r108029 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r108028‎ | r108029 | r108030 >
Date:14:58, 4 January 2012
Updated to new version
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/Translate/resources/jquery.autoresize.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/Translate/resources/jquery.autoresize.js
@@ -1,104 +1,274 @@
22 /*
3 - * jQuery autoResize (textarea auto-resizer)
4 - * @copyright James Padolsey http://james.padolsey.com
5 - * @version 1.04
6 - * Modified by Nike
7 - */
 3+ * jQuery.fn.autoResize 1.14
 4+ * --
 5+ * https://github.com/jamespadolsey/jQuery.fn.autoResize
 6+ * --
 7+ * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
 8+ * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
 9+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
 10+ * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
 11+ * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */
913 (function($){
10 -
11 - $.fn.autoResize = function(options) {
12 -
13 - // Just some abstracted details,
14 - // to make plugin users happy:
15 - var settings = $.extend({
16 - onResize : function(){},
17 - animate : true,
18 - animateDuration : 150,
19 - animateCallback : function(){},
20 - extraSpace : 20,
21 - limit: 1000,
22 - delay: 1000,
23 - }, options);
24 -
25 - var timer;
26 -
27 - // Only textarea's auto-resize:
28 - this.filter('textarea').each(function(){
29 -
30 - // Get rid of scrollbars and disable WebKit resizing:
31 - var textarea = $(this).css({resize:'none','overflow-y':'hidden'}),
32 -
33 - // Cache original height, for use later:
34 - origHeight = textarea.height(),
35 -
36 - // Need clone of textarea, hidden off screen:
37 - clone = (function(){
38 -
39 - // Properties which may effect space taken up by chracters:
40 - var props = ['height','width','lineHeight','textDecoration','letterSpacing'],
41 - propOb = {};
42 -
43 - // Create object of styles to apply:
44 - $.each(props, function(i, prop){
45 - propOb[prop] = textarea.css(prop);
46 - });
47 -
48 - // Clone the actual textarea removing unique properties
49 - // and insert before original textarea:
50 - return textarea.clone().removeAttr('id').removeAttr('name').css({
51 - position: 'absolute',
52 - top: 0,
53 - left: -9999
54 - }).css(propOb).attr('tabIndex','-1').insertBefore(textarea);
55 -
56 - })(),
57 - lastScrollTop = null,
58 - updateSize = function() {
59 - var that = this;
60 - if (timer !== null) clearTimeout(timer);
61 - timer = setTimeout(updateSizeLazy, settings.delay, that);
62 - },
63 - updateSizeLazy = function(that) {
64 - // Prepare the clone:
65 - clone.height(0).val($(that).val()).scrollTop(10000);
66 -
67 - // Find the height of text:
68 - var scrollTop = Math.max(clone.scrollTop(), origHeight) + settings.extraSpace,
69 - toChange = $(that).add(clone);
70 -
71 - // Don't do anything if scrollTip hasen't changed:
72 - if (lastScrollTop === scrollTop) { return; }
73 - lastScrollTop = scrollTop;
74 -
75 - // Check for limit:
76 - if ( scrollTop >= settings.limit ) {
77 - $(that).css('overflow-y','');
78 - return;
79 - }
80 - // Fire off callback:
81 - settings.onResize.call(that);
82 -
83 - // Either animate or directly apply height:
84 - settings.animate && textarea.css('display') === 'block' ?
85 - toChange.stop().animate({height:scrollTop}, settings.animateDuration, settings.animateCallback)
86 - : toChange.height(scrollTop);
87 - };
88 -
89 - // Bind namespaced handlers to appropriate events:
90 - textarea
91 - .unbind('.dynSiz')
92 - .bind('keyup.dynSiz', updateSize)
93 - .bind('keydown.dynSiz', updateSize)
94 - .bind('change.dynSiz', updateSize);
95 -
96 - });
97 -
98 - // Chain:
99 - return this;
100 -
101 - };
102 -
103 -
104 -
105 -})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
 15+ var uid = 'ar' + +new Date,
 17+ defaults = autoResize.defaults = {
 18+ onResize: function(){},
 19+ onBeforeResize: function(){return 123},
 20+ onAfterResize: function(){return 555},
 21+ animate: {
 22+ duration: 200,
 23+ complete: function(){}
 24+ },
 25+ extraSpace: 50,
 26+ minHeight: 'original',
 27+ maxHeight: 500,
 28+ minWidth: 'original',
 29+ maxWidth: 500
 30+ };
 32+ autoResize.cloneCSSProperties = [
 33+ 'lineHeight', 'textDecoration', 'letterSpacing',
 34+ 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontStyle', 'fontWeight',
 35+ 'textTransform', 'textAlign', 'direction', 'wordSpacing', 'fontSizeAdjust',
 36+ 'paddingTop', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingRight', 'width'
 37+ ];
 39+ autoResize.cloneCSSValues = {
 40+ position: 'absolute',
 41+ top: -9999,
 42+ left: -9999,
 43+ opacity: 0,
 44+ overflow: 'hidden'
 45+ };
 47+ autoResize.resizableFilterSelector = [
 48+ 'textarea:not(textarea.' + uid + ')',
 49+ 'input:not(input[type])',
 50+ 'input[type=text]',
 51+ 'input[type=password]',
 52+ 'input[type=email]',
 53+ 'input[type=url]'
 54+ ].join(',');
 56+ autoResize.AutoResizer = AutoResizer;
 58+ $.fn.autoResize = autoResize;
 60+ function autoResize(config) {
