -$wgSpecialPages['Institution'] = 'SpecialInstitution';
126117 $wgSpecialPages['Institutions'] = 'SpecialInstitutions';
127118 $wgSpecialPages['Student'] = 'SpecialStudent';
128119 $wgSpecialPages['Students'] = 'SpecialStudents';
129 -$wgSpecialPages['Course'] = 'SpecialCourse';
130120 $wgSpecialPages['Courses'] = 'SpecialCourses';
131121 $wgSpecialPages['EducationProgram'] = 'SpecialEducationProgram';
132 -$wgSpecialPages['EditCourse'] = 'SpecialEditCourse';
133 -$wgSpecialPages['EditInstitution'] = 'SpecialEditInstitution';
134122 $wgSpecialPages['Enroll'] = 'SpecialEnroll';
135123 $wgSpecialPages['CampusAmbassadors'] = 'SpecialCAs';
136124 $wgSpecialPages['OnlineAmbassadors'] = 'SpecialOAs';
137125 $wgSpecialPages['CampusAmbassador'] = 'SpecialCA';
138126 $wgSpecialPages['OnlineAmbassador'] = 'SpecialOA';
139 -$wgSpecialPages['CourseHistory'] = 'SpecialCourseHistory';
140 -$wgSpecialPages['InstitutionHistory'] = 'SpecialInstitutionHistory';
142128 $wgSpecialPageGroups['MyCourses'] = 'education';
143 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['Institution'] = 'education';
144129 $wgSpecialPageGroups['Institutions'] = 'education';
145130 $wgSpecialPageGroups['Student'] = 'education';
146131 $wgSpecialPageGroups['Students'] = 'education';
147 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['Course'] = 'education';
148132 $wgSpecialPageGroups['Courses'] = 'education';
149133 $wgSpecialPageGroups['EducationProgram'] = 'education';
150 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['EditCourse'] = 'education';
151 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['EditInstitution'] = 'education';
152134 $wgSpecialPageGroups['CampusAmbassadors'] = 'education';
153135 $wgSpecialPageGroups['OnlineAmbassadors'] = 'education';
154136 $wgSpecialPageGroups['CampusAmbassador'] = 'education';
155 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['OnlineAmbassador'] = 'education';
156 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['CourseHistory'] = 'education';
157 -$wgSpecialPageGroups['InstitutionHistory'] = 'education';
159138 // DB object classes
160139 $egEPDBObjects = array();
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/pages/CoursePage.php
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
1010 'view' => 'ViewCourseAction',
1111 'edit' => 'EditCourseAction',
1212 'history' => 'CourseHistoryAction',
13 - 'enroll' => 'CourseEnrollAction',
1413 );
1514 }
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitution.php
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Shows the info for a single institution, with management and
6 - * enrollment controls depending on the user and his rights.
7 - *
8 - * @since 0.1
9 - *
10 - * @file SpecialInstitution.php
11 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
12 - *
13 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
14 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
15 - */
16 -class SpecialInstitution extends SpecialEPPage {
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * Constructor.
20 - *
21 - * @since 0.1
22 - */
23 - public function __construct() {
24 - parent::__construct( 'Institution', '', false );
25 - }
26 -
27 - /**
28 - * Main method.
29 - *
30 - * @since 0.1
31 - *
32 - * @param string $subPage
33 - */
34 - public function execute( $subPage ) {
35 - parent::execute( $subPage );
36 -
37 - $out = $this->getOutput();
38 -
39 - if ( trim( $subPage ) === '' ) {
40 - $this->getOutput()->redirect( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Institutions' )->getLocalURL() );
41 - }
42 - else {
43 - $out->setPageTitle( wfMsgExt( 'ep-institution-title', 'parsemag', $this->subPage ) );
44 -
45 - $org = EPOrg::selectRow( null, array( 'name' => $this->subPage ) );
46 -
47 - if ( $org === false ) {
48 - $this->displayNavigation();
49 -
50 - if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-org' ) ) {
51 - $out->addWikiMsg( 'ep-institution-create', $this->subPage );
52 - EPOrg::displayAddNewControl( $this->getContext(), array( 'name' => $this->subPage ) );
53 - }
54 - else {
55 - $out->addWikiMsg( 'ep-institution-none', $this->subPage );
56 - }
57 - }
58 - else {
59 - $this->displayNavigation();
60 -
61 - $this->displaySummary( $org );
62 -
63 - $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', array(), wfMsg( 'ep-institution-courses' ) ) );
64 -
65 - EPCourse::displayPager( $this->getContext(), array( 'org_id' => $org->getId() ) );
66 -
67 - if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-course' ) ) {
68 - $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', array(), wfMsg( 'ep-institution-add-course' ) ) );
69 -
70 - EPCourse::displayAddNewControl( $this->getContext(), array( 'org' => $org->getId() ) );
71 - }
72 - }
73 - }
74 - }
75 -
76 - /**
77 - * Gets the summary data.
