r107572 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r107571‎ | r107572 | r107573 >
Date:14:21, 29 December 2011
* Group related functions
* Put deprecated functions at the bottom
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/phase3/includes/WikiPage.php (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/phase3/includes/WikiPage.php
@@ -487,6 +487,39 @@
488488 }
490490 /**
 491+ * Loads page_touched and returns a value indicating if it should be used
 492+ * @return boolean true if not a redirect
 493+ */
 494+ public function checkTouched() {
 495+ if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
 496+ $this->loadPageData();
 497+ }
 498+ return !$this->mIsRedirect;
 499+ }
 501+ /**
 502+ * Get the page_touched field
 503+ * @return string containing GMT timestamp
 504+ */
 505+ public function getTouched() {
 506+ if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
 507+ $this->loadPageData();
 508+ }
 509+ return $this->mTouched;
 510+ }
 512+ /**
 513+ * Get the page_latest field
 514+ * @return integer rev_id of current revision
 515+ */
 516+ public function getLatest() {
 517+ if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
 518+ $this->loadPageData();
 519+ }
 520+ return (int)$this->mLatest;
 521+ }
 523+ /**
491524 * Loads everything except the text
492525 * This isn't necessary for all uses, so it's only done if needed.
493526 */
@@ -639,6 +672,29 @@
640673 }
642675 /**
 676+ * Get the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
 677+ * This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.
 678+ * @return string MW timestamp
 679+ */
 680+ protected function getCachedLastEditTime() {
 681+ global $wgMemc;
 682+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'page-lastedit', md5( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ) );
 683+ return $wgMemc->get( $key );
 684+ }
 686+ /**
 687+ * Set the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
 688+ * This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.
 689+ * @param $timestamp string
 690+ * @return void
 691+ */
 692+ public function setCachedLastEditTime( $timestamp ) {
 693+ global $wgMemc;
 694+ $key = wfMemcKey( 'page-lastedit', md5( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ) );
 695+ $wgMemc->set( $key, wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $timestamp ), 60*15 );
 696+ }
 698+ /**
643699 * Get a list of users who have edited this article, not including the user who made
644700 * the most recent revision, which you can get from $article->getUser() if you want it
645701 * @return UserArrayFromResult
@@ -690,6 +746,58 @@
691747 }
693749 /**
 750+ * Get the last N authors
 751+ * @param $num Integer: number of revisions to get
 752+ * @param $revLatest String: the latest rev_id, selected from the master (optional)
 753+ * @return array Array of authors, duplicates not removed
 754+ */
 755+ public function getLastNAuthors( $num, $revLatest = 0 ) {
 756+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 757+ // First try the slave
 758+ // If that doesn't have the latest revision, try the master
 759+ $continue = 2;
 760+ $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
 762+ do {
 763+ $res = $db->select( array( 'page', 'revision' ),
 764+ array( 'rev_id', 'rev_user_text' ),
 765+ array(
 766+ 'page_namespace' => $this->mTitle->getNamespace(),
 767+ 'page_title' => $this->mTitle->getDBkey(),
 768+ 'rev_page = page_id'
 769+ ), __METHOD__,
 770+ array(
 771+ 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC',
 772+ 'LIMIT' => $num
 773+ )
 774+ );
 776+ if ( !$res ) {
 777+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 778+ return array();
 779+ }
 781+ $row = $db->fetchObject( $res );
 783+ if ( $continue == 2 && $revLatest && $row->rev_id != $revLatest ) {
 784+ $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 785+ $continue--;
 786+ } else {
 787+ $continue = 0;
 788+ }
 789+ } while ( $continue );
 791+ $authors = array( $row->rev_user_text );
 793+ foreach ( $res as $row ) {
 794+ $authors[] = $row->rev_user_text;
 795+ }
 797+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 798+ return $authors;
 799+ }
 801+ /**
694802 * Should the parser cache be used?
