r105589 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r105588‎ | r105589 | r105590 >
Date:21:08, 8 December 2011
Fix whitespace
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/activeEditors.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/editorsByGeography.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/globalIncludes-old.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/globalIncludes.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/mobileViews.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/reachPercentage.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/uniqueVisitors-old.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/uniqueVisitors.js (modified) (history)
  • /trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/reportcardModules.html (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/reportcardModules.html
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
55 <head>
66 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
77 <style type="text/css">
8 - .reportCardChart {
9 - background-color:#EEE;
10 - border-style:solid;
11 - border-width:1px;
12 - border-color:#000;
13 - margin:10px;
14 - width:800px;
 8+ .reportCardChart {
 9+ background-color:#EEE;
 10+ border-style:solid;
 11+ border-width:1px;
 12+ border-color:#000;
 13+ margin:10px;
 14+ width:800px;
1515 height:400px;
1616 }
1717 </style>
1818 <title>Report Card Prototype</title>
1919 <!--[if lt IE 9]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
20 -
2121 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../reportCard/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.css" />
2222 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../reportCard/jqplot/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.css" />
2323 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="examples.css" />
24 -
2525 <!-- BEGIN: load jquery -->
2626 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../reportCard/jqplot/jquery.min.js"></script>
2727 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../reportCard/jqplot/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js"></script>
2828 <!-- END: load jquery -->
29 -
3030 <!-- BEGIN: load jqplot -->
3131 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../reportCard/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.js"></script>
3232 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../reportCard/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.dateAxisRenderer.js"></script>
@@ -51,56 +51,56 @@
5252 <!-- make tabs -->
5353 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
5454 $(document).ready(function(){
55 - $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
56 -
 55+ $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
5757 //load tab0
5858 lazyLoad(activeEditors);
59 -
6060 $("#tabs").tabs();
6161 $('#tabs').bind('tabsshow', function(event, ui) {
62 - if (ui.index == 0) {
63 - lazyLoad(activeEditors);
64 - }
65 - else if (ui.index == 1) {
66 - lazyLoad(uniqueVisitors);
67 - }
68 - else if (ui.index == 2) {
69 - lazyLoad(reachPercentage);
70 - }
71 - else if (ui.index == 3) {
72 - lazyLoad(mobileViews);
73 - }
74 - else if (ui.index == 4){
75 - lazyLoad(editorsByGeography);
76 - }
77 - });
 62+ if (ui.index == 0) {
 63+ lazyLoad(activeEditors);
 64+ }
 65+ else if (ui.index == 1) {
 66+ lazyLoad(uniqueVisitors);
 67+ }
 68+ else if (ui.index == 2) {
 69+ lazyLoad(reachPercentage);
 70+ }
 71+ else if (ui.index == 3) {
 72+ lazyLoad(mobileViews);
 73+ }
 74+ else if (ui.index == 4){
 75+ lazyLoad(editorsByGeography);
 76+ }
 77+ });
7878 });
7979 </script>
8080 </head>
8181 <body>
8282 <div id="tabs">
8383 <ul>
84 - <li id="activeEditorTab"><a href="#tabs-0">Active Editors</a></li>
85 - <li id="uniqueVisitorTab"><a href="#tabs-1">Unique Visitors</a></li>
86 - <li id="reachPercentageTab"><a href="#tabs-2">Reach Percentage</a></li>
87 - <li id="mobileViewsTab"><a href="#tabs-3">Page Views</a></li>
88 - <li id="editorsByGeographyTab"><a href="#tabs-4">Editors By Geography</a></li>
 84+ <li id="activeEditorTab"><a href="#tabs-0">Active Editors</a></li>
 85+ <li id="uniqueVisitorTab"><a href="#tabs-1">Unique Visitors</a></li>
 86+ <li id="reachPercentageTab"><a href="#tabs-2">Reach Percentage</a></li>
 87+ <li id="mobileViewsTab"><a href="#tabs-3">Page Views</a></li>
 88+ <li id="editorsByGeographyTab"><a href="#tabs-4">Editors By Geography</a></li>
8989 </ul>
9090 <div id="tabs-0">
91 - <div id="chartActiveEditors" class="reportCardChart"></div>
 91+ <div id="chartActiveEditors" class="reportCardChart"></div>
9292 </div>
9393 <div id="tabs-1">
94 - <div id="chartUniqueVisitors" class="reportCardChart"></div>
 94+ <div id="chartUniqueVisitors" class="reportCardChart"></div>
9595 </div>
9696 <div id="tabs-2">
97 - <div id="chartreachPercentage" class="reportCardChart"></div>
 97+ <div id="chartreachPercentage" class="reportCardChart"></div>
9898 </div>
9999 <div id="tabs-3">
100 - <div id="chartMobileViews" class="reportCardChart"></div>
 100+ <div id="chartMobileViews" class="reportCardChart"></div>
101101 </div>
102102 <div id="tabs-4">
103 - <div id="chartEditorsByGeography" class="reportCardChart"></div>
 103+ <div id="chartEditorsByGeography" class="reportCardChart"></div>
104104 </div>
105 -</div>
106106 </body>
107107 </html>
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/activeEditors.js
@@ -8,82 +8,81 @@
99 editorTargets: "../wiki/api.php?action=analytics&metric=editortargets&startmonth=2008-05&endmonth=2011-08&format=json"
1010 },
1111 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
12 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
13 - var edit5data = p_getDataOnly(apiDataArray.edit5, "SUM(editors_ge_5)", true, scaleYfunction);
14 - var edit100data = p_getDataOnly(apiDataArray.edit100, "SUM(editors_ge_100)", true, scaleYfunction);
15 - var editorTargets = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.editorTargets,"value", true, scaleYfunction);
16 -
17 - var labels = ["SUM(editors_ge_5)", "SUM(editors_ge_100)", "editorTargets"];
18 -
19 - seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 12+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
 13+ var edit5data = p_getDataOnly(apiDataArray.edit5, "SUM(editors_ge_5)", true, scaleYfunction);
 14+ var edit100data = p_getDataOnly(apiDataArray.edit100, "SUM(editors_ge_100)", true, scaleYfunction);
 15+ var editorTargets = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.editorTargets,"value", true, scaleYfunction);
21 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
22 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
23 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
24 - }
25 - else{
26 - seriesArray[i] = {};
27 - }
28 - }
29 -
30 -
31 - //var paddedEdData = padWithZeroes(edit100data.data[0], editorTargets.data[0]);
32 - //console.dir(paddedEdData);
33 - //console.log("BLA");
34 - //console.log( $.merge(edit100data.data, paddedEdData) );
35 -
36 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
37 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(edit5data.data, $.merge(edit100data.data, editorTargets.data)),{
38 - title: this.title,
39 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
40 - series: seriesArray,
41 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
42 - grid: {
43 - background: "#FFF",
44 - borderColor: "#CCC",
45 - borderWidth: 1,
46 - shadow: false,
47 - gridLineWidth: 1.0
48 - },
49 - seriesDefaults: {
50 - fill: false,
51 - shadow: false,
52 - showMarker : false
53 - //markerOptions: {
54 - //size: 5,
55 - //}
56 - },
57 - axes: {
58 - xaxis: {
59 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
60 - min: edit5data.minDate,
61 - tickInterval: '90 days',
62 - tickOptions:
63 - {
64 - formatString:'%b %y',
65 - fontSize: '7pt',
66 - textColor: "#000"
67 - },
68 - max: edit5data.maxDate,
69 - showMinorTicks: true,
