r109966 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r109965‎ | r109966 | r109967 >
Date:23:14, 24 January 2012
*increased unit test resolution
*updated the tokenizers to work with streams based API
*migration to junit4
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/lucene-search-3/src/test/java/org/wikimedia/lsearch/analyzers/WikiQueryParserTest.java (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/lucene-search-3/src/test/java/org/wikimedia/lsearch/test/AbstractWikiTestCase.java (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/lucene-search-3/src/test/java/org/wikimedia/lsearch/test/AbstractWikiTestCase.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
66 import junit.framework.TestCase;
 8+import org.junit.Before;
89 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.WikiQueryParser;
910 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.config.Configuration;
1011 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.config.GlobalConfiguration;
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
4445 protected GlobalConfiguration global = null;
4647 @Override
 48+ @Before
4749 protected void setUp() {
4850 if(config == null)
4951 {
Index: trunk/lucene-search-3/src/test/java/org/wikimedia/lsearch/analyzers/WikiQueryParserTest.java
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
44 import java.util.ArrayList;
55 import java.util.Arrays;
67 import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
78 import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
89 import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
9 -import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.Analyzers;
10 -import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.FieldBuilder;
11 -import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.FieldNameFactory;
12 -import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.WikiQueryParser;
 10+import org.junit.Before;
 11+import org.junit.Ignore;
 12+import org.junit.Test;
1313 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.analyzers.WikiQueryParser.NamespacePolicy;
1414 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.config.IndexId;
1515 import org.wikimedia.lsearch.test.AbstractWikiTestCase;
@@ -16,179 +16,447 @@
1717 public class WikiQueryParserTest extends AbstractWikiTestCase {
 20+ /** fixture1 **/
21 - public void testEnglish() {
22 - IndexId enwiki = IndexId.get("enwiki");
23 - FieldBuilder.BuilderSet bs = new FieldBuilder(IndexId.get("enwiki")).getBuilder();
24 - Analyzer analyzer = Analyzers.getSearcherAnalyzer(enwiki);
25 - FieldNameFactory ff = new FieldNameFactory();
26 - try{
27 - WikiQueryParser parser = new WikiQueryParser("contents","0",analyzer,bs,NamespacePolicy.IGNORE);
28 - Query q;
29 -
30 - /* =================== BASICS ================= */
31 - q = parser.parseRaw("1991");
32 - assertEquals("contents:1991",q.toString());
33 -
34 - q = parser.parseRaw("\"eggs and bacon\" OR milk");
35 - assertEquals("contents:\"eggs and bacon\" contents:milk",q.toString());
 22+ IndexId enwiki;
 23+ FieldBuilder.BuilderSet bs;
 24+ Analyzer analyzer;
 25+ FieldNameFactory ff;
 26+ WikiQueryParser parser;
37 - q = parser.parseRaw("+eggs milk -something");
38 - assertEquals("+(contents:eggs contents:egg^0.5) +contents:milk -contents:something",q.toString());
 28+ private void createFixture1() {
 29+ enwiki = IndexId.get("enwiki");
 30+ bs = new FieldBuilder(IndexId.get("enwiki")).getBuilder();
 31+ analyzer = Analyzers.getSearcherAnalyzer(enwiki);
 32+ parser = new WikiQueryParser("contents", "0", analyzer, bs,
 33+ NamespacePolicy.IGNORE);
 34+ }
40 - q = parser.parseRaw("eggs AND milk");
41 - assertEquals("+(contents:eggs contents:egg^0.5) +contents:milk",q.toString());