695803 *
696804 * @param $parserOptions ParserOptions to check
@@ -746,6 +854,26 @@
747855 }
749857 /**
 858+ * Do standard deferred updates after page view
 859+ * @param $user User The relevant user
 860+ */
 861+ public function doViewUpdates( User $user ) {
 862+ global $wgDisableCounters;
 863+ if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
 864+ return;
 865+ }
 867+ # Don't update page view counters on views from bot users (bug 14044)
 868+ if ( !$wgDisableCounters && !$user->isAllowed( 'bot' ) && $this->mTitle->exists() ) {
 869+ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new ViewCountUpdate( $this->getId() ) );
 870+ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SiteStatsUpdate( 1, 0, 0 ) );
 871+ }
 873+ # Update newtalk / watchlist notification status
 874+ $user->clearNotification( $this->mTitle );
 875+ }
 877+ /**
750878 * Perform the actions of a page purging
751879 */
752880 public function doPurge() {
@@ -877,29 +1005,6 @@
8781006 }
8801008 /**
881 - * Get the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
882 - * This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.
883 - * @return string MW timestamp
884 - */
885 - protected function getCachedLastEditTime() {
886 - global $wgMemc;
887 - $key = wfMemcKey( 'page-lastedit', md5( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ) );
888 - return $wgMemc->get( $key );
889 - }
890 -
891 - /**
892 - * Set the cached timestamp for the last time the page changed.
893 - * This is only used to help handle slave lag by comparing to page_touched.
894 - * @param $timestamp string
895 - * @return void
896 - */
897 - public function setCachedLastEditTime( $timestamp ) {
898 - global $wgMemc;
899 - $key = wfMemcKey( 'page-lastedit', md5( $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey() ) );
900 - $wgMemc->set( $key, wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $timestamp ), 60*15 );
901 - }
902 -
903 - /**
9041009 * Add row to the redirect table if this is a redirect, remove otherwise.
9051010 *
9061011 * @param $dbw DatabaseBase
@@ -1328,6 +1433,208 @@
13291434 }
13311436 /**
 1437+ * Get parser options suitable for rendering the primary article wikitext
 1438+ * @param User|string $user User object or 'canonical'
 1439+ * @return ParserOptions
 1440+ */
 1441+ public function makeParserOptions( $user ) {
 1442+ global $wgContLang;
 1443+ if ( $user instanceof User ) { // settings per user (even anons)
 1444+ $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
 1445+ } else { // canonical settings
 1446+ $options = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang );
 1447+ }
 1448+ $options->enableLimitReport(); // show inclusion/loop reports
 1449+ $options->setTidy( true ); // fix bad HTML
 1450+ return $options;
 1451+ }
 1453+ /**
 1454+ * Prepare text which is about to be saved.
 1455+ * Returns a stdclass with source, pst and output members
 1456+ */
 1457+ public function prepareTextForEdit( $text, $revid = null, User $user = null ) {
 1458+ global $wgParser, $wgContLang, $wgUser;
 1459+ $user = is_null( $user ) ? $wgUser : $user;
 1460+ // @TODO fixme: check $user->getId() here???
 1461+ if ( $this->mPreparedEdit
 1462+ && $this->mPreparedEdit->newText == $text
 1463+ && $this->mPreparedEdit->revid == $revid
 1464+ ) {
 1465+ // Already prepared
 1466+ return $this->mPreparedEdit;
 1467+ }
 1469+ $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( $user, $wgContLang );
 1470+ wfRunHooks( 'ArticlePrepareTextForEdit', array( $this, $popts ) );
 1472+ $edit = (object)array();
 1473+ $edit->revid = $revid;
 1474+ $edit->newText = $text;
 1475+ $edit->pst = $wgParser->preSaveTransform( $text, $this->mTitle, $user, $popts );
 1476+ $edit->popts = $this->makeParserOptions( 'canonical' );
 1477+ $edit->output = $wgParser->parse( $edit->pst, $this->mTitle, $edit->popts, true, true, $revid );
 1478+ $edit->oldText = $this->getRawText();
 1480+ $this->mPreparedEdit = $edit;
 1482+ return $edit;
 1483+ }
 1485+ /**
 1486+ * Do standard deferred updates after page edit.