70 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
71 - labelOptions: {
72 - fontSize: '14pt',
73 - textColor: '#F44'
74 - }
75 - },
76 - yaxis: {
77 - min: 0
78 - /*max: parsedData.maxY,
79 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
80 - tickOptions: {
81 - formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
82 - textColor: "#000" ,
83 - },
84 - tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4, */
85 - }
86 - }
87 - });
88 -
 17+ var labels = ["SUM(editors_ge_5)", "SUM(editors_ge_100)", "editorTargets"];
 19+ seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 21+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 22+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 23+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 24+ }
 25+ else{
 26+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 27+ }
 28+ }
 30+ //var paddedEdData = padWithZeroes(edit100data.data[0], editorTargets.data[0]);
 31+ //console.dir(paddedEdData);
 32+ //console.log("BLA");
 33+ //console.log( $.merge(edit100data.data, paddedEdData) );
 35+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
 36+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(edit5data.data, $.merge(edit100data.data, editorTargets.data)),{
 37+ title: this.title,
 38+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 39+ series: seriesArray,
 40+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
 41+ grid: {
 42+ background: "#FFF",
 43+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 44+ borderWidth: 1,
 45+ shadow: false,
 46+ gridLineWidth: 1.0
 47+ },
 48+ seriesDefaults: {
 49+ fill: false,
 50+ shadow: false,
 51+ showMarker : false
 52+ //markerOptions: {
 53+ //size: 5,
 54+ //}
 55+ },
 56+ axes: {
 57+ xaxis: {
 58+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 59+ min: edit5data.minDate,
 60+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 61+ tickOptions:
 62+ {
 63+ formatString:'%b %y',
 64+ fontSize: '7pt',
 65+ textColor: "#000"
 66+ },
 67+ max: edit5data.maxDate,
 68+ showMinorTicks: true,
 69+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 70+ labelOptions: {
 71+ fontSize: '14pt',
 72+ textColor: '#F44'
 73+ }
 74+ },
 75+ yaxis: {
 76+ min: 0
 77+ /*max: parsedData.maxY,
 78+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 79+ tickOptions: {
 80+ formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
 81+ textColor: "#000" ,
 82+ },
 83+ tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4, */
 84+ }
 85+ }
 86+ });
8988 }
90 -}; //activeEditors
\ No newline at end of file
 89+}; //activeEditors
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/mobileViews.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
2 -var mobileViews = {
 2+var mobileViews = {
33 divTarget: "chartMobileViews",
44 title: 'Page Views (millions)',
55 plotVar: {},
@@ -8,79 +8,79 @@
99 },
1010 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
1111 var data = apiDataArray.pageViews;
12 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
 12+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
1313 var scaleYfunctionThousand = function(Y){return Y/1000;}
14 -
1515 var mobileData = p_getDataSimple(data, "SUM(views_mobile_normalized)", true, scaleYfunction);
1616 var nonMobileData = p_getDataSimple(data, "SUM(views_non_mobile_normalized)", true, scaleYfunction);
1717 var mobileOnly = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.mobileViews,"value", true, scaleYfunctionThousand);
18 -
19 - var labels = ["SUM(views_mobile_normalized)", "SUM(views_non_mobile_normalized)", "mobile_only"];
20 -
21 - //parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
22 -
23 - seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
24 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
25 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
26 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
27 - }
28 - else{
29 - seriesArray[i] = {};
30 - }
31 - }
32 -
33 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
34 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(mobileData.data, $.merge(nonMobileData.data, mobileOnly.data)),{
35 - title: this.title,
36 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
37 - series: seriesArray,
38 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
39 - grid: {
40 - background: "#FFF",
41 - borderColor: "#CCC",
42 - borderWidth: 1,
43 - shadow: false,
44 - gridLineWidth: 1.0,
45 - },
46 - seriesDefaults: {
47 - fill: false,
48 - shadow: false,
49 - showMarker : false,
50 - // markerOptions: {
51 - // size: 5,
52 - // }
53 - },
54 - axes: {
55 - xaxis: {
56 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
57 - min: mobileData.minDate,
58 - tickInterval: '90 days',
59 - tickOptions:
60 - {
61 - formatString:'%b %y',
62 - fontSize: '7pt',
63 - textColor: "#000"
64 - },
65 - max: mobileData.maxDate,
66 - showMinorTicks: true,
67 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
68 - labelOptions: {
69 - fontSize: '14pt',
70 - textColor: '#F44',
71 - }
72 - },
73 - yaxis: {
74 - min: 0,
75 - //max: parsedData.maxY,
76 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
77 - tickOptions: {
78 - formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
79 - textColor: "#000" ,
80 - }//,
81 - //tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
82 - }
83 - }
84 - });
85 -
 19+ var labels = ["SUM(views_mobile_normalized)", "SUM(views_non_mobile_normalized)", "mobile_only"];
 21+ //parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
 23+ seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 24+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 25+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 26+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 27+ }
 28+ else{
 29+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 30+ }
 31+ }
 33+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
 34+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(mobileData.data, $.merge(nonMobileData.data, mobileOnly.data)),{
 35+ title: this.title,
 36+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 37+ series: seriesArray,
 38+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
 39+ grid: {
 40+ background: "#FFF",
 41+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 42+ borderWidth: 1,
 43+ shadow: false,
 44+ gridLineWidth: 1.0,
 45+ },
 46+ seriesDefaults: {
 47+ fill: false,
 48+ shadow: false,
 49+ showMarker : false,
 50+ // markerOptions: {
 51+ // size: 5,
 52+ // }
 53+ },
 54+ axes: {
 55+ xaxis: {
 56+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 57+ min: mobileData.minDate,
 58+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 59+ tickOptions:
 60+ {
 61+ formatString:'%b %y',
 62+ fontSize: '7pt',
 63+ textColor: "#000"
 64+ },
 65+ max: mobileData.maxDate,
 66+ showMinorTicks: true,
 67+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 68+ labelOptions: {
 69+ fontSize: '14pt',
 70+ textColor: '#F44',
 71+ }
 72+ },
 73+ yaxis: {
 74+ min: 0,
 75+ //max: parsedData.maxY,
 76+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 77+ tickOptions: {
 78+ formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
 79+ textColor: "#000" ,
 80+ }//,
 81+ //tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
 82+ }
 83+ }
 84+ });
8686 }
8787 }; //mobileViews
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/uniqueVisitors-old.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
2 -var uniqueVisitors = {
 2+var uniqueVisitors = {
33 divTarget: "chartUniqueVisitors",
44 title: 'comScore unique visitors (millions)',
55 plotVar: {},
@@ -8,79 +8,79 @@
99 },
1010 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
1111 var data = apiDataArray.uniqueVisitors;
12 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
 12+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
1313 var parsedData = p_getData(data, "region_code", "visitors", true, scaleYfunction);