 36+ @Before
 37+ @Override
 38+ protected void setUp() {
 39+ super.setUp();
 40+ createFixture1();
 41+ }
43 - q = parser.parseRaw("+egg incategory:breakfast");
44 - assertEquals("+contents:egg +category:breakfast",q.toString());
45 -
46 - q = parser.parseRaw("+egg incategory:\"two_words\"");
47 - assertEquals("+contents:egg +category:two words",q.toString());
48 -
49 - q = parser.parseRaw("+egg incategory:\"two words\"");
50 - assertEquals("+contents:egg +category:two words",q.toString());
 43+ /**
 44+ * basic queries
 45+ */
 46+ @Test
 47+ public void testBasicEnglish01() {
 48+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("1991");
 49+ assertEquals("contents:1991", q.toString());
 50+ }
52 - q = parser.parseRaw("incategory:(help AND pleh)");
53 - assertEquals("+category:help +category:pleh",q.toString());
 52+ @Test
 53+ public void testBasicEnglish02() {
 54+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("\"eggs and bacon\" OR milk");
 55+ assertEquals("contents:\"eggs and bacon\" contents:milk", q.toString());
 56+ }
55 - q = parser.parseRaw("incategory:(help AND (pleh -ping))");
56 - assertEquals("+category:help +(+category:pleh -category:ping)",q.toString());
 58+ @Test
 59+ public void testBasicEnglish03() {
58 - q = parser.parseRaw("(\"something is\" OR \"something else\") AND \"very important\"");
59 - assertEquals("+(contents:\"something is\" contents:\"something else\") +contents:\"very important\"",q.toString());
 61+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("+eggs milk -something");
 62+ assertEquals(
 63+ "+(contents:eggs contents:egg^0.5) +contents:milk -contents:something",
 64+ q.toString());
 65+ }
61 - q = parser.parseRaw("šđčćždzñ");
62 - assertEquals("contents:šđčćždzñ contents:sđcczdzn^0.5 contents:sđcczdznh^0.5",q.toString());
63 -
64 - q = parser.parseRaw(".test 3.14 and.. so");
65 - assertEquals("+(contents:.test contents:test^0.5) +contents:3.14 +contents:and +contents:so",q.toString());
66 -
67 - q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
68 - assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",q.toString());
69 -
70 - q = parser.parseRaw("c# good-thomas");
71 - assertEquals("+(contents:c# contents:c^0.5) +(+(contents:good- contents:good^0.5 contents:goodthomas^0.5) +contents:thomas)",q.toString());
72 -
73 - q = parser.parseRaw("a8n sli");
74 - assertEquals("+contents:a8n +contents:sli",q.toString());
75 -
76 - q = parser.parseRaw("en.wikipedia.org");
77 - assertEquals("+contents:en +contents:wikipedia +contents:org",q.toString());
78 - assertEquals("[[contents:en, contents:wikipedia, contents:org]]",parser.getUrls().toString());
79 -
80 - q = parser.parseRaw("something prefix:[2]:Rainman/Archive");
81 - assertEquals("contents:something",q.toString());
82 - assertEquals("[2:rainman/archive]",Arrays.toString(parser.getPrefixFilters()));
83 -
84 - q = parser.parseRaw("something prefix:[2]:Rainman/Archive|Names|[4]:Help");
85 - assertEquals("contents:something",q.toString());
86 - assertEquals("[2:rainman/archive, 0:names, 4:help]",Arrays.toString(parser.getPrefixFilters()));
87 -
88 - q = parser.parseRaw("query incategory:Some_category_name");
89 - assertEquals("+contents:query +category:some category name",q.toString());
90 -
91 - q = parser.parseRaw("list of countries in Africa by population");
92 - assertEquals("+contents:list +contents:of +(contents:countries contents:country^0.5) +contents:in +contents:africa +contents:by +contents:population", q.toString());
93 -
94 - q = parser.parseRaw("list_of_countries_in_Africa_by_population");
95 - assertEquals("+contents:list +contents:of +(contents:countries contents:country^0.5) +contents:in +contents:africa +contents:by +contents:population", q.toString());