 1487+ * Update links tables, site stats, search index and message cache.
 1488+ * Purges pages that include this page if the text was changed here.
 1489+ * Every 100th edit, prune the recent changes table.
 1490+ *
 1491+ * @private
 1492+ * @param $revision Revision object
 1493+ * @param $user User object that did the revision
 1494+ * @param $options Array of options, following indexes are used:
 1495+ * - changed: boolean, whether the revision changed the content (default true)
 1496+ * - created: boolean, whether the revision created the page (default false)
 1497+ * - oldcountable: boolean or null (default null):
 1498+ * - boolean: whether the page was counted as an article before that
 1499+ * revision, only used in changed is true and created is false
 1500+ * - null: don't change the article count
 1501+ */
 1502+ public function doEditUpdates( Revision $revision, User $user, array $options = array() ) {
 1503+ global $wgEnableParserCache;
 1505+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 1507+ $options += array( 'changed' => true, 'created' => false, 'oldcountable' => null );
 1508+ $text = $revision->getText();
 1510+ # Parse the text
 1511+ # Be careful not to double-PST: $text is usually already PST-ed once
 1512+ if ( !$this->mPreparedEdit || $this->mPreparedEdit->output->getFlag( 'vary-revision' ) ) {
 1513+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": No prepared edit or vary-revision is set...\n" );
 1514+ $editInfo = $this->prepareTextForEdit( $text, $revision->getId(), $user );
 1515+ } else {
 1516+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": No vary-revision, using prepared edit...\n" );
 1517+ $editInfo = $this->mPreparedEdit;
 1518+ }
 1520+ # Save it to the parser cache
 1521+ if ( $wgEnableParserCache ) {
 1522+ $parserCache = ParserCache::singleton();
 1523+ $parserCache->save( $editInfo->output, $this, $editInfo->popts );
 1524+ }
 1526+ # Update the links tables
 1527+ $u = new LinksUpdate( $this->mTitle, $editInfo->output );
 1528+ $u->doUpdate();
 1530+ wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdates', array( &$this, &$editInfo, $options['changed'] ) );
 1532+ if ( wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdatesDeleteFromRecentchanges', array( &$this ) ) ) {
 1533+ if ( 0 == mt_rand( 0, 99 ) ) {
 1534+ // Flush old entries from the `recentchanges` table; we do this on
 1535+ // random requests so as to avoid an increase in writes for no good reason
 1536+ global $wgRCMaxAge;
 1538+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 1539+ $cutoff = $dbw->timestamp( time() - $wgRCMaxAge );
 1540+ $dbw->delete(
 1541+ 'recentchanges',
 1542+ array( "rc_timestamp < '$cutoff'" ),
 1543+ __METHOD__
 1544+ );
 1545+ }
 1546+ }
 1548+ if ( !$this->mTitle->exists() ) {
 1549+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 1550+ return;
 1551+ }
 1553+ $id = $this->getId();
 1554+ $title = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey();
 1555+ $shortTitle = $this->mTitle->getDBkey();
 1557+ if ( !$options['changed'] ) {
 1558+ $good = 0;
 1559+ $total = 0;
 1560+ } elseif ( $options['created'] ) {
 1561+ $good = (int)$this->isCountable( $editInfo );
 1562+ $total = 1;
 1563+ } elseif ( $options['oldcountable'] !== null ) {
 1564+ $good = (int)$this->isCountable( $editInfo ) - (int)$options['oldcountable'];
 1565+ $total = 0;
 1566+ } else {
 1567+ $good = 0;
 1568+ $total = 0;
 1569+ }
 1571+ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 1, $good, $total ) );
 1572+ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SearchUpdate( $id, $title, $text ) );
 1574+ # If this is another user's talk page, update newtalk.