14 - var offlineData = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.offlineEstimate, "readers", true, scaleYfunction);
 14+ var offlineData = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.offlineEstimate, "readers", true, scaleYfunction);
16 -
17 - var labels = parsedData.labels;
18 - labels.push("OfflineEst");
19 -
20 - parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
21 -
22 - seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
23 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
24 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
25 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
26 - }
27 - else{
28 - seriesArray[i] = {};
29 - }
30 - }
31 -
32 -
33 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
34 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(parsedData.data, offlineData.data),{
35 - title: this.title,
36 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
37 - series: seriesArray,
38 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
39 - grid: {
40 - background: "#FFF",
41 - borderColor: "#CCC",
42 - borderWidth: 1,
43 - shadow: false,
44 - gridLineWidth: 1.0,
45 - },
46 - seriesDefaults: {
47 - fill: false,
48 - shadow: false,
49 - showMarker : false,
50 - // markerOptions: {
51 - // size: 5,
52 - // }
53 - },
54 - axes: {
55 - xaxis: {
56 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
57 - min: parsedData.minDate,
58 - tickInterval: '90 days',
59 - tickOptions:
60 - {
61 - formatString:'%b %y',
62 - fontSize: '7pt',
63 - textColor: "#000"
64 - },
65 - max: parsedData.maxDate,
66 - showMinorTicks: true,
67 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
68 - labelOptions: {
69 - fontSize: '14pt',
70 - textColor: '#F44',
71 - }
72 - },
73 - yaxis: {
74 - min: 0,
75 - max: parsedData.maxY,
76 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
77 - tickOptions: {
78 - formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
79 - textColor: "#000" ,
80 - },
81 - tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
82 - }
83 - }
84 - });
85 -
 17+ var labels = parsedData.labels;
 18+ labels.push("OfflineEst");
 20+ parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
 22+ seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 23+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 24+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 25+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 26+ }
 27+ else{
 28+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 29+ }
 30+ }
 33+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
 34+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(parsedData.data, offlineData.data),{
 35+ title: this.title,
 36+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 37+ series: seriesArray,
 38+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
 39+ grid: {
 40+ background: "#FFF",
 41+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 42+ borderWidth: 1,
 43+ shadow: false,
 44+ gridLineWidth: 1.0,
 45+ },
 46+ seriesDefaults: {
 47+ fill: false,
 48+ shadow: false,
 49+ showMarker : false,
 50+ // markerOptions: {
 51+ // size: 5,
 52+ // }
 53+ },
 54+ axes: {
 55+ xaxis: {
 56+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 57+ min: parsedData.minDate,
 58+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 59+ tickOptions:
 60+ {
 61+ formatString:'%b %y',
 62+ fontSize: '7pt',
 63+ textColor: "#000"
 64+ },
 65+ max: parsedData.maxDate,
 66+ showMinorTicks: true,
 67+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 68+ labelOptions: {
 69+ fontSize: '14pt',
 70+ textColor: '#F44',
 71+ }
 72+ },
 73+ yaxis: {
 74+ min: 0,
 75+ max: parsedData.maxY,
 76+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 77+ tickOptions: {
 78+ formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
 79+ textColor: "#000" ,
 80+ },
 81+ tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
 82+ }
 83+ }
 84+ });
8686 }
8787 }; //unique visitors
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/globalIncludes.js
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@
77 "MA": { "label": "Middle-East/Africa", "color": "#e61d0a"},// "#99445e"},
88 "NA": { "label": "North America", "color": "#0a0aa4"},//"#5e9944"}, //green!
99 "W" : { "label": "World", "color": "#5cc3f0",//"#448899"//theme
10 - "lineWidth": 1, //5,
11 - "fillColor":"#F0F"
12 - },
13 - "us" : { "label" : "United States", "color" : "blue"},
14 - "ca" : { "label" : "Canada", "color": "red" },
15 - //us, de, gb, fr, jp, it, au, ca, es, in
16 - "de" : { "label" : "Germany"},
17 - "gb" : { "label" : "UK"},
18 - "fr" : { "label" : "France"},
19 - "jp" : { "label" : "Japan"},
20 - "it" : { "label" : "Italy"},
21 - "au" : { "label" : "Australia"},
22 - "es" : { "label" : "Spain"},
23 - "in" : { "label" : "India"},
24 - "SUM(editors_ge_5)": { "label":"At least 5 edits", "color":"#448899" },
25 - "SUM(editors_ge_100)": { "label":"At least 100 edits", "color": "#e61d0a" },
26 - "OfflineEst" : { "label": "Offline Estimate", "color": "black"},
27 - "SUM(views_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Mobile Views to Gateway", "color":"#448899" },
28 - "SUM(views_non_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" },
29 - "SUM(views_mobile_normalized)": { "label":"Mobile Views to Gateway", "color":"#448899" },
30 - "SUM(views_non_mobile_normalized)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" },
31 - "mobile_only": {"label": "Total Mobile Views", "color": "#804499"},
32 - "editorTargets": { "label": "Editor Targets"}
33 -
34 -};
 10+ "lineWidth": 1, //5,
 11+ "fillColor":"#F0F"
 12+ },
 13+ "us" : { "label" : "United States", "color" : "blue"},
 14+ "ca" : { "label" : "Canada", "color": "red" },
 15+ //us, de, gb, fr, jp, it, au, ca, es, in
 16+ "de" : { "label" : "Germany"},
 17+ "gb" : { "label" : "UK"},
 18+ "fr" : { "label" : "France"},
 19+ "jp" : { "label" : "Japan"},
 20+ "it" : { "label" : "Italy"},
 21+ "au" : { "label" : "Australia"},
 22+ "es" : { "label" : "Spain"},
 23+ "in" : { "label" : "India"},
 24+ "SUM(editors_ge_5)": { "label":"At least 5 edits", "color":"#448899" },
 25+ "SUM(editors_ge_100)": { "label":"At least 100 edits", "color": "#e61d0a" },
 26+ "OfflineEst" : { "label": "Offline Estimate", "color": "black"},
 27+ "SUM(views_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Mobile Views to Gateway", "color":"#448899" },
 28+ "SUM(views_non_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" },
 29+ "SUM(views_mobile_normalized)": { "label":"Mobile Views to Gateway", "color":"#448899" },
 30+ "SUM(views_non_mobile_normalized)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" },
 31+ "mobile_only": {"label": "Total Mobile Views", "color": "#804499"},
 32+ "editorTargets": { "label": "Editor Targets"}
3737 /*
38 -* makes API calls based
 38+* makes API calls based
3939 */
4040 function makeAPICall(plotObj){
4141 var apiDataReturns = {};
@@ -63,37 +63,37 @@
6464 * Function to lazy load chart objects
6565 */
6666 function lazyLoad(llobj){
67 - if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(llobj.plotVar)){
68 - makeAPICall(llobj);
69 - } else {
70 - llobj.plotVar.replot();
71 - }
 67+ if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(llobj.plotVar)){
 68+ makeAPICall(llobj);
 69+ } else {
 70+ llobj.plotVar.replot();
 71+ }
7272 }
73 -
7575 /*
7676 * Function to get Y axis max
7777 */
7878 function maxYaxis(yaxis_max) {
79 - mult = 1 ;
80 - while (yaxis_max > 1) {
81 - yaxis_max /= 10 ;
82 - mult *= 10 ;
83 - }
84 - if (yaxis_max < 0.1) {
85 - yaxis_max = 0.1 ;
86 - } else
87 - if (yaxis_max < 0.2) {
88 - yaxis_max = 0.2 ;
89 - } else
90 - if (yaxis_max < 0.5) {
91 - yaxis_max = 0.5 ;
92 - }
93 - else {
94 - yaxis_max = 1 ;
95 - }
96 - yaxis_max *= mult ;
97 - return (yaxis_max) ;
 79+ mult = 1 ;
 80+ while (yaxis_max > 1) {
 81+ yaxis_max /= 10 ;
 82+ mult *= 10 ;