96 -
97 - // FIXME, some differences in alttitle
98 - //assertEquals(parser.parse("list of countries in Africa by population").toString(), parser.parse("list_of_countries_in_Africa_by_population").toString());
 67+ @Test
 68+ public void testBasicEnglish04() {
100 -
101 - /* =================== MISC ================= */
102 -
103 - q = parser.parse("douglas adams OR qian zhongshu OR (ibanez guitars)");
104 - assertEquals("[douglas, adams, qian, zhongshu, ibanez, guitars]",parser.getWordsClean().toString());
105 -
106 - assertEquals("[(douglas,0,7), (adam,8,12,type=wildcard)]",parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("douglas adam*").toString());
107 -
108 - assertEquals("[(douglas,0,7)]",parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("douglas -adams").toString());
109 - assertEquals("[(douglas,4,11)]",parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("[2]:douglas -adams").toString());
110 -
111 - assertEquals("[(box,0,3), (ven,4,7,type=fuzzy), (i'll,9,13)]",parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("box ven~ i'll").toString());
112 -
113 - q = parser.parse("douglas -adams guides");
114 - assertEquals("[contents:guides, contents:douglas, contents:guide]", Arrays.toString(parser.getHighlightTerms()));
115 -
116 - /* ================== PREFIXES ============ */
117 - q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:tests");
118 - // FIXME: stemming for titles?
119 - assertEquals("title:tests title:test^0.5",q.toString());
120 -
121 - q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:multiple words in title");
122 - assertEquals("+title:multiple +title:words +title:in +title:title",q.toString());
123 -
124 - q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:[2]:tests");
125 - assertEquals("title:tests title:test^0.5",q.toString());
126 -
127 - q = parser.parseRaw("something (intitle:[2]:tests) out");
128 - assertEquals("+contents:something +(title:tests title:test^0.5) +contents:out",q.toString());
129 -
130 - ArrayList<Token> tokens = parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("+incategory:\"zero\" a:b incategory:c +incategory:d [1]:20");
131 - assertEquals("[(a,19,20), (b,21,22), (c,34,35), (d,48,49), (20,54,56)]", tokens.toString());
132 -
133 - tokens = parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("+incategory:\"Suspension bridges in the United States\"");
134 - assertEquals("[]", tokens.toString());
135 -
136 - /* ================== unicode decomposition stuffs ============ */
137 - q = parser.parseRaw("šta");
138 - assertEquals("contents:šta contents:sta^0.5",q.toString());
139 -
140 - q = parser.parseRaw("װאנט");
141 - assertEquals("contents:װאנט contents:וואנט^0.5",q.toString());
142 -
143 - q = parser.parseRaw("פּאריז");
144 - assertEquals("contents:פּאריז contents:פאריז^0.5",q.toString());
145 -
146 -
147 - } catch(Exception e){
148 - }
 70+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("eggs AND milk");
 71+ assertEquals("+(contents:eggs contents:egg^0.5) +contents:milk",q.toString());
14972 }
 74+ @Test
 75+ public void testBasicEnglish05() {
 77+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("+egg incategory:breakfast");
 78+ assertEquals("+contents:egg +category:breakfast", q.toString());
 79+ }
 81+ @Test
 82+ public void testBasicEnglish06() {
 84+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("+egg incategory:\"two_words\"");
 85+ assertEquals("+contents:egg +category:two words", q.toString());
 86+ }
 88+ @Test
 89+ public void testBasicEnglish07() {
 91+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("incategory:(help AND pleh)");
 92+ assertEquals("+category:help +category:pleh", q.toString());
 93+ }
 95+ @Test