 1575+ # Don't do this if $options['changed'] = false (null-edits) nor if
 1576+ # it's a minor edit and the user doesn't want notifications for those.
 1577+ if ( $options['changed']
 1578+ && $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK
 1579+ && $shortTitle != $user->getTitleKey()
 1580+ && !( $revision->isMinor() && $user->isAllowed( 'nominornewtalk' ) )
 1581+ ) {
 1582+ if ( wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk', array( &$this ) ) ) {
 1583+ $other = User::newFromName( $shortTitle, false );
 1584+ if ( !$other ) {
 1585+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": invalid username\n" );
 1586+ } elseif ( User::isIP( $shortTitle ) ) {
 1587+ // An anonymous user
 1588+ $other->setNewtalk( true );
 1589+ } elseif ( $other->isLoggedIn() ) {
 1590+ $other->setNewtalk( true );
 1591+ } else {
 1592+ wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": don't need to notify a nonexistent user\n" );
 1593+ }
 1594+ }
 1595+ }
 1597+ if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI ) {
 1598+ MessageCache::singleton()->replace( $shortTitle, $text );
 1599+ }
 1601+ if( $options['created'] ) {
 1602+ self::onArticleCreate( $this->mTitle );
 1603+ } else {
 1604+ self::onArticleEdit( $this->mTitle );
 1605+ }
 1607+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 1608+ }
 1610+ /**
 1611+ * Edit an article without doing all that other stuff
 1612+ * The article must already exist; link tables etc
 1613+ * are not updated, caches are not flushed.
 1614+ *
 1615+ * @param $text String: text submitted
 1616+ * @param $user User The relevant user
 1617+ * @param $comment String: comment submitted
 1618+ * @param $minor Boolean: whereas it's a minor modification
 1619+ */
 1620+ public function doQuickEdit( $text, User $user, $comment = '', $minor = 0 ) {
 1621+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
 1623+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
 1624+ $revision = new Revision( array(
 1625+ 'page' => $this->getId(),
 1626+ 'text' => $text,
 1627+ 'comment' => $comment,
 1628+ 'minor_edit' => $minor ? 1 : 0,
 1629+ ) );
 1630+ $revision->insertOn( $dbw );
 1631+ $this->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $revision );
 1633+ wfRunHooks( 'NewRevisionFromEditComplete', array( $this, $revision, false, $user ) );
 1635+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
 1636+ }
 1638+ /**
13321639 * Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.
13331640 * This works for protection both existing and non-existing pages.
13341641 *
@@ -1560,80 +1867,6 @@
15611868 }
15631870 /**
1564 - * Check whether the number of revisions of this page surpasses $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit
1565 - *
1566 - * @deprecated in 1.19; use Title::isBigDeletion() instead.
1567 - * @return bool
1568 - */
1569 - public function isBigDeletion() {
1570 - wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
1571 - return $this->mTitle->isBigDeletion();
1572 - }
1573 -
1574 - /**
1575 - * Get the approximate revision count of this page.
1576 - *
1577 - * @deprecated in 1.19; use Title::estimateRevisionCount() instead.