 83+ }
 84+ if (yaxis_max < 0.1) {
 85+ yaxis_max = 0.1 ;
 86+ } else
 87+ if (yaxis_max < 0.2) {
 88+ yaxis_max = 0.2 ;
 89+ } else
 90+ if (yaxis_max < 0.5) {
 91+ yaxis_max = 0.5 ;
 92+ }
 93+ else {
 94+ yaxis_max = 1 ;
 95+ }
 96+ yaxis_max *= mult ;
 97+ return (yaxis_max) ;
9898 }
100100 /*
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
111111 }
112112 return retval;
113113 }
114 -
115115 /*
116116 * get labels from API return object
117117 */
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
126126 }
127127 return retval;
128128 }
129 -
130130 /*
131131 * go from MW date format to date format used by jqplot
132132 */
@@ -133,147 +133,147 @@
134134 date = date+"";
135135 return date.substring(0,4)+"-"+date.substring(4,6)+"-"+date.substring(6,8);
136136 }
137 -
139 -// provisional: get Data function
 139+// provisional: get Data function
140140 function p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction, returnDate){
141 - var apiData;
142 - for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
143 - apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
144 - }
145 - var labels = new Array();
146 - var dataArray = new Array();
147 - var minDate = "9999";
148 - var maxDate = "";
149 -
 141+ var apiData;
 142+ for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
 143+ apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
 144+ }
 145+ var labels = new Array();
 146+ var dataArray = new Array();
 147+ var minDate = "9999";
 148+ var maxDate = "";
150150 var yaxis_min = 9999999999 ;
151151 var yaxis_max = -9999999999 ;
152 -
153153 var findYaxisMinMax = function(value){
154 - if (value < yaxis_min)
155 - { yaxis_min = value ; }
156 - if (value > yaxis_max)
157 - { yaxis_max = value ; }
 154+ if (value < yaxis_min)
 155+ { yaxis_min = value ; }
 156+ if (value > yaxis_max)
 157+ { yaxis_max = value ; }
158158 return (value) ;
159159 };
160 -
161 - for(var i in apiData){
162 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
163 - labels.push(apiData[i][labelName]);
164 - for(var j in apiData[i].data){
165 -
166 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
167 - minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
168 - }
169 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
170 - maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
171 - }
172 -
173 - var YVal = parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]);
174 -
175 - if(isInt){
176 - YVal = parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]);
177 - }
178 - YVal = findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(YVal));
179 - if(returnDate){
180 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, YVal]);
181 - }
182 - else{
183 - tempDataArray.push(YVal);
184 - }
185 - }
186 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
187 - }
188 -
189 - maxDate = maxDate.substr(0,8)+'01' ; // last month is outside range
190 - var returnObj = { "labels": labels, "data": dataArray,
191 - "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate,
192 - "minY": yaxis_min, "maxY": yaxis_max };
193 - return returnObj;
194 -
 161+ for(var i in apiData){
 162+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 163+ labels.push(apiData[i][labelName]);
 164+ for(var j in apiData[i].data){
 166+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
 167+ minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 168+ }
 169+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
 170+ maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 171+ }
 173+ var YVal = parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]);
 175+ if(isInt){
 176+ YVal = parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]);
 177+ }
 178+ YVal = findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(YVal));
 179+ if(returnDate){
 180+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, YVal]);
 181+ }
 182+ else{
 183+ tempDataArray.push(YVal);
 184+ }
 185+ }
 186+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 187+ }
 189+ maxDate = maxDate.substr(0,8)+'01' ; // last month is outside range
 190+ var returnObj = { "labels": labels, "data": dataArray,
 191+ "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate,
 192+ "minY": yaxis_min, "maxY": yaxis_max };
 193+ return returnObj;
195195 }
197197 function p_getDataDefault(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt){
198198 var defaultScale = function(Y){return Y;};
199 - return p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, defaultScale , true);
 199+ return p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, defaultScale , true);
200200 }
203203 function p_getDataDate(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
204 - return p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction, true);
 204+ return p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction, true);
205205 }
207 -
208208 /* provisional: get data only function (labels set in the function that draws the chart) */
209209 function p_getDataOnly(apiReturnObj, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
210 - var apiData;
211 - for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
212 - apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
213 - }
214 - var dataArray = new Array();
215 - var minDate = "9999";
216 - var maxDate = "";
217 -
218 - for(var i in apiData){
219 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
220 - for(var j in apiData[i].data){
221 -
222 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
223 - minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
224 - }
225 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
226 - maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
227 - }
228 - if(isInt){
229 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
230 - }else{
231 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
232 - }
233 - }
234 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
235 - }
236 - var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
237 - return returnObj;
238 -
 210+ var apiData;
 211+ for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
 212+ apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
 213+ }
 214+ var dataArray = new Array();
 215+ var minDate = "9999";
 216+ var maxDate = "";
 218+ for(var i in apiData){
 219+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 220+ for(var j in apiData[i].data){
 222+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
 223+ minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 224+ }
 225+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
 226+ maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 227+ }
 228+ if(isInt){
 229+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
 230+ }else{
 231+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
 232+ }
 233+ }
 234+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 235+ }
 236+ var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
 237+ return returnObj;
239239 }
241241 // provisional: get data simple, for unformatted API data
242242 function p_getDataSimple(apiData, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
243 - var dataArray = new Array();
244 - var minDate = "9999";
245 - var maxDate = "";
246 -
247 - for(var i in apiData){
248 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
249 - for(var j in apiData[i]){
250 -
251 - if(apiData[i][j].date < minDate){
252 - minDate = apiData[i][j].date;
253 - }
254 - if(apiData[i][j].date > maxDate){
255 - maxDate = apiData[i][j].date;
256 - }
257 - if(isInt){
258 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
259 - }else{
260 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
261 - }
262 - }
263 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
264 - }
265 - var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
266 - return returnObj;
267 -
 243+ var dataArray = new Array();
 244+ var minDate = "9999";