 96+ public void testBasicEnglish08() {
 98+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("incategory:(help AND (pleh -ping))");
 99+ assertEquals("+category:help +(+category:pleh -category:ping)",
 100+ q.toString());
 101+ }
 103+ @Test
 104+ public void testBasicEnglish09() {
 106+ Query q = parser
 107+ .parseRaw("(\"something is\" OR \"something else\") AND \"very important\"");
 108+ assertEquals(
 109+ "+(contents:\"something is\" contents:\"something else\") +contents:\"very important\"",
 110+ q.toString());
 111+ }
 113+ @Test
 114+ public void testBasicEnglish10() {
 116+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("šđčćždzñ");
 117+ assertEquals(
 118+ "contents:šđčćždzñ contents:sđcczdzn^0.5 contents:sđcczdznh^0.5",
 119+ q.toString());
 122+ }
 124+ @Test
 125+ public void testBasicEnglish11() {
 127+ Query q = parser.parseRaw(".test 3.14 and.. so");
 128+ assertEquals(
 129+ "+(contents:.test contents:test^0.5) +contents:3.14 +contents:and +contents:so",
 130+ q.toString());
 131+ }
 133+ @Test
 134+ public void testBasicEnglish12() {
 136+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
 137+ assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",
 138+ q.toString());
 139+ }
 141+ @Test
 142+ public void testBasicEnglish13() {
 144+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("c# good-thomas");
 145+ assertEquals(
 146+ "+(contents:c# contents:c^0.5) +(+(contents:good- contents:good^0.5 contents:goodthomas^0.5) +contents:thomas)",
 147+ q.toString());
 150+ }
152 - public void XtestEnglishFull() {
153 - IndexId enwiki = IndexId.get("enwiki");
154 - FieldBuilder.BuilderSet bs = new FieldBuilder(IndexId.get("enwiki")).getBuilder();
155 - Analyzer analyzer = Analyzers.getSearcherAnalyzer(enwiki);
156 - FieldNameFactory ff = new FieldNameFactory();
157 - try{
158 - WikiQueryParser parser = new WikiQueryParser("contents","0",analyzer,bs,NamespacePolicy.IGNORE);
159 - Query q;
160 - /* =================== FULL QUERIES ================= */
161 -
162 - q = parser.parse("simple query",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
163 - assertEquals("(+(contents:simple contents:simpl^0.5) +(contents:query contents:queri^0.5)) ((+title:simple^2.0 +title:query^2.0) (+(stemtitle:simple^0.8 stemtitle:simpl^0.32000002) +(stemtitle:query^0.8 stemtitle:queri^0.32000002)))",q.toString());
164 -
165 - q = parser.parse("guitars",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
166 - assertEquals("(contents:guitars contents:guitar^0.5) ((title:guitars^2.0 title:guitar^0.4) (stemtitle:guitars^0.8 stemtitle:guitar^0.32000002))",q.toString());
167 - assertEquals("[guitars]",parser.getWordsClean().toString());
168 -
169 - q = parser.parse("simple -query",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
170 - assertEquals("(+(contents:simple contents:simpl^0.5) -contents:query) ((+title:simple^2.0 -title:query^2.0) (+(stemtitle:simple^0.8 stemtitle:simpl^0.32000002) -stemtitle:query^0.8)) -(contents:query title:query^2.0 stemtitle:query^0.8)",q.toString());
171 - assertEquals("[simple]",parser.getWordsClean().toString());
172 -
173 - q = parser.parse("the who",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
174 - assertEquals("(+contents:the +contents:who) ((+title:the^2.0 +title:who^2.0) (+stemtitle:the^0.8 +stemtitle:who^0.8))",q.toString());
175 -
176 - q = parser.parse("the_who",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
177 - assertEquals("(+contents:the +contents:who) ((+title:the^2.0 +title:who^2.0) (+stemtitle:the^0.8 +stemtitle:who^0.8))",q.toString());
178 -
179 - q = parser.parse("\"Ole von Beust\"",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