1578 - * @return int
1579 - */
1580 - public function estimateRevisionCount() {
1581 - wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
1582 - return $this->mTitle->estimateRevisionCount();
1583 - }
1584 -
1585 - /**
1586 - * Get the last N authors
1587 - * @param $num Integer: number of revisions to get
1588 - * @param $revLatest String: the latest rev_id, selected from the master (optional)
1589 - * @return array Array of authors, duplicates not removed
1590 - */
1591 - public function getLastNAuthors( $num, $revLatest = 0 ) {
1592 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
1593 - // First try the slave
1594 - // If that doesn't have the latest revision, try the master
1595 - $continue = 2;
1596 - $db = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
1597 -
1598 - do {
1599 - $res = $db->select( array( 'page', 'revision' ),
1600 - array( 'rev_id', 'rev_user_text' ),
1601 - array(
1602 - 'page_namespace' => $this->mTitle->getNamespace(),
1603 - 'page_title' => $this->mTitle->getDBkey(),
1604 - 'rev_page = page_id'
1605 - ), __METHOD__,
1606 - array(
1607 - 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC',
1608 - 'LIMIT' => $num
1609 - )
1610 - );
1611 -
1612 - if ( !$res ) {
1613 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1614 - return array();
1615 - }
1616 -
1617 - $row = $db->fetchObject( $res );
1618 -
1619 - if ( $continue == 2 && $revLatest && $row->rev_id != $revLatest ) {
1620 - $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
1621 - $continue--;
1622 - } else {
1623 - $continue = 0;
1624 - }
1625 - } while ( $continue );
1626 -
1627 - $authors = array( $row->rev_user_text );
1628 -
1629 - foreach ( $res as $row ) {
1630 - $authors[] = $row->rev_user_text;
1631 - }
1632 -
1633 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
1634 - return $authors;
1635 - }
1636 -
1637 - /**
16381871 * Back-end article deletion
16391872 * Deletes the article with database consistency, writes logs, purges caches
16401873 *
@@ -1978,286 +2211,6 @@
19792212 }
19812214 /**
1982 - * Do standard deferred updates after page view
1983 - * @param $user User The relevant user
1984 - */
1985 - public function doViewUpdates( User $user ) {
1986 - global $wgDisableCounters;
1987 - if ( wfReadOnly() ) {
1988 - return;
1989 - }
1990 -
1991 - # Don't update page view counters on views from bot users (bug 14044)
1992 - if ( !$wgDisableCounters && !$user->isAllowed( 'bot' ) && $this->mTitle->exists() ) {
1993 - DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new ViewCountUpdate( $this->getId() ) );
1994 - DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SiteStatsUpdate( 1, 0, 0 ) );
1995 - }
1996 -
1997 - # Update newtalk / watchlist notification status
1998 - $user->clearNotification( $this->mTitle );
1999 - }
2000 -
2001 - /**
2002 - * Prepare text which is about to be saved.
2003 - * Returns a stdclass with source, pst and output members
2004 - */
2005 - public function prepareTextForEdit( $text, $revid = null, User $user = null ) {
2006 - global $wgParser, $wgContLang, $wgUser;
2007 - $user = is_null( $user ) ? $wgUser : $user;
2008 - // @TODO fixme: check $user->getId() here???
2009 - if ( $this->mPreparedEdit
2010 - && $this->mPreparedEdit->newText == $text
2011 - && $this->mPreparedEdit->revid == $revid
2012 - ) {
2013 - // Already prepared
2014 - return $this->mPreparedEdit;
2015 - }
2016 -
2017 - $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( $user, $wgContLang );
2018 - wfRunHooks( 'ArticlePrepareTextForEdit', array( $this, $popts ) );
2019 -
2020 - $edit = (object)array();
2021 - $edit->revid = $revid;
2022 - $edit->newText = $text;
2023 - $edit->pst = $wgParser->preSaveTransform( $text, $this->mTitle, $user, $popts );
2024 - $edit->popts = $this->makeParserOptions( 'canonical' );
2025 - $edit->output = $wgParser->parse( $edit->pst, $this->mTitle, $edit->popts, true, true, $revid );
2026 - $edit->oldText = $this->getRawText();
2027 -
2028 - $this->mPreparedEdit = $edit;
2029 -
2030 - return $edit;
2031 - }
2032 -
2033 - /**
2034 - * Do standard deferred updates after page edit.
2035 - * Update links tables, site stats, search index and message cache.
2036 - * Purges pages that include this page if the text was changed here.
2037 - * Every 100th edit, prune the recent changes table.