 61+ this.filter(autoResize.resizableFilterSelector).each(function(){
 62+ new AutoResizer( $(this), config );
 63+ });
 64+ return this;
 65+ }
 67+ function AutoResizer(el, config) {
 69+ if (el.data('AutoResizer')) {
 70+ el.data('AutoResizer').destroy();
 71+ }
 73+ config = this.config = $.extend({}, autoResize.defaults, config);
 74+ this.el = el;
 76+ this.nodeName = el[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
 78+ this.originalHeight = el.height();
 79+ this.previousScrollTop = null;
 81+ this.value = el.val();
 83+ if (config.maxWidth === 'original') config.maxWidth = el.width();
 84+ if (config.minWidth === 'original') config.minWidth = el.width();
 85+ if (config.maxHeight === 'original') config.maxHeight = el.height();
 86+ if (config.minHeight === 'original') config.minHeight = el.height();
 88+ if (this.nodeName === 'textarea') {
 89+ el.css({
 90+ resize: 'none',
 91+ overflowY: 'hidden'
 92+ });
 93+ }
 95+ el.data('AutoResizer', this);
 97+ // Make sure onAfterResize is called upon animation completion
 98+ config.animate.complete = (function(f){
 99+ return function() {
 100+ config.onAfterResize.call(el);
 101+ return f.apply(this, arguments);
 102+ };
 103+ }(config.animate.complete));
 105+ this.bind();
 107+ }
 109+ AutoResizer.prototype = {
 111+ bind: function() {
 113+ var check = $.proxy(function(){
 114+ this.check();
 115+ return true;
 116+ }, this);
 118+ this.unbind();
 120+ this.el
 121+ .bind('keyup.autoResize', check)
 122+ //.bind('keydown.autoResize', check)
 123+ .bind('change.autoResize', check)
 124+ .bind('paste.autoResize', function() {
 125+ setTimeout(function() { check(); }, 0);
 126+ });
 128+ if (!this.el.is(':hidden')) {
 129+ this.check(null, true);
 130+ }
 132+ },
 134+ unbind: function() {
 135+ this.el.unbind('.autoResize');
 136+ },
 138+ createClone: function() {
 140+ var el = this.el,
 141+ clone = this.nodeName === 'textarea' ? el.clone() : $('<span/>');
 143+ this.clone = clone;
 145+ $.each(autoResize.cloneCSSProperties, function(i, p){
 146+ clone[0].style[p] = el.css(p);
 147+ });
 149+ clone
 150+ .removeAttr('name')
 151+ .removeAttr('id')
 152+ .addClass(uid)
 153+ .attr('tabIndex', -1)
 154+ .css(autoResize.cloneCSSValues);
 156+ if (this.nodeName === 'textarea') {
 157+ clone.height('auto');
 158+ } else {
 159+ clone.width('auto').css({
 160+ whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
 161+ });
 162+ }
 164+ },
 166+ check: function(e, immediate) {
 168+ if (!this.clone) {
 169+ this.createClone();
 170+ this.injectClone();
 171+ }
 173+ var config = this.config,
 174+ clone = this.clone,
 175+ el = this.el,
 176+ value = el.val();
 178+ // Do nothing if value hasn't changed
 179+ if (value === this.prevValue) { return true; }
 180+ this.prevValue = value;
 182+ if (this.nodeName === 'input') {
 184+ clone.text(value);
 186+ // Calculate new width + whether to change
 187+ var cloneWidth = clone.width(),
 188+ newWidth = (cloneWidth + config.extraSpace) >= config.minWidth ?
 189+ cloneWidth + config.extraSpace : config.minWidth,
 190+ currentWidth = el.width();
 192+ newWidth = Math.min(newWidth, config.maxWidth);
 194+ if (
 195+ (newWidth < currentWidth && newWidth >= config.minWidth) ||
 196+ (newWidth >= config.minWidth && newWidth <= config.maxWidth)
 197+ ) {
 199+ config.onBeforeResize.call(el);
 200+ config.onResize.call(el);
 202+ el.scrollLeft(0);
 204+ if (config.animate && !immediate) {
 205+ el.stop(1,1).animate({
 206+ width: newWidth
 207+ }, config.animate);
 208+ } else {
 209+ el.width(newWidth);
 210+ config.onAfterResize.call(el);
 211+ }
 213+ }
 215+ return;
 217+ }
 219+ // TEXTAREA
 221+ clone.width(el.width()).height(0).val(value).scrollTop(10000);
 223+ var scrollTop = clone[0].scrollTop;
 225+ // Don't do anything if scrollTop hasen't changed:
 226+ if (this.previousScrollTop === scrollTop) {
 227+ return;
 228+ }
 230+ this.previousScrollTop = scrollTop;
 232+ if (scrollTop + config.extraSpace >= config.maxHeight) {
 233+ el.css('overflowY', '');
 234+ scrollTop = config.maxHeight;
 235+ immediate = true;
 236+ } else if (scrollTop <= config.minHeight) {
 237+ scrollTop = config.minHeight;
 238+ } else {
 239+ el.css('overflowY', 'hidden');
 240+ scrollTop += config.extraSpace;
 241+ }
 243+ config.onBeforeResize.call(el);
 244+ config.onResize.call(el);
 246+ // Either animate or directly apply height:
 247+ if (config.animate && !immediate) {
 248+ el.stop(1,1).animate({
 249+ height: scrollTop
 250+ }, config.animate);
 251+ } else {
 252+ el.height(scrollTop);
 253+ config.onAfterResize.call(el);
 254+ }
 256+ },
 258+ destroy: function() {
 259+ this.unbind();
 260+ this.el.removeData('AutoResizer');
 261+ this.clone.remove();
 262+ delete this.el;
 263+ delete this.clone;
 264+ },
 266+ injectClone: function() {
 267+ (
 268+ autoResize.cloneContainer ||
 269+ (autoResize.cloneContainer = $('<arclones/>').appendTo('body'))
 270+ ).append(this.clone);
 271+ }
 273+ };

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