78 - *
79 - * @since 0.1
80 - *
81 - * @param EPOrg $org
82 - *
83 - * @return array
84 - */
85 - protected function getSummaryData( EPDBObject $org ) {
86 - $stats = array();
87 -
88 - $stats['name'] = $org->getField( 'name' );
89 - $stats['city'] = $org->getField( 'city' );
90 -
91 - $countries = CountryNames::getNames( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() );
92 - $stats['country'] = $countries[$org->getField( 'country' )];
93 -
94 - $stats['status'] = wfMsgHtml( $org->getField( 'active' ) ? 'ep-institution-active' : 'ep-institution-inactive' );
95 -
96 - $stats['courses'] = $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $org->getField( 'courses' ) );
97 - $stats['students'] = $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $org->getField( 'students' ) );
98 -
99 - foreach ( $stats as &$stat ) {
100 - $stat = htmlspecialchars( $stat );
101 - }
102 -
103 - if ( $org->getField( 'courses' ) > 0 ) {
104 - $stats['courses'] = Linker::linkKnown(
105 - SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Courses' ),
106 - $stats['courses'],
107 - array(),
108 - array( 'org_id' => $org->getId() )
109 - );
110 - }
111 -
112 - return $stats;
113 - }
114 -
115 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEditInstitution.php
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Adittion and modification interface for insitutions.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialEditInstitution.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -class SpecialEditInstitution extends SpecialEPFormPage {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * Constructor.
19 - *
20 - * @since 0.1
21 - */
22 - public function __construct() {
23 - parent::__construct( 'EditInstitution', 'ep-org', 'EPOrg', 'Institutions', 'Institution' );
24 - }
25 -
26 - /**
27 - * (non-PHPdoc)
28 - * @see SpecialEPFormPage::getFormFields()
29 - * @return array
30 - */
31 - protected function getFormFields() {
32 - $fields = parent::getFormFields();
33 -
34 - $fields['name'] = array (
35 - 'type' => 'text',
36 - 'label-message' => 'educationprogram-org-edit-name',
37 - 'maxlength' => 255,
38 - 'required' => true,
39 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) {
40 - return strlen( $value ) < 2 ? wfMsg( 'educationprogram-org-invalid-name' ) : true;
41 - } ,
42 - );
43 -
44 - $fields['city'] = array (
45 - 'type' => 'text',
46 - 'label-message' => 'educationprogram-org-edit-city',
47 - 'required' => true,
48 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) {
49 - return strlen( $value ) < 2 ? wfMsg( 'educationprogram-org-invalid-city' ) : true;
50 - } ,
51 - );
52 -
53 - $fields['country'] = array (
54 - 'type' => 'select',
55 - 'label-message' => 'educationprogram-org-edit-country',
56 - 'maxlength' => 255,
57 - 'required' => true,
58 - 'options' => EPUtils::getCountryOptions( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() ),
59 - 'validation-callback' => array( $this, 'countryIsValid' ),
60 - );
61 -
62 - return $this->processFormFields( $fields );
63 - }
64 -
65 - /**
66 - * Returns true if the country value is valid or an error message if it's not.
67 - *
68 - * @since 0.1
69 - *
70 - * @param string $value
71 - * @param array $alldata
72 - *
73 - * @return string|true
74 - */
75 - public function countryIsValid( $value, array $alldata = null ) {
76 - $countries = array_keys( CountryNames::getNames( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() ) );
77 -
78 -// if ( $this->isNew() ) {
79 -// array_unshift( $countries, '' );
80 -// }
81 -
82 - return in_array( $value, $countries ) ? true : wfMsg( 'educationprogram-org-invalid-country' );
83 - }
84 -
85 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialCourse.php
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Shows the info for a single course, with management and
6 - * enrollment controls depending on the user and his rights.
7 - *
8 - * @since 0.1
9 - *
10 - * @file SpecialCourse.php
11 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
12 - *
13 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
14 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
15 - */
16 -class SpecialCourse extends SpecialEPPage {
17 -
18 - /**
19 - * Constructor.
20 - *
21 - * @since 0.1
22 - */
23 - public function __construct() {
24 - parent::__construct( 'Course', '', false );
25 - }
26 -
27 - /**
28 - * Main method.