2038 - *
2039 - * @private
2040 - * @param $revision Revision object
2041 - * @param $user User object that did the revision
2042 - * @param $options Array of options, following indexes are used:
2043 - * - changed: boolean, whether the revision changed the content (default true)
2044 - * - created: boolean, whether the revision created the page (default false)
2045 - * - oldcountable: boolean or null (default null):
2046 - * - boolean: whether the page was counted as an article before that
2047 - * revision, only used in changed is true and created is false
2048 - * - null: don't change the article count
2049 - */
2050 - public function doEditUpdates( Revision $revision, User $user, array $options = array() ) {
2051 - global $wgEnableParserCache;
2052 -
2053 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
2054 -
2055 - $options += array( 'changed' => true, 'created' => false, 'oldcountable' => null );
2056 - $text = $revision->getText();
2057 -
2058 - # Parse the text
2059 - # Be careful not to double-PST: $text is usually already PST-ed once
2060 - if ( !$this->mPreparedEdit || $this->mPreparedEdit->output->getFlag( 'vary-revision' ) ) {
2061 - wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": No prepared edit or vary-revision is set...\n" );
2062 - $editInfo = $this->prepareTextForEdit( $text, $revision->getId(), $user );
2063 - } else {
2064 - wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": No vary-revision, using prepared edit...\n" );
2065 - $editInfo = $this->mPreparedEdit;
2066 - }
2067 -
2068 - # Save it to the parser cache
2069 - if ( $wgEnableParserCache ) {
2070 - $parserCache = ParserCache::singleton();
2071 - $parserCache->save( $editInfo->output, $this, $editInfo->popts );
2072 - }
2073 -
2074 - # Update the links tables
2075 - $u = new LinksUpdate( $this->mTitle, $editInfo->output );
2076 - $u->doUpdate();
2077 -
2078 - wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdates', array( &$this, &$editInfo, $options['changed'] ) );
2079 -
2080 - if ( wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdatesDeleteFromRecentchanges', array( &$this ) ) ) {
2081 - if ( 0 == mt_rand( 0, 99 ) ) {
2082 - // Flush old entries from the `recentchanges` table; we do this on
2083 - // random requests so as to avoid an increase in writes for no good reason
2084 - global $wgRCMaxAge;
2085 -
2086 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2087 - $cutoff = $dbw->timestamp( time() - $wgRCMaxAge );
2088 - $dbw->delete(
2089 - 'recentchanges',
2090 - array( "rc_timestamp < '$cutoff'" ),
2091 - __METHOD__
2092 - );
2093 - }
2094 - }
2095 -
2096 - if ( !$this->mTitle->exists() ) {
2097 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
2098 - return;
2099 - }
2100 -
2101 - $id = $this->getId();
2102 - $title = $this->mTitle->getPrefixedDBkey();
2103 - $shortTitle = $this->mTitle->getDBkey();
2104 -
2105 - if ( !$options['changed'] ) {
2106 - $good = 0;
2107 - $total = 0;
2108 - } elseif ( $options['created'] ) {
2109 - $good = (int)$this->isCountable( $editInfo );
2110 - $total = 1;
2111 - } elseif ( $options['oldcountable'] !== null ) {
2112 - $good = (int)$this->isCountable( $editInfo ) - (int)$options['oldcountable'];
2113 - $total = 0;
2114 - } else {
2115 - $good = 0;
2116 - $total = 0;
2117 - }
2118 -
2119 - DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 1, $good, $total ) );
2120 - DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new SearchUpdate( $id, $title, $text ) );
2121 -
2122 - # If this is another user's talk page, update newtalk.
2123 - # Don't do this if $options['changed'] = false (null-edits) nor if
2124 - # it's a minor edit and the user doesn't want notifications for those.
