r105264 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r105263‎ | r105264 | r105265 >
Date:00:42, 6 December 2011
Prototype of code that wraps nodes as listItems (inside a list)
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/es/tools/es.ListButtonTool.js (modified) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/es/tools/es.ListButtonTool.js
@@ -19,15 +19,73 @@
2020 /* Methods */
2222 es.ListButtonTool.prototype.onClick = function() {
23 - /*
24 - var parent;
25 - for( var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++ ) {
26 - parent = this.nodes[i].getParent();
27 - if ( parent.getElementType() !== 'listItem' ) {
28 - console.log( this.nodes[i] );
 23+ var stacks = [],
 24+ stack = [],
 25+ i,
 26+ j,
 27+ data;
 29+ //
 30+ // Step 1
 31+ //
 33+ for( i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++ ) {
 34+ if ( this.nodes[i].getParent().getElementType() === 'listItem' ) {
 35+ if( stack.length > 0 ) {
 36+ stacks.push ( stack );
 37+ stack = [];
 38+ }
 39+ } else {
 40+ if( stack.length > 0 ) {
 41+ if ( this.nodes[i].getParent() === stack[stack.length - 1].getParent() ) {
 42+ stack.push( this.nodes[i] );
 43+ } else {
 44+ stacks.push ( stack );
 45+ stack = [this.nodes[i]];
 46+ }
 47+ } else {
 48+ stack.push( this.nodes[i] );
 49+ }
2950 }
3051 }
31 - */
 52+ if( stack.length > 0 ) {
 53+ stacks.push ( stack );
 54+ }
 56+ //
 57+ // Step 2
 58+ //
 60+ var insertAt,
 61+ removeLength,
 62+ tx;
 64+ for( i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++ ) {
 65+ removeLength = 0;
 66+ insertAt = this.toolbar.surfaceView.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode(
 67+ stacks[i][0], false
 68+ );
 69+ data = [ { 'type': 'list' } ];
 70+ for( j = 0; j < stacks[i].length; j++ ) {
 71+ removeLength += stacks[i][j].getElementLength();
 72+ data = data
 73+ .concat( [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes' : { 'styles': [ this.name ] } } ] )
 74+ .concat( stacks[i][j].getElementData() )
 75+ .concat( [ { 'type': '/listItem' } ] );
 76+ }
 77+ data = data.concat( [ { 'type': '/list' } ] );
 79+ tx = this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval(
 80+ new es.Range( insertAt, insertAt+removeLength)
 81+ );
 82+ this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.transact( tx );
 84+ tx = this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.getDocument().prepareInsertion(
 85+ insertAt,
 86+ data
 87+ );
 88+ this.toolbar.surfaceView.model.transact( tx );
 89+ }
3290 };
3492 es.ListButtonTool.prototype.updateState = function( annotations, nodes ) {

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