r102008 MediaWiki - Code Review archive

Revision:r102007‎ | r102008 | r102009 >
Date:16:41, 4 November 2011
Removed unused file
Modified paths:
  • /trunk/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/es/bases/es.DocumentNode.js (deleted) (history)

Diff [purge]

Index: trunk/extensions/VisualEditor/modules/es/bases/es.DocumentNode.js
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
2 -/**
3 - * Creates an es.DocumentNode object.
4 - *
5 - * @class
6 - * @abstract
7 - * @constructor
8 - * @param {es.DocumentNode[]} nodes List of document nodes to initially add
9 - */
10 -es.DocumentNode = function( nodes ) {
11 - this.children = es.isArray( nodes ) ? nodes : [];
12 -};
13 -
14 -/* Abstract Methods */
15 -
16 -/**
17 - * Gets the element length.
18 - *
19 - * @abstract
20 - * @method
21 - * @returns {Integer} Length of element and it's content
22 - */
23 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getElementLength = function() {
24 - throw 'DocumentNode.getElementLength not implemented in this subclass: ' + this.constructor;
25 -};
26 -
27 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getContentLength = function() {
28 - throw 'DocumentNode.getContentLength not implemented in this subclass: ' + this.constructor;
29 -};
30 -
31 -/* Methods */
32 -
33 -/**
34 - * Gets a list of child nodes.
35 - *
36 - * @abstract
37 - * @method
38 - * @returns {es.DocumentNode[]} List of document nodes
39 - */
40 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getChildren = function() {
41 - return this.children;
42 -};
43 -
44 -/**
45 - * Gets the range within this node that a given child node covers.
46 - *
47 - * @method
48 - * @param {es.ModelNode} node Node to get range for
49 - * @param {Boolean} [shallow] Do not iterate into child nodes of child nodes
50 - * @returns {es.Range|null} Range of node or null if node was not found
51 - */
52 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getRangeFromNode = function( node, shallow ) {
53 - if ( this.children.length ) {
54 - for ( var i = 0, length = this.children.length, left = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
55 - if ( this.children[i] === node ) {
56 - return new es.Range( left, left + this.children[i].getElementLength() );
57 - }
58 - if ( !shallow && this.children[i].getChildren().length ) {
59 - var range = this.children[i].getRangeFromNode( node );
60 - if ( range !== null ) {
61 - // Include opening of parent
62 - left++;
63 - return es.Range.newFromTranslatedRange( range, left );
64 - }
65 - }
66 - left += this.children[i].getElementLength();
67 - }
68 - }
69 - return null;
70 -};
71 -
72 -/**
73 - * Gets the content offset of a node.
74 - *
75 - * This method is pretty expensive. If you need to get different slices of the same content, get
76 - * the content first, then slice it up locally.
77 - *
78 - * TODO: Rewrite this method to not use recursion, because the function call overhead is expensive
79 - *
80 - * @method
81 - * @param {es.DocumentModelNode} node Node to get offset of
82 - * @param {Boolean} [shallow] Do not iterate into child nodes of child nodes
83 - * @returns {Integer} Offset of node or -1 of node was not found
84 - */
85 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getOffsetFromNode = function( node, shallow ) {
86 - if ( this.children.length ) {
87 - var offset = 0;
88 - for ( var i = 0, length = this.children.length; i < length; i++ ) {
89 - if ( this.children[i] === node ) {
90 - return offset;
91 - }
92 - if ( !shallow && this.children[i].getChildren().length ) {
93 - var childOffset = this.getOffsetFromNode.call( this.children[i], node );
94 - if ( childOffset !== -1 ) {
95 - return offset + 1 + childOffset;
96 - }
97 - }
98 - offset += this.children[i].getElementLength();
99 - }
100 - }
101 - return -1;
102 -};
103 -
104 -/**
105 - * Gets the node at a given offset.
106 - *
107 - * This method is pretty expensive. If you need to get different slices of the same content, get
108 - * the content first, then slice it up locally.
109 - *
110 - * TODO: Rewrite this method to not use recursion, because the function call overhead is expensive
111 - *
112 - * @method
113 - * @param {Integer} offset Offset get node for
114 - * @param {Boolean} [shallow] Do not iterate into child nodes of child nodes
115 - * @returns {es.DocumentModelNode|null} Node at offset, or null if non was found
116 - */
117 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.getNodeFromOffset = function( offset, shallow ) {
118 - if ( this.children.length ) {
119 - var nodeOffset = 0,
120 - nodeLength;
121 - for ( var i = 0, length = this.children.length; i < length; i++ ) {
122 - nodeLength = this.children[i].getElementLength();
123 - if ( offset >= nodeOffset && offset < nodeOffset + nodeLength ) {
124 - if ( !shallow && this.children[i].getChildren().length ) {
125 - return this.getNodeFromOffset.call( this.children[i], offset - nodeOffset - 1 );
126 - } else {