29 - *
30 - * @since 0.1
31 - *
32 - * @param string $subPage
33 - */
34 - public function execute( $subPage ) {
35 - parent::execute( $subPage );
36 -
37 - $out = $this->getOutput();
38 -
39 - if ( trim( $subPage ) === '' ) {
40 - $this->getOutput()->redirect( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Courses' )->getLocalURL() );
41 - }
42 - else {
43 - $out->setPageTitle( wfMsgExt( 'ep-course-title', 'parsemag', $this->subPage ) );
44 -
45 - $course = EPCourse::selectRow( null, array( 'name' => $this->subPage ) );
46 -
47 - if ( $course === false ) {
48 - $this->displayNavigation();
49 -
50 - if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-term' ) ) {
51 - $out->addWikiMsg( 'ep-course-create', $this->subPage );
52 - EPCourse::displayAddNewRegion( $this->getContext(), array( 'name' => $this->subPage ) );
53 - }
54 - else {
55 - $out->addWikiMsg( 'ep-course-none', $this->subPage );
56 - }
57 - }
58 - else {
59 - $this->displayNavigation();
60 -
61 - $this->displaySummary( $course );
62 -
63 - $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', array(), wfMsg( 'ep-course-description' ) ) );
64 -
65 - $out->addHTML( $this->getOutput()->parse( $course->getField( 'description' ) ) );
66 -
67 - $studentIds = array_map(
68 - function( EPStudent $student ) {
69 - return $student->getId();
70 - },
71 - $course->getStudents( 'id' )
72 - );
73 -
74 - if ( count( $studentIds ) > 0 ) {
75 - $out->addHTML( Html::element( 'h2', array(), wfMsg( 'ep-course-students' ) ) );
76 - EPStudent::displayPager( $this->getContext(), array( 'id' => $studentIds ) );
77 - }
78 - else {
79 - // TODO
80 - }
81 - }
82 - }
83 - }
84 -
85 - /**
86 - * Gets the summary data.
87 - *
88 - * @since 0.1
89 - *
90 - * @param EPCourse $course
91 - *
92 - * @return array
93 - */
94 - protected function getSummaryData( EPDBObject $course ) {
95 - $stats = array();
96 -
97 - $org = EPOrg::selectFieldsRow( 'name', array( 'id' => $course->getField( 'org_id' ) ) );
98 -
99 - $stats['org'] = Linker::linkKnown(
100 - SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Institution', $org ),
101 - htmlspecialchars( $org )
102 - );
103 -
104 - $lang = $this->getLanguage();
105 -
106 - $stats['term'] = htmlspecialchars( $course->getField( 'term' ) );
107 - $stats['start'] = htmlspecialchars( $lang->timeanddate( $course->getField( 'start' ), true ) );
108 - $stats['end'] = htmlspecialchars( $lang->timeanddate( $course->getField( 'end' ), true ) );
109 -
110 - $stats['students'] = htmlspecialchars( $lang->formatNum( $course->getField( 'students' ) ) );
111 -
112 - $stats['status'] = htmlspecialchars( EPCourse::getStatusMessage( $course->getStatus() ) );
113 -
114 - if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'ep-token' ) ) {
115 - $stats['token'] = Linker::linkKnown(
116 - SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Enroll', $course->getId() . '/' . $course->getField( 'token' ) ),
117 - htmlspecialchars( $course->getField( 'token' ) )
118 - );
119 - }
120 -
121 - return $stats;
122 - }
123 -
124 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEditCourse.php
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Addition and modification interface for courses.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialEditCourse.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -class SpecialEditCourse extends SpecialEPFormPage {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * Constructor.