 245+ var maxDate = "";
 247+ for(var i in apiData){
 248+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 249+ for(var j in apiData[i]){
 251+ if(apiData[i][j].date < minDate){
 252+ minDate = apiData[i][j].date;
 253+ }
 254+ if(apiData[i][j].date > maxDate){
 255+ maxDate = apiData[i][j].date;
 256+ }
 257+ if(isInt){
 258+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
 259+ }else{
 260+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
 261+ }
 262+ }
 263+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 264+ }
 265+ var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
 266+ return returnObj;
268268 }
269 -
270 -
271 -
272 -
273273 function buildErrorBand(originalSeries, errorSeriesWrapped){
274274 var errorSeries = errorSeriesWrapped[0];
275275 var bandedHi = new Array(originalSeries.length);
276276 var bandedLo = new Array(originalSeries.length);
277 -
278278 var j = 0;
279279 var endFound = false;
280280 for(var i = 0; i < originalSeries.length; i++){
@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@
292292 bandedLo[i] = [originalSeries[i][0], originalSeries[i][1]];
293293 originalSeries[i][1] = originalSeries[i][1] + errorSeries[j][1]/2;
294294 j++;
295 - }
 295+ }
296296 }
297 - return [bandedHi, bandedLo];
 297+ return [bandedHi, bandedLo];
298298 }
300300 function padWithZeroes(originalSeries, seriesToPad){
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
316316 returnSeries[i] = 0;
317317 }
318318 j++;
319 - }
 319+ }
320320 }
321321 return [returnSeries];
322322 }
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/uniqueVisitors.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
2 -var uniqueVisitors = {
 2+var uniqueVisitors = {
33 divTarget: "chartUniqueVisitors",
44 title: 'comScore unique visitors (millions)',
55 plotVar: {},
@@ -8,95 +8,93 @@
99 },
1010 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
1111 var data = apiDataArray.uniqueVisitors;
12 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
 12+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y/1000000;}
1313 var parsedData = p_getData(data, "region_code", "visitors", true, scaleYfunction, true);
14 - var offlineData = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.offlineEstimate, "readers", true, scaleYfunction);
 14+ var offlineData = p_getDataSimple(apiDataArray.offlineEstimate, "readers", true, scaleYfunction);
16 -
17 - var labels = parsedData.labels;
18 - labels.push("OfflineEst");
19 -
20 - parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
21 -
22 -
23 - var worldIndex = labels.indexOf("W");
24 -
25 - offlineData.bandedSeries = buildErrorBand( parsedData.data[worldIndex], offlineData.data );
26 -
27 - seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
28 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
29 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
30 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
31 - }
32 - else{
33 - seriesArray[i] = {};
34 - }
35 - }
36 -
37 - seriesArray[worldIndex].rendererOptions = {
38 - bands: {
39 - // draw bands at 1.7 "units" above and below line.
40 - interval: 9
41 - },
42 - //bandData: offlineData.bandedSeries,
43 - // turn on smoothing
44 - smooth: true
45 - };
46 - console.log(seriesArray);
47 -
48 -
49 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
50 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(parsedData.data, offlineData.data),{
51 - title: this.title,
52 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
53 - series: seriesArray,
54 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
55 - grid: {
56 - background: "#FFF",
57 - borderColor: "#CCC",
58 - borderWidth: 1,
59 - shadow: false,
60 - gridLineWidth: 1.0,
61 - },
62 - seriesDefaults: {
63 - fill: false,
64 - shadow: false,
65 - showMarker : false
66 - // markerOptions: {
67 - // size: 5,
68 - // }
69 - },
70 - axes: {
71 - xaxis: {
72 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
73 - min: parsedData.minDate,
74 - tickInterval: '90 days',
75 - tickOptions:
76 - {
77 - formatString:'%b %y',
78 - fontSize: '7pt',
79 - textColor: "#000"
80 - },
81 - max: parsedData.maxDate,
82 - showMinorTicks: true,
83 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
84 - labelOptions: {
85 - fontSize: '14pt',
86 - textColor: '#F44'
87 - }
88 - },
89 - yaxis: {
90 - min: 0,
91 - max: parsedData.maxY,
92 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
93 - tickOptions: {
94 - formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
95 - textColor: "#000"
96 - },
97 - tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
98 - }
99 - }
100 - });
101 -
 16+ var labels = parsedData.labels;
 17+ labels.push("OfflineEst");
 19+ parsedData.maxY = maxYaxis (parsedData.maxY) ;
 21+ var worldIndex = labels.indexOf("W");
 23+ offlineData.bandedSeries = buildErrorBand( parsedData.data[worldIndex], offlineData.data );
 25+ seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 26+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 27+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 28+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 29+ }
 30+ else{
 31+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 32+ }
 33+ }
 35+ seriesArray[worldIndex].rendererOptions = {
 36+ bands: {
 37+ // draw bands at 1.7 "units" above and below line.
 38+ interval: 9
 39+ },
 40+ //bandData: offlineData.bandedSeries,
 41+ // turn on smoothing
 42+ smooth: true
 43+ };
 44+ console.log(seriesArray);
 47+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
 48+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget,$.merge(parsedData.data, offlineData.data),{
 49+ title: this.title,
 50+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 51+ series: seriesArray,
 52+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
 53+ grid: {
 54+ background: "#FFF",
 55+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 56+ borderWidth: 1,
 57+ shadow: false,
 58+ gridLineWidth: 1.0,
 59+ },
 60+ seriesDefaults: {
 61+ fill: false,
 62+ shadow: false,
 63+ showMarker : false
 64+ // markerOptions: {
 65+ // size: 5,
 66+ // }
 67+ },
 68+ axes: {
 69+ xaxis: {
 70+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 71+ min: parsedData.minDate,
 72+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 73+ tickOptions:
 74+ {
 75+ formatString:'%b %y',
 76+ fontSize: '7pt',
 77+ textColor: "#000"
 78+ },
 79+ max: parsedData.maxDate,
 80+ showMinorTicks: true,
 81+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 82+ labelOptions: {
 83+ fontSize: '14pt',
 84+ textColor: '#F44'
 85+ }
 86+ },
 87+ yaxis: {
 88+ min: 0,
 89+ max: parsedData.maxY,
 90+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 91+ tickOptions: {
 92+ formatString: '&nbsp;%d',
 93+ textColor: "#000"
 94+ },
 95+ tickInterval: parsedData.maxY / 4,
 96+ }
 97+ }
 98+ });
102100 }
103101 }; //unique visitors
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/editorsByGeography.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2 -var editorsByGeography = {
 2+var editorsByGeography = {
33 divTarget: "chartEditorsByGeography",
44 title: 'Active Editors by Geography',
55 plotVar: {},
6 - apiCalls: {
 6+ apiCalls: {
77 //us, de, gb, fr, jp, it, au, ca, es, in
88 editorsByGeographyUS: "../wiki/api.php?action=analytics&metric=editorsbygeography&startmonth=2004-08&selectcountries=us&endmonth=2011-07&format=json",
99 editorsByGeographyDE: "../wiki/api.php?action=analytics&metric=editorsbygeography&startmonth=2004-08&selectcountries=de&endmonth=2011-07&format=json",
@@ -16,110 +16,109 @@
1717 editorsByGeographyIN: "../wiki/api.php?action=analytics&metric=editorsbygeography&startmonth=2004-08&selectcountries=in&endmonth=2011-07&format=json"
1818 },
1919 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
20 -
21 - var data = apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyUS;