2125 - if ( $options['changed']
2126 - && $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_USER_TALK
2127 - && $shortTitle != $user->getTitleKey()
2128 - && !( $revision->isMinor() && $user->isAllowed( 'nominornewtalk' ) )
2129 - ) {
2130 - if ( wfRunHooks( 'ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk', array( &$this ) ) ) {
2131 - $other = User::newFromName( $shortTitle, false );
2132 - if ( !$other ) {
2133 - wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": invalid username\n" );
2134 - } elseif ( User::isIP( $shortTitle ) ) {
2135 - // An anonymous user
2136 - $other->setNewtalk( true );
2137 - } elseif ( $other->isLoggedIn() ) {
2138 - $other->setNewtalk( true );
2139 - } else {
2140 - wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": don't need to notify a nonexistent user\n" );
2141 - }
2142 - }
2143 - }
2144 -
2145 - if ( $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI ) {
2146 - MessageCache::singleton()->replace( $shortTitle, $text );
2147 - }
2148 -
2149 - if( $options['created'] ) {
2150 - self::onArticleCreate( $this->mTitle );
2151 - } else {
2152 - self::onArticleEdit( $this->mTitle );
2153 - }
2154 -
2155 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
2156 - }
2157 -
2158 - /**
2159 - * Perform article updates on a special page creation.
2160 - *
2161 - * @param $rev Revision object
2162 - *
2163 - * @todo This is a shitty interface function. Kill it and replace the
2164 - * other shitty functions like doEditUpdates and such so it's not needed
2165 - * anymore.
2166 - * @deprecated since 1.18, use doEditUpdates()
2167 - */
2168 - public function createUpdates( $rev ) {
2169 - wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' );
2170 - global $wgUser;
2171 - $this->doEditUpdates( $rev, $wgUser, array( 'created' => true ) );
2172 - }
2173 -
2174 - /**
2175 - * This function is called right before saving the wikitext,
2176 - * so we can do things like signatures and links-in-context.
2177 - *
2178 - * @deprecated in 1.19; use Parser::preSaveTransform() instead
2179 - * @param $text String article contents
2180 - * @param $user User object: user doing the edit
2181 - * @param $popts ParserOptions object: parser options, default options for
2182 - * the user loaded if null given
2183 - * @return string article contents with altered wikitext markup (signatures
2184 - * converted, {{subst:}}, templates, etc.)
2185 - */
2186 - public function preSaveTransform( $text, User $user = null, ParserOptions $popts = null ) {
2187 - global $wgParser, $wgUser;
2188 -
2189 - wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
2190 -
2191 - $user = is_null( $user ) ? $wgUser : $user;
2192 -
2193 - if ( $popts === null ) {
2194 - $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
2195 - }
2196 -
2197 - return $wgParser->preSaveTransform( $text, $this->mTitle, $user, $popts );
2198 - }
2199 -
2200 - /**
2201 - * Loads page_touched and returns a value indicating if it should be used
2202 - * @return boolean true if not a redirect
2203 - */
2204 - public function checkTouched() {
2205 - if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
2206 - $this->loadPageData();
2207 - }
2208 - return !$this->mIsRedirect;
2209 - }
2210 -
2211 - /**
2212 - * Get the page_touched field
2213 - * @return string containing GMT timestamp
2214 - */
2215 - public function getTouched() {
2216 - if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
2217 - $this->loadPageData();
2218 - }
2219 - return $this->mTouched;
2220 - }
2221 -
2222 - /**
2223 - * Get the page_latest field
2224 - * @return integer rev_id of current revision
2225 - */
2226 - public function getLatest() {
2227 - if ( !$this->mDataLoaded ) {
2228 - $this->loadPageData();
2229 - }
2230 - return (int)$this->mLatest;
2231 - }
2232 -
2233 - /**
2234 - * Edit an article without doing all that other stuff
2235 - * The article must already exist; link tables etc
2236 - * are not updated, caches are not flushed.
2237 - *
2238 - * @param $text String: text submitted
2239 - * @param $user User The relevant user
2240 - * @param $comment String: comment submitted
2241 - * @param $minor Boolean: whereas it's a minor modification
2242 - */
2243 - public function doQuickEdit( $text, User $user, $comment = '', $minor = 0 ) {
2244 - wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
2245 -
2246 - $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
2247 - $revision = new Revision( array(
2248 - 'page' => $this->getId(),
2249 - 'text' => $text,
2250 - 'comment' => $comment,
2251 - 'minor_edit' => $minor ? 1 : 0,
2252 - ) );
2253 - $revision->insertOn( $dbw );
2254 - $this->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $revision );
2255 -
2256 - wfRunHooks( 'NewRevisionFromEditComplete', array( $this, $revision, false, $user ) );
2257 -
2258 - wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
2259 - }
2260 -
2261 - /**
22622215 * The onArticle*() functions are supposed to be a kind of hooks
22632216 * which should be called whenever any of the specified actions
22642217 * are done.