19 - *
20 - * @since 0.1
21 - */
22 - public function __construct() {
23 - parent::__construct( 'EditCourse', 'ep-course', 'EPCourse', 'Courses', 'Course' );
24 -
25 - $this->getOutput()->addModules( array( 'ep.datepicker', 'ep.combobox' ) );
26 - }
27 -
28 - /**
29 - * (non-PHPdoc)
30 - * @see SpecialEPFormPage::getFormFields()
31 - * @return array
32 - */
33 - protected function getFormFields() {
34 - $fields = parent::getFormFields();
35 -
36 - $orgOptions = EPOrg::getOrgOptions();
37 -
38 - $fields['name'] = array (
39 - 'type' => 'text',
40 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-name',
41 - 'required' => true,
42 - );
43 -
44 - $fields['org_id'] = array (
45 - 'type' => 'select',
46 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-org',
47 - 'required' => true,
48 - 'options' => $orgOptions,
49 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) use ( $orgOptions ) {
50 - return in_array( (int)$value, array_values( $orgOptions ) ) ? true : wfMsg( 'ep-course-invalid-org' );
51 - },
52 - );
53 -
54 - $fields['token'] = array (
55 - 'type' => 'text',
56 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-token',
57 - 'maxlength' => 255,
58 - 'size' => 20,
59 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) {
60 - $strLen = strlen( $value );
61 - return ( $strLen !== 0 && $strLen < 2 ) ? wfMsgExt( 'ep-course-invalid-token', 'parsemag', 2 ) : true;
62 - } ,
63 - );
64 -
65 - $fields['term'] = array (
66 - 'type' => 'text',
67 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-term',
68 - 'required' => true,
69 - );
70 -
71 - $fields['start'] = array (
72 - 'class' => 'EPHTMLDateField',
73 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-start',
74 - 'required' => true,
75 - );
76 -
77 - $fields['end'] = array (
78 - 'class' => 'EPHTMLDateField',
79 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-end',
80 - 'required' => true,
81 - );
82 -
83 - $fieldFields = EPCourse::selectFields( 'field', array(), array( 'DISTINCT' ) );
84 - $fieldFields = array_merge( array( '' => '' ), $fieldFields );
85 - $fields['field'] = array (
86 - 'class' => 'EPHTMLCombobox',
87 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-field',
88 - 'required' => true,
89 - 'options' => array_combine( $fieldFields, $fieldFields ),
90 - );
91 -
92 - $levels = EPCourse::selectFields( 'level', array(), array( 'DISTINCT' ) );
93 - $levels = array_merge( array( '' => '' ), $levels );
94 - $fields['level'] = array (
95 - 'class' => 'EPHTMLCombobox',
96 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-level',
97 - 'required' => true,
98 - 'options' => array_combine( $levels, $levels ),
99 - );
100 -
101 - $langOptions = EPUtils::getLanguageOptions( $this->getLanguage()->getCode() );
102 - $fields['lang'] = array (
103 - 'type' => 'select',
104 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-lang',
105 - 'maxlength' => 255,
106 - 'required' => true,
107 - 'options' => $langOptions,
108 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) use ( $langOptions ) {
109 - return in_array( $value, $langOptions ) ? true : wfMsg( 'ep-course-invalid-lang' );
110 - }
111 - );
112 -
113 - $mcs = EPCourse::selectFields( 'mc', array(), array( 'DISTINCT' ) );
114 - $mcs = array_merge( array( '' => '' ), $mcs );
115 - $fields['mc'] = array (
116 - 'class' => 'EPHTMLCombobox',
117 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-mc',
118 - 'required' => true,
119 - 'options' => array_combine( $mcs, $mcs ),
120 - );
121 -
122 - $fields['description'] = array (
123 - 'type' => 'textarea',
124 - 'label-message' => 'ep-course-edit-description',
125 - 'required' => true,
126 - 'validation-callback' => function ( $value, array $alldata = null ) {
127 - return strlen( $value ) < 10 ? wfMsgExt( 'ep-course-invalid-description', 'parsemag', 10 ) : true;
128 - } ,
129 - 'rows' => 10,
130 - 'id' => 'wpTextbox1',
131 - );
132 -
133 - return $this->processFormFields( $fields );
134 - }
135 -
136 - /**
137 - * (non-PHPdoc)
138 - * @see SpecialEPFormPage::getNewData()
139 - */
140 - protected function getNewData() {
141 - return array(
142 - 'org_id' => $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'neworg' ),
143 - 'name' => wfMsgExt(
144 - 'ep-course-edit-name-format',
145 - 'parsemag',
146 - $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'newname' ),
147 - $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'newterm' )
148 - ),
149 - 'term' => $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'newterm' ),
150 - 'mc' => $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'newname' ),
151 - );
152 - }
153 -
154 - /**
155 - * (non-PHPdoc)
156 - * @see SpecialEPFormPage::handleKnownField()
157 - */
158 - protected function handleKnownField( $name, $value ) {
159 - if ( in_array( $name, array( 'end', 'start' ) ) ) {
160 - $value = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, strtotime( $value ) );
161 - }
162 -
163 - return $value;
164 - }
165 -
166 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialInstitutionHistory.php
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Special page for listing the history of an institution.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialInstitutionHistory.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -class SpecialInstitutionHistory extends SpecialEPHistory {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * Constructor.
19 - *
20 - * @since 0.1
21 - */
22 - public function __construct() {
23 - parent::__construct( 'InstitutionHistory', 'EPOrg', 'name', 'Institution' );
24 - }
25 -
26 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialCourseHistory.php
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Special page for listing the history of a course.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialCourseHistory.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -class SpecialCourseHistory extends SpecialEPHistory {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * Constructor.
19 - *
20 - * @since 0.1
21 - */
22 - public function __construct() {
23 - parent::__construct( 'CourseHistory', 'EPCourse', 'id', 'Course' );
24 - }
25 -
26 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPFormPage.php
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * FormSpecialPage equivalent but deriving from SpecialEPPage.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialEPFormPage.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -abstract class SpecialEPFormPage extends SpecialEPPage {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * Instance of the object being edited or created.