22 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
23 - var parsedData = p_getData(data, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
24 -
25 - var parsedData2 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyDE, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
26 - var parsedData3 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyGB, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
27 - var parsedData4 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyFR, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
28 - var parsedData5 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyJP, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
29 - var parsedData6 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyIT, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
30 - var parsedData7 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyAU, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
31 - var parsedData8 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyCA, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
32 - var parsedData9 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyES, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
33 - var parsedData10 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyIN, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
34 -
35 - parsedData.minY -= parsedData.minY % 5 ;
36 - if (parsedData.maxY % 5 != 0)
37 - { parsedData.maxY += 5 - (parsedData.maxY % 5) ; }
38 -
39 - var labels = parsedData.labels;
 21+ var data = apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyUS;
 22+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
 23+ var parsedData = p_getData(data, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 25+ var parsedData2 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyDE, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 26+ var parsedData3 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyGB, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 27+ var parsedData4 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyFR, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 28+ var parsedData5 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyJP, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 29+ var parsedData6 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyIT, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 30+ var parsedData7 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyAU, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 31+ var parsedData8 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyCA, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 32+ var parsedData9 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyES, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 33+ var parsedData10 = p_getData(apiDataArray.editorsByGeographyIN, "country_code", "value", true, scaleYfunction, false);
 35+ parsedData.minY -= parsedData.minY % 5 ;
 36+ if (parsedData.maxY % 5 != 0)
 37+ { parsedData.maxY += 5 - (parsedData.maxY % 5) ; }
 39+ var labels = parsedData.labels;
4040 labels = labels.concat(['de','gb','fr','jp','it','au','ca','es','in']);
42 -
43 - var seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
44 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
45 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
46 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
47 - }
48 - else{
49 - seriesArray[i] = {};
50 - }
51 - }
52 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
53 -
54 - var allData = $.merge(parsedData.data, $.merge(parsedData2.data,$.merge(parsedData3.data,$.merge(parsedData4.data,$.merge(parsedData5.data,$.merge(parsedData6.data,$.merge(parsedData7.data,$.merge(parsedData8.data,$.merge(parsedData9.data, parsedData10.data)))))))));
55 -
56 - var ticks = ['June', 'July'];
57 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget, allData ,{
58 - title: this.title,
59 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
60 - series: seriesArray,
61 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:true, dblClickReset:true, zoom:false},
62 - highlighter:{show:false},
63 - grid: {
64 - background: "#FFF",
65 - borderColor: "#CCC",
66 - borderWidth: 1,
67 - shadow: false,
68 - gridLineWidth: 1.0,
69 - },
70 - seriesDefaults: {
71 - renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
72 - //fill: false,
73 - //shadow: false,
74 - //showMarker : false,
75 - //markerOptions: {
76 - //size: 5,
77 - //}
78 - rendererOptions: {
79 - barDirection: 'horizontal',
80 - highlightMouseOver: false,
81 - highlightMouseDown: true,
82 - barPadding: 0
 42+ var seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 43+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 44+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 45+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 46+ }
 47+ else{
 48+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 49+ }
 50+ }
 51+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
84 - }
85 - },
86 - axes:{
87 - yaxis: {
88 - renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
89 - ticks: ticks
90 - }}
91 -
92 -
93 - /*axes: {
94 - xaxis: {
95 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
96 - min: parsedData.minDate,
97 - tickInterval: '90 days',
98 - tickOptions:
99 - {
100 - formatString:'%b %y',
101 - fontSize: '7pt',
102 - textColor: "#000"
103 - },
104 - max: parsedData.maxDate,
105 - showMinorTicks: true,
106 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
107 - labelOptions: {
108 - fontSize: '14pt',
109 - textColor: '#F44',
110 - }
111 - },
112 - yaxis: {
113 - min: parsedData.minY,
114 - max: parsedData.maxY,
115 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
116 - // tickOptions: {
117 - // formatString: '&nbsp;%d\%',
118 - // textColor: "#000" ,
119 - //},
120 - tickInterval:5
121 - }
122 - }*/
123 - });
124 -
 53+ var allData = $.merge(parsedData.data, $.merge(parsedData2.data,$.merge(parsedData3.data,$.merge(parsedData4.data,$.merge(parsedData5.data,$.merge(parsedData6.data,$.merge(parsedData7.data,$.merge(parsedData8.data,$.merge(parsedData9.data, parsedData10.data)))))))));
 55+ var ticks = ['June', 'July'];
 56+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget, allData ,{
 57+ title: this.title,
 58+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 59+ series: seriesArray,
 60+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:true, dblClickReset:true, zoom:false},
 61+ highlighter:{show:false},
 62+ grid: {
 63+ background: "#FFF",
 64+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 65+ borderWidth: 1,
 66+ shadow: false,
 67+ gridLineWidth: 1.0,
 68+ },
 69+ seriesDefaults: {
 70+ renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
 71+ //fill: false,
 72+ //shadow: false,
 73+ //showMarker : false,
 74+ //markerOptions: {
 75+ //size: 5,
 76+ //}
 77+ rendererOptions: {
 78+ barDirection: 'horizontal',
 79+ highlightMouseOver: false,
 80+ highlightMouseDown: true,
 81+ barPadding: 0
 83+ }
 84+ },
 85+ axes:{
 86+ yaxis: {
 87+ renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
 88+ ticks: ticks
 89+ }}
 92+ /*axes: {
 93+ xaxis: {
 94+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 95+ min: parsedData.minDate,
 96+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 97+ tickOptions:
 98+ {
 99+ formatString:'%b %y',
 100+ fontSize: '7pt',
 101+ textColor: "#000"
 102+ },
 103+ max: parsedData.maxDate,
 104+ showMinorTicks: true,
 105+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 106+ labelOptions: {
 107+ fontSize: '14pt',
 108+ textColor: '#F44',
 109+ }
 110+ },
 111+ yaxis: {
 112+ min: parsedData.minY,
 113+ max: parsedData.maxY,
 114+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 115+ // tickOptions: {
 116+ // formatString: '&nbsp;%d\%',
 117+ // textColor: "#000" ,
 118+ //},
 119+ tickInterval:5
 120+ }
 121+ }*/
 122+ });
125124 }