180 - assertEquals("contents:\"ole von beust\" (title:\"ole von beust\"^2.0 stemtitle:\"ole von beust\"^0.8)",q.toString());
181 -
182 - q = parser.parse("who is president of u.s.",new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
183 - assertEquals("(+contents:who +contents:is +(contents:president contents:presid^0.5) +contents:of +(contents:u.s contents:us^0.5)) ((+title:who^2.0 +title:is^2.0 +title:president^2.0 +title:of^2.0 +(title:u.s^2.0 title:us^0.4)) (+stemtitle:who^0.8 +stemtitle:is^0.8 +(stemtitle:president^0.8 stemtitle:presid^0.32000002) +stemtitle:of^0.8 +(stemtitle:u.s^0.8 stemtitle:us^0.32000002)))",q.toString());
184 - assertEquals("[who, is, president, of, u.s]",parser.getWordsClean().toString());
 152+ @Test
 153+ public void testBasicEnglish14() {
 155+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
 156+ assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",
 157+ q.toString());
 158+ }
 161+ @Test
 162+ public void testBasicEnglish15() {
 164+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("a8n sli");
 165+ assertEquals("+contents:a8n +contents:sli", q.toString());
186 - } catch(Exception e){
187 - e.printStackTrace();
188 - }
189168 }
 170+ @Test
 171+ public void testBasicEnglish16() {
 173+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("en.wikipedia.org");
 174+ assertEquals("+contents:en +contents:wikipedia +contents:org",
 175+ q.toString());
 176+ assertEquals("[[contents:en, contents:wikipedia, contents:org]]",
 177+ parser.getUrls().toString());
 179+ }
 181+ @Test
 182+ public void testBasicEnglish17() {
 185+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("something prefix:[2]:Rainman/Archive");
 186+ assertEquals("contents:something", q.toString());
 187+ assertEquals("[2:rainman/archive]",
 188+ Arrays.toString(parser.getPrefixFilters()));
 191+ }
 193+ @Test
 194+ public void testBasicEnglish18() {
 196+ Query q = parser
 197+ .parseRaw("something prefix:[2]:Rainman/Archive|Names|[4]:Help");
 198+ assertEquals("contents:something", q.toString());
 199+ assertEquals("[2:rainman/archive, 0:names, 4:help]",
 200+ Arrays.toString(parser.getPrefixFilters()));
 201+ }
 203+ @Test
 204+ public void testBasicEnglish19() {
 206+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("query incategory:Some_category_name");
 207+ assertEquals("+contents:query +category:some category name",
 208+ q.toString());
 210+ }
 212+ @Test
 213+ public void testBasicEnglish20() {
 215+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("list of countries in Africa by population");
 216+ assertEquals(
 217+ "+contents:list +contents:of +(contents:countries contents:country^0.5) +contents:in +contents:africa +contents:by +contents:population",
 218+ q.toString());
 219+ }
 221+ @Test
 222+ public void testBasicEnglish21() {
 224+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("list_of_countries_in_Africa_by_population");
 225+ assertEquals(
 226+ "+contents:list +contents:of +(contents:countries contents:country^0.5) +contents:in +contents:africa +contents:by +contents:population",
 227+ q.toString());
 228+ }
 230+ @Test
 231+ public void testBasicEnglish22() {
 233+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
 234+ assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",
 235+ q.toString());
 236+ }
 238+ @Test
 239+ public void testBasicEnglish23() {
 241+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
 242+ assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",
 243+ q.toString());
 244+ }
 246+ @Test
 247+ public void testBasicEnglish24() {
 249+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("i'll get");
 250+ assertEquals("+(contents:i'll contents:ill^0.5) +contents:get",
 251+ q.toString());
 252+ }
191 - public void testExtractRawFields(){