19 - *
20 - * @since 0.1
21 - * @var EPDBObject|false
22 - */
23 - protected $item = false;
24 -
25 - /**
26 - * Name of the class of the object being edited or created.
27 - *
28 - * @since 0.1
29 - * @var string
30 - */
31 - protected $itemClass;
32 -
33 - /**
34 - * Name of the special page listing the items.
35 - * For example, for "EditLolcat", it could be "Lolcats".
36 - *
37 - * @since 0.1
38 - * @var string
39 - */
40 - protected $listPage;
41 -
42 - /**
43 - * Name of the special page displaying individual items.
44 - * For example, for "EditLolcat", it could be "Lolcat".
45 - *
46 - * @since 0.1
47 - * @var string
48 - */
49 - protected $itemPage;
50 -
51 - /**
52 - * Constructor.
53 - *
54 - * @since 0.1
55 - *
56 - * @param string $name Name of the page
57 - * @param string $right Right needed to access the page
58 - * @param string $itemClass Name of the item class
59 - * @param string $listPage Name of the page listing the items
60 - * @param string $itemPage Name of the page displaying individual items
61 - */
62 - public function __construct( $name, $right, $itemClass, $listPage, $itemPage ) {
63 - $this->itemClass = $itemClass;
64 - $this->listPage = $listPage;
65 - $this->itemPage = $itemPage;
66 -
67 - parent::__construct( $name, $right, false );
68 -
69 - $this->getOutput()->addModules( 'ep.formpage' );
70 - }
71 -
72 - /**
73 - * @see SpecialPage::getDescription
74 - *
75 - * @since 0.1
76 - *
77 - * @return string
78 - */
79 - public function getDescription() {
80 - $action = $this->isNew() ? 'add' : 'edit';
81 - return wfMsg( 'special-' . strtolower( $this->getName() ) . '-' . $action );
82 - }
83 -
84 - /**
85 - * Sets headers - this should be called from the execute() method of all derived classes!
86 - *
87 - * @since 0.1
88 - */
89 - public function setHeaders() {
90 - $out = $this->getOutput();
91 - $out->setArticleRelated( false );
92 - $out->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
93 - $out->setPageTitle( $this->getDescription() );
94 - }
95 -
96 - /**
97 - * Main method.
98 - *
99 - * @since 0.1
100 - *
101 - * @param string $subPage
102 - */
103 - public function execute( $subPage ) {
104 - parent::execute( $subPage );
105 -
106 - if ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() && $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ) ) ) {
107 - $this->showForm();
108 - }
109 - else {
110 - $this->showContent();
111 - }
112 - }
113 -
114 - /**
115 - * Display the form and set the item field, or redirect the user.
116 - *
117 - * @since 0.1
118 - */
119 - protected function showContent() {
120 - $c = $this->itemClass; // Yeah, this is needed in PHP 5.3 >_>
121 -
122 - if ( $this->isNew() ) {
123 - $data = $this->getNewData();
124 -
125 - $object = $c::selectRow( null, $data );
126 -
127 - if ( $object === false ) {
128 - $object = new $c( $data, true );
129 - }
130 - else {
131 - $this->showWarning( wfMessage( 'educationprogram-' . strtolower( $this->getName() ) . '-exists-already' ) );
132 - }
133 - }
134 - else {
135 - $object = $c::selectRow( null, $this->getTitleConditions() );
136 - }
137 -
138 - if ( $object === false ) {
139 - $this->getOutput()->redirect( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->listPage )->getLocalURL() );
140 - }
141 - else {
142 -// if ( !$this->isNew() ) {
143 -// $this->getOutput()->addHTML(
144 -// SpecialContestPage::getNavigation( $contest->getField( 'name' ), $this->getUser(), $this->getLanguage(), $this->getName() )
145 -// );
146 -// }
147 -
148 - $this->item = $object;
149 - $this->showForm();
150 - }
151 - }
152 -
153 - /**
154 - * Returns if the page should work in insertion mode rather then modification mode.
155 - *
156 - * @since 0.1
157 - *
158 - * @return boolean
159 - */
160 - protected function isNew() {
161 - static $isNew = null;
162 -
163 - if ( is_null( $isNew ) ) {
164 - $isNew = $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() &&
165 - ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'isnew' ) || $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpisnew' ) );
166 - }
167 -
168 - return $isNew;
169 - }
170 -
171 - /**
172 - * Show the form.
173 - *
174 - * @since 0.1
175 - */
176 - protected function showForm() {
177 - $form = $this->getForm();
178 -
179 - if ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() && $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'isnew' ) ) {
180 - $form->prepareForm();
181 - $form->displayForm( Status::newGood() );
182 - }
183 - else {
184 - if ( $form->show() ) {
185 - $this->onSuccess();
186 - }
187 - }
188 - }
189 -
190 - /**
191 - * Returns the data to use as condition for selecting the object,
192 - * or in case nothing matches the selection, the data to initialize
193 - * it with. This is typically an identifier such as name or id.