127 - return this.children[i];
128 - }
129 - }
130 - nodeOffset += nodeLength;
131 - }
132 - }
133 - return null;
134 -};
135 -
136 -/**
137 - * Gets a list of nodes and their sub-ranges which are covered by a given range.
138 - *
139 - * @method
140 - * @param {es.Range} range Range to select nodes within
141 - * @param {Boolean} [shallow] Do not recurse into child nodes of child nodes
142 - * @returns {Array} List of objects with 'node' and 'range' properties describing nodes which are
143 - * covered by the range and the range within the node that is covered
144 - */
145 -es.DocumentNode.prototype.selectNodes = function( range, shallow ) {
146 - if ( typeof range === 'undefined' ) {
147 - range = new es.Range( 0, this.model.getContentLength() );
148 - } else {
149 - range.normalize();
150 - }
151 - var nodes = [],
152 - i,
153 - left,
154 - right,
155 - start = range.start,
156 - end = range.end,
157 - startInside,
158 - endInside;
159 -
160 - if ( start < 0 ) {
161 - throw 'The start offset of the range is negative';
162 - }
163 -
164 - if ( this.children.length === 0 ) {
165 - // Special case: this node doesn't have any children
166 - // The return value is simply the range itself, if it is not out of bounds
167 - if ( end > this.getContentLength() ) {
168 - throw 'The end offset of the range is past the end of the node';
169 - }
170 - return [{ 'node': this, 'range': new es.Range( start, end ) }];
171 - }
172 -
173 - // This node has children, loop over them
174 - left = 1; // First offset inside the first child. Offset 0 is before the first child
175 - for ( i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
176 - // left <= any offset inside this.children[i] <= right
177 - right = left + this.children[i].getContentLength();
178 -
179 - if ( start == end && ( start == left - 1 || start == right + 1 ) ) {
180 - // Empty range outside of any node
181 - return [];
182 - }
183 - if ( start == left - 1 && end == right + 1 ) {
184 - // The range covers the entire node, including its opening and closing elements
185 - return [ { 'node': this.children[i] } ];
186 - }
187 - if ( start == left - 1 ) {
188 - // start is between this.children[i-1] and this.children[i], move it to left for convenience
189 - // We don't need to check for start < end here because we already have start != end and
190 - // start <= end
191 - start = left;
192 - }
193 - if ( end == right + 1 ) {
194 - // end is between this.children[i] and this.children[i+1], move it to right for convenience
195 - // We don't need to check for start < end here because we already have start != end and
196 - // start <= end
197 - end = right;
198 - }
199 -
200 - startInside = start >= left && start <= right; // is the start inside this.children[i]?
201 - endInside = end >= left && end <= right; // is the end inside this.children[i]?
202 -
203 - if ( startInside && endInside ) {
204 - // The range is entirely inside this.children[i]
205 - if ( shallow ) {
206 - nodes = [{ 'node': this.children[i], 'range': new es.Range( start - left, end - left ) }];
207 - } else {
208 - // Recurse into this.children[i]
209 - nodes = this.children[i].selectNodes( new es.Range( start - left, end - left ) );
210 - }
211 - // Since the start and end are both inside this.children[i], we know for sure that we're done, so
212 - // return
213 - return nodes;
214 - } else if ( startInside ) {
215 - // The start is inside this.children[i] but the end isn't
216 - // Add a range from the start of the range to the end of this.children[i]
217 - nodes.push( { 'node': this.children[i], 'range': new es.Range( start - left, right - left ) } );
218 - } else if ( endInside ) {
219 - // The end is inside this.children[i] but the start isn't
220 - // Add a range from the start of this.children[i] to the end of the range
221 - nodes.push( { 'node': this.children[i], 'range': new es.Range( 0, end - left ) } );
222 - // We've found the end, so we're done
223 - return nodes;
224 - } else if ( nodes.length > 0 ) {
225 - // Neither the start nor the end is inside this.children[i], but nodes is non-empty,
226 - // so this.children[i] must be between the start and the end
227 - // Add the entire node, so no range property
228 - nodes.push( { 'node': this.children[i] } );
229 - }
230 -
231 - // Move left to the start of this.children[i+1] for the next iteration
232 - // +2 because we need to jump over the offset between this.children[i] and this.children[i+1]
233 - left = right + 2;
234 - }
235 -
236 - // If we got here, that means that at least some part of the range is out of bounds
237 - // This is an error
238 - if ( nodes.length === 0 ) {
239 - throw 'The start offset of the range is past the end of the node';
240 - } else {
241 - // Apparently the start was inside this node, but the end wasn't
242 - throw 'The end offset of the range is past the end of the node';
243 - }
244 - return nodes;
245 -};

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