 254+ // FIXME: some differences in alttitle
 255+ @Ignore("some differences in alttitle")
 256+ @Test
 257+ public void testBasicEnglish25() {
 260+ assertEquals(parser.parse("list of countries in Africa by population")
 261+ .toString(),
 262+ parser.parse("list_of_countries_in_Africa_by_population")
 263+ .toString());
 264+ }
 267+ @Test
 268+ public void testMisc01() {
 269+ Query q = parser.parse("douglas adams OR qian zhongshu OR (ibanez guitars)");
 270+ assertEquals("[douglas, adams, qian, zhongshu, ibanez, guitars]",parser.getWordsClean().toString());
 271+ }
 273+ @Test
 274+ public void testMisc02() {
 275+ assertEquals("[(douglas,0,7), (adam,8,12,type=wildcard)]",parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("douglas adam*").toString());
 276+ }
 278+ @Test
 279+ public void testMisc03() {
 280+ assertEquals("[(douglas,0,7)]",
 281+ parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("douglas -adams").toString());
 282+ }
 284+ @Test
 285+ public void testMisc04() {
 286+ assertEquals("[(douglas,4,11)]",
 287+ parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("[2]:douglas -adams").toString());
 288+ }
 290+ @Test
 291+ public void testMisc05() {
 292+ assertEquals("[(box,0,3), (ven,4,7,type=fuzzy), (i'll,9,13)]", parser
 293+ .tokenizeForSpellCheck("box ven~ i'll").toString());
 294+ }
 296+ @Test
 297+ public void testMisc06() {
 298+ Query q = parser.parse("douglas -adams guides");
 299+ assertEquals("[contents:guides, contents:douglas, contents:guide]",
 300+ Arrays.toString(parser.getHighlightTerms()));
 302+ }
 305+ @Test
 306+ public void testPrefix01() {
 307+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:tests");
 308+ assertEquals("title:tests title:test^0.5", q.toString());
 310+ }
 312+ @Test
 313+ public void testPrefix02() {
 314+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:multiple words in title");
 315+ assertEquals("+title:multiple +title:words +title:in +title:title",
 316+ q.toString());
 318+ }
 320+ @Test
 321+ public void testPrefix03() {
 322+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("intitle:[2]:tests");
 323+ assertEquals("title:tests title:test^0.5", q.toString());
 325+ }
 327+ @Test
 328+ public void testPrefix04() {
 329+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("something (intitle:[2]:tests) out");
 330+ assertEquals(
 331+ "+contents:something +(title:tests title:test^0.5) +contents:out",
 332+ q.toString());
 334+ }
 336+ @Test
 337+ public void testPrefix05() {
 338+ ArrayList<Token> tokens = parser.tokenizeForSpellCheck("+incategory:\"zero\" a:b incategory:c +incategory:d [1]:20");
 339+ assertEquals("[(a,19,20), (b,21,22), (c,34,35), (d,48,49), (20,54,56)]", tokens.toString());
 341+ }
 343+ @Test
 344+ public void testPrefix06() {
 345+ ArrayList<Token> tokens = parser
 346+ .tokenizeForSpellCheck("+incategory:\"Suspension bridges in the United States\"");
 347+ assertEquals("[]", tokens.toString());
 348+ }
 350+ @Test
 351+ public void testUnicodeDecomposition01() {
 353+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("šta");
 354+ assertEquals("contents:šta contents:sta^0.5", q.toString());
 356+ }
 358+ @Test
 359+ public void testUnicodeDecomposition02() {
 360+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("װאנט");
 361+ assertEquals("contents:װאנט contents:וואנט^0.5", q.toString());
 363+ }
 365+ @Test
 366+ public void testUnicodeDecomposition03() {
 367+ Query q = parser.parseRaw("פּאריז");
 368+ assertEquals("contents:פּאריז contents:פאריז^0.5", q.toString());
 370+ }
 372+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 373+ @Test
 374+ public void testEnglishFull01() {
 375+ Query q = parser.parse("simple query",