194 - *
195 - * @since 0.1
196 - *
197 - * @return array
198 - */
199 - protected function getNewData() {
200 - return array( 'name' => $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'newname' ) );
201 - }
202 -
203 - /**
204 - * Get the query conditions to obtain the item based on the page title.
205 - *
206 - * @since 0.1
207 - *
208 - * @return array
209 - */
210 - protected function getTitleConditions() {
211 - return array( 'name' => $this->subPage );
212 - }
213 -
214 - /**
215 - * (non-PHPdoc)
216 - * @see FormSpecialPage::getForm()
217 - * @return HTMLForm|null
218 - */
219 - protected function getForm() {
220 - $fields = $this->getFormFields();
221 -
222 - if ( $this->isNew() ) {
223 - $fields['isnew'] = array(
224 - 'type' => 'hidden',
225 - 'default' => 1,
226 - );
227 - }
228 -
229 - if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpreturnto' ) ) {
230 - $fields['returnto'] = array(
231 - 'type' => 'hidden',
232 - 'default' => $this->getRequest()->getText( 'wpreturnto' ),
233 - );
234 - }
235 -
236 - $form = new HTMLForm( $fields, $this->getContext() );
237 -
238 - $form->setSubmitCallback( array( $this, 'handleSubmission' ) );
239 - $form->setSubmitText( wfMsg( 'educationprogram-org-submit' ) );
240 - $form->setSubmitTooltip( 'ep-form-save' );
241 -
242 - $action = $this->isNew() ? 'add' : 'edit';
243 - $form->setWrapperLegend( $this->msg( strtolower( $this->getName() ) . '-' . $action . '-legend' ) );
244 -
245 - $form->addButton(
246 - 'cancelEdit',
247 - wfMsg( 'cancel' ),
248 - 'cancelEdit',
249 - array(
250 - 'target-url' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->listPage )->getFullURL(),
251 - )
252 - );
253 -
254 -// $form->addButton(
255 -// 'deleteEdit',
256 -// wfMsg( 'delete' ),
257 -// 'deleteEdit'
258 -// );
259 -
260 - return $form;
261 - }
262 -
263 - /**
264 - * (non-PHPdoc)
265 - * @see FormSpecialPage::getFormFields()
266 - * @return array
267 - */
268 - protected function getFormFields() {
269 - $fields = array();
270 -
271 - $fields['id'] = array( 'type' => 'hidden' );
272 -
273 - $req = $this->getRequest();
274 -
275 - // This sort of sucks as well. Meh, HTMLForm is odd.
276 - if ( $req->wasPosted()
277 - && $this->getUser()->matchEditToken( $req->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ) )
278 - && $req->getCheck( 'wpitem-id' ) ) {
279 - $fields['id']['default'] = $req->getInt( 'wpitem-id' );
280 - }
281 -
282 - return $fields;
283 - }
284 -
285 - /**
286 - * Populates the form fields with the data of the item
287 - * and prefixes their names.
288 - *
289 - * @since 0.1
290 - *
291 - * @param array $fields
292 - *
293 - * @return array
294 - */
295 - protected function processFormFields( array $fields ) {
296 - if ( $this->item !== false ) {
297 - foreach ( $fields as $name => &$data ) {
298 - if ( !array_key_exists( 'default', $data ) ) {
299 - $data['default'] = $this->getDefaultFromItem( $this->item, $name );
300 - }
301 - }
302 - }
303 -
304 - $mappedFields = array();
305 -
306 - foreach ( $fields as $name => $field ) {
307 - if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'isnew' ) ) {
308 - // HTML form is being a huge pain in running the validation on post,
309 - // so just remove it if when not appropriate.
310 - unset( $field['validation-callback'] );
311 - unset( $field['required'] );
312 - }
313 -
314 - $mappedFields['item-' . $name] = $field;
315 - }
316 -
317 - return $mappedFields;
318 - }
319 -
320 - /**
321 - * Gets the default value for a field from the item.
322 - *
323 - * @since 0.1
324 - *
325 - * @param EPDBObject $item
326 - * @param string $name
327 - *
328 - * @return mixed
329 - */
330 - protected function getDefaultFromItem( EPDBObject $item, $name ) {
331 - return $item->getField( $name );
332 - }
333 -
334 - /**
335 - * Gets called after the form is saved.