126 -}; //reachPercentage
\ No newline at end of file
 125+}; //reachPercentage
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/reachPercentage.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
2 -var reachPercentage = {
 2+var reachPercentage = {
33 divTarget: "chartreachPercentage",
44 title: 'comScore Reach Percentage by Region',
55 plotVar: {},
@@ -6,80 +6,80 @@
77 reachPercentage: "../wiki/api.php?action=analytics&metric=comscorereachpercentage&startmonth=2008-04&endmonth=2011-08&selectregions=AS,EU,LA,MA,NA,US,W&reportlanguage=en&format=json"
88 },
99 plotData: function(apiDataArray){
10 -
11 - var data = apiDataArray.reachPercentage;
12 - var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
13 - var parsedData = p_getData(data, "region_code", "reach", true, scaleYfunction, true);
14 -
15 -
16 - parsedData.minY -= parsedData.minY % 5 ;
17 - if (parsedData.maxY % 5 != 0)
18 - { parsedData.maxY += 5 - (parsedData.maxY % 5) ; }
19 -
20 - var labels = parsedData.labels;
22 -
23 - var seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
24 - for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
25 - if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
26 - seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
27 - }
28 - else{
29 - seriesArray[i] = {};
30 - }
31 - }
32 - $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
33 - this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget, parsedData.data ,{
34 - title: this.title,
35 - legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
36 - series: seriesArray,
37 - cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
38 - grid: {
39 - background: "#FFF",
40 - borderColor: "#CCC",
41 - borderWidth: 1,
42 - shadow: false,
43 - gridLineWidth: 1.0,
44 - },
45 - seriesDefaults: {
46 - fill: false,
47 - shadow: false,
48 - showMarker : false,
49 - // markerOptions: {
50 - // size: 5,
51 - // }
52 - },
53 - axes: {
54 - xaxis: {
55 - renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
56 - min: parsedData.minDate,
57 - tickInterval: '90 days',
58 - tickOptions:
59 - {
60 - formatString:'%b %y',
61 - fontSize: '7pt',
62 - textColor: "#000"
63 - },
64 - max: parsedData.maxDate,
65 - showMinorTicks: true,
66 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
67 - labelOptions: {
68 - fontSize: '14pt',
69 - textColor: '#F44',
70 - }
71 - },
72 - yaxis: {
73 - min: parsedData.minY,
74 - max: parsedData.maxY,
75 - labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
76 - tickOptions: {
77 - formatString: '&nbsp;%d\%',
78 - textColor: "#000" ,
79 - },
80 - tickInterval:5
81 - }
82 - }
83 - });
84 -
 11+ var data = apiDataArray.reachPercentage;
 12+ var scaleYfunction = function(Y){return Y;}
 13+ var parsedData = p_getData(data, "region_code", "reach", true, scaleYfunction, true);
 16+ parsedData.minY -= parsedData.minY % 5 ;
 17+ if (parsedData.maxY % 5 != 0)
 18+ { parsedData.maxY += 5 - (parsedData.maxY % 5) ; }
 20+ var labels = parsedData.labels;
 23+ var seriesArray = new Array(labels.length);
 24+ for(var i = 0; i < seriesArray.length; i++){
 25+ if(seriesOptions[labels[i]]){
 26+ seriesArray[i] = seriesOptions[labels[i]];
 27+ }
 28+ else{
 29+ seriesArray[i] = {};
 30+ }
 31+ }
 32+ $('#' + this.divTarget ).empty();
 33+ this.plotVar = $.jqplot(this.divTarget, parsedData.data ,{
 34+ title: this.title,
 35+ legend: {show: true, placement: "outsideGrid"} ,
 36+ series: seriesArray,
 37+ cursor: {show: true, zoom:false, showTooltip:false, dblClickReset:true, zoom:true},
 38+ grid: {
 39+ background: "#FFF",
 40+ borderColor: "#CCC",
 41+ borderWidth: 1,
 42+ shadow: false,
 43+ gridLineWidth: 1.0,
 44+ },
 45+ seriesDefaults: {
 46+ fill: false,
 47+ shadow: false,
 48+ showMarker : false,
 49+ // markerOptions: {
 50+ // size: 5,
 51+ // }
 52+ },
 53+ axes: {
 54+ xaxis: {
 55+ renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
 56+ min: parsedData.minDate,
 57+ tickInterval: '90 days',
 58+ tickOptions:
 59+ {
 60+ formatString:'%b %y',
 61+ fontSize: '7pt',
 62+ textColor: "#000"
 63+ },
 64+ max: parsedData.maxDate,
 65+ showMinorTicks: true,
 66+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 67+ labelOptions: {
 68+ fontSize: '14pt',
 69+ textColor: '#F44',
 70+ }
 71+ },
 72+ yaxis: {
 73+ min: parsedData.minY,
 74+ max: parsedData.maxY,
 75+ labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
 76+ tickOptions: {
 77+ formatString: '&nbsp;%d\%',
 78+ textColor: "#000" ,
 79+ },
 80+ tickInterval:5
 81+ }
 82+ }
 83+ });
8585 }
86 -}; //reachPercentage
\ No newline at end of file
 86+}; //reachPercentage
Index: trunk/extensions/MetricsReporting/frontend/proof_of_concept/charts/globalIncludes-old.js
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
77 "MA": { "label": "Middle-East/Africa", "color": "#e61d0a"},// "#99445e"},
88 "NA": { "label": "North America", "color": "#0a0aa4"},//"#5e9944"}, //green!
99 "W" : { "label": "World", "color": "#5cc3f0",//"#448899"//theme
10 - "lineWidth": 1, //5,
11 - "fillColor":"#F0F"
12 - },
13 - "us" : { "label" : "United States", "color" : "blue"
14 - },
15 - "ca" : { "label" : "Canada", "color": "red" },
16 - "SUM(editors_ge_5)": { "label":"At least 5 edits", "color":"#448899" },
17 - "SUM(editors_ge_100)": { "label":"At least 100 edits", "color": "#e61d0a" },
18 - "OfflineEst" : { "label": "Offline Estimate", "color": "black"},
19 - "SUM(views_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Mobile Views", "color":"#448899" },
20 - "SUM(views_non_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" }
21 -};
 10+ "lineWidth": 1, //5,
 11+ "fillColor":"#F0F"
 12+ },
 13+ "us" : { "label" : "United States", "color" : "blue"
 14+ },
 15+ "ca" : { "label" : "Canada", "color": "red" },
 16+ "SUM(editors_ge_5)": { "label":"At least 5 edits", "color":"#448899" },
 17+ "SUM(editors_ge_100)": { "label":"At least 100 edits", "color": "#e61d0a" },
 18+ "OfflineEst" : { "label": "Offline Estimate", "color": "black"},
 19+ "SUM(views_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Mobile Views", "color":"#448899" },
 20+ "SUM(views_non_mobile_raw)": { "label":"Non Mobile Views", "color":"#e61d0a" }
2424 /*
25 -* makes API calls based
 25+* makes API calls based
2626 */
2727 function makeAPICall(plotObj){
2828 var apiDataReturns = {};
@@ -50,37 +50,37 @@
5151 * Function to lazy load chart objects
5252 */
5353 function lazyLoad(llobj){
54 - if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(llobj.plotVar)){
55 - makeAPICall(llobj);
56 - } else {
57 - llobj.plotVar.replot();
58 - }
 54+ if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(llobj.plotVar)){
 55+ makeAPICall(llobj);
 56+ } else {
 57+ llobj.plotVar.replot();
 58+ }
5959 }
60 -
6262 /*
6363 * Function to get Y axis max
6464 */
6565 function maxYaxis(yaxis_max) {
66 - mult = 1 ;
67 - while (yaxis_max > 1) {
68 - yaxis_max /= 10 ;
69 - mult *= 10 ;
70 - }
71 - if (yaxis_max < 0.1) {
72 - yaxis_max = 0.1 ;
73 - } else
74 - if (yaxis_max < 0.2) {
75 - yaxis_max = 0.2 ;
76 - } else
77 - if (yaxis_max < 0.5) {
78 - yaxis_max = 0.5 ;
79 - }
80 - else {
81 - yaxis_max = 1 ;
82 - }
83 - yaxis_max *= mult ;
84 - return (yaxis_max) ;
 66+ mult = 1 ;
 67+ while (yaxis_max > 1) {
 68+ yaxis_max /= 10 ;
 69+ mult *= 10 ;
 70+ }
 71+ if (yaxis_max < 0.1) {
 72+ yaxis_max = 0.1 ;
 73+ } else
 74+ if (yaxis_max < 0.2) {
 75+ yaxis_max = 0.2 ;
 76+ } else
 77+ if (yaxis_max < 0.5) {
 78+ yaxis_max = 0.5 ;
 79+ }
 80+ else {
 81+ yaxis_max = 1 ;
 82+ }
 83+ yaxis_max *= mult ;
 84+ return (yaxis_max) ;
8585 }
8787 /*
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
9898 }
9999 return retval;
100100 }
101 -
102102 /*
103103 * get labels from API return object
104104 */
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
113113 }
114114 return retval;
115115 }
116 -
117117 /*
118118 * go from MW date format to date format used by jqplot
119119 */