@@ -2561,23 +2514,6 @@
25622515 }
25642517 /**
2565 - * Get parser options suitable for rendering the primary article wikitext
2566 - * @param User|string $user User object or 'canonical'
2567 - * @return ParserOptions
2568 - */
2569 - public function makeParserOptions( $user ) {
2570 - global $wgContLang;
2571 - if ( $user instanceof User ) { // settings per user (even anons)
2572 - $options = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
2573 - } else { // canonical settings
2574 - $options = ParserOptions::newFromUserAndLang( new User, $wgContLang );
2575 - }
2576 - $options->enableLimitReport(); // show inclusion/loop reports
2577 - $options->setTidy( true ); // fix bad HTML
2578 - return $options;
2579 - }
2580 -
2581 - /**
25822518 * Update all the appropriate counts in the category table, given that
25832519 * we've added the categories $added and deleted the categories $deleted.
25842520 *
@@ -2692,6 +2628,70 @@
26932629 }
26952631 /**
 2632+ * Perform article updates on a special page creation.
 2633+ *
 2634+ * @param $rev Revision object
 2635+ *
 2636+ * @todo This is a shitty interface function. Kill it and replace the
 2637+ * other shitty functions like doEditUpdates and such so it's not needed
 2638+ * anymore.
 2639+ * @deprecated since 1.18, use doEditUpdates()
 2640+ */
 2641+ public function createUpdates( $rev ) {
 2642+ wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.18' );
 2643+ global $wgUser;
 2644+ $this->doEditUpdates( $rev, $wgUser, array( 'created' => true ) );
 2645+ }
 2647+ /**
 2648+ * This function is called right before saving the wikitext,
 2649+ * so we can do things like signatures and links-in-context.
 2650+ *
 2651+ * @deprecated in 1.19; use Parser::preSaveTransform() instead
 2652+ * @param $text String article contents
 2653+ * @param $user User object: user doing the edit
 2654+ * @param $popts ParserOptions object: parser options, default options for
 2655+ * the user loaded if null given
 2656+ * @return string article contents with altered wikitext markup (signatures
 2657+ * converted, {{subst:}}, templates, etc.)
 2658+ */
 2659+ public function preSaveTransform( $text, User $user = null, ParserOptions $popts = null ) {
 2660+ global $wgParser, $wgUser;
 2662+ wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
 2664+ $user = is_null( $user ) ? $wgUser : $user;
 2666+ if ( $popts === null ) {
 2667+ $popts = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $user );
 2668+ }
 2670+ return $wgParser->preSaveTransform( $text, $this->mTitle, $user, $popts );
 2671+ }
 2673+ /**
 2674+ * Check whether the number of revisions of this page surpasses $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit
 2675+ *
 2676+ * @deprecated in 1.19; use Title::isBigDeletion() instead.
 2677+ * @return bool
 2678+ */
 2679+ public function isBigDeletion() {
 2680+ wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
 2681+ return $this->mTitle->isBigDeletion();
 2682+ }
 2684+ /**
 2685+ * Get the approximate revision count of this page.
 2686+ *
 2687+ * @deprecated in 1.19; use Title::estimateRevisionCount() instead.
 2688+ * @return int
 2689+ */
 2690+ public function estimateRevisionCount() {
 2691+ wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.19' );
 2692+ return $this->mTitle->estimateRevisionCount();
 2693+ }
 2695+ /**
26962696 * Update the article's restriction field, and leave a log entry.
26972697 *
26982698 * @deprecated since 1.19

Status & tagging log