336 - *
337 - * @since 0.1
338 - */
339 - public function onSuccess() {
340 - if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( 'wpreturnto' ) ) {
341 - $parts = explode( '/', $this->getRequest()->getText( 'wpreturnto' ), 2 );
342 - $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $parts[0], count( $parts ) === 2 ? $parts[1] : false );
343 - }
344 - elseif ( $this->isNew() ) {
345 - $c = $this->itemClass; // Yeah, this is needed in PHP 5.3 >_>
346 - $title = $c::getTitleFor( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'wpitem-' . $c::getIdentifierField() ) );
347 - }
348 - else {
349 - $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->itemPage, $this->subPage );
350 - }
351 -
352 - $this->getOutput()->redirect( $title->getLocalURL() );
353 - }
354 -
355 - /**
356 - * Process the form. At this point we know that the user passes all the criteria in
357 - * userCanExecute().
358 - *
359 - * @param array $data
360 - *
361 - * @return Bool|Array
362 - */
363 - public function handleSubmission( array $data ) {
364 - $fields = array();
365 - $unknownValues = array();
366 -
367 - $c = $this->itemClass; // Yeah, this is needed in PHP 5.3 >_>
368 -
369 - foreach ( $data as $name => $value ) {
370 - $matches = array();
371 -
372 - if ( preg_match( '/item-(.+)/', $name, $matches ) ) {
373 - if ( $matches[1] === 'id' && ( $value === '' || $value === '0' ) ) {
374 - $value = null;
375 - }
376 -
377 - if ( $c::canHasField( $matches[1] ) ) {
378 - $fields[$matches[1]] = $value;
379 - }
380 - else {
381 - $unknownValues[$matches[1]] = $value;
382 - }
383 - }
384 - }
385 -
386 - $keys = array_keys( $fields );
387 - $fields = array_combine( $keys, array_map( array( $this, 'handleKnownField' ), $keys, $fields ) );
388 -
389 - /* EPDBObject */ $item = new $c( $fields, is_null( $fields['id'] ) );
390 -
391 - foreach ( $unknownValues as $name => $value ) {
392 - $this->handleUnknownField( $item, $name, $value );
393 - }
394 -
395 - $success = $item->writeToDB();
396 -
397 - if ( $success ) {
398 - return true;
399 - }
400 - else {
401 - return array(); // TODO
402 - }
403 - }
404 -
405 - /**
406 - * Gets called for evey unknown submitted value, so they can be dealt with if needed.
407 - *$title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $this->itemPage, $this->subPage )->getLocalURL();
408 - * @since 0.1
409 - *
410 - * @param EPDBObject $item
411 - * @param string $name
412 - * @param string $value This is a string, since it comes from request data, but might be a number or other type.
413 - */
414 - protected function handleUnknownField( EPDBObject $item, $name, $value ) {
415 - // Override to use.
416 - }
417 -
418 - /**
419 - * Gets called for evey known submitted value, so they can be dealt with if needed.
420 - *
421 - * @since 0.1
422 - *
423 - * @param string $name
424 - * @param string $value This is a string, since it comes from request data, but might be a number or other type.
425 - *
426 - * @return mixed The new value
427 - */
428 - protected function handleKnownField( $name, $value ) {
429 - // Override to use.
430 - return $value;
431 - }
432 -
433 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/specials/SpecialEPHistory.php
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
2 -<?php
3 -
4 -/**
5 - * Base class for history special pages.
6 - *
7 - * @since 0.1
8 - *
9 - * @file SpecialEPHistory.php
10 - * @ingroup EducationProgram
11 - *
12 - * @licence GNU GPL v3 or later
13 - * @author Jeroen De Dauw < jeroendedauw@gmail.com >
14 - */
15 -abstract class SpecialEPHistory extends SpecialEPPage {
16 -
17 - /**
18 - * @since 0.1
19 - * @var string
20 - */
21 - protected $identifier;
22 -
23 - /**
24 - * @since 0.1
25 - * @var string
26 - */
27 - protected $className;
28 -
29 - /**
30 - * @since 0.1
31 - * @var string
32 - */
33 - protected $itemPage;
34 -
35 - /**
36 - * @see parent::__construct
37 - *
38 - * @since 0.1
39 - *
40 - * @param string $name
41 - * @param string $className
42 - * @param string $identifierField
43 - * @param string $restriction
44 - */
45 - public function __construct( $name, $className, $identifierField, $itemPage, $restriction = '' ) {
46 - $this->identifier = $identifierField;
47 - $this->className = $className;
48 - $this->itemPage = $itemPage;
49 -
50 - parent::__construct( $name, $restriction, false );
51 - }
52 -
53 - /**
54 - * Main method.