@@ -120,130 +120,130 @@
121121 date = date+"";
122122 return date.substring(0,4)+"-"+date.substring(4,6)+"-"+date.substring(6,8);
123123 }
124 -
126 -// provisional: get Data function
 126+// provisional: get Data function
127127 function p_getData(apiReturnObj, labelName, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
128 - var apiData;
129 - for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
130 - apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
131 - }
132 - var labels = new Array();
133 - var dataArray = new Array();
134 - var minDate = "9999";
135 - var maxDate = "";
136 -
 128+ var apiData;
 129+ for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
 130+ apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
 131+ }
 132+ var labels = new Array();
 133+ var dataArray = new Array();
 134+ var minDate = "9999";
 135+ var maxDate = "";
137137 var yaxis_min = 9999999999 ;
138138 var yaxis_max = -9999999999 ;
139 -
140140 var findYaxisMinMax = function(value){
141 - if (value < yaxis_min)
142 - { yaxis_min = value ; }
143 - if (value > yaxis_max)
144 - { yaxis_max = value ; }
 141+ if (value < yaxis_min)
 142+ { yaxis_min = value ; }
 143+ if (value > yaxis_max)
 144+ { yaxis_max = value ; }
145145 return (value) ;
146146 };
147 -
148 - for(var i in apiData){
149 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
150 - labels.push(apiData[i][labelName]);
151 - for(var j in apiData[i].data){
152 -
153 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
154 - minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
155 - }
156 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
157 - maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
158 - }
159 - if(isInt){
160 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date,
161 - findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]))) ]);
162 - }else{
163 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date,
164 - findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]))) ]);
165 - }
166 - }
167 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
168 - }
169 -
170 - maxDate = maxDate.substr(0,8)+'01' ; // last month is outside range
171 - var returnObj = { "labels": labels, "data": dataArray,
172 - "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate,
173 - "minY": yaxis_min, "maxY": yaxis_max };
174 - return returnObj;
175 -
 148+ for(var i in apiData){
 149+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 150+ labels.push(apiData[i][labelName]);
 151+ for(var j in apiData[i].data){
 153+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
 154+ minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 155+ }
 156+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
 157+ maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 158+ }
 159+ if(isInt){
 160+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date,
 161+ findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]))) ]);
 162+ }else{
 163+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date,
 164+ findYaxisMinMax (scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName]))) ]);
 165+ }
 166+ }
 167+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 168+ }
 170+ maxDate = maxDate.substr(0,8)+'01' ; // last month is outside range
 171+ var returnObj = { "labels": labels, "data": dataArray,
 172+ "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate,
 173+ "minY": yaxis_min, "maxY": yaxis_max };
 174+ return returnObj;
176176 }
177 -
178178 /* provisional: get data only function (labels set in the function that draws the chart) */
179179 function p_getDataOnly(apiReturnObj, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
180 - var apiData;
181 - for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
182 - apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
183 - }
184 - var dataArray = new Array();
185 - var minDate = "9999";
186 - var maxDate = "";
187 -
188 - for(var i in apiData){
189 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
190 - for(var j in apiData[i].data){
191 -
192 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
193 - minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
194 - }
195 - if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
196 - maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
197 - }
198 - if(isInt){
199 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
200 - }else{
201 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
202 - }
203 - }
204 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
205 - }
206 - var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
207 - return returnObj;
208 -
 180+ var apiData;
 181+ for(var robj in apiReturnObj){
 182+ apiData = apiReturnObj[robj];
 183+ }
 184+ var dataArray = new Array();
 185+ var minDate = "9999";
 186+ var maxDate = "";
 188+ for(var i in apiData){
 189+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 190+ for(var j in apiData[i].data){
 192+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date < minDate){
 193+ minDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 194+ }
 195+ if(apiData[i].data[j].date > maxDate){
 196+ maxDate = apiData[i].data[j].date;
 197+ }
 198+ if(isInt){
 199+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
 200+ }else{
 201+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i].data[j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i].data[j][dataName])) ]);
 202+ }
 203+ }
 204+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 205+ }
 206+ var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
 207+ return returnObj;
209209 }
211211 // provisional: get data simple, for unformatted API data
212212 function p_getDataSimple(apiData, dataName, isInt, scaleYfunction){
213 - var dataArray = new Array();
214 - var minDate = "9999";
215 - var maxDate = "";
216 -
217 - for(var i in apiData){
218 - var tempDataArray = new Array();
219 - for(var j in apiData[i]){
220 -
221 - if(apiData[i][j].date < minDate){
222 - minDate = apiData[i][j].date;
223 - }
224 - if(apiData[i][j].date > maxDate){
225 - maxDate = apiData[i][j].date;
226 - }
227 - if(isInt){
228 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
229 - }else{
230 - tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
231 - }
232 - }
233 - dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
234 - }
235 - var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
236 - return returnObj;
237 -
 213+ var dataArray = new Array();
 214+ var minDate = "9999";
 215+ var maxDate = "";
 217+ for(var i in apiData){
 218+ var tempDataArray = new Array();
 219+ for(var j in apiData[i]){
 221+ if(apiData[i][j].date < minDate){
 222+ minDate = apiData[i][j].date;
 223+ }
 224+ if(apiData[i][j].date > maxDate){
 225+ maxDate = apiData[i][j].date;
 226+ }
 227+ if(isInt){
 228+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseInt(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
 229+ }else{
 230+ tempDataArray.push( [apiData[i][j].date, scaleYfunction(parseFloat(apiData[i][j][dataName])) ]);
 231+ }
 232+ }
 233+ dataArray.push(tempDataArray);
 234+ }
 235+ var returnObj = {"data": dataArray, "minDate": minDate, "maxDate": maxDate};
 236+ return returnObj;
238238 }
239 -
240 -
241 -
242 -
243243 function buildErrorBand(originalSeries, errorSeriesWrapped){
244244 var errorSeries = errorSeriesWrapped[0];
245245 var bandedHi = new Array(originalSeries.length);
246246 var bandedLo = new Array(originalSeries.length);
247 -
248248 var j = 0;
249249 var endFound = false;
250250 for(var i = 0; i < originalSeries.length; i++){
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@
262262 bandedLo[i] = [originalSeries[i][0], originalSeries[i][1]];
263263 originalSeries[i][1] = originalSeries[i][1] + errorSeries[j][1]/2;
264264 j++;
265 - }
 265+ }
266266 }
267 - return [bandedHi, bandedLo];
 267+ return [bandedHi, bandedLo];
268268 }

Status & tagging log