 376+ new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
 377+ assertEquals(
 378+ "(+(contents:simple contents:simpl^0.5) +(contents:query contents:queri^0.5)) ((+title:simple^2.0 +title:query^2.0) (+(stemtitle:simple^0.8 stemtitle:simpl^0.32000002) +(stemtitle:query^0.8 stemtitle:queri^0.32000002)))",
 379+ q.toString());
 380+ }
 382+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 383+ @Test
 384+ public void testEnglishFull02() {
 385+ Query q = parser.parse("guitars", new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(
 386+ true));
 387+ assertEquals(
 388+ "(contents:guitars contents:guitar^0.5) ((title:guitars^2.0 title:guitar^0.4) (stemtitle:guitars^0.8 stemtitle:guitar^0.32000002))",
 389+ q.toString());
 390+ assertEquals("[guitars]", parser.getWordsClean().toString());
 392+ }
 394+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 395+ @Test
 396+ public void testEnglishFull03() {
 397+ Query q = parser.parse("simple -query",
 398+ new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
 399+ assertEquals(
 400+ "(+(contents:simple contents:simpl^0.5) -contents:query) ((+title:simple^2.0 -title:query^2.0) (+(stemtitle:simple^0.8 stemtitle:simpl^0.32000002) -stemtitle:query^0.8)) -(contents:query title:query^2.0 stemtitle:query^0.8)",
 401+ q.toString());
 402+ assertEquals("[simple]", parser.getWordsClean().toString());
 404+ }
 406+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 407+ @Test
 408+ public void testEnglishFull04() {
 409+ Query q = parser.parse("the who", new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(
 410+ true));
 411+ assertEquals(
 412+ "(+contents:the +contents:who) ((+title:the^2.0 +title:who^2.0) (+stemtitle:the^0.8 +stemtitle:who^0.8))",
 413+ q.toString());
 415+ }
 417+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 418+ @Test
 419+ public void testEnglishFull05() {
 420+ Query q = parser.parse("the_who", new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(
 421+ true));
 422+ assertEquals(
 423+ "(+contents:the +contents:who) ((+title:the^2.0 +title:who^2.0) (+stemtitle:the^0.8 +stemtitle:who^0.8))",
 424+ q.toString());
 426+ }
 428+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 429+ @Test
 430+ public void testEnglishFull06() {
 431+ Query q = parser.parse("\"Ole von Beust\"",
 432+ new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
 433+ assertEquals(
 434+ "contents:\"ole von beust\" (title:\"ole von beust\"^2.0 stemtitle:\"ole von beust\"^0.8)",
 435+ q.toString());
 437+ }
 439+ @Ignore("doesn't work")
 440+ @Test
 441+ public void testEnglishFull07() {
 442+ Query q = parser.parse("who is president of u.s.",
 443+ new WikiQueryParser.ParsingOptions(true));
 444+ assertEquals(
 445+ "(+contents:who +contents:is +(contents:president contents:presid^0.5) +contents:of +(contents:u.s contents:us^0.5)) ((+title:who^2.0 +title:is^2.0 +title:president^2.0 +title:of^2.0 +(title:u.s^2.0 title:us^0.4)) (+stemtitle:who^0.8 +stemtitle:is^0.8 +(stemtitle:president^0.8 stemtitle:presid^0.32000002) +stemtitle:of^0.8 +(stemtitle:u.s^0.8 stemtitle:us^0.32000002)))",
 446+ q.toString());
 447+ assertEquals("[who, is, president, of, u.s]", parser.getWordsClean()
 448+ .toString());
 449+ }
 452+ @Test
 453+ public void testExtractRawFields01() {
192454 assertEquals("[something , 0:eh heh]", Arrays.toString(WikiQueryParser.extractRawField("something ondiscussionpage:eh heh", "ondiscussionpage:")));
 456+ }
 458+ @Test
 459+ public void testExtractRawFields02() {
193461 assertEquals("[something , 0:eh \"heh\"]", Arrays.toString(WikiQueryParser.extractRawField("something ondiscussionpage:eh \"heh\"", "ondiscussionpage:")));
194462 }
195463 }

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