55 - *
56 - * @since 0.1
57 - *
58 - * @param string $subPage
59 - */
60 - public function execute( $subPage ) {
61 - parent::execute( $subPage );
62 -
63 - $c = $this->className; // Yeah, this is needed in PHP 5.3 >_>
64 - $object = $c::selectRow( null, array( $this->identifier => $subPage ) );
65 -
66 - if ( $object === false ) {
67 - // TODO
68 - }
69 - else {
70 - $this->displayRevisions( $object );
71 - }
72 - }
73 -
74 - /**
75 - * @see SpecialPage::getDescription
76 - *
77 - * @since 0.1
78 - *
79 - * @return string
80 - */
81 - public function getDescription() {
82 - return wfMsgExt( 'special-' . strtolower( $this->getName() ), 'parsemag', $this->subPage );
83 - }
84 -
85 - /**
86 - * Display a list with the passed revisions.
87 - *
88 - * @since 0.1
89 - *
90 - * @param EPDBObject $object
91 - */
92 - protected function displayRevisions( EPDBObject $object ) {
93 - $conditions = array(
94 - 'type' => get_class( $object ),
95 - );
96 -
97 - if ( $object->hasIdField() ) {
98 - $conditions['object_id'] = $object->getId();
99 - }
100 -
101 - $action = htmlspecialchars( $GLOBALS['wgScript'] );
102 -
103 - $request = $this->getRequest();
104 - $out = $this->getOutput();
105 -
106 - /**
107 - * Add date selector to quickly get to a certain time
108 - */
109 - $year = $request->getInt( 'year' );
110 - $month = $request->getInt( 'month' );
111 - $tagFilter = $request->getVal( 'tagfilter' );
112 - $tagSelector = ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector( $tagFilter );
113 -
114 - /**
115 - * Option to show only revisions that have been (partially) hidden via RevisionDelete
116 - */
117 - if ( $request->getBool( 'deleted' ) ) {
118 - $conditions['deleted'] = true;
119 - }
120 -
121 - $checkDeleted = Xml::checkLabel( $this->msg( 'history-show-deleted' )->text(),
122 - 'deleted', 'mw-show-deleted-only', $request->getBool( 'deleted' ) ) . "\n";
123 -
124 - $out->addHTML(
125 - "<form action=\"$action\" method=\"get\" id=\"mw-history-searchform\">" .
126 - Xml::fieldset(
127 - $this->msg( 'history-fieldset-title' )->text(),
128 - false,
129 - array( 'id' => 'mw-history-search' )
130 - ) .
131 - Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedDBKey() ) . "\n" .
132 - Html::hidden( 'action', 'history' ) . "\n" .
133 - Xml::dateMenu( $year, $month ) . '&#160;' .
134 - ( $tagSelector ? ( implode( '&#160;', $tagSelector ) . '&#160;' ) : '' ) .
135 - $checkDeleted .
136 - Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'allpagessubmit' )->text() ) . "\n" .
137 - '</fieldset></form>'
138 - );
139 -
140 - $pager = new EPRevisionPager( $this->getContext(), $this->className, $this->itemPage, $conditions );
141 -
142 - if ( $pager->getNumRows() ) {
143 - $out->addHTML(
144 - $pager->getNavigationBar() .
145 - $pager->getBody() .
146 - $pager->getNavigationBar()
147 - );
148 - }
149 - else {
150 - // TODO
151 - }
152 -
153 -// $revisions = EPRevision::select(
154 -// null,
155 -// $conditions
156 -// );
157 -//
158 -// if ( count( $revisions ) > 0 ) {
159 -// array_unshift( $revisions, EPRevision::newFromObject( $object ) );
160 -// $this->displayRevisionList( $revisions );
161 -// }
162 -// else {
163 -// // TODO
164 -// }
165 - }
166 -
167 - protected function displayRevisionList( array /* of EPRevision */ $revisions ) {
168 - foreach ( $revisions as &$revision ) {
169 - $revision = '<li>' . $this->getRevisionItem( $revision ) . '</li>';
170 - }
171 -
172 - $this->getOutput()->addHTML( '<ul>' . implode( '', $revisions ) . '</ul>' );
173 - }
174 -
175 - protected function getRevisionItem( EPRevision $revision ) {
176 - return $revision->getField( 'time' ) . json_encode( $revision->getField( 'data' ) ); // TODO
177 - }
178 -
179 -}
Index: trunk/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.hooks.php
@@ -233,7 +233,6 @@
234234 );
236236 if ( array_key_exists( $title->getNamespace(), $classes ) ) {
237 - // array_intersect_key( $links['views'], array_flip( array( 'view', 'edit', 'history' ) ) );
238237 $links['views'] = array();
239238 $links['actions'] = array();

Past revisions this follows-up on

RevisionCommit summaryAuthorDate
r110231moved special pages for managing orgs and courses to actions in corresponding...jeroendedauw11:35, 29 January 2012

Status